#Maxine's Chicken and Waffles
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Who gon’ tell her (4)
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JAMAICA: I can't. I just can't.
FANNY: You don't have to; this part is 'tween your mama and your daddy. Take all the time you need.
MAXINE: You bring an overnight bag? I got some clean caftans.
JAMAICA: I do love a caftan.
FANNY: It's settled then. We'll make some margaritas, stay up late, and watch Brewster Place .
JAMAICA: Not Brewster Place; y'all know that bums me out.
Jackee is a national treasure! But fine, we'll let you pick this time.
In the meantime, I was about to heat up some of Maxie's chicken and waffles. Want some?
JAMAICA: Y'all know I'm not gonna turn that down.
[ Text from Jude ]
JUDE: I'm at your house - where are you?
JAMAICA: Went to see the aunties
JUDE: Aw man... why didn't you call me? I would've went
JAMAICA: My bad - spur of the moment
JUDE: You're forgiven - just bring us back a plate
JAMAICA: I'll see what I can do 😛
#shesthespinstersimmer#storyteller#sims 4 story#weird & wonderful#jamaica hendricks#fanny hendricks#maxine devries
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TLDR; This was our second visit to Milktooth and I look forward to our next. We arrived a few minutes before they opened at 10:00 so we didn't have to wait but it's a place worth waiting for. Breakfast the next morning went a bit pear-shaped. The couple we were supposed to meet couldn't make it.
I'd offered two options but both would be firsts for us so I was ever so uneasy that how I imagined things going wouldn't come to pass. My misgivings were warranted. I thought we could meet at the Old City Market downtown, perhaps after some chicken and waffles with peach butter at Maxine's, John and I would sit upstairs at Tomlinson Taproom overlooking the market and we'd sip a beer while the girls browsed.
My imagination, based on internet research, painted a picture of a colorful, bustling inside venue like Quincey Market in Boston or Finley Market in Cincy and it was like that except, smaller, dirty, and deserted. The building was open and we went inside but aside from one coffee counter, only an Asian venue appeared likely to open at 10:00 as advertised. We found Maxine's and the place was a disgusting mess after last service. We wouldn't have eaten there had it been open. Just glad J&J weren't with us for the disappointment. So it was on to our fancier option.
Cafe Patachou was about a half mile away. We did have to wait about 25 minutes to get a nice seat outside where we enjoyed a morning breeze with a hint of Eau-de-effluent. IMO it wasn't worth waiting for but they provided help yourself coffee and there were few other obvious options nearby.
While we waited I was entertained watching a steady stream of people wander in, being told there was a wait. Most left but those who committed to wait carefully staked out a spot, a few just inside the door while most stood outside. Except this cute older couple.
We'd just been seated outside when they walked in. She looked like what I thought Octavia Spencer's mom would like like with freckles. He was dapper in his Boston scally cap, relaxed, and resigned to doing whatever she said. He stood outside near the door and I saw her come out to tell him there was a thirty minute wait. He said something I couldn't hear to which she snapped, what choice do we have! Then I watched with horror as they walked over and sat at the table next to ours, it had just been bussed.
She clearly thought the table was available to sit at while they waited for a table inside. I glance around and the faux pas had definity been noticed by the standing and waiting customers. There was clear alarm on a few faces. Lol, I looked over and D had noticed too. We watched our waiter go over sure he was about to tell them the table wasn't available for them. Embarrassing! We've all been there. I felt bad for them.
Instead he greeted them and poured them water. He must have thought the hostess had seated them. I saw one guy with a determined look on his face leave the crowd and go inside. Uh oh. How would this play out? To our great relief and delight the only thing that happened was the couple had a nice breakfast. Not long after our food came out, the woman received a text and she looked into the restaurant. Their table was now ready.
The food at Cafe Patachou was high quality if not creative. The staff were professional and courteous and whether they chose to show grace or it was a case of serendipity we witnessed, it was delicious.
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part two of that fic where alex and michael are stuck in michael’s dream world where they are happy and all loved up and have like, five kids:
“Are you sure about this?”
“Of course I’m not, but what other choice do we have? It’s been six months, and Alex is showing no signs of response, and if we didn’t have the pods, Michael would be dead by now.”
“I don’t like it.”
“And you think that I do? But we’re running out of options, and this might actually work.”
“We could end up actually killing him or worse.”
“I have faith in your ability to bring him back, and if something does go irreversibly wrong, Max is going to be here.”
“What about Guerin? Is someone going to be in the cave just in case they both come out of it at the same time?”
“Isobel and Maria are on their way over there.”
“I see you’ve thought of everything.”
“Not everything, there is the very real chance that he may wake up thinking that their dream lives are real to the point that he’s not the same person he was when he went in. But that’s something we’ll have to deal with once we get him back.”
“One problem at a time. Okay, let’s do this.”
“By the time night falls, we’ll have Alex back, and hopefully that will wake Michael up too.”
Alex inhales sharply as he wakes up, voices filling up his head and overlapping until he can’t make out the words clearly.
He dreamt that there were two people talking, voices familiar and not at the same time, talking about him, and about Michael, but the more he thought about it, the less clear their voices were until he couldn't remember the exact words, but the feeling of both hope and dread.
He stretches in bed, rubbing a hand across his face and hears the door closing with a low click.
Alex stays in bed, but leans up on his elbows, looking at Michael who sets a tray with two steaming mugs and what looks like a stack of fresh homemade waffles.
He grins, wide and bright and so happy, when he sees that Alex is awake.
"Good morning sleepy head, or I should say, good afternoon, since it's almost noon," he says as he balances the tray on the edge of the dresser before he moves to climb back on the bed.
Alex lets himself fall back on the bed, looking at the time to see that he really did sleep until almost noon.
"Why didn't you wake me up?" He asks as Michael lies down beside him and then reaches over and tugs on Alex's shoulder until he's lying on his side, facing Michael.
"It's the weekend, and besides, it's almost Christmas, and you could use the rest," he says as he moves in close until their noses are brushing, settling his hands low on Alex's hips.
Alex feels the touch sink through him like a warm and fizzy bath, "And where is everyone?"
"MJ took the twins to the park and both Lexi and Maxine are keeping an eye on Mara, so that means that we're basically all alone right now," Michael breathes against his mouth, fingers warm and teasing beneath the hem of Alex's t-shirt.
Alex gives him a fond look, and shakes his head.
"Angela got home for the holidays two days ago," Alex reminds him, and Michael makes a low disgruntled sound.
Alex just reaches up and pats his arm gently.
"Five," he starts and Michael sighs, dropping his forehead to Alex's.
"Four," he continues when Alex doesn't.
"Three," Alex.
"Two," Michael.
"One," both.
The door opens with a loud thud, and Beth and Bell run into the room both talking at the same time.
"Daddy! MJ ditched us to go make out with Angie!" Bell says, sounding thoroughly distraught and disgusted.
"Papa! I wanted to go to the park and dig out some earthworms to put in the garden before the birds got them all," Beth says, sounding exactly like she'd been thwarted in the middle of an important experiment.
"And he didn't even try to act like that wasn't what he was doing. I am only ten years old. What kind of message is that sending to me?" Bell continues, sounding now like she's disappointed in all of them.
"And now I'm going to have to wait until it rains again," Beth continues, sounding disgruntled.
Alex throws himself back on the bed while Michael sits up, making to slide off, before Lexi appears at the door.
“Come on girls,” she says walking inside and grabbing them both by the arm. “I bought a lemon tree to plant in the backyard.”
The twins cheer sounding overjoyed and then run out of the room without looking back. Lexi just closes the door behind them, and Michael lies back down on the bed. “You forgot to take Lexi into account.”
Alex rolls his eyes, “No I didn’t. You heard Bell. She’s only ten. What kind of message is it sending if she walked in here-”
Michael rolls over on top of Alex and kisses him silent, and Alex smiles, wrapping his arms around Michael’s shoulders and kissing him back.
