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spiritual-rain · 1 year ago
Protect Yourself
Today's Messages of Healing message of healing comes from the Whispers of Healing Oracle deck. I pulled the "Guardian" card. If you're someone who is recovering from a betrayal - love, career, family, religion…any betrayal. Normally you will have your guard up. And that's a good thing. When you've been duped, you suddenly have very good hindsight don't you? You see all of those red flags that you ignored along the way. Now your senses are heightened to those red flags. You are the guardian of yourself. Sadly, we are born into this life on our own, and we will leave this life on our own. In the end, the only person you can rely on is YOU. That doesn't mean you need to shut people out, but have faith in yourself. Guard your precious heart and soul.
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spiritual-rain · 1 year ago
Keep A Look Out!
Today's Messages of Healing message of healing comes from the Nature's Whispers Oracle deck. I pulled the "Potential Gateway" card. I love this card, you just never know what opportunity is right around the corner if you have your eyes open to see it. If you live your life with your head down, you won't see that gateway opening up to you. No matter where you are in your life, we can all enjoy new opportunities for everything. For career, relationships, healing, learning…if an opportunity is there, take it! Don't doubt it, don't question it, don't be afraid of it. It can really be a potential gateway to better things for you. Keep your eyes open.
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spiritual-rain · 1 year ago
What Makes YOU Happy?
Today's Messages of Healing message of healing comes from the Whispers of Healing Oracle deck. I pulled the "Replenish" card. If you're in need of replenishing, that suggests that you are depleted. And since I'm now focusing on healing, I feel that today's message has to do with what gets you up in the morning, your drive. Is it possible that you've been focusing your energy more than you should, on others? Maybe they're not appreciating it. This depletes the spirit really quickly. Now it's time to focus on you. Replenish yourself by doing things YOU enjoy. Be selfish, that word has a bad rap, but ask yourself, what would make ME happy? What would I truly enjoy right now? And the heck with what anyone else thinks. Do that thing for yourself. That's self-love and we all need more of that!
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spiritual-rain · 1 year ago
Number ONE Priority: Happiness!
Today's Messages of Healing message of healing comes from the Whispers of Healing Oracle deck. I pulled the "Commit to Happiness" card. We often associate the word commitment to a union, a partnership, a marriage, right? We commit to other people. Well, what commitments have you made to yourself? Do you commit to keeping your dignity? Do you commit to not allowing anyone to treat you badly? Are you committed to happiness? It took me a long time, but I can say right now, that YES, I'm committed to happiness and I will do whatever it takes to rid my life of drama, anger, garbage, crap…all that awful stuff. Once you commit to it, and I know, you have to be ready, it's not easy depending on your situation, but once you commit, there's no stopping you.
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spiritual-rain · 1 year ago
Trust Your Gut
Today's Messages of Healing message of healing comes from the Nature's Whispers Oracle deck. I pulled the "Ideal Course of Action" card. I'm a little bit on the fence with the message of this card. I feel as though…the ideal course of action is something that someone's forcing on you. They are "should-ing" all over you. You should do this, you should do that. What do you think about that? We ultimately know what's best for ourselves. We can be temporarily blinded by trauma, pain, addiction, but deep down, our intuition is there for a reason. I think that the ideal course of action that you need, is what sits best with your gut feeling.
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spiritual-rain · 1 year ago
Hold On To Good People
Today's Messages of Healing message of healing comes from the Whispers of Healing Oracle deck. I pulled the "Sincere Relationships" card. Have you ever been in a very antagonistic relationship that has run you down emotionally, mentally, physically? You develop a thick skin when meeting new people. You become suspicious sometimes and wonder if they're really being sincere. I admit, I'm like that. It takes me a long time to fully trust someone now that I've been through the ringer when it comes to trust. But my friends, when you find that person who is a sincere, genuine, bright light in your life - hold on dearly. People like this are rare. And if you're lucky enough to find someone like that, bless you, you are blessed.
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spiritual-rain · 1 year ago
Keep Your Standards Up
Today's Messages of Healing message of healing comes from the Nature's Whispers Oracle deck. I pulled the "Higher Ground" card. The child floating along on a beautiful rose, that is a picture of innocence. As adults we don't have that innocence anymore do we? If someone wrongs us, a lot of the time we'll want revenge. I personally think this is a normal reaction to injustice. But, most healthy people don't act on that revenge idea. Instead, we take the higher ground, we don't lower ourselves to the behavior of that person who harmed us. I admit, this is not easy to do when your buttons are pushed or when people never give up trying to get a reaction out of you. But I think in the long run, keeping your dignity and not engaging will ultimately make you feel better about yourself. But that's just my opinion! That's the message for today.
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spiritual-rain · 1 year ago
Yes, you CAN
Today's Messages of Healing message of healing comes from the Whispers of Healing Oracle deck. I pulled the "Alternative" card. I'm getting a clear and maybe blunt message from this card with regards to healing. I was in the midst of healing from burnout when there was a part of my therapy that scared the life out of me. I told the therapist, I can't do that. She asked why. I said because I'll fail and feel like crap about myself. She said And? So? Would you rather not try? That made me think. She said, living with regret can sometimes be worse than failing and feeling like crap. Then she said, what if you don't fail? What if you succeed? All of this makes me think of alternative thinking when it comes to the "I cant’s". Have you done this to yourself? Maybe ask yourself this series of questions, and please remember, you CAN. That's the message for today.
