#Medical HealthCare Center
Annelise Hanshaw at Missouri Independent:
A St. Louis judge on Friday determined Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey has no right to access unredacted private health information of transgender children treated at the Washington University Transgender Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital. St. Louis Circuit Court Judge Joseph Whyte ruled that Washington University does not have to provide the unredacted medical records sought by the attorney general’s office as part of his investigation into the clinic’s practices.  Whyte found that the health information sought in Bailey’s demands is protected, and the data is not relevant to an investigation under the Missouri Merchandising Practices Act, which is the state’s consumer protection law.  A third layer of protection for the information, the judge ruled, is the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act, or HIPAA, which prohibits the disclosure of personal health information without authorization.
[...] Bailey began looking into gender-affirming care at the Washington University Transgender Center in March 2023 after the center’s former case manager Jamie Reed provided an affidavit alleging rushed treatment. The attorney general’s office sent civil investigative demands, which are similar to subpoenas, for health records to Washington University and other providers of gender-affirming care to minors, and four facilities filed suit against his requests for information.
Missouri AG Andrew Bailey (R) lost yet another of his frivolous lawsuits, as Bailey had no right to access unredacted private health information of trans children at WashU’s Transgender Center.
See Also:
The Advocate: Judge blocks Missouri AG from accessing medical records of transgender minors
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gumjrop · 2 months
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The CDC’s Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC) will meet virtually August 22, and infection control guidelines for healthcare settings will be reviewed. Our community and advocacy groups have pressured HICPAC to strengthen infection control recommendations and include broader expertise on the committee. As a direct result of this advocacy, CDC sent HICPAC’s proposed infection control guidelines back for more review and expanded representation on the committee, including a member of National Nurses United on the Isolation Workgroup. We must keep pressure up to ensure infection control for aerosol-transmitted infectious diseases is strengthened, not weakened. 
Despite a legal obligation to request public comments on the draft and despite ongoing calls for more transparency, HICPAC has not opened a public comment period in the Federal Register. HICPAC has limited oral comments from the public to 45 minutes, so many registrants will be excluded.
Since many politicians are campaigning for our votes this year, it’s prime time to write to your elected officials to insist HICPAC be made accountable to the public. You can use our Action Network campaign to simultaneously 1) write a public comment to CDC/HICPAC and 2) alert your elected officials that healthcare needs much stronger isolation and infection control precautions, including universal masking.
Amid this summer’s nationwide COVID surge, the CDC has acknowledged that COVID spreads year round, including in summer, and that emergence of new variants leads to unpredictable patterns of spread. However, the draft infection control guidance continues to threaten rollbacks in the use of N95 respirators for aerosol-transmitted pathogens and further weaken isolation protocols and related guidance. Despite the demonstrated benefits of universal masking in healthcare settings in the ongoing COVID pandemic, HICPAC’s draft guidance fails to integrate this lesson to prevent avoidable healthcare-acquired infections.
Use our Action Network campaign below by clicking on the blue button to write to your elected officials and CDC’s HICPAC asking them to make HICPAC accountable to the public and share your concerns about the need for universal masking and clear isolation protocols by August 22, 2024.
Send Letter to Govt Officials/HICPAC
How to use the universal masking infection control letter template
Click through to Action Network and edit the letter as you wish (or write your own using the letter for inspiration or talking points). Note: The White House and many elected officials set a 2000 character limit.
Personalize your comment with a brief statement on how the lack of universal masking in healthcare has impacted your life or your community. For example:
Delayed or missed medical appointments
Unsafe experiences, such as with workers or other patients who showed symptoms of COVID or other aerosol-transmitted infectious diseases
Infections or potential exposures that occurred in healthcare settings
Challenges faced in asking healthcare workers to mask
Disproportionate impacts of the lack of masking in healthcare on high-risk patients and marginalized communities
Letter template:
Dear Elected Official and Members of HICPAC:
CDC’s Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC) is meeting August 22 about major revisions to infection control guidance. Though legally obliged to accept public comment, it has not made draft guidelines public or posted them to the Federal Register. I urge you to act to require HICPAC to open public comment for its August meeting and going forward.
Most importantly, HICPAC’s most recent draft guidelines would seriously weaken infection control, and prioritize healthcare profits over patient and healthcare worker health. Healthcare should not make us sick. 
I urge you to press HICPAC to strengthen CDC infection control guidance in line with scientific data. HICPAC must establish universal masking in healthcare as a new standard of infection control across all settings for the following reasons:
Many healthcare exposures to aerosol-transmitted infectious diseases (including COVID, measles, influenza and TB) are preventable through multiple mitigation measures including isolation procedures, universal masking, ventilation, and air purification.
Many aerosol-transmitted pathogens are transmissible without symptoms and without predictable seasonality. Diagnosis and isolation may be delayed, leading to exposures that could have been prevented by universal masking.
