#Merge Dragons cheats
Thoughts about the supposed direction Rhaena's storyline is going in Hotd and the apparent Nettles erasure? Disappointing but... I can sort of see where they could take it? Idk... looking at grrm's posts in hindsight kinda makes me even more disappointed if he is as well (he just can't get his adaptations right atp but idk)
Well. Pre-ep7, we're still pending any Rhaena-Sheepstealer bonding, but I'm basically 😑🫠 about the rumors. (I dislike borrowing trouble, I'm not even sure how many of the rumors are true -- actually I'm pretty sure many of these supposed "leaks" are straight up lies -- and yet. Still *disgruntled meh* and *"we're all fine-everyone's fine here" dread*.) Rhaena is one of my more beloved F&B characters (it's the Sansa parallels, I can't help myself), and Nettles has been a super fave since TPATQ and TWOIAF. (Particularly TWOIAF, since the Burned Men fire-witch reveal; heck, I think my little dollmaker is still one of the few fanarts of Nettles in the mountains.)
I mean, sure, I understand that Rhaena's book storyline during the Dance, where she's offpage from basically the start of the war until nearly the end of it, socializing in the Vale and waiting for her egg to hatch, would be difficult to adapt in an action-oriented visuals-oriented television show. (Like Rhaenyra this season sure isn't just catatonically crying from Luke's death until Jace's.) And I'm glad Rhaena's getting more to do, and I'm glad it's directly addressing her feeling slighted and ignored by her family since she doesn't have a dragon. However...
I do not want Rhaena merged into one character with Nettles! I do not want Rhaena to have Sheepstealer and not her hope-for-the-future (doomed hope, and yet) baby dragon Morning, that hatched for her. Also note how pink Morning, worn as a fashion accessory, so suited Rhaena's coquette personality vs her sporty, adventurous twin sister... I mean, I've said before, I understand adaptations can be different, this still wouldn't make HOTD even close to a "loose adaptation".* But I do not want this adaptation to lose Rhaena's personality that I loved.
Or for that matter, to lose Nettles's character, and her importance to the themes and worldbuilding of ASOIAF. (See also.) And her importance to the plot -- but god knows, they're doing all sorts of things with Daemon and Rhaenyra on this show, toxic romance or what have you, who knows if once Daemon reaches his emotional breakthrough or whatever at Harrenhal this season, if they want to backslide him into a cheating plot in S3 while Daemon is again stuck in a castle for months.** Nevertheless, I'd be deeply disappointed to lose scenes like "as well as her dragon, the girl had taken to riding Daemon", or the last morning in Maidenpool scene... and um, you can't really fit Rhaena in there, or if you did, it would certainly put the lie to the ship denialists' "he just treated her like a father, platonically bathing naked together!" (Also the pretty blatant fake S3 leaks including one where Rhaenyra decides Rhaena has betrayed her... are pretty blatantly fake, sorry.)
And then there would be the frankly racist erasure of the one book black character. "Oh but the show made the Velaryons black, so it's not erasing, it's adding more!" No, sorry. (1) I was and am all for adding more racial diversity to the show and especially to Valyrians, but face it, when you take the book's secondary character Velaryons, two who get killed off early and are portrayed as lesser to the "true" Daemon/Rhaenyra marriage, and make them black, you've already done a lot of hinky damage there. (2) What, it's that hard to write three distinct black girls with very different personalities and one from an incredibly different background? I don't see Addam and Alyn getting merged. I don't see Aemond and Daeron getting merged. I don't see Hugh and Ulf getting merged. But I'm not really one to speak here, for this particular discussion I'd point you to @ride-thedragon and @venusintheblindspots-blog and @chrkrose, among others, they have many many posts on this subject in far greater detail and better argued than mine.
OK, so. I still have hope that Nettles -- even if not cast for this season (sorry y'all, that extra is an extra) -- may appear next season, and all this worry will turn out to be a tempest in a teapot. Per last report from the HOTD panel at SDCC, the rumor of Rhaena and Sheepstealer definitely doesn't happen in ep 7, though, yes, there's one episode after. And if it does happen... I'll be strongly disappointed. Deeply, deeply disappointed, and probably far more suspicious of future adaptational changes. But, for me at least, it's not a dealbreaker like GOT S5 was.*** I won't be happy at all about the storyline, but I would like to think the show will remain high quality re themes and character and all. Time will tell, though. Time will definitely tell.
As for GRRM, when his complaints seem to be "wild dragons shouldn't be in the Vale" and "the heraldry with four legs is wrong", well, I struggle to see that he's that disappointed in the adaptational changes. Believe me, I am well used to reading between the lines re GRRM and adaptations, something like the fact that he's not visiting the HOTD writers' room when he's in the UK is nothing. Catch me if at Worldcon or his Oxford lecture in August, GRRM again says that he could write a whole novel about Nettles, or if actually says something about non-Valyrian dragonriders, ok?
*I was just reading up on The Beast (2023) vs Henry James's “The Beast in the Jungle”. lol HOTD doesn't compare. Don't even think it, man.
**You know, this reminds me of how the Dance in F&B is not paced very well for individual characters, they keep going offscreen for months at a time. From shortly after Rhaenyra's crowning to the Fall of KL, Daemon just sits at Harrenhal and occasionally ventures out into the riverlands. From shortly after the Fall of KL until the Battle Above the Gods Eye, Daemon just... sits at Maidenpool and occasionally ventures out into the riverlands (with Nettles). Yeah, obviously a show would need to write more for him to do, he's a main character.
***Thank god HOTD isn't the sort of exploitative shitshow that GOT was. All y'all thinking it was a better adaptation because of your nostalgia goggles (and/or shitty memory) need to actually reread the books (especially AFFC/ADWD) and then submit yourself to the real-world misogynist and homophobic nonsense of S5-6 again, ugh.
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awanderingartist-346 · 2 months
Ninjago Dragons Rising (Season 2 Part 2)
I Have a LOT of things to say.
This part 2 has EXCEEDED my expectations by bringing back the nostalgia of season 4 in its glory, and getting the Pale Man reveal.
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In this scene, where Nya had gone against Jay, broke me 😭. Especially when she says:
Nya: I will always love you.
And Jay hit her with the: And I will ALWAYS. Hate you.
Hate is a powerful word man. 😭😭😭
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Now here. We can really see the difference between Arin in the beginning, and Arin now. At the beginning, he was just this fan boy who loved the ninja, but now...He's going down the wrong path, and not he himself knows it. It could be argued that Ras WILL help him find his parents as he has already been betrayed now and they have a common enemy. BUT, Ras could be playing him. 🤷‍♀️ Itslike....History is repeating itself. First it was Master Wu with Morro, and now, Lloyd with Arin. Anyhow, I think I know what his path may lead to....and it's not gonna be good.
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THE COMEBACK- Lloyd: How'd you learn spinjitzu?!
Arin: Not from YOU.
And to add on to Ras and Arin's relationship, (which is sure to be growing), when Arin's friend was helping him train, he learned FULL spinjitzu, which he really doubted himself on. This is then to be revealed that it was Ras's training. And, Ras was telling the truth about EVERYTHING, so Arin has believed him, whether it be a trap or not. And there was evidence on his truth as revealed later. Master Wu caused the Merge, for an unknown reason, so we can't really blame Arin for his trust to decrease with the ninja, and increase with Ras.
ESPECIALLY since things always keep getting in the way. Arin REALLY wants to find his parents, and Lloyd promised him that. But now, evrrytime he wants to go to find his parents, something pops up. In this case, the tournament of the sources. Lloyd then promised they would search for his parents afterwards, but now, they need to find Jay.
And Arin has noticed the pattern. 👀
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The ending was really a cliffhanger as Arin went to save Ras from the clutches of the Forbidden Five. However, it seems he has saved him, and is now in a foreign land, around the campfire with an injured Ras. Arin then says: "I will help you get better. Then I'm gonna get you to find my parents."
So now, Ras will be indebted to him, so he will have to find his parents. However, in my opinion, Ras did say that Agent Waller, a.k.a, Jay, does know where Arin's parents are also, and whatever Jay knows, Ras knows. So I'm thinking, 🤔 that when the ninja find Jay, they might be able to find where Arin's parents are and meet in the same place. BUT, (I know...there's always a but) Jay did Shatterspin, which is known to shatter the goodness within you. SO, Jay has lost his memories and his goodness is gone. So, a huge obstacle will lie ahead.
Just like Ras said. "Knowledge is power. But Knowledge is poison."
I can't wait for Season 3, coming next year. And here is where you can find to watch it.
I hope you guys don't cheat and skip to this!! Be fair and watch the full series, including the Pilot, The day of the departed and the movie 😠😠.
And also! Feel free to discuss your own theories and tell me what you think! :)
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sparkanonymous · 1 month
It's finally time for me to watch Dragons Rising!
Time for some incomprehensible note-taking while I ink the last WIP I posted.
⚠️ Spoilers for episodes 1-3!
