#Mesha D
undefeatednils · 11 months
Looking for TTRPG Design Discords
Hey, I'm looking for places where TTRPG designers meet! I wanna discuss stuff with folks, collab, that sorta stuff.
You can message me here, send me asks, whatever. I'm also very much into the idea of joining a small Discord server.
About Me
My name is Nils, I'm agender (any pronouns, they/them preferred, he/him are also perfectly fine), 31 years old, German (but I also speak fluent English), and I've been engaging with TTRPGs for over a decade now, on-and-off.
I made and published two games on itch.io, Arcane Burglary of Castles and Meshaing, both made as game jam entries.
I also run the D&D homebrew blog @thehomelybrewster.
Looking forward to connecting more with folks in the community!
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
A prominent Democrat and Jewish leader who served for decades as a New York lawmaker and now leads a group committed to fighting antisemitism announced Thursday he's leaving his lifelong political party and becoming a Republican, arguing Democrats have become "radicalized" and "turned their back" on the Jewish people.
"It's official: My wife and I have switched our party affiliation from Democrat to Republican!" Dov Hikind, who spent 36 years in the New York State Assembly and later founded Americans Against Antisemitism, tweeted.
"[People] have long been asking, 'Dov, when are you gonna leave the Democratic Party?' Well, the time has come [because] the Dems have turned their back on Jews & Israel, so it's officially done!"
Hikind's tweet included a video of him and his wife, Shani, explaining their decision to join the Republican Party.
"I have been a lifelong Democrat — my family, my parents. But that's over. That's finished," said Hikind. "I have decided to register as a Republican. Unfortunately, the Democratic Party has become so radicalized … that people who are moderates or conservative Democrats are not welcomed in the Democratic Party, and I've had enough." Hikind added the Democratic Party "turns its back on its friends like Israel," criticizing the Biden administration for its policies toward the Jewish state. "I am delighted to join the Republican Party," Hikind added. "This is about sending a message — a message to the Biden administration, a message to the Democratic Party. We're losing the American people because you are not representing our values. You are not representing the Democratic Party that my parents were so proud of."
Hikind's announcement came one day after some progressive Democrats boycotted a speech by Israeli President Isaac Herzog, who addressed a joint meeting of Congress to mark the 75th anniversary of Israel's founding. During his speech, Herzog gave a thinly veiled rebuke to members of the House for recent attacks on Israel.
"Criticism of Israel must not cross the line into negation of the state of Israel's right to exist," said Herzog. "Questioning the Jewish people's right to self-determination is not legitimate diplomacy. It is antisemitism. Vilifying and attacking Jews, whether in Israel, in the United States or anywhere in the world, is antisemitism."
Over the weekend, Progressive Caucus Chair Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., caused an uproar by calling Israel a "racist state." Though she walked back her comments somewhat, they were still met with fierce criticism from both sides of the aisle.
The furor led Republicans to force a vote on a resolution that said Israel was neither a racist nor an apartheid state. The measure was overwhelmingly supported by all but ten Democrats — nine who voted "no" and one who simply voted "present." Jayapal voted with the majority that said Israel was not racist.
On Thursday, the same day as Hikind's announcement, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y, doubled down on calling Israel an "apartheid" state.
Hikind is hardly the first former or current Democrat lawmaker to recently switch parties.
Earlier this month, Mesha Mainor, a Democrat who has represented District 56 in the Georgia House since January 2021, announced she will switch her party registration to Republican.
"When I decided to stand up on behalf of disadvantaged children in support of school choice, my Democrat colleagues didn’t stand by me," Mainor told Fox News Digital at the time. "They crucified me. When I decided to stand up in support of safe communities and refused to support efforts to defund the police, they didn't back me. They abandoned me."
In April, state Rep. Jeremy LaCombe announced he had left the Democratic Party and would be registering as a Republican. At the time, he was the second Louisiana Democrat in less than a month to switch party affiliations after Louisiana state Rep. Francis Thompson gave Republicans in the state House a supermajority by switching his party affiliation.
The "modern-day Democratic Party has become unrecognizable to me and others across the state," North Carolina State Rep. Tricia Cotham said of her decision to switch parties. "I will not be controlled by anyone."
Overall, more than one million Americans have switched their party affiliation from Democrat to Republican in the last 12 months.
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theprophet359 · 1 year
Georgia State Rep Mesha Mainor Commits The Ultimate Sin By Leaving The D...
