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liciapeonia · 4 months ago
Hey bitches!! I'm back!! I'm almost going crazy with all the stuff I've seen from jinx especially on tiktok 🫠 so many edits honestly this new little finger of hers must be a wonderfull 😼😼😼 I've thought of so many posts to do!!!
1 more about how is dating the bomb girl AU arcane universe.
2 a reader who's from out of town but arrives causing headaches for sekica, how could jinx not love you???😚
3 a hot goth punk tattooed reader who's a complete delight
4 a super feminine reader who doesn't wanna kill anyone so she just watches her bomb engineer girlfriend at work
5 A more AU reader from Brazil about what it's like to be in the US and relate to jinx (I'm Brazilian and honestly there are a lot of interesting cultural shocks according to MY LIVES)
6 AU you just moved to a megametropolis and your neighbor is fucking crazy but seems interesting too
7 jinx is a tattoo artist and reader who has no fear of losing her arm
8 i saw “dinner in america” i would like to do something similar to that with jinx and reader
and thousands more ideas but I'll keep these a secret 🤐🤐🫨😈😈😈I just love it when people send me requests please I'd love to do something like that 🥺🥺
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nightmare-knight · 8 months ago
Acmetropolis fue construida encima de continentes hundidos bajo agua
Acmetropolis es la megaciudad en lo que sucede casi toda la trama de la primera temporada (y parte de la segunda) de Loonatics Unleashed. Si pueden observar en la siguiente imagen, esta ciudad abarca todo el planeta, siendo una especie de megametropolis que terminó unificando al mundo entero.
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Sin embargo, tambien se nota cosas que no tienen sentido en este mundo. Los continentes no coinciden con la configuración normal de la tierra, el planeta es demasiado esferico y los polos no se encuentran presentes.
Si vemos la ciudad más de cerca, podemos notar que el cielo no se puede ver por las densas nubes de smog.
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Con respecto a la presencia de Smog en el ambiente, siendo parte del día a día, es muy probable que conocer el clima y las condiciones atmosfericas sean de vida o muerte. En nuestra realidad, principalmente en el continente asiatico, las aplicaciones de clima indican tambien la cantidad de smog y cuando es peligroso salir a la calle a respirarlo.
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Eso explicaría porque personajes como Misty Breeze, con la función de predecir el clima o el estado del ambiente, sean tan relevantes en esta sociedad. La lluvia ácida y el smog, es muy peligrosa para la salud de las personas, por lo tanto, predecir cuando afectaran a la ciudad es sumamente importante.
Mi teoria al respecto, es que por su claro problema de contaminación y consecuencias del calentamientos global, los polos y todos los glaciares, se han terminado de derretir, haciendo que el nivel del agua suba.
Al subir tanto el nivel del mar, y para evitar perder superficie terrestre, la compañía Acme, causante de este desastre (Futura teoría sobre la energía en Acmetropolis), mientras los polos comenzaron a derretirse, comenzarón a construir por encima de la ciudad, configurando el mundo de manera diferente a la que estaba y unificando el mundo en una sola metropolis.
La evidencia la tenemos en el capitulo Going Underground, si se dan cuenta, Tech tuvo que construir un super taladro para poder llegar a la parte subterranea, y tardando demasiado en llegar, ya que varias capas separan la ciudad nueva de la vieja:
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Y la parte subterranea es tan amplia, que el mismo doctor Thaddeus Dare, pudo llevar toda la ciudad hasta esta, hundiendo todo y lavantando una montaña de piedra en su lugar.
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Hay otras evidencias que traeré en mi próxima publicación de teorias, relacionadas con el episodio Acmegeddon, donde descubrimos que Zadavia se ocultaba en las profundidas del oceano, porque literalmente ahora es mucho más profundo que nuestro mundo.
¡Nos vemos pronto!
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luncheon-aspic · 11 months ago
Decided to go back to my seaside village later this week and now I keep thinking of my old neighborhood here in the megametropolis
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wanderlust-songbird · 2 years ago
Why would he want to pass an opportunity to get to know Vega better? There was no way he was going to leave things here if he can help it! What better than to suggest something from his own list of universes. Maybe he might have something new for her, for one.
A bit of a risk, but he would be accompanying her so, that risk might be well mitigated.
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“How about…” Idea number one, who knows if she had visited a world like the one in his head before. “I know a city that’s like, a city of the future, but not like one we’d imagine now, think of it like a future city if you pictured it in the 70s. It’s kind of something you’d see in a movie, but it ain’t no movie.”
MegaMetropolis was a city to be seen rather than explained, after all.
She didn't really mind which world exactly. Yes, it was always something was excited about, for certain reasons. But in this case, she was also curious about Bowen & wanted to get to know him better.
Putting a finger to her lips, she thought for a minute. The idea sounded quite nice to her, as times like those were her personal favorites in terms of aesthetic, especially with that future spin.
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"It sounds quite nice darling, I will admit." She began, "But I also want to hear the other options before really deciding."
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ivanswift1989 · 7 years ago
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gmos · 3 years ago
what are everyone's thoughts on naming my fictional near-future not-bay area megametropolis "ambosgrises" because the sky and the water are "both grey"
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midnightactual · 2 years ago
@tetsuwan-atom wrote for Win A Date With Yoruichi (original thread):
“Honestly I’m really open to a lot of things but, I’ll provide a suggestion. I know this universe that’s got this.. futuristic city, called MegaMetropolis. Imagine an evening where we could race our motorbikes as fast as we want, late night shopping, games that really put you ‘in’ the player’s eyes and body, movies in which you’re actually there, dinner with options from endless cultures, plus the [...]
Yoruichi hadn’t been quite sure what to expect in terms of appropriate fashion given the name of the place, so she arrived at the coordinates Bowen had provided (in both space and time, although she was a little early for the latter) wearing something rather generic: black turtleneck, flared black pants, rather shiny black dress high-heel boots, and a long charcoal gray coat. The whole ensemble made the bright yellow hair tie around her wrap (also gray for this occasion) pop along with her eyes, as did a few red wristbands that were sometimes visible from under her sleeves and matched the red lipstick she wore. The other notable bit of color on her was a touch of sky blue eyeshadow below her lashes.
She had no purse or bag of any kind, nor did there seem to be terribly much (if anything at all) in her coat from the way it hung. She was apparently quite content to experience this place he’d described without bringing along anything significant.
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Knowing she had some time to kill, she pulled out her Aifōn and began to do something or other on it while she waited, presumably for him to arrive.
