#Maybe a lighter blue but y'know - pretty colours
sysig · 1 year
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Something of an exploding star kind of space vent art (Patreon)
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petitemingi · 4 years
─ ��༊ your customer is: yunho
vanilla bean latte
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The smell of the double chocolate chip cookies you'd just pulled out of the oven wafted through the kitchen of Sunrise Cafe.
The customers in the seated areas, spoke softly to one another: some laughing, most sipping away at their evening macchiatos and lattes
All seemed peaceful...
until seonghwa came storming into the kitchen
"___" his voice sounded stern and looking at him, he seemed annoyed, and almost offended
"what is it, hwa? frappe machine broken again?"
"no. remember that construction up the road?"
ah, now would be a great time to explain this.
over the past few weeks, construction had started but a few buildings away
there had been plenty of rumours speculating what it could be; a restaurant, a charity shop, maybe a take away joint
but judging from Seonghwa's expression, it wasn't any of those
"it's another god damn cafe! I can't believe someone would authorise that! is our sign not big enough??"
"oh my god, we could lose customers! When's it opening??"
you'd throw off your apron, leaving it in a heap on the floor of the kitchen, rushing towards the entrance door
and there it was, just down the road, a newly build building, no smaller than Sunrise Cafe, stood gleaming in the summer sunset.
"you've got to be kidding me"
soon caught up by Seonghwa, the two of you stand glaring at the building - it was much more modern than your cafe
the windows seemed larger, there was even a second floor!
"we're gonna be bankrupt by Christmas"
"nah, not Christma, hwa..."
the two of you look at each other
a sign was hung pristine over the front of the cafe, it read "Crescent Cafe" in a swirly font with colourful lights outlining the words
Seonghwa slouched his shoulders - the thought of it even taking his customers drained the energy from him
"well," you begin "who says this cafe won't be absolute crap? maybe they'll drive away more customers than they gain?"
"y'know if we lose customers, the cost for our cafe comes outta your wages?"
"we need to investigate... when did you say it opens?"
the both of you trail back to Sunrise, your shoulders slouched, head bowed and spirits low
being the only cafe in the area had made really good business; you'd had so many fun and unique customers, and everyone loved the atmosphere your cafe had
during the day, the cafe was at it busiest, so income was at it's highest, and produce was sold out quickest
having a rival cafe would take a lot of that away
pastries would go to waste, not to mention all the coffee that'd be left over
after Seonghwa had told the rest of the staff about the new cafe, everyone seemed to look a li'l depressed
you all worked hard to build up such a nice li'l cafe, and a great team - what if the new cafe tried to hire them??
what if the customers gave up on Sunrise Cafe?
what if everyone's thoughts on Sunrise were changed? buisness could plummet!
that's when the little bell over the door jingled quietly
the muttering exchanged between staff came to a stop as you walked towards the till
"hi there, welcome to sunrise cafe, what can I get you?"
looking up at the customer came as a shock to you, he was so tall!
his hair was a golden brown, covering the top of his eyes slightly
he wore a trench coat of a lighter colour with the colar popped slightly to keep himself warm, and his eyes seemed to match
"um... actually... I'm from the cafe over there, uh, Crescent Cafe... i-"
"then do us all a favour and get out-" Seonghwa hung his apron on his peg, folding his arms and walking into the staff room behind the counter
he still wasn't too happy about that cafe - it'd shaken him quite a bit
"s-sorry about him, he's just a little, how should I put this? upset? about y'know"
"me opening a cafe right next to yours? ah jeez, I'm sorry"
the Crescent Cafe owener folded his arms, an apologetic smile creeping onto his face
"if it's okay though, do you have any sugar I might be able to borrow for Monday? I don't know where to get a bag"
"oh, sure, I guess just don't tell Seonghwa - he'll throw a fit"
"I'm guessing that's the guy who just left?"
the owner laughed, shaking his head "but while I'm here, would it be okay if I got a vanilla bean latte? I... haven't actually tried one before"
"oh? well lemme tell you you're missing out" you'd reach behind you, grabbing a large mug, walking over to the latte machine.
it wouldn't take too long to make, just a few minutes
but in that time, the customer would've already sat down at a table, admiring the decorations of the cafe around him, probably mentally noting things down to use in his own cafe
placing the mug in front of him, the customer invited you to sit with him
"I actually have a few questions, y'know, about running a cafe of my own... i just figured that Seonghwa guy wouldn't wanna talk to me about it"
"sure, that's okay, I can answer a few questions for you... so long as they aren't about hiring me or the rest of my team"
he laughed, picking up the mug and taking a sip, a warm hum sounding out as he did so
"my name's Yunho, by the way" he seemed quite shy introducing himself, looking to his left towards the counter and taking another sip of his latte
you'd nod, smiling to yourself at his timidness
"well, if we're doing that, my name's _____"
yunho looked surprised when you announced your name, probably because he hadn't expected you to reply - after all, everyone else behind the counter seemed pretty sour towards him.
the two of you spoke for a few minutes about the misunderstanding of yunho's new cafe being right next to yours, different coffee recipes and menus
before long, 10pm came, and the atmosphere from earlier died down.
Yunho had made a list on his phone, compiled of useful tips and some pretty cool coffee recipies- all things he couldn't wait to try himself.
but with the time, Yunho found himself needing to leave.
"hey, ____" he'd start "w-would it be a problem if I asked you to help me out on Monday? j-just for an hour or two in the morning!"
you'd look behind you at Seonghwa, who had (and for quite a while now) been glaring at Yunho over the till.
facing Yunho again though, came the real challenge
"are you gonna pay me?"
"y-yeah, I can pay you"
he shrugged his shoulders slightly
"it's just that I haven't been able to hire anyone yet..."
you frowned at him, a scowl forming from the unsure smile you'd shown but seconds before
"you haven't hired staff yet? and you're opening doors in two days?"
"o-oh yeah I wasn't really-"
"what kind of crap is that?"
"____" Seonghwa's voice called from behind you, almost cold eyes meeting your own. he seemed to have emerged from the staff room "come here"
with that scowl now morphing into a frown, you'd make your way over to him, arms crossed and head looking at the floor in disgust
"hwa, he doesn't-"
"help him"
"help him" Seonghwa shrugged his shoulders, a slight smile creeping onto his face
you'd turn back to Yunho, watching him sip his coffee as he tried to avoid any direct eye contact.
"f i n e" you'd say "but I'm getting paid extra next week"
"or you could get on with it and you can leave an hour early on Tuesday?"
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Monday came, and your shift began at 10am, by which time a small line of curious people had formed.
walking inside you were greeted by Yunho, taken a back by the modern decoration of the cafe
the walls were brick, no wallpaper or paint hiding them away
and there was a huge mirror hung on the wall besides the counter
the aprons here were blue, not a warm maroon like the one you wore over at Sunrise, but the menu boards were pretty much the same
an array of drinks were displayed there; iced lattes, cappuccinos, hot chocolates, mochas
but the one that stood out was written in bright blue chalk
'today's special: Sunrise Vanilla Bean Latte'
that made you smile a little
"so, what do you want me to do?"
Yunho put his hand to his chin in thought, tapping lightly before mumbling something
"oh uh I... just do what you do over at Sunrise--"
for the rest of your 4 hour shift at Crescent Cafe that day, you helped plenty!
iced lattes and cappuccinos were the first to sell out, and the sitting areas were filled within 15 minutes
Crescent Cafe had become quite popular, as it would seem
Yunho could see the look of sadness creep onto your face
Sunrise had never been like this
you'd never sold out, or been filled up as dramatically as this
Seonghwa was right, sunrise would most likely go bankrupt by Christmas.
who'd want to go to your cafe when one like this existed
"hey, ____" Yunho called out to you from the other side of the counter "come here"
but seeing you refuse and continuing to serve customers at the till, he walked over himself, standing beside you
"___, I think I should talk to your Seonghwa about something"
"about what?"
