#Matt Gober
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Mercredi 10 avril 2024
Concerts et prise de sang
Jolie surprise l'autre soir peu après avoir posté mon dernier récit de ce journal, un internaute anonyme a laissé un commentaire adorable et flatteur, commentaire que je ne répéterais pas ici, ce serait un crime d'égocentrisme et de narcissisme. Merci à toi, qui que tu sois !
J'ai reçu il y a plusieurs jours l'un des plus beaux cadeaux que l'on m'ait jamais fait, le jouet ultime pour moi, quelque chose dont je rêvais depuis des années : un piano.
Il trône, triomphant et blanc, dans ma chambre, et j'espère qu'il m'accompagnera durant de nombreuses années. J'espère aussi qu'il me permettra d'écrire de bien jolies chansons. C'est un piano numérique avec des touches lestées dont le toucher est semblable à un vrai piano. J'y retrouve les mêmes sensations que lorsque je joue sur un vrai piano. C'est fantastique ! Merci maman et papa !
Je traverse en ce moment encore et toujours une période de mélancolie, ça va et ça vient, il y a des jours où je me trouve désespéré et puis il y a des journées positives, comme celle d'aujourd'hui où je vois la lumière, au fond. Je ne comprends pas trop ce qu'il se passe dans ma tête, mais, en bon soldat, je continue de gober toutes ces pilules qu'on me prescrit en me disant que ça ira...
L'autre jour, Ed Piskor, un dessinateur que je suivais sur les réseaux sociaux depuis des années, s'est donné la mort. Ca faisait suite à une campagne de harcèlement après quelques témoignages parus à son encontre. Rien de très grave, des histoires de dragues sur les réseaux sociaux, Ed Piskor n'a pas pu résister à la pression et à l'humiliation (il a été traité de pédophile pour avoir envoyé des messages à des filles de 17 balais!) et il a mis fin à ses jours, victime de cette cancel culture que j'exècre.
Décidément, c'est une sale période pour les dessinateurs, vous en conviendrez, vous qui me lisez, puis que j'ai déjà évoqué ces derniers moi les disparitions de Joe Matt et Akira Toriyama.
L'autre jour je suis sorti rejoindre Justine en ville pour aller assister à un concert dans un bar. Il faisait beau, les gens étaient gais, en attendant mon amie sur un banc je les ai observés et ça m'a rendu triste de voir les couples se promener, les filles jolies, je leur en voulait presque parce que moi je demeure seul pendant qu'ils vont, main dans la main (jouer ici une fameuse chanson de Françoise Hardy)...
Finalement Justine est arrivée et nous avons retrouvé le bar dans lequel le concert était prévu. Là, j'ai perdu mon spleen, il était si bon de parler avec mes amies ! Canel nous a rejoins plus tard. Le concert s'est déroulé et je l'ai observé d'une certaine distance, debout, contre un mur, pour supporter la douleur. Il faisait chaud et j'ai fini par sentir couler des perles de sueur dans mon dos, c'était désagréable. Heureusement, le concert n'était pas trop long :il s'agissait d'un jeune groupe anglais, the Silver Lines, ils n'ont pas encore sorti d'album mais ils ont, je trouve, énormément de potentiel. Le chanteur m'a rappelé Johnny Rotten ou Liam Gallagher, il y avait une vraie énergie punk, ces petits gars (il n'ont pas l'air d'avoir plus de 22 piges) n'ont rien à envier aux Arctic Monkeys (surtout ceux de maintenant, avec leurs concepts album foireux et prétentieux). Après le concert nous avons filés dans un bar boire un dernier verre et puis nous nous sommes séparés et Canel a eu la gentillesse de me ramener chez moi. Bilan : bonne soirée, à refaire.
Le lendemain, samedi, je me suis levé tôt, ce qui n'est pas une mince affaire, en ce qui me concerne. Je m'étais inscrit, à l'initiative d'Arthur, à un atelier nommé « Artiste, auteur, autoproduction », atelier ayant lieu à Clermont-Ferrand, au pôle musique.
Selon le tract, ça devait durer 7 heures, de 10 heures du matin à 17 heures. Je n'étais pas, je l'avoue, le plus motivé pour y aller, effrayé par la longueur de l'événement.
Mais j'ai tenu à y assister ne serait ce que pour ne pas lâcher Arthur.
