ladymidnie · 2 years
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After my third reading, @mellendraws reading challenge convinced me to buy all the books. I just needed to mark down my favorite moments! #theselection #maxonschreave #maxon #americasinger #americasingerschreave https://www.instagram.com/p/ClnIWCHOnuw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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somanyfandomsbruh · 3 years
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Happy birthday to Your Royal Highness King Of Illéa Maxon Calix Schreave 👑❤️
I literally love him so much, its not healthy 🤧🦋💓
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schreavette · 3 years
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america singer and maxon schreave
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softlyschreave · 3 years
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the selection series polaroid posters @partylikeawordstar
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hearttoheartzz · 4 years
it's finally the time of year in which maxerica constantly runs through my mind :(((
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glaciuswduo · 3 years
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MAEVE ESTAVA ACORDADA MAS AINDA MEIO GROGUE DE SONO, PORÉM CONSEGUIU SENTIR OS BRAÇOS GENTIS E CALOROSOS DE SUA COMPANHEIRA. Maeve suspirou baixinho, tentando se livrar do abraço e ir mais para o lado, e se soltar do abraço da ex-selecionada que tinha feito parte da seleção junto a própria Maeve a alguns meses atrás, os quais foram um sufoco para a moça. Aqueles foram os piores meses de sua vida.
Os meses anteriores quase deixaram Mae desesperada e com medo. Após a invasão dos rebeldes, e a morte dos reis de Ilhéa, e a quase morte da morena agora deitada ao seu lado, foram os piores desde o início daquela seleção. Entretanto, o medo e a angústia continuaram em seu peito, mesmo sabendo que tudo estava bem agora. Mesmo sabendo que America e Maxon governariam juntos, e o fim das castas estivesse mais perto do que nunca. O sofrimento que ela sentiu ao ver o corpo de Celeste ao chão, e sangue ao redor da morena, enquanto ela se sentava ao lado de Newsome, sem se importar com o seu vestido se pintar em vermelho vivo, do sangue de sua Celeste, apenas por alguns segundos antes de sentir as lágrimas e o nó na garganta, e um grito lancinante ecoar pelas paredes do castelo.
America e Maxon a consolaram como puderam, mas não conseguiram a impedir de sair de perto da modelo, que ficou meses em coma, sem sequer saberem se ela voltaria a ouvir, ver, falar, escutar. Aqueles meses foram uma tortura que parecia não ter fim para Maeve Spencer. Então a ex-selecionada ainda sentia que estar ali, deitada e enrolada nas cobertas junto a morena, era irreal, apenas um sonho, que ela acordaria e choraria em sua cama por não a ter ali, não ter a sua Celeste com ela.. E meio que inconscientemente, os olhos de Mae se enchem de lágrimas, e um soluço escapa dos seus lábios. Aquilo foi o bastante para acordar Celeste mais uma vez, e a fizesse levantar da cama, a contornando, para ficar de frente a sua namorada, uma feição preocupada era estampada em seu belo rosto.
— Ei, amor...— Maeve olhou com sua visão turva cheia de lágrimas para a linda mulher a sua frente. A garota pulou nos braços da morena, que a segurou em um abraço apertado, afagando os cabelos da outra que chorava com a cabeça escondida em seu pescoço. A Spencer amava o jeito que Celeste a tratava, de maneira única. Celeste só mostrava esse jeito gentil e carinhoso dela a Maeve, a fazendo-a se sentir especial.
— Shh, Mae...Está tudo bem...— Celeste sussurrou com a boca perto do ouvido da namorada, enviando sem querer arrepios pelo corpo da Spencer. A morena não sabia do que se tratava o motivo pelo qual sua amada chorava, mas tinha uma ideia escassa do que poderia ser.
— V-você...V-você podia não estar mais comigo...Mesmo que eu saiba que está tudo bem agora, a ideia de não te ter aqui comigo dói demais, Leste....— A voz de Maeve estava trêmula e chorosa. A Newsome a apertou ainda mais em seus braços, tentando acalmar a moça, no quarto apenas o choro e os soluços foram ouvidos por um tempo antes da morena finalmente dizer algo. Celeste soltou-a do seu abraço, só para pegar seu rosto cheio de lágrimas com  carinho e beijar a ponta do nariz da Spencer que anteriormente chorava copiosamente contra o peito da morena.
— Maeve Spencer. Olhe para mim. Mae, olhe pra mim por favor, querida.— A outra finalmente olha para a ex-selecionada, que ainda mantinha uma feição preocupada em seu rosto.
— Aquilo tudo aconteceu sim.— Celeste disse, e Maeve quase sentiu vontade de voltar a chorar mais uma e vez.— Eu sofri um ferimento, quase podia ter morrido como os pais do Maxon, mas não morri. Eu fiquei em coma, e soube por America que você não saiu do meu lado num segundo sequer. E eu te amo ainda mais por isso, e por tudo o que você me faz sentir. Mas eu preciso que você entenda que tudo aquilo já passou, está no passado.— A Newsome deu uma pausa, olhando carinhosamente para a sua namorada.— Claro que não peço para que esqueça o passado, até porquê não tem como se esquecer o passado. Só se lembre que tudo já passou, e que eu estou aqui, que eu continuo aqui, com você, e para você. Não estou morta nem nada. Você está bem, eu estou bem, estamos juntas, e nada vai nós separar até a nossa morte. Temos muito o que viver ainda, ok?— Ela terminou,beijando com carinho a testa de Maeve, e depois com os polegares limpou qualquer resquício de lágrimas que ali houvesse.
Mae passou os braços ao redor da sua namorada, a empurrando abraçada de volta para a cama de casal das duas, se aninhando no pescoço de Celeste, que beijou os lábios de Maeve, nada de um beijo quente, mas carinhoso e gentil, demonstrando o quanto as duas se amavam incondicionalmente. A Newsome, puxou as cobertas para cobrirem as duas, as aquecendo durante as próximas horas as quais as duas passariam juntas na cama, antes de terem que se levantar para irem visitar America e Marlee. Agora Maeve se sentia segura e feliz mais uma vez, nós braços calorosos da mulher que amava, tendo certeza que a quase morte da mesma não lhe afetaria mais tão cedo, e se afetasse, Celeste estaria com ela para a ajudar.
MAEVE IS EVEN HAPPY AWAKEN IN SLEEP, SO CAN FEEL THE GENTLE AND WARM ARMS OF HIS COMPANION. Maeve sighed, trying to get rid of the hug and move more to the side, and let go of the hug of the former national team that had been part of the national team along with Maeve himself a few months ago, you guys who were smothered by a girl. Those were the first months of his life.
The past few months had almost left Mae desperate and afraid. After the invasion of the rebels, and the death of the kings of Ilhéa, and the near death of the brunette now lying at her side, they were the worst since the beginning of that selection. However, the fear and anguish remained in his chest, even though he knew everything was fine now. Even knowing that America and Maxon would rule together, and the end of the castes was closer than ever. The pain she felt at seeing Celeste's body on the floor, and blood around the brunette, as she sat next to Newsome, not caring that her dress was painted bright red, her Celeste's blood, just for a few seconds before she felt the tears and the lump in her throat, and a piercing scream echoed off the castle walls.
America and Maxon consoled her as they could, but they couldn't stop her from leaving the model, who spent months in a coma, not even knowing if she would hear, see, speak, listen again. Those months were torture that seemed to have no end for Maeve Spencer. So the ex-selection still felt that being there, lying and curled up on the covers with the brunette, was unreal, just a dream, that she would wake up and cry in her bed for not having her there, not having her Celeste with her... And kind of unconsciously, Mae's eyes fill with tears, and a sob escapes her lips. That was enough to wake up Celeste once more, and make her get out of bed, stepping around her, to face her girlfriend, a worried look stamped on her beautiful face.
“Hey, baby…” Maeve looked with her blurry vision filled with tears at the beautiful woman in front of her. The girl jumped into the brunette's arms, who held her in a tight hug, stroking the hair of the other who was crying with her head hidden in her neck. Spencer loved the way Celeste treated her, in a unique way. Celeste just showed that kind and caring way of hers to Maeve, making her feel special.
“Shh, Mae…It's okay…” Celeste whispered with her mouth close to her girlfriend's ear, inadvertently sending shivers through Spencer's body. The brunette didn't know what the reason her beloved was crying was, but she had little idea what it could be.
"Y-you...Y-you could no longer be with me...Even though I know it's okay now, the idea of ​​not having you here with me hurts too much, East..." Maeve's voice was shaky and tearful. Newsome hugged her even more in her arms, trying to calm the girl, in the room only the crying and the sobs were heard for a while before the brunette finally said something. Celeste released her from her embrace, only to tenderly cup her tear-streaked face and kiss the tip of Spencer's nose, who had previously been crying copiously against the brunette's chest.
“Maeve Spencer. Look at me. Mae, look at me please, honey.” The other finally looks at the ex-select, who still had a worried look on her face.
"That all happened, yes," Celeste said, and Maeve almost felt like crying again and again. "I suffered a wound, I could almost have died like Maxon's parents, but I didn't. I was in a coma, and I heard from America that you didn't leave my side in a second. And I love you even more for it, and for everything you make me feel. But I need you to understand that all that is over, it's in the past. - Newsome paused, looking lovingly at her girlfriend. - Of course I don't ask you to forget the past, because there's no way to forget the past . Just remember that it's all over, and that I'm here, that I'm still here, with you, and for you. I'm not dead or anything. You're fine, I'm fine, we're together, and nothing will separate us until we die. We've got a lot to live for, okay?” She finished, kissing Maeve's forehead tenderly, then using her thumbs to wipe away any traces of tears there.
Mae wrapped her arms around her girlfriend, pushing her hugging her back to their double bed, nuzzling Celeste's neck, who kissed Maeve's lips, not a warm kiss, but affectionate and gentle, demonstrating the how much the two loved each other unconditionally. Newsome pulled the covers up to cover them both, warming them for the next few hours the two would spend in bed together, before they had to get up to go visit America and Marlee. Now Maeve felt safe and happy once more, in the warm arms of the woman she loved, making sure her near death wouldn't affect her anytime soon, and if it did, Celeste would be with her to help her.
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kaltridarts · 4 years
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"...I hope you find someone you can't live without. I really do. And I hope you never have to know what it's like to have to try and live without them." -  America Singer to Maxon Schreave
“It seemed unreasonable to limit everyone’s life choices based on your ancestors’ ability to help the government, but that was how it all worked out.” - America Singer about the government from Illéa
"No, I'm not choosing him or you. I'm choosing me." - America Singer to Aspen Leger
"In public? You thought...for heaven's sake. I'm a gentleman!" — Maxon Schreave to America Singer
"If you don't want me to be in love with you, you're going to have to stop looking so lovely... I'm not kidding. You're too beautiful for your own good." — Maxon Schreave to America Singer
"Break my heart. Break it a thousand times if you like. It was only ever yours to break anyway." — Maxon Schreave to America Singer
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iam-dainty · 4 years
"Eu queria ser um artista como você, para poder expressar o que você se tornou para mim. America, meu amor, você é a luz do sol filtrada pelas árvores. É o riso num momento de tristeza. É a brisa em um dia de verão. É a clareza quando só há o caos. Você não é o mundo, mas é tudo o que torna o mundo bom. Sem você, minha vida ainda existiria, mas só."