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starsailorstories · 6 years ago
Historical Overview of the Seven Suns systems
Ok I’m still planning to do a more fun illustrated/narrative version of this and plot-essential stuff is in the exposition of the books BUT if you’re a nerd (and I know I am!) here is Everything that led up to the Hyperian dynasty, directly or indirectly, starting from the first astraeas to live in this area
First Permanent Migrations
Cosmonist legend holds that the first astraeas to leave the vacuum and settle on the surfaces of planets did so on the six Holy Worlds that have been populated the longest: Tarega, Sitheria, Thass, Vesta A (the Basilean name for the world of Ami Ge), Esmrrrder and Hirimar. This is arguably true, although making a distinction that doesn’t really matter--worlds in the antedome and the Elorica quadrant were being settled around the same time. There’s more archaeological evidence to support another legend--that a flotilla of debris rafts that had drifted with gravity for generations, carrying the ancient proto-astraeas who had lived on them for generations, counselled in the outer orbits of the Basilean binary. Some continued on to the Sol Minerva system and settled on the Sitherian surface almost immediately upon their arrival. Another group set their course for the inner Sol Atya system, and would live on their rafts in the upper atmosphere of Tarega, gradually evolving as the chemistry of their lights changed from generation to generation in response to its composition, for another several million years. Because astraea genetics are as much a result of environment as they are of heritage, it’s difficult to tell where these proto-Sitherians and Basillans came from originally. What matters is that they came together and were in heavy communication even prior to written history.
The Miragari of the Sol Vesta system have likely lived on their own world even longer than the Sitherians have lived on theirs, but they seem to have migrated from the opposite side of the dome, reaching Basilea’s second-closest unincorporated star via the Carina Alta arm. Like the Basillans, ancient debris in the orbit of their world suggests that they lived in the upper atmosphere for anywhere from thirty to fifty thousand of their planet’s years before beginning to build their civilization on solid ground.
Other species seem to have arrived later in other mass migrations, having already developed inheritable biological features in other atmosphere environments (the fact that the Esmrrrderians and Hirimarians are more physically similar to each other, for example, than they are to the Basillans, Sitherians, Thassians or Miragari would suggest that they were once members of the same clan or group of clans). There is some theorizing that the Thassians may have originally come from Sol Vesta, but if so, their traits diverged from those of the Miragari long ago. They lack the archaeological evidence a “lander culture” that is common to other established species in the area, so their origins remain mysterious.
Development of Planetary Civilizations & First Atya System Explorers
Pre-contact Miragari cultures were sophisticated but tenuous, with populations in some parts of the planet dwindling after rapid agricultural development brought about significant changes to the local atmosphere. Although they developed their own forms of powered spaceflight and traveled widely, organized exploration was sparse--their system’s dense asteroid belt made exit in a large ship of the period difficult, and most of their resources were focused towards on-planet innovation. In this they advanced far beyond their counterparts in other systems, building massive and efficient cities with elaborate codes of law and traversing their abundant seas in ultra-fast and luxurious submarines.
The Basillan colonies that had landed on the surface of Tarega spent some generations growing apart from their Sitherian cohorts, but eventually began communicating, trading, and cooperating. The centralization of the Sitherian settlement in the megametropolis of Ovaiakon, which had by this point grown to cover 20% of the planet’s largest landmass, made travel and trade convenient for Basillan sailors. This partnership gave rise to mergers of cultural institutions all over both worlds--the most significant of which were the adoption of the Sitherian Syfrae logography/syllabography across the Sol Atya system and the compilation of the Writings of the Holy Poets, the document that solidified and spread the Cosmonist religion. With these uniting cultural threads, leaders on Tarega were able to ally with one another and pool resources to begin formal, recorded exploration missions to other planets--leading to the first settlements on Glasmiri, who appointed the first of the area’s planetary High Queen in order to unite politically and win a war of independence against their mother tribe--and to other systems.
Soon after the Glasmirian push for sovereignty, the Sitherian archpraeceptorate was established, and immediately developed a relationship with the planetary royal court, urging the High Queen and her scionettes to enter into honor-bound contract with the goddesses. This began to set the precedent of the perceived relationship between the Basillan planetary nations and the pantheon their people believed in.
Invasion of Sol Vesta System & Planetary Conflicts
Among these was one to Ami Ge (Vesta A), which in the next few centuries the Ixavol clan of Tarega and their wide-reaching allies, seeking conquest of the system of the nearest Holy Sun outside the immediate binary, would invade at multiple surface points--leading to a long and treacherous war, known widely as the Sol Vesta War, which would last for over twenty cycles and whose repercussions are still felt. After a complex series of concessions were negotiated on the planet’s surface, Basillan outposts remained in her orbit, basically maintaining a presence to keep the territory in their sights.
Over the effectively generational time passage that occurred during the war, the political motivations for fighting it shifted. While the original invasion had political and religious impetus, by the time of the final withdrawals the Taregan climate was changing, and holding land in the Sol Vesta system (including the uninhabited Kori Ge) became vital to the importation of particularly water and building materials. For a period of about 6,000 years following the concession talks scarcity on both Ami Ge and Tarega led to infighting among the regional populations of both worlds. Populations were significantly affected, but eventually technological advancement began to resolve things: Sitherian engineers--most notably the priestess and researcher Eiona Vang, who took eldership over the project--were brought to the royal courts of Saivega and Solreg to design large-scale atmosphere regulation systems that allowed for the creation of settlements above the clouds of Altamai, where the Taregan aristocracy fled practically in full in a span of just decades (with a few notable exceptions). Soon after, there was a mass migration of common colonies, who converted industrial spacecraft, hitched rides, or built their own ships in the desert and flew out by night without the behest of any authority.
Settlement of Altamai & Shali
Once on Altamai, Basillan culture changed and flourished. The international council of leadership that had existed on Tarega, after some centuries of trying, finally managed to appoint a high queen, Athaema Seflioma of Avès, who oversaw the building of ten experimental cities. In order to survive above the cloudline, the citizens of the new cities needed a steady supply of artificial atmosphere. With the same technology that allowed their mountaintop superatmospheric buildings, ships were constructed that could sustain a large crew for a long period of time. After several exploration missions, a fleet of ships were sent to the orbit of Shali, where, expanding upon the models for orbiting settlements that had been used to blockade the Sol Vesta system, they were gradually developed into a permanent orbiting settlement--effectively a company town for the atmosphere harvesters. This building model would later be used in the Fila Fenaeta and Fuscus swarms and, most grandly, in the Rings of Basilea.
In this period the planetary royal court developed rapidly, ennobling hundreds of notable residents from the settlements and making them both distributors of the wealth and enforcers of the royal will. Meanwhile tensions grew between post-war enclaves established on Ami Ge, specifically those that still maintained a relationship with the Taregan-Altamaian aristocracy and those that did not. Although extremely primitive by the standards of the system at the time of the story, this was the first conflict in which the Basillan ruling classes provided arms to their allies, making the conflict much more uneven than it would have been and placing the unallied Maeg people, whose ancestral mountains bisected the zone of the turf war, at an economic and political disadvantage that would take centuries of struggle to overcome.
Trade between the Jenya, Atya and Minerva systems, meanwhile, was busier than ever, with thousands of solar-powered ships passing between the populated worlds every few planetary centuries (most voyages at that time took 4-5 of those, which in the context of an astraea lifespan is sort of like 1-2 years). It’s in this era that the spacefaring subculture--its specific routines, songs, legends, superstitions, and roles which still hold at the time of the story--really began to take root. Basillan, Sitherian, and Miragari voyages to the Ante-dome and the disk also took place in this period, laying the groundwork for sociopolitical situations in the centuries to come.
