#Maybe I'll add more later
exuberantocean · 18 days
Shows I don't watch but vaguely follow via mutuals
Fireman 911 - I think there's two shows? Both very gay? And about 5 times a season someone is v. hurt, oh no!
The Man From Uncle - there's actually two men who are hot for each other but must do spy stuff. Does it count if it's been off the air for 50 years?
Untamed - ...I'm at a complete fucking loss here. It seems like the more gifs I see, the less I understand.
Starsky and Hutch - much like The Man from Uncle you got dark haired and blond partners that wanna shag only in the 70s now.
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kousagi7hikari · 12 days
Moshang Pigmalion AU
Shang Qinghua was burnt out. This was a fact that only became obvious to him when his… friend? Biggest critic? Shen Yuan had pointed out how his usually crappy sculptures had somehow gotten worse. Shang Qinghua finally had to admit that maybe he’d been working too hard. But he was a starving artist! What was he supposed to do?
Luckily, he’d managed to finish a commission that would give him a couple month’s rent and food, so he could take a much-needed break.
But his fingers still itched. Even though he’d taken this time off to rest and recover, he simply had to make… something. So, he decided to make something for himself.
He had plenty of chicken wire and just enough clay, so he started sculpting a man. 
As he molded and scraped and smeared and carved, Shang Qinghua felt a little better. This piece was just for him, after all. He created it without worrying about putting it in a tiny art show or desperately trying to sell it off. 
After all, who hadn’t thought about creating their perfect man before? 
He’d lost track of how long it took for him to make this piece, but when it was done, Shang Qinghua felt a flutter of pride.
He was tall, muscular, with pecs you could get lost in, hair that flowed down his back like water, an icy stare that could drop the room a couple degrees, and… Shang Qinghua glanced at the place between his legs that he’d covered with a sheet. 
He’d taken life drawing classes! Why was this so embarrassing?
As he looked over his creation, Shang Qinghua sighed. It was fun to create for himself, especially to create his ideal guy… but he was just clay. Clay and chicken wire.
The buzzer to his door snapped Shang Qinghua out of his reverie. 
“Finally!” He sighed with relief. He’d forgotten how long ago he had placed his food delivery order.
He probably looked like he'd rolled around in a mud pit, so he was thankful he’d requested the delivery person to just leave the bags. However, when he arrived at the door, the delivery person was still there.
“Can I help you?” Shang Qinghua asked through the crack in the door, held shut by the chain.
“Uh, yeah, I just need you to sign the receipt.”
Shang Quinghua knew for a fact that he’d never had to sign a receipt with these people before, and he’d used the same method of payment. Immediately, red flags started popping up. “Are you sure? I don’t usually have to sign.”
“Oh, uh, yeah, it’s a new policy.”
Bullshit. “I didn’t get any email or notice about this.” Shang Qinghua said, trying to be as firm as he could. “Can I please just have my food?”
Suddenly the delivery person took a step forward, grabbing the door, trying to open it further.
“You can have it when you get out here.” He snarled.
Immediately Shang Qinghua realized he was in serious danger. His eyes flicked to the hat the man was using to hide his eyes and noticed it had no logo on it.
This guy wasn’t the food delivery person, and Shang Qinghua would rather not find out who-or what-he was. 
“Y-You need to leave or I’ll call the police!” He left out the fact that his cell was in his studio.
“I don’t think you-” The man suddenly stopped, looking at something behind Shang Qinghua.
Before he could even ask what he was looking at, Shang Qinghua was aware of a presence behind him. Now the terror he had tried to hide from this assailant showed clearly on his face.
Someone was in his home who had not been a moment ago.
Before he could scream, a hand reached over and grabbed the door frame with a worrying “CRACK!”
The intruder leaned over Shang Qinghua, his long, dark hair spilling onto his shoulder from above.
“He said…” A voice Shang Qinghua had never heard before growled. “Get lost.”
The assailant, now stark white, gently placed the bag of food back on the ground, took a few steps back, then bolted back down the street.
Shang Qinghua remained frozen in place as the hair and the presence retreated. Even without turning around, he knew he was still there.
“Aren’t you going to get that?” The voice asked.
Shang Qinghua swallowed the fear (and possible vomit) creeping up his throat and nodded. He undid the chain to retrieve his food, then closed the door again, leaving it unlocked in case he needed to make an escape.
He took a shaky breath and turned around to face the intruder.
The food promptly dropped to the floor.
Standing before Shang Qinghua was the man he had sculpted from clay. He had the same long hair, though it was now black as ink. His skin was pale, but now flushed with life. His piercing gaze chilled Shang Qinghua to the bone, and his… No!! He didn’t dare look! Even though he was now wrapped in the sheet, looking like he’d just stepped out of the shower.