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reasoningdaily · 1 year
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The Democratic Party’s enthusiasm for new immigrants is pushing their African-American supporters out the back door, according to a Democratic African-American legislator in the Georgia House of Representatives.
“Every election year I hear ‘Black Lives Matter!” State Rep. Mesha Mainor (D-56) said in a tweet outlining her displeasure:
But do they? I see every other minority being prioritized except black children living in poverty that can’t read. We’ll send a million dollars to the border for immigrant services. But black communities? Not even a shout-out. I’m sorry, I don’t agree with this. I’m not backing down. I’m actually just getting started.
Mainor’s comments echo a growing concern among black citizens their interests are being subordinated to the establishment’s preference for migrants.
In Chicago, for example, blacks have organized to oppose their loss of power to immigrant voters, and to the placement of migrants in their neighborhood south of central Chicago. In Washington D.C., where blacks comprise 50 percent of the population, council members are complaining about the growing cost of aiding poor migrants.
Many comments and polls show that many blacks oppose large-scale migration — even as they also support government aid to migrants and Latinos.
Mainor’s comments got a friendly response from Americans worried about the establishment’s stealthy inflow of millions of poor migrants.
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“I’m surprised to hear any state-level politician speaking up for Americans over illegal aliens, especially so if it’s coming from a Democrat,”  D.A. King, a pro-American activist told Breitbart News. King founded the Dustin Inman Society to oppose illegal migration into the state.
He continued:
I hope there are a lot of Republican legislators looking at that part of her statement because they need to speak up as well. Here in Georgia, most of the state level politicians, including the governor, don’t speak up against illegal immigration because they’re afraid of the retribution from the special interests led by the Georgia Chamber of Commerce. The retribution for any politician under the Gold Dome here in Georgia is delivered in the form of “We will find someone to run against you in the next primary if you don’t do what we have ordered.
Among Democrats, “the secret’s kind of been out for a long time that the illegal aliens are here because they are [seen by Democrats as] potential Democrat voters, and we have only to look to California and Gwinnett County, Georgia, to see the outcome” he added.
More than 10 percent of residents in Georgia are international migrants. More than half of the migrants are illegals — and they are helping to grow the Democratic Party, flatten wages, and spike housing prices. For example, housing prices in Georgia are up 50 percent since 2020, according to real-estate firm RedFin.
Some Republicans — such as Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) — are connecting the dots between migration and housing:
Democrats’ anger at Mainor comes after she pushed for a GOP-led school choice bill that could help the children in her district.
Newsweek reported on May 21:
State Sen. Josh McLaurin, a [Georgia] Democrat, offered to donate $1,000 to a possible primary opponent. He told Axios last month that there are “many members who know Rep. Mainor is more a Republican than a Democrat, not just on [school] vouchers but on a range of issues.”
Mainor responded:
The Democrats at the Capitol took a hard position and demanded every Democrat vote against children and for the teachers union. I voted Yes for parents and yes for children, not [for] failing schools. Some of the schools I represent have a 3 percent reading proficiency and children can’t do simple math … Well, my community loves the fact that someone is finally sticking up for them and holding the system accountable. Let’s be real: Parents do not want their child trapped in a failing school. And they aren’t frustrated with teachers. They’re upset with the elected leaders that put the teachers union and donors ahead of their constituents.
Half of the voters in Mainor’s district are black. Just one in twenty are Hispanic. Half the households in her district have an income of just $53,000. That is well below the national median income of $62,000.
“I’m not apologizing because my colleagues don’t like how I vote — when my community loves the fact that someone is finally sticking up for them,” Mainor said.
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rudhira · 2 years
hejhej! först så JÄTTETACK för dina uppladdningar - lyckades lära mig göra defaults från din video! söker lite vägledning om det är ok? har hittat toppar/nederdelar som skulle passa för fullbody defaults, så undrar om du har några tips för hur man gör det på smidigaste sätt? måste man kombinera till en mesh först? & för att kombinera till en mesh, är det samma sätt som shoeswap eller annorlunda? har haft lite svårt att hitta guider haha. hoppas d var ok att fråga på sve btw, eng svar är helt ok!
Hej! Tack, jag är glad att de hjälpte!
Ja, du måste kombinera dem, men det är inte jättesvårt. Det är inte exakt samma process som shoeswaps men det kräver ungefär samma färdigheter.
