444names · 2 years
argonian names from tes BUT excluding "j"
Afatsa Aleem Alide Aliteh Alius Amedu Anern Antios Apadorus Aphetata Aphian Aplat Appersei Arsei Artran Aseeh Aseus Assaves Astulm Atcha Aturlus Augath Augue Auguen Augul Azavat Azisha Baced Bares Bashyes Beeusek Berez Berius Beroosaa Biarts Bithoh Borus Brack Brana Brashei Brayita Breteely Bronake Bukkass Caeed Caemew Caestus Calaugul Caleakus Caleel Calees Calen Caleshes Caleto Calgna Calidash Caligo Calis Caltu Camem Casuts Catenei Charz Cheen Cherala Chides Chiseus Chops Cleeh Cleena Cleshea Clonir Concheeh Crodith Croper Dameema Damrius Dandena Daskarz Dawaza Dazate Deban Dedayin Deerius Deeus Deexu Deiemeek Demee Dempeehl Depaht Dereeka Deseeh Deseus Dezei Dimes Dinei Dineye Dithick Ditsish Dorhecks Dorlus Dorul Dowakees Draber Drace Dradem Dramern Dreminy Drided Driocla Droarams Droclea Droditer Droguht Drorath Drossi Drosupar Drouchu Drules Dulesha Dussil Eatar Eekepa Elian Etarp Eterlu Evern Filees Fincicin Fivee Fixtra Flesheal Fogus Forurath Frogus Gades Gahra Gaill Garto Gasha Gatpash Geeus Gerius Gerosza Ghtsa Girclear Givetza Glaugus Glemat Glooks Gonian Greed Grius Gulack Hades Haheel Hanaseus Heamed Heantil Heava Hecre Hectiber Hects Hectsa Heebbloo Heekes Heeta Heeus Heinexil Herds Herez Heyeren Hikus Hinka Hixulan Hleshang Honees Hounura Huxus Iaraced Icleez Iclosyna Imatheel Imeen Iocless Itexi Izeen Keenseks Keeys Kenel Klaya Knuxill Kukhup Kurlu Larlus Leehei Leelgna Leemace Leeustum Leseer Letseer Ligalls Lishad Lornik Lorus Loseuk Losurea Lotabs Lotulus Lougus Louposa Louts Lowirees Ludle Macla Maclees Macrai Maggila Maggla Mahki Manti Mardow Mares Margoll Marks Martum Matea Maten Matha Mearana Medags Medorr Medus Meedasum Meeka Meelf Meeteana Meeten Meetrom Metuu Mingul Misius Mohank Mokizt Mokus Monial Mosske Moxul Mucitsei Muramus Murwus Mushixir Nasalks Nastan Naters Needleso Neligher Nepaxi Neries Nerowa Neshin Nesht Nesqoo Niana Nikalz Nilana Nindry Nisei Nishei Nispakil Nomeebas Nosar Nowave Nowls Nulmtul Oleel Olielaud Onikus Orlinevu Ornus Osheek Outia Outvalz Oveer Ozeehsur Palks Pamagg Pashal Peenus Perasa Perdom Perez Perigh Perlis Permeran Perns Perus Peshand Pilalz Pines Plesheer Prianulm Pries Prodo Purei Purkee Quicedee Raius Rangsius Rasarzar Redguska Reelius Reers Refinan Rellsong Retings Romedaza Rosynax Sarnsu Scaes Scasios Seetret Seeza Seies Selor Shalius Shalks Shatulm Shecines Sheexius Shemi Sherah Shules Shumeek Sissin Siures Skashat Smarkeet Smomea Smotulm Socleela Sogul Solnik Somed Someez Spady Spals Spees Sperite Spila Spillory Ssion Stabeza Stabiar Stillos Sting Stleth Stoucins Sumank Sumeemis Swins Tadzi Talide Taneeka Tanif Tapaw Tapeeth Taspe Tateeka Tatheew Tathen Teeda Temed Thecks Thero Thesta Thoks Tibeel Tides Tinka Tiochuvh Tipta Tlesh Tlulz Tonix Toomus Tosadee Tosynai Tratesh Trius Tsarast Tsarlus Tseeus Tseus Tuicus Tulus Tumeemez Tuurash Tyrerna Tyrice Tyris Tyroar Uaixth Uazilaix Ukeeh Ukura Unashuns Usssali Uters Utsark Utulix Veeseus Veetvus Vigerius Viocla Vishen Voicus Voiny Vondrow Vudoss Vuhass Vuilur Wades Wanitly Washeom Washer Wazat Weeus Weshar Weveete Whera Whokes Wilaith Wulings Xatheien Xeehes Xeesh Xhosyna Xixullo Xollies Xolus Xoway Xuzeena Zinust
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rudra-writes · 4 years
Barnaby Meets Tiaal (Part 9)
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A roleplay story with Tiaal’s player. Vindicator Barnaby encounters a mysterious Rangari woman while on AU Draenor. (Advisory for nsfw themes.)
They’re still sleeping when she returns, tray of sticky buns and coffee in hand. She shakes her head at the both of them, and sets the tray down on the bedside table.
She wakes Metuu first, with a kiss to the soft skin under his ear and a soft touch to his chest that trails southwards to give him a few good morning strokes. He hums in reply and smiles as he wakes, reaching for her before he even opens his eyes.
“There's coffee and buns,” she says, kissing his lips when he refuses to let her go.
“Mmm….I knew there was a reason I married you…” he hums, and this time he does let her go so she can give Barnaby the same sort of wake up.
“Barnaby…” she purrs as she climbs over to him, stroking his face gently and using her tail to caress him as well. She kisses his temple and slides her hands down his back to the large plates at the base of his tail. “Gonna sleep the day away big guy?”
Barnaby sleeps through the night as heavy as a log. The combination of alcohol and sex gives him restful sleep, and he dozes late into the next morning, offering Tiaal plenty of time to gaze at his powerful body to her heart's content. Eventually he turns in his sleep enough to cling lightly to one of Metuu's arms.
Barny sleeps soundly through the quiet noises and movements of Metuu waking up. The stroking of Tiaal's tail is the first thing to draw a reaction: His brows furrow and he murmurs pleasantly, not knowing in his sleep-cottony brain who is kissing him and caressing his face and lower back, but enjoying the sensations thoroughly.
The vindicator's eyes blink awake to see Tiaal's face. Something smells pleasant, like coffee and sticky buns. The events of the night previous are starting to drift back to him, and he shifts to sit up. "Good morning."
“There you are.” She sits back with a broad smile. “You sleep just like Metuu. Or a dead thing.” She laughs and pats his arm. Metuu snorts at the association, and hands Barnaby a cup of coffee when he’s finished sitting up.
“It’s a good thing, it means my mornings are still my own,” Tiaal laughs, and stretches over Metuu to bring the plate of buns back to the bed.
Barnaby smiles hesitantly as he accepts the coffee cup. He says carefully, looking at the faces of both Metuu and Tiaal, "You're talking as if you expect this to become a regular thing, Tia...?" His thick brows raise slowly, as if inviting their thoughts.
“Do you want it to be?” Metuu says, having sat up himself, and is now propped up against the headboard, holding his coffee like a lifeline. He sounds a bit groggy still. “Granted I did come late to the party, so I might’ve missed somethin’...”
"Uh, well." Barnaby scratches his hairy chest for a moment. He looks at them both, and spreads his hands in a vaguely supplicant position. "Sure. It was the most fun I've had in a while."
“I just about bashed him over the head and drug him home, I don’t think you missed much, dear,” Tiaal laughs, and pulls a bite off a sticky bun to pop it into her mouth. “We didn’t get around to the specifics and I barely got around to mentioning you before you showed up.”
“And I thank you for that, being nearly run out of my own house is not an experience I care to repeat,” Metuu chuckles back. Tiaal smiles at him and offers him the next bite of the sticky bun she’s tearing apart.
“That one apologized once he knew what was going on.” Her gaze switches to Barnaby as she offers him a piece of sticky bun as well. “And it was a long time ago. Do you have anywhere to be today, Barnaby?”
Even though he still has some questions as to how he's going to relate to this married draenei couple outside of their private intimacy, Barnaby grins at being offered food from Tiaal's graceful hand. Even clothed, she still looks incredibly sexy to him, and being given food only increases the positive associations.
He eats the morsel gladly, then pauses to consider whether he really does have to be anywhere today. "I should probably let Exarch Orelis know I’m still in the area, but apart from that, I think I'm good. Do we, uh." His small eyes glance from side to side. "Do we want to talk about things?"
Talking. Words. That sounded intimidating. It wasn't sex -- And the thought of having more sex with Tiaal, probably with Metuu included, is certainly still there, even though she's clothed.
“What’s there to talk about?” Metuu asks, and Tia swats him on the arm, teasingly.
“Not everyone is as casual about this sort of thing, Met. Be nice,” she admonishes, and Met responds back with a sincere ‘yes ma’am’ over the top of his coffee cup.
