#Me whenever I write for Morell: Time to test the limits of my followers santiy.
eldritch-spouse · 1 year
Can Morrel teach me how to gut someone? I know I'm not a chef but I'm just really interested and it would be such a good bonding experience cough I have a gore fetish cough
[Hhhhn yes. Good.]
TW: Description of gore; Implied cannibalism; Erotic gore; You know the drill.
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You haven't quite recovered since Morell slit his throat.
It was so quick. He's always so quick. Brutal. You keep getting surprised at how casually he'll massacre your kind like they're actual farm animals. It's so odd that the chef spares them a dehumanizing stare, genuinely perceiving these people in the likeness of mere creatures as soon as they're on his kitchen- And yet, you're somehow not in that category to him. Mercifully. Bizarrely. Suspiciously.
But hey, you had thought earlier, things already went to shit. You're never making it out of here. So you might as well lean into some less graceful urges.
" Are ya listenin', Piglet? Eyes up. "
You had been fixated on the clean cut across the body's throat, having tuned out some of the chef's droning about how you have to cut around the anus and use zip ties to properly pinch it off, or what to do with the genitals -Testicles and such in this case- If you want to keep them. It's genuinely fascinating stuff to learn. Morell seems endlessly giddy to be teaching you this, and you're equally happy to obscenely watch him manhandle his meat stock.
A blink is all you offer when he finishes cutting off the upside-down dead man's shaft, placing it aside.
" Dingus. " He reprimands. " What do we do now? "
There's a pause as you flick through some shelves in your brain, pushing excitement aside. Well... Oh yes, you like this part.
" Uhm, cut from sternum to groin. "
The shroom lights up, grinning wide. " Smart piggy. " There's a breathless quality to his voice, his cheeks are vaguely blue with flustered enthusiasm, and there's blood stains on his smock where he's been palming at himself with a free hand whenever he wasn't using both to secure "the pig". You shudder, though Morell's next words are what makes a shine sparkle in your eyes.
" Ya wanna do this part, pumpkin? "
Your loins jump.
" Yes! Y- Yes please. "
He murmurs something into his scarf, as heated as you are, fetching a different knife from the table beside him, something you can handle. The chef moves to stand behind you, handing over the sharp utensil and pinching the skin where you need to start cutting. You can feel how hard he is and try to grind backwards, rewarded with a chaste bite to the shoulder.
" Focus. " He warns, playfully patting your hip. " Remember, slow an' easy, ya don' wanna puncture any organs. Gravity's gonna help ya some anyway. "
There's no way you'll make a mistake here, it's the part you like seeing him do the most, after all. Saliva sticks to your throat as you start zipping down carefully, hairs standing on end from the distinct sound of skin splitting apart. At some point, Morell's heavy breathing has you whining quietly in arousal.
" Fuck yeah, piglet. Ya got a talent. " He praises, as you appear to be doing exceptionally well for a first timer. Pride swells within you.
His hands go from stroking over your sides feverishly to sliding into your pants, rubbing at you through the thin fabric of your underwear with bloodied digits. Although your eyelids flutter and your legs tremble slightly, you're able to pull the main entrails out as they hang off their husk. Morell whispers praise for your prowess, occasionally commenting about how lucky he is to have found you.
Having been turned on beyond measure since the very start of this whole process, it doesn't take too long before you're getting close, bucking into the monster's rough motions while shakily cutting away at persistent connective tissue. He moans low at the sight and you honestly think you'll come if he does that again.
When you believe the step is completed, you fully give into the chef's lewd rubbing, head tossing onto his back as you desperately chase after that sweet coil, holding onto his arms, clipping out moans, so very close-
Until that hand slips out your pants.
And, to be perfectly frank, only the smallest bit of self-control prevented you from stabbing him in frustration.
" But-! "
Morell barks his laughter, teasingly slapping your now sensitive nethers, before placing a chaste peck on your cheek.
" Hold them horses, we ain't even got to tha ribs, darlin'. "
Absolute asshole. At least this part is good too.
" Can... Can you tear them? I like seeing you do it with your bare hands... "
Morell's eyelid twitches, he seems to steam like a kettle on a stove. " 'Course sweetie. "
Somehow, you don't think it'll take too long before he's ramming into you over the nearest counter.
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