#Men’s Virility And Libido
agnihothealthforall · 3 months
Man Greens supplement product Man Greens is a dietary supplement by Mita Nutra that promises to help male hormones thrive, improve overall health and vitality, and increase male performance.
Man Greens is relatively new to the market, introduced by Mita Nutra in 2019.
According to customer service, they recently redesigned their packaging and switched their formula to all-organic ingredients.
Man Greens focuses primarily on three essential components in its formula; adaptogens, anabolic agents, and naturally grown superfoods geared toward male mental and physical health.
Man Greens comes in a sturdy, resealable package, and on initial inspection, I saw what I expected, a fine green powder. I mixed a scoop with water, and it mixed easily using a blender bottle.
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begouristore · 7 months
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Emperor's Vigor Tonic | Deliverable
The Natural Formula That Supports Men’s Virility And Libido This innovative formula is designed with your well-being in mind. Emperor’s Vigor Tonic aims to support male health by using a blend of carefully selected ingredients.
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landofadonises · 5 months
Operation Adonis - National Guard; Discovery of Sub-Optimal Dosages of NG-AD0372, 1050-1500mg in Lower Weight Class
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Amongst the successful strings of series that the biotechnicians were able to perform were, undoubtedly, the culling of subjects that were provided dosages and measurements that pushed the envelope to progress experimentation further. These scientists continued to delve further into that not theorized, brute-forcing their methods to feel out the walls and doorways of the rooms they trudged through, and with each new room, the tightness of their lab coats and the tearing of fabric becoming more and more present.
They used those in the weight class of Series 4, the successful dosages of 750-1050mg being pushed up to the next bracket, 1050-1500mg. The biotechnicians concluded from these particular trials that NG-AD0372 did, in fact, have correlation to original body mass and genetic capability. They had ruled out mental fortitude rather early on in testing, since seemingly all men of varying intelligence thresholds and resilience all succumbed to the lustful, writhing consequences of the transformation and the effects that it had on them and those around them.
The increased dosage on soldiers of a lower weight class meant that, with an increased pace, muscle mass stacked onto these men with an unforeseen ease, and with it, an unbridled surge of testosterone and virility. The normally passive receiving of worship from those around him during secured dosages was replaced by complete and utter dominance, witnessed in the mid-optimal dosages of the larger weight classes already, but in this, making it nearly guaranteed. Lesser soldiers with their heads pinned against the floors and walls, ripping clothes off of them, completely and utterly dominating these men and bending them to his will. For lack of better terminology, it was a fully-comprehensive alpha-establishing ritual.
Measurements were quickly put in place to control these men during their surges of increased libido, and this became the norm for these men. Amidst their transformation, they were shackled and chained in unoccupied wings of the barracks as NG-AD0372's effects took place, and only after the audible bucking, crashing, and groaning subsided, were they released. Men subject to this then were taught the correlation to certain sensations and entering these periods of lost control, so restraints became normal and scheduled for soldiers of this demographic. Some of them needed assistance, as sometimes, all they could do was suppress their urges as someone else secured them, their moping faces a clear indicator that they wanted nothing more than exactly what you'd expect.
However, with this inconvenience came an invaluable resource of manpower, as the density of these men's musculature was unrivaled, two or three of these men being able to transport tanks and each one carrying multiple components of heavy artillery into areas that were previously inaccessible, making the proficiency of Adonis's warfare tactics insurmountable. This bracket of soldier became a reliable labor source, while the others in containment brackets became a fail-safe - something to release onto the field if things went awry. Documentation on such cases will follow.
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jonbene · 18 hours
Thank you for the outpouring of responses and support on my first few stories. It’s been great to see and very encouraging. I’ll try to write as much as the inspiration strikes to keep you all…entertained :) Here’s my next one:
His father saw an ad guaranteed to make your kids “man up” almost overnight. It was at a wilderness camp teaching kids about foresting, wildlife, and logging. His dad jumped at the chance and dropped him off. To be honest, his son was actually excited. He loved the idea of getting dressed up in costume, spending the summer among the trees.
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It’s true, within the first day they put the kids straight into lessons and trainings all about the forest and how to work. His son adjusted quite quickly and grew a liking to it. They fed him a ton of steak and carbs as he sweat, chopping down trees and hiking. It was 12 hours of work all in the first day and all the kids were exhausted by the end of it. As they got into bed, they noticed that they had changed a bit. Their clothes felt different, but still fit. They were all kind of awkward in their bodies as they grew in height subtly.
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The ad didn’t lie when they said they would man up almost overnight. They all woke up at what seemed like 18 years old. Most of them had full beards by morning!
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They weren’t scared though. They felt confident, excited, and strong. Testosterone coarsened through their new bodies, giving them all the symptoms. And with every new, exciting symptom, there were the adverse ones. They became more aggressive and moody. Their appetites and libido increased. They experienced headaches, acne, and their voices cracked.
Since the camp somehow changed their bodies rapidly, all their symptoms appeared and progressed and heightened rapidly. As they worked on the land feeling more comfortable in their bodies allowing their shirts to open up, letting the wind brush against their skin, their skin began to change. Their skin became tougher, thicker. Their bodies began to bulk, sprouting more and more body hair.
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This was when the boys started to become alarmed. They hadn’t even been there a week, and so much had changed for them. They looked like boys in a football college now. They struggled with all the rapid, mental, and physical changes and wished they’d stop. They never wanted it to be like this; they just thought they’d be playing in a summer camp!
But the changes did anything but slow, no matter how hard they pleaded with their bosses and teachers. The deed was done and there was no reversing it. Their bosses didn’t like their protest, so it was time to escalate. They all started screaming as their bodies burned. One by one they started bursting out of their clothes. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! As one limb after another bulked and sprouted and bounded up, out, and away from them. Veins bulging out of their skin. They begged, “plllleeAAASSEE! nnnoOoOOOoOOO!” as their voices dropped even more into a huge, thunderous man’s voice. Their fate was sealed. They were men now, especially as their muscles one by one bulged up and swelled. Their bodies getting more and more dense hair. No amount of clothes could cover up their virility.
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They must be silenced. There was no way the company could afford negative reviews. A wash came over their minds as the transformation slowed. As fast as it came, it ended. “Ohhhhh,” they moaned softly as their hair fell out of their heads very quickly, leaving them with none left on top and plenty everywhere else. Must be the excess testosterone. They all stood there naked coming to in a trance gently exploring their new bodies with their hands. It seemed normal to them now how hairy they’d become. It didn’t feel like just days ago their dads were dropping them off as kids. It felt normal to them how large, firm, and massive their bodies became.
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It felt normal to them now that they were fully grown men. Men that enjoyed the outdoors. Men that were very capable and handy around the house and yard. Men that worked hard for their money and knew how to enjoy life as well.
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Months later, they were just grown men like everyone else in society. The big secret was that they were just kids months ago and were now men in their 40s. But nobody talked about it, so the process continued happening for generations of boys looking to be accepted by their fathers.
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lafcadiosadventures · 3 months
Madame Putiphar Groupread. Book Two, Chapter XXXVI
ℑ𝔫𝔰𝔦𝔡𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔖𝔢𝔯𝔞𝔦𝔩 ℜ𝔬𝔶𝔞𝔩𝔢
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Jean-Dominique Ingres, le bain turc + study for the bain turc, source, wikipedia
{fellow readers: @sainteverge @counterwiddershins }
Borel puts into practice his theory of parallels between despots of different nations. As I said before, his thesis is not without huge etnocentrism problems, mostly for how he formulated it, but there is something to it imo. It is licit to seek similarities between despotic/oppressive systems, the problem was that Borel made it about a foreign Race corrupting the virile primitive monarchies with its luxurious ways :d
So, here he ellaborates a complex comparison between the serails (his sources, according to my edition are: Six Voyages en Turquie, en Perse et aux Indes, and my editor adds, exceptionally volume VI, Nouvelle Relation de l’interieur du serail (1713), by Jean-Baptiste Tavernier.)and the parc-aux-cerfs. Some parallels, (like the green livery) we are to understand, are made by the King himself who has tried to fashion his brothel after a fantasy harem. Others are parallels (like the selams) cannot be literal, but drawn by the narrator himself.