They manage to steal fifteen minutes of making out and heavy petting, before Maxine bursts into the room with a crying Mara.
“I think her diaper needs to be changed,” she says, dropping her down beside them on the bed before she leaves again.
Michael just laughs rolling away from Alex and moving to pick up Mara to carry her to the changing table.
Alex moves to the edge of the bed, swinging his legs down to the floor and stares at Michael as he pokes Mara in the tummy until she giggles and then starts to change her, catching her feet as she starts to kick out.
Alex can’t help the smile that crosses his face as he stares at them.
Mara may not actually be their biological daughter, unlike the twins and Maxine, but out of all of their children she's the one who looks the most like Michael, with curly blonde hair and big hazel eyes.
And like Michael, she's the one most obsessed with Alex.
Once Michael changes her, and picks her back up, asking her if she's feeling all better now that her diaper is changed while he settles her against his chest, she spots Alex sitting down, and immediately reaches for him, trying to wriggle out of Michael's hold.
"Oh, I see how it is," Michael says as he turns around and walks back over to the bed. "He takes a few weeks off work and suddenly I'm being replaced as the favorite."
Alex snorts as he gets to his feet and reaches for Mara, who practically leaps out of Michael's hold.
"Sorry to disappoint you, Guerin, but you were never the favorite," Alex says as Mara wraps tiny hands in his hair and tugs him close to her face so she can slobber kisses on his cheek.
Michael makes grumbling acquiesced noises, and Alex just smiles as he sees the pout on his face.
"You're my favorite, if that helps," Alex says and leans forward to press a kiss against Michael’s cheek.
Michael grins happily and then wraps his arms around them both and dances them around the room in a few quick circles before he presses another kiss to Alex's cheek, and then one to the top of Mara's head, who is giggling madly, making Alex feel warm and so happy.
Michael lets them go and then walks backwards a few steps, waving Alex back towards the bed, “Looks like we’re gonna have one extra joining us for breakfast.”
Alex opens his mouth to tell Michael that they can just go sit in the dining room, when Michael turns and knocks his elbow into the tray on the dresser.
It goes clattering to the floor, spilling coffee and powdered sugar all over the floor.
Alex stares at the tray on the floor, while Michael stands with his hands outstretched, and Alex wonders why he’d thought that Michael was going to catch the tray before it actually hit the floor without actually using his hands.
He just shakes his head, as Michael sighs, and turns back to face him giving him a sheepish smile.
“I’ll clean this up. You-” he starts, and Alex cuts him off.
“I’ll go make us some more coffee, and see if this little lady wants anything to eat,” he tickles Mara’s tummy, and she giggles some more, and when he looks up to Michael, mouth open to ask him if there was any waffle batter left over to see him staring at Alex with wide wet eyes, almost like he’s about to cry.
But the look is gone before Alex can ask anything.
“I like your coffee better anyway,” Michael says, sending him a crooked smile before he turns back to pick up the fallen tray.
Alex bounces Mara on his hip, frowning, but then he shakes his head and walks towards the door.
Maybe it was just his imagination.
The rest of the day seems to blur together after that. It passes just like any other day passes when they both have the day off.
With them trying to steal moments to kiss and one of the kids interrupting them before they can get too far.
MJ comes back just when dinner is ready to be served, burgers and chicken that Michael laid out on the grill.
The smell of barbeque fills the air as Alex sits back beneath the shade of one of the umbrellas, sunglasses over his face, Bell sitting down right by his leg, leaning her head against his knee, tired of chasing her twin around the backyard, soft wisps of black hair, falling out of the french braid that Lexi had made for her in the morning, ticking him slightly.
He watches his family. Michael stands by the grill, waving the spatula around as he tells Angie and MJ about one of his experiments. MJ leans back against the wall, dark brown eyes trained on Angie, in a way that reminds Alex so much of how Michael used to stare at him, how Michael still stares at him, completely and utterly bessoted.
Maxine is sitting down at the back door, leaning back against the door jamb, one leg bent at the knee, propping her book up as she reads, enjoying the cool of the air conditioned inside without being left out of family time.
Lexi is sitting on top of a picnic blanket, making flower crowns for everyone with Beth, and keeping an eye on Mara who is inside of a bassinet leaning out of one side trying to grab one of her toys that fell out.
The air is getting cooler, but Alex isn’t too worried about it since the sun hasn’t set yet.
His gaze sweeps over everyone again, and then he looks back to Michael, who is looking back at him, and smiles brightly when he sees Alex looking back.
He says something to MJ, who pushes away from the wall to stand in front of the grill, while Michael moves, making a beeline towards Alex.
Beth stands and runs, bumping into Michael, who stops and gives her his undivided attention.
She holds out one of the flower crowns in her hands and Michael kneels down on one leg, and bends his head forward, and Beth places the crown on top of his head, before she gives him the second one and points to Alex, and Michael smirks, throwing Alex a wink, before he gets back to his feet.
Alex stares as he moves closer, and Bell makes a low sound, like she can't believe that they're doing this in front of her, before she moves, standing up, and running to Beth and Lexi.
Michael drops down on his lap, sideways, legs hanging over one of the arms of the chair. Alex sets his hands on Michael's waist as Michael settles the flower crown on top of his head.
"Suits you," Michael says, sliding his hands down to the back of Alex's neck. "Especially with the sunglasses and the floppy hair and my cardigan."
Alex rolls his eyes and moves to push Michael off his lap, but Michael just digs his fingers into the back of his neck, and leans down to kiss him, a sweet chaste kiss that makes Alex feel warm from the inside out.
Alex enjoys the kiss for one second, before the kids start yelling.
MJ wolf whistles. Lexi makes fake gagging noises that both Beth and Bell copy, while Bell says, "Ew. Gross. Papa is giving Daddy cooties!"
Which is something that she's said at least six times in the last two hours alone.
Maxine can be heard underneath the din speaking about how many germs are in your mouth at any given point, while Mara giggles and makes happy baby noises.
Michael pulls away, and shakes his head, "Whose idea was it to have this many kids?"
"Yours," Alex says promptly.
Michael glares at him a little, "I seem to recall someone begging me for a baby two weeks after we adopted Lexi."
"And who decided that Maxine wasn't enough and decided to go for another one and ended up with two more?"
"And who decided to adopt Mara not even two hours after she was put up for adoption?"
"Yeah, because you weren't just about to suggest it-"
"The point is that they're all here now, interrupting our kissing time," Michael says interrupting Alex.
"We can always just put them all back up for adoption," Alex starts just to hear the kids start to protest loudly.
MJ, "You can't give me back anymore. I'm way past the return date."
Lexi, "You're stuck with me for the rest of your life, but I can always go back to my dorm."
Maxine, "I'll just go camp out in Aunt Liz's lab! She'll kick your butt!"
Bell, "You can't give me back! I'm gonna tell Aunty Iz!"
Beth, "Daddy! No!"
Mara just mimics what everyone else is saying while Angie can be heard laughing in the background.
"Well, you heard the verdict," Michael says, sighing. "It's too late, and if we try there will be butt kicking involved, and you know how much I love your butt."
More sounds of disgust from all of the kids.
Michael just leers at Alex until Alex pushes him off his lap and gets up to his feet.
He feels his right knee buckle a bit, but he catches himself quickly, stepping over Michael and heading inside.
Maxine drops her book right at the entrance and gets to her feet, running and then dropping on top of Michael.
"Dog pile!" MJ yells and then all of the kids are running to join them on the floor.
Alex turns and watches as Bell and Beth and Lexi, holding on to Mara, drop on top of Michael and MJ, including Angie, who takes Mara away from Lexi so that she can properly lie down in the pile.
Alex stares at them for a moment, feeling that warm and happy feeling in his chest, and then he turns back inside of the house, and stumbles when he steps down with his right foot, feeling almost like his leg is going numb.
He catches himself against the side of the door, and shakes his head before he heads to the kitchen.