L'atelier était animé par une professionnelle, ingénieure du son, entre autres, ayant une expérience de plus de trente ans de métier, elle a travaillé notamment avec Marianne Faithfull, Barbara ou encore Jean-Louis Aubert (ce n'est pas elle qui l'a dit, elle eu la modestie d'éviter le name dropping, j'ai appris tout ça en me renseignant sur internet).
Nous étions une dizaine à assister à cet atelier, dont plusieurs jeunes rappeurs et autres beatmakers. Arthur et moi étions les seuls rockers, sans surprise, puisque nous sommes en 2024.
Finalement, l'atelier était loin d'être inintéressant et, même si je n'ai pas pris de notes, j'ai appris des choses, pas de regret d'y avoir consacré ma journée.
Le lendemain, j'enchaînais avec la foire au disque annuelle de Gerzat.
J'ai retrouvé Justine et Arthur et après avoir englouti un repas de fast food, nous somme allé dans la salle des fêtes où se tenait l'événement. J'ignore combien de temps nous sommes restés, mais au bout d'un moment, inévitablement, j'ai commencé à souffrir du dos et des jambes, ce qui n'a pas contribué à gâcher mon plaisir, toutefois. J'en suis sorti avec 7 cds (du Kinks, du Led Zeppelin, du Dylan, du Nick Cave, du Doors et du Frank Black) et un vinyle de David Bowie (Station To Station) que j'ai acheté pour offrir à mon amie Amina.
Arthur et Justine ne sont pas repartis bredouilles non plus, c'était donc un après-midi réussi.
Mon spleen m'a repris entre temps et je l'ai combattu en passant des heures sur Tinder, la perspective de rencontrer toutes ces jolies femmes étant la seule chose qui
m'aident à voir une lumière au bout de ce foutu tunnel. Elles sont LE remède. La beauté est ce vers quoi je trouverai le salut ! C'est aussi une source de motivation. J'ai d'ailleurs mis en fond d'écran de mon téléphone une très belle photo de la jeune Monica Bellucci, ainsi, j'ai la beauté à portée de main et ça m'est très utile lorsque je me prend à broyer du noir. Un coup d'oeil et l'espoir reviens. Enfin, c'est ce que j'espère.
Hier soir je suis allé en ville retrouver un pote de Twitter, Maxence.
Je l'avais déjà croisé une fois auparavant, lors du concert de Woody Allen l'an dernier, il m'avait reconnu (puisque j'ai cette tendance à afficher ma sale tronche partout sur internet) et nous avions échangés quelques mots.
Aujourd'hui il se trouvait à Clermont-Ferrand et il m'a écrit, et nous nous sommes vus. Nous avons bus un verre et discutés et continué la conversation autour d'un repas mexicain. Nous avons parlé de littérature, de concerts et aussi un peu des filles (nous avions un crush en commun).
Le lendemain, c'est à dire aujourd'hui lorsque j'écris ces lignes, j'ai dû me lever à 6 heures du matin parce qu'un infirmier est venu me faire une prise de sang. En effet, j'ai été consulter le docteur le jour d'avant, pour lui parler de mes problèmes de souffle court. Il m'a examiné et m'a donc fait faire une prise de sang et prendre rendez-vous chez un cardiologue. Je craignais beaucoup cette foutue prise de sang parce que je n'aime ni la vue du sang et ni les aiguilles. Finalement, tout s'est passé très vite, j'ai à peine eu le temps de voir l'infirmier, j'ai tourné la tête lorsqu'il a pris mon sang et en un éclair tout était déjà terminé.
Et puis dans la journée, Paul, mon neveu, est venu passer l'après-midi à la maison.
Il a monté un set de Lego avec une efficacité étonnante pour un gosse de son âge.
Et puis moi, je suis parti dans ma chambre rejoindre Morphée parce que je n'ai pas l'habitude de me lever à 6 heures, normalement, je me couche à cette heure là !
Voilà tout pour aujourd'hui, merci de me lire chers lecteurs !
