#Medically unrecognized disability
steven-mudverse · 5 months
Its Coining Time!
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False Limp Conduction (FLC)
False Limp Conduction is a physical disability that is commonly gained later in life but can be gotten at birth. FLC is when someone has a constant want or need to limp in some fashion, this is commonly due to pseudo pains or light pains in one’s foot. It makes someone end us wanting to find ways to ease the pain by leaning onto things to ease it.
symptoms contain : limping (that may change sides) the want or need to ease a pain that may be nonexistent. may use a cane(s) or other acts of relief. could have a unrecoverable leg injury. may attempt to rectify pain by using unconventional methods.
not technically a symptom : may account themselves as transabled. may want to amputate the pained foot/leg.
no flag : if one is made I’ll repost it! I do not plan to take requests at this time. But I hope you enjoy.
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akumaii · 1 year
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Nightime Anxiety
Also called: Nocturnal Anxiety, Sleep Anxiety, and more
Definition: Nighttime Anxiety, also known as Nocturnal Anxiety, is a type of anxiety that occurs during nighttime hours. It is characterized by feelings of fear, worry, and unease that may interfere with a person's ability to fall asleep or stay asleep.
(Please search this up for more symptoms and information !)
Requested by: no one
↩︎ request info
(term coined: N/A) (flag made: 08/04/2023)
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innoqueer · 8 months
bɾiɡaˈde(jɾu) kuir
[PT: Brigade(iro)Queer. bɾiɡaˈde(jɾu) kuir. End PT]
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╰┈➤˗ˏˋBrigadequeer is a queer stance based on the brazilian phrase "Menos Briga, Mais Brigadeiro". This queer stance is focused on the Brazilians who are Anti-Radqueers. This is stance is playful in it's own way and similar to eepyqueer, since this stance is for the Brazilians who want peace and respect.
The word "Brigade" was taken from one of the parts of the word "Brigadeiro", Brigadeiro is a traditional Brazilian dessert made of chocolate, condensed milk and sprinkles.
This stance is ONLY for Brazilians, fuck off TransIDs, TransBrazilians, TransLatinos, TransSouthAmericans, ArissoBrazilians and ArissoLatinos.
Emoji Code: 🍫🇧🇷 (Chocolate emoji and Brazilian Flag)
Coined by me
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This Stance is
They are fucked up. They promote things that are made by pure prejudice.
TransID / TransX / Trans+
It's impossible to indentify as another race since it passes through DNA and you can't change it using hormones, even if you amputate your hand and switch it for a hand of a Black person being a white person the hand gradually will become white, it's the same for nationality, disabilities, and etc.
We acknowledge that there are people who have delusions of being harmful, but Arissoharmful are made by Bad Faith, they glorify/romantize those harmful things
They are the same as Radqueers but worse.
Nazism / White Supremacy / WinterQueer / WinterPunk
There's no pure race, no perfect people, and genociding POC and Disabled People is something useless, why you have prejudice???
Pro-Contact Paraphiles
You are admiting that you abuse minors, animals and bodies.
Neu-Contact Paraphiles
Being neutral is no worse than pro, you still admit that you abuse.
Complex-Contact Paraphiles
Children, animals and dead bodies cannot consent, they don't know what is happening nor cannot feel romantic feelings towards you, since 1. Animals can see you as a parent since you raised them or they are genetically programmed to be docile, 2. Children don't even know what is really romantic feelings, 3. Dead bodies cannot say nor react, so how do you think they will consent????
MUDs (Medically Unrecognized Disorders)
You can't just 'coin' disorders, to acknowledge a disorder there's years of researching and studying. And you need to have a degree in psychology and other things to finally see if this 'disorder' is real. Most of the MUDs are just another disorder with other name or just a fusion between disorders.
"PD Abuse" (including "Narc Abuse", "BPD Abuse" and others)
"PD Abuse" doens't exist, and yes that exist abusers who their disorder don't make them abusers but their actions.
Incest (Including Pseudo-Incest)
1. There's no consenting when two family members have a romantic relationship since there's power imbalance, like: you don't want to make a family member sad. 2. Biologically it's wrong since there's high chances of a child born of an incest die prematurely and/or born with deformations and disabilities. In the Pseudo-Incest is a moral thing, since you wouldn't date your own sibling since you were created as siblings.
Why would you harras someone who don't have the same opinions as you???
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Recoining/Reclaiming of Terms stolen by the Radqueer community
Personality Disorders
Otherkin / Alterhuman
Kin for Fun
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We are ok if it's for coping mechanism and if the person is not openly Proship nor posts about the Proships they writes. Otherwise it's fetishization and cooperates with Pro-Contact Paraphiles and Complex-Contact Paraphiles. People who use this stance are inheritly anti-non trauma-related proship.
Contradictory Labels / Good Faith Identities
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Tagging: @blankqueer, @antiradqueer, @gender-mailman
This stance is serious like Innoqueer /srs
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darkmaga-retard · 24 days
The data that shows horrific, unrecognized consequences of vaccination.
Brucha Weisberger
Aug 27, 2024
I’m absolutely blown away by what I found in this article.
Evidence shows that vaccines may not just be responsible for injuries that we can easily see, but also for widespread subtle brain damage which leaves unrecognized neurological disorders, sometimes precipitating a life of dysfunction and criminality.
If this is true, then vaccines have shaped society in the worst way, that we never imagined.
If the DPT vaccine can cause "acute encephalopathy" in a small number of cases (which was acknowledged by the Institute of Medicine in 1991), it must cause a milder condition in a larger number of cases as the reactions of a group of individuals to a given biological stress are never "all or nothing," but fall along a continuum.
A variety of conditions were created by the American Psychiatric Association which spanned the range from how minor to severe brain damage manifested itself in behavioral disorders (e.g., minimal brain damage, oppositional defiance disorder, conduct disorder, sociopathy). Coulter emphasized that as the DPT encephalitis condition exploded across America, the psychiatric profession tried again and again to gaslight the population by blaming it on unresolved psychological conflicts or poor upbringings rather than providing treatments holistic doctors had consistently found could help these conditions. As far as I can tell, this psychological gaslighting continued until the newer psychiatric medications (e.g., the disastrous antidepressants) entered the market, at which point psychiatric pivoted to mass-prescribing these lucrative products to the post-encephalitic patients.
Many of the complications of encephalitis (e.g., a myriad of learning disabilities or psychiatric and neurologic illnesses such as autism) became dramatically more common in our society starting in the 1940s and 1950s, a rise which paralleled increased vaccinations and increased vaccine injuries (predominantly as a result of DPT) and could be directly observed rippling through society as these children grew up. For example: Rimland and Larson have called attention to "the striking, almost mirror-image correlation, starting about 1963, between the curves showing the decline in SAT scores and the upsurge in violent crime [which was often psychotic in nature]," suggesting "the existence of one or more common causal factors."
There is much, much more on this topic, so please read on.
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thenuclearmallard · 2 years
Moscow’s Aggression Against Ukraine And Indigenous Peoples Deeply Interconnected – OpEd
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October 26, 2022
By Paul Goble
Russia’s acts of genocide against Ukraine arose from its “centuries-long oppression of the indigenous peoples” on its own territory, the native peoples of the Republic of Sakha say. And because these actions remain both unrecognized, they are not only continuing but “spilling over into neighboring countries.”
