#Matthew Steeley
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FPG Travel | The ‘Lost in the Philippines’ Guys at the …
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bcminutes · 4 years
2020 Minutes
Bishop’s Committee Minutes — 2-9-1020
For this meeting: Old Business
Deacon Dan opened with prayer.
Minutes were accepted.
Ron will clean vanities in the restrooms before the Braden Celebration. We will seek to replace them sometime thereafter.
Mary reports that no police report will be used to help with costs to replace railing destroyed by auto accident. We will pay for repairs since deductible is more than the cost of repair.
Mary is inquiring about the Bishop’s next visit.
Mary reports 65 boxes were given out for the Christmas program offered by St. George’s and St. Matthews. St. Alban didn’t contribute knitted items this year.
Mary reports that we continue to wait on Trustees and Council’s decision regarding the gym roof.
For this meeting: New Business
Mary reported on the 2020 budget and some revisions were made to it.
Anne Braden Celebration is scheduled for March 7.
Lisa says we will have an Urban League sponsored person to work for us. She and Pamela and decide on duties and select the person.
Vestry Assignments for 2020: Finance Chair (Bookkeeper) Bernadette, Treasurer: Eldra, Senior Warden: Mary, Minutes Keeper: Dan.
Lisa nominated Ron for Junior Warden and he was approved. She will check with Fred to see if there is any conflict with him in doing this.
Respectfully submitted,
Deacon Dan
Before the next meeting: See underlined sections above.
Bishop’s Committee Minutes. 7-16-2020
Attendees via teleconference: Valerie, Mary, Deacon Dan, Lisa, Donald, Ed, Bernadette, Carla, Ron, Karla, Pamela,
Old Business: Property Management
—A discussion ensued regarding money available for repairs. Valerie reported that a total of $67000 resides in the West Louisville Now fund. It is distinct from the $150000 sent to the diocese from the National Church. The reasons for the gift from the National Church are as follows: The Executive Council of the Episcopal Church has made a gift of $150,000 to the Diocese of Kentucky, to further our commitment to dismantle racist systems, building justice and peace for all.
Valerie suggested we get additional quotes from contractors other that Raoul, who has done work for us in the past. She stated that Bill Steeley of St. Matthews has offered to get involved as a contractor.
Donald stated he was suspicious of people wanting to get involved now that money is coming into our church. He wondered why they weren’t ready to help earlier. He and others suggested we might focus on using Raoul’s services, supplemented by genuine West End companies.
The discussion was tabled until our next meeting. The dilemma, as I understand it, seems to revolve around incorporating all those interested in supporting our renovation efforts while remaining true to those individuals who have been there for us during the difficult times or whose participation we want to include to stimulate West End development.
—Mary reports she is working on Mission Funding. The deadline for submission is July 31, 2020
New Business: Re-Opening
—St. George’s Mission Statement was mentioned. Mary said she would share it with Valerie and others as required.
—Valerie read the Bishop’s Reopening Statement. If it’s protocol can be followed we hope to reopen on August 2, 2020. Anyone not comfortable attending need not feel obligated to do so.
—Valerie is working on a grant the value of which is $10000. She would like for BC members to be thinking of good uses for the money that she can identify in the grant, which she must submit by August 15.
—Valerie hopes to begin making one-on-one contact with BC members in the near future. She can be reached at [email protected].
The meeting was concluded with an Early Evening Devotion.
Bishop’s Committee Meeting 8-9-2020
Attendees: Valerie, Deacon Dan, Ed, Bernadette, Ron, Carla, Mary, Doris, Pamela, Karla, Jean
Old Business
Agenda—Agenda was accepted. Mary approved and Ed seconded her approval.
Gym Roof—A discussion took place in which it was proposed that work start on the gym roof since funds had been allocated and received in the amount needed to complete work. BC voted on and approved the start of work. Ed made the motion and Mary seconded it. No negative votes were made.
Technology Grant—Valerie outlined the grant she is writing. BC agreed to going forward on it and including OMS in it.
Deep Cleaning of Church—Tabled for the time being.
New Business
Assessment—Mary said our church assessment will be less next year, 283.91. This represents 13% of our budget as per diocesan rule expectations.
Training—BC voted for training opportunities, Safeguarding Our Children, technology help, etc.
Truck Repair—Ron’s truck, needed for Dare to Care distribution, needs transmission work. The BC asked Ron to get an estimate on repair costs and get back to the committee.
Dare to Care—Pamela reported that 1255 individuals were served in July, 319 families were helped, and 100 food boxes were given out on Thursdays. We will return to serving only our designated area as the Shilo Dare to Care outlet has re-opened.
ZOOM— A practice session on ZOOM will occur before we move to it as our means of worshipping on Sunday mornings.
Respectfully submitted,
Deacon Dan
Bishop’s Committee Meeting 9-13-2020
Attendees: Valerie, Deacon Dan, Ed, Bernadette, Ron, Carla, Doris, Pamela, Karla, Jean, Lisa, Donald
Old Business
Agenda—Agenda was accepted.
Gym Roof and HVAC system for DTC—Completed.
Technology Grant—Valerie outlined grant she has written.
Mission Funding—Has been modified from original ask of $2500 to ask of $10,000.
Deep Cleaning of Church—Resurfaced after having been tabled last month. A desire was expressed to allow a Speed Museum event in the Community Center. Lisa will make use of waiver forms for attendees to protect the Church against lawsuits dealing with contracting COVID-19. Bernadette made a motion that all three buildings be deep cleaned ($500) and that ongoing cleanings occur for 6hr/ week at a wage of $20/hr. This motion was seconded. When this will commence has not been determined.
Truck Repair—Ron’s truck, needed for Dare to Care distribution, has been repaired.
Training—Safeguarding Our Children will be available soon from the Rev. Katherine Doyle.
Dare to Care—Pamela and Lisa offered their report to the committee.
ZOOM—BC Committee members stated their approval to continue worship services using ZOOM.
New Business
New Stucco Damage: RAM Roofing has brought to light additional damage that needs being addressed. It’s estimated cost is $8725. There was confusion about the location of this damage so Ed, Ron, and Donald agreed to walk the building with Raul of RAM to reassess the situation.
Dare to Care—A discussion on its ongoing ministry and leadership needs has been requested for a future meeting.
Next Sunday—Dean Matt Bradley will lead worship online for St. George’s Episcopal Church.
Convention—Bernadette has volunteered to be our delegate, Lisa will be our alternate, and Valerie Victoria Mayo will be our youth representative.
Respectfully submitted,
Deacon Dan
Bishop’s Committee Meeting 12-13-2020
Old Business
Ed read the governing statement.
Dan offered prayer.
Agenda—Motion to approve was offered by Mary and seconded by Ron.
RAM roof payment complete. RAM stucco work is done, Valerie getting payment from diocese to give to RAM.
Eldra and Alyce will be the first two to get laptops. UP will provide, including internet access.
Doris, Charlene, Shirley, Fred, and June have also been named as those needing a laptop. The Diocese will provide. It anticipates providing 4 computers in 2021.
Ron is cleaning 3 days each week, 2 hours each visit.
A discussion ensued regarding insurance for our three vehicles. The desire to minimize expenses was expressed. A decision will need to be made regarding the sale or give away of the old van.
Insurance estimates from Mary:
Refrigerator Truck: $3000 per year.
New Van: $1300 per year.
Old Van: $1100 per year. (Blue Book of old van: $874)
Ed made a motion that $500 be an acceptable price for the van. Mary seconded this motion.
Respectfully submitted,
Deacon Dan
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