iamthekaijuking · 1 year
The God Children of Ana Chapter 3: Bedevil
In an attempt to have giant Locolichi progeny, the Locolichi king ordered for the creation of a space station and the retrieval of all formaerem on the Keshali moon. A sterilized containment chamber held the formaerem, as the king now knew it coming into contact with anything organic would create another guardian thanks to the Golden Toad. He also ordered the extraction of some of queen Ana’s egg cells, and for his own sperm cells to be artificially injected into them. Of course, Locolichi and Keshali were from different planets and so hybridization was impossible, but the king knew this.
His actual plan was for a dedicated Locolichi to touch down on the Keshali moon with a sample of formaerem and one of the artificially “fertilized” eggs, and then to introduce it to the formaerem in a suicide mission. Of course, this doesn’t influence formaerem, but the king didn’t know this.
When the time came for the first attempt at a “god child”, the Locolichi king hoped and expected for the result to be a giant Locolichi.
That is not what he got.
What came out was a 700 foot tall green feathered monstrosity that would be named Melalo.
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Melalo was deemed a failure by his own “father” but the king decided to put him to use regardless and appointed him as the head of an entire continent on the Locolichi homeworld, both so Melalo could learn the ins and outs of being part of the oligarchical family and so the king’s workload could be lessened.
Part of Melalo’s duties outside of being a CEO however, was to curb any protests or resistance from the populace much like the Golden Toad. This also occasionally resulted in destruction and casualties.
Citizens could recount horror stories about his sonic beams and massive talons cutting buildings in half and turning people to paste, or about the several hundred mile fast winds generated by just flying overhead. But these paled in comparison to the true terror that Melalo could unleash.
Melalo was a disease generating guardian.
Everywhere he went he shed millions of prions and viruses. These weren’t symbiotes that could be washed off. Melalo’s own cells generated these pathogens. These diseases were like nothing ever seen; they spread extremely quickly, they mutated too fast for an effective vaccine to ever be made, and if someone was immune to one, then there were at least a hundred other pathogens they could catch. All of these prions and viruses also altered the behavior of the infected.
But the worst one was a virus dubbed the “Wrath Plague”. It was a deceptively simple virus in structure, not unlike an infamous earth lyssavirus. Its incubation period was slow, and people didn’t know they were infected until it reached their brains by traveling through their nervous system. Once it did reach the brain it was too late. The Wrath Plague caused encephalitis in the infected, and caused severe damage to parts of the brain associated with critical thinking and mood. The results were droves of murderously violent citizens.
Travel between Melalo’s continent and the rest of the world became heavily regulated, and cases of assault, murder, and even cannibalism skyrocketed in the continent. The Locolichi king made a note to ensure that Melalo would be in designated quarantine areas when attending meetings. Outside of that though the king made little effort to correct anything. In his eyes Melalo’s diseases were eradicating the weak.
Despite being a being that caused the deaths of millions, Melalo didn’t see what he was doing as wrong. This was in large part due to the terrible parenting of the Locolichi king who did not particularly like him due to not being the Locolichi god child he wanted. In fact, both of Melalo’s “parents” despised him for their own reasons. But Melalo loved them wholeheartedly, and wanted their approval.
In a twisted attempt to get his father to rely on him more and to gain his approval, Melalo attacked and killed the Golden Toad, plucking his infinity organ out with giant talons and crushing it until it burst into stardust.
To say that this had the opposite effect of what Melalo wanted was an understatement.
As time went on Melalo’s loneliness grew until one day he asked his father for a wife. Surprisingly, the king complied, as he was looking to have another attempt at a god child…
First chapter, Prev chapter, Next chapter
The first of Ana’s children is here! I also replaced the most horrible nonconsensual element of the original legend with gamete extraction and artificial insemination outside of parent bodies, just to eliminate very horrible squick. (Did the Romani tell the story to their kids??? Because if so that’s fucked.)
Also yes Melalo has a pair of sun spider jaws between his heads.