I don't think the rational explanation for the green annuls the connection I made between the other green wearers of the novel and the guards. However, on an literal level we learn that the green here is taken from the codes of the serails that inflamed the libidos and imaginations of white men all over. Green equals servants of the high born concubines. While the baltagis (literally "man with the axe," the guards of the serail) wore grey. Agiam-oglams were children between the ages of nine and ten, “selected for their physical strength” according to my translator. The Kislar-aga was the chief of the eunuchs, his main role was leading the concubines to the bedchamber, and there also was the Kutzlir-agasi, the chief of the black eunuchs. Then we return to french, to nominate he who was jokingly called monsieur de Cervière, the guardian of the virgins, like a loup-cervier, the wolf that attacks the does in this case. De Cervière (a retired army major) is the boss of the Parc, he rules over everyone else. His task is to punish and thwart any exterior attempts made to rescue the women. He also had to capture any possible “selams”-> in the actual serail, flower arrangements with codes and secret meanings, so, he will frustrate and punish any attempt to hide hidden secret messages by the women to the exterior or vice-versa. He had the authority to summon the sphahis, a regimient of mounted soldiers in post conquest of Algeria France, selected from the arab and bereber population. [This word came to france from ottoman turkish, the original word is sipahi, which is turkish merely means horsemen, but that aquired a super insulting meaning in spanish, still in use (the word cipayo, literally a mercenary, figuratively a person from the periphery who defends the interests of the imperial metropolis against his own nation)(not only they force draft colonial soldiers, they also transform their words into insults)]
We learn that the Madame functions as a female kutzlir-agasi, she has to prevent contact between the odalisks, she is, as it had been hinted, a low born, “vulgar” woman, who thanks to her extreme organized nature has earned the confidence of Pharao, who joking with her sexuality implies she will one day transform into a man and then he will make her his CHASNATARBASSI
Under the Madame operated two chambermaids who educated the wards/pupils in etiquette, manners, music,dance, literature and painting (not very different from the regular femenine education of the day, they had to know these basic things to be agreeable to the king in case they were not highborn) below the two chambermaids were the dueñas, who fulfilled "any task or service", and had to spy on the pupils. The vile and harsh jobs were done by servants + the horrid and old baltagis. They were very well payed but any minor failing they could be sent to the dungeons. (a terror regime, well payed but very high risk for those enforcing order as well)
“There were odalisques of all age, from nine or ten to twenty years old. When they reached their fifteenth year the town they were living in was no longer kept hidden from them; but they were diverted from believing that they were destined to Pharaoh’s bed. When they were suspected of knowing their destination, which they had learned, either by chance or through confiding, they were sent away and put in a cloister or a chapterhouse, or, when they were pregnant, were married off.”
(tr. Sainteverge)
we know that about the ages to be true, sadly. After reading this we can be hopeful for Maria degli Angeli to have made it alive after all.
Then Borel details the monetary cost of the serail, which is not irrelevant, while the people starved, as corresponds to a monarch, the king spent large fortunes in his idle pleasures. Its also interested to note his dispassionate tone here, no rage, just numbers. It is a well oiled machine after all, a perfect system of sale and purchase of women and a whole system of payed servants and jailkeepers, recruiters and bribers meant to keep the whole thing working. A perfectly rational and dare I say Enlightened enterprise, nothing random or capricious here, not very different from japan's comfort women or the joy divison in nazi germany. Sex is a right of the monarch, but also, these are people being terrified having their lives stolen from them. This creates a rethoric of power and an aura of terror. I would not be surprised if people constructed the parc into a fairy taleesque opportunity for the women (a bit like Maria reconstructs her experience) but historians try to claim a bit of a black legend surrounding it, which implies a general popular rejection of it. 8however we know much of the horrors to be true)
Borel states: the royal brothel with its comerce of nubile flesh lasted 34 years. 34 years and no one ever payed for the various crimes commited within it.
Borel also remarks, drawing one last paralel with the convents: the last superintendent who succeded mme Putiphar had been a canoness
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firewalkzwit · 9 months
runt // jonathan crane x reader. (26)
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Chapter 26
cross-posted on AO3
因為人嘅感情 係好難控制 (I know it’s hard for a man to control his passion,)
最好嘅拍檔 係唔應該有私 人感覺 (partners shouldn't get emotionally involved with each other.)
The first time Crane had slept with her was undeniably chaotic, but to look back on it tempted the most wild parts of his mind to dwell on a forbidden desire. To starve allows one to feel control over primal instincts and the body's pressure to feed itself not in search of nutrients, but plain old dopamine. Similar to sex, the desire to partake in the filth of intercourse mostly stemmed not from a reproductive necessity, but a desperate search for oxytocin. Humans may not be slaves to their instincts like animals, but the search for hedonistic pleasure does not reach much further, Crane thought. So it especially irked him to know that even if he was not only conscious, but also appalled by his lust, he still couldn't repress the desire he felt to take himself back to the first time he got a taste of her skin…
The scent of tobacco was always sour to his nostrils, but warmingly familiar, and tender to his senses despite the corrosive heat of the thick smoke travelling down his lungs. They didn't rush to her apartment to have desperate, barely-contained, heated sex. Instead, the scene unrolled rather awkwardly. He took notice in that she paid no mind to smoking inside, and suddenly the acrid, pungent smell that lingered on the furniture of the apartment and weaved the air he walked through every time he entered made perfect sense. As she lit her cigarette, the flame illuminated the darkness of the apartment. It was late, and in that very moment, while some of the influence of the champagne may have tainted his feelings more than he recalled, she looked and felt perfectly angelical. Even in the indecency and almost unappealing sight of her hunched back and wide spread, semi-crossed legs on her bed as the smoke dragged out of her nostrils and the side of her mouth. It looked perfect, the grey cloud surrounding her and dancing as it elevated and dissipated into the air seemed to bring out the beauty of every sharp and convex edge of her body.
They both knew what was going to come next; the most terrifying part. On other occasions, and even possibly that very instance, Y/N was bound to be met with the terror of the most raw acceptance of being perceived, which she hated. Being seen, touched, witnessed, acknowledged. In her eyes, it brought out her flaws and paraded them to the other person, bulging out and blocking the sight of her beauty. But that night, maybe half drunk, half aroused, she felt incited to initiate a contact of singular intimacy. Crane wasn't as self-conscious of the space he occupied, and felt less prompted to fear the idea of being perceived; natural behaviour for most men who care for nothing more than their own pleasure, rambunctiously possessing the air and space in a room. But his reasons weren't to be simplified to mere male selfishness, especially because in that particular instance he was exempt from his tendency to display his confidence. He desired to be seen, experienced and tasted and for her satisfaction, to please his ego and stroke his libido. Even in the vulgarity of putting into words how he felt, both could say the display felt far more unreal, poetic even; the kind of sex one only has in books or movies.
It had been long since the last time a man had touched her with such indecency, and the last time she recalled didn't feel nearly as gentle and inviting, rather as a selfless act not even she could explain the reason to, merely complying to the pleasure of virility. Instead, she felt confident to initiate contact, caress, touch, kiss. Slowly undressing herself and as she rid herself from her clothes, the shyness abandoned her body. How, when or who had fired the starting gun that led him to suddenly find himself helping her undress was a detail neither could remember, and of particular importance, yet in the heat of the moment seeming unnecessary.