"just... something"
so Yunho took off his apron, folded it neatly and placed it on a shelf under the counter and walked down the street to Sunrise Cafe
going inside, everything seemed unusually empty
whereas before, it would've been bustling with customers
Yunho was met with that familiarly cold stare, greeted with an equally icy tone
"you're back" Seonghwa stood at the counter, arms folded across his chest, eyebrows formed to scowl
"y-yeah, listen" Yunho began, his courage now a memory "i wanted to talk to you about the cafe"
"the cafe?" Seonghwa repeated "what about my cafe?"
"not your cafe, my cafe" Yunho mumbled just loud enough for Seonghwa to hear
"go on then"
the two of them sat at an empty table by the counter, with Yunho crossing his legs nervously
"i want to make an agreement" Yunho said "I want to make an agreement about opening times"
"so that you get your customers and I get mine" Yunho continued "what do you say to me opening over the weekend aaaaand Mondays?"
a patial silence flooded the room, only the occasional clink of mugs from behind the counter could be heard
Seonghwa looked to his right in thought, would this really be any help to either of their cafes? what'd happen in say a few years time, when neither of their cafes drew in customers? would it still be okay then?
a sigh escaped his lips
"Yunho," he'd begin "if it werent for your cafe, I'd have let you work here with us, ___ could use the help but..."
he folded his arms again, head shaking slightly
"but you seem to be kinda happy with your own cafe. you shouldn't let something like another cafe down the road get in the way of your own achievements. you don't have to make an agreement, just do what you want"
a small smile lifted the corners of Seonghwa's lips as he stood up, placing a hand on yunho's shoulder
"i'll let you decide, Yunho"
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closing time over at Crescent Cafe couldn't have come sooner - your arms hurt, your feet felt numb and you had pins and needles in your left leg
yunho leaned against the wall just behind the counter, quietly observing you as you waved goodbye to the last few customers to leave before letting out a light chuckle at your pained state
"tired, ___?"
"i swear to god i'd better be getting double what i get at Sunrise, that was brutal! you seriously need more staff"
yunho smiled softly. you took off your apron and hung it on a peg on the wall by yunho, before letting out a large sigh and pushing your hair back out of your face
"i spoke to seonghwa"
your ears pricked up at the mention of seonghwa - you hadn't really seen him since saturday
"and i've come to the decision that i'll open monday, thursday and on weekends - i think it's only fair considering how your cafe was here before mine and it's apparently the best cafe in the area sooo"
yunho's hand hovered over the back of his neck, a nervous laugh escaping his lips at what he had to say
you were more than happy to hear that - no shade on Crescent Cafe of course - but the feeling of guilt still lingered
"well..." you began "i guess i'll head back to start what's left if my shift over there... lemme know if you need anything"
and within minutes you'd grabbed your coat and had headed inside Sunrise cafe to continue your shift, noticeably happier there.
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"___! just dropping in cuz i ran outta sugar again... have any i could borrow?"
"god, order your own sugar! this is the third time this month - it's under the counter"
business at both cafes continued to blossom
Crescent Cafe's hours suited the staff, and it worked flexibly around the booming popularity of Sunrise Cafe - closing at 10pm every night it was open.
"thanks, ___! see you later ~"
seonghwa and yunho seemed to be getting on better too
maybe it was just another one of those peculiar experiences passing by at Sunrise Cafe ~
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frostskader · 4 years
A Prideful Kiss {Dodger & Peri)
In which after a kiss in front of a bonfire a new couple just talks. Just a continuation of a Pride Opening Event.
There was no point to PERI staying at the bonfire anymore. People had seen the mess she had made and she was a mess. Her shoes squished, her makeup ran and mud streaked the edge of her dress and her legs. She couldn't even transform into to a fairy her wings would be too wet to fly. So a walk of shame it was. Making eye contact with Dodger, Peri blushed and wanted to run. "Oh hey. How are you?"
Dodger had been going to Swynlake's Pride ever since he'd moved here. It... well, it reminded him of home when at the time he'd not had much of a home to remember. Though in reality it was nothing close to the parade they used to have back home there was still something a little more... intimate and authentic with the month's activities that were planned around celebrating pride. He'd been stepping away from the bonfire a bit to get some air, a smoke hanging from his lips and lighter halfway to it when his gaze lifted in time to spot the blonde walking towards him looking... - well, beautiful, of course but... Also a tad less put together than usual, he guessed. Letting the lighter slip back to his side, Dodger tilted his head with a little huff of a laugh, pulling the cigarette back to hold it between his fingers as he raised a brow. '...m'alright, Blondie. Bit better with all the festivities ain't... I uh... - Are yous alright?'
PERI grinned pushing the wet hair back behind her ears grinning up at Dodger. She was sure she looked like a wet fairy and wet fairies usually weren't very happy. She didn't want to look miserable at something like Pride though. "I'd say great but I think it's obvious I look like a mess." Peri mused with a shrug. "I might have well fell into the lake."
'A hot mess though.' Dodger teased with a smile, glancing over the woman and wincing slightly at the fact that... yeah she just about looked like she fell into a lake. '...You know this is a bonfire right? Yous supposed t'be making s'mores not swimmin'...' The man continued lightly, his smile turning up a touch more as he tried not to laugh. '...I mean I know yous like t'be a trend setter n'stuff but..'
Peri rolled her eyes shaking her head at Dodger. It was appreciated though. "A frosty mess in fairy standards." Peri quipped rubbing at the make up under her eyes a little. "There's a late night swim at the end of this too. So I'm just ahead of the curve." Peri stated shoving her hands into her dress.
Dodger couldn't help but glance at her with an amused little smile, his head shaking slightly before he tucked the cigarette he'd never gotten the chance to start behind his ear. '...Yous right. Who am I kiddin' always knew yous was a trend setter.' In one way or another at least. 'Listen uh -...' He started, glancing down at her. '...Do yous want somethin' to clean up a little?' Dodger asked with a raise of his brow, tugging lightly at his shirt. 'Promise i won't miss this... and - well shit, it's Pride so a shirtless guy ain't gonna offend nobody.'
PERI's eyes widened going to refuse the shirt. She couldn't just take it from him. "I couldn't- Are you sure?" It would stop her from having to actually go home now. "It might get a little muddy by the end of the night."
'Eh - I'm used t'it.' Dodger waved off with a little shrug of his shoulders, easily pulling the shirt off (black, of course but... it had a faded rainbow on it at least?) and offering it towards her. He didn't mind if he got dirty, he was practically always in some state of disarray anyways.
'It wouldn't be a problem. Seriously - go ahead.'
PERI took the shirt and slipped it over her head and she tried to ring out the water so she didn't soak his shirt too much either. "I hope you know you're not excused from wearing fun colours at Pixies at the end of Pride event. I will glitter canon you too." Peri warned with a smile glancing down at Dodger's chest and some of the tattoos before you know making eye contact again.
'Think I can live with that.' Dodger said with a smile, hands slipping idly into his pockets before he glanced down at himself (dark jeans, converse, a now missing black shirt). Perhaps she was right - considering just about the only color on him came from his tattoos. He could've taken the pansexual pride flag he had on his wall and worn it. Or he could have stolen the flag he got for Fagin and Stein too but... He'd just come as he was instead. 'Maybe I'll try a little harder by then... But I'd still expect to be pickin' glitter outta my hair for the next five years by the end of it so... yous better not leave me disappointed.'
"I don't think anyone was disappointed by the end of it last year. O'Malley complained for weeks he was finding it everywhere." PERI mused with a grin trying very VERY hard to just focus on his face. "You better try harder though. If anything you can just go shirtless again and I'll throw paint on you."
'Oh good.' Dodger spoke with a laugh, shaking his head. 'Would it really be a good Pride if yous wasn't finding glitter in every crevice of your body for years t'come?' Hair, neck, corner of the eyes... ass probably. Glitter gets fucking everywhere it's incredible.
