#Me tossing you random puzzle peices
sendinganew · 5 months
Anew, you watch a lot of worlds right? Does the name Shummi or Milo happen to ring a bell? I've been occasionally having these dreams... very weird dreams where I'm seeing through the eyes of an espurr... sometimes controlling them in a strange world. I was wondering if you knew anything?
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“But you and others have found a way in. Do not think yourselves subtle. Your presence has been noticed. It is not wanted. But, needed. This world needs a hero but they sleep. Instead you must guide it, teach your vessel, make a hero. But should you enter the world without your vessel you may find it difficult to leave without losing something.
There is much I could say but where’s the fun in that? Instead I’ll leave you with a question to remember. There is one in that world, one who struggles to hold its pieces together. They will stop at nothing to save themselves, will you help them or hinder them? Will you save their world or leave it’s ashes to be buried?”
(blog being mentioned @ask-404dungeonnotfound
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