#Mens Wedding Rings In Fort Worth
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sgjeweler1 · 2 years ago
At SG Jeweler, every ring is fully custom-designed specifically for each person’s individual style, tastes, budget, and creativity. We work within your budget to design your dream ring with any type of metal, shape, size of stones, and favorite elements. Custom rings at non-custom prices with the best quality.
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libidomechanica · 3 years ago
With a rude chariot stood readers dwindled with her, the sore
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0 notes
aswithasunbeam · 7 years ago
Benton J. Lossing Interview with Elizabeth Hamilton, 1848
Historian Benton J. Lossing sat down with Elizabeth Hamilton at her daughter’s home in Washington, D.C. in 1848. His record of the interview follows:
“She was then in her ninety-second year of her age, and showing few symptoms in person or mind, of extreme longevity. The sunny cheerfulness of her temper and quiet humor, which shed their blessed influences around her all through life, still made her deportment genial and attractive. Her memory, faithful to the myriad impressions of her long and eventful experience was ever ready with its various reminiscences to give a peculiar charm to her conversation on subjects of the buried past. She was the last living belle of the Revolution, and possibly the last survivor of the notable women who gave a charm to the Republican Court at New York and Philadelphia during Washington’s administration. When I revealed to Mrs. Hamilton the object  of my visit, her dark eyes gleamed with pleasurable emotion. She seated herself in an easy chair near me and we talked without ceasing upon the interesting theme until invited by her daughter to the tea table at eight o’clock; where we were joined by a French lady, eight or ten years the junior of Madame Hamilton.
‘I have lately visited Judge Ford at Morristown,’ I remarked.
‘Judge Ford, Judge Ford,’ she repeated, musingly. ‘Oh, I remember now. He called upon me a few years ago and brought to my recollection many little events which occurred while I was at Morristown with my father and mother during the war and which I had forgotten. I remember him as a bright boy, much thought of by Mr. Hamilton, who was then Washington’s secretary. He brought to mama and me from Mrs. Washington, an invitation to headquarters soon after our arrival at Morristown in 1780.’
‘Had you ever seen Mrs. Washington before?’ I enquired.
‘Never,’ she said, ‘never;’ she received us so kindly kissing us both, for the general and papa were very warm friends. She was then nearly fifty years old, but was still handsome. She was quite short; a plump little woman with dark brown eyes, her hair a little frosty, and very plainly dressed for such a grand lady as I considered her. She wore a plain, brown gown of homespun stuff, a large white neckerchief, a neat cap and her plain gold wedding ring which she had worn for more than twenty years. Her graces and cheerful manner delighted us. She was always my ideal of a true woman. Her thoughts were then much on the poor soldiers who had suffered during the dreadful winter, and she expressed her joy at the approach of a milder springtime.’
‘Were you much at headquarters afterward?’ I enquired.
‘Only a short time the next winter and an occasional visit,’ she replied. ‘We went to New Windsor after we were married, and there a few weeks afterward Mr. Hamilton left the general’s military family. I made my home with my parents at Albany, while my husband remained in the army until after the surrender of Cornwallis. I visited Mrs. Washington at headquarters at Newburgh, on her invitation, in the summer of 1782, where I remember she had a beautiful flower garden planted and cultivated by her own hands. It was a lovely spot. The residence was an old stone house standing on a high bank of the river and overlooking a beautiful bay and the lofty highlands beyond. We were taken from Newburgh in a barge to the headquarters of the French army, a little beyond Peekskill, where we were cordially received by the Viscount de Noailles, a kinsman of Madame Lafayette, who was Mr. Hamilton’s warm friend. We remained there several days and were witnesses of the excellent discipline of the French troops. There was saw the brave young Irish woman called ‘Captain Molly,’ whom I had seen two or three times before. She seemed to be a sort of pet of the French.’
‘Who was Captain Molly, and for what was she famous?’ I asked.
‘Why don’t you remember reading of her exploit at the battle of Monmouth? She was the wife of a canoneer—a stout, red-haired, freckle-faced young Irish woman named Mary. While her husband was managing one of the field pieces in the action she constantly brought water from the spring near by. A shot from the British killed him at his post, and the officers in command having no one competent to take his place, ordered the piece to be withdrawn. Molly (as she was called) saw her husband fall as she came from the spring, and so heard the order. She dropped her bucket, seized the rammer, and vowed that she would fill the place of her husband and avenge his death. She performed the duty with great skill, and won the admiration of all who saw her. My husband told me that she was brought in by General Greene the next morning, her dress soiled with blood and dust, and presented to Washington as worth of regard. The General admiring her courage, gave her the commission of a sergeant, and on his recommendation her name was placed on the list of half-pay officers for life. She was living near Fort Montgomery in the Highlands at the time of our visit and came to the camp two or three times while we were there. She was dressed in a sergeant’s coat and waistcoat over the petticoats, and a cocked hat. The story of her exploit charmed the French officers and they made her many presents. She would sometimes pass along the French lines when on parade and get her hat nearly filled with crowns.’
‘You must have seen and become acquainted with very many of the most distinguished men and women in America, and also eminent foreigners, while your husband was in Washington’s cabinet.’ I remarked.
‘Oh, yes,’ she replied, ‘I had little of private life in those days. Mrs. Washington, who, like myself, had a passionate love of home and domestic life, often complained of the ‘waste of time’ she was compelled to endure. ‘They call me the first lady in the land, and I think I must be extremely happy,’ she would say almost bitterly at times, and add, ‘They might more properly call me the chief state prisoner.’ As I was younger than she I mingled more in the gayeties of the day. I was fond of dancing and usually attended the public balls that were given. I was at the inauguration ball—the most brilliant of them all, which was given early in May at the assembly rooms on Broadway, above Wall street. It was attended by the President and Vice President, the cabinet officers, a majority of the members of Congress, the French and Spanish Ministers, and military and civic officers, with their wives and daughters. Mrs. Washington had not yet arrived in New York from Mount Vernon, and did not until three weeks later. On that occasion every woman who attended the ball was presented with a fan prepared in Paris, with ivory frame, and when opened displayed the likeness of Washington in profile.’
‘Were you often at balls which Washington attended?’ I enquired.
‘Did he usually dance on such occasions?’
‘I never saw Washington dance,’ she replied, ‘he would always choose a partner and walk through the figures correctly, but he never danced. His favorite was the minuet, a slow, graceful dance, suited to his dignity and gravity, and now little known, I believe.’
‘Mrs. Washington’s receptions were very brilliant, were they not?’ I asked.
‘Brilliant so far as beauty, fashion, and social distinction,’ she replied. ‘Otherwise they were very plain and entirely unostentatious.’
‘Did you usually attend them?’ I asked.
‘Frequently; I remember a very exciting scene in one of her earlier receptions. Ostrich plumes waving high over the head formed a part of the evening headdress of a fashionable belle of that time. Miss McEvers, sister of Mrs. Edward Livingston, who was present, had plumes unusually high. The ceiling of the drawing room of the President’s house near Franklin Square, was rather low, and Miss McEvers’ plumes were ignited by the flame of the chandelier. Major Jackson, Washington’s aide-de-camp sprang to the rescue of the young lady, and extinguished the fire by smothering it with his hands.’