'That's an option too though.. But that option kinda just sounds like yous want me t'be shirtless. Which - is totally fine but yous can just say that.' Dodger teased with a wink, slipping his cigarette from behind his ear and gesturing towards her. '...d'yous smoke?'
PERI laughed and nodded, see the glitter canon was a great idea and Peri was proud of it. She loved it and she wanted to keep it going. If anything it just added to the fun. "I had glitter everywhere in Pixies too. But I loved it. I really did." Blushing Peri covered her cheeks. "I mean I've seen you shirtless how many times. I think it's more you that wants me to see you shirtless." Peri teased shaking her head. "Those things mess with us a lot more than you guys. Usually it's better to avoid human made drugs and cigarettes and what not."
Dodger might've blushed a bit himself if he wasn't used to such comments or situations - though a chuckle still slipped from his lips as he shrugged his shoulders idly. 'I mean - I think everyone deserves t'have a nice sight, ain't? If I can help with that why not.' He certainly wasn't embarrassed by his physique, anyways. In fact, if there was one thing he wasn't self-conscious about it was his chest. The tattoos seemed to frame his body nicely, after all. 'Ah - right shit. Got it.' The man said, innocently putting his hands up. 'I came over here t'smoke originally but..' He trailed off, pulling out the pack and tucking the lone stick back inside before slipping it back into his front pocket. '...did I uh - where were yous headed before yous stopped?'
PERI couldn't help the laughter that spilled from her lips. "It is a nice site. Especially that New York piece." Peri grinned still laughing, she loved how light hearted it was. How sweet Dodger, How confident he was. "It's fine if you want to, as long as I'm not smoking it, I mean it also smells mechanical. I will ever get how people smoke them to be honest." Peri shrugged.
'...Yeah? S'the best one I think.' Dodger agreed, glancing down and tapping against the little skyline against his chest and smiling. It meant a lot to him - both because of the person he shared it with, the meaning behind it and the person who inked it. All in all, it was one of his favorite tattoos. When he glanced up however he shrugged again with a bit of a grimace. 'I mean... I guess when yous start chain-smokin' 'em when yous like fourteen yous get used to it. I can't really see the appeal in 'em either but... it's also just a habit by now. If it ain't that it's the other y'know?' Dodger hinted with a little knowing look and a nod. Because honestly he switched between the two like it was nothing. 'But nah... I can hold out. S'probably better that way, ain't?'
"Oh yeah you asked where I was going too didn't you? I guess I got distracted by the site." PERI teased. "I was going home but you came to my rescue and I think smores are the next course of action. If you want to join?" "Really you were that young? What made you start?" Peri questioned carefully. "See all our stuff is all natural. I'd turn you onto that but I don't know if it would have the same effect."
Dodger felt himself nod at her offer, tilting his head back towards the bonfire before he gestured her forward '...Sure - lead the way, blondie.' The man started, slipping beside her as they began walking back towards the bonfire (where hopefully she'd also be able to dry off a bit). '..Yeah I think I was. Got my first tattoo when I was fourteen and I was already smokin' and dabbling with drugs a bit by then.' The musician admitted with a little shrug of his shoulders. He wasn't exactly proud of it but... it was a part of him (and still was to this day). '...I dunno why I started. Tito - yous know Tito, right? He and I got int'a it and... we's were shit heads and trouble makers.' That was probably the only reason. 'But yeah I dunno. Maybe not. I mean... weed ain't exactly unnatural right?'
"What if I dye my hair what then hm?" PERI grinned running her hand through the damp locks. "Yeah, well no weed is pretty natural. Better than the one chemically made." Peri shrugged. "I just like to think you're not killing yourself with it."
'Once a blondie always a blondie. I'll just get weirder looks for callin' yous it - but... I can deal with that.' Dodger reasoned with a smirk, gently resting an arm across the woman's shoulders and gently tugging her close. 'But if yous want t'dye your hair, yous should go right ahead. Maybe somethin' fun like blue?' Tito would probably be a good person to talk about that with given the fact the man was always dyeing his hair. '...well - not as quickly I guess. Still smokin' it. Probably not the best for yous either but... I'm sure there's ways I'm riskin' my life more or doin' it quicker.' Like...all the other drugs. Or...jumping across buildings. Or instigating violence with DeSoto and Roscoe.
PERI grinned but she had no problem moving closer to Dodger. He was warm and she was cold. "Sorry I'm usually chilly. It comes with the territory." Peri admitted glancing at her hands even though it wasn't like she hadn't touch him while tattooing him. "My sister's back in town and she changes her hair all the time. So I might do it, Oh a rainbow for Pride would be fun." "You jump across buildings?" Peri questioned looking up at Dodger with a raised eyebrow and a shake of her head.
'... S' okay, m'used to it. Besides I usually run warm.' Dodger dismissed, pulling the woman a little closer at her words as if she had just admitted that perhaps she was cold. Gently, his fingers ran up and down her arm in a friendly attempt to warm her.' I didn't know yous had a sister.' He commented idly with a raise of his brow before he shrugged. 'uh -.... Yeah for the most part. It's uh...it's what I do.’
PERI really didn't mind being this close to Dodger. One it was Dodger. Two. She really liked being warm. Which yes she knew was weird for a frost fairy. She couldn't tan or she would get headaches but she liked the warmth. "Half sister. She's the reason I run Pixies. She created it and she left for this big adventure awhile ago and now she's back." It worried Peri admittedly. She wanted her sister to be okay and happy and she thought she had been with Sophie. "Yes. but why? Do you carry pixie dust when you go?"
Brow raised slowly at Peri's words but he could only nod with a quiet 'right...' at the comment about the sister. Or... Half sister. He wondered what their relationship was like - or if she was back to take over again (less important, if maybe he'd lose his job). 'I see. Guess I'll have t' meet her some day.' He continued casually, before he scoffed lightly. ' Pixie dust? No. Course not. I do it for the fun. The thrill yknow? The rush'a adrenaline?...'
"It's not a bad thing!" Peri was quick to correct leaning her head into his shoulder. "I love her dearly. I just worry about her. She's the only family I have left that I get along with." Peri never actually reconciled with her Father nor did she plan to. "I'm throwing a big party at Pixies for her Birthday. I could introduce you two then?" "But you don't have wings so if you fall you go splat."
'...well s' what we do about family right...? We's worry about em. ' Which was true no matter what kind of family it was. Dodger's family wasn't blood at all but he worried about all of them - worried one day they'd get hurt or... Leave him or worse... Hate him. 'That sounds good though - can definitely do that.' He agreed - though a moment later he turned his head slightly to try and look at Peri, a soft chuckle slipping from his lips.
'If I fall.... Yeah I guess I would but... I ain't gonna fall. Been doing it for years and -....well I've fallen a few times but... Nothin major'
PERI nodded thinking more about her sister with a frown. She had been happy here so far. And that's all that mattered to Peri. She would have to make sure to be there if Tink needed her. For whatever. "Just remember to like me more okay?" Peri teased glancing up at Dodger with a grin. "Do you want some Pixie dust just in case?"
'...always.' Dodger responded easily, smiling back at Peri for a few moments before he shook his head and glanced away. '...what - don't have faith in my abilities?' He teased lightly, knowing she.... Would probably be smart not to even though he was as good at free running as he was at playing music.
PERI smiled pursing her lips when she looked away and back to the fire. The warmth it gave both of them. "Well I've never seen you do it so how can I have faith in it?" Peri teased back. "Still I'd give you some just in case. You just have to promise not to give it to a sorcerer. It's for you and only you."
'...Well - I don't know any sorcerers so... I think I'd be able to handle that.' Dodger agreed, watching the flame of the bonfire dance before he gently squeezed the woman's arm. 'But.. I mean I'd offer t'let yous watch me n'everything but... Swynlake ain't really a good scene for that y'know?.. Not enough building's and skyscrapers. Ain't like the city.'
