#Metal Recycling manufacturing companies
insightslicelive · 2 years
Metal Recycling Market Will Generate Booming Growth Opportunities to 2032 | Nucor Corporation, Sims Limited, ArcelorMittal
Metal Recycling Market Will Generate Booming Growth Opportunities to 2032 | Nucor Corporation, Sims Limited, ArcelorMittal
This Global Metal Recycling  Market assessment by insightSLICE evaluates past and present economic prospects and trends for the years 2022 to 2032 to provide significant insight into key market drivers. To provide a deep analysis of the global Metal Recycling market’s progress and make judgments about the industry’s development potential, a dependable research methodology was utilized. This…
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mariacallous · 3 months
A new report by environmental groups lays out a case for banning deep sea mining—and explains why the real solution to humanity’s energy crisis might just be sitting in the trash.
Deep sea mining is the pursuit of rare, valuable minerals that lie undisturbed upon the ocean floor—metals like nickel, cobalt, lithium, and rare earth elements. These so-called critical minerals are instrumental in the manufacture of everything from electric vehicle batteries and MRI machines to laptops and disposable vape cartridges—including, crucially, much of what’s needed to transition away from fossil fuels. Political leaders and the companies eager to dredge up critical minerals from the seafloor tend to focus on the feel-good, climate-friendly uses of the minerals, like EV batteries and solar panels. They’ll proclaim that the metals on the deep seafloor are an abundant resource that could help usher in a new golden age of renewable energy technology.
But deep sea mining has also been roundly criticized by environmentalists and scientists, who caution that the practice (which has not yet kicked off in earnest) could create a uniquely terrible environmental travesty and annihilate one of the most remote and least understood ecosystems on the planet.
There has been a wave of backlash from environmentalists, scientists, and even comedians like John Oliver, who devoted a recent segment of Last Week Tonight to lambasting deep sea mining. Some companies that use these materials in their products—Volvo, Volkswagen, BMW, and Rivian among them—have come out against deep sea mining and pledged not to use any metals that come from those abyssal operations. (Some prominent companies have done the exact opposite; last week, Tesla shareholders voted against a moratorium on using minerals sourced from deep sea mining.)
Even if you can wave away that ecological threat, mining the sea might simply be wholly unnecessary if the goal is to bring about a new era of global renewable energy. A new report, aptly titled “We Don’t Need Deep-Sea Mining,” aims to lay out why.
The report is a collaboration between the advocacy group US PIRG, Environment America Policy Center, and the nonprofit think tank Frontier Group. Nathan Proctor, senior director of the Campaign for the Right to Repair at PIRG and one of the authors of the new report, says the solution to sourcing these materials should be blindingly obvious. There are critical minerals all around us that don’t require diving deep into the sea. You’re probably holding some right now—they’re in nearly all our devices, including the billions of pounds of them sitting in the dump.
The secret to saving the deep sea, Proctor says, is to prioritize systems that focus on the materials we already have—establishing right to repair laws, improving recycling capabilities, and rethinking how we use tech after the end of its useful life cycle. These are all systems we have in place now that don’t require tearing up new lands thousands of feet below the ocean.
“We don't need to mine the deep sea,” Proctor reiterates. “It's about the dumbest way to get these materials. There's way better ways to address the needs for those metals like cobalt, nickel, copper, and the rest.”
Into the Abyss
Schemes for delving into the deep ocean have been on the boards for years. While the practice is not currently underway, mining companies are getting ready to dive in as soon as they can.
In January 2024, the Norwegian Parliament opened up its waters to companies looking to mine resources. The Metals Company is a Canadian mining operation that has been at the forefront of attempts to mine in the Pacific Ocean’s Clarion-Clipperton Zone (CCZ)—an area of seabed that spans 3,100 miles between Mexico and Hawaii.
The proposed mining in the CCZ has gotten the most attention lately because the Metals Company secured rights to access key areas of the CCZ for mining in 2022, and its efforts are ramping up. The process involves gathering critical minerals from small rock-like formations called polymetallic nodules. Billions of these nodules rest along the seabed, seemingly sitting there ripe for the taking (if you can get down to them). The plan—one put forth by several mining companies, anyway—is to scrape the ocean floor with deep sea trawling systems and bring these nodules to the surface, where they can be broken down to extract the shiny special metals inside. Environmentalists say this poses a host of ecological problems for everything that lives in the vicinity.
Gerard Barron, the CEO of the Metals Company, contends that his efforts are misunderstood by activists and the media (especially, say, John Oliver).
“We're committed to circularity,” Barron says. “We have to drive towards circularity. We have to stop extracting from our planet. But the question is, how can you recycle what you don’t have?”
Both Barron and the authors of the activist report acknowledge that there aren’t perfect means of resource extraction anywhere—and there’s always going to be some environmental toll. Barron argues that it is better for this toll to play out in one of the most remote parts of the ocean.
“No matter what, you will be disrupting an ecosystem,” says Kelsey Lamp, ocean campaign director with the Environment America Research and Policy Center and an author of the report. “This is an ecosystem that evolved over millions of years without light, without human noise, and with incredibly clear water. If you disrupt it, the likelihood of it coming back is pretty low.”
For many of the life-forms down in the great deep, the nodules are the ecosystem. Removing the nodules from the seabed would remove all the life attached to them.
“This is a very disruptive process with ecosystems that may never recover,” says Tony Dutzik, associate director and senior policy analyst at the nonprofit think tank Frontier Group and another author of the report. “This is a great wilderness that is linked to the health of the ocean at large and that has wonders that we’re barely even beginning to recognize what they are.”