As the difficult construction of the permanent settlements on Shali was finally completed, the current ruler of the Seflioma dynasty died suddenly on the brink of producing an heir. Astraea Mothers experience a period of basically hibernation before childbirth and health complications are relatively common, but given their honored role in society preventative care is also generally excellent, and a childbearing-related death, particularly of a noble or royal, is almost unheard of, so this was a cause of much anger and suspicion--even at the time of the story, it’s still widely believed that she was poisoned. Her “consort colony”--that of her wife--had recently had a new Mother born, and the court agreed to allow her coronation when she came of age. For the next several hundred cycles, the planet was effectively in the hands of her aunt, a Faellran dowager submaxima who worked tirelessly to set up global interests for her ward. When the Olaean dynasty finally dawned, it was into unprecedented power, and within the first few years of her reign Queen Daemarima commissioned the research and creation of a global language based on the planet’s three most common tongues. The teaching and speaking of Standard Altamaian was theoretically enforced by law all over the planet, although this proved logistically difficult, and all three of the local languages it was meant to replace survive to this day. The Standard, however, did grow in popularity, and became the lingua franca of court life and politics, as well as developing as the common language between new workers on Shali.
The Turn of the Intergalactic Age
On the less permanently-settled worlds of the Sol Garna and Sol Amphira systems, isolated cultures were beginning to make contact with the rest of their own planets as their populations grew. The Esmrrrderians in particular began to connect the peoples of their world through vast networks of trade and communication, which brought about an unprecedented era of global exchange and peace. At several points in the past, Esmrrrderians had intercepted Basillan and Miragari ships attempting to avoid the Sol Vesta blockades, or rescued the survivors of wrecks, and these aliens integrated into their colonies fairly seamlessly. But at this point, they still had no official contact with the Jenya-Atya system or with any other.
On Altamai, Daemarima’s great-great-granddaughter said fuck everything, married her lady-in-waiting, and abdicated to her younger sister, who married acceptably but then promptly died in a duel defending her older sister’s choices. Possibly because everyone was fed up with their nonsense, the throne passed peacefully from the Olaeans to the Fortefemens.
Meanwhile in the orbit of Sol Minerva, Ovaiakon was rocked by a series of earthquakes over a period of about three centuries, their intensity increasing over time. Finally--just days before the all-important Avi-fora (festival of the end of the liturgical calendar)--the great city cracked down the middle.
In the coming years residents of this intellectual and religious capital of the binary watched as the two sides of their city rapidly drifted apart and the sea rushed into the fault. The geological schism fueled several political and religious ones, with various sects interpreting the catastrophe as divine retribution for some act they disagreed with. For a few solar years there was absolute chaos. Priestesses and literators were executed by their own followers; still others fled to the wildernesses of the Glasmirian equator or the uncharted solitude of the Sol Amphira system (whose watery worlds and moons are largely absent from this history because their island-dwelling natives are so far-flung they don’t interact much with the outside world or each other). Order returned slowly, but Ovaiakon would now become two cities on two continents under one name, gradually drifting apart; and for many whose religious fervor outweighed their political loyalty, faith in its authority was forever shaken.
Several centuries after, another galaxy-changing event befell the system: a joint coalition involving scholars and politicians from multiple Basillan worlds sent a series of exploration missions to the neighboring Maculata galaxy, which we know as the Milky Way. After several landings on uninhabited worlds (they were looking first for planets that could support their own type of life, not the type they actually found) they finally ran across a Cadrian outpost on a moon of their homeworld.
Initially, the landing party were mistaken for invaders from one of the planets of Alpha Centauri, and might have unintentionally reignited an interstellar war (millennia before they INTENTIONALLY reignited it) if they hadn’t immediately engaged, giving the Cadrians a good look at them to confirm they weren’t Centaurian as well as earning their respect in battle (not every [sub]culture on the Cadrian homeworld would’ve reacted like that, but for better or for worse these did). After spending years as honored, if slightly uncomfortable, diplomatic guests, they returned, introducing Cadrian delegates--and the business interests they represented--to their respective leaders.
The aristocrats, noting the similar life spans and political structures but slightly appalled by what they perceived as a lack of reciprocity in Cadrian culture, jumped to form military alliances and yet weren’t at all interested in doing business. The delegates, however, wanted to get their hands on some of those super-fast, intergalactically-durable spaceships, and they weren’t going to wait around to earn the trust of nobles. The commoners who had gone on the mission had had time to understand the bizarre system of investments and currencies, and fidelity in the most Andromedan sense was all it took to get them building away--they felt they owed the Cadrians for their hospitality, and their colonies and professional networks provided labor out of simple loyalty. When simple loyalty in the labor force wavered, the new common shipyard moguls appealed to their Cadrian backers for resources and began to provide an “arrangement” for their workers--land off the local noble’s estate--that still allowed them a high profit margin. This was the beginning of the astraea-specific version of industrial capitalism, and notably also kicked off the massive Elorica quadrant asteroid-mining industry as foundries struggled to produce enough vitruvol to meet the demand. The descendants of these original shipyard owners remain the wealthiest and most powerful commoners in the Seven Suns at the time of the story.
Eventually, Andromedan spaceships began to be exported to the Maculata in such numbers that some inevitably fell into the wrong hands, and Maculatan pirates--as well as Andromedan pirates, but the nobles didn’t talk about those as much for ~some reason--got pretty bold with it, attacking planetary estates without warning. Between this and the (fallacious, but spoken about) idea that working for one of the common shipyard moguls provided Options, the popularity and clout of nobles began to be much more dependent on their ability to protect their resources and provide for their peasants. In response--and without explicit royal permission--they formed a legislative body which was to become the High Parliament and which actually streamlined (for better AND for worse) the process of enacting international law considerably. In retaliation, the Queen ordered them to hear official delegation from the Union of Commons, a political party of wealthy and powerful non-nobles who effectively bought their way into court (this still exists and has a reputation for being socially liberal and advocating legal reform, though it’s a joke on all surrounding sides of their political spectrum that this has to do with the fact that the Basillan nouvelle riche are so very very commonly in legal trouble).
Around the same time, international councils on Esmrrrder and Hiramar made a joint decision to open their system to trade with the rest of the galaxy. The two worlds had industrialized and begun to advance technologically practically overnight (especially by astraea standards) and with industrialization had come economic disparity between urban and rural communities. The leadership claimed--and perhaps some of them really did intend--that the economic boost would allow local governments to provide necessities like water and medicine for small villages affected by environmental destruction and other modern problems. But the new Basillan and Cadrian capitalists poured their resources into wringing productivity from the cities, worsening conditions for workers there and for the rural villagers alike.
The people of the Sol Garna system were not about to take that shit lying down.
While they couldn’t fight the exoplanetary power completely, labor unions and parties rose to prominence after centuries of a bloody power struggle that made their system infamous among the elite of the Seven Suns for the tenacity of its populace. Traditional Basillan morality taught loyalty to the beneficience of authority, but traditional morality as taught by the Garnaxe lawspeakers taught loyalty to the planet, the self, and the community, and the people returned to it in force. Although not without flaws--the same principles had been used to justify isolationism, and many of the labor activists harbored prejudices understandably towards the Basillans and Cadrians but less rationally towards all outsiders--the movement led to a system of defenses against economic exploitation that served as a model for other worlds taking up their own causes against the Basillan worlds, and later the aula.
