#May be treated an a starter if we're mutuals
alastors-radioshow · 1 year
Truth be told, it had been a while since anyone had been idiotic enough to make an attempt at his life. The stag should have known that it had been too good to be true. A couple of weeks of calm was all he got. Until...
The sound of shattering glass was heard, pieces of one of the windows in his city-based studio fell to the ground as a bullet passed through it. It wouldn't be the first time something as such had occurred. Somehow, miraculously, the stag managed to avoid the first bullet, moving away from his desk towards a gaping void he had conjured up.
An easy escape.
The other bullet hit its target and the overlord found himself stumbling through the gateway he'd created, landing on his back on the other side as it closed, leaving a faint crackling in its wake.
One hand shot up, pressing firmly against his neck, his throat, the other covering his mouth as he gasped for air, only for him to find that thick, metallic-tasting liquid was swiftly filing his oral cavity.
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He wanted to scream. He tried to scream. But no sound came out. Only the muffled gurgles accompanying his gasping breaths.
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On Deck Part 4: Starting Line-Up
Pairing: Jack Daniels x Female Reader Baseball AU
Word Count: M - language, some mentions of past sexual situations, pining (but is it mutual?)
Rating: 10,185
Summary: In the days following Jack's first visit to your place, you're forced to think through just about every possible future scenario. And when he makes an offer you're not expecting, you start to believe that there might be just a little more to it than sex for him.
Author’s notes: 
I absolutely love this chapter. If you skip ahead to the end, there's a picture included to describe the type of view Reader has. I know not everyone is familiar with baseball stadiums and the opportunities they offer for seating, but I also don't want to ruin it too early.
This chapter ALSO features Jack wearing the uniform in this artwork - and is the entire reason this AU was started.
(On Deck universe masterlist for all the extras!)
While there are a lot of baseball references within this story, you only need to know the basics to enjoy it and understand what's going on - we're not getting overly technical here.
As always, if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out.
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The starting line-up is the official list of players who participate from the beginning of the game onward. This may change throughout the season, as players leave due to or return from an injury. Starters are usually the team's best players at their respective positions, and as a result, being a starter often comes with notoriety A spot in the starting line-up is hard-earned. 
You didn’t hear from Jack the following day, but you didn’t expect to. 
Not because you thought he’d used you, but because you knew how busy he’d be between driving to meet with the team in Louisville and then heading back to The Cavalry and playing in that night’s game. 
All day, though, you thought about him - and about the previous day… and night.
Your experience with Jack was different than those you’d read about online, or heard about at games. He’d treated you as an equal, giving you a legitimate explanation as to why he did and didn’t do or want certain things in bed. He hadn’t flaunted his status or reputation throughout the night, and his interaction with the girl at the ice cream parlor proved that Jack was focused on giving kids a good experience when they met him no matter where he was. It’s not just when he’s in uniform. 
You opted to work instead of taking the day off like you’d planned, and he was on your mind as you did so. The memory of his voice rasping in your ear and the feeling of his mouth on your bare skin sent shivers through you while you were poring over spreadsheets and drafting emails, and it made the day go much faster. By the time you were done for the night, you were almost vibrating, the truth of what had happened settling in. 
You’d slept with Jack Daniels. 
You’d met him for something he’d clarified wasn’t a date, and invited him back to your place without a second thought. He’d been nothing but kind to you, and you hadn’t felt that he thought less of you for being so forward. There was a small part of you that wondered if he thought you were easy. But he’s known for being a flirt. He’s been with a lot of people throughout his career, and … 
There was no way to know for sure what was going to happen until you heard from Jack again. You’d need to see how he acted the next time you spoke before you could assume anything - though with Jack, you figured it wasn’t safe to assume at all. 
You wanted to tell Erin what had happened. You wanted her to know everything, because in reality, it was thanks to Caleb that you were even in the position to meet Jack in the first place. But it felt wrong to talk about the not-date, and even more wrong to kiss and tell… so you held off.
And when you woke up on Tuesday morning to a text message from Jack, you were glad that you’d kept quiet. 
Check my Instagram. 
Before even sitting up, you did, groaning at the sight of his newest picture - a promotional shot for that weekend’s games, featuring a close up of his nickname on the back of a bright yellow jersey, the tip of his black bat’s barrel visible where it rested on his shoulder.
When do I get to see the whole thing? 
You double tapped the picture after replying, and didn’t expect a response. But Jack started typing back immediately, his message a completely unexpected one. 
Friday, if you come to the game. 
“Is that an invitation?” Blinking at your phone, you chewed on your lower lip. It seemed like it. It seemed like Jack was making good on his promise that you’d see each other again because he wanted to. But this time, it wasn’t to meet for ice cream. Instead, it was a personal invitation to his first game back with The Statesman. 
This weekend has been sold out for weeks, Jack. I’ll need to find a ticket, but I’ll see what I can do. 
You didn’t have a chance to open a search for tickets before your phone was ringing, Jack’s name on the screen. What the fuck? Why is he calling me? Taking a few seconds to compose yourself, you took a deep breath before answering. “Hello?” 
“‘Morning, sunshine.” He laughed and then scoffed. “That was real cheesy, right?”
“A little.” But you were laughing, too. “You’re up early.” 
“Have to stay on schedule during the season.” He paused and cleared his throat. “And I’ve got some packing to do before I come back to Louisville.” So he’s cleared. “I’ll be back for Friday night for sure.” 
“That’s great, Jack.” You rubbed at your eye with one hand. “Bet you’re happy.”
“I am. I miss my bed.” You didn’t know how to answer him, but he spoke again before the silence stretched for too long. “And about a ticket … I can get you in on Friday.” What? “Actually…” He trailed off, and a few seconds later, Jack sighed. “Do you think your friend and her brother would want to come with you?”
“I can see. I’m not sure. It’s a Friday night, so she’s probably going to be with her boyfriend, but -”
“Invite him too.” Jack said your name. “Give me a couple hours, and I’ll let you know for sure, but four of you shouldn’t be a problem.” 
“You don’t have to do that, Jack.” Sitting up straight, you held your phone tightly with one hand. “It’s -”
“I know.” You could tell that he was smiling, and when Jack spoke again, you heard the laughter in his voice. “I want to.” You didn’t argue, lifting your free hand and biting down on one knuckle. I want you to, too. “I know you’ve gotta work today, but can I call you back later? I need to make sure I’ve got tickets, and -”
“Of course. I’ve got a meeting at 11:30, but aside from that, I’ll be able to answer all day.” 
You hung up soon after that, Jack telling you to have a good morning and you repeating the same back to him. But you didn’t get out of bed right away, instead lowering your phone and staring at the ceiling in shock. What the fuck did I get myself into? 
He called back a little after 1 PM, his cheerful voice loud in your ear. “Tickets are yours. All you’ll have to do is go to Will Call and give ‘em your name and they’ll be able to help you.” 
“Four of them?” He confirmed. “Thank you, Jack. I wasn’t… I didn’t think you’d…” 
“Well I did. And you’re welcome. I hardly ever ask for anything, and the ticket lady the players talk to loves me, so this was easy.” But the confirmation that you had tickets raised an issue for you - and it required you to explain it to Jack. 
“Erin’s going to ask how I got them.” Leaning back in your chair, you stared up at the ceiling. “And I don’t want to lie to her.” 
“So don’t.” His tone was matter of fact, Jack’s next words shocking you. “Tell her I got them for you.” But that will bring up what happened the other day. “Didn’t you tell her you were goin’ out with me last weekend?”
“No. I didn’t tell anyone.” He was silent in response, which surprised you a little. Why is that a shock to him? Did he really think I’d tell people? “That’s not my style, Jack.” 
“I appreciate that, darlin’.” It made you smile again, especially with the way his voice dropped as he spoke the word. “But you tell her whatever you need to. You don’t need to keep me a secret.” 
“I don’t think I need to tell her everything to offer her tickets to a game, but I’ll keep that in mind.” He laughed at you, the sound turning into a groan - and you savored the sound of it, biting your lip before you continued. “I’ll let you know for sure after I talk to her, but I’ll definitely be there on Friday even if they’re not.” 
“Good. That’s real good.” Jack cleared his throat. “I’m gettin’ ready to go to the stadium now, so if I don’t answer, that’s why.” He doesn’t need to explain himself to me. I don’t… why is he doing this? “Talk to you soon?”
“Sure.” Your smile widened, and when the two of you hung up a few seconds later, you tossed your phone down onto your desk. Shit. 
Things were escalating quickly, thanks to Jack taking the initiative - and it stunned you. He hadn’t mentioned seeing you again, though, which gave you pause. But he’s going to be busy before Friday, and then he’s got games all weekend, so there might not be time. Maybe that’s why he didn’t suggest it.
A quick check of the schedule told you that the team was leaving for a short road trip on Sunday afternoon, which meant that he’d be on the go almost immediately. So it makes sense. I’ll just see him from the seats. 