"Good. Pixie Dust can be very powerful in the wrong hands." But PERI trusted Dodger and she wanted him to be safe if he was running over a bunch of buildings. And she hadn't gone into the Hollow for awhile so she wasn't even using it herself. "Do you miss it?"
'I promise to be responsible with this one thing.' Dodger spoke truthfully since... he really wasn't all that responsible with anything but.. for her? He could promise to be careful with this one. '...New York?... Yeah.. 'course. I uh... I'm always waitin' for the day wes can go back.'
That was all PERI needed. There were a few things that needed to be serious. Pixie Dust was one of them. Her heart broke just a little though at the thought of him leaving one day. Everyone did. "That would be exciting. Going back home."
'Yeah... God knows when we's can but... I always think about it. Think about if shit woulda changed much since we's been gone, or... if maybe they finally condemned the rickety ass shack of a home we's was living in.' Dodger spoke softly, frowning slightly as he stared at the fire before he just shook his head. 'Probably still got a lifetime t'spend here though. And... I dunno. I've gotten used t'it over the years. It ain't home but... it's... a home away from home I guess.'
Peri's hand slipped around Dodger's waist giving him a small half hug. "I hope you'll get to go back one day. One day sooner than you think it might happen." Peri grinned. She would love to be given the opportunity to return home too.
'...Yeah, maybe.' Dodger agreed quietly, bringing the woman closer and giving her arm a soft squeeze. Though he wasn't so sure it would be any sooner than he'd think, since... it all depending on Bill Sykes and - ... well the idiot brothers couldn't even take care of their own father, who was to say that anyone could. 'I hope so too though.' He finished, turning his head to look at Peri with a soft smile, watching her carefully before he cleared his throat. '...Do you uh - ... d'yous want to make some s'mores?'
"Yes S'Mores!" PERI grinned. "Wait here one second." Peri stated running off before Dodger could say anything coming back only when she had everything that they needed and plopping right back down as close to Dodger as she could. "Are you someone who uses more than one marshmallow? I heard that was a thing."
Dodger's brows shot up as quickly as Peri did - watching the woman run off with an amused chuckle as he settled onto the ground near the fire to wait for her return. When she did, he simply leaned a bit to make room as he picked up one of the sticks with a little shrug. '...Is there a debate on the right number t'use?' He teased with a furrow of his brows, glancing towards the blonde. 'I thought we's was gonna have to debate on how toasty it gets, not the amount'
"Wait there's a debate on how toasty to make it?" PERI questioned. "Wait do you burn them? You're not one of those guys are you?" Peri continued to questioned taking a marshmallow waving it at Dodger's face.
Dodger felt his smile turn immediately a little guilty at her accusation, a laugh slipping from his lips before he could stop it - playfully batting at the marshmallow she was so enthusiastically swinging. 'So what if I am - There's somethin' different about a completely burnt crust and the perfect melt on the inside. Plus - weirdly enough it don't melt the chocolate as much that way and... I like a little crunch t'the chocolate still. Makes the whole thing better.'
PERI laughed, and she couldn't believe she was actually right about that. "Does it not fall into the fire more often than not with that goal?" Peri questioned just taking a bite of the Marshmallow. "Is the cookie not crunchy enough for you?"
'Naw, c'mon yous just gotta get it perfect.' Dodger explained, stealing a marshmallow and stabbing it onto the end of the holder before he held directly in the flame. 'Yous let it burn - blow it out, let it burn, blow it out. If yous leave it sit in the flame - yeah it'll fall off but not if yous do it carefully.' A controlled burn, so to speak... at least that's what Dodger called it. 'And the cookie's fine - but... I dunno I like the chocolate too. S'a... a different crunch. I dunno.'
PERI popped the rest of the marshmallow in her mouth before sitting another on the stick following Dodger's lead. "You're doing something carefully? What happened to the Dodger I know. All reckless, act first think later?" Peri teased.
'I can't be reckless with a delicious dessert.' Dodger pointed out with a glance towards the tattoo-artist, pulling his marshmallow out of the flame and blowing it out as if to prove his point. 'This? This is an art and if there's one thing I do diligently? It's master the arts.'
PERI Grinned raising an eyebrow at him but she pulled hers out but instead of blowing it out she held up one hand so a little frost coated the flames putting them out and not getting any on the marshmallow. "What now then?" 
'...now yous just showing off.' Dodger teased as he watched Peri 'ice' her marshmallow out, a laugh slipping from his lips as he stuck his back into the flame. 'Rinse and repeat, babe. I think the last time I made s'mores I thought the magic number -... pun...not intended - was about three or four.' He continued, using his free hand to grab the graham crackers and lay them out on his thigh before grabbing some chocolate. 'And I get this shit ready in the meantime - so when it's done, I slide it right on and bam.' A pause to make a sarcastic chef's kiss gesture. 'Perfection.'
"I can cool yours off too if you want." PERI grinned moving her fingers so the frost touched Dodger's nose and then she put hers back into the fire. "This requires so much patience. I might just go for it after the second burn."
Dodger wrinkled his nose a bit as the cold nipped at him, another laugh slipping from his lips as he shook his head and wiped his face against his shoulder (might've been more affective with a shirt but alas) out of habit. '..Naw s'fine - I can handle it. And I mean yous can but... Patience'll pay off. Probably.' A pause to blow his out again. '...or yous can just go after two n'then steal a bite of mine when it's done to compare. Probably the best scenario, ain't?'
PERI sighed dramatically frosting her marshmallow before letting it go back into the fire. "I think that would be the best option. I win both ways." Peri pulled up her knees setting everything out that she needed to make her smore.
'Exactly.' Dodger said, watching Peri with a small smile upon his features, returning the sweet back to the flame for another round. It was funny honestly, how pretty a person could be even after taking a premature dip in a lake and sporting an old t-shirt. How bright someone's smile could be. Peri was a good person - and yanno, maybe it wouldn't be so bad if he didn't get to go home for a while... because at least he'd be able to spend time with her.... Fuck his marshmallow was still on fire. Glancing away, Dodger quickly blew it out, chuckling quietly to himself as he glanced back to the side. '...just uh - remember t'be unbiased in the tastin'. Gonna have to be a fair assessment.'
"You know what then we should experiment. Mine will be done at 3 turns, you do yours at 4 and we can see if that fourth really makes a difference." With her's out of the fire Peri cooled it off and started to put it all together. "You can get the first bite so you get the chocolate while it still has a little crunch." Peri offered the treat to Dodger after squishing it all together.
'Sounds fine with me.' Dodger spoke with a smile, letting his return to the fire one last time as his gaze turned back to Peri. For a moment he glanced at the treat with a little huff of a laugh, eyes meeting her own for a second before he took it to take a tentative bite, offering it back to her as he kept an eye on his marshmallow and made quite the big deal out of pretending to analyze every bit of it. '... well - The chocolate definitely still had a crunch. The marshmallow also didn't burn me terribly like usual but... might've had something t'do with the cooling technique.' He teased, glancing to Peri before he nodded. 'Overall - definitely a solid contender.'
PERI couldn't stop grinning. She wanted to, but she couldn't. A day that had started off so utterly awkward and would have ended early turned into one of the best nights she had out in awhile. And she knew that was all because of the person she was with. Taking the treat back Peri took a bite nodding her head. "Nice and gooey. Doesn't taste burnt or anything. I bet better than only two times in the fire. That's for sure."
Dodger nodded thoughtfully with her words, bringing his marshmallow back in and blowing it out for the final time. 'Well - that's a good thing - means there's an improvement, but.. also might mean three is the perfect number and four's overkill.' He commented with a little faux wince, glancing at his marshmallow before he placed it on the chocolate covered graham cracker and pulled the stick out. Assembling the s'more, Dodger glanced at it with a little content smile before he offered it to Peri. 'Care t'do the honors?'
