#Mayuri Judgement
shirtlessanimeboy · 3 months
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Shido's shirt flies up, and Origami instantly takes a picture of Shido after his shirt gets wet, from Date A Live the Movie: Mayuri Judgement and episode 11 of Date A Live III respectively.
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transgendervelma · 1 year
There is this weird assumption among some Bleach fans that the Soul Society operates on human esque values of judgement after Ichigo intervened in Rukia’s execution and Aizen betrayed them basically making them show their ass that they’re totally inept fools. They do not, this is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of what the Soul Society and its established purpose is. The Soul Society changed their relationship to the human world, many important Shinigami developed either a relationship with or some degree of rapport and empathy with a human being. What Ichigo changed was their rigidity and adherence to arbitrary and immoral laws, the Soul Society is now a dynamic and changing organization. But they do not and have never existed to police right and wrong. But of course Shinigami are human at heart, so there’s always some degree of conflict between the values of the individual and the purpose of the institution, which was a huge cornerstone of the Soul Society Arc.
Their relationship with non humans (and that includes Quincy) while changed was tense at best for awhile though Ichigo and Orihime’s intervention has helped that (I could write a whole post about how Ichigo + Orihime are accidentally responsible for the stabilization of Hueco Mundo and the arrancar as a society under Tier Hallibel Grimmjow and Nel’s leadership but that’s a separate post). That’s because the Soul Society exists to maintain the balance of the universe, most Shinigami have blue and Orange morality and have lived for hundreds of years in a world where death is everywhere yet totally impermanent due to being aware of and directly experiencing the cycle of reincarnation.
Take Mayuri for example. A LOT of fans have problems with Mayuri even being allowed to be apart of the Soul Society…why? Because he’s evil despite being ostensibly on the “good” side? (although there is a degree of moral ambiguity, many Hollows are sentient after all, they can protest to being purified and killed, of course most fans don’t care about the hollows at all because they see them as ugly monsters you can’t make cute fanart of so they get ignored). When we first learn of Mayuri’s backstory we see that he thrown in the single worst prison, the Maggots Nest..and that he’s the only one with a cell. The Maggots Nest prisoners are allowed to roam free because they are not a threat to Captains…but Mayuri is locked up.
Mayuri is not some guy who just randomly became a criminal and did evil war crimes and now he has to be judged for it. He was hand picked knowing he was a criminal of the highest order because Urahara had ambitions and Mayuri had the talent to fulfill it, and now he’s beneficial to the balance of the universe so they keep him. Mayuri deciding to just wipe out thousands of souls so the universe doesn’t collapse is a show of that, he’s the ideal Shinigami, a literal God of Death who doles out destruction to preserve the universe without regard for moral quandaries or hand wringing.
The Soul Society was FOUNDED by criminals trying to make order out of chaos, in the Bleach universe everyone is a baby but there is no sitter, God is dead and morality is so grey and muddled that the good side cannot and do not attempt to even demonize their opponents in the way you would expect. We hear this first hand in the TYBW, “war happens because both sides are just,” meaning the Shinigami cannot go and just act so high and mighty because they’re defending the order of the universe, and the Quincies threatening to destroy it doesn’t make them automatically worse than the Shinigami. We hear from Yhwach himself and Quilge that the Quincy who believed in moral justifications and honor and Justice like Uryu’s grandfather were outmoded and did not survive, the only ones left were those cruel enough to behave like Shinigami or even worse.
There basically isn’t a right answer, it’s inherently muddled and the stakes are on such a high, cosmic scope that it allows the story to preserve a lot of moral ambiguity without actually offering value judgements except from the perspective of individual characters. Now without CFYOW this narrative is incomplete in the manga, BUT we see CFYOW referenced in the new canon anime adaption of Bleach so…here’s hoping that gets fixed. My hopes for Bleach Kai are high.
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w1cked-w1tch · 2 years
So..... re: fic writers writing Mayuri like some sexless, detached weirdo..... this is gonna be very long and rambling and the Mayuri part will be at the end. I took my Adderall today and my brain is moving a mile a minute thinking about this, buckle up. The entirety of this post is a spoiler.
I'm powerwatching the entirety of the original Bleach series. I'm currently watching the fights between the Captains and Espada. I've been watching 8-10 episodes a day for the last 23 days so everything that's happened thus far is fresh in my mind. This is also one of my absolute favorite parts in the entire series. These opinions are subject to change, especially since I haven't finished watching the series yet. Please feel free to offer a different point of view.
ANYWAY! The Espada that the captains fight are mirrors of themselves in their personalities, their powers, and even somewhat in their aesthetics. The only difference is, said Espada have not learned a very important lesson that said captains HAVE learned.
Kenpachi and Nnoitra are both huge, (literally huge, kenpachi is 6'7" and Nnoitra is 7') cocky brutes who live to fight. They've both got that muscled but incredibly lean body type. (Yes Kenpachi too. He's less than 200lbs despite being almost 7 feet tall.) And of course the long hair, eyepatch, exposed chest, and huge toothy smile. Kenpachi has learned that it doesn't matter what package his opponents skills come in. Man, woman, soul reaper, arrancar, it doesn't matter. He's learned to respect his opponents, and he doesn't let his desire to be the strongest cloud his judgment during battle. He knows that there are people out there who are stronger than him, that there probably always WILL be, and he's accepted it. He knows that he will probably die at the hands of somebody stronger than him someday. He even verbally acknowledges that he may die in this battle. Nnoitra, on the other hand, refuses to accept a woman being stronger than he is. He refuses to really believe ANYBODY could be stronger. He seems to have somewhat of an inferiority complex despite this. Not only does he desire to be the strongest, he's desperate to be the strongest. He's so desperate that he lets his anger cloud his judgment in his fight with Kenpachi. He's not looking for Kenpachis weaknesses, he's just relying on his brute strength and his hierro to get him through the battle. He arrogantly believes that every hit he gets on Kenpachi is one hit away from the finishing blow, even going so far as to turn his back on him when he goes down briefly. Kenpachi, on the other hand, pays careful attention to Nnoitra's skills and continues to adapt during their battle, even using a technique he says he hates. In his arrogance and desperation he ignores Kenpachi's mercy, instead choosing to fight to the death. Arrogance and disregard/underestimation of the enemy will be a theme here.
Byakuya and Zommari are the most different aesthetically. Their personalities are very similar though. They're both very stoic in an arrogant way. Zommari calls Byakuya arrogant several times, and says it disgusts him. He hasn't realized that he's the one who is truly arrogant. Byakuya comes off that way, but its because he knows how strong he is. Byakuya also knows full well that he comes off as arrogant. Zommari doesn't seem to. Zommari's arrogance is what ultimately does him in. During their entire fight Byakuya is analyzing Zommari's power and skill. Zommari fails to do this, his confidence in his own powers clouds his judgement. This brings in another similarity between them. Zommari says at the beginning of the fight that his powers may seem like magic to an outsider. Byakuya, towards the end of the fight, says that he guessed correctly that Zommari's powers are similar to Kido. Kido would probably seem like magic to an outsider and Byakuya is incredibly skilled in kido. Their special flash step skills are similar as well, being so fast that they leave an after image. At the end of the fight Zommari asks Byakuya if he's ever stopped to consider what he's doing, if he's ever thought about the meaning of killing hollows as if it's a natural thing to do, why he thinks he can kill hollows, if soul reapers think they're God's, who gave them the authority to kill hollows, who gave them the authority to protect humans, tells him that nobody has given him those rights and calls him arrogant once again. This further proves that the only person he thinks about is himself. He can only think about himself and his own beliefs to the point that he doesn't even bother to think about his opponents skills in battle. Not to mention that the Gotei 13 was formed to help keep the balance of the world, and killing hollows is part of that. Byakuya tells Zommari that he's not killing him because he's a hollow, he's killing him because he aimed his blade at his only pride and our view switches from him to Rukia. Byakuya has learned how to think about other people and step outside of his beliefs when it's necessary.