It was somewhat disappointing, there was no way around it. But the fact that he’d invited you in the first place cheered you up enough that you reached for your phone again, opening your messages with Erin. 
Hey, got something to ask you. Call me when you’re done with work? 
Her phone call came just after 5 that day, Erin’s greeting friendly but curious before she jumped right in. “You usually don’t ask to ask me things. Why today?” 
“What are you doing Friday?” Tilting your head back, you closed your eyes and enjoyed the heat of the sun on your face. “Friday night, I mean. After work?” 
“Troy and I were going to go to dinner, but that’s about it.” Perfect. “Why? What are you doing on Friday?” 
“Do you want to go to the Statesman game?” You paused, opening your eyes and looking out at your yard. “You and Troy and Caleb?” She was quiet for a few seconds and you were too, waiting. “I’ve got four tickets, and -”
“Isn’t it Players Weekend? I thought it was sold out. Caleb’s been talking about it for like a month.” 
“It is. And yeah, it’s sold out. But I was offered tickets. Free tickets.” 
“From where?” There it is. “Did they reach out because they saw your post about Caleb and Jack?” You thought of Jack’s words - of him telling you to tell Erin, of his assurances that it was alright for you to talk about knowing him. I’m still not going to tell her everything, but … 
“No. It wasn’t the team, Erin. It was Jack.” You heard her intake of breath, but before she could say anything, you continued. “He messaged me after he saw it the other day, and we ended up going out on Sunday night for -”
“You what?!” She screeched the words in your ear and then laughed. “Shut the fuck up.” 
“We went and got ice cream. He was up here to work out with the team and to take pictures for next weekend, and had no plans, so…” 
“So you went out with him. Fuck me, that’s wild. I told you making that post was worth it. So you went out on a date and then he offered you tickets for another game? Why four? Why not just -”
“I’m not sure.” Standing, you stepped out onto the grass, the blades of it cool against your feet. “But he called me this morning and suggested it. He specifically mentioned you and Caleb, but I have no idea where the tickets are, so I can’t promise anything.” 
“He called you? He must like you.” She laughed, the sound turning into a hum. “What else happened Sunday aside from the ice cream?” She was teasing you - and there was no concrete reason for you to answer her, but you did anyway. 
“He came back here for a little while.” Curling your toes, you let out a long sigh. “He didn’t stay the night, though. So -”
“Good for you.” She said your name, waiting until you were quiet to say anything else. “And now he’s offering you tickets. You definitely made an impression.” Your mind wandered back to the time you’d spent with him - to the way his mouth felt as it met yours and the way his hands skated over your skin as they explored your body. He definitely left an impression on me. “I don’t think we should tell Caleb where the tickets are coming from, because he’ll never let you hear the end of it.” She hummed, the woman clearly thinking on her end of the line. “But we’ll go on Friday. It sounds fun.”
“We can take one car. I’ll pick you up.” Walking back to your patio, you paused at the edge of it. “And … Erin? Maybe don’t tell Troy either. Jack said that I could tell you that they’re from him, but I don’t … I don’t know what’s going on, so -”
“My lips are sealed.” She laughed again. “I do have one question, though.” I can already tell this is going to be a doozy. “What’s he like? He handsy? Does he talk a lot? How does he kiss?”
“He’s … thorough.” Your cheeks heated as you spoke, your fingers curling around your phone. Very thorough. “And I would very much like to kiss him again.” A lot. Erin snorted at your reply, muttering the words I knew it under her breath. “He’s nice, Erin. Confident and a little cocky, but not insufferable about it. A little girl interrupted us while we were eating, and he didn’t get mad. He took a couple minutes to talk to her about baseball, and it was just …a relief, I guess? I don’t know. I’m glad he’s not an asshole.” 
“I am too. That would be really disappointing.” It would. “But I’m going to drive home now. Work kicked my ass today, and I need to eat.” She let you know that she’d get ahold of you after she talked to Troy and Caleb, and then you hung up, deciding to go back inside so that you could start dinner, too. 
While you cooked, you sent a message to Jack, giving him an update. You kept it simple, giving yourself no time to overthink your words. 
Erin’s in. Looks like it’ll be all four of us Friday. 
You figured he wouldn’t reply, but your phone vibrated a few minutes later with his answer. 
Real happy to hear that. It’s gonna be a good game. 
You thought that was it, but moments later another message came through - and there was a picture attached to it. Second to last time I’m putting on this uniform.
It was slightly blurry and off-center, but it was of Jack. He was dressed in his uniform and missing his hat, the grin on his face wide. You looked closer, seeing that he was standing in front of his locker, and realized that he’d likely taken the photo only moments before sending it. That means it was for me, and… “Shit.” 
If he’d sent you a photo, that meant he was probably waiting for a reply. You didn’t keep him waiting, sending back a winking emoji along with the text: Looking good, Jack - DAMN. But I think I prefer your other uniform. 
It was just flirty enough to let him know you appreciated it, and not over the top the point he’d think you were being clingy. But after a few minutes, you saw that the message had been delivered - and unread … which meant he’d see it after the game. And that means I have a few hours to relax. 
But you didn’t relax. Instead, you ate dinner on the couch and tried not to think too hard about the Friday night game. 
You were a few minutes early to Erin’s on Friday, and Caleb was already waiting in the front yard when you pulled up. 
You heard him yelling for Erin and Troy, even with the windows shut. By the time he was reaching for the door handle, you were laughing, head tilted down and one palm flat against your forehead. “Hey, Caleb. Let me guess… you’re excited.” 
“Of course I am.” He settled into the back seat, buckling in. “Aren’t you? Won’t be as cool as what happened the last game, but my mom gave me money to buy a new jersey.” Well, for me, it’s even more cool, but you don’t know that.
“Oh yeah?” You caught his eye in the rearview mirror, grinning. “Whose are you gonna get?” The look on his face was answer enough, just like you’d assumed. “Jack, then. Hopefully they have one in your size.” 
Erin and Troy approached the car, the woman letting him pass her so that he could sit in the back with Caleb while she took her place next to you. But it was him that spoke first, greeting you and reaching forward to squeeze your shoulder before he was fully situated. “Thank you for driving. And thanks for the tickets.” 
“Yeah, thank you!” Caleb joined in, nodding enthusiastically. “Mom also said we’re supposed to -”
“My mother,” Erin interjected, reaching for the volume knob to twist the radio’s sound lower. “She said we’re supposed to buy you dinner tonight, as a thank you.” 
“It’s not necessary.” Heading down the street, you shrugged. “It’s not like I paid for these tickets, so if we split parking, it’s even.” 
“Still.” She elbowed you. “We’re going to buy you dinner and maybe a drink or two.” I might need those.
The four of you made small talk on the drive downtown, though the closer you got to the stadium, the quieter you got while they kept things going. Why am I nervous? It’s not like I’m going to run into him. 
But there was a chance you’d see him, and that Jack would see you. It seemed inevitable that Caleb would want to go back down closer to the field in an attempt to meet the man a second time. And if that happened, you couldn’t just hang back with Erin, letting Troy sit with the boy. No. I’d have to go, otherwise it looks like I’m avoiding him after he did something nice for us today. 
You were early enough that there was still available parking in the attached garage, and before you could do anything about it, Troy stuck his hand out the window, debit card held firmly between his fingers. 
Erin laughed about it as you pulled away to park, but all you managed was a tiny smile and quiet thank you before slipping into a space. Here goes nothing. 
The four of you joined the slow trickle of other fans heading toward the elevators. After getting on, Caleb inserted himself between Erin and Troy while you leaned against the far wall, chewing on your lower lip. 
“We have to go to Will Call first.” You looked at the preteen, raising a brow. “We can’t just run to get in line like last time.” 
He grumbled back that he knew, and you laughed, your mood lightening considerably. And as your group exited the elevator and turned toward where the ticketing windows were, you stayed that way. Troy offered to wait with Caleb so you weren’t all crowding the line, and you agreed, thankful for a few minutes of time alone with your friend. 
“He’s going to want to go and meet the players.” She spoke quietly, leaning closer to you. “What happens when you see -”
“Nothing.” You shrugged, taking a breath. “Or, nothing weird, I hope. He seems like the kind of guy that wouldn’t make a big deal of what happened.” 
“What about you?” You stepped forward, only a few people between you and the windows. “Can you be cool about it?”
“I’d hope so.” You looked over at her, grinning. “It wasn’t awkward when he left, so I think I did pretty well there.” She didn’t say anything else until it was your turn, Erin stepping forward with you and waiting to see what you’d say. “Hi. I’m supposed to have some tickets waiting for me. I think I’m on a list?” 
The man behind the glass nodded. “I’ll need to see your ID.” Reaching into your bag, you pulled your wallet out and then handed the thin card over, sliding it through the opening. He took it and started typing, his eyes on the computer screen in front of him. “Oh.” He hummed, tipping his head to the side, and then reached for the phone beside the device. “Hey, we need to send someone from SL down to ticketing to pick up a group.” 
