#Max Meyer Biography
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thissports · 5 years ago
Max Meyer Biography, Salary, and Personal Life
Max Meyer Biography, Salary, and Personal Life
Max Meyer is German soccer or footballers who play for an English club, Crystal Palace. at his age 24, he has been considered by many European football pundits as one of the best footballers in the primer league. In the premier league Meyer well-knowns because of his dribbling abilities and his high speed, many football pundits have compared his style of play with Barcelona Megastar, Lionel Messi.
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genuine-history-blog · 6 years ago
Best World War II Non-fiction History Books
ABRAMSKY, C. (ed.), Essays in Honour of E. H. Carr ('The Initiation of the Negotiations Leading to the Nazi-Soviet Pact: A Historical Problem’, D. C. Watt) Macmillan, 1974
ABYZOV, VLADIMIR, The Final Assault, Novosti, Moscow, 1985
ALEXANDROV, VICTOR, The Kremlin, Nerve-Centre of Russian History, George Allen 8: Unwin, 1963
ALLILUYEVA, SVETLANA, Only One Year, Hutchinson, 1969
Twenty Letters to a Friend, Hutchinson, 1967
AMORT, R., and JEDLICKA, I. M., The Canan's File, Wingate, 1974
ANDERS, LIEUTENANT-GENERAL W., An Army in Exile, Macmillan, 1949
ANDREAS-FRIEDRICH, RUTH, Berlin Underground, 1939-1945, Latimer House, 1948
ANON, A Short History of the Bulgarian Communist Party, Sofia Press, Sofia, 1977
ANON, The Crime of Katyn, Facts and Documents, Polish Cultural Foundation, 1965
ANON, The Obersalzberg and the Third Reich, Plenk Verlag, Berchtesgaden, 1982
ANTONOV-OUSEYENKO, ANTON, The Time of Stalin, Portrait of a Tyranny, Harper & Row, New York, 1981
BACON, WALTER, Finland, Hale, 1970
BARBUSSE, HENRI, Stalin: A New World Seen Through One Man, Macmillan, New York, 1935
BAYNES, N. H. (ed), Hitler’s Speeches, 1922-39, 2 vols, OUP, 1942
BEAUFRE, ANDRE, 1940: The Fall of France, Cassell, 1968
BECK, JOSEF, Demier Rapport, La Baconniére, Brussels, 1951
BEDELL SMITH, WALTER, Moscow Mission 1946-1949, Heinemann, 1950
BELOFF, MAX, The Foreign Policy of Soviet Russia, Vol Two, 1936-1941, Oxford, 1949
BEREZHKOV, VALENTIN, History in the Making, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1983
BIALER, S., Stalin and His Generals, Souvenir Press, 1969
BIELENBERG, CHRISTABEL, The Past is Myself, Chatto & Windus, 1968
BIRKENHEAD, LORD, Halifax, Hamish Hamilton, 1965
BOHLEN, CHARLES E., Witness to History, 1929-1969, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1973
BONNET, GEORGES, Fin d’une Europe, Geneva, 1948
BOURKE-WHITE, MARGARET, Shooting the Russian War, Simon 8: Schuster, New York, 1942
BOYD, CARL, Magic and the Japanese Ambassador to Berlin, Paper for Northern Great Plains History Conference, Eau Claire, Wisconsin, 1986
BUBER, MARGARETE, Under Two Dictators, Gollancz, 1949
BUBER-NEUMANN, MARGARETE, Von Potsdam nach Moskau Stationens eines Irrweges, Hohenheim, Cologne, 1981
BULLOCK, ALAN, Hitler: A Study in Tyranny, Pelican, 1962
BURCKHARDT, CARL I., Meine Danziger Mission, 1937- 1939, Munich, 1960
BUTLERJ. R. M. (editor), Grand Strategy, Vols I-III, HMSO, 1956-1964
BUTSON, T. G., The Tsar’s Lieutenant: The Soviet Marshal, Praeger, 1984
CALDWELL, ERSKINE, All Out on the Road to Smolensk, Duell, Sloan and Pearce, New York, 1942
CALIC, EDOUARD, Unmasked: Two Confidential Interviews with Hitler in 1931, Chatto & Windus, 1971
CARELL, PAUL, Hitler’s War on Russia, Harrap, 1964
CASSIDY, HENRY C., Moscow Dateline, Houghton Mifilin, Boston, 1943
CECIL, ROBERT, Hitler’s Decision to Invade Russia, 1941, Davis-Poynter, 1975
CHANEY, OTTO PRESTON, JR., Zhukov, David & Charles, Newton Abbot, 1972
CHAPMAN, GUY, Why France Collapsed, Cassell, 1968
CHURCHILL, WINSTON S., The Second World War. Vol. I: The Gathering Storm, Vol. II: Their Finest Hour, Vol. III: The Grand Alliance, Penguin, 1985
CIENCIALA, ANNA M., Poland and the Western Powers, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1968
CLARK, ALAN, Barbarossa, Hutchinson, 1965
COATES, W. P. and Z. K., The Soviet-Finnish Campaign, Eldon Press, 1942
COHEN, STEPHEN (ed.), An End to Silence (from Roy Medvedev’s underground magazine, Political Diary), W. W. Norton, New York, 1982
COLLIER, RICHARD, 1940 The World in Flames, Hamish Hamilton, 1979
COLVILLE, JOHN, The Fringes of Power, Downing Street Diaries, 1939-1955, Hodder & Stoughton, 1985
COLVIN, IAN, The Chamberlain Cabinet, Gollancz, 1971
CONQUEST, ROBERT, The Great Terror: Stalin’s Purge of the Thirties, Macmillan, 1968
COOKE, RONALD C., and NESBIT, ROY CONGERS, Target: Hitler’s Oil, Kitnber, 1985
COOPER, DIANA, Autobiography, Michael Russell, 1979
COULONDRE, ROBERT, De Staline a Hitler, Paris, 1950
CRUIKSHANK, CHARLES, Deception in World War II, CUP, 1979
DAHLERUS, BIRGER, The Last Attempt, Hutchinson, 1948
DALADIER, EDOUARD, The Defence of France, Hutchinson, 1939
DEAKIN, F. W., and STORRY, G. R., The Case of Richard Sarge, Chatto 8: Windus, 1966
DEIGHTON, LEN, Blitzkrieg, Jonathan Cape, 1979
DELBARS, YVES, The Real Stalin, George Allen 8: Unwin, 1953
DEUTSCHER, ISAAC, Stalin. A Political Biography, CUP, 1949
DIETRICH, OTTO, The Hitler I Knew, Methuen, 1957
DILKS, DAVID, (ed.), Diaries of Sir Alexander Cadogan 1938-1945, Cassell, 1971
DJILAS, MILOVAN, Conversations with Stalin, Penguin, 1963
DOBSON, CHRISTOPHER and MILLER, JOHN, The Day We Almost Bombed Moscow: Allied War in Russia 1918-1920, Hodder & Stoughton, 1986
DOLLMANN, EUGEN, The Interpreter, Hutchinson, 1967
DONNELLY, DESMOND, Struggle for the World, Collins, 1965
DOUGLAS, CLARK, Three Days to Catastrophe, Hammond, 1966
DRAX, ADMIRAL SIR REGINALD PLUNKETT-ERNLE-ERLE-, Mission to Moscow, August 1939, Privately, 1966
DREA, EDWARD J., Nomohan: Japanese-Soviet Tactical Combat. 1939, Combat Studies Institute, Leavenworth Papers, January 1981
EDEN, ANTHONY, Facing the Dictators, Cassell, 1962
The Reckoning, Cassell, 1965
EDMONDS, H.J., Norman Dewhurst, MC, Privately, Brussels, 1968
EHRENBURG, ILYA, Eve of War, MacGibbon & Kee, 1963
EINZIG, PAUL, In the Centre of Things, Hutchinson, 1960
EISENSTEIN, SERGEI M., Immoral Memories, Peter Owen, 1985
ENGEL, GERHARD, Heeresadjutant bei Hitler 1938-1943, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt,
Stuttgart, 1974
ERICKSON,J., The Road to Stalingrad Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1975
The Soviet High Command, Macmillan, 1962 ‘Reflections on Securing the Soviet Far Eastern Frontier: 1932-1945’, Interplay, August-September 1969
EUGLE, E., and PAANEN, L., The Winter War, Sidgwick 8: Jackson, 1973
FEILING, KEITH, The Life of Neville Chamberlain, Macmillan, 1946 FESTJOACHIM C., Hitler, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, New York, 1974
The Face of the Third Reich, Weidenfeld 8c Nicolson, 1970
FISCHER, ERNST, An Opposing Man, Allen Lane, 1974
FLANNERY, HARRY W., Assignment to Berlin, Michael Joseph, 1942
FLEISHER, WILFRID, Volcano Isle, Jonathan Cape, 1942
FOOTE, ALEXANDER, Handbook for Spies, Museum Press, 1949, 1953
FRANCOIS-PONCET, ANDRE, The Fateful Years, Gollancz, 1949
FRANKEL, ANDREW, The Eagle’s Nest, Plenk Verlag, Berchtesgaden, 1983
GAFENCU, GRIGOIRE, The Last Days of Europe, Frederick Muller, 1947
GALANTE, PIERRE, Hitler Lives and the Generals Die, Sidgwick 8: Jackson, 1982
GARLINSKI, JOZEF, The Swiss Corridor, J. M. Dent, 1981
GIBSON, HUGH (ed.), The Ciano Diaries, 1939-1 943, Doubleday, New York, 1946
GILBERT, MARTIN, Finest Hour, Heinemann, 1983
The Holocaust, TheJewish Tragedy, Collins, 1986
Winston Churchill, The Wildemess Years, Macmillan, 1981
GISEVIUS, HANS BERND, To the Bitter End, Cape, 1948
GORALSKI, ROBERT, World War II Almanac, 1931-1945, Hamish Hamilton, 1981
GORBATOV, ALEKSANDR v., Years Of My Lips, Constable, 1964
GORODETSKY, G., Stahhrd Cripps’Mission to Moscow, 1940-42, Cambridge U.P., 1984
GREW, JOSEPH C., Ten Years in Japan, Hammond, Hammond, 1945
GREY, IAN, Stalin, Man of History, Weidenfeld 8c Nicolson, 1979
The First Fijiy Years. Soviet Russia, 1917-1967, Hodder 8c Stoughton, 1967
GRIGORENKO, PETRO G., Memoirs, Harvill, 1983 GRIPENBERG, G. A. (trs. Albin T. Anderson), Finland and the Great Powers, Univ. Of
Nebraska Press, Lincoln, 1965
GUDERIAN, HEINZ, Panzer Leader, Ballantine Books, New York
GUN, NERIN E., Eva Braun, Hitler’s Mistress, Frewin, 1968
HALDER, COLONEL-GENERAL FRANZ, Kriegstagehuch, Kohlhammer, Stuttgart, 1963 Hitler als Feldherr, Miinchener Dom-Verlag, Munich, 1949
HALIFAX, LORD, Fulness of Days, Collins, 1957
HARLEYJ. H. (based on Polish by Conrad Wrzos), TheAuthentic Biography of Colonel Beck, Hutchinson, 1939
HARRIMAN, W. A., and ABEL, 13., Special Envoy to Churchill and Stalin, 1941-1946, Random House, New York, 1975
HASLAM,J., The Soviet Union and the Struggle/or Collective Security in Europe, 1933-1939, Macmillan, 1984
HAUNER, MILAN, Hitler. A Chronology of His Life and Time, Macmillan, 1983
HAYASHI, SABURO (with ALVIN D. coox), Kogun, The ]apanese Army in the Pacific War, Marine Corps Association, Quantico, Va., 1959
HEIBER, HELMUT, Goebbels, Robert Hale, 1972
HENDERSON, SIR NEVILE, Failure of a Mission, Hodder & Stoughton, 1940
HERWARTH, HANS VON (with FREDERICH STARR), Against Two Evils, Collins, 1981
HESSE, FRITZ, Das Spiel um Deutschland, List, Munich, 1953 Hitler and the English, Wingate, 1954
HESTON, LEONARD and RENATO, The Medical Case Boole of Adolf Hitler, Kimber, 1979
HILGER, GUSTAV (with ALFRED G. MEYER), The Incompatible Allies: A Memoir-History of German-Soviet Relations, 1918-1941 Macmillan, New York, 1953
HILL, LEONIDAS E. (ed.) Die Weizsacleer Papiere, 1933-1950, Berlin, 1974
HINSLEY, F. H. with THOMAS, E. E., RANSOM, C. F. G., and KNIGHT, R. (3., British Intelligence in the Second World War, Vol. 1, HMSO, 1979
HITLER, ADOLF, Mein Kampf, Hutchinson, 1969 Hitler’s Secret Conversations, Signet, New York, 1961 The Testament of Adolf Hitler. The Hitler-Borrnann Documents, Cassell, 1961
HOFFMANN, HEINRICH, Hitler Was My Friend, Burke, 1955
HOFFMANN, PETER, Hitler’s Personal Security, MIT, Boston, 1979