Now to the part that sparked this whole essay. Mayuri's and Szayelaporro's aesthetics both incorporate Aposematism, though Szayelaporro really only exhibits that aesthetic in his released form. They've both got the mad scientist thing going on. They're both very cocky. They're both very brilliant. They both largely view other people as subjects to be experimented on. They're both very theatrical. Now, Szayelaporro is definitely more outwardly sexual. He's got that sensual, hedonistic vibe going on. His Zanpakuto shows this as well. The name in the Japanese version being Fornicarás (You Will Fornicate) and in the English version being La Lujuriosa (The Lustful, or One Who Shows Lustfulness). Mayuri isn't anywhere near as outwardly lewd as Szayelaporro. He's much more subtle. Have you noticed the placement of his sword? He wears it between his legs so that it appears phallic. Like a codpiece. This placement doesn't contribute to the intimidation factor of the rest of his get-up, so why do it? Because he's a fucking pervert, that's why. He thinks it's funny. Plus the..... whatever the fuck it is that he does to Nemu to revive her after the fight. Theres also the image we get of him in the 10th opening where he's sitting, legs splayed and holding the hilt of his sword as though it was his dick, and we're looking up at him as though we're about to give him a blow job. And Nemu's outfit? Her body type? Nobody seems to take these things into account. Mayuri created and dressed her that way on purpose. As far as Szayelaporro being a reflection of Mayuri, I suppose the argument could be made that his outward sexuality is part of the reflection that is the bad part of Mayuri. Something Mayuri has overcome that Szayelaporro has not. But I don't think that's the case. It's not touched on at all during the fight. Plus, like I said, whatever weird thing he did AFTER the fight to revive Nemu sounded like he was molesting her. It wouldn't have happened that way if he didn't WANT it to happen that way. He denies it being NSFW, but it's obvious hes being sarcastic for the sake of things being tv friendly. No, Mayuri makes it quite clear what hurdle he has overcome that Szayelaporro has not. The pursuit of perfection.
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It's also clear that his downfall was believing he was already perfect, when no such thing exists. His belief in that also making him believe he couldn't be defeated. Unlike Zommari, Szayelaporro does take his opponents skills into consideration. He's got contingencies like Mayuri does. His failing was not having a backup plan for his backup plan because he thinks his Gabriel is enough to save him. Mayuri comes essentially armed to the teeth with contingencies. We've seen his regenerative abilities, his plan z slime get away, Konjiki Ashisogi Jizo's self destruct mechanism, and the way he talks about drugging Nemu's body tells us he's taken into consideration every possible way she could have been attacked or used against him. Szayelaporro had become so self obsessed that he didn't think he needed such things. In thinking he'd reached perfection he didn't think he'd be affected by such things. That was his downfall.
Anyway. All this to say, please for the love of God stop writing Mayuri like he'd be some purely clinical, sterile scientist in bed. Stop writing him like he'd be uninterested in physically participating in his partners pleasure. Stop writing him like he'd be the kind of person who sees no point in sexual urges or sexual pleasure, or like he'd get rid of his own ability to feel those things. He's very obviously a huge pervert and if you think he doesn't have a room full of things he invented for bedroom activities you're so incredibly wrong. We are shown how much of a pervert he is through his own actions, as well as through his reflection in Szayelaporro. Do the man justice, god damn it.
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hollowbait · 1 year
i was telling my friends that being a hater without having it be a moral thing should be normalised... some of us just have days where we wanna be like i hate this and this and this but it's not a judgement on people who actually like those things... anyway in honour of that conversation i'm going to put bleach fandom things i hate but in the it's me-not-you way. for my own fun and profit.
the idea that ichiruki was ever considered endgame/should've been endgame
aizen and aizen ships
mayuri and mayuri ships
the idea that momo is weak or a bad character
the boob window (though both this and the bullet point above have real and serious reasons)
when a writer includes izuru and shuhei and the lieutenants hanging out in a fic but momo is left out.
i don't care for or about the sternritters at all.
kubo definitely got worse at writing women and god of thunder and what happens to bambietta are some of the grossest nastiest woman-hating shit and should really be talked about more (another serious one oops)
um i actually have a hard time looking at harribel and matsumoto and rn tybw orihime (even though orihime is one of my favourites) because the way they're drawn pisses me off
kubo is better at concepts than execution
soi fon and yoruichi/soi fon
ulquihime and ulquiorra
this is just an unpopular opinion but i think ichigo just being a substitute shinigami that isn't a fullbring/hollow/quincy would've been fine
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kurjakani · 1 year
Maggots nest being for like. People w dangerous ideas and not like crimes that u can drop simple judgements on makes Mayuri funnier 2 me. Like i was fully expecting him 2 have killed someone but yk what. Him just talking himself into prison makes even more sense
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chaiwrote · 1 year
* tendou's character design, personality, fighting style, and zanpakuto.
character design : hayato has buzzed, bleached hair that he often dyes. his original hair colour is black with a purplish hue. he wears a billowy bottom hakama that cinches at the ankles, a sleeveless shihakusho, black fingerless gloves that go up to the elbow. he has multiple ear piercings, a right eyebrow piercing, nose bridge piercing, and multiple tattoos on his torso, arms, and a large one on the right side of his neck. ( the images found here on his pinterest board are reference images rather than exact representations. )
personality : a man of few words, knows just what words to use to hurt you, much of what he says has weight behind it and can be calculated depending on context, dark humor, sarcastic, judgemental, straightforward, well-versed in proper etiquette and is well-spoken, can be polite, genius intellect, uninspired and lazy when it comes to accepting further responsibility, stubborn.
fighting style / further abilities : prefers using kido first in battle, both well-versed and strong in hado and bakudo, employs lots of acrobatic moves in battle, stealthy and extremely flexible. makes use of throwing knives that he keeps hidden in the fabric of his shihakusho.
other abilities / skills : contortionist, acrobat, cooks and sews, immune to a number of poisons.
zanpakuto : shikai release = 'choke', name for his zanpakuto translates to 'poison mouth'. unreleased, it's a wazikashi sword with a red hilt, worn at his right hip. in it's released state, it consists of ten blades that he uses as projectiles. when injured with a blade, a slow-acting poison enters the bloodstream, gradually infecting the person, first slowing them down and affecting the muscles, then targeting organs such as the lungs foremost, with the brain as the last to go. each slash only injects a certain amount of poison, a microdosage. depending on how quickly a person is slashed in succession determines how likely they are to be fully poisoned and die. ( meaning, the more quickly you're slashed and the more times you are, then you're most likely to die ). however, with hayato's fighting style, he tends to be sadistic, toying with the enemy. so, along with the nature of his zanpakuto and his fighting style, the death is usually slow and agonizing.
another ability of his, using his zanpakuto: he's currently able to swallow up to five of the blades, rendering his body a living poison. although for him, it increases his stamina if he's injured and neutralizes injuries. for others, if touched, an enemy's flesh begins to fester, creating boils and rotting flesh.
kurotsuchi mayuri has helped develop an antidote for the poison used by tendou's zanpakuto, which mayuri, nemu, akon and tendou only have access to.
weaknesses : his shikai has no natural defense besides if he uses the ability to turn his body into poison. after a fight, it takes him 7-10 days to fully recover / safe to be around others as his body "digests" the poison.
other weaknesses include : a phobia of rodents and bats.
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animemakeblog · 2 years
Mayuri is a beautiful young lady with blond hair and bright pink eyes. She has four big transparent wings and a pair of angelic wings on her back. Mayuri is 154 cm tall and wears the sizes B80, W64, and H90.
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dailyfigures · 3 years
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Tokisaki Kurumi ; Date A Live ☆ Alter
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setteidreams · 5 years
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Settei from Date A Live the Movie: Mayuri Judgement.
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datealivefc · 6 years
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starlariat · 3 years
Quincy: Vollständig Names: A Sternritter Study
Pt. 2 – Battle in the Skies Above
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{ ooc } Well, since none of you are going out of your way to stop me-
Welcome back to another rousing episode of Jeff Shares His Headcanons for Every Sternritter’s Quincy: Vollständig Name as He Attempts to Further Worldbuild Bleach Against His Better Judgement, everyone! Last time, I conceived of several name ideas for the Quincy: Vollständig transformations of the Sternritter ladies, because I damn well love consistency, I especially love that group, and I hate information gaps. I’ll skip the recap as to how Vollständig works and subsequent yadda this time, so let’s get right to the point!