PERI took the s'more and took a bite glancing up at Dodger when she handed it back. "You know what its warmer and just a touch meltier I'm starting to think you're onto something." Of course Peri didnt really taste much of a difference but that smile on his face made it all worth it.
Dodger couldn't help but light up almost immediately at her words - a soft laugh slipping from him as he took the treat back. 'So maybe it is four then.' He spoke, trying it for himself as he placed the stick down on the ground beside him. '...Definitely better than just letting it burn completely or just doing it once n'done though... That's for sure.' Since... there really was no difference between three and four, except maybe there was an added melt to the marshmallow. Almost like the 'fluff' people seemed to love putting on bread.
When people smiled. Truly smiled. It lit up their face and Peri couldnt help but return the smile on Dodger's face before taking a bite of her own lesser at only 3 s'more. I can agree with that I think I can see the poor remains of marshmallows where people just let them fall to the fire." Peri explained glancing into said fire. "Its a good thing you found me then."
Dodger followed her gaze to the bonfire, snorting slightly at the sight of so many marshmallows gone to perish to people who let them catch fire and burn right off of their sticks. A tragic - but rookie mistake, he'd say. Still,... his gaze turned back to Peri at her words, his smile turning a touch softer. 'Yeah... yeah it is.' He agreed easily, watching her for a moment and honestly very glad he'd chosen to need a smoke at the moment he did. Something....he didn't even need any more. '....hey Peri...?'
PERI focused on the fire if only because she could feel Dodger's eyes on her and for someone who didnt get embarrassed she felt like if she did look up she would be. At her name she did turn to look up at him. "Hm?"
Dodger hesitated slightly when she turned to him, knowing it was exactly why he'd called her name in the first place but... He almost felt a little frozen as his gaze stayed on hers for a few moments - a small sigh slipping from him instead of any words. Still, despite the little unnatural flutter of nerves tickling his chest, Dodger leaned forward easily, finally stealing Peri's lips in a gentle kiss as he let his s'more go forgotten for the moment upon the grass, just hoping he wasn't grossly overstepping.
Peri tried to figure out what Dodger was trying to say. Her eyes traveled between his. The smile slipping off her lips in her confusion as she admired and waited- And oh he was kissing her. And Peri's heart fluttered and twisted all in one motion. Her own s'more joining the ground forgotten. And she returned the kiss. Reaching out to set her hand gently against his cheek. She was kissing Dodger.
For a minute - Dodger felt the fear that maybe he shouldn't have done that. That...he'd misread the entire situation and that... well Peri didn't have an interest in him at all. Which was fine! Would be totally fine but... christ he was kissing her and that would be awkward. Thankfully before he could dream up any nightmare situation though, he felt her press back against him and the soft (and slightly chilly) weight against his cheek. He smiled easily against her lips, slipping a hand up to cup the back of her neck as he pressed a little closer, saving the moment between them.
PERI could feel his smile and it only made her smile more. It was easy to kiss Dodger. Easy to smile with him. Easy to joke with him. Peri liked those things to be easy. Because those things meant she was happy. This wasnt a kiss asking for more. This was a kiss that was everything it needed to be and Peri didnt realize how much she had craved that. How much Dodger fit into all these little things she was craving and she hadnt quite put it all together. Eventually she had to pull away and Peri looked up at him against scanning his face. "This doesnt get you out of the glitter canon I hope you know."
Dodger was... more than happy with this response. Sure - he'd kissed a lot of people pretty often but... it was different when it was something you felt a... well a certain kind of way for. Different when it was someone you had a connection with and could call yourself a friend to. 
And even though he needed the breather too, Dodger couldn't help but trail after Peri's lips as she pulled away, his thumb brushing the back of her neck gently as a small laugh followed her words. Of course it came back to that glitter cannon. '...That's... That's okay. Like I said... I uh.. I mean I'm lookin' forward t'that...'
Peri let out a laugh shaking her head of course she had to say something silly like that. She doubted for a moment everything she had just felt. Perhaps this was just Pride. It was just them having fun. It wouldn’t have any lasting impact on them.
But she was melting at the little touch on her neck.
She was fluttering at the very memory. She could almost feel where her wings would have been fluttering at the way her heart raced,
Peri’s eyes scanning Dodger’s face looking for something. She was scared. Terrified.
“I’m scared, Dodger. I’m scared of messing whatever this is up.” Peri didn’t make it easy to care for her.
Dodger could feel his brows furrow lightly at the change in the woman’s expression - the flutter of nerves behind her gaze before she spoke. When she did it did nothing to help his concern or his confusion and for a moment his thumb stilled against her skin. ‘...scared?’ The man repeated gently, his lips turning up in a gentle smile as a small breath of a laugh escaped him. It was hard not to, even if he swore he wasn’t laughing at her, but.. Perhaps just the fact it seemed like her messing anything up was… well, just kind of humorous?
‘...Yous...yous ain’t gotta be scared.’ The musician continued softly, his hand moving to brush through damp hair before it settled against her neck once more - Dodger leaning forward to kiss her forehead gently. ‘...Yous ain’t gonna mess this up. Whatever it is…’ Because he wasn’t sure what it was either - and Dodger Jones wasn’t good with putting labels on things - especially not when it came to his thoughts and feelings. ‘Yous won’t mess it up.’ I will went unsaid...because if there was anyone here who would mess things up? It was him.
The thing was Peri was terrified. She didn’t want to be. She wanted to fall head first into something and not look back. She wanted to love and be loved back.
Peri moved her hand from Dodger’s cheek moving to set it on his neck if only hoping it wouldn’t shake as much there then it would on his cheek. “I’m not easy to care about. I’m not-” Peri was a mess. She was the one people gave up on. She was the one that was self destructive and didn’t take the time needed for others. Maybe not the same way a relationship would.
Maybe he didn’t want a relationship and she was getting ahead of herself.
“I don’t have a good track record with these types of things.”
Dodger again, wasn’t too sure what ‘these types of things’ were. Was it people she kissed? People she hooked up with - or relationships in general? Because… well Dodger had a list over miles long of the latter but didn’t have a single actual relationship on his resume. Unless one counted the skeevy drug dealer he fooled around with for a while. They might’ve been something close to a relationship… or at least the closest Dodger ever had.
‘...I dunno. I think you’re pretty easy to care about, ain’t?’ He teased lightly, trying not to make light of her obvious fears but… trying to lighten the mood nevertheless. ‘I mean… I feel like I’ve cared about yous ever since we’ve met. It’s… actually rather easy t’care ‘bout yous when I think about it.’ But… that probably wasn’t what that meant. He wasn’t sure what part she was referring to or - how she could have a bad record anyways. He didn’t know what Lou’s fucking deal was, after all. He never got the full story but… christ the guy was stupid for not keeping a girl like her, wasn’t he?
‘I...This uh - I mean it… it ain’t...gotta mean anything if… that’s what yous worried about or… It..it can mean whatever yous want it t’ y’know…?’
The words were sweet. Reassuring. Gentle and Kind. She hadn’t had the worry prior to Lou but maybe that’s why people kept leaving. That’s why her boyfriend’s kissed other people while they had her.
It could only happen so many times before it had to do something with her. It couldn’t just be the people she chose.
She was just bad at relationships.
Her nerves were settling slowly. “I don’t like to share the people I kiss when I actually like them.” Was this rushing something? She had only been single a few months. “And I actually like you.”
Dodger felt his smile tug a little bit larger at her words - amusement clear on his features as he nodded lightly. ‘...I auh - I mean I ain’t sure. I … I don’t know nothin’ about anything but… I have a feeling I ain’t really gonna like to share the people I kiss when I actually like ‘em either.’ He continued softly, knowing that despite the fact he’d never actually had a solid thing he could call a relationship it… didn’t mean he still didn’t experience the ping of jealousy before.