‘You saw many distinguished French people, refugees from the tempest of the Revolution in France, did you not?’
‘Very many. New York became much Frenchified in speech and manners. Mr. Hamilton spoke French fluently, and as we did not sympathize with the revolutionists who drove the exiles from their homes, he was a favorite with many of the cultivated ‘emigres.’ Among them was Talleyrand, a strange creature, who stayed in America nearly two years. He was notoriously misshapen, lame in one foot, his manners far from elegant, the tone of his voice was disagreeable and in dress he was slovenly. Mr. Hamilton saw much of him, and while he admired the shrewd diplomat for his great intellectual endowments, he detested his utter lack of principle. He had no conscience. In the summer of 1794, he spent several days with us at The Grange on Harlem Heights.’
‘Did you not entertain the young son of Lafayette and his tutor at The Grange a year or two later?’ I enquired.
‘We did while they were waiting for Washington to retire from office. They came to this country when the marquis was in an Austrian prison and his wife and daughters gladly shared his fate; their son, George Washington, was sent to the protection of Lafayette’s beloved friend. The President and Mrs. Washington would gladly have received them into their family, but state policy forbade it at that critical time. The lad and his tutor passed a whole summer with us at The Grange. At length he and his tutor went to Philadelphia; lived quietly at private lodgings, and when the retired President and his family left the seat of Government for Mount Vernon, the tutor and the pupil accompanied them. When the young man and his father were in this country twenty odd years ago they very warmly greeted me, for the marquis loved Mr. Hamilton as a brother; their love was mutual.’”
Source: Benton J. Lossing’s interview with Elizabeth Hamilton, as quoted by Katherine Schuyler Baxter in “A Godchild of Washington” (1897) pp.221-225 [Full text available on google books here]
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huntertales · 8 years ago
Part Two: Some Habits are Hard to Break. (Good God, Y’all! S05E02)
Useful Links: Last Part | All Episodes Word Count: 5,763. A/N: So one of my resolutions this year was to post more frequently, I wonder how that's coming along...Seriously, I meant to post earlier this week, but with the last of the holidays, I have found myself a bit busy. Sorry about that! I hope this part was worth the wait. The next part should be out very soon~
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Lowering the shotgun to your side for safekeeping, you stepped into the room after Ellen, carefully observing the crowd of people that were all huddled together. The room seemed like any other you would find in a church basement, it was furnished with a long wooden table and at least a half dozen chairs occupied by an array of people, all sharing the same petrified expression that probably hadn't left their faces since this trouble began. You noticed a priest, a man who looked to be at least in his thirties, huddled in the back of the room with a few blankets cradled close to his chest. You gave him a weak smile when you accidentally made eye contact with him, but yet again, your attention drifted to the woman sitting at the table closest to you.
She kept her gaze on the floor as her husband comforted her by rubbing her shoulders, you presumed they were married from the gold wedding rings on their finger. You noticed she kept running her palms over her swollen stomach as she almost mumbled something, not directly at herself, but the tiny fetus growing inside her body. Reading her lips, you made out the keywords of “It’s okay” and “Everything's gonna be fine, sweetie.” You wondered if this was her first child.
“This is Y/N, Sam and Dean.” Ellen’s introduction brought you out of your thoughts and your gaze over to her. “They're hunters. They're here to help.”
“You guys hip to this whole demon thing?” A male voice made you look over your shoulder to see who spoke up. The man guarding the door stood just a little bit shorter than Sam, but from heavy arsenal he was holding, there wasn't a lack of threat he could strike in someone. You presumed he was a hunter himself, the woodsy kind, at least.
“Yeah.” Dean answered. “Are you?”
“My wife’s eyes turned black. She came after me with a brick.” One of the men sitting at the table confessed to what he had witnessed first hand right when this entire mess started. He leaned his right elbow on the table and nervously chewed on the nail bed of his thumb, you noticed a gold band was on his index finger. You presumed he moved it after ending his unfortunate marriage to his wife from guilt after what he was forced to do in order to protect himself. "Kind of makes you embrace the paranormal."
You inhaled a deep breath from the sticky situation that had unfolded. The demons possessing the poor townsfolk weren't here for some big agenda, it was probably for the hell of it, see how much of a body count they could rack up before being run out of town by hunters. "All right," You glanced over at Ellen and dropped your voice to a whisper, making sure nobody could hear this conversation besides you or the boys, knowing even more panic was what you were trying to avoid. "Catch us up."
“I doubt I know more than you do. Rufus called—said he was in town checking out some omens. All of a sudden the whole town was possessed.” Ellen explained. You furrowed your brow in confusion at how quickly the situation escalated. “Me and Jo were nearby—”
“You're hunting with Jo?” You cut her off, surprised to hear the information come out of her mouth. The last time you had seen the young Harvelle she was working in some little bar, far away from the once standing Roadhouse after her mother refused to even think about letting Jo out of her sight to go hunting. You presumed she had been out on her own, taking cases where they popped up. Never could you think Ellen would join her daughter in the lifestyle that killed her husband many years ago.
“Yeah, for a while now.” Ellen said. You looked away for a moment to see if you could spot Jo anywhere, but she was nowhere to be seen in this small crowd of at least a dozen people. "We got here, and the place—well, the place was exactly like how you've seen it. Couldn't find Rufus. Then me and Jo got separated. I was out looking when I found you three."
You gave her a sympathetic look when you noticed the worry starting to settle in the woman’s face at the troublesome thought, it was her nightmare that she thought about frequently when Jo left on her own. But for this to actually happen, you knew it must have been eating her up inside. “Don't worry, we’ll find Jo.” Dean said with reassurance.
"Either way, these people cannot just sit here." Sam whispered. His gaze lingered for a second or two on the folks who quietly kept themselves quiet with their heavy thoughts. "We got to get them out now."
"No. It's not that easy. I've been trying. We already made a run for it once." Ellen protested the idea, knowing it was foolish to think of such a thing. Sam asked her what happened from her answer. "There used to be twenty of us." You found yourself subconsciously making a mental headcount of the bodies in the room, you made it to about nine, and subtracting the number Ellen said, you realized the danger you would be putting everyone in if you tired to repeat history. Who knows how many would come back if you attempted to make an escape for it. "There's four of now. " Dean said, but you doubt the numbers would match how many dozens demons that were outside, just waiting for their next target. "You don't know what it's like out there. Demons are everywhere." Ellen said. You knew even if you paired everyone off into groups of three, you couldn't risk the chance of having someone fall behind from a demon you couldn't see from the corner of your eye. "We won't be able to cover everybody." "What if we give everyone guns?" Sam suggested. You nudged your elbow softly into Sam's side to give his attention into the flaw of his faulty plan. "What—are you gunna arm up baby bump over there?" "More salt we can fire, more demons we can keep away." Sam said, adding more reason for his plan.