How could she not become infatuated, obsessed and ridiculously forgiving, if the first time she felt him inside her felt sensory orgasmic, even beyond what mere muscle contractions and the contact of bodies in the right places with the right climax can do? It felt closer to listening to her favourite song, eating her favourite food, holding her brother’s hand, hugging a father, the pleasant seconds of an empty brain before falling asleep, fainting, or even dying. He was imperfect, uncoordinated and sometimes even rough with her, but she allowed her own clumsiness and failure to unwind, and to escape the conscious desire of remaining still, waiting for it to be over, instead replaced by the impetuous desire to take control, pinning him down and looking down at him, her breasts and pupils like two pairs of eyes.
It was almost rhythmic, musical, a synchronised choreography. Some modern artistic movements adopt the appreciation of imperfection as part of its beauty, and it would be the best way to describe how it felt. It cannot be stressed enough that a great degree of their rhapsodic state was immensely fed by the influence of alcohol, especially on her behalf, but the influence a mere beverage had on them shifted into a chokehold that kept them trying to find the spark that bonded them together over and over, depressingly so, similar to the way an infertile couple tries for a baby.
However the sex wasn't all disappointment at the catharsis that it was never as good as the first. Instead, the pleasure had shifted into a bizarrely intimate bond sewed between the two, translated into soft kisses and head massages that came after the sex. Nothing was more orgasmic than her fingers running through his hair, softly stroking and scratching the parts of his head his hand could never pleasure half as much. The sweetness of her kisses against his plump lips would graze him with the humid heat of her breath, lingering on his neck and cheeks like a soft caress. On occasion, and with much less tugging against surrendering, she'd give in to his own sweetness; particularly because it was far more scarce in its display. Not very often would Crane be sweet to her, and whenever he would, he'd be gentle and cautious like one caresses a dangerous animal, with curiosity and awe, bordering obsession. Crane often tried to fight his desire to be kissed by her, deeming it too intimate to partake with a mere work-partner or even guinea pig, and would only initiate the contact if he was attempting to control her in bed. But whenever she would trick him into letting her, he'd melt into the kiss almost hungrily, trying to eat her mouth.
Whenever they'd sleep together, they hardly ever cuddled, to the point where the times they did could be counted with the fingers of a hand. Still, they had lost the habit of sleeping turning their backs, replaced by sleeping closely facing each other. She'd occasionally open an eye, shutting the other as her eyelid wrinkled. Her fingers would trace over the slope of his nose, too perfect to not be touched. Her digits would run through his cheekbones and down to his jawline, tracing an invisible line that reached his lips; always full and red, edible-looking like a piece of steak.
Jonathan Crane was an erratic lover, and hardly one at that. The word lover, didn't pair properly to the name Jonathan Crane. Lover is a sweet word, that rolls out of one's mouth smoothly, sounding round and convex. Jonathan Crane on the other hand, particularly his last name, was rough and sharp; aggressive. The placement of vocals seemed to perfectly accommodate to a name adequate to scold, not whisper tenderly in one's ear, and in a way, it adjusted to his nature. To be in bed holding her against his chest as his chin rested on her head felt almost spurious, even if it stemmed from sheer desire, not even Jonathan Crane himself could fathom that both things could ever go together. If everything were colours, Crane and his 'love' for her would combine to create an unpleasant shade of greyish brown, like two colours that were never meant to be mixed. Still, he was willing to surrender to the distasteful appearance of it for the sake of her affection.
sorry for taking so long to update, i’m literally on survival mode 24/7. anyways quote is from fallen angels by wong-kar-wai !!
also sorry for the ocasional broken english every time i reread it i find phrases that are spelled so poorly bye
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how-to-do-it-better · 3 months
Guidance For 'Hot Wives'
Ms. Evangelina Vargas advises wives who want to be “hot.”
By vargas 1 1 1. Listen to the Podcast at How To Sex.
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This topic comes up more often than our society is comfortable with. To illustrate the matter, imagine the scenario of a couple of 50 year old English gentlemen down at the corner pub; when one of them says; “Nigel, I don’t know how to say this, but I have it on reliable certitude that your wife has been shagging a younger bloke from church.” To which Nigel responds with a relaxed breath; “Well, at least someone is shagging her.”
Some men just lack the libido of their spouse, especially decades after the peak of a man’s virility of the early twenties.
More than a few marriages dissolve in a painful betrayal and severe disruption of a cohesive home. It’s even more traumatic when kids lose a 2-parent cohesion, because mom and dad couldn’t work out a satisfying sexual arrangement. We’re presenting the expert advice of well-known ‘hot wife,’ Evangelina Vargas, to weigh in on the issue, for those of you who relate to the conundrum.
Guidelines for Happily Married Hot Wives
By Evangelina Vargas, with contributions from Dawn MWF 4 Blk
Okay, you have heard about being a “hot wife.” It sounds sexy but a little scary, too. You have lots of questions and uncertainties and many women have written my brother, Homer Vargas, for advice. Well, he has asked me to reply because this is something better handled between us girls. With two grown daughters, one kid in kindergarten, one in nursery school, and a bun in the oven, I’ve “been there, done that.”
Probably your first question is “Why should I become a ‘hot wife?’” There are many reasons but the most important one is, love. You have a wonderful husband whom you love more than anything in the world. You want to please him, to make him happy. You think that he might like a hot wife, but maybe you are not sure. What if he thinks you are a slut? Put that out of your mind, sweetie. Take it from me; if your husband is a heterosexual male, he wants a hot wife. If he is not heterosexual (or is a little underpowered sexually), there may be other reasons for you to become a hot wife, but I will not deal with those here. Men want hot wives; therefore you want to become the woman he wants.
Besides wanting to please your man, it’s also a matter of elementary justice. Your husband deserves a hot wife. He has made a commitment to you. He loves you above all other women. He has promised to be faithful to you, giving up pussy from all those other little hotties he was fucking before he met you. You owe him at least the sexual satisfaction he could be getting from those other women if he were still “on the loose.”
In addition, being a hot wife should be a matter of personal fulfillment. You are a woman and you want to be the best, the sexiest, the most feminine woman possible. Becoming a hot wife; an ever hotter hot wife; will give meaning and purpose to your life, releasing you from self-centeredness and ennui.
Then, too, being a hot wife is a very healthy lifestyle. To become and remain a hot wife, you will have to exercise daily, watch what you eat, maintain your body in top form. Dieting and physical fitness will not seem like a chore when you keep in mind that you are honing your body for your adored husband’s sexual gratification. You are not just a “sex object”; and proud of being a damn good one, you are a sex object d'art!
Moreover, being a hot wife is to your material advantage. You want the good things of life: a nice house, fancy clothes, travel, fine food. So how does being a hot wife get you these things? Simple, honey. To acquire the material possessions you want, you need a financially successful husband. And nothing contributes to a man’s success more than having a hot wife.
For one thing, a hot wife at home does wonders for a man’s self-confidence. After a night with you, he walks into that boardroom or law office or shop floor and looks around knowing that no other man in that room has a wife as hot as his! No one else, only a few hours ago, had a woman riding his cock, screaming his name in ecstasy as she orgasmed over and over, begging him to fuck her longer, harder. A man with a couple of good early-morning fucks like that under his belt can kick ass and get other men to do things his way.
But in addition to his self-confidence, the reputation of having a hot wife will give your husband leg up in any encounter with other men. Remember, men are competitive, always measuring themselves against other men. When his rivals and co-workers know your husband has a hot wife, it gives him prestige and allows him to get his way. He’ll be the one chosen for the highest bonus, the promotion, the challenging assignment that leads to advancement. And of every dollar he earns, 75% to 80% will be spent on YOU, his loving hot wife. (Of course if you are a hot high income professional that will further boost your husband’s career.)
