triste-guillotine · 4 months
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KAWIR "Αδράστεια" LP 2019
1. Tydeus 2. Atalanti 3. Danaides 4. Limniades 5. Colchis 6. Medea
Kawir - Adrasteia | Iron Bonehead Productions (bandcamp.com)
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ivy-kissobryos · 4 years
Apaturia and Dionysus Melanaegis
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– The Origin of Tragedy by William Ridgeway
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nyxshadowhawk · 2 years
Hellenic Gods Fact Sheets and Hymns: Dionysus
Other Names: Bacchus, Zagreus, Liber Epithets: Bakkhos (frenzied), Bromios (the roaring), Eleutheros (the liberator), Meilichios (the mild/gracious), Maenoles (the mad), Nyctelius (of the night), Nyctipolos (night-stalker), Staphylites (of the grape), Theoineos (god of wine), Agathos Daimon (good spirit), Oenops (wine-faced), Antheos (the blooming), Kisseus (of the ivy), Kittophoros (ivy-bearer), Dimetor (twice-born/of two mothers), Dimorphos (two-formed), Dithyrambos (of the dithyramb), Areios (warlike), Kryphios (hidden), Karpios (of the harvest), Hyes (of moisture/the dripping), Ekstatophoros (bringer of ecstasy), Boukeros (bull-horned), Aigobolus (goat-slayer), Melanaegis (of the black goat-skin), Lysios (loosener/deliverer), Lenaeus (of the wine-press), Limnaios (of the marsh/liminal), Psilas (giver of wings), Psilax (uplifted on wings), Soter (savior), Khthoinios (of the Underworld), Dendrites (of trees), Eubouleos (of good counsel), Polymorphos (many-formed), Khryphion (hidden), Khoreutes (the dancer), Melpomenus (singer/of the tragedy play), Phleon (the luxuriant), Omadios/Omaphagos/Omestes (flesh-eater), Bassareus (the fox), Androgynos (androgynous), Agronios (wild, savage), Oinops (wine-dark/wine-faced). Domains: Wine, ritual ecstasy and trance, festivals and revelry, pleasure, madness, hallucinations, intoxication, liberation, fruit, androgyny, GNC and LGBTQ+ people, viticulture, theater and choral songs, life-force, reincarnation. Appearance: He appears to me as an androgynous and beautiful young man with long, curly hair that flows over his shoulders (it’s usually dark brown but seems to change color, being occasionally blond, black, strawberry, etc.). He has wild eyes that are vine-green or the pinkish-purple of grapes, and they’re usually either bright and laughing or disturbingly mad-looking. He typically has ruddy cheeks and a bright smile. He’s usually not wearing much beyond a cloth draped over his body (in white or purple) and/or a leopard pelt, but sometimes appears in in casual modern clothing with a leopard-print jacket. He often wears a grape headdress, and he sometimes has horns resembling a bull’s, ram’s, or goat’s. His laughter is both musical and utterly insane. His aura is the reddish-purple of grapes. Sacred Days and Festivals: Greater/City Dionysia (10-17 Elaphebolion). Lesser/Rural Dionysia (10 Poseideon). Lenaia (12-15 Gamelion). Anthesteria (11-13 Anthesterion). Oskophoria (8 Pynapsion). Haloa (26 Poseideon). Agrionia (nocturnal women’s festival). Symbols/Attributes: Grapes, thyrsus, masks, drinking cups, ivy leaves, tambourine, winnowing basket, honey, phallus, animal skins, leopard-print fabric. Sacred Animals: Leopard/panther, bull, serpent, goat, fox, bee, frog, bat Sacred Plants: Grapevine, ivy, fig, pine, fennel, orchis, thistle. Elemental Affinity: Earth, water, darkness. Planet: Neptune (modern) Colors: Purple, green, gold, burgundy, black. Crystals: Amethyst, grape agate, black diamond Incense: Grape, fig, fennel, musk, cinnamon, frankincense, storax, vanilla, cannabis. Tarot Cards: Temperance, The Hanged Man, The Fool, The Devil, The Hierophant, The King of Pentacles. Retinue: (called the thiasus) Maenads/Bacchantes, satyrs, seilenoi, Ariadne, Silenus, Pan, Thyone (Semele), Kotys, Korymbos, Aristaios, Phales, Methe, Telete Associated People: Actors, social outcasts, women, androgynous/LGBT+ people. Offerings: Wine, honey, grapes, figs, other fruit, ivy, pinecones, milk with honey, mead, sparkling juice, masks, stories/poetry/plays, dance, donations to community theaters or big cat conservation. Syncretized With: Liber Pater, Sabazius, Osiris (though personally I think Shezmu fits better), Serapis, Tammuz, Shiva, Flufluns
Hymns to Dionysus
Homeric Hymn 26 to Dionysus
I begin to sing of ivy-crowned Dionysus, the loud-crying god, Splendid son of Zeus and glorious Semele. The rich-haired Nymphs received him in their bosoms from the lord his father And fostered and nurtured him carefully in the dells of Nysa, Where by the will of his father He grew up in a sweet-smelling cave, Being reckoned among the immortals. But when the goddesses had brought him up, a god oft hymned, Then began he to wander continually through the woody coombes, Thickly wreathed with ivy and laurel. And the Nymphs followed in his train with him for their leader; And the boundless forest was filled with their outcry. And so hail to you, Dionysus, god of abundant clusters! Grant that we may come again rejoicing to this season, And from that season onwards for many a year.