You glanced over at Erin, confused, but her expression was the same as yours. SL? What’s that? Turning your head, you looked over at Caleb and Troy, the little boy seated on a stone wall while he looked up to talk to the man. Why do we need to be picked up? The sound of your name got your attention, and you looked back at the window, sucking in a breath. “Yeah? Sorry. I -”
“If you and your group will step off to the side by the door,” he pointed, still smiling. “Someone will be down in a few minutes to escort you in.” He slid your ID back to you. “Have a good night.” You thanked him, somewhat dazed, and turned toward the door, Erin close behind you. 
“We didn’t get tickets? What happens now? What did -” 
“Fuck if I know, Erin. I have no idea what’s going on.” She waved her brother and fiance over, the two of them meeting you moments later. 
“What’s going on? Where are the tickets?” Troy looked between you, frowning. “Do we need to -”
“Someone’s coming to get us.” You stuffed your hands into the pockets of your shorts. “I know nothing else.” Jack had seemed certain that he had tickets available for you, so you weren’t worried about getting into the stadium, but as to whatever else happened, you were clueless. Maybe it’s one of the lower sections. Maybe it’s the club section and we need wristbands or something. 
No one had anything else to say, and by the time the door opened a minute or so later, you were even more confused. But the woman - who introduced herself as Mary - put you at ease. “Welcome to Players Weekend.” She opened the door fully, greeting you by name. “If you’ll follow me, I’ll take you to your seats for the game.” Sneaking a look at your friends after you thanked her, you caught Erin’s eye, the woman’s gleaming with intrigue. “It’s a little busy tonight, so make sure you stay close.” 
You did - following Mary as she led you down a short hallway and then through another set of doors and onto the lower concourse. You felt better one you were inside with the crowd, the thought that since you were in the stadium, that was all that mattered crossing your mind. 
But your thoughts blanked as she led the four of you toward a third set of doors and used a badge hanging from her belt to unlock them. “Where are we going?” Caleb broke the silence, the boy pushing forward to stand next to you. “I’ve never been in here before.” 
“This is the entrance to the dugout suites.” Mary looked down at him, her smile gentle. “Not many people have been in them before.” The dugout suites? Freezing at her words, your mouth dropped open. Jack, what did you do? “Come on. Yours is one of the cozier ones, but it’s one of my personal favorites.” A fucking suite? 
You walked down another hallway, the space curving to follow the shape of the stadium, and you realized that you were heading toward the Statesman’s dugout. Your head whipped to the side and you saw that Troy had put that together, too, his eyes wide and his grin threatening to split his face. “A suite? Right by where the players are?” Caleb was next to Mary, the boy’s voice loud. “Why are we -” 
“I don’t know.” She stopped in front of a door that had the words CHAMPAGNE LOUNGE engraved onto a golden plaque next to the team’s logo before reaching for the keycard again “But I do know that you’re going to have an amazing time.” She swiped the card and the light turned green. “Go ahead. Open the door.” Caleb looked back at you and you nodded, lips pressed together in a thin line. 
He opened the door and cautiously peeked inside, but as soon as he saw something, he darted in, leaving the rest of you standing in the hallway. Erin called after him, rushing forward and following him inside, but Mary only laughed, pushing the door all the way open and gesturing for you to follow. 
“The view is incredible, I don’t blame him for being excited.” 
She wasn’t lying. The entire back wall of the suite was windows so that the field stretched out in front of you, a cluster of seats on a small porch visible through the tinted glass. Caleb was busy pulling the door open to get to where they were, but you stopped just inside of the room, shaking your head. “This is too much, I just …” 
“My advice?” Mary looked at you, raising her eyebrow. “Enjoy it.” I will, but… “This is the Champagne Lounge.” 
“As in the team owner?” Troy stepped forward, arms crossed. “That Champagne?”
“Yes.” Mary nodded, giving you a wink. “He chose the decor, so that’s not on us, but …” You really looked around for the first time and had to bite back a laugh at the way it was decorated. I mean it makes sense, but … 
Everything was rustic and warm, the countertops and table surfaces made from gleaming wood. The floor looked a little rougher and worn, and you saw a few small area rugs scattered throughout the space, which made it more inviting. “You have a full menu available to you.” She moved toward the counter, picking up a small binder. “There are snacks and drinks along the back wall,” she pointed with one hand, flipping the pages open. “Left fridge is water and soda. The other is filled with beer, and there are a couple bottles of the Statesman/Whiskey collaboration for you to use.” He shield the binder up. “But if you want other kinds of mixed drinks, they’re all in here and you can order them to be delivered. Same with the food options.”
“How much -”
“Everything is complimentary.” Her smile was soft. “You’ll have an attendant that will come and check on you once I’ve let them know you’re in here, and they’ll be available whenever you need them through the tablet on the counter. But anything in this menu is fair game.” 
It made your head spin. You’d assumed that you’d have tickets somewhere decent - maybe in the lower level - but hadn’t ever even dreamed that Jack would get you a suite, much less Champ’s suite. 
“There’s also something for you in that box over there.” Mary gestured toward a white, rectangular box that was sitting on a small side table. What the hell is that? “There’s a bathroom back here,” she pointed at the side wall, and then put her hand on her hip. “The door does lock if you go out into the hallway, so once all of you leave the suite, you can’t get back in.” 
“Ok.” You nodded, blinking slowly. “It’s taking me a little while to catch up. This is … I wasn’t expecting these seats, and …” She laughed, asking if there was anything else you needed, and when you said no, she turned away and headed for the door, letting you know that someone else would be in a few minutes later. 
And once she was gone, you finally exhaled, covering your face with both hands. “You must have done something right. This is fucking insane!” Erin put her hands on your shoulders, saying your name. “How did -”
“I don’t know.” Biting your lip, you shook your head rapidly. “I have no fucking idea, this is …” 
“Are you guys coming out here?” Caleb poked his head in, his eyes bulging. “You can see the whole place. We’re right next to the dugout. I can see the steps where the players walk out onto the field!” Troy took a few steps forward and Erin followed, looking back at you. 
“Give me a second.” You could tell she was worried, but she still went, leaving you alone in the interior of the suite. After spinning slowly around to take everything in, you reached for your phone, fingers shaking as you opened your text with Jack. The last message was from him, sent hours earlier - and telling you to enjoy the game. 
You didn’t know what to think. You wanted to let him know you were grateful, but didn’t trust your voice not to waver in a voice message. So you settled for raising the device and taking a selfie, the suite and field visible behind you. 
This is too much, Jack. But thank you. I don’t even know what else to say. 
He was likely getting ready in the locker room - and you didn’t know if he’d even see the message before taking the field. But he’ll see it later. And he’ll see what time I sent it. You were just getting ready to put your phone away and join your friends when a message popped up on the screen. 
You’re welcome. But where’s your jersey? 
“What jersey?” You hadn’t ever told him that you owned one, but when your eyes flicked over to the white box again, your stomach dropped. He didn’t. Leaving your phone on the counter, you approached the box, dimly aware of the sounds of your friends talking through the open door. Using both hands, you lifted the lid, swearing as the contents came into view. “Jesus, Jack. What the fuck.” 
There was a note sitting atop the bright yellow fabric, and with unsteady hands you reached for it, heart pounding while you read the words. 
(Note text: Couldn’t start the game dirty. Thought you might want this though. JD)
You lifted it out of the box, holding it up in front of you. Immediately, your eyes were drawn to a black smudge on one shoulder, and you laughed as you realized what it was from. He’s worn this. 
It was the jersey he’d worn in the promo shots, and the smudge was from the bat where it had rested on his shoulder. And I get to keep it? 
Before you could second guess yourself, you pulled the jersey on over the clothing you wore, leaving it unbuttoned. Shivering at the thought that the last person to have worn it was him, you leaned back over and grabbed your phone before heading outside. 
Erin’s eyes widened at the sight of you, and Troy also looked surprised, but after a swift shake of the head from your friend, he stayed quiet. Please do. I don’t want to talk about this right now. 
Caleb was standing on one of the seats, leaning forward to rest his elbows on the ledge in front of him. Instead of saying anything to your friends, you focused on him, calling out his name. “We got a pretty good view, hmm?”
“Yeah. The on deck circle is right there. Theres a net in the way, but it doesn’t matter. We’ll get to watch everyone while they wait to hit.” What? You crossed the small space and stood next to him, also resting your elbows on the ledge. “Do you think I can take pictures of the batters?”
“I don’t see why not.” You eyed the ground in front of you, the Statesman logo almost mocking you. It’s so close. He’s going to be right there before he bats. “Just make sure the flash is off. I feel like it would be pretty distracting otherwise.” He agreed with you, nodding. 
“Hey, take a picture of us.” Erin leaned forward, holding her phone out. “We’ll send it to my mom.” You did as she asked, taking a few of the three of them standing in front of the netting. It was only then that Caleb saw what you were wearing, the boy asking you question after question that you answered with partial truths. 