There is another reason as well that must be mentioned, girls, even though it’s not too pleasant. You need to be a hot wife in self-defense. Knowledge that your man is married immediately makes him a much more attractive target for other women. For some women, knowing a man is able to make a commitment causes their claws to grow. Tired of boyfriends whom they have screwed for months or years only to see them slip from their clutches; these women may figure that here is a man who has proven catchable.
For others, it’s just the opposite. They know you have your guy well tied down and he’s not likely to get serious when all a girl wants is sex. And the way you look and act indicates that at least one other woman (you) has found him highly satisfactory in the sex department. Yummy!
Still other women seek out married men because they know that married men are likely to be sexually unsatisfied. Sad to say, most women (you are going to be a glorious exception) cut back on the frequency and nastiness of sex once they have “landed” a guy, leaving the poor schmuck flopping around in frustration like a fish out of water.
Finally, and this is paradoxical, the very success that your husband achieves thanks to your being his hot wife, makes him a more desirable prey. There are hundreds of sexy, slutty women out there wanting to take your husband from you and you have to be sexier and sluttier than they are, to keep him!
Now that you understand the reasons to become a hot wife, the important question is, “how.” First, and this is almost too elementary for me to have to mention but many women miss this point: SEX. Yes! You will want to make love, have sex, fuck, screw, boink, shag, get it on, “do it” with your husband every time he can get it hard. Any woman can out-fuck any number of men; so there is no reason for your husband ever to be horny if your cunt is around. The key to a happy, successful, faithful husband is enough sex to keep his eyes crossed.
Almost more important than the frequency and nastiness (we’ll get to that later) of sex is to make sure he understands that you want sex it because HE is a macho sexy Neanderthal stud. You are not doing him a favor (although you are!). These are not just frequent mercy fucks. You are fucking him because he turns you on. He makes you hot. He makes you want sex. He makes you NEED sex! With such a man, you are a sex slave!
Now let’s talk about what kind of sex to have with your husband starting with what kind not to have. It will NOT be once a week, in the bedroom, missionary position, lights out, “think of England” while he empties his balls in you. No! You are so burning with lust for your husband that you will want him to take you on the shag rug in the living room, on the dining table, bending over in the kitchen, draped over the back of the sofa in the family room, in the shower. You have a totally irresistible desire to let him eat you and an almost irresistible desire to give him blowjobs (you swallow greedily), tempered only by the thought that each load of cum in your mouth is one less in your needy cunt. You are multi-orgasmic, or will fake it until you train yourself to become so. You are a moaner and a groaner and a squealer and a screamer. You claw his back in ecstasy. You like it doggie style, riding his cock, legs bent behind you head or heels (6" stilettos) in the air. He can call you every filthy name in the book if it gets you a harder cock and a more cum pumped into your needy cunt. You put every porn movie he’s ever seen to shame.
Because you want to fuck your husband so desperately, all the time, you are constantly looking for ways to excite him, to entice him, to make him want to fuck you. This means taking the initiative, seducing him! You will want to have a collection of sexy nightwear and scandalous casual wear for around the house that signal your constant horniness. Seldom is total nudity best. Always keep on a necklace, bracelets, and your heels during sex. Cleanliness is good and perfume is great, but never wash off or cover up the womanly scent of an aroused cunt. Be proud of how wet he makes you and put up with the mess.
Of course you do not stop being a hot wife when your hubby is off making money for you to spend. A true hot wife would not be able to go through a long day without her man if she did not have toys to keep her sane. Dildos and vibrators will keep you simmering and ready for his return. Masturbation is also important to help you become or remain multi-orgasmic. And of course he likes to know that while he is away, you are missing him so badly you need a large cylindrical object up your twat.
As you get into being a hot wife, seeing how proud and happy your husband is, you will gain self-confidence about displaying your body. You may decide to start taking out the trash early in the morning wearing only a flimsy nightie. You may want to shop for groceries in a short shift that lets anyone see you have nothing on beneath it but your stockings and heels. If you work, you will occasionally “forget” to wear bra and panties to the office.
Now the next point is not for everyone and not absolutely necessary to be a hot wife, but many hot wives are strongly bi-sexual. Girl-girl sex is a great way to pass the long horny hours when hubby is away but it’s also a great way to find women to bring to his bed for a threesome. (Husbands love threesomes with two women.) I have found nothing turns my husband on faster than seeing another little honey and me with our tongues buried in each other’s cunts. And later I let him show me how grateful he is.
Your looks
Hair is also important. You want a hairstyle that is attractive to your husband, not something that is convenient or easy to manage. Generally men like longer, curly or wavy hair. Variety is nice. If you are brunet, go blonde. If you are blond, try red or darker, perhaps darker with highlights. You have to find what works for you, but the important thing, is you are doing this for him. Don’t ask him how he likes your new style; ask him if it makes you look sexier. When he says yes, make him prove it.
Finally a word on body type. Any “body” can be hot as long as you are neither anorexic nor seriously obese. In general men like rounder and fuller women than other women do. Before you decided to become a hot wife, you were probably keeping your weight down because of the expectations of other women, so it’s likely you will can to put on a few pounds. On the other hand taking off a few pounds can say, “I want to be sexy for you.”
So far we have discussed what you need to do in private. Being a hot wife, however, is as much or more about how you behave in public as it is about what you do when you are alone with your husband (or with him and one or two other women). If there is one golden rule of hot wife public behavior it is: DRESS THE PART. When you go out, remember you are NOT dressing for yourself. You are no longer dressing for other women as most women are prone to do. You are not even dressing just for your husband. You are dressing to show off for and tease your husband’s friends, co-workers and rivals. You are dressing to attract and please other men.
Dressing to please and attract other men takes more time and work but take it from me, it will pay off tremendously in amount of attention you receive and how it affects your own “hot wife attitude.” You should always keep in mind what the men you are trying to attract will probably like but in general follow this simple rule when choosing what to wear: "Think dress first, skirt second, and pants only as a last resort.” This will be a radical change for many women but it’s important to remember that most men prefer their women in dresses as opposed to pants. Short dresses and skirts are sexier to most men and they provide easier access in erotic situations. Any skirt or dress that’s more than barely hiding your cookies should have a slit to show more flesh. Even a long gown can be sexy if slit nearly to the waist. You never know when you will have the opportunity to attract that certain man and you need to be dressed for the opportunity when it comes. The good news is that the hot wife lifestyle will probably make you feel like dressing up more and the more you wear dresses and skirts, the more you will find yourself wanting to.
Now I can already hear the objections. “Oh, Evangelina, I could never wear clothes like that. I’m too [fill in the blank] short-tall-round-thin-dark-light.” Nonsense. The point is not to have women (skinny supermodels) make clothes look sexy; it’s to have clothes make women (of all sizes and shapes) look sexy. Believe me, girlfriend, any woman looks good in a miniskirt and a top that shows the rounded top of your boobs.
What you wear under your dress or skirt is as important as the outfit itself. All men love women in sexy lingerie. The colors and styles you may want wear will vary but in general, here are some suggestions and rules to follow:
1: Always wear matching or at least coordinated lingerie.
2: Bras & blouses should maximize your bust size and display as much cleavage as possible.
3. Choose thongs or French cut panties (crotch-less) are best. Avoid white cotton unless you are going for the “Catholic Schoolgirl” look. If you are with men who know you, no panties is the best option.