Det man måste tänka på är att om det finns grupper med samma namn (t.ex noblend både på över- och underdel) så måste man kombinera båda texturer till en enda, och om det inte funkar med ööööh mappingen? kartläggningen....? så får man döpa om en av dem. Man måste också ändra comments så det står botmorphs fatbot/botmorphs pregbot på överdelarna.
Jag är inte jättebra själv på att mesha så jag hoppas att det här är tillräckligt haha, men jag tror att du löser det!
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andyblessed1 · 4 years
BBC Introduce Interviewee Mesha D
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yamayuandadu · 3 years
Any info about Chemosh
Not much but here's all I am aware of other than the Bible. "Chemosh" or remarkably similar names are present in three contexts: 1. In third millennium BCE texts from Ebla; the deity in mention, called Kamish, was presumably connected to the city of Carchemish (Karkamish, "quay of Kamish). What was his character is anyone's guess, but in later times the main deity of Carchemish was seemingly Kubaba, not him. His attribute was seemingly a mace. 2. As an epithet of Nergal in Assyrian god lists (or, perhaps, as a minor god syncretised with him). 3. As the name of the main god of the kingdom of Moab in the Iron Age - both in the Bible and elsewhere, ex. on the stele of king Mesha. Multiple personal names invoking him are known, and it can be safely assumed he was the typical Levantine iron age "national" god like, say, Qos or Milcom. There seems to be no consensus over whether these refer to separate deities and to what degree they overlap. Sources used: J. D. Hawkins, Carchemish W. G. Lambert, Kammuš M. Weippert, Moab
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paccha-puccha · 4 years
reaffirming my ❤️ for മലയാളം
1. A Palindrome
Malayalam is perhaps the world’s only language that is a palindrome when written in English.
The word Malayalam is a combination of 2 words – ‘Mala’ meaning ‘mountain’ and ‘Alam’ meaning ‘region’. Thus the word literally means ‘the mountain region’.
The term originally refers to the land under the Chera dynasty. Later on, it became the name of the region’s language.
Until the 16th century, Malayalam,  referred to by several other closely related names, including Malayanma and Malayalama.
2. A classical language with origins in Tamil
The popularly held opinion is that the Malayalam language evolved from Middle Tamil between the 9th and 13th centuries. Until then it was a western coastal dialect of Tamil.
However, there is also a contrary view that Malayalam did not originate from Tamil. Rather, both Malayalam and Tamil evolved from a common ancestor known as ‘Proto Tamil-Malayalam’.
‘Manipravalam’ was a macaronic language used in certain Malayalam language texts before it established its modern form in the 16th century. It was a combination of Tamil and Sanskrit.
The Manipravalam language and its script influence the modern form of the language greatly, so much so that Malayalam continues to be the one Dravidian language with extensive Sanskrit influence.
In 2013 Malayalam accorded the status of classical language by the Government of India.
3. Malayalam has some of the most complicated alphabets
Written in the Brahmic script, Malayalam has 15 vowels, 42 consonants, and certain other symbols. In fact, the language has some of the most specific and complicated sounds represented in letters. Equivalent differences hardly exist in other Indian languages.
There are 2 separate alphabets to denote the sound ‘r’- one for ‘r’ (ര) as in Spanish tres and the other for ‘ṟ’ (റ)   as in Spanish Rojo. Equivalent pronunciation differences do not exist in English or Hindi.
Malayalam also has the alphabet ‘ഴ’(zha) which pronounced like the rhotic r as in ‘purse’ in English. This rhotic consonant is absent in almost all other Indian languages.
There are 2 separate consonants for the sound ‘l’ – one for ‘l’ (ല) as in ‘language’ and the other for ḷ  (ള ) as in ‘plumber’.
4. Distinct nasal tones
Nasal sounds form an indispensable part of the spoken form of the Malayalam language.
The most basic pronoun ‘me’ is a nasal tone, pronounced as ‘ñaan’, where the ‘ña’ sounds like the NY in ‘canyon’. So is the nasal sound ‘ng’ as in ‘sing’ used extensively.
Several words that may have equivalent forms in other Indian languages like Hindi, take on a nasal tone in pronunciation in Malayalam.
For example in the Hindi word ‘Sundar’, the d sound distinctly pronounced in the NDA cluster.
However, in the equivalent Malayalam word ‘Sundaram’, the d sound becomes silent in the NDA cluster and instead pronounced as ‘sunnaram’, producing a distinct nasal tone in its place.