HOHNE, HEINZ (trs. R. Barry), The Order of the Death ’5 Head: The Story of Hitler’s SS, Seeker & Warburg, 1969 HOSKING, G., A History of the Soviet Union, Fontana, 1985 HYDE, H. MONTGOMERY, Stalin, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1971 INFIELD, GLENN B., Hitler’s Secret Life, Hamlyn, 1980 IRVING, DAVID, Hitler’s War, 1939-1942, Macmillan, 1983 The War Path, Michael Joseph, 1978
ISRAELYAN, V. L., The Diplomatic History of the Great Fatherland War, Moscow, 1959
JAKOBSON, MAX, The Diplomacy of the Winter War, Harvard UP, Boston, 1961
JEDRZEJEWICZ, WACLAW (ed.), Diplomat in Paris: 1931-1939 -Papers 65 Memoirs of ]uliusz Lukasiewicz, Columbia UP, New York, 1970
JONES, F. C., Japan’s New Order in East Asia. Its Rise and Fall, 0UP, 1954 Manchuria Since 1931, Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1949
JONES, R. V., Most Secret War, Hamish Hamilton, 1978
JONGE, ALEX DE, Stalin and the Shaping of the Soviet Union, Collins, 1986 The Weimar Chronicle. Prelude to Hitler, Paddington Press, 1978
KAZAKOV, GENERAL M. I., Nad Kartoi Bylykh Srazhenii, Voenizdat, Moscow, 1965
KEITEL, WILHELM, Memoirs, Kimber, 1965
KENNAN, GEORGE E, Soviet Foreign Policy 1917-1941, Robert E. Krieger, Princeton, 1960
KHRUSHCHEV, NIKITA S., (Trs. and edited by Strobe Talbott), Khrushchev Remembers, André Deutsch, 1971
KIRBY, D. G., Finland in the Twentieth Century, C. Hurst 8t Co., 1979
KIRKPATRICK, LYMAN B. JR, Captains Without Eyes. Intelligence Failures in World War II, Macmillan, New York
KLEIST, PETER, European Tragedy, Times Press/Anthony Gibbs & Phillips, Isle of Man, 1965
KORDT, ERICH, Nicht aus den Akten: Die Wilhelrnstrasse in Frieden und Krieg, Stuttgart, 1950
KRAVCHENKO, VICTOR, I Chose Freedom, Robert Hale, 1947
KROSBY, HANS PETER, Finland, Germany and the Soviet Union, 1940-41: The Petsamo Dispute, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, 1968
KRYLOV, IVAN, Soviet Staff Officer, Falcon Press, 1951
KUBIZEK, AUGUST, The Young Hitler I Knew, Houghton, Mifflin, Boston, 1955
KUSNIERZ, B. N., Stalin and the Poles, Hollis & Carter, 1949
KUUSINEN, AINO, Before and After Stalin, Michael Joseph, 1974
KUZNETSOV, N. G., ‘In Charge of the Navy’ (from Stalin and His Generals, ed. Seweryn Bialer), Souvenir Press, 1969
LEACH, BARRY A., German Strategy Against Russia, 1939 - 1941, OUP, 1973
LEHMAN, JEAN-PIERRE, The Roots of Modern Japan, Macmillan, 1982
LENSEN, GEORGE ALEXANDER, The Strange Neutrality. Soviet-Japanese Relations During the Second World War 1941-1945, Diplomatic Press, Tallahassee, Fla., 1972
LEONHARD, WOLFGANG, Child of the Revolution, Collins, 1957
LEWIN, RONALD, Hitler’s Mistakes, Leo Cooper, 1984 Ultra Goes to War, Hutchinson, 1978
LITVINOV, MAXIM, Notes for a Journal, André Deutsch, 1955
LITYNSKI, ZYGMUNT, I Was One of Them, Cape, 1941
LOSSBERG, BERNHARD VON, Im Wehnnachtfuhrungsstab, Nolke, Hamburg, 1947
LUKACS JOHN, The Last European War, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1977
LYONS, GRAHAM (ed.), The Russian Version of the Second World War, Leo Cooper, 1976
MACKENZIE, A., The History of Transylvania, Unified Printers 8: Publishers, 1983
MACKIEWICZ, STANISLAW, Colonel Beck and His Polity, Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1944
MACKINTOSH, M., Juggernaut. A History of the Soviet Armed Forces, Seeker 8t Warburg, 1967
MACLEAN, FlTZROY, Eastern Approaches, Cape, 1949
MACLEOD, COLONEL R., and KELLY, DENIS (eds.), The Ironside Diaries, 1937-1940, Constable, 1962
MAISKY, IVAN, Memoirs of a Soviet Ambassador, Hutchinson, 1967 Who Helped Hitler?, Hutchinson, 1964
MANCHESTER, WILLIAM, The Arms of Krupp, Michael Joseph, 1969
MANVELL, ROGER, and FRAENKEL, HEINRICH, Hitler, the Man and the Myth, Granada, 1978
MEDVEDEV, ROY, All Stalin 3 Men, Blackwell, Oxford, 1983 Let History Judge, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 1971 Khrushchev, Blackwell, Oxford, 1982 On Stalin and Stalinism, CUP, 1979
MERSON, ALLAN, Communist Resistance in Nazi Germany, Lawrence & Wishart, 1985
MORAVEC, FRANTISEK, Master of Spies, Bodley Head, 1975
MORLEY, JAMES W. (ed.), The Fateful Choice: Japan ’s Road to the Pacific War, Columbia UP, New York, 1980
MOSLEY, LEONARD, On Borrowed Time, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1969
NEKRICH, A. M., 1941, 22 Iyunia, Nauka, Moscow, 1965
NOLLAU, GUNTHER, International Communism and World Revolution, Hollis & Carter, 1961
NOWAK, JAN, Courier from Warsaw, Collins/Hamill, 1982
OTETEA, ANDREI, The History of the Romanian People, Scientific Publishing House, Bucharest, 1970
OVSYANY, IGOR, The Origins of Word War Two, Novosti, Moscow, 1984
PAASIKIVI, JUHO KUSTI, Am Rande einer Supermacht, Behauptung durch Diplomatie, Hosten Verlag, Hamburg, 1966
PARKINSON, ROGER, Peace for Our Time, Hart-Davis, 1971
PAYNE, ROBERT, The Rise and Fall of Stalin, W. H. Allen, 1966
PETROV, VLADIMIR, June 22, 1941. Soviet Historians and the German Invasion, Univ. of S. Carolina, 1968
RACZYNSKI, COUNT EDWARD, In Allied London, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1962
RADO, SANDOR, Sous le Pseudonym Dora (Dora Jelenti), Julliard, Paris, 1972
RAEDER, ERICH, My Life, US Naval Institute, Annapolis, 1960
READ, ANTHONY, and FISHER, DAVID, Colonel Z, Hodder & Stoughton, 1984 Operation Lucy, Hodder & Stoughton, 1980
REISCHAUER, EDWIN O., The Japanese, Harvard UP, 1977
REITLINGER, GERALD, The House Built on Sand, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1960
RIBBENTROP, JOACHIM VON, Zwischen London und Moskau: Erinnerungen und letzte Aufzeichnungen, Stuttgart, 1955
RICH, NORMAN, Hitler’s War Aims: Ideology, the Nazi State and the Course of Expansion, Norton, New York, 1973 Hitler’s War Aims: The Establishment of the New Order, Norton, New York, 1974
RINGS, WERNER, Life with the Enemy, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1982
ROKOSSOVSKY, K., A Soldier’s Duty, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1970
ROOS, H., A History of Modern Poland, Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1962
ROSSI, A., The Russo-German Alliance, Chapman 8: Hall, 1950
ROTHSTEIN, ANDREW, and DUTT, CLEMENS (eds.), History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow
RUBINSTEIN, ALVIN Z. (ed.), The Foreign Policy of the Soviet Union. The Search for Security 1934-41, New York, undated
RUSSELL, WILLIAM, Berlin Embassy, Michael Joseph, 1942
RYABOV, VASILI, The Great Victory, Novosti, Moscow, 1985
SALISBURY, HARRISON E., A journey for Our Times, Harper 81. Row, New York, 1983 The Siege of Leningrad, Seeker & Warburg, 1969
SCHAPIRO, LEONARD, The Government and Politics of the Soviet Union, Vintage Books, 1978
SCHMIDT, PAUL, Hitler’s Interpreter, Heinemann, 1951 SCHRAMM, PERCY ERNST, Hitler: The Man and the Military Leader, Allen Lane, 1972 SCHREIBER, H., Teuton and Slav, 1965
SCHWARZ, PAUL, This Man Ribhentrop, julian Messner, New York, 1943
SCOTT, JOHN, Duel for Europe, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1942
SEATON, ALBERT, The Russo-German War 1941-45, Arthur Barker, 1971 Stalin as Warlord, Batsford, 1976
SEVOSTYANOV, PAVEL, Before the Nazi Invasion, Progress, Moscow, 1984
SEYMOUR, CHARLES (ed.), The Intimate Paper of Colonel House, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1926
SHACHTMAN, TOM, The Phony War 1939-1940, Harper & Row, New York, 1982
SHIRER, WILLIAM, Berlin Diary, Bonanza Books, New York, 1984 The Nightmare Years, 1930-1940, Little, Brown, ‘Boston, 1984 The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, Secker & Warburg, 1960 The Collapse of the Third Republic, Literary Guild, 1966
SHOSTAKOVICH, DMITRI, Testimony, Hamish Hamilton, 1979
SIPOLS, V. J., Secret Diplomacy. Bourgeois Latvia in the Anti-Soviet Plans of the Imperialist Powers, 1919-1940, Riga The Road to Victory, Progress, Moscow, 1985
SMITH, HOWARD K., Last Train from Berlin, Cresset Press, 1942
SOMMER, ERICH F., Das Memorandum, Herbig, Munich, 1981
SOUVARINE, BORIS, Stalin-A Critical Survey of Bolshevism, Longmans, Green, New York, 1939
SPEER, ALBERT, Inside the Third Reich, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1970
STALIN, J. V., The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union, International Publishers, New York, 1948
STERN, J. P., Hitler. The Fuhrer and the People, Fontana, 1975
STONE, NORMAN, Hitler, Hodder & Stoughton, 1980
STORRY, RICHARD, A History of Modern Japan, Penguin Books, 1960 Japan and the Decline of the West in Asia 1894-1943, Macmillan, 1979
STRANG, LORD, The Moscow Negotiations 1939, Leeds UP, 1968 Home and Abroad, André Deutsch, 1956
STYPULKOWSKI, Z., Invitation to Moscow, Thames & Hudson, 1951
SUKHANOV, N. N., The Russian Revolution, 1917, CUP, 1955
SUVOROV, VIKTOR, Soviet Military Intelligence, Hamish Hamilton, 1984
SYROP, KONRAD, Poland in Perspective, Robert Hale, 1982
SZEMBEK, JAN, Journal, 1933-1939, Léon Noel, Paris, 1952
TANNER, V., The Winter War, Stanford UP, 1957
TARULIS, ALBERT N., Soviet Policy Toward the Baltic States, 1918-1944, Univ. of Notre Dame Press, 1959
TAYLOR, A.J. P., The Origins of the Second World War, Penguin, 1961 The Second World War, Hamish Hamilton, 1975
TAYLOR, FRED (ed.), The Goebbels Diaries 1939-41, Hamish Hamilton, 1982
THAYER, CHARLES, Diplomat, Harper, New York, 1959
THOMI, ABRAHAM, The Dream and the Awakening, Gareth Powell Associates, Sydney, 1977
TOKAEV, G., Comrade X, Harris Press, 1956
TOLAND, JOHN, Adolf Hitler, Doubleday, New York, 1976
The Rising Sun. The Decline and Fall of the Japanese Empire, 1936-1945, Cassell, 1970
TROTSKY, LEON, My Life, Grosset & Dunlap, New York, 1960
Stalin: An Appraisal of the Man and his Influence, Harper, New York, 1941
TUOMINEN, ARVO, The Bells of the Kremlin, Univ. Press of New England, 1983
ULAM, ADAM B., Expansion and Coexistence. Soviet Foreign Policy, 1917-73, Praeger Publishers, New York, 1974
Stalin, the Man and his Era, Allen Lane, 1974
UPTON, A. F., Finland 1939-40, Davis-Poynter, 1974
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URBAN, GARRI S., Tovarisch, I am not Dead, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1980
VANSITTART, LORD, The Mist Procession, Hutchinson, 1958
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ZUKER-BUJANOWSKA, LILIANA, Liliana ’s Journal, Warsaw 1939-1945, Piatkus, 1981
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amazingthought-blog1 · 8 years ago