“I suppose we should start with what you would like, Barnaby,” Tiaal says, looking back over to the vindicator. “When I approached you last night, I didn’t know we were going to hit it off as well as we did, but sometimes these things happen for a reason. Metuu and I are very open in our relationship as you can see, and we wouldn’t be opposed to a third, I think it’s safe to say…” She looks over at Metuu, who shrugs and picks up her line of thought.
“Tia’s a good judge of character, I’d say we’d have a good chance of makin’ a go of it. And fer all my joking, there are a coupla ground rules if you’re gonna be stayin’ on a more semi-regular to permanent basis.” Metuu shrugs, hoping his nonchalance at the whole of the morning would put the vindicator at ease.
“Little things, really,” Tiaal says, picking back up the thread of the conversation from Metuu. “What to expect, both what would be expected from you and what you could expect from us, things that make these sorts of things work more smoothly. It gets complicated quickly when you have more than two people.”
Barnaby grunts amicably, reaching for one of the sticky buns on the plate and starting to munch on it as he listens to the two other draenei speak. "True, that. A third, do you mean..." The vindicator blushes faintly, "Another person in the, uh, the relationship? Like... dating?" For a moment, he seems almost bashful. "Or just somebody to have a good time with now and again?"
Tiaal smiles at Barnaby’s blush, so visible against his pale skin. “Well, that depends on what you would like, now doesn’t it? I certainly wouldn’t mind, from what I’ve seen of you, so long as it could be the three of us. I do love to watch Metuu with another man…”
“...But I won’t force the issue, if you don’t enjoy attentions from the opposite sex, or wish to enter an established relationship. If you just want the occasional roll in the hay, that’s fine too. If you need a while to think on it, well...” Here Tia smiles demurely and looks down. “We haven’t even finished breakfast, I wouldn’t hold it against you.”
"Uh, yeah." Barnaby scratches his fingers through his black hair. He is stunned speechless with the generosity that he's being shown, and with being told that Metuu and Tia are okay with him dating them, and potentially forming an emotional connection as well as a physical one. His cornflower blue blush darkens slightly, and he tugs on one of his thick neck tendrils.
"Yeah, a little while to think about it would be good." This is said more to avoid looking too eager than anything else. Barnaby already knows what his heart wants. "This is awful generous of you, I..." The vindicator rubs between his eyes. Must not get emotional.
“Take all the time you need,” Tiaal says, patting his arm and then tugging at it, pulling his hand away from his face if he yields to her, to hold his massive hands in both of hers. Metuu doesn't do anything as overt, manly solidarity and all, but he does lean over to touch shoulders.
Barnaby freely allows his hand to be pulled away from his face, and both of his hands held in Tiaal's. He wears a small smile, not saying anything in the moment, savoring the feel of being welcomed among the pair of them. He tips his head forward to touch his forehead and crest to Tia's.
She accepts the gesture graciously, and goes back to feeding them bites from her fingers, at least until Metuu pushes her coffee into her hand, and takes the other one to suck the sweetly spiced glaze from her fingers and take up the duty. The rest of the meal was slow and pleasant, with minimal words exchanged between them, none of them in any hurry to leave the warmth of the bed.
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delamae · 4 years
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@itsvanmariela​ @-zurc​ @danaericka​ @krisxzablan​ @janlcc-blog​ @mcnkho-blog​ @banjhong-blog​ @krbhkeihl​ @2u4u-always​ @alexflips​ @metuu​ @sharmne-blog​ @ejamal-blog​ @mishodulana-blog​ @shiennamacario​
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sweetseda · 6 years
Metuu Modern Canvas Paintings, Texture Palette Knife Paintings Rich Multicolored Decorations Modern Home Decor Wall Art Painting Colorful 3D Flowers Wood Inside Framed Ready to Hang 24x48inch
Metuu Modern Canvas Paintings, Texture Palette Knife Paintings Rich Multicolored Decorations Modern Home Decor Wall Art Painting Colorful 3D Flowers Wood Inside Framed Ready to Hang 24x48inch
What quality? —All oil paintings are carefully checked by professional QC before shipping . —Entire the paintings process are fully tracking to ensure everything in perfect .
Where is it suitable for hanging? —The product has different sizes ,please choose the right size so you get the best decorative effect. —This art is suitable for decorating hotels, restaurants, cafe, halls, living rooms…
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pikkkachu · 5 years
we metuu tera mann bharya !!
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iamprotech · 3 years
Metuu Modern Canvas Paintings, Texture Palette Knife Red Flowers Paintings Modern Home Decor Wall Art Painting Colorful 3D Flowers Tree Wood Inside Framed Ready to Hang 24x48inch
Metuu Modern Canvas Paintings, Texture Palette Knife Red Flowers Paintings Modern Home Decor Wall Art Painting Colorful 3D Flowers Tree Wood Inside Framed Ready to Hang 24x48inch
Price: (as of – Details) What quality? —All oil paintings are carefully checked by professional QC before shipping . —Entire the paintings process are fully tracking to ensure everything in perfect . Where is it suitable for hanging? —The product has different sizes ,please choose the right size so you get the best decorative effect. —This art is suitable for decorating hotels, restaurants,…
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suklevicius · 8 years
Kiek tau metuu?
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skyseaaddict-blog · 7 years
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hey, it’s car free day. aku mauu ceritaaaa bagaimana aku bisa sampe ke sana. sendirian 😆
untuk car free day sendiri. ini cfd yang keduaaa aku metunya haha. karena selama aku disini dijakarta. aku blm pernah metuu :'( yaaa taulaaa disini kerjanya tp it's ok no problem. sebab, masalah jangan dibikin masalah tambah runyemlaaah dia haha jadi aku sendirian dari butik. jalan sendiri. mumpung ada waktu. nikmati aja. kan sekalian waktu quality time mine untuk diri sendiri. itu sehat loh. aku pernah membaca. bahwa diri sendiri butuh jg buat diajak hangout, shopping, everything etc you do with other. sama diri sendiri jg gt. penting bgt malahan. sebab, dengan sendirinya
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rudra-writes · 4 years
Barnaby Meets Tiaal (Part 8)
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A roleplay story with Tiaal’s player. Vindicator Barnaby encounters a mysterious Rangari woman while on AU Draenor. (Advisory for nsfw themes.)
“It’s a start,” Metuu agrees easily, letting his hand slide down his chest and rest at the waistband of his pants, his eyes never leaving Barnaby and where he touches Tiaal. “I wish to do more than watch, but if that’s the only thing on offer….”
“Oh, come here Kechare.” Tiaal’s only been half following the conversation, but now she joins in, and stretches a hand toward Metuu. “Barnaby is man enough to share if you are, aren’t you, Barnaby?” Her tail strokes the inside of Barny’s thigh and his balls as she coaxes him into saying yes. “Neither of you have to touch, if that’s the issue, but I do love more than one set of hands on my skin…”  She hopes to assuage his fears by showing just what sorts of things she’s implying, this wouldn’t be the first time she’d brought a big male home that balked when it came to sharing space with another, no matter if the others had been told ahead of time and agreed.
Still looking flushed in the cheeks from the touching between his legs and the entire situation, Barnaby looks at Tiaal and Metuu hesitantly. Although he does not know how to put his thoughts to words, his uncertainly is caused by his realization that he wants more - More than he thought he would, at the beginning of this tryst. Barny is growing tired of one night stands. He likes this draenei couple, and is starting to crave an emotional connection to them.
But it doesn't seem like it's in the cards. Apparently, it's common for Tiaal to bring attractive men home with her. He would hardly be the first to be invited. And, she already has a loving husband. She may not want, or need, more.
The notion of sharing Tiaal with Metuu, however, Barnaby finds doesn't bother him. "Sure." Tia is warm and beautiful, and he finds he wishes to please her in any event.
Barnaby settles himself on Tiaal's left side where she lays on the bed, and leans over to suckle and mouth her skin on that side, starting with her left breast, then trailing his lips and tongue down her body and her stomach. His fingertips, meanwhile, cover her folds and her clit with adoring touches.
Tiaal practically beams at Barnaby, and reaches up to catch his face in her hands and kiss him on the lips before she lets him go to wander her body, one hand still buried in his short hair. She hums happily, drowsily even at his touch, responsive but still floating with the pleasure of her last orgasm. Her fingers curl loosely around his tendrils while they’re in reach, stroking down each of their lengths in turn.
“He really is something, Metuu…” she says, turning her head to watch her husband strip out of his garish clothes. Underneath the cloth is all hard muscle, fewer cuts and scars present on his body and mostly along his hands and knuckles - sword-fighting scars. He’s neither as large nor as hairy as Barnaby, but that doesn’t seem to bother him as he puts a knee onto the bed and dips down to lick at Tia’s other breast, leaving her sex in Barnaby’s hands for now. For all his joviality and talkativeness outside of the bedroom, in it Metuu is focused on the task at hand, which is currently pleasing Tiaal while stealing glances at the big vindicator she’d brought home. The both of them soon have her arching up against them, not sure which she touches where in encouragement, though when she finds Metuu’s erection her hand lingers there, holding onto him.