4. Always wear hosiery. High tops and thigh highs are great for casual wear but stocking held up by corsets or garter belt are best for formal occasion. No pantyhose. If you are like me, you probably have worn pantyhose your whole life, but they are death to your image as a hot wife. It is practically impossible get fucked on short notice if you are wearing pantyhose. Men understand this and detest them. Pantyhose say “I’m off limits”; not the message you want to send. Besides, it’s pretty difficult even to finger yourself or let a man finger you, in the damned things. End of sermon. Stockings, on the other hand, will make you feel far sexier and more feminine and they provide your husband easier access as well as a sexier sight. Once you get used to wearing them, you will probably have no trouble giving up pantyhose. Seamed stockings are the ultimate for attracting men. You will always get a lot of attention in clubs if you wear them and if you dare to wear them in public in the daytime, men will drool.
The only shoes you should ever wear in public are high heels. This will take some getting used to as well, but men love them. Three-four inches are fine for casual entertaining, but try for four-five inches for nights out. High heel, spaghetti strap, open toe sandals are the ultimate “fuck me” shoes.
Jewelry is a must! It should be flashy, designed to attract the attention you deserve. Earrings should be large, loopy or dangling. Necklaces should draw wandering eyes to your cleavage. Always wear your wedding ring. Men love to think the might be getting a shot at another man’s wife! Anklets and toe rings are a good sign that you are a willing hot wife looking to attract men. Bracelet’s and anklets show you are a happy member of your husband’s one-woman harem. A pierced navel below your tank top makes a sexy statement: “I’ll do anything to keep my husband fucking me.” Long highly polished nails in dark, daring colors help draw attention to you. And this goes for toes in those high-heel sandals.
13 ‘Fuck Me’ Signals
Being a hot wife is more than just looks, however; it’s also how you act.
1: In a situation where you are trying to catch a man’s eye; make sure to make plenty of eye contact with him and smile.
2: Show lots of leg. Cross and uncross your legs and bounce the top leg on the lower one, perhaps pointing the toe of your shoe. If you find that you are very attracted to him, eventually let the skirt ride high enough so that he can see that you are wearing stockings and garters. In clubs a woman wearing stockings and garters is taken as a sign that she is there to get fucked. And of course you are, by your husband that night, but no one else knows that.
3: Apply and reapply lipstick. Men want to see signs that you can’t wait to suck a cock and lipstick is a great way to send that signal.
4: Never miss the opportunity to drop something and bend over, from the waist, never bend your knees. (That’s what those expensive sessions in the gym are for.)
5: When dancing (probably the closest you can get to having sex in public), move your husband’s hands to your ass and press close to him during slow dances. If you can feel his cock, he can feel your tits. Don’t be shy about letting everyone see you come on his finger. With other guys, let them handle the merchandise knowing just exactly what they can’t have. Fast dances give you the opportunity to whirl and twirl and flash your pretty panties or your prettier cunt if you’re not wearing any.
6: If a man puts his hand up your dress; whisper in his ear and ask if him if he would like you to remove your panties.
7: If he compliments your dress; tell him you wore it hoping to meet a man like him.
8: Never miss an opportunity to tell him how sexy he is and how sexy and feminine he makes you feel.
9: However much you flirt with other guys, hang on your husband. Rub up against him. Squeeze his arm. Nibble his ear. Gaze into his eyes adoringly. Demonstrate to onlookers how eager you are for him to fuck you.
10: Do not hesitate to sneak off with your husband to do the dirty during a public event. Sex in public will probably not help his career, but for a man to be seen being dragged away by a hot wife who can’t endure another minute without his cock in her, is a real plus.
11: When you depart early from a social event, make sure everyone knows it’s because you are horny and need your husband to take you home and fuck your little brains out before you rape one of the guests.
12: If your husband travels, meet him at the airport dressed to kill: heels, see-through blouse, cunni-skirt, the works. When you see him, fling yourself into his arms and start a stand-up make out session that will shame other wives and drive other husbands mad with jealousy. Make sure the other passengers know what you and he are going to be doing as soon as you get home (if not in the taxi). Leave the men shaking their heads thinking, “What the Hell does he put in her water?”
13: Take your husband shopping for sexy clothes and underwear; modeling them is lots of fun. Husband love to say, “No” to wives who ask them, “Does this show off my titties too much?” “Do you think this skirt is too short?”
Hot & Pregnant
All of the above are fundamental to being a hot wife, but there is one thing that tops it all. Pregnancy! A hot wife wants to make babies for her husband. His genes deserve to have as many copies poured into the gene pool as possible and hey, as a hottie, yours do too. If knowing he has a hot wife at home is good for a guy’s ego (and earning potential) how much more is knowing he got his hot wife pregnant! By the same token, if other men are envious knowing your husband is fucking the shit out of his little hottie, they’ll become comatose when they find out you let him knock you up. And all those sexy things you wear: skirts, heels, stockings; and the sexy things you do: dancing, teasing, flashing; are twice as exciting when done by a woman with a bulging tummy.
There are ways to flaunt it in, however. Start wearing maternity clothes; outrageously sexy, revealing maternity clothes, as soon as the rabbit dies. There is nothing sexier than a pregnant woman and you are letting everybody see it. Hint to your friends that you had intended to wait longer before getting pregnant, but your sexy husband got you so wound up one night you had an “accident.” Alternatively, you might let them think this was your surprise gift to him. Always say “this baby” or refer to it by number, implying that this is just the most recent offspring of many; your husband may be planning to keep you in maternity clothes until you are 60. Hold, pat, and rub your belly at every opportunity. Show off in public with his hands proudly on his wife’s baby-filled tummy. Cultivate a dopey, fucked-out-of-it expression. Tell the wives of your husband’s friends how your libido has just gone through the roof. It will get back to their men who will want to shoot themselves in frustration. None will be able to look your husband in the eye.
Aged To Perfection
A final word on age. You are never too old to become a hot wife. It’s even more important, in fact, if you have taken a younger man as your husband. Although your dresses may not be quite as short now as when you were in Jr. High fucking the football squad, a hot woman of thirty five or forty or fifty is hotter than any twenty year old in full slutwear. And this goes in spades when you are pregnant. Imagine your gray-at-the-temples husband in the middle of a multimillion dollar negotiation when he says, “Can we roll this up pretty soon, TJ? My wife’s about to pop with our seventh kid and I need to get home to give her a good fuck!”
Wishing you every happiness as a hot wife,
Evangelina By vargas 1 1 1 for Literotica
from How-To Sex Podcast
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bougiebutchbitch · 2 years
"Finally, your tone is incongruous to a ludicrous degree. Some days it seems that you have more virility than Chad with a libido high, but then the next day even a nun with the highest degree of chastity would find nothing amiss. You must have some sort of phallic disorder to fluctuate on the rating spectrum so drastically. I implore you to leave Tumblr for your own well being."
This ongoing controversy regarding your rather lascivious drawing of Danzo in a maid's garments perfectly encapsulates my intent with the previous quote. Only a few days prior the primary subject matter of this blog was the very wholesome Kakashi content contained within the Kakashi Retsuden novel, yet through the course of mere hours the tone has shifted entirely to the fornication of two antiquated seventy-year-old men.
ROAST ANON YESSSS stick me in that oven....... drizzle me with oil, season me with salt and pepper.... stick a lemon in my rectum and turn the heat to 240C....... I AM READY
Come to Bougieland for the neverending rollercoaster of chaos! We got feel-good cutesies, feel-hot smexies, and feel-fucking-horrendous, gouge-your-eyes-out ghastlies! Something for all the family!