Bobby Hemmitt Book List
Knowledge is Power - Source - SubconsciousCelebrity’s book list: Great work by SubconsciousCelebrity's for compiling this amazing book list from Bobby Hemmitt and other amazing scholars; Bro. Panic, Yaffa bey, Alim Bey, many more etc. This is truly a Great gem. Thank You. - Scroll down below videos for full Bobby Hemmitt Book list -
He who knows One Book Knows None - Pt. 1/3
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https://youtu.be/atWtqcxjJxE www.hollywooddecoded.com – Ktthearchdegree Youtube More from The Arch Degree – www.ktthearchdegree.com http://amazingthought.net/movies-decoded-arch-degree-interpreting-films/ • The Hermetica - Peter Gandy
The Hermetica: The Lost Wisdom of the Pharaohs - Presented by Peter Gandy - http://www.pentos.tv
[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYrfPbZRCk4[/embed] • Hermetica - Walter Scott [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFOkNVLUZkY[/embed] • Hermetica - Copenhaver • Pagan Origins of the Christ myth - John G Jackson (32pages) The Pagan Origins of Jesus Christ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQpxa32WqEc • The Finding of The Third Eye - Vera Stanley Alder - Support The Show @ http://www.theglobalreality.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hQHtseNhrA • The Egyptian book of the dead - Muata Ashby The Egyptian Book of the Dead Full Documentary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dklixqvNcss The ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead, warning to black people https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKWdCj1CA74 • Legends of the Egyptian Gods- E.A. Wallis Budge - http://www.ReligionBookMix.com This is the summary of Legends of the Egyptian Gods - Illustrated by E. A. Wallis Budge, Matthew Vossler. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ad9VrfO2Gq8 Ashra Kwesi The Truth About the Real 'Gods of Egypt' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZ1VbxKhHt4 • The Sirius Mystery - Robert Temple - Energy English https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1R88bnWjbo • Christianity Before Christ - John G. Jackson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tOgUnjXa5o Christianity before Christ Dr. John Henrik Clarke https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvQldd-McsI • Selected Writings and Speeches of Marcus Garvey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEhxtbKPGtw • Things Fall Apart - Chinua Achebe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohwdA3xas6I • The ankh: African Origins of Electromagnetism - Nur Ankh Amen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5vlZkquIxw • African Origins of Civilization Myth or Reality - C.A. Diop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAFXFV62tu4 • Without Sanctuary: lynching photography in America - James Allen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WphcZ0DVuuc • Why Darkness Matters: The Power of Melanin in The Brain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7sy7ogCzeY Behold a Pale horse – William Cooper https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUbFwqglIaA A detailed research into government corruption, secret societies, conspiracies, and the UFO phenomenon. 'Behold a pale horse' We are Multi-Dimensional Cosmic Beings (With a Galactic Heritage) From The Mother Land to the Mothership – Shurlene Wallace https://youtu.be/0zhskk1uEk0 We as the original woman and man are galactic beings with a presence throughout the cosmos. Economic Justice Theory, General Social Structures, Historical References, Kundalini energy, Metaphysics and Mythology, People interactions, Religious Commentary and Opinion, Scientific theoryTagsBobby Hemmitt, Bobby Hemmitt Book List, Dr Alim Bey, Dr Frances Cress Welsing, Neelly Fuller Jr, Neely Fuller Jr The Code Book, The Arch Degree http://amazingthought.net/9-areas-activity/ • The Isis Papers - Frances Wesling • The Hermetica - Peter Gandy • Hermetica - Walter Scott • Hermetica - Copenhaver • Pagan Origins of the Christ myth - John G Jackson (32pages) • The Finding of The Third Eye - Vera Stanley Alder • The Egyptian book of the dead - Muata Ashby • Legends of the Egyptian Gods- E.A. Wallis Budge Ashra Kwesi The Truth About the Real 'Gods of Egypt' • The Sirius Mystery - Robert Temple - Energy English • Christianity Before Christ – John G. Jackson Christianity before Christ Dr. John Henrik Clarke • Selected Writings and Speeches of Marcus Garvey • Things Fall Apart – Chinua Achebe • The ankh: African Origins of Electromagnetism – Nur Ankh Amen • African Origins of Civilization Myth or Reality – C.A. Diop • Without Sanctuary: lynching photography in America – James Allen • Why Darkness Matters: The Power of Melanin in The Brain • Behold a Pale horse - William Cooper • From The Mother Land to the Mothership - Shurlene Wallace • Secret Source - Adam Parfrey • Earth pleiadian keys to the Living Library - Barbara marciniak • Who’s who in Egyptian mythology - Anthony Mercatante • Psychic Self-defense - Dion Fortune • Conflicting Genes Nuetranoids and Genocide - Amun re sen Atum re
 (brother Polight) • Gnosis - Philip Gardiner • Gnosis - Kurt Rudolph • Yurugu - Marimba Ani • 1984 - George Orwell • Cosmic Voyage - Courtney Brown • The Martian Chronicles - Ray Bradbury • The island of Dr. Moreau - HG Wells • The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho • The Art of War - Sun Tzu • The historical origins of Christianity - Walter Williams • Metu Neter Vol. 1- (ALL) - Ra un nefer Amen • Ma’at Philosophy - Muata Ashby • Ancient egyptian light of the world -
Gerald Massey • Pregnant Darkness Alchemy and the rebirth of consciousness - Monika Wikman • The Sufis - Idries Shah page 245 and 255 - Baphomet equals Black male and/or Black Female • The historical Jesus and the mythical Christ - Gerald Massey • The Coming Race - Baron Edward Bulwer Lytton • Saturn: A new look at an old devil - Liz Greene • Book of the Beginings - Gerald Massey • The way of Hermes - Clement Salalman • The book of the law - Aleister Crowley • The Rosicrucian Cosmo-conception 
- Max Heindel • The God Genes - R.a. Waldron • The kemetic Tree of life - Muata Ashby • Echoes of an Old Darkland -Charles Finch • Atlantis and Lemuria - Rudolf Steiner • The Third Eye - Sophia Stewart • Supreme mathematic African Ma’at 
Magic • Lost cities and ancient Mysteries of the south - David Hatcher Childress • Lost Cities of North & Central America - David Hatcher • From Fetish to God - E.A. wallis Budge • The Africans who wrote the bible -Nana banchie Darkwah • Medical Apartheid - Harriet Washington • The Conspiracy to Destroy Black Women - Kevin Mcnutt • The Name Negro - Richard B Moore • Phlilosophy and opinions of Marcus Garvey - Marcus Garvey • The Womans Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets - Barbara G Walker • The Women’s Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects - Barbara G Walker • The first Americans were Africans - David Imhotep • The Immortal life of Henrietta Lacks - • Making sense of the Madness - Joseph Chippalone • Melatonin: your body’s own wonder drug - Russel J. & Jo Reiter • Armegddon Now: the end of the world A to Z - Jim Willis • Basic Magick: a practical guide - Phillip Cooper • The Modern Alchemist - Richard Alan Miller • African Origin of Biological Psychiatry - Richard D King • Melanin: key to Freedom - Richard D. King • The Diloggun: Orishas, proverbs, sacrifices - Ochani Lele • Ancient Christian Magic - Marvin Meyer • The Historical Origin of Islam - Walter Williams • Spiritual Cleansings & psychic Defenses - Robert Laremy • Lakshmi : the goddess of wealth and fortune - devdutt pattanaik • Dark light - Edward Bruce Bynum • Cosmic memory - Rudolf Steiner • Atlantis the Antideluvian world - Ignatius Donnelly • Astral Dynamics - Robert Bruce • Temples of Light - Danielle Rama Hoffman • Dirt: Social history…abuses of dirt - Terence McLaughlin • Elixer of Immortality - Robert E Cox • The Destruction of Black Civilization - chancellor Williams • The secret books of the Egyptian Gnostics - Jean Doresse • The Astral Body - A.E. Powell • The Metaphysics of Sex - Julius Evola • The Theology of Time- Elijah Muhammad • Other Tongues Other Flesh- George Hunt Williamson • Stolen Legacy - George G.M. James • Three Initiates: The Kybalion -Dover publications • Kundalini for the New Age - selected writings of Gopi Krishna edited by Gene Keiffer • The Confessions Nat Turner- William Styron • Ruled By Secrecy - Jim Marrs • Biographies of the Great Kings and Queens of Africa and Notable Black Men and Women - Lee John Smith/Deanna Williams • The People Could Fly -Virginia Hamilton • The Kybalion A study of he Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece • The Serpent Grail - Phillip Gardiner • Circle of Isis - Ellen Reed • A People’s History of United States -aka-(white people ruin everything) - Howard Zinn • Cosmic Trigger - Robert Wilson • The People of the Secret - Ernest Scott • The Ancient Power of the Flower of Life - Drunvalo Melchizedek • Simulacra & Simulation - Jean Baudrillard • Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos - H.P. Lovecraft • Sun Gods in Exile - Karyl Robin Evans • Oracle of the illuminati - William Henry • The Perfect Sermon or Asclepius • Angels Demon & Gods of the New Millenium - Lon Mili Duqquette • The Golden Fleece and Alchemy - Antoine Faivre • Vril, The Power of the Coming Race - Edward Lytton • Gospel of The Zodiac - Bill Darlison • Lucifer Dethroned- William Schnoebelen • Hermetic Magic- Stephen E. Flowers • The Gnostic Scriptures- Bentley Layton • Nag Hammadi Scriptures- James M. Robinson • Basics of Magic -Chic Cicero • The Golden Dawn Journal - Chic Cicero • The Virgin Of The World : hermes trismegustes • The Goetia - S.C. McGregor Mathers • Universe Earth and Man - Rudolf Steiner • The Cup Of Destiny - Trevor Ravenscroft • The Apocrypha of Jannes and Jambres - Albert Pietersma • The Astral Plane - C.W. Leadbeater • The Solar System - A.E. Powell • The Egyptian Mysteries - Arthur Versluis • The Secret Teachings For All