5. The Malayalam script was literally and figuratively ‘moulded’ for the printing press
The original Malayalam script that began as what is called the Vattelettu, has undergone significant changes. These changes made so as to accommodate the needs of making moulds for the printing press.
Until Benjamin Bailey, a British missionary brought the printing press to Kerala, Malayalam was written and printed in the Grantha script with square type fonts.
In 1829, Bailey ushered in a momentous change in the history of Malayalam by replacing these with the round script that is used to date.
The script from Bailey underwent further changes as the needs of the press changed. Local newspapers like the Malayala Manorama have done significant changes in the script.  
6. The European hand in Malayalam
Not just Benjamin Bailey, several Europeans have had a decisive role in the development of the modern form of Malayalam language.
The first book to have Malayalam script printed in it was the Hortus Malabaricus, written in Latin by Henrik Van Rheede, the Governor of Dutch Malabar in 1678.
First Malayalam book Sampkshepa Vedartham which came out in 1772 didn’t publish anywhere in India but in Rome!
The first dictionary in Malayalam compiled by German scholar Herman Gundert. He has also extensively written about and codified Malayalam grammar.
7. Malayalam was written in multiple scripts by different communities
Before the evolution of the modern script, different communities in Kerala adopted Malayalam into the script of their liturgical languages.
Arabi-Malayalam is a script still in limited use among the Muslim community of Kerala. It is a variant form of the Arabic script used to write Malayalam.
Suriyani Malayalam or Syriac Malayalam was a script in popular use among the Saint Thomas Christians of Kerala, also known as the Nasranis. Malayalam, adopted into the Syriac alphabet with certain additional orthographic changes.
8. Distinct Dialects
Though not as many dialects as other Dravidian languages like Tamil, significant variations exist in spoken Malayalam.
The Dravidian encyclopedia enlists regional dialects of Malayalam into 13 dialect areas.
Caste and communal dialects are visible in Malayalam. The spoken form of Malayalam among the Mappila Muslims of Kerala has considerable influence on Arabic and Persian. Portuguese, Greek, and Syriac words find their way into certain dialects spoken by Christian communities.
While Hebrew, Syriac, and Ladino were dominant in Judeo Malayalam- a dialect spoken by the Cochin Jews who are virtually non-existent now in Kerala.
Jeseri and Byaare are 2 dialects of Malayalam that are extremely divergent from the Malayalam spoken in mainland Kerala.
While Jeseri is spoken in Lakshadweep, Byaare is spoken in Northern Kerala and Southern Karnataka.
9. A plethora of Loan Words
Malayalam is heavily influenced by several other languages that it consists of too many loan words.
These loan words that have come from languages like Portuguese, Dutch, and Arabichave become so ingrained into the everyday usage of Malayalam.
Common words in Malayalam for chair (kasera), table (mesha), pen (pena), paper (kadalas) and window (janala) all come from the Portuguese words cadeira, mesa, pena, cartez, and Janela respectively.
Malayalam has also given loanwords to Portuguese. The Portuguese words for jackfruit (jaca), teak (teca), and jaggery (jagra) have its origins in the Malayalam words chakka, thekku, and chakkara respectively.
In fact, the very word for toilet in Malayalam, ‘kakkoos’ comes from the Dutch ‘kakhuis’!
Arabic and Persian influences also abound in the language.
10. ‘New Gen’ slang words
Thanks to Malayali youngsters, the language now has a repository of ‘new gen’ words. These are existing Malayalam words that have taken on completely new meanings and connotations according to the changing times.
Social media and movies have boosted the popularity of these new words.
‘Thallu’ which originally means ‘to push’ is one of the most popular ‘new-gen’ slang. Thallu now refers to any statement that comes off as boasting.
‘Theppu’ is another latest addition which means ‘to ditch’ a lover. However, the word originally means ‘to iron something’.
‘Pani Kitti’ is a phrase that popularly meant ‘got a job’ until a few years back. But now it means that you’ve landed up in trouble!
The Malayalam language is as interesting and versatile as Kerala. Cultural transactions with a plethora of communities from across the world have shaped the language.
In a constant state of evolution, the next time you explore the language, Malayalam will have added a whole new set of quirky facts to itself!