Barron counters that the life in the abyssal zone is less abundant than in an ecosystem like rainforests in Indonesia, where a great deal of nickel mines operate—although scientists discovered 5,000 new species in the CCZ in 2023 alone. He considers that the lesser of two evils.
“At the end of the day, it's not that easy,” You can't just say no to something. If you say no to this, you're saying yes to something else.”
The Circular Economy
Barron and others make the case that this ecosystem disruption is the only way to access the minerals needed to fuel the clean-tech revolution, and is therefore worth the cost in the long run. But Proctor and the others behind the report aren't convinced. They say that without fully investing in a circular economy that thinks more carefully about the resources we use, we will continue to burn through the minerals needed for renewable tech the same way we've burned through fossil fuels.
“I just had this initial reaction when I heard about deep sea mining,” Proctor says. “Like, ‘Oh, really? You want to strip mine the ocean floor to build electronic devices that manufacturers say we should all throw away?’”
While mining companies may wax poetic about using critical minerals for building clean tech, there's no guarantee that's where the minerals will actually wind up. They are also commonly used in much more consumer-facing devices, like phones, laptops, headphones, and those aforementioned disposable vape cartridges. Many of these devices are not designed to be long lasting, or repairable. In many cases, big companies like Apple and Microsoft have actively lobbied to make repairing their devices more difficult, all but guaranteeing more of them will end up in the landfill.
“I spend every day throwing my hands up in frustration by just how much disposable, unfixable, ridiculous electronics are being shoveled on people with active measures to prevent them from being able to reuse them,” Proctor says. “If these are really critical materials, why are they ending up in stuff that we're told is instantly trash?”
The report aims to position critical minerals in products and e-waste as an “abundant domestic resource.” The way to tap into that is to recommit to the old mantra of reduce, reuse, recycle—with a couple of additions. The report adds the concept of repairing and reimagining products to the list, calling them the five Rs. It calls for making active efforts to extend product lifetimes and invest in “second life” opportunities for tech like solar panels and battery recycling that have reached the end of their useful lifespan. (EV batteries used to be difficult to recycle, but more cutting-edge battery materials can often work just as well as new ones, if you recycle them right.)
Treasures in the Trash
The problem is thinking of these deep sea rocks in the same framework of fossil fuels. What may seem like an abundant resource now is going to feel much more finite later.
“There is a little bit of the irony, right, that we think it's easier to go out and mine and potentially destroy one of the most mysterious remote wildernesses left on this planet just to get more of the metals we're throwing in the trash every day,” Lamp says.
And in the trash is where the resources remain. Electronics manufacturing is growing five times faster than e-waste recycling, so without investment to disassemble those products for their critical bits, all the metals will go to waste. Like deep sea mining, the infrastructure needed to make this a worthwhile path forward will be tremendous, but committing to it means sourcing critical minerals from places nearby, and reducing some waste in the process.
Barron says he isn't convinced these efforts will be enough. “We need to do all of that,” Barron says, “You know, it's not one or the other. We have to do all of that, but what we have to do is slow down destroying those tropical rainforests.” He adds, “If you take a vote against ocean metals, it is a vote for something else. And that something else is what we’ve got right now.”
Proctor argues that commonsense measures, implemented broadly and forcefully across society to further the goal of creating a circular economy, including energy transition minerals, will ultimately reduce the need for all forms of extraction, including land and deep-sea mining.
“We built this system that knows how to do one thing, which is take stuff out of the earth, put it into products and sell them, and then plug our ears and forget that they exist,” Proctor says. “That’s not the reality we live in. The sooner that we can disentangle that kind of paradigm from the way we think about consumption and industrial policy the better, because we're going to kill everybody with that kind of thinking.”
Just like mining the deep sea, investing in a circular economy is not going to be an easy task. There is an allure of deep sea mining when it is presented as a one-stop shop for all the materials needed for the great energy transition. But as the authors of the report contend, the idea of exploiting a vast deposit of resources is the same relationship society has had with fossil fuels—they’re seemingly abundant resources ripe for the picking, but also they are ultimately finite.
“If we treat these things as disposable, as we have, we’re going to need to continually refill that bucket,” Dutzik says. “If we can build an economy in which we’re getting the most out of every bit of what we mine, reusing things when we can, and then recycling the material at the end of their lives, we can get off of that infinite extraction treadmill that we’ve been on for a really long time.”
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dailymanners · 10 months
"Swedish battery maker Northvolt has developed a new sodium-ion cell technology and could ramp up production of batteries in the next few years. The demand for critical minerals such as lithium, cobalt and platinum has surged in recent years as electric vehicles (EV) become increasingly popular, prompting car manufacturers and battery makers to look for alternatives. Northvolt’s sodium-ion batteries do not contain lithium, cobalt and platinum, which can pose cost and environmental challenges."
"The researchers have developed a recycling method that allows recovery of 100 per cent of the aluminium and 98 per cent of the lithium in electric car batteries. Swedish researchers say they have developed a new, more efficient way of recycling electric car batteries. The method allows for the recovery of far more valuable metals found in EV batteries. The process does not require the use of expensive or harmful chemicals either, the scientists say. “As the method can be scaled up, we hope it can be used in industry in future years,” says research leader Martina Petranikova"
Not exactly related to good manners, but some good news I heard today that I was too excited about not to share.
There's been quite a few technological breakthroughs recently that could make electric car batteries, and just batteries in general, more environmentally friendly, more ethical, and more sustainable.
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2001shruti · 1 month
Sustainable Furniture Manufacturing in the USA
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In today’s world, sustainability is not just a trend but a necessity, especially in industries like furniture manufacturing. As consumers become more conscious of their environmental impact, the demand for sustainable furniture has surged. This shift has prompted many U.S. manufacturers to adopt eco-friendly practices, ensuring that the furniture industry contributes positively to the planet.