For this round of Sternritter hypothesizing, I’m going to focus on the ones who were present towards the final act of the Blood War, leading up to and including the events at the Soul King Palace. Reverse order by Schrift, just like before! Starting off with a Quincy who joined Yhwach and his Schutzstaffel on their assault at the palace, it’s...
Nianzol Weizol – The Wind
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(paging @kyousei​​​​ because this one’s for you!)
Nianzol! Though the presence of this literally two-tongued Quincy was short-lived in the story, a most interesting power was introduced nonetheless! The Wind, a Schrift that reads as “Twists and Turns,” allowed Nianzol to distort and deflect any attacks that would come to do harm! Even surprise attacks were useless, so you would have to be Senjumaru-levels of sneaky to be able to land anything. We can only imagine what a Quincy: Vollständig-enhanced The Wind would have looked like... maybe something like distorting all physical space in an immediate vicinity?
With that kind of power in mind, here’s some options!
Iophiel/Jophiel (神の美貌 (イオフィエル), iofieru; Japanese for “Beauty of God”) borrows the name of an angel said to have driven Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden. This suggestion works two ways, be it in the sense of keeping people out of the Garden and in keeping attacks from marring Nianzol’s unique face!
Gadriel (神の境界 (ガドリエル), gadorieru; Japanese for “Boundary of God”) goes for face value with the actual name meaning “Wall of God.” Not to be confused with the fallen angel “Gadreel,” who was said to have seduced Eve into eating the forbidden fruit.
NaNaNa Najahkoop – The Underbelly
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NaNaNa! Yeesh, this poor guy just can’t catch a break. The most action we see of him in the manga either took place offscreen or in group battles that also went offscreen. Then, right when he, Bazz-B, Giselle, and Liltotto confront Shinigami seeking their way up to the Soul King Palace, he gets shot in the back with a Burner Finger 1 and subsequently perishes! Next thing he knows, he wakes up as part of Captain Kurotsuchi’s Corpse Unit (per the events of Bleach: Can’t Fear Your Own World) alongside Candice and Meninas, and of the three, he’s the only one who Mayuri keeps around on a leash at the end of the novel series! I sure wouldn’t want to be him.
It’s a shame, his Schrift seemed pretty interesting and I was curious to see how he would’ve fared against a bound up Aizen... With The Underbelly being an analytical power that points out weaknesses in one’s reiatsu and induces paralysis, what kind of Quincy: Vollständig would he have had? I’ve got one idea at least!
Ophanim (神の目撃 (オファニム), ofanimu; Japanese for “God’s Eyewitness”), named after a type of angel of knowledge. Referred to as the “many-eyed ones,” Ophanim are often depicted as fiery wheels covered with eyes, and are said to never sleep, just like the Cherubim and the Seraphim. Now what was it that NaNaNa did after Renji defeated Mask de Masculine...?
Bazz-B – The Heat
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Bazzard Black himself! Childhood friend to Grandmaster Haschwalth and proud owner of the funkiest mohawk in Bleach, his flames are powerful enough to counter those of Ryūjin Jakka. Though Captain-Commander Yamamoto attempted to turn him, NaNaNa, and Äs into ash with his zanpakutō, they later emerged relatively unscathed thanks to the power of The Heat! Bazz-B’s Burner Finger makes for a hell of a demonstration of his mastery over fire, his firepower (hehehehe), and his marksmanship, given how strong and well-aimed his attacks are.
Without a doubt, we’ll want a Quincy: Vollständig name to demonstrate that. Here are some of what I believe would be most fitting:
Uriel (神の聖火 (ウリエル), urieru; Japanese for “Holy Flame of God”) is another name (meaning “Fire of God” or “God is my light”) attributed to the angel that drove Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden. This cherub stands at its Gate with a flaming sword, and is often attributed with fire in his palm. In modern angelology, Uriel is considered “the regent of the sun.”
Surtr (神の劫火 (スルト), suruto; Japanese for “Calamitous Flames of God”), named after the guardian to the fiery realm of Múspell in Old Norse mythology. With flaming sword in hand, Surtr sought to wage war against the gods come the end of the world. I blame Fire Emblem Heroes and Thor: Ragnarok for making me consider this one.
Helios (神の太陽 (ヘーリオス), hēriosu; Japanese for “Sun of God”), named after the god of the sun in ancient Greek myth, and conflated with the Roman sun god Sol. This one is my personal favourite since this name leans into the crested helmet and cape Bazz wore as a child!
Jugram Haschwalth – The Balance / The Almighty
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Jugo! Emperor Yhwach’s advisor, Grandmaster of the Sternritter, and second-in-command over the entire Quincy army, Haschwalth finds himself in a different position when it comes to the hallowed power of Quincy: Vollständig. Though he is second to Yhwach in authority, I feel that he likely does not possess such a boon, mainly on account of the boatload of other abilities in his kit that make him exceptional among all Quincy.
The ability to impart his power unto others, something once thought unique to Yhwach for 200 years in his youth. The ability to amplify the powers of other Quincy by virtue of his presence alone. Breaking the natural barrier of Reishi absorption, a skill common to other Quincy that Jugram had to overcome because of his own physical makeup. Swapping The Balance with The Almighty whenever Yhwach slept, thus granting him not only the ability to redirect misfortune towards himself by default, but also the ability of precognition. These with his own physical prowess already make him one of the most fearsome fighters among all the Sternritter, so adding a Quincy: Vollständig would seem ultimately redundant, given that he is already firing on all cylinders just like Yhwach.
In fact, I would say it is because he is like Yhwach, the son of the Soul King and self-assumed forefather of the Quincy, that he probably has no unique Vollständig. Despite being able to channel Reishi as an adult into his Freund Schild (instead of a Heilig Bogen) and into techniques like Blut Vene or Hirenkyaku, Jugram’s powers veer towards redistribution and imparting by default rather than taking it all in for himself. Though Quincy: Vollständig does enhance a Sternritter’s Schrift, it is still mainly an evolved form of Letzt Still, which brings with it complete dominance over Reishi. I wouldn’t say it’s impossible for him to have Vollständig of his own, more improbable because of possible struggles with his own body.
That said, be it honorary or a legitimate Vollständig, I do have a name in mind for Jugram. I have only the one, because I do not believe that any other name would do:
Michael (神の聖人 (ミカエル), mikaeru; Japanese for “Sainted One of God”), named after the Archangel, protector of humanity, and sainted leader of God’s armies. He is known to wield a sword and shield, and is often depicted carrying balancing scales. The name in Hebrew literally translates into the rhetorical question: “Who is as God?”
Uryū Ishida – The Antithesis
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Uryū! Longtime series mainstay, long believed to have been the last Quincy, and the only other Quincy of mixed heritage to have survived Auswählen (save Ichigo), Ishida was conscripted into the Wandenreich and appointed as Yhwach’s successor. Though a master of Quincy arts, I don’t believe that he would have knowledge of Vollständig during the war proper due to:
The short timeframe between the encounter with Asguiaro Ebern at the very beginning of the Blood War arc, and his recruitment into the Sternritter.
The amount of training needed to achieve Quincy: Vollständig, on top of how physically demanding it is to uphold, per Candice and Giselle’s commentary.
Quincy: Vollständig being a perfected version of Letzt Still, achieved exclusively within Yhwach’s empire and outdating Letzt Still by hundreds of years.
Sōken, though part of the empire in the past, left Yhwach’s side and kept to the older traditions, which he then taught to his son Ryūken and his grandson Uryū.
Plenty of suspicion and mistrust from his fellow Quincy watching his every move.
All of that said... I personally do feel that such power is well within his reach, for a couple of reasons:
Uryū is highly intelligent and studious, demonstrating a deep understanding of a wide variety of Quincy tools and techniques, and a mastery of these that the majority of the Sternritter simply don’t have.