Tensions on the Basillan Motherworlds
As trade--and conflict--with the Cadrians and manufacturing in the Sol Garna system settled into steady rhythms of give and take, the ancient aristocracies of Altamai and Glasmiri were restless. One step beneath them, moneyed commoners threatened to lure away the peasantry that had historically supported their lifestyle (many of them sorted this out by marrying daughters into new-money families or going into business themselves). One step above them, the planetary High Queens--legitimized by the praeceptorate and venerated by the people--could still limit the power they held in the courts and the legislature almost with impunity. Noble houses favored by the Queens defended them almost fanatically--most had formal and legal Fidelities and honor bindings to uphold, and some Particular Favorites had even more personal stakes. At the height of the divisions in high society on both worlds, the High Queens of Glasmiri and Altamai announced, together, that their eldest daughters were betrothed. The loyal subjects celebrated; the courtiers drew swords on each other in their castle gardens.
The alliance sealed, the next few heirs to the throne continued to operate over the loud aristocratic paranoia that they would become unassailable tyrants. The mutual economy boomed, with Altamaian interests establishing the free-drifting macroengineered Fila Fenaeta settlement in a resource-rich nebula in the Naulia quadrant and Glasmirian ones building the similar Fuscus Swarm structure in an enclave of the Milky Way sold to them by the government of one of the Cadrian national superpowers. With these outposts driving down the cost of chemical resources for space travel, the age of exploration and imperialism that had begun with the first voyages to the Maculata kicked into a higher gear, laying ground for the occupations later undertaken by the Hyperians in the Ante-dome and in the outer-disk Djickhasa and Sokhash systems.
It also sparked the dream of the Rings--the largest building project Basillan civilization had ever undertaken. It would ease strain on the overcrowded Altamaian cities and fragile Glasmirian wetlands. It would create farmland to grow the raw materials for textiles, which had become a main export to the Cadrian home system. And it would all be directed by one trusted royal advisor: maximata Siderina Hyperia.
Siderina was a leading figure in the aristocracy’s political corner. Coming from a high-ranking family, she styled herself as a Defender of the Old Ways and gained mass support from her peers and from the bootlickers segment of the traditional peasantry who believed that increased autonomy for their Sworn Ladies would lead to prosperity for their own families. As I detailed in this post, she betrayed the Queen and established her building project as the capital of a new empire. Attempts to hold her legally accountable for her breach of a royal Fidelity--normally a capital crime--fell through on the favors of nobles and politicians who owed her for something or other and felt compelled to stay silent. Siderina treated betrayals among her own ranks with infamous volatility, and nobody wanted to be on her bad side, at least not until they knew how this was going to play out.
Siderina’s daughter became the first Empress. A new calendar, based on the rotation of the rings, was begun. Within its first three generations of monarchs, the new government--which subsumed the still-existing High Queendoms by virtue of legally binding vows of familial loyalty--invaded dozens of unaffiliated worlds, including Caesura, Aeverell, and Ashtiva; spearheaded the modern LGA with the help of the Cadrians and started recruiting people to fight all kinds of random wars for them; and developed the cloning technology that would create the labor force for their runaway expansion. 
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hornsjeongyeon · 6 years ago
TWICE Enchanted au, where momo, princess of the fairyland, looks for a lovely girl to marry, but her search remains fruitless, well, until she finds her true love in sana.
samo are about to get married, when shortly before the ceremony sana gets tricked by an old witch, and after falling through a portal she ends up in the seoul of the real world. lost in this megametropolis, she runs into the young lawyer yoo jeongyeon and her 6-year-old sister chaeyoung.
while jeongyeon planned to propose to her longtime girlfriend im nayeon, however the sudden appearance of the lively and optimistic sana messes up all of unromantic and pessimistic jeongyeon’s plans…….
(for those who don’t know the movie: jeongsa would end up together and stay in the real world, while namo would get together and go back to the fairyland in order to get married)
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rolhispano · 6 years ago
Busqueda de staff para futuro foro cyberpunk futurista
La idea general es la de foro futurista cyberpunk. Centrado en una gran ciudad una Megametropolis, puede inventada o puede ser alguna ciudad existente (nueva york, parís, roma, tokio, etc).
En este futuro los gobiernos de los países o de las regiones están de capa caída y son algo simbólico, y las ciudades se gobiernan como ciudad estado o polis, el control esta a cargo de grandes compañías y megacorporaciones, ya que supuestamente ellas invierten en el desarrollo y el bienestar de las personas por eso cada compañía tiene un miembro de confianza en el consejo de la ciudad, el órgano regulador y encargado de gobernar la ciudad esta especie de tecnocracia tiene sus cosas buenas y sus cosas malas. Pues es cierto que aunque el consejo se preocupa y intenta que la ciudad sea segura y toda la gente tenga todas las comodidades posible a veces pesan mas el interés de la corporación que el de la ciudad:Una cosa importante y es que no quiero que las Megacorporaciones sean por así decirlos malas o diabólicas que solo quieren dinero y oprimen a los ciudadanos en una dictadura férrea, sino que son empresas que busca su beneficio así como que los ciudadanos estén contentos, no serán ni buenos ni malos por así simplificarlo.
En la actualidad la tecnología permite cosas como sistemas holográficos, un tipo de pulsera que sirve como tarjeta de crédito. Vehículos voladores y androides similares a los humanos.
La ciudad no sera dividida en distritos cerrados tipo los ricos viven en el distrito uno y los pobres en el trece, o cosas así, por supuesto habrá barrios ricos y barrios marginales y de gente pobre, pero no estará todo cerrado. Además los usuarios podrán crear los barrios si lo desean y los lugares.
La tecnología cibernética y robótica ha avanzado mucho siendo muy populares los ciber-implantes que están a la orden de día y muy de moda.
Por supuesto en la ciudad habrá mafias y varias drogas de diseño bastante populares y un por así decirlo infrasistema que vive en la ciudad según sus propias reglas.
Los servicios públicos no existen, la seguridad esta a cargo de compañías privada, la justicia a cargo de varias compañías de jueces pagados por el consejo, y por supuesto todo los abogados son privados, creando un mercado gris de la justicia donde lo mas importante es tener un buen abogado y sobornar al juez para hacer la vista gorda, también la sanidad es privada, estando todo a cargo de de grandes aseguradoras y empresas, cuando los clientes solicitan la ayuda de estas empresas o tienen una emergencias los miembros de la compañía acuden rápido y deben de actuar con la mayor eficiencia posible, ya que si el cliente muere, los miembros responsables de su cuidado no cobran, y quizás sean despedidos, por eso son capaces de hasta arriesgar su vidas por el asegurado.