“You…” He managed to squeak out. “You’re my…”
The sculpture waited for him to construct a sentence, a raised eyebrow indicating he’d rather not wait all day.
“How… are you alive?” Was the question Shang Qinghua finally settled on.
“You made me. And then I was awake.” He said.
“Okay, fair…” Shang Qinghua murmured. “Um… What’s your name?”
The sculpture looked deeply unamused. “You didn’t give me one yet.”
“Ah…” Shang Qinghua whispered. “Would you… like one?”
The man gave him an undeniably clear “what do you think?” face.
Shang Qinghua reached into his mind, back to when he fancied himself a writer back in high school. He had even typed up an outline for a book. Something with demons and cultivators and stuff. He remembered one character he’d made as a sidekick to the main character, a powerful general, one who-just like the man before him-he’d made just for him.
“Mobei Jun?”
Mobei Jun seemed to consider this for a moment before nodding, and turning away. “You should eat.”
Shang Qinghua quickly scooped up the bag of food, checking to make sure nothing had spilled, then followed Mobei Jun into his kitchen. He’d have to text Shen Yuan later. “What was that one story where the artist’s sculpture came to life?”
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onlygenxhere · 2 years
Luke woke up with a start. He’d been dreaming he’d lost Julie in IKEA and couldn’t find her. He rolled over in the bed reaching out to pull her into his arms only to come up empty.
He sat up abruptly, instantly awake.
“Julie?” He called out quietly.
The clock on her bedside table read 1:35am.
Where could she be?
Luke slid out of bed, the only light in the room coming from the clock.
“Jules?” he called again.
He carefully moved toward the bathroom, maybe she was sick again.
He pushed open the door and switched on the light.
No Julie.
He turned toward the closed bedroom door and opened it, finally noticing a dim light coming from down the hall.
Luke moved quickly, the light not getting much brighter as he got closer to the kitchen where it seemed to be coming from.
He rounded the corner and stopped.
Julie was leaning against the island in the middle of their kitchen eating… something.
She jerked her head up quickly, her eyes wide like she’d been caught doing something she shouldn’t.
The only light in the room was coming from the little light over the stove behind her.  
“What are you doing up baby?”     
She swallowed what she was eating as he moved closer.
“I was hungry.”
He stopped in front of her looking down at what she was having as a late night snack.
“Are you eating pickles and peanut butter?”
She licked her lips and looked back down at the dill pickle in her hand just before she used it to scoop out some peanut butter and took a crunchy bite. “It’s surprisingly good.” She said as she chewed.
Luke couldn’t help grin at her. He was known to eat what others considered strange combinations of food. Alex gave him the most crap about it but Julie had been known to tease him from time to time too.
He reached over and pulled out a pickle spear of his own and scooped out a little bit of peanut butter with it and took a bite.
It wasn’t the worst thing he’d ever had but definitely not something he’d choose to eat.
He swallowed, “So is this what they call a pregnancy craving?”
Julie grinned taking another bite of peanut butter covered pickle. “Well I am pregnant.”
Luke’s grin grew into a full sized smile. “Yes you are.”
“We are.” She winked at him as she took another bite.
He leaned on the counter and looked up at her. “My part’s kinda done for the next few months. Pretty sure you’re doing all the work.” Luke reached over and laid his hand on the barely there bump of her stomach. They were twelve weeks in and she had just started to show a couple weeks ago.
“Don’t get me wrong, I want to help however I can.” He ducked his head, “Just not sure what I can do.”
Julie scoffed and took another bite of peanut buttered pickle. “You cleaned me and the bed up this morning when I threw up everywhere. That was pretty damn helpful.”
Luke nodded. Yeah that wasn’t fun but Julie had been throwing up off and on for six weeks. This morning was only the second time it had taken her by surprise and she hadn’t made it to the bathroom.
He’d much rather clean up the mess than be the one getting sick.
He pointed at her very interesting snack. “Speaking of getting sick, are you sure that’s the best thing to be eating?”
Julie looked at the jar of peanut butter in front of her with a fresh pickle spear in her hand. She dropped the pickle back in its jar and looked up at Luke, “Probably not.”
He reached over and put the top back on the peanut butter taking it back to its home in the pantry.
Luke looked over his shoulder at Julie as she put the pickles back in the fridge. “You still hungry?”
She shut the door and placed her hands on her stomach. “I think we’re good,” she said looking up at him with a smile.
He couldn’t help but grin back at her as he moved over to her and knelt at her feet so he could have a conversation with their kid.