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mcatmemoranda · 11 months
Low testosterone
FSH and LH tell the testes and ovaries to make sex hormones and gametes. So if you're making a lot of FSH and LH, it's because your brain is trying to tell your sex organs to make what they're supposed to make. If the testes aren't responding to LH, then the pituitary will make more LH, trying to get the testes to go. So if you have low testosterone and high LH, it's primary hypogonadism, meaning the testes are just not making the testosterone. If your testosterone is low and your LH is low, then it's secondary hypogonadism because your brain isn't making enough LH to stimulate the testes to make testosterone.
From UpToDate:
Definition – Hypogonadism in a male refers to a decrease in either or both of the two major functions of the testes: sperm production and testosterone production. These abnormalities may result from disease of the testes (primary hypogonadism) or disease of the pituitary or hypothalamus (secondary hypogonadism).
●Signs and symptoms
•Failure to undergo or complete puberty indicates deficient testosterone secretion.
•Symptoms that could indicate hypogonadism in a man are decreases in energy, libido, muscle mass, and body hair, as well as hot flashes, gynecomastia, and infertility.
●Candidates for testing – We suggest case detection by measuring serum testosterone when hypogonadism is suspected, such as in those with sexual symptoms, osteoporosis-associated fractures, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-associated weight loss, those taking sustained-release opioids or high-dose glucocorticoids for prolonged periods, and those who are incompletely virilized or have small testes on examination.
Men with acute or subacute illness should not be assessed for hypogonadism, as they will have a transient functional secondary hypogonadism.
•Serum total testosterone – To make the diagnosis of hypogonadism, we suggest measuring a morning serum total testosterone concentration between 8 and 10 AM on at least two days.
•Serum free testosterone – Measurement of the serum free testosterone concentration is worthwhile only when it is suspected that an abnormality in testosterone binding to sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) coexists with hypogonadism. The two most common situations of abnormal testosterone binding are obesity, which decreases SHBG concentrations, and aging, which increases SHBG.
•LH and FSH – If the total testosterone is subnormal, it should be repeated between 8 and 10 AM, and serum luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating (FSH) concentrations should be measured to distinguish primary from secondary hypogonadism.
•Semen analysis – A semen analysis is also part of the evaluation of hypogonadism if the patient is pursuing fertility or has been diagnosed with infertility. If subnormal, a serum FSH concentration is measured to distinguish primary from secondary hypogonadism.
●Interpretation of results
•Primary hypogonadism – The patient has primary hypogonadism if the serum testosterone concentration and/or the sperm count are consistently below normal and the serum LH and/or FSH concentrations are above normal.
•Secondary hypogonadism – The patient has secondary hypogonadism if the serum testosterone concentration and/or the sperm count are consistently subnormal and the serum LH and/or FSH concentrations are normal or reduced.
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rawash78 · 11 hours
The Natural Formula That Supports Men’s Virility And Libido
This innovative formula is designed with your well-being in mind. Emperor’s Vigor Tonic aims to support male health by using a blend of carefully selected ingredients.
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herb24x7com · 11 days
Clubhouse Fire™ | 60% Off Today | - Men's Libido Supplement
There are increasing concerns about the alarming decline in male reproductive health. Experts attribute this decline to dietary changes and environmental toxins that disrupt hormone levels. To counter these effects, various supplements and programs aim to restore and enhance male health.
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Try Clubhouse Fire For Over 60% OFF Today!
What is Clubhouse Fire?
Clubhouse Fire is a nutritional supplement created to balance key physiological chemicals such as testosterone, dopamine, and prolactin. By taking five capsules daily, men can potentially increase their sex drive, improve virility, and enhance libido. Many users report quicker recovery from workouts and significant benefits in sexual performance.
Each serving of Clubhouse Fire includes a blend of amino acids, plant extracts, and other proven ingredients that promote testosterone and dopamine production while reducing prolactin levels, thereby enhancing male vitality. Clubhouse Fire is available exclusively through Clubhousefire.pro, priced around $99 per bottle, with a 180-day money-back guarantee.
Clubhouse Fire Customer Reviews
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Verified Purchase “Before Clubhouse Fire, I was certain my marriage was over. Even after 20 years, my wife and I had a great relationship, but things changed. Fortunately, I found this FIRE formula just in time. Now, I feel like I’m back in my 20s! My wife and I are enjoying life like in our younger years.”
Tom Stevenson, New York, USA
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Verified Purchase “This product brought me many advantages. I regained confidence, can last longer, have more energy, and feel much better overall.”
James Richards, Wyoming, USA
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Verified Purchase “At age 40, my wife told me I wasn’t the same, which made me realize I needed to change. After starting the Fire formula, I wake up every day with great vitality and energy. My wife is much happier now!”
Charlie Williams, Chicago, USA
How Does Clubhouse Fire Work?
Clubhouse Fire operates on a straightforward yet effective mechanism using its natural formula to enhance male sexual health and performance. Here’s how it works:
Boosts Dopamine Levels: Dopamine is crucial for sexual desire and satisfaction. Clubhouse Fire increases dopamine levels, elevating sex drive.
Reduces Refractory Periods: Shortens the time needed for men to be ready for sexual activity again, allowing for more frequent and satisfying encounters.
Improves Overall Sexual Health: Enhances libido and recovery time, contributing to overall sexual well-being.
Enhances Stamina and Endurance: Improves stamina and endurance during sexual activities, enabling longer sessions with more energy.
Addresses Psychological Aspects: Boosts confidence and reduces stress, essential for a fulfilling sexual experience.
Overall, Clubhouse Fire works by naturally tweaking essential biological functions related to sexual health. The emphasis on increasing dopamine levels and reducing refractory periods results in a heightened sex drive and quicker recovery times.
Clubhouse Fire Ingredients
Clubhouse Fire targets key areas of male vitality with six ingredients known for their benefits:
L-Tyrosine: An amino acid that boosts dopamine levels, enhancing sex drive and motivation.
Maca Root Powder: A Peruvian superherb that increases dopamine levels and sex drive, known for its adaptogenic effects on stress, immunity, and energy.
Ashwagandha: An adaptogen that boosts testosterone, reduces stress, and enhances overall semen quality.
Vitamin B6: Vital for dopamine production and reducing prolactin levels, also supports energy, stress reduction, and brain function.
Zinc: Essential for testosterone production and immune function, with nearly three times the daily recommended value per serving.
Vitamin E: A potent antioxidant that lowers prolactin levels and supports cardiovascular, cognitive, and skin health.
Benefits of Clubhouse Fire Formula
Balances hormones, including prolactin and dopamine
Supports weight loss and a lean physique
Boosts mental health, sleep, and mood
Promotes multiple orgasms and quick recovery after ejaculation
Enhances erection quality
Strengthens the immune system
Increases fertility rates
Boosts natural libido and sexual drive
Clubhouse Fire Pricing
Clubhouse Fire is typically priced at $99 per bottle. However, a 2023 promotion offers the following discounts:
1 Bottle: $99 + $19.95 Shipping
3 Bottles: $237 ($79 per bottle) + Free Shipping
6 Bottles: $348 ($58 per bottle) + Free Shipping
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Try Clubhouse Fire For Over 60% OFF Today!
Subscriptions are also available for regular shipments:
1 Bottle Autoship Subscription: $79 per month + Free Shipping
3 Bottle Autoship Subscription: $198 every three months ($66 per bottle) + Free Shipping
Each bottle contains a 30-day supply (150 capsules), with a recommended dosage of five capsules daily.
Clubhouse Fire Moneyback Guarantee
Clubhouse Fire offers a 180-day money-back guarantee. If you’re unhappy with the supplement for any reason, you can request a refund within 180 days.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Clubhouse Fire Safe? Yes, it is made with natural ingredients in FDA-approved, GMP-certified facilities, ensuring safety and effectiveness.