The way sometimes he’d feel his heart clench when he saw Rita with Roscoe - or when Tito would go off with his ‘friends’. He’d felt that emotion before - and it never felt good.
He was almost positive he might’ve felt it with Peri when she was with Lou for the brief time he knew of it. ‘...And I uh… I definitely like yous too. I-... Look I uhm. I’m really not good at all this? You know words and shit or… you know.’ Relationships is what he wanted to say. ‘But I uh - ... I do really like yous, Peri. I know that for sure..’
Peri’s smile grew slowly, for someone who seemed to know their way around people it was just nice to see that Peri wasn’t the only one that was nervous. The only one that didn’t really know what they were doing.
Her heart settled into a steady flutter.
It was okay if they didn’t know what they were doing, as long as they figured it out together. Peri could handle that. She just needed to be able to trust him.
And knowing he liked her. Peri blushed looking away for a second before looking up at him again.
Leaning up Peri moved her hand back to his cheek. “Then no more kissing anyone else but me.” Peri whispered before she moved to kiss him this time. Placing her lips gently against his.
He could feel his smile growing (albeit a much softer version than his usual cocky grin) on his expression, thumb brushing gently over her skin as he nodded. It was an easy request to agree to, after all. The people he’d been kissing before didn’t really matter anyways. They were just...  warm bodies to make him feel less lonely after a night out partying. ‘Adoring’ fans that wanted to hook up after a quick performance.
But they weren’t friends. They weren’t people he felt a connection with and they certainly weren’t people he needed to keep in touch with. Peri? Peri was different. She was someone he felt was a close friend despite only really knowing each other a short time. Someone he often found himself thinking of, or growing concerned over.
Someone he’d keep looking at during a show or at an event. He always found himself gravitating towards her.
So it was easily to lean back into her touch, pressing his lips against hers and slipping his hand back up into her hair to tangle his fingers into damp locks. A silent, but… much more telling agreement than any words he could ever say in return.
Peri grinned brightly, it was a funny sight to look so happy when it looked like she had been crying. (Could you really tell if make up ran due to falling in a lake vs crying). But she was happy, scared and nervous and concerned but she was happy too.
It was a weird thought now that when Peri found her eyes meeting his during his shows that maybe he was just looking for her. (And trust her she liked enjoyed watching him during his shows.) That they would and could be seeking out each other while they enjoyed their night. It didn’t matter if Peri worked a late night because he would be right there.
Kissing someone who you knew you would be kissing again and again just made Peri happy. He was just making her happy.
“Do you want to come to Prom with me?”
The question brought a soft chuckle from him, the musician pulling back slightly to look Peri over with an amused little shake of his head. Not that he was saying no, of course, but the question had just come in such a way that he couldn’t help but laugh at. Gently, Dodger ran his fingers through the woman’s hair, pulling away only after he teasingly pinched at her chin.
‘...Yous want to go to Prom?... With me?’ He asked with another little laugh and a raise of his brow. Prom was… - well it wasn’t something he avoided by any means, but.. He’d never had real proms so… Swynlake’s prom was a weird experience for him - especially when it tended to get a little.. Wild, so to speak.
But to share a Prom with Peri?
Well… that wasn’t too terrible of an idea to him. ‘..I mean… I uh.. I’m gonna have to find myself a tux or something. Pretend I know how t’be even… remotely presentable but... ‘ A pause to trail off before he shrugged his shoulders lightly and reached out to gently intertwine their fingers with a soft squeeze. ‘...Yeah. I uh… I would. I..I think we’s should.’
Peri scrunched up her nose booping Dodger’s nose when he pinched at her chin. Two could play at this game and she was in the perfect position to offer pokes and boops.
“Yeah I want to go to prom with you.” Peri grinned raising an eyebrow right back as if to her it was perfectly obvious that that’s what she would want. It was normally a good party as long as nothing went wrong. Which it was Swynlake so there was a good chance that something could go wrong.
A really good chance. But still Peri was planning on going.
“Just be yourself that’s all I care about.” Peri glanced down at their hands and gave it a small squeeze. Never would she imagine this was how today was going to go. “Good you might get to dance with a Prom Queen.” Peri wasn’t actually holding her breath about it though.
You know - a week over he would have considered going to Prom just for the party. Maybe to go with Tito, dabble in a few party favors and ditch before the night was even young to go find a party more their speed. Never would he have thought about the idea to actually go with someone - to have a date.
A date. 
That concept alone was weird, but.. Glancing back up at Peri it only made him smile. Every day was about to be a date, wasn’t it? ‘...I mean...I think I can take at least one step up from myself.’ He suggested, knowing that himself was just about as he was now. While there might not have been a rule about showing up to Prom in ripped jeans and a t-shirt (though again, something he lacked now - and shit, maybe there was) he was sure that Peri was going to look absolutely fuckin’ stunning and he’d be damned if he didn’t try at least a little to look good for her too.
‘I’ll figure something out. Especially if there’s a chance I’m dancing with royalty. Though… I’m pretty sure a little plastic crown don’t mean much. I want to dance with… yous regardless.’
“Are you going to get fancy and get a tie.” Peri teased moving to set her head against Dodger’s shoulder. Maybe it was a good thing Greg had rejected her offer even if this was the furthest thing from her mind. She was planning on going for the party. Convincing Minnie to come out. Maybe even ask Lottie to join them.
“You’ll get to dance with me all you want. Other than Minnie I’m all yours for the night. Even if I’m royalty with a plastic crown. I might even give it to you for a moment. I’m sure you’d look spiffy.”
Dodger couldn’t help but groan slightly at the mere suggestion of a tie. How very… formal and restrictive. At the same time though… that was kind of the point of Prom, wasn’t it? To wear dumb restrictive and fancy ass clothing? Still, it brought him back to the point that he didn’t exactly own a single item that would be considered formal in the slightest but…. Maybe Fagin or Einstein could help. Better yet - Frankie. He was a… classy individual. He’d know what the hell he was supposed to wear.
‘...I guess if the occasion calls for it, I’d have to, wouldn’t I?’ Dodger relented with a little sigh, resting his head gently against her own and slipping an arm around her waist to softly hold her close. ‘That’s fair enough though… S’better than havin’ to box all of your admirers out the whole night. I think I can deal with sharing yous with Minnie for the night…. And… I’d sure as shit look spiffy in a little crown. Probably match m’eyes and everything.’
Peri rolled her eyes. “Do not wear a tie if you don’t want to. I’m teasing.” She would have pulled away and fixed him with a look that said something along the lines of I like you not your clothes. But she was way too comfy cuddling into his side. Wrapping her arm around his waist.
“I think it would.” (What was with Peri putting crowns on her boyfriends really??) “Now I just want to win to see that happen. I’m not sure how I even ended up on the ballot two years in a row.”
‘Look...if I can find a tie… I’ll try to wear one. My uncle Frankie - he’ll set me up. I doubt he’d let me walk outta the house lookin’ like absolute garbage once he finds out I got myself a pretty date so.. You’ll have to thank him.’ Dodger clarified with a smile, squeezing the woman softly before he ran his fingers against the soft skin of her arm once more.
It was nice, just having Peri tucked against him, sat nicely before the fire. Though their s’mores were long since abandoned, Dodger knew there were far more important things that mattered now compared to how many burns was the perfect amount.
‘But I mean...I wouldn’t be that surprised if yous did. Yous nice and beautiful. People would vote for yous. I mean clearly they do if yous been on the ballot before. You probably leave a good impression on people.’
“I’ll make him cupcakes then, with little ties on it as thanks. I don’t promise the ties will look like ties but that will be the intention.” Peri grinned each small touch making her want to curl into him more.