Orphic Hymn to Dionysus
Dionysos I call, loud-roaring and divine, Primeval God, a two-fold shape is thine:
 Thy various names and attributes I sing, O, twice-born, thrice begotten, Bacchic king: 
 Wild, ineffable, two-form'd, obscure, two-horn'd, With ivy crown'd, howling, pure.
 Bull-fac'd, and warlike, bearer of the vine, Endowed with counsel prudent [Eubouleos] and divine:
 Triennial, whom the leaves of vines adorn, Of Zeus and Persephone, occultly born.
 Immortal daimon, hear my suppliant voice, Give me in blameless plenty to rejoice;
 And listen gracious to my mystic pray'r, Surrounded with thy choir of nurses fair.
Orphic Hymn to Dionysus Khthonios
Dionysos Khthonios, hear my pray’r, Awakened rise with nymphs of lovely hair: Great Amphietos Bakkhos, annual god, Who laid asleep in Persephone’s abode, Did’st lull to drowsy and oblivious rest, The rites triennial, and the sacred feast; Which rous’d again by thee, in graceful ring, Thy nurses round thee mystic anthems sing; When briskly dancing with rejoicing pow’rs, Thou move’st in concert with the circling hours. Come, blessed, fruitful, horned, and divine, And on these rites with joyful aspect shine. Accept the general incense and pray’r, And make prolific holy fruits thy care.
Orphic Hymn to Dionysos Lenaios
Hear me, Zeus’s son, blest Bacchus, god of wine, Born of two mothers, honor’d and divine, Lysian, Euion Bacchus, various-nam’d, Secret child of gods, holy, fam’d Fertile and nourishing, in whose liberal care Earth’s fruits increases, flourishing and fair; Sounding, magnanimous, Lenaean pow’r O various-form’d, medicinal, holy flow’r: Mortals in thee, repose from labour find, Delightful charm, desir’d by all mankind: Fair-hair’d Euion, Bromios, joyful God, Lysian, invested in the leafy rod. To these our rites, benignant pow’r incline, When fav’ring men, or when on Gods you shine; Be present to thy mystic’s suppliant pray’r, Rejoicing come, and fruits abundant bear.
Orphic Hymn to Triennial Dionysus
Bacchus frantic, many-nam’d, blest, divine, Bull-faced Lenaean, bearer of the vine, From fire descended, raging, Nysian king, From whom initial ceremonies spring: Liknitan Dionysos, pure and firey bright, Eubouleos, crown-bearer, wandering in the night: Pupil of Persephone, mysterious pow’r, Triple, ineffable, Zeus’ secret flow’r, Ericapaeus, first-begotten nam’d, Of Gods the father, and the child fam’d, Bearing a scepter, leader of the choir, Whose dancing feat, frantic Furies fire, When the triennial band thou dost inspire. Loud-sounding, Tages, of a firey light, Born of two mothers, Amphitios bright: Wand’ring on mountains, cloth’d with skins of deer, Apollo, golden-ray’d, whom all revere. God of the grape with leaves of ivy crown’d, Bassarian, lovely, virgin-like, renown’d, Come blessed pow’r, regard thy mystic’s voice, Propitious come, and in these rites rejoice.
Orphic Hymn to Dionysus Bassarius:
Come, blessed Dionysus, various nam’d, bull-faced, Begot from Thunder, Bacchus fam’d Bassarian God, of universal might, Whom swords and blood and sacred rage delight: In heav’n rejoicing, mad, loud-sounding God Furious inspirer, bearer of the Rod By Gods rever’d, who dwells’t with humankind, Propitious come, with much-rejoicing mind.
Orphic Hymn to Dionysus Liknitos:
Liknitan Dionysos, bearer of the vine, Thee I invoke to bless these rites divine: Florid and gay, of nymphs the blossom bright, And of fair Venus, goddess of delight, Tis thine mad footsteps with mad nymphs to beat Dancing thro’ groves with lightly leaping feet: From Zeus’ high counsels nursed by Proserpine And born the dread of all pow’rs divine: Come, blessed daimon, regard thy suppliant’s voice, Propitious come, and in these rites rejoice.
Orphic Hymn to Dionysus Perikionios:
Dionysos Perikionios, hear my pray’r, Who mad’st the house of Cadmus once thy care, With matchless force, his pillars twining round When burning thunders shook the solid ground In flaming, founding torrents borne along, Propt by thy grasp indissolubly strong. Come mighty Bacchus to these rites inclin’d, And bless thy suppliant with rejoicing mind.
Verses from the first Hymn to Dionysus in Euripedes’ Bacchae
O blessed is he who, happy in his heart, Knows the initiation rites of the gods, Purifies his life and Joins his soul to the cult, Dancing on the mountains, with holy purifications Celebrating the Bacchic rituals. O blessed the man who dutifully observes The mysteries of the Great Mother, Kybele. Swinging high the thyrsus And crowned with ivy He serves Dionysus. Onward you Bacchae, onward Bacchae, Escort the roaring Bromios home, A god an the son of a god! Escort him Down from the Phrygian mountains into Greece’s wide-wayed streets, Streets wide for dancing, Bromios the Roaring God! […] Sweet is the pleasure the god brings us in the mountains. when from the running revelers he falls to the ground clad in his sacred fawnskin. Hunting the blood of slaughtered goats for the joy of devouring raw flesh he rushes through the mountains of Lydia, of Phrygia. Hail to the Roaring God, Bromios our leader! Euoi! The ground flows with milk, Flows with wine, Flows with the nectar of bees. The Bacchic One, lifting high the bright-burning flame of the pine-torch, like the smoke of Syrian frankincense, springs up and rushes along with his thyrsus. Running and dancing he incites any wanderers, shakes them with shouts of joy tossing his luxuriant locks to the wind.
(Translation by Stephen Esposito)
Horace’s Hymn to Bacchus
Bacchus on the far-off rocky hills, teaching his chants – you who are still to come, believe me – I saw him and his student Nymphs and goat-footed Satyrs and their pointed ears.
Euhoë! – my soul trembles with that moment's fear, Bacchus possesses my breast and I madly rejoice. Euhoë!, spare me, god of freedom [Liber], spare me, god of the fearful thyrsus of power.
I must celebrate your inexhaustible revelers, and the fountains of wine and full rivers of milk, and mirror in song honey dripping from the hollows of trees;
I must celebrate your bride and her constellated crown, and Pentheus' palace shaken to bits in a mighty downfall, and the destruction of Lycurgus of Thrace.
You control the streams, the savage sea, you are hot with wine as on distant hilltops you bind Bistonian [Thracian] women's hair with a knot of vipers that do not harm them.
And when the rebellious army of giants tried to climb the heights to the Father's kingdom, you were the one who threw back Rhoetus and his terrible lion's claws and teeth;
Although you were said to be more suitable for dances and fun and games and were labeled unfit for a battle, yet you took your part in war as well as in peacetime.
You were graced with golden horn when Cerberus saw you: he was harmless, and softly wagged his tail, and as you were leaving, he licked your legs and feet with all three of his tongues.
(Translation by Joseph P. Clancy, University of Chicago Press, 1960)
Disclaimers: Descriptions of the gods’ appearances are purely a record of how I personally see them. Gods are shapeshifters that can appear however they wish, and will be perceived differently by different people. My own perceptions of them may or may not match ancient artwork. Correspondences listed are mostly modern. Festival dates are based on the Attic calendar. Offerings listed are all specific to the deity in addition to standard ones. Translations of hymns are from Theoi unless otherwise specified. Sources:  THEOI GREEK MYTHOLOGY, neosalexandria, HellenicGods.org, κοράκι/crow's grimoire
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hellenismosonline · 4 years
Olympian Deities: Dionysus
Realm: God of wine, vegetation, pleasure, festivity, madness, wild frenzy, viticulture, hallucination, fruit, the mysteries of birth, life, death, and resurrection, untamed wilderness, and intoxication
Parents: Zeus and Semele (Mortal)
By Aphrodite: Priapos, Iakkhos
By Nikaia: Telete
By Hera: the Charities
By Unknown: Methe, Thysa, Pasithea, Hymenaios, Sabazios
Symbols: Thyrsos (Pinecone-tipped staff), drinking cup, a crown of ivy, satyrs, mainades, fruiting grapevines, panthers
Colors: purple, green, gold
Offerings: Honey, milk, wine, water, live plants, small trees, ivy
Sacred Animals: Panther/leopard, tiger, bull, serpent, griffons, mules, donkeys, goats, lions
Element: All, in different aspects
Metal/Stones: Gold, amethyst
Number: 7
Planet: None?
Time: Dionysia, Lenea, Anthesteria, Great Dionysia, Theodosia
Tarot Cards: The Fool, Judgement, Knight of Cups
Altar Ideas: Purple, depictions of him, wine, fake fur, grapes, apple seeds, wildflowers, cat toys, anything associated with cats, any art that you create, masks, amethysts, wreaths of ivy, theater tickets, bindweed, snake skin, curved daggers, percussion instruments
Acrato'phorus: giver of unmixed wine
Acroeites: a surname that Dionysus was worshipped under in Sicyon
Adoneus: the ruler
Aego'bolus: the goat-killer
Aesymne'tes: the lord, the ruler
Agri'onius: a surname that Dionysus was worshipped under in Orchomenus
Antheus/Antheus: the blooming
Bacchus: the Latin translation of his name
Ba'ssareus: a long robe; precursor of vintage
Brisaeus: derived from the nymph Brisa, who raised the God
Bro'mius: he who was born during a storm of thunder and lightning
Calydo'nius: a surname of Dionysus in Calydon and Patrae
Cre'sius: a surname of Dionysus at Argos, whose temple was said to house the remains of Ariadne
Dendri'tes: the God of the tree, the giver of foliage
Eleuthereus: deliverer from care and sorrow; of liberation, of freedom
Enorches: the dancer
Enya'lius: the warlike
Eubu'leus: God of good counsel
Hyes: the moist or fertilizing God
Intonsus: unshorn, eternally youthful
Isodaetes: the God who distributes his gifts equally to all
Lampter: the shining, the torch bearer
Lenaeus: the wine-press, the vintage
Limne'genes/Limnaea/Limne'tes: inhabiting or born in a lake or marsh
Lyaeus: God who frees men from carre and anxiety
Ly'sius: the deliverer; of release; releasing
Meili'chius: the God that can be propitiated, the gracious
Melanaegis: armed or clad with a black aegis
Melpo'menus: the singer, the minstrel, of the tragedy play
Methymnaeus: derived from Methymna, rich in vines; derived from methe, sweet wine
Nysaeus/Ny'sius/Nysi'gena: derived from Nysa, the mountain which he was said to have been brought up by nymphs; derived from Nisus, who is said to be his father or his educator in some myths
Oma'dius: the flesh-eater, derived from the tradition of human sacrifice in his honor at Chios and Tenedos
Phleon: the giver of plenty, luxurient foliage
Psilas: the giver of wings; the unbearded; uplifted on wings
Soter: the savior
Tauroce'phalus: he who has a fertilizing effect upon countries
Taurus: the bull
Thyo'neus: the inspiring
Zagreus: shape-shifting God
Nyctelius: of the night
Hestius: of the feast
Colotes: spotted gecko
Auxites: giver of increase
Androgynus: Androgynous sexually
Staphylites: of the grape
Omphacites: of the unripe grape
Theoenus: the God of wine
Agathus Daemon: the good spirit
Protrygaeus: first of the vintage
Oenops: wine-dark
Acratophorus: giver of mixed wine
Cisseus: of the ivy
Cittophorus: ivy-bearer
Anthion: of the flowers
Cistophorus: basket-bearer
Erebinthinus: of the chickpea
Dimetor: twice-born
Iraphiotes: goat-kid, insewn
Melanaegis: of the black goat-skin, dark aegis
Patroeus: paternal, ancestral God
Aesymnetes: dictator
Polites: citizen
Agyieus: protector of the streets
Mystes: of the mysteries
Chthonius: of the earth, cthonic
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nordicsatyr · 5 years
30 days of Dionysus - Day 7
Day 7 - Names and epithets
Now...I’m going to immediately side with @thegrapeandthefig here and say there’s no way I’m listing all the names and epithets. There are way too many for me to to throw down on this post. So I will pick out my favorites, or ones that resonate pretty deeply with me.