When Will I See Results? Results vary, but initial improvements are often noticed within 2 to 3 weeks, with optimal results typically after 3 to 4 months of consistent use.
Who Should Not Take Clubhouse Fire? It is not recommended for individuals under 18, women, especially those pregnant or nursing, and those with pre-existing medical conditions or on medication without consulting a healthcare professional.
Can I Take Clubhouse Fire with Other Medications? Consult a healthcare professional before combining Clubhouse Fire with other medications to avoid potential interactions.
In conclusion, Clubhouse Fire is a legitimate and effective solution for enhancing male sexual health. Its natural formulation, designed to boost libido and performance, has received positive reviews. The focus on increasing dopamine levels and reducing recovery times aligns with its promise of improved sexual well-being. Manufactured in FDA-approved and GMP-certified facilities, Clubhouse Fire is a safe and high-quality choice for men seeking to enhance their sexual health.
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foryoulisaloo · 21 days
Karezza is A Practice / A Female Empowering Technique... in which the Fully Erect and “Edged” Male Joystick - Remains {Captive} Balls Deep - Within the Governing, Ruling Woman... The Lady, The Leader and Master - Moves Only When Necessary - To Deftly and Shrewdly Maintain the Bursting Hard, Throbbing Erection (Deep Within Her) at its Maximum Size and Strength (Absorbing the Sexual Energy) - While Shrewdly Preventing and Avoiding - Accidental Ejaculation... The Leisurely Continued Stimulation, Pubic Bone Grinding and Gentle Rocking Motion - should continue slowly - Under the Astute Womans Total and Complete Control...     As His Virile "Captive" Joystick Pulsates More Vehemently - The Desperate “Edged”  Male and The Governing Restraining Female, should Match their breathing, maintaining eye contact - to focus on and enhance their blissful sexual and emotional connection...  As The Powerful, Hyper Aroused, “Brewed” Male   Helplessly  Grows (Larger n Harder) and Throbs Ever More Vigorously - (Subordinate) - Balls Deep Within The Woman's Divine, Covetous, Nurturing Femininity - The Lady May Naturally Find Herself - Blissfully Climaxing - All Over The 8 inches of Pulsing (Throbbing)  Passion - “Incarcerated” Deep Within Her...
With Karezza, IT IS BY DESIGN, That the Woman Routinely Enjoys Blissful Euphoric Orgasm - While The Subjugated, Subordinate Male Ejaculation - Remains “Harnessed” and Prevented... Thus, The Precious Male Sexual Energy and Libido is (Ideally and Beneficially) Perpetuated and Enhanced, NOT WASTED...  Naturally, The Males Hunger For Sublime, Omnipotent,  Sensual Femininity - Becomes Insatiable...
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With “Karezza” Sex, the Male Is Always Horny and “Wanting” Due to (Routine & Habitual)  Prevention & Denial of His Ejaculative Orgasm, and thus Always Desires his Princess and Her Glorious Intoxicating Femininity...
The MAIN purpose of  “Karezza”  -  Is the Maintenance and Indeed The Intensification of Desire in the Male, But Also, Much More Frequent Enjoyment of Blissful Sexual Pleasure for both the Male & Female within the context of Their Relationship.
A Femdom, Karezza ”Controlled“  Relationship Does Not Mean … That You Shouldn’t or Can’t - Be Kind, Loving, Generous & Nurturing !!!
It is all about women taking charge (and control) of their men - in and out of the bedroom - to get what they want - to subliminally train their men (naturally) to submit to their female guidance in all things. It is about teaching, leading and training a man to be a better person, a better, devotional, venerating lover… It is about focusing his mind and psyche on giving, rather than receiving, making his woman happy, contented and fulfilled… Femdom (FLR) is also about transitioning and transforming him into a stronger healthier Man… There is absolutely no contradiction in a hyper-masculine - Virile - Alpha Male – Completely and Willfully Submitting to a DOMINANT SUPERIOR WOMAN…
Through a Man’s Passion & Libido, Nature Has “Given” Man INTO Woman’s Hands - and The Woman who Does Not Know How to Make Him Her Subject - Her Slave - Her TOY, and How to Thoroughly Control Him with Her Alluring Femininity in the End is Not Wise.
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The More a Lady Orgasms, The Healthier She Becomes
The More a Male is “Edged” and   DENIED  Orgasm, The Healthier   HE   Becomes!
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Welcome To The New World Order !
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Your Greatest Skill  in bed  will be (intuitively) knowing - Exactly when it's time to stop stroking, sucking or fucking your Boy Toy's   Desperate Cock; So That he  "Remains"  Perfectly Edged !!!      Take Breaks Frequently...
Depriving a man of the Use of his Incarcerated Erection - While he is Utterly Helpless & Completely “CAPTIVE” - (Imprisoned) Balls Deep Inside the Glorious Paradise of Your Heavenly Vagina, is a Most Wonderful Form of Obtaining Complete Sexual Dominance & Control over him, Especially If You Freely Orgasm - While Deftly Preventing Him from Doing So...
With this Powerful  Femdom  Mastery of  “KAREZZA”, The Woman’s Love Life / Sex Life - Naturally Improves Exponentially…
Routinely Praise You Stud - FOR NOT ERUPTING !
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Just Because You "Don't Allow" A Destructive Ejaculation - Doesn't Mean You Aren't Kind, Loving, Generous & Nurturing !!!
You Only Want What's Best For The Relationship !!!
Routinely Praise Him - FOR NOT CUMMING !!!
0 notes
naturemania12 · 21 days
Unlocking the Power of Nature: The Benefits of Ayurvedic Oil as a Male Size Enhancer
In recent times there has been a revival of the interest in natural remedies for health as well as Ayurvedic treatment gaining a lot of recognition because of it's holistic method of health. In the array of solutions provided through Ayurveda, Ayurvedic oil for male enhancement stands out because of its potential to rise the quality of life and confidence. This article focuses on the benefits, ingredients and use of Ayurvedic oil for male enhancement as well as how this centuries-old tradition can be beneficial to men's health in the modern age.
The Ancient Science of Ayurveda
Ayurveda, a type of healing that began in India more than three thousand years ago, is focused on balancing your body's energies (doshas) to ensure health and prevent illness. It relies on organic herbs, minerals and oils, carefully designed to improve overall health. Ayurvedic oil to enhance male virility leverages the rich history of this practice, using powerful herbal blends to tackle the issues associated with male size and virility.
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Key Ingredients and Their Benefits
The effectiveness of Ayurvedic oil is in its unique blend with natural components, all chosen for their specific benefits and properties:
Ashwagandha is a plant that is known for its adaptogenic qualities, Ashwagandha aids in reducing stress and improve endurance. It increases the flow of blood, and this is essential to male growth.
Shatavari Shatavari herb is renowned due to its rejuvenating qualities and capacity to rise fertility. It aids in hormonal balance and improves energy levels.
Shilajit Shilajit powerful mineral pitch Shilajit is well-known for its capacity to increase the strength and vitality. It increases testosterone levels, which contribute to greater size and strength.
Mucuna Pruriens The herb is also called velvet bean this herb raises levels of dopamine which improve sexual performance and mood. It increases libido and improves general health of the reproductive system.
Gokshura (Tribulus Terrestris) The herb is extensively used due to its ability to boost testosterone production, which outcome in increased sexual strength and muscle strength.
How Ayurvedic Oil Works
Ayurvedic oils are specifically designed to be massaged on the genital area. The process of massage can rise blood flow and it is the process of absorption that carries herbal components through the skin boosts the effects. Regular massage can result in an improvement in the health of tissues, increased blood circulation and improved nerve sensitivity, which all contribute to increased size and enhanced performance.