“So I’ma need you to stop making your mama sick, ok little one?” he said with his lips against her stomach. “If you don’t make her sick she’ll keep feeding you crazy things like pickles dipped in peanut butter.”
Julie hummed, “Oh, bacon and nutella sound really good too.”
Luke laughed and looked up at his wife who was smiling down at him. “You hear that bean? You keep everything down tomorrow and I’ll make some bacon for your mama in the morning that she’ll dip in some chocolate for you.”
Julie laughed and reached down pulling Luke to his feet. “Ok, that’s enough chatting for tonight.” She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Take me to bed?”
He scooped her up in his arms and she squeaked.
“More than happy to boss.”
-- Inspired by @missjoolee fic from last week.
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alohdark · 2 years
So an hour ago I decided to do Fluffuary so all you get for today is a drabble. And a “true” drabble at 100 words. Because I’m tired and it’s almost midnight and fluff is surprisingly hard for me.
Anyway, enjoy the Fratt Fluff
Frank wasn’t always forthcoming with words of affection. But that didn’t stop Matt from knowing how the other man felt. He showed it in dozens of other little ways. From the way he made Matt’s coffee for him just the way he liked it and brought it to him while he got ready for work. To the way he stopped making his bed with military precision because Matt didn’t like to feel confined in his sheets.
So when Frank placed a kiss to Matt’s forehead and whispered “I love you,” Matt’s heart swelled knowing just how much Frank meant it.
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thefourthvulpix · 2 years
Imagine a story where both the hero and the villain get too stressed out by their respective roles. The hero can't handle all the pressure of having to save so many people. The villain's plans are falling apart before they even begin. They're both so stressed that in the middle of a fight between them, they just... both collapse in the middle of the fight. The Hero is crying their eyes out, berating themselves for giving up on their people so easily. The villain hates themself for how they can't seem to commit to any of their projects.
In short... they're burned out. Emotionally and mentally. The hero manages to figure this out, and convinces the villain to quit alongside them.
So they change their identities, pack up, and get the hell outta dodge. Let someone else deal with this mess. It wasn’t the hero's mess to clean up, nor was it the villian's. They both were trying to fix a much bigger problem that was out of their hands, but somewhat along the way, they just... lost that fighting spirit.
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adveanture · 2 years
tag drop :  hans westergaard,  frozen  ( movie, novel, & broadway influences )  dynamics 
★ ∗ ∘ ∙   073.  hans westergaard ( dynamics )  —  rel. anna
★ ∗ ∘ ∙   073.  hans westergaard ( dynamics )  —  rel. elsa
★ ∗ ∘ ∙   073.  hans westergaard ( dynamics )  —  rel. kristoff
★ ∗ ∘ ∙   073.  hans westergaard ( dynamics )  —  rel. house westergaard
★ ∗ ∘ ∙   073.  hans westergaard ( dynamics )  —  rel. sitron
★ ∗ ∘ ∙   073.  hans westergaard ( dynamics )  —  rel. olaf
★ ∗ ∘ ∙   073.  hans westergaard ( dynamics )  —  rel. sven
★ ∗ ∘ ∙   073.  hans westergaard ( dynamics )  —  rel. lars
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narwhal-creations · 2 years
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oh frogs, my beloved
lighting practice
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deeva-arud · 6 months
So, about that one AU that's been marinating in my mind for years
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marshiemonarch · 20 days
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Not to be dramatic but I would kill for them /j
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smeddiemunson · 2 years
Gareth notices first and as soon as Gareth has a thought he has to share it.
They’re at Hellfire (now hosted in Mike Wheeler’s armpit of a basement) having just finished a long combat when Eddie declares it time for a break and without any further preamble dashes up the stairs, taking them two at a time, and calling dibs on the main bathroom. 
The others are taking a bit longer to get to their break. They all stand like they’re in some kind of synchronised swimming competition and all reach up in unison to crack the various bones that need to, heaving out groans and mumbles about shitty chairs. 
“So,” Gareth says as he rubs his fingers in his eyes. “Eddie has a crush.” 
Jeff collapses back in his chair to burry his face in folded arms with a groan. “I can’t do this again, Gare-Bear.”
Gareth wrinkles his nose at the nickname, and mentally curses his mom for using it around his friends. They’ve never been able to let it go. 
“Wait, what?” Dustin asks. His head is bouncing between Gareth, Jeff, and Grant, eyes tracking over their faces to see if they’re just trying to fuck with him. As if Eddie’s love life wasn’t already tragic enough without the added fun of trying to bother some kids with it.
Grant nodded sagely. “Unfortunately, it only gets worse from here.” 