Here's what I know:
The OG 4 (+ Nya I think) have been lost to time. It's actually the main reason why I didn't want to watch it back when it first came out; I didn't want to watch the series without the characters I loved. (Not the biggest Lloyd fan, so he wasn't enough for me to want to come and watch it.)
The main 4 are found, but Jay is like... brainwashed or something, and works for a facility or whatever.
Cole basically has a boyfriend and kids now.
Geo is adorable.
Kai is also kind of a father figure to one of the new ninja characters. I think her name is Wyldfyre.
The Cole and Zane reunion was ass. You're telling me that, after they couldn't find each other for however long, they didn't go and squeeze the life out of each other? I saw a clip and it bugged me so bad- it looked like they just... clipped two separate clips of Cole and Zane seeing each other and lost the first clip's amount of emotion. Cole was running to go and greet Zane, and then he just puts his hand on his shoulder? Nah. (Maybe it's because I'm a massive Glacier fan, but ugh... I can't help it.)
They kind of made up for it when Zane called puppy Cole cute. That was adorable, especially with how Cole looked up at Zane after turning back into a human.
Okay, let's get this show on the road.
Divider made by steddiecameraroll-graphics
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Episode 1: The Merge (1)
Alright, so we're just immediately getting into the merge. Not even minute in, lol okay.
The intro to the ninja was pretty epic.
Standing that close to an explosion... that would've lead to some terrible injury for Arin... (that's his name right?)
Okay, but to watch everything you ever knew and loved just... vanish? That would fucking suck. That probably led a lot of people to go down their villain path.
That zoom in and that angry look on Arin's face... is he gonna become a villain?
So Arin is definitely a kid when the merge happened, given that he has those little Lego legs. So, now, he's at least a teenager. It's definitely been plenty of years. (We're not even 5 minutes in yet.)
Cute puppies at the junkyard.
For everything bad that Ninjago writers do to the series, the animators always pop off with the visuals. The lighting is immaculate.
Arin's voice... it feels familiar. NO FUCKING WAY HE'S CHEF FROM THE TDI REBOOT????? No, how... HOW
Okay... so Arin knows a little bit of Spinjitzu... how? I thought you had to be taught the ways of Spinjitzu before you could learn it. Sure, his role models are the ninja, but there's no way he would've been able to pick up on the tiny things just by watching them do it.
Little dancing robots lol
No matter how many years it's been, hearing the phrase "BFF" be said out loud still makes me cringe, no matter what show I'm watching.
I like that he's a little baker.
Dumbass villain lol
No matter how good of terms I would be with anyone, even a frog anthro, I still would not be cool with them using their tongue to give me a high five.
Why is Mr. Frohicky so adamant about them dropping out?
So the Never Realm is connected to this universe because of the merge. Can't believe I didn't think about that. Could definitely lead to more Zane-Never Realm angst.
That's Starlight Glimmer. Kreel is Starlight Glimmer. Wow.
Oh, Kreel is so cheating.
Yep. AND attempting murder.
So that little dragon gifted Sora with powers? That's pretty cool.
What do you mean "how'd you-"? You know that your spinjitzu is terrible.
So were Sora's powers given to her or already within her?
LLOYD! I already knew we'd see him eventually, but it's still good to see him.
I feel like Lloyd's intro was kinda... rushed? Like, we had less than 30 seconds before the credits and then he suddenly appears? It kinda makes sense, but... idk
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Episode 2: The Merge (2)
I miss you, old theme song. I want you back.
So Lloyd saw Arin do spinjitzu, but didn't see who did the spinjitzu? It was clearly weak, and orange, and while [I think] Kai's spinjitzu is orange, he's definitely not weak. Lloyd would have known it was Kai, or any of the ninja he knows. This was clearly just for the reveal to Lloyd, and probably to measure up his disappointment if he ever admits it later on, but like... come on.
Sora becoming a fan while watching Lloyd fight is kinda cute.
Arin, you nasty; wash the mask you put on your face all the time. I bet he's gotten sick countless times because of that thing lol
The fact that Arin immediately calls Lloyd "Master Lloyd".
So Lloyd can't hear Rapton yelling, but he can hear footsteps behind him from an equal amount of distance? Damn, he must've gotten good at ignoring villains' monologues.
Poor Sora... second hand embarrassment is terrible.
The new theme song... no. I don't like it. I'm sorry.
Okay, so the dragon is giving Sora it's powers?
So messages can go anywhere? I don't know why, but I thought that the places that the other ninja were stuck in were completely unreachable, because they were separate universes apart. ... I did notice that there was an unstable crack in the sky in the last episode, when Raz got a hold of the Sora and Arin, so if they are universes apart, maybe that's how they would send messages to each other?
How many times has the Destiny's Bounty been rebuilt.
Lloyd believing Wu is just immortal. I kinda get it, but like... look at him. He's gonna blow to dust in - at most - a couple more decades, trust me.
Goddamn, why is Zane full tits out in the flashback?
Okay, so the dragon they found is a "Source Dragon" right?
Lloyd beating the shit out of Kai without even thinking.
Kai and Lloyd's little spin hug... that's cute. It's nice to see them being close.
Yeah, you already said the merge-quakes were getting worse, Lloyd. I don't think you needed to reiterate that lol
I like how Arin's spinjitzu mess ups still end up helping out in the long run.
So is Raz hunting down the ninja?
Ah, so the power is within the ninja and the dragons just enhance the amount of power they have on it by like... 10x.
I like that Lloyd stayed humble and just became the new ninjas' teacher instead of calling himself a master.
Ryu staying with the ninja over his own family feels kinda fucked up... I think the better excuse would be that Ryu's family need to keep Ryu safe while they look for a new home, and the ninja can protect them from danger. The decision Ryu made shouldn't have been up to them, with them being so young.
So, no, they are still hunting dragons, they're just using the ninja as a tool. Got it.
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Episode 3: Crossroads Carnival
Sora's not gonna like being a ninja.
Lloyd's gonna be a little asshole lol
Those mechanisms haven't been cleaned ever, Sora. Don't get your hopes up.
Yep, Lloyd's pushing it and trying to be Wu lol
Lloyd's incapability to grow facial hair is more canon than anything lol
How did Sora not get set on fire?
"Without tea, I literally have no idea if that was fast enough-" So Lloyd's just a massive dumbass who looks too far into Wu's teachings? That's funny lmao
Why the fuck would you bring a dragon with you? That's literally the worst idea with dragon hunters around.
Oh, skeleton characters are back! I haven't seen them since... the episodes that took place before season 1? Has it really been that long since they were last used?
"Oh, come on, we never would have done that to Master Wu! ... That's a lie." Lmfao
How does Arin's grappling hook literally grapple onto everything?
Lobo is great actually.
Oh great, Kreel character redemption. That came out of fucking nowhere and feels forced as hell.
"My... only friend." You're calling this person "Targy" or whatever. There's something going on here.
The ninja tribute... that's so sweet.
Wait, so they know who Wu and Nya are, but they don't recognize Lloyd? The green ninja? The guy that is literally supposed to be the most powerful ninja?
The non existent beard strikes again.
"Do not type cast me!" I like this guy's dramatic flare.
"This is like that nightmare I had-" Funny, but does this say something about Lloyd's character?
Raz just goes and hires random fuckos? Hm... Is he connected to Jay in that aspect then?
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I'm having a pretty good time with this so far! I don't like the theme song, though; it reminds me too much of She-ra and the Princesses of Power theme song, which also bothered me.
Current progress on the piece I'm inking:
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weirwitch · 5 months
thank u for the tags @thenn & @huramuna!
1. How many works do you have on ao3 (or masterlist)? - none currently, but i’ve been focusing on two wips as of late!! i’ll be cross-posting them on archive of our own, wattpad, fanfiction.net, and here sometime soon.
2. What’s your total ao3 word count? - ^
3. What fandoms do you write for? - mainly a song of ice and fire/game of thrones/house of the dragon. i have some ideas floating around my noggin for star wars and harry potter, but i’m doubtful they’ll ever be posted
4. Top five fics by kudos - none until i get off my procrastinating tushie and excavate my fics from the drafts
5. Do you respond to comments? - every single one bc i fear my body yearns for validation like water...
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? - definitely my wip set during the dance of the dragons, very tentatively named moth to a flame 🤭
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? - i’d refer to it as bittersweet > happy, but i’d say my agot wip, witching hour
8. Do you get hate on fics? - i have not and i pray i never do
9. Do you write smut? - i have not... yet 😈
10. Craziest crossover? - feeling so vanilla rn saying no to all of these questions, but i have not partaken
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? - unfortunately 😵‍💫
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? - i haven’t, but i’m definitely open to that once i’ve posted!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? - not for one singular fic, but i am working on an asoiaf series of connected fics with my bffie @thenn! it's called the dream for dawn 🌄
14. All time favorite ship? - definitely maerwynn/pate/jon, aka the main ship of witching hour 🤭 they’re poly (bc jon snow is a bi king) and my fun way of subverting the love triangle trope!