Why Sustainability Matters in Furniture Manufacturing
Sustainable furniture manufacturing is about creating products that minimize environmental impact throughout their lifecycle. This includes using responsibly sourced materials, reducing waste, and ensuring that production processes are energy-efficient. The benefits of sustainable manufacturing are manifold:
Environmental Protection: Sustainable practices help in reducing deforestation, pollution, and carbon emissions.
Consumer Demand: There is a growing market for eco-friendly products, with many consumers willing to pay a premium for sustainably produced furniture.
Regulatory Compliance: Many U.S. states have introduced regulations that encourage or even mandate sustainable practices.
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Key Trends in Sustainable Furniture Manufacturing
Several trends are shaping the future of sustainable furniture manufacturing in the U.S.:
Use of Recycled and Reclaimed Materials: Manufacturers are increasingly using recycled wood, metal, and textiles to reduce reliance on virgin materials. This not only conserves natural resources but also reduces waste.
Energy-Efficient Production: Many companies are investing in energy-efficient machinery and renewable energy sources like solar and wind power to reduce their carbon footprint.
Circular Economy Models: The circular economy is gaining traction, where furniture is designed to be reused, refurbished, or recycled at the end of its life, reducing waste and conserving resources.
Non-Toxic Finishes: There is a shift towards using non-toxic paints, stains, and finishes that do not emit harmful VOCs (volatile organic compounds), making furniture safer for both consumers and the environment.
Case Study: Sustainable Success
Let’s take the example of a small furniture company that partnered with a local manufacturer through Maker’s Row. By using reclaimed wood and non-toxic finishes, they were able to produce a line of eco-friendly furniture that resonated with their target market. Not only did they reduce their environmental impact, but they also saw a significant increase in sales, proving that sustainability is good for both the planet and business.
The Future of Sustainable Furniture Manufacturing
The future of sustainable furniture manufacturing in the U.S. looks promising. With ongoing innovations and a growing commitment to eco-friendly practices, the industry is well-positioned to meet the demands of conscious consumers. By prioritizing sustainability, U.S. manufacturers can lead the way in creating a greener future.
Sustainable furniture manufacturing is not just about producing beautiful, functional products. It’s about making choices that protect the environment and meet the evolving needs of consumers. By partnering with platforms like Maker’s Row, businesses can find the right manufacturers to create furniture that is both stylish and sustainable.
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oisinshields · 3 months
The Art and Science of Packaging boxes for beauty products: A Comprehensive Guide
When it comes to beauty products, packaging plays a crucial role. Not only does it protect the product, but it also serves as a powerful marketing tool. In this article, we'll delve into the significance of packaging in the beauty industry, explore various types of packaging, and highlight current trends and challenges. By the end, you'll understand why packaging is more than just a container for your beauty products.
The Importance of Packaging in the Beauty Industry
First impressions are everything, especially in the beauty industry. Packaging boxes for beauty products is often the first thing a customer notices, significantly influencing their purchasing decision. The packaging of a beauty product is like a book cover; it needs to catch the eye and make an excellent first impression. Attractive packaging can attract customers, while poor packaging can turn them away before trying the product. Packaging is a critical element of a brand's identity. It communicates the brand's values, style, and quality. Consistent, well-designed packaging helps build brand recognition and loyalty. Beyond aesthetics, packaging must protect the product from damage and contamination. Proper packaging ensures the product remains fresh and compelling until it reaches the consumer.
Types of Beauty Product Packaging
Beauty product packaging can be categorized into 3 fundamental types: number one, secondary, and tertiary packaging. Primary packaging boxes for beauty products is the on the spot field that holds the product. For instance, the bottle protecting your preferred basis or the tube of your cross-to mascara. Secondary packaging consists of additional layers that defend and promote the primary package. This is probably the field holding a fragrance bottle or the card sleeve around lipstick. Tertiary packaging is used for bulk dealing with and shipping. It guarantees the secure delivery of merchandise from the manufacturer to the retailer.
Materials Used in Beauty Product Packaging
Various materials are used in beauty product packaging, each with its benefits and drawbacks. Glass is a popular choice for luxury products. It's durable, non-reactive, and has a premium look. However, it's also heavier and more fragile than other materials. Plastic is versatile and widely used in beauty product packaging. It's lightweight, durable, and can be molded into various shapes. The downside is its environmental impact. Metal packaging, often used for lip balms and compact powders, offers durability and a sleek appearance. It's also recyclable, making it a more eco-friendly option. Paper and cardboard are commonly used for secondary packaging. They are lightweight, recyclable, and can be printed with high-quality designs.
Sustainable Packaging Solutions
With increasing environmental concerns, sustainable packaging is increasingly important. Materials such as bamboo biodegradable plastic and recycled paper are gaining popularity in beauty packaging. Waste can be significantly reduced by encouraging consumers to recycle or recycle packaging. Many companies are now designing packaging with this in mind. Biodegradable packaging degrades naturally, reducing environmental impact. This is a good choice for environmentally conscious products.
Design Elements in Beauty Product Packaging
Effective packaging design goes beyond just choosing materials. It involves several elements that together create a compelling product. Colors can evoke emotions and convey messages. For example, green often represents natural and eco-friendly products, while gold and black can signify luxury. The choice of fonts and the way textual content is arranged can effect the readability and attraction of the packaging. It ought to align with the logo's character and target market. Images and photos can beautify the attraction of packaging. High-quality visuals can communicate the product's benefits and attract potential customers.