Mike, who had been half way towards the stairs, now joins in. “What gets worse? He’s being normal Eddie, or like, as normal as Eddie can get.” 
Gareth shares a long look with his bandmates, all seemingly coming to the same conclusion. These kids were here to stay, that much had become clear after the Spring Break/Eddie in a coma Saga, so they could be let in on a few Eddie secrets, not the big one, never the big one until Eddie told them. These were more secrets about Eddie that Eddie was completely unknowledgeable about. 
“You remember the bartender at The Three Brothers we spoke to to find out about the curse?” Gareth says, somehow becoming the voice for the older members of Hellfire. “Did you notice the way Eddie described him?”
“He talked a lot about his hair?” Will offered quietly. He was new to Hellfire so Gareth didn’t really know him, but just from the way Will played his cleric, he could tell that he was a damn sight more observant than his friends. 
“Exactly!” Gareth pointed. “That is Clue 1 in the ‘Eddie Munson Has a Crush’ textbook. He gets so hung up on that one thing that he likes the most about who he’s crushing on, get ready to hear a lot about the NPC’s hair. Clue 2 is that when he comes thundering down those stairs in a minute and realises we haven’t actually done anything with our break, he won’t be shitty about us taking extra time. He just gets nice outta nowehere.”
“Eddie always hates when he has to wait for us though!” 
Jeff finally pulled his head up from his arms. “Just watch, and it’s the one good thing that’s going to come from this crush, so make the most of it.” 
The four boys all gave each other looks that seemed to be conveying a whole conversation. They seemed to come to the same conclusion just as Eddie, as Jeff predicted, thundered down the stairs, skipping the last one so he could jump to the floor and theatrically clap his hands. 
“Who’s ready to get fucked up by what I have planned next?” He asked, not even noticing the way the rest of the boys hadn’t moved from their places stretching next to the table. 
“Sorry man. I still gotta go to the bathroom,” Lucas quickly said before Dustin could start grilling Eddie about his crush. 
Eddie shrugged with a smile. “No worries, Sinclair. You gotta go when you gotta go, right?” 
This was particularly offensive to Mike, who when he first joined Hellfire had been forced to squirm in his seat for over an hour while Eddie threatened to kill his PC off if Mike left the table to use the bathroom. He turned his gobsmacked expression to Gareth who could only raise his eyebrows in a kind of ‘told you so’ gesture. 
Lucas, to his credit, didn’t let on that he was also gobsmacked and rushed up the stairs. Will and Mike followed him quickly, stumbling out an excuse about getting more drinks. Eddie being amenable was seemingly still too new to let them make the most of it, the Corroded Coffin boys had at least been through this three notable times before.
“Get me a coke while you’re up there, please?” Eddie called out after them. He kicked up his feet to rest on the edge of the table, crossed at the ankles and rocked back onto the back two legs of his chair. He turned to the Corroded Coffin boys. “I’ve been thinking about arranging this song, not our usual style but I think it could sound totally metal if I did it right.” 
“What song?” Jeff asked carefully. 
Grant caught Dustin’s eye and mouthed ‘Clue 3′. Dustin nodded as if he were mentally taking notes, which if Gareth knew anything about the kid, he probably was. He took to the puzzles Eddie laid out for them with more gusto than anyone else. 
Eddie closed his eyes and brought his hands up in front of him as if he were tenderly cradling his warlock. His fingers worked over imaginary frets. “Dancing in the Dark. Springsteen.” 
“That’s Steve’s favourite song,” Dustin blurted out, clamping his hand over his mouth when Eddie’s fingers paused in the air. 
A slow smile spread over his face. “Is it?”
Gareth turned to his best friends to see the expression he wore mirrored two times over. 
Holy shit. 
Eddie was crushing on Steve Harrington. 
(part 2)
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owlafterhours · 4 months
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not the most accurate but the Grid lives rent free in my brain
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kovablue · 1 year
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valkubusqueen · 2 years
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Avatrice + being cute in season 1 & 2 (part 1)
requested by @warrionnunaddict 
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soaked-ghost · 2 months
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concepts for a dream fight fangame that I lost interest in
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your-soup-overlord · 8 months
A tiny look into one of the fics called It's My Party (And I'll Cry If I Want To)!
“Why don’t you just tell them?” Jazz asks Danny once she sits down on his bed, pushing aside his blankets and patting beside her.
“Mom and Dad love you, metagene or not.” She continues.
“Seriously, Jazz, we’ve been over this.” Danny sighs, sitting next to his sister as she turns to face him better, “They hate ghosts, and have threatened to rip phantom apart molecule by molecule. If they’re willing to do that, then what makes you think they’ll stop once they find out their son is a ghost?”