In a new collective letter released by the Sakha Pacific Association, these peoples describe how Russia has acted toward the indigenous peoples within its current borders and how these actions have both shaped and been affected by its imperialist approach to other peoples beyond those borders.
“Historically, Russia expanded its borders by subjugating territories that were the homelands to many indigenous people,” the letter begins. “Ethnic cleansing, forced relocation, assimilation, russification, cultural erasure, and resource exploitation all went hand in hand with the conquering of these regions.”
“This dark side of Russian history has never been widely discussed or acknowledged, particularly within the country, where the forced hierarchy of cultures and ethnicities has long been normalized, portrayed as natural and reproduced through cultural products.”
Instead, “the idea of “people’s friendship,” proclaimed by the Soviet Union, still influences many people’s opinions. It helped to spread the illusion of homogeneity. Images depict the titular nation, “Russians,” as the center of the narrative, surrounded by minorities” who are presented as “’wild and uncivilized’” and on their way to becoming Russians.
Not surprisingly, these tensions came to a head with Moscow’s declaration of mobilization for its war in Ukraine. “Most of the people drafted from remote areas were either misinformed about the war or had no idea that the draft was happening.  Here, 4,883 km away from Moscow, 4,750 men were expected to be recruited.” 
This number does not “follow principles of proportionality and the consistency regarding the list of those who were not to be mobilized according to the law.” Moreover, “among then are people over 55 years old, full-time students, people with disabilities, and others off-list who are taken away by this totalitarian system.”
Indeed, “according to the Constitution, it is illegal to draft small-numbered indigenous peoples of the North. Nonetheless, helicopters land in remote, small Arctic communities, gathering people who are uninformed of their rights and can barely speak Russian, to wage war against Ukraine.”
This use of helicopters was especially disturbing and infuriating because the authorities had no trouble sending helicopters to remote villages to seize men even though for years people in Sakha have had to wait for days or weeks or even longer to get a helicopter to take them for medical treatment.
The mobilization order came at the time of seasonal change, a critical period for northern communities. “As the first snow meets the ground, the following questions arise: how will children, the elderly, and women get through the winter in the extreme climate conditions with the absence of essential community members?”
On September 25, Yakut women “organized a peaceful demonstration – hundreds of daughters, sisters and mothers gathered to protest, shouting “No to war!”, “No to mobilization!”, “No to genocide!”. State propaganda attempted to portray it as a rally in favor of mobilization. But all video evidencs, however, show that is a misinterpretation of what actually happened.”
“The widespread international response to this action – mostly among people with no experience of living in a totalitarian country for decades – has been that Yakutians have just woken up and are only against mobilization, not against the war [but] it is important to highlight that the prevailing majority of those who have access to information in the Sakha Republic have never supported the war: simply because it is not our war” (stress supplied). 
A week later, the people of Sakha tried to organized another protest, but it was suppressed by security forces brought in from outside the republic because in the view of Moscow “their local colleagues were not active enough” in reining in members of their own nations.
“Our rights are violated by the state we happen to be part of due to imperial gluttony. The illusion that a political regime is trying to immerse society in has no solid ground beneath it. Russia, the Soviet Union, and the Russian Empire have been continuously hostile towards the population of indigenous peoples residing within their territories” (stress supplied).
“The state has managed to take our names, eliminate our languages, exhaust our lands, and pollute our waters. Its long-running campaign involves the current ethnic cleansing as a well-planned move to eradicate indigenous peoples, many of whom no longer exist or have up until now survived in populations of fewer than ten.”
The time has come “for us to speak up and start these complicated conversations, both locally and globally. We must acknowledge the ethnocide of indigenous peoples of Russia as well as the never-ending exploitation of fragile ecosystems that leads to the intensification of global warming processes and has long-lasting effects on a planetary scale.”
“By means of this letter, we seek solidarity with the indigenous communities and their allies worldwide. We would like to ask you to help spread our story and share what is happening to indigenous peoples in Russia.”
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antiradqueer · 1 year
for anon who asked abt general explanation why being radqueer is bad. (i'm kinda interested in this theme and recently have read a lot of rqs' and transids' shit so here is a summary).
1. their ideology is built on a dangerous idea. they present themselves as "accepting everything," but, in fact, no one should accept everything. unacceptable things are called unacceptable for a reason. they mistake or purposely distort the idea of acceptance. acceptance isn't dragging everyone in harmful things, acceptance isn't pulling ur beliefs & labels on someone. they call themselves "the most tolerant community," but some things shouldn't be tolerated.
2. going further into their ideas. they claim they support paraphilias & transids. the second part is awful in any way (it'll be in the next paragraph). abt the first one. they may say strangers that they don't support harmful actions, but actually a big part of them do. u can even find them on tumblr, making pride flags for awful things. ex-rqs tell stories abt radqueer servers where they teach each other grooming and raping. where they push minors to predators. where they convince them to share their photos. so their 'anti contact' is mostly a mask for strangers to look innocent, not actual value. so, this movement is harmful for minors, animals, ones who have self-destructive urges or paraphilias (because they can and will literally push them to abuse) and people with harmful paraphilias who don't wanna contact and need support on their recovery way, not pressuring them into contact. also, their actions worsened the reputation of para-community because rqs make associations with themselves. so some people feel unsafe to be open abt their paraphilias because they may be seen as radqueers.
3. abt transids. (transids are identities for people who identify themselves with other race, age, disability that they don't have & so on). there are a lot of problems with this idea. first: it's transphobic in the core. gender is a thing that u understand by self-investigating. humanity too. these two are vague things with tons of lays and they're not closed. race, age, and disabilities are different. they have really huge basics determined besides self-identification. so trying to 'became a different race/age' or 'get a disability' is racist/creepy/ableist. abt their ideas of getting disabilities: they don't actually want it. it's not like in biid, it's more like they wanna wear it like a cool outfit. put it on when it's convenient, and take it off when inconveniences appear. same with race/ethnicity. u know, some cultures have open practices or ways to convert, but they don't actually try to understand the reality of the group they relate with. they don't try to respect them. they just wear it like a cool outfit. aren't going to actually convert. aren't going to listen, learn, and respect. aren't going to face discrimination and actually live 'chosen' life. just making fun. and it's a really bad way. it's diminishing of the experience of being <identity>. their actions show clearly that they don't understand. like, i saw it clearly when read abt 'medically unrecognized disorders'. they literally coin disorders by will (and it's either descriptions of existing disorders or normal things). they coin 'community terms'. like, do u know abt community terms for disorders in disabled community? it's abt history of medical abuse. of dehumanization, neglect, looking on living, thinking, feeling person like on an object. it's abt searching independence. abt searching names for actual experience. it's not abt making fun (at least not only abt making fun). it's a need, not a game or smth rqs think. i can rant a lot abt this but it seems enough.
4. 'but if someone claim themself radqueer but won't do these awful things?' 1) to be radqueer u have to accept transids (it's bad). 2) u can be dragged in dangerous situations. 3) u can be convinced that bad things 'aren't that bad'. and believe me, everyone can be convinced. because complaying is a really deep thing in our brain. people pressured by majority or authority can agree with things they won't agree before. can do things they won't do before. and u will be pressured hard.
so, my advice abt this: stay as far from radqueers as u can. there's no good inside. don't give them even silent support by staying with them.
thank you so much anon
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granulesofsand · 1 year
🗝️🏷️ Our blog hinges on RAMCOA, trauma, and related psychology. If those aren’t your vibe, we might not be for you.