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wolframiosinue · 2 years
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Bella experiencia ser parte de esta gran producción. Gracias infinitas a todo el maravilloso Crew.. Salut!! @ChuzalongoFilm de Diego Ortuño #Chuzalongo #cine #film @diegoortuno.ec #director #Melalo #personaje #character #actor #performer #screenactor https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp-6oL3P9G6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tmos-time · 8 months
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having a moment trying to worldbuild
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constellationcrowned · 2 months
((We finally have a lore document for alchemy---which is one of the big things associated with the Traveler and, in a way, Juny---so I'm excited to learn and apply things.))
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lingrimmart · 2 years
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Updated tier icons on our Patreon this summer and boy, I still love them.
The Parba Traveller • The Jeweler • The Melalo • The Fire Worshiper
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~"I don't believe that you can do any of the things you say you can." (For Mares bc I'm obsessed with all of your tcol muses)
"Is that so? And WHAT ELSE DO YOU BELIEVE IN...?" What do you know of me? What proof do you have of anything? The various watches adorning the cemetery guardian keep track of the suspenseful seconds as they pass between them, and there's an odd spark of light as Marestail narrows his gaze upon the other. Make this interesting for me, would you? "It's only natural to DECRY SOMETHING THAT YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND so I can't fault you there, although....."
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His tail swishes with an almost anticipatory air as the melalo raises his hand with thumb and forefinger positioned in an all too familiar way. The snapping of his fingers is brisk; akin to the snapping of a dead branch, and now there rests a card between his digits where there hadn't been one before. Marestail offers the card to the other with an unchanging smile. "SEEING IS BELIEVING, is it not? Now; while it's just you and I, without the pomp and circumstance of the stage, I'll do one....." Spell, trick, miracle, pick whatever word you wanted, "....favor for you which is, and I must stress this, a great honor." CHOOSE WISELY.
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newvegascowboy · 1 year
Kal my (and sometimes sweetjane's though she will not admit it) tend to verge on melalo about your ocs. Because I love them.
HEHE THANKS I APPRECIATE IT 💖💖💖 I also adore Sweetjane she is a beaut. Gonna do some Cecelia/Sweetjane art at some point because the vibes are immaculate
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evolutionsvoid · 2 years
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No one really talks about what happens after the heroes save the day. When the big bad is defeated and the city is spared a horrible fate, everyone cheers and we roll the credits. We never dwell on how all these buildings get fixed, or how people even cope after such a near death experience. And they certainly don't explain what happens with the 100,000 ton monster corpse that is turning all the streets into crimson rivers. When that leviathan first emerged from the ocean, we knew we had one colossal problem. Its mere presence interfered with trade routes and fishing, and the waves generated from it just swimming were powerful enough to obliterate entire coastal towns. As fascinating as it was to see the giant monsters of the movies come to life, we all quickly realized that this coexistence thing wasn't going to work out. It certainly didn't have malice at the start, but that didn't help the fact that it frequently sank ships as it swam and that its brief excursions on land left villages and towns flattened. So we decided that the leviathan had to go, and that was what kicked off that legendary battle. The beast was headed right towards a major coastal city, so millions of lives were already at stake. The boats and submarines did everything they could to damage it, but the sheer size and blubber on the creature let it shrug off these barrages. It took everything we had, everything short of dropping an atomic bomb on it. After practically emptying the country's entire stock of bombs, missiles and shells, the leviathan finally collapsed onto the downtown area. This would be a day that would go down in history, when mankind stood up against an impossible foe and came out victorious. Once the confetti and parades ended though, we were still left with one massive carcass. It was certainly a nuisance, but it wasn't the worst thing. After all, the problem was solved and our worries were over. Oh, how wrong we were....   Though humans were not a fan of the decaying titan that spewed plumes of rotting gas and rivers of blood, the scavengers of the world were having a field day. To them, it was the closest thing to heaven. A corpse so large and corpulent, that there was more then enough to share. It was a feast that had no end, no matter how many sat at the table. It made clean up even worse, as every meat eater and carrion lover were now flooding the city streets, eager to take part in the festivities. It was an absolute nightmare to deal with, but someone had to do it. Homes and businesses were buried beneath this carcass, and its fluids were flooding countless of other livelihoods. There were hundreds of debates of what to do with this corpse, as obviously we couldn't just toss it in a truck and take it to the dump. Communities, panels and endless arguments went on as this leviathan rotted and festered, everyone pointing fingers at who is responsible and who should remove it. It was certainly a messy end to a triumphant moment, but eventually things would get smoothed out and the world would go back to normal. Little did we know that our troubles were far from over, and that they were only growing as we bickered over the bloated corpse.   