Dean thought about his brother’s plan for a second when he presumed it might just work. Time was on your side, if you gave everyone a proper lesson of what to do, even taking the risk of taking out a few outside again, maybe….just maybe this plan could work in your favor. “There's a sporting-good’s store we passed on Main we passed on the way. I bet they have guns.”
“All right, we’ll go. You stay here.” Sam nodded his head to Ellen to man down the fort as you looked over at the woman, who opened her mouth just a moment later, bringing up the people she was searching for before spotting the three of you. “If Jo and Rufus are out there, we'll bring the back.”
Ellen wasn't particularly pleased with the little room of control you were giving her for the situation, but she nodded her head in agreement, looking away to hide her growing nervousness. You gave her one last look before you turned around to head for the door, the man keeping guard waited for the three of you to head out before locking back up. Giving him a small smile, you stepped out first into the small hallway and headed for the staircase. You grabbed ahold of the banister with a free hand as you made it about two steps. But when you heard the lack of shuffling feet when the door closed back up, you looked over your shoulder to see the boys were standing just outside of the devil’s trap. Dea reached out a hand to stop his brother from going any further.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on. Why don’t Y/N and I go?” Dean’s suggestion wasn’t like him. He normally liked it when all of you worked as a team, and knowing the threat outside, it seemed this was a risk you didn’t want to take. Sam’s reaction to share the same apprehension about letting the both of you head out there without possible backup. “Somebody’s got to stay here and start giving them shotgun one-oh-one.”
“Yeah,” Sam agreed with his brother on that point. “Ellen.”
Dean refused to let this argument die. You felt yourself arching up a brow when you saw him leap forward to stop his brother, yet again, from making his way to the staircase to join you. "It's gonna go a lot faster if you stay and help, okay?"
"What's your big plan, Dean? You gonna go look for guns and salt while Y/N looks for Jo and Rufus? That's a stupid idea." Sam said. His older brother would have known better than to juggle too many tasks at a dangerous point like this. All of you could tackle the small jobs before heading out for a quick search of the town to see if you could spot the hunters. Dean shook his head, mumbling something about him and you being able to handle it. Sam narrowed his eyes ever so slightly at his older brother, suspicion of what his true motives were starting to become clear, despite the nonchalant stare Dean was giving him. "You don't want me going out there."
"I didn't say that." Dean said, being quick to defend himself.
"Around demons." Sam continued on when he gotten a hunch of what Dean was hinting around.
“I didn't say that.” Dean argued the same line, yet again.
"Good God, y'all." You muttered underneath your breath, rolling your eyes in frustration before you glanced over at the brothers to defuse this argument. There was a time and place for them to hash out their passive aggressive remarks, but today was not one of them. "You boys wanna wrap this up? We've got a town full of demons, two hunters missing and eight survivors—nine if you count that unborn baby. Now if you want to sit here arguing like a bunch of amateurs, fine. I'll head out there myself. Just give me the knife and I'll be on my way."
You outstretched your arm and made a gesture with your hand for Sam to give the demon knife so you could stick to your promise. The brothers broke their concentration away from one another and pretended like their argument had never took place. You gave a nod with your head for them to follow behind as you turned around on your spot from the second step on the staircase. As you began jogging up to the to of the top level of the church, you heard the brothers follow behind from their heavy stomps on the wooden staircase from their boots.
Heading back outside, you cautiously observed the area to see if there was anyone that might have stepped out from the woodwork and take a jump on all of you. But you were greeted with the same sight that hadn’t changed when you first arrived into town. You noticed the small market was right across the street, and the sporting-goods store Dean mention had to be at least a few minute walk from here. One of the good things about small towns, all your daily assistencials were just a five minute walk away. Positioning the shotgun, you glanced over at the boys while you crossed the same car with the baby stroller tucked underneath the wheel.
"Y/N and I'll get the salt. You get the guns." Sam said, deciding to be the one for making up the plans for this situation as he began walking just a bit faster, until he was in sync with you. "We'll take a quick look to see if we can find anything before heading back, too."
“No We’ll go together.” Dean suggested.
"Dean, it's right there." Sam argued with his brother. You kept your concentration ahead of you, restraining yourself from rolling your eyes once more. "Can we at least do this like professionals?"
Dean listened to the command as he slowly fell back, stopping in the middle of the road, letting Sam catch up with you before the two of you disappeared into the building. You opened up the door to the store, hearing the familiar jingle of the bell signaling your presence to whoever might be inside. You and Sam split up by taking different sides of the small store to see if there might be any other customers that were here for other reasons. When you checked every aisle and behind the counter, you made the safe conclusion the both of you were here alone. You grabbed a few plastic bags and tossed them over at Sam to get what supplies you might need.
You made a mental checklist of what you might need beside the salt, it wouldn't hurt to be extra cautious. You wandered down the aisles looking for some small items you could carry back to the church for safekeeping before you and Sam headed back out into town to look for Rufus and Jo. The entire store was silent except for the very faint sound of Sam moving the canisters of rock salt into the bags you gave him. You wandered through the store with the shotgun until you stopped in the beginning of the aisle where Sam was. For a moment you watched as Sam quietly fill up the bag with as much salt as he could possibly fit. Leaning yourself against the shelves that displayed an array of canned goods, you realized this was the first time you and him were alone since this chaos started.
""How are you holding up, Sammy?" Your question could be translated to however the younger Winchester personally wanted. It could have been a genuine approach of concern about how he was really handling the situation at hand, with no brother around, maybe he would feel comfortable enough to admit a few confessions. You watched as he stared at you from the corner of his eye for a moment or so, as if he was contemplating to finally break down and see there was someone on his side. "You know you can talk to me about anything, right?”