You didn’t want to lie to him, but knew Erin was right; telling Caleb that you and Jack were in contact wasn’t a good idea. Not yet. Not until I know more about what this is. But seeing your jersey brought up the fact that if you couldn’t get back into the suite after leaving, there was no way for Caleb to get his. 
He was disappointed until the suite attendant appeared a few minutes later to take your food order - and then asked if there was anything else she could do for you. “Is there any way he could go and buy a jersey? We didn’t know we’d be in a suite, so we didn’t stop on the way, and he’s -”
“Of course.” She looked down at Caleb, grinning. “I can take you, or one of the adults here can come with us.” She pointed. “There’s a team shop right above where we are.”
‘I’ll go with you, buddy.” Troy stepped forward, reaching out to ruffle Caleb’s hair. “Might want to get one of my own.” He looked over at you and winked, and it took everything in you not to groan. Smooth, Troy. 
They left you and Erin moments later, and as soon as the door shut behind them, she whirled to face you, her eyes wide. 
“We’re in the owner’s suite. He gave you the fucking jersey he wore to do promo shots for this weekend.” She scoffed, raising her voice. “Fuck, that’s probably the first Statesman uniform he’s had on since he got hurt, and now it’s yours.” She paused, gesturing toward the field. “You must have been amazing in bed, because -”
“Erin.” Holding both hands up, you shook your head. “I’m just as confused as you are. He said he wanted to see me again, but when he asked about tickets for this weekend, he didn’t mention anything after, just… this.” You used one hand to indicate the suite you were in. “And by this I mean tickets. I had no idea it was going to be a suite. It’s too much.” 
“Maybe he’s hoping for a really nice ‘thank you’ blowj-”
“I don’t think so.” You cut her off, sinking into one of the chairs and crossing your arms. “I asked if I could the other night, and he said no, because we didn’t know each other well enough. And I don’t think that’s changed.” 
You didn’t want to admit that the same thought had crossed your mind - that Jack was being so generous because he expected something in return. But he didn’t hesitate to ask for things in bed. If it happens again, he’d just tell me what he wanted so that I could either say yes or no. 
“You’re joking.” She sat next to you, crossing her legs and leaning closer. I’m not. “Did … did you even have sex? Because if you didn’t, and he’s doing this? Then -”
“We did.” It was a relief to admit it, even though you hated the idea of spreading personal details. “And it was good, Erin. Like, really fucking good. But there’s no way it was this good, especially for him. You’ve seen the same things online that I have about him. No one’s ever … people would talk about him doing this for them. And no one has.”
“So maybe they lied.” She shrugged. “Maybe they said he wasn’t attentive or interested in more than one night because it was their way of dealing with the fact that he never called them again.” She bit her lip. “Maybe it was them wanting to get the last word in and make it harder for him to do the same in the future.” She reached out, taking your hand and squeezing it. “And maybe the ones that he did this stuff for, if he has in the past? Maybe they respected him enough to keep it quiet.” 
She’s probably right. You swallowed hard, turning your head to look through the netting and at the field. For everyone that had said something negative about their experience with Jack online, there had to be others with good experiences that had kept their mouths shut. And I’m one of those. “What would I do without you?” Squeezing her hand before you let go, you stood again and went back inside of the suite, Erin following closely. “Want a drink? We can open these bottles of Statesman, according to Mary.” 
She did - and by the time Caleb, Troy and the attendant came back a little while later, the two of you were laughing over your drinks, a few of the bags of snacks open on the table between you. Both guys had bought jerseys - Caleb’s was a smaller version of yours, while Troy was wearing one of the Statesman home blues, Jack’s last name and number on the back. 
The food arrived shortly after, and once each of you had made a plate, you headed back outside to sit in the seats and watch the on-field activity, Caleb narrating around mouthfuls of chicken tenders and french fries. 
You relaxed the longer you sat with your friends, and by the time the players started to come onto the field for warm-ups, you’d talked yourself into a state of calm. 
Sort of. 
You were fine until Jack took the field, a chorus of cheers coming from further down the third base line - the same as it had been when you and Caleb had seen him the previous week. Erin shot you a look but you ignored it, instead watching as he began his stretches, the same dark-haired woman supervising each movement. 
He looked good, and even though it had only been a little over a week since you’d seen him play, you could tell that he was stronger, too. “He looks better, right Caleb?” You nudged the boy, smiling at him. “Less hesitation when he -”
“He’s really stretching out those calves, hmm?” Erin cleared her throat. “He’s very flexible.” You glared at her and she wrinkled her nose and winked, but didn’t say anything else, even as Troy snorted into his drink. She’s not wrong, though. 
“Sorry we won’t get to meet the players today, kiddo.” Leaning forward, you propped your elbow up on the ledge in front of you before resting your chin on your hand. “I know how much you wanted to do that.”
“Are you kidding?” He turned to look at you, rolling his eyes. “This is way better. We get to see everyone up close.” You agreed - and so did Troy, and for the next few minutes, the four of you watched the players in silence, though your attention was specifically on Jack and his trainer. 
When he stepped out of view to talk to fans in the stands, you decided to go back inside and make yourself a second drink - the last one you were planning on having, since you had to drive home. Once it was mixed you lifted the cup to your lips, your other hand on the bottle. Just enjoy tonight. It doesn’t have to be more than this. You swiped your thumb slowly over where his signature was etched into the glass and took a deep breath before turning to head back outside. 
But when you reached the door, you paused, sucking in a breath at the sight of Jack crouched down in front of the netting and talking to Caleb, Erin and Troy. He must have caught your movement in his peripheral, because he looked up and nodded, his grin widening. “There she is.” 
“Hello, Whiskey.” You raised your glass, giving him a genuine smile, even as your heart pounded. “Welcome back to Louisville.” 
“It’s good to be here.” His lips twitched, one hand lifting to pull his hat off before he repositioned it on his head, never breaking eye contact. “You got the good seats tonight.” 
“We do. The good liquor, too.” That got a laugh out of him, Jack rising to his feet and straightening his shoulders as you brought the drink to your lips. 
“Enjoy yourselves. I’ve gotta get goin’.” He turned away and paused, putting a hand on his hip before he spun back to face all of you. What are you going to say, Jack? “Nice jersey, by the way.” You nearly choked on the liquid in your mouth at his words, and if Jack’s quiet laugh was any indication, he was very aware of it. You jackass. 
You caught his wink and then he did disappear, heading down the stairs and into the dugout. Ok, that could have gone worse. It could have gone better, too, but at least you hadn’t made a fool of yourself in front of him - which was the important thing.
The sound of Caleb talking about how Jack remembered him faded as you went back inside, setting your drink down on the counter and then gripping the edge of it, head lowered. The hard part’s over. He saw me and he knows I’m here, and he saw me in the - 
“He likes you.” Troy was right behind you, and even though you jumped at the sound of his voice, you recovered quickly, spinning to look at him. What? “He walked over and immediately said hi to Caleb, but he looked around and he seemed disappointed. And then you came outside and his mood changed.” Troy’s smile widened, and he stuck his tongue into his cheek briefly before saying anything else. “And if he looked for you, that means he knew you were going to be here, and -”
Shit. Is it that obvious? “I’m not going to confirm or deny a goddamn thing.”
“You just did.” Troy laughed, reaching out with one hand to squeeze your arm. “Good for you, though. He seems like fun.” You have no idea. “We should go back out there. The game’s going to start.” 
Wordlessly, you followed Troy back out and into the seating area - just as the request to rise for the National Anthem blared out through the loudspeakers.
By the sixth inning, you weren’t worried about what was going on between you and Jack anymore. Instead, you were upset, because The Statesman were losing. 
It was no fault of Jack’s, though - he’d gotten a single and walked in his two at bats, the crowd giving him a standing ovation each time he headed to home plate. He’d also made a few really good plays at third - one of them throwing out someone at home as the other team tried to bunt in a run. 
The rest of the team was the problem, with errors made in the outfield, a dropped ball by the shortstop and three really bad pitches that had resulted in six total runs scored. There was still time for a comeback, and even though chances were growing slimmer by the minute, a three run deficit wasn’t too much to overcome. 
When Jack took his place in the on-deck circle, there were two men on and only one out. You stayed in the position that you’d been in for most of the game - arms crossed and elbows resting on the wall in front of you, leaning as close to the action as you could get. 
Watching him up close was special, and you’d snapped a few pictures in his earlier at bats of him bending over and adding the weights to the bat before he swung, as well as of him with it perched on his shoulder and in motion. It wasn’t just Jack that you photographed, but you paid more attention to him than the others. 
You were so close that you could hear the players grunting and groaning as they took their practice swings, as well as some of the things they yelled back to the other players in the dugout and on the field, and Jack was vocal. It didn’t surprise you after the time you’d spent with him, but if you’d said that the way he was on-field and with his teammates and the ump crew wasn’t a turn on, it would have been a lie. 
Because if the fans got into the game, Jack was on another level. 