Well-fitting N95 respirators or better masks provide both protection for the wearer and source control. One-way masking has limited protection; masks should ideally be worn by all to reduce transmission. Hospitals should distribute N95 grade masks to visitors and staff.
Universal masking protects patients when they cannot mask (such as infants, people with specific medical conditions and procedures involving the nose or mouth).
When masking is only on request, people are unprotected in many shared spaces such as lobbies and waiting rooms.
In addition to universal masking, HICPAC must recommend layered mitigations in all types of healthcare facilities: higher HVAC standards, clear robust isolation protocols to separate infectious people from others – including by routinely testing staff and patients for COVID and other infectious diseases, isolating and cohorting infectious patients, and keeping staff with an active infection away from healthcare facilities and in-person patient contact.
Thank you for your time and attention to this important matter.
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bowenoke · 1 year
i have been researching workers compensation and today i got a targeted advertisement for a medical credit card. a credit card you take out specifically to pay for medically necessary surgeries. and then you pay interest. on your medical credit. card. anyways i think everyone who lobbies to keep the us's healthcare system this fucked should die forever OR have to take out a medical credit card . a medical credit card. ghouls.
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By Natalia Marques
On Jan. 9, over 7,000 New York City nurses from Mount Sinai and Montefiore hospitals in Manhattan and the Bronx, respectively, went on strike. Nurses, organized by the New York State Nurses Association (NYSNA), are demanding safe patient-to-staff ratios, fair wages, and to maintain existing healthcare benefits.
“We don’t wanna leave our patients. This is the last thing that we ever want to do. But unfortunately we’re pushed to this point,” said Jessica, a nurse at Mount Sinai. “Management left their patients, not us. We’re here fighting for our patients.”
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So, a woman in Massachusetts is suing a Crisis Pregnancy Center after they told her that her ectopic pregnancy was healthy and viable. She ended up having go get an emergency surgery to remove one of her fallopian tubes after she almost died from hemorrhaghing.
This is fucking insane.
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Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) in Nashville has been handing over the complete medical records of transgender patients to Tennessee’s attorney general, the center confirmed Tuesday.
The revelation has caused panic among the center’s trans patients, especially since the state recently passed a ban on gender-affirming healthcare for transgender youth. The ban requires youth who are currently receiving such care to de-transition.
“VUMC received requests from the Office of the Tennessee Attorney General as part of its investigation seeking information about transgender care at VUMC,” John Howser, VUMC’s chief communications officer, said in a statement.
“The Tennessee Attorney General has legal authority in an investigation to require that VUMC provide complete copies of patient medical records that are relevant to its investigation. VUMC was obligated to comply and did so,” Howser added.
The Vanderbilt University-associated facility has been under scrutiny by the state since right-wing troll Matt Walsh targeted the medical center last September in his crusade against gender-affirming healthcare.
In a September 2022 Twitter thread, Walsh claimed that the staff at VUMC’s Transgender Health Clinic “now castrate, sterilize, and mutilate minors as well as adults, while apparently taking steps to hide this activity from the public view.”
Walsh criticized the clinic’s Trans Buddy program – which offers peer support to patients – and repeatedly accused the medical staff of “drugging and sterilizing” kids for financial gain.
Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee (R) followed Walsh’s lead and called for an investigation.
“The ‘pediatric transgender clinic’ at Vanderbilt University Medical Center raises serious moral, ethical and legal concerns,” the Governor said in September. “We should not allow permanent, life-altering decisions that hurt children or policies that suppress religious liberties, all for the purpose of financial gain. We have to protect Tennessee children, and this warrants a thorough investigation.”
The state’s Attorney General, Jonathan Skrmetti, complied.
Skrmetti’s office characterizes the ongoing probe as a simple billing inquiry.
“We are surprised that VUMC has deliberately chosen to frighten its patients like this,” AG Chief of Staff Brandon Smith said in a statement shared with The Tennessean Tuesday.
“The Office does not publicize fraud investigations to preserve the integrity of the investigative process,” Smith continued. “The Office maintains patient records in the strictest confidence, as required by law. The investigation is focused solely on VUMC and certain related providers, not patients, as VUMC is well aware.”
Court records reveal state officials have sought the medical records of specific patients, messages sent and received from a general LGBTQ+ health program email address, and the names of individuals referred to Vanderbilt’s transgender clinic.
Chris Sanders, executive director of the Tennessee Equality Project, said that parents of three different trans children have called him in a panic since the revelation.
“They’re terrified,” said Sanders. “They don’t know what’s next. They don’t know how this will be used, or whether they will be targeted in some way. They feel like their privacy has been violated.”
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alwaysbewoke · 6 months
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ivygorgon · 6 months
Say NO to Loony-Bins: Immediate Action Required for Inpatient Psychiatric Care
2 so far! Help us get to 5 signers!