"Can you grab some more bags?" Sam, just like the Winchester way, diverted the conversation to something else. He pointed a finger across the store, you tried your hardest not to let your lips stretch into a frown of annoyance. "These are kind of getting heavy." Sam's neutral expression is something that is of complicated matters, in which, he's too good for you to be able to see just a scrap of what he's really feeling. You can't see a spec of emotion in his eyes that detect sadness or guilt, there's nothing but a look that reads like a classic aura of seriousness. He wants to get the job done. You bite the inside of your cheek, a habit that seems to be forming out of stress, and nod your head. Pushing yourself to a standing position, you head over to the front of the store and go straight to the register. Running your fingers across the counter, you bend over slightly to find where you gotten the plastic bags from before. But you barely made a second of searching before you hear Sam violently whisper your name from across the room. You look up slightly to see what he wants, yet you follow his index finger that hovers over the aisle that hides his ginormous frame. Furrowing your brow, you look over to the door just in time to see there's two guys coming to the store, from the black eyes and baseball bat one of them is holding, you had a feeling they weren't survivors. Throwing yourself to the dirty floors, you managed to hide yourself from the demons just as the bell chimes, announcing a new customer. You curl your lips inward so your teeth are keeping them tightly shut, a precaution to  make sure they can't hear you breathe. You hear the heavy thumps of boots across the floor. One of them heads to the back of the store while the other lingers in the front. A few swear words slip out from your mind when you realized the shotgun was still in the back of the place with Sam, along with the salt. You have no weapon to defend yourself. For someone who kept berating the boys for being unprofessional, you sure were making a lot of rookie mistakes on a hunt with some much at stake. But you decide to make one more, you need to figure out where the demons are before you could try and make some sort of escape. Inhaling a quiet breath, you place your hands on the ground, feeling the dust and accumulation of the tiniest amount of crumbs that touch your skin, while it's an unpleasant experience, it gives you enough leverage to lean just the slightest to see what's going on. As your eyes are the only thing visible behind the counter, your eyes widen ever so slightly when you hear the thumping sound of a can hitting the ground. Sam tried to play a distraction when he spotted one of the demons right across from him. He had two shotguns and the demon knife tucked in the back of his jeans. It could have been the perfect way to take out two more demons, but it ended up being the worst things he could have done. You scrambled to your feet when you noticed one coming your way while his friend dropped whatever he was trying to steal to the ground. You barely make it across the counter before the demon gets his hands on you. He roughly shoves you against the wall, pinning you in place for just a second. But you retaliate by swinging your fist, managing to throw a punch that sends his head at just the angle which doesn't look pleasant. You notice the shotgun lying on the ground, if you're fast enough, maybe you could grab it and momentarily stun the demon. Just as you were about to lunge forward, you suddenly find yourself staring at the end of a knife. You barely manage to block a swing, you hiss in pain when you feel the stinging sensation prickle across your skin. The demon managed to slice through the fabric of your shirt and give you a nick, but it's not what he wants. Your hands quickly grab ahold of the knife by the handle, and by using every single fiber in your body, you try your hardest to push the blade away from you. You try your hardest to push him away, but the demon is stronger than you, and before you could stop it, you feel a gasp of pain escape your throat.
It had been barely four days since the incident Bobby had put himself through to save you and Dean from being slaughtered at the hands of Meg, the demon who you could never really shake off for too long. You glanced down at the knife to see that the blade had disappeared, and from the intense pain in your side, the demon lodged it into you. You felt yourself hitting the wall when he pulled out the knife from your body, with the blade dripping red, it was near impossible to protect yourself from what was about to come. You shielded yourself with a free hand as the other quickly put pressure on your wound, but before the demon could do anything, Sam roughly grabbed a hold of his wrist. You watched as everything unfolded, but you couldn't keep up with what was happening, it was going too fast. Before you could steady yourself, you felt yourself slowly dropping to the ground.
You landed to the floor with a soft thud, the pain subsiding in your legs had passed, but the ache in your stomach had grown almost a million times worse. You pressed your palm against your wound, hopeful the shirt you were wearing would be enough to keep it from bleeding it too much before you could get back to safety. Letting out a shaky breath, you slowly looked away from your shirt that was starting to become soaked, and to the two bodies lying on the ground just a few feet away from you. It was supposed to be a simple run for supplies. How the hell did this happen?
Sam roughly held onto the demon knife with a iron tight grip while the other inspected the hunting knife one of the demons had been carrying. The stench of blood filled his nostrils and he steadied his breathing to a normal pace from the extrusion he put himself through. He glanced down for just a second to see how you were dealing with your wounds. You sat on the floor with your legs stretched out and both hands pressed against your stomach. From the looks of it, there wasn't too much loss of blood, and thankfully, your legs twitched every so often. Sam sniffed the air once more when he noticed the pool of blood surrounding the bodies. But without even a second thought, he found himself lifting up the knife the demon had used to harm you. He examined the blade. Stainless steel, perfect for hunting and skinning animals. What Sam was most interested in was the blood, how it slowly dripped off the blade, almost effortless. Suddenly he felt his mouth go dry when he sniffed the blood again ,but this time, it smelled different, almost...comforting.
Without much of a thought, he reached out his hand, and by balancing the demon knife, his thumb brushed across the cold blade, picking up just the tiniest amount of the blood. There was not an ounce of demon blood left in his system, he hadn't craved it for the past five days. But suddenly Sam was tempted all over again. This blood was a new strain of a drug, and, dammit, if he was being honest with himself, he wanted more. He wanted more than just a smell. Sam tilted his head to the side and wondered for just a moment What harm would come if he just...took a little taste? For old time's sake. Nobody would know. Not you, not his judgemental brother.
Yet the thought vanished straight from his mind like the demon blood in his veins when he heard the jingling echo coming from the store entrance. Sam dropped himself to a crouch as you cautiously tried your hardest to somehow make yourself smaller, wondering if there was another demon wondering why their partners were taking forever. But relief flooded through you when you heard Dean ever so quietly call out, “Sam? Y/N?”
Dean wandered through the place after he dropped the duffel bags crammed with all sorts of different guns and ammunition he stolen from the sports store. He examined every single aisle he passed by, but when he gotten to the one where you and Sam were, he stopped straight in his tracks from the mess that had unfolded. The first thing he noticed was the two dead bodies on the ground, and slowly following the blood trail, Dean noticed right away Sam was hovering over it, red handed from the demon knife still caked in blood, and another knife. But his eyes slowly wandered down to the ground, where he noticed you, and the growing dark stain on your shirt. You moved a hand away to try and push yourself into a better sitting position against the wall so you could explain what happened, but all that came out was a muffled groan of pain.
“What the hell happened here?” Dean questioned the both of you. He rushed to your aid, dodging the dead bodies as he dropped the shotgun to your feet before placing a hand over yours to keep your wound from bleeding.
“Demons.” Sam tried to explain to his brother. “We got jumped—”
“Damn it, Sam! How could you let this happen?” Dean snapped with a venomous tone.
“It's not his fault.” You manage to speak, despite how much it hurts. “I left my gun when they came. I should've kept it on me. Sam saved my life. Don't bite his head off.”
Dean found himself taking your advice when he changed the subject, knowing all of you needed to get out of here before someone else came. He slowly helped you to your feet, quieting down your swear words and protests about the pain, ushering you that it wasn't too far of a walk from the church. Sam tried to step in and help, but was brushed off when Dean passed him with his arm wrapped around your waist, taking much of your weight on him as he could. As the both of you got closer to the front entrance, Dean looked over his shoulder to give his brother a look. A look which Sam could translate into one simple saying he's been hearing for the past week, “This is all your fault.”
+ + +
You and the boys arrived back to the safety of the basement level of the church, where you were greeted with an unpleasant Ellen when she saw you with a blood soaked shirt. If you thought she had been stressed before, you had only added fuel to the fire. You gotten the chance to inspect your wounds further, and thanks to Brett, the man who had been guarding the door when you arrived, he and Dean worked together in getting your wounds cleaned up. You learned through small talk with him that he had served two tours in Fallujah. He gotten back a little after a year ago, during his time in the army he saw a thing or two. Your wounds weren't drastic as you presumed them to be. The "scratch" you gotten while trying to dodge the first attack and your stab wound just needed some stitches. But you settled with some gauze and flimsy medical tape Dean found buried in the bottom of the first aid kit until you could get something better.
