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hidefdoritos · 3 days ago
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Did an embroidery on the project jeans. Trying to center my being in these times.
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comfortabletextiles · 12 hours ago
I did a mending day today, because until the bias tape arrives, I can't work on the skirt.
I mended 3 hand knitted socks. It was really fun and satisfying
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And then I came to the last pair. Merino/Silk. Hand spun yarn I spun on my drop spindles. With a really cool pattern I LOVE this pair.
And apparently the moths also
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I'm so frustrated I'm not even sure if I WANT to mend them...
I'll probably cut out some wool fabric and use sashiko. But still T_T
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clotheshorsepodcast · 11 hours ago
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The seemingly small things we can do as individuals are actually really radical, impactful, and important.  Whether that’s mending our clothes, calling our representatives, boycotting big brands and shopping small and secondhand instead…even just cutting back on our consumption of single use plastics We don’t need huge organizations or big accounts/influencers to make change in the world.  We need each other. We need our communities. And we need more of the small but radical things we do every day to become the norm!
Throughout this year, I’m going to be sharing episodes about different things you can do in your community that seem small, but create positive impact. And I am super excited about this week's guest, Scout of Radical Sew Club! Described as “a safe space to learn how to sew and repair textiles while in community,” Radical Sewing Club is a weekly meetup held in LA.  I’m so excited for you to meet Scout because while mending and sewing is often dismissed as unimportant, unskilled work, we know that is completely untrue! And Scout is going to share what they have learned along the way that can help you start your own mending and sewing club in your community! We will be talking about important things like venue, cost, materials, and even how a typical Radical Sewing Club evening plays out.
Along the way we are going to talk about lots of other important things, including the following questions:
🧵 Has capitalism taken away sources of joy for us (only to try to replace it all with shopping)? How do we get those back?
🧵 Why is the lack of third spaces an issue that impacts people of all ages?
🧵 Why is building community sometimes as simple as knowing your neighbors? And how has capitalism made that more difficult?
🧵 Why is it actually super radical to repair fast fashion?
🧵 And how many people do we really need to push back and make serious change in this world?
My mission this year is get us all motivated to do good things in difficult times.  If you’re doing something in your community that you think would be great for other people to introduce in their area, get in touch!
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dogberryrowan · 12 hours ago
Yes! I only learned it was a thing like last year, and so far I've only done it on knit natural fibres with wool - so if you want to experiment with acrylic yarn or poly weaves you're on your own lol
it's a lot faster than my usual embroidery, and it's very nice for my dopamine deprived brain to be able to finish a repair in like 2 hours instead of 20+
For eggs!! I was feelin stabby today for reasons, so i did some felting :) the first is a vest, i needed to cover 2 holes, and the second is a sweater i fixed the button band on and covered various holes. i still want to add another leaf on the sweater, near the pocket
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Hi? What? We can FELT to mend holes in things? hello? help? what? did everyone know this? i'm... this feels... I'm not ready
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heavymead0w · 2 months ago
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Forever finding new holes in my mom's favorite sweater
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stonebutchooze · 5 months ago
I share my sewing wins on here, seems only right I should share my sewing moments of humiliation:
yesterday I accidentally sewed a greggs vegan sausage roll into the lining of a winter coat whilst mending the pockets
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africanmorning · 1 year ago
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scarecrowscribe · 5 months ago
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Moss and lichen inspired repairs on my jacket. Some of my oldest and newest work lives on this thing.
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vertbrunch · 1 year ago
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Tried visible mending for the first time !
love the effect on this old turtleneck filled with holes.
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cuties-in-codices · 1 year ago
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medieval parchment repairs
in a psalter, south-western germany, late 12th/early 13th c.
source: Hermetschwil, Benediktinerinnenkloster, Cod. membr. 37, fol. 19r, 53r, and 110r
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hey-howsitgoin · 1 year ago
So I've had this joke in my head for a couple months (at least), but hadn't found the right spot to make it. Today it is complete.
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A hole in my jeans?
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Hmm? What's this?
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A Patchypus?
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ihopethemoonislistening · 4 months ago
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My brother's beloved pullover got eaten by moths, so I was allowed to use it to practice my darning. A lot of learning as I went, and you can sort of see which holes I started with and my skill slowly improving. Tried out different colour combinations and anchorings and all in all, very pleased with the results.
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snekfloof · 1 month ago
Reminder to everyone that the mending of clothes, especially visible mending, is an act of rebellion in a consumerist society with a culture of fast fashion.
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knottybliss · 6 months ago
Today I stripped the sheets off my bed and threw them in the wash with my pillow, and due to unfortunate circumstances none of the above are dry AND I haven’t been able to wash the blanket I’ve been using and which needs a wash because it has got The Stink. So I redressed my bed with unfamiliar sheets from the closet, and an elaborate crochet blanket I rescued from the thrift at least two years ago because it is huge and gorgeous and I couldn’t find what was wrong with it, and with the open work it looks awesome atop the peacock throw:
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And finally, FINALLY! having it spread out on the bed atop a dark contrasting color enabled me to see just what was so wrong that it was abandoned to the thrift:
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That is so, so fixable. I can do that. I’m not gonna right now, it’s gonna sit on my bed like this until the Executive Dysfunction Weasels determine the hands of the Mending Clock are in position for the deal or whatever.
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heavymead0w · 2 months ago
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A friend commissioned me to patch their grandpa's old Carhartt jacket <33
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