Innovative Trends in Beauty Packaging
The beauty industry is constantly evolving, and so is packaging. Here are some innovative trends making waves. Technology is being integrated into packaging to enhance user experience, such as QR codes that provide product information or augmented reality experiences. Simplicity is vital in modern packaging. Minimalist designs that focus on essential details and clean aesthetics are trending. Personalized packaging, such as monogrammed containers or custom labels, can make products feel unique and special to the consumer.
Regulations and Standards in Beauty Packaging
Beauty brands must adhere to regulations and standards to ensure safety and compliance. Labels must include ingredients, usage instructions, and other relevant information. This ensures transparency and helps consumers make informed choices. Packaging must protect the product from contamination and ensure it is safe. This includes tamper-evident seals and child-resistant packaging. Compliance with environmental regulations is essential, especially for brands focusing on sustainability. This includes proper disposal instructions and using eco-friendly materials.
The Role of Packaging in Marketing and Sales
Packaging is not just about protection; it plays a vital role in marketing and sales. Attractive packaging can stand out on crowded shelves and catch the eye of potential customers. A memorable unboxing experience can enhance customer satisfaction and encourage repeat purchases. Thoughtful packaging boxes for beauty products design can create a sense of excitement and anticipation. Packaging that looks good on camera can be a powerful tool in influencer marketing. Eye-catching designs are more likely to be shared on social media.
Cost Considerations in Beauty Packaging
Balancing quality and cost is a significant consideration for beauty brands. Brands need to allocate a packaging budget that considers production and material costs. Finding cost-effective solutions without compromising quality is critical. This might involve bulk purchasing or using more affordable materials. While price is essential, it's crucial not to compromise on quality. Poor packaging can damage the product and the brand's reputation.
Challenges in Beauty Product Packaging
Despite its importance, packaging boxes for beauty products comes with several challenges. Finding sustainable packaging solutions that are also cost-effective and practical can be complex. Ensuring that products remain fresh and compelling over time is a critical concern. Packaging must prevent contamination and degradation. Counterfeiting is a significant issue in the beauty industry. Packaging must include security features to protect the brand and consumer.
Case Studies of Successful Beauty Packaging
Examining successful packaging can provide valuable insights. A high-end skincare brand uses glass bottles and minimalist designs to convey luxury and elegance. An eco-conscious brand uses recycled cardboard and soy-based inks to highlight its commitment to sustainability. A famous mass-market brand uses bright colors and fun designs to appeal to a younger audience, making their products stand out on shelves.
The Future of Beauty Packaging
The future of beauty packaging looks promising, with several exciting developments on the horizon. Technological advances will continue to drive innovation in packaging, from intelligent packaging to new sustainable materials. Demand for sustainable and eco-friendly packaging will grow as consumers become more environmentally conscious. Experts predict a shift towards more personalized and interactive packaging, enhancing the consumer experience.
Tips for Choosing the Right Packaging for Your Beauty Brand
Selecting the proper packaging is crucial for any beauty brand. Know who your customers are and what they value. This will guide your packaging decisions. Your packaging should reflect your brand's values and identity. Consistency is critical to building brand recognition. Before finalizing your packaging, test it with your target audience and gather feedback. This can help you make necessary adjustments and ensure it resonates with consumers.
Packaging is crucial for beauty merchandise, affecting the whole thing from branding to customer purchasing selections. By expertise the specific styles of packaging, materials and products and being knowledgeable approximately developments and policies, brands can create profitable packaging and attractive Remember that quality packaging protects your merchandise, complements your emblem and draws customers.
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truthnado · 5 months
It's time for another Truthnado!
This one might be a bummer if you're a hardcore environmentalist, because, uh, our first, our first Truthnado, is that only 9 percent of all Plastics get recycled.
91 percent go into landfills or lakes or around small rodents necks and such. Um, and that's because it's not, it's not very profitable to recycle plastics.
Think about it. If you get plastics, you have to sort them by what kind of plastic there are. They are. You have to make sure they're clean. If not, you got to clean it. And then there's lots of multi layered plastics that can't be recycled. And so those are just ditched.
Check out what a recent article published by the Guardian had to say: "They lied. Plastic producers deceive public about recycling. Companies knew for decades recycling was not viable, but promoted it regardless. Plastic producers have known for more than 30 years that recycling is not an economically or technically feasible plastic waste management solution. That has not stopped them from promoting it.", according to the new report.
Man, I mean if you can't trust Big Plastic, who can you trust?
Black plastics, you know, like forks or anything, any plastic that's black can only be black. You know, lighter plastics can be dyed other colors. Not so with that. So some people don't even try. And it's just the idea for a recycling plant is to sell that stuff back to manufacturers, but it's just cheaper for the manufacturers to buy raw plastic products and not the recycled stuff.
Um, And I worked at a place one time. They had recycling bins right next to the trash bins. And at night the cleaning crew just dumped both the bins in together because that was cheaper than taking it going out and recycling.
So that's the sad truth there. Um, but my F5 Truthnado is that There is hope.
There's good things, because recycling is just one of the three headed dragon of reduce, reuse, and recycle. So, recycling plastic might not be great, but you can reduce your plastic intake by buying those crappier bamboo. products if you consider them crappier. Uh, and just reuse and stuff when you can and also other things, uh, have much better hit rate in recycling like paper and metals and things like that.
So recycle kinda?
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edelstahlviratiberica · 6 months
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What is hms1 and hms2 scrap metal? What is the Scope of Scrap Metal Recycling in #Portugal and #Europe?
Scrap metal recycling is the process of collecting, sorting, processing, and selling scrap metal for reuse in various industries. #HMS1 and #HMS2 are types of heavy melting steel scrap that are widely traded and used for steel production.
HMS1 does not contain galvanized and blackened steel, whereas HMS2 does. They are usually sold as a blend of 80% HMS1 and 20% HMS2, or lower grade mixes.