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bruised-star · 4 years
The Selection Series; during the COVID quarantine
I have always considered the Selection Series my “the one that got away” since all my attempts to purchase the book series 4 years ago have failed due to the lack of stocks. Till I reached the point of wanting branded clothes rather than book sets, I guess that’s part of growing up. This quarantine has given me the opportunity to revisit my teen years and to feel something. I remembered my youth, every Christmas Season or Family Vacation I would ache to go to a bookstore just to smell that new book smell, fight with a stranger who wanted the same book you were planning to buy or that thrill of just being around thousands of books. Not to forget that fairytale of sharing glances with a cute boy who was checking out the same books you did. That was what it felt like to be young and full of passion, full of passion for fictional characters coming to life in your head. I started reading the first book of the Selection Series around 7:30 pm and finished 2 am in the morning. The thrill of finishing a book that fast was still there. I fell in love with the characters like they were my friends, like they were my family. I fell inlove with America’s passion, Maxon’s selflessness, Aspen’s bravery, Marlee’s sacrifice, and Lucy’s loyalty. Reading about America and Maxon, and seeing them grow from a mess to parents and monarchs their children and Illea looked up to was sentimental and soft in my part. I have to admit this may be the first time i felt my eyes bawling out from tears at the possibility of America’s death and Ahren’s departure. I sunk in to the world where Maxon and America’s love blossomed into four unique individuals; Eadlyn, Ahren, Kaden and Osten; who I grew to love as well. Seeing them go through what their parents went through and have overcome gave a kick of nostalgia. Seeing characters build up feelings for each other and improving and continuously growing brought back the possibilities of the 13 year old wide eyed girl in a bookstore years ago. #TEAMKILEWOODWORKFOREVER. I am now left with this emptiness of finishing a book and is in need of more. This book and this quarantine has brought in the nostalgia from growing up and detaching yourself from things that used to make you feel something. The way you used to feel as you set foot in that bookstore all full of passion, and taking in that new book smell, did it you ever imagine growing up and drifting apart from that world?
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baijibraed · 4 years
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for fun! probably not gonna do edits in a looong time oops
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sanktaschreave · 4 years
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First post! ============================== #theselection #theselectionseries #selection #theelite #theone #theselectionmovie #theselectionedit #fanedit #firstpost #americasinger #maxonschreave #aspenleger #kieracass https://www.instagram.com/p/CApnqGwHWIh/?igshid=1wx7xzi8vw7jf
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Happy Birthday, Maxon! 🥳🎉 This is my second year of baking strawberry tarts to celebrate, and they are SO GOOD. I completely understand why America stayed for the food. And I mean, not just that I guess 🤣 don’t you just love terrible puns? Swipe right to see last year’s version! Which one do you prefer more? • This GORGEOUS Maxon candle is from @wickywickycandleco! It’s currently on the retired scents list, but it’s one of my favourite candles ever. You can use SCHREAVING20 to save! 🥰🖤 • QoTD(s): who is your favourite OTP? And which books got you into YA? AoTD(s): Maxerica will forever have my heart 😭 and TS was the first YA book I ever read! Still my favourite 😍 • • Very far stretch, but if you have Selection ARCs you’re willing to part with let me know 😉 • • #bookstagram #bookish #bookstagrammer #books #bibliophile #booklover #bookworm #bookishfeature #maxonschreave #americasinger #maxerica #theselection #theelite #theone #theheir #thecrown #wickywickycandleco #reppost #bookishcandle #bookishmerch #smallbusiness #eadlynschreave #aesthetic #photography #bookishphotography https://www.instagram.com/p/B1g3MtBgFGn/?igshid=1qsvzd37nnz5o
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schreavette · 3 years
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“What do you need?” I answered shortly.
Maxon stood there, still working up the nerve to say something that was obviously driving
him crazy. “So there’s one girl who loves me beyond reason?”
I crossed my arms. After the last few days, I should have seen his change of heart coming.
“Not two?”
I looked up at him, almost irritated that he needed me to explain. Don’t you already know how I feel? I wanted to scream. Don’t you remember the safe room?
But, honestly, I needed some confirmation right now, too. What had happened to make me so unsure so quickly?
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softlyschreave · 4 years
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the schreaves family tree @partylikeawordstar
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hearttoheartzz · 5 years
dudesss it’s almost Maxon’s birthdayyy
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nessietwihard02 · 5 years
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“You’ve changed me forever, and I’ll never forget you.” -America Singer, The Elite Happiest birthday, @partylikeawordstar 😊 #TheSelectionSeries #TheSiren #AmericaSinger #MaxonSchreave #KieraCass #Ireadya #bibliophile #thebookwormprincess👸🏻 #bookstagram (at Cabanatuan City) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxpdY8Hhl9X/?igshid=1dfadzvxei06k
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