#malexunfinishedfics#this one ends before the angst really dials up#like this fic was going to have alex dying in the dream world and then waking up from his coma#but he's gonna die in michael's arms while michael begs him to stay#so be thankful that image isn't seared into your brain like it is in mines
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Nancy Drew Recipes
Adobe Bread
Cucumber Tea Sandwiches (w/Black Tea)
Deviled Eggs
Hidden Staircase Biscuits
Palladium Stove-Top Popcorn
Patrick’s Crackers
Phantom Eggs
Savannah Crab Cakes
Shadow Ranch Barbecued Beans
Snack Bar Delights
Soft Pretzel
Sunny Fry Bread
Vanishing Nut Bread
White Queso Cheese Dip
Apple Pie Moonshine
Bleeding Horse
Donal’s Crow’s Nest
Ginger Whisper
Lemonade Disguise
Leprechaun’s Lunch (usually alcoholic)
Minty Festival Punch
Nancy Drew AKA Hardy Boy (alcoholic)
Pine Hill Punch
Scarlet Slipper Raspberry Punch
Smuggler’s Gold
<3 Gummies
All American Pie: Everything but the Crust (milkshake)
Amber’s Cookies (page 81)
Apple Crisp
Apple Turnover
Bento Box Cookies (page 89)
Bento Cookies (page 110-111)
Big Mike’s Shaved Ice
Blueberry Muffins
Captain’s Cove Cookie Fundae (page 125)
Carlahna’s Nancy Drew Cookies (page 7)
Carson Drew’s Cheesecake
Castle Malloy Easter Eggs (page 40)
Character Cookies (page 98)
Charlotte’s Mask Cookies (page 42)
Cherry Pie
Chinese Moon Cookies (page 127)
Chocobread Shadow Ranch (page 112-113)
Chocolate Angel Cake
Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars (page 85)
Chocolate Covered Cherry (Milkshake)
Chocolate Pie
Chocolate Sugar Cookie Cut-Outs (page 117-118)
CJ’s Peanut Butter Fudge
Copper Gorge Taffy
Coral’s Icon Cookies (page 135)
Corn Fritters
Crystal’s Sugar Cookies (page 34)
Cut Out Cookies (page 76)
Dare to Play Sugar Cookies (page 115)
Deadly Oaxacan Cookies
Death Threat by Cookie (page 134)
Detective Shield Cookies (page 116)
DNA Sugar Cookies (page 108)
Fairy Drink
Fight Like a Manatee Cookies (page 62)
Fingerprint Dusting Cookies (page 47)
Frank’s Burgers (page 30)
Fundae Cookies (page 39)
George’s Cherry Cobbler
Giant Quote Cookies (page 91)
Gina’s Chessboard Cookies (page 13)
Gingerbread Icon Cookies (page 99)
Hannah’s Apple Pudding
Hedgehog Nancy Drew Character Themed Cookies (page 104-105)
Hidden Window Dessert
Homemade Gelato
Icon Peanut Butter Cookies (page 140-141)
Icon Sugar Cookies (page 92)
Invisible Intruder’s Coconut Custard
Jamie’s Sugar Cookies (page 4)
Jam Linzer Cookies (page 131)
Jammie Dodgers
Jing-Jing Ling’s Perfect Size Eights (page 132)
Joseph’s Prehistoric Cookies (page 32)
Kapu Cave Coconut Clusters (page 69)
Katie’s Cookies (page 37)
Kelly’s Sugar Cookies (page 3)
Key (to Enlightenment) Lime Pie
Kezia’s Vanilla Cookies (page 60-61)
Koala’s Nancy Drew Cookies (page 51)
KoKo Kringle
KoKo Kringle Bar (page 55)
KoKo Kringle Karamel Krunch Kookies (page 2)
KoKo Kringle Kookies (page 80)
Lemon Vanilla Cookies (page 73-74)
L'enfer (parfait)
Lilac Inn’s Blueberry Pie
Logo Sugar Cookies (page 101)
Lou Lou’s Cookies (page 15)
Maddie’s Sugar Cookies (page 18)
Magnifying Glass Cookies
Magnifying Glass Vanilla Raspberry Cookies (page 138)
Mary’s Bento Cookies (page 45)
Minette’s Mask Sugar Cookies (page 65)
Monkey Cookies (page 44)
Monster Cookie (page 36)
Moon Chunk Cookies (page 14)
Movie Star Lemon Bars
Mr. September’s Lunchbox Favorites (page 24-25)
Mystery Train Cookies (page 100)
Nancy Drew Book Cookies (page 121-122)
Nancy Drew Books (page 95)
Nancy Drew Cursor Cream Cheese Sugar Cookies (page 128)
Nancy Drew Lemon Sugar Cookies (page 137)
Nancy Drew’s SPY Cookies (page 72)
Nancy’s Jellyfish Sandwich (page 46)
Nancy’s Magnifying Glass Cookies (page 20)
Nancy’s Sleuthing Essentials (page 56-57)
Nancy’s Stained Glass Magnifying Glass Cookies (page 96)
New Zealand Sheep (page 23)
Noisette’s Hazelnut Cookies (page 97)
Odyssey to Bananaland
Old Clock Ice Cream Pie
Old Fashioned Sugar Cookies (page 35)
Orange Sorbet (w/ Sugared Oranges)
Peach Cobbler & Vanilla Ice Cream
Peachy Keen
Peanut Butter Cookies (page 82)
Pecan Pie
Peppermint “Hidden Identity” Cookies (page 120)
Prudence Rutherford’s Slippers (page 48-49)
Quigley’s Wasp Cookies (page 12)
Rattlesnake (smoothie)
Renate’s Black Forest Cake
Royal Medallion Cookies (page 33)
Royal Tower Medallion Cookies (page 16)
Ryan’s Gummy Bear Cups (page 29)
Samantha’s Vanilla Sugar Cookies (page 10)
Sarah’s Scottish Shortbread Cookies (page 8)
Sarcophagus Surprise Cookies (page 58-59)
Scoop’s Cappuccino Cream Cookies (page 22)
Scottish Jam Cookies
Secret Message Almond Sugar Cookies (page 93)
Secret of Shadow Ranch Phantom Horse Cookies (page 133)
Shadow Ranch Cake
Shadow Ranch Mint Chocolate Chip Cookies (page 9)
Shoe Print Almond Pecan Cookies (page 139)
Shorty’s Campfire S’mores Cookies (page 11)
Ski Jump Hot Chocolate
Soap Opera Cookies (page 41)
Sorpresa Chocolates
Sonny Joon Cookies (page 54)
Sonny Joon’s (Half-Made) Cookies
Sonny Joon’s Out of This World Mint Chocolate Chip (page 114)
Sugar and Spice Cookies (Sassy Detective Cookies) (page 102-103)
Sugar Cookie Cut Outs (page 86)
Stupid Parrot Cookies (page 107)
Takae’s Tea Ceremony Cookies (page 6)
The Birds & Worms of Moon Lake (page 38)
The CAP Amulet Sugar Cookies (page 68)
The CRY Glass Eye Sugar Cookies (page 66)
The Cursed Necklace (page 79)
The Jr. Ranger Badge Sugar Cookies (page 63)
The OTHER Shadow Ranch Cake
The SAW Bento Bear Sugar Cookie (page 67)
The Shadow Ranch Cake Sugar Cookies (page 64)
Thumbprint Sugar Cookies (page 87)
Toffee Studded Snickerdoodles (page 88)
Tommy’s Fruit Yummies
Tower of Hanoi Cookies (page 126)
Vinegar Pie
Visitors from the Sky Cookies (page 53)
White Wolf Track (page 28)
Windmill Cookies (page 31)
Zeke’s Bowling Ball (page 43)
A Keene Soup
Baby Back Ribs with “Creature of the Night” Barbecue Sauce
Bahamian Guava Duff
Bess’s Secret Chocolate Waffles
Better than Nuthin’ Broccoli Surprise
Bratwurst and Peppers
Charlie’s Chinese Takeout (General Tso’s Chicken)
Chinese Shrimp Cakes
Coded Steak Rolls
Colin’s Sausage
Colton’s Cheesy Shrimp Grits
Croque Monsieur
Dog’s Eye
Five Southern-Style Drumsticks
French Quiche
Fried Bologna Sandwich
Granny Punkin’s Gumbo
Ham & Sweet Potato Skillet
Hannah’s Cheese Puffs
Hollow Oak Nest Eggs
Icicle Creek Quesadillas
Icicle Creek Salmon
Loop de Loop
Mama-Mia Pizzeria Pizza
Mrs. Fayne’s Famous Rice
Mysterious Letter Chili
Neeps & Tatties
Old Album Meatballs
Old Stagecoach Sausage Loaf
Oklahoma Cheese Grits
Ollie’s Omlette
Open-Faced Creamed Chicken Sandwich
Rattlesnake Chili
River Height’s Fish Dish
Roasted Beets with Champagne Vinaigrette
Scoop’s Bacon Blast
Sleuth Soup
Somethin’s Smokin’ Chili Cheese Dog
Steak Haché et Pommes Frites
Tapping Heels Griddle Cakes
The Case of the Smothered Pork Chops
The Sign of the Twisted Candles’ Nut Bread
Togo Dogs
Tolling Bell Tuna Rolls
Veal Kalbsrouladen
Volcano Burger
“World Famous” Clam Chowder
George’s “Keep in Shape” Grapefruit
Bangers and Mash
Chicken and Biscuits
Freddie’s Dinner
Icicle Creek Lodge Breakfast
Ollie’s Dinner
Ollie’s Lunch
Pasta and Veggie Platter
Pinky and Perky
The Maxine
Bungalow Mystery Salad
Diary Chicken Salad
Double Jinx Salad