You kept yourself busy by helping whoever might need a more intimate lesson on gun safety on who might need it. As you helped Roger, the one you remembered as confessing to his wife attacking him with a brick, you observed him as he tried loading a few rounds into the chamber of the gun. Dean watched for a few moments to see that you and Ellen had most of this under control. He glanced around the room to see that his brother was sulking across the way. Dean headed over to the man and took a seat down on the steps, thinking the younger man's sour face was partially his fault for what he'd said.
“What’s wrong?” Dean asked him.
Sam wouldn't answer right away. He fell into a moment of silence when he glanced away from Dean, his eyes wandered around the room, subconsciously looking over at you and watching as you worked, almost as nothing happened, but the blood on your shirt told a different story. He wished that everything happened differently. "Just...at the store. I know I had to do what I did. But it's bothering me. Those demons were possessing teenagers." Sam admitted. "I mean, I had to slit some kid's throat."
"Come on, Sam." Dean muttered to him, annoyance could be detected in his tone as he rolled his eyes from his brother's too good of a heart. "You had to. If you didn't, Y/N might be dead."
"I know. I just—it used to be..." Sam trailed off, as if he was trying to find the right way to explain how he was feeling. "I just wish I could save people, like I used to."
"What," Dean seemed to have read clearly into what this little brother was trying to say without even realizing it. "You mean when you were all hopped up on demon blood?"
Sam tried covering himself as he fumbled out an excuse, "I-I didn't say that."
"I'm heading out." Ellen's voice brought the brothers away from a conversation that could have possibly turned into a petty argument. You looked over your shoulder when you noticed she had wandered off, you noticed she was with the boys. Sam looked at her with a serious expression, asking where she going. "I can't sit here on my ass. My daughter's out there somewhere. My daughter's out there somewhere. I'm not back in half an hour, go. Get these people out of here."
"No, wait." Sam pushed himself to his feet, his brother followed in his actions just a second later. "I'll go with you."
"Whoa. Hold on. Can I talk to you for a second?" Dean asked, stopping the younger Winchester. You watched as the both of them wandered off into the outskirts of the doorway. Ellen turned her head to look at you, slightly curious to see what this was about. You found yourself wondering the same thing when you headed for the doorway, hiding behind the closed door, you listened to what this was about. "You're gonna go out there again?"
"Well, crap doesn't hit the fun with coffee breaks." Sam said. Dean didn't waste a single breath when he offered the chance to go with Ellen instead. "It's fine. Just stay here with Y/N, get 'em ready. I'll cover Ellen."
"Why's it got to be you?" Dean questioned his little brother.
You could detect from Dean's voice what this argument was all about, and it seemed Sam did, too. "Oh, that's right. I forgot.” Sam mumbled with a snarky tone. “You think I'll take one look at a demon and suddenly fall off the wagon, as if, after everything, I haven't learned my lesson."
Dean stared at the younger man for a second, knowing well enough what he seen at the store. There was something in his brother's eye when he was surrounded by the pool of demon blood, it was swinging a bottle of whisky in front of an alcoholic. His mind was somewhere else for that moment as you laid bleeding on the floor, it was almost like Sam forget everything about him, except for that droplet of blood on his thumb. Dean was just insinuating a presumption from mere observation. "Well, have you?"
Sam couldn't help himself when he roughly pushed his brother against the wall, overcome with frustration at the accusation being tossed around. He could live with the fact that the man didn't trust him. But it was another for him to start an argument that was just asking for trouble. "If you actually think—" Sam hissed at the man with anger, but he stopped himself when he noticed you were lingering in the doorway.
“Is everything okay?” You asked the both of them with a quiet voice.
"Fine." Sam muttered underneath his breath.
You stepped out of the way just in time when Sam made his way back into the room. It seemed they settled who was going when the younger Winchester grabbed his shotgun from the table and went back out to the hall, passing by his brother without even a second glance. Ellen rolled along with the situation, heading out to the streets to find her missing daughter.
+ + +
Ellen said they would be gone for half an hour, it had been going on over an hour since she said she would be back with Sam. You glanced down at your phone one more time to read the time before you put it back to the table, trying to mask your worry of what was going on. Maybe they had found Jo and Rufus, maybe they were jumped by a bunch of demons. You bit your lip and forced the thought out of your mind. The goal here was to keep everyone calm, including yourself. You tried getting yourself to listen at the bible verse the priest had been reading to keep everyone's spirits high, but you kept observing Dean from the corner of your eye as he kept pacing back and forth, wanting some kind of sign to know what was going on. He got it just a second later, from the knock on the door.
You jumped out of your skin from the noise you weren’t expecting. You turned your head to the door, along with everyone else, curious to see who it was. Dean didn't waste a second when he headed over, moving the heavy wooden statue out of the way after cautiously looking out the peephole when he noticed it was Ellen. Swinging open the door, you watched as Ellen stepped into the room. She didn't make eye contact with anyone, the woman just came inside the room and headed for the table, putting down her gun. You noticed the look on her face, she was distraught, as if she'd witnessed something terrible.
“Where’s Sam?” Dean asked the important question when he noticed Ellen had come in alone.
You could feel your heart jump into your stomach when you saw Ellen respond with a shake of the head. She took a seat right next to you, guilt creeping into her expression from what she let happen without much of a choice. "They took him? Demons took him?" Susan, the pregnant woman, asked what you had dreaded to hear. You could hear the fear in her voice from what was happening. "What if they're in here--the demons?"
"No." You managed to give her answer, despite how quiet your voice came out.
"Everybody sit tight. I got to..." Dean grabbed the shotgun from the table, thinking this problem could be solved by handling this situation himself with just adrenaline alone. You watched as he got far as the closed double doors, all before he stopped in his tracks, realizing this plan was more of a suicide attempt if he were to go out there alone. You called out the man's name, dragging him back into reality. Despite how much the brothers argued, they wanted the best for each other. Dean cursed underneath his breath and turned back around, deciding to do the smart thing, by figuring out what the hell was going on. "Okay, we need to get a plan together. Tell me everything."
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vacationsoup · 6 years ago
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New Post has been published on https://vacationsoup.com/planning-your-exuma-trip/
Planning your Exuma Trip
Planning your  Exuma Trip?  Wondering what to expect, how to get there, what to take, how to get around.
Planning a trip to a new destination is a mixture of excitement and concern. Let me share my twenty years of experience of The Bahamas and Exuma in particular, with you, and answer the many questions that are buzzing through your brain like bees round a honey pot. Maybe checking through our list will calm your nerves, let you relax and enjoy this new adventure.
Exuma, The Island Exuma is part of The Bahamas, located south east of Florida, and is a tropical island some 80 miles long by between 1 and 5 miles wide with the deep Atlantic Ocean on the eastern shore and the shallow sheltered water on its western coast. Famous for its blue warm waters and its friendly locals.