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lgbtqreads · 6 years
Hi! Wondering if you have some wlw books to come in 2019 to add to my TBR list? Thanks again for the great recs :)
I do! Keep an eye out for Tell Me How You Really Feel by Aminah Mae Safi, Hot Dog Girl by Jen Dugan, The Afterward by EK Johnston, The Weight of the Stars by K. Ancrum, We Set the Dark on Fire by Tehlor Kay Mejia, and Starworld by Audrey Coulthurst and Paula Garner (note that this one is not a romance) for sure.
A few I haven’t read yet that I’m really excited about are Sugar Run by Mesha Maren, Once Ghosted, Twice Shy by Alyssa Cole, Mostly Dead Things by Kristen Arnett, Going Off Script by Jen Wilde, and The Princess and the Fangirl by Ashley Poston. And, as a fan of Of Fire and Stars by Audrey Coulthurst, I’m psyched for the sequel coming out in August.
Also, SORRY BUT I’M GOING TO BE DOING THIS ALL YEAR - there are several wlw stories in His Hideous Heart, the Edgar Allan Poe-retelling anthology I’m editing that releases on September 24. As they are Poe stories, they definitely do not all have happy endings, but obviously I think they’re all worth a read :D
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huam2017 · 5 years
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Hi! I’m Mei Ki, the heir of the 8th generation and Mesha is my twin sister (we look nothing alike). Since this legacy challenge is about to end so I think it’s a good idea to record our story before it ends :D Oh and I’m currently an adult now! Welcome to gen 8!
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ark-light50 · 4 years
Deena Duos vintage hidden
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lyxy · 7 years
Lyxy's commission info
Alright, so i'm officially opening commission ! :D (finally, you will say)
Contact me by private message :)
disclamer : commission are personal use only, you cannot reproduce, redistribute, or profit from it. I keep all rights of the commission, which includes but is not limited to: distribution, reproduction, etc (but, I will only share on social media the art with watermark “commissioned by” on it.)     
All payments will be made through Paypal. All prices are USD. If i accept the project, i will start with a rough sketch and send it to you. If you want to make changes you have to tell me at that moment. I will continue the artwork when i receive the payment.
If you want me to draw your OC, i need reference pictures to draw it.
Type of drawing :  I will only do basic background for now (colors/texture. You can choose the color ^_^)
Head shot - $10
Hips - 15$
Full body - $20
Flat colors (exemple: headshot)
Head shot - $15
Hips - 20$
Full body - $30
Full shading (exemple : Hips - Head shot )
Head shot - $25
Hips - $30
Full body - $40
+$10 for each character added
Special prices for:
Umbrella couple - $35 (exemple)
Sailor (with a galaxy background) $30 / 2 sailors - $35 (exemple: 1 sailor - 2 sailors )
Chibi - between $10 and $25 (exemple)
Fusion (maximum 2) - between $20 and $30 (depending on the pokemon) (Exemple)
Trainer with 1 or 2 pokemon - between $20 and $30 depending on the pokemon (exemple)
Trainer with his team (6 pokemon) - $50 
Will not do :
Underage nsfw
Mesha / big armor
Basically, I won't accept every project, but i'm very open for discussion ;)
And if you want to buy me a coffee... i really like coffee ^_^
Every reblog is appreciated !! <3
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jon292929-blog1 · 5 years
1In the eighteenth year of Jehoshaphat’s reign over Judah, Jehorama son of Ahab became king of Israel, and he reigned in Samaria twelve years. 2And he did evil in the sight of the LORD, but not as his father and mother had done. He removed the sacred pillar of Baal that his father had made.
3Nevertheless, he clung to the sins that Jeroboam son of Nebat had caused Israel to commit; he did not turn away from them.
4Now Mesha king of Moab was a sheep breeder, and he would render to the king of Israel a hundred thousand lambs and the wool of a hundred thousand rams. 5But after the death of Ahab, the king of Moab rebelled against the king of Israel. 6So at that time King Jehoram set out from Samaria and mobilized all Israel. 7And he sent a message to Jehoshaphat king of Judah: “The king of Moab has rebelled against me. Will you go with me to fight against Moab?”
“I will go,” replied Jehoshaphat. “I am like you, my people are your people, and my horses are your horses.” 8Then he asked, “Which way shall we go up?”
“By way of the Desert of Edom,” replied Joram.
9So the king of Israel, the king of Judah, and the king of Edom set out, and after they had traveled a roundabout route for seven days, they had no water for their army or for their animals.
10“Alas,” said the king of Israel, “for the LORD has summoned these three kings to deliver them into the hand of Moab!”