About us:
• We are a HC-DID system — that means we were hurt by people who (more or less) knew how our brain worked, as well as how to use that information against us
• We are 17, mostly white (genetically a good chunk East Asian, but culturally Irish and Eastern European), and several flavors of disabled
• We have been told by our medical team that we have: DID, PTSD, ADHD, and others that we are treated for under those. We have physical disabilities that stem from childhood maltreatment. Alters have different symptoms between us, including some that are psychogenic or programmed (purposefully conditioned by abusers)
• Some of us experience language barriers. We have our own languages inside, but we also have amnesia that forced alters to learn external languages during different time periods or other conditions. English is our primary language, and we have translators internally who can facilitate most conversations. You’re welcome to use another, but we may have to use a third-party source to interpret
• Our blog will be triggering, and while many of us know to tag for filtration, some might not. Please be patient, we are not all used to internet etiquette
• We welcome questions and critiques, though cannot guarantee a quick response. We switch a lot, and have varying opinions on just about everything. We may need time to cycle through to someone who can interact helpfully
🗝️🏷️ Opinions we currently hold:
- There is no correct way to live. Experiences vary, and should be treated with respect for as long as they do not infringe on others’ wellbeing
- Endogenic systems are valid. Unrecognized experiences do not cease to exist, even if they do not have evidence for them. People should be supported wherever possible, and science does not disprove lived realities. Science does explain previously existing phenomena, and should not be weaponized to remove resources from those who use them
- Fiction should not be censored in environments where filtration is available. Topics that would be abusive in the external world (e.g. incest, kidnapping) can be portrayed safely (including when in light-hearted tone or romanticized story-telling) if there are options to divert related content away from those who could be harmed by it. There are dangerous cultural movements which can be spurred by art, but censorship of art is censorship of artists, many of whom are survivors or active victims of given subjects. We interact with these medias and have friends who create them
- RAMCOA is real and an issue, though not necessarily in the form we commonly find when discussing our experiences with those who do not share our history. We will elaborate further in the future
- Victims should be believed when they come forward, especially when doing so comes at no personal cost to the listener
- Harm can be caused no matter the intent, and those accused have some responsibility to review allegations
- There are exceptions to every rule, and individual cases should be examined as such. This does not mean trends are nonexistent, nor that there will always be an exceptions, just that consideration should be payed where due
We allow commentary, but reserve the right to ignore/put off responding as we see fit, and to argue our views further if engaged
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hiisikoloart · 2 years
News are trying to name the only FDA approved Idiopathic Hypersomnia medication (Xywav) as a date rape drug again....this is the second time this has happened since the medication was approved.
Last time there was no apology, no acknowledgement that it'll literally save lives of those suffering from IH, no touch to reality that it is in fact NOT a date rape drug and people can't just ask for it from a doctor in a whim - and I doubt this time around they'll do any better.
But here are the facts anyway:
1. Getting IH diagnosis is EXTREMELY DIFFICULT and requires often months of testing after being dismissed for decades. It is especially hard to get diagnosis if you are POC, have disabilities, are AFAB, or suffer from any form of mental health issues (which unrecognized, untreated, and undiagnosed IH can and does cause).
2. PEOPLE CAN'T CHEAT IN THE TESTS. Overnight sleep test will measure if you slept enough so person can't pass MSLT (multiple sleep latency tests, ak.a NAP TEST) with right premiters by using sleep deprivation. You'll be drug tested in some point for sure if they believe you have substance issues (and if you do - you wont even get to sleep tests) so taking drugs not only shows in the data, it shows in the piss test. You'll likely need to also have a brain scan, crap ton of blood work, epilepsy tests, mental helth tests and MORE before even being cleared to the sleep tests that also check if you have apneas, restless legs, and you can't fake dreaming and falling asleep.
2.5 You also can't fake it because most people can't sleep while hooked up to thousand wires, their nose full of tube, chest tied tighter than a gift wrapping for HULK, head scratched to be full of extremely itchy and hurting tags, and while in a hospital room where you are FILMED SLEEPING. Passing 4-5 sleep tests like this, often needing to re-take the test due to stress these things causes, is hard for those who actually have IH so someone without has no hope passing.
3. Criminals don't generallt get medications - EXPENSIVE MEDICATIONS AT THAT - from doctors when they can get that shit cheaper from the streets. It would cost them thousands from pocket to be tested for all of this, just so they can theb fight doctors to get the medication, and then try to find a pharmacy that sells it foe you, just to literally pay a fluctuating sum that is in hundreds, even closer to 1grand per month without insurance.
4. Framing people with IH as rapists is inflammatory, evil, and sick - saying that people who seek IH diagnosis do it for medication is fucked up, and even more fucked up is claming people would do it to harm others!
5. That medication saves lives of those who have suffered often decades without any help; people who are hurting every day and are losing the fight against IH induced depression as IH is literally destroying their lives. It is not for date rapists, it is for us who need it - and framing it as "evil" makes it harder for us to get. In fact last time this kind of news broke, doctors refused to give the medication to people because they had read the yellow journalism surrounding it. They bought into the literal lies rather than treat people who were begging them to help. In result, people have offed themselves, feeling no hope in the system...RIP.
6. Only people who could access it through doctors are the uber rich. So tax them, put them to jail without bail and way out. Stop coddling the actors who are open about their use of substances. Focus on rape culture and dismantling it. Stop claming people who are disabled and sick are the issue when every problem and every solution is thousand steps up in the global hierachy.
7. It is not even the same compound. Anyone claming that street drug and pharmacy medication are the same are science illiterate morons. Those making this medication are trying to help us who have no help, no representation, no access - they are not trying to create an army of rapists on the streets.
And 8. Yellow Journalism is evil. It is lying. It is distorting the truth. It is creating waves of outrage for the sake of outrage. It is simoly trying to get rage reads out of people and cause them to simply draw conclusions based on their shitty conclusions.
It is beyond harmful for everyone to let it flourish as it makes people more media illiterate and creates sections of humanity who can't acces help because the illiterates will be on the way - they have the energy to do that, while we are suffering and unable to defend ourselves.
I know this was a long post, but if you can - take action against these news outlets spreading misinformation. Complain to them. Grow awareness. Help us with IH be heard. Write better, well-informed think pieces to drown out the bullshit.
I am so tired of this shit.
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ryandjaxon · 2 months
Happy birthday to my late sister, Paula. Love, love, love.
**Veterans Benefits for Disabled Military Families: An Unrecognized Sacrifice**
Where are the benefits for military family members who live shorter lives than veterans? Our sacrifice goes unrecognized. Military Families provide free caregiving, harm reduction, preventing veteran suicides, yet the government expects this without compensation, setting itself up to fail.
**#MilitaryFamily #military #army #airforce #navy #veterans #soldier #veteran #armedforces #specialforces #navylife**
In my experience, Canada’s military punishes WWII families by promoting the undeserving. As a survivor of an abused military family, my pain and PTSD manifest in weight gain, while others turn to alcohol or eating disorders. Government officials waste resources and mock military families’ dreams. This distraction politics profits them until their lack of strategy backfires.