Bande son : On The Beach, Neil Young
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Who are your top five favorite current NASCAR drivers an why? What are your top five favorite retired NASCAR drivers and why? Thanks! :)
Thanks for this ask, anon! It’s always fun for me to come back to my list and see how it’s shifted and how’s dropped off/been added on. :D
1. Jimmie Johnson - My mental health is directly linked to JJ’s success in ways that are honestly detrimental, ahahaha. JIMMIE STRESSES ME OUT SO MUCH. But I don’t know that there’s anything I DON’T love about Jimmie. He could probably kill a man and I’d still be like “this is fine. It’s Jimmie!” I love his work ethic; I love his zany bicycling self; I love his crazy “win or bust” on-track antics; I love his odd little facial expressions and the sheer number of weird hats he’s worn over the course of his career. Here’s my all-time favorite picture of him:
2. Kyle Larson - I initially started liking him because he’s from NorCal and he’s Japanese American, haha. But after I started rooting for him he immediately DNF’d like three times in a row and I felt super bad for him. :( But I watched him OWN at Homestead and it was honestly so magical??? Like, you could feel his skill even through the broadcast. So I watched him in the 2018 Chili Bowl and had my heart broken when he DNF’d AGAIN. I LOVE watching him race and run well and do his thing. I LOVE watching him in a sprint car. Off the track he’s pretty quiet and isn’t necessarily the most scintillating interview (though that can be endearing in its own right) so sometimes I sort of forget how much I love him, but when you see him hit his stride out on the racetrack, oh maaaaaan. Also I stan his whole family (Owen!!!! Goddess Katelyn!! Brad Sweet!! MAMA LARSON) and his friendship with Ricky.
3. Kyle Busch - “I don’t need no introduction.” *mic drop* He’s a polarizing character (and I love it; I love this terrible idiot) but watching him race? He’s master class and it’s beautiful.
4. Denny Hamlin - Equally entertaining when he’s doing well as when he’s not and being a complete disaster on and off the track. FEARS LOBSTERS. NO FRIENDS. WOULD GET KICKED OUT OF HIS OWN BASKETBALL LEAGUE IF IT WERE POSSIBLE.
5. Ricky Stenhouse Jr. - I love my aggressive disaster child!!!!!!!!!! RESPECT THE RAMPAGE.
Retired Drivers
1. Kasey Kahne - Kasey is the only person in NASCAR who has never disappointed me. He is pure and wonderful and if you go through his Liked Tweets they’re all of other people’s kids and dogs.
2. Jeff Gordon - C A L I F O R N I A * L E G E N D. Idk man, he’s just great?? I’ve ever seen him race except in archival footage and clips on YouTube, but it’s hard not to love Jeff Gordon. (And I love his love for KL. So. Much.)
3. Gober Sosebee - Awesome… Gober…from Dawsonville IS THE ONLY ONE WHO’S WHEELED THE 51 TO A CUP VICTORY. He did this back in the early 50s, when the cars were stock and they raced on the beach. Have you ever heard a name more NASCAR than GOBER SOSEBEE????? (He also ran moonshine!)
4. Matt Kenseth - I only got to see him in a non-garbage ride for the tail end of 2017, but I got to see his Phoenix win and that’s all that matters. I love his sardonic sense of humor and the fact that he’s such a clean racer but also isn’t afraid to just lay down the gauntlet and absolutely drag down, knock you out (see: Joey Logano, Brad Keselowski). And he got in the 6 and honestly made magic happen to that thing. I think he got totally shafted with the way he got let go at the end of the 2017 season and I will be forever embittered that NASCAR didn’t let him take a
5. Danica Patrick - In this house we stan Danica Patrick and snub all her haters. MY DANICA. (I miss her on Radioactive so much.)
#nascar#jimmie johnson#my man jimmie jam#kyle larson#kyle busch#denny hamlin#ricky stenhouse jr.#ricky rampage#kasey kahne#jeff gordon#gober sosebee#matt kenseth#danica patrick#asks
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When I was a weird little kid in suburbia obsessed with horror of all kinds, my grandfather (who isn't alive anymore) built me a haunted house. I could pretend I was a ghost or a bat or a werewolf crying blood over a cardboard tombstone. It was a make-believe world where my imagination could get deranged and it was magic. My Head is a Haunted House grew out of that hallucinogenic memory and its psychic hold on me.