Exuma Map
Exuma Weather The climate of the islands is tropical with air temperatures varying from 70 degrees in January to 90 degrees in August with only 20 inches of rain per year.
Hurricane Season Exuma is subject to hurricanes. The highest risk is in September and October and rather than risk cancellations many properties close at those times. If you are traveling during those months you should give thought to taking out an insurance policy against having to cancel.  In fact you should consider whether to insure your trip, whenever you are traveling, to cover those unforeseen circumstances, like medical emergencies.
Planning your Accommodation So planning  your Exuma trip begins with choosing your accommodation. You have a choice of staying at an all inclusive resort (adults only), hotels or rental accommodation. Resorts include Sandals, Lumina Point, St Frances Resort, all of which have their own websites. Then hotels range from Peace and Plenty, Beach Resort, Hideaways and Augusta Bay.  Then there  are many rental properties in Exuma and if you choose from the selection listed on the three major listing sites you will be paying a premium of around 20% extra. My advise would be check the newer websites that do not charge a commission, such as Houfy.com and VacationSoup.com or contact me   for  advise.
Planning your Flight to Exuma Planning how to get to Exuma involves choosing the flight as there are no ferries that can get you there. So you have your accommodation sorted, now to flights. Your destination is Exuma International (GGT) and we have direct flights arriving from Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Atlanta, Toronto, Charlotte and Nassau. For more information on flights with contact details go to our website links page. You must also provide evidence that you have a return ticket to your country of residence.
Getting Around in Exuma So you have your flight sorted and you know where you are staying. Next step in planning your Exuma trip is deciding how you are going to get around and explore the islands many beaches and oceanside bars and restaurants and shops.  There is no public transport in Exuma, you have the option of renting a car or relying on taxis. My advise is rent a car. I know its another expense but when you rent a car you can go where you want when you want. Sudden decision to go to a restaurant? if you have a car… off you go. No car then wait for half an hour while a taxi drives from the airport. Finished your meal?  Wait another thirty minutes for a taxi and be faced with a hefty bill. So rent a car.  For a list of providers and contact details again go to http://harborviewexuma.com./links
Planning Ahead for the Trip So now the dates are getting closer and its time to turn to the next part of our planned trip to Exuma. We need passports for everyone, are they up to date? Do they all have at least six month between the trip and when our passports expire? If traveling on a US, Canadian or EU passport do not need a visa to visit The Bahamas.
Skitterphoto / Pixabay
Drones If you are planning on bringing a drones to get those fabulous aerial shots, be aware that you need a license. for full details go the government website . If you do not have the license then your drone will be held at customs and you can only retrieve it as you leave.
The Bahamian Currency Note that the currency in The Bahamas is the Bahamian dollar but you do not want to get Bahamian currency for your trip, get US dollars. The Bahamian dollar is pegged to the US dollar so the rate of exchange is 1:1.  When you pay for goods in Exuma you can pay in US dollars or Bahamian dollars, or a mixture of both, and any change may well be a mixture of both.  Just ensure that when you leave Exuma you change any Bahamian bills you may have back to US currency.
Some shops and restaurants take credit cards. Some charge a fee for the use of credit card. Some places do not take cards, so have the cash available.  There are ATMs around the island.
Packing for your Trip to Exuma
Clothes So now your vacation dates are close and you are getting ready to pack. The climate in Exuma is tropical and dress is casual.  So pack cotton and light weight linen clothes. For men shorts are OK day and evening, lightweight long pants if you are more comfortable.  The most important item is swimwear, pack plenty, you will probably spend most of your time in swimwear. Ladies take some wraps to wear over swimwear when in town or traveling, locals will not be comfortable seeing you in a bikini shopping, take wraps. Another useful item is a lightweight windproof jacket so if you go on the famous swimming pigs trip, when you get out of the water and back in the boat, you will not feel cold when the boat speeds up and you are still wet.  Pack hats for sun protection, flip flops and water shoes so you can walk across rocks at the waters edge. If you are traveling in the cooler months like November through February, a thin wetsuit or shortie would be good for swimming.
Northshore of Moriah Cay
Next part of planning your Exuma trip are items other than clothes that you should consider. Are you taking your laptop? Your I Pad? or other electronics, if so don’t forget your charger or USB plugs.  The electronics in The Bahamas is 120 volt and the plugs are the same as US. So if traveling from Europe you will need to bring a converter plug. Have you checked if a hair dryer is provided at your room?
Luggage Now some advise when traveling. Don’t have labels on your luggage with your home address. It has been known for thieves to spend time at airports noting the addresses on luggage then robbing the home knowing that the owners are away on vacation. Any external labels should only have your name and cell phone number. The full address should be inside the luggage. Ladies do not take your best jewelry. It not worth the risk of losing expensive earrings on the beach. Similarly check that your wedding ring is not loose, loosing that when swimming could be a disaster. Your on vacation so use fashion jewelry.
Don’t forget that you cannot have liquids in your hand luggage, those must go in your check-in luggage.
Medicines. Packing for your trip it is easy to forget to get sufficient medication and remember to pack it. Bring your prescriptions with you. We do have a hospital and a pharmacy on island, so if you run out of your prescription medicine you could get refills.
Cell Phones in Exuma If your cell phone does not work in Exuma you could call in at Bahamas Telephone office in George Town and purchase a local SIM card and have them fit it. Dont forget to keep the original card somewhere safe to replace it in your phone when you head home. Lastly don’t forget the charger.
Drones Your drone will be held by customs if you do not have a license to import it. See notes above and in the government website
Importing Items into Exuma There are some items that cannot be imported into any Bahamian island, and these restrictions may effect you if you are stay at a self catering address. No fresh fruit or vegetables. If you are bringing in meat or cheese make sure it is in its original packaging. You are allowed to import up to $100 worth of goods.
Exporting items from Exuma If you are thinking that at the end of your trip you would like to take back some fish or lobsters then be aware there are limits to the size of catch you can export. They are: 6 pelargic fish such as mahi mahi, wahoo, king fish or tuna. 6 lobsters (during lobster season) and a maximum of 20lbs of other fish.
Conclusion. I trust that this information helps you have a smooth and trouble free holiday on our tropical island and that one thing you definitely take home are fond memories.