5. What’s a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? - probably my jedi: fallen order wip, sol invictus ☀️ the main oc is a force-sensitive bounty hunter whose name is jeska sol, and she’s paired with inquisitor au!cal kestis bc that has always been very sexy to me
16. What are your writing strengths? - felt too Cocky to answer this myself, so i relied on @thenn (as per usual)... according to miss dani, my ocs and lore changes/additions feel unique but still merge well with canon, and i tone-match grrm’s writing style very well (“u could ghostwrite twow and ados and no one would notice”). she also says house weir is easily her favourite original house. yes i have tears in my eyes, next question please
17. What are your writing weaknesses? - dani says my downfall is continuously writing the same 10 chapters over and over again bc i think they’re no good. and she would be right
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language? - all good, as long as a translation is included!!
19. First fandom you wrote in? - this just unlocked the deepest, darkest memory... my friends and i used to write pokémon fics together in the first grade. we'd even print them off using the school printer and disperse them to the class. i wish i could read them 🥲i can still see the stapled pages and the comic sans font in my mind's eye, and i KNOW there was a dramatic arc of ash cheating on misty with may
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? - definitely witching hour, coming soon to a tumblr near you 😝
tagging: @starkladies @vecnacreels @cardeegans @jennyofoldflowers @sainteda
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ripaxed · 10 months
Hm. Thoughts
The Rajbow conflict ended how I thought it would but I wanted more. I mean you saw my dramatic ass post about it yesterday and then it gets resolved in like. 2 minutes. If Bowie’s going to stay another episode after the reveal then their make up should have been stretched out between them.
Merge is too early also. Have the stunk butts lose, 3-3 tie vote between Bowie+Raj+Wayne for Julia and Julia+MK+Ripper for Bowie. Julia stays because of winning more immunity the previous season. Bowie gone. Continue as normal.
Well, it seems that Mkulia getting out for cheating has passed. I’m on board with that. Though, if they aren’t the double elimination, that mean it could be Ripaxel or, disappointingly, Raj and Wayne again.
Damien is a dungeon and dragons player. Ily so much Damien. Love him getting the first immunity this season.
I like Julia scheming even outside the cheating. Speaking of, I like Ripper getting to participate before the teams merged.
I like Zee having more focus. Tho, every episode past episode 1 I think it’s his time to go. And then he doesn’t. So at this point I’ve accepted he’s winning a million dollars
Ripaxel made out ugly style all night. Axel’s only weakness is Ripper. I care for them.
Nichelle’s training off screen was stupid and her getting eliminated like that is stupid. (Three consecutive early game female boots with characters that had so much potential? Horrible). Not only is it dumb, it’s sad. The deal was fake, so she leaves with nothing. What was the point. It wasn’t even funny.
Not only is the Priyaleb plot being unjustly dragged out (there is no reason why Caleb would not have confirmed to Priya he wants an alliance by now), it’s also lost the only interesting part of it.
The reason I was tolerating this plotline was A. It was mildly funny and B. The fallout of Priya realizing Caleb doesn’t like her romantically. But now Caleb is starting to like her back! So both of those factors are out. Zee is gonna tell Priya tell Caleb doesn’t like her, she’s gonna run away and cry, then he’s going to tell her He Really Does Like Her! And then they’re gonna kiss and Priya will be voted out. Fucking boring.
Okay, to be somewhat fair to the writers, I like that the episode is starting to give them actual foundation for a relationship. I like them relating to having parents with too high expectations. I like seeing more of Priya’s “firsts”. A major part of her character is being denied childhood milestones. First season we saw her make her first friend. Now we’re seeing her first crush*. That’s a cute idea. There’s even some novelty to the winner falling for the first boot. But that cuteness and novelty is not enough for me to like this relationship. There was no build up to this. Look at Ripaxel, for the two episodes Axel was in the game, they have interactions in both, with episode 2 putting large emphasis on their dynamic. Despite not being an official couple, look at Mkulia, another pair of character this season. They interacted throughout the first season and episode 6 put major spotlight on their dynamic. Caleb and Priya? I can’t even tell you if she looked at him in the first episode. Maybe the following episodes could win me over for them, but I highly doubt it. If Priya had to have a hetero romance plot this season, couldn’t it have been with Damien? At least then it would have had set up from the last season. Or, how about not put this much time into the character who won last season and put it into characters like Emma, Nichelle, or Millie.
*I know having a first crush is not a universal experience. I am aromantic. I have never had a crush on anyone.
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callmemana · 2 years
Whiskey Bottles & Wild Flowers: Meet Spencer ‘Spence’ Henderson
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Spencer Gregory Henderson is the only surviving child and family member of Earl and Pamela Henderson. He was in college when this terrible accident happened, the Dean even let him take some time off to grieve and to get his affairs in order. Spence was never the same, the accident changed his in little ways. Daisy was a big help in getting him out of his depression.
Spencer couldn’t afford to continue going to school, but he stood by proudly and encouraged Daisy to continue her education when she offered to quit too. He would spend his days working at the Wolfe Ranch while Daisy went to school to become a Veterinarian. He was happy to get to see his girl everyday.
After he proposed, he spent more time on the ranch to save up for the wedding and honeymoon, which Daisy would always joke that ‘your cheating on me to be with cows? Just kidding, I would too.’ When the wedding day, everything was perfect. He loved everything that Daisy and himself picked out.
It wasn’t very long after they had been married that Daisy had become pregnant. As soon as the test was confirmed at the doctor’s office, they told the family and close family friends. When Leo came home, Spencer laughed at his reaction to being an Uncle.
He hadn’t really officially met Daisy’s brother but briefly at the wedding due to him needing to be back at Base soon afterwards, but from the stories with wife and in-laws told, he knew that Leo wasn’t always playing with a full deck of cards.
Spencer and Leo got along greatly, as did he with Rick too. The men stayed together, the genders finally being even when it came to dinner opinions and other super important things. Spence was very thankful for the help around the ranch, usually it’s everyone running around most days trying to get as much done before the sun went down.
Like everyone else, it surprised Spencer when the news came out. He hadn’t known Beau and Katherine long, but they seemed like good peoples. Always sending over ranch hands when the land had too much for only five people to do, and coming over with a casserole dishes filled with Katherine’s delicious cooking (it’s not as good as Ruth’s, but still fantastic).
A couple of months later, after all of the Ross and Rachel situation had faded, Daisy gave birth to their first born, Sawyer Wyatt Henderson. He looked just like his father, bringing tears to his eyes as he looked upon the small human.
Leo and Cricket and Rick and Duckie visited home to meet their first nephew. It was a couple of months afterwards when they could finally come home and it was a funny encounter when Daisy handed Cricket the baby it was a few minutes later that he started getting fussy and handed Sawyer back to Daisy.
Two years later, another Henderson was brought into the world, Harper Elizabeth Henderson. By the time she had been born, she had a few cousins from Leo and Cricket and Rick and Duckie. So, the visit didn’t happen until she was a year and a half because her cousins weren’t big enough to be without their moms just yet.
Another four years went by before kids number three and four, both two years apart too, were born. Sage Margaret and Ethan Chase Henderson. Life was busy on the Wolfe and Pruitt farms with the families and Rick now merged together.
Every holiday, even if their husbands can’t make it home, Duckie and Cricket bring their little hellions to the Pruitt’s ranch and all of the cousins raise hell for all of their parents. Most of the time the visit is filled with laughter, stories, ranch work, and booze.
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Forever 🏷️ list: @bayisdying @mrsjaderogers @dragon-kazansky @gracespicybradshaw
🏷️ list: @luckyladycreator2 @lisedanie
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childofaura · 2 years
I beat Chapter 23 of Engage (spoilers ahoy)
I hate hate HATE the fact that Zephia’s more compelling of a character than like half the fucking playable cast! Like shit, I knew she was a bad bitch this whole time, capable of just about cutting out anyone’s throat at the slightest inconvenience, but the writing of her character really did convince me that in some twisted way, she truly does love the other Hounds. And that last convo between her and Veyle, and then between her and Griss (Who had a fantastic fucking exchange by the way) really just solidified what it was that made her choose to call her and the other Hounds a “family”. Like it wasn’t just some “dommy mommy” fan-service, she really did like seeing herself as mother to the other Hounds and due to just being a dragon saw a much harsher purview of the way family dynamics worked.
Fuck, dude, I kind of hope they’ll do some DLC a la Awakening’s Spotpasses and make her playable somehow. I know everyone hated the baddies becoming Spotpass characters (and for Walhart I agree it was stupid), but if Gangrel, Aversa, and Yen’Fay could get mountains of lore added to their character by being playable, Zephia would get the same. All I know is that when she gets added to Heroes, I will absolutely do a build/merge project on her. ALSO, ALSO... I’m super pissed that we didn’t get to see a Dragon form for her, since she’s supposedly a dragon. We were CHEATED!