Natürlich, a ton of other spooky stuff now surrounds it in the graveyard of my brain, which fed into the show, too. Some major, uh, 'presences' as an exorcist might call them: the psychopath Buffalo Bill's lair from The Silence of the Lambs, Tim Burton's Beetlejuice (remember how Winona finds the door to the Land of the Dead in the attic?), watching VHS rips of MTV Cribs on YouTube, the Red Room from Twin Peaks. The ectoplasm holding all this stuff together is how it deforms home into… something else: the weird interior. Mental space becomes physical space. Look what happened to those dreamy teens in A Nightmare on Elm Street. The haunted house was the first virtual world I inhabited. I was thinking a lot about how movies like Under the Skin, Beauty & the Beast, or Hereditary mutate conventional storytelling into this creepy video game experience where you wander around in a hi-def space looking for clues. I got obsessed with the thought of an art show that did the same kind of sinister environmental simulation. The whole thing is happening in a freaky zone inside somebody's head, faraway from reality, which often sucks. The contents manifest all kinds of wicked stuff about memory, fear, the strangeness of being inside a body, and what it means to be (or not to be) at home.
Meanwhile, My Head is a Haunted House's dark counterpart, Dracula's Wedding at RODEO, is a different night of the living dead. The two shows are twins: they relate in kind of a trippy and secretive way. Some artists reappear at each one, like the bogeymen who come back in slasher movie sequels, too monstrous to be killed. But the real, demonic reason for this double act will only be revealed upon my death.
If you're lost inside a haunted house, does that make you a ghost?
There's no place like home.
Artists in the exhibition include Ed Atkins, Sue de Beer, Larry Clark, Matt Copson, Alex Da Corte, Tom Friedman, Robert Gober, Richard Hawkins, Lonnie Holley, Cameron Jamie, Mike Kelley, Tetsumi Kudo, Daniel Lopatin and Nate Boyce, Mary Ellen Mark, Megan Marrin, Sam McKinniss, Marianna Simnett, Haim Steinbach, and Claude Wampler. Title artwork by Savage Pencil. Masks by Emily Schubert.
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JB Marine Gober Resume National League Play
JB Marine Gober Resume National League Play @Gober_Matt @mikemurray8387 @jbmarinesc
Boys final practice prior to National League on December 3, 2018 The US Youth Soccer National League boys teams resume their season Dec. 28, 29 and 31, alongside the Disney Soccer Showcase, and two league matches will be broadcast live on ESPN3 from the ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex in Orlando, FL.The matches, featuring a U19 and a U17 game, air on ESPN3 Saturday December 29th. Details below.…
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#2019 National League#Benjamin Meyer#Cameron Booth#Cannon Murray#Carter Sanderson#Chase Freesmeier#Conor Goggins#Henry Staebell#Henry Vest#Jack Jellinek#JB Marine 2004 Gober#Kaden Karr#Kaden Smith#Luke Dillon#Matt Gober#Michael Basler#Michael Holliday#Mike Murray#Nicholas Burke#Owen Gober#Sean Stenger#Tanner Anderson#Tanner Jones#Tyler Van Bree
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communes of the calvados department + french names from wikibooks