Ages- Manly P.Hall • The Monuments of Mars - Richard C. Hoagland • The Tree Of Life - Israel Regardie • The Fall Of America - Elijah Muhammad • Brave New World - Aldous Huxley • Two Thousand Seasons - Ayi Kwei Armah • Civilization or Barbarism -Cheikh Diop • Ancient and Modern Britons - David Mac Ritchie • The Diplomatic Relations Of The United States - Ray Irwin • Encyclopedia Of Spirits- Judika Illes • Trance : Formation of America - Cathie Obrien • The Great Cosmic Mother - Monica Sjjoo • The Gnostics - Tobias Churton • The Cube of Space - Kevin Townley • Meditations on the Cube of Space- Kevin Townley • The Anatomy of the Body of God - Frater Achad • Astral Travel - Gavin & Yavonne Frost • Mind Power into the 21st century -John Kehoe • Lucid Living - Timothy Freke • The Hidden Creator - Hilton Hotema • Secret of Regeneration - Hilton Hotema • The Great Red Dragon - Hilton Hotema • The handbook of Yoruba Religios Concepts - Ifa Karade • Yoruba legends - M. I. Ogumifu • Wise Women of the Dreamtime - Langloh Parker • Astral Travel - Robert Brute • Siva : The Erotic Ascetic • Daimonic Reality - Patrick Harpur • The Dream And the Underwolrd -James Hillman • The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious - Carl Gustav Jung • Mysterium Coniunctionis - Carl Gustav Jung • Aeon - Carl Gustav Jung • Psychology and Alchemy - Carl Gustav Jung • The Presence of Siva - Stella Kramrisch • Hebrew Myths -Robert Graves & Raphael Patid • The Black Sun - Peter Moon • Equinox of the gods - Aleister Crowley • Necronomicon - H.R. Giger • What dreams may come • Spiritual Technology of Ancient Egypt - Edward Malkowski • Gnosticism - Stephen Hoeller • The Devil - Jeffrey Burton Russel • Cosmic Science of the Ancient Masters - Hilton Hotema • Satan: the early Christian Tradition - Jeffrey button Russel • Dictionary of Symbolism - Hans Biedermann • Encyclopedia of Gods - Michael Jordan • Dictionary of Deities - Patricia Turner • Hindu Deities a Mythological Dictionary - Margaret Stutley • Signs and Symbols of Primordial Man - Albert Churchward • Gods of love and Ecstacy - Alian Danielou (shiva & Dionysus) • Vodou Visions - Sallie Ann Glassman • A Textbook code/system/ concepts …Victims of White Supremacy - Neely Fuller • Palo Moyombe -Congo initiation spirits… - Carlos Montenegro • Seth God of Confusion - Herman te Velde • The Ancient Egyptian Buddha -Muata Ashby • Enuma Elish - L. W. King • Mornings of the Magicians - louis Pauwels • Powers of the Orishas - Migene Gonzales-Wippler • The Souless One, Cloning and Counterfeit Creation - Mark L Prophet • The Egyptian Elements of the Old Testament - Amin Sharif • The Souls of White Folk - Veronica Watson • Ancient Sungod - Hilton Hotema • The Black Goddess and the Unseen Real - Peter Redgrove • Godwin’s Kabbalistic Encyclopedia - David Godwin • The Book of The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage - S.L. Macgregor • God Wills The Negroe - Theodore P. Ford • 5/5/2000: Ice The Ultimate Disaster - Richard W. Noone • In Search of the Dream People - Richard w. Noone • The Book of the Goetia of Solomon the King - E. Crowley • The Lesser Key of Solomon - Joseph H. Peterson • The Pale Fox - M. Griaule • The Serpent Shakti - Asha Auset • The Greatest Story Never Told - Lana Corrine Cantrell • The Rebirth of Pan - Jim Brandon • International Meat Crisis - Harvestime Books • The Call of Cthulu and Other Weird Stories - S.T. Joshi • The Warlocks Book: Secrets of Black Magic - Peter Haining • Encyclopedia of Black Magic - Cassiel • Atlantis - Aleister Crowley • The Sword and the Flute: Kali and Krsna - David R. Kinsley • White Supremacy and Negroe Subordination - John H. Van Evrie • Encounters - Edith Fiore • Spirit Rapping Unveiled - Hiram Mattison • Ego and Archetype - Edward F. Edinger • Theosophia: Hidden Dimensions of Christianity - Arthur Versluis • Kundalini, Evolution, and Enlightenment - John White • The Opening of the Way - Isha Schwaller de Lubicz • Tantric Visions of the Divine Feminine - David R. Kinsleu • Sex Magic, Tantra, & Tarot - Lon Milo Duquette • The Moses Mystery - Gary Greenberg • Moses and Akhenaten - Ahmed Osman • The Serpent Grail - Philip Gardiner • Paralell Myths - J. F. Bierlein • Wonderful Ethiopians of the Ancient Cushite Empire - Drusilla Dunjee Houston • The Emerald Tablet - Dennis William Hauck • Scales of the Black Serpent Basic Qlippothic magick - Michael W. Ford • The Soul’s Secret - Hilton Hotema • Nightshades - Jan Fries • Typhonian Teratomas - Mishien Linden • Qabalah, Qliphoth, and Goetic Magic - Thomas Karlsson • The Biography of Satan: Exposing the Origins of the Devil - Kersey Graves • The Chicken Qabalah - Lon Milo Duquette • Hanuman, an Introduction - Devdutt Pattanaik • Qliphoth, Esoteric - Edgar Kerval • Drums and Shadows: Survival Studies among the Georgia Coastal Negroes - Georgia Writers Project • Myths & Legends of Babylonia and Assyria - Lewis Spence • The Mysterious Sphinx - Hilton Hotema • Alchemy of the Soul - Lee Irwin • Isis Magic: Cultivating a Relationship With the Goddess of 10,000 Names - M. Isadora Forrest • The Golden Ass - Penguin Classics • Time and the Technosphere - Jose Argüelles • Magical Child - Joseph Chilton Pearce • Infancy in Uganda - Mary D. Salter Ainsworth • Yakub: The Father Of Mankind - Elijah Muhammad • Melanin the Chemical Key to Black Greatness - Carol Barnes • The Golden Age of the Moor - Ivan Van Sertima • The Worlds Sixteen Crucified Saviors - Kersey Henry Graves • Holy Harlots: Femininity, Sexuality, and Black Magic in Brazil - Kelly E. Hayes • Aleister Crowley: The Nature of the Beast - Colin Wilson • Who is This King of Glory? A Critical Study of the Christos Messiah Tradition - Alvin Boyd Kuhn • Darkness Visible: Awakening Spiritual Light Through Darkness Meditation - Ross Heaven • Aghora, at the Left Hand of God V.1 - Robert Svoboda • Aghora II: Kundalini - Robert Svoboda • The Science of the Dogon: Decoding The African Mystery Tradition - Laird Scranton • The Cosmic Serpent: Dna & The Origins of Knowledge - Jeremy Narby • Angels, Demons, & Gods of the New Millenium - Lon Milo Duquette • The Road From Orion - Judy Kay King • The Isis Thesis - Judy Kay King • The Book on Palo - Don Demetrio (original publications spiritual books and supplies) • Spirits of the Night - Selden Rodman • Voodoo Charms & Talismans - Robert W. Pelton • Voodoo Shaman: The Hatian Way of Healing and Power - Ross Heaven • Complete book of Voodoo - (original publications spiritual books and supplies) • Voodoo in Haiti - Alfred Metraux • Voodoo Rituals: A Users Guide - Heike Owusu • The Voodoo Quantam Leap: Alternate Realities, Power, & Mysticism - Reginald Crosley • Polaria , The Gift of the White Stone - W.H. Muller • Sexual Alchemy: Magical Intercourse with Spirits - Donald Tyson • A New Orleans VouDou Priestess: The Legend and Reality of Marie Laveau - Carolyn Morrow Long • Brazilian Palo Primer: Kimanda Recipes to Make You Win at Love, Money, Business, and Life - Robert Laremy • Blood Magick - Seth • Rituals and Spells of Santeria - Migene Gonzales-Wippler • Egyptian Erotica: The Essence of Ancient Egyptian Erotica in Art & Literature - Joseph Toledano • Egyptian Magic - Joseph Toledano • Black and White Magic - Marie Laveau • Wicca Candle Magick - Geri a Dunwich • Cunt Coloring Book - Tee Corinne • Secrets of Magical Seals - Anna Riva • Creating Magical Entities - David Michael Cunningham • The Magic of Believing - Claude M. Bristol • The Wise Wound: Menstruation and Every Woman • Mysteries of the Dark Moon The Healing Power of the Dark Goddess - Demetra George • Taboo: Sex, Religion & Magic - Christopher S. Hyatt • Dragontime Magic & Mystery of Menstruation - Luisa Francia • Star Walkers and the Dimension of the Blessed - William Henry • Cosmic Radiation - Hilton Hotema • The Great Law - Hilton Hotema • The Way of the Orisa - Philip Johm Neimark • Encyclopedia of African Religion - Molefi Kete Asante • African Folklore An Encyclopedia - Philip M.Peek and Kwesi Yankah • The Intellectual Adventure of Ancient Man - Henri Frankfort • The Serpent Power: Ancient Egyptian Mystical Wisdom of the Inner Life Force - Muata Ashby • Egyptian Hieretic texts transcribed - Alan Gardiner • Ecstasy through Tantra - John Mumford • The Gnostic Religion: The Message Of The Alien God and The Beginning of Christianity - Hans Jonas • Apocolypse of The Alien God: Platonism and the Exile of Sethian Gnosticism - Dylan M. Burns • The Serpent Power - John Woodroffe • The Teachings of PtahHotep: The Oldest Book in the World - Hilliard III Asa • The Acid- Alkaline food Guide - Larry Trivieri • The Mahabharata • Mysteries of the Mexican pyramid - Peter Tompkins • Man’s Higher Consiousness - Hilton Hotema • We Do Not Die - Hilton Hotema • Ancient Secret of Personal Power: Tetragrammaton - Hilton Hotema • The Magic Wand : The Caduceus - Hilton Hotema • Ancient Future - Wayne Chandler • Symbols Signs & Signets - Ernst Lehner • Ancient Astrological Secrets of the Jews Revealed - Rueven Shomroni • The Great Initiates - Edouard Schuré • Synchronicity: Science, Myth and the Triskter - Allan Combs • Interpreting the Eclipses - Robert Jansky • Sexual Astrology - Marlene Rathgeb • Planetary Symbolism in the Horoscope - Karen Hamaker • In Search of The Medicine Buddha - David Crow
Bobby Hemmitt
Economic Justice Theory, General Social Structures, Historical References, Kundalini energy, Metaphysics and Mythology, People interactions, Religious Commentary and Opion, Science Theory - Bobby Hemmitt, Bobby Hemmitt Book List, Dr Alim Bey More from SubconsciousCelebrity's: Foods that Look Like Body Parts They're Good for http://subconsciouscelebrity.tumblr.com/post/82607350226/luna-patchouli-sage-mode-bblackgoldd List of Spells http://subconsciouscelebrity.tumblr.com/post/82236200668 Vivien Thomas gifted hands movie http://subconsciouscelebrity.tumblr.com/post/82159243462/algietheminer-black-history-month-vivien Economic Justice Theory, General Social Structures, Historical References, Kundalini energy, Metaphysics and Mythology, People interactions, Religious Commentary and Opinion, Scientific theoryTagsBobby Hemmitt, Bobby Hemmitt Book List, Dr Alim Bey, Dr Frances Cress Welsing, Neelly Fuller Jr, Neely Fuller Jr The Code Book, The Arch Degree