The latest information about scrap metal recycling HMS1, HMS2 scope in Portugal and Europe are:
The scrap metal recycling market in Europe is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.8% during the forecast period of 2020-2026, due to the increasing demand for steel products, the environmental benefits of recycling, and the government policies and regulations.
Portugal is one of the major scrap metal exporters in Europe: Mainly to Spain, Turkey, and India. In 2020, Portugal exported 1.2 million tonnes of scrap metal, worth 372 million euros3. One of the leading scrap metal recycling companies in Portugal is RVO, Lda (unidade 2), which is located in Olaia, Torres Novas.
The scrap metal recycling industry in Europe faces some challenges: Such as the fluctuation of the international scrap metal prices, the competition from other regions, the quality and quantity of the scrap metal supply, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The scrap metal recycling industry in Europe needs to adopt more advanced technologies, improve the efficiency and safety of the recycling processes, and diversify the sources and markets of the scrap metal.
EDELSTAHL VIRAT IBERICA is an emerging importer - exporter, supplier of tool steel, mold steel from various countries. We are also involved in trading ferrous, alloy steel, etc., with a network of partners across the world, we are able to quickly respond to customer needs.
We are also looking for all manufacturers and wholesale suppliers of scrap metal such as #HMS1, #HMS2, ferrous scrap, electronic motor scrap and shredded scrap in #Portugal..
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recyclemaxseo · 10 months
Become a Sustainability Leader with RecycleMax's Industrial Waste Recycling
At RecycleMax, we understand the complex waste management needs facing industrial facilities today. That's why we offer a customized Total Waste Management Program to help you properly dispose of manufacturing and distribution waste of all types while integrating eco-friendly recycling solutions.
Our services include providing roll-off containers for simple collection of your scrap metal, paper, food waste and other industrial refuse. We safely transport these materials to ethical disposal and recycling sites, diverting waste from landfills. Our secure paper shredding and mixed paper recycling services help you meet your sustainability goals.
We also operate as a scrap metal recycling center, allowing you to generate revenue from metal waste. Additionally, our organics composting and waste-to-energy programs convert food and other organic waste into nutrient-rich soil amendments or clean electricity to power your operations.
Partnering with RecycleMax for your customized industrial waste recycling and disposal needs shows your commitment to environmental responsibility. It also helps you comply with regulations in a cost-effective manner while supporting the circular economy. Contact us today to learn how our innovative services can help establish your company as a leader in sustainability.
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Start a Scrap Metal Hauling Business
Whether your dream is to fabricate an extravagant business or something small to pay the bills, a scrap metal business is a straight forward worthwhile endeavor anybody can start. As energy and materials become an ever increasing number of scant recycled materials are being used in pretty much every item we use. Metals are particularly appealing for recycling in that they can be softened, purified, re-alloyed and made into a material just comparable to the first stock. The energy to recycle metal is not exactly the energy to mine and refine "new" metal; thusly a market will constantly exist for scrap metal.
Scrap metal can be found and exchanged for money or you can be a mediator between the purifiers and smelters and have people bring you their scrap, also called a junk yard or scrap yard.
A great many people for the most part think owning a scrap yard is the best way to make the genuine money with recycled metals. However industry reliably has a need to dispose of old gear and materials. Obtaining these huge supplies of metal junk can be pretty much as basic as finding close by tear-downs, office terminations, manufacturing plant shutdowns, vehicle wrecks, and so on. A significant number of these people and companies will readily pay YOU to remove their "junk". Besides the fact that you get can a removal expense, but you will likewise get the scrap value at your local yard.
You will need a method for hauling this metal away and exchange it for money. Contingent upon what type of metal and what source you are focusing on, you might need extraordinary tools to remove and load the material into your truck or hauler. A small truck jib crane can be easily outfitted onto most vehicles to swing heavier loads for hauling. Your hauler will get hammered from this business. Scrap metal isn't agreeable to painted surfaces or anything you need to keep pleasant looking.
If you run into someone who needs to arrange a price for removal or who needs a cut of your scrap profits you should know the amount of metal beforehand. You'll need to know the heaviness of the metal if you plan on buying scrap and exchanging. A scale can assist you with most items however you should as of now have a thought of what certain product items ie. Radiators, motor blocks, rail ties, refrigerators and so forth will get at your local yard.
Not all metals are made equivalent. Some metals request extremely excessive costs (copper, silver) and others are worth a considerable amount less. Likewise numerous salvageable items contain a wide range of metals and are scrapped on an itemized premise. A great deal of metal isn't unattached and prepared for a purifier. Much of the metal found will have plastic or other undesirable material joined to it, wire is a good illustration of this. If you are taking your scrap to a yard, get some margin to separate all non-metals from your haul. If you don't do this the yard might give you a much lower lb reason for your metal meaning less money.
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insightslicelive · 2 years
Metal Recycling Market 2022 Players Targeting Application to Boost Growth by 2032 | K-Swiss Inc, DBW Metals Recycling, Kuusakoski
Metal Recycling Market 2022 Players Targeting Application to Boost Growth by 2032 | K-Swiss Inc, DBW Metals Recycling, Kuusakoski
“ The Metal Recycling Market research report provides detailed observation of several aspects, including the shift in rate of growth, regional scope and recent developments by the primary market players. The report offers Porter’s Five Forces, PESTLE analysis to provide a complete research study on the global Metal Recycling market. The research study discusses about important market strategies,…
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Brazil exports first shipment of green lithium
The mineral used to manufacture products such as batteries for electric vehicles was extracted in Minas Gerais and sent to the Chinese company Yahua. The vice president of Brazil accompanied the sending.