Fruit Salad
Moonstone Castle Carrot Salad
Nancy’s Tomato Salad
Pomegranate and Pear Salad
Redondo Spa Delights
Taco Salad
#nancy drew recipes#nancy drew#recipes#food#nancy drew food#her interactive food#her interactive recipes#her interactive#recipe#nancy drew recipe#salad#meal#dessert#post#mine#my post#links#cluecrewcookin
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Quite a Shift
A dumb little Chasefield ficlet based on this adorable artwork by @maxinehey. Thanks to everyone who yelled at me to do this. It was fun to put these two together after so long.
Max had just barely managed to get the tie finished on her Two Whales apron as she stepped into the main part of the diner. By the time she had pulled the knot tight, she spotted Victoria. That was... unexpected to say the least, but she had a job to do. So she approached with her pen and pad in hand – unlike Joyce, she hadn't learned the fine art of memorizing entire orders. “Victoria! I didn't know you ate here.”
“I don't,” she said in her usual prickly tone. “Or I didn't. I thought it was an unspoken pact amongst the cultural elite of Blackwell. We don't eat in such places. Then, one day, Tiffany lets it slip that she's got a craving for Two Whales waffles. I start to make fun of her, only for Courtney to admit that she's fond of the omelets here. So obviously I'm going to have to start eating here myself to decide if I can continue to be their friend or if I have to exile them.”
The explanation was a lengthy one, and Max thought it strange that she couldn't recall seeing either girl eat here during all the many hours she'd both come here for food and then as a server. But she decided it wasn't a big deal and just let it all slide off her. That was usually the best method for dealing with Victoria. “I get it. You hear 'diner' you think 'grease'. But Joyce runs a tight ship here. You might just be surprised. Does anything strike your fancy?” Working here just a few weeks and Max could swear she was already talking more like the woman.
“I'll stick with something safe. This chicken caesar salad sounds... edible. Dressing on the side please, I don't like my salads to drown. And a glass of water.”
Max had to resist the urge to roll her eyes. “Okay. With or without a slice of lemon for your water?”
“With, Maxine. One should always have lemon with their water,” she said as she primly passed the laminated menu back.
As Max turned away, she allowed herself a lightning-quick eyeroll. “Coming right up.”
If Victoria enjoyed her meal, she didn't let it show. She merely called it 'adequate' before leaving a shockingly-decent tip and walking out to get in her fancy car and drive away. So it had been kind of a surprise when Victoria showed up a week later, sitting in the same booth with that same cool expression. “Well hey there. Wasn't sure I'd see you in here again.” After all, she noted with some amusement, she had yet to see any of the other Vortex kids come in even once. But, hey, maybe Victoria actually liked the food?
“Hm, well, I've been to fancy-ass restaurants that can't get a damn salad right, so perhaps appearances can be deceiving.” She sighed pathetically as she looked the menu over again. “But I have to admit that I have no clue what I even want to eat. I'm going to do something very stupid and ask you for a recommendation.”
Max's eyebrows shot up. Seriously? That seemed almost impossible, and yet here they were. “Ahhh... I really like the grilled chicken sandwich? It has some kinda secret marinade that I suspect includes opiates.”
Victoria actually cracked a smile and nodded in approval. “It'll do. One of those – lettuce, tomato – and a diet coke.”
Once, the two of them had been stuck working together on an in-class assignment and Victoria had shot down every single idea Max put forward. But all of a sudden she was willing to just accept whatever Max put in her mouth?
Phrasing. Boom.
Shut up, brain.
“So Joyce looks this guy – this massive, hairy dude – right in the eye. And she's like 'Put out the damn cigarette or so help me I'll tan your hide right here in front of this entire restaurant.' And boom, he does it. Like a scolded dog.”
Victoria laughed and bit into her cheeseburger. No, that sentence couldn't accurately capture what was happening here. Victoria guffawed, a real, honest to goodness laugh. And then she bit into the cheeseburger that Max had told her she should order without putting up a fight. Sitting next to the plate was a coke, not even a diet. Max was pushing her luck today and she felt like she finally had enough strange evidence to go off of.
“Tori...” She cleared her throat and looked around. It was a quiet day today, so at least nobody would be listening in on them. “You know, it's just that I really only have one shift a week for a few hours. Something I can put on my resume, just in case. And every time you've been here, but it doesn't seem like you come in any other time. And yeah, sure, it could just be that this is the only afternoon you have free to come in. But if you were, say, j-just coming in to see me, I mean... There are plenty of other places and times we could meet when I'm not on the clock, and I don't have other customers to serve and stuff...”
Victoria looked as though she might be ill, and it was impossible to tell what that meant. She wasn't saying anything.
“Well. So. I just wanted to say that. But if I'm wrong, then... maybe if you could just not tell people I assumed that stuff about you?” Someone toward the other end of the diner was trying to get her attention and she huffed softly. “Um, well... S-See ya.”
By the time she got back to Victoria's table, it was empty, the cheeseburger only half-eaten. There was enough money on the table to pay for the bill plus a twenty dollar tip. Nestled underneath the pile of bills was a napkin with a phone number written on it in neat lettering, and the words 'Call me'. Max chuckled and gripped the bridge of her nose. “Jesus, Tori, you're such a spaz under it all, aren't you?”
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(oc questions - all - for the Mercys?)
You got it toots!
1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything?
Maxine Elizabeth and Leopold. Old family names.
2. Do they have any titles? How did they get them?
For the residents of the house, The Mercys is very much a title that’s used more often than either of their given names. Even in school their classmates probably referred to them together a lot of the time.
3. Did they have a good childhood? What are fond memories they have of it? What’s a bad memory?
Not many good childhood memories outside of each other and Charlie. Both have mixed and complicated feelings about parents. ((spoilers!!! no one cares nell this isn’t a real movie)) Leo doesn’t remember much of his biological dad except things were Not Good. Max remembers her mother, but mostly remembers her being sick and being scared at hospitals and such. Their best memories are the two of them with Charlie. They could sometimes be alone with her for days at a time and it was the most peaceful time they ever had.
4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents?
Not Good ™. On all counts. The exact details of the family backgrounds would ultimately depend partially on casting, but the ones I’ve toyed with most have been: Dirk is the old fashioned sort to expect his wife to care for children and for him to pat them on the head occasionally and pay for their upkeep. That never worked out so well, since Max’s mother got sick when Max was very young, then after she was gone, he was alone, then Marlene and Max did NOT get along from day one. So his and Max’s relationship was always distant and begrudging and strained. Then Marlene I’ve sort of pictured as an immigrant from somewhere- coming to the US with her first husband, then leaving him and marrying Dirk. She saw this as a lateral move at the time, but had a rude awakening upon finding that everyone in her new country sees her as an “exotic” trophy wife (she bleaches her hair but still has a strong “foreign sounding” accent). With her first husband, she was distant due to a toxic relationship and Leo didn’t receive a lot of attention. Then Marlene starting taking barbiturates and nothing ever improved. Sometimes, she would occasionally try to strike up a closer relationship with Leo, but her efforts never lasted long so he learned not to get his hopes up.
5. Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults?
Their relationship with Charlie is an odd mix of siblings and parents/child. The age gap wasn’t enough for them truly to act as parents, but the older they got, the more they felt responsible for her. Charlie always idolized and trusted them unlike anyone else and they had an enormous sense of responsibility to live up to this. So, naturally, they have always viewed her death as their own failure more than Dirk or Marlene’s.
6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate?
Both of them were not exactly anti-social during school, but had only small circles of friends that shifted and changed gradually as they aged. They had kind of a reputation for being “stuck up” because everyone knew they had money, but they didn’t know much else about them. Were actually pretty normal, if a little reserved from a lot of social neglect early in life. They dropped out after Charlie died and Dirk and Marlene left and never finished high school. Both were average students. Max was that kid who had a different book with them every day. Leo didn’t pay enough attention to be a good student, but he was always a good writer and pretty logical, so he got by.
7. Did they have lots of friends as a child? Did they keep any of their childhood friends into adulthood?
They always had a few friends, but none were lasting. After Charlie’s death, they deliberately cut ties with everyone they knew and moved around for a few years before returning to Duluth. None of their school friends would likely recognize them now.
8. Did they have pets as a child? Do they have pets as an adult? Do they like animals?
The Mercys have always had a cat or two. They’ve had Katherine for a couple of years now. It’s good for them to have something outside themselves to care about and look after.
9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals?
Both of the Mercys are pretty good with animals as they are usually pretty calm and affectionate with them.
10. Do they like children? Do children like them? Do they have or want any children? What would they be like as a parent? Or as a godparent/babysitter/ect?
They are both very good with children, though they have actively avoided them since Charlie’s death. Their thoughts on the possibility of parenthood are…. complicated. When they were younger, the idea was terrifying- because of what it would mean for them. Teen pregnancy freaks a lot of people out, but they were next level paranoid. Then, after Charlie, they couldn’t bear to think about it for a long time. Gradually though, they both started to consider the idea. Part of them wants to, in a way, recreate the “family” they had with Charlie, but the idea would mean considering a child to be her replacement. Which they fully realize is fucked up. So… they sort of want a kid, but don’t want to open that emotional can of worms without some delayed grieving they really don’t have the energy for.
11. Do they have any special diet requirements? Are they a vegetarian? Vegan? Have any allergies?
They have both cut out red meat since their teens.
12. What is their favourite food?
Max loves wild rice soup and it’s the only thing she knows how to make from scratch. Leo loves going to late night diners for waffles.
13. What is their least favourite food?
The smell of ham makes Leo gag and Max hates potato salad
14. Do they have any specific memories of food/a restaurant/meal?
They remember everything they ate the day Charlie disappeared. Max had the last of the cheerios for breakfast, so Leo had to make oatmeal. They had school lunch of chicken and gravy. Then they got takeout for dinner on the way home- eggrolls and lo mein from Taste of Saigon in Canal Park. They got an odd number of eggrolls and rock paper scissor-ed for the last one. Max won, but they ended up splitting it.
15. Are they good at cooking? Do they enjoy it? What do others think of their cooking?
Nope. Thus plot and Autumn. They tried to cook between the hired chefs, but meals were absolutely heinous in those times because Anabelle used their bad cooking as just another excuse to criticize them. Mina tried as well but didn’t have any better results.
16. Do they collect anything? What do they do with it? Where do they keep it?
Since they were became homeless as teens, Leo’s become sort of a packrat. He’s that guy that saves everything “just in case” he might need it or make it into something useful later. Max has to regularly go through all their stuff and throw out the real garbage he saves.
Max has an extensive collection of boots- since shoes are the one article of clothing they really can’t share. She also has like- twenty different silk and satin fancy slips and negligees but if you tell anyone you’re dead.
17. Do they like to take photos? What do they like to take photos of? Selfies? What do they do with their photos?
No on all counts. Aside from drivers licences (expired now), no pictures probably exist of them past age 14.
18. What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games and anything else
Max is an epic adventure reader. LOTR, Dumas, you name it. Leo likes more modern lit. Realistic fantasy/scifi- David Mitchell and the like. Max loves classic films- cinema icons from 60s or earlier (their cat Katherine is for Katherine Hepburn). Leo is a total weirdo who is obsessed with live action/animation mashups. Who Framed Roger Rabbit is his alltime fave. They don’t watch a ton of tv, but when they do, it’s something weird like Pushing Daisies or something tame like National Geographic.
19. What’s their least favourite genres?
They really can’t handle any of Charlie’s favorite movies anymore.
20. Do they like musicals? Music in general? What do they do when they’re favourite song comes?
Not much for musicals. They listen to music in the yardhouse or while they’re working out in the stables or garage. Both very much into the classics as far as rock and some old country (cash and williams and the like) but Leo also likes indie alternative rock.
21. Do they have a temper? Are they patient? What are they like when they do lose their temper?
Max has a quicker temper- or rather, gets angry more easily. Any little comment from Anabelle sets her seething and in a bad mood for hours. It takes a lot more to set Leo off, but he goes from 0 to FIGHT ME in no time at all. ((See: Mr. Thackary mentioning his mom))
22. What are their favourite insults to use? What do they insult people for? Or do they prefer to bitch behind someone’s back?
Definitely “if i insult you to your face, it means we’re friends, but i can’t say it if I mean it because then it’s awkward” people. Will call each other and Autumn names all the time. Pretty generic and mild for the most part. “Dumbass” and “Bastard” and the like. Mina is a weird one because they know that’s not how she operates so they don’t want to upset her, but also she can tell they joke around with Autumn that way, so she feels a little left out. They try more gentle ribbing just to make her feel better.
23. Do they have a good memory? Short term or long term? Are they good with names? Or faces?
Max has a terrible memory and Leo has a good one. Drives Max crazy if they ever have an argument about something that happened more than a few days ago.
24. What is their sleeping pattern like? Do they snore? What do they like to sleep on? A soft or hard mattress?
Both of them are huge babies about having a soft mattress and lots of pillows. Even in their own bed, they both have trouble sleeping sometimes. Sadly enough, it’s the good dreams that keep them awake- dreams they have Charlie back and everything is fine again.
Leo sleeps on his back and if he’s alone- STARFISH. But when Max is there more floppy easy cuddles. Max, on the other hand, is nothing but knees and elbows in her sleep and it is a Problem.
25. What do they find funny? Do they have a good sense of humour? Are they funny themselves?
Both the Mercys have a pretty dark sense of humor at times. Leo can be markedly darker, but also sillier in his humor, whereas max is more dry.
26. How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions?
Both usually get more comfortable and friendly with others when they’re in a good mood. If it’s just the two of them, they’re just stupid affectionate and playful. Lots of snuggles and movies and snacks and giggling like kids.
27. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like they are sad?
They are sad most of the time. Max only cries when she wakes up from a dream about Charlie- Leo hasn’t cried since Charlie’s death. Max would probably fight anyone who saw her cry.
28. What is their biggest fear? What in general scares them? How do they act when they’re scared?
Losing one another is definitely their biggest fear now. Max tends to sort of freeze up when afraid, while Leo usually takes action in the moment, then freezes up when he pauses to think to hard about his fears.
29. What do they do when they find out someone else’s fear? Do they tease them? Or get very over protective?
It depends on who that person is. But they have very strong protective tendencies, so they would have to REALLY hate someone to mock or use someone else’s fear.
30. Do they exercise? Regularly? Or only when forced? What do they act like pre-work out and post-work out?
They stay pretty active for work, but they would never “work out” for the sake of it. They’re both pretty strong, but don’t do much in the way of cardio.
31. Do they drink? What are they like drunk? What are they like hungover? How do they act when other people are drunk or hungover? Kind or teasing?
Ahhh yup. The drunk scene with Autumn is a regular occurrence if they can’t sleep or want to celebrate something. Max is more cheerful when drunk and definitely very snuggly. Huge affectionate drunk. Fun Fact: Leo getting overheated and taking off his jeans in that scene is 100% based on one of my roommates at university. When she drank, she would always complain about how hot it was and strip down to her underwear. Sometimes her head would get stuck in her shirt. So that’s drunk Leo. Max being an affectionate drunk and Leo taking his clothes off drunk means there is a lot of giggly clumsy drunk sex in the yardhouse and it is very stupidcute. They’re both pretty standard hung over- grumpy and slow. When Autumn or Mina drink without them, they go full on mom friend.
32. What do they dress like? What sorta shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like?
The Mercys share the same wardrobe (aside from undies and shoes). They have picked up a collection of layers from thriftshops and such throughout the years. Max’s checkplaid coat is a prized possession. It’s the warmest thing they’ve got. When they left the house the first time, max bleached her hair a goldy-honey blond and kept dying it. But since Mina hired them, it’s been growing out ever since. She wears hats most of the time anyway, so the dark roots are barely visible, even tho it’s gotten past her earlobes. Leo has been thinking about cutting his hair again, but Max is trying to talk him out of it because she not so secretly likes it long. No makeup in years. Max misses it sometimes.
33. What underwear do they wear? Boxers or briefs? Lacey? Comfy granny panties?
From Autumn’s trips to the yardhouse we know this: Leo is a boxers and undershirts kinda guy, and Max is all about the lace and silk and satin. That makes it sound like this story is much sexier than it is.
34. What is their body type? How tall are they? Do they like their body?
Fairly fit from all the physical work, but in an average sort of way. They are about the same height-pretty average. They both have moments of vanity in between not really thinking about their own body much at all.
35. What’s their guilty pleasure? What is their totally unguilty pleasure?
Max and her silky intimates. Leo sometimes watches the same movie over and over again just because he doesn’t want to get up to change it. THeir relationship with one another is… complicated. They both feel guilty and decidedly unguilty about it.
36. What are they good at? What hobbies do they like? Can they sing?
They both have gotten pretty good at auto repair throughout the years. Max is stupid good at climbing. Trees, rocks, buildings. She sits out on the roof of the yardhouse when she’s annoyed with Leo and it is very frustrating. She’s also an amazing speed reader with high retention. If they ever need to look up how to do something, Max will read an article or book- paraphrasing outloud to instruct Leo as he tries it. Secret time: way back when he was very little, Marlene made Leo take dance and piano lessons. He hated it and found ways to skip out on the lessons pretty early on, but he still retained quite a bit. Now he just likes dicking around with weird little diy projects- fixing things and improving things around the yardhouse- making new candles out of the drippings and blunt ends of old ones.
37. Do they like to read? Are they a fast or slow reader? Do they like poetry? Fictional or non fiction?
Max reads constantly- and fast. She’ll read anything, but has a soft spot for epic adventures. Tolkein, Dumas, that kind of thing. Leo likes to read, but he’s slower and prefers quick, fun genre pieces.
38. What do they admire in others? What talents do they wish they had?
I think they admire people who have found their place and are comfortable in their lives. They realize what a rare thing that is and are struggling so much to find some sort of homeostasis, they really appreciate those who are self aware and self assured at the same time.
39. Do they like letters? Or prefer emails/messaging?
Definitely phonecall or text people. If communication other than face-to-face is necessary at all.
40. Do they like energy drinks? Coffee? Sugary food? Or can they naturally stay awake and alert?
Coffee drinkers. But there’s a case of redbull in the yardhouse basement for emergency situations.
41. What’s their sexuality? What do they find attractive? Physically and mentally? What do they like/need in a relationship?
Max is definitely bisexual because she and Autumn will not stop with the ust no matter what I do. These bisexuals. I can’t take them anywhere. I assume Leo is straight, but he doesn’t interact with any men other than the accountant, so this could very well be a case of my characters keeping secrets from me.
Well, the two of them are in the rare situation of finding their soulmate at a very early age, so really, the venn diagram of “qualities I find attractive” and “qualities of my partner” for both of them is pretty much a circle.
I think they get a lot of what they need from one another, but they could stand to work on their relationship and their lives outside of one another. Even when it’s fairly stable, codependency is pretty damn unhealthy.
42. What are their goals? What would they sacrifice anything for? What is their secret ambition?
Goals are really just to keep one another safe and hopefully work back towards something resembling the people that Charlie loved so much.
43. Are they religious? What do they think of religion? What do they think of religious people? What do they think of non religious people?
I always thought Marlene came from a very traditional Catholic family. She only seemed to go to church when things were going well and she was feeling stable tho, so Leo has mostly good memories attached to religion. After Charlie disappeared, he leaned hard into Saint Philomena icons and such because it felt better to pray than do nothing.
Dirk, and Max’s mom, were never religious so she doesn’t have many feelings on the subject either way. She might have some bitter thoughts towards it from time to time, but won’t badmouth anything she knows is comforting to Leo.
44. What is their favourite season? Type of weather? Are they good in the cold or the heat? What weather do they complain in the most?
Definitely winter people. *Stefano from SNL voice* Hot food. Stiff drinks. SNUGGLES.
45. How do other people see them? Is it similar to how they see themselves?
That’s a hard one. Obviously people find them a bit off putting and weird most of the time. But Mina and Autumn at least also trust them and believe them to be capable, and in that, sort of develop fondness for their weirdness. I think for both of them, their sense of self is wrapped up in their sense of one another, so they aren’t very objective about themselves as individuals. That is a very wishywashy answer but here we are.
46. Do they make a good first impression? Does their first impression reflect them accurately? How do they introduce themselves?
They have never been very good with the first impressions, but they are pretty accurate to their typical behavior. Whether others warm up to them after getting used to it or not is up to that other person.
47. How do they act in a formal occasion? What do they think of black tie wear? Do they enjoy fancy parties and love to chit chat or loathe the whole event?
In my constantly running mental “Charlie lives!au,” the mercys are expected to attend all kinds of high end social gatherings. They hate them on principal more than actual dislike of being at them. But they find ways to make them fun for themselves. Embarrassing Dirk and Marlene in any way they can mostly. subtly needling people they don’t like. Etc.
Leo doesn’t like dressing up, and Marlene is always trying to tell Max how to dress so it’s a point of tension. Max will always do the exact opposite with her clothes that Marlene wants, so if she gets the “show some leg and pop some cleave- we need these people in a good mood” order, she shows up in high necks and full skirts; if it’s “keep it classy, we need to be a wholesome all american family here,” she’s nothing but slink, open backs and thigh slits.
Once Charlie gets older and starts to attend these gatherings as well, they are on constant alert, making sure she doesn’t interact too much with the wrong people.
48. Do they enjoy any parties? If so what kind? Do they organise the party or just turn up? How do they act? What if they didn’t want to go but were dragged along by a friend?