As I stated in the post before, Zagreus is a name for Dionysus as he was born to Persephone. Before he was ripped apart by the Titans and saved by Zeus.
Bacchus is the name he went by for the Romans. And I had ALWAYS thought it was the Romans name, and anytime he was referred to as Bacchus, I just assumed it was someone just translating it to the Roman name. Digging a bit, I am happy to have been wrong.
And then Herodotus in The Histories named an Arabian god, pre Islam. The name of the god was Orotal, but he identified him as Dionysus. He described a method in which his followers cut their hair “in a ring away from their temples”, and this is in fact, why I keep my hair cut the way it is. I just interpret that as an undercut ;)
Bromios has always been a favorite of mine. I’d always thought it was for the procession he lead and the noise issuing from it. A roaring noise. But it could cover him being born during a storm too.
MELANAEGIS: One that I just stumbled upon on theoi.com. It means “armed or clad with a black Aegis”....how fucking cool is that. Could also mean “black goat skin” apparently...but I’m pretty sure Aegis doesn’t mean goat skin? I dunno.
Psilas: or “the giver of wings”. Dionysus...the original Red Bull ;)
I saw Hestios as well. Which is interesting. It’s listed as meaning “of the feast”, but given the myth of him taking the seat of Hestia on Olympus, it seems fitting.
Saotes or Soterius which are “Savior” and “Savior from madness” respectively.
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melanaegis · 6 years
What's the meaning of "melanaegis"? :)
It’s one of the names of Dionysus, ancient Greek god of wine and madness (among other things)! My main blog is one of the names of his kind-of counterpart Apollo, god of healing and order, so they seemed like a good pair :)
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grapevinegremlin · 5 years
Day 3: Does your deity have any alternate names or epithets? If they do, what are they, and what do they mean? What does the name you call your deity mean?
Bacchus comes to mind, which is the Roman name for Dionysus if I remember correctly? I believe some people use it as a surname.
An interesting quote I found doing research on Theoi.com:
"[The Boiotian Bacchantes] called on Bacchus [Dionysos] by his many noble names: Lyaeus, Bromius; child of flaming fire; alone twice mothered and alone twice born; great lord and planter of the genial grape; Nyseus too, and Lenaeus and Thyoneus, whose locks are never shorn; Nyctelius, Iacchus, Euhan, father Eleleus; and all the countless titles that are yours, Liber [Dionysos], throughout the lands of Greece."
Acratophorus, Acroeites, Adoneus, Aesymnetes, Agri’oneus, Amphietes, Antheus, Bacchus, Bassareus, Bromius, Calydonius, Cresius, Dendrites, Eleuthereus, Enorches, Enyalius, Eubuleus, Hyes, Intonsus, Isodaetes, Lampter, Laphystius, Larissaeus, Lenaeus, Limnegenes, Limnaea, Limnetes, Lyaeus, Lysius, Meilichius, Melanaegis, Melpomenus, Methymnaeus, Nysius, Omadius, Phleon, Psilas, Sotor, Taurocephalus, Taurus, Thyoneus, and Zagreus are all surnames of Dionysus, though some belong to more than one deity. 
Since there are so many, I’m going to go over the meanings of some of them but not all!
Dionysus - liberty/freedom
Bacchus - berry
Dendrites - god of the tree
Enyalius - the warlike, used in the odyssey to refer both to him and ares
Eubouleus - god of good council, refers both to him and Hades
Hyes - the moist/fertilizing god
Intonusus - unshorn, which refers both to him and apollo, as they kept their long hair into adulthood 
Lyaeus - god who frees us from anxiety and care
Phleon - giver of plenty
He’s also often called “twice-born,” “the androgynous,” and “the good spirit” as well as many other epithets including “spotted gecko” !
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cluboftigerghost · 8 years
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melanaegis: MOUNTAIN MARINES VERSION 1–LINEUP  Dillon ENGINEER... http://ift.tt/2mhWVdP
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manta-rising · 10 years
melanaegis reblogged your post ok i have approximately 180 shrooms an... and added:
Hello friend! I have this beb: tomato/beige/orange iri/shim/belly maybe message me on fr if ur interested?
hi! she's pretty but not quite the color combination i'm looking for. thanks for letting me know though! :)
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silviya7 · 10 years
h3x3n replied to your photo:and also responsible adult has acquired a new...