Otra trama importante es la de los androides, los androides son físicamente iguales a los humanos mas resistentes y fuertes destinados a todo tipo de trabajo que se quiera desempeñar, sus cerebros son complejos teniendo personalidad y capacidad de emoción, dependiendo de como estén programados sus patrones para reaccionar, eso si conductas y raciones siempre estarán predeterminadas, y estarán sujetos a las famosas tres leyes de la robótica de Asimov. Aparte siempre tendrán un símbolo visible de que son androides (como una luz azul en su cuello, o en sus manos), por supuesto habrá grupos y gente anti-androides que los ven como una amenaza para sus trabajos, pero aparte de eso existe algo importante y es la existencia de un virus informático, que es capaz de corromperlos, y de permitir que tengan libre albedrío, el virus surgió hará 8 años y hizo cundir el pánico en la población pues varios androides se revelaron y hubo crímenes, el consejo creo una unidad de seguridad dedicada a buscar y retirar a los androides corruptos, tras medio año la crisis oficialmente se termino y supuestamente todos los androides infectados fueron retirados y nació una nueva generación de androides inmunes al virus. Pero en verdad aun sigue existiendo androides con el virus y que son capaces implantarlos en otros androides incluidos los de nueva generación, Algunos androides ven este virus como una bendición y otros como una maldición. La unidad encargada acabar con los androides corruptos y el virus sigue activa, pero no extraoficialmente y fuera de la opinión publica.
También habrá un grupo rebelde importante que ve el sistema actual corrupto y que explota al ciudadano medio y de los barrios pobres, de hay que quieran una revolución y acabar con el consejo y las corporaciones, dicho grupo es considerado como un grupo terrorista, pues sus acciones son ante todo muy cuestionables y piensan que el fin justifica los medios, no quiero que se vean como los buenos y nobles, pues aunque ellos piensas que sus acciones son las correctas, harán cosas cosas muy cuestionables como asesinatos actos terrorista,etc. Con sus consecuencias para la opinión publica tanto buenas como malas.
Por supuesto se podrá crear las empresas y compañía que se quiera y con los objetivos que quieran los usuarios,algunas ideas que tengo es una compañía que intenta crear tecnología del tele-transporte, o una empresa que la cibernética ya no tiene futuro y ha comenzado con la genética y hacer experimentos altamente cuestionables con los voluntarios de las zonas mas desaboridas
Pues estas son mi ideas busco gente que le guste y me quiera ayudar a que sea posible y crear el foro dejo tumblr y discord para los interesados gracia discord darksumun#9520
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guardianasdelrpg · 6 years ago
busqueda de staff para for cyberpunk y ciencia ficción
La idea general es la de foro futurista cyberpunk. Centrado en una gran ciudad una Megametropolis, puede inventada o puede ser alguna ciudad existente (nueva york, parís, roma, tokio, etc).
En este futuro los gobiernos de los países o de las regiones están de capa caída y son algo simbólico, y las ciudades se gobiernan como ciudad estado o polis, el control esta a cargo de grandes compañías y megacorporaciones, ya que supuestamente ellas invierten en el desarrollo y el bienestar de las personas por eso cada compañía tiene un miembro de confianza en el consejo de la ciudad, el órgano regulador y encargado de gobernar la ciudad esta especie de tecnocracia tiene sus cosas buenas y sus cosas malas. Pues es cierto que aunque el consejo se preocupa y intenta que la ciudad sea segura y toda la gente tenga todas las comodidades posible a veces pesan mas el interés de la corporación que el de la ciudad:Una cosa importante y es que no quiero que las Megacorporaciones sean por así decirlos malas o diabólicas que solo quieren dinero y oprimen a los ciudadanos en una dictadura férrea, sino que son empresas que busca su beneficio así como que los ciudadanos estén contentos, no serán ni buenos ni malos por así simplificarlo.
En la actualidad la tecnología permite cosas como sistemas holográficos, un tipo de pulsera que sirve como tarjeta de crédito. Vehículos voladores y androides similares a los humanos.
La ciudad no sera dividida en distritos cerrados tipo los ricos viven en el distrito uno y los pobres en el trece, o cosas así, por supuesto habrá barrios ricos y barrios marginales y de gente pobre, pero no estará todo cerrado. Además los usuarios podrán crear los barrios si lo desean y los lugares.
La tecnología cibernética y robótica ha avanzado mucho siendo muy populares los ciber-implantes que están a la orden de día y muy de moda.
Por supuesto en la ciudad habrá mafias y varias drogas de diseño bastante populares y un por así decirlo infrasistema que vive en la ciudad según sus propias reglas.
Los servicios públicos no existen, la seguridad esta a cargo de compañías privada, la justicia a cargo de varias compañías de jueces pagados por el consejo, y por supuesto todo los abogados son privados, creando un mercado gris de la justicia donde lo mas importante es tener un buen abogado y sobornar al juez para hacer la vista gorda, también la sanidad es privada, estando todo a cargo de de grandes aseguradoras y empresas, cuando los clientes solicitan la ayuda de estas empresas o tienen una emergencias los miembros de la compañía acuden rápido y deben de actuar con la mayor eficiencia posible, ya que si el cliente muere, los miembros responsables de su cuidado no cobran, y quizás sean despedidos, por eso son capaces de hasta arriesgar su vidas por el asegurado.
Otra trama importante es la de los androides, los androides son físicamente iguales a los humanos mas resistentes y fuertes destinados a todo tipo de trabajo que se quiera desempeñar, sus cerebros son complejos teniendo personalidad y capacidad de emoción, dependiendo de como estén programados sus patrones para reaccionar, eso si conductas y raciones siempre estarán predeterminadas, y estarán sujetos a las famosas tres leyes de la robótica de Asimov. Aparte siempre tendrán un símbolo visible de que son androides (como una luz azul en su cuello, o en sus manos), por supuesto habrá grupos y gente anti-androides que los ven como una amenaza para sus trabajos, pero aparte de eso existe algo importante y es la existencia de un virus informático, que es capaz de corromperlos, y de permitir que tengan libre albedrío, el virus surgió hará 8 años y hizo cundir el pánico en la población pues varios androides se revelaron y hubo crímenes, el consejo creo una unidad de seguridad dedicada a buscar y retirar a los androides corruptos, tras medio año la crisis oficialmente se termino y supuestamente todos los androides infectados fueron retirados y nació una nueva generación de androides inmunes al virus. Pero en verdad aun sigue existiendo androides con el virus y que son capaces implantarlos en otros androides incluidos los de nueva generación, Algunos androides ven este virus como una bendición y otros como una maldición. La unidad encargada acabar con los androides corruptos y el virus sigue activa, pero no extraoficialmente y fuera de la opinión publica.
También habrá un grupo rebelde importante que ve el sistema actual corrupto y que explota al ciudadano medio y de los barrios pobres, de hay que quieran una revolución y acabar con el consejo y las corporaciones, dicho grupo es considerado como un grupo terrorista, pues sus acciones son ante todo muy cuestionables y piensan que el fin justifica los medios, no quiero que se vean como los buenos y nobles, pues aunque ellos piensas que sus acciones son las correctas, harán cosas cosas muy cuestionables como asesinatos actos terrorista.etc, con sus consecuencias para la opinión publica tanto buenas como malas.
