#Mcsm Au
zhezhy · 1 day
Day 4✨
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mcsmtober by @deadbeatbug
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dragonbma · 3 days
A sadness runs through him. So does 9000 volts.
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AUctober (but I make it up as I go along) Day 2: uhhh BUGZAPPER ⚡️
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sunfishsquid · 12 hours
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Lukas with his jacket and Adventure Gear and Professional attire, from chapter 16, that's something i can imagine and draw
@enden-agolor did i do this just to draw Lukas? Absolutely AND IT'S THE WEEKENDS I HAVE FREEDOM
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ivormybeloved · 1 day
Day 4 — Character + Mob
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I imagine there were some days he'd mess up DISASTROUSLY but somehow still pull it off (trying to figure out how to draw Enderman)
MCSMtober by @deadbeatbug
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Mcsmtober- Day 4: Character+Mob
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Enderman Soren!! Stylised the enderman aspects cause it’s more fun.
This is actually an AU I’ve been thinking about for the past few days(idk if this has been done before, but I at least hope my au sounds original). Basically, if the order fell out sooner, and Soren spent a lot longer in the end, what effect would that have on him? My answer, he slowly turns into an enderman! When Jessie and co come to get him almost 30 years after his disappearance, he’s lost most of his humanity and memory. Because he isn’t able to make the formidabomb, it takes the gang a lot longer to kill the witherstorm, and they turn to Ivor for help to turn Soren back.
I’ll probably make more about this AU at some point, but I’m happy to finally get this idea down on paper
Prompts by @deadbeatbug
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rexecutioner · 1 day
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What a beautiful group of friends I sure hope they don’t have a brutal falling out
Jesse, Lukas and Petra admin au is getting to me so I drew it (this is also my first mcsm art post lets hope I don’t fall into the spiral again)
yes Lukas dies 😁
(sorry i hate Xara’s admin design so I based Petra off of The End)
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sopuu · 25 days
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Champion AU - At What Cost
that scar on his cheek... it lingers like a carving on the bark of a sapling.
it's DONE!!!! finally!!! thanks sm for waiting so long! i had a lot of fun planning this stuff out and actually ended up with some concept art i can post in a few days :D but yeah in the meantime hope you enjoy!
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enden-agolor · 2 months
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huh weird i like blinked and all this forest deity au art just appeared out of thin air how crazy is that
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aniimus · 26 days
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Liar liar mobs on fire
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Soren !!! 💥💥 before and after he flees to the end
Whether he’s turning into an Enderman or not (definitely is), it doesn’t matter bc he’s strangely euphoric about it ...
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zhezhy · 1 month
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dragonbma · 2 days
Fan art of Vouse (almost) dying in a glue trap.
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AUctober (but I make it up as I go along) Day 3: Teeny 🐁
Little thing for @themintman’s Mousecraft: Teensy Mode ^^
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artymcartist · 3 months
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I CAN FINALLY POST THESE BC THEYRE BOTH DONE Genuinely fuck you Aiden why was coloring you so HARD
Ramblings that I promised on twitter
The world was flat when they spawned into it, he and Aiden were completely alone. They spent years creating the world together before Aiden started going haywire.
In their original timeline, Lukas and Aiden went through a blue portal they found while out adventuring and were erased from that timeline, becoming admins on the other side. That timeline completely collapsed in on itself.
Their memories of their old lives were wiped, but they retained their intelligence and personalities.
They developed a way to allow the world to continue generating in chunks outside of the areas they had already built, to simulate a seemingly endless world. They don't really explore these chunks and witness some of the errors [giggling bc of the 2 stray savanna trees we found in the jungle]. Aiden starts going haywire, Lukas notices but initially brushes it off. Eventually he goes too far and they battle, resulting in Lukas taking Aiden's powers and locking him in bedrock at the bottom of the world.
He's absolutely devastated to have to do this. His only friend, gone. He can't even bring himself to visit him down there. A command block periodically spawns food in for him down there.
The rift appears for the first time days after this event, caused by a glitch in the terminal space. A timeline where Romeo stays behind, where he's supposed to die. Lukas reaches in, feeling an immediate reaction, but pushes through and pulls Romeo into his world.
The reaction was his powers breaking, binding to his journal. He still maintains a fraction of them without the journal, but he must keep it on his person to be able to use them. Some things he completely lost, like the ability to fly and execute commands just by thinking them. He adopts an elytra after this.
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ivormybeloved · 2 days
Day 3 — Pumpkinhead
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I just wanted to play around with filters for this one
MCSMtober by @deadbeatbug
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Without filter if anyone wants it
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spyrkle4 · 4 months
MCSM AU where everything is the same except Lukas is an ao3 writer with the most sporadic update schedule
"Hey guys sorry I'm late someone unleashed the apocalypse at Endercon and I spent the next few weeks trying to survive but I managed to finish the chapter at last!"
"Sorry for late update again, had a falling out with friends and one pushed me off of an island (there was water underneath) but here's the chapter you've been waiting for!"
"Late again my bad, me and my friends got stuck in this mesa and I got mind controlled by this evil computer and I almost died, but that won't stop me from updating!"
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ipadbabywarden · 6 days
one off au idea where harper is a multiverse traveler gathering parts to save her home and protect pama
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sopuu · 4 months
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🙋 everyone should check out @enden-agolor‘s forest deity au methinks
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