Ablort Adrier Alance Alesche Aley Allette Allio Aminte Anabice Anie-Pieux Anine Arcot Arcote-le Arre Ashenrier Aubosser Augerriene Ayme Baile Baphrier Baray-le Bard Barde Barecolier Baree Barlett Barrimble Bass Bazard Beaudhomsong Beaudre Beaulainet Bede Bedes Belie Belour Bennettente Beorge Bervilloë Besque Blarge Boche Bodord Bones Bonie Bont Bouchoe Bouf Boupenon Bour Bourede Bracy Branch Brand Brane Brapin Bres Broquer Brosquevin Brumermain Brunaymourvé Bulin Bult Butrierravet Cabance Caelinier Cainthe Cairgo Caize Calans Calmordier Camine Campagny Can-sur Carainte Carbe-Buce Carche Carpin Cart Casseter Cassine Castee Catiotty Cayetter Cesquette Chac Chain Challet Chay Cheblier Chennes Chlaine Clamy Clanette Clessy Clet Clotre Clénoy Codier Collessal Cont-Mer Coren Coronier Cournon Creville Crin-Aur-Mer Croureau Cyranis Céste Daine Daize Dalle Dartalle Daus Davart Deblett Debœuf Defoontrey Delanche Delle DeLon DeMoux Denetret Dernan-Bobin DeRogeil Des-lanette Desne Despelme Dest Deva Devallance Devatierite Dever Devick Devierin Devill Disse Doir Doirmin Domin Dorislay Dour-Mes Dourne Doutille Dubeaull Dubry Ducre DuHacrès Duharman Dujo Dumaronnes Dumelleille Dumon Duphiand Duplaudes Duquetiot Duracquain Duthibaille Dérier Déromble Echalle Elémer Emme Eraut Estin Euge Exnaubre Fabell Facquer Fauléminette Faute Fermand Fernaye Fidonce Firet Flemeault Fleynabettel Flome Floro Floémont-en Fonollett Foreppos Forier Fory Fouset Frette Friondeaux Frédélien Fréphetise Fuquenaule Fuques Fuquets Gabaud Gage Gal-engant Gallain Galomin Gancartean Gansonty Gardineau Garges-Ter Garozon Gasse Geboris Geraille Geron Gert Gettegrie Gignader Gignorenacte Gilbere Gillest Glancelt Gobers Goguardorge Gouarcoir Goujoirette Gour Graverville Greyr Guelle Guettou Guill Guille Guissettein Guset Harrigny Hoge Hoguessy Honz Huge Hupe Islain Jart Jeau Jeault Jeaumbles Jeaume Jeaus Jeaux Jeaux-Jol Jettel Jofite Joillerosson Julanc Juvassarbice LaColier LaCon LaCouville LaCrock Lacrovalle LaDubier Lafeurger Lafore LaHavoiset Lalle Lamachonot Lamagne Landré Laney Lanis Lantin Lapies Late Lathé Laury LeBarrie-Per LeBoir LeGagny Lege LeGrin Leguettee Lejeanc Lemet Leofi Lepie Lepucher Lergo Lesrocheille Lesroult Lette Levandis Libevillia Lieux-Boy Lillierrige Limon Lion Lissette Lite Loix Lonnet Loude Louvildesson Lozo Lucillet Ludhou Léan Lége Mable-Mere Maet Magote Main Mair Malins Malle-enaud Marde Mardel Maricka Maridon Mariellie Maroullon Mars-sur Martry Mary-sur Matiette Matte Maudd Maxel Maximoulet Maxisène Melang Merre Mesniertine Miche Mige Modin Molin Molpier Monne More Morise Moufoux Mourginguer Moussonte Muilloiron Myrotte Nadouf Naille Nege Nonier Nord Nore Nortouvince Odine Odovain Oncett Ouin Ozetter Papon Paremy Paune Pellantin Pellesrois Perc Pergouf Perremp Pienneau Pier Piers Pillés Pinvilyette Plaill Plaisettelon Plouté Poier Poissy Pormaireaux Poussy Prie Prolon Quime Rabaulie Rabay Ramancon Remanistil Renco Rencomand Rene Rhont Rhoque Rhot Rier Rifitres Riote Rocal Romeaudete Rond Rosse Rotailbery Rour-Meroin Ruloute Rumpy Ryvliercs Sabber Sabosie Sailles Sain Saindo Saingèvre Saint Sairéhau Sais Saise Saisle Sange Sarchille Saudrin Saulle-Pipel Schen Sege Sene Sidresheaud Sire Souline Stéo Sylvine Tabes Thia Thice Thie This Thison Tiphambee Tophoupage Tophreaustie Toullo Tout Toute Trance Trastoier Trot Truinaine Tuline Urber Urvan Valmenodie Vaulet Vernau Vignès Virard Virmaintin Wille Xavette Élier
same thing but shorter names