When many of the scavengers started to act weird, we thought that the carcass had poisoned them. Obviously this titan was not a natural creation, so whatever radiation or mutagen that made it was now killing its diners. Hundreds of them eventually succumbed to whatever toxin was rooted in their guts, so now we had to worry about environmental poisoning. There wasn't enough time to get another committee together to discuss this development when the first sighting occurred. Happening miles away from the city, and at the height of all this kaiju madness, we all thought it a hoax. Perhaps the rotting gas was tainting the air with a hallucinogen or the noxious blood and leeched into someone's water supply. When it came crash landing onto a quaint little village in the countryside, we couldn't deny it any longer. There was another kaiju in our midst, but there was something quite different with this one. The leviathan was certainly not god's creation, but it had the look of something natural. It had animal qualities to it, and it at least looked healthy, before we shot it to pieces. It felt like it could have been a real living creature in some alien world, or in some alternate reality. What tumbled through the village and crushed dozens of people did not share that design. It was mangy and mutated looking, as if it was the victim of a hundred diseases. Its limbs were all wrong, and the fact that it had more than one head signified that this was an entirely different beast. At the time, we guessed it came from the same place as the leviathan, or maybe it was some country's escaped bioweapon. After there was enough time to study (and suffer) this beast's presence, we found out the horrifying truth. The creature we named "Melalo" was not from a lab or a different galaxy, but born from the very guts of the deceased leviathan. Studies on collected samples of Melalo revealed that it was once a vulture. Two vultures, actually. The duo must have come to the carcass to feast, and had been affected by the nature of its flesh and blood. Unlike all the other scavengers, they did not die from this exposure. It somehow mutated them and caused the two to fuse together. Some suggest that perhaps these two vultures had fallen into the organic slurry, and that marinating in these alien fluids had caused this mutation. However it happened, we now had a two headed mutant bird that was as big as a battleship. We thought that the leviathan was bad, now there was a monstrosity that could fly. It wasn't the most graceful flight, but it was still a problem.
Efforts to contain and kill Melalo have failed, and the mutated beast continues to terrorize the country. Though its limbs are contorted and mangled, it can achieve actual flight and spread its maddening reign for hundreds of miles. The way it flies is quite awkward and comical, as its body does not have the perfect design that birds have. The wings flap wildly, the heads flail around like malfunctioning puppets and its landings would be considered failures each time. It practically crashes each time it tries to reunite with the earth, and even the more controlled landings still have it barreling a couple miles before it comes to a stop. This already causes a whole lot of damage, as Melalo tends to show up near civilization. Can't even imagine what it would be like to have your life cut short by a bumbling buzzard that failed flight school. Though the terrible landings make it seem oafish, Melalo is an absolute menace. They attack aircraft in flight, target towns and farms for some semblance of food and erratically spread this terror across the map. Even when not directly assaulting a village, their mere presence is a nightmare. Their filthy feathers are absolutely rank, the odor spreading for miles around. This wretched blight clings to the bird's dander, which is ejected in clouds every time Melalo beats their wings. These plumes of noxious dust absolutely wrecks the lungs once someone breathes it in, leading to outbreaks of some kind of mutated pneumonia. These virulent clouds are sprayed onto the landscape it flies over, and swallow towns that Melalo tumbles into. All while that is happening, that maddening sound can be heard.
 For some reason, Melalo never seems to shut up, with one or both of the heads constantly emitting a horrible noise. Their babble is at an almost inaudible frequency, but it creates a sensation that cannot be ignored. A droning sound that grinds against your ears and brain, one that is impossible to escape. Any attempts to dampen it fail, and it goes on day and night as long as Melalo is in the area. Their size and powerful lungs allow this sound to be heard for miles, afflicting hundreds with this endless madness. There have been some reports that people have gone crazy hearing this noise, its ceaseless drone driving them to violent fits. It hasn't been confirmed yet, but it is obvious that Melalo's presence tortures everyone around it. The only relief is when the massive bird decides to fly somewhere else, making it someone else's problem.