11But Jehoshaphat asked, “Is there no prophet of the LORD here? Let us inquire of the LORD through him.”
And one of the servants of the king of Israel answered, “Elisha son of Shaphat is here. He used to pour water on the hands of Elijah.b ”
12Jehoshaphat affirmed, “The word of the LORD is with him.” So the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat and the king of Edom went down to him.
13Elisha, however, said to the king of Israel, “What have we to do with each other? Go to the prophets of your father and of your mother!”
“No,” replied the king of Israel, “for it is the LORD who has summoned these three kings to deliver them into the hand of Moab.”
14Then Elisha said, “As surely as the LORD of Hosts lives, before whom I stand, were it not for my regard for the presence of Jehoshaphat king of Judah, I would not look at you or acknowledge you. 15But now, bring me a harpist.c ”
And while the harpist played, the hand of the LORD came upon Elisha 16and he said, “This is what the LORD says: ‘Dig this valley full of ditches.’ 17For the LORD says, ‘You will not see wind or rain, but the valley will be filled with water, and you will drink—you and your cattle and your animals.’ 18This is a simple matter in the sight of the LORD, and He will also deliver the Moabites into your hands. 19And you shall attack every fortified city and every city of importance. You shall cut down every good tree, stop up every spring, and ruin every good field with stones.”
The Sovereign LORD said, "I swear by Myself, because You did not take the oppurtunity, I will let You rape any man You want."
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andyblessed1 · 4 years
Mesha Dyer - LIES (Official Video)
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broedwardc · 5 years
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The New Testament Typology (All Against G-d's Commandments): 1. The Cross 2. False Prophets 3. & Human Sacrifice ONE CHAPTER A DAY THINK. DO NOT Just BELIEVE. LISTEN more... WATCH more.. READ more... STUDY more... LEARN more... LIVE! "MELACHIM II (II KINGS)" CHAPTER THREE Read: He did what was evil in the eyes of Hashem, albeit not like his father and mother; he removed the pillar of the Baal that his father had erected. 3:2 Elisha said to the king of Israel, "What have we to do with one another? Go to your father's prophets or your mother's prophets!" ... :13 He then took his firstborn son, who was to reign after him, and sacrificed him as a burnt-offering upon the wall, and a great wrath took effect against Israel, so they turned away from [Mesha] and returned to the land. :27 *Click or tap the image/link for full content: Be [with] Truth Seekers; Not [with] Falsehood Followers! Because TRUTH is Not About Believing. But KNOWING! https://www.dailyholybiblereading.com/ii-kings-chapter-3/ https://www.instagram.com/p/B1Nh9UQBw0l/?igshid=1u5ahmvsoss41
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Psychic Source Rating Psychic Warrior Pathfinder Psychic Writing Definition Origins and History of Automatism in Art. Although Automatism is really associated with modern artists of the twentieth century, rudimentary forms originated in the eighteenth century, such as the accidental "blot drawings" of the watercolourist Alexander Cozens (1717-86), who taught drawing and evolved a method in which drawings of
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Psychic Empath Definition Psychic Warrior Pathfinder Psychic Writing Definition Origins and History of Automatism in Art. Although Automatism is really associated with modern artists of the twentieth century, rudimentary forms originated in the eighteenth century, such as the accidental "blot drawings" of the watercolourist alexander cozens (1717-86), who taught drawing and evolved a method in which drawings of
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Lyrics to 'Psychic Vampire' by Tristen: Psychic vampire Dreaming of an empire Is the only beholder You will only annoy her And you'll never get to know a.
Alaric J. "Ric" Saltzman is a main character of The Vampire Diaries and Legacies. He is a former recurring character of first half of Season One, Season Four and Season Five. He also served as the main antagonist in Season Three along with the Mikaelson Family. Alaric is a Human, Vampire Hunter…
Psychic Dream Definition Psychic Empath Definition Psychic Warrior Pathfinder psychic writing definition origins and History of Automatism in Art. Although Automatism is really associated with modern artists of the twentieth century, rudimentary forms originated in the eighteenth century, such as the accidental "blot drawings" of the watercolourist alexander cozens (1717-86), who taught drawing and evolved a method in
A psychic vampire is a mythological creature said to feed off the "life force" of other living … Singer/songwriter Tristen Gaspadarek tells of her experiences with a psychic vampire in the song Psychic Vampire on her 2017 album Sneaker Waves.
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