Aberbay Achans Adry Agasson Aillier Alberge Alier Alle Amancie Amaric Amas Andron Anguet Anner Arneau Asnier Aubetty Auget Aurge Avesq Avrant Ayralle Barber Barchy Bard Bart Basclud Bason Beaux Bedeaud Belly Bergin Berred Bervie Bestis Beux Bier Bilin Bint-et Bisepan Blose Bocher Bodd Boir Boirme Boise Bonnes Bont Boupucy Bour Bourme Bousta Boustin Bout Boutea Boux Bret Brier Brimay Brine Brons Brumon Brus Bujo Buradon Butroi Cabert Cais Callet Cames Camon Campar Carber Card Casier Chagny Chare Chaure Chaux Chene Cherne Chres Clarif Clarine Clin Cloys Coille Coll Comey Comine Cone Cord Corie Coue Couf Couss Coux Coven Credese Dalber Dard Darlard Dary Daute De-Met DeBoil Defere DeJeaux Delhin Dell Delle Dellee Delles Dellier Dembin Depuche Desni Despe Devie Dionde Diste Ditine Domes Dorard Dorne Dostry Duboir Duch Ducher Ducy Dugint Duhois Dulle Dult Dummé Dupinet Dupinse Dupres Duse Dusseu Ede-let Emme Este Ethe Eyrie Fabeck Fagny Falis Fantard Fave Fermel Feux Fifique Flarrey Flet Fond Fonte Fores Foriau Fose Foutre Fracque Frasta Freston Félie Félée Gabo Gabry Gammet Gard Gare Garger Gasto Gattee Gaud Gent Geot Ghitein Giaux Giberry Gigno Gilley Gilly Gire Glain Gloir Gobatte Godon Gonna Gonne Gont Gouis Gouler Goulot Gouva Grain Granoye Grassie Gray Grie Groque Grour Groyer Guest Guil-et Guill Guille Guin Guit Halivoy Hamb Haux Hawaire Helant Hene Hot-Per Houte Hudiond Hudrier Hule Hupron Hôte Irès Isamond Jace Jacon Jantoux Jarte Jeas Jeau Jeaud Jeault Jeaumon Jeaux Join Joseve Joupin Julay Jult Jumerry Labeau Labere LaCal LaChard LaColle Lacre Lafoups Lagny Lalon Lame Lamp Lamps Lan-Mon Lance Lane LaPlain LaRier Lart Larte LaRum Latie Laule Lave Lavelle LeBert LeClain Lecque Lefon Lefouve Legon Lelmone Lepoise Lestie Lette Levoy Liase Limier Litelse Loin Loncant Lond Louley Loys Luchal Ludier Légoite Macy Maget Mahe Main Maine Malbe Mande Marcen Mard Marger Marle Marre Mart Martoir Maux Mazoque Merge Merice Mes-Pin Mett Mice Michon Mieult Modin Moilles Monne Mont More Mélénin Mézy Narnin Natitte Neauck Neux Nichage Noeux Nois Norne Océes Odonce Ongeo Oranet Osing Oues Ouette Ouire Pairy Pais Pallye Pard Patee Patteau Pelle Pellint Pelly Pelourt Pere Peron Perre Pet-Aun Phin Piceau Pienie Pille Plandée Pomer Poudrie Prande Pres Prise Pute Périer Quette Quille Rafor Rain Regues Renay Reur Riault Rick Rienatt Riere Rivatte Rivency Rivigno Rivin Robinge Rochaux Rocher Rochy Rocquil Rogert Romme Rouite Roura Rouvart Rubutre Réjeaux Sageond Sain Saine Sais Saittel Saizat Sallin Sambre Sane Sangee Saour Sassin Saux Savanne Sawte Scierel Seur Shure Simarre Simerd Simot Sine Sols Soudeau Sour Stelis Stéoper Surge Sylvy Sévie Terne Tessau Thuett Tounet Tousse Tronne Truvre Trée Unierre Unis Urbe Usevier Valles Vereux Vermine Verter Vertien Vianche Vidèle Vilair Vivee Vois Voiss Wage Wybeau Yane Yelis Zenc Évres
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Artists: Katharina Fritsch, Louise Lawler, Cindy Sherman, Sherrie Levine, Cady Noland, Richard Prince, Robert Gober, Haim Steinbach, Jack Goldstein, Guillaume Bijl, Wim Delvoye, Alexander Kosolapov, Bernard Bazile, Bazile Bustamante, François Curlet, Philippe Parreno, John Knight, Félix González-Torres, Allan McCollum, Matt Mullican, Jim Shaw, David Hammons, Jimmie Durham, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Paul Thek, Timur Novikov, Philippe Thomas, Jef Geys, Jan Vercruysse, Lili Dujourie, Thierry De Cordier, Patrick van Caeckenbergh, Ann Veronica Janssens, Angel Vergara Santiago, Francis Alÿs, Gabriel Orozco, Miroslaw Balka, Franz West, Julião Sarmento, Yan Pei-Ming, Bodys Isek Kingelez, Chéri Samba
Venue: Wiels, Brussels
Exhibition Title: Unexchangable
Date: April 19 – August 12, 2018
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Full gallery of images, press release and link available after the jump.