There have been many attempts to shoot down this bird and kill it like we did the leviathan. Unfortunately, Melalo is much faster and smarter than that bumbling titan. We had the luxury of the fact that the whale beast was so huge that it couldn't dodge an attack of properly retaliate. Melalo, however, can. Its awkward flight can somehow allow it to avoid some shots, veering at odd angles that most planes cannot achieve. Its feathers seem to absorb most the damage, exploding into virulent puffs with each impact. These dusty clouds screw up line of sight and can also mess up engines. Even if the pilots can avoid this smokescreen, Melalo can intentionally push it around with its wings, or unleash a gust of wind that can blow aircraft out of the sky. If that isn't enough, than that horrible sound is up next. When both heads stop squabbling with each other and put their voices to work, they create a blast of sound that can shatter glass and destroy eardrums. The horrid scream is so potent, that it causes absolute agony in everyone that hears it. Even with helmets and sound dampening, pilots are practically knocked unconscious by this torturous noise, causing them to lose control of their plane or give Melalo time to finish them off. Efforts on the ground to shoot them down face the same problems, as Melalo coats the battlefield with choking clouds of dander. Talons and beak then tear through the tanks and soldiers, while unleashing screams that can blow heads off at close range.
With the amount of causalities and damage that occur with each attempt, all efforts have been temporarily suspended. A better plan needs to be put into place, as obviously the current route isn't working. Right now Melalo is under observation, with the hopes that study of its movements and lifestyle will hint at a weakness. Currently, it is believed that the bird is trying to find a place to nest, judging by the locations it visits. A plan could be to wait for it to roost and lower its guard, enough for a deadly sneak attack. Unfortunately, its attempts to gather nest material show that this process is going to be a destructive one. Melalo has a fondness for certain materials, and cities seem to have the goods it wants. When Melalo was first sighted, we figured it a joke. When its presence was confirmed, we scrambled to track it down and find a way to kill it. Trying to understand the big bird was the least of our concerns, we just wanted it dead. Only after multiple failed attempts did we turn to study. This research was meant to figure out its weaponry, but it eventually revealed the creature's origin to us. So when we learned that Melalo was tied to the leviathan's rotting body, weeks had already passed. Precious time had flown by, allowing more creatures to be exposed to this alien substance. Not to mention that demolition of the body had already started, resulting in chunks of the beast being blown up. This sprayed meat and blood everywhere, and thus spreading this infectious material. It flowed into the sewers, it scattered across the hills and lots of it wound up getting dumped in the ocean. We now realized we were dealing with an incredibly dangerous substance, and we had already thrown it around like confetti. Melalo was the first to teach us that, but sadly more of their kind would arise before we learned this lesson.     --------------------------------------------------------------------------- And just as we finish with the whales of Mermay, we now go directly into Kaijune! The monster parade never stops here, folks! So with that in mind, lets go with a concept I technically started three years ago (that long!? Cripes...) and where I already botched the order of things! Started at the sixth place out of nine! Genius move! To clear up what is going on here, we are doing kaiju based on the Children of Ana!
 For those who don't know, it is from Roma folklore and is about the severely messed up marriage of the King of the Loçolico  and the Queen of the Keshalyi, Ana. Fair warning, this legend is pretty nasty and a whole lot of non consensual stuff occurs to create these horrid offspring. One such offspring was Bitoso, who I already did a kaiju on back in 2019! They were the sixth child, which means I really screwed up the order of all this. Regardless, we are just going to start at the beginning and soldier on. I am already going to say that I am not redrawing Bitoso again, because that was a pain to make! So just go check them out when we get to their spot. Also that entry is the one that introduces the whole concept behind these kaiju, so score another point for really messing up these postings. But of course, we begin with the first child, Melalo! The inspiration behind this one is pretty darn obvious.
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lpbestiary · 4 years
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In Romani mythology, Melalo is the first child of the fairy Ana and the evil king of Loçolico. He is said to resemble a ragged green bird with two heads and wicked talons.