Barnaby smiles into Tiaal's kiss, and at her praise and the hand running through his hair. He decides he should enjoy the moment while he can, and be thankful that he's being allowed to partake in their intimacy. Moments of peace and joy could at times be all too brief. Best to appreciate the moment while it is there, he thinks to himself, even if it's bittersweet.
Barny sighs happily at the stroking to his chubby neck tendrils, finding it very much to his liking. He mirrors Metuu in his curious glances and snatches of attention at the other male across from Tiaal. A muscle-hardened physique is attractive in its own way, as is the sight of Tiaal's fingers curled around the other draenei's cock.
The vindicator kisses and licks down Tiaal's body, and then settles himself in-between her legs, rubbing over her thighs with his hands. He kisses a circle around her pussy, then starts to administer half-licks against her folds with his tongue, moving gradually before sliding his tongue from the bottom of her opening up to her clit. Being this intimately close to Tiaal, and worshipping her sex in this manner is heady for him, and Barny is soon hardening once more.
Metuu claims her mouth as she starts to moan, wanting to swallow that sound of pleasure. He grips one of her horns before sliding back to grab a handful of her hair, knowing after so long with her exactly how to draw out her pleasure. His other hand trails down her body and accidentally brushes against Barnaby’s shoulder, and keeps going down his arm for a few inches before he gets back to the skin of Tiaal’s thigh, not changing pace or treating Barnaby any different than her, though he does try to map out where the other male is and keep those touches to a minimum, at least until Barnaby decides what level of comfort he has with the contact.
Tiaal is soon arching and writhing under their combined assault, needy whines that become increasingly loud. “Please…. one of you... inside,” she pants, gripping Barnaby’s crest with one hand and Metuu’s cock in the other, stroking him needfully. Metuu looks up and over at Barnaby, trying to ask without words which of them will answer her.
Barnaby raises his head at Tiaal's request only slightly after Metuu does. The two male draenei exchange questioning looks.
As much as Barny wants to thrust himself back inside Tia, he feels the more correct response is to move aside, and allow Metuu this pleasure. Barnaby has already finished inside Tiaal just earlier this evening, and there was also the matter that they are being generous in allowing him to participate.
The vindicator squeezes his almost painfully erect cock with his fingers. He catches Metuu's eye and nods, then raises his heavy body up from in-between Tiaal's legs, and lays himself down at her side on the bed. Barnaby extends his hands, caressing Tia's upper body and palming her breasts with the pads of his fingers, his lips kissing underneath her jaw and along her neck. She's beautiful, and feels and smells nice, causing his cock to throb eagerly. Tia's legs and lower body are left to Metuu's attention.
Tiaal gives Metuu one last squeeze and lets go of him to use his hip to pull herself up. She stands up on her knees and kisses him, open mouthed, a welcome home kiss that leaves them both breathless. Afterwards Tia pulls back and gives a meaningful look at Met before turning around and presenting her ass to him, knees on the edge of the bed. It gives her the perfect angle to work on Barnaby’s cock and has the benefit of being a good viewing angle for both of them. She moans around Barnaby’s cock as Metuu slides into her from behind.
Barnaby gasps quietly at the sight of Tiaal kissing Metuu in welcome. The two draenei look so comfortable and natural together, lovers and partners for likely hundreds, or perhaps thousands of years.
Barny hadn't been expecting her to change position. When Tia's mouth wraps around his erect cock, and he sees Metuu lining himself up behind her, grasping her hips in his strong hands, he leans his head back and moans in abandon. How good this feels, how warm and trusting. It takes very little time for him to get worked up, his cock sliding along Tiaal's tongue and her soft mouth while Metuu's cock vanishes inside her, pulls back, then thrusts forward again, over and over in a haze. His mind clears of concerns or worries, entering an almost trance-like state of pleasure.
Barnaby isn't certain of how much time has passed when he's leaning over Tiaal's back, attempting to steady himself by placing his hands on Metuu's shoulders. It almost looks like a hug.
Metuu threads his arms around Barnaby’s to match his pose, placing his hands on Barnaby’s shoulders. He smiles encouragingly at the other male before looking down at the sexy lady between them. Metuu always enjoyed sharing Tiaal, enjoyed how utterly into she got, and it makes him even harder to hear her moaning around Barnaby’s cock from his motions.
“You should pinch her nipples,” Metuu suggests to Barnaby, earning another moan from Tiaal as she squeezes down around him in anticipation. “She likes that.”
Barnaby seems almost as lost in the sensations as Tiaal. The big vindicator is panting while he holds onto Metuu's shoulders with his eyes closed. He grunts at the feel of Tia's mouth around his aching cock, and when he cracks an eye open, he groans at the sight of her beauty and Metuu's cock disappearing inside her. Whatever uncertainty he had previously held about Metuu seems to have been completely banished, at least for now.
At Metuu's suggestion, Barnaby nods, his large hands sliding from the other male's shoulders down his sides, and then forward along Tia's body, until they end up underneath her chest. He's fondling and tugging on her nipples indulgently when he realizes he's not going to last much longer. The entire situation is so hot, and this couple is being so warm and accepting of him.
"I'm going to come," Barnaby whispers, even as his hips continue to jerk forward, pushing his cock hungrily past her lips. It's meant as a courtesy to Tiaal, warning her of his impending orgasm, to allow her time to decide what to do.
Tiaal looks up at him, mouth still around his cock and sucks on just the head, using the tip of her tongue to swirl around his corona and flick his frenulum. Behind her, Metuu watches with dark eyes and lets out a low moan as they come together with wet slaps that shake her mouth on Barnaby’s cock.
“Yeah babe, you gonna swallow him down?” Metuu asks, staccato from his pacing. He slaps her rump with the flat of his hand and she moans around Barnaby’s cock, her own eyes nearly all pupil and dim with lust. She uses her tail to snake up Metuu’s chest and twines it around his tendrils, tugging gently. It sets the warrior off, and he jerks his hips into her, once, twice, three times before falling forward over her back, one hand on Barnaby’s hip, steadying himself, the other on Tiaal’s hip and sliding around to seek out her clit.
By the time all of this is happening, Barnaby is unable to hold out any longer. He gives a long, low, groaning roar as his overly hard and stimulated cock fires off into Tiaal’s mouth, his fingers in her hair and on her shoulder tightening fiercely. The other two draenei also seem to be falling apart in their bliss, and Barnaby wavers, toppling forward and to the side to avoid squashing anyone underneath him.
The vindicator is reeling in his orgasm, and with everything that’s happened this evening. He pants as he watches the sexy sight of Metuu and Tiaal finishing each other off above him. A rest seems ideal, and he waits for Tia and Metuu to be ready to join him so they can cuddle. Any questions about what the three of them might be like together going forward, Barny figures can wait until morning.
Tiaal takes Barnaby deep into her mouth, his head brushing the back of her throat. She swallows around him as he comes, tightening around him exquisitely. She follows it with a moan as Metuu’s fingers work their magic on her clit in tandem with his softening cock. The sounds of her orgasm are muffled as she’s gagged with Barnaby's cock.
When she comes off both of their cocks she looks utterly spent, her hair tousled about her horns, and she climbs up Barnaby's mountain of a body to curl herself to his side, her head pillowed on his shoulder. Metuu joins them a moment later, sandwiching Tiaal between their bodies, and throws the lightest of silk sheets over them all.
The next morning sees all of them tangled around each other and into the sheets, Tiaal mostly sprawled on top of both of the males. It makes it easy for her to slip off the bed, still nude, and with unpleasantly dried cum coating her thighs. Definitely time to clean off, she thinks, but she lingers, watching her lovers, one comfortable and familiar, the other new and exciting. Barnaby had flipped over to his stomach, his tail and one arm tangled with Metuu. It was a lovely sight to behold, two equally muscled men lying sated in her bed. Even relaxed in sleep, Barnaby's back might as well be carved from the purest of white marble, and the clean lines of his back flow directly to his relatively narrow hips and muscular tail, resting on top of his ass and one equally massive thigh.
She has to leave before she decides to crawl back into bed with the both of them. She really wanted to clean off, and then, if Barnaby is a heavy sleeper like Metuu, she’d have time to dress and fetch breakfast for all of them.
They’re still sleeping when she returns, tray of sticky buns and coffee in hand. She shakes her head at the both of them, and sets the tray down on the bedside table. She wakes Metuu first, with a kiss to the soft skin under his ear and a soft touch to his chest that trails southwards to give him a few good morning strokes. He hums in reply and smiles as he wakes, reaching for her before he even opens his eyes.
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rudra-writes · 4 years
Barnaby Meets Tiaal (Part 1)
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A roleplay story with Tiaal’s player. Vindicator Barnaby encounters a mysterious Rangari woman while on AU Draenor. (Advisory for nsfw themes.)