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spiritual-rain · 1 year ago
You Probably Know What To Do
Today's Messages of Healing message of healing comes from the Whispers of Healing Oracle deck. I pulled the "Answers Within" card. Most of the time, I think we can all agree, that we already know what we need to do to help ourselves or heal from a situation that has hurt us. Self-doubt always leads to asking for advice, seeking out counsel. Most of the time that very advice you get is already what you thought you had to do anyway. Of course, there are some traumas that wipe out our common sense and those are times when professional help is so needed to guide us. But I'd say on a day to day level, the answers you seek are within you, like the card says. That's the message for today.
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spiritual-rain · 1 year ago
Set CLEAR goals
Today's Messages of Healing message of healing comes from the Nature's Whispers Oracle deck. I pulled the "Clear Endeavor" card. Endeavor means an attempt to achieve a goal. Today's card is asking you to make that clear. For example, don't say "I'm going to lose weight this month". Instead, change that to "I'm going to lose 2 pounds this month". And to add further clarity, you can change that to "I'm going to do half an hour of jogging three times a week and cut out 300 calories each day from my diet. Doing this, I will achieve my goal of losing 2 pounds this month". The clearer you are, the better. Being vague leads to lack of motivation and frankly either laziness or procrastination! That's the message for today.
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spiritual-rain · 1 year ago
Do Something Exciting!
Today's Messages of Healing message of healing comes from the Nature's Whispers Oracle deck. I pulled the "Adventure" card. This card reminds me of a time in my life where I was in the process of healing from childhood trauma. I decided to go on an adventure. I packed up whatever fit into my car and sold or gave away everything else. My dogs and I drove thousands of miles to a new area of Canada where I lived for a few years. I climbed mountains, I rode my bike for hours with the dogs in a little baby carrier behind me. I snowshoed in the winter. I did so many things that I'd never done before and it was so great for my spirit. I felt like it was a huge part of the healing process. What adventure can you go on? What can you do that's completely different and makes you excited? That's something to think about today.
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spiritual-rain · 1 year ago
Sleep To Heal
Today's Messages of Healing message of healing comes from the Whispers of Healing Oracle deck. I pulled the "Sleep" card. I think the message is obvious my friends. To heal, we need to rest. When we've been hurt, not just physically, our bodies, minds and emotions are exhausted. We're kind of running on empty at times and we need to rest our bodies and our minds. Sleep is restorative. I've mentioned before that I suffered burnout and I didn't know how much I needed sleep until after that burnout. I think for a good year, I slept at least 12 hours a day. I needed that to begin the healing process. Sleep heals the body, reduces stress, helps you think more clearly, gives you energy…all of those things you need to heal yourself. That's the message for today.
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Sleep To Heal
Today's Messages of Healing message of healing comes from the Whispers of Healing Oracle deck. I pulled the "Sleep" card. I think the message is obvious my friends. To heal, we need to rest. When we've been hurt, not just physically, our bodies, minds and emotions are exhausted. We're kind of running on empty at times and we need to rest our bodies and our minds. Sleep is restorative. I've mentioned before that I suffered burnout and I didn't know how much I needed sleep until after that burnout. I think for a good year, I slept at least 12 hours a day. I needed that to begin the healing process. Sleep heals the body, reduces stress, helps you think more clearly, gives you energy…all of those things you need to heal yourself. That's the message for today.
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spiritual-rain · 1 year ago
Be Open To New Ideas
Today's Messages of Healing message of healing comes from the Nature's Whispers Oracle deck. I pulled the "Fresh Approach" card. This beautiful angel is in contemplation isn't she? Perhaps she's feeling stuck. She can't figure out how to move past something that's causing her pain or anxiety. She's seeking, looking for a new way, a new path, a new idea. Are you in this position as well? Maybe it's time to find a peaceful spot alone and do some serious thinking. Ask for advice from someone you respect. Do some research and see what other people did, who might have been in the same situation you're in now. Record a video journal, sit in a park to people-watch, walk by a river or along a forest path, watch an inspirational movie, pull some cards. Be open to new ideas. That's the message for today.
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spiritual-rain · 1 year ago
Celebrate Moving Forward!
Today's Messages of Healing message of healing comes from the Whispers of Healing Oracle deck. I pulled the "Progress" card. This is a great message as we go through any type of healing process. Pat yourself on the back, check in with yourself. Notice how much progress you've made. Be proud of those little baby steps you've been taking to make yourself feel better, to be more healthy and to enjoy your life. Sometimes we only focus on the steps backwards because they seem so destructive and it's frustrating. But please don't forget those accomplishments, even if they're small ones. Progress is moving forward despite taking steps back. Remember that! That's the message for today.
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