Bobby Hemmitt Book List
Knowledge is Power – Source – SubconsciousCelebrity’s book list: Great work by SubconsciousCelebrity’s for compiling this amazing book list from Bobby Hemmitt and other amazing scholars; Bro. Panic, Yaffa bey, Alim Bey, many more etc. This is truly a gem. Thank You. • The Isis Papers – Frances Wesling • The Hermetica – Peter Gandy • Hermetica – Walter Scott • Hermetica – Copenhaver • Pagan…
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korrektheiten · 6 years ago
Hundert notwendige Gedichte LIII — Hugo von Hofmannsthal
LePenseur:"Manche freilich müssen drunten sterben, Wo die schweren Ruder der Schiffe streifen, Andre wohnen bei dem Steuer droben, Kennen Vogelflug und die Länder der Sterne. Manche liegen immer mit schweren GliedernBei den Wurzeln des verworrenen Lebens, Andern sind die Stühle gerichtet Bei den Sibyllen, den Königinnen, Und da sitzen sie wie zu Hause, Leichten Hauptes und leichter Hände. Doch ein Schatten fällt von jenen Leben In die anderen Leben hinüber, Und die leichten sind an die schweren Wie an Luft und Erde gebunden: Ganz vergessener Völker MüdigkeitenKann ich nicht abtun von meinen Lidern, Noch weghalten von der erschrockenen Seele Stummes Niederfallen ferner Sterne. Viele Geschicke weben neben dem meinen, Durcheinander spielt sie alle das Dasein,Und mein Teil ist mehr als dieses Lebens Schlanke Flamme oder schmale Leier. Die beiden letzten Verse stehen auf dem Grabstein des Dichters, der heute vor neunzig Jahren durch einen Herzschlag am Weg zum Begräbnis seines Sohnes, der zwei Tage davor Selbstmord begangen hatte, viel zu früh aus dem Leben und Schaffen gerissen wurde. Der Dichter, dessen Bedeutung für die österreichische (und auch gesamte deutsche) Literatur des beginnenden XX. Jahrunderts kaum zu überschätzen ist, sah sich selbst immer als typisch christlicher Aristokrat (ob er nun Terziarier der Franziskaner war oder nicht, ist wohl nie mehr ganz zu klären, begraben wurde er jedenfalls in dessen Habit) — die Nazis mit ihren krausen Rassevorstellungen waren da andere Meinung (auch Richard Strauss hatte darunter zu leiden, daß seine beiden erfolgreichsten Librettisten, Hofmannsthal und Zweig, »rassenfremd« waren); daß sie Hofmannsthals Familie ins Exil trieben und das nachgelassene Vermögen beschlagnahmten, führt zwar zu einer kühlen Notiz in Hofmannsthals Biographie, doch läßt jene gutmenschliche Be- & Getroffenheit, mit der das Emigrationsschicksal anderer, nicht so dezidiert christlich-monarchistisch-konservativer Künstler und Denker beklagt wird, vermissen. Es kommt zwecks Entrüstung offenbar immer darauf an, wer da verfolgt wurde ... Hofmannsthal war zwar mehrfach für den Literaturnobelpreis vorgeschlagen, erhielt diesen aber nie. Ein von mir schon mehrfach angeführter Grund, diesen Preis als einigermaßen dubios anzusehen (was für die naturwissenschaftlichen Nobelpreise kaum je, umso mehr dafür jedoch für den Friedens-Nobelpreis zutrifft)! Jede Nominierung wurde hauptsächlich durch das Votum des schwedischen Schrift-stellers Per Hallström zu Fall gebracht, der gegen den Österreicher die „Lüsternheit“ von Stücken wie dem Rosenkavalier vorbrachte, aber auch mit antisemitischen Argu-menten Erfolg hatte.... informiert uns Wikipedia. Und wenn Sie nun »Per ... who?!« fragen, geht es Ihnen nicht anders als mir, und beweist, daß intrigante Kleingeister den Kurs der schwedischen Akademie nicht erst in unseren Tagen zu lenken wissen. Was manche Wahl und Nicht-Wahl zwar nicht erfreulicher, aber erklärlicher macht ... »Hundert notwendige Gedichte« (geordnet nach Autorennamen): Werner Bergengruen – Rudolf G. Binding – Bertolt Brecht – Hans Carossa (1) | (2) | (3)– Matthias Claudius –  Theodor Däubler – Max Dauthendey – Richard Dehmel – Fritz Diettrich – Annette Droste von Hülshoff – Joseph von Eichendorff (1) | (2) – Theodor Fontane (1) | (2) – Louis Fürnberg – Emanuel Geibel – Stefan George – Hermann von Gilm – Andreas Gryphius — Albrecht von Haller – Hermann Hesse (1) | (2) | (3) – Friedrich Hölderlin – Arno Holz – Ricarda Huch – Friedrich Georg Jünger (1) | (2) – Anna Louisa Karsch – Klabund – Karl Krolow – Detlev von Liliencron – Li-Tai-Peh (übertragen v. Egmont Colerus) – Conrad Ferdinand Meyer (1) | (2) | (3)  – Agnes Miegel – Börries Frh. v. Münchhausen – Friedrich Nietzsche – Wilhelm Raabe (1) | (2) – Rainer Maria Rilke – Eduard Stucken (1) | (2) | (3) – Georg Trakl – Christian Wagner – Anton Wildgans (1) | (2) – Stefan Zweig http://dlvr.it/R8QSb2 "
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vitalmindandbody · 7 years ago
Rocket ships, eagles and marriage patties: the Chicago contest that led to a skyscraper blowup
In 1922, the Chicago Tribunes owner launched a contest to design a towering brand-new HQ for his paper and changed high-rises for ever. Will the relaunch of the call-out by the Chicago Architecture Biennial render such seismic makes?
It was legislation as” the greatest architectural rivalry in record”, a hunt for” the most beautiful and unique office building in the world” to home” the world’s greatest newspaper “. The Chicago Tribune’s owner, Colonel Robert R McCormick, “havent had” shortage of ambition where reference is launched the open call to design a stunning new HQ for his newspaper in 1922. And he wasn’t disappointed by the response.
The glamour of the summary, along with the bait of $100,000 in prize money( around $1.5 m today ), met 263 inventors submit patterns from 23 “the worlds”. The enters cater a fascinating cross-section of the aesthetic preoccupations of the working day, wandering from neoclassical uniting cake confections to modernist slab, manifesting a few moments on the cusp of radical change.
Winner … an early film of Tribune Tower, created by Raymond M Hood and John Mead Howells. Image: Keystone-France/ Gamma-Keystone via Getty Images
The winning entry, which still sits proudly on the corner of Michigan Avenue, was a neo-gothic fantasy of stone wharves and operating buttress, a rocket ship conjured from 16 th-century France. It was still of the most significant and most exciting towers in Chicago, if not the world, its facade encrusted with boulders and globs of other famous buildings brought back from exotic estates by the newspaper’s reporters. But it was the competition itself that had the bigger impact on the architectural imagination. The sheer straddle of entryways triggered an international dispute on what tack the future of the skyscraper should take, catering a stylistic smorgasbord for generations of towers to come.
It is a discussion that the curators of the second Chicago Architecture Biennialhope to reignite this month, with an exhibition that will restage the Tribune Tower rivalry, 95 years on, asking contemporary inventors to respond to the brief.
Choosing as their theme ” manufacture new history”, co-curators of the biennial Mark Lee and Sharon Johnston set out to ask a new generation what a high-rise could be today. The L-Abased duo, founding partners of Johnston Marklee architecture firm, say that coming to Chicago as strangers, they” wanted to generate a discussion that would have an international resonance like the original competition did “.
Walter Gropius and Adolf Meyer’s suggestion. Picture: Rizzoli press
That 1922 rivalry was the ultimate combat of the styles. The majority of American designers, then still trained in the Beaux-Arts manner, privileged a traditionalist approach, their patterns ranging from teetering romanesque campaniles to gothic accumulations. These were office structures as cathedrals, their mighty stone jibes crowned with domes, worlds and spires. Columns were piled on pilasters, rusticated plinths cried under heaving cornices and every conjugation was elaborated with a twiddly moulding. It was the post-industrial financier civilization sought for legality in the fancy dress of yore.
Bruno und Max Taut’s expressionist pyramid. Picture: Ullstein Bild/ Getty
The European introductions, by differ, were much more diverse, straying from gigantic Art Deco statues to stark sword chassis stripped of all ornament. There was an expressionist pyramid by Bruno Taut, an asymmetrical planar composition by Bauhaus maestroes Walter Gropius and Adolf Meyer and, perhaps most famously of all, a tower in the forms of a gigantic doric editorial by Viennese provocateur Adolf Loos. On the eve of the publication of Le Corbusier’s seminal manifesto, Vers une Architecture, you can sense the evident excitement about captivating the” tone of the age” in glass and steel.
Adolf Loos’s doric column-shaped tower. Photograph: Rizzoli press
The competition has resembled down the generations, and Johnston and Lee are not the first to revive the competition as a means of sampling the climate of the day. In 1980, Chicago architects Stanley Tigerman and Stuart Cohen invited” Late Entries” to the tournament, asking such luminaries as Tadao Ando and Frank Gehry to submit patterns. As Tigerman wrote:” The original rivalry occurred at a time that was near the end of one era and the opening up of another. This exhibition takes lieu during a era of revisionism in which Modernism is being safely demoted to its lieu in biography .”
Tadao Ando’s characteristically minimalist meaning for the 1980 form of the architectural struggle. Image: Rizzoli press
The entryways were a riotous postmodern hotch-potch of cite and collage. The designers sampled promiscuously from different periods and used its own proposal as vehicles for critical commentary. Gaetano Pesce proposed a build as a fractured likenes of the newspaper, personifying” savagery, autonomy, politics and technology” in its sculpted facade. Helmut Jahn looked at manipulating the available air rights above the existing tower, building a mirror-glass doppelganger of the Tribune on top of its gothic treetop. Ando proposed a characteristically mute grid, while Gehry deferred a mad sketch of a tower surfaced with an eagle, from whose backstages tourists could hang in an aerial fairground ride.
