#Maurice Brenner
genevieveetguy · 3 months
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American Stories: Food, Family and Philosophy (Histoires d'Amérique: Food, Family and Philosophy), Chantal Akerman (1989)
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andrewmoocow · 2 years
Little Homeworld Life chapter 13: Snowfall Feast (originally posted on November 7, 2022)
AN: And now, for our big finish to the season! It may not be Christmastime yet, but that doesn't stop stores everywhere from blasting Mariah Carey once Halloween ends. Anyways, what better way to celebrate the season with giving than to give a parody of How The Grinch Stole Christmas to quite possibly the sourest character in all of Little Homeworld? Yeah, much like Halloween, or Samhain Night, Black Rutile doesn't see the point of my stand-in for Christmas, but in this case, since her time in Little Homeworld has been so miserable, why not make everyone else miserable for once? Yeah, she's officially devolved into cartoon supervillainy at this point, but she's desperate to get a victory in, okay? And as for the Crystal Gems, we once again have some family drama to sort out, but it's not related to Steven this time. No, this time it's about Greg and his parents from "Mister Universe!" How can they work things out in time for the holidays? Tune in and find out!
Synopsis: On the most merry holiday of the year, Black Rutile tries to spoil the festivities for everyone. Meanwhile, Greg reunites with his estranged family.
Noël Wells as Black Rutile
Tom Scharpling as Greg
Zach Callison as Steven
Lauren Ash as White Topaz
Kimberly Brooks as Jasper, Shy Rose
Estelle as Garnet
Michaela Dietz as Amethyst, Tiger's Eye
Deedee Magno-Hall as Pearl, Volleyball
Shelby Rabara as Peridot
Jennifer Paz as Lapis
Uzo Aduba as Bismuth
David Willis as Andy
Maurice LaMarche as Thomas DeMayo
Laura Post as Gloria DeMayo
Kristin Chenoweth as Sheena Synstylae
Della Saba as Aquamarine
Christine Pedi as Holly Blue Agate
Charlyne Yi as Eyeball, Ruby
Erica Luttrell as Sapphire
Casey Lee Williams as Cat's Eye
Amy Sedaris as Teal Zircon
Dee Bradley Baker as Lion
Featuring Bill Farmer as Santa Claus
And Matthew Rhys as The Narrator/Dr. James Brenner
Ah, Snowfall Feast. It's the most wonderful, merriest time of the year. Fun for all that everyone, human and Gem alike, calls their favorite holiday. Yes, everyone loved Snowfall Feast a lot. However, the ever-unabashedly unpleasant Black Rutile did not. She just hated Snowfall Feast, the whole holiday season. But why do you ask is her reason?
"I just don't see the point of it all!" Black Rutile complained. "It's absolutely abhorrent! Why should everyone be merry when my time here has been nothing but pain?!" Throwing on a white scarf, Black Rutile stormed outside her house to continue fuming, as she watched all the Gems decorate their homes with typically festive decorations. "Like, I have suffered nothing but setback after setback, failure after failure! And instead of just shattering me on the spot, they subject me to a fate worse than harvesting!"
"Hey, Black Rutile, happy Snowfall Feast!" Tiger's Eye exclaimed while giving her a Santa hat to wear. "You like it? I made it myself!"
"Thank you; I am very touched." Black Rutile growled as she marched away from Tiger's Eye. "Like, why do the denizens of this disgusting planet choose now of all times to actually play nice with each other when they just go back to bullying each other for the rest of the year?"
"Something troubling you, my Rutile?" Aquamarine asked as she flew down to perch on Black Rutile's shoulder. "You don't seem to be in a merry mood."
"Gee, I wonder what tipped you off?" Black Rutile dryly replied as she sat down on a snow-covered bench. "So, what have you been up to?"
"Just helping with the decorations." Aquamarine responded. "How about you?"
"Too busy working on the Vortexxer to get into this silly spirit." Black Rutile proclaimed. "Like I said, why do people choose now of all times to be nice to each other when no one here has been nice to me?"
"Maybe it's because you're so unbelievably selfish and think the universe has to bend to your whims, that you think everyone has to act as you say?" Aquamarine responded under her breath, catching her master's attention. "I mean, yeah, why does nothing ever go your way?!"
"I heard what you said, and yes, I totally don't take offense to being called selfish because I know a certain someone who's no better." Black Rutile added. "That reminds me, what are the Crystal Gems doing for the holiday?"
Meanwhile, the townies were also getting into the holiday spirit in Beach City. Families and friends had reunited for the season, and the Crystal Gems were no different. However, one family, in particular, wasn't as together as one member wanted it to be. As the Gems baked cookies, wrapped presents, and decorated the beach house, Greg solemnly gazed out the window while drinking some hot cocoa and sighing.
"Problems, Greg?" Pearl's paramour Sheena Synstylae asked the rock star-turned-father as she sat down next to him by the window.
"Oh, hey, Sheena." Greg casually greeted Sheena. "Just thinking about my family right now. I mean, I already got a great one with Steven and the Gems and all his friends, but I can't help but think of my parents now. Aside from Andy, my fam hasn't been together in years, as far as I know. And after hearing about how Steven made amends with Rose, it made me think about my folks and how they're doing after I moved out."
"I can relate." Sheena concurred. "Never had the best relationship with my stepmom myself. Oy gevalt, the stories I could tell you about her! Like, this one time she accidentally took my makeup, and I think I nearly got gray hairs trying to get it back!"
"Hehe, nice." Greg laughed softly before taking a sip of hot chocolate. "Did you two manage to patch things up?"
"Eh, it was half and half." Sheena replied. "We're on better terms now, but we still get on each other's nerves from time to time. Take the good with the bad, as they say."
"Oh, Sheena honey, there you are!" Pearl exclaimed as she walked over to her pink-haired lover and kissed her on the cheek. "And what a coincidence I found you talking with Greg because I was about to give him some great news!"
"What kind of news, Pearl?" Greg asked Pearl.
"Well, I overheard you talking about your parents just now, which reminded me that I arranged for them to come over for Snowfall Feast!" Pearl exclaimed. "Isn't that delightful? I can't wait for Steven to meet your folks once he comes over!"
"Wait, they're coming, here, now?!" Greg yelped in shock at the news. "But, you, I, parents, Rose, dead, Steven, alien-"
"Yo, something wrong here?" Amethyst asked while eating some leftover cookie dough out of the container. "What's this about Greg's parents coming over?"
"Well, that's the thing." Greg responded. "How can my parents possibly respond to the big pink elephant in the room?"
"Pink elephant? What could you possibly mean?" Pearl wondered, only to immediately realize what Greg was talking about. "Oh right, Rose."
"Yeah, gonna be pretty hard to tell everyone that your wife was an alien warrior who died in childbirth, even if everyone knows who the Gems are now." Sheena said. "Hey, Pearl fell for me because I was a near-dead ringer for her. Why don't I fill in?"
"I have an even better idea!" Amethyst declared before she began shapeshifting into Rose. However, Greg quickly stopped her mid-transformation.
"No, no, no, let's not do that all over again!" Greg yelled frightfully, not wanting to be reminded of the last time Amethyst did something like that. "I think maybe we try to be as honest with them as possible." Suddenly, he got a different idea. "Or maybe….." He then suddenly grabbed Pearl by the wrist and dragged her along to the Warp Pad so she could be used to activate it and send them away.
"What's up with Greg?" Bismuth wondered quizzically, stopping her decorating of the tree to watch Greg make off with her and Sheena's mutual girlfriend.
"Daddy issues." Garnet flatly responded. "I don't think I want to know what harebrained schemes can come out of this."
"You know what this reminds me of?" Amethyst asked. "That one Lil Butler Christmas special where the butler disguised as the neighbor's grandpa!"
"Oh please, it can't be that bad!" Peridot remarked while she and Lapis wrapped presents together. "I mean, what's the worse that can happen?" As if the universe wanted to answer Peridot, Greg and Pearl finally returned from their sojourn with a Rose Quartz that looked almost exactly like the one who formerly led the Crystal Gems following them.
"Um, pardon me for being rude," Lapis said. "but what's this Rose clone doing here?"
"Phew, you had no idea how long this took us!" Greg panted in exhaustion. "I had to go to another galaxy just to find a suitable replacement!"
"Uh, hi Crystal Gems, nice to see you again." The shy Rose nervously greeted. "Happy Snowfall Feast, I guess."
"Hey, isn't she one of those Rose Quartzes from the zoo?" Amethyst asked. "How are they possibly going to believe this?"
"I got a plan, everyone." Greg stated. "We're going to act all nice and normal, so that means no weird powers, no fusing, and no shapeshifting in front of my folks. If any of you slip up, we'll say we live an alternative lifestyle. And whatever you do, don't mention the war."
"Yep, totally a harebrained scheme." Garnet nodded just as the front door opened, and in walked Steven Universe, having decided to take a break from his road trip to return home for the holidays. "Steven!"
"Hi, everyone, happy Snowfall Feast!" Steven greeted everyone in the beach house before locking eyes with the lookalike of his mother standing next to Greg. Even if he amicably parted ways with the trio of Rose Quartzes, he never guessed he'd see any of them again, especially this one. "Uh, what did I miss?"
"Closer, closer!" Black Rutile muttered to herself as she started running some tests on the nearly completed Vortexxer. "Just a little more!" As the portal began showing some signs of life, Black Rutile's front door suddenly opened, and in walked White Topaz and Jasper, both dressed for the weather and bringing cookies inside.
"Happy Snowfall Feast, Black Rutile!" White Topaz yelled happily, causing her former boss to lose concentration and the Vortexxer to fizzle out, much to her disappointment.
"No!" Black Rutile yelled angrily before turning to glare at the pair. "Look what you made me do, you dolts!"
"Geez, we were just trying to help you get into the spirit." Jasper responded before presenting a cookie. "You want some Snowfall Feast cookies? White Topaz made them herself."
"No, thank you, you should know Gems don't need sustenance." Black Rutile replied as she got back to work. "I just don't get this holiday at all! What's the meaning of all this blasted happiness and cheer anyways?!"
"Oh, I know where this is going." White Topaz realized cheerfully. "You're just a total Grinch or a Scrooge who's too moody to understand the true meaning of Snowfall Feast. It's not just about being happy and merry; Snowfall Feast is about the celebration of giving and the bonds that bring us all together. Plus, all the cool gifts in exchange for cool gifts you give to the ones you love too!"
"Like I buy that sappy garbage." Black Rutile grimaced, not taking her eyes off her experiments one bit. "As that old codger from that silly story would say, bah humbug!"
"Well, if you feel like coming out and celebrating, our door is always open." Jasper said as she and her girlfriend began leaving the house. "Happy Snowfall Feast, I guess."
"Get bent!" Black Rutile yelled back before the door closed, just as Holly Blue, Eyeball, and Cat's Eye entered the room.
"How is progress going on the Vortexxer, my Rutile?" Holly asked her rebel leader.
"I was just about to make a breakthrough when Jasper and White Topaz broke in to assimilate me into their holiday cheer." Black Rutile answered. "I don't understand it at all! Why is everyone but me so freaking happy all the time?!"
"Probably because we've encountered nothing but setback after setback in our plans." Cat's Eye said, which gave Black Rutile an idea. "I mean, what point do they have in making us happy when we have no plans to?"
"Wait, I got it!" Black Rutile beamed creepily as she got a positively wonderful, awful idea. "If they want to force us to be all happy and peaceful, then I think we should make them realize how miserable I am here, and maybe they'll be just as miserable too!"
"I like the way you think, my Rutile!" Eyeball exclaimed as she snacked on the cookies left behind by White Topaz. "But what are we going to do?"
"I'm shocked you didn't get the implication." Black Rutile said as she tied a piece of scrap metal to Eyeball's head to act as a reindeer's antler. "Ruby, with your gem so bright, won't you help us steal Snowfall Feast tonight?"
"Wait, really?" Eyeball gasped as her eye lit up in amazement. "But what will the other Rubies think?!"
"Oh, come on, you've already bullied them into becoming your subordinates. What say we put them to good use?" Black Rutile suggested smartly. "Now, let's start plans for tonight; everyone should be asleep by then."
Later that day, more members of Greg's family were invited to Beach City to celebrate Snowfall Feast with the Crystal Gems. Andy showed up first after landing his plane on the snow-covered beach and walking up to the front of the beach house before greeting them as he opened the door. "Hey Greg, happy Snowfall Feast."
"Hi Andy, glad you could make it!" Greg greeted Andy as he let his cousin into the house. "You arrived just in time, because we got some special guests coming!"
"Yeah, Pearl invited Greg's parents for dinner!" Steven added eagerly, though Andy was less than enthused about the news.
"Hey, I'm all for a little family reunion, but how do you suppose they're gonna react to, y'know?" Andy asked while gesturing to each of the Gems. "I mean, it took a while for me to get used to them. I wouldn't be surprised if the same applied to them."
"Ah, don't you worry, Andy-man, we got everything under control!" Greg said proudly with a laugh that quickly turned into anxious stuttering. "Oh geez, this is gonna get so awkward!"
"And who's this supposed to be?" Andy asked as he turned to the shy Rose Quartz, now dressed as Steven's late mother. "Isn't your wife supposed to be dead or something?"
"Hello." The shy Rose politely greeted Andy.
"That's actually a really long and complex story." Steven answered. "I think you're going to need to sit down for this one. You see-"There was a knock at the door. "We can talk later; I think they're here!"
"AGH, THEY'RE HERE!" Greg screamed, his anxiety over seeing his parents again kicking into overdrive. "LET'S HIDE AND BURN THE HOUSE DOWN!"
"Calm down, everyone. We can make it through this. Just don't mention the war." Garnet eased everyone's nerves before she opened the door for Thomas and Gloria DeMayo. "Hello there."
"Excuse me, madam, but is this the right address?" Thomas asked the fusion. "I'm told this is where Gregory lives now."
"Yes, welcome to Greg's house. It's very nice to meet you, Mr. DeMayo." Garnet greeted and shook the DeMayo father's hand. "Would you like to come in?"