Fancy coat :D Your hair looks amazing ! Did you do it yourself? And your eyeliner is fancy too o,o
I didn't cut my hair myself (though it's been . . . ages since it was last cut), but I did dye it and style it myself! though "styling" for me usually just means brushing it and maybe a little bit of hairspray.
viola-organista replied to your photo “responsible adult becomes very stressed about the future. responsible...”
you look like a scary post apocalyptic assassin with a deadly vendetta i love it
melanaegis replied to your photo “and also responsible adult has acquired a new jacket.”
responsible adult looks amazing
kaza999 replied to your photo “and also responsible adult has acquired a new jacket.”
GOSH you look fantastic <3
ahhhh, thank you!
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armalis-archived-blog · 10 years
a collection of belated replies
melanaegis replied to your video “There’s nothing there, buddy. I promise.”
Fuck if I know, man. He's done it ever since I got him, usually at something that he can't reach (like squirrels outside, or my phone reflecting on the ceiling). Sometimes he chirps at air.
ejunkiet replied to your post “Every time Sparatus/Quentius says “Save the Primarch, gain an ally” ...”
From now on, I'm also going to make that association... xD
As long as I'm not alone in this.
athousanddaysofyesterdays replied to your post “No okay, fuck this and fuck it hard with a flaming cactus. I know...”
That's fantastic! A really engaging topic as well, do you know yet where you're going to study? Is it a batchelor's or a master's or a doctorate?
I already have my bachelor's, so it's going to be a master's/possibly doctorate (lbr, totally a doctorate because perpetual studenthood is where I belong). I've no idea where I'm going to study - a project for this upcoming week is "what schools offer programs like this"
probablylostrightnow replied to your post “Because friends are talking gender and I have a bunch of new...”
Is "total badass robot overlord" acceptable?
More than.
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wanderingarchon · 10 years
for the monster ask meme: witch, faerie, shapeshifter, succubus?
Witch: If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?I would honestly give us FTL knowledge/space travel i'm not gonna lie
Faerie: If you could get away with anything, what would you do?umm... i don't know! even if i could, i still doubt i would break the law. except, maybe, like sneaking onto planes? but damn, that would be hard wouldn't it? i dunno!
Shapeshifter: What would you change about yourself?can it be more than one thing? i'd like to be taller, and i'd like to get rid of my cfs/insomnia. maybe clearer skin too haha
Succubus: What’s one thing you can’t live without?hmmm i dunno. twitter is the easy answer. hot drinks? being able to take photos!
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cluboftigerghost · 8 years
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melanaegis: JEDHA EXTRAS VERSION 5A  Brockbank JEDHA EXTRAS... http://ift.tt/2mIfCrV
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cluboftigerghost · 8 years
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melanaegis: JEDHA EXTRAS SILHOUETTES 1 & 2  Brockbank To... http://ift.tt/2mMj5Gn
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silviya7 · 10 years
melanaegis replied to your post:if you complain loudly and constantly about how...
i don’t wanna reblog this in case it becomes another hell post but YEAH. cheers 4 u
it's fine to reblog if you want, I doubt it'll become a hellpost, ha (and even if it does, I got that notification block extension).
and yeah I'm just. so sick of the ~realism~ argument. they don't care about realism, they care about using realism as an excuse to want less of a marginalized group being in a thing.
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armalis-archived-blog · 10 years
melanaegis replied to your post “You guys know me: there are about four dudes that I at all care about...”
you could probably blame me. everyone else seems to.
this one's actually not your fault. Unless you want me to blame you. I can blame you.
spectrezhulik replied to your post “THE MSHENKO APOLLO’S DATE IS SO CUTE I AM JUST LYING HERE IN A BALL OF...”
Totally swaps fault, but it doesn't hurt that everything about mShenko is just unbearably sweet. especially with a sweet Shepard! eeeee I just want to put them both in my pocket. ... I'll stop being weird now.
it's just so sweet, I don't know how to deal with it. 
And in my headcanon for him, Eli's definitely definitely had a thing for Kaidan since the beginning, but never said anything because of regs and rank. So he's shocked that Kaidan's the one to bring it up, shocked and delighted.
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