Frank Gehry’s sketch for the 1980 Late Entryways exhibition. Image: Frank Gehry
Just as the 1922 competition discovered a new generation of modernists, so the 1980 form celebrated the revert of history and decorate, the” complexity and incongruity” called for by Robert Venturi.” Our own generation has gained brand-new verve ,” wrote Tigerman,” through its desire to find formal gist in our culture parentages now that the barrenness of Modernism is behind us .”
Helmut Jahn’s 1980 introduction. Photograph: Helmut Jahn
So what will the 2017 copy tell us about the country of contemporary structure? By limiting the selection to only 15 designers, all sampled from a similar-ish school of thought, it is unlikely to give the complete picture. Rather than participate in the temperature of world rule, the curators say they wanted to give a younger generation the chance to make a statement about improving tall. There are none of the obvious big names- no spherical “parametric” stalagmites from Zaha Hadid Architects , no Lego brick ziggurats from Bjarke Ingels , no mute stone obelisks from Peter Zumthor , no minimal white pillars from Sanaa. Instead, there will be a series of astute, critical thinkings on the Tribune competition, exhibited as an immersive plantation of three-metre high magnitude models.
London architect Sam Jacob continues the whimsical sprain of the 1980 rivalry. Directing to the archaeological fragments embedded in the facade of the existing tower, his proposal investigates an octagonal cupola roosted atop arched colonnades that in turn rest upon modernist grids. With this lively layer-cake of different buildings Jacob is reflecting on how” building is not something that we generate but something that are present, just waiting for us to discover it “.
The Chicago Pasticcio: Sam Jacob’s 2017 enter fuses Adolf Loos’ unbuilt 1922 overture with the actual Tribune Tower on Michigan Avenue. Picture: Sam Jacob Studio
Swiss practice Christ& Gantenbein have gone down the ready-made itinerary more, choosing to recreate an automated concrete garage tower built in Sao Paulo in 1964, as a celebration of” the pristine architecture of pure tectonics “.
Christ& Gantembein’s 2017 suggestion repurposes a 1964 concrete tower built in Sao Paulo. Photograph: Johnston Marklee( Chicago Architecture)
Others have preferably lazily recycled previous campaigns of their own, with Mexico’s Productora stacking one of their framed suggestions on top of another, and France’s Eric Lapierre scaling up a faceted line from a student housing stymie he’s building up Paris. 6a Architectsfollow a same course, but with a more elaborated narrative, asking a number of American wood-turners to each lathe a section of their tower according to a series of charts taken from their Raven Row gallery in London, whose Georgian interior was, for a while, on display in the Art Institute of Chicago.
Serie’s proposed vertiginous stack of pavilions in this year’s competition. Photograph: Chicago Architecture
The frameworks will no doubt make for a series of diverting artistry sections, but overall there seems to be too much interest in devising a cunning narrative and little attention given to actually designing a high-rise media headquarters for the 21 st century. Some entries touch on the changing media landscape, but don’t take it very far. Serie proposes a vertiginous stack of pavilions, like nested coffee counters extended awry, imagined as a landscape of” theaters, filling zones, restful landscapes and hedonistic plots: the real productive spaces for today’s media workers .” African architect Francis Kere suspects a mixed-use neighbourhood, with home, workspace and cultural facilities set around a series of spaces in a tower of cylinders. Mexico’s Tatiana Bilbao supposes a” vertical community” of 192 stories, paid attention to a range of collaborators to design.
Francis Kere Architect’s sketch for the 2017 contest. Image: Library of Congress/ Kere Architecture
Visitors expecting a cross-section of contemporary rehearsal will be thwarted. But then again you simply have to visit Manhattan to find Bob Stern construct classical stone skyscrapers next to Herzog and de Meuron’s overwhelmed glass Jenga tower. When all kinds of high-rise imaginable is already being built, from Stefano Boeri’s vertical groves to Calatrava’s kilometre-high spider’s network in Dubai, it seems that many of the young patterns here would rather retreat into the realms of note and criticism than add to the melee.
As for the Chicago Tribune itself, the exhibition comes at a poignant minute. The newspaper recently announced that it is moving out of its iconic headquarters after its parent company exchanged the Tribune Tower to a Los Angeles developer for $240 m. There are plans to convert it into luxury accommodations and a hotel, a stark remember that neither newspapers , nor inventors, have the strength they formerly enjoyed.
Vertical City will be on display at the Chicago Cultural Center as part of the 2017 Chicago Architecture Biennial, 16 September to 7 January.
The post Rocket ships, eagles and marriage patties: the Chicago contest that led to a skyscraper blowup appeared first on vitalmindandbody.com.
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hollywoodages-blog · 7 years ago
Ashley Greene Height Weight Measurements
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Ashley Greene Height Weight Measurements
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Ashley Greene Biography
Ashley Michele Greene born on February 21, 1987 is an American on-screen character and model, best known for playing Alice Cullen in the film adjustments of Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight books. Greene was born in Jacksonville, Florida, and is the little girl of Michele (née Tatum), who works in protection, and Joe Greene, a previous U.S. Marine who now claims his own solid business. She experienced childhood in Middleburg and Jacksonville, and went to University Christian School before exchanging to Wolfson High School when she was in tenth grade. She moved to Los Angeles, California, at 17 years old to seek after an acting profession. Greene has a more established sibling named Joe. She at first wanted to end up a model, however was informed that she was not sufficiently tall at 5 feet 5 inches (1.65 m) to be a design show and ought to rather concentrate on acting in plugs. In the wake of taking business and acting classes, she became hopelessly enamored with acting and understood that she favored it over demonstrating. Greene moved on from secondary school early and moved to L.A. to seek after an acting vocation. At a very early stage in her profession, she showed up as a visitor on such TV programs, as Punk’d and Crossing Jordan. Greene’s huge break came in 2008 when she was given a role as Alice Cullen in Twilight, a film in light of the novel of the same name by Stephenie Meyer. She repeated her part as Alice in the 2009 continuation of Twilight, The Twilight Saga: New Moon, 2010’s The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, 2011’s The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1, 2012’s The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2. Greene depicted Michelle Burkham in the show film Skateland, which debuted at the 2010 Sundance Film Festival. She rejoined with her Twilight co-star Kellan Lutz in the motion picture A Warrior’s Heart furthermore stars in thriller film, Summer’s Blood, and in addition the Dark Castle Entertainment generation The Apparition, which started shooting on February 1, 2010. Greene showed up close by Miley Cyrus and Demi Moore in 2012 dramatization film LOL. In 2013, Greene featured in the authentic film CBGB about the previous Manhattan music club with the same name.
Ashley Greene Personal Info.
Full Name: Ashley Michele Greene
Nick Name: Ash, Chewy, Asher
Family: Joe Greene – (Father) Michele Tatum – (Mother) Joe – (Brother)
Education: She began her instruction at University Christian School however later on, moved to Wolfson High School, Florida for graduation.
Date of Birth: 21 February, 1987
Birthplace: Jacksonville, Florida, U.S.
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Religion: Christian
Ethnicity: White
Nationality: American
Profession: Actress, Model
Measurements: 34-26-34 in or 86-66-86 cm
Bra Size: 34C
Height: 5′ 5″ (165 cm)
Weight: 119 lbs (54 kg)
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Dark Blonde
Dress Size: 04
Shoe Size: 8.5
Friends: Kristen Stewart, Lucy Hale, Jessica Szohr, Karlie Kloss, Nikki Reed, Vanessa Hudgens
Boyfriend/Dating History:
Tanner Beard – An American Actor, Producer and Director. The performer is said to have a connection with him, yet there’s no confirmation accessible about the issue.
Robert Pattinson – The gossip list moved to Twilight lead then. The relationship never got affirmed.
Josh Henderson (2006) – An American Actor and Singer. Ashley had her second association with the ‘Edgy Housewives’ person in 2006. Both dated each other for a while yet the connection not went on for long.
Chace Crawford (2007-09) – An American Actor. The couple had an involved acquaintance for very nearly three years before both separated their courses from each other.
Ian Somerhalder (2009) – An American Actor and Model. Cinder, in the wake of saying a final farewell to Chace, dated Ian yet the connection was not that long as Ian got pulled in to his ‘Vampire Diaries’ co-star Nina.
Rafi Gavron (2009) – A British Actor. Ashley and Rafi imparted some nearby minutes to each other in 2009, however not that much so they could continue with those minutes.
Seth MacFarlane (2009) – An American Multi-identity star. The on-screen character got her name connected with Seth, her third one for the year. The outcome was not quite the same as the other two relations (Ian and Rafi).
Adrian Grenier – An American Actor, Musician and Director. She got her name with Adrian, however it was only a media gossip.
Jared Followill (2009-11) – An American Rock band craftsman. The edgy quest of Ash for affection ceased at “Lord of Leon” band craftsman, for quite a while. The undertaking was three year long, however finished as on-screen character was discovered dating other men additionally, the same time.
Brock Kelly (2010) – A ‘Not really popular’s American Actor. Fiery remains dated Brock when she was at that point dating Jared.
Joe Jonas (2010-11) – An American Pop Singer. The performing artist dated ‘Jonas Brothers’ part Joe, the same time she was dating Jared. Accordingly, Both separated their courses from Ashley, making only her once more.
Gerard Butler (2011) – A Scottish Actor. Asher experienced a little rumorous connection with legal advisor turned on-screen character, Gerard in 2011 after her separations with Jared Followill and Joe Jonas.
Reeve Carney (2011-12) – An American artist lyricist and performer. Both had a relationship for right around two years yet confronted a separation in 2012.
Travis Beckum (2012) – An American footballer. Asher was RUMORed to be dating New York Giants footballer before. Both met in 2012 and were spotted commonly together around then.
Ryan Phillippe (2013) – In March 2013, the performing artists Ryan Phillippe and Ashley Greene had fling with each other.
Paul Khoury (2013-Present) – Australian performing artist, Paul Khoury is dating Ashley since August 2013. There is about 12 years old distinction between the two (with Paul being more established than Ashley).
Known For: Ashley Greene caught fame for her appearance in the “Twiligh” Film series as Alice Cullen.
Active Year: 2005 (present)
Favorite TV Show: Crossing Jordan
Favorite Places: New York, Los Angeles and Florida
Favorite Food: Italian
Favorite Color: Pink
Favorite Accessories: Donna Karen Dresses
Official Twitter: Twitter Account
Official Facebook: FB Account
Ashley Greene Filmography:
Year Title 2007 King of California 2008 Otis 2008 Twilight 2009 Shrink 2009 Summer’s Blood 2009 The Twilight Saga: New Moon 2010 Skateland 2010 The Twilight Saga: Eclipse 2010 Radio Free Albemuth 2011 A Warrior’s Heart 2011 Butter 2011 The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1 2012 LOL 2012 The Apparition 2012 The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2 2013 CBGB 2014 Wish I Was Here 2014 Kristy 2014 Burying the Ex 2015 Staten Island Summer 2015 Shangri-La Suite 2016 Holidays 2016 Urge 2016 In Dubious Battle 2016 Max & Me
Year Title 2006 Crossing Jordan 2006 Mad TV 2006 Desire 2008 Shark 2011-2012 Pan Am 2012 Americana
Search Terms:
Ashley Greene Age. Ashley Greene Alice. Ashley Greene And Jackson Rathbone. Ashley Greene As Alice Cullen. Ashley Greene And Jackson Rathbone Relationship. Ashley Greene Siblings. Ashley Greene Dating. Ashley Greene Dating List. Ashley Greene Facebook. Ashley Greene Family. Ashley Greene Filmography. Ashley Greene Husband. Ashley Greene Hair Color. Ashley Greene Wiki. Ashley Greene Engaged. Ashley Greene Eye Color. Ashley Greene Ex Boyfriends. Ashley Greene Real Height. Ashley Greene Relationship. Ashley Greene Twitter. Ashley Greene Twilight. Ashley Greene Tv Shows. Ashley Greene Upcoming Movies. Ashley Greene Is Dating. Ashley Greene Profession. Ashley Greene Parents. Ashley Greene Partner. Ashley Greene Zodiac Sign. Ashley Greene College. Ashley Greene Bio. Ashley Greene Biography. Ashley Greene Movies. Ashley Greene Model. Ashley Greene Married.
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bookishdane-blog · 8 years ago
The Netflix Tag (#TagThursday)
OK. I have literally had no bright ideas regarding spicing up my blog lately. As much as I love reading and talking about books, blog posts are a lot like food: Add too little seasoning and the taste is boring and bland. On the other hand, adding too much spice will most likely make you ill. 
Another Danish book blogger on Goodreads advised me to try out some tags. So... Here goes nothing! Welcome to #TagThursday, where I take up a new tag every Thursday. Let’s begin with something a little more... visual: The Netflix Tag.
The Original Tag was created by A Darker Shade of Whitney
Here’s a link to her channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVrydXU4okw&t=39s
BookishDane's Netflix Tag:
1. Recently Watched
The last book you finished reading 
"Håvamål" by Tyr Neilsen and Bente Wemundstad
2. Top Picks
A book/books that have been recommended to you based on books you have previously read
"Witches Abroad" by Terry Pratchett (Thank you, Niels!)
3. Recently Added
The last book you bought 
"Håvamål" by Tyr Neilsen and Bente Wemundstad
4. Popular on Netflix
Books that everyone knows about (2 you've read and 2 you have no interest in reading) 
"The Hound of Baskerville" by Sir Arthur Cannon Doyle - I adore that story!
“The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde - blasphemous as it might seem that I still haven’t read “Dracula” - Dorian Gray is still one of my favourite stories.
"Twilight" by Stephanie Meyer - I just gave up. I’m not looking back.
"Me Before You" by Jojo Moyes - I may be a girl, but I’m not into romance books.
5. Comedies
A funny book 
"Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief" by Rick Riordan
6. Dramas
A character who is a drama queen/king 
Glenda Montrose - “Ruby Red2, “Saphire Blue” and “Emerald Green” by Kerstin Gier 
FYI - I read these in original German. There is no instalove. If there is in the English version, it is an error in the translation.
7. Animated
A book with cartoons on the cover 
Does  John Constantine from the cover of Vertigo’s "Hellblazer" count?  
8. Watch It Again
A book/book series that you want to re-read
(Almost) everything I’ve read by Terry Pratchett
"Jane: The Woman Who Loved Tarzan" by Robin Maxwell
"The Casual Vacancy" by J.K. Rowling
9. Documentaries
A non-fiction book you'd recommend to everyone 
"Vi kan sove i flyvemaskinen" by Ulla Terkelsen and Andreas Fugl Thøgersen
This is a biography of one of the top notch journalists and foreign correspondents in Denmark. Unfortunately, I don’t know if it has been translated. The titles loosely translate to: “We can (always) sleep on the aeroplane”.
10. Action and Adventure
An action packed book
"Jomfrustenen" by Michael Mortimer
The "Harry Potter"-series by J.K. Rowling  
11. New Releases
A book that just came out or will be coming out soon that you can't wait to read 
"Assassin’s Creed: The Last Descendants" by Matthew J. Kirby
I just love the AC universe. The concept, the characters, the potential, the pseudo-science that may actually have one single grain of truth to it (even if that grain is smaller than your average grain of sugar).
12. Max: Tag some people!!
I’m tagging the following people
Katrine, who gave me the idea https://mylittlebookishuniverse.wordpress.com/
Katie from @effusionsofwit
1 note · View note
vitalmindandbody · 7 years ago
Rocket carries, eagles and marriage patties: the Chicago contest that led to a skyscraper detonation
In 1922, the Chicago Tribunes owner launched a game to design a towering new HQ for the working paper and changed high-rises for ever. Will the relaunch of the call-out by the Chicago Architecture Biennial make such seismic answers?
It was legislation as” the greatest architectural game in biography”, a hunt for” the most beautiful and unique agency building in the world” to home” the world’s greatest newspaper “. The Chicago Tribune’s owner, Colonel Robert R McCormick, “havent had” dearth of desire when he launched the open call to design a stunning brand-new HQ for his newspaper in 1922. And he wasn’t disappointed by the response.
The glamour of the brief, along with the enticement of $100,000 in prize money( around $1.5 m today ), examined 263 architects submit intends from 23 countries around the world. The entryways supply a fascinating cross-section of the aesthetic preoccupations of the working day, arraying from neoclassical wedding cake confections to modernist slabs, manifesting a few moments on the cusp of radical change.
Winner … an early shoot of Tribune Tower, created by Raymond M Hood and John Mead Howells. Picture: Keystone-France/ Gamma-Keystone via Getty Images
The winning entryway, which still puts proudly on the reces of Michigan Avenue, was a neo-gothic fantasize of stone wharves and hovering buttresses, a rocket ship invoked from 16 th-century France. It remains one of the most significant and most fascinating towers in Chicago, if not the world, its facade encrusted with boulders and hunks of other far-famed constructs brought back from exotic properties by the newspaper’s reporters. But it was the competition itself that had “the worlds biggest” impact on the architectural resource. The sheer array of introductions activated an international debate on what guidance the future of the skyscraper should take, catering a stylistic smorgasbord for generations of towers to come.
It is a discussion that the curators of the second Chicago Architecture Biennialhope to reignite this month, with an exhibition that will restage the Tribune Tower rival, 95 years on, questioning contemporary designers to respond to the brief.
Choosing as their topic ” induce brand-new history”, co-curators of the biennial Mark Lee and Sharon Johnston set out to ask a new generation what a high-rise could be today. The L-Abased duo, founding partnership with Johnston Marklee architecture firm, say that coming to Chicago as strangers, they” wanted to generate a discussion that would have an international resonance like the original rivalry did “.
Walter Gropius and Adolf Meyer’s proposal. Photograph: Rizzoli press
That 1922 game was the eventual duel of the modes. The majority of American inventors, then still trained in the Beaux-Arts manner, promoted a traditionalist approach, their motifs straying from teetering romanesque campaniles to gothic heaps. These were office buildings as cathedrals, their mighty stone rods crowned with domes, globes and spires. Columns were piled on pilasters, rusticated plinths groaned under heaving cornices and every interchange was elaborated with a twiddly moulding. It was the post-industrial financier culture searching for legitimacy in the fancy dress of yore.
Bruno und Max Taut’s expressionist pyramid. Picture: Ullstein Bild/ Getty
The European entries, by compare, were much more diverse, wandering from gargantuan Art Deco monuments to stark sword frames deprived of all embellish. There was an expressionist pyramid by Bruno Taut, an asymmetrical planar composition by Bauhaus maestros Walter Gropius and Adolf Meyer and, perhaps most famously of all, a tower in the shape of a gigantic doric editorial by Viennese provocateur Adolf Loos. On the eve of the publication of Le Corbusier’s seminal manifesto, Vers une Architecture, you can sense the palpable excite about capturing the” flavour of the age” in glass and steel.
Adolf Loos’s doric column-shaped tower. Image: Rizzoli press
The competition has echoed down the generations, and Johnston and Lee are not the first to revive the game as a means of sampling the feeling of the working day. In 1980, Chicago architects Stanley Tigerman and Stuart Cohen invited” Late Entries” to the competitor, requesting such luminaries as Tadao Ando and Frank Gehry to submit designs. As Tigerman wrote:” The original rivalry occurred at a time that was near the end of one era and the opening up of another. This exhibit takes target during a occasion of revisionism in which Modernism is being safely demoted to its target in biography .”
Tadao Ando’s characteristically minimalist plan for the 1980 form of the architectural competition. Photograph: Rizzoli press
The entryways were a riotous postmodern hotch-potch of note and collage. The decorators sampled promiscuously from different periods and used their proposals as vehicles for critical note. Gaetano Pesce proposed a building as a fractured likenes of the newspaper, incarnating” brutality, sovereignty, politics and technology” in its sculpted facade. Helmut Jahn looked at employing the available breath privileges above the existing tower, constructing a mirror-glass doppelganger of the Tribune on top of its gothic crown. Ando proposed a characteristically mute grid, while Gehry submitted a mad sketch of a tower surfaced with an eagle, from whose wings visitors could hang in an aerial fairground ride.
Frank Gehry’s sketch for the 1980 Late Entryways expo. Image: Frank Gehry
Just as the 1922 race uncovered a new generation of modernists, so the 1980 version celebrated the comeback of record and decoration, the” intricacy and opposition” called for by Robert Venturi.” Our own generation has gained new vitality ,” wrote Tigerman,” through its desire to find formal signify in our culture descents now that the barrenness of Modernism is behind us .”
Helmut Jahn’s 1980 entryway. Image: Helmut Jahn
So what will the 2017 publication tell us about the nation of contemporary building? By restraint the selection to just 15 inventors, all sampled from a similar-ish school of thought, it is unlikely to give the complete picture. Rather than participate in the temperature of global tradition, the curators say they wanted to give a younger generation the chance to make a statement about constructing towering. There are none of the obvious big names- no globular “parametric” stalagmites from Zaha Hadid Architects , no Lego brick ziggurats from Bjarke Ingels , no soften stone obelisks from Peter Zumthor , no negligible lily-white pillars from Sanaa. Instead, there will be a series of intelligent, critical thoughtfulness on the Tribune competition, exhibited as an immersive grove of three-metre high scale models.
London architect Sam Jacob sustains the witty sprain of the 1980 challenger. Denoting to the archaeological fragments embedded in the facade of the existing tower, its own proposal ensure an octagonal cupola perched atop arched colonnades that in turn rest upon modernist grids. With this humorous layer-cake of various types of builds Jacob is indicating on how” building is not something that we cause but something that already exists, just waiting for us to discover it “.
The Chicago Pasticcio: Sam Jacob’s 2017 entering fuses Adolf Loos’ unbuilt 1922 recommendation with the actual Tribune Tower on Michigan Avenue. Image: Sam Jacob Studio
Swiss practice Christ& Gantenbein have gone down the ready-made road too, chose to recreate an automated concrete garage tower built in Sao Paulo in 1964, as a celebration of” the pristine building of pure tectonics “.
Christ& Gantembein’s 2017 suggestion repurposes a 1964 cement tower building up Sao Paulo. Photograph: Johnston Marklee( Chicago Architecture)
Others have instead lazily recycled previous projections of their own, with Mexico’s Productora stacking one of their framed propositions on top of another, and France’s Eric Lapierre scaling up a faceted line from a student house blockage he’s built in Paris. 6a Architectsfollow a same itinerary, but with a more elaborated narrative, expecting a number of American wood-turners to each lathe a section of their tower according to a series of profiles taken from their Raven Row gallery in London, whose Georgian interior was, for a while, on display in the Art Institute of Chicago.
Serie’s proposed vertiginous load of pavilions in this year’s competition. Photo: Chicago Architecture
The simulates will no doubt make for a series of diverting artwork pieces, but overall there seems to be too much interest in devising a inventive fib and little attention given to actually designing a high-rise media headquarters for the 21 st century. Some entries touch on the changing media landscape, but don’t take it very far. Serie proposes a vertiginous load of pavilions, like nested coffee tables disappeared awry, imagined as a landscape of” theatres, assembling zones, restful landscapes and hedonistic gardens: the real productive openings for today’s media workers .” African architect Francis Kere imagines a mixed-use neighbourhood, with casing, workspace and cultural rights facilities formatted around a series of voids in a tower of cylinders. Mexico’s Tatiana Bilbao supposes a” vertical community” of 192 schemes, given to a range of traitors to design.
Francis Kere Architect’s sketch for the 2017 game. Picture: Library of Congress/ Kere Architecture
Visitors expecting a cross-section of contemporary rule will be frustrated. But then again you only have to visit Manhattan to find Bob Stern house classical stone skyscrapers next to Herzog and de Meuron’s floundered glass Jenga tower. When every kind of high-rise imaginable is already being built, from Stefano Boeri’s vertical forests to Calatrava’s kilometre-high spider’s web in Dubai, it seems that many of the young practises here would rather retreat into the realms of note and critique than add to the melee.
As for the Chicago Tribune itself, the exhibition comes at a poignant moment. The newspaper recently announced that it is moving out of its iconic headquarters after its parent company exchanged the Tribune Tower to a Los Angeles developer for $240 m. There are plans to convert it into luxury apartments and a inn, a stark remember that neither newspapers , nor designers, have the power they once enjoyed.
Vertical City will be on display at the Chicago Cultural Center as part of the 2017 Chicago Architecture Biennial, 16 September to 7 January.
The post Rocket carries, eagles and marriage patties: the Chicago contest that led to a skyscraper detonation appeared first on vitalmindandbody.com.
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vitalmindandbody · 7 years ago
Rocket carries, eagles and wedding patties: the Chicago contest that led to a skyscraper explosion
In 1922, the Chicago Tribunes owner propelled a competition to design a towering new HQ for the working paper and changed high-rises for ever. Will the relaunch of the call-out by the Chicago Architecture Biennial create such seismic causes?
It was legislation as” the greatest architectural contest in record”, a hunt for” the most beautiful and unique office building in the world” to room” the world’s greatest newspaper “. The Chicago Tribune’s owner, Colonel Robert R McCormick, “havent had” deficit of aspiration when he propelled the open call to design a sparkling brand-new HQ for his newspaper in 1922. And he wasn’t disappointed by the response.
The glamour of the summary, along with the enticement of $100,000 in prize money( around $1.5 m today ), investigated 263 architects submit patterns from 23 countries around the world. The enters support a fascinating cross-section of the aesthetic preoccupations of the working day, wandering from neoclassical marriage cake confections to modernist slab, indicating a few moments on the cusp of radical change.
Winner … an early kill of Tribune Tower, been developed by Raymond M Hood and John Mead Howells. Picture: Keystone-France/ Gamma-Keystone via Getty Images
The winning enter, which still holds proudly on the area of Michigan Avenue, was a neo-gothic fantasize of stone quays and hovering buttresses, a rocket ship created from 16 th-century France. It remains one of the finest and most fascinating towers in Chicago, if not “the worlds”, its facade encrusted with boulders and clumps of other famous constructs brought back from exotic districts by the newspaper’s reporters. But it was the competition itself that had “the worlds biggest” impact on the architectural imagination. The sheer range of enters activated an international debate on what attitude the future of the skyscraper should take, affording a stylistic smorgasbord for generations of towers to come.
It is a discussion that the curators of the second largest Chicago Architecture Biennialhope to reignite this month, with an exhibition that will restage the Tribune Tower race, 95 years on, questioning contemporary designers to respond to the brief.
Choosing as their theme ” make new biography”, co-curators of the biennial Mark Lee and Sharon Johnston set out to ask a new generation what a high-rise could be today. The L-Abased duo, founding partners of Johnston Marklee architecture firm, say that coming to Chicago as intruders, they” wanted to generate a discussion that would have an international resonance like the original challenger did “.
Walter Gropius and Adolf Meyer’s recommendation. Image: Rizzoli press
That 1922 competition was the ultimate duel of the styles. The majority of American architects, then still trained in the Beaux-Arts manner, promoted a traditionalist approaching, their intends arraying from teetering romanesque campaniles to gothic accumulations. These were office structures as cathedrals, their mighty stone shafts crowned with domes, globes and skyscrapers. Columns were piled on pilasters, rusticated plinths sighed under heaving cornices and every junction was developed with a twiddly moulding. It was the post-industrial capitalist society sought for legality in the fancy dress of yore.
Bruno und Max Taut’s expressionist pyramid. Photo: Ullstein Bild/ Getty
The European entryways, by compare, were much more diverse, straddling from gigantic Art Deco statues to stark steel chassis stripped of all gild. There was an expressionist pyramid by Bruno Taut, an asymmetrical planar composition by Bauhaus maestroes Walter Gropius and Adolf Meyer and, perhaps most famously of all, a tower in the shape of a gigantic doric tower by Viennese provocateur Adolf Loos. On the eve of the publication of Le Corbusier’s seminal manifesto, Vers une Architecture, you can sense the evident excite about captivating the” heart of the age” in glass and steel.
Adolf Loos’s doric column-shaped tower. Image: Rizzoli press
The competition has repetition down the generations, and Johnston and Lee are not the first to revive the game as a means of sampling the climate of the working day. In 1980, Chicago architects Stanley Tigerman and Stuart Cohen invited” Late Entries” to the rival, expecting such luminaries as Tadao Ando and Frank Gehry to submit intends. As Tigerman wrote:” The original race occurred at a time that was near the end of one age and the beginning of another. This expo takes plaza during a day of revisionism in which Modernism is being safely relegated to its lieu in history .”
Tadao Ando’s characteristically minimalist intuition for the 1980 version of the architectural game. Photo: Rizzoli press
The enters were a riotous postmodern hotch-potch of reference and collage. The designers sampled promiscuously from different periods and used their proposals as vehicles for critical note. Gaetano Pesce proposed a build as a fractured portrait of the newspaper, incarnating” violence, liberty, politics and technology” in its sculpted facade. Helmut Jahn looked at employing the available breeze rights above the existing tower, constructing a mirror-glass doppelganger of the Tribune on top of its gothic crown. Ando proposed a characteristically mute grid, while Gehry submitted a mad sketch of a tower surfaced with an eagle, from whose offstages visitors could hang in an aerial fairground ride.
Frank Gehry’s sketch for the 1980 Late Enterings exhibit. Photo: Frank Gehry
Just as the 1922 tournament revealed a new generation of modernists, so the 1980 version celebrated the yield of biography and adornment, the” complexity and contradiction” called for by Robert Venturi.” Our own generation has gained brand-new vigour ,” wrote Tigerman,” through its desire to find formal signify in our culture beginnings now that the barrenness of Modernism is behind us .”
Helmut Jahn’s 1980 introduction. Image: Helmut Jahn
So what will the 2017 edition tell us about the government of contemporary architecture? By restraint the selection to just 15 inventors, all sampled from a similar-ish school of thought, it is unlikely to give the complete picture. Rather than participate in the temperature of global tradition, the curators say they wanted to give a younger generation the chance to make a statement about building towering. There are none of the obvious big names- no spherical “parametric” stalagmites from Zaha Hadid Architects , no Lego brick ziggurats from Bjarke Ingels , no soften stone obelisks from Peter Zumthor , no minimal lily-white pillars from Sanaa. Instead, there will be a series of astute, critical reflections on the Tribune competition, exhibited as an immersive orchard of three-metre high-pitched proportion models.
London architect Sam Jacob persists the amusing strain of the 1980 competitor. Denoting to the archaeological fragments embedded in the facade of the existing tower, its own proposal investigates an octagonal cupola perched atop arched colonnades that in turn rest upon modernist grids. With this playful layer-cake of various types of structures Jacob is reflecting on how” building is not something that we make but something that are present, just waiting for us to discover it “.
The Chicago Pasticcio: Sam Jacob’s 2017 introduction fuses Adolf Loos’ unbuilt 1922 proposition with the actual Tribune Tower on Michigan Avenue. Photograph: Sam Jacob Studio
Swiss practice Christ& Gantenbein have gone down the ready-made direction extremely, choosing to recreate an automated concrete garage tower built in Sao Paulo in 1964, as a gala of” the pristine structure of pure tectonics “.
Christ& Gantembein’s 2017 recommendation repurposes a 1964 cement tower building up Sao Paulo. Photo: Johnston Marklee( Chicago Architecture)
Others have preferably lazily recycled previous programmes of their own, with Mexico’s Productora stacking one of their framed proposals on top of another, and France’s Eric Lapierre scaling up a faceted editorial from a student dwelling blockage he’s built in Paris. 6a Architectfollow a similar path, but with a more elaborate narrative, questioning a number of American wood-turners to each lathe a section of their tower is in accordance with a series of profiles taken from their Raven Row gallery in London, whose Georgian interior was, for a while, on display in the Art Institute of Chicago.
Serie’s proposed vertiginous stack of pavilions in this year’s rivalry. Photo: Chicago Architecture
The representations will no doubt make for a series of diverting artwork patches, but overall there seems to be too much interest in contriving a ingenious fib and little attention given to actually designing a high-rise media headquarters for the 21 st century. Some entries touch on the changing media scenery, but don’t take it very far. Serie proposes a vertiginous load of pavilions, like nested coffee tables travelled awry, saw as a scenery of” theaters, gratifying zones, restful landscapes and hedonistic gardens: the true productive openings for today’s media workers .” African architect Francis Kere thoughts a mixed-use neighbourhood, with home, workspace and cultural facilities set around a series of vacancies in a tower of cylinders. Mexico’s Tatiana Bilbao suspects a” vertical community” of 192 schemes, paid attention to a range of traitors to design.
Francis Kere Architect’s sketch for the 2017 game. Photo: Library of Congress/ Kere Architecture
Visitors expecting a cross-section of contemporary tradition is likely to be baffled. But then again you merely have to visit Manhattan to find Bob Stern house classical stone skyscrapers next to Herzog and de Meuron’s overwhelmed glass Jenga tower. When every kind of high-rise imaginable is already being built, from Stefano Boeri’s vertical forests to Calatrava’s kilometre-high spider’s web in Dubai, it seems that many of the young traditions here would rather retreat into the realms of note and commentary than add to the melee.
As for the Chicago Tribune itself, the exhibition comes at a poignant instant. The newspaper recently announced that it is moving out of its iconic headquarters after its parent company exchanged the Tribune Tower to a Los Angeles developer for $240 m. There are plans to convert it into luxury accommodations and a inn, a striking reminder that neither newspapers , nor inventors, have the supremacy they once enjoyed.
Vertical City will be on display at the Chicago Cultural Center within the framework of the 2017 Chicago Architecture Biennial, 16 September to 7 January.
The post Rocket carries, eagles and wedding patties: the Chicago contest that led to a skyscraper explosion appeared first on vitalmindandbody.com.
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