“Depends on how others feel about the others on the ballot. Last year I lost to Belle. Which is cool. She’s a really cool person.” Peri was actually happy she got to know her more thanks to dating Lou. Which might be a weird takeaway. And yes she was aware of that too.
Dodger couldn't help the laugh that fell from his lips at the woman's comment of making Frankie cupcakes. Proper little cupcakes at that. More so - it was the thought of her even meeting Francis that amused him. The thought of any of his little rag tag family meeting her - which…. Was very well what was going to happen sooner or later.
They were 'dating', after all.
Still a completely foreign concept to someone like Dodge but… With Peri? He was willing to try. 'Well - I felt the answer was obvious. And m' sure plenty of other people did too. I mean hell - what's not to like. Again, I can't really picture anyone hatin' yous around here so. Yous got it in the bag, blondie. It's a bet I'd put money on.'
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edelwoodsouls · 7 years
Over the Rainbow
I saw Spider-Man: Homecoming on Thursday and this fic idea hasn’t let me go since. It’ll probably become a series/multi-chapter later on. Please comment, I’d love to know what you think!
Tags: Trans Peter Parker, Bisexual Peter Parker, Panromantic Michelle Jones, Gay Ned Leeds, Bisexual May Parker, Pride, Everyone is LGBTQ+ okay, Pre-relationship,
Word Count: 2139
Also on Ao3
"I'm really sorry, dude."
Peter can feel his heart sinking already; he knows exactly what Ned is about to say.
"My mom forgot to tell me we're going to see my gran today," Ned continues, "and I can't get out of it."
Peter swallows before he can say what's on his mind. They both know that the last minute nature of this trip is entirely planned on Ned's mom's part, but neither of them can bring themselves to voice it.
"I'm so sorry, Peter. I really wanted to be there."
"It's fine, Ned," Peter manages, pressing the phone hard to his ear as he swings down from his bed. "I'll take loads of pictures for you."
"Be careful out there."
"I will."
The call ends, and Peter only just resists the urge to throw his phone at something.
He's been looking forward to New York Pride for months, ever since he came out to Aunt May last year. Until then he'd been too afraid of being caught there, of being outed before he was ready.
Last year seems like decades ago; so much has changed since then.
His outfit sits inocuously on his desk chair - a pink, white and blue striped t-shirt and black shorts; cans of pink, blue and purple hairspray - with Ned's rainbow shirt hanging behind it. Suddenly the clothes seem less appealing than before.
He could just not go. That might be easier than going alone. Besides, he wouldn't have to deal with the crowds and overwhelming loud noises, which make his ears ache and the world seem to close in on him, ever since the spider bite. Really, going to pride doesn't make much sense in his situation.
Except the parade passes right by his apartment. He remembers how painful it was to watch the rainbow flags and cheering people, so close yet so inaccessible to him, year after year. He wants to be out there, with people who understand him, not set back right where he was before. And he did say he was going to get pictures for Ned - his best friend will be able to tell if he took them from his own window rather than ground level.
"Peter?" Aunt May's voice startles him, and he realises he's been staring morosely out of the window for a good five minutes. "I thought you and Ned were planning to leave early. Won't you miss the beginning of the parade?"
He turns to look at his aunt, so open and smiling, brow furrowed with worry for him which only increases when she sees what he imagines is his crestfallen expression. She's been nothing but supportive since he came out - saving up for hormones, researching and buying the safest binders - and he can't believe he was ever scared to hide himself from her.
Before he realises it, he's crying.
Aunt May is across the room in seconds, wrapping him in a hug as he sinks onto his bed. "Hey," she soothes, "it's okay, Peter. What's wrong?"
"Ned- he, uh," Peter feels anger well up inside himself, whether at Ned's mom for all the homophobic shit she puts Neds through, or himself for crying, he can't tell. "He can't come to pride. We were- we were to do this together."
Aunt May's arms tighten around him. "Is it his mom?" She takes his silence has confirmation. "You know, I've always thought that woman needed a good slap back to reality. I've got half a mind to go over there right now and-"
"No," Peter interrupts immediately, then winces at the force in his voice. He extricates himself from the hug, wiping away his tears in frustration. "Sorry. It's just, uh, getting involved isn't the best idea. The only reason they haven't fought about it is because they've never acknowledge it, like, verbally. Confronting her about it would only make it worse for Ned."
"Well," she sounds unsure, placing a comforting hand on Peter's shoulder, "he's always welcome here. I don't think it's healthy for him to live in that sort of environment."
Peter nods shakily. Before he came out to his aunt, he and Ned would fantasise about running away together, somewhere where no one knew them. Somewhere where Ned could kiss a guy and people would walk on by because it was nothing out of the ordinary. Somewhere where no one remembered Peyton Parker. Peter always liked the idea of moving to the Gay Kingdom of the Coral Sea, but the idea of spiders the size of his face freaked him out too much.
Oh, the irony.
"So why aren't you ready?"
"Huh?" Peter blinks, looking at his aunt like she's grown a second head.
She stands up and grabs one of the cans of hairspray, shaking it vigorously. "How much of this stuff do you need?"
An hour later his hair is an impressive mix of colour, and there's glitter everywhere. Literally everywhere. In his hair, stuck in stripes to his cheeks, all over his hands and arms. Aunt May has sprayed her hair too, painted her nails, and dug out a tie-dye sun dress from years ago.
He's just about ready to go when she shoves a large rainbow flag into his hands. "I bought you this yesterday, and forgot to give it to you."
Peter's eyes widen, and he throws his arms around her. "Thank you so much aunt May. I love you."
She grins widely, taking him in as they stand by the doorway. "Your parents would be so proud of you, y'know." She says it quietly, smile flickering, and Peter can feel his cheeks heat in a mix of pride and overwhelming sadness.
Aunt May shakes her head as if to clear it, smile back full force. "Let's go, or we'll miss it."
It's three in the afternoon before Peter gets another chance to breathe. He and Aunt May end up catching the parade half-way through its route, cheering on floats of rainbows and glitter explosions, flowers and flags, and a few appearances of the Babadook, which takes him a good ten minutes to explain to his aunt. After that they're quickly caught up in an impromptu dance party in the park, then taking photos with and for groups of strangers who smile and wave and joke like they've known them their whole lives.
Peter has never felt more comfortable in his own skin. Every time he sees a trans flag his heart feels a hundred times lighter, and he goes out of his way to high five the people carrying them. It's probably a hundred degrees outside, too hot for anyone to reasonably be doing anything, yet he feels as if he could run a marathon or fight off an army. He sees a guy dressed in nothing but his binder and shorts and wishes he had the confidence to do that too; maybe one day soon, he thinks.
They stop to get sandwiches, and lay out the rainbow flag to sit on. His chest is aching and he knows he should probably take the binder off soon, but he doesn't ever want to leave the park. If only every day could be this open, this happy - he's pretty sure he hasn't stopped grinning since the morning started.
"Hey, Aunt May, I'm gonna go get a badge. There's a stall just over there."
She sits up, blinking the sun out of her eyes. "Okay - get me a bi one?"
Peter blinks at her as she laughs at his vaguely stunned expression. After a moment he echoes her wide grin with one of his own, jumping up from the grass. "Sure thing, aunt May!"
He can still hear her laughter as he runs.
There are a few people crowded around the stall, picking out badges of all sorts. There are ones for every flag he can think of, ones for preferred pronouns, and various pop culture ones. He slows down to a walk, trying to decide which badges he should go for, when he hears one of the people behind the table talking.
"Sign our petition for permanent gay and trans pride crosswalks in New York? It's a show of solidarity from the city which will not only support the LGBTQ+ community, but also really piss off the homophobes."
The crowd of people part slightly, and Peter does a double take, because there's Michelle, hair as wild as usual but dyed in rainbow colours, wearing an oversized t-shirt with a pink, yellow and blue heart on the front - it's weird to see her wearing actual colour for once - her face open and earnest as she shakes a petition clipboard at someone.