Unhappy with Ana's lack of sexual passion, the king fed magpie brains to her on the advice of a mystical golden toad. After this, Ana gave birth to Melalo. He is the most feared of his nine siblings, as he can cause madness and random acts of violence.
Image source.
Monster master list.
Suggest a spook.
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myth-lord · 3 years
It’s been a while
A Bao A Qu Aatxe Abaia Abere Adaro Adze Afanc Agrippa Agropelter Ahi At-Trab Ajaju Ajatar Ahuizotl Akaname Akhlut Alicanto Alp-Luachra Amhuluk Amikuk Ammut Aniwye Aproxis Asanbosam Asdeev Aswang Awd Goggie Baldanders Banshee Basilisk Baykok Berserker Boobrie Bruch Bubak Buggane Bukavac Bulgasari Bunyip Burach Bhadi Burrunjor Cactus Cat Caleuche Carbuncle Catoblepas Cherufe Chon-Chon Chupacabra Clurichaun Colorobetch Cuelebre Cuero Dactyl Dijiang Djieien Djinn Doppelganger Dorotabo Draugr Drop Bear Dullahan Each Tened Ebajalg Echeneis Eintykara Enenra Ewah Fachen Fafnir Fear Liath Fire Salamander Gaasyendietha Gargoyle Gashadokuro Gaueko Gegenees Girtablilu Gloson Goblin Gold-Digging Ant Golem Haietlik Hantu Bulan Harpy Heikegani Hinqumemen Hongaek Hyakume Hydra Ichneumon Iku-Turso Imp Impundulu Intulo Invunche Ipetam Isonade Itqiirpak Ittan-Momen Jenglot Jinmenju Jinshin Mushi Jorogumo Jubokko Juggernaut Kamaitachi Karkadann Kayeri Kelpie Kerit Keukegen Kikimora Kongamato Kumiho Lampad Leanan Sidhe Leucrotta Likho Lou Carcolh Lunantishee Makhai Mandarangkal Manticore Marool Mbielu-Mbielu Minotaur Miraj Mishibizhiw Mokele-Mbembe Muirdris Musca Macedda Muscaliet Myrmecoleon Nakshatra Meenu Nekomata Nidhogg Nocnitsa Nuckelavee Nue Nurikabe Olgoi-Khorkhoi Omukade Osschaert Otso Papinijuwari Peuchen Phooka Planctae Polong Poludnica Popobawa Psonen Pukwudgie Pyrausta Qalupalik Qinyuan Raiju Rat King Raudkembingur Redcap Rock Bolter Roperite Saratan Sazae-Oni Scorpios Scylla Shinchu Sianach Sigbin Skolex Sluagh Soucouyant Sphinx Stray Sod Succarath Taotie Tarasque Tesso Tiyanak Valravn Valkyrie Vish Kanya Wanyudo Water Leaper Wendigo Will o Wisp Ya-Te-Veo Yara-Ma-Yha-Who Yehwe Zogbanu Yuki-Onna Zhenniao Zirnitra
Abaasy Abuhuku Acheri Aerico Agemo Aghash Agloolik Ahkiyyini Ahool Aigamuxa Airavata Aitvaras Akashita Akheilos Alkonost Alp Amadan Dubh Amarok Amikiri Amphisbaena Andrealphus Anggitay Anhanga Ankou Aoandon Apaosha Argus Arzhavennik Asag Ashinaga-Jin Askafroa Astromyxin Atuikakura Azi Dahaka Aziwugum Bagiennik Bakekujira Baku Bakunawa Banaspati Barbegazi Barghest Barometz Batibat Bauk Baxbakwalanuxsiwae Belphegor Berbalang Berberoka Bezkost Bies Bilwis Binaye-Ahani Bixi Blemmyes Boitata Bolla Bolotnik Bonguru Boroboroton Bouda Brollachan Buckrider Bungisngis Bushyasta Butatsch Cacus Cadejo Cagrino Caladrius Calopus Camazotz Camulatz Candileja Caorthannach Caspilly Cat Sith Ccoa Ceffyl Dwr Celedon Centaur Cerastes Cerberus Cetus Charybdis Chicheface Chimera Chipfalamfula Chrysaor Cindaku Cipactli Cockatrice Codrille Coiste Bodhar Con Rit Cu Sith Cuca Curupira Cwn Annwn Cyclops Dalaketnon Delgeth Devalpa Dingonek