"Gladly." Thomas answered as he and his wife entered the house, where he immediately met his son for the first time in decades. "Son."
"Hey, pops, long time no see." Greg awkwardly chuckled and gave his dad an equally awkward hug. "Pat pat."
"Oh Greg, you've gotten so big!" Gloria exclaimed as she got a hug from her son as well. "And I've been told you're a millionaire now? How lucky you must be!"
"Yeah, an old business partner of mine used one of my songs for a burger commercial." Greg responded. "He's dead to me otherwise."
"And I suppose you must be Greg's son." Thomas said while looking down at Steven. "Stephen, I suppose?"
"Steven, actually." Steven corrected his grandfather. "Nice to meet you, Grandpa."
"So, who's the lucky woman you got together with to make such a handsome young man?" Gloria asked with a tousle of Steven's hair before looking around at the Gems in the room with them. "Is it the one with the long nose?"
"What, me?!" Pearl blushed in embarrassment, causing Sheena and Bismuth to laugh. "Oh no, you got it all wrong, Mrs. DeMayo; I'm only Steven's mother in spirit, though I did possess feelings for her once upon a time."
"Hm, is it normal for humans to become this elderly?" Peridot quizzed the DeMayos while examining their aged forms. "I must conduct further research on this."
"Hi." Lapis greeted Greg's parents while sticking a candy cane in her mouth.
"My my, your friends are certainly unique." Thomas remarked dryly. "In fact, I think I remember-"
"Oh, it's nothing much, really!" Greg interrupted his father before introducing him to the rest of the Gems. "I'd like you to meet my wife Rose, her old college roommates Estelle, Amy, and Pearl, her sister Biddie, and Steven's sisters Lana and Dot!"
"Wait, sisters?!" Peridot squawked in offense. "I'll have you know Lapis and I are actually-"
"Quit yacking, you wacko!" Lapis whispered as she slapped Peridot's mouth shut and dragged her away.
"Well, this is certainly a colorful family you have here." Gloria punned softly.
"Good one, Mrs. D!" Sheena exclaimed while standing under the mistletoe with Pearl & Bismuth and getting kisses from them both. "Oh, I guess he forgot, but name's Sheena. I'm Pearl's girlfriend."
"I see; you're one of those queer found families." Thomas stated while adjusting his tie and turning to meet the Rose posing as Greg's wife. "You must be my son's lovely wife, yes?" he asked while kissing the shy Rose on her hand. "Charmed."
"Oh, why thank you." Rose blushed at the older man's politeness. "Though, I've only known him-"
"Since I toured Beach City when I was young!" Greg interrupted his fake wife. "Hey, you two must be tired after the long trip. Why don't we sit down to some hot chocolate and chat for a bit?"
"Oh, we'd be much obliged." Gloria said as she sat down on the couch. However, she didn't know that the sofa was already occupied by Lion, whose mane was decorated with ornaments and Christmas lights. "Oh my! Is that a-"
"Lion!" Steven exclaimed as Lion looked at his young master and pounced on him. "Oh, I missed you too, big guy! How's Connie doing these days?"
"Uh, is that an actual lion?" Gloria whimpered at the sight of a predatorial animal in the house. "How did you manage to get one?"
"Oh, Lion." Garnet replied. "He's just a huge cat we got from the shelter a few years ago. Please don't ask why he's pink. Not even the shelter workers know why."
"Nice kitty." Thomas said nervously as Lion got off Steven and slid towards the DeMayos to inspect them. "Be a good boy, and don't chomp my arm off."
"Hey, who wants cookies?!" Bismuth yelled as she presented some Snowfall Feast cookies on a baking sheet she turned her left hand into. "Oh shoot, my hand!"
"Cut it, cut it!" Greg whispered to Bismuth, who quickly exchanged her hand for a regular baking sheet. "Don't mind Biddie here. Sometimes she's not very good with her hands."
"I see." Thomas said while sipping his hot chocolate and turning to watch Lapis make shapes with her cocoa in the air, to Gloria's delight. "And what's she up to?"
"Psychic powers!" Lapis got in on the fibbing. "Pretty cool, huh?"
"Oh yes, my dear sister Lana is quite the telepath." Peridot declared. "You should've seen what she did to the gardens last week! Positively spellbinding!"
"Fascinating. I want to give that a look later." Thomas replied dryly when he heard a strange humming nearby. Suddenly, two little girls were standing beneath a mistletoe dangling from one of the support beams. "Good lord, what is happening over there?!"
"Look, Ruby, mistletoe." Sapphire chuckled lovingly.
"Oh, come here you!" Ruby exclaimed as the happy couple made out under the mistletoe, much to Thomas's alarm. "Uh, hi there. I'm Ruby. Nice to meet you, sir."
"Wha, how, I-"Thomas stuttered in alarm.
"Now, Thomas, no need to be so close-minded," Gloria said to her husband.
"No, it's not like that; I just want to know where they came from!" Thomas yelled.
"We have made a huge mistake." Sapphire realized. "Look over there, the aurora borealis!"
"Where?!" Thomas yelled as he looked away, giving the two small Gems enough time to fuse back into Garnet, arousing more suspicion from him. "Wait, where did they go?!"
"I don't know who went where." Garnet said cheekily.
"Those girls, they were right there!" Thomas roared in shock, but his expression changed from shock to anger as he turned to Greg. "Gregory, you have some explaining to do!"
"Uh, Grandpa, can I talk with Dad for just a moment?" Steven tried to calm everyone down and took Greg to the bathroom behind their families. "Look, Dad, I know you're uncomfortable about talking to your parents about what you've been up to and especially about Mom, but I think this is all a lost cause. I mean, they probably know who the Gems are because they were already over the news. Why don't we just cut our losses and confess to them already?"
"Aw, come on, Schtu-ball, just give me a chance here." Greg responded softly. "Listen, this plan may not make much sense, but I suggest we just ease them into our situation here, and then we can tell them everything."
"Okay, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, but I'm warning you," Steven urged Greg. "This will end badly."
"Sheesh, no need to be such a pessimist." Greg awkwardly answered as the father and son left the bathroom to rejoin the gathering.
As night began to fall on Little Homeworld, Black Rutile began putting her plan into action. All through the town, not a creature was stirring, not even a Flower Buddy, a gourd pup, or a mouse. The stockings were hung all around with care, in the hopes that the big man in red would be there. The Gems were nestled, all snug in their bed, while visions of sugar plums danced in their heads. With Black Rutile in a Santa costume and her cronies in elf caps, they made sure their plan was under wraps.
"Ho ho ho, this is perfect!" Black Rutile laughed as she drove her makeshift sleigh around Little Homeworld, pulled by Aquamarine and the Rubies with Holly Blue and Cat's Eye in the back. "I just can't wait to see the looks on their faces when they realize everything's gone!"
"Yeah, this might be a good reason to kill time before the Vortexxer is finished." Holly Blue agreed. "So, which house are we robbing first?"
"Where else?" Black Rutile answered as the sleigh pulled up to Jasper and White Topaz's house, and she got off the sleigh to sneak in through the door. As she, Holly, and Cat began pilfering every Snowfall Feast decoration and present they could find, Black Rutile was suddenly reminded of a song. "You're a mean one, Black Rutile; you're proud of being vile!" she started singing. "You're as warm as a volcano; you're as sweet as stomach bile, Black Rutile! You're as disgusting as a hideous pile!"
"Oh my, you write that yourself?" Cat asked as the trio went outside with their loot to pack into the sleigh.
"No, ripping off some old Snowfall special." Black Rutile answered before commanding the Rubies to pull the sleigh again, and she continued to sing. "You're an animal, Black Rutile, you literally have no heart! Your gem is covered in cracks; you've got razor blades for a soul, Black Rutile! I'd rather die than touch you with a thirty-nine-and-a-half-foot pole!"
Next up on her list of treasonous former minions for Black Rutile to rob were Demantoid & Pyrope, followed by Emerald, and then the Lapis twins. Presents aplenty were snatched from homes all around, clothing and tools and such all ripped from the ground. Anyone else wouldn't dream of causing such despair, but that naughty Black Rutile didn't care.
"You're disgusting, Black Rutile. You'd make the evilest souls retch!" Black Rutile kept singing as she next chopped down the big tree at the center of town with her sword and tied its trunk to the back of the sleigh. "You have the heartlessness of a man with lots of sketch, Black Rutile! If you had to choose between him and me, you'd choose the man with lots of sketch!"
Despite Black Rutile's attempts at catlike stealth in her theft of Snowfall Feast, the tree dragged loudly against the ground, rousing at least one Gem from their slumber. But she was too busy singing to notice as she began reaching the front gates of Little Homeworld. "You're morally bankrupt, Black Rutile. You're a real piece of junk! You've got the mind of a madman and the attitude of a punk, Black Rutile! If I had to pick three words to describe myself, they would be as followed: stink, stank, stunk!"
"The talent agent asked what the name of their act was." Amethyst finished telling a story at the dinner table to the Universe and DeMayo families. "And you know what their answer was? The Aristocrats!" Everyone began laughing uproariously at the punchline, but Pearl was a little turned off by the joke.
"That was quite possibly the most disgusting story you've ever told, Amethyst." Pearl declared as she tried not to barf. "And that's saying something considering the booger story from last month."
"Pardon me, but what is this booger story you speak of?" Thomas asked.
"Oh man, you should've been there!" Amethyst exclaimed, grossing Pearl out even further. "It was the greenest, the biggest, the juiciest-"
"Could someone please pass the potatoes before I lose my appetite?" Gloria nervously asked, and Rose did just that. "Oh, thank you, Rose, you're such a dear! I can see why Greg fell for you."
"Thank you." Rose began blushing.
"Oh dear, none of you have eaten!" Gloria realized as she discovered the Gems hadn't touched your dinner. "You're going to let such wonderful cooking go to waste?"
"We actually don't need to eat." Pearl responded.
"I do!" Amethyst added. "More for me, then!" She quickly scooped up Garnet, Pearl, Peridot, Lapis, and Bismuth's dinners and hoarded them all in her mouth. To Thomas's shock, Amethyst did not gain additional weight from that much food.
"You young people and your alternative lifestyles." Thomas frowned.
"Actually, we're way older than you. Like, thousands even." Lapis accidentally slipped up, and she covered her mouth in horror of what she had just said. "Uh oh."
"Thousands of years older, huh?" Thomas said as he ominously turned to Greg. "Is there something you need to tell us?"
"Aw geez." Andy groaned as he smacked his face in disappointment.
"I knew it." Steven muttered, just as disappointed, while Greg slumped in his seat.
"Okay, you got me." Greg sighed in acceptance. "I'm not part of a normal family. I was actually married to an alien warrior who died in childbirth to give birth to Steven."
"I knew it!" Thomas yelled while smacking the table, briefly spooking Gloria and Pearl. "You were lying to us this whole time! What's next? Are you going to tell us that you replaced your wife with an imposter too?!"
"Actually, that's exactly what we did." Pearl pointed out brightly, quickly realizing she wasn't helping, and kept quiet.
"I'm sorry if I made you mad, Greg's dad." Rose shyly apologized, followed by Gloria putting a comforting hand on her shoulder.
"Now, Gregory, what do you have to say for yourself?" Thomas coldly admonished his ashamed son.
"Look, Dad, I'm sorry for lying about all this." Greg apologized to his father. "It's just; I only wanted to ease you all into what I've been up to since I moved out. But now, I guess I have no choice but to tell. So which story do you want to hear, mine or Rose's?"
"Either one of them will do, dear." Gloria replied calmly. "Go on. We won't judge."
"Okay, it's a long and complicated story." Greg sighed as he started telling everyone about Pink Diamond. "Got any gum?"
"So what do you suppose we'll do with all our loot?" Aquamarine asked as the Rutile Rebels parked their sleigh outside of Little Homeworld. "Maybe burn it all or toss it off a cliff?"
"We can sort things out later; I just feel like gloating right now!" Black Rutile answered. "I can't believe it; this might be my first big triumph in ages! I've not just ruined Snowfall Feast for all the Gems in the present, but I'm sure to ruin all Snowfall Feasts yet to come too!" As Black Rutile let out a wicked cackle, suddenly, another Gem began making crunchy footsteps in the snow, causing the Snowfall thief to turn to discover who it was. "You again? Why do you keep sticking your nose where it doesn't belong, like everywhere?!"
"Santa Claus, why?" Teal Zircon asked innocently as she discovered that Black Rutile was making off with all the presents and decorations in her sleigh. "Why are you taking our Snowfall Feast? Why?"
"You really don't get it, do you? Figures for such a complete idiot." Black Rutile sneered before shedding her disguise. "Nay Teal Zircon, it is I, Black Rutile! Besides, there's no Santa Claus, just like there's no Easter Bunny or queen of England! He was just some fat idiot made up by morally bankrupt toy companies to make more money!"
"Of course, it was you, Black Rutile." Teal responded. "Still, why did you go all this way to steal everything Snowfall Feast-related from Little Homeworld? Is it because you have some kind of bah humbug grudge against the holiday?"
"No, it's because I don't get it at all!" Black Rutile snapped at the childish Zircon. "I'm expected to be all happy and smiley during this time of year, but I have no reason to because I'm constantly miserable here!"
"Well, if you don't want to be happy, I guess I'll have to make you myself, my bromide." Teal said as she took a krav maga stance and fiercely tackled Black Rutile, causing her bag of presents and décor to topple over as the two Gems fought. Among them was a gift box labeled "To Lapis and Peridot, from Jasper" containing a small, orange Pomeranian puppy that peeked out of the box.
"Come on, Black Rutile, can't you let your heart grow three sizes for just one day?!" Teal yelled as she trapped the rebel in a headlock.
"Never!" Black Rutile yelled. "Plus, having your heart grow any size larger would probably be deadly! To me, my Rutile Rebels!"
"Hands off, you annoying advertiser!" Holly Blue yelled, drawing her whip and cracking it at them both, shocking the Gems and freeing Black Rutile from Teal Zircon's grasp.