The current model of inpatient psychiatric care, which primarily focuses on safety and crisis stabilization, falls short in promoting sustained recovery. The prevalent emphasis on ultrashort lengths of stay often overlooks the need for comprehensive treatment plans.
A proposed model of care advocates for rapid diagnosis, goal-setting, and treatment modalities before initiating treatment, organized into three distinct phases: assessment, implementation, and resolution. This approach emphasizes individualized treatment and active patient involvement in treatment planning, addressing critical psychosocial aspects that are frequently neglected.
As we strive to reform the mental health care system, it's imperative to prioritize effective, recovery-oriented treatment strategies. This includes ensuring patient comfort and preferences are accommodated within reason. Considering patient preferences, like comfort items (such as safe stuffed animals; Share-Bears, if you will) and rescue medications (like melatonin,) is essential to upholding rigorous standards of care and safety.
Let's advocate for reforms that enhance patient-centered practices while adhering to established treatment guidelines and advancing recovery-oriented care.
Say no to “loony-bins;” those archaic relics that should be relegated to the distant past.
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2024skin · 1 year
can't decide if I want to be a gynecologist or if I want to marry one
#If I marry one we can open a practice together and she can oversee cesarean sections#and that guarantees I can prescribe medicine in any US state without needing to get approval from a man nor from any physician#Whom I have no way of vetting the level of work they've done to unlearn a male medical bias or to be pro woman in their practice#And /I/ don't have to go to med school and learn science that is primarily based around the male body for 5 years#despite my goal profession(s) being centered entirely around female health & biology. And /i/ don't have to pay for med school#but on the other hand. I COULD become a gynecologist and then#I could do exactly the same job I want to do as a nurse + I am a fucking Doctor + a woman in STEM + I get the same benefit of being able#to write prescriptions as I would if I married an OB/gyn and there's no barriers depending on the state I work in#+ I can perform cesarean sections and I don't have to leave my patients safety in the hands of the nearest hospital surgeon#In the event of an EMERGENCY. like if you want something done right you gotta do it yourself and all that#and also I make hella bank as a doctor like I make some hardcore moolah#Money is a good idea most of the time in my opinion#But at the same time like. Do /I/ wanna be in charge of cutting a woman open? Uhhhhhhhh#I mean. I smoke weed yall. and I watch children cartoons all day. And I'm like a b average student#Can /I/ really be trusted to cut a child out of a woman with no casualties?? Like idfk tbh. TBH#I don't know if I have it in me. Like idk#I know no healthcare job is okay to be mediocre at. I feel like I could excel at being a midwife but totally unconfident about being#a doctor. I don't think that adds up like that doesn't make sense but idk if it means I should rethink being a doctor or being a nurse
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onlinesolutionsrx · 2 years
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Why Dr. Arpit Garg is the Best Endocrinologist in Patiala for Comprehensive Care
Introduction: In the realm of healthcare, finding a qualified and compassionate specialist is crucial. When it comes to endocrine disorders in Patiala, Dr. Arpit Garg, the Best Endocrinologist Patiala, is the premier choice. His dedication, expertise, and patient-centered approach have earned him a stellar reputation. Let's explore why Dr. Garg is the ideal choice for comprehensive endocrine care.
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Dr. Arpit Garg possesses a deep understanding of endocrine disorders, ranging from common conditions like thyroid diseases and diabetes to more complex ailments such as pituitary tumors and adrenal disorders. His extensive knowledge and experience allow him to provide accurate diagnoses and develop personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient's unique needs.
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Dr. Garg practices in a modern and well-equipped clinic, ensuring that patients receive the highest quality of care. The clinic is equipped with the latest diagnostic tools and technology, enabling accurate and timely assessment of endocrine conditions. This state-of-the-art infrastructure contributes to the overall effectiveness of the treatment provided.
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Dr. Arpit Garg is renowned for his compassionate and patient-focused approach. He takes the time to listen attentively to his patients' concerns, building a trusting relationship. This open communication allows him to understand the impact of endocrine disorders on patients' lives and develop treatment plans that address both physical and emotional well-being.
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Dr. Garg has a proven track record of successful outcomes in treating a wide range of endocrine disorders. His patients consistently report positive experiences, citing his expertise, empathy, and commitment to their overall health. This reputation as a trusted and skilled endocrinologist has solidified his position as the best endocrinologist in Patiala.
When seeking comprehensive care for endocrine disorders, Dr. Arpit Garg is the best endocrinologist in Patiala. His expertise, compassionate approach, and commitment to patient well-being make him an ideal choice for individuals seeking effective and personalized treatment. By choosing Dr. Garg, patients can rest assured that they are in the hands of a skilled and dedicated healthcare professional.
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cancer-researcher · 5 days
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Women Veterans
What change, big or small, would you like your blog to make in the world? Quality Healthcare benefits for Women Veterans and non service-connected non combat women.
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