#Mattel please just bring it back I’m begging
kirin-cheepcheep · 7 months
All the new EAH songs are gone now
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internet-tears · 4 years
i know this is wishful thinking but i hope there’s at least one smart person on the marketing team of mattel that suggests bringing back the original monster high dolls since they’re rebooting the brand please please please i’m on my knees begging, praying and manifesting if they bring them back they will be sold out in seconds please mattel i’m definitely looking out for your interest and profit and it’s not that i just want to restore my collection
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artificialqueens · 5 years
And So We Run (ch.13) - Traumathicc
A/N: I did it... I actually finished this chapter! I’m not sure how I managed to do it but I guess I got posessed by the spirit of mediocre writing or something along those lines. Anyways! In this chapter a new key player is introduced, and a deadly alliance is formed.
Laying low. That’s all you need to do. Out of sight and out of trouble.
You can sleep through the games if you hide yourself well enough.
Pearl has no idea how many times she’s repeated these phrases in her head already. She knew them before the bloodbath and she knows them now.
So where were they during that first day? She threw her rules out the window because she got greedy, and she almost ended up with a knife in the chest.
She did manage to get a kill in. A little worth the trouble at least, she supposes. She can’t imagine that Trixie Mattel would’ve posed a serious threat down the line, though. But of course, people do surprise you sometimes.
Today she followed her rules though. Watching the others from up in the trees. The forest is so thick, she’s rarely had to get down on the ground to move from place to place.
She saw that eccentric headcase who has the nerve to call herself Alaska’s partner fall into a pool of her own bile, only to beg for death from that coward from district 2. Pearl doesn’t hate Courtney like the reaper does, she just doesn’t understand her. It would’ve been so easy. It took a lot of willpower not to take out her rifle and pull the trigger herself.
She also saw Courtney joining up with her group and heading east. She didn’t follow them. The constant rustling of the trees would’ve become too suspicious in the long run. Instead, she continued north.
She spotted a girl with pink hair, similar to Trixies but not as big, walking down a forest path alone and unarmed. She seemed to be in a good mood, sometimes doing little skips instead of walking normally. She reminded Pearl of a cartoon character that was probably created only to sell toys.
Then Pearl had heard a metallic noise, and looked back down to find the girl lying down with a knife in her back. She’d gasped for air with her now useless lungs as Alaska had walked up to her, pulled the knife out and slit her throat with it. Alaska had then wiped her knife on a handkerchief, tucked it back into her belt and carried the body off the road.
Then she’d just walked away like nothing had happened.
“So the rumors are true… you’re as emotionless as they say…” Pearl had thought to herself.
“A perfect high district marionette.”
It was as impressive as it was off putting. And Pearl realized she didn’t quite understand Alaska either.
Around fifteen minutes later someone had started screaming. They were too far away to be seen, but Pearl was no stranger to the sound of pain. Whoever was making these sounds would probably be gone within the hour, at best.
Well, it’s not like it was Pearl’s problem.
The rest of the afternoon went by without any notable events. She ate some raspberries off a sad looking bush, and as the sun started to set she pondered where she’d spend the night. The previous one had been spent under a bug infested heap of tree roots, and she was, and still is, definitely not intending on returning there.
Like before, she’s continuing north towards the upper end of the forest. Night has finally settled on the arena when the smell of roasting meat suddenly surrounds her. Pearl just sighs and cocks her rifle.
She doesn’t have time for this.
“If you’re going to shoot me, then shoot me. Well… unless you want a bullet in the head of your own?”
Cold steel presses up against the back of Pearl’s head. She grits her teeth.
“Spiteful…” The voice laughs. “Now, are you really going through with this? Or do you want a place to sleep?”
“What makes you think I’m going to f-“
“Because you need me, Liaison. Just as much as I need you. It’s not just everyone for themselves in this game. Not yet. The Reaper…. You’ve seen how she handles things? Bossing around her minions like some sort of camp sergeant. I want us to be equal. We could win this together, you and I… Now be a good girl and drop your rifle.”
O’hara still has her gun pressed against Pearl’s head, and her other hand has sneaked it’s way around her wrist, caressing it with her thumb. The smell of meat is filling her nostrils and making her head feel light, and Pearl realizes just how hungry she is. She swallows and closes her eyes.
She’s so tired.
The rifle makes a metallic clinking noise as it hits the ground. Almost immediately, the coldness disappears from Pearl’s head.
“I knew you were smart.” O’hara pinches Pearl’s cheek and walks over to her campfire. “Come sit, I’ve got enough rabbits for the two of us.”
They eat is silence. Although Pearl is sure she’s doing most of the eating, as O’hara seems to be watching her every time she looks up. It doesn’t bother her much though, as for one, this is one of the best things Pearl’s ever eaten, and two, she probably ate before Pearl got here.
“So” Pearl finally asks. “Where have you been?”
“Call me by my first name and I’ll tell you. Equals, remember?”
“You haven’t-“ Pearl sighs as the other girl shoots her an angry look. “Phi Phi.” She says in a somewhat defeated tone.
Seeming pleased with Pearl’s answer, Phi Phi leans back a little and crosses her legs.
“Been laying low, kinda like you, minus the snooping around part.”
Pearl visibly blushes and opens her mouth as if to speak. Nothing comes out.
“What, you think no one would notice? Just because some of us are lower district it doesn’t makes us gullible! Not that I mind, after all, it’s exactly why I let you live.”
Pearl just kind of looks down at her boots.
“You’re a seven, right? Who’s your partner? ‘S she dead?”
Pearl is silent for a moment.
“Violet Chachki. And, no. I don’t think she’s dead yet. She will be though, soon enough. At least if she keeps hanging around those weaklings she’s chosen to surround herself with.”
Phi Phi chuckles. “You’re not very close, are you.”
“Not at all. Not even back home. We were both considered prodigies, albeit for different reasons, and since we were the same age everyone just sort of pinned us against each other. Not that I cared. I- I think at one point I even admired her. What a fool I was.”
“Hey, if you want to talk about fools, we can always talk about my partner.” Phi Phi says in what Pearl guesses is some sort of attempt to reassure her. “All that knowledge about the Reaper, and never once did she utilize it to her own advantage! And then she goes and dies by the Reaper’s hand on the first day!” She smacks her palm across her forehead. “I don’t think I’ve felt second hand embarrassment that strong in my entire life!”
Pearl can’t help but at least snort at this. How could someone be that stupid?
“She should’ve just stayed at home with the forge where she belonged!” Phi Phi laughs and chucks a stick into the fire.
“So both of us are partnerless, huh…” Pearl wonders out loud.
“Not at all.” Phi Phi replies. “Like I said. It’s the two of us now, Pearl. And together, we’ll bring this arena to it’s fucking knees, starting tomorrow.”
She walks over to Pearl and cups her face in her hands.
“Put your faith in me, and I’ll make sure you’ll have food and a place to sleep until we make it out.”
Pearl nods.
Then she gets up and takes Phi Phi’s hand.
”Only if you do the same for me.”
Something glistens in Phi Phi’s eyes. Something Pearl has yet to put her finger on.
”It’s a deal, then.”
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