"You don't understand, I am so close for once!" Black Rutile exclaimed. "Can't I get a little victory as a Snowfall Feast gift?!" Just then, she heard an assortment of indistinct voices echo from Little Homeworld as they slowly approached the front gates. "Oh no!"
"What's going on here?" Volleyball wondered as the Gems discovered the Rutile Rebels with their sleigh full of stolen goods, along with Black Rutile face down in the snow and Teal desperately trying to save Snowfall Feast. "Teal, what's the meaning of this?!"
"It's Black Rutile!" Teal yelled while poking her head out of the sack. "She's trying to make you all as miserable as she is by stealing Snowfall Feast!"
"Somehow, I figured something like this would happen." Jasper rolled her eyes with dismay.
"Yeah, I think this might be the time for a lesson here, Black Rutile." White Topaz added. "Sometimes, Snowfall Feast isn't about what comes from a store. Maybe it means just a little bit more."
"That's it? That's the message you want to give me?!" Black Rutile yelled in disgust. "You know what, forget this dumb plan, and you can have your dumb stuff back! I'm out of here!" With an overdramatic huff, Black Rutile turned on her heel and stormed off, leaving everyone to take back their stolen belongings.
"Once again, Black Rutile refuses to budge. Not surprised." Jasper huffed back before she looked down at the Pomeranian pawing at her ankle. "Hey, little Earth creature." She said while picking up the puppy. "Let's get you to your new owners."
"So, there you have it." Greg proclaimed as he had finished telling his parents the story of his relationship with Rose and everything afterward. "The long and complicated history of me, Rose, and the Crystal Gems. So, what did you think?"
"My, you…. certainly had an eventful time as a father." Thomas said plainly in response to the story. "I was just so blind to how much you've been through. Plus, I did not expect to hear that you technically killed your wife through, y'know."
"Oh, you poor dear." Gloria said as she brought Greg in for a hug. "You've been through so much but never let go of what mattered most. At least you still found happiness after leaving us."
"Thanks, Mom." Greg replied and returned the hug. "You too, pops."
"Okay, you asked for it." Thomas smirked as he stepped up and hugged Greg even tighter than his wife. "Please forgive me for driving you away."
"Eh, maybe that could take a while." Greg said just as the door opened, Jasper and White Topaz walked in. "Oh hey girls, you missed a real crazy night!"
"Hi, Mr. Universe, happy Snowfall Feast, everyone!" White Topaz exclaimed. "Hey, we just wanted to stop by because we got a little gift for a pair of special someones."
"Really, who's getting what?" Peridot asked, causing Jasper to unfurl her hands and reveal the Pomeranian inside them. "Oh my stars, it's so precious!" she exclaimed with stars in her eyes. "What made you want to get it?!"
"Well, we knew how much you missed Pumpkin, so maybe this could be a good replacement." Jasper said sheepishly, not being used to being so giving to her former enemies. To her surprise, the two Gems hugged her in response. "Thanks."
"Merry Snowfall Feast to all!" Steven declared happily.
"And to all, a good night!" Rose added.
Unfortunately, not everyone was so merry on Snowfall Feast. Black Rutile sat down on the whirly-bird tower, gazing up at the night sky all by her lonesome as she began contemplating her actions. "Is it really worth it to keep doing all this when failure is basically the only option?" she pondered to herself. "Why even bother trying to make everyone miserable when I'm the only one who's left miserable myself?"
"Something the matter, kiddo?" a jolly voice said, making Black Rutile turn around to see a large man with a white beard, a red suit, and a warm smile sitting next to her. There was no mistaking it; Black Rutile had come face to face with Santa Claus himself. "What's gotten you so sad on Snowfall Feast?"
"What's gotten me so sad?! Oh, you have no idea what I've suffered, old man!" Black Rutile exclaimed. "I am only doing what's best for everyone and trying to be a good leader, but the universe seems to be doing everything in its power to ruin everything for me! I've lost all my power, I barely have any allies, I'm treated as a joke by my former superior, and now my plan to steal Snowfall Feast and make everyone just as sad as I am has been ruined!"
"Well, you're certainly not the first person to try stealing this time of year." Santa commented cheekily. "But I don't think you get it. Snowfall Feast isn't completely about getting things from other people, though that is a very good reason to celebrate it. No, Snowfall Feast is about spending time with the ones you love the most, giving to your fellow man, and just celebrating what it means to have peace on Earth. You get that, right?"
"Why yes, I do." Black Rutile answered. "That was basically the exact same answer White Topaz gave me! I don't know why you bothered visiting me!"
"Okay, geez, I was just trying to be nice, you naughty little Gem!" Santa yelled as Black Rutile stormed off once again. "Uh, merry Snowfall Feast, Black Rutile!"
"Get bent!" Black Rutile responded to Old Saint Nick.
"And so ends this heartwarming Snowfall fable." Dr. James Brenner proclaimed while sitting by a fireplace and closing a book. "Please come again, if you are able. We'll take a break for some holiday fun, but when we meet next time, this shall be a good one!"
Well said, Brenner. I hope this could become an annual holiday tradition for fanfiction readers, but when we meet again in 2023, shit will surely hit the fan as Black Rutile's next big plan comes to fruition. See you next year everybody, and happy holidays!
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kwebtv · 5 months
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From the Golden Age of Television
Series Premiere
The Phil Silvers Show - New Recruits - CBS - September 20, 1955
Previously known as You'll Never Get Rich
Running Time: 30 minutes
Written by Nat Hiken 
Produced by Nat Hiken 
Directed by Al Decaprio
Phil Silvers as M/Sgt Ernest G. Bilko
Harvey Lembeck as Corporal Rocco Barbella
Paul Ford as Colonel John T. Hall
Allan Melvin as Corporal Steve Henshaw
Maurice Gosfield as Private Duane Doberman
Herbie Faye as Corporal Sam Fender
Billy Sands as Pvt. Dino Paparelli
Mickey Freeman Pvt. Fielding Zimmerman
Tiger Andrews as Pvt. Gander
Jack Healy Pvt. Mullen
Karl Lukas as Pvt. Stash Kadowski
Maurice Brenner as Pvt. Irving Fleischman
Terry Carter as Pvt. Sugarman
Harry Clark as camp cook Sgt. Stanley Sowici
Ned Glass as quartermaster Sgt. Andy Pendleton,
John Gibson as Chaplain (John)
Jimmy Little as Sgt. Francis Grover
Michael Dreyfuss as Pvt. Higgins
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ao3feed-byler2 · 1 year
a goddamn blaze in the dark (and you started it)
by gleefulbrie
“Ah, but I will make a poet of you in time, William," Michael says, a smirk playing on his face."
Or, when Will Byers is commissioned to paint a portrait for the wealthy soon-to-be-weds, Michael and Jane, he finds himself upon the Massachusetts coast, entangled in a messy web of family secrets and an unexpected love that changes his life, for better or worse.
Words: 369, Chapters: 1/14, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of in every universe (au series)
Fandoms: Stranger Things (TV 2016)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Will Byers, Mike Wheeler, Eleven | Jane Hopper, Maxine "Max" Mayfield, Ted Wheeler (Stranger Things), Karen Wheeler, Martin Brenner, Nancy Wheeler, Jonathan Byers
Relationships: Will Byers/Mike Wheeler, Eleven | Jane Hopper/Mike Wheeler
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Historical, Alternate Universe - 19th Century, POV Will Byers, Falling In Love, Affairs, Arranged Marriage, (not between mike and will), Secret Relationship, Forbidden Love, Period Typical Attitudes, Homophobia, Implied Sexual Content, No Smut, Gay Mike Wheeler, Gay Will Byers, Title from a Taylor Swift Song, Song: ivy (Taylor Swift), Artist Will Byers, Wealthy Mike Wheeler, basically maurice meets portrait of a lady on fire with bridgerton sprinkled in there too, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, this is a byler fic! not mileven
from AO3 works tagged 'Will Byers/Mike Wheeler' https://ift.tt/OiZBuvg
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gkdhaka · 2 years
Racine police officer Zachary Brenner will not be charged in the shooting death of Da'Shontay King
Racine police officer Zachary Brenner will not be charged in the shooting death of Da’Shontay King
The family of Da’Shontay King, 37, identified him as the man shot and killed by a Racine police officer on May 20 RACINE – The Racine County District Attorney will not charge police officer Zachary Brenner in the shooting death of Da’Shontay King, Racine Police Chief Maurice Robinson said Tuesday evening at a press conference. King, 37, was shot and killed by Brenner on May 20 after Brenner…
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newsdurham · 5 years
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Mike Borie addressed concerned citizens and Pickering council members at the city council meeting on Feb. 24, regarding a motion to reject a proposal for two condo towers at the foot of Liverpool Road. The project is highly controversial and deeply unpopular in the community. Councillors Bill McLean and Maurice Brenner presented the motion. February 24, 2020. To read the full story click on the link in bio. Sabrina Byrnes/Torstar #pickering #condoproposal #pickeringwaterfront #pickeringnewsadvertiser #photography #photojournalism (at City of Pickering) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9F88t7plRz/?igshid=sufg6qk1ss50
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Oct. 23, 2019: Obituaries
Elizabeth   Brown, 90
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Mrs. Elizabeth Alice Eller Brown, age 90, of Wilkesboro, widow of Chester B. Brown, died Sunday, October 20, 2019 at Westwood Hills Nursing and Rehabilitation Center.
Funeral services were October 23,   at Pilgrim Baptist Church with Rev. Derek Kilby and Rev. Vernon Eller officiating.  Burial was in the church cemetery.  
Mrs. Brown was born September 30, 1929 in Wilkes County to Edgar C. Eller, Sr. and Grace Brookshire Eller.  She was a member of Pilgrim Baptist Church.
 In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Chester B. Brown; one son, Carroll Reece Brown; three sisters, Vivian Lackey, Vera Bumgarner, and Brenice Brown; and two brothers, E. C. Eller Jr. and Clarence Thomas Eller.
She is survived by her son, David B. Brown of Clemmons; and special friends Scott and Amanda Hassell and their children, Georgia and Coen, of Advance.  
In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to Pilgrim Baptist Church, P.O. Box 1517, Millers Creek NC 28651.
 Master Rhylin Lewis
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Master Rhylin Nate Lewis infant son of Breanna Lewis passed away Sunday, October 20, 2019 at Brenner's Children Hospital.
Funeral services will be held 2:00 PM, Friday October 25, 2019 at Bible Way Baptist Church with Pastor Paul Siceloft officiating. Burial will be in the church cemetery. The family will receive friends from 6:00 until 8:00 Thursday evening at Reins Sturdivant Funeral Home.
 Rhylin was born October 18, 2019 at Wake Forest Baptist Wilkes Medical Center.
He was preceded in death by great-great grandfather and great-great grandmother: Forest and Hilda Frazier, great-great grandfathers; Garlie Lovette and David Hollar.
He is survived by his mother; Breanna Lee Lewis of the home, two brothers; Korbin David Mick and twin brother; Khylin Gray Lewis both of the home, grandmother; Gina Lovette, great grandfather and great grandmother; Larry and Debbie Lovette, grandfather; Steve Wingler, great-great grandmother; Mildred Lovette, great grandfather and great grandmother; Stanley and Darlene Lewis, Uncle; Nathan Lewis, Aunts and Uncles; Cody and Danielle Wingler and Stevie and Kenny Medley, Aunts; Chasity Lovette and Melissa Miller and cousin; Allison Lewis.
Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to March of Dimes Donation Processing Center PO Box 18819 Atlanta, GA 31126.
 Alma  Johnson, 72
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Alma Jean Johnson, age 72, of North Wilkesboro, passed away Saturday, October 19, 2019 at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center in Winston Salem. She was born February 20, 1947 in Wilkes County to George Thomas and Myrtle Bowers Griffin. Mrs. Johnson was preceded in death by her parents; and brother, George Griffin.
\ Surviving are her sons, Bobby Johnson and spouse Stephanie of North Wilkesboro, William Johnson and spouse Crystal of Mulberry; grandchildren, Lee Johnson and fiancée Vanessa Osborne, Casey Johnson, Felicia Johnson and fiancée James Thompson all of North Wilkesboro, Eddie Johnson of Thurmond, Kourtney Johnson and William T. Johnson both of Mulberry; two great grandchildren, Brantley Johnson and Alainna Johnson; brother, Martin Griffin of North Wilkesboro;
Funeral service were October 23, 2019 at Harmony Baptist Church with Rev. Lane Roark officiating. Burial followed in the church cemetery.                                Flowers will be accepted. Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.
 Lois  Steele,  88
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Mrs. Lois Shepard Steele, age 88, of North Wilkesboro, died Saturday, October 19, 2019 at Wilkes Senior Village.
 Funeral arrangements were October 21,  at Reins-Sturdivant Chapel with Dr. Tim Roberts and Pastor Karen Roberts officiating. Burial was in Antioch Baptist Church Cemetery.  
Mrs. Steele was born April 9, 1931, in Wilkes County to Lewis and Artie Younger Shepard.  She was a member of Antioch Baptist Church.  
In addition to her parents, Mrs. Steele was preceded in death by her husband, Ivey Floyd Steele; one son, Floyd "George" Steele; one sister, Mary Oakley; two brothers, Paul Shepard and Roy Shepard; and son-in-law, Steve Pierce.
She is survived by two daughters, Jean Deal and husband, David, of Wilkesboro, and Glenda Pierce of Millers Creek; one son, Bruce Steele and wife, Myra, of North Wilkesboro; six grandchildren, Kevin Pierce and wife, Brittney, of Huntersville, Chris Steele and wife, Mattie, of Winston-Salem, Jennifer Steele of North Wilkesboro, Nick Steele  PFC United States Marine Corps, Angel Worley of Fleetwood, and Crystal Steele; four great-grandchildren, Kennedy, Karrington, Linxton, and Halsey; three brothers, Ralph Shepard, Lee Shepard, and Luther Shepard, all of Lynchburg, VA; and numerous nieces and nephews.
Flowers will be accepted or memorials made to Alzheimer's Association, 4600 Park  Road Suite 250, Charlotte NC 28209.