Benefits of Ayurvedic Male Size Enhancer Oil
Natural and safe In contrast to synthetic products that can have adverse negative effects, Ayurvedic oils are made with natural ingredients, guaranteeing security and minimizing the risk of negative reactions.
Enhances Blood Circulation Massage and herbs are used together to improve the flow of blood to the penile area. This is essential for enhancing size and erectile force.
enhanced Libido as well as Performance The ingredients don't only improve physical performance but can also increase the sexuality of women and rise overall performance.
Healthy Lifestyle Ayurveda encourages overall well-being, and when with the oils people generally experience better energy levels, less stress and improved health.
Confidence boost Performance and size naturally result in greater satisfaction and confidence when it comes to intimate relations.
How to Use Ayurvedic Oil
To attain optimal results For optimal payoff, follow these steps:
Warm the oil Warm the oil prior to application in order to increase absorption.
Massage gently Apply a small amount oil on the genital region and gently massage for approximately 10 to 15 minutes. Make sure the massage is firm but not too firm.
Usage Consistency is the key to. Apply the oil every day prior to bedtime so that the body can absorb the ingredients over the course of a night.
Healthier Lifestyle Complement the use of the oil by an active lifestyle that includes an appropriate diet, regular exercise and adequate rest to improve the overall outcome.
Ayurvedic oil to improve the size of males is an organic, safe, and efficient alternative to synthetic ones. The roots of these oils are in ancient wisdom, and supported by the latest research the oils are able to benefit men complete more confidence and happiness. As with all health regimens it is recommended to consult an Ayurvedic practitioner to assure that the oil you choose and its components are suitable to your individual requirements. Be awed by the nature's power and reap the benefits of holistic Ayurvedic male Enhancement oil.
Recommended article :- Male-Size Enhancer Oils: Do They Really Work?
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bikeprice · 24 days
how to increase amount of ejaculate
How to Increase the Amount of Ejaculate: A Comprehensive Guide
For many men, the amount of ejaculate can be a point of concern, tied closely to perceptions of virility, fertility, and sexual satisfaction. While it's important to recognize that ejaculate volume varies widely among men and can be influenced by many factors, some may seek ways to enhance it for personal or medical reasons. This guide explores various methods and lifestyle changes that can potentially increase the volume of ejaculate.
Understanding Ejaculate Volume
Before delving into ways to increase ejaculate volume, it's crucial to understand what influences it. Semen is composed of sperm and seminal fluid, which is produced by the seminal vesicles, prostate gland, and bulbourethral glands. Factors affecting ejaculate volume include:
Hydration Levels: Adequate fluid intake is essential for maintaining healthy semen volume.
Frequency of Ejaculation: More frequent ejaculation can temporarily decrease volume.
Diet and Nutrition: Nutritional deficiencies can impact seminal fluid production.
Age: Ejaculate volume tends to decrease with age.
Health and Lifestyle: Overall health, including physical activity and avoidance of harmful substances, plays a significant role.
Methods to Increase Ejaculate Volume
1. Stay Hydrated
Hydration is fundamental. Semen is mostly water, so drinking plenty of fluids, particularly water, can help maintain and potentially increase ejaculate volume. Aim for at least 8 glasses (2 liters) of water daily.
2. Improve Your Diet
A balanced diet rich in specific nutrients can support semen production. Key nutrients include:
Zinc: Found in foods like oysters, beef, and pumpkin seeds, zinc is crucial for testosterone production and sperm health.
Vitamin C: Antioxidants like vitamin C (found in citrus fruits, strawberries, and bell peppers) can improve sperm quality.
L-Arginine: This amino acid, found in nuts, seeds, and meat, may increase semen volume.
L-Carnitine: Present in red meat and dairy, it helps in sperm motility and overall semen quality.
3. Supplements
Certain supplements are specifically formulated to enhance ejaculate volume and overall reproductive health. Common supplements include:
Zinc and Magnesium: These minerals support testosterone production and reproductive health.
Folic Acid: Works with zinc to improve sperm count.
Herbal Supplements: Tribulus terrestris, maca root, and fenugreek are believed to boost libido and semen volume.
4. Exercise Regularly
Regular physical activity improves blood circulation and overall health, which can positively impact semen production. However, avoid excessive exercise, which can have the opposite effect.
5. Manage Stress
Chronic stress can negatively affect hormone levels and reproductive health. Techniques to manage stress include:
Mindfulness and Meditation: Practicing mindfulness or meditation can reduce stress levels.
Regular Sleep: Ensure 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night.
Exercise: Physical activity is a great stress reliever.
6. Avoid Harmful Substances
Alcohol, tobacco, and recreational drugs can all negatively impact sperm production and overall ejaculate volume. Limiting or avoiding these substances can improve reproductive health.
7. Limit Ejaculation Frequency
Allowing more time between ejaculations can lead to an increase in ejaculate volume. A few days of abstinence can help maximize volume.
8. Kegel Exercises
These exercises strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which can help with ejaculatory control and potentially increase ejaculate volume. To perform Kegels:
Identify your pelvic floor muscles by stopping urination midstream.
Contract these muscles for 5-10 seconds.
Relax for the same amount of time.
Repeat 10-15 times, 3 times a day.
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healthsupplement11 · 1 month
InvigoRise supplement
InvigoRise is a natural dietary supplement designed to enhance male sexual health and overall vitality. It combines a blend of potent, all-natural ingredients that work together to boost testosterone levels, improve blood flow, and support hormonal balance. These key ingredients include Horny Goat Weed, known for its ability to increase libido and support erectile function; Eurycoma Longifolia (also known as Tongkat Ali), which enhances testosterone levels and muscle growth; and Saw Palmetto, which promotes prostate health and alleviates urinary issues.
Other important components like Tribulus Terrestris and L-Arginine help to increase muscle strength and stimulate nitric oxide production for stronger, longer-lasting erections. Additionally, Muira Puama, Polypodium Vulgare, and Panax Ginseng contribute to improved sexual desire, hormonal balance, and reduced stress.
InvigoRise is designed to address common issues such as diminished sex drive, unsatisfactory erections, and low energy, which can lead to frustration and decreased self-confidence. By supporting the body's natural functions and providing the building blocks for better sexual health, InvigoRise helps men reclaim their vitality and confidence both in and out of the bedroom. The supplement is formulated to be safe, with no harmful side effects, making it suitable for most men. However, it is recommended to consult a physician if there are any underlying health concerns.
One of the standout features of InvigoRise is its commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. The product comes with a 180-day money-back guarantee, allowing customers to return the product for a full refund if they are not satisfied, even if the bottles are empty. This reflects the company's confidence in the effectiveness of their supplement and their dedication to providing a risk-free experience for their customers. In summary, InvigoRise is a comprehensive solution for men looking to enhance their sexual health, boost their energy levels, and improve their overall quality of life.
InvigoRise supplement works by harnessing the power of natural ingredients to boost male sexual health, energy levels, and overall vitality. At its core, InvigoRise enhances testosterone production, the primary hormone responsible for male virility, strength, and stamina. Elevated testosterone levels lead to improved libido, better muscle mass, and heightened energy. 
The supplement also includes ingredients like L-Arginine and Horny Goat Weed, which promote increased blood flow by stimulating nitric oxide production. This improved circulation ensures stronger, longer-lasting erections by delivering more oxygen and nutrients to the penile region.
In addition to these physical benefits, InvigoRise incorporates ingredients that support mental well-being and stress reduction, such as Panax Ginseng and Muira Puama. These herbs help to elevate mood and focus, ensuring you are mentally present and engaged, which is crucial for a satisfying sexual experience. Furthermore, dopamine boosters within the formula contribute to enhanced pleasure and satisfaction by promoting the release of feel-good neurotransmitters.
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