Dobhar-Chu Dodomeki Domovoi Drekavac Druj Nasu Dryad Dybbuk Echidna Egregore Einherjar Ek Chapat El Tunche Eloko Emela Ntouka Empusa Encantado Erchitu Erinyes Erlking Erote Erumia Erymanthian Boar Eurynomos Fad Felen Far Darrig Faun / Satyr Fear Gorta Fext Flaga Fomorian Fossegrim Frittening Fulad-Zereh Ga-Gorib Gaki Gancanagh Gardinel Garmr Gbahali Ghul Globster Gorgon Gowrow Graeae Gremlin Griffin Grindylow Grootslang Gu Guarana Guiafairo Guiamala Gulon Gumberoo Haemorrhois Hala Harionago Havhest Hekantoncheires Helhest Hidebehind Hippocampus Hraesvelgr Hrimpursar Hrokkall Hrosshvalur Huallepen Huay Chivo Hypnalis Ifrit Ihuaivulu Ijiraq Ikuchi Incubus Indrik Inulpamahuida Isogashi Issitoq Itzpapalotl Jack-in-Irons Jaculus Jarjacha Jba Fofi Jidra Kaiaimunu Kameosa Kamikiri Kampe Kappa Kapre Karkinos Kasa-Obake Kasai Rex Kasha Katsura-Otoko Kaw-Kaw Khalkotauroi Khodumodumo Kholkikos Kirin Kishi Kitsune Kludde Knucker Kobold Kori Kraken Krojemanchen Kubot Kulshedra Kunopegos Kurage-No-Hinotama Ladon Lagahoo Lakuma Lamia Landvaettir Lavellan Lechuza Leprechaun Leshy Libelula Diablu Lilyi Llorona Lomie Longgui Lorelei Lunwaba Lusca Luz Mala Ly Erg Maenad Mahaha Makalala Mambabarang Mandragora Mantabungal Mapinguari Mara Marabbecca Marakihau Mekurabe Melalo Melinoe Metminwi Migas Minhocao Mngwa Monoceros Morgawr Morko Moroi Moskitto Motelo Mama Mothman Muhuru Mummy Myling Nachtkrapp Nadubi Naglfar Nalusa Falaya Namazu Nargun Nemean Lion Ngoubou Nguma-Monene Nguruvilu Ninki Nanka Nosoi Nuberu Nuno Nuppeppo Nure-Onna Nyuvwira Oboroguruma Odei Odontotyrannus Oniate Onikuma Orang Minyak Oread Otoroshi Ouroboros Ovinnik Parandrus Pard Pegasus Penchapechi Peryton Pesta Phoenix Piasa Piskie Pixiu Poltergeist Porotai Psoglav Pua Tu Tahi Qiuniu Questing Beast Qupqugiaq Radande Rahara Raktabija Ramidreju Rarog Ratatoskr Rawhead Roc Rogo-Tumu-Here Rokurokubi Rompo Ropen Rougarou Rumptifusel Rusalka Sagari Salawa Sandwalker Sarangay Satori Scarab Scarbo Scytalis   Selkie Seps Serpopard Sessho-Seki Shadhawar Shellycoat   Shen Shurale Siehnam Sin-You Siren Siyokoy Skeljaskrimsli Skinwalker Snawfus Snoligoster Snow Wasset Spartoi Splintercat Spriggan Springheel Squonk Stella Stoa Stolas Strigoi Stuhac Stymphalides Succubus Suiko Suileach Suzuri No Tamashii Sylph Tailypo Tartalo Tatzlwurm Tculo Tenaga-Jin Tenome Terra-Cotta Tetragnathon Teumessian Fox Thunderbird Tiddalik Tikbalang Tizheruk Tlanusi Topielec Toyol Traicousse Tripodero Troll Trolual Tsemaus Tsenahale Tsenagahi Tsuchigumo Tsurube-Otoshi Tupilaq Tuyango Ugjuknarpak Ulagu Umdhlebi Umibozu Undine Urmahlullu Utelif Utlunta Vatnsandi Veela Velue Veo Vodyanoi Vritra Wakandagi Waldgeist Whowie Wolpertinger Wulgaru Wyvern Xan Xecotcovach Xhumpedzkin Xiao Xing Tian Yale Yamabiko Yanagi-Baba Yawkyawk Yeitso Yeti   Yowie Zamba Zaraa Zheng Ziphius Zitiron Zlatorog Zmey Zombie Zorigami
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a-book-of-creatures · 5 years
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Children of Ana
Are loathsome disease demons.
