#Merry Karloffmas
karloff-the-uncanny · 9 months
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Ghastly Phantasms is a self-published fanzine, created by a small international team who make short zines on classic horror icons. This month they made one about Boris Karloff. I found it a really enjoyable read, so I decided to link the file to read it (it's free!).
Be sure to follow them on their social media so you don't miss their other issues!
I am not part of the Ghastly Phantasms team, nor am I advertising for profit, I am merely linking a good piece of Karloff media!
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karloff-the-uncanny · 9 months
A clip of Boris Karloff terrorising Al Jolson as Santa Claus in “The Kraft Music Hall”.
Air date was December 25th 1947.
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karloff-the-uncanny · 9 months
Boris Karloff on "It's Time To Smile" with Eddie Cantor.
The airdate was December 17th 1941.
This is one of my favourite episodes of the comedy radio shows Boris Karloff did, because he is in nearly all of the show, and everyone has such a fun time messing around! A very fun listen.
Merry Karloffmas!
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