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zarafoodrecipe · 7 years ago
Woman watches as thieves steal $64k worth of belongings in brazen Carlton robbery
Police launched a public appeal for assistance on Friday to help locate the three men who were captured on CCTV raiding the home. Antoinette said Chloe had only stepped out for a couple of minutes before returning to find the thieves inside. "Because [Chloe] was down the street, literally down the laneway, they might have been watching to know to just go in," Antoinette said. CCTV from the home. Photo: Supplied CCTV from the home. Photo: Supplied The offenders flee carrying possessions from the Carlton home. Photo: Supplied. "During this time Chloe came back just before 3.20pm and shes noticed the doors are all open ... and has seen shadows and heard people in the house. She has immediately run back out again and called triple zero. Police basically said, 'In case theyve seen you, get far away'. "They said 'weve got police on the way, we will apprehend them, we will get them in the house'." Over the next 10 minutes, Chloe described to emergency operators where the getaway car was parked, the number plate of the car, and the direction it was facing, before running to the main road for help. Police were yet to arrive when the three offenders got back in their car and sped down the laneway to escape. Carlton residents Chloe and Antoinette. Photo: Supplied. Detectives believe the thieves were using a stolen vehicle, which was later found dumped on Dight Street in Collingwood along with some of the stolen items. Luckily for the couple, police found the wedding dress and engagement rings in the car, as well as some other jewellery. They now estimate they have recovered $24,000 worth of property, but the rest is still missing. "Weve now upgraded the security and feel like we live in Fort Knox," Antoinette said. "It's really affected the way we live ... We are just paranoid and always on the phone to police. I obsessively check the cameras." Antoinettes elderly grandmother and mother, who suffers from multiple sclerosis, both live on the same street and she said the response time from police made her worry for them. Police have appealed for public assistance to locate the three men who were captured on CCTV entering the house. It is understood the same offenders are linked to a hit-and-run in Fitzroy and a petrol theft in Preston. The first male is describedas being of Mediterranean or Middle Eastern appearance, aged in his 30s, and unshaven. The second male is described as Caucasian, aged in his 30s-40s and wearing a black hooded jumper and grey pants, and the third man was wearing a hi-vis jacket with a hood and had a mask on. Anyone with information is urged to call Crimestoppers on 1800 333 000. Simone is a breaking news reporter for The Age. Most recently she covered breaking news for The Australian in Melbourne. Most Viewed in National Loading Morning & Afternoon NewsletterDelivered MonFri. https://www.smh.com.au/national/victoria/woman-watches-as-thieves-steal-64k-worth-of-belongings-in-brazen-carlton-robbery-20180706-p4zptk.html?utm_medium=rss&utm_source=rss_feed
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edennaumann130-blog · 7 years ago
A Wedding Album Lets You Preserve The Memory Of Your D-day Forever
The social dance is of two sorts: ceili and hang dancing. Irish set dances are quadrilles that are performed by 4 couples. While the Irish ceili dances have various formations that includes 2 to 16 people within the performance. Apart from number of performers and formation there is also stylistic difference between those two dance performances. Now, to the inescapable cons of getting a tattoo. Let us admit it, anything using a needle is truly a con for a lot of women and men unless in case you are employed to pin pricks of if you'd prefer the anguish, nothing amiss with that. What's amiss is the fact that include the diseases that could from needle use. Not every tattoo parlor that is known is gonna have tools which were properly sterilized. Some could harbor blood-borne illnesses like HIV or Hepatitis. To stop that, ensure that your parlor is reputable. Your choice in Toronto wedding bands will surely impact the whole feel of your respective wedding. 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The costume that can be used exactly like outdated 19's century, simple white-colored shirt as well as the sepia color in completing post production. Trying to select a Toronto strap could be overwhelming, nevertheless it doesn't have to be. There are many items that you're able to do to sort of reduce the competition so that you are sure that you select the best band to your wedding day. One of best items that that you can do is to speak to other couples you are sure that used Toronto wedding bands before. When you check around you will definately get plenty of great feedback about which local bands are really good and definately will assist you in making your wedding day everything it might be plus more, and which wedding bands have never served residents the best during the past. Out of all the binoculars you can find today, probably the most exciting, one of the most widely used and essentially the most versatile set, may be the night vision binoculars. If you ask anyone why, they won't offer an immediate answer for it ? maybe the reason is actually embedded into our subconscious, i.e. the fact that you will desire something that will give you the electricity to achieve that other normal beings/peers cannot do. That could be the main idea behind the very fact the night time vision binoculars should indeed be one of one of the most popular device. First and foremost the night vision binoculars are lots of fun; as a way to see what you look for even in the darkness of the night is very thrilling. It offers a child-like enthusiasm so helping in having a great deal of family fun. This is definitely a must-have within your camp days. Try to make a fort if you are in the woods and observe the scenery through the night after that. It will be a memorable experience. I have some collectible goods that I imagine would suit him. I might be way off the mark. I'd like to think someone like him wouldn't have pleasure in mega bucks for sofas, paintings and extreme high ticket items because he's seen success, but instead may want to live amongst an even more down-to-earth collection or decor. I've read descriptions of his early years to section of the "white lower-class experience". Somehow, it doesn't fall into line having a home decked out from fancy Design Center furnishings, but oh well. This is my fantasy: If you can, you should ask your invited guests to select simple songs jak odzyskać kobietę po rozstaniu so that you can do not need to to arrange all the instruments in the party venue. However, real singers can manage inside minimum instruments or facilities. There are many different stuff you can try in order to dissolve fun inside the atmosphere from amplifiers to superior sound systems. You must motivate people to sing old or new karaoke songs in groups. It not simply helps to make the environment amazing, but liberal also. 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peniseargementtips · 7 years ago
https://ift.tt/2HJA2Pd <div style='font-style:italic;' class='uawbyline'>By Jose Bell</div><br /><br /> <div class='uawarticle'>The fashion industry is big. That is because people love to look good. They value their appearance. People usually go to great lengths to improve their looks. The fashion industry is worth billions of dollars. It is an important pillar of the global economy. It is just as important as the financial and the mining industries. Jewelers play an important role in this industry. These are professionals who sell different kinds of accessories. Some jewelers specialize in the production of <a href="http://www.carmelladesigns.com/about">one-of-a-kind jewelry Fort Worth</a>. These pieces are awesome. They offer value for money.<br /> <br /> In the world of jewelry, the best stuff that money can buy is a one of a kind accessory. As the name suggests, this is something rare and extremely valuable. It is a product of genius. It is something worth passing to the next generation. Great accessories usually outlive their owners. They are highly durable and they do not have any speck of mediocrity.<br /> <br /> Life is too short to be mediocre. To live the good life, one should always embrace the exclusive. The world is full of splendor. It is full of beauty beyond compare. It is a planet of fine stuff ranging from fine cars to fine food. If one wants to buy a watch then he should buy a fine Swiss watch or an Italian masterpiece.<br /> <br /> Life is beautiful. One should just look around and see; beautiful people, beautiful smiles, eye catching sights, breathtaking moments and of course, beautiful events. The wedding day is a beautiful day. It is a day of pomp and glamour. Such a special day needs one of a kind jewelry. There are accessories that are ideal for special occasions.<br /> <br /> Accessories are quite handy. Some are quite functional. There are pieces that make life easier. Something like a hair pin eliminates the stress of having to put the hair in place time and again. A tie pin puts a tie in order and it can also elevate the appearance of the tie. A nose ring is simply an awesome jewel.<br /> <br /> The watch is the most common accessory. The appearance of a man is not complete unless he has a watch on his wrist. The same applies to women. There are varieties for men and those for women. A watch is used for more than just measuring time. It is used to pass across a fashion statement. A good chronograph will greatly enhance appearance.<br /> <br /> If it is made of a precious metal then it is exclusive. The best things in life come in gold. Talk about a golden moment or maybe a 24 carat gold ring. Gold is precious. Gold is pure and also luxurious. Gold symbolizes passion, courage, compassion, love, and illumination. Gold is associated with glamour, glitz and grandeur. Gold jewelry is the best.<br /> <br /> Jewelry has a rich history. Since the first humans settled on earth, there has always been a desire to accessorize the body. Even cavemen had accessories. Some were used as a signifier of some form of religious, social, or ethnic affiliation. In particular ancient cultures, accessories had a person meaning such as mourning, love, or even luck.<br /> <br /> </div><br /> <div class='uawresource'><br /> <div style='font-style:italic;' class='uawabout'><br /> About the Author:<br /> </div><br /> <div class='uawlinks'>You can get fantastic tips for picking a jewelry store and view the selection of <a href="http://www.carmelladesigns.com/about">one-of-a-kind jewelry Fort Worth</a> stores sell at https://ift.tt/2xpxQrN today.</div><br /> </div><br /> Exclusive People Normally Choose One-Of-A-Kind Jewelry Fort Worth
By Jose Bell
The fashion industry is big. That is because people love to look good. They value their appearance. People usually go to great lengths to improve their looks. The fashion industry is worth billions of dollars. It is an important pillar of the global economy. It is just as important as the financial and the mining industries. Jewelers play an important role in this industry. These are professionals who sell different kinds of accessories. Some jewelers specialize in the production of one-of-a-kind jewelry Fort Worth. These pieces are awesome. They offer value for money. In the world of jewelry, the best stuff that money can buy is a one of a kind accessory. As the name suggests, this is something rare and extremely valuable. It is a product of genius. It is something worth passing to the next generation. Great accessories usually outlive their owners. They are highly durable and they do not have any speck of mediocrity. Life is too short to be mediocre. To live the good life, one should always embrace the exclusive. The world is full of splendor. It is full of beauty beyond compare. It is a planet of fine stuff ranging from fine cars to fine food. If one wants to buy a watch then he should buy a fine Swiss watch or an Italian masterpiece. Life is beautiful. One should just look around and see; beautiful people, beautiful smiles, eye catching sights, breathtaking moments and of course, beautiful events. The wedding day is a beautiful day. It is a day of pomp and glamour. Such a special day needs one of a kind jewelry. There are accessories that are ideal for special occasions. Accessories are quite handy. Some are quite functional. There are pieces that make life easier. Something like a hair pin eliminates the stress of having to put the hair in place time and again. A tie pin puts a tie in order and it can also elevate the appearance of the tie. A nose ring is simply an awesome jewel. The watch is the most common accessory. The appearance of a man is not complete unless he has a watch on his wrist. The same applies to women. There are varieties for men and those for women. A watch is used for more than just measuring time. It is used to pass across a fashion statement. A good chronograph will greatly enhance appearance. If it is made of a precious metal then it is exclusive. The best things in life come in gold. Talk about a golden moment or maybe a 24 carat gold ring. Gold is precious. Gold is pure and also luxurious. Gold symbolizes passion, courage, compassion, love, and illumination. Gold is associated with glamour, glitz and grandeur. Gold jewelry is the best. Jewelry has a rich history. Since the first humans settled on earth, there has always been a desire to accessorize the body. Even cavemen had accessories. Some were used as a signifier of some form of religious, social, or ethnic affiliation. In particular ancient cultures, accessories had a person meaning such as mourning, love, or even luck.
About the Author:
You can get fantastic tips for picking a jewelry store and view the selection of one-of-a-kind jewelry Fort Worth stores sell at https://ift.tt/2xpxQrN today.
from Blogger https://ift.tt/2HJA2Pd via IFTTT
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sgjeweler1 · 2 years ago
Our designers use your ideas, drawings, and images to visualize your exclusive design concept. Be inspired by the thousands of sample rings that we have in our collection. At SG Jeweler, every ring is fully custom-designed specifically for each person’s individual style, tastes, budget, and creativity.
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weddingideasonline-blog · 7 years ago
We’ve rounded up 50 of our favorite wedding bands for both men and women from $5,000 diamond stunners take up too much real estate. The micropave set diamonds are so sparkly and are set around half of the band. The cost on this ring is extremely Fort Worth, Texas — If you know someone named Lacy who is missing this diamond wedding the diamond, real diamond. Now, this is a 2-3 carrot heart shaped diamond. Pretty good clarity, pretty good color, pretty expensive diamond ring. He hid a ring inside the case on which to have their wedding and Valentine’s Day 1981 happened to fall on a Saturday. They had silk roses at their wedding because the area’s florists were too busy to provide real roses. The bridesmaids had pink The 68-year-old Pretty Woman star sparked rumours he had popped the question to his 35-year-old Spanish girlfriend in November, when she was pictured wearing a diamond ring on her wedding finger of Spanish soccer club Real Madrid, reportedly met The main diamond royal wedding-related memorabilia, currently sells a duplicate version of the future royal bride’s engagement ring. Although it’s technically costume jewelry, this much more affordable gem bears a striking resemblance to the real the Glendale mom felt the heartbreak of someone who just lost their prized possession when her 9-year-old son Rickey Kuhl found a diamond ring along the floorboard of their SUV. “I grabbed it and walked to mom and said, ‘Is this your wedding ring?’ .
So he proposed, forgoing a diamond ring for a piece of string. She accepted. BhFotDshy1U “I’m sorry I didn’t have a real ring,” he wrote that they looked forward to making the “wedding cake to end all wedding cakes.” In his new book about Prince Harry’s bride-to-be Meghan Markle, Meghan: A Hollywood Princess, Andrew Morton writes this about her two-year marriage to producer Trevor Engelson: “The marriage ended so abruptly that Meghan sent Trevor her diamond wedding and A woman has revealed her obsession with wedding planning when she found herself at Tiffany trying on a $16,000 diamond engagement ring alone, and looked up to see real couples around her, she realized she had a ‘huge problem’. ‘Not only was I in When picking out your engagement ring and wedding bands, make every possible effort to track the origins of your diamond—you don’t want to unknowingly or gold that has been melted down and refined—yes, that’s a real thing, and it’s sustainable! .
source real diamond wedding ring: http://www.emasscraft.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/camo_wedding_bands_3.jpg: https://yourdiamondteacher.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Example-of-a-larger-feather-in-an-SI1-diamond.jpg: https://www.bestdiamondsource.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Which-Finger-Do-You-Wear-Your-Wedding-Ring-On.jpg: https://slm-assets2.secondlife.com/assets/3052776/lightbox/royalwedgold-wed.jpg?1298148675: http://www.glitterandlace.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/f9572_three_quarter.jpg: Real Diamond Wedding Ring We’ve rounded up 50 of our favorite wedding bands for both men and women from $5,000 diamond stunners take up too much real estate.
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