“Act like you know me.”
These were the first words that the Rangari said to the large male whose arm she’d ducked under. She wraps an arm around his waist, bringing their bodies flush together from hips to her shoulder. He’s not the biggest person in the bar, but he’s the largest that Tiaal judged to be safe for this kind of interaction. Her pursuers were only moments behind her and she had ducked into the busy pub to try and lose them in the crowd, and being cozied up to this mountain of a man will help her do that. She shimmies out of her over cloak, revealing a lithe body covered in small scale mail, and pulls down her hair, looking like she’s been at his side the whole evening rather than a few seconds.
“I’ll be out of your hair in just a minute,” she says, finally looking up at the man she’d chosen to cozy up to. She offers him a smile, he’s not unattractive, and he’s got an honest look about him. She wouldn’t mind spending the evening in his company, especially since it had been a long few months on her own during her current assignment.  “If you want, that is.” Still, she knows she’s not unattractive herself, and she likes how her dark skin is set off against the brilliant white of his. Her hand explores his hip a little as she waits for his reply, feeling nothing but hard muscle underneath. It makes her smile a little bit more broad, and she knows he has an excellent view down her front with their difference in height.
Barnaby had been sipping ale on his lonesome at the local pub. Breaks like these are a welcome occurrence. Being a vindicator, he is often on the road, and his job is at times strenuous and dangerous. At other times, such as when he has guard duty, it is slow-moving, even frightfully boring.
Here in the pub, he can spend his hard-earned coin and rest, and not worry about fel monsters, orcs, and other troubles for a time. This version of Draenor, although in far better shape than his homeland, is still plagued by troubles. Rumor has it that the fighting is at a turning point, with the Alliance soldiering into Tanaan. Barnaby wonders if he should remain on this world for a time, or return to Azeroth when the campaigns are mostly concluded.
He is lost in such thoughts when a woman appears at his side seemingly out of nowhere. Barny's brows raise in surprise, and he offers no resistance as she tucks in at his side as if they were familiar.
Barnaby thinks she's strikingly beautiful upon first impression, but it's her words he takes special notice of. Is she being pursued by someone in this tavern? Or pursuing someone suspicious? She's dressed like a Rangari, and he knows them to be canny folk.
Barnaby puts a large arm around the Rangari's shoulders to complete the appearance of them being familiar. "What's the trouble?" he asks in a low voice.
Tiaal grins when Barnaby goes along with her, putting his hand over her shoulders. “The pair that just entered the bar… They mean to kill me for some papers I do not possess. I just need to throw them off the trail for now, slip away in the crowd. What’s your name?” she scans the crowd as she speaks, and watches the pair she indicated out of the corner of her eye, but they’re looking for a lone Rangari with a cloak trying to escape and not a barfly pressed up against one of the bigger patrons, and so their eyes slide past her and eventually they move on, thinking they had been mistaken that she had ducked into this busy pub.
Barnaby tries to get a glimpse of the pair the violet-skinned woman indicated. He turns his eyes back inwards towards the bar just as quickly.
"I'm Barnaby, Miss." He isn't certain how he feels about being chosen for the purpose of throwing some goons off of this woman's trail. On the other hand, so far, Tiaal's company is certainly not unpleasant. He murmurs back, his voice slightly teasing, "How'd you get into a scrape like that?"
“Tiaal.” She replies with a smile, reaching up to hold onto his hand that’s on her shoulder. “Rangari get into all sorts of scrapes… Needless to say, it’ll be sorted out when I get back to my superiors. Do you come here often, Barnaby?”
"Do they, now?" Barnaby's lips twist into a wry expression. "I've heard they're a troublesome lot." He says this with no actual malice, and he tries to keep an eye on the goings-on in the tavern, keeping the seriousness of Tiaal's situation in mind.
In response to Tiaal's question, Barnaby nods. "I'm stationed in the area, and this is where I come to unwind." He realizes that in his civilian dress, there's no outward indication that he is a vindicator unless he introduces himself as such. "Uh, Vindicator serving under Exarch Orelis." He bows his head slightly. Normally, he would offer a more ceremonial greeting, but he is unable to while keeping his arm around Tiaal's shoulders. "I suppose this isn't your usual stomping grounds if you came in here to lose a couple guys..."
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rudra-writes · 4 years
Barnaby Meets Tiaal (Part 7)
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A roleplay story with Tiaal’s player. Vindicator Barnaby encounters a mysterious Rangari woman while on AU Draenor. (Advisory for nsfw themes.)
“Tiaa?” A pleasant male voice calls from somewhere else in the house - the living room, most likely. “Tiaa dear, I’m home!”
He's careful after he spends himself, using his arms to keep his weight off of Tiaal even as he collapses forward in the bed with her after their shared ecstatic peak. The sex is good, the feel of Tia pulsing around him blissful, causing Barnaby to rut against her as they come down from their orgasms. "Mmm...."
He's in the process of tugging Tiaal closer to himself for affectionate kisses, nips and nuzzles, warm and sated, when Metuu's voice cuts through the air. Barnaby's eyes fly open and he looks alarmed, sitting up hastily. "Shit."
Tiaal blinks as he pulls away, her tail coming around to loop around his waist, keeping him between her spread legs. Her eyes are still soft and unfocused from her orgasm, and she frowns at him as he curses and pulls away. They had talked about this, and Metuu would be no more angry at finding him in their bed than on the couch out in the living room.
“Sa, sa…” she shushes him, catching his hand and giving it an encouraging squeeze. She takes a breath to call out their location, but a noise at the doorway makes her pause, and she rolls her head to the side to see Metuu leaning in the doorway, taking in the sight with a broad grin and an obviously hungry expression. He’s closer in height to Tiaal than Barnaby, and his skin tone falls somewhere in the range of their high contrast as well, set off nicely by his rich chestnut hair, cut to mimic a crest that is surprisingly similar to Barnaby’s. Perhaps Tiaal has a type in this regard. He’s dressed conservatively, which, for him means sapphire dyed leather pants and a red silk shirt and green vest embroidered with gold thread. It doesn’t quite match, all the colors vibrant and warring with each other to catch the eye.
“Tia? You didn’t say we were having friends over...did I miss all the fun?” He smiles knowingly at the look of her, sated and sprawled out under Barnaby, who he gives an appraising, but not unfriendly nod.
“Might could be a round two, if you boys play nice….” she answers, stretching her arms up and around the pillows above her, arching her back to display her breasts to their best advantage.
Barnaby calms somewhat at Tiaal's soothing, and remains propped up with his arms over her, her legs spread wide to either side of him. His eyes scan over Metuu’s face and physique thoroughly, trying to tell what kind of man he may be. He can overlook the garish fashion sense. "Uhhhh. Hello."
Barnaby finally lets go of Tia, sitting up to more closely examine the other male. "I... take it you're this lovely lady's husband."
“That I am,” Metuu says, his smile friendly and his tone casual despite their current positions. Metuu has roughly the same build as Barnaby, slightly more compact due to his shorter stature. The way his clothing tightens over his biceps and thighs shows there’s definitely muscle underneath the bright garb. He makes no move to come closer, regarding Barnaby in much the same fashion that he is being regarded. He makes an expansive gesture with one hand, indicating them both.
“By all means, don’t stop on my account.” Words that would be sarcastic on any other’s tongue ring true on Metuu’s, and his grin widens as he makes a show of settling at the door frame to watch.
Metuu's non-confrontational manner helps to calm Barnaby. The vindicator blinks, watching the other male settle against the doorframe. Metuu even looks a little like himself, appearance-wise.
"Do you wish to watch?" It occurs to Barnaby that perhaps he should be more accommodating, considering these two married draenei are permitting him to be involved with them. He shifts his position on the bed so that he is no longer blocking Metuu's view of Tiaal's body.
Now sitting to one side, Barnaby focuses on Tia again, caressing and kissing over her nearest thigh, then moving one of his hands in-between her legs. He begins to rub her clit with the pads of his fingers, concentrating on pleasing her and seeing if he can cause her to make soft sounds.
“It’s a start,” Metuu agrees easily, letting his hand slide down his chest and rest at the waistband of his pants, his eyes never leaving Barnaby and where he touches Tiaal. “I wish to do more than watch, but if that’s the only thing on offer….”
“Oh, come here Kechare.” Tiaal’s only been half following the conversation, but now she joins in, and stretches a hand toward Metuu. “Barnaby is man enough to share if you are, aren’t you, Barnaby?” Her tail strokes the inside of Barny’s thigh and his balls as she coaxes him into saying yes. “Neither of you have to touch, if that’s the issue, but I do love more than one set of hands on my skin…”  She hopes to assuage his fears by showing just what sorts of things she’s implying, this wouldn’t be the first time she’d brought a big male home that balked when it came to sharing space with another, no matter if the others had been told ahead of time and agreed.
Still looking flushed in the cheeks from the touching between his legs and the entire situation, Barnaby looks at Tiaal and Metuu hesitantly. Although he does not know how to put his thoughts to words, his uncertainly is caused by his realization that he wants more - More than he thought he would, at the beginning of this tryst. Barny is growing tired of one night stands. He likes this draenei couple, and is starting to crave an emotional connection to them.
But it doesn't seem like it's in the cards. Apparently, it's common for Tiaal to bring attractive men home with her. He would hardly be the first to be invited. And, she already has a loving husband. She may not want, or need, more.
The notion of sharing Tiaal with Metuu, however, Barnaby finds doesn't bother him. "Sure." Tia is warm and beautiful, and he finds he wishes to please her in any event.
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rudra-writes · 4 years
Barnaby Meets Tiaal (Part 6)
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A roleplay story with Tiaal’s player. Vindicator Barnaby encounters a mysterious Rangari woman while on AU Draenor. (Advisory for nsfw themes.)
Barnaby swallows, leaning into Tiaal's kisses. When she pulls back, he finds he needs to take a moment to figure out his precise feelings. He's never been in a situation like this before.
Finally, he raises his head to look back at Tia. "You have a loving relationship, then? Happy?" he asks quietly. Barnaby lowers his eyes, and nods. "He must be an amazing guy, for having won the heart of a woman so astonishing as you." The vindicator raises his head, regarding Tiaal curiously. "I don't want to stop. It's hard for me to say what I think of your husband, when I've not met him. But if he would not mind this..."
Barnaby wonders if he's going to be able to have sex with Tiaal, without becoming attached. She already has a husband... Surely, becoming too emotionally attached would cause complications?
“He won’t.” She says, voice firm and resolute. Then it softens as she continues, picking up the love she feels for her husband. “He’s a sweet man, and we’ve been together a long time. It’s a very loving relationship, I’m not using you to cheat on him, and I promise you won’t be chased off clutching your trousers.” A hint of her earlier teasing comes back as she addresses the most likely fears, as if she’s gone over this before. She trails her hand that was on his cheek down to loosely hold one of his chindrils. “I like you, Barnaby. I wouldn’t have brought you home otherwise.”
The ends of Barnaby's mouth finally lift back up into a smile, and he nods. He then laughs, blushing a little blue. "Well. That was somewhat startling! I appreciate that you told me this, though. Hum. Where were we." He reaches to put his arms around her back again, his playfulness returning. "I seem to recall you were looking astonishingly gorgeous. I volunteered to take your clothes off, but you've left me with only your trousers. Not that that's a bad thing."
Tiaal’s smile is slow and generous, and she presses back against him. “I’ll let you do mine if you let me do yours.” She says, giving a little wiggle of her hips before she uses his shoulders and stands up on her knees so that he can start to work at the fastenings of her pants.
Having this beautiful, topless female draenei stand on her knees so that he can take her pants down is what finally brings Barnaby back into the mood he was in earlier. He shifts himself closer to Tia on the bed, leaning in to start to kiss and lick under her jawline, trailing his mouth down the front of her neck and over her clavicles, and then down over one of her amazing, full breasts. He fixes his mouth to her teat and starts to lick and suck, his other hand palming her opposite breast. The action soon has him gasping. "Oh, Tiaal..."
He switches his mouth over to the other side, giving it the same attention of licks and sucks while his large fingers roll the opposite nipple. His cock quickly hardens again, and it's faster this time. Something about pulling through such an unexpected revelation as learning about Tiaal's husband, makes him feel as if he can trust her. Still working her breast over with his mouth, Barnaby lowers his hand to loosen the laces of her pants, slipping them down her hips, then reaching around to squeeze her soft rump.
She moans and throws her head back as he kisses down her front, her hands fisting in his hair and around his crest as he suckles at her breast, arching into his touch. When he switches to her other breast she lets her hands fall to his chest, back to teasing and twisting the barbels in his nipples, enjoying the hard muscle underneath her hands, and gasping when he finally gets her pants over her hips and his hands on her ass, her tail coiling over one of his forearms. A moment more and the pants are tossed across the room with haphazard abandon.
“Your turn,” she says when she senses he’s had his fill of her breasts for now, putting both of her hands flat on his chest and pushing against him. It’s similar to a human pushing at an elekk, she couldn’t move him that way if she wanted to, but he gives to her and lays back so she can slide down his front to sit between his legs and undo the laces at his crotch with agonizing slowness, her eyes focused on the sheer size of him as she peels his clothing back with a sort of hunger in her expression.
Barnaby laughs quietly under his breath when Tiaal pushes him down against the bed, his eyes closing. He hadn't expected he might receive oral sex so soon, but he's certainly not about to complain; instead he rests his head up on his arm where he lies indulgently against the pile of pillows. His cock strains against his pants fabric as Tia unbuckles his belt and loosens the laces, then pops out when he's finally freed. Barnaby sighs pleasantly, enjoying the attention. He's not lacking in the pants department, and his balls are also large.
"Do you like what you see, my lady?" the vindicator croons.
“False modesty doesn’t suit you, Barnaby,” she says, trailing a single finger along the underside of his cock, balls to tip. “But yes, I do happen to like what I see.” She grips him by the base and, keeping her eyes on him, licks his frenulum, that sensitive bit of skin at the tip where the glans meets the shaft, before wrapping her lips around his head. Her other hand is between her own legs, fingers already coated with her arousal. She plays with herself while she licks and sucks him, and soon the air is perfumed with the smell of sex, heady and thick.
Privately, Barnaby is impressed by Tiaal's boldness, and her lack of hesitation at taking control of the situation. He cracks his eyes open with a low, long groan at the first touches of her fingers and her tongue to his cock, the knuckley fingers of the hand not behind his head gripping the bedsheet.
Tia's mouth feels exquisite around his sensitive head, and in no time he's hardening against her tongue, his cock thickening further at the stimulation. Barny is quite vocal, if subdued: He hums, makes growling purring noises, and flinches his hips just a tiny amount whenever Tiaal's tongue or lips move over his flesh in a way that feels especially nice.
It isn't long before he's at his full arousal, standing massive and proud at Tia's attention. "Ah, Tiaal," he murmurs adoringly. One of the side effects of being well-endowed was that merely having an erection felt very noticeable and pleasant for him.
He'd been content to touch and tease at the outset, but now that Tia is working his cock over so well, the thought of her riding him becomes foremost in his thoughts, indulgent and pleasing for them both.
“My, aren’t you a big one,” she murmurs when she sees his full girth. It’s not a complaint, more appraisal, a sizing up of how things should progress. She continues to work him a bit longer, taking note of what moves cause him to rock his hips or moan, and she appreciates that he doesn’t try to hold her hair or her horns while she pleasures him.
She tastes his pre-cum beading at his tip one too many times in close succession, not unpleasant, but she wants him to last, and she’ll need some more attention than her own fingers if this is going to work. She reluctantly pulls her lips away from him and crawls up his body, rubbing his cockhead against her sex, moaning as it brushes past her clit.
He's helpful, steadying Tiaal over himself as she climbs up over his body, then removing the hand behind his head to hold the base of his cock. Barny starts to roll his hips, the head of his cock sliding up and over her clit, then down teasingly along her folds to the back, then back up to brush her clit again. He teases her in this way, the sensations heady and pleasant for them both. "How's this working out for you, Tia?" the vindicator husks.
“You have my slick coating your cock, do you have to ask?” She replies, and cants her hips so that he catches at her entrance, just for a second. She props herself up on his chest enough to grab one of his tendrils with a firm grip, sliding down its length. “You’re a big man, Barnaby. I may need your fingers to lead the way of your cock.”
Barnaby moans at the grip to his tendril, his eyes closing for a moment. "Aye," he replies agreeably to Tia's request, his large hands switching position to slide over her rounded rump, squeezing it softly before trailing his fingers lower. The broad pads slip carefully around and over her labia and clit, becoming slick with her juices, before he inserts a finger inside.
He's considerate, watching Tiaal's face and body for signs of how deep he should press, the fingers of his other hand circling her clit, or sometimes moving around to squeeze her buttock appreciatively. Barnaby’s cock drips pre-cum at the intimate touches, and although his hunger for her continues to intensify, he's mindful of her comfort, only adding a second finger when she seems ready.
She moans in response, moving up and changing her angle so that she’s straddling his waist and leaning back, giving him a good view as he works, propping herself up with hands on his muscular thighs. Her tail snakes back to curl around the base of his cock in absence of any other stimulation, and it isn’t long till she’s bouncing on his fingers, encouraging him to go deeper and harder. When he manages to find and press against that perfect spot inside of her she gasps his name as her eyes darken, nodding when she meets his own. She grinds against his fingers and when his thumb starts a steady circling of her clit it’s only a matter of time until she cries out his name as her orgasm washes over her.
It hadn't originally been his plan to bring Tia to orgasm from his fingers, but seeing the way her eyes darken and hearing her gasp his name, he redoubles his efforts, thrusting his fingers to press her sweet spot quickly and firmly, his thumb flicking against her clit. "That's it, Tia, Light, you're so beautiful," he murmurs quietly, feeling her squeezing around his fingers.
Barnaby slows down some as Tiaal rides out her orgasm, not wishing to over-stimulate her. His own cock is rock-hard, but he lets them both rest a moment, his broad hand wandering up to palm her large breasts. He then sits up, encouraging Tiaal into his arms so he can caress her warmed, sweaty skin, and kiss down her neck.
She melts against his chest in post-orgasmic bliss, movements slow at first, until she turns into his neck and nips her way down it to his shoulder. She feels his erection hard against the curve of her ass and she grinds against it, his pubic bone meeting her clit and teasing the sensitized flesh.
“I think it’s past time we did something about that pole of yours, don’t you?” she murmurs into the skin behind his ear, lifting up on her thighs to set the head of his cock against her entrance. Her orgasm and his fingers had loosened her, but still she works herself onto his cock cautiously, feeling the stretch before she’s even gotten halfway down.
Barnaby had been thinking he might ask Tia to lay on her back, and he'd lick and pleasure her for a time to prepare her for another round, but she seems to be ready to go as she is. Her whispered words behind his ear make the big vindicator shiver with lust. It's all he can do to wrap his arms around her back, moaning low and deep and bassy as he feels his cock moving up inside her wetness. He presses his face against her shoulder, hyper-focused on the sweet squeeze around himself and the pop of his head fitting inside.
As Tia lowers onto his cock, Barny gently starts to lean her back, settling her down on her back with her head against some pillows. His thick arms come to support himself over her, covering her with his warm body and tilting her legs upwards to give himself leverage to be able to thrust. Face to face as they are, he's able to kiss her on the lips sweetly as he hilts himself, and so he does.
“Light you are huge!” she breathes into the kiss, feeling him stretch her nearly to her limit. She lifts her legs to hook them around his hips, giving him a better angle to work with. She thinks to warn him to be gentle with her, but his actions so far have been nothing but considerate, and as he starts to move over her she finds she doesn’t have to. She focuses on her breathing and his scent, the whiskey that still clings to him along with his musk, and runs her nails down his muscular back to rest on his ass, feeling him tense as he sets his rhythm.
Barnaby gives Tiaal a crooked, pleased smile at the comment about his size. "Good?" he breathes, rubbing her shoulder with a hand as he pulls himself back, pulling mostly outside of her except for the head, then thrusting back into her. His eyes are glazed, and his face has regained that hazy, pleased look he'd had earlier.
He manages to keep his strokes slow, working on his angle until he's hitting her sweet spot with his presses. Barnaby continues like this until he finds he's reaching the limit of his ability to continue to be gentle. He starts to thrust faster, harder, watching Tiaal's face for cues, his cock throbbing inside of her. "Light, Tiaal..."
She’s meeting his thrusts long before he starts to pick up his pace, writhing underneath him. She catches his hands and places them on her breasts, but even that isn’t enough change of movement for her and she’s soon tickling his side with her fingers, nudging him with a knee on the same side.
“Roll over, I want to ride you for the last of it,” she purrs into his ear. “Or you could take me on my knees, whichever you prefer.”
Barnaby's eyes crinkle, and he chuckles good-naturedly at Tia's tickling to his side to encourage him to move. "Mmmm, decisions." They both sound wonderful, and his cock twitches inside her at her suggestions. "I'd enjoy having you on your knees, since I'm being given a choice in this matter. Difficult decision though it is!" He starts to move back to allow her to re-position herself.
She grins at him and kisses his nose before shifting up, feeling him part from her with a pop. She gets herself in the new position quickly, lifting her tail to him and looking back at him fetchingly with a come hither smile.
Whatever spooky thing Tiaal may have said earlier about having a husband is forgotten for the moment as Barnaby gets into position behind her, stroking his full cock with one hand. He admires her succulent rump, leaning in to press a kiss to the soft flesh, then straightens himself, sliding the head of his cock against her labia before positioning it at her entrance.
Barnaby slides inside Tia with a sighing groan, taking hold of her hips and bringing her rump back against him, his balls warm against her soft skin. He can't remember the last time he's been pleasured so thoroughly by a female draenei, and enjoyed himself so much while doing so. He places one hand against her back, the other holding Tiaal's hip, and begins to move, his cock thrusting into Tia at a hungry pace.
Barny's eyes gaze downwards at his cock moving in and out of Tia's slicked entrance, his gaze dimmed with lust. The sight causes him to pick up his pace, thrusting faster and harder, his balls slapping her rump as he feels his own release building. His gaze wanders over the muscles of her back, up to her hair and elegant lady-draenei horns, and feelings of deep, primal satisfaction well within him, that he's fortunate enough to mate with such a beautiful draenei.
"Tia," Barnaby gasps, his voice strained as he throws his back into it, pounding into her. He can feel things coming to a head. "Tia, come with me."
Tiaal drops to one elbow, her other hand seeking her clit to give her that little extra oomph she needs to get there at the same time as Barnaby does. Her fingers brush against the base of his cock and the top of his balls almost as much as they rub her own sex, and she’s soon pushing back into him and squeezing down even tighter around him as she reaches her own climax.
“Light, Barnaby, I’m almost there!” She hangs on that precipice till Barnaby begins to come himself, his explosive grunts and sounds as well as the feel of him pulsing deep within her tipping her over the edge and into her own orgasm. They buck and writhe together, furious and passionate, until both of them are spent. Tiaal feels the heat of Barnaby’s chest as he falls forward, reaching around her to palm one of her breasts as they regain their respective breaths. She feels his tendrils against her shoulder and then his lips against her neck, warm and wet.
Neither of them had heard the front door in the midst of their lovemaking.
“Tiaa?” A pleasant male voice calls from somewhere else in the house - the living room, most likely. “Tiaa dear, I’m home!”
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rudra-writes · 4 years
Barnaby Meets Tiaal (Part 5)
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A roleplay story with Tiaal’s player. Vindicator Barnaby encounters a mysterious Rangari woman while on AU Draenor. (Advisory for nsfw themes.)
After a few more minutes, Barnaby wraps his arms around Tiaal's back, pulling her closer to him and gazing into her eyes. For a moment, he regrets that this will be a one night stand, as far as he knows. The previous female draenei he had been with, he had pursued relations with, and although they hadn't worked out, he found himself wishing for the company of a reliable and loving partner.
The vindicator slowly leans in with soft eyes, and lightly kisses and holds Tiaal's lower lip in his own, if she lets him. Even if he sees her for no more than a night, Barnaby plans to give Tiaal her every pleasure.
Tiaal is all soft curves against his body, and she gives up playing with his nipples for now to hold his sides, molding herself against his body. She more than lets him kiss her, she kisses back, her tongue sneaking out to get a taste of him, the whiskey that he was drinking earlier still strong. She uses her tail and the leg that’s on the outside of his to brace herself, bringing her other over his other thigh so their fronts are fully flush, chest to hip. She hums with delight as she feels his length against her crotch and grinds against it, steadying herself by squeezing her thighs over his.
Barnaby grins, then laughs quietly as he feels Tiaal fearlessly press against him, her breasts pillowing against his sturdy chest. "Dear lady," he purrs, rubbing his hands over her sides, "How shall I please you this evening? Shall I undress you?" The thought of body-worshipping this beautiful Rangari seems like an excellent place to start.
“If you like.” She murmurs back with a smile, arching her back at his hands over her body. “Less clothing would be… a good start.” Her pause coincided with her hand finding the hem of his pants, and dipping lower to cup his erection. “Such a gentleman, even when this is straining to be free. You’re allowed to touch, Barnaby.”  
She pulls away enough to unzip her top the rest of the rest of the way, freeing her breasts from their confinement. She arches her back, displaying their pert perkiness to him as she shrugs out of her top. Each of them looks to be big enough to be a generous handful for the vindicator.
Barnaby moans when Tiaal slips her hand down the front of his pants. It's getting awfully warm in there, and although he's not at his full hardness yet, there's plenty of shaft for her to explore with her fingers. It twitches and throbs at her investigations.
"I can be patient," the vindicator replies, although there's a glint in his eyes at the sight of her round, full tits. Keeping one hand steady at Tiaal's back, he brings the other to her left breast, lightly circling the areolae with the pads of his thumb before lightly squeezing her breast with the rest of his fingers. The touch causes him to gasp under his breath, his cock hardening in response. "I enjoy sensual pleasure, and we have all evening. ...Unless we don't?" Barnaby asks, suddenly realizing he isn't completely certain.
She laughs at his sudden uncertainty, delighted and amused at his none too delicate hinting. She lets her hand rest on his bicep and leans forward to kiss him again, open mouthed and sensual. She moans when his hands find her breasts, pushing them into his touch.
“Depends on how well you share,” she says when they’ve parted, directly into the shell of one ear. “If my husband gets home before we’re done…. he may want to join in. Maybe even a taste himself...we share similar tastes in men.” She licks his earlobe and follows it with a nip, kissing and licking down his tendril that starts from behind it on his neck. When she gets halfway down she pulls back to see his expression, her own still an amused and aroused smile. “Is that a problem?”
Barnaby moans indulgently into Tiaal's mouth, his mind utterly occupied by all of the sensual things he wants to do to this accepting and sultry Rangari. Everything he can think of seems wonderful, and apparently, entirely possible, as Tiaal is welcoming of his attention and not shy.
As soon as Tiaal says the word 'husband', a shock blasts through him as if he's been struck by cold lightning. "S-share? Your husband?" When she pulls back to look at his face, his eyes are wide and uncertain, brows furrowed as his alcohol-addled mind fits the pieces together. Of course, her husband must be the owner of that axe, and that armor pauldron on the table.
The shock gradually wears off of his face, but the uncertainty remains. "...Does he know about this?"
Tiaal’s expression falls as she sees the shock and uncertainty on his face. She sighs and sits back on her rump, her tail curling reassuringly around his calf.
“Well, not you specifically, but….” She shrugs and ducks her head slightly, reaching up to cup the side of his face. “You don’t have to share yourself, if that’s the matter. We’re usually a bit slower than this but, circumstances earlier being what they were… I didn’t want to wait.” She stands on her knees to kiss his other cheek. “He won’t be angry, and I hope you aren’t either, though if you want to stop….” She sits back on his thighs, her breasts still on display as she’s taken no measure to cover them. “I’d understand.”
Barnaby swallows, leaning into Tiaal's kisses. When she pulls back, he finds he needs to take a moment to figure out his precise feelings. He's never been in a situation like this before.
Finally, he raises his head to look back at Tia. "You have a loving relationship, then? Happy?" he asks quietly. Barnaby lowers his eyes, and nods. "He must be an amazing guy, for having won the heart of a woman so astonishing as you." The vindicator raises his head, regarding Tiaal curiously. "I don't want to stop. It's hard for me to say what I think of your husband, when I've not met him. But if he would not mind this..."
Barnaby wonders if he's going to be able to have sex with Tiaal, without becoming attached. She already has a husband... Surely, becoming too emotionally attached would cause complications?
0 notes
rudra-writes · 4 years
Barnaby Meets Tiaal (Part 4)
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A roleplay story with Tiaal’s player. Vindicator Barnaby encounters a mysterious Rangari woman while on AU Draenor. (Advisory for nsfw themes.)
Barnaby smiles, drawing up close to Tiaal after she spins and wrapping his large, warm arms around her in a playful hug. "Doppelgangers?" he inquires, raising a brow. "Do you mean to say that you've met your personal doubles on this planet?" He shakes his head. "It's still hard for me to wrap my head around the whole notion of us having copies of ourselves."
Tiaal laughs delightedly as Barnaby comes up behind her, leaning back into his strong arms and chest. Her expression goes soft for a moment when he asks after her doppelgangers, a frown pulling at her lips.
“....not my personal doubles, no, but those I was close to, on our world.” She twists in his arms, her sorrow not quite gone by the time she looks up at him, and stretches up to kiss his cheek.
“Come with me to the bedroom,” she says, and takes his hand to lead him there. The bed is large, far larger than would be necessary for one, neatly made with several pillows at its head. An axe hangs from the wall on the left, a heavy double bladed thing, meant for a warrior instead of a rangari, and there’s a part of a pauldron on the desk off to the side, lying carelessly upside down so the broken strap is visible, the tools for its repair sitting next to it. The warpstalker teleports into the room as soon as they enter, claiming the bed, but Tiaal shoos him back off into the living room with a few soft words and he’s soon gone. She slips her hand out of Barnaby’s grasp and goes to the recently vacated bed, sitting on the edge and lounging back on her elbows, watching him with eyes that are starting to darken with arousal, one brow lifted in challenge, to see how bold he is.
As he leans his head into the kiss to his cheek, Barnaby's expression becomes somber as Tiaal explains whom she had meant before. He wonders what loved ones of hers they had been: Family members, or friends?
Following Tiaal into the bedroom, his questions multiply as he sees evidence of another occupant in the home. Barny looks up to study the axe with the eye of one who appreciates such things. So interested in the weapon is he, that he jumps when the warpstalker appears literally out of nowhere. He grunts. "Blighter, I forgot they could do that."
Then Tiaal makes herself comfortable on the large bed. This isn't the time for distractions, Barnaby thinks to himself. The warrior, or whoever it is that also occupies this house, may perhaps be this Draenor's version of a lost brother or family member. Possibly lover, he thinks, but wouldn't it be awkward to be around a copy of one's lost lover? Barnaby has so many questions, yet for him to ask them might detract from the mood. He decides to wait, for now.
In response to Tiaal's expression, Barnaby proudly juts his chin and straightens his posture, allowing his chest to stretch his clothes tight across the front. He knows he's being watched, and so he gazes back at her, his large fingers starting to button down his shirt. "This is a very opulent bed. Seems quite a bit more than one person would need."
“That it is.” She says enigmatically, her knowing smile giving nothing but what she wants away. “Come and share it with me?” Her smile widens as he starts to undress, following his hands with her eyes, letting her thighs fall open ever so slightly, as if she didn’t realize they had done so. Her own hands start working at the zipper on her front of her leathers, undoing it slowly to reveal ample cleavage and a flat stomach.
Tiaal's inviting manner helps Barnaby not dwell too much on the curiosities of her house. He smiles warmly, stepping over to the edge of the bed when he's bidden and settling down on one edge of it heavily. She's especially comely in the low light, and he indulges in the sight of her long legs and soft cleavage.
He continues working the buttons of his shirt open, letting his powerful chest and torso be revealed a few inches at a time, still smiling and prideful. "Am I not the first to be taken to this bed?" Fortunately, it doesn't look like he particularly minds. He finishes buttoning down his shirt, letting it hang open.
“Nor the last. I’m not a chaste woman, Barnaby.” She leaves her own top barely fastened at her navel and climbs onto one of his massive legs, straddling it. She runs her hands up his chest and over his shoulders, slipping his shirt off the rest of the way to expose his chest and arms. She hums appreciatively at the sight, trailing her nails along the skin of his chest back to his nipples, to toy with the barbels there.
Barnaby lets out a long, content sigh, his shoulders relaxed as he allows Tiaal to soothe away his normal day to day stress. She feels good straddling his thigh, and he leans his head back, his eyes half-closing at the touches to his broad chest and nipples. His own hands come to rest at her hips, kneading gently. He looks placid and peaceful, sighing contently, unhurried despite the front of his pants tenting visibly. The feeling of his cock starting to bulge and push against the fabric of his clothes feels good in and of itself, being that he doesn't have to worry about concealing it here, and knowing Tiaal is able to see it as it happens.
After a few more minutes, Barnaby wraps his arms around Tiaal's back, pulling her closer to him and gazing into her eyes. For a moment, he regrets that this will be a one night stand, as far as he knows. The previous female draenei he had been with, he had pursued relations with, and although they hadn't worked out, he found himself wishing for the company of a reliable and loving partner.
The vindicator slowly leans in with soft eyes, and lightly kisses and holds Tiaal's lower lip in his own, if she lets him. Even if he sees her for no more than a night, Barnaby plans to give Tiaal her every pleasure.
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rudra-writes · 4 years
Barnaby Meets Tiaal (Part 3)
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A roleplay story with Tiaal’s player. Vindicator Barnaby encounters a mysterious Rangari woman while on AU Draenor. (Advisory for nsfw themes.)
"Well, now." He glances briefly to one side, formulating his words. Clever verbal flirting was never really his strong point, but for such a pleasant lady, he'll try. Barnaby looks back to Tiaal again with a mellow smile, and leans in a touch. "I'd say it's up to you how I should show you that. Are Rangari good judges of Vindicators?"
She searches his face as he replies, and drops his tendril to put her hand back on his bicep. “I’m a good judge of a lot of things….” she says, flicking her gaze up and down his body. “I’m sure I can think of some way to test your abilities…” And while she may still be talking about his worth as a vindicator, her tone says something else entirely. “How long are you going to be in town, Vindicator Barnaby?” She’s openly teasing now, trailing one finger through the hair visible at the opening of his shirt.
Barnaby hums, enjoying Tiaal's touches and the flirting between them. He looks very peaceful, even with starting to feel lightly aroused or teased. "My orders can change, but... I reckon I'll be in the neighborhood for the foreseeable future. I haven't been asked to join the vanguard into Tanaan. Some of us will stay behind, and offer a supportive presence here."
He raises a big hand to scratch the back of his hair. "I'm with the draenei who came through the Portal." In his pleasant, mellow mood, it hadn't occurred to him until now that he isn't certain if Tiaal is a native Rangari to this version of Draenor.
“If your intentions were to bed a native girl while you were here, I’m sorry to disappoint you,” she replies with a wink, her tone gently teasing and mostly sultry. She catches his hand when he brings it down from his neck, highlighting their difference in size.
"I wasn't thinking that," Barnaby replies, his cheeks tinting blue at Tiaal's words, even though he can tell they're meant teasingly. His hand is quite massive in comparison to hers. The contact of her catching it causes his heart to leap. He brings the back of it to his mouth and brushes his lips over her knuckles in a gentleman's kiss.
One of Tiaal’s brows goes up at the move, but the smile still on her face says she doesn't mind it, and there's a triumphant sparkle in her eye. "Then in that case...." She twists her hand in his to brush her fingertips against his sideburns. "I have a few hours to kill, want to finish off that drink and get out of here?"
Barnaby easily releases Tiaal's hand when she moves it. He smiles, his eyes half-closing warmly at the touch to his sideburns.
He throws back the end of his drink and thumps it down on the bar top. "Aye. You got a place in mind?" Now that he knows they're both visitors to this world, Barny gives thought as to where they might retire to. He releases his hold on Tiaal to allow them to walk. "I've been staying at the inn in town here, it's not bad."
“I do.” Tiaal says slowly, threading her arm into his as they leave the bar. “Depends on how interesting you want your night to be.” She uses her tail to curl around and under Barnaby’s, stopping only when she gets to the end of his plates. “A room at the inn might prove the better choice.”
Barnaby looks chuffed and content when Tiaal places her arm through his: They make an attractive couple, with his bright white skin and heavy shapes and her dark purple skin and curvy frame.
Then she mentions their location depends on how interesting Barnaby wants their night to be. What could she mean by that? He takes a moment to try to figure it out. Is Tiaal into bondage? Could she be a dominatrix? Would she want to tie him to the bed? It's possible, Barnaby considers, that this is what Tiaal means by 'interesting'. And, it's possible she might want to warn him away from such a thing if he wasn't ready.
The big Vindicator puffs out his chest, feeling the end of Tiaal's tail curling underneath his own and enticing him further. His cock is starting to awaken, twitching at these thoughts and at the situation he's found himself in, and he thinks he'd better make this decision as swiftly as is convenient.
Barnaby shakes his head, then smiles devilishly. "I'm all for interesting. Let's go to your place." Yes, this was a good idea, surely. Maybe Tiaal has exotic tastes.
“If that’s what you want.” Tiaal smirks and bumps her hips into his, steering them down the next side street. The house she directs him to isn’t too far away, one of the many identical ones used for temporary lodgings for stays longer than one would like to be in an inn. Inside is well kept, and there’s a warpstalker asleep near the hearth who looks up when his mistress enters and puts his head back down when she tells him to go back to sleep. Otherwise, the room is dim, lit only with a few mage lights that Tiaal doesn’t bother to turn on any higher than what’s needed for them to see to walk.
“Home sweet home, at least for now. Our doppelgangers are very hospitable,” she says, stepping into the middle of the room and showing it off with an outstretched hand and a spin. “Most comfortable place I’ve had in years.”
Barnaby follows Tiaal to her home, an arm around her waist. He's in merry spirits from his drink and from the thought of spending any amount of time with this beautiful, confident Rangari woman.
The interior of the house is dimly lit when he enters. As such, he's not able to take in too many details of her decor. He certainly notices the warpstalker sleeping there, that looks up upon their entry. The vindicator tries not to think about all the wild Outland creatures he's been forced to fight over the years on various assignments.
Barnaby smiles, drawing up close to Tiaal after she spins and wrapping his large, warm arms around her in a playful hug. "Doppelgangers?" he inquires, raising a brow. "Do you mean to say that you've met your personal doubles on this planet?" He shakes his head. "It's still hard for me to wrap my head around the whole notion of us having copies of ourselves."
0 notes
rudra-writes · 4 years
Barnaby Meets Tiaal (Part 2)
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A roleplay story with Tiaal’s player. Vindicator Barnaby encounters a mysterious Rangari woman while on AU Draenor. (Advisory for nsfw themes.)
In response to Tiaal's question, Barnaby nods. "I'm stationed in the area, and this is where I come to unwind." He realizes that in his civilian dress, there's no outward indication that he is a vindicator unless he introduces himself as such. "Uh, Vindicator serving under Exarch Orelis." He bows his head slightly. Normally, he would offer a more ceremonial greeting, but he is unable to while keeping his arm around Tiaal's shoulders. "I suppose this isn't your usual stomping grounds if you came in here to lose a couple guys..."
“A Vindicator, hmm?” Tiaal’s lips are the ones to twist in a smirk now as she takes in his appearance once more. “You certainly have the stature for it. As for me, well, you might be surprised where you could find me…What were you drinking? Least I can do is buy you a drink for your silence.”
Barnaby slowly smiles as he notices Tiaal looking him over. Despite the seriousness of her situation, this encounter is quite pleasant, he thinks to himself. This dark-skinned woman is beautiful, and he's starting to pick up on the curiosity she's showing towards him in her body language. The set of his shoulders relaxes, and when he speaks again, his voice is warmer.
"I've just been nursing a bit of brandy." Barnaby nods, still with a small smile. "If you're going to buy me a drink, though, I insist on returning the favor."
Tiaal smirks at him and raises her hand to catch the bartender's attention, leaning forward to rest her forearms on the bar when she comes over.
“Another brandy for this handsome one and whiskey straight for me.” Tiaal winks at the bartender and slides over a coin to cover it. “Make it a good whiskey.”
Barnaby chances a glance back at the entrance to the pub, while the bartender brings them their drinks. "Do you see them anywhere?" he whispers low in Tiaal's ear as he takes the handle of his mug, referring to her pursuers.
She takes another glance about the room to be sure, but she was fairly certain they had already left, thinking they were mistaken at her ducking into this particular bar.
“I think it worked, I don’t see them,” she says, making no move to pull away from his side. In fact, her tail curls around his hock instead. “Gives us a chance to get to know each other better…”
Barnaby is privately delighted at the touch to his draenei pants leg. His own tail isn’t as mobile, but he’s still able to curl it enough to where he can touch it to hers. “Aye, I’ve protected you from harm, as is my solemn duty as a vindicator,” he croons, his eyes warm and appreciative of the beautiful woman pressed up next to him. Knowing that Tiaal is out of danger is certainly helping his mood, and he can allow the pleasant warmth of the alcohol to affect him more now that he no longer has to be on guard.
Although he still has an arm looped around her shoulders, Barny lets Tiaal decide the pace of things, content to let his eyes wander over her body and lovely face. “I like to think I do my job well.”
Tiaal hides her smile with her whiskey glass, and lets her tail wander up and around his. Barnaby is certainly handsome, and she could do worse than to bring this one home. She wonders idly what Metuu would think of him, he doesn’t seem the pious type that usually gets his hackles up.
“I can’t say for certain, it’s hardly as if I’ve seen you swing a mace, but you have the attitude, and the muscles for it.” She gives the muscles of his bicep a squeeze. Hard from hard labor. Tiaal makes an appreciative noise, similar to a hum or a moan.
"Swinging a mace is just one part of the job. A more destructive part," Barnaby replies, not paying so much attention to what he's saying as he is to Tiaal's flattering investigations of his meaty arm.
How long has it been since he's been romantically involved with a woman? It seems to Barnaby as if it's been a substantial amount of time. He's also never attempted intimacy with a Rangari before. He turns so that he's facing Tiaal, and shifts the arm around her shoulders so that he can hold her with a hand to the middle of her back, gently rubbing his fingers against her. His other hand falls to rest just above her hip.
His face is pleased, smiling, a touch lazy from the alcohol and the pleasantness of having his ego stroked by a lady who seems to look better to him with every passing moment. "I could show you how good I am, if you let me hang around," he demurrs, aware that his pick-up line is a little cheesy, but he's feeling too pleasant to care.
Tiaal’s lips curl into a wolf’s grin, and she looks down pointedly at the hand on her hip. When she looks up to meet his eyes her own are glittering with mischief.
“Oh?” she asks, her voice lilting over the single word and full of hidden meaning. She curls one of his chindrils around her fingers, deliberately enticing with a grip that’s just firm enough to catch his attention. “And how would you show me that?”
Barnaby's eyes go half-lidded and fluttery as his chin tendril is curled around Tiaal's hand, and he breathes out a little huff. Her boldness in being willing to touch him is very appealing, and when Barny opens his eyes again, they're bright with equal mischief and playfulness.
"Well, now." He glances briefly to one side, formulating his words. Clever verbal flirting was never really his strong point, but for such a pleasant lady, he'll try. Barnaby looks back to Tiaal again with a mellow smile, and leans in a touch. "I'd say it's up to you how I should show you that. Are Rangari good judges of Vindicators?"
0 notes