I experienced police brutality, adding to my trauma. With generations of military service in my family, it’s clear the system disrespects our military. Could damaging my military family member’s health and possibly shortening my life come a price?
A country should not be run by corporations, which are designed to go bankrupt. Companies from our country’s inception are all gone, but The People remain. As Lincoln said, ‘I’ve simply attempted to do what made the greatest amount of sense at the moment.’ Flexibility is key.
If the Canadian Armed Forces had recognized my dad’s disabilities, I would have had more social connections. Social capital is critical. Now, all I have is a “Fast Car” like Tracy Chapman. My goodwill is running out. Award my father his medical release. The documentation overwhelmingly supports this correction, overlooked for over 40 years.
A president shares our family name, Andrew Jackson.
**#LestWeForget #RemembranceDay #MartialLaw #November11**
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brookston · 3 months
Holidays 6.17
Bunker Hill Day (Massachusetts)
CDKL5 Awareness Day
Commemoration of General Don Martín Miguel de Güemes (Argentina)
Essential Worker Appreciation Day (Michigan)
Father’s Day (El Salvador, Guatemala)
Gender-Fluid Pride Day
Global Garbage Man Day
Good Roads Day
International Black Veil Brides Day
International Violin Day
Lily Festival (Japan)
Medical Worker’s Day (Azerbaijan)
National Aviation Day (Romania)
National Day (Iceland)
National of Remembrance for the Victims of Forest Fires (Portugal)
National Gerald Day
National Harrison Day
National Heroes Day (Bermuda)
National Jan Day
National Mascot Day
National Mason Day
National Ralph Day
National Teeth Whitening Day
National Wear Blue Day
Occupation of the Latvian Republic Day (Latvia)
OJ Car Chase Anniversary Day
Okinawa Day (Japan, US)
Peony Day (French Republic)
Pirate Radio Day
Procession of the Golden Chariot (Belgium)
Remembrance of East German Uprising Day (West Germany)
Ripley Under Ground, by Patricia Highsmith (Novel; 1970)
617 Day
Soviet Occupation Day (Latvia)
Sweden-America Day
Vice-President’s Remembrance Day
Watergate Day
Whites of Their Eyes Day
World Croc Day
World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought (UN)
World Juggling Day
World Karate Day
World Tessellation Day
Zemla Intifada Day (Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bake Your Own Bread Day
Eat All of Your Vegetables Day
National Apple Strudel Day
Stewart’s Root Beer Day
Toll House Cookie Day
Independence & Related Days
Agusan del Sur Province (Philippines)
Cantonese Empire (Declared; 2010) [unrecognized]
Iceland (from Denmark, 1944)
3rd Monday in June
Hetero Male Monday (Boise, Idaho) [Every Monday in June]
International Fathers’ Mental Health Day [3rd Monday]
Motivation Monday [Every Monday]
National Tour Guides Day [3rd Monday]
Organic Act Day (US Virgin Islands) [3rd Monday]
Ride to Work Day (Motorcycles) [3rd Monday]
Rusalka’s Week begins (Honoring Divinity of Rivers; Asatru/Slavic Pagan) [3rd Monday]
Take Your Cat to Work Day [Monday of 3rd Full Week]
Weekly Holidays beginning June 17 (3rd Full Week)
Amateur Radio Week (thru 6.23)
Animal Rights Awareness Week (thru 6.23) [3rd Full Week]
Greencare for Troops Week (thru 6.23)
Learning Disabilities Week (thru 6.23)
National Healthcare Resource & Materials Management Week (thru 6.21)
National Pollinator Week (thru 6.23) [begins Monday after Father’s Day]
National Week of Making (thru 6.23)
Old Time Fiddlers Week (thru 6.22)
Take Your Dog to Work Week (thru 6.21, 2024 [Mon-Fri Week following Father's Day]
Waste and Recycling Workers Week (thru 6.23) [3rd Week]
Festivals Beginning June 17, 2024
Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity (Cannes, France) [thru 6.21]
Future Food-Tech (Chicago, Illinois) [thru 6.18]
Great Falls Craft Beer Week (Great Falls, Montana) [thru 6.22]
RCI Convention & Industry Expo (Buffalo, New York) [thru 6.21]
Feast Days
Albert Chmielowski (Christian; Saint)
Avitus (a.k.a. Avy; Christian; Saint)
Bessarion (Christian; Saint)
Bossuet (Positivist; Saint)
Botolph of Ikanhoe (Christian; Saint) [Agricultural Workers, England, Scandinavia]
Contact an Old Friend Day (Pastafarian)
Emily de Vialar (Christian; Saint & Virgin)
Feast of Eurydice (Ancient Egypt)
Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Christian)
Fergus Fuzz (Muppetism)
Giovanni Paolo Panini (Artology)
Gondulphus of Berry (a.k.a. Gondola; Christian; Saint)
Hervé (Christian; Saint) [The Blind]
Hypatius of Bithynia (Eastern Orthodox and Byzantine Catholic Churches)
John Baldessari (Artology)
John Hersey (Writerism)
Joyful Cauldrons for Family, Friends, or the Whole Coven Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Ludi Piscatari (Festival of Fishermen; Ancient Rome)
M.C. Escher (Artology)
Molingus (a.k.a. Dairchilla) of Ireland (Christian; Saint)
Nectan (Christian; Saint)
Nicander and Marcian (Christian; Martyrs)
Prior, Hermit in Egypt (Christian; Saint)
Orpheus’s Day (Pagan)
Purification Ritual to Drive Away Evil Spirits of the Rainy Season (Nara, Japan; Everyday Wicca)
Rainerius of Pisa (Christian; Saint)
Roadside Picnic, by Arkady Strugatsky (Novel; 1972)
Samuel and Henrietta Barnett (Church of England)
Teresa and Sanchia of Portugal (Christian; Saint)
Toadstool-Squatting Begins (Leprechauns; Shamanism)
Zontar of Venus Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Islamic Lunar Holidays
Eid al-Adha, Day 2 [Muslim Feast of Sacrifice] (a.k.a. ... 