He paused in his swings to watch the at bat in front of him, and after one particularly bad call, you heard his disdain for the ump - the man’s shout of “That wasn’t a damn strike even in a little league game!” clearly audible, as was the way he ducked his head toward the ground and kicked the dirt in a side-to-side motion with one cleat while he repeated the word “bullshit” under his breath. 
During a visit to the mound by the catcher, Jack looked over at where you were, locking eyes with you and rolling his, mouthing the word “bullshit” again. You laughed in return, mouthing the words I know, before shaking your head. It was easier than you’d thought it would be to interact with him, and part of you wondered if it was because it was pointed but not personal, and that he wasn’t hiding his actions.
The entire stadium groaned when the batter popped out and the runners couldn’t advance, but those groans turned into cheers when Jack’s walk up music started, and your breath caught in your throat again when he looked over at your suite before he headed to the plate, smirking and giving you a quick wink. 
“He changed his song!” Erin leaned over, elbowing you a few times. “This is my favorite one!” It was yours, too - and you’d always thought that it was a little inappropriate for an MLB stadium filled with kids - but that day, you didn’t care. 
He strutted toward the batter’s box as Pony blared through the speakers, and you didn’t look away for a second. And neither did any of the other women in this stadium if those cheers are anything to go by. 
He stepped into the box and then got ready, kicking at the dirt and using one hand to tug on the front of his jersey, making sure that the chain he wore was resting flush against his chest, and not on top of the material. He took a few practice swings and then tapped the bat against the plate, releasing a breath and nodding before settling the lumber back on his shoulder. 
“C’mon Jack!” You yelled the words and smacked your palm on the wall a few times, shaking your head. “Bring ‘em home!” Erin laughed next to you, but she also cheered, and then Caleb joined in, the three of you going silent just before the pitcher set and threw. 
It was a ball - so far inside that it almost hit Jack, but he stayed in place, cocking his head to the side as he lifted the bat and took another swing before settling it back in place. 
The crowd was loud - roaring out his name when Jack swung at the next pitch and made contact. The noise increased until it hooked foul, everyone wincing and groaning. He didn’t even run, though. He knew it wasn’t fair. Jack adjusted his gloves and then stepped back into the box, getting situated just in time for another pitch - that one ball two. 
“A single scores one.” Troy reached up, linking his fingers through the netting as he leaned closer. “A double will score both, and -” Jack swung and missed, and you lowered your head, swearing. Fuck. “Come on Daniels!” Troy let go of the fence and clapped his hands. “Just wait for your pitch!” 
He didn’t swing the next time and as the count ran full, the atmosphere in the stadium changed considerably. If no one scores here, the game’s over. It was a nervous energy that coursed through you, but when you looked back at Jack, you saw that he was still calm, his grip on the bat handle loose as he stepped out of the batter’s box and looked around the stadium. 
“He’s going to strike out.” Troy sat back, shaking his head. “This pitcher’s been too good today.” 
“No, he’s not.” Caleb scowled at the man, phone in hand. “He’s going to get a hit.” He jumped up and down a few times. “He has to.” 
“Whatever happens, it needs to happen now because I feel sick to my stomach.” You mumbled the words, lowering your head and groaning. “Come on, Jack.” You wet your lips and looked back at him, watching as he rocked back and forth, awaiting the pitch. 
You knew as soon as he swung that bat that he’d make contact - and when, moments later, the crack of the connection reached your ears, you knew it was gone. And so did Jack, the man keeping his eye on the ball as he headed to first, and then throwing both hands up into the air and cheering as he rounded the base.
“Fuck yeah, Jack!” You jumped up and down and then turned to hug Erin, the woman squealing in your ear before she let go and reached for Troy, who was shaking Caleb back and forth in celebration, the boy yelling in excitement. 
You focused back on the field - where the two men that had been on base were waiting at home plate for Jack. When he rounded 3rd, you cheered louder, clapping your hands and yelling out his name. There was little chance that he could hear you over the others in the stadium, and when he got to home and stomped on the base, the other two engulfing him in celebration and knocking his hat off, you wished that you’d had your camera out - and had gotten the moment on video. 
The three of them headed back in your direction, Jack at the center of the group, and even though it was fast, you didn’t miss his glance at your suite, or the tiny nod and smirk he gave you when you grinned up at him, biting down on the inside of your lip. Oh, shit. 
“That was awesome!” Caleb’s voice broke the moment, and when you looked over, you saw that he was following the three men with his phone. “And I got it all on video!” He lowered the device and then beamed up at you and his sister. “If I send it to you, will you post it?”
“That’s a long video to post, buddy.” Troy settled back into his seat, scrubbing a hand over his face as the next batter swung and missed. “But it’s really cool that you got it all.” He looked sad but agreed, and when Caleb looked at you again, you raised a brow. 
“You can still send it to me if you want, though. I’d love to watch it.” And to see if he got that smirk in there, because… damn. 
He told you he would once you were out of the stadium, and then Caleb tucked his phone away and returned his attention to the field, where the batter had just struck out, ending the inning. But they’re tied now, and that’s all that matters.  
For the next two and a half innings, neither team scored, which meant that it all came down to the bottom of the ninth. Jack was due to bat third, which meant you’d get to see him once more that night. And that might be it for a while. 
You’d taken advantage of the suite during the game, getting more to eat and drink, ordering ice cream sundaes that were delivered by your attendant, and watching a few at bats on the TV mounted to one wall instead of live in front of you. It was an experience that you’d never forget, and you’d heard your friends say the same throughout the night. 
Neither Erin or Troy had said anything about Jack’s wink or the nod, but you knew that they’d seen both. She wouldn’t spill your secrets to him, but you knew he’d likely ask, and part of you wondered what would happen if things continued between you and Jack, even on just a friendly basis. I’d have to tell them then.
The attendant told you that both bottles of Statesman were yours to take, and so between the 8th and 9th innings, you’d packed them up into the provided boxes and then tucked them into a bag that she’d left for you, along with the partially eaten candy and popcorn - figuring that they were just going to toss it anyway if you left it behind. 
And when the Statesman came up to bat for the final time, you rushed back out into the seats, standing between Erin and the left wall of the suite and drumming your fingers nervously against the concrete. 
That time, Jack paid no attention to the crowds while he waited to hit, instead crossing his legs at the ankle and leaning against the end of his bat, eyes on his teammate. “Just get on base.” You whispered the words, looking toward home. “Give Jack a chance.” 
The game meant very little in the grand scheme of things. 
The Statesman weren’t close to leading in the standings, and it would have taken a lot to get them to a contending position for the playoffs. But you still wanted them to win, if for no other reason than to top off Jack’s return. He did his part, though. He tied it up. 
And the man at the plate did his part, too, knocking a single between second and third, which meant that Jack got to the plate with one on and nobody out, his walk up song back to the one he’d used for his first two at bats. 
Caleb was nearly vibrating with excitement, his phone out and aimed at Jack once more - and you decided to do the same. Fuck it, you thought, pressing the record button. I’m just a fan right now. He took the first pitch - a called strike - and you watched him shake his head in disagreement, though he didn’t argue for too long. 
The second pitch slipped from the pitcher’s hand and veered downward, and even though Jack moved quickly, he couldn’t get out of the way. It hit the ankle guard he wore and bounced away, and for a few horrifying seconds, you worried that his return to the team would be short lived. 
The entire stadium booed, but the sound turned to a cheer when Jack bent over and pulled the protection off, tossing it to the side along with his batting helmet, and jogged to first. His trainer was close behind, the woman’s arms crossed over her chest as she assessed his condition and finally gave him the go-ahead to stay in. 
The game continued once she’d jogged back across the field and into the dugout, and you - along with thousands of others - watched anxiously, waiting. 
You didn’t have long to wait. On the third pitch of the at bat, he blooped a hit into shallow right, the ball hitting the ground and then skipping through the legs of the outfielder. 
The entire stadium roared, and the four of you did, too, cheering and clapping as the winning run crossed the plate. Erin wrapped you in her arms in celebration, but you kept your eyes on the field. I don’t want to miss this. Jack didn’t even finish rounding the bases and instead cut across the infield and headed for home, both arms out in front of him as he clapped and cheered. 
He’d lost his hat again as he hurried in, and by the time he was hugging his teammate, all of them jumping up and down, his hair had curled over his forehead - one lock hanging between his eyes. He got swallowed up in the crowd of people and you turned away, pulling free from Erin’s hold. 
“Hell yeah!” Troy pumped his fist in the air. “What a win.” It took a few seconds, but all of you managed to calm down and look back at the field, watching as the teams did their congratulatory handshakes and then broke for the dugouts and locker rooms. 
Jack got pulled for an interview, but you could barely see it, and so the four of you began to pack up, heading back inside after one final look at the field. The attendant was back, and she asked if you wanted a group photo before you left - something that Caleb agreed to for all of you. 
But once those were taken on all four phones, you had no reason to stay in the suite. She led you back down the hallway and to the main concourse, thanking you for coming and telling you to have a safe drive home before saying goodbye.
It was strange to be around so many people again after having no crowd to deal with for the entire night, but the mood was cheerful, and that hadn’t changed after walking back to the car and putting everything you carried into the trunk. 
