#Maximus Renegade Starsoldier
gintoki23 · 7 years
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Today’s episode is Vindicators 3: The Return of Worldender! Making fun of the superhero trope today! C: I look forward to it. :D
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foxtamer113 · 7 years
This scene tho <3
Maximus Renegade Starsoldier: *panicking*
Morty: Max, calm down~!
Maximus: *glares at Morty* Don't tell me to calm down! Just because I gave you a jacket doesn't mean you're the leader now!
Rick: *stares blankly at them* (*mentally rolls eyes* a buncha drama queens)
Maximus: You're just the learning disabled kid we do photo ops with!
Rick: *glares at Maximus' back* (low blow, dickwad!)
Morty: ...okay... ouch.
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My Morticia trio
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U-134: Wallflower Morticia (center)
One of the more run-of-the-mill, vanilla Morticias, similar to C-137′s Morty
Most Morticias are more social and confident than most Mortys, but U-134 is an exception, because of her poor eyesight, which requires prescription glasses and has kept her socially isolated
A Rick invisibly visiting her at a young age might have been responsible for her vision problems in the first place, as part of some experiment
Prior to her grandfather's "return" around the time she started high school, she was living a very mundane, quiet, and lonely life
In adventures she plays a passive, timid role, except when pushed to her limit - something that’s happened to her more and more over time
Lives in Summer’s shadow, envying and not envying her at the same time; everyone but Rick seems to give Summer more attention than her
She never really got over the trauma of finding out from Mr. Goldenfold’s dreams that he’s attracted to her
She only abandoned an Earth once, for the squirrels, and was allowed to remember it because it was her first time abandoning an Earth; it was a much longer squirrel-based adventure than we see in the snippet in Morty’s Mind Blowers, a whole episode’s worth, and was no less traumatizing than Rick Potion #9; she’s afraid of squirrels now
She had a fangirl crush on Vance Maximus, Renegade Starsoldier, and took it very personally when Rick killed him
She and Rick didn’t go to the Citadel much, but they were there on an adventure when it was destroyed (split up for separate A and B plots, Rick investigating Ricks, and Morticia investigating Morticias and Mortys), and she got isekaid to me along with U-114 and I-707
U-114: True Love Morticia (right)
A Morticia obsessed with romance, soulmates, and purity, always waiting for The One and always sure that he'll arrive any day now like in a Disney movie
Serene and faithful in her principles, it’s hard to shake her sense of peace
She imprinted on family stories about her parents’ early shotgun wedding, and sees it as beautiful and aspirational
A mostly normal Morticia before Rick showed up, but she chose to play up her idealistic side to contrast herself with Rick
Rick did not take kindly to this, and made several attempts to break her spirit (including showing her across dimensions how bad her parents are for each other, taking her to Gazorpazorp for a much longer adventure than C-137 went on, and taking her to Mormon Lizard Heaven, a dystopian marriage-focused afterlife), all of which backfired
One of these attempts was similar to Rick Potion #9, and similarly concluded with abandoning the Earth; she didn’t show much of an emotional response to this, so later when she abandoned her second Earth over the squirrels, she was also allowed to remember that, which also left concerningly little impact on her
She frequently wondered if the subject of her latest adventure was her one true love; close calls included Gazorpazorp bin Laden, Jaguar, and Fart
The final straw came when she started shipping Rick with Unity and decided to do a Parent Trap thing to set them back up with each other
Unity went yandere and started taking over the Earth, Rick abandoned the Earth and U-114 Morticia, and the Citadel abducted her as an abandoned Morticia (it’s free real estate!)
She lived in the Citadel for some time after, and became a moderately wealthy power player as assorted Mortys and a few Ricks attempted to court her; she politely turned down each
She had her own penthouse suite where she grew into an introverted shut-in, playing with a Story Train all day and fantasizing about the perfect domestic life she knew she was made for
A laughingstock for most of the Citadel’s Ricks
I-707: Bunny Ears Guard Morticia (left)
A more divergent Morticia from the more central Mortys we’re familiar with
Rick entered her life much earlier, when she was seven, and they hit it off as a team immediately
She visited and cleaned out Froopyland with her mom and Rick, and once it was deemed imaginary enough again, her mom gave that world to her as a gift
She correctly deduced that it was really Rick leaning on her mom to give it to her
She once saved her dad’s job by lying in front of Congress about an ad campaign that “unknowingly” incorporated hypnosis spirals known to cause seizures
She knew Krombopulos Michael as a close family friend; had reservations about his line of work but still liked him and his family, who frequently had dinner with the Smiths
When she was nine she butt-dialed Krombopulos Michael and accidentally had him kill her friend Jessica, who needed to be replaced with a clone; that was her Look On Down From The Bridge moment
After about five years of adventuring, when she was twelve, “her” Rick died in a tragic everyday Plumbus accident
To escape from her grief, she abandoned her family and moved into the Citadel, before the funeral was even over
This was the first time she’d abandoned an Earth, and she did it by herself, without Rick ever having directly told her to
She’s been putting in her best effort to rise through the ranks in the Citadel and impress people ever since
She overcompensates with a bubbly, manic, detached personality, inspired by Rick but as seen through rose-tinted glasses, so with less of a nasty edge
She’s an instant natural leader for most Mortys and Morticias she works with, and quickly charms most Ricks as well
She was kind of interested in selfcest but got scared off of getting too serious with it when she met Eraserhead Baby Morty, the offspring of a Morty/Morticia couple; she likes boys more than girls but she’s more interested in Morticias than Mortys
She might actually have been attracted to Rick but was more than uncomfortable enough with this to balance it out and repress it
She voted against President Morty but she acted like she voted for him once he won, because she’s a bit of a power-chasing sycophant
“another day working at the discharge cannon spire. everyone keeps asking me if they can fuck the discharge cannon. buddy, they won’t even let me fuck it”
Her dimension number is “LOLI” upside down
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gaarajade · 5 years
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Maximus Renegade Starsoldier is star lord supernova is gamora,Alan Rails is drax Crocubot is rocket racoon and a million ants is groot
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miss-sinister · 7 years
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Maximus Renegade Starsoldier - @iz0m8ie Alan Rails - @Arcanekani Supernova - @miss_sinister Rick - @yandere_oji 
Eyehole Man - @sohautrightnow  Pickle Rick - @the_abandoned_dreams Jaguar - unknown
DragonCon 2017
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toucheddarkness · 7 years
averonica said: NO
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