Aïd el Adha (Morocco)
Bakri Id (India)
Corban Bairam (Sudan)
Eid al Adha (Afghanistan, Bahrain, Egypt, Gambia, Ghana, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Syria, UAE, West Bank and Gaza, Yemen)
Eid-Ul-Adha (Sierra Leone)
Eid-ul-Azha (Bangladesh, India)
Eid-Ul-Zuha (India)
Feast of Sacrifice (Singapore)
Fiesta del Sacrificio (Spain)
Greater Bajram (Albania)
Greater Bayram (Azerbaijan)
Hari Raya Aidil Adha (Brunei)
Hari Raya Haji (Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands)
Hari Raya Qurban (Malaysia)
Idd-ul-Azha (Kenya)
Id el Kabir (Nigeria)
Idi Qurbon (Tajikistan)
Kurban Ait (Kyrgyzstan)
Kurban-Bairam (Kosovo)
Kurban Bayram (North Cyprus)
Kurban Bayramy (Turkey)
Lendemain de l'Aïd el-Kebir (Mauritania)
Tabaski (Guinea, Senegal)
Tobaski (Gambia)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [18 of 30]
Big Daddy (Film; 1999)
Bull Durham (Film; 1988)
Carrie Anne, by The Hollies (Song; 1967)
Central Intelligence (Film; 2016)
Come a Little Bit Closer, by Jay & the Americans (Song; 1964)
Die Mutter, by Alois Haba (Quarter-Tone Opera; 1931)
Dude Ranch, by Blink-182 (Album; 1997)
Fanny and Alexander (Film; 1983)
Feudin Fighting-N-Fussin’ (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1968)
Finding Dory (Animated Film; 2016)
God's Trombones, by James Weldon Johnson (Poetry; 1927)
The Graduate, by Charles Webb (Novella; 1963)
The Great Outdoors (Film; 1988)
Green Lantern (Film; 2011)
Hobo Gadget Band (WB MM Cartoon; 1939)
Hop and Chop (Tijuana Toad Cartoon; 1970)
I Will Always Love You, recorded by Dolly Parton (Song; 1973)
Lightyear (Animated Film; 2022)
Mr. Popper’s Penguins (Film; 2011)
One of the Boys, by Katy Perry (Album; 2008)
Piper (Pixar Cartoon; 2016)
Plumbing in a “Pipe” (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1938)
A Short of Nearly Everything, by Bill Bryson (Science History Book; 2003)
Steve Winwood, by Steve Winwood (Album; 1977)
Superman III (Film; 1988)
Synchronicity, by the Police (Album; 1983)
Texasville, by Larry McMurtry (Novel; 1987)
Things Fall Apart (Novel; 1958)
Towne Hall Follies (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1935)
Under the Sea-Wind, by Rachel Carson (Science Book; 1952)
Viva Las Vegas (Film; 1964)
What’s Up, Doc? (WB LT Cartoon; 1950)
Today’s Name Days
Adolf, Alena, Volker (Austria)
Bratoljub, Diogen, Inocent, Laura, Nevenka (Croatia)
Adolf (Czech Republic)
Botolphus (Denmark)
Eugen, Kenno (Estonia)
Urho (Finland)
Hervé (France)
Adolf, Alena, Volker (Germany)
Felix, Ismail (Greece)
Alida, Laura (Hungary)
Adolfo, Gregorio, Manuele, Ranieri, Sofia (Italy)
Artis, Artūrs, Enta (Latvia)
Adolfas, Daugantas, Laura, Vilmantė (Lithuania)
Bodil, Botolv (Norway)
Adolf, Adolfa, Adolfina, Agnieszka, Alf, Drogomysł, Franciszek, Laura, Marcjan, Radomił, Rainer, Wolmar (Poland)
Ismail, Manuil, Savel (România)
Adolf (Slovakia)
Ismael, Teresa (Spain)
Torborg, Torvald (Sweden)
Alcine, Botolf, Harvey, Hervey, Lamar, Lemar (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 169 of 2024; 197 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 25 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Duir (Oak) [Day 9 of 28]
Chinese: Month 5 (Geng-Wu), Day 12 (Ren-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 11 Sivan 5784
Islamic: 10 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
J Cal: 19 Blue; Fryday [19 of 30]
Julian: 4 June 2024
Moon: 81%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 28 St. Paul (6th Month) [Bossuet]
Runic Half Month: Dag (Day) [Day 9 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 91 of 92)
Week: 3rd Full Week of June)
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 28 of 31)
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brookstonalmanac · 3 months
Holidays 6.17
Bunker Hill Day (Massachusetts)
CDKL5 Awareness Day
Commemoration of General Don Martín Miguel de Güemes (Argentina)
Essential Worker Appreciation Day (Michigan)
Father’s Day (El Salvador, Guatemala)
Gender-Fluid Pride Day
Global Garbage Man Day
Good Roads Day
International Black Veil Brides Day
International Violin Day
Lily Festival (Japan)
Medical Worker’s Day (Azerbaijan)
National Aviation Day (Romania)
National Day (Iceland)
National of Remembrance for the Victims of Forest Fires (Portugal)
National Gerald Day
National Harrison Day
National Heroes Day (Bermuda)
National Jan Day
National Mascot Day
National Mason Day
National Ralph Day
National Teeth Whitening Day
National Wear Blue Day
Occupation of the Latvian Republic Day (Latvia)
OJ Car Chase Anniversary Day
Okinawa Day (Japan, US)
Peony Day (French Republic)
Pirate Radio Day
Procession of the Golden Chariot (Belgium)
Remembrance of East German Uprising Day (West Germany)
Ripley Under Ground, by Patricia Highsmith (Novel; 1970)
617 Day
Soviet Occupation Day (Latvia)
Sweden-America Day
Vice-President’s Remembrance Day
Watergate Day
Whites of Their Eyes Day
World Croc Day
World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought (UN)
World Juggling Day
World Karate Day
World Tessellation Day
Zemla Intifada Day (Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Bake Your Own Bread Day
Eat All of Your Vegetables Day
National Apple Strudel Day
Stewart’s Root Beer Day
Toll House Cookie Day
Independence & Related Days
Agusan del Sur Province (Philippines)
Cantonese Empire (Declared; 2010) [unrecognized]
Iceland (from Denmark, 1944)
3rd Monday in June
Hetero Male Monday (Boise, Idaho) [Every Monday in June]
International Fathers’ Mental Health Day [3rd Monday]
Motivation Monday [Every Monday]
National Tour Guides Day [3rd Monday]
Organic Act Day (US Virgin Islands) [3rd Monday]
Ride to Work Day (Motorcycles) [3rd Monday]
Rusalka’s Week begins (Honoring Divinity of Rivers; Asatru/Slavic Pagan) [3rd Monday]
Take Your Cat to Work Day [Monday of 3rd Full Week]
Weekly Holidays beginning June 17 (3rd Full Week)
Amateur Radio Week (thru 6.23)
Animal Rights Awareness Week (thru 6.23) [3rd Full Week]
Greencare for Troops Week (thru 6.23)
Learning Disabilities Week (thru 6.23)
National Healthcare Resource & Materials Management Week (thru 6.21)
National Pollinator Week (thru 6.23) [begins Monday after Father’s Day]
National Week of Making (thru 6.23)
Old Time Fiddlers Week (thru 6.22)
Take Your Dog to Work Week (thru 6.21, 2024 [Mon-Fri Week following Father's Day]
Waste and Recycling Workers Week (thru 6.23) [3rd Week]
Festivals Beginning June 17, 2024
Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity (Cannes, France) [thru 6.21]
Future Food-Tech (Chicago, Illinois) [thru 6.18]
Great Falls Craft Beer Week (Great Falls, Montana) [thru 6.22]
RCI Convention & Industry Expo (Buffalo, New York) [thru 6.21]
Feast Days
Albert Chmielowski (Christian; Saint)
Avitus (a.k.a. Avy; Christian; Saint)
Bessarion (Christian; Saint)
Bossuet (Positivist; Saint)
Botolph of Ikanhoe (Christian; Saint) [Agricultural Workers, England, Scandinavia]
Contact an Old Friend Day (Pastafarian)
Emily de Vialar (Christian; Saint & Virgin)
Feast of Eurydice (Ancient Egypt)
Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Christian)
Fergus Fuzz (Muppetism)
Giovanni Paolo Panini (Artology)
Gondulphus of Berry (a.k.a. Gondola; Christian; Saint)
Hervé (Christian; Saint) [The Blind]
Hypatius of Bithynia (Eastern Orthodox and Byzantine Catholic Churches)
John Baldessari (Artology)
John Hersey (Writerism)
Joyful Cauldrons for Family, Friends, or the Whole Coven Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Ludi Piscatari (Festival of Fishermen; Ancient Rome)
M.C. Escher (Artology)
Molingus (a.k.a. Dairchilla) of Ireland (Christian; Saint)
Nectan (Christian; Saint)
Nicander and Marcian (Christian; Martyrs)
Prior, Hermit in Egypt (Christian; Saint)
Orpheus’s Day (Pagan)
Purification Ritual to Drive Away Evil Spirits of the Rainy Season (Nara, Japan; Everyday Wicca)
Rainerius of Pisa (Christian; Saint)
Roadside Picnic, by Arkady Strugatsky (Novel; 1972)
Samuel and Henrietta Barnett (Church of England)
Teresa and Sanchia of Portugal (Christian; Saint)
Toadstool-Squatting Begins (Leprechauns; Shamanism)
Zontar of Venus Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Islamic Lunar Holidays
Eid al-Adha, Day 2 [Muslim Feast of Sacrifice] (a.k.a. ... 
Aïd el Adha (Morocco)
Bakri Id (India)
Corban Bairam (Sudan)
Eid al Adha (Afghanistan, Bahrain, Egypt, Gambia, Ghana, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Syria, UAE, West Bank and Gaza, Yemen)
Eid-Ul-Adha (Sierra Leone)
Eid-ul-Azha (Bangladesh, India)
Eid-Ul-Zuha (India)
Feast of Sacrifice (Singapore)
Fiesta del Sacrificio (Spain)
Greater Bajram (Albania)
Greater Bayram (Azerbaijan)
Hari Raya Aidil Adha (Brunei)
Hari Raya Haji (Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands)
Hari Raya Qurban (Malaysia)
Idd-ul-Azha (Kenya)
Id el Kabir (Nigeria)
Idi Qurbon (Tajikistan)
Kurban Ait (Kyrgyzstan)
Kurban-Bairam (Kosovo)
Kurban Bayram (North Cyprus)
Kurban Bayramy (Turkey)
Lendemain de l'Aïd el-Kebir (Mauritania)
Tabaski (Guinea, Senegal)
Tobaski (Gambia)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Butsumetsu (仏滅 Japan) [Unlucky all day.]
Unglückstage (Unlucky Day; Pennsylvania Dutch) [18 of 30]
Big Daddy (Film; 1999)
Bull Durham (Film; 1988)
Carrie Anne, by The Hollies (Song; 1967)
Central Intelligence (Film; 2016)
Come a Little Bit Closer, by Jay & the Americans (Song; 1964)
Die Mutter, by Alois Haba (Quarter-Tone Opera; 1931)
Dude Ranch, by Blink-182 (Album; 1997)
Fanny and Alexander (Film; 1983)
Feudin Fighting-N-Fussin’ (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1968)
Finding Dory (Animated Film; 2016)
God's Trombones, by James Weldon Johnson (Poetry; 1927)
The Graduate, by Charles Webb (Novella; 1963)
The Great Outdoors (Film; 1988)
Green Lantern (Film; 2011)
Hobo Gadget Band (WB MM Cartoon; 1939)
Hop and Chop (Tijuana Toad Cartoon; 1970)
I Will Always Love You, recorded by Dolly Parton (Song; 1973)
Lightyear (Animated Film; 2022)
Mr. Popper’s Penguins (Film; 2011)
One of the Boys, by Katy Perry (Album; 2008)
Piper (Pixar Cartoon; 2016)
Plumbing in a “Pipe” (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1938)
A Short of Nearly Everything, by Bill Bryson (Science History Book; 2003)
Steve Winwood, by Steve Winwood (Album; 1977)
Superman III (Film; 1988)
Synchronicity, by the Police (Album; 1983)
Texasville, by Larry McMurtry (Novel; 1987)
Things Fall Apart (Novel; 1958)
Towne Hall Follies (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1935)
Under the Sea-Wind, by Rachel Carson (Science Book; 1952)
Viva Las Vegas (Film; 1964)
What’s Up, Doc? (WB LT Cartoon; 1950)
Today’s Name Days
Adolf, Alena, Volker (Austria)
Bratoljub, Diogen, Inocent, Laura, Nevenka (Croatia)
Adolf (Czech Republic)
Botolphus (Denmark)
Eugen, Kenno (Estonia)
Urho (Finland)
Hervé (France)
Adolf, Alena, Volker (Germany)
Felix, Ismail (Greece)
Alida, Laura (Hungary)
Adolfo, Gregorio, Manuele, Ranieri, Sofia (Italy)
Artis, Artūrs, Enta (Latvia)
Adolfas, Daugantas, Laura, Vilmantė (Lithuania)
Bodil, Botolv (Norway)
Adolf, Adolfa, Adolfina, Agnieszka, Alf, Drogomysł, Franciszek, Laura, Marcjan, Radomił, Rainer, Wolmar (Poland)
Ismail, Manuil, Savel (România)
Adolf (Slovakia)
Ismael, Teresa (Spain)
Torborg, Torvald (Sweden)
Alcine, Botolf, Harvey, Hervey, Lamar, Lemar (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 169 of 2024; 197 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 25 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Duir (Oak) [Day 9 of 28]
Chinese: Month 5 (Geng-Wu), Day 12 (Ren-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 11 Sivan 5784
Islamic: 10 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445
J Cal: 19 Blue; Fryday [19 of 30]
Julian: 4 June 2024
Moon: 81%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 28 St. Paul (6th Month) [Bossuet]
Runic Half Month: Dag (Day) [Day 9 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 91 of 92)
Week: 3rd Full Week of June)
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 28 of 31)
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anendoandfriendo · 6 months
On the subject of anti-psych, have you ever thought about how fucked it is that “we” (as a society) made it a mental illness to see personal relationships as more important than work
Like there are multiple diagnoses where that’s essentially the criteria
NGL, we have thought about it, but we just got up (<- got permission to take a week off of work because...mental breakdowns...from work...lol...) and were trying to figure out which diagnoses you mean exactly. Oops. 😅
At first we thought you meant PDs but our understanding of PDs talking to people with PDs doesn't match this ask. We thought maybe you meant in relation to the grieving disorder post we made yesterday, but your ask seems too abstract for that.
Then we thought about sleep-wake disorders and, uhm, sorry to ask you a question back, and then remembered "interferes with work" is a general criteria in like, fucking everything, and you don't seem to be talking about a specific DSM or ICD category.
So like...our actual answer is, yes, we have definitely thought about that, but when we say we have thought about that it's been a lot more in the abstract.
The longer answer is: as of current, we can feel the material reality of having mental breakdowns over work, but those are caused by IGH being increased/hours being cut more and more, therefore we're forced to change projects. All of this would be resolved if housing was a public right we gave to people for free or, like — at least had a universal basic income + price control on goods. It wouldn't be considered "mental breakdowns" in a society that actually cared for peoples' health. And that's like. Without us having any attributable diagnoses people could be blaming this on, we can't imagine how our coworkers feel who may be ND who have something more victimizable than plurality and autism*. That's not considering folks who consider their diagnoses to be enorders** or for folks who consider themselves to have MUDs**.