You hoped you wouldn’t have to sit in traffic for very long. Because you’d gotten to the game so early and were on one of the lower garage floors, you got your wish. Only ten minutes later, you were out of the garage and on your way home. Caleb and Troy were having an intense conversation in the back seat, and Erin was leaning against her window, head propped up on one hand. 
“That was really cool.” You nodded, keeping your eyes on the road. “Make sure you thank the person that got those tickets for us.” You knew what she was doing - but refused to take the bait. “Or I can, if -”
“I’ll text when I get home.” You narrowed your eyes and looked over at her. “I promise.” You heard Troy snort in the back seat, but Erin thankfully didn’t say anything else. 
Caleb was the first one out of the car as soon as you parked, the boy yelling a ‘thank you’ at you before he sprinted toward the front door, bursting to tell his parents about the game. Troy and Erin hung back, and you were surprised to hear him speak first, after leaning forward to slot himself between the seats. 
“That was really fucking cool. Please, make sure you tell Jack that we appreciated tonight.” You assured him you would, and when Erin reached over to squeeze your knee, you cleared your throat. 
“Thank both of you for being … discreet.” Shrugging, you gripped the wheel with both hands. “I don’t want to make too much of -” You were cut off when your phone rang, and thanks to the fact that it was connected to your car via Bluetooth, they were both able to see exactly who was calling: Jack. “Not a word from either of you.” 
Erin laughed, but as you reached for the screen to answer the phone, she opened the door and got out, Troy not far behind. Your finger hovered for a second and then you answered, closing your eyes and taking a deep breath. “Hey, Jack.” 
“I’m not interruptin’, am I?” 
“No, I just dropped everyone off, and I’m getting ready to go home.” Backing out of the driveway, you turned in the direction of your place. “What are -”
“Come over.” You sucked in a breath, looking away from the road and toward the display. What? “I mean, if you’re not busy, and want to, you can come over tonight. You should come over.”
“I don’t know where you live.” You glanced down, realizing that you were still wearing your clothes from the game. “And I need to go home and change, I’m -”
“You still wearin’ my jersey?” Confirming that you were, you were relieved to hear his groan, Jack’s continued words spoken in a much softer tone than he’d been using before. “Then you definitely don’t need to go home. I’d sure like to see you in that without a net between us.” 
You stopped at a light, pressing your fingertips to your mouth and thinking. You wanted to see him again. You wanted to spend more time with him. And if he’d called you immediately after arriving home from a walk off win, he obviously wanted to spend more time with you, too. Fuck it. Why not? 
“Alright, Jack. Send me your address and I’ll be there soon.” 
Sample dugout suite view:
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Alternate Players Weekend photo (thank you @stealyourblorbos):
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minban · 6 days
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NAME: red
PRONOUNS: he/she/they
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: i don't mind whether it's discord or tumblr ims because either way i'm going to be terrible at responding askjfhalkfjsha so sorry to everyone who i've ever talked to ooc, you will continue to receive slow responses from me.
NAME OF MUSE(s): i'm not going to list them all but the most active ones are jing yuan, kaveh, and boothill. of course, you're always free to ask for any muse on my roster regardless if you have seen me rping them on the dash or not.
BEST EXPERIENCE: coming back to the rpc. i didn't think that i would miss it as much as i did. the moment i was able to write again and form dynamics with other writers was wonderful, and i do not think that i will be leaving the rpc anytime soon. my activity may be slow but y'all can be sure that i love being here and interacting with other muns again.
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS: asking me for a starter, not interacting with that starter, and then asking for another starter. this goes for asks too with repeated instances of not interacting with what i have written you. the interaction could either be on the post or in the dms. i understand that everyone has a life outside of the rpc so if this occurs occasionally then i get it. but repeated instances is grounds for hardblocking. i spend a lot of time writing even a simple paragraph, and for that to be ignored is hurtful.
i love out of character posts. i love reading what my mutuals are up to and any silly little thoughts that they have. however, if you're treating your blog as a personal blog without any signs of in character posts, then i might end up unfollowing you. i wouldn't say this is a pet peeve because i'm glad with however people are enjoying their experiences here, but this can be a dealbreaker when i'm mainly here to write.
MUSE PREFERENCES: i think i have a pretty broad spectrum of muses that i write. there are some patterns however, those being tragic blond haired men, depressing backstories, and silly little goobers. i enjoy characters who put on a silly facade while their past and lives haunt them, i love characters who smile while their lives crumble beneath their feet. jing yuan, boothill, and kaveh are all perfect examples of these themes and i find them absolutely fascinating to explore through interactions with other muns. when you dig deeper than just the surface, you find that they are not just smiles and jokes, and i eat that up.
PLOTS OR MEMES: i enjoy plotting immensely, and i enjoy sending in memes and being sent memes in return. honestly, i love the interactions and writings that come with rping as a whole. i do not think i have a preference so long as i get to enjoy what my muses are up to. i love throwing ideas back and forth with my fellow muns, and i love the occasional moments where i will take a meme and go crazy with replying to it.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: short replies are wonderful, fantastic, amazing, and you will see me continuously writing more than i thought i would asjfkasklfjsha. i don't have a preference for either, and i will always do my best to match my partner's length. i will say that threads with a shorter length will be replied to much faster.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: at night, or on my phone during the busiest hours of work. i don't know what it is where my brain likes to kickstart my writing mode during the most convenient times. i don't have a say in when my brain switches on creative mode either, which is why my activity is always abysmal, both ic and ooc.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): yes and no. it depends on what muses we're talking about including what aspects in particular. i can relate to kaveh in how he feels like the standards placed onto him are a shackle, and i can relate to his depression, his kindness, and his self deprecating tendencies. but i am not a people person, i will not go out of my way for everyone who crosses my path, i will not go above my means for the sake of others. kaveh has very little self preservation, whereas i have a lot. we can also talk about jing yuan in how he wishes for a simple life, sleeping the hours of the days away in bed, but i am no politician. a can relate to my muses only on some of their aspects. (noe archiviste this does not apply to you. the only difference between me and noe is that i am not a vampire.)
tagged by @aguilareye thank you 💞 tagging @furiaei, @yeonban, @venstm, @halovien, and you !
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victoriousfidelity · 3 months
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gonna swoop in and make a last minute change to how this blog is gonna run for the rest of the month (& into the beginning of next)! i originally had three things from my drafts posting most days (something from my inbox, a starter response, and a normal reply) with twelve things posting on a handful of busier days. however, i'm looking at the next few weeks (which include four gigs right now, and that may increase to five), and realising i need to rethink some things! so from today, my queue will be paused until june 29th. from then until july 12th, it will be posting 12 drafts a day. this will a) mean my backlog of drafts gets mostly cleared and b) ensure that people don't have to wait for replies for much longer. between today and june 28th, i'll be around on the dash as and when i can, posting any starters / ooc inbox things / anything i can't resist getting to quickly straight to the dash. i have active starter, inbox, and plotting calls going if you fancy adding to my to-do list, and my inbox is always open! and finally: you all know i am notoriously slow at getting to dms. the best place to get hold of me is probably discord, and i'm also more than happy to write on there too. please just ask me for my username if we're mutuals here! wire is also tentatively available to do things with sigyn on; again, just send a message if you want her username! thank you all so much for your patience! i hope the rest of june treats you kindly. 🧡
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leventar · 3 months
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                 ⁽ ¹ ⁾   directory.    ⁽ ² ⁾   prompts.
▍18+ only.   mutually exclusive.     softblock when breaking mutuals, and PLEASE softblock if you don’t intend to follow back. i will forget to unfollow if it surpasses a few days and i’m mobile most of the time, so mutual checker doesn’t show! my activity tends to be low or sporadic, it's never an indication of my interest.
IMPORTANT: i understand some people put deadlines on when they expect interactions, but i operate incredibly slowly if the expectation is on me to initiate. if we are mutuals, i have every intention of interacting with you both ic and ooc, it just takes me longer to write, and that could take up to several months. i try to make up for it with dash interactions ( e.g. liking your posts, commenting, sending memes, etc. ) i will not adhere to any deadlines as it makes me feel pressured, as if my time with my hobby is a job, and makes my reaching out to you feel inauthentic. if you feel it is taking too long, you are more than welcome to initiate interactions with me! i always reply, just slowly. interactions are a two - way street. i never ignore anyone on purpose, if i'm active on dash it's just because it's easier to be " brain - empty " and i'd want to provide a substantial, sensible response for you, especially if we're plotting. i'm also a big believer in building community, curating a space where it's fun to vibe on dash. doesn't necessarily mean we need to write immediately. <3 ty!
       *          i utilize memes as a way to write starters and initiate interactions. please do not send memes if you have no intention of continuing at least some of the ones i answer.  