Jazz frowns, “Danny, I know the accident was terrible and horrifying for you, but you’re not a ghost. You need to accept the fact that it simply activated your dormant metagene and gave you ghost adjacent powers.”
“How can I have a metagene when both mom and dad don’t have one! Jazz, I know you don’t want to believe it but-“
“No Danny,” Jazz exclaims as she cuts him off, “ You’re alive. You can’t be a ghost, because ghosts are unfeeling and-“
“Jazz, just stop!” Danny yells, slightly teary. He stands up off the bed, putting some place between him and Jazz as she also stands up with a deepening frown.
“I know you don’t want to believe it but I am a ghost, I died in that accident. I know you don’t want to believe it, but if I can somehow come to terms with it then why can’t you?”
Jazz just stares him down with her disappointed stare. After a few quiet seconds she then sighs, looking exasperated and somehow even more disappointed as she levels him with a harsh glare.
“Even Sam and Tuck agree, Danny. You’re going to far with this ghost thing! I don’t care what that yeti says, or any of those other creatures! You’re not dead. You have a heartbeat and most importantly, you care. You’re not evil, and all this death talk is beginning to freak Tucker out!  And you especially need to stop around Sam. They’ve begun talking to me about it, and about how you’re scaring them. And, well, we’ve all agree that you need to stop fighting those ghosts. Mom and Dad are perfectly capable of getting them, so from now on you’re benched. Those horrible things have been filling your head with lies, and it’s becoming a problem.”
Jazz declares before she walks out, keeping that awful disappointed glare on him.
Danny slams the door behind her, silently seething and holding back tears. They talk about his death so easily! Yet they don’t care to acknowledge it. Danny died, whether they want to accept it or not, and there was nothing they could do about it.
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akq96618 · 8 months
[ King ohger soul eater au ]
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here it is! the rough idea doodles for other kings! It's just started with giramie (you can find them here ), but i think it will be fun if i added the others too
+ some more trivia below
(warning: big spoiler for soul eater manga, and me nerding over soul eater)
for those who aren't familiar with soul eater, the series revolve around the story of meister and demon weapon (human who can transform into weapons). The students of of Shibusen, school build by 'shinigami' take on missions to collect souls and protect the city from the world's threats.
The school parted into 2 types of class, N.O.T (Normally Overcome Target, class for those who just want to control their powers, pretty much just like a normal class) and E.A.T (Especially Advantaged Talent, consist of the 10% students in shibusen, class for students/agents who use their powers to battle evil)
-this au sets years after soul eater manga ending, where human and witch can already living side by side
-Morfonia used to be in NOT class, but then she moved to EAT class after reunited in shibusen and being partners with rita (they're childhood friends)
-Suzume supposed to be gira's weapon partner, since the Hastie and Dybowski family been on some kind of..bound? relationship? for a long time. But racles don't want gira to be a meister, so he took both of the dybowski siblings as his weapon (welp, gira still finds jera anyway)
-Top 3 EAT class academical rank: Rita, Himeno, Yanma (it's quite a tie with jeramie sometimes), gira is somewhere in the middle, or below-
-Top 3 EAT class physical rank (as in like, PE class): Gira, Rita, Jeramie, (you know where yanma at right)
-yeah i use racs and himeno's p1 hair bcs i love them
-Rita can see someone's soul, while Gira can 'sense' someone's soul perfectly (like, what kind of people they are) and know kishin's soul before they turned into kishin egg (kishin egg: evil souls)
-Sebastian is not a student but he still go to shibusen to accompany himeno as her butler and demon weapon
-before met yanma, shiokara used to be Mayuta's demon weapon partners along with usuba (sniper rifle) and akka (brass knuckle ring)
-Jeramie is a child of demon weapon and witch, his mom run away from the witch realm because she possesses healing magic, which is unforgivable and hated by the witches
-and jera got his black blood from his mother, who didn't know that she was used to be medusa's (antagonist witch in SE) experiment object. Medusa thought she's a failed object, so she throw nephila out of her object list.
-before Jeramie met Gira, he wonder all over death city to find who killed and ate his parents' soul
-Gira don't really like to live in the Hastie's main mansion , so he rented apartments near shibusen together with Jera after decided to be his Meister. As a condition to allow gira living out of the Hastie household, Racles ask Duuga, the Hastie's butler, to visit gira's place from time to time
-Jeramie had this 'madness of hope' that triggered his black blood
-i'm thinking about 'madness of justice' for gira but 'justice' will suit rita more...
i don't think i'll elaborate more about this au, but who knows
here's more giramie in madness + blackblood armor bcs i like to draw them in that
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