*because sure, those are definitely stigmatized, but in our experience they interact with the workplace in weird ways. You know about the Model Minority? Yeah, that, but for neurodivgencies. We could be wrong , but we do imagine it would be harder to Model Minority a cluster b personality disorder, for a widely-discussed-in-our-circles example.
** Non-disordered diagnoses/Beneficial disorders to the individual(s), and Medically Unrecognized Disorders, in that order. Regardless of how you feel about transx and radqueer communities we feel like having a term for something mad pride communities, and even disability studies graduate scholars, are already talking about conceptually, is useful, so we're going to bring the terms to the more general public we guess.
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twistingfogg · 9 months
Hey what's MUD as referenced in your DNI?
MUDs are "medically unrecognized disorders". They're disorders/disabilities that people with no qualifications in psychiatry created and diagnosed themselves with. I think it's pretty obvious why they're problematic but I can make another post about it if I need to
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treatnow · 11 months
New York Times: USMC Blast Injury Update
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Partial Explanation why Marines report Highest Suicide Rate since 2011, Navy since 2019 Dave Philipps, Pulitzer prize-winning and NYT reporter, has filed another report on continuing investigations into BLAST injury. He does it through a look at the US strategy of using firepower to destroy ISIS in Iraq and Syria. "A Secret War, Strange New Wounds, and Silence From the Pentagon" tells a sad tale but neglects a open secret: blast injury has been known for decades to cause brain wounds. "Strange New Wounds" have been known for fifteen years as "THE INVISIBLE WOUNDS OF WAR." "An investigation by The New York Times found that many of the troops sent to bombard the Islamic State in 2016 and 2017 returned to the United States plagued by nightmares, panic attacks, depression and, in a few cases, hallucinations. Once-reliable Marines turned unpredictable and strange. Some are now homeless. A striking number eventually died by suicide, or tried to." Too many of the wounded were forced out of the military without any medical help. The Epoch Times did a long two-part report on the same maladies caused by the deployment that led to tens of thousands of concussive friendly-fire BLAST waves hitting the artillerymen. The stories in the Epoch Times drew attention to the work of USJAG. Robert Alvarez, Nic Gray, and Jeremy "Weed" Sorenson are doing the heavy lifting exposing the unreported brain wounding and the downhill slide into Other Than Honorable discharges for too many of these wounded warriors. USJAG and a few intrepid reporters are uncovering the systemic flaws in our "mental health" approach to unrecognized physical damage wrought by war. And they are seeking redress of the further damage done by bureaucracies ignorant of the pain and suffering of the brain wounded. The military and the VA continue in their willful ignorance about the reality of brain wounding and the scourge of TBI/PTSD injuries going unreported, undiagnosed, and untreated. Worse, lacking a service-wide education about the reality of brain wounding and its impact on behavior and performance and readiness of individuals, and the force more broadly, the wounded will continue to be mistreated by a medical community and command structure that has little sense of urgency about the need to treat brain wounds. A curious and ineffective response has set in, reminiscent of the dilatory approach to Burn Pits and Agent Orange. "Paralysis through analysis" has taken hold once again. "We need to study the problem." "We just don't know enough yet." Meanwhile the suicide rate continues its upward trend and the researchers claim they need more time and money before they  can even know what has happened. Time and again, the focus is on diagnosis, to the detriment of the wounded who continue to deteriorate, without even health insurance, disability payments, and an end to their careers. And treatments that have been proven safe, effective, and low-cost -- and which can be employed immediately -- are disdained as unproven, unsafe, too risky, too costly, and lacking in evidence. The simple fact is that medicine is willfully ignorant about hyperbaric medicine and likely to stay that way, despite overwhelming evidence, without intervention by Congress and the White House, as with Burn Pits. Here are five take-aways from the NYT study: ** To defeat ISIS, the United States relied on artillery crews firing more intensively than any had in generations. ** Many members of the gun crews developed devastating and puzzling symptoms. ** When the troops started to act strangely, they were often treated ineffectively or punished. ** Studies are starting to reveal the risk posed by blast exposure, but progress is slow. ** The military says it now has safeguards to protect from blasts, but it is not clear that much has changed. Here are five ALERTS to those who are still wondering if BLAST injuries exist. Brain wounding from friendly fire is not merely a Mental Health issue. Impaired performance is not the the victim's fault due to personal weakness, nor is it amenable to talk therapy and drugs that merely mask symptoms. ** The ground-breaking 2016 Lancet study sponsored by the Defense Health Program of the United States Department of Defense states: "scientific literature from the past 100 years shows that a substantial percentage of blast-exposed service members have persistent neurological or behavioral symptomatology." ** Breacher Syndrome and "Operator Syndrome" are real. Science and research will catch up to reality on the ground, facts which should be obvious to anyone paying attention. ** The modern Carl Gustav recoiless rifle, in operation since at least 1984, comes with warnings not to fire more than six rounds in a 24-hour period. The Danes seem to have understood BLAT damage four decades ago. ** Shoot rooms instructors and EOD personnel are well-known to suffer inordinately from recurring blasts and subconcussive impacts over years of exposure -- not unlike athletes subjected to repetitive head impacts. ** The "Invisible Wounds of War" are no longer "invisible" to anyone who cares about "root cause analysis". While brain wounds happen inside the head (and are frequently part of the polytrauma of combat), they can be "seen" via scans, functional and physiological outputs, symptom recognition, self-reporting, and careful diagnostics. Neglecting to diagnose and to treat brain wounds while waiting for more science in the face of a suicide epidemic is essentially medical malpractice. We KNOW, and we choose to shift the blame onto the victim or the "inadequacy" of scientific research. Continuing malfeasance. US troops at two airbases in Iraq were injured during a Jan. 8, 2020 Iranian missile attack on Al Asad Air base. Once again, even years after Blast injury was finally recognized as a direct cause of brain wounds the US initially declared that no one was hurt in the attack. Dozens of diagnoses later, we now recognize BLAST injuries riddled those under the hail of missiles. (Just imagine the damage being done in Ukraine and the Middle East.) One is reminded of the early military culture around Burn Pits: "nothing to see here; no damage." We know more now, and the VA, at least, presumes that proximity to Burn Pit toxic clouds causes physical damage and accepts responsibility to treat and help heal that damage. How long will it take the DoD and the VA to recognize that Blast damage is real, and can cause physical wounds to the brain and body? Further, how long before they link brain wounds to suicidal ideation? And that there is a treatment -- Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) -- that virtually eliminates suicidal ideation and helps heal those brain wounds without drugs and other ineffective interventions? The TreatNOW Coalition, alongside USJAG, has begun working with some of the casualties of the bombardments. USJAG are the pro bono advocates for those accused of Other Than Honorable behavior and subjected to fraudulent and penalizing discharges. * * * * * * * * * * * * The TreatNOW Coalition's pro bono Mission is to end service member suicides. The USMC reported this week that suicides are at an all-time high. TreatNOW HBOT Coalition clinics have demonstrated 100% safety and over 90% success in treating over 21,000 service members, Special Operators, first responders, athletes, and citizens with TBI/PTSD/Concussion. Brain Wounds like those described here can be successfully and safely treated and helped to heal with HBOT. Heal Brains. Stop Suicides. Restore Lives. TreatNOW   The information provided by TreatNOW.org does not constitute a medical recommendation. It is intended for informational purposes only, and no claims, either real or implied, are being made. Read the full article
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raymondseniorplanning · 11 months
Expert Advice on Making the Most of Your Insurance
Seniors over 65 and kids with disabilities are the intended audience. Medicare pays for emergency room visits, outpatient procedures, prescription drugs, and wellness checkups. Medicare recipients may be responsible for some healthcare costs beyond the scope of the program's coverage.