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elvaria-project · 2 years
Not Oversimplified Elvaria Lore- Part 3, Modern History(Warring Era- Minor Wars)
Time passed since the last kingdom in the new continent were established, and the old mutual struggle alliances started to fall apart as each kingdom gained their own sense of identity The surface kingdoms would begin to start wars over borders and resources as they lacked formal borders between the kingdoms, and smaller kingdoms would try to establish themselves upon the borders but were subsequently crushed within days Lustarise would hide themselves from the world and seal the one entrance to their caves, and Föllen Alatsa would only be involved through trade and production of weapons for whichever kingdoms contracted them, with the deal being to not be pulled directly into the wars Avianaen, as far as the kingdoms on the surface were concerned, did not exist as it was hidden in cloud cover, and Åskorhal(formerly named Åsthenar but they changed it soon after their air land merged with the Gyvorkal mountains) would cull troops that came too close to the mountains. The rest of the kingdoms believed it was simply natural elemental phenomena rather than anything created by another elf, and so left the mountains be
No kingdoms involved in the minor wars wanted to compromise until it was absolutely necessary, and for many thousands of years they did not see it necessary even when death rates were greater than the birth rate, and death tolls would reach into the ten thousands, if not more Floernia would be the first to attempt to pull out, as they were often the victims of invasions from Flaerna and certain Zodianan politicians, and Dalirna would follow suit as they were never adept at war Walekria would be the first to suggest a treaty that would mark official borders and name the continent, and Floernia and Föllen Alatsa would quickly show support for the treaty. The minor wars on the Zodiana-Flaerna and Flaerna-Walekria border would be halted for a month for delegation to determine where each border would be, with many arguments and threats of invasion occurring but no actual action taken as each kingdom understood that these wars could not go on forever at their current pace At the final vote, Queen Anelede and King Dianeme of Föllen Alatsa, King Zhonal and Queen Galoris of Zodiana, all nine members of the Provincial Council of Floernia, and King and Queen He-Zhuo of Walekria would vote to ratify the Treaty of Elorinar King Garovstoyy and the Military Sect representative of the Scorching Council would vote against the treaty, drawing ire from the other rulers as many of them blamed Flaerna for starting most of the wars. Monarch Delstou and Queen Alshamsa of Dalirna, along with the Economic and Nobility sect representatives of the Scorching Council, would abstain from the vote.
With a majority vote of approval, the elemental continent would be formally known as Elorinar and the borders would be set, temporarily keeping the continent from warring for only a handful of centuries But of course, tensions still existed and kingdoms would still dispute over resources and borders, with Flaerna especially feeling cheated of the fertile land on the borders of Floernia and Qisara Kranor compared to the flaming volcanic wastelands of Emorscal
After all, no wars could be solved so easily, and external factors care not for who suffers. These minors wars have lasted 20,000 years Previous lore posts-
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iosgods · 20 days
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manwalksintobar · 6 months
Face Lost in the Wilderness // Fadwa Tuqan
Do not fill postcards with memories Between my heart and the luxury of passion stretches a desert where ropes of fire blaze and smolder, where snakes coil and recoil, swallowing blossoms with poison and flame.
No! Don't ask me to remember. Love's memory is dark, the dream clouded; love is a lost phantom in a wilderness night. Friend, the night has slain the moon. In the mirror of my heart you can find no shelter, only my country's disfigured face, her face, lovely and mutilated, her precious face ...
How did the world revolve in this way? Our love was young. Did it grow in this horror? In the night of defeat, black waters covered my land, blood on the walls was the only bouquet. I hallucinated: "Open your breast, open your mother's breast for an embrace priceless are the offerings!" The jungle beast was toasting in the tavern of crime; winds of misfortune howled in the four corners. He was with me that day. I didn't realize morning would remove him. Our smiles cheated sorrow as I raved: "Beloved stranger! Why did my country become a gateway to hell? Since when are apples bitter? When did moonlight stop bathing orchards? My people used to plant fields and love life Joyfully they dipped their bread in oil Fruits and flowers tinted the land with magnificent hues - will the seasons ever again give their gifts to my people?" Sorrow - Jerusalem's night is silence and smoke. They imposed a curfew; now nothing beats in the heart of the City but their bloodied heels under which Jerusalem trembles like a raped girl.
Two shadows from a balcony stared down at the City's night. In the corner a suitcase of clothes, souvenirs from the Holy Land - his blue eyes stretched like sad lakes. He loved Jerusalem. She was his mystical lover. On and on I ranted, "Ah, love! Why did God abandon my country? Imprisoning light, leaving us in seas of darkness?" The world was a mythical dragon standing at her gate. "Who will ever solve this mystery, beloved, the secret of these words?"
Now twenty moons have passed, twenty moons, and my life continues. Your absence too continues. Only one memory remaining: The face of my stricken country filling my heart.
And my life continues - the wind merges me with my people on the terrible road of rocks and thorns. But behind the river, dark forests of spears sway and swell; the roaring storm unravels mystery, giving to dragon-silence the power of words. A rush and din, flame and sparks lighting the road - one group after another falls embracing, in one lofty death. The night, no matter how long, will continue to give birth to star after star and my life continues, my life continues.
From Modem Palestinian Poetry, translated by Patricia Alanah Byrne with the help of the editor [Salma Khadra Jayyusi], and Naomi Shihab Nye.
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happiighost · 7 months
What are your headcanons/au thoughts on that byleth/sothis art? 👀
Oh no someone has come for bad bad headcanons... Well, the long answer is in a document I wrote. Which is 12,277 words long...
The short answer is that I've stewed too much on how the fe3h story could be simplified. Ended up with the conclusion that merging byleth and sothis into a single character would be the way to go. But if you see me ramble till the sun sets look below!
There are loads of unused potential the Nabateans/dragons have. It also keeps sothis, the main connecting thread in the lore/plot longer. Byleth’s main arc is a wish to find their place in the world. They discuss feeling aimless, stagnant, and depressed as a mercenary. So coming into their own and reconnecting with the side of the family that was hidden from them at the monastery is one of the first steps. I think it can coincide with Sothis’s search for memory or sense of self. They both are looking for the same thing, somewhere to call home or someone to call family.
There is also the Buddhist framing that the translation of the game kinda does away with. Add on learning Phos from Houseki no kuni shares a voice actress with sothis the brain rot set in bad.
Have byleth go through the path enlightenment as a broken bodhisattva. Reframing the game around the cycle of life and death in Buddhism with characters advocating for it to continue or halt altogether. Sothis in hopes and three houses is described as the cycle of the world. As it appears, Fodlan works on a system of reincarnation. While Sothis was alive, she helped guide souls from one life to the next. This would put her in the position of Enma, The King of Buddhist Hell, who is also the judge of the afterlife. The Nabatean concept of what Sothis was supposed to do, was be the arbiter of souls and guide them from one life or another.
Many characters throughout the story disrupt the cycle of life and death, including Sothis’s child Serios/Rhea. Other examples would Aragarthans, the Adrestian Empire, the 10 elites, and Jeralt in pursuit of gaining immortality. In the refusal of death, they can not accept the fear of not knowing what comes after. Or living itself becomes too much, due to the loss one experiences at the hands of death. They become stagnant in life unable to obtain enlightenment and escape the cycle of suffering/samsara. This compounds with relics being corpses and crests being stolen from dragons as a way to "cheat" death or gain power.
More or less have byleth/sothis regain the status of King Enma to correct the cycle. After they themselves have died and lived over and over during the course of the story. Kinda making them the Death expy for the game.
I do plan to do one more drawing meme that I remember seeing more frequently back FE3H first came out. Where people drew a different version of byleth with each route ending.
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redrorums · 1 year
Key Notes/Cheat sheet
The Cosmos(Cosmic Realms/Cosmic Branches/etc…every culture has their own name for it)-it’s just The Multiverse, tho 😑. The reason it is not referred to as The Multiverse is because this would be confusing to the peoples of Realms(dimensions) other than Gaia(earth). Some Realms, like El’Tellus, are Polyverses. This is when several universes are merged seamlessly into one massive, overlapping Polyverse. The term Multiverse is too similar to this concept and also does not necessarily account for The Great Aether Ocean, which is beyond the scope of natural/scientific reality. Aether is scientifically amorphous (it functions on Transient Laws as opposed to the Physical Laws of most universes) therefore it cannot technically be quantified as a universe itself. It is easier to simply think of it as the all-encompassing Beyond just outside of and around all individual universes. In this way, it is the Ocean and the physical universes form continents, islands, and sometimes lonesome little ships (artificially constructed pocket Realms/dimensions). The Cosmos encompasses and describes the entire Aether Ocean as well as everything within it. The inconsistencies and inherent stupidity of what is considered a “Realm” and what isn’t are the result of the “Realms” being initially plotted out by the Gods and Titans during their chaotic Cosmic conflict, some “Realms” are just tiny chunks of worlds whilst others are entire Polyverses. Whether or not they are considered Realms is NOT DICTATED by their size, but by their importance (some of the tiniest Realms are inhabited by the most powerful peoples ex. The City-state of Luna Daena has all the most badass wizards and is untouchable as a Realm). The Cosmos DOES NOT include The Ginnungagap, which functions on no quantifiable laws whatsoever and who’s presence will invade, infect, and infinitely transmutate Physical Universes until they are absorbed into nothingness(The Ginnungagap).