The person in front of her takes her proffered pen, and Michelle looks up smugly, her eyes catching his and widening in surprise. "Peter?"
He feels almost - vulnerable as he watches her eyes take in the colours of his t-shirt and hair, but walks closer despite his heart thundering at a hundred miles per hour. In the last few months he's come to consider her a friend, and since she only came to their school in sophomore year she never knew him when he was still in the closet.
His fear is quickly assuaged as she smiles at him - a genuine, unironic smile which he doesn't think he's ever seen on her; it softens the hard, confrontational edge she usually exudes.
"What can I get you?" she shakes a jar of badges.
"Could I get a male pronoun one? And two bi?"
She rattles the jar around, fingers digging through them to find the badges he's requested, and he takes the time to look through the ones already displayed on the table.
His eyes are drawn to a set of rainbow flag badges, each with a different Avenger on them, and he can't help but smile.
Michelle clears her throat and presses four badges into his hand with a knowing smirk and a raised eyebrow. He looks down: she's given him an extra one, rainbow with Spider-Man's mask on it.
His eyes widen, and he stares at her, blood rushing to his cheeks. "Wha-"
"Hey, Andy, can you cover for me?" Michelle hands the jar of badges to the guy next to her as Peter drags her behind the stall.
"How long have you known?"
"Seriously, Peter?" she rolls her eyes, entire body exuding sarcasm once again. "You're hardly subtle. You're constantly disappearing. You 'know' Spider-Man. Spider-Man vanished when you lost the Stark internship - I mean, the entire world knows that Tony Stark is Iron Man, the head of the Avengers. You finally get the date you wanted, only to bail, and your girlfriend's dad gets arrested courtesy of Spider-Man that same night?"
"Okay, but-"
"Plus you and Ned talk really loudly. Like, seriously, anyone at that party could've heard you."
"You've known since the party?" he splutters.
"I was right behind you buttering toast, dude. Just be glad it was me, not Flash, or everyone would've known."
He feels like he should be more freaked out about this turn of events, but instead he finds himself only vaguely resigned about it, and more relieved that he doesn't have to lie to her, especially since they've been hanging out more recently. He should've guessed that she knew, really, considering how observant she is.
"So are you gonna take the badge?"
"Huh?" He looks down at the badge, feeling a strange warmth at the sight of it. "I didn't know Spider-Man is an LGBT icon."
"Anyone can be an LGBT icon unless explicitly stated otherwise. Who better to look up to than the superheroes who keep us safe?"
"That's... a really inspiring way of looking at things."
"Why thank you."
They stand for a moment in silence and, for once, Peter doesn't feel the need to fill it with noise. It's comfortable; safe.
"So where's your usual partner in crime?"
"Ned? He, uh- he's still kinda in the closet with his mom."
"Oh. That sucks."
For a moment Michelle looks uneasy, like she's trying to decide whether or not to say something.
"My shift ends in half an hour," she says eventually.
"I'll be there. We can get ice-cream - or something?" Now Peter feels unsure; he's never been sure when it comes to girls in any respect.
"Awesome." She sounds as relieved as he feels. "I'll see you then."
As she's slipping back into the tent, Peter calls out to her. "Hey, MJ - uh, me and Ned are doing a Sense 8 marathon this evening, if you want to come?"
Her face splits into a smile. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."
Peter spends the next half an hour grinning, butterflies in his stomach that he can't quite understand, and though he can feel Aunt May's amused, suspicious gaze on him, he feels higher than the clouds.
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flaming-ramen · 6 years
Pyromania MeeMee
Hot: What do you look like? How old are you? Describe yourself in detail.
I'm 14, approaching 15. I'm short, scrawny, and pale. I've got this short and choppy brown hair with random mixes of red/black in it from genes, y'know. I've got light brown eyes that some have described as bronze, orange, amber, etc. I have "sharp" features (i.e. a tapered nose, chin, knotted eyebrows) and many freckles along my arms. I wear baggy boy's clothes so I can appear bigger bc I'm actually a really small person. I've got orange, rectangular glasses, and am never seen without some kind of baseball cap
Flame: What is your relationship status?
Single. Dumped just a few months ago.
Matches: What is your gender, sexuality and/or pronouns?
I'm a cis gender female, hetero (straight) I guess. I can go by she/her but they/them is also accepted I suppose. Lmao I know I'm boring
Firefighter: Describe your perfect partner or significant other.
Somebody solid that I can trust in. Able to cope with my OCD ass lmao. Someone that's willing to offer me tons of affection and reassurance and snaccs when I need it, cause I get to be a sooky binch sometimes. Maybe a person that likes memes and video games too. They gotta be willing to put up with my nerdy rambling pffft
Fire: What is it about fire do you like best?
It can't be held down. You can control it, to some extent, but the instant you let your guard down... Bam. Wildfire. It can be humanity's greatest bringer of life, or it can be total destruction. It can be warm and cozy, or raging. It's always changing.
Pyro: Do you consider yourself a pyromaniac? If not what then is your relationship with fire?
Sure, guess you could think of me as a pyromaniac. I love fire, and burning stuff for fun. Gotta feel the burn lmao.
Explosion: How intelligent would you say you are?
Fuckinuhhh idk. I'm usually in all these advanced classes and shit, I've gotten a few awards for my academic accomplishments. I know I recently took an IQ test that set me to a level of 129, but idk if it's bullshit or not
Burn: Has anyone ever hurt you? Tell me about it.
I guess my mother is pretty abusive/neglecting. She blows up on me for the smallest shit. I know I'm often running around to do stuff for her, but she's ungrateful for a lot of it. She's hit me before, verbally lashed out plenty of times. I know I've been ignored before so she could hang with her pals; she has substance abuse issues too which makes matters worse.
Lighter: What is your preferred method of ignition? What do you use to light your fires?
Matches and lighters are both guud for small things, but you'll need a blowtorch or flamethrower for something bigger. I like the last method
Embers: What is your aesthetic, or favourite kind of aesthetic?
Hmmm, I like neon city aesthetics. A lot. Something urban or nostalgic, with a colourful glow. Yeaaa
Bonfire: What is your biggest pet peeve?
Someone accusing me of shit I didn't do. That sets me off.
Wildfire: Do you have any talents like singing or such?
I suppose I can draw alright, I play piano sometimes.
Forest Fire: What is your opinion on smoking?
Don't much approve, depends on the type of smoking tho. My mother smokes cigarettes and it's fucced up my breathing
Flamethrower: Masochistic, sadistic, both or neither?
Sadistic, to some extent. If the person deserves punishment then it's all guud.
Gasoline: What is your favorite song, or most recently listened to song?
I've been listening to "Sober Up" by AJR a lot. I like the songs by Imagine Dragons a lot tooooo
Petrol: What is your favorite movie, or most recently watched movie?
Either The Lion King or Pet Detective
Burning Buildings:  What is your favorite TV show, or most recently watched TV show?
I like watching a lotta Scooby Doo ">//> Monk, The Mentalist, Psyche, Rizzoli and Isles, Rookie Blue, Burn Notice, White Collar, are all things I watched a lot. I used to watch a lot of crime shows when we still had a teli
Fahrenheit 451 (Burning Paper):  What is your favorite novel, or most recently read book?
Fuckinuhhh... Logan's Run is noice. I used to love the Animorphs series (Logan, you'd love it too lmao)
Sparks: What is your star sign, Chinese zodiac, blood type and/or personality type from the 16 personalities (Myers-briggs).
I'm a Libra, and a goat lmao. I'm not sure about my blood type, but my Myers-Briggs is INTJ (Introvert, Intuition, Thinking, Judging)
House Fire: Favorite social media?
Does Tumblr count? Idk. I don't use much else.
Wrow, I know you haven't had much motivation to do stuff lately, but in case you wanna I'll tag you buddy @hypnodelic
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