Por supuesto se podrá crear las empresas y compañía que se quiera y con los objetivos que quieran los usuarios,algunas ideas que tengo es una compañía que intenta crear tecnología del tele-transporte, o una empresa que la cibernética ya no tiene futuro y ha comenzado con la genética y hacer experimentos altamente cuestionables con los voluntarios de las zonas mas desaboridas
Pues estas son mi ideas busco gente que le guste y me quiera ayudar a que sea posible y crear el foro dejo tumblr y discord para los interesados gracia discord darksumun#9520
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rpg-square · 6 years ago
busqueda de staff para foro cyberpunk y futurista
La idea general es la de foro futurista cyberpunk. Centrado en una gran ciudad una Megametropolis, puede inventada o puede ser alguna ciudad existente (nueva york, parís, roma, tokio, etc).
En este futuro los gobiernos de los países o de las regiones están de capa caída y son algo simbólico, y las ciudades se gobiernan como ciudad estado o polis, el control esta a cargo de grandes compañías y megacorporaciones, ya que supuestamente ellas invierten en el desarrollo y el bienestar de las personas por eso cada compañía tiene un miembro de confianza en el consejo de la ciudad, el órgano regulador y encargado de gobernar la ciudad esta especie de tecnocracia tiene sus cosas buenas y sus cosas malas. Pues es cierto que aunque el consejo se preocupa y intenta que la ciudad sea segura y toda la gente tenga todas las comodidades posible a veces pesan mas el interés de la corporación que el de la ciudad:Una cosa importante y es que no quiero que las Megacorporaciones sean por así decirlos malas o diabólicas que solo quieren dinero y oprimen a los ciudadanos en una dictadura férrea, sino que son empresas que busca su beneficio así como que los ciudadanos estén contentos, no serán ni buenos ni malos por así simplificarlo.
En la actualidad la tecnología permite cosas como sistemas holográficos, un tipo de pulsera que sirve como tarjeta de crédito. Vehículos voladores y androides similares a los humanos.
La ciudad no sera dividida en distritos cerrados tipo los ricos viven en el distrito uno y los pobres en el trece, o cosas así, por supuesto habrá barrios ricos y barrios marginales y de gente pobre, pero no estará todo cerrado. Además los usuarios podrán crear los barrios si lo desean y los lugares.
La tecnología cibernética y robótica ha avanzado mucho siendo muy populares los ciber-implantes que están a la orden de día y muy de moda.
Por supuesto en la ciudad habrá mafias y varias drogas de diseño bastante populares y un por así decirlo infrasistema que vive en la ciudad según sus propias reglas.
Los servicios públicos no existen, la seguridad esta a cargo de compañías privada, la justicia a cargo de varias compañías de jueces pagados por el consejo, y por supuesto todo los abogados son privados, creando un mercado gris de la justicia donde lo mas importante es tener un buen abogado y sobornar al juez para hacer la vista gorda, también la sanidad es privada, estando todo a cargo de de grandes aseguradoras y empresas, cuando los clientes solicitan la ayuda de estas empresas o tienen una emergencias los miembros de la compañía acuden rápido y deben de actuar con la mayor eficiencia posible, ya que si el cliente muere, los miembros responsables de su cuidado no cobran, y quizás sean despedidos, por eso son capaces de hasta arriesgar su vidas por el asegurado.
Otra trama importante es la de los androides, los androides son físicamente iguales a los humanos mas resistentes y fuertes destinados a todo tipo de trabajo que se quiera desempeñar, sus cerebros son complejos teniendo personalidad y capacidad de emoción, dependiendo de como estén programados sus patrones para reaccionar, eso si conductas y raciones siempre estarán predeterminadas, y estarán sujetos a las famosas tres leyes de la robótica de Asimov. Aparte siempre tendrán un símbolo visible de que son androides (como una luz azul en su cuello, o en sus manos), por supuesto habrá grupos y gente anti-androides que los ven como una amenaza para sus trabajos, pero aparte de eso existe algo importante y es la existencia de un virus informático, que es capaz de corromperlos, y de permitir que tengan libre albedrío, el virus surgió hará 8 años y hizo cundir el pánico en la población pues varios androides se revelaron y hubo crímenes, el consejo creo una unidad de seguridad dedicada a buscar y retirar a los androides corruptos, tras medio año la crisis oficialmente se termino y supuestamente todos los androides infectados fueron retirados y nació una nueva generación de androides inmunes al virus. Pero en verdad aun sigue existiendo androides con el virus y que son capaces implantarlos en otros androides incluidos los de nueva generación, Algunos androides ven este virus como una bendición y otros como una maldición. La unidad encargada acabar con los androides corruptos y el virus sigue activa, pero no extraoficialmente y fuera de la opinión publica.
También habrá un grupo rebelde importante que ve el sistema actual corrupto y que explota al ciudadano medio y de los barrios pobres, de hay que quieran una revolución y acabar con el consejo y las corporaciones, dicho grupo es considerado como un grupo terrorista, pues sus acciones son ante todo muy cuestionables y piensan que el fin justifica los medios, no quiero que se vean como los buenos y nobles, pues aunque ellos piensas que sus acciones son las correctas, harán cosas cosas muy cuestionables como asesinatos actos terrorista.etc, con sus consecuencias para la opinión publica tanto buenas como malas.
Por supuesto se podrá crear las empresas y compañía que se quiera y con los objetivos que quieran los usuarios,algunas ideas que tengo es una compañía que intenta crear tecnología del tele-transporte, o una empresa que la cibernética ya no tiene futuro y ha comenzado con la genética y hacer experimentos altamente cuestionables con los voluntarios de las zonas mas desaboridas
Pues estas son mi ideas busco gente que le guste y me quiera ayudar a que sea posible y crear el foro dejo tumblr y discord para los interesados gracia discord darksumun#9520
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wepurge-rpg · 6 years ago
busqueda de staff para foro cyberpunk y futurista
La idea general es la de foro futurista cyberpunk. Centrado en una gran ciudad una Megametropolis, puede inventada o puede ser alguna ciudad existente (nueva york, parís, roma, tokio, etc).
En este futuro los gobiernos de los países o de las regiones están de capa caída y son algo simbólico, y las ciudades se gobiernan como ciudad estado o polis, el control esta a cargo de grandes compañías y megacorporaciones, ya que supuestamente ellas invierten en el desarrollo y el bienestar de las personas por eso cada compañía tiene un miembro de confianza en el consejo de la ciudad, el órgano regulador y encargado de gobernar la ciudad esta especie de tecnocracia tiene sus cosas buenas y sus cosas malas. Pues es cierto que aunque el consejo se preocupa y intenta que la ciudad sea segura y toda la gente tenga todas las comodidades posible a veces pesan mas el interés de la corporación que el de la ciudad:Una cosa importante y es que no quiero que las Megacorporaciones sean por así decirlos malas o diabólicas que solo quieren dinero y oprimen a los ciudadanos en una dictadura férrea, sino que son empresas que busca su beneficio así como que los ciudadanos estén contentos, no serán ni buenos ni malos por así simplificarlo.
En la actualidad la tecnología permite cosas como sistemas holográficos, un tipo de pulsera que sirve como tarjeta de crédito. Vehículos voladores y androides similares a los humanos.