Great Aether Ocean- The big soup that all the Cosmic Realms(universes) swim around in. Aether is, by its very nature(lol), UNNATURAL (it does not require scientific theory/physical law in order to exist) and thus exists outside and beyond the natural(Physical)Realms(Universes). It bleeds through cracks in reality referred to as The Infinite Leystream.
P.S. I always imagine Aether to look like a glowing, sparkly-royal-purple-colored liquid. So when a Wizard starts weaving a spell with their hand(s) you’d see a nebulous, purple teardrop form in their hand(s). As they wave their weaving hand(s) about, the edges of the teardrop would leave a purple paint stroke in the air behind it, just like Japanese calligraphy. The core of the teardrop would be like shimmering, reflective water and within it, you would be able to see stars, nebulae, galaxies, etc. (nebulae are my favorite and thus usually what I imagine)
This is OF COURSE…before the Aether is used to bend the physical laws of your universe, transmuting itself to serve your purposes (it’ll morph into a fireball or a sentient 8-ball or aaaaaaaaaaa tiny dragon. Sky’s not the limit with Aether…….the only limit is what your physical mind, body and soul can handle before your own Aether consumes you whole. Happens more than you’d think.)
DOUBLE P.S. That aaall being said, ALWAYS REMEMBER! Aether functions on Imaginary Laws(Transient Scientific Theorem), thus, it’s form when it resides within a Physical Universe is ENTIRELY subjective. It looks like whatever it’s beholder believes it should look like. So technically, it can look like anything at all. I have imagined many different iterations of Aether depending on which character is wielding it and what their personality is/core beliefs about themselves and their universe are. EXAAAMPLES: Grandvandal’s Aether looks like a cloud of tiny pixies that dance to the movement of his hands. Their bodies still look like the surface of rippling water, reflecting a clear night sky. When the Aether pixies fuse into the spell, you briefly view a beautiful, full moon right before the Aether transmutes into it’s intended spellborn purpose.
Frülla’s Aether is merged fully with her Vitality and it usually looks like globs of magma or bottled nuclear blasts. As she grows more experienced in controlling her sorcerous power, though, it begins to look like the surface of saké that has been lit on fire. You can see, reflected in its surface, a supernova about to kick off.
Ysmirœlda’s Aether looks like a polar bear made of black ice running along her fingertips. Reflected in its icy surface is a single, black hole right where the polar bear’s heart should be.
Odin’s Aether looks like an icy serpent with a shooting star reflecting within it, attempting forever to escape his grasp. Odin is one of the few spell casters who dares to fuse Aether with nothingness, so at the end of the spell one of his Eldritch Ravens will swoop in and eat the serpent. He only uses these combo spells when he’s on the ropes, cuz they can easily backfire and cause explosions the size of 20 nukes combined/freeze time for an entire continent permanently, or summon an elder god by accident.
Infinite Leystream- Cracks/Conduits (depending on the scholar you talk to and whether they believe aether is necessary to all life or a corruption of reality that must be prevented) by which pure aether trickles down through the Supernatural Mists/Ethereal Walkways and makes it’s way to the Leylines of the natural world. THIS IS THE BASIS FOR ALL SPELLCASTING as the unnatural properties of Aether are required to bend the rules of natural reality. Needless to say, magic is and always will be extraordinarily dangerous to tamper with.
Ethereal Drift/Spiritual Subspace-Often referred to as The Realm of Dreams, every natural realm has a supernatural mirror reflection where the spiritual takes precedence over the physical. The deeper you delve into the ethereal fog, the more layers deep you fall, the closer you’ll come to the Great Aether Ocean. But your soul will be crushed by the sheer overwhelming(and increasing) presence of Aether and your Radiance will be absorbed into the Dam.
Dam of Oblivion-the Dam being the final and most surprisingly consistent and non paradoxical of all the Ethereal Layers. It is made of pure Vitality, the energy produced by souls. Some scholars posit that Oblivion is actual the incomprehensibly huge soul of the Cosmos itself. Cracks/Vents in Oblivion are what allow Aether to pour in from the other side.
Ginnungagap, Realm of Purest Paradox- A realm of pure nothingness. Since no laws can exist there, anything can exist there. Any and all versions of that thing DO exist there. And they’re probably all mashed together into the most horrifying version of that thing that you literally can’t imagine. And more importantly to some, ANYTHING can be destroyed there. Regardless of the laws that protect them in the natural and unnatural realms. The Rules Need Not Apply. Summoning power directly from the Ginnungagap is the basis for all Eldritch magic practices. The Ginnungagap is also the home of The False Gods of Old, the Eldritch horrors that wormed their way into the backs of mortal minds across the Cosmos.
El’Tellus(when it was ruled by the 7 Kingdoms it was called Alterra or Terra Maga. When it was ruled by The Three Covens it was called Utopia. The ancient Witches and Old Blooded Tellustines believed that Terra Maga and Terra Mater(Gaia) were sister worlds. That a rift of jealousy formed in both their hearts. Mater of her sister’s beauty and magic, Maga of her sister’s belovedness and spiritual tranquility. They believed the children of the twin worlds are cursed by their mothers to always hate each other. There are some who still hold this traditional belief.)- “The Heart of the Cosmos” is called home by many of the most powerful and influential descendants of the cosmic heroes of old(heroes from many different worlds/Realms/dimensions). El’Tellus/Tellustinians believe that their culture is the result of all the Adventurers who travelled there in order to defeat the cosmic demon king then settling down on Alterra. This is only partially true. There is an ancient period of history which has been erased by the Consortium and replaced with half truths. In reality, it was the location where the Mad King of the Gods, Osiris, was slain and where the Ascendent/Godenders initially set up their new regime, The Tellustinian Republic (secretly ruled over by the Consortium). It should also be noted that El’Tellus once went by a different name and was ruled over by the Witches of The Three Covens. They were also defeated and supposedly slain by the Ascendent/Consortium. The Consortium are the shadow government equivalent for Alterra. On the surface they're just the pharmaceutical/alchemical guilds, but in reality they have secret plants(spies) within every other guild and wield unquestionable authority absolute.
Geneva Godsend, G'vain's Aunt is the current leader of House Wealdend and a high ranking member of the Consortium. Midas is also a member, but he's actually an alchemist, so he automatically holds a higher rank than her (despite her Heroic Lineage).
Geneva Wealdend-She's designed to look kinda like the step mom from Ever After if she was wearing a pitch black dress/plate mail combo outfit. She’s actually 250 years old (commoners don't know that) and has been married 81 times😑. That means she has a Wealdend in every other noble family...at least one. And at least a couple secret ones that she uses for blackmail. It's due to her cold hearted business genius and uniquely brutal acquisition stratagem that the Wealdends and Alterra are at the peak of their wealth and power. That saves her from too much consortium oversight cuz she indispensable.
The reason there's chaos within The Consortium is cuz the various high ranking members who run that shit show are trying to prep for the first Alterran Civil War in like 3000 years...so lots o' backstabbin’.
Ye and the people who should be reigning it in are all "indisposed" …
The Godenders/Ascendent (founders of The Consortium)
Aulden(Odin) adopted son of Ysmirœlda, Queen of the Jötunns- Secretly allied with Gaian leaders plotting the demise of the Consortium...probs cuz mum asked him to.
Adiya, last of the Jehosha warrior race-too busy jus barely keeping her abyssal rot contained so that she doesn't morph into an Apocalyptic Daemon so powerful, it would easily bring an end to not only Alterra, but any world even tangentially connected to Altenn space🤣🤣🌶 lol oops.
Cornelius, last of the 1,000 clones of the Mad King of the Dead Gods (his name is stricken from reality, but it was Osiris)-insecurity issues...always trying to prove he's not just like his dad/progenitor. Ends up doing the opposite. Gotteeem. He is the culprit behind the attempted Gaian Genocide, but it remains unclear how much of his madness is simply a result of the Centric (Godcomplex) Virus influencing his decisions. This, in combination with the fact that he has always been mentally unstable, and continues to exacerbate his instability by chopping up his soul. He uses the chunks to fuel his many, many….many clones spread throughout the Cosmos.
Aurangzeb, sixth daughter of the sixth daughter of the Witch of Ændor and the former Jötunn godking, self proclaimed demon king of the Abyss😑(actual name stricken)- too busy going insane from seeing too many versions of the future, (the reintroduction of Gaia into their timestream has spawned millions more) causing her soul to start dividing into different bodies and minds.
Nameless Godking of Avalon(goes by Ace)-too busy sulkin cuz he never wanted to be immortal.