▍basic dni criterion apply, but specifically do not interact if you are a multi and primarily use east asian fcs    ( especially if they are korean )    because that screams fetishization to me   ( there are exceptions and it's pretty obvious when it's normal vs gross behavior.  i'm east asian and the way some of y'all treat east / southeast asians is atrocious. );   interchange asians; write historical or real muses;     use youtubers/influencers as fcs;     and / or solely focus on sexual nsfw / fetishizing mlm.
       *           by default,   expect most potentially triggering content to be referenced in some way or form on this blog.    characters come from a wide variety of media, most of which include some form of violence, death, and other explicit content. sexual content may be present, but no smutting on dash, most i'll do is a fade - to - black.
▍not all muses have additional info linked, so please free to ask me about anyone! my muse list is embarrassingly extensive and i'm too attached to actually remove anyone, so i've tried to present a smaller batch but everyone in the extended directory is available. they're not restricted or request only or whatever.
       *          droyi coire and the venkari universe are original lores created by my friends and i. please do not lift or use any of the content.
▍macy,  she / her,   24,   discord avail for mutuals.    
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dragonyear · 8 months
Dragonyear is a role-playing blog for Hatori Sohma of Fruits basket. To avoid multiple blogs I will also be musing Momiji, Ritsu, Yuki, Kyo, and Ayame as secondary side muses as well but consider this mainly a blog for Hatori. Focus is on friendship, love, acceptance, and healing from past trauma. Cherished by Crescent.
icons are from here & here and not made by me at all. Icons used are cropped and made by me.
rules under cut for ease of access
This is a highly private and selective roleplay blog for Hatori Sohma. Ritsu, Kyo, Momiji, Ayame, and Yuki are all secondary request only muses. They're available at any time, but they're not the main focus. So I treat this blog like a single muse that just happens to have extra side muses. I call it my "unofficial multi".
If you want to roleplay with Momiji or Ritsu please specify. Otherwise, you will defaulted to Hatori since this is his blog. Though, I will place interaction calls for Momiji and Ritsu when inspiration strikes.
As long as we're mutuals feel free to send me random asks, memes, like my starter/inbox calls go nuts. If we're not mutuals DNI with any memes or calls.
I have many headcanons developed over the years for these muses, please respect them.
Shipping is not a top priority but I do welcome ships outside of any canon ones that are expressed within the anime/manga. However, they must be appropriate to the muse and within reason. I especially love platonic/friends/found family/familial etc.
I do not tolerate drama of any kind and I do not personally reblog callouts but I will review evidence and if it is deemed to be dangerous or cause harm, I will block of my own accord. But I am not here for he said she said high school drama.
This blog may contain triggering topics and Fruba does cover some dark material under its light heart romcom.
This blog is for those 18+ and mun is 30+
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kissekii · 8 months
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𝗞 𝗜 𝗦 𝗘 𝗞 𝗜 奇跡 — miracles. shigemo haruta's innate technique aptly named. when a miracle ( chance / luck event ) is witnessed, the occurrence is erased from shigemo's memory, however the luck is gained by shigemo who accumulates these fortuitous turns as displayed by the six maximum markings on his face. a fortunate event has to occur for a fortunate event to land in his favour, often life saving.
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hello ! howdy ! this is an independent roleplay blog dedicated to shigemo haruta from jutjutsu kaisen. i know he's not a particularly . . . well-received character, so we'll see how this goes! haruta is an antagonist; his purpose is to be a little shit creating chaos or being pulled into chaos.
— themes include : death, murder, gore, violence, jujutsu politics, shenanigans. this is a pro villain blog. you write what you want to write; i am not here to police anyone. this is fiction ! ✧ you can also find me at @drippingheart ; my main and most active blog.
𝟎𝟎 details on haruta. ✧ 𝟎𝟏 promo. ✧ 𝟎𝟐 visuals. ✧ 𝟎𝟑 memes.
✧   𝟎𝟏   I run a mutuals only blog. If I follow you, I want to WRITE with you. I don’t collect followers and like to keep a tidy blog of people who interact with me. Since you’re reading this, that means you care enough to do so. I won’t bite your head off; please feel free to send memes or hit me up for a thread idea. I often clean up my follow list through soft blocks.
✧  𝟎𝟐   Quality and quantity fuel my motivation! I truly enjoy world building, scene progression, and character development. I am more willing to wing things and write shorter, more chill threads here as opposed to my main blog. Haruta is silly in between the madness and violence, so quirky threads are welcomed as much as extensive plotting.
✧   𝟎𝟑  This is an 18+ blog as I am nearing my thirties. I don’t foresee posting NSFW images, but I write heavily graphic scenes thus don’t feel comfortable writing with minors. Any suggestive aesthetics or sinday memes will be tagged as after dark ..  I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, and I don’t want to make any of my followers uncomfortable.
✧  𝟎𝟒  I don’t have any triggers and don’t tag any triggers. Threads are generally rated M, but I can go PG-13 depending on who I am writing with. I do not shy away from violent and graphic scenes fyi; I really enjoy writing them actually! I encourage you to message me if you would like to write out something extremely graphic. Violence aside, smut may make an appearance. It is not the goal of my writing. If there's chemistry in the thread and between the writers, well ... who am I to say no though this is Haruta we're talking about so it won't likely happen.
✧   𝟎𝟓  I do moderate edits and formatting. Formatting isn’t a deal breaker with me honestly. I prefer length over pretty aesthetics. I do ask that you cut posts; I won’t be following if you don’t cut your posts or fail to tag your posts — all of your posts especially your ooc ones.
✧  𝟎𝟔  When it comes to asks/memes, I treat them as independent little snippets. Sort of like insights with some or no background information. Sometimes I write them intentionally vague because it's what comes to me at the moment. I do not treat ask responses as starters, however you are more than welcome to continue a response of mine if you like it enough!
✧  𝟎𝟕 Crossovers are loooooved to other animes/mangas, video games, to shows and movies. Do not be afraid to reach out with crossover ideas. I am also very much interested in AU threads especially involving Haruta's past and into the culling events.
✧  𝟎𝟖   I am a manga reader who reads the chapters as they come out. Any spoiler related things will be tagged as jjk spoilers .
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quietresistance · 7 months
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# Qᴜɪᴇᴛʀᴇꜱɪꜱᴛᴀɴᴄᴇ : an independent + private portrayal of 𝙺𝙰𝚃𝙷𝙴𝚁𝙸𝙽𝙴 𝙷𝙰𝚁𝚁𝙸𝚂 , an original journalist character inspired by female war correspondents across history. multiverse + multifandom. written by 𝙺𝙸𝚃𝚃𝚈 ⁽ ²⁵⁺ ᶜˢᵗ ˢʰᵉ / ʰᵉʳ ⁾. established ᴏᴄᴛᴏʙᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ-ꜱɪxᴛᴇᴇɴ.
ㅤㅤa study in . . . ─── military legacies , quiet determination , breaking barriers , keeping a cool head under fire , picking up the shattered pieces of oneself , true courtesy , dignity in femininity , + depending on faith.
[ 𝟶𝟶𝟷 ] welcome! this roleplaying blog is inspired by the courage and ingenuity of contemporary and historical female war correspondents and investigative journalists who reported on some of the most shattering news of their generations. darker themes will be present on this blog, including war, violence, blood, criminal activity, and more. common, including nsfw content, and mutuals' triggers are tagged with 'trigger tw', and i don't have triggers.
[ 𝟶𝟶𝟸 ] this is a mutuals only roleplaying blog which means i will only interact in character with blogs i follow in return. if you are a non-roleplaying blog, please don't reblog my original content or those of fellow roleplaying blogs. however, anyone is welcome to message me or send me questions.
[ 𝟶𝟶𝟹 ] i know a wide range of fandoms and, unsurprisingly, time periods, so i'm always willing to write in your muse's world or an au, whether or not you see it in my verses. obviously, oc are loved here! while i like unplotted starters and asks and welcome off the cuff interactions, deep and continuous plotting is my deepest joy. activity here may be sporadic as i have work, other blogs, and unfortunately, chronic illness, but unless i say otherwise, i'll always return, and i always reply to what i have when i do. feel free to ask for my discord if we're mutuals. i place most ic content in the queue.
[ 𝟶𝟶𝟺 ] i love romantic shipping, and always welcome asking, but it all depends on chemistry. however, if you think they have chemistry, i probably do too and am too shy to ask. platonic relationships are just as, if not more so, important to me and katherine's story. enemies and friends are all welcome!
[ 𝟶𝟶𝟻 ] i am almost entirely anti-callout, the exception being substantiated evidence of criminal behavior (including harassment). i will not reblog them nor do i want to see them frequently on the dash. however, please tell me if someone has treated you badly in private. i do not abide bullies.
[ 𝟶𝟶𝟼 ] i don't practice mains or exclusives due to being burned too many times, but i do have affiliates for friends i've built a lot with. i highly recommend you follow them!
[ 𝟶𝟶𝟽 ] i've created all the graphics, psds, headcanons, and icons unless stated otherwise in the post, it's reblogged, or it's listed below. please do not steal, but i'm usually happy to share if asked!