This is the eldest.
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iamthekaijuking · 8 months
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The God Children of Ana Masterpost
Part 1: Phantasmagoria/Introduction of the Locolichi & Keshali
Part 2: Multi Laetus Reditus/The Golden Toad
Part 3: Bedevil/Melalo
Part 4: Lindo or Limbo?/Lilyi
Part 5: Bolide Infidelity/Tculo
Part 6: Envy & Odium/Tcaridyi
Part 7: Malignance/Silali
Part 8: Imminence/Bitoso
Part 9: Opprobrium/Lolmischo
Part 10: Consternation/Minceskre
Part 11: Mortem Obire/Poreskoro
Part 12: Animam Agere
Full resolution image available on my patreon
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wolframiosinue · 2 years
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Melalo.. #WolframioSinué 2023 #Chuzalongo #film #cine #personaje #character #melalo #actor #performer #acting https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp6HKKTreXD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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radiantzabka-blog · 6 years
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i made coriolis version of dabi to rp him MORE bc hes such a cool character in coriolis his true name is mizuha-nushimaru melalo, but he forgot it and goes by dabi also hes kind of telepath, but has a shit ton  of disadvantages because of it (for example, hes overly empathetic and can go mad because of other people’s strong emotions) also hes some kind of aristocracy but he went mad and ran away and ended up being a homeless drug addict,, and hes fine with that, he doesnt remember shit about bourgeois life also his scar here means that hes child which was born from only one of the royal pair (father), but is accepted to the family and he actually was the oldest son and family’s heir
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constellationcrowned · 4 months
I've been meaning to ask, what's a veve?
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((Veves are, essentially, the tcol equivalent of a sigil or a ward. They have a variety of uses; they can be used as a warning, a way to manipulate or obscure a path or, inversely, show the way through an area, they can promote healing, curses, the list goes on and on. It all depends on the persons' intent and how undamaged or new the veve is. They wear down like anything else and have to be redrawn eventually.))
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guardianasdelrpg · 7 years
Búsqueda vampírica
 "Si yo hubiera robado el sol no se lo habría dado a los humanos para que estuviesen calientes. Lo habría sumergido en el mar y hubiera empezado a comprar sus almas a cambio de fuego."
¡Saludos! una de nuestras usuarias busca miembros para su clan de vampiros Ravnos (La Mascarada). La petición está realizada por alguien que da buen rol y mantiene su actividad en el foro ( http://magicworldwar.forosgratis.org/ ).  Aquí un miniresumen de lo que busca: 
KAVI: Varón. Cantante, guitarrista, bailarín y embustero Ravnos (4º generación). Habilidades: Quimerismo, Animalismo y Fortaleza 
WESH: Varón.  Percusionista, bailarín y bromista Ravnos (5º generación). Kavi es su Sire. Habilidades: Quimerismo, Animalismo y Fortaleza
GYULA: Mujer. Especialista en animales, bailarina, cantante y compositora Ravnos (5º generación). Habilidades: Animalismo, Auspex y Quimerismo
MELALO: Varón. Toca con maestría todo tipo de instrumento de cuerda y es mudo y melancólico, habla a través de su guitarra (5º generación). Habilidades: Quimerismo, Animalismo y Fortaleza.
NARAKA: Mujer. Es tímida y todavía esta descubriendo sus poderes, pero bailando se desenvuelve de una forma muy hermosa y no le importa si su baile atrae miradas, a ella le gusta bailar. Habilidades: Quimerismo, Animalismo y Fortaleza. (5º generación)
Información ampliada: http://magicworldwar.forosgratis.org/t5-busqueda-de-personaje#17386
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