And the list goes on, but those are the biggest players. During the multiple millennia in which the Consortium ruled, The Alterran Republic spread, conquering more worlds in the name of “FREEDOM” from the abuses of the gods. Eventually, when the rest of the Cosmos had all but given up fighting back against the Alterrans - when Alterra was at the height of its wealth, corruption, and debauchery -
the first Cataclysm occurred. The further merging of realms had little to no effect on the Consortium’s power and control of the Cosmos, but it did reveal the existence of a new Realm they had not yet invaded. A world it’s residents called Earth.
The Cataclysm- Up until the Cataclysm, trans- dimensional travel (Aether Sailing) was strictly monitored and controlled by the Alterran shipping and merchant guilds, who only let the privileged gain access. They could enforce this across most of the Cosmos with the assistance of the Centralized Institutions of Wizardry, who had access to the noble High Elvish Oracles, who in turn would know whenever somebody ILLEGALLY tried to go magically Realm hopping.
The Cataclysm put a stop to that business chokehold, as it created innumerable inter- dimensional cracks (called Cataclysmic Rifts) that ANYONE could easily slip through and gain access to other Realms. The sheer overwhelming number of these Rifts made it impossible to monitor them all successfully. Additionally, some of the Rifts did not give off a strong enough Aether signature to be detectable until you were standing right next to them. Gaia and their Black Market Industry (Free Trade Union😏) were MUCH FASTER when it came to mapping out these stealthy passageways throughout The Cosmos. The Alterrans live in constant fear of Gaian shock troopers popping out of thin air and blowing everything around them to smithering bits. The trans-dimensional Black Market is also the main source of Gaia’s massive, cosmic wealth… though they are loath to admit it. On the surface, The Cataclysm just caused a lot of chaos and destruction, but for many in the Outer Realms it equaled freedom from the iron grip of Alterra.
Some Noteworthy Effects of the Cataclysm-
* Merged the worlds of Ceiba Altae and The Motherless Realms together, allowing Mabaj Armauk (Chief amongst Chiefs, Councilor to all Orks) and Aayansh (Blinding Sun Emperor of the Itzamná, the Lizardfolk) to make contact and form an alliance. This alliance would become the cornerstone of the Beastblooded Empire that would soon span a multitude of realms and challenge Alterran supremacy in the Cosmos.
* The energy released by the Cataclysm briefly revealed the presence of the Centric Virus/Viral Ego which had up until now been able to conceal its presence completely by hibernating in the quantum realm. Several key individuals noticed it’s presence, including Ozyeldias (last of the ancient eternal elves), a time traveling Grandvandal, Cornelius of the Godenders, and the witches of the Utopiate Coven. This began the many, many…MANY attempts to fully exterminate the virus once and for all.
* Alice Winchester travels back to the exact moment of the cataclysm and throws Mr. English into Azathoth’s Eye/Mouth/omni-orifice, “destroying” them both. This is also the exact moment when Sven C. L. English first activated his temporal sequencing A.I. and his computer exploded, shocking him with golden electricity, initiating the living paradox that is Mr. English (the man outside of time).
- [ ] “Wildfire”(see above image for draconic version of her name) assembles the Shaman-lords of the Dragonborn people and ridicules them for their cowardice after the Cataclysm and subsequent increased taxation and mandatory draft “volunteers” for the Alterran military. She then brings forth her captive, the Alterran governor of their world(who is known by the shamans to be an immortal alchemist) and sacrifices his immortal soul to Tiamat. This is a surprise because the Draconic Goddess of Vengeance was believed slain by The Godenders. Thagora, leader of the shamans, attempts to dissuade Wildfire from worshiping the evil Tiamat, but is instead obliterated by her new power. She single-handedly defeats several other resisting shaman-lords and declares herself the absolute ruler of all Draconic peoples. She is a key figure in the founding of the Beastblooded Alliance and subsequent Empire (she’s Aayansh’s Merlin😑).
Gaia(pronounced YEE-uh, apparently😔. After the Ashen Age, some still call it Earth. But most swapped to Terra Mater or Gaea. Terra/Terrans was eventually dropped in favor of Gaia/Gaians, so as to avoid confusion with Alterra/Alterrans. Old Earth is now only used when referring to pre-cataclysm Gaia.)- Formerly known as Earth. During The Cataclysm (a Cosmic-wide temporal/spacial anomaly that merged many previously unconnected realms together), Earth was merged with Alterra, making it easy to slip from one to the other. There was an immediate breakdown in communications between then earth leaders and Alterran nobility. Without warning, Alterra sent all of their most powerful spellcasters to the newly opened cataclysmic rifts and they unleashed the full might of their magical repertoire upon the surface of earth. This included hundreds of plagues/infestations, triggering hundreds of volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, unleashing an unlimited incursion of demons and undead, etc. This would come to be known as The (attempted) Gaian Genocide. Alterra then left earth unmonitored as they were dealing with other, more pressing issues at the time. This would prove to be their gravest mistake.
The Ashen Age- the death toll was approximated at 3,000,000,000 of earth’s humans gone within the first year after the attempted genocide, but the real number is presumed even higher. It cannot be stressed enough just how close to extinction Earth’s humanity came at this point. Those who adapted to survive during the ashen age became what we would consider “monsters” in order to cope with their new living conditions. Many humans were mutated beyond recognition, or cursed with new iterations of undeath and Daemonic Blood. The new humanity of earth were barbaric, brutal and filled with vengeful hatred for all things magical. They came to be feared by the demons and other creatures that had once hunted them. The monsters unleashed upon earth soon realized that they were the ones trapped on a dead world devoid of magic to revitalize themselves, being hunted through the ashstorms by invincible metal men that spat fire and death from their arms. Those creatures who were not slain by the new humanity were subjugated and added to the various gangs and warlord nations that were now popping up all over this apocalyptic landscape. The various goblinoids, trolls, aberrations, vampires, generic criminals, etc. that had been sent there by Alterra willingly joined the savage humans. (Alterra basically used earth as their version of Cosmic Australia, dumping a bunch of peoples they didn’t like there. Huge mistake. This is why Gaia is so racially diverse and considered one of the least discriminatory worlds in existence.) They felt a sense of sameness and camaraderie with the desperate and angry earth people. It is believed by Gaian Goblins that it was one of their legendary Gaian warlords that first coined the term Gaia/Gaian, but this is HEAVILY debated. There were many contributing factors to earth humanity’s ultimate survival, but perhaps none were more crucial than the birth of one of the Cosmos’ most feared and hated monsters…
Silver Eyed Wraiths- Fueled by pure nothingness, with eyes that glow faintly silver, these new undead were only born on post-genocide Gaia. Unlike their fellow undead, they have no recurring or apparent weaknesses and the entirety of their soul remains chained to the physical plane (instead of a soul fraction, as with regular undead). They are fully sentient and capable of evolving and becoming progressively stronger if left unchecked. The only limitation on their physical and spiritual power seems to be the original person’s pre-death will to survive. Because they are purely paradoxical entities, they are immune to most Aether(the power of spells will greatly diminish when silver eyes are nearby) and have the automatic ability to disobey the laws of whatever universe they’re in (they can permakill immortals, time travel, refuse to die, ignore or alter Destiny just by existing, etc.). As you can imagine, just one of these Wraiths could cause innumerable paradigm shifts and reality-breaking glitches. And Alterra had just created hundreds if not thousands of them. Most of them faded into obscurity, but three of them reshaped the fate of the Cosmos forever.
General Tomoe “Gozen” Yamamoto- She was only a child when a red haired man stepped through a portal in the middle of Tokyo right next to her. He was dressed in shining golden armor with dragons engraved on every inch of it, with a billowing crimson cape at his back. He wore a cocky grin on his face as drew a longsword glowing with holy light from it’s scabbard at his hip. He looked just like her favorite character from (insert manga title here). He still looked heroic even as he spun with his blade, hilt held at his solar plexus, in a perfect circle. Still smiling cockily as everyone around him began falling in half, severed at their midsection. Tomoe still couldn’t comprehend what was happening as all the buildings as far as she could see began collapsing in on themselves or toppling to the ground in massive dust clouds. Her scream was lost in the cacophony as a skyscraper lurched down on top of her and the red haired man. The metal, glass, wood, and people turned to ash as they touched the glowing bubble of light surrounding the golden, grinning man. When the dust settled, he sheathed his blade, dusted his hands and walked back through the portal. He had never even noticed the tiny, crying girl right next to him. She sat in that exact spot for a week, still holding the severed arms of the parents that had been holding either of her hands. Then she stood, clasped their hands in prayer, and whispered to any god that would listen. She prayed the gods of earth would guide her as she sought her vengeance against the red haired man. So begins the tale of General Yamamoto, unifier of earth and all who currently lived on it, founder of the United Gaian Frontier and iron-fisted dictator of a totalitarian and increasingly militaristic regime. Any who questioned her authority were met with swift and harsh punishment. Any who refused to join her met an untimely end. Even demons, weakened by Gaia’s lack of magic, were “persuaded” to join her quickly growing army. Some say that she had strange sort of power over them. Over everyone she met. As if she were the Sun and all others planetoids, forced to obey her gravitational pull. In reality, it is very possible she did have such an ability as it was eventually discovered she was in fact a Silver Eyed Wraith. To this day, it is unclear exactly when she transitioned into her undead self, though it was likely during her expeditions around the globe to collect resources and followers. There is some trace evidence to indicate that, unlike the other Silver Eyed, she committed some dark ritual to intentionally transform herself (and that this had made her an even more powerful iteration than the others). She focused on first collecting as many intellectuals, former Alterrans (or those who knew the most of their ways), and educators as were left alive to help plan the base of her new, underground society. There, people were provided food, water, safety and some explanation as to what had happened to earth. More importantly to most, they were given hope… and a chance at revenge. As she rebuilt, she used the combined resources of all that was left of the now dead and buried nations of Old Earth to advance Gaian technological experimentation to its absolute limit. And when that limit was reached, she demanded additional magical experimentation begin. This marks the birth of the first (official) Technomancers and the formation of the Department of Supremacy. She did not discriminate, anyone who sought vengeance against the Alterran Republic was welcome to join her new world order (most Gaians agree Yamamoto chose the term Gaia/Gaian because she needed a term that encompassed all of her citizens, regardless of their race or origin). And when her forces were more than ready and willing, she lead them through the cataclysmic rifts and launched an all out assault on the capital of Alterra.