 Bobby   Williams,   50
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Bobby Ray Williams, age 50, of North Wilkesboro, passed away Saturday, October 19, 2019 at Wake Forest Baptist Health - Wilkes Regional. He was born December 2, 1968 in Wilkes County to Nancy Anderson Williams. Mr. Williams was of the Baptist Faith.
Surviving are his parents, Nancy Anderson Pruitt and spouse Bill of North Wilkesboro; sister, Monica Wood and fiancé Kyle Dinger of North Wilkesboro; brother, Allen Pruitt and spouse Miranda of North Wilkesboro; niece, Riley Tackett; nephews, George Wood and Silas Pruitt.
Graveside service was October 22,   at Mountlawn Memorial Park with Rev. Mickey York officiating. Flowers will be accepted.
Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.
 Albert Church, 78
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Mr. Albert Seaberry Church, 78, of North Wilkesboro, passed away on Thursday, October 17, 2019.
 Albert was born on Saturday, November 9, 1940 in Wilkes to George Major Church and Nettie Ettybell Adams Church.
Albert is preceded in death by his parents; daughter, Elizabeth Huffman; brothers, Richard, Marvin and Darnell Church.
Albert is survived by his wife Barbara Jean Milam Church; daughters, Susan Rose (Steven) of North Wilkesboro, Diane Royal of Millers Creek; sons, William Church (Dorothy) of Hays, Jody Church (Darlene), also of Hays; brother, Jay Church (Kathy) of North Wilkesboro; 16 grandchildren and 15 great grandchildren.  
A private service will be conducted by the family at a later date.
 In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be given to Wake at Home Hospice 126  Executive Drive Suite 110 Wilkesboro, NC 28659.
 Adams Funeral Home of Wilkes has the honor of serving the Church Family.
 Beulah  Souther,  92
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Mrs. Beulah Mae Canter Souther, age 92 a loving wife, mother, grandmother and great grandmother of North Wilkesboro passed away peacefully, Thursday, October 17, 2019 at her home.
Funeral services were October 19,  at Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church  Hwy 115, with Rev. Don Myers, Rev. Joe Souther and her niece Judy Miller officiating. Burial was in the church cemetery.  
Mrs. Souther was born August 11, 1927 in Surry County to Sanford Lee Canter and Cora Mae Peele Canter. She was retired from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and the Soil Conservation Service. Mrs. Souther was the oldest active member of Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church where she gave 68 years of faithful service to the Music Ministry. She was quick to share her love for the Lord. Her life was a true inspiration to others.  She was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star.
 In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband; Calvin Newton Souther, a sister; Vada Moser and husband Paul, seven brothers; Glen Canter and wife Ann, Roy Canter and wife Viola, Frank Canter and wife Mary, Ray Canter and wife Ila Mae, Sherman Canter, Robert Canter and Clyde Canter.
She is survived by a daughter; Janice Mathis and husband Perry of North Wilkesboro, a son; Stephen C. Souther and wife Sherry of North Wilkesboro, four grandchildren; Kristin Souther Adams and husband John, Derrick W. Howard and wife Misty, Zachary S. Souther and wife Brooke and Brian Mathis and wife Jenny, four great grandchildren; Liam B. Adams, Madeline M. Adams, Tucker W. Howard, and Julianna Mathis, many special nieces and nephews and three sisters in law; Edna Canter, Vennie Souther and Mary Ruth Souther.
Pallbearers were the Deacons of Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church Building Fund, c/o North Iredell Records PO Box 40 Union Grove, NC 28689 or SECU Hospice Home 243 N. Lee Avenue Yadkinville, NC 27055.
 Marty Chambers, 47
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Marty Calvin Chambers, age 47, of North Wilkesboro, was ready to go home, where he wouldn't have to suffer anymore. He passed away Friday, October 18, 2019. Marty was born February 20, 1972 in Wilkes County to Marvin Calvin and Nellie Johnson Chambers. He loved his family very much. He loved to fish and hunt when he was younger. Marty worked at World Wide Protection Products until he became disabled. He loved his apartment on Finley Avenue where he had many good friends, especially Margie. Mr. Chambers was preceded in death by his paternal grandparents, Calvin and Irma Chambers; and maternal grandparents, George and Ruby Johnson.
Surviving are his parents, Marvin Calvin and Nellie Johnson Chambers of North Wilkesboro; sister, Monica Chambers Steelman and spouse Keith of Wilkesboro; nephews, J.T. Steelman and Matthew Steelman.
 Funeral service will be private. Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Fishing Creek Arbor Baptist Church Cemetery Fund, 2446 Fishing Creek  Arbor Road, Wilkesboro, NC 28697.
Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
 Kathy Lackey
Mrs. Kathy Lackey of North Wilkesboro, passed away Thursday, October 17, 2019 at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center. She was surrounded by her family with the soft sound of her beloved gospel music filling the room.
 A  private memorial service will be held for her family at a later date.
 Mrs. Lackey was born September 20, 1954 in Baltimore, Maryland, to Nova Lee Key and Maurice Key. She lived her life as a devoted Christian, providing the foundation for her family. Her favorite thing in this world was being a Nana. Kathy loved to travel, so long as she had her family with her. She was preceded in death by her loving parents and her sister, Joann Woodie, who was her best friend. She is survived by her daughters; Kristi Lackey and wife Heather of North Wilkesboro and Kimberly Wilder and husband Melton of Yadkinville. She has  five grandchildren with whom her world was centered around; Nikki Carlton, Zack Carlton, McKenzie Johnson, Tabitha Johnson and Aiden Lackey all of whom reside in North Wilkesboro. Her nephew Junior Coffey, wife Cindy and their children. Phillip and Elizabeth, of Deep Gap. Kathy had a heart of gold and was full of love, so many people held a special place in her heart.
 In lieu of flowers, the family asks for continued prayers.
  Violet German, 99
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Mrs. Violet German, age 99 of Boomer passed away Tuesday, October 15, 2019 at Wilkes Senior Village.
Funeral services were October 18,   at Zion Hill Baptist Church with Rev. Tim DeBord officiating.  Burial was in the church cemetery.  
Mrs. German was born May 9, 1920 in Caldwell County to George Washington and Nellie Triplett Frazier.  She was a member of Zion Hill Baptist Church for 75 years.
In addition to her parents she was preceded in death by her husband, James Atwell German; two sisters, Fern Lackey and Pansy Munday; two brothers,  Forrest Frazier and Jay Frazier and son-in-law, Steve Osborne.
She is survived by one daughter; Elaine German Osborne of Boomer, one son; Ed German and wife Abi of Boomer, five grandchildren; Stephanie Scott and husband Michael, Amanda McMillan and husband Edwin, Wesley Osborne,
Nathan Osborne and wife Nichole and Susan Osborne, five great grandchildren; Ethan and Eli Scott, Abby and Marlo McMillan and Alyssa Osborne, two sisters; Joanne Dancy of North Wilkesboro and Charlotte Frazier of Boomer and one brother; Gilbert Frazier of Millers Creek.
Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Zion Hill Baptist Church, PO Box 12, Boomer, NC 28606.
 Master Zane  Crane
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Master Zane Tyler Crane, age four months, passed away Monday, October 14, 2019 at his home.
Graveside services were  October 22, at Scenic Memorial Gardens with Rev. Danny Dillard officiating.
Zane was born June 5, 2019 in Wilkes County to Christopher Willard Crane and Sarah Louise Law Crane.
 He is survived by his parents of the home; a sister, Taylor Steelman of TN and four brothers, Daniel Law of Wilkesboro, Christopher Crane, Jr. of Wilkesboro and Troy Crane of Wilkesboro, and Logan Crane.
Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Brenner's Children's Hospital Medical Center Blvd. Winston Salem, NC 27157.
   Mrs. Dollie Huffman Wolfe Prevette
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Mrs. Dollie Huffman Wolfe Prevette, age 88 of Wilkesboro passed away Sunday, October 13, 2019 at Wake Forest Baptist-Wilkes Medical Center.
Funeral services will be held 11:00AM Thursday at Reins-Sturdivant Chapel with Rev. Ken Pardue and Rev. Phillip Boyce officiating.  Burial will be in Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church Cemetery. The family will receive friends from 6:00 until 8:00 PM Wednesday evening at Reins-Sturdivant Funeral Home.  
Mrs. Prevette was born November 25, 1930 in Wilkes County to Jacob Wallace and Annie Nancy Staley Huffman.  She was a lifelong member of Stony Hill Baptist Church. She liked to crochet, watch TV, to visit with her family and she loved her husband John.
In addition to her parents she was preceded in death by her first husband; Alec Ray Wolfe, a daughter; Becky Wolfe Johnson, a granddaughter; Marcia Jolly, five sisters; Minnie Yates husband Ernest, Ella Mae Parsons and husband Spencer, Nellie Church and husband Rufus, Ruby McNeil and husband Joe and Ethel Swanson and husband Sidney, five brothers; Frank Huffman and wife Lillie, Rev. Glenn Huffman and wife Lizzie, Fred Huffman and wife Eva, Edd Huffman and wife Arlene and Conard Huffman and son-in-law; Bobby Jolly, Sr..
She is survived by her husband, John S. Prevette of the home, two daughters; Helen Wolfe Jolly of Roaring River and Tammy Wolfe Woods and husband Allan of Creston, four grandchildren; Breanna Jolly Anderson, Bobby Jolly, Jr, Rachall Woods McCoy and husband Ethan and Jacob Woods and wife Abby, two great grandchildren; Hannah Anderson and Ella Anderson and a host of wonderful nieces and nephews.  
Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Stony Hill Baptist Church, PO Box 97, Purlear, NC 28665.
On Line condolences may be made at www.reinssturdivant.com.
   Infant Jrake  Sloan
Infant Jrake Thompson Sloan passed away Saturday, October 12, 2019 at Brenner's Children Hospital in Winston-Salem.
Private services will be held.
Jrake was born September 5, 2019 in Wilkes County to Johnny Sloan and Teresa McDougald-Sloan.
He was preceded in death by a brother; Justice Tristan Sloan.
 He is survived by his parents and three brothers; Jaheim McDougald, Jeffrey McDougald, Jr. and Julius Sloan, maternal grandparents; Gregorio and Tammy Carrillo and paternal grandparents; Jerry and Sally Martin all of North Wilkesboro.
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antikorg · 6 years
Comment est né le capitalisme
Comment est né le capitalisme
[ad_1]Entre les lignes entre les mots, 2018-10-13 09:00:26
Avec l’aimable autorisation de l’auteur
La Chine est en train de retrouver la place qu’elle occupait dans l’économie mondiale. Elle réalisait 25 % du PIB mondial en 1500, selon les estimations d’Angus Maddison, et encore 22 % en 1700. Un niveau qu’elle est en passe de retrouver aujourd’hui (18,7 % en 2018 selon le FMI). À l’heure où se…
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tellusepisode · 4 years
State of Play (2009)
Crime, Drama, Mystery |
State of Play is a political thriller film directed by Kevin Macdonald. It is based on the 2003 British television serial of the same name.
The film tells of a journalist’s probe into the suspicious death of a congressman’s mistress. The supporting cast includes Rachel McAdams, Helen Mirren, Jason Bateman, Robin Wright and Jeff Daniels. Macdonald said that State of Play is influenced by the films of the 1970s and explores the subject of privatization of American Homeland Security and to a minor extent journalistic independence, along with the relationship between politicians and the press. It was released in North America on April 17, 2009. The film received generally positive reviews.
One night, a thief fleeing through Georgetown in Washington, D.C., is shot by a man carrying a briefcase. A deliveryman who witnesses the incident is also shot by the killer and is left in a coma. The following morning, a young woman is killed by a Washington Metro train in what seems to be suicide. Congressman Stephen Collins is distraught to hear that the woman was Sonia Baker, a researcher on his staff. Collins, who has military experience, is leading an investigation into PointCorp, a private defense contractor with controversial operations involving mercenaries. Collins tells his college roommate and old friend Cal McAffrey, an investigative reporter, that he had been having an affair with Sonia and that she had sent him a cheerful video message on the morning of her death, which he says is inconsistent and unusual behavior for someone about to commit suicide.