[ 𝟶𝟶𝟾 ] finally, hi, hej, i'm kitty! glad to have you! i'm a historian and historical seamstress/tailor living in the united states, but i grew up internationally. you might catch a glimpse of my work in ooc posts here and there. if you or anyone else you know on this site are having a bad day, know at any time you can send in 'positivity please' anon or not (just make sure to include the url), i'll pull together some kind words to try to brighten that day.
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titanstroia · 2 years
This blog is typically set Pre-N52 however with discussion I am open to threads set in Rebirth and beyond.
Introduction. I’m Jet. Old bean. 25+. Any pronouns are fine. I slip up and use UK spelling sometimes. I've been RPing Donna for over a year. Tumblr IMs are always open to mutuals. Dis.cord is case by case basis. Donna defaults to mid-late 20s though I'm happy to write her older or younger.
This is a single muse indie blog (that follows back from batcowmaster), though I may have mains or exclusives with certain other blogs.
This blog is multi-ship
I will not under any circumstances accept racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, and so on. I also do not accept whitewashing muses. All in all – don’t be a dick, be respectful, treat others with kindness and understanding.
I don’t really check my tracked tag so it’s best to @ me in a post or message me with a link if that fails if you want me to see something.
This blog is fairly private, I don’t tend to follow first anymore and reserve the right to not follow back. If I don’t intend on following back I will probably soft-block. If I find your blog triggering for any reason I will hardblock. I will unfollow/block if something makes me uncomfortable or our writing styles don’t mesh. Please only follow if you’re 18+.
I only rp with mutuals so if I'm not following you back on batcowmaster we're not mutuals, if you send me an IC ask and we’re not mutuals I may block you. OOC asks are okay, especially if they’re development questions.
If there is no information on your blog I won’t be likely to follow back.
If you’re a personal blog (a non-rp blog) please do not reblog my posts.
I am pro-OC but am just as selective following them as anyone else – please have detailed information on your character.
I am duplicate friendly! If you’re a duplicate you’re welcome here. I am also likely to rp with multiple rpers of the same muse unless I am explicitly exclusive with a muse.
I am also crossover friendly! Though I may need to plot some to make the crossover happen.
Hate anons get deleted.
I tag triggering posts with ‘tw TRIGGER NAME’ e.g. ‘tw seizures’. If I’m not tagging something that you need tagged or my posts are slipping through and you need them tagged differently, please let me know.
OOC posts are typically tagged as such.
I’m not a meme source. Please reblog from the source.
Liking my musings and hcs and edits is okay, reblogging them is not.
Anything NS.FW is tagged NSFT. This blog will also have themes such as canon-typical violence, swearing, topics regarding poor mental health, domestic abuse, age gaps, death, torture, dissociation, and blood.
I am not comfortable with anything heavily NS.FW unless we as rp partners have been establishing a repertoire ooc. I will never smut on dash. It’s not my thing. Do not ask me to do so. I am happy to fade to black though.
Please be patient with me, I have a lot of health issues and my job! I also have memory issues due to my health so if I forget something please just let me know. I try to stay on top of things but life happens.
Most general comic book icons are made by me and they’re very time consuming. Please don’t steal them. However I also paid for and downloaded this pack of icons for Donna. And I downloaded icons from here, here and here. My writing on this blog does not represent the comic book company, their views, the opinions of the character in canon, any fc’s actions or opinions.
I love developing deep and rich stories for my muses. Backstories, plotlines, development. Plotting is how I do best in RP. I tend to ask for it a lot if I want to cultivate a partnership with another RPer. Consider this me wanting to invest in our muses. If you never willing to engage in plotting I may unfollow as I find it really difficult to come up with starters and replies if we never plot. This is especially important if we have muses that have familial bonds or we are trying to ship.
Please do not assume our characters have met or have any form of relationship unless it is canon. And even then I’d like to plot what kind of relationship you’re interpreting from the canon.
Godmodding & Metagaming
I consider godmodding to be: controlling my character in threads (thoughts and actions), big plot moves made without consideration or consent, and drawing conclusions about my character that haven’t been discussed with me. I do not accept godmodding. Although, I will accept NPCs and actions that need to happen to move the thread along that don’t require you to wait for a response from me to push ahead (e.g. if your muse hands me a normal bottle of water you can assume my muse has taken a sip. If the bottle of water is poisoned, however, wait for a reply or check with me ooc). Big plot beats need to be discussed before moving ahead.
Metagaming is along the same veins as godmodding. Just because there are detailed bios and hcs don’t assume your character has intimate knowledge about mine. Please ask me and plot these things out. I am happy to do meta-asks like hcs or interview questions but if your muse didn’t send it IC it means they didn’t hear the answer IC. Dash Commentary is for the most part crack and unless plotted your muse does NOT have the dash commentary knowledge in serious canon.
I do accept interlacing. For me interlacing is when your character references my version of the muse in other threads. E.g. if my muse and yours went to the zoo in a thread, yours is free to talk about what happened in that thread to other characters.
I try and keep on top of my threads. I draft things if I can’t reply to them straight away and then will typically sort through those drafts later. If you think I’ve missed something please let me know, I love a good reminder and won’t consider it nagging. It only crosses my boundary it it’s consistent pestering. I typically tell partners if I’ve dropped something. I will keep drafts for sometimes even ten months if I’ve been busy and struggling. If I have too many replies for you and it’s overwhelming I’ll contact you to check if we should drop any.
Please cut your posts, I may stop following if posts are consistently uncut. Also, if turning an ask into a thread please move it from the ask into a new post. I use Beta and no longer use legacy.
I’m happy with anything from single para to novella/multi-para length replies. Single para can be small, I don’t mind, as long as it’s more then 2 lines. You do not have to match my length when responding but short replies consistently will kill my muse and lessen my likelihood of continuing something.
I tend to queue most of my replies just so I’m not hit with a bunch of return replies at once.
Memes and asks
While I love memes and asks and I so appreciate people sending things in there are a few times I’ll delete them, those include: I’m feeling overwhelmed with what’s in my inbox, I consistently have no muse for this ask, etc.
That being said, please don’t let that discourage you from sending things. This also goes for random, unprompted asks. I appreciate you making attempts at conversing with my character.
Chemistry is important to me, both IC and OOC. And for me shipping is both a term used for platonic and romantic ships. Platonic ships are important – best friends, family, mentors, mentees, etc. There will be no instantaneous friendships or romantic relationships on this blog. With romance I am also not okay with massive age gaps.
I can be into dynamics where something is one sided, a crush, or doesn’t work out. As long as we discuss it beforehand.
I will not EVER write something sexual with underage muses or in verses where they’re underage, mine or yours. I am open to writing cutesy things with underage muses like crushes, first relationships, holding hands, first kisses provided both muses in the relationship are the same age. But this will never be sexual. I cannot begin to express how uncomfortable that makes me.
Any ask memes involving kissing or more personable actions I would prefer if they were only sent by characters already in an established relationship or checked in with me beforehand.
If I’m not responding to something: I’m busy with life stuff OR you’re ignoring my rules and giving me anxiety (usually non-mutuals). I promise if we’re mutuals I am not ignoring you on purpose, I’m just busy. Or! I saw it and meant to respond but it slipped my mind and got lost in the abyss that is my brain.
I don’t pay much attention to things on the dash. I’m too busy. You can always assume that if I’m not participating in something, I didn’t see it.
My triggers are dissociation, multiple personalities, rape & SA, snakes & lizards (photos of). Flashing gifs trigger physical responses so I’d appreciate a warning. I also appreciate domestic abuse/child abuse being tagged in visual posts or thoughts/musings/hcs.
I RP with DID representation on a case by case basis. If you RP a character that has DID and I did not follow you back then that is why. Do not pressure me into RPing with them, it’s for my own wellbeing.
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alastors-radioshow · 1 year
A piano. Solemn. Haunting. Echoing through the space, lacing the air. Slender, clawed fingers would dance across the keys, the voice that eventually accompanied the saddening tune sounding.. Melancholic.
Not just to the one who paused to listen. But to the one playing as well.
He didn't know how to cope. How to express what was inside of him. These violent, chaotic emotions, those haunting thoughts. The only way he knew how.. Was to use music. Use his voice in its purest form.
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"I wanna take you somewhere so you know I care But it's so cold and I don't know where I brought you daffodils in a pretty string But they won't flower like they did last spring
And I wanna kiss you, make you feel alright I'm just so tired to share my nights I wanna cry and I wanna love But all my tears have been used up
On another love, another love All my tears have been used up On another love, another love All my tears have been used up On another love, another love All my tears have been used up
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alastors-radioshow · 1 year
"Can't you see that you're lost?.."
The voice was quiet, elbows supported against the metal railing. Crimson orbs gazing out into the darkness, the star speckled sky. The pale moon illuminating his slender form.
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"Can't you see that you're lost without me~?"
A low, static-y chuckle followed, one hand reaching up to slowly comb through fiery locks, those piercing orbs of his seeking out the constellations above.
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