Well, as the story stands they don’t attend any parties. The closest they get is drinking with Autumn in the one scene in the screenplay. They like that just fine.
49. What is their most valued object? Are they sentimental? Is there something they have to take everywhere with them?
Leo still has a picture of Charlie and a Saint Philomena charm in his truck that he’d freak if he lost. Max has a beaded bracelet from her mother that only Leo has ever seen. She never wears it, but keeps it in a go bag just in case they have to make a quick run for it.
50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials?
They definitely have a go bag. Big wad of cash, basic survival materials in case they have to keep off the grid. fake ids. They’ve got it covered.
#essayofthoughts#winter gothic#mercys#max#leo#charlie#ft. dirk and marlene#omg i love my children so much#my sad damaged babs#LET ME WRITE MORE FOR YOU EVEN THO YOUR OFFICIAL STORY IS BASICALLY COMPLETE#long post
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Last stop before the drive home! (at Maxine's Chicken and Waffles) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtOiVXZhlrh/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7y33ej1ls5x4
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Jersey City Is the Under-the-Radar Gem You Should Know

Tony Shi Photography/Getty Images Located directly across the Hudson River from downtown Manhattan, Jersey City is an often overlooked neighborhood that some consider the sixth New York borough. While we wouldn’t go that far, Jersey City is a place that is worth your time. Easily accessible from New York City (it takes about the same time to get to Jersey City from Manhattan as it does from Manhattan to Brooklyn), the bustling community is full of incredible restaurants, high-end cocktail bars, great shopping, and plenty of solid hotels. If you hang out near the waterfront, you’ll find the best view of the New York City skyline in the area. Whether you’re looking to embark on a staycation adventure away from NYC or are traveling to the city and want a cheaper place to stay that has a ton to offer, Jersey City is the best bet. Here are our favorite places to play, shop, eat, drink, and sleep there.
Things to Do
White Eagle Hall

Stephen Olker If you love to see live music, White Eagle Hall is the place to do it in Jersey City. The newly restored historic theater is a stunner — original design details like a wrought iron, wrap-around balcony and 28-foot tin ceiling with two stained glass atriums reckon back to yesteryear as you watch your favorite modern bands take the stage. We’re not sure if it’s the design of the building or White Eagle Hall’s sound team (most likely a mix of both), but the acoustics in the venue are fantastic, no matter where in the house you’re standing. We checked out the band Real Estate when we visited, and for people of fairly average height, we’re happy to say that if you stand strategically to the side of the venue, you can see the stage perfectly. While we only had drinks when we were there, the venue also serves food on the balcony if you want dinner and a show.
Coolvines This wine, beer, and spirits store is your one-stop shop to grab everything you need for a fantastic party (or simply that bottle you’ve been eyeing). Coolvines sells a wide variety of both big and small brands, as well as a selection of specialty foods like cheeses, charcuterie, jams, and chocolates. Look out for complimentary tastings and in-store events so you can learn about new brands and try before you buy. Another Man’s Treasure The folks at Another Man’s Treasure travel the country looking for the absolute best vintage clothing and accessories for their store, so don’t expect to dig through dusty bins to find a diamond in the rough. The men’s selection is one of the better we’ve seen, whether you’re looking for an old leather jacket, military fatigues, cowboy boots, or Hawaiian shirts. The shop even carries a curated selection of vinyl from nearby Iris Records for all you audiophiles out there.
Restaurants and Bars
Frankie Walking into Frankie is like walking into a really well-decorated friend’s house. Bright greenery, chic lighting fixtures, and cool artwork make you want to trade your own possessions for this curated dwelling. The Australian cafe serves fresh, seasonal fare and specializes in natural wines, which we think is one of the best selections in the area. We suggest starting with the labneh, which is garnished with peach, pistachio, and honey, and the Murray’s Cheese stracciatella with olive oil and black pepper. The grilled garlic shrimp with nam jim is an absolute must as it was one of the best things we ate this year. Frankie’s burger is one of (if not the) best burgers in the neighborhood. The beef patty is crisp and charred but incredibly juicy and topped with roasted garlic aioli, pickles, and cheddar. The dish is served with house-cut fries that are sprinkled with chicken salt. Don’t miss the insanely good pavlova for dessert, which is topped with seasonal fruit (we had a tropical mix), yogurt, citrus, and herbs. Dullboy

Dullboy/Facebook Dullboy serves the best cocktails in Jersey City, whether you’re looking to sip a signature creation or craving a classic. We sampled a little bit of both when we were there, and it was difficult to leave because everything was so damn good (and the staff is awesome). The tropical-tinged Maxine was our favorite, mixed with blanco tequila, banana-infused rhum agricole, creme de banana, Lillet Rose, Fernet-Branca, and house bitters. Another must-try is The Stark, which combines bourbon, Yellow Chartreuse, Amaro Nonino, honey syrup, and lemon juice. The food is fantastic too, and we highly recommend the duck fat tater tots, double cheeseburger, and chicken nuggets, which are battered in chipotle buttermilk and served with rhubarb foie gras syrup. Wash it down with a perfectly refreshing Japanese highball from the Suntory Toki Highball machine. Mathews Food & Drink This lively neighborhood eatery serves up new American fare and inventive cocktails in a sunny, friendly setting. There are plenty of options for our vegetarian friends and lots of meaty delights like pork belly croquettes, lamb bolognese, and a hot honey crispy chicken sandwich, which is a must-try. The staff will be able to guide you through their excellent wine list, or you can spring for a signature cocktail like the Cool Rummings, a robust mix of bourbon, blackstrap rum, vanilla, Cappelletti, Jamaican bitters, and a menthe rinse. Mathews’ brunch menu is just as excellent, so make sure you visit on weekends as well. Chef Leah Cohen (who owns the acclaimed Pig & Khao in New York City’s Lower East Side neighborhood) uses her Filipino upbringing and annual expeditions to the region to inspire her Southeast Asian-leaning menu at Piggyback Bar, which is located on Jersey City’s bustling Harborside waterfront. This is drinking food at its finest. We’re talking about dishes like Korean honey butter wings, five spice chicken liver pate, and a kimchi pulled pork sandwich. Piggyback Bar boasts a solid wine list, and cocktails like the Mint Condition (gin, mint liqueur, simple syrup, orange bitters, egg white, and lime) are almost too easy to drink. South House This three-level bar and restaurant brings a taste of Austin, Texas to Jersey City with its southern fare and Delta Blues live music schedule. The space is vast and offers games like pool and shuffleboard to keep thirsty patrons occupied as they sip their cocktails, which are excellent, by the way. Try the sweet, spicy, smoky El Jefe, a mix of rye, mezcal, Cherry Heering, orange curacao, jalapeño demerara syrup, and Angostura bitters, or choose from an impressive wine and beer list. When you’re feeling peckish, Lone Star State favorites like a Frito pie and brisket sandwich will help soak up the booze. RoofTop at Exchange Place

Rooftop While we spend much of our time downtown when we visit Jersey City, its stunning waterfront neighborhood is not to be missed. Perched high above the street, the multi-level indoor and outdoor RoofTop at Exchange Place offers sweeping views of the Manhattan skyline. It’s designed with a retractable glass roof, so you can enjoy it no matter the weather or season. The cocktail list has something for everyone, whether you’re looking for a refreshing gin spritz or a strong and stirred Manhattan variation. Plates include lots of shareable options such as flatbreads, pimento cheese dip, and a charcuterie board with all the fixings. The menu also features big salads, sandwiches, and entrees if you want something more substantial. Check out the DJ-fueled parties on weekend days and nights.