La ciudad no sera dividida en distritos cerrados tipo los ricos viven en el distrito uno y los pobres en el trece, o cosas así, por supuesto habrá barrios ricos y barrios marginales y de gente pobre, pero no estará todo cerrado. Además los usuarios podrán crear los barrios si lo desean y los lugares.
La tecnología cibernética y robótica ha avanzado mucho siendo muy populares los ciber-implantes que están a la orden de día y muy de moda.
Por supuesto en la ciudad habrá mafias y varias drogas de diseño bastante populares y un por así decirlo infrasistema que vive en la ciudad según sus propias reglas.
Los servicios públicos no existen, la seguridad esta a cargo de compañías privada, la justicia a cargo de varias compañías de jueces pagados por el consejo, y por supuesto todo los abogados son privados, creando un mercado gris de la justicia donde lo mas importante es tener un buen abogado y sobornar al juez para hacer la vista gorda, también la sanidad es privada, estando todo a cargo de de grandes aseguradoras y empresas, cuando los clientes solicitan la ayuda de estas empresas o tienen una emergencias los miembros de la compañía acuden rápido y deben de actuar con la mayor eficiencia posible, ya que si el cliente muere, los miembros responsables de su cuidado no cobran, y quizás sean despedidos, por eso son capaces de hasta arriesgar su vidas por el asegurado.
Otra trama importante es la de los androides, los androides son físicamente iguales a los humanos mas resistentes y fuertes destinados a todo tipo de trabajo que se quiera desempeñar, sus cerebros son complejos teniendo personalidad y capacidad de emoción, dependiendo de como estén programados sus patrones para reaccionar, eso si conductas y raciones siempre estarán predeterminadas, y estarán sujetos a las famosas tres leyes de la robótica de Asimov. Aparte siempre tendrán un símbolo visible de que son androides (como una luz azul en su cuello, o en sus manos), por supuesto habrá grupos y gente anti-androides que los ven como una amenaza para sus trabajos, pero aparte de eso existe algo importante y es la existencia de un virus informático, que es capaz de corromperlos, y de permitir que tengan libre albedrío, el virus surgió hará 8 años y hizo cundir el pánico en la población pues varios androides se revelaron y hubo crímenes, el consejo creo una unidad de seguridad dedicada a buscar y retirar a los androides corruptos, tras medio año la crisis oficialmente se termino y supuestamente todos los androides infectados fueron retirados y nació una nueva generación de androides inmunes al virus. Pero en verdad aun sigue existiendo androides con el virus y que son capaces implantarlos en otros androides incluidos los de nueva generación, Algunos androides ven este virus como una bendición y otros como una maldición. La unidad encargada acabar con los androides corruptos y el virus sigue activa, pero no extraoficialmente y fuera de la opinión publica.
También habrá un grupo rebelde importante que ve el sistema actual corrupto y que explota al ciudadano medio y de los barrios pobres, de hay que quieran una revolución y acabar con el consejo y las corporaciones, dicho grupo es considerado como un grupo terrorista, pues sus acciones son ante todo muy cuestionables y piensan que el fin justifica los medios, no quiero que se vean como los buenos y nobles, pues aunque ellos piensas que sus acciones son las correctas, harán cosas cosas muy cuestionables como asesinatos actos terrorista.etc, con sus consecuencias para la opinión publica tanto buenas como malas.
Por supuesto se podrá crear las empresas y compañía que se quiera y con los objetivos que quieran los usuarios,algunas ideas que tengo es una compañía que intenta crear tecnología del tele-transporte, o una empresa que la cibernética ya no tiene futuro y ha comenzado con la genética y hacer experimentos altamente cuestionables con los voluntarios de las zonas mas desaboridas
Pues estas son mi ideas busco gente que le guste y me quiera ayudar a que sea posible y crear el foro dejo tumblr y discord para los interesados gracia discord darksumun#9520
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lanimadellamosca · 6 years ago
Autostrade per l‘inferno
Questo è il punto in cui la Statale 14 (in provenienza da sinistra) incontra l’Interstatale 5.
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Siamo poco a nord di Los Angeles, che dovrebbe essere oltre i rilievi che si intravedono sullo sfondo. La fotografia, nonostante il colpo d’occhio, non dà una idea esatta della rilevanza di questo nodo stradale, e dell’impatto che ha sul paesaggio e, vorrei dire, sulla crosta terrestre. Questa è una vista dall’alto offerta dai potenti mezzi di Google che ne dà un’idea più prossima alla realtà.
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Il fotoamatore che ha scattato la fotografia, John, il 24 marzo scorso se capisco bene, si doveva trovare più o meno dove ho messo l’asterisco: lì vicino a ben guardare c’è il punto di arrivo di una strada sterrata ed una costruzione, scommetto un ristorante dove il nostro fotoamatore ha mangiato per poi godersi la vista e ammirare il flusso inarrestabile di car e truck, globuli rossi del flusso sanguigno che alimenta la megametropoli.
John ha pubblicato la foto su Flickr, tra “decine di miliardi di [altre] foto”, come con cieco orgoglio vanta la piattaforma: ma quando li prenderà il dubbio che decine di miliardi di foto è come dire niente? Che una quantità così sterminata, offerta senza filtri, categorie, chiavi di ricerca e lettura, senza didascalie e date, decine di miliardi di foto buttate lì all’ammasso toglie qualsiasi senso alle cose?
Ma John bisogna dire ha messo una didascalia molto dettagliata alla sua foto, ed è questo e solo questo che l’ha fatta emergere dall’ammasso, che mi permette di rifletterci su. Bravo John, grazie!
Quello che mi emoziona nella foto di John è l’erba in primo piano, questa sensazione di essere nel verde mentre invece siamo in un posto fortemente marcato dall’impronta umana: e che tipo di impronta..! 
Non ho potuto fare a meno di pensare all’autostrada per l’inferno degli AC/DC, ma con questo non voglio manifestare altro che il mio amore per il r&r , e il mio orrore per queste autostrade che invadono le vallate, questi viadotti che graffiano e scavalcano i costoni, che rendono il territorio sottostante assolutamente impraticabile ad animali e umani: è la sensazione che mi pervade ogni volta che mi trovo ad andare in Val Susa, dove pure le cose mi si presentano su scala molto minore. Credo che se il 24 marzo scorso fossi stato a fianco di John avrei potuto mettermi a piangere.
(... anche se, bisogna dire, un bimbo forse piange perché ha fame, una mamma forse piange quando prega, ma un uomo dovrebbe piangere solo per amore, come si può ben apprendere qui. Ma si sa che invecchiando si diventa sentimentali.)
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tetsuwan-atom · 4 years ago
World Headcanon - MegaMetropolis
MegaMetropolis is a city unlike any other, especially to those who discover it for the first time. It is located in the universe 478-FCITY (On the United Government’s Ministry of Science’s ‘FasTrack’ Coordinate Register). It's actually a planet called Utopia, funnily enough, but the stories tend to purely focus on the biggest city, MegaMetropolis, so the world according to the United Government and it's inhabitants just gets called 'MegaMetropolis' for the time being, until further of the world has been explored.