Roderick Grandvandal- died of a heart attack on Gaia right after the Gaian Genocide and failed to realize he’d come back as a Silver Eyed Wraith. Walked through a Rift into another dimension known as the Fey Wilds, where he died many more times. It was here that he learned of his immortality and how to wield it. He went on many adventures in the Fey Wilds, coming across a great number of weirdos who either tagged along or thought he was just the worst, including: Two pixies and a sprite, a Displacer Beast he saved from a bog, a warrior woman with the head of a jaguar, a goblin pretending to be a gremlin with his half gremlin daughter, a band of merry leprechauns who forced him to play Irish pub songs for them, a knight who had been turned into a toy, an excessively shy dryad who could only communicate with hand signals from a great distance, a sphinx who ate him and then turned into a black house cat (which he immediately adopted) that secretly plots it’s revenge against him for many years to come, a very truly lost angel, a celestial River dragon who challenges him to a magic duel and then accidentally fuses with Roderick for some time, Quetzalcóatl, an Emerald Knight who also challenges him to a duel and they take turns killing each other (Emerald Knights are unkillable unless you know their VERY SPECIFIC weakness) until the emerald knight finally gives up and joins his party, …and Baba Yaga, The Ancient Hag of the Deepwoods. Ms. Yaga almost immediately puts Roderick in an enchantedly silenced corner for talking over her. With a dunce cap on his head. She then solved most of the parties problems, including separating the river Dragon from Roderick, and told them all to get lost. When Roderick attempted to leave as well, she forbade it, telling him that she could not in good conscience allow a monster such as he to roam free. Roderick became very cross at this and attempted to debate Ms. Yaga on the subject, for which he was turned into a child and forced to do chores around Baba’s seemingly endless, living house. She forced him to sing weird, creepy nursery rhymes while he was cleaning. All this was later revealed to be his training, the song’s lyrics reverberated with the soul of The House and reshaped his mind to resemble that of a Witch. Ms. Yaga then taught him the basics of witchcraft, which took him entirely too long to learn and was annoying cuz he kept asking if she was gonna teach him “to be a wizard”, and crafted a special Grimoire that would be able to cope with his Silver Eyed nature. All this she did so that he would not transform into the Eldritch creature that was festering inside his mind. She also used black magic to seal what she referred to as “The Great Serpent” in a more permanent slumbering state (this also greatly reduced Rod’s Silver Eye powers and presence). They grew much closer as time went on…… after Rod helped her defeat the Alterran girl who had once tricked her into spellbound slavery and kidnapped her grandson. That’s a whole story to itself, though. Free of the Alterran Sorceresses’ curse at long last, Baba set out to find her grandson and sent her new apprentice to the emerald “capital” of the Fey Wilds, Titania’s Embrace. Titania herself IMMEDIATELY despised Roderick and attempted to incinerate him many times, to no avail. The fact that he used his now fairly impressive spells of illusion to mock her each time did not help his case. The situation became worse due to Roderick’s friend Matthew, currently possessed by the resurrected blood god Huitzilopochtli(Totec), who challenged Titania and her entire court to a series of duels. Luckily, the Feyfolk who accepted were all mostly immortal, and thus survived being brutally torn apart by the Mad Saint of Totec. Quetzalcoatl and the Jaguar lady bound and chained Saint Matthew until his bloodthirst waned, but Titania still demanded a price be paid. This also is yet another story in and of itself. All you need to know being Rod, Mat and Crew went on several Quests in the name of Titania and helped free the Fey Wilds from the Iron grip of The
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cherokeegal1975 · 1 year
The Grey, WIP: 7/7/23
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Well, I wish I had realized yesterday that by painting the base coats of the wings and then just fading out the references over the top of them, I could have saved myself some time and trouble. Now all I have to do is erase around the white wing and it'll be mostly done...save for some highlights I might want to put in.
This was a single image, then a doubled one because my graphics program has a tendency to merge all layers prematurely once in a while. A glitch that I'm not at happy about. I was just able to remove the bulk of the reference picture today. Look so much better without it there.
I was going to do a half gold and half silver halo, but with all that black and white, there's need for more splashes of color. So, the halo will be solid gold and have red jewels set into it. The flames will also add some color as well as the lady's skin. A nice brown. Her hair will be black.
References for the bits I need to see are still there, just invisible at the moment. Except for the frame design. I'm doing my best to eliminate anything I copied from online as fast as possible. Except for the wings of course. I need those.
I will lighten the hue of the cloak; I usually start dark and work lighter then darker again in spots as I go along. I even have brushes that will do fabric textures. I think I might try that. In spite of the need for more color, I still insist that the cloak be grey. Maybe I can add some patterning or something. I'll think about it.
Anyway, I never meant this drawing to look like a playing card. In fact, the main elements of the drawing just showed up randomly in my head when I wasn't really thinking of anything particular. But I liked what I saw, so I'm drawing it.
Yes, I know I'm cheating a lot. This is because sometimes I have trouble translating what's in my mind onto canvas. I can draw the human figure but haven't had a lot of practice at it. Nor do I have a lot of practice drawing clothing. It was just easier to find what I needed online to help me out this time. I don't know who all the artists are who put out all these free resources for me to use. Though angelic figures are common, I can say with confidence that this idea is uniquely mine. Just for the fun of it I did a general search image for a moment and found lots of angels, but nothing exactly like mine. So, there's that.
I can and to draw freehand. I'd do it more often than I have been lately if I had more time. My time off is sporadic at best/worst. Given the choice, I'd spend more time doing everything in my head. Taking a few hours a day just to draw. I can do a solid three hour session of drawing before my brain gets tired and I have to take a break. I rarely get that time lately.
Ugh. This is devolving into a bitch session. I won't do that here. Anyway, when this is completed, people who are into games like Dungeons and Dragons or similar games may use this character as part of your game. Just ask me first because I want to know about it. Give me credit for the design. No, you may not sell it. I need the profits far worse than you do.
I came to think of The Grey as a kind of judge for contests and legal issues...and maybe other things. She knows there's more than one facet to every story, there isn't just pure evil and pure good. There's always those shades of grey. And she's an excellent and fair judge. A living personification of justice and a powerful force for the good side. My mind had to work on this for a while as I drew her "card." Because originally, she had no story, no meaning. I'm still inviting people to have an open interpretation of her character however.
I can also see this as a big poster over someone's bed simply because it looks cool. It would be a nice decoration, especially if it turns out as nice as I want it to.
I'd appreciate it if no one used my idea until it was completed. I might make some changes along the way that I won't know about until I get there. Not that I think anyone will really. Every offer of free resources I put out gets ignored. I don't know why.
I will also post this on Redbubble when it's done and send a link. I can't seem to completely let my optimism go even though I'm aware that no one wants to buy my artwork. I don't know why.
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MONSTER LEGENDS GOLD GEMS [Monster Legends Gold Gems Generator 2024]
Monster Legends Cheats IOS And Android
In order to become a Legendary Monster Master, you must have the most powerful monster to beat other Monsters. It’s not easy since you need a lot of gold and food to grow this strongest monster. It takes a long time to collect enough food and gold to develop.
You can use gems to exchange food and money. However, it’s complicated to obtain free gems through fighting and winning battles. To make it quick, you must pay a lot of real money to get just a few diamonds, which not everyone can afford.
Don’t worry! Just put your wallet aside. On this page, we will teach you how to use our free Monster Legends Cheats Android and IOS to obtain limitless gold, gems, and food in Monster Legends.