Images courtesy of Wiels, Brussels
Press Release:
Nowhere, it seems, are there proportionately as many art collectors as there are in Belgium. If this is true, then it is all the more surprising that so few collaborations between public museums and the many private collections have emerged out of this potential. Just as in the past WIELS has approached other societal issues with an open mind, so – faithful to its reputation – WIELS now turns this topic into the subject and substance of a group exhibition titled Unexchangeable.
Drawing on a selection of art-historical, museum quality works from the 1980s and 1990s in Belgian private collections, the show will focus on the artwork’s value. In the run-up to the global watershed of 1989, artists from the US and Europe worked to uncouple and distinguish forms and interpretations of value, at the precise point where the logic of production and consumption posited that a work of art could be reduced to its market value. In those years of burgeoning virtual simulations, this exceptional appeal dominated the reflection on the paradoxical singularity of the art object. Among art collectors and art lovers, aspects of value such as visual pleasure, intellectual stimulation, sensory appreciation and social distinction are of the essence. Through works from private collections, this exhibition narrates this pivotal moment in the history of art when artists, making use of concepts such as simulacrum, simulation and value, tinkered with the paradigm of the artwork’s unique character.
Link: “Unexchangable” at Wiels
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from Contemporary Art Daily http://bit.ly/2vFLa8q
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Bart Cassiman (°1961), freelance-curator, art critic and editor, is an art historian and studied press- and communication sciences at the Ghent University (1979-1984).
Early Years
He was the project-leader of the exhibition Initatief 86 which took place in the St. Pieters Abbey and the Museum of Contemporary Art of Ghent in 1986. This was an exhibition on Belgian art for which Kasper König, Jan Hoet, Jean-Hubert Martin and Gosse Oosterhof made the selection. The exhibition included a.o. works by Chantal Akerman, Guillaume Bijl, Jacques Charlier, Luc Deleu, Lili Dujourie, Jef Geys, René Heyvaert, Raoul De Keyser, Marie-Jo Lafontaine, Panamarenko, Guy Rombouts, Walter Swennen, Narcisse Tordoir, Jan Vercruysse and Didier Vermeiren,… 1
From September 1986 until the end of 1988, Bart Cassiman was curator for Contemporary Art at the Palais des Beaux-Arts (BOZAR) in Brussels where he organized (in collaboration with the director Jan Debbaut) several exhibitions of contemporary art (Gilbert & George, John Baldessari, Didier Vermeiren, Narcisse Tordoir, Claes Oldenburg, Art & Language, Luciano Fabro, Per Kirkeby, Jan Vercruysse,…)
Curatorial Practice
As a free-lance curator he organized several exhibitions between 1989 and 1991. Amongst others:
Rombouts and Tordoir, Douglas Hyde Gallery, Dublin, 1989.
Noli me tangere - with Lili Dujourie and Cristina Iglesias, Locus Solus - Genova, Italy, 1990.
De Pictura - an exhibition on motive and alibi in the painting of Herbert Brandl, Helmut Dorner, John Murphy, Mitja Tušek, Narcisse Tordoir and Walter Swennen - Bruges La Morte, Bruges, 1990.
The solo-exhibitions of Lili Dujourie, Kunstverein, Bonn, 1989; Le Magasin, Grenoble, 1990.2
Espacio Mental with René Daniëls, Thierry De Cordier, Isa Genzken, Cristina Iglesias, Thomas Schütte and Jan Vercruysse at Valencia, IVAM-El Carme in 1991 was his first major group show and has made Cassimans name as a particular exhibition maker. The exhibition contained about 80 works, was complex and layered so that the different interrelations between the artworks became almost endless.3
He has been a member of the Jury of the Mies van der Rohe Stipendium, Krefeld (1990-1995) and also of the program-commission of the Appel Foundation, Amsterdam (1989-1993).
Bart Cassiman’s reputation became really established when he has been the project-leader of the section Contemporary Visual Art of Antwerp 93, European Capital of Culture. For this temporary organization he realized three major projects which differed in terms of intent and content.