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The discovery of MegaMetroplis actually occurred in 1998, one of the very first universes looked at, at the start of the Field Operations Program. Very quickly did the discovery turn into quite the investigation, and the investigation quickly turned into the U.G. making a formal approach to the nation of the capital city, Staia. Unlike Terra Nova, the U.G. only approached one government so far, with investigations still continuing, albeit under different Operators. While the process had started in 2000, with much progress achieved, alliance negotiations are still ongoing, though far further along than of Terra Nova. Most people understand and know the existence of inter-dimensional travel, one reason being that they are easier to inform, thanks to the level of technology the city has.
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Unlike Terra Nova too, Authrum has a lot to learn from MegaMetropolis. It is a city of the future, born from ambitious entrepreneurship and enterprise. Much of the work done in creating the city has been in private hands, with only a few Government departments keeping things in order. Flying cars, literal skyscrapers for miles and miles. It's hard to even see the sky unless you're standing in the right spot. The streets are populated with ads about all sorts of products. It has also become a home to a few interstellar species as well, the planet and the city now also becoming a case study for coexistence.
One could consider an aesthetic of it being, clearly, set in the future, but that the future was envisaged decades ago, say a 1970s/1980s future. A futuristic retro of sorts.
The Suburban Transport Authority does run trains through MegaMetropolis, but an emissions policy only allows railcars to be run one specific way. They utilise the trackage just fine, but if they are not overhead-electric or third rail EMUs, they must use MegaMetropolis' special power system while on such lines. Diesel railcars can utilise this system with a few conversions, as long as their engines remain idle in the process. Thanks to how things have progressed on the planet, vehicles and cars run on green-friendly fuels or methods. Emissions must be kept to an absolute minimum, even for freight consists. Steam locomotives, being of a heritage class and of more complicated design, are exempt from this.
As of current canon, the stories currently seen in the world focus on the immense city in itself. However, and Operator is posted in such a world and is investigating other countries/locations further.
It is of course connected to the Inter-Dimensional Network and is part of the Super Express route. Despite it's co-existence with people, cultures and species, it has been noted that incidents have occured in the past, with some tensions unresolved, in the city, in the planet, even beyond. Vibrant, but not considered to be completely at peace.
Notable Locations:
Railway Station: One of the most impressive railway stations ever seen, boasting several upon several platforms, taking people to other cities, countries.. soon even to other planets, as well as being part of the STA’s ‘Super Express’. The STA only uses a few specific platforms, each section dedicated to a specific route or organisation.
Hakanuchi Shopping Precinct: An immense shopping centre, spanning quite a stretch and boasting several floors. You really can get practically anything here, even some products from Authrum and, on occasion, Terra Nova. You think of it, it exists here. It also boasts one of the biggest food courts ever seen, cuisines from all over the planet, other planets, as well as familiar ‘Earth-like’ dishes from all cultures.
Game Central: The most popular arcade in all of MegaMetropolis, another building of immense proportions. Many a video game, even sporting game, is located here. There’s physical games like air hockey, hoop shooting, goal scoring, but plenty of the proper arcade games as well. There is even a section devoted to some of the real ‘retro’ stuff, though a few have been imported from Authrum. The centerpiece is the ‘Immersive Experience’, where video games can become so real, so life-like you’re actually ‘in’ the game itself, creating spectacular mechanics and deeply involved storylines. Recently limits have been instilled on the Immersive Experiences, so that people don’t end up ‘living’ in the game, wasting valuable time.. and worrying friends and family.
Junk Food Corner: Despite Hakanuchi’s vast food court, there is a literal part of the city dedicated to... fast food. No gourmet, cafe style restaurants here. It’s all grab-n-go, from all the big food chains. There’s even a map pointing you to where you need to go, but no matter what time of day.. or what day it is, you still always see people, looking at that map, wondering where to go eat. One also has to wonder, how did certain chains end up in a city like this? Who has been talking to who?
Crimson Avenue: A rumoured location of MegaMetropolis spoken about only in whispers. A place so secret, you have to visit in only through one specific, concealed entrance, passing through all manner of security, just to get inside. Even a giant city would house the illegal, a district beyond what most would call a ‘sleazy town’. Vices of all sorts can be found here. Drugs, alcohol, sex, you name it, it’s here. Mostly visited by the affluent, but some people are able to make it through with the right attitude and charms... oh and by handing over pretty sizable envelopes of cash.
FunZone: A virtual amusement park, partly envisaged by the Immersive Experience system. It keeps with the futuristic theme of the city, but encompasses so many rides and amusements, the freakiest of roller coasters, attractions, creating forces and G’s unlike any other. Foods and treats galore, as well as plenty of interactive attractions. One of the roller coasters however, is located just outside of the virtual entrance. It’s actually REAL roller coaster that goes up, down and around some of the buildings in the city at incredible heights. Only the bravest ever go on this rollercoaster suspended unlike anything one has ever seen. It is of course completely safe, well maintained from day one of operation. There are some other real attractions surrounding the virtual entrance, to give people a taste of what it’s like, visiting such a ‘world’ within a world.
InfoHub: Of course a world like MegaMetropolis would have such a massive library. Mostly it is an interactive library where one can find out about all sorts of information online, through an interactive experience, though too, it does have a section storing all kinds of books, some of which are rarer or more secretive to access. If there is anything you want to find out about (almost) anything, or about the world or universe in general, look no further than the InfoHub. It helps being a member of the Hub too.
Tranquility Gardens: Even in a utopian powerhouse like MegaMetropolis, you would find quite a park to find yourself at peace. (Similar to Madison Square Garden in New York). However, if you think you’re going to be a part of nature, think again. Nothing about the garden is real, nearly all of it is artificial, the grass, the trees, the soil and the flowers. Only the water is real and thankfully kept pure. You see animals in the park? They’re not real too, only robotic. They only serve to be part of the park’s experience. Some could say it’s a history lesson into the past, or that the city decided to give just a bit of nature for those who wanted it, even if, all the actual nature around the city had gone. At least it exists though, for the enjoyment of those who wish to be a part of it. Though, many do end up being turned off by the place, when they find out what they’re actually surrounded by...
Bowen Chuuno has known of the existence of MegaMetropolis since his first train ride into other universes at fifteen, as well as having been shown around many of the notable places by Leland Brighto. He does like coming back to the city every now and then, noting how incredible the atmosphere is. He likes going to the shopping centre, arcade, as well as FunZone on occasion. Mostly the railway station though. He does want to learn more about this world and how it got to where it is today, as well as finding out more about what such a universe itself could do, how it could be of benefit to others.
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tetsuwan-atom · 4 years ago
MEME - Still Accepting!
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“How the hell is it that everywhere I go you can find the same junk food shit in every universe? I go home, McDonalds. I go to Lobarr City, McDonalds. I go to freakin MegaMetropolis. You’d think they’d have evolved but no, they’ve got McDonalds there too! KFC too but, I can let that one slide. Is this some big game conspiracy to allow big brands to sell their stuff inter-dimensionally? What if they’ve been doing this for years?”
Calm down Bowen, it’s probably all some biiiiig coincidence, maybe.
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