Though far more tolerant than the other Quincy, Uryū does have a disdain for shinigami. The last thing he would want, I’d imagine, is to be outmatched by soul reapers, let alone Captain-class ones and above like Ichigo.
Bleach: Can’t Fear Your Own World shows that Quincy: Vollständig that were lost due to Yhwach’s Auswählen can return with time, inferring that this new stage of power can be achieved by Quincy—at least—engraved with a Schrift in their souls, even after Yhwach “died.”
With time, should he apply himself and seek to improve the power of The Antithesis, Uryū could realize a Quincy: Vollständig of his own someday. As for a name, I doubt he’ll want to give it any etymological association to Yhwach, so... hey, further creative license!
Pernida Parnkgjas – The Compulsory
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Lefty! Thankfully, this one will be brief.
Like Gerard Valkyrie, Pernida joined the Sternritter with all of its powers already available from the outset, without being bestowed with any extras on Yhwach’s part. The Compulsory is therefore a Schrift in name only, all to bestow a title to its powers of “evolution governance” as the Left Hand of the Soul King, in contrast to Mimihagi’s power of “stagnation governance.” In spite of that, it is a member of Yhwach’s Schutzstaffel who takes great pride in calling itself a Quincy, even going so far as to generate Heilig Bogen of its own.
There is no Quincy: Vollständig here, not only because he was not granted anything new from Yhwach, but also on account of how its powers work: Pernida is always evolving. It adapts to its enemies’ levels of strength at an accelerated rate and then some, it regenerates and clones itself nigh instantly, and it can manipulate its environment by extending its nerves into the earth. Gerard may be the Heart of the Soul King, but he is still a flesh-and-blood Quincy, and Quincy have existed long before Yhwach came into being. On the other hand (teehee!), Pernida is not a human being but a sentient hand, standing as a godly being who represents “Progress.”
Albeit for different reasons compared to Jugo, Pernida having a Vollständig would once again be redundant. Besides, what else can you include when it’s literally a walking, talking piece of God himself? He’s already Pernida Parnkgjas (神の左手 (ペルニダ・パルンカジャス), Perunida Parunkajasu; Japanese for “Left Hand of God”)!
AND THAT’S A WRAP! Only eight more Sternritter to go, so I’m gonna split them into two smaller parts with four apiece!
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Like I said last time, if you happen to RP as any of these folks, feel free to use the Quincy: Vollständig names you see here for your muses! Just credit me if you happen to, for it would be highly appreciated. ❤️
Part 0 – Mask de Masculine Headcanon: Vollständig
Part 1 – Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss (Bambietta, Liltotto, Meninas, Candice, Giselle)
Part 2 – Battle in the Skies Above (Jugram, Bazz-B, NaNaNa, Nianzol, Uryū, Pernida)
Part 3 – ???
Part 4 – ???
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ekusosu · 4 years
hc + trust
--- There is a select few people that Yon trusts. They are the highest seated officers in the Twelfth; Akon being number one ( @ujinoko ). It is not that he does not trust Mayuri, but rather that he respects him more than trusts him. Even if something his captain asked of him would make him feel suspicious, he would still do it. Which makes his judgement on ‘trust’ somewhat compromised. He would not, for example, trust that his captain would never ask him to do something that would cause him harm, while he does trust Akon in this regard. 
      The third person he trusts is Nemuri, mostly because she is Mayuri’s creation, and, in a way, his sibling. She’s never intended him harm, and she is largely soft-spoken and kind to him. He may envy her, at times, for her closeness to their creator, but he still trusts her to act in his best interest. However, she is not the kind of person he would trust if he had a secret to tell, while Akon, again, is.
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ilusionis · 4 years
THE BIG BLEACH HC MEME centering around politics, repost & fill out! For anyone who wanted to explore those aspects more, considering it played a big role in the story. Some things may be unknown to your Muse, just think in WHAT IF then & well, have fun and take your time!
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Name:   Aizen Sōsuke    / / /    Age:   Around 300 years old    / / /    Gender:   Cis man Race:   Shinigami / Quincy / Hollow / Fullbringer / Visored / Human / Other Currently lives:   Soul Society / Hueco Mundo / Silbern / Living World / Hell Exact Location:   Muken Group(s):  Shinigami / Arrancars
- Would your muse consider themselves more: GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL ? - Would your muse consider their group more: GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL ? - How does your muse think others see them: GOOD / EVIL / NEUTRAL ? - How does your muse think others see their race: GOOD / EVIL / NEUTRAL ? - How does your muse think others see their group: GOOD / EVIL / NEUTRAL ?
- Is your muse considered a threat: YES / NO ?   By whom?:  Soul Society and all its allies, mostly. - Is your muse powerful: YES / NO ?  Could they be considered OP:  YES / NO ? - Did your muse any crimes: YES / NO ? - Does your muse think they are doing mostly the right thing: YES / NO ? - Would society think the same: YES / NO / MIXED OPINIONS ?
- Does your muse think they are treated unfairly: YES / NO ?  - Does your muse feel understood from others: YES / NO ? - Is it important for them what others think of them as a person: YES / NO ? - Would they welcome death:  YES / NO ? - Will they ever find peace:  YES / NO ?
01.0.  Do they fully stand behind the group they are part of? YES / NO. Why is that? Explain: it’s hardly a mystery that Aizen, being a rogue Shinigami, strongly despises his own kind. I italicized the yes in case we want to consider him a part of the Arrancar group, because I’ve already talked estensively about how Aizen feels an undefinable affinity for Hollows and the sense of belonging that derives, maybe even without him being fully aware, from it. That said, it’s definitely not a ‘fully standing behind’ said group, considering how he watched them get slaughtered without batting an eye.
02.0.  Do they like as things are in Soul Society? YES / NO. 02.1.  Is there anything they would change? Explain here: Starting from killing the Soul King and take its place, he’d wipe any organ with power or with the capability to seize it, like the nobles, Central 46 (which he already did btw) etc. 
03.0. Would they ever actively try to bring change (in general)? YES / NO. 03.1. Is your muse more: passive / active ?  Introverted / Extroverted ? 03.2. Does your muse care more about: others / themselves ? 03.3. Do they trouble their mind over a lot of problems, others? YES / NO. 03.4. Do they mostly involve: the world / everyone / themselves / comrades / friends / family / elderly / kids / teenagers / home / workplace / strangers / souls / humans / quincy / shinigami / nobles / fullbringer / visored / hollows / espada / arrancar / (former) boss(es) / pets / animals / zanpakuto spirit / enemies / partner / lovers / soul king / god / other…(add more) 03.5. Name (up to) three which are the most on their mind (optional, adding names): - the soul king is almost poison to his thoughts and dreams, it never leaves his mind. - the hogyoku and his overall research, when he was still doing it. - after the war, in muken, he thinks often about who and what he lost. tousen and kyōka suigetsu, especially.  - urahara and ichigo kurosaki are also often on his mind. 
04.0. Do they think frequently about politics? YES / NO / SOMETIMES. Why is that? Explain: Aizen is definitely more concerned with spiritual matters than strictly political ones, but that doesn’t mean he’s not acutely aware of how ‘earthly’ things work. He absolutely doesn’t give away the politician vibes, but he very much knows the system he works to overthrow is upheld by a political architecture in which he can move and orient himself just fine, although he’d rather not. Overall, I think Aizen viscerally despises politics, but he’s all but bad at it. 
05.0. How do they feel in their current location, more: POSITIVE / NEGATIVE / NEUTRAL ? 05.1. Why is that?:  Muken is not just imprisonment, Muken is torture, and I just don’t trust anyone who says otherwise. To Aizen, especially, being bound in endless darkness devoid of stimuli is almost unbearable, which also says a lot about how strong he is.
06.0. Does your muse have any goal: YES / NO ?  BIG / SMALL ? 06.1. Does it involve anything world-changing: YES / NO ? 06.2. If goal or not, any future plans? Share here:  Don’t think having lost and being imprisoned has made him waver or change his mind, he’s still very much set on his path of becoming the Soul King. It’s not over, and Muken can’t hold him forever.