For the Middelheim Museum he invited ten artists (Per Kirkeby, Richard Deacon, Panamarenko, Thomas Schütte, Juan Muñoz, Matt Mullican, Bernd Lohaus, Harald Klingelhöller, Didier Vermeiren, Isa Genzken) to make a work, which was bought by Antwerp 93 for the permanent collection. Those sculptures are nowadays considered as masterpieces and several of them the eyecatchers of the Middelheim Museum. They were placed on Middelheim Low, which became by doing so the section of contemporary art of the museum. A section invented by Cassiman and realized with the support of Bob Cools (The Mayor), Eric Antonis (the intendant of Antwerp 93) and Hans Nieuwdorp (the director of the Art Historical Museums of the City of Antwerp). This project became known as New Sculptures.4
For the first time, the Royal Museum of Fine Arts hosted contemporary artists who gave form to entwining of remembrance and imagination in the creative process. This project (exhibition and book), The Sublime Void (on the memory of the imagination), can be considered as his ‘pièce de résistance’, included the artists Jean-Marc Bustamante, Jan Vercruysse, Rachel Whiteread, Juan Muñoz, Niek Kemps, John Murphy, Mitja Tušek, Gerhard Richter, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Luc Tuymans, Robert Gober, Cristina Iglesias, Harald Klingelhöller, Didier Vermeiren, Thomas Schütte, Ettore Spalletti, Luciano Fabro, Jeff Wall, Jannis Kounellis, René Daniëls, Franz West, Fortuyn/O'Brien, James Welling, Lili Dujourie and Thierry De Cordier. The accompanying publication contains texts, essays, poems etc. by a.o. Adorno, Augustinus, Baudelaire, Benjamin, Blanchot, Borges, Broch, Canetti, Handke, Hölderlin, Kafka, Kristeva, Musil, Michelangelo, Nietzsche, Pascal, Proust, Rilke, Valery, Wenders, Wordsworth… It has been rewarded with the Gouden penning van Plantijn-Moretus, an award for the best book published in 1993.5
For the third project, he invited after conscientiously research and several workshops three colleagues-curators (Iwona Blazwick, Yves Aupetitallot and Carolyn-Christov Bakargiev) to make an exhibition with artists from different cultural backgrounds to produce a new work in the extended M HKA. The for a long time underestimated exhibition On taking a normal situation and translating it into overlapping and multiple readings of conditions past and present which included at that time a few quite well-known artists (such as Jimmy Durham, Mark Dion, Eugenio Dittborn, Judith Barry and Renée Green) in combination with a lot of artists who were at the beginning of their public life and have since then co- determined the international discourse for years (Maria Eichhorn, Zarina Bhimji, Ann Veronica Janssens, Andrea Fraser,…)6
From 1994 until 1998 he was member of the advisory-committee of the Middelheim Museum, Antwerp.
In 1995 he realized an exhibition with Dora García, Dianne Hagen, Gert Verhoeven, Lisa May Post, Anne-Marie Schneider and Stephen Wilks, at Galerie Nelson, Paris. In the same year he co-ordinated the project Arte Habitable with Alicia Framis. He wrote the essay for the catalogue which he edited too.7
In 1997 Bart Cassiman curated the exhibition and edited the publication Green Easter (with Dianne Hagen, Carla Klein, Aglaia Konrad, Peter Rogiers, Stephen Wilks and Robert Suermondt) at the Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens, Deurle.8 He wrote a substantial essay on the work of Lili Dujourie and edited the catalogue and curated the show at Lisson Gallery, London. 9
At the Rijksakademie in Amsterdam he curated the Open Studio’s 1997. This project included more than 50 young artists, such as Carlos Amorales, Emmanuelle Antille, Lise Baggesen, Maura Biava, Franck Bragigand, Jeroen Eisinga, Meshac Gaba, Winneke Gartz, Mark Hosking, Runa Islam, Saskia Janssen, Moshekwa Aaron Langa, Fang Lijun, Els Opsomer, Ebru Özseçen, Anne Van der Plas, De Rijke/De Rooij, Emmanuel Ropers, Dierk Schmidt, Tim Stoner, Tomoko Take, Fiona Tan, Hermann Terrier, Claire Todd, Vera Weisgerber, Edwin Zwakman,…
At the end of 1997 he organized also two exhibitions with the Belgian painter Jan Van Imschoot. In Hasselt (Provinciaal Museum) he curated his first painting overview. