#Medican Center
travsd · 2 years
Your Daly Devotional: Of James, Tyne and Timothy Daly
It takes being a biographical blogger to know how common some surnames are in certain fields, and there are a LOT of actors named Daly, Daily or Daley: Augustin Daly, Arnold Daly, Dan Daly (and his siblings), Dan Dailey (different spelling), Peter F. Dailey, and Bill Daily. If any of these folks are related its probably way back in the timeline and in the old country (Ireland). Today we look at…
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Libya’s Wadi al Qattarah
An astronaut aboard the International Space Station captured this nadir (downward-looking) photograph of the Benghazi district in northern Libya while orbiting over the Mediterranean Sea. This detailed photo, taken with a handheld camera using a long focal length lens, shows the Wadi al Qattarah and villages along its banks. The term wadi derives from Arabic and Hebrew and refers to an ephemeral riverbed that only holds water during the rainy season.
Cropland, desert, and built-up areas are visible in this image. The intensively cultivated and irrigated agricultural zone appears as clusters of dark-hued, square fields in the bottom half of the scene. This contrasts with the less developed area in the top half of the image used for livestock grazing and herding.
The image also shows a dam of the Wadi al Qattarah. This dam, together with the main dam to the northeast (out of frame), helps to control floods from the surrounding catchment area. The wadi’s valley, winding down the center of this image, carries water to the Mediterranean Sea on the west-northwestern side of Benghazi city (out of frame).
The dams and rivers in this area have a long history of flooding. This image was taken weeks before Storm Daniel struck Libya with intense rainfall on September 10, 2023, causing devastating floods in the northeastern cities. The storm originated from a low-pressure system that evolved into a tropical-like cyclone known as a medicane. In the city of Derna, about 230 kilometers (140 miles) northeast of this photo, flooding from the storm triggered the collapse of two dams, causing severe damage.
In past decades, the dams along the Wadi al Qattarah have also been damaged or destroyed, leading them to be rehabilitated or rebuilt. Today, they serve as an important protector of Benghazi against floods coming from the wadi and its watershed.
Astronaut photograph ISS069-E-61443 was acquired on August 17, 2023, with a Nikon D5 digital camera using a focal length of 1150 millimeters. It is provided by the ISS Crew Earth Observations Facility and the Earth Science and Remote Sensing Unit, Johnson Space Center. The image was taken by a member of the Expedition 69 crew. The image has been cropped and enhanced to improve contrast, and lens artifacts have been removed. The International Space Station Program supports the laboratory as part of the ISS National Lab to help astronauts take pictures of Earth that will be of the greatest value to scientists and the public, and to make those images freely available on the Internet. Additional images taken by astronauts and cosmonauts can be viewed at the NASA/JSC Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth. Caption by Wilfredo García López/Jacobs-JETS II Contract at NASA-JSC.
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xprojectrpg · 8 months
This Day in X-Project - February 1
Kitty Pryde's Birthday
2015: Jennie and Cecilia organize the medlab and discuss their tenure at the mansion and how they’re doing with everything that’s happened. Wade texts Arthur to tell him Cecilia and Marie-Ange want him to take Arthur tie-shopping. Warren texts Jean to tell her he can’t stop thinking about her and can he see her on Monday. Tabitha’s parents take her to the mansion, despite her sulking, and she meets Scott. Gabriel walks home the worse for wear after a night of hard drinking and pot use and comes across an older, very much alive Clint being evicted by his latest girlfriend and they chat casually in the street despite Gabe’s shock. Clint texts Matt to tell him his girlfriend Lisa will not be coming to family dinner that night. Gabriel posts to say that everything sucks. Gabriel texts Angel to tell her he’s come across a new version of Clint.
2016: Angel texts Sooraya about buying an over-large cat tree. The Two Sided Coin of Ambition: A suspect is identified and tailed by Arthur and Jessica; Julian emails Hope A. about things not looking good for her. Operation: Mutant Massacre: Bobbi meets up with Callisto to let her know about the link between the Morlock deaths and the Carlysle Medical Center.
2017: Miles posts to the journals thanking Bobby for the cake and offering it to anyone who wants so of his leftovers. Kyle talks to Miles about the death of Dan Hanrahan and the limits of being a hero. Rogue approaches Xavin with a birthday cupcake and an apology for their previously confused relationship.
2018: Logan emails Rogue about Valentine’s Day and asks her what she wants to do. Nica posts to the Gen X comm, wanting to do something fun on the weekend after mid-terms. Natasha posts an article about researchers finding anxiety cells in the brain. Topaz emails Marie-Ange with help for a birthday “present” for Amanda. Lorna texts Alex about stopping at an outdoor supplies store and filling up the car.
2020: Sooraya announces Terry has gone to help Medicans Sans Frontiers for the foreseeable future.
2022: Darcy's late night wanderings bring her into contact with Garrison. Maya texts Gabriel asking to meet up when he returns.
2023: Terry texts Darcy for help with setting up for Saint Brigid’s Feast day. Quentin reveals that he's a licensed private investigator and has bought into X-Factor Investigations. Darcy laments feeling old.
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Hennepin County Medical Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
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tupaisdigitalrd · 4 years
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#Mundiales #Covid19 • • • • • NUEVA YORK.- Datos del Departamento de Salud de esta ciudad establecen que el vecindario de Washington Heights, poblado mayormente por dominicanos, tiene la mayor cantidad de casos reportados por contagio del COVID-19 en todo el condado de Manhattan. La entidad gubernamental sostiene que en el código de correo 10032, que abarca desde las calles 153 hasta la 173, en el Alto Manhattan, se habían presentado hasta el pasado 31 de marzo 308 casos positivos, lo que significa que el 56% de las 548 personas analizadas dieron positivo, el más alto que cualquier otro código postal en Manhattan. Washington Heights fue uno de los primeros vecindarios en la Gran Manzana en tener vínculos con la pandemia de coronavirus. Un estudiante y un rabino de la Universidad Yeshiva estuvieron entre los primeros casos del virus en el estado, hace cerca de dos meses. Otros códigos del Alto Manhattan no estaban muy por detrás del 10032, entre ellos el 10033, que se extiende hasta la calle 187, con 264 casos reportados, mientras que el código 10040, que termina en calle Dyckman, del sector de Inwood, tenía 208. Donde hubo menos presencia de contagio fue en el área del código 10034. En ambos vecindarios se “concentra” la mayor cantidad de quisqueyano residentes en el exterior en todo el mundo, calculándose en más de 250 mil. El informe precisa que en NYC hay 179 códigos postales y la mayoría de Queens y Brooklyn muestran ser los más afectados, principalmente el correspondiente al sector de Corona-Queens que tenía 974 casos, hasta esa fecha. Cientos de dominicanos del Alto Manhattan se encuentran actualmente internos en los dos hospitales del área, Presbiteriano Medican Center y Allian Pavilion, veintenas de ellos en condiciones críticas, otros han fallecidos. https://www.instagram.com/p/B-rvSY9j_3d/?igshid=mme22lpac8ob
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prensard · 4 years
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Crece incertidumbre entre dominicanos residentes en NY por presagios devastadores autoridades Decenas de dominicanos del Alto Manhattan se encuentran actualmente internos en los dos hospitales del área, Presbiteriano Medican Center y Allian Pavilion, veintenas de ellos en condiciones críticas, otros han fallecidos.
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sapanas · 4 years
Medical Cannabis Market Competition, Gross Margin Study, Latest Innovations, Research
Medical Cannabis Market – Overview
The use of cannabis in medical applications has risen steadily, and this development is anticipated to create a promising outlook for the medical cannabis market 2020. The healthcare industry reports are set out by Market Research Future, which centers on market choices for expansion. Medical cannabis market size is estimated to earn USD 52.35 Billion with the aid at a CAGR of 15.4%.
The rise in the occurrence of serious diseases that have the need for pain management is expected to motivate the overall medical cannabis industry in the forecast period. Moreover, the presence of appropriate outlets for the distribution of medical cannabis is expected to elevate the market development in the forecast period.
Medical Cannabis Market  Segmental Analysis
The segmental investigation of the medical cannabis market is conducted on the basis of product form, derivative, application, distribution channel, region. On the basis of product form, the medical cannabis market is segmented into solids, powders, ointments & creams, oil, others. Based on the derivative, the medical cannabis market is segmented into tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). On the basis of application, the medical cannabis market is segmented into Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, arthritis, and schizophrenia. On the basis of the distribution channels, the medical cannabis market is divided into online stores and retail pharmacy. Based on the region, the medical cannabis market is segmented into Europe, the Americas, Middle East, Asia-Pacific, and Africa.
Medical Cannabis Market  Detailed Regional Analysis
The regional examination of the medical cannabis market includes regions such as Europe, the Americas, Middle East, Asia-Pacific, and Africa. The region in the Americas is anticipated to be the principal market due to the collective incidence of medical cannabis products and increasing per capita healthcare spending. The increasing occurrence of cancer cases has improved the development of the medical cannabis market in the Asia-Pacific, which is also expected to be the fastest-growing. The Middle East & Africa medical cannabis market is also expected to gain momentum in the duration of the forecast period.
Medical Cannabis Market  Competitive Analysis
The access to funding is expected to encourage further development of the market in the upcoming period. The aid provided by government bodies and trade bodies is forecasted to create better prospects for progress in the market globally. The enhancement in the functioning and quality of products is estimated to open up new avenues for progress in the forecast period. The instabilities in the currency are anticipated to even out and consequently generate a promising influence on the market. The contenders in the market existing in harmony with each other, and barriers to entry in the market are predicted to become less challenging in the future. The alternation in consumer trends is predicted to create a surge in a variety of products that will be offered in the market. The market is projected to create a favorable growth backdrop for companies operating in the market. The diversification of production strategies is estimated to create a positive effect on the global market. The combined effect is formed in the middle of supply and demand forces in the market is anticipated to encourage additional development of the market.
The noteworthy companies in the medical cannabis market are Maricann Inc. (Canada), Medical Marijuana, Inc. (US), Tilray (Canada), Aphria, Inc. (Canada), United Cannabis (US), GW Pharmaceuticals PLC (UK), Cannabis Sativa Inc. (US), CanniMed Ltd (Canada), Canopy Growth Corporation (Canada), MediPharm Labs (Canada), Aurora Cannabis (Canada) and GBSciences Inc. (US) to name a few.
Obtain Premium Research Report Details @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/medical-cannabis-market-8368
Medical Cannabis Industry Updates:
Feb 2020 Europe’s leading independent cannabis company, EMMAC Life Sciences Group is combining pioneering science and research with pioneering extraction, cultivation, and production has recently introduced the presentation of Medican, the primary operational distance pharmacy in the UK devoted to delivering medical cannabis prescriptions.
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elsoldesantiago · 4 years
Periodistas NY y RD en oraciones permanente por salud reportero Manuel Ruíz
Por Ramón Mercedes
NUEVA YORK.- Decenas de periodistas, comunicadores y blogueros en esta ciudad y la República Dominicana se mantienen en oraciones permanentes con la esperanza de que el Todopoderoso le restablezca la salud al comunicador Manuel Ruiz.
El reporte de Telemicro Internacional se encuentra en estado grave desde el pasado viernes en el hospital Presbiteriano Medican Center, en el Alto…
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xprojectrpg · 4 years
Kitty Pryde's Birthday
2015: Jennie and Cecilia organize the medlab and discuss their tenure at the mansion and how they’re doing with everything that’s happened. Wade texts Arthur to tell him Cecilia and Marie-Ange want him to take Arthur tie-shopping. Warren texts Jean to tell her he can’t stop thinking about her and can he see her on Monday. Tabitha’s parents take her to the mansion, despite her sulking, and she meets Scott. Gabriel walks home the worse for wear after a night of hard drinking and pot use and comes across an older, very much alive Clint being evicted by his latest girlfriend and they chat casually in the street despite Gabe’s shock. Clint texts Matt to tell him his girlfriend Lisa will not be coming to family dinner that night. Gabriel posts to say that everything sucks. Gabriel texts Angel to tell her he’s come across a new version of Clint.
2016: Angel texts Sooraya about buying an over-large cat tree. The Two Sided Coin of Ambition: A suspect is identified and tailed by Arthur and Jessica; Julian emails Hope about things not looking good for her. Operation: Mutant Massacre: Bobbi meets up with Callisto to let her know about the link between the Morlock deaths and the Carlysle Medical Center.
2017: Miles posts to the journals thanking Bobby for the cake and offering it to anyone who wants so of his leftovers. Kyle talks to Miles about the death of Dan Hanrahan and the limits of being a hero. Rogue approaches Xavin with a birthday cupcake and an apology for their previously confused relationship.
2018: Logan emails Rogue about Valentine’s Day and asks her what she wants to do. Nica posts to the Gen X comm, wanting to do something fun on the weekend after mid-terms. Natasha posts an article about researchers finding anxiety cells in the brain. Topaz emails Marie-Ange with help for a birthday “present” for Amanda. Lorna texts Alex about stopping at an outdoor supplies store and filling up the car.
2020: Sooraya announces Terry has gone to help Medicans Sans Frontiers for the foreseeable future.
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
Eating With an Empty Stomach Is Bad for You?
As humans, we tend to want food when we’re hungry. It makes sense, right? Our stomach growls and we reflexively look for something to eat. But what if I told you eating on an empty stomach was bad for you?
Think back to the last time you were hungry, I mean really hungry. Did you sit down with a balanced meal? Probably not. Once we get to the point of saying, “I’m so hungry I could eat a horse!” we are likely to overindulge in whatever food we can get our hands on.
When your stomach is empty, your blood sugar levels drop, sometimes rapidly. Because your body wants to take care of itself, it focuses on getting fed with whatever high-calorie foods it can find. Have you ever noticed your cravings for junk food tend to be highest when you’re ravenous? That’s why.
An empty stomach is likely to start your meal with all the wrong foods
When you’re hungry, almost any food looks good. But even once you get the food and finish eating, you tend to feel the need to find more food because you don’t yet feel satisfied! The hungrier you are, the harder it becomes to resist unhealthy foods like burgers, pizza, ice cream, sweets, etc.
A research about shoppers going to the grocery store while hungry has shown that they’re a lot more likely to consume unhealthy food. Shopping while hungry can result in unhealthy meals for the rest of the week. Aner Tal of the Food and Brand Laboratory at Cornell University says,[1]
“hungry people tend to think of more high-calorie foods that provide more energy, which affects the choice of foods they buy for the week. These foods may include red meat, candy and salty snacks, in contrast to lower-calorie foods like chicken breasts, vegetables and fruits”.
Numerous reports all lead to the same conclusion, best summarized by Samantha Heller, a senior clinical nutritionist at the NYU Langone Medican Center in New York City,
When the body is deprived of energy, it goes into survival mode. When that happens, the natural response is to reach for high-calorie foods to replace calories lost and store them in the body in case of another famine. It’s like hibernation, but it only leads to gained weight and ill health.
Be Prepared
If you know you have a bad habit of waiting until the last minute to eat, start by having a healthy snack around at all times. If you work at a desk, have some almonds or other high protein snacks in a drawer. When you feel yourself getting hungry, grab a handful of nuts to ward off that painful hungry sensation.
If you feel you don’t know where to begin when it comes to stocking up on healthy snacks that aren’t just raw veggies, this article can provide some great suggestions! These snacks should not serve as meal replacements, necessarily, but rather a way to settle the hunger until you can have a balanced, healthy meal. When you have some form of backup food in reach, it makes it easier to eat well, even in a rush.
Snack on!
So the next time you are making your grocery list, make sure to stock up on healthy snacks that are easily portable, as well as foods you can make into healthy meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Not only will you feel healthier and less stressed about finding something to eat when you’re hungry, but you’ll be so much happier with how you are treating your body.
Featured photo credit: Photo by Hermes Rivera on Unsplash via unsplash.com
[1]^Natural Health Sherpa: Shopping While Hungry Leads to Bad Food Choices
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The post Eating With an Empty Stomach Is Bad for You? appeared first on Lifehack.
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2CxDQR4 via Viral News HQ
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tupaisdigitalrd · 4 years
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#Internacionales . . • • • • • Más de 75 dominicanos, solo en la Gran Manzana, figuran entre las más de 1,285 personas fallecidas hasta la noche de este miércoles por el COVID-19, incluyendo a Manuel de Jesús Zambrano, primer médico quisqueyano, de 55 años, quien laboraba en el hospital Lincoln en El Bronx, según fuentes médicas de irrefutable crédito. Asimismo, cientos de ellos, entre los más de 47,902 que se encuentran contagiados hasta el cierre de esta nota, figuraban las veintenas de entubados y estados críticos, con un gran porcentaje y trágico final, indica la fuente médica. Entre los hospitales que han fallecidos quisqueyanos figuran el Medican Center y Allen Pavilion, ubicados en Broadway con las calles 168 y 218, en el Alto Manhattan, área donde se concentra la mayor cantidad de connacionales en todo el mundo. Asimismo, en el hospital Harlem, ubicado en el 506 de la avenida Lenox, en el mismo condado. También en los hospitales Lebanon, Lincoln y Montefiore en El Bronx. Mientras que en Brooklyn, en el Brookdale Medical Center y Kings County Center. En Queens, el condado convertido en el epicentro de la mortal enfermedad en esta ciudad, han muerto criollos en el los hospitales Elmhurst, Mount Sinai y NewYork-Presbyterian Queens, entre otros. La prensa dominicana ha destacado el fallecimiento por coronavirus, a parte del galeno, del activista político oriundo de Cotui, José Francisco Pérez y Pérez (Ches Pérez); Francisco Guerrero (Tony Águila), empresario artístico; la dirigente política Juana Ciriaco; los trabajadores Gary Santos y Papo Chávez, entre otros. Recientes estadísticas indican que en EE.UU residen 2.5 millones de quisqueyanos y en la Gran Manzana más de 850 mil de ellos. Por su parte, el alcalde Bill de Blasio ha expresado que el mes de abril será más mortífero que marzo y mayo peor abril. FUENTE : HOY https://www.instagram.com/p/B-fYqKlF2Pm/?igshid=5io5wu4zs40z
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prensard · 5 years
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Velarán este miércoles dominicano presunto asesino de su familia El cuerpo de Eugenio Severino permaneció por varios días en la morgue del hospital “Inspira Medican Center”, ubicado en el 509 N de la calle Broad de la ciudad de Woodbury, porque ningún familiar había acudido a retirarlo en condena por su acción.
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elsoldesantiago · 4 years
Periodistas NY y RD en oraciones permanente por salud reportero Manuel Ruíz
Por Ramón Mercedes
NUEVA YORK.- Decenas de periodistas, comunicadores y blogueros en esta ciudad y la República Dominicana se mantienen en oraciones permanentes con la esperanza de que el Todopoderoso le restablezca la salud al comunicador Manuel Ruiz.
El reporte de Telemicro Internacional se encuentra en estado grave desde el pasado viernes en el hospital Presbiteriano Medican Center, en el Alto…
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elsoldesantiago · 4 years
NYC sobrepasará Italia y China en contagio COVID-19; decenas dominicanos hospitalizados
Por Ramón Mercedes
NUEVA YORK.- El prestigioso médico dominicano Rafael Lantigua, vicedecano de la escuela de medicina de la universidad de Columbia e internista en el hospital Presbiteriano Medican Center, vaticinó que la Gran Manzana sobrepasará en los próximos días a Italia y China en cuanto a contagio del COVID-19.
Lantigua, entrevistado vía telefónica por este reportero, precisó que este fin…
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elsoldesantiago · 4 years
NYC sobrepasará Italia y China en contagio COVID-19; decenas dominicanos hospitalizados
Por Ramón Mercedes
NUEVA YORK.- El prestigioso médico dominicano Rafael Lantigua, vicedecano de la escuela de medicina de la universidad de Columbia e internista en el hospital Presbiteriano Medican Center, vaticinó que la Gran Manzana sobrepasará en los próximos días a Italia y China en cuanto a contagio del COVID-19.
Lantigua, entrevistado vía telefónica por este reportero, precisó que este fin…
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elsoldesantiago · 5 years
Abogado tiene coronavirus sigue grave en hospital Alto Manhattan
Abogado tiene coronavirus sigue grave en hospital Alto Manhattan
Por Ramón Mercedes
NUEVA YORK.- El abogado Lawrence Garbuz, de 50 años, continúa grave en el hospital Milstein Medican Center, ubicado en la avenida Fort Washington con la calle 168 en el Alto Manhattan, contagiado de la mortal enfermedad “coronavirus”.
El estado crítico del abogado ha sido confirmado por el Departamento de Salud de la ciudad y según fuentes extraoficiales, se encuentra en coma…
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