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The vice president and minister of Development, Industry, Commerce, and Services of Brazil, Geraldo Alckmin, accompanied, this Thursday (27), the shipment for export of the first batch of Brazilian “green lithium” extracted in the Jequitinhonha Valley in Minas Gerais. The event occurred in the port of Vitória, the capital city of Espírito Santo.
The mineral is essential for producing batteries, metal alloys, medical devices, and drugs, among other applications. The highlight is the manufacture of long-lasting batteries for electric vehicles, an industry driving the energy transition.
The shipment sent this Thursday to Chinese company Yahua includes 15,000 tonnes of high-purity lithium and 15,000 tonnes of ultrafine waste. Until the end of the year, expectations are for exports around 130,000 tonnes.
The pre-chemical lithium technological input was produced by the Brazilian company Sigma Lithium. It was named “green lithium” or zero-carbon because the exploration plant does not have a tailings dam. In addition, the company recycles the water used in the lithium purification process, which does not involve chemical agents. The tailings are dry stacked and sold for the recovery of residual minerals.
Continue reading.
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earaercircular · 2 years
In Saint-Léon close to Bordeaux is located a “laboratory” that gives new life to plastic waste
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At the crossroads of contemporary design and the circular economy, the Plastiquerie manufactures sustainable furniture from recycled plastic.
So what do the big yellow and blue bags from Ikea or the construction helmets from the manufacturer Vinci have in common? They are made of a plastic material that can be recycled to make new objects. “Recycled plastic is a material with endless possibilities that I want to make known to designers. It’s a bit like the marble of the Anthropocene”, explains Julie Robert, co-founder of La Plastiquerie [1] based in Saint-Léon[2], about thirty kilometres south-east of Bordeaux.
Shelves, furniture or floor tiles
Since 2021, the independent artistic director has been passionate about this raw material, she has learned the properties of in order to manufacture designer objects and furniture. The association recovers plastic waste in polypropylene (PP)[3], polyethylene (PE)[4] or polystyrene (PS)[5]  to give them a second life. “PET[6] waste such as plastic bottles already benefit from recycling solutions. I focus on families of plastics that are still poorly revalued”, she specifies. Protective films, water tubes from construction sites or industry off-cuts from yoghurt pots are thus treated in a 100 m² workshop housed in the premises of the Syndicate of the Entre-deux-Mers-West-region for the Collection and Treatment of Household Waste[7].
There, under a sheet metal shed, a shredder and a hot press transform the collected waste into confetti and then into large recycled plastic plates that will be used to make shelves, furniture or floor tiles. “La Plastiquerie is a laboratory where we develop prototypes of objects resulting from the recovery of plastic. From cans and flowerpots, for example, I imagined a wall light that saves 980 grams of plastic from landfill and incineration,” explains the entrepreneur.
"Companies want to recycle their own waste"
Although the Plastiquerie was co-founded with another woman, Amandine Boutang, Julie Robert now works alone, sometimes helped by an intern and supported by a board of directors, on her experiments with furniture designed in recycled and recyclable plastic. She is thinking about a waste sorting cabinet for the canteen of the Suez[8]  headquarters in Occitanie-Nouvelle Aquitaine[9]. For the Bordeaux start-up Arits[10], she is working on the design of a lamp. A bank has also just approached her for an interior design project…
"Companies come naturally to the association because they want to recover their own waste or participate in the circular economy", rejoices the forty-year-old who wants to sharpen her expertise on recycled plastic to convince designers to adopt it. Two years after the launch of her project, Julie Robert draws a positive balance sheet: “I discovered the world of the circular economy where the actors are positive, imaginative people, full of energy and solutions. A world in which a great breath of optimism is sweeping in which I find myself.”
Florence Donnarel, A Saint-Léon, un «laboratoire» pour donner une nouvelle vie aux déchets plastiques, in : Libération, 9-01-2023, https://www.liberation.fr/forums/a-saint-leon-un-laboratoire-pour-donner-une-nouvelle-vie-aux-dechets-plastiques-20230109_72VUV54KQJBBJGALYJ2C2FTORQ/
[1] Plastic is far from fantastic when it comes to recycling. At La Plastiquerie, we collect non-recycled deposits to revalorize them and produce small and medium design series. Its objective: to transform plastic waste into highly desirable objects and furniture! http://www.laplastiquerie.com
[2] Saint-Léon is a commune in the French department of Gironde (Nouvelle-Aquitaine region) and has 242 inhabitants (1999). The place is part of the arrondissement of Bordeaux.
[3] Polypropylene is the second-most widely produced commodity plastic (after polyethylene). In 2019, the global market for polypropylene was worth $126.03 billion.
[4] Polyethylene (generic acronym PE), or polyethene, refers to ethylene polymers. Simple and inexpensive to manufacture, PEs are the most common plastic material, representing with 100 million tonnes, approximately one third of all plastics produced in 20186 and half of packaging.
[5] Polystyrene (PS) is a synthetic polymer made from monomers of the aromatic hydrocarbon styrene. Polystyrene can be solid or foamed. General-purpose polystyrene is clear, hard, and brittle. It is an inexpensive resin per unit weight. It is a poor barrier to oxygen and water vapour and has a relatively low melting point.[6] Polystyrene is one of the most widely used plastics, the scale of its production being several million tonnes per year.[7] Polystyrene can be naturally transparent, but can be coloured with colorants. Uses include protective packaging (such as packing peanuts and in the jewel cases used for storage of optical discs such as CDs and occasionally DVDs), containers, lids, bottles, trays, tumblers, disposable cutlery,[6] in the making of models, and as an alternative material for phonograph records.
[6] Polyethylene terephthalate (or poly(ethylene terephthalate), PET, PETE, or the obsolete PETP or PET-P), is the most common thermoplastic polymer resin of the polyester family and is used in fibres for clothing, containers for liquids and foods, and thermoforming for manufacturing, and in combination with glass fibre for engineering resins.