07.0. Does your muse know about the original sin of soul society*: YES / NO ? * curious? Read about it here. 07.1. If they knew, would it change their views on Soul Society: YES / NO ? 07.2. More: POSITIVE / NEGATIVE / NEUTRAL ? 
08.0. Who is the worst person in their eyes?:  Urahara Kisuke, in Aizen’s eyes, is a paragon of moral sloth. Also Yamamoto. We don’t count the Soul King as a person. 08.1. What should happen to them?  Execution (quick / slow death) / Imprisonment / Stripped of their powers / Torture / Repay for their sins / Pay a Fine / Social Work / lose their loved ones / Exile / other… (add more). 08.2. Explanation:  He’d very much enjoy Urahara’s reaction to losing his loved ones, perhaps that would move him. Yamamoto, on the other hand, embodies those conservative principles Aizen absolutely cannot abide and would deserve to be finished off quickly. 
09.0. Thoughts on the Quincy Massacre if they knew: POSITIVE / NEGATIVE / NEUTRAL ? 09.1. Would they be alright with such thing happening again: YES / NO / INDIFFERENT ? 09.2. Would they try to prevent it: YES / NO / DEPENDS ? 09.3. Explanation:  Aizen was young at the time of the Quincy extermination, probably a seated officer, and I don’t think he had any part in it. He witnessed the event with a certain flatness, as it only served to reinforce very much solidified opinions he had on Soul Society and their means, but he had zero empathy for the Quincy people and remains indifferent to this day. 
10.0. Would they ever switch sides: YES / NO ? 10.1. If yes, What could bring them to do so?:    - 10.2. Would they create a new one: YES / NO ?  or join a current one? If so, which:  - Post-war, Aizen is pretty much on his own.
11.0. Does your muse follow a certain moral code*?:  YES / NO / GRAY AREA ? * (ethics) A written, formal, and consistent set of rules prescribing righteous behavior, accepted by a person or by a group of people. 11.1. What does it involve?: There are things he just would not do, and I reject those who paint him as a creep. That includes u, Kubo. 11.2. What does it NOT involve?: Pretty much everything else. Killing, stealing, lying, doing very questionable experiments, attempting to overthrow the government and killing God.     
Central 46:   positive / negative / neutral.   ━   because: corrupt, senile, privileged guys reinforcing an oligarchic caste system, who think they can pass judgement on anyone? find me someone who wouldn’t wanto to murder them.
Four Great Noble Clans:   positive / negative / neutral.   ━   because: they are fully responsible for what the Soul King is, the state it is in;  it would be absurd for Aizen to feel anything but harsh contempt for them. He sees nobility as something vain and obsolete: in his kingdom, only power matters. 
Royal Guards / Gotei 13:   positive / negative / neutral .   ━   because: it’s somewhat laughable that an organ as powerful as the Gotei would serve and be the instrument of a whimsical array of nobles and would obey the Central 46. They are servants and accomplices.
Fullbringer:   positive / negative / neutral.   ━   because:  a mildly interesting lot, although they were never the focus of his studies. 
Visored:   positive / negative / neutral.   ━   because:  they’re Shinigami, but they’re not only that anymore. Aizen doesn’t viciously despise them as he does others, because in the end, they were a precious specimen. He wouldn’t have gotten so far with his research without them.
Espada:   positive / negative / neutral.   ━   because:  ok, maybe ‘positive’ is a big word, but they’re his finest creations. He would choose them over the Gotei captains anytime.
Quincy:   positive / negative / neutral.   ━   because:  he doesn’t have an organic opinion on them; the way I see it, Quincy culture is way too distant from Aizen’s mindset for an interest to spark.
Aizen:   positive / negative / neutral.   ━   because:  lmao Aizen is the afterlife top narcissistic motherfucker. However, I want to believe there is more nuance to the way he views himself than he lets on, and it’s strictly tied to his power and the way he perceives it. I think Aizen loves and hates himself: he’s aware that he’s special, that’s he powerful, that he’s unique ... but this awareness is bone-crushing, he’s too much even for himself. Too much power, too much uniqueness. You know, the loneliness of prime numbers.
Yhwach:   positive / negative / neutral.   ━   because:  i’ve already talked about Aizen and Yhwach here, their differences and their contrast, and I stand by what I said. It’s not like Aizen is out there questioning Yhwach’s dubious morality, he doesn’t care, but he will see all three worlds burned to ashes before ever allowing Yhwach any leverage / control over him.
Mayuri:   positive / negative / neutral.   ━   because:  we often forget that Aizen, too, is a scientist - but one with a goal. Science, in Aizen’s case, serves a higher purpose. Mayuri is just a disgusting individual who is conveniently walking free because Soul Society needs his technology and resources, and the hypocrisy of this would bother anyone; not to mention, find me someone who can stand Mayuri even a little bit. Of course Aizen doesn’t like him.
Kurosaki:   positive / negative / neutral.   ━   because:  ok this is a mess, I’ve yet to talk about Aizen’s thoughts on Ichigo and I’m not gonna do it all here. I’m just gonna say, there is one big part of grudge for having been defeated by Ichigo mingled with a weird form of acceptance, considering Ichigo was both a self-improving and self-sabotaging project for Aizen. The boy is a masterpiece of patience and technology on Aizen’s part, but he proved over and over again, to be just a boy. And a pretty blinkered one on top of it.
Soul King:   positive / negative / neutral.   ━   because:  seeing the Soul King fucked Aizen up more than anyone can imagine, and sparked a hatred within him that consumes him to this day. Talked about it more in-depth here.  Imagine being a kid and staring into the hollow, cross-like eyes of a limbless monster that haunts you like an echo, and knowing instinctively, ah yeah, that’s god. Aizen is the Bleach king of unprocessed trauma.
CONGRATS, you managed till to the end, now tag your fellow bleach partners!
TAGGED BY: @skyvar​ the only one i trust. TAGGING: @kazeshinigami​ @tatarfora​ @shitenkoushun​ @2ndhornet​ @hyouketsu​ @oscuras​ and myself @levaer​ because i wanna do it over my quincy babe, too. anyone else just say i tagged u.
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iristial · 5 years
For the 'name a fandom...' meme: Garo and Star Wars?
The first character I first fell in love with
Raiga. Makai Knights of the Saejima era were nearly all brooders but I wanted a bit of happiness and sunshine combined with ferocity - oh look, he exists (and quick promo that his movie is here!! Just not in English subtitles T^T)
Or perhaps it was Leo from Makai Senki. I can’t remember which one I watched first after Garo
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now
Ryuga. Though the only setback was that I was looking at his Yami o Terasu Mono hair and thought “...what.”
The character everyone else loves that I don’t
Jinga? I see him a lot wherever I go and there appears to be a general appreciation for him. I can’t bring myself to share the same sentiment because of stuff he did
If Kaoru and Kouga count then them too. I never grew attached to them for some reason
The character I love that everyone else hates
I think I stay within the popular character territory ^^;
The character I used to love but don’t any longer
Nothing about my opinions have changed
The character I would totally smooch
Spare me and let Raiga/Mayuri and Ryuga/Rian smooch
The character I’d want to be like
Raiga. He’s the kind of person who can have a fun time and remain responsible. I like it!
The character I’d slap
Kaoru? She does get better but...gosh, her decisions in the first season had me clawing at walls
A pairing that I love
Raiga/Mayuri for the original series! Ryuga/Rian for the Ryuga era!