You do not need to download any files because our generating tools are available online. Each time you utilize it, you can gain up to 1.000.000 gems, money, and foo. The best part is that you can use our tools as many times as possible. It does not limit the number of uses. You can get monster legends unlimited gems, gold, and food with it. Then you’d be able to unlock a vast number of unknown monsters and level them up in order to fast win the game.
Monster Legends Resources Generator
Click on the button above.
Enter your game username or ID and select the platform.
Select the number of gems, gold, and food you want and click Generate.
You need to complete 2 free tasks from our sponsor’s list to get resources. Just click on a task and follow instructions to complete it.
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There is no survey or human verification. Most of our tasks just require you to download free games into your phone and run for 30 seconds. Then, you can uninstall these apps later.
How To Get Free Gems In Monster Legends No Hack?
You will get banned if you are trying to hack Monster Legends. The best method to gain free gems, cash, and food is to use our online monster legends generator. This program generates resources and sends them to your account. All you have to do is choose the number of resources you require and supply us with your username or ID so that we can deliver them to you. It is completely secure because no files will be downloaded to your mobile device.
How To Get Gems Fast In Monster Legends?
You may lawfully obtain Monster Legends gems by winning more combat fights, maintaining a high stamina level, viewing movies, participating in events, and receiving daily login incentives. Besides that, you can receive Monster Legends 99999 Gems For absolutely free from us. All you have to do is utilize our free gems generator online. Yes, you can receive Monster Legends free gems no download anything. It’s quite simple. Give it a go!
See also  Happy Clinic Game Reviews
Monster Legends Reviews
Monster Legends Introduction
Monster Legends is a multiplayer role-playing game in which you must raise an army of monsters from unhatched eggs into terrifying combatants and immediately prepare them for battle.
Almost every player in this sophisticated RPG may command their own elite force, with hundreds of monsters to pick from (each with their own set of skills) and the opportunity to breed and create new hybrid species.
Monster Legends How To Play
You’ve arrived in the land of Monster Legends, and you can’t wait to get started. Not so quickly! Before you even consider fighting, gather an army of monsters. Begin by creating your own Monster Paradise to do this.
Your home base is the island where the game begins. It’s where you’ll create, feed, train, and develop your monsters from tiny hatchlings to formidable beasts ready to take on any foe.
As your Monster Master job progresses, you’ll be able to build a Monster Paradise in which your animals reside in carefully created homes. On this island, you feed your monsters, encourage their training, and breed them between battles and missions and other mini-games for experience and important prizes.
Monster Legends Features
Begin immediately by constructing your Breeding Mountain, Farms, and Habitats!
Unlock unique structures such as the Library and the Monster Lab.
Level up your monsters for the upcoming encounters and rank them in the Monster Lab.
Increase the power of your monsters using Runes, Relics, Beasts, and Talents to get an advantage in combat.
Create a strategy that combines attackers, tanks, and control monsters.
Collect over 900 monsters: new creatures are added every week!
Combine monsters from various aspects and rarities to create unique new species.
In the game’s limited-time events, you may get fantastic creatures of all kinds.
When you walk into a battle arena with monsters that have been specifically trained up to almost super powered levels you’re going to be able to crush the competition with minimal extra effort whatsoever – completely wiping out all of the time and effort that they have spent trying to build the “perfect monster”.
You just can’t pull that off when you have to grind and grind (and grind and grind) away for hours and hours just to get a few incremental bumps in skill level here and there.
It’s just not worth it, which is why so few people have been able to create full stables of monster creations in Monster Legends that are jam-packed with some of the most fierce, ferocious, and flat out powerful monsters the game has ever seen.
0 notes
[Monster Legends Gold Gems Generator] 2023 ~(Monster Legends Gold Gems Mod) Monster Legends Gold Gems Android iOs
Monster Legends Cheats IOS And Android
In order to become a Legendary Monster Master, you must have the most powerful monster to beat other Monsters. It’s not easy since you need a lot of gold and food to grow this strongest monster. It takes a long time to collect enough food and gold to develop.
You can use gems to exchange food and money. However, it’s complicated to obtain free gems through fighting and winning battles. To make it quick, you must pay a lot of real money to get just a few diamonds, which not everyone can afford.
Don’t worry! Just put your wallet aside. On this page, we will teach you how to use our free Monster Legends Cheats Android and IOS to obtain limitless gold, gems, and food in Monster Legends.
You do not need to download any files because our generating tools are available online. Each time you utilize it, you can gain up to 1.000.000 gems, money, and foo. The best part is that you can use our tools as many times as possible. It does not limit the number of uses. You can get monster legends unlimited gems, gold, and food with it. Then you’d be able to unlock a vast number of unknown monsters and level them up in order to fast win the game.
Monster Legends Resources Generator
Click on the button above.
Enter your game username or ID and select the platform.
Select the number of gems, gold, and food you want and click Generate.
You need to complete 2 free tasks from our sponsor’s list to get resources. Just click on a task and follow instructions to complete it.
Upon completion, the selected resources will be sent to your account.
Please avoid harmful malicious mods since they will either flood your device with UNWANTED ADS or STEAL YOUR INFORMATION! We always provide excellent service and never engage in any deceptive practices in order to make money. We want you happy; that’s our goal. You can be sure to get quality service on Epicgameday.com.
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Yes, you may put your faith in us. We are the leading company in providing Free Game Resources services. Our tools will never contain harmful malicious.
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Yes, it does. Across 15.000 individuals have benefited from our tools all over the world. We update our tools on a daily basis to ensure that they are completely functional. If you have any issues, please open a ticket or chat with us, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
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There is no survey or human verification. Most of our tasks just require you to download free games into your phone and run for 30 seconds. Then, you can uninstall these apps later.
How To Get Free Gems In Monster Legends No Hack?
You will get banned if you are trying to hack Monster Legends. The best method to gain free gems, cash, and food is to use our online monster legends generator. This program generates resources and sends them to your account. All you have to do is choose the number of resources you require and supply us with your username or ID so that we can deliver them to you. It is completely secure because no files will be downloaded to your mobile device.
How To Get Gems Fast In Monster Legends?
You may lawfully obtain Monster Legends gems by winning more combat fights, maintaining a high stamina level, viewing movies, participating in events, and receiving daily login incentives. Besides that, you can receive Monster Legends 99999 Gems For absolutely free from us. All you have to do is utilize our free gems generator online. Yes, you can receive Monster Legends free gems no download anything. It’s quite simple. Give it a go!
See also  Happy Clinic Game Reviews
Monster Legends Reviews
Monster Legends Introduction
Monster Legends is a multiplayer role-playing game in which you must raise an army of monsters from unhatched eggs into terrifying combatants and immediately prepare them for battle.
Almost every player in this sophisticated RPG may command their own elite force, with hundreds of monsters to pick from (each with their own set of skills) and the opportunity to breed and create new hybrid species.
Monster Legends How To Play
You’ve arrived in the land of Monster Legends, and you can’t wait to get started. Not so quickly! Before you even consider fighting, gather an army of monsters. Begin by creating your own Monster Paradise to do this.
Your home base is the island where the game begins. It’s where you’ll create, feed, train, and develop your monsters from tiny hatchlings to formidable beasts ready to take on any foe.
As your Monster Master job progresses, you’ll be able to build a Monster Paradise in which your animals reside in carefully created homes. On this island, you feed your monsters, encourage their training, and breed them between battles and missions and other mini-games for experience and important prizes.
Monster Legends Features
Begin immediately by constructing your Breeding Mountain, Farms, and Habitats!
Unlock unique structures such as the Library and the Monster Lab.
Level up your monsters for the upcoming encounters and rank them in the Monster Lab.
Increase the power of your monsters using Runes, Relics, Beasts, and Talents to get an advantage in combat.
Create a strategy that combines attackers, tanks, and control monsters.
Collect over 900 monsters: new creatures are added every week!
Combine monsters from various aspects and rarities to create unique new species.
In the game’s limited-time events, you may get fantastic creatures of all kinds.
When you walk into a battle arena with monsters that have been specifically trained up to almost super powered levels you’re going to be able to crush the competition with minimal extra effort whatsoever – completely wiping out all of the time and effort that they have spent trying to build the “perfect monster”.
You just can’t pull that off when you have to grind and grind (and grind and grind) away for hours and hours just to get a few incremental bumps in skill level here and there.
It’s just not worth it, which is why so few people have been able to create full stables of monster creations in Monster Legends that are jam-packed with some of the most fierce, ferocious, and flat out powerful monsters the game has ever seen.
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goddamnmuses · 2 years
Send a Ö and I’ll reveal a character I’d consider rping.
I have like countless OC's i could post for these from all sorts of things like Star Wars, Harry Potter, My Hero Academia, The Last of Us, Supernatural, Dungeons and Dragons, Destiny.. but if I post them I'll just get a lot of "who?" so i have to think of canon characters.. but this might be a cheat. Death.
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I'd just merge a bunch of Deaths into one and have them just be different forms because.. why not.
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