Residence Inn by Marriott

We don’t discriminate when it comes to hotels — we like the big chains just as much as the independent boutique hotels, as long as they are done right. Jersey City’s Residence Inn by Marriott is one of the most comfortable and well-appointed places we’ve stayed as of late. The rooms are designed for an extended stay; along with amenities like big, beautiful bathrooms and super comfy beds, the studio-style rooms are stocked with a fully-equipped mini kitchen, including a fridge, microwave, dishwasher, stovetop, and everything else you need to cook a homemade meal. We know this sounds like a silly observation, but our room also had an iHome dock with a hookup for the current phone model. We’ve stayed at dozens of places that include the useless old model in the room, so this is a breakthrough in our minds (you know it’s true). The property has an onsite fitness center that’s open 24/7, so you can work out anytime on the go. But the best part about this Residence Inn by Marriott is the complimentary daily hot breakfast. It’s stocked with every morning delight imaginable, from fresh fruit and oatmeal to sausage, bacon, eggs, and roasted potatoes. There’s even a waffle maker for those who crave something sweet in the morning. We enjoyed the burrito bar, which has all the fixings for mini breakfast burritos that make for the perfect fuel before a day of sightseeing. The friendly staff is there to fulfill your every need, so don’t hesitate to ask them for assistance, whether you simply forgot your toothbrush or want help with restaurant reservations. Read the full article
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Some good #birthday chicken and waffles. (at Maxine's Chicken and Waffles)
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Watch Indy Wings Week Chefs In Action On Wish Tvs Indy Style Feb.
Try somewhere new; take advantage of the saving to pair it with a local Indiana beer; and tip like a pro. NUVO cares about more than just delicious, delicious wings. Well donate 20 percent of all restaurant registration fees to food rescue nonprofit Second Helpings to assist in their mission to feed hungry Hoosiers. Want to contribute directly? Visit their site to learn about opportunities to donate or volunteer. At Second Helpings, were helping transform lives through the power of food. By accepting donated perishable and overstocked food, we prepare nutritious meals for thousands of hungry children and adults every day and distribute them free of charge through social service agencies in Greater Indianapolis. For more information, visit www.secondhelpings.org . Second Helpings volunteers and staff prepare and deliver 4,000 per day to 85 different social service agencies throughout Greater Indianapolis. Nearly half of those meals are served to children. 1 in 6 people in Indiana suffer from food insecurity. 1 in 5 children and seniors in Central Indiana dont have enough food to eat. Second Helpings rescues more than 2.5 million pounds of food each year that would otherwise end up in the landfill. In 2016, the organization prepared and delivered its 10 millionth meal since it was founded by three chefs in 1998. Participating locations as of 2/10/17: 317 BURGER/NONE THE WISER TAPROOM ALLEYS ALEHOUSE ALS PUB & PIZZA ARNIS RESTAURANT BIG LUG CANTEEN & BREWERY BROTHERS BAR & GRILL CLUSTERTRUCK DRAKES EMBER URBAN EATERY HOPCAT HOPS & FIRE CRAFT TAP HOUSE LONGBRANCH MAXINES CHICKEN AND WAFFLES MOFOCO OLD PROS TABLE OSOS REPUBLIC RAM RESTAURANT AND BREWERY REDEMPTION ALEWERKS ROBBYS PUB SAHMS BAR & GRILL SHOEFLY PUBLIC HOUSE STACKED PICKLE TAVERN ON SOUTH TAYLORS PUB THE VANGUARD Find pictures of the Wings Week offerings on our Facebook page and event page, plus on Twitter and Instagram under the tag #IndyWingsWeek. Watch Indy Wings Week chefs in action on WISH TVs Indy Style Feb. 21, 23, and 24. For more information and the most up to date list of all participating locations, check out IndyWingsWeek.com . Half Off Menu Price wings all over Indianapolis Feb 20-26.
Source: http://wishtv.com/2017/02/20/indy-style-helps-kick-off-nuvos-indy-wings-week/
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Lucas Oil Stadium
Capacity: 62,500. Address: 500 S Capitol Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46225

Photo Credit to supercross.com
Waddup everyone, it's the Venumaster bringing you everything on Lucas Oil Stadium, home of the Indianapolis Colts. Lucas Oil Stadium is quite simply the best stadium in the NFL. Lets check out why.
Best Seats
The best seats in the house are located in sections 111-115, and sections 138-142. To get the absolute best view, try to get seats above row 12. Anything closer will give you the best view of the dudes sitting on the bench and standing around on the sidelines. If that's your idea of a great time, then by all means get the closest seats. But if you're normal and actually want to see the field, grab the seats above rows 12.
Worst Seats
The worst seats in the stadium are the nosebleed endzone seats. Here's a video of exactly what the view from the seats look like. Although the stadium is one of the smallest in the NFL, these seats are pretty high up and the field looks pretty small from up there.

Photo Credit to architectism.com
Parking at Lucas Oil Stadium can cost you anywhere from $20 to $50. Theres also parking structures and lots around the stadium that can be had for cheaper, but you'll have a nice little walk to the stadium. Heres a map that will show you all the parking areas around the stadium.

Photo Credit helmet2helmet.com
The name of the food game at Lucas Oil is convenience. Theres so many places to get food at the stadium that you'll never have to worry about long lines. There's only one drawback, they don't have that one signature item. Ya they have some good stuff; An Eisenberg Black Angus hot dog ($5.25) a pot roast sandwich ($8), pork tenderloin sandwich ($9), and a bbq pork sandwich ($8). But they don't have it.
If you're looking at getting food before or after the game, here's a few options.
Shapiro's Delicatessen - an Indianapolis deli that's been around for forever. Real good sandwiches. 808 S Meridian St, Indianapolis, Indiana 46225
Maxine's Chicken and Waffles - Ok do I honestly need to say anything. If you don't like chicken you have a problem, and if you don't like waffles you have a problem. If you don't like chicken AND waffles, you have a big problem. 132 N East St Indianapolis, IN 46204.
Papa Roux - Cajun/Creole - One of my favorite thing about New Orleans (besides the culture, the pride for their city, and basically everything else) is the food. po-boys, etouffee, fried catfish. This place is legit. 8950 E 10th St Indianapolis, IN 46219
Fogo de Chão - Brazilian - If you haven't been to a Brazilian steakhouse you haven't lived. Meat, meat and more meat. 117 E Washington St Indianapolis, IN 46204.

Photo Credit foodspotting.com
For all you out of towners, heres some places to stay near the stadium.
The Omni - 40 West Jackson Place, Indianapolis, Indiana 46225
Conrad Indianapolis - 50 W Washington St, Indianapolis, IN 46204
Hilton Hotel - 120 W Market St, Indianapolis, IN 46204
Other Info
American Family Insurance Touchdown Town. If you have no plans for before the game this is a great place to check out. There's food trucks, huge television screens to watch the pregame on, live music, and a Play 60 zone to test your agility.
There are two giant TV screens inside the stadium, but unlike the ridiculously overdone screen in Cowboys Stadium (everything's bigger in Texas, ain't nobody said it was always a good thing) these ones really enhance the game experience. You'll see the replays, challenges, and penalties here.
The retractable roof is a big plus. Not only does the roof open up, but the a huge window behind the endzone slides open and gives you a sick view of downtown Indy. It's honestly one of the coolest things about any stadium anywhere.
The atmosphere is always great at Lucas Oil Stadium. Colts fans are some of the best out there. They're generally polite but have a lot of love for their team. You can expect it to be loud and exciting.
The return on your investment is great at Lucas Oil Stadium. Food, drink, tickets, and parking are all below the average NFL price, and programs are free.
There's free wifi at the stadium which is always a plus.
One of the pluses of the stadium is is that it's one of the smallest in terms of capacity (so it has this sort of comfy feel to it) but it still feels really big at the same time. It's got the best of both worlds.

Photo Credit flickriver.com
That's it for Lucas Oil Stadium. If you've seen a Colts game here and have anything to add, feel free to let me know in the comments.
#Lucas Oil Stadium#Superbowl2012#Indianapolis Colts#Shapiros Delicatessen#Maxine's Chicken and Waffles#Papa Roux#Fogo de Chao#The Omni#Conrad Indianapolis#Hilton Hotel#NFL
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