A pairing that I despise
Jinga/Ryuga. I don’t understand the appeal but if it makes people happy, then go for it
Star Wars
The first character I first fell in love with
Kylo Ren? I only got interested in watching the new trilogy because I kept seeing GIF sets featuring him
Actually, it’s between Padme and Ahsoka. There were children’s guides to the Clone Wars when I was young and I loved them looking at passages about them
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now
Finn. More like I didn’t know he existed - and after hearing that he was intended to be the real co-protagonist alongside Rey, I realized I loved him because I was angry on his behalf
Poe counts too. He just speaks to me
The character everyone else loves that I don’t
I don’t know enough Star Wars to make a judgement
The character I love that everyone else hates
Same as the above
The character I used to love but don’t any longer
The character I would totally smooch
Let Han and Leia kiss one last time
The character I’d want to be like
Finn. His overall character development is admirable and he rose to challenges that had him shaking in his boots. We all need people like Finn
The character I’d slap
More like strangle, and that’ll be the hacker who outed Rose and Finn. Yes, I hate him even more than Snoke and Palpatine, because at least they were evil all the time. This guy only cared about saving his own skin. I hope he got imprisoned
A pairing that I love
I have three Rey ships and I can’t choose - Kylo/Rey (I can’t bring myself to call him ‘Ben’), Finn/Rey and Poe/Rey. Not necessarily in this order
A pairing that I despise
Probably anything involving a First Order member
Thank you for the ask
name a fandom you know i know and i’ll tell you
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missstormcaller · 6 years
CAN’T FEAR YOUR OWN WORLD Vol. II Part 11 Full Translation
This is part 12 on the app 1/2.
Chapter 11
That was the form of death 'they' governed.
'They' were slaves driven by an incessant destructive impulse, existing whilst embracing this paradox in which they would repeat the cycle of destruction because they sought liberation.
'They' are the ones who once contended for the rank of '6'.
Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez.
Luppi Antenor.
The personalities of the two were completely different on the surface, but at its roots flowed the magma-like emotions which they both had in common.
In the past, Luppi had attained the 'Sexta' numeral replacing Grimmjow who had made an error of judgement, and in response, the Espada who held the 'Octava' numeral uttered this: —— "I reckon the aspect of death you symbolise is the same as Grimmjow's. That is why, you were chosen as successor out of the other candidates who were present like Dordoni or Cirucci." —— "I won't let you tell me that I haven't a clue what I'm talking about you know? You are only able to make a connection to something in the form of destruction. If one were to say that the hole bored into us Hollows is what we lack, then you, no, the two of you, can only fill that hole by means of destruction." —— "That you loathe Grimmjow from the very depths of your heart, it is mere repulsion for your own kind." —— "It doesn't matter, you are the one who is legitimate Sexta now. You should treat him with compassion." —— "Well, if you end up killing him inadvertently, then I will have his corpse put to good use. Therefore, you can sate your own appetite with some peace of mind." —— "As long as you bear that № 6, you will always take the side that offers you 'destruction' after all."
Rukongai Now that Aizen has left Hueco Mundo, and the significance has long since faded from the Espada numerals —— for 'them', it is only the aspect of death known as "destruction" that remains. "Hahaha! You realise I won't let anyone get in my way? Because I'm going to demolish you, eight versus one!"
Swinging his eight tentacles which had been reduced to shreds, Luppi scattered spurts of his blood whilst delivering a flurry of blows at Grimmjow. Having taken a form that was reminiscent of a beast by performing Resurrección, Grimmjow continues to beat back the turbulent barrage of assaults which were accompanied by physical blows, slashing attacks and even the occasional Cero, using only the claws on both hands as well as his own Cero. "tsk… The likes of small fry won't even be able to leave a scratch on me, guess I won't find any sort of amusement in killing you." "If that's the case, why not do me the favour of dropping dead while you're busy getting bored?" As Luppi enclosed Grimmjow with four of his tentacles from top and bottom, left and right, from the remaining four he unleashed a Cero fused with his own blood. Counter to that, Grimmjow daringly juts forward and slips through a gap between the tentacles. "But, I have reason to kill you asshole." Then, slashing away the Cero that was fired from those remaining four tentacles using his own claws, Grimmjow came prowling towards Luppi. "…*gasp!*" "Any fool who looks at me with mocking eyes, I don't give a damn who they are, I'll beat the crap out them!" And thus, he attempted to drive the well-honed claws of his Zanpakutō into Luppi's chest just as he had done in the past. —— "…Got ya." Smiling fearlessly, it is Luppi who advanced forward without pause, and deliberately let the claws sink into his own abdomen. " ! " "You'll beat the crap out the guy who mocks you Huh? Oh my, what a coincidence." He didn't just offset the attack from his vitals which were being targeted, rather, as though an insectivorous plant was devouring its prey, Luppi wrapped his eight tentacles around both himself and Grimmjow. —— "I intend to do the same, Grimmjow." In a gesture that compromised his own body, Luppi fires a volley of Cero at Grimmjow. "…As if I'd let you!" At the same time, Grimmjow instantaneously draws in a sharp breath, he spews an explosive roar woven with Reiatsu, and to top it off, from the armour on his arm which was free, Grimmjow launched hooked claws containing a mass of Reiatsu —— Garra de la Pantera.
Both of their attacks intersect, explosive flames and sprays of blood blanket the vicinity around the pair.
"They sure are making a damn mess of things. Geez, battles between fellow Hollows can get awfully wild huh." As the blast from the explosion raised a cloud of dust and deprived them of their field of vision, Ginjō who was covertly observing the progress of battle muttered this to himself. Tsukishima who was standing beside him began to pose a question. "I believe Ginjō tends to be quite reckless too though?" "Don't talk nonsense. I always put safety first don't I?" "If you say so.… That aside, it's only a matter of time before they reach us." "…Yeah. Well, when it comes to that, there's no knowing what may happen." Even as Ginjō kept his eyes trained on the battle between the fellow Arrancar, part of his cognition maintained vigilance against the Shinigami who was heading towards this place, as well as the other presence who appears to have joined up with him. "It's time, we should get down to business about whether or not we want to consider briefly retreating.… Even if we take advantage of the confusion, should we be careless enough to get caught in the crossfire it's likely we'd wind up getting eradicated in the blink of an eye."
"…tch. That move just now… you really thought that would work on me." What came into sight after the dust clouds had settled, is Luppi, tentacles torn to shreds even more so than before and blood streaming from his mouth as he smiled wryly. Although he indicated no signs of disarray with his tone, Grimmjow had also sustained injuries all over his body. "That's my line, your sturdiness is fodder to me. Regardless, this ends here." Grimmjow then clicked his tongue as he flashed a grin, with that he began to charge Reiatsu into the claws of both hands in order to deliver a finishing blow. However —— "…tch. That move just now… you really thought that would work on me." "……?" "…tch. That move just now… you really thought that would work on me." "Hey asshole, you touched in the head or something? What are you saying…?" In puzzlement Grimmjow questions Luppi who repeated the same words, but then —— "……!?" Taking notice of the fact that his Reiatsu, which should have been gathered in his claws, was actually being reset, he came under the illusion that some strange event had occurred. "That move just now, you really thought that would work on me." . . . "you really thought that would work on me." . . . "thought that would work on me." . . . "on me" . . . "me" . . . "me" . . . "——" . . . "——" While he listened to the words of Luppi which were being made to repeat, he was seized by the sensation that all the nerves in his body was in a state of paralysis ——
"Oh, sorry. I didn't mention it? The spray of my blood which you are completely soaked in, has been infused with a special poison." In response to Grimmjow who suddenly fell to his knees, Luppi spoke with a smile that was a mixture of innocence and indifference. "I don't understand the mechanism very well myself, but perhaps by seeing the past, it is simply your consciousness that repeats the same moment in time over and over again? Apparently it's quite a frightening poison that ends up paralysing one's whole body during the process." As Luppi himself also staggered with his injuries, step by step he drew closer to Grimmjow. He knew that by the hands of Kurotsuchi Mayuri, the poison had been embedded in both his body as well as the others. To go even further, it's effectiveness has actually been proven through a zombie Matsumoto Rangiku who did battle against him. Although he made a gamble as to whether or not this would also hold true for Hollows, with convincing speculation that the poison had probably been adapted to this situation too knowing Kurotsuchi Mayuri, he adopted a battle technique which involved deliberately dousing the enemy with his own spurts of blood. "A-HA-HA… though it's not like me at all, using a method like this that is…" Aiming a mocking laugh at himself who taken a course of action which entailed the acceptance of Grimmjow's honourable defeat, Luppi stared down towards Grimmjow. "Well, I guess it's because you've made it possible for me to truly feel alive for the first time in a long while…. I'm very grateful to you for that, Grimmjow.… I'm still going to kill you though." Then, with Reiatsu charged in each of his eight tentacles, Luppi prepares to fire a "Gran Rey Cero" from every single tip. However, it was at this point when something unexpected occurred.
Grimmjow who should have fallen victim to a complete paralysis of his body, slowly began to rise from his spot. "What the…?" "tsk… You really got me good huh…Luppi!" "Damn… why!? How are you able to stand up!? This is the very poison that even those captain class Shinigami were helpless against!?"
"Hn. That Arrancar, he has a resistance?" Kurotsuchi Mayuri who was surveying the situation from a distance, whispered to himself with great interest.
"A resistance? To the captain's poison?" When Akon who remained at the Technological Development Department inquired over the communications, Mayuri explains the situation in a mixture of idle complaint against Luppi. "Good grief, what an imprudent fool. Without me to set a point in the past to return to, the chemical agent cannot demonstrate its full potency I tell you. Well, even barring that, I have implanted an abundance of other varieties of paralysis poisons too." As if to indicate a great fascination, Mayuri scrutinized Grimmjow's Reiatsu data whilst muttering to himself. "Apparently, he was at the receiving end of some particular kind of poison, and he managed to survive in that condition. I wonder what kind of toxic substance it was? Very intriguing indeed."
Having almost been poisoned to death once in the past via an ability belonging to the Quincy known as Nakk Le Vaar, Grimmjow has developed a strong tolerance towards poisons by undergoing said experience, although, even he himself was not aware of that fact. In truth, if Mayuri had been by his side, then it's likely he would have immediately 'tuned' the drug thereby nullifying Grimmjow's tolerance, however with the poison merely being sprinkled by Luppi it could never deprive bodily functions, so much so that it was possible for Grimmjow to still be standing on his own two feet. "That was some sly move you pulled on me don't you think? Whatever. If an asshole like you wants to kill me, then you'd better use all the tricks you've got." It's not the case that the effects of the poison were nonexistent, and his physical condition should be approaching its worst, nevertheless, Grimmjow flashed a ferocious smile and grew all the more battle hungry. "Because I'm going to take them all in one go and smash them up along with that smug face of yours." Observing that savage appearance, Luppi who was irritated by the fact that his opponent had stood up, quite conversely regains his composure. "Ah, sure enough, things like poisons don't suit my character. I'm no Szayelaporro." Rotating his eight tentacles which had been reduced to shreds, he began to accumulate his Reiatsu once more in order to unleash "Gran Rey Cero." "It's fine by me, Grimmjow. Bring it on." With a fiendish smile similar to that of his opponent's surfacing on his face, Luppi recites to Grimmjow his own intent to kill in a coarse manner of speech that was quite out of the ordinary for him. "You still… won't be able to shatter me from the front like before!" A "Gran Rey Cero" octet. Sensing that an unprecedented attack was imminent, Grimmjow also attempts to engage his opponent with a technique that could counteract that attack. Desgarrón.
Grimmjow processes the Reiatsu density which even exceeds that of "Gran Rey Cero" on the tips of both sets of claws, taking the form of huge sharpened claws they begin to stand towering over the surroundings forking to the left and right of his body. It is not clear which side would emerge more formidable, but there appeared to be no doubt that the environs would be blown to smithereens with the impact of the Reiatsu either way. "Oh crap this isn't good. Retreat." "What the hell is up with that!? Do they intend to swallow us up with them too!?" Ginjō and Candice raise their voices at the same time, together with their respective companions they began to make a retreat from the two Arrancar, but then —— 'The one' who came flying in by moving into their position, darted between Grimmjow and Luppi, the Reiatsu at the scene instantly descends into chaos. " !? "   " ! " With their concentration disturbed by the change of Reiatsu, Luppi and Grimmjow temporarily halt the exercise of their techniques. "……Who the heck are you?" Confronted by Luppi who posed this question without relinquishing the hold he had on the Reiatsu which was charged to fire a Gran Rey Cero, the strange mass of Reiatsu which came barging in, opened its mouth to speak. "Ouch-ouch-ouch-ouch… just as I thought, I'm no good at landing huh…" After muttering to itself in a demeanour that disregarded the atmosphere of the scene completely, 'it' introduced itself whilst flashing a smile that held not even a shred of malice towards Luppi. "Oh right! I'm Ubuginu Hikone! Tokinada sama has instructed me that… err… I came here to see Grimmjow san." In response to Hikone who made this assertion with a nonchalant air, Luppi looks at Grimmjow through eyes mixed with bewilderment. "Uhh… is this kid, like your backup or something?" "That's not how it is." Flatly denying the statement, Grimmjow fixes a glare at Hikone. "…I mean, I don't remember introducing myself to you that last time. How the hell do you know my name?" "That's right! Tokinada sama kindly informed me! You are the 6th Espada right!?" Hearing those words, Luppi narrows his eyes ever so slightly. Meanwhile, as if to indicate that he no longer cared for neither the Espada nor the number 6, Grimmjow reacted to the other name that hung among those words. "Tokinada huh? You mentioned the same damn thing the other day. Is that the name of the Shinigamis' boss?" Suddenly, a different voice could be heard coming from behind Grimmjow. "You've got it wrong fool. He's a big shot alright. But our leader is unmistakably Kyōraku san." "You're that damned…" What appeared there, was a blond haired Shinigami wearing a captains' Haori above a standard Shihakushō. Though both his hair and garments were completely different, Grimmjow immediately recognises who this individual was. "This Reiatsu… I remember. You're the bastard that poked his nose into the death-match between me and Kurosaki in the Human World." "You must be mistaking me for someone else." "Was that supposed to be some kind of joke? And what the hell are you anyway? Are you that brat's guardian or something?" "I thought I already told you.… 'What's it to you?' right?" "So you are the bastard from that time after all huh?" Grimmjow who had heard the same remark a few years ago, spoke words of delight after giving a click of his tongue whilst his lips contorted fiendishly. "Ha! To think that the punks I wanted to beat to death would willingly come to me one after the other! Now if that kurosaki asshole were to show up next, things would be perfect!" However, Grimmjow's hopes were swiftly dashed by Hikone. "Kurosaki Ichigo san won't be coming." "What's that?" Brushing aside the hostility of Grimmjow who was glaring daggers, Hikone continues to speak in an unperturbed manner. "Because kurosaki Ichigo san should be busy in the Human World right about now! Apparently he is putting up a fight by risking his own life all for the sake of his sisters! Isn't that amazing!? I respect him a lot for that!" At those words, the blond haired Shinigami also raised his voice in puzzlement. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold up rug-rat. How can you be so sure of such a thing? What's going on with Ichigo?" But before Hikone could respond to that, Grimmjow had moved into action. He shoots a Cero in each direction; towards the blond Shinigami on his left hand side, and Hikone and Luppi to his right. "That was close! What's the deal!? Your opponent right now is that Ferris Wheel over there!" In response to the Shinigami who uttered this complaint as he evaded the attack by a hair's breadth, Grimmjow sneered with his canines bared. "Don't play dumb with me. I was planning to slaughter the whole lot of you anyway. Does someone have a problem with that?" "Just now, did you just call me a Ferris wheel…?" Luppi who had promptly defended against the Cero using his tentacles, fixed a piercing glare at the Shinigami and Grimmjow, but then he notices the presence of Hikone who was stood in the middle. —— Hn? —— This kid didn't even try to dodge the the attack, and yet, how is it that the kid is unharmed? At that point, an unsettling chill shot down Luppi's spine. And Luppi wasn't alone. Grimmjow, the blond haired Shinigami, and even as far as the Quincies and Fullbringers who were quietly observing the situation from a remote position; beads of sweat began to seep through the palms of their hands after they had all sensed some sort of mighty pressure. "…Hey, this brat… seriously, what in the hell is it?" At Grimmjow's query, the blond Shinigami shakes his head as he replies. "Even if I knew, I wouldn't be telling you… though frankly, I'd like to know for myself." What entered their vision, was a Zanpakutō. The sword which had been unsheathed by Hikone before they knew it, had a curious expression of colour as though it was being filled in with a white light rather than radiating an intense white on its blade. It is different