Director: Kevin Macdonald
Writers: Matthew Michael Carnahan (screenplay), Tony Gilroy (screenplay), Billy Ray (screenplay), Paul Abbott (television series)
Stars: Russell Crowe, Rachel McAdams, Ben Affleck, Helen Mirren, Robin Wright, Jason Bateman, Jeff Daniels
Russell Crowe…Cal McAffreyBen Affleck…Stephen CollinsRachel McAdams…Della FryeHelen Mirren…Cameron LynneRobin Wright…Anne Collins (as Robin Wright Penn)Jason Bateman…Dominic FoyJeff Daniels…George FergusMichael Berresse…Robert BinghamHarry Lennix…Detective BellJosh Mostel…PeteMichael Weston…HankBarry Shabaka Henley…Gene StavitzViola Davis…Dr. Judith FranklinDavid Harbour…PointCorp InsiderSarah Lord…MandiTuck Milligan…PointCorp ExecutiveSteve Park…Chris Kawai (as Stephen Park)Brennan Brown…Andrew PellMaria Thayer…Sonia BakerWendy Makkena…Greer ThorntonZoe Lister-Jones…JessyMichael Jace…Officer BrownRob Benedict…MiltLaDell Preston…Deshaun StaggDan Brown…Vernon SandoKaty Mixon…Rhonda SilverShane Edelman…D.A. PurcellMaurice Burnice Harcum…Ben’s CashierCornell Womack…Junior Detective #1Nat Benchley…Junior Detective #2Gregg Binkley…FerrisTrula M. Marcus…Carol (as Trula Marcus)Carolyn Barrett…Policewoman Escorting DellaWil Love…Iowan CongressmanDavid E. Goodman…Graves (as David Copeland Goodman)John Badila…Mr. JamesBrigid Cleary…Mrs. JamesJoy Spears…Waitress / Dancer #1Brandi Oglesby…Waitress / Dancer #2Stacey Walker…Waitress / Dancer #3R.B. Brenner…Globe Production ManagerLucía Navarro…Telemundo ReporterChris Matthews…MSNBC ReporterLou Dobbs…CNN ReporterJames Vance III…ReporterSharon Dugan…Business WomanNoel Werking…Business ManRose Coleman…JackieLee von Ernst…ICU NurseRichard Ruyle…Karaoke SingerStuart Brazell…Karaoke Bar HostessHerbert Gordon…News Reporter #1Keith Anthony Garvin…News Reporter #2Julie Carey…News Reporter #3Eun Yang…News Reporter #4Denae D’Arcy…News Reporter #5Natasha Chughtai…News Reporter #6Greg Graham…The WolfEric Hatch…PeterJosh Rhodes…The HunterDon Abernathy…Hospital EmployeeMichael Alban…Man in Market PlaceTex Allen…Investigative ReporterParisa Amira…PedestrianWoody Andrews…WitnessKevin Bangos…Foreign Press WriterScott Barry…ShopperNora Bauer…ReporterAshley Bell…Voice (voice)Christie Beran…PedestrianRobert Bizik…PhysicianBill Blair…Newspaper EmployeeMichael Blumenstock…Camera ManLaura Bryce…ShopperKyle Burgess…Congressional AideMargaret Carlson…ExtraJuan Eloy Carrera…Washington LobbyistLarry Carter…SenatorRobert Randolph Caton…Washington AttorneySteve Clemons…ExtraThomas Joe Craig…Manchester K-9 PolicemanBruce Allen Dawson…DetectivePaul Dietz…WaiterE.J. Dionne Jr.…ExtraPatricia DiZebba…Senate StaffJohn Doty…CommuterMatt J. Doyle…PoliticianRichard El Khazen…PatronFrancesca Ellana…Student on MetroLourdes Faberes…ReporterPaul Fahrenkopf…Hearing AttendeeLiam Ferguson…Newspaper ReporterDavid Foster…TV CameramanAlexis Fowlkes…GirlMariano Gowland…News ReporterEileen Grubba…PeggyMarcus Nel-Jamal Hamm…Capitol Police OfficerFrank Herzog…Congressman JohnsonKen Holliday…PointCorp ExecutiveCarol Ilku…Reporter
Sources: imdb & wikipedia
The post State of Play (2009) first appeared on TellUsEpisode.net.
from WordPress https://www.tellusepisode.net/state-of-play-2009.html
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Leo Dottavio | Leandro Dottavio  | Hollywood Behind the Scenes
Last evening we went to the Taurus World Feat Honors at Paramount Studios in Hollywood. A substantial gala filled with stars, beautiful people and some challenging experts. Most of the women were worn evening dress, somewhat inconsistent with their muscle cut bodies, broken fighter faces as well as enough tattoos to cover the Sistine Chapel. These were certainly the feat ladies, redefining womanhood.
  The reason we existed is that my stepfather, Loren Janes, was obtaining their Lifetime Achievement award. For those of you who don't understand, Loren functioned as a stuntman, stunt-co-coordinator as well as 2nd unit supervisor for many years. He's appeared in over 500 motion pictures as well as over 2200 tv shows. He's increased the most significant names of the age including Steve McQueen (his buddy for 23 years), Paul Newman, Jack Nicholson, Dustin Hoffman, Kirk and also Michael Douglas, Yul Brenner, Elvis Presley and in one extremely popular incident, Marilyn Monroe. He's dealt with the biggest directors in Hollywood, consisting of Stephen Spielberg, James Cameron, Sam Raimi, John Ford, John Huston, Stanley Kubrick, Henry Hathaway, Billy Wilder, William Wyler and also Cecil B. DeMille. His body of work is unparalleled in his sector. Today in the age of field of expertise there are stunt people that just do stunts with lorries, high drops, fire or water feats. Loren did it all. If you have actually watched basically any kind of tv or seen any flicks over the previous 50 years, you've seen Loren.
  The standing ovation he obtained was among the most wholehearted and emotional I 'd ever before come across. Many were moved to splits. I would certainly never ever been prouder of him, as he walked to the stage recognized by his peers for his job while the bravest as well as toughest in business marvelled.
Leo Dottavio
And beyond that theater few know his name. He walks down the road and also no person identifies him, no one requests his autograph and also nobody demands to have their photo taken with him.
  That's showbiz. It occurs in music also. A lot of the songs and albums you pay attention to were not the job of simply one musician or group. They had backing musicians who made the sound take place though with little acclaim and also for the most part even much less money.
  The most renowned of the non-famous artists were probably Booker T. and the MG's. They were the house band at Stax Records playing behind such artists as Wilson Pickett, Sam and also Dave, Otis Redding and also Bill Withers. They were solid enough to launch their own singles, the very first in 1962, "Eco-friendly Onions" and also by the mid-60's every person wished to sound like them.
  At Motown, it was the Funk Brothers, 13 of the most solid artists on earth. They played on basically every hit that Motown produced. Smokey Robinson, The Supremes, The Temptations, Martha and also the Vandellas, Marvin Gaye, The Spinners, The 4 Tops and The Jackson 5 all owed their power and noise to the Funk Brothers. They labored primarily in obscurity till the 2002 docudrama "Standing in the Darkness of Motown" came out.
Leandro Dottavio
Various other musicians started out behind the scenes and it verified to be an abundant training school for them. At Chess Records in Chicago, Louis Satterfield and Maurice White battered out the pinch hit years till they developed Earth, Wind and also Fire, taking place to redefine spirit, R&B and funk songs.
  The point below is that no person is an island. There are hundreds of fantastic artists working behind the scenes in all genres. Occasionally derisively described as the "little people", they are anything but. The next time you listen to a tune you like, spend some time to find out that (these days, if any kind of) the actual artists are playing behind the straw man. After that provide 'em a round of praise.
0 notes
labellovebeauty · 5 years
Hochwertige Duftkompositionen von Maison Berger Paris
Kennt ihr schon die wunderschönen Duftkompositonen von Maison Berger Paris? Die Marke, die auch als „Lampe Berger“ bekannt ist, wurde übrigens vom pharmazeutischen Angestellten Maurice Berger erfunden. Et machte der es sich zur Lebensaufgabe das Einatmen der Raumluft für jeden Menschen angenehmer zu machen. Er vertreibt zudem ein einmaliges Sortiment von Lampen im stilvollen Design, die in puncto Raumluftpflege und Raumbeduftung keine Wünsche offenlassen. Maison Berger Paris setzt mit Dekorationsideen Düfte frei, welche uns das Leben leichter machen. Ich liebe einen guten und hochwertigen Raumduft, der Küchengerüche oder sonstige Gerüche auf jeden Fall verdrängt. Die frischen und blumigen Düfte von Maison Berger Paris haben es mir angetan. Ich bin ein Riesenfan der stilvollen Kerzen, edlen Duftlampen und wunderschönen Duftbouquets geworden. Heute stelle ich euch darum die aktuelle und brandneue Kollektion „Immersion“ und “ Geometry“ näher in meiner Lifestyle Kategorie vom Blog vor.
Die Firmengeschichte von Maison Berger Paris
Das Label besticht durch eine einmalige Technologie. Bereits im Jahre 1898 wurde ein einzigartiges Katalyse-Diffusions-System erfunden. Dieses reinigte die Raumluft mit einfachen Mitteln. Im Jahre 1930 wurden Maurice Bergers Kreationen außerdem auch als Sammlerstücke angesehen. Dies teilte eine große Ehre dar, auf der das Unternehmen sich jedoch nicht ausruhen wollte. Auf die Bedürfnisse und Erwartungen der Kunden zugeschnitten, entstand Anfang der 80er Jahre eine exklusive Dekoration, die auf Wunsch sogar dezent Raumparfüms freisetzen konnte. Jedes einzelne Stück von Maison Berger Paris wurde auf diese Weise zur fein duftenden Seele eines jeden Raums. Dabei profitiert Maison Berger Paris nicht nur von der einmaligen Erfindung der Katalyse-Technologie, sondern auch von der inspirierenden Kunstfertigkeit eines Parfümeurs, dessen Patente in mehr als 20 Ländern geschützt werden.
Jede Duftlampe besticht durch ihre Individualität und ein ausgefeiltes Design. Durch meisterliches Know-how bereichert sie das Wohnambiente, glänzt mit ihrer Schönheit und setzt inspirierende Düfte frei. Jede Duftnote bringt außerdem ungeahnte Assoziationen zum Vorschein, die an längst vergangene Zeiten, feierliche Momente oder an Erlebnisse in der freien Natur erinnern.
Das Sortiment von Maison Berger Paris besticht durch eine ungemeine Vielfalt an Stilrichtungen. Man findet auf jeden Fall immer eine geeignete Lampe als Zierde für jeden Raum. Das Spiel mit Formen und Materialien erweckt die Dekorationsobjekte buchstäblich zum Leben. Kunsthandwerker unterschiedlicher Professionen sind übrigens an der Herstellung beteiligt.
Die neue Kollektion „Immersion“ von Maison Berger Paris
Die neue Kollektion „Immersion“ von Maison Berger Paris taucht uns in üppige Natur, die von tropischen Regenwäldern inspiriert wird. Diese wundervolle  Kollektion gleicht einer Einladung zu einer Reise in ferne Länder.
Mir hat es die ovale Form der Lampe Immersion total angetan. Die vollendete Formschönheit sorgt zudem für eine perfekte Balance, während das besonders dichte Glas mit einem feinen Relief versehen ist. Die elegante Lampe Immersion lässt uns nach dem Regen in die Natur eintauchen. Ihre Krone in Kugelform besteht aus silberfarbenem Metall. Geliefert wird die Duftlampe übrigens in einer wunderschönen Geschenkverpackung. Die Lampe eignet sich perfekt als Präsent für alle Anlässe. Die aus Aqua-Farben und reinen, natürlichen Formen bestehende Kollektion taucht euer Zuhause in eine exotisch duftende Atmosphäre. Die Lampe „Immersion“ von Maison Berger Paris wurde übrigens von der Innenarchitektin und Designerin Rozenn Mainguené entworfen. Seit 20 Jahren ist sie in den Bereichen Luxus und Schönheit tätig und kombiniert kreative Inspiration mit technischer Machbarkeit.
Anwendung einer Duftlampe von Maison Berger
Die katalytische Aromalampe Berger zeichnet sich damit aus, schlechte Gerüche nicht nur zu überdecken, sondern auch zu vernichten ohne große Mengen an chemischen Wirkstoffen zu verwenden. Schlechter Geruch verduftet im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes, was ich eine super Erfindung finde. Zuerst stellt ihr eure Duftlampe auf einer flachen Fläche ab und nehmt ihre Schutzkrone und Abdeckung ab. Fülltdie Lampe Berger bis zu 2/3 mit einem der Lampe Berger Parfums de Maison. Benutzt hierfür den mitgelieferten Kunststofftrichter. Reibt dann die Parfümlampe Berger vorsichtig trocken, um alle Parfümreste auf dem Flaschenkörper zu entfernen. Ihr solltet übrigens niemals ein anderes Parfum oder ätherische Öle verwenden oder hinzumischen, da diese den Brenner beschädigen könnten. Führt den Docht des Brenners in eure Lampe Berger ein. Überprüft, ob der Brenner genau auf dem Sockel eingerastet ist. Lasst den Docht vor dem ersten Gebrauch rund 20 Minuten lang Parfüm aufsaugen. 
Zündet den Brenner mit einem Streichholz oder einem Feuerzeug an. Lasst dann die Flamme 2 Minuten lang brennen. Lasst die Duftlampe während dieser 2 Minuten niemals unbeaufsichtigt.Setzt die Schutzkrone niemals auf die Flamme. Dann blast ihr die Flamme aus. Jetzt ist Ihre Lampe Berger in Betrieb. Berührt  nicht den Brenner während des Betriebs. Setzt die Schutzkrone wieder auf den Brenner. Eine Betriebszeit von 20 bis 30 Minuten ist übrigens ausreichend für einen Raum von 12 Quadratmetern. Setzt dann die Schutzkrone wieder auf die Lampe. Bewahrt die Lampe an einem wärmegeschützten Ort auf und achtet immer darauf, dass die Abdeckung sorgfältig aufgesetzt ist.
Das Dufttrio „Immersion“ von Maison Berger Paris
Das Dufttrio ist perfekt für meine neue Duftlampe geeignet. DieDiffusionszeit des Sets beträgt zudem  20 Betriebsstunden, d.h. 80 Beduftungsstunden. Der erste „Fraîcheur d’Eucalyptus / Tropischer Zitroneneukalyptus“ ist ein aromatischer, belebender Duft mit der stimulierenden Kraft des Eukalyptus und einer holzigen Basisnote. Seine Kopfnote sind Zitrusfrüchte und Grüne Noten. Die Herznote stellt Lavendel, Eukalyptus und Ozeanische Duftnoten dar. Die Basisnote besteht aus Eichenmoos, Zedernholz, und trockenem Amber.
Der zweite Duft „Litchi Paradis / Paradiesische Litschi“ ist ein exotischer Duft, der Sie in die üppige und kostbare Natur der tropischen Regenwälder entführt. Seine Kopfnote ist Melone, Zitrone, Apfel und Eukalyptus. Die Herznote stellt Grapefruit, Weiße Blüten, Rose und Litschi dar. Die Basisnote besteht aus Pfirsich, Moschus und Kokosnuss.
Der dritte Duft „Thé Blanc Pureté / Weißer Tee“ ist ein frischer und delikater Duft. Seine Kopfnote ist schwarze Johannisbeere und Bergamotte. Die Herznote stellt weißer Tee, Maiglöckchen, Rose und Jasmin dar. Die Basisnote besteht aus  Zedernholz und weißer Moschus.
Duftkerze „Litchi Paradise“ von Maison Berger Paris
 Die Duftkerze Paradiesische Litschi ist eine Einladung zu einer Reise. Wenn auch das Gefährt mit seinem eleganten, moosgrauen Glaskorpus eher diskret wirkt, so kündigt sich die Reise gleich bei den ersten Noten als betörend an. In der Kopfnote frischer, wässriger grüner Apfel. Ihr folgen eine blumige Herznote, einige Zitrusklänge aus Pampelmuse bevor sich ganz sanft und subtil die Litschi entfaltet Und noch während die exotische „chinesische Kirsche“ ihre süßen und wässrigen Noten verbreitet, lässt sich diskret die Basisnote aus Kokosnuss nieder. Die neue Kollektion „Immersion“ ist in einer Zusammenarbeit mit der Designerin Rozenn Mainguené entstanden.
Die wunderschöne Duftkerze ist 100% vegan. Die Kerzen bestehen aus pflanzlichem Kokos- oder Sojawachs mit einem Baumwolldocht, der sauber ohne Rauchbildung verbrennt. Die Kerzen sind komplett durchparfumiert. Die verarbeiteten Parfums unterliegen strenger Qualitätsstandards. Alle Kerzen sind von Hand gegossen. Die Kerzengläser sind mit einem transparenten Schutzdeckel versehen, der sie vor Staub schützt. Die Kerze verfügt über einen Inhalt von 240 g. und hat eine Brenndauer von ca. 45 Stunden.
Das stilvolle Duftbouquet „Geometrie Règlisse“ von Maison Berger Paris
Das Duftbouquet sieht einem facettiertem Onyx oder einem geheimnisvollen Diamant ähnlich.  Es ist ein wertvolles, sich mit leicht arroganter Eleganz präsentierendes Objekt. Die Geometrie dieses von Armand Delsol, dem Gründer der Designagentur De Vog erdachten Duftdiffusors lehnt sich an die der Juwelierskunst an. Im Zentrum des Duftbouquets Geometry steht der Flakon, ein perfekt geschliffenes Glas, ein seinem Namen alle Ehre machender Korpus.
Seine Farbe ist ein Mysterium, von tiefer, sich langsam entfaltender Schönheit. Das Bouquet aus schwarzen Duftstäbchen wiederum fügt einen weiteren Hauch Eleganz hinzu. Die an der Basis von einem einfachen silberfarbenen Ring gehaltenen Stäbe verbreiten den Duft Zarte Baumwollblüte mit graziöser Eleganz.Der Raumduft Zarte Baumwollblüte spiegelt die beruhigende Gelassenheit des Ganzen wider. Nach einem frischen, dynamischen Auftakt mit Rosentönen setzt sich rasch eine zärtliche, pudrige Herznote durch. Gefolgt von einer beruhigenden, sanften, den Raum wie eine Wolke einhüllenden Basisnote.
Das Duftbouquet „Geometry Réglisse“ ist in jedem Fall ein zeitloses, von einem subtil geheimnisvollen Hauch umgebenes Objekt. Der hier angebotene Raumduft Zarte Baumwollblüte unterstreicht die Eleganz des Objekts und die von ihm ausgehende Gelassenheit. Ich liebe den schönen, nicht aufdringlichen  Duft des Duftbouquets. Besonders edel ist das zeitlose Design, welches auf jeden Fall in allen Wohnungen eine glänzende Figur macht.
*Dieser Blogpost enthält Werbung und ist zudem in freundlicher Zusammenarbeit mit Maison Berger Paris entstanden.
Der Beitrag Hochwertige Duftkompositionen von Maison Berger Paris erschien zuerst auf Label Love.
0 notes
labellovefashion · 5 years
Hochwertige Duftkompositionen von Maison Berger Paris
Kennt ihr schon die wunderschönen Duftkompositonen von Maison Berger Paris? Die Marke, die auch als „Lampe Berger“ bekannt ist, wurde übrigens vom pharmazeutischen Angestellten Maurice Berger erfunden. Et machte der es sich zur Lebensaufgabe das Einatmen der Raumluft für jeden Menschen angenehmer zu machen. Er vertreibt zudem ein einmaliges Sortiment von Lampen im stilvollen Design, die in puncto Raumluftpflege und Raumbeduftung keine Wünsche offenlassen. Maison Berger Paris setzt mit Dekorationsideen Düfte frei, welche uns das Leben leichter machen. Ich liebe einen guten und hochwertigen Raumduft, der Küchengerüche oder sonstige Gerüche auf jeden Fall verdrängt. Die frischen und blumigen Düfte von Maison Berger Paris haben es mir angetan. Ich bin ein Riesenfan der stilvollen Kerzen, edlen Duftlampen und wunderschönen Duftbouquets geworden. Heute stelle ich euch darum die aktuelle und brandneue Kollektion „Immersion“ und “ Geometry“ näher in meiner Lifestyle Kategorie vom Blog vor.
Die Firmengeschichte von Maison Berger Paris
Das Label besticht durch eine einmalige Technologie. Bereits im Jahre 1898 wurde ein einzigartiges Katalyse-Diffusions-System erfunden. Dieses reinigte die Raumluft mit einfachen Mitteln. Im Jahre 1930 wurden Maurice Bergers Kreationen außerdem auch als Sammlerstücke angesehen. Dies teilte eine große Ehre dar, auf der das Unternehmen sich jedoch nicht ausruhen wollte. Auf die Bedürfnisse und Erwartungen der Kunden zugeschnitten, entstand Anfang der 80er Jahre eine exklusive Dekoration, die auf Wunsch sogar dezent Raumparfüms freisetzen konnte. Jedes einzelne Stück von Maison Berger Paris wurde auf diese Weise zur fein duftenden Seele eines jeden Raums. Dabei profitiert Maison Berger Paris nicht nur von der einmaligen Erfindung der Katalyse-Technologie, sondern auch von der inspirierenden Kunstfertigkeit eines Parfümeurs, dessen Patente in mehr als 20 Ländern geschützt werden.
Jede Duftlampe besticht durch ihre Individualität und ein ausgefeiltes Design. Durch meisterliches Know-how bereichert sie das Wohnambiente, glänzt mit ihrer Schönheit und setzt inspirierende Düfte frei. Jede Duftnote bringt außerdem ungeahnte Assoziationen zum Vorschein, die an längst vergangene Zeiten, feierliche Momente oder an Erlebnisse in der freien Natur erinnern.
Das Sortiment von Maison Berger Paris besticht durch eine ungemeine Vielfalt an Stilrichtungen. Man findet auf jeden Fall immer eine geeignete Lampe als Zierde für jeden Raum. Das Spiel mit Formen und Materialien erweckt die Dekorationsobjekte buchstäblich zum Leben. Kunsthandwerker unterschiedlicher Professionen sind übrigens an der Herstellung beteiligt.
Die neue Kollektion „Immersion“ von Maison Berger Paris
Die neue Kollektion „Immersion“ von Maison Berger Paris taucht uns in üppige Natur, die von tropischen Regenwäldern inspiriert wird. Diese wundervolle  Kollektion gleicht einer Einladung zu einer Reise in ferne Länder.
Mir hat es die ovale Form der Lampe Immersion total angetan. Die vollendete Formschönheit sorgt zudem für eine perfekte Balance, während das besonders dichte Glas mit einem feinen Relief versehen ist. Die elegante Lampe Immersion lässt uns nach dem Regen in die Natur eintauchen. Ihre Krone in Kugelform besteht aus silberfarbenem Metall. Geliefert wird die Duftlampe übrigens in einer wunderschönen Geschenkverpackung. Die Lampe eignet sich perfekt als Präsent für alle Anlässe. Die aus Aqua-Farben und reinen, natürlichen Formen bestehende Kollektion taucht euer Zuhause in eine exotisch duftende Atmosphäre. Die Lampe „Immersion“ von Maison Berger Paris wurde übrigens von der Innenarchitektin und Designerin Rozenn Mainguené entworfen. Seit 20 Jahren ist sie in den Bereichen Luxus und Schönheit tätig und kombiniert kreative Inspiration mit technischer Machbarkeit.
Anwendung einer Duftlampe von Maison Berger
Die katalytische Aromalampe Berger zeichnet sich damit aus, schlechte Gerüche nicht nur zu überdecken, sondern auch zu vernichten ohne große Mengen an chemischen Wirkstoffen zu verwenden. Schlechter Geruch verduftet im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes, was ich eine super Erfindung finde. Zuerst stellt ihr eure Duftlampe auf einer flachen Fläche ab und nehmt ihre Schutzkrone und Abdeckung ab. Fülltdie Lampe Berger bis zu 2/3 mit einem der Lampe Berger Parfums de Maison. Benutzt hierfür den mitgelieferten Kunststofftrichter. Reibt dann die Parfümlampe Berger vorsichtig trocken, um alle Parfümreste auf dem Flaschenkörper zu entfernen. Ihr solltet übrigens niemals ein anderes Parfum oder ätherische Öle verwenden oder hinzumischen, da diese den Brenner beschädigen könnten. Führt den Docht des Brenners in eure Lampe Berger ein. Überprüft, ob der Brenner genau auf dem Sockel eingerastet ist. Lasst den Docht vor dem ersten Gebrauch rund 20 Minuten lang Parfüm aufsaugen. 
Zündet den Brenner mit einem Streichholz oder einem Feuerzeug an. Lasst dann die Flamme 2 Minuten lang brennen. Lasst die Duftlampe während dieser 2 Minuten niemals unbeaufsichtigt.Setzt die Schutzkrone niemals auf die Flamme. Dann blast ihr die Flamme aus. Jetzt ist Ihre Lampe Berger in Betrieb. Berührt  nicht den Brenner während des Betriebs. Setzt die Schutzkrone wieder auf den Brenner. Eine Betriebszeit von 20 bis 30 Minuten ist übrigens ausreichend für einen Raum von 12 Quadratmetern. Setzt dann die Schutzkrone wieder auf die Lampe. Bewahrt die Lampe an einem wärmegeschützten Ort auf und achtet immer darauf, dass die Abdeckung sorgfältig aufgesetzt ist.
Das Dufttrio „Immersion“ von Maison Berger Paris
Das Dufttrio ist perfekt für meine neue Duftlampe geeignet. DieDiffusionszeit des Sets beträgt zudem  20 Betriebsstunden, d.h. 80 Beduftungsstunden. Der erste „Fraîcheur d’Eucalyptus / Tropischer Zitroneneukalyptus“ ist ein aromatischer, belebender Duft mit der stimulierenden Kraft des Eukalyptus und einer holzigen Basisnote. Seine Kopfnote sind Zitrusfrüchte und Grüne Noten. Die Herznote stellt Lavendel, Eukalyptus und Ozeanische Duftnoten dar. Die Basisnote besteht aus Eichenmoos, Zedernholz, und trockenem Amber.
Der zweite Duft „Litchi Paradis / Paradiesische Litschi“ ist ein exotischer Duft, der Sie in die üppige und kostbare Natur der tropischen Regenwälder entführt. Seine Kopfnote ist Melone, Zitrone, Apfel und Eukalyptus. Die Herznote stellt Grapefruit, Weiße Blüten, Rose und Litschi dar. Die Basisnote besteht aus Pfirsich, Moschus und Kokosnuss.
Der dritte Duft „Thé Blanc Pureté / Weißer Tee“ ist ein frischer und delikater Duft. Seine Kopfnote ist schwarze Johannisbeere und Bergamotte. Die Herznote stellt weißer Tee, Maiglöckchen, Rose und Jasmin dar. Die Basisnote besteht aus  Zedernholz und weißer Moschus.
Duftkerze „Litchi Paradise“ von Maison Berger Paris
 Die Duftkerze Paradiesische Litschi ist eine Einladung zu einer Reise. Wenn auch das Gefährt mit seinem eleganten, moosgrauen Glaskorpus eher diskret wirkt, so kündigt sich die Reise gleich bei den ersten Noten als betörend an. In der Kopfnote frischer, wässriger grüner Apfel. Ihr folgen eine blumige Herznote, einige Zitrusklänge aus Pampelmuse bevor sich ganz sanft und subtil die Litschi entfaltet Und noch während die exotische „chinesische Kirsche“ ihre süßen und wässrigen Noten verbreitet, lässt sich diskret die Basisnote aus Kokosnuss nieder. Die neue Kollektion „Immersion“ ist in einer Zusammenarbeit mit der Designerin Rozenn Mainguené entstanden.
Die wunderschöne Duftkerze ist 100% vegan. Die Kerzen bestehen aus pflanzlichem Kokos- oder Sojawachs mit einem Baumwolldocht, der sauber ohne Rauchbildung verbrennt. Die Kerzen sind komplett durchparfumiert. Die verarbeiteten Parfums unterliegen strenger Qualitätsstandards. Alle Kerzen sind von Hand gegossen. Die Kerzengläser sind mit einem transparenten Schutzdeckel versehen, der sie vor Staub schützt. Die Kerze verfügt über einen Inhalt von 240 g. und hat eine Brenndauer von ca. 45 Stunden.
Das stilvolle Duftbouquet „Geometrie Règlisse“ von Maison Berger Paris
Das Duftbouquet sieht einem facettiertem Onyx oder einem geheimnisvollen Diamant ähnlich.  Es ist ein wertvolles, sich mit leicht arroganter Eleganz präsentierendes Objekt. Die Geometrie dieses von Armand Delsol, dem Gründer der Designagentur De Vog erdachten Duftdiffusors lehnt sich an die der Juwelierskunst an. Im Zentrum des Duftbouquets Geometry steht der Flakon, ein perfekt geschliffenes Glas, ein seinem Namen alle Ehre machender Korpus.
Seine Farbe ist ein Mysterium, von tiefer, sich langsam entfaltender Schönheit. Das Bouquet aus schwarzen Duftstäbchen wiederum fügt einen weiteren Hauch Eleganz hinzu. Die an der Basis von einem einfachen silberfarbenen Ring gehaltenen Stäbe verbreiten den Duft Zarte Baumwollblüte mit graziöser Eleganz.Der Raumduft Zarte Baumwollblüte spiegelt die beruhigende Gelassenheit des Ganzen wider. Nach einem frischen, dynamischen Auftakt mit Rosentönen setzt sich rasch eine zärtliche, pudrige Herznote durch. Gefolgt von einer beruhigenden, sanften, den Raum wie eine Wolke einhüllenden Basisnote.
Das Duftbouquet „Geometry Réglisse“ ist in jedem Fall ein zeitloses, von einem subtil geheimnisvollen Hauch umgebenes Objekt. Der hier angebotene Raumduft Zarte Baumwollblüte unterstreicht die Eleganz des Objekts und die von ihm ausgehende Gelassenheit. Ich liebe den schönen, nicht aufdringlichen  Duft des Duftbouquets. Besonders edel ist das zeitlose Design, welches auf jeden Fall in allen Wohnungen eine glänzende Figur macht.
*Dieser Blogpost enthält Werbung und ist zudem in freundlicher Zusammenarbeit mit Maison Berger Paris entstanden.
Der Beitrag Hochwertige Duftkompositionen von Maison Berger Paris erschien zuerst auf Label Love.
0 notes
labellovedesign · 5 years
Hochwertige Duftkompositionen von Maison Berger Paris
Kennt ihr schon die wunderschönen Duftkompositonen von Maison Berger Paris? Die Marke, die auch als „Lampe Berger“ bekannt ist, wurde übrigens vom pharmazeutischen Angestellten Maurice Berger erfunden. Et machte der es sich zur Lebensaufgabe das Einatmen der Raumluft für jeden Menschen angenehmer zu machen. Er vertreibt zudem ein einmaliges Sortiment von Lampen im stilvollen Design, die in puncto Raumluftpflege und Raumbeduftung keine Wünsche offenlassen. Maison Berger Paris setzt mit Dekorationsideen Düfte frei, welche uns das Leben leichter machen. Ich liebe einen guten und hochwertigen Raumduft, der Küchengerüche oder sonstige Gerüche auf jeden Fall verdrängt. Die frischen und blumigen Düfte von Maison Berger Paris haben es mir angetan. Ich bin ein Riesenfan der stilvollen Kerzen, edlen Duftlampen und wunderschönen Duftbouquets geworden. Heute stelle ich euch darum die aktuelle und brandneue Kollektion „Immersion“ und “ Geometry“ näher in meiner Lifestyle Kategorie vom Blog vor.
Die Firmengeschichte von Maison Berger Paris
Das Label besticht durch eine einmalige Technologie. Bereits im Jahre 1898 wurde ein einzigartiges Katalyse-Diffusions-System erfunden. Dieses reinigte die Raumluft mit einfachen Mitteln. Im Jahre 1930 wurden Maurice Bergers Kreationen außerdem auch als Sammlerstücke angesehen. Dies teilte eine große Ehre dar, auf der das Unternehmen sich jedoch nicht ausruhen wollte. Auf die Bedürfnisse und Erwartungen der Kunden zugeschnitten, entstand Anfang der 80er Jahre eine exklusive Dekoration, die auf Wunsch sogar dezent Raumparfüms freisetzen konnte. Jedes einzelne Stück von Maison Berger Paris wurde auf diese Weise zur fein duftenden Seele eines jeden Raums. Dabei profitiert Maison Berger Paris nicht nur von der einmaligen Erfindung der Katalyse-Technologie, sondern auch von der inspirierenden Kunstfertigkeit eines Parfümeurs, dessen Patente in mehr als 20 Ländern geschützt werden.
Jede Duftlampe besticht durch ihre Individualität und ein ausgefeiltes Design. Durch meisterliches Know-how bereichert sie das Wohnambiente, glänzt mit ihrer Schönheit und setzt inspirierende Düfte frei. Jede Duftnote bringt außerdem ungeahnte Assoziationen zum Vorschein, die an längst vergangene Zeiten, feierliche Momente oder an Erlebnisse in der freien Natur erinnern.
Das Sortiment von Maison Berger Paris besticht durch eine ungemeine Vielfalt an Stilrichtungen. Man findet auf jeden Fall immer eine geeignete Lampe als Zierde für jeden Raum. Das Spiel mit Formen und Materialien erweckt die Dekorationsobjekte buchstäblich zum Leben. Kunsthandwerker unterschiedlicher Professionen sind übrigens an der Herstellung beteiligt.
Die neue Kollektion „Immersion“ von Maison Berger Paris
Die neue Kollektion „Immersion“ von Maison Berger Paris taucht uns in üppige Natur, die von tropischen Regenwäldern inspiriert wird. Diese wundervolle  Kollektion gleicht einer Einladung zu einer Reise in ferne Länder.
Mir hat es die ovale Form der Lampe Immersion total angetan. Die vollendete Formschönheit sorgt zudem für eine perfekte Balance, während das besonders dichte Glas mit einem feinen Relief versehen ist. Die elegante Lampe Immersion lässt uns nach dem Regen in die Natur eintauchen. Ihre Krone in Kugelform besteht aus silberfarbenem Metall. Geliefert wird die Duftlampe übrigens in einer wunderschönen Geschenkverpackung. Die Lampe eignet sich perfekt als Präsent für alle Anlässe. Die aus Aqua-Farben und reinen, natürlichen Formen bestehende Kollektion taucht euer Zuhause in eine exotisch duftende Atmosphäre. Die Lampe „Immersion“ von Maison Berger Paris wurde übrigens von der Innenarchitektin und Designerin Rozenn Mainguené entworfen. Seit 20 Jahren ist sie in den Bereichen Luxus und Schönheit tätig und kombiniert kreative Inspiration mit technischer Machbarkeit.
Anwendung einer Duftlampe von Maison Berger
Die katalytische Aromalampe Berger zeichnet sich damit aus, schlechte Gerüche nicht nur zu überdecken, sondern auch zu vernichten ohne große Mengen an chemischen Wirkstoffen zu verwenden. Schlechter Geruch verduftet im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes, was ich eine super Erfindung finde. Zuerst stellt ihr eure Duftlampe auf einer flachen Fläche ab und nehmt ihre Schutzkrone und Abdeckung ab. Fülltdie Lampe Berger bis zu 2/3 mit einem der Lampe Berger Parfums de Maison. Benutzt hierfür den mitgelieferten Kunststofftrichter. Reibt dann die Parfümlampe Berger vorsichtig trocken, um alle Parfümreste auf dem Flaschenkörper zu entfernen. Ihr solltet übrigens niemals ein anderes Parfum oder ätherische Öle verwenden oder hinzumischen, da diese den Brenner beschädigen könnten. Führt den Docht des Brenners in eure Lampe Berger ein. Überprüft, ob der Brenner genau auf dem Sockel eingerastet ist. Lasst den Docht vor dem ersten Gebrauch rund 20 Minuten lang Parfüm aufsaugen. 
Zündet den Brenner mit einem Streichholz oder einem Feuerzeug an. Lasst dann die Flamme 2 Minuten lang brennen. Lasst die Duftlampe während dieser 2 Minuten niemals unbeaufsichtigt.Setzt die Schutzkrone niemals auf die Flamme. Dann blast ihr die Flamme aus. Jetzt ist Ihre Lampe Berger in Betrieb. Berührt  nicht den Brenner während des Betriebs. Setzt die Schutzkrone wieder auf den Brenner. Eine Betriebszeit von 20 bis 30 Minuten ist übrigens ausreichend für einen Raum von 12 Quadratmetern. Setzt dann die Schutzkrone wieder auf die Lampe. Bewahrt die Lampe an einem wärmegeschützten Ort auf und achtet immer darauf, dass die Abdeckung sorgfältig aufgesetzt ist.
Das Dufttrio „Immersion“ von Maison Berger Paris
Das Dufttrio ist perfekt für meine neue Duftlampe geeignet. DieDiffusionszeit des Sets beträgt zudem  20 Betriebsstunden, d.h. 80 Beduftungsstunden. Der erste „Fraîcheur d’Eucalyptus / Tropischer Zitroneneukalyptus“ ist ein aromatischer, belebender Duft mit der stimulierenden Kraft des Eukalyptus und einer holzigen Basisnote. Seine Kopfnote sind Zitrusfrüchte und Grüne Noten. Die Herznote stellt Lavendel, Eukalyptus und Ozeanische Duftnoten dar. Die Basisnote besteht aus Eichenmoos, Zedernholz, und trockenem Amber.
Der zweite Duft „Litchi Paradis / Paradiesische Litschi“ ist ein exotischer Duft, der Sie in die üppige und kostbare Natur der tropischen Regenwälder entführt. Seine Kopfnote ist Melone, Zitrone, Apfel und Eukalyptus. Die Herznote stellt Grapefruit, Weiße Blüten, Rose und Litschi dar. Die Basisnote besteht aus Pfirsich, Moschus und Kokosnuss.
Der dritte Duft „Thé Blanc Pureté / Weißer Tee“ ist ein frischer und delikater Duft. Seine Kopfnote ist schwarze Johannisbeere und Bergamotte. Die Herznote stellt weißer Tee, Maiglöckchen, Rose und Jasmin dar. Die Basisnote besteht aus  Zedernholz und weißer Moschus.
Duftkerze „Litchi Paradise“ von Maison Berger Paris
 Die Duftkerze Paradiesische Litschi ist eine Einladung zu einer Reise. Wenn auch das Gefährt mit seinem eleganten, moosgrauen Glaskorpus eher diskret wirkt, so kündigt sich die Reise gleich bei den ersten Noten als betörend an. In der Kopfnote frischer, wässriger grüner Apfel. Ihr folgen eine blumige Herznote, einige Zitrusklänge aus Pampelmuse bevor sich ganz sanft und subtil die Litschi entfaltet Und noch während die exotische „chinesische Kirsche“ ihre süßen und wässrigen Noten verbreitet, lässt sich diskret die Basisnote aus Kokosnuss nieder. Die neue Kollektion „Immersion“ ist in einer Zusammenarbeit mit der Designerin Rozenn Mainguené entstanden.
Die wunderschöne Duftkerze ist 100% vegan. Die Kerzen bestehen aus pflanzlichem Kokos- oder Sojawachs mit einem Baumwolldocht, der sauber ohne Rauchbildung verbrennt. Die Kerzen sind komplett durchparfumiert. Die verarbeiteten Parfums unterliegen strenger Qualitätsstandards. Alle Kerzen sind von Hand gegossen. Die Kerzengläser sind mit einem transparenten Schutzdeckel versehen, der sie vor Staub schützt. Die Kerze verfügt über einen Inhalt von 240 g. und hat eine Brenndauer von ca. 45 Stunden.
Das stilvolle Duftbouquet „Geometrie Règlisse“ von Maison Berger Paris
Das Duftbouquet sieht einem facettiertem Onyx oder einem geheimnisvollen Diamant ähnlich.  Es ist ein wertvolles, sich mit leicht arroganter Eleganz präsentierendes Objekt. Die Geometrie dieses von Armand Delsol, dem Gründer der Designagentur De Vog erdachten Duftdiffusors lehnt sich an die der Juwelierskunst an. Im Zentrum des Duftbouquets Geometry steht der Flakon, ein perfekt geschliffenes Glas, ein seinem Namen alle Ehre machender Korpus.
Seine Farbe ist ein Mysterium, von tiefer, sich langsam entfaltender Schönheit. Das Bouquet aus schwarzen Duftstäbchen wiederum fügt einen weiteren Hauch Eleganz hinzu. Die an der Basis von einem einfachen silberfarbenen Ring gehaltenen Stäbe verbreiten den Duft Zarte Baumwollblüte mit graziöser Eleganz.Der Raumduft Zarte Baumwollblüte spiegelt die beruhigende Gelassenheit des Ganzen wider. Nach einem frischen, dynamischen Auftakt mit Rosentönen setzt sich rasch eine zärtliche, pudrige Herznote durch. Gefolgt von einer beruhigenden, sanften, den Raum wie eine Wolke einhüllenden Basisnote.
Das Duftbouquet „Geometry Réglisse“ ist in jedem Fall ein zeitloses, von einem subtil geheimnisvollen Hauch umgebenes Objekt. Der hier angebotene Raumduft Zarte Baumwollblüte unterstreicht die Eleganz des Objekts und die von ihm ausgehende Gelassenheit. Ich liebe den schönen, nicht aufdringlichen  Duft des Duftbouquets. Besonders edel ist das zeitlose Design, welches auf jeden Fall in allen Wohnungen eine glänzende Figur macht.
*Dieser Blogpost enthält Werbung und ist zudem in freundlicher Zusammenarbeit mit Maison Berger Paris entstanden.
Der Beitrag Hochwertige Duftkompositionen von Maison Berger Paris erschien zuerst auf Label Love.
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labellovelifestyle · 5 years
Hochwertige Duftkompositionen von Maison Berger Paris
Kennt ihr schon die wunderschönen Duftkompositonen von Maison Berger Paris? Die Marke, die auch als „Lampe Berger“ bekannt ist, wurde übrigens vom pharmazeutischen Angestellten Maurice Berger erfunden. Et machte der es sich zur Lebensaufgabe das Einatmen der Raumluft für jeden Menschen angenehmer zu machen. Er vertreibt zudem ein einmaliges Sortiment von Lampen im stilvollen Design, die in puncto Raumluftpflege und Raumbeduftung keine Wünsche offenlassen. Maison Berger Paris setzt mit Dekorationsideen Düfte frei, welche uns das Leben leichter machen. Ich liebe einen guten und hochwertigen Raumduft, der Küchengerüche oder sonstige Gerüche auf jeden Fall verdrängt. Die frischen und blumigen Düfte von Maison Berger Paris haben es mir angetan. Ich bin ein Riesenfan der stilvollen Kerzen, edlen Duftlampen und wunderschönen Duftbouquets geworden. Heute stelle ich euch darum die aktuelle und brandneue Kollektion „Immersion“ und “ Geometry“ näher in meiner Lifestyle Kategorie vom Blog vor.