Medicare's coverage varies by component. Part A pays for inpatient care in hospitals and some skilled nursing facility stays, while Part B pays for outpatient care from primary care physicians and other specialists. Medicare Advantage plans, provided by private insurance companies, often include coverage for Parts A, B, and sometimes D of Medicare.
Medicare can be difficult to grasp, but there are resources available to help.
Medicare Insurance: What You Need to Know
Medicare is an important health insurance program for the elderly and the disabled. Medicare provides all-inclusive medical coverage, including hospitalization, outpatient treatment, prescription drugs, and preventative services. Do not assume that Medicare will pay for all of your medical expenses.
In some cases, you may have to pay a deductible or co-pay. The Medicare system is complicated by its many parts and many types of coverage. Part A pays for inpatient care in hospitals and some skilled nursing facility stays, while Part B pays for outpatient care from primary care physicians and other specialists. Part D provides insurance for the cost of prescription drugs. Advantage plans, offered by private insurers, bundle together benefits from Parts A, B, and sometimes D of Medicare.
Despite its complexity, Medicare insurance can be understood with the help of available materials.
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How to Get the Most Out of Your Medicare Benefits
Maximizing Medicare benefits requires a thorough understanding of the program's complexity. Open Enrollment for Medicare takes place annually from October 15 to December 7. In this way, you can modify your policy to better suit your healthcare requirements. Get your annual checkup and any recommended vaccines that Medicare will pay for.
Knowing which doctors and hospitals are part of your Medicare network can help you save money.
Finally, staying abreast of recent changes to Medicare regulations might lead to the discovery of previously unrecognized coverage and benefit options. Use these tips to get the most out of Medicare, a federal health insurance program.
Collaboration with Healthcare Organizations and Systems
When working with healthcare providers and networks, Medicare for all beneficiaries should prioritize those in their networks. Patients can save money and make sure they are covered by Medicare if they see a doctor who participates in the program.
Knowing the Medicare provider network can help you select a doctor or hospital. Search internet directories or get in touch with your insurance company to learn which local providers are part of their network. Medicare beneficiaries should discuss treatment options, costs, and limitations with their doctors.
You can get the finest care possible under Medicare if you work together with your healthcare team and educate yourself about the program.
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Methods for Medicare Enrollment Planning
The process of enrolling in Medicare can seem daunting at first, but it can be simplified with the right resources. Finding out if you are Medicare-eligible is a must. Typically, this occurs at the age of 65. Before turning 65, you may be eligible for Medicare if you have certain disabilities or health problems. Understanding these requirements for participation can help you plan ahead and avoid coverage gaps.
You can sign up for Social Security either online or in a local office. You will automatically be enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B if you receive Social Security benefits. There may be a late enrollment penalty if you decide to enroll in Medicare Part B after you initially decided not to. Learn the enrollment process inside and out and talk to medical experts if you need help.
You can make the transition to Medicare coverage much easier if you prepare ahead of time and know what to expect.
Medicare Insurance: Answers to Your Most Common Questions
People have a lot of questions about Medicare insurance because of its complexity. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about Medicare:
First of all, what sets apart Medicare Parts A and B?
Medicare Part A pays for inpatient treatment whereas Medicare Part B pays for outpatient services such as doctor's visits.
2. How much does Medicare actually cost?
The Medicare premiums you pay depend on your income and the Medicare plan you select.
Want Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap)?
To pay for medical health insurance expenses that aren't covered by Original Medicare, many people sign up for Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap) or a Medicare Advantage plan.
4. Is it possible to switch Medicare providers?
During the annual Open Enrollment period (from October 15th to December 7th), beneficiaries can make adjustments to their Medicare coverage.
5. Does Medicare pay for prescription drugs?
Medicare Part D and Medicare Advantage with Prescription Drug Coverage are two options for pharmacy benefits.
Learn the answers to these common questions about Medicare insurance and get sound guidance for making the most of your coverage.
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kidsorthopedic · 1 year
Identifying and Treating Neglected Fracture in Kids
According to the Canadian Paediatric Society, “Fractures are common injuries in childhood. While most fractures are caused by accidental trauma, inflicted trauma (maltreatment) is a serious and potentially unrecognized cause of fractures, particularly in infants and young children.”
Fractures in children occur when excessive force is applied to the bone. As the bone cannot absorb excessive force, broken bones or fractures occur. Excessive force can cause multiple fractures or specific fractures like wrist fracture, elbow fracture, or femur fracture.
Also, fractures in kids occur due to a variety of reasons – trauma, falls, direct hit, injuries, and lack of calcium. You cannot control or change the causes and number of fractures in your child. But you must treat the neglected factors early and properly to keep your child fit by eliminating the chances of functional disability and permanent deformity.
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What Should You Know to Treat a Neglected Fracture in Your Child Successfully?
A neglected fracture might occur in your child due to a variety of reasons. Also, the symptoms of neglected broken bones vary from one child to another. You can identify neglected fractures based on common systems like pain, swelling, bruising, redness, and warmth. Also, the affected area sometimes appears deformed due to the broken bone. It is always important to consult a pediatric orthopedic surgeon once your child finds it difficult to use or move the injured bone normally and naturally.
Experienced pediatric orthopedic surgeons diagnose neglected fractures in a variety of ways. They always start diagnosing by inspecting the affected area closely and physically. The physical inspection, along with the child’s medical history, helps experienced orthopedic surgeons to identify the condition and causes of the fracture. However, it is also common for orthopedic surgeons to identify the cause of broken bones by recommending X-rays, CT scans, MRI scans, and similar imaging examinations.
Treatment Options
The orthopedic surgeons diagnose neglected fractures in a variety of ways according to the severity and symptoms of the broken bone. Also, they prepare a personalized treatment plan for the neglected fracture based on your child’s age, medical history, and severity of the fracture. Also, they keep in mind your child’s capacity to tolerate specific medication or treatment options.
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Experienced pediatric orthopedic surgeons always start treating neglected fractures through non-surgical procedures like medication, cast/splint, and traction. But they treat neglected fractures surgically when the non-medical procedures do not work. They perform surgeries to reposition the broken bones or implant fixation devices.
The non-medical procedures treat neglected fractures gradually over a period of time. Your child will become fit and active after taking medication or wearing the cast/splint regularly for a specific duration. However, you must get the affected area inspected by the orthopedic surgeon regularly according to the treatment plan. On the other hand, your child needs to rest the affected bone completely and follow operation-care recommended by the surgeon when the neglected fracture is treated surgically.
You can easily get a neglected fracture in your child diagnosed accurately and treated effectively by consulting an experienced pediatric orthopedic surgeon. The orthopedic surgeons will help you to eliminate the risk of functional disability and permanent deformity by treating neglected fractures accurately and successfully.
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