from Sode no Shirayuki which was entirely pure white from blade to hilt; looking at the 'white' that was wrapped in some sort of ominous air, the Shinigami and Quincies felt a sense of primordial fear, likewise the Arrancar and Fullbringers felt a sense of primordial affinity. "This presence… it's Hollow, isn't it?" With some annoyance Grimmjow answers Luppi who had inquired of his enemies in spite of himself. "There's no mistaking it. That brat's Zanpakutō is one of us. It even opened up a damn Garganta last time." "Hikone right… That Zanpakutō of yours, what is it?" —— If my eyes are deceiving me, I'd be fine with that. —— But a moment ago, didn't that Zanpakutō just swallow up the Cero? There are several known Zanpakutō capable of absorbing Reishi based attacks, such as "Arazome Shigure". However, the one revealed just now appeared to be in a class quite different from those. Through Hirako's Reikaku, it felt as though the Reiatsu of the blade itself had ingested the Cero's Reishi, like a creature in the flesh sipping from a body of water. Upon hearing Hirako's question, Hikone innocently begins talking with a glad-looking smile. "Oh, why don't I also introduce it to Hirako san! It was given to me by Tokinada sama, it's my Zanpakutō!" "Given, you say." When Hirako puzzled over which point he should retort, a voice that caused him further bafflement echoed across from Hikone's hands. "…How deplorable." "Hn?" "I would never have guessed that the Reiatsu of my brethren who have broken their masks, would only amount to this level." That —— was a remark intended for Luppi and Grimmjow, cast from the Zanpakutō itself. "I wonder what Baraggan is doing now? Has he been sealed away like me?" For a moment he considered whether Hikone's voice had changed, but Hirako instantly rejects the notion. Because a Reiatsu intermingled in the very voice which caused a tremor in the atmosphere, and it carried within it a pronounced Hollow nature. "What the heck is that Zanpakutō!? Did it materialize or something!?" "Silence, Shinigami. I am not a Zanpakutō. I am… I am…" The voice of the Zanpakutō which tried to reveal its name broke off, it switched to a voice brimming with a deeply held resentment. "Blast… those wretched Shinigami, they… to my name…" "…What in the world? The sword just pulled a one-man comedy routine, and it's not making me laugh just by how creepy it is." Away from a dumbfounded Hirako, Grimmjow and Luppi each raise their voice in protest. "What is that windbag suggesting?" "Either way, can I take it that it picked a fight with us just now?" The pair's bloodlust turned towards the Zanpakutō which appeared to have scoffed at them a moment ago —— or rather, towards this Hollow-like thing. "Uh-oh! My apologies! This one only recently became capable of talking, but I'm afraid it has a sharp tongue…!" Hikone meekly bows in apology, but before long the child uttered a strange narrative which lit up its whole face. "However, if you take offence, then I will gladly fight you with all my strength!" "Say what?" "Because this time for sure, I'll show you that your hearts can yield, I'll make you recognise me as king! Please look forward to that! I'll do my very best!" After naively speaking words of provocation, Ubuginu Hikone recited aloud words that sought to release the Zanpakutō, or rather, something that resembles a Zanpakutō.
"Okuri Shiruse* —— Ikomikidomoe" (*TN -- Send them to their burials and engrave them in memory —— Ikomikidomoe)
At the same time, Reiatsu gushed forth like a tornado, it became an eerie partition which confused light and shadow in a disorderly mess and eclipsed the area surrounding Hikone. "……!?" Having once confronted Hikone, it was Grimmjow alone who had noticed the 'abnormality'. —— What the hell is going on? The release call is different from last time…. The release call he had heard in Hueco Mundo were the words "orbit the stars". What the Zanpakutō had demonstrated on that occasion, was an ability in which the blade would transform into a Hollow-like arm, and mow down all enemies within its vicinity through independent actions. It was a simple power yet one of unmatched brutality, in the end, it came to be that several Vasto Lorde class Arrancar had forced the sword into a retreat after overcoming its power with some effort. However, it wasn't just the words of the release call that is different. —— Is it just me or is the Reiatsu concentration also on a completely different level compared to back then…!? With his suspicions remaining unsullied, the Reishi tornado dissipated after a few seconds had elapsed. —— As they raised their eyes to the thing that had emerged from within it, all those who happened to be present at the scene were left equally as speechless as the other.
"…What the heck, is that?" Even from the position of Ginjō's group who had decided to maintain a distance for the time being, it could clearly be seen. Rather, it's better to say that it would probably be quite difficult for them to miss it. It may have been a familiar spectacle as far as the Shinigami and Arrancar are concerned. Because in terms of size, that is when speaking with regard to this kind of scale, it has been proven in the past to manifest beyond the scope of normal standards and such examples can be found in the being known as Hooleer - an aggregation of Menos Grande characterised by its single eye, or the rage empowered Espada - Yammy Llargo. However, even after taking that into account, if one considers the fact that 'it' can maintain a Reiatsu density comparable to that of a humanoid Vasto Lorde, then it's possible to say that 'it' is evidently an abnormal being. Visual perception and Reiatsu Chikaku - the being that constricted everything in this double sense, tread firmly on Soul Society's soil whilst inhaling the last vestiges of the tornado. The creature was larger than the ordinary Menos Grande, and it took a form that was both grotesque like an Adjuchas and beautiful. Moreover, it was possible to identify that the Shihakushō clad child who had made an appearance only a short while ago, was the one riding on top. "…That's no ninja's ōgama*…… it's probably too dangerous to be kept as a pet." (*TN -- an ōgama is a giant toad, this line is a reference to a toad riding ninja in Japanese folklore based on the tale "Jiraiya Gōketsu Monogatari") Meanwhile, the Quincies were also left bewildered after seeing the enormity of strange-looking creature. "…That thing over there, it's bigger than that werewolf's Bankai, the one who defeated Bambi, don't you think?" "There's something more worrying than that…" In response to Candice who spoke as if in disbelief, Meninas gave utterance to one particular inkling of suspicion. "Yeah, I'm aware of that." As she broke out into a cold sweat, Candice assembled words that followed up from Meninas' own. "The little Shinigami-like brat riding on top… why the hell is it all mixed up with that guy's Reiatsu?"
"…It seems they have taken the bait." With a broad grin playing on his face, Kurotsuchi Mayuri mutters to himself. Then, whilst operating the communications device fitted to his ear, he issued a set of instructions to NaNaNa Najahkoop who was stationed in separate location. "It's time you played your part. Using one of your few redeeming qualities, you should be able to lay their souls bare." "Few you say, isn't that a little uncalled-for… well, I've accomplished what's been asked of me I'll have you know…. Have you had your sights set on that weird brat and the monster rather than the Fullbringers, from the very beginning?" "It's only natural that an analysis of Fullbringers would also be among my objectives. Strictly speaking, carrying out a study of that 'patchwork' over there was planned a little later. However, I didn't expect that the bait would be taken so easily…. I wonder if a situation that required an urgent response arose, or if I should consider that they had been deliberately sent out whilst knowing it was a trap." Mayuri then narrows his eyes, a sneer worked its way to his face as he utters the name of a certain man. "If it's the latter, then you have gravely underestimated me…. Tsunayashiro Tokinada."
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oorigamii · 4 years
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Send ▲ plus a question your muse has always wanted to ask mine, and my muse will answer without judgement! // ACCEPTING   ↳ @kenpxchi​ said:  do you think my eyepatch needs a new design? been thinking about getting one
"𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐈𝐒 𝐒𝐔𝐂𝐇 𝐀 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐀𝐒 𝐅𝐔��𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 over fashion” And contrary to popular belief, she could discern between the two. “You don’t always have to fix something that’s not broken. But If you really want a change it, by all means.”
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“Just allow me do the tweaking. Mayuri will do something abysmal if given the chance, I’m sure.” 
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