[7] The Syndicat de l'Entre-deux-Mers-Ouest pour la Collecte et le Traitement des Ordures Ménagères (S.E.M.O.C.T.O.M.) (Syndicate of the Entre-deux-Mers-West-region for the Collection and Treatment of Household Waste was created by prefectural decree of January 28, 1980. It is a closed mixed syndicate governed by the General Code of Territorial Communities and therefore a public service. Bordered to the north and south by two rivers (the Garonne and the Dordogne) which gave the name to the territory of "Entre-deux-Mers", it is located to the south-east of the Urban Community of Bordeaux and is covers an area of 666 km². It partially or totally brings together 7 communities of municipalities as well as part of the Libournais urban community (CALI). It brings together 85 municipalities and more than 110,000 inhabitants. https://www.semoctom.com/web/fr/11-semoctom.php#:~:text=Le%20Syndicat%20de%20l%27Entre,et%20donc%20un%20service%20public.
[8] Suez a Belgian-French company known as GDF SUEZ after 2008. The company was split up, and as of 2008, the 1858-created company's spun-off environmental business continued as a separate company under the Suez name.
[9] https://www.suez.fr/fr-fr/nous-connaitre/notre-presence-en-france/occitanie
[10]The Bordeaux-based startup Arits, which manufactures sun, has imagined a brilliant lamp, which illuminates interiors with an unprecedented technology. The company aims to reproduce the entire cycle of the sun at home. From sunrise to sunset, passing through the Zenith or the Golden Hour..https://arits.fr/
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How can recycling e-waste save the environment?
Recycling e-waste, or electronic waste, can save the environment in several ways. First, it can reduce the amount of toxic materials that end up in landfills. Many electronic devices contain hazardous materials such as lead, mercury, and cadmium, which can leach into the environment and harm human health and wildlife. By recycling e-waste, these materials can be safely removed and disposed of, reducing the risk of contamination.
Additionally, recycling e-waste can conserve natural resources. Many electronic devices contain precious metals such as gold, silver, and copper, as well as other valuable materials like plastic and glass. By recycling these materials, they can be recovered and used to create new products, reducing the need to extract new resources from the earth. This not only conserves resources but also reduces the environmental impact of mining and manufacturing new materials.
Furthermore, recycling e-waste also helps to reduce carbon emissions. The production of new electronic devices requires a significant amount of energy, which contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. By recycling old devices and using the recovered materials to make new products, we can reduce the need for new manufacturing and lower carbon emissions.
Finally, recycling e-waste also helps to create jobs and stimulate local economies. E-waste recycling facilities, and companies that refurbish and resell used electronics, provide job opportunities and stimulate economic growth.
In conclusion, recycling e-waste is crucial in protecting the environment, conserving natural resources, reducing carbon emissions and providing jobs. It is important for individuals to be mindful of their electronic devices, reduce their e-waste, and properly dispose of old devices through recycling programs.
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edelstahlviratiberica · 7 months
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What is hms1 and hms2 scrap metal? What is the metal recycling rate in Europe? What is the Scope of Scrap Metal Recycling in Portugal and Europe?
Scrap metal recycling is the process of collecting, sorting, processing, and selling scrap metal for reuse in various industries. #HMS1 and #HMS2 are types of heavy melting steel scrap that are widely traded and used for steel production.
HMS1 does not contain galvanized and blackened steel, whereas HMS2 does. They are usually sold as a blend of 80% HMS1 and 20% HMS2, or lower grade mixes.
The latest information about scrap metal recycling HMS1, HMS2 scope in Portugal and Europe are:
The scrap metal recycling market in Europe is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.8% during the forecast period of 2020-2026, due to the increasing demand for steel products, the environmental benefits of recycling, and the government policies and regulations.
Portugal is one of the major scrap metal exporters in Europe: Mainly to Spain, Turkey, and India. In 2020, Portugal exported 1.2 million tonnes of scrap metal, worth 372 million euros3. One of the leading scrap metal recycling companies in Portugal is RVO, Lda (unidade 2), which is located in Olaia, Torres Novas.
The scrap metal recycling industry in Europe faces some challenges: Such as the fluctuation of the international scrap metal prices, the competition from other regions, the quality and quantity of the scrap metal supply, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The scrap metal recycling industry in Europe needs to adopt more advanced technologies, improve the efficiency and safety of the recycling processes, and diversify the sources and markets of the scrap metal.
EDELSTAHL VIRAT IBERICA is an emerging importer - exporter, supplier of tool steel, mold steel from various countries. We are also involved in trading ferrous, alloy steel, etc., with a network of partners across the world, we are able to quickly respond to customer needs.
We are also looking for all manufacturers and wholesale suppliers of scrap metal such as #HMS1, #HMS2, ferrous scrap, electronic motor scrap and shredded scrap in #Portugal..
Learn more: https://www.moldsteel.eu/
Chat WhatsApp: +351-920016150 E-mail: [email protected]
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innovstudio · 2 years
Super AA Scrap Metal in Dandenong, VIC
Super AA Scrap Metal is the best scrap yard in Dandenong. Sell scrap metal in Dandenong, Victoria at very good price to us. We are a trusted company and buy all types of scrap metal. We buy Copper scraps, Brass Scraps, Aluminum scraps, Stainless Steel scraps, Electronic Motors scraps, Batteries scraps, PVC Wire and Cables and Engines scraps.
In today's world, it is believed that almost 75% of copper products are manufactured using recycled copper. Mining, refining, and smelting copper generate emission of harmful greenhouse gases but recycling copper helps to reduce it. Recycling Copper reduces the carbon footprint and protects vast areas of landfills from getting contaminated and unfertile.
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Aluminum is one of the most used material. It is used for building various items. But aluminum has ability to pollute landfills. However, Aluminum's recycling ability is on next level. So, you can sell alumium scrap in Dandenong, Victoria to make some good money out of it. Plus, we are here to help you to do just that. No wonder why we are the best scrap buyer in Dandenong, Melbourne.
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Brass Scrap
Brass is basically a gold colored alloy made up of two materials; zinc and copper. It is mainly used in household appliances as well as other electrical equipments. Likewise, brass is durable, hard, strong, corrosion resistant and has high electrical conductivity and high thermal conductivity which makes it perfect for various uses in various sectors and equiments.
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Stainless Steel scrap
Stainless Stell are used very widey. From watches, to smartphones to equipments and accessories to vehicles, staniless steel are used in almost everything possible. This is exactly the reason why it is most commonly found as scrap in high quantity. If you come to have such scrap, we are ready to offer the best price for your stainless steel scrap.
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Wire and Cable
Another item used widely in household to commercial to industrial sector is PVC cables and wires. It is used to conduct electricty and are installed in very large amount. Therefore, after it becomes scrap, it's quantity still remains the same. It contains high amount of copper and can cause severe environmental damage if not recycled and just thrown away.
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ferroalloysexporter · 27 minutes
Inconel 600 vs. Inconel 625 Scrap: What’s the Difference?
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In the area of high-overall performance alloys, Inconel 600 and 625 stand out for their particular programs. Industries that call for superb resistance to corrosion and excessive temperatures closely utilize each material. However, concerning scrap metallic recycling, statistics of the versions among Inconel 600 alloys and Inconel 625 scrap may be vital for manufacturers, recyclers, and clients alike. At Vardhman Ferro Alloys, we are dedicated to offering insights into those alloys, which consist of their variations, programs, and market values.
Overview of Inconel Alloys
Inconel 600 alloy is generally identified for its splendid oxidation and corrosion resistance, particularly in immoderate-temperature environments. Composed in particular of nickel and chromium, it plays properly in several acidic and alkaline environments. This alloy is generally utilized in programs like furnace components, warmness exchangers, and nuclear reactors.
Inconel 625, on the other hand, consists of a higher percentage of molybdenum and niobium, which enhances its strength and resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion. This makes Inconel 625 mainly appropriate for marine environments and chemical processing applications. It is often used in additives like piping systems, fuel turbine engines, and aerospace structures.
Key Differences Between Inconel 600 and Inconel 625
Chemical Composition
The vital distinction amongst the ones two alloys lies of their chemical composition. Inconel 600 is usually nickel-based totally definitely with chromium, on the equal time as Inconel 625 includes additional molybdenum and niobium. This difference influences their mechanical properties and programs.
Corrosion Resistance
Both alloys show off excellent corrosion resistance, however Inconel 625 gives superior protection in competition to localized corrosion and is extra powerful in decreasing the danger of strain corrosion cracking. This makes Inconel 625 the desired preference for extra tough environments, collectively with those related to seawater or acidic chemicals.
Temperature Resistance
Inconel 600 plays higher at better temperatures in comparison to Inconel 625. However, the latter maintains its mechanical strength higher underneath immoderate situations. When thinking about excessive-temperature applications, Inconel 600 may be greater extraordinary, at the equal time as Inconel 625 is desired for high-strain environments.
Mechanical Properties
The addition of molybdenum and niobium in Inconel 625 offers it higher tensile and yield power as compared to Inconel 600. This makes Inconel 625 in particular proper for applications that require materials to stand up to immoderate pressures and stresses.
Owing to their varied characteristics, every alloy range's programs are quite precise. While Inconel 625 is broadly utilized in aerospace, marine, and power producing packages, Inconel 600 is broadly utilized in warmth remedy, chemical processing, and meals processing.
Knowing the Price of Inconel 625 Scrap
Demand, circumstance, and composition are just a few of the elements that would affect the pace of recycling of scrap metals. Because of its advanced traits and considerable utility, Inconel 625 scrap price will be an extra less expensive than Inconel 600 scrap. As a result, in pricing the ones alloys, companies involved in scrap export should take marketplace trends and preferences into attention.
Why Choose Inconel Scrap?
Investing in brilliant Inconel 625 scrap can provide numerous benefits:
High Demand: With industries constantly seeking out materials which can withstand harsh environments, the call for for Inconel 625 scrap is continuously sturdy.
Recyclability: Both Inconel 600 and 625 may be recycled without dropping their inherent properties, making them environmentally fine options for producers.
Market Value: As the want for high-performance materials grows, the market for Inconel scrap is still profitable, presenting super opportunities for scrap exporters and consumers alike.
Finding the Best Scrap Suppliers
When sourcing Inconel 625 plates or scrap, it’s essential to companion with real providers. Look for carriers who consciousness on high-performance alloys and have a tested tune report in high-quality assurance. This guarantees you’re getting the excellent scrap to be had, which can significantly impact your venture’s fulfillment.
In summary, both Inconel 600 alloy and Inconel 625 scrap serve crucial roles in numerous industries, presenting specific homes appropriate to precise programs. Understanding the variations between those alloys can help manufacturers, recyclers, and clients make informed alternatives whilst sourcing materials.
At Vardhman Ferro Alloys, we pleasure ourselves on being a relied on beneficial resource for splendid Inconel alloys and scrap. Whether you’re searching out Inconel 625 plate suppliers or need insights on scrap pricing, we are right here to help you navigate the complexities of the alloy market. Choose appropriately, and ensure that your tasks are supported via the best materials available.
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