Die Firmengeschichte von Maison Berger Paris
Das Label besticht durch eine einmalige Technologie. Bereits im Jahre 1898 wurde ein einzigartiges Katalyse-Diffusions-System erfunden. Dieses reinigte die Raumluft mit einfachen Mitteln. Im Jahre 1930 wurden Maurice Bergers Kreationen außerdem auch als Sammlerstücke angesehen. Dies teilte eine große Ehre dar, auf der das Unternehmen sich jedoch nicht ausruhen wollte. Auf die Bedürfnisse und Erwartungen der Kunden zugeschnitten, entstand Anfang der 80er Jahre eine exklusive Dekoration, die auf Wunsch sogar dezent Raumparfüms freisetzen konnte. Jedes einzelne Stück von Maison Berger Paris wurde auf diese Weise zur fein duftenden Seele eines jeden Raums. Dabei profitiert Maison Berger Paris nicht nur von der einmaligen Erfindung der Katalyse-Technologie, sondern auch von der inspirierenden Kunstfertigkeit eines Parfümeurs, dessen Patente in mehr als 20 Ländern geschützt werden.
Jede Duftlampe besticht durch ihre Individualität und ein ausgefeiltes Design. Durch meisterliches Know-how bereichert sie das Wohnambiente, glänzt mit ihrer Schönheit und setzt inspirierende Düfte frei. Jede Duftnote bringt außerdem ungeahnte Assoziationen zum Vorschein, die an längst vergangene Zeiten, feierliche Momente oder an Erlebnisse in der freien Natur erinnern.
Das Sortiment von Maison Berger Paris besticht durch eine ungemeine Vielfalt an Stilrichtungen. Man findet auf jeden Fall immer eine geeignete Lampe als Zierde für jeden Raum. Das Spiel mit Formen und Materialien erweckt die Dekorationsobjekte buchstäblich zum Leben. Kunsthandwerker unterschiedlicher Professionen sind übrigens an der Herstellung beteiligt.
Die neue Kollektion „Immersion“ von Maison Berger Paris
Die neue Kollektion „Immersion“ von Maison Berger Paris taucht uns in üppige Natur, die von tropischen Regenwäldern inspiriert wird. Diese wundervolle  Kollektion gleicht einer Einladung zu einer Reise in ferne Länder.
Mir hat es die ovale Form der Lampe Immersion total angetan. Die vollendete Formschönheit sorgt zudem für eine perfekte Balance, während das besonders dichte Glas mit einem feinen Relief versehen ist. Die elegante Lampe Immersion lässt uns nach dem Regen in die Natur eintauchen. Ihre Krone in Kugelform besteht aus silberfarbenem Metall. Geliefert wird die Duftlampe übrigens in einer wunderschönen Geschenkverpackung. Die Lampe eignet sich perfekt als Präsent für alle Anlässe. Die aus Aqua-Farben und reinen, natürlichen Formen bestehende Kollektion taucht euer Zuhause in eine exotisch duftende Atmosphäre. Die Lampe „Immersion“ von Maison Berger Paris wurde übrigens von der Innenarchitektin und Designerin Rozenn Mainguené entworfen. Seit 20 Jahren ist sie in den Bereichen Luxus und Schönheit tätig und kombiniert kreative Inspiration mit technischer Machbarkeit.
Anwendung einer Duftlampe von Maison Berger
Die katalytische Aromalampe Berger zeichnet sich damit aus, schlechte Gerüche nicht nur zu überdecken, sondern auch zu vernichten ohne große Mengen an chemischen Wirkstoffen zu verwenden. Schlechter Geruch verduftet im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes, was ich eine super Erfindung finde. Zuerst stellt ihr eure Duftlampe auf einer flachen Fläche ab und nehmt ihre Schutzkrone und Abdeckung ab. Fülltdie Lampe Berger bis zu 2/3 mit einem der Lampe Berger Parfums de Maison. Benutzt hierfür den mitgelieferten Kunststofftrichter. Reibt dann die Parfümlampe Berger vorsichtig trocken, um alle Parfümreste auf dem Flaschenkörper zu entfernen. Ihr solltet übrigens niemals ein anderes Parfum oder ätherische Öle verwenden oder hinzumischen, da diese den Brenner beschädigen könnten. Führt den Docht des Brenners in eure Lampe Berger ein. Überprüft, ob der Brenner genau auf dem Sockel eingerastet ist. Lasst den Docht vor dem ersten Gebrauch rund 20 Minuten lang Parfüm aufsaugen. 
Zündet den Brenner mit einem Streichholz oder einem Feuerzeug an. Lasst dann die Flamme 2 Minuten lang brennen. Lasst die Duftlampe während dieser 2 Minuten niemals unbeaufsichtigt.Setzt die Schutzkrone niemals auf die Flamme. Dann blast ihr die Flamme aus. Jetzt ist Ihre Lampe Berger in Betrieb. Berührt  nicht den Brenner während des Betriebs. Setzt die Schutzkrone wieder auf den Brenner. Eine Betriebszeit von 20 bis 30 Minuten ist übrigens ausreichend für einen Raum von 12 Quadratmetern. Setzt dann die Schutzkrone wieder auf die Lampe. Bewahrt die Lampe an einem wärmegeschützten Ort auf und achtet immer darauf, dass die Abdeckung sorgfältig aufgesetzt ist.
Das Dufttrio „Immersion“ von Maison Berger Paris
Das Dufttrio ist perfekt für meine neue Duftlampe geeignet. DieDiffusionszeit des Sets beträgt zudem  20 Betriebsstunden, d.h. 80 Beduftungsstunden. Der erste „Fraîcheur d’Eucalyptus / Tropischer Zitroneneukalyptus“ ist ein aromatischer, belebender Duft mit der stimulierenden Kraft des Eukalyptus und einer holzigen Basisnote. Seine Kopfnote sind Zitrusfrüchte und Grüne Noten. Die Herznote stellt Lavendel, Eukalyptus und Ozeanische Duftnoten dar. Die Basisnote besteht aus Eichenmoos, Zedernholz, und trockenem Amber.
Der zweite Duft „Litchi Paradis / Paradiesische Litschi“ ist ein exotischer Duft, der Sie in die üppige und kostbare Natur der tropischen Regenwälder entführt. Seine Kopfnote ist Melone, Zitrone, Apfel und Eukalyptus. Die Herznote stellt Grapefruit, Weiße Blüten, Rose und Litschi dar. Die Basisnote besteht aus Pfirsich, Moschus und Kokosnuss.
Der dritte Duft „Thé Blanc Pureté / Weißer Tee“ ist ein frischer und delikater Duft. Seine Kopfnote ist schwarze Johannisbeere und Bergamotte. Die Herznote stellt weißer Tee, Maiglöckchen, Rose und Jasmin dar. Die Basisnote besteht aus  Zedernholz und weißer Moschus.
Duftkerze „Litchi Paradise“ von Maison Berger Paris
 Die Duftkerze Paradiesische Litschi ist eine Einladung zu einer Reise. Wenn auch das Gefährt mit seinem eleganten, moosgrauen Glaskorpus eher diskret wirkt, so kündigt sich die Reise gleich bei den ersten Noten als betörend an. In der Kopfnote frischer, wässriger grüner Apfel. Ihr folgen eine blumige Herznote, einige Zitrusklänge aus Pampelmuse bevor sich ganz sanft und subtil die Litschi entfaltet Und noch während die exotische „chinesische Kirsche“ ihre süßen und wässrigen Noten verbreitet, lässt sich diskret die Basisnote aus Kokosnuss nieder. Die neue Kollektion „Immersion“ ist in einer Zusammenarbeit mit der Designerin Rozenn Mainguené entstanden.
Die wunderschöne Duftkerze ist 100% vegan. Die Kerzen bestehen aus pflanzlichem Kokos- oder Sojawachs mit einem Baumwolldocht, der sauber ohne Rauchbildung verbrennt. Die Kerzen sind komplett durchparfumiert. Die verarbeiteten Parfums unterliegen strenger Qualitätsstandards. Alle Kerzen sind von Hand gegossen. Die Kerzengläser sind mit einem transparenten Schutzdeckel versehen, der sie vor Staub schützt. Die Kerze verfügt über einen Inhalt von 240 g. und hat eine Brenndauer von ca. 45 Stunden.
Das stilvolle Duftbouquet „Geometrie Règlisse“ von Maison Berger Paris
Das Duftbouquet sieht einem facettiertem Onyx oder einem geheimnisvollen Diamant ähnlich.  Es ist ein wertvolles, sich mit leicht arroganter Eleganz präsentierendes Objekt. Die Geometrie dieses von Armand Delsol, dem Gründer der Designagentur De Vog erdachten Duftdiffusors lehnt sich an die der Juwelierskunst an. Im Zentrum des Duftbouquets Geometry steht der Flakon, ein perfekt geschliffenes Glas, ein seinem Namen alle Ehre machender Korpus.
Seine Farbe ist ein Mysterium, von tiefer, sich langsam entfaltender Schönheit. Das Bouquet aus schwarzen Duftstäbchen wiederum fügt einen weiteren Hauch Eleganz hinzu. Die an der Basis von einem einfachen silberfarbenen Ring gehaltenen Stäbe verbreiten den Duft Zarte Baumwollblüte mit graziöser Eleganz.Der Raumduft Zarte Baumwollblüte spiegelt die beruhigende Gelassenheit des Ganzen wider. Nach einem frischen, dynamischen Auftakt mit Rosentönen setzt sich rasch eine zärtliche, pudrige Herznote durch. Gefolgt von einer beruhigenden, sanften, den Raum wie eine Wolke einhüllenden Basisnote.
Das Duftbouquet „Geometry Réglisse“ ist in jedem Fall ein zeitloses, von einem subtil geheimnisvollen Hauch umgebenes Objekt. Der hier angebotene Raumduft Zarte Baumwollblüte unterstreicht die Eleganz des Objekts und die von ihm ausgehende Gelassenheit. Ich liebe den schönen, nicht aufdringlichen  Duft des Duftbouquets. Besonders edel ist das zeitlose Design, welches auf jeden Fall in allen Wohnungen eine glänzende Figur macht.
*Dieser Blogpost enthält Werbung und ist zudem in freundlicher Zusammenarbeit mit Maison Berger Paris entstanden.
Der Beitrag Hochwertige Duftkompositionen von Maison Berger Paris erschien zuerst auf Label Love.
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duaneodavila · 6 years
Fissell on Federalism and Constitutional Criminal Law
Brenner Fissell (Hofstra University - Maurice A. Deane School of Law) has posted Federalism and Constitutional Criminal Law (Hofstra Law Review, Vol. 46, No. 489, 2018) on SSRN. Here is the abstract: A vast body of constitutional law regulates the... Fissell on Federalism and Constitutional Criminal Law republished via CrimProf Blog
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anglenews · 7 years
McGregor vs. Mayweather: ‘Bar crowd’ vs. night clubbers
August 25, 2017 | 2:33am Modal Trigger Conor McGregor/MMA fans and Jay Z, who is a fan of boxing Getty Images; Anthony J. Causi LAS VEGAS — Boxing fans and MMA fans are descending on Sin City, rooting not only for Floyd Mayweather or Conor McGregor but their respective sport. In some ways they are similar, but they’re also different in their attitude and attire. Think of MMA as a jeans and T-shirt crowd, while boxing fans take weeks to figure out what dress or suit to wear. “When you have a mega boxing event in Vegas, people dress nice,” said Danny Brenner, a publicist for both boxing and MMA. “MMA brings in more of a casually dressed crowd. People suit up for boxing. A big reason for that is because people go the fight and then head for the nightclub in their finest clothes. You could make an argument that MMA fans are more of a bar crowd.” Justin Angermuller of Omaha, Neb., an MMA fan, was wearing a T-shirt on Thursday that read: “F–K the Mayweathers.” He said MMA fans “are more raw.” His fight-night T-shirt will read: “49-1 Fook Floyd Mayweather.” He made no apologies. “Seeing Conor McGregor knock out Floyd Mayweather in front of the world is going to be huge for MMA,” he said. The common thinking is MMA is for young fans, while the boxing fan base is aging. Stephen Espinoza, the executive vice president and general manager of Showtime Sports, said that is not necessarily true. “The two demographics are similarly aged,” he said. “What we’ve seen is that boxing is actually slightly younger and getting younger than the UFC demographic. Boxing is more ethnically diverse. There’s a loyal and enthusiastic audience that’s African-American and Hispanic. That’s a larger percentage of the base for boxing than MMA. That’s why the boxing demo stays relatively young.” Throughout the four-city world tour to promote Saturday night’s fight, the audiences in Toronto and London were easily pro-MMA crowds, while it seemed more 50-50 in Los Angeles and Brooklyn. Espinoza said he expects an even mixture of fans at T-Mobile Arena. “We’re expecting the MMA audience to be a big part of it,” he said. “But it will probably be evenly split between boxing and MMA fans, those who haven’t been exposed to either.” It will be interesting to see if MMA fans show up for the undercard bouts the way they do for UFC cards. Boxing fans are notorious for waiting until close to the main event to fill the arena. “MMA fans care about the entire sport and all the fighters, and they’re interested in all the matchups,” said Kevin Iole, who covers both boxing and MMA for Yahoo.com. “Boxing fans are marketed to and only care about the main event. Boxing fans, other than hard-core fans, just care about the Mayweathers and the top guys on the card, whereas MMA fans have that great passion for all the fights. MMA fans get upset if you have a great main event and a so-so undercard. Boxing fans would be delirious because all they want is a great main event.” The general feel of Mayweather-McGregor is boxing fans aren’t as engaged in the fight, thinking Mayweather will dominate. MMA fans, especially those who like McGregor, seem to be more interested in the fight. “I think MMA fans are more appreciative of boxing because it’s a part of their sport,” Brenner said. “For boxing fans, there’s so many more elements of MMA they may not quite understand. That’s why boxing fans are turned off when an MMA fight goes to the ground and you have so many fans that get frustrated and groan. Boxing fans don’t always understand the chess match that’s taking place in MMA.” Maurice Johnson, of Atlanta, who was wearing a Mayweather brand The Money Team T-shirt at the MGM Grand on Thursday, said both fans have one thing in common. “Fans want to see blood,” he said. “A lot of people are rooting for McGregor because they think he’s going to bring blood. But he’s not skilled enough to draw blood from Mayweather. You have to be skilled to draw blood from a skilled fighter like Mayweather.” Share this: Source http://www.anglenews.com/mcgregor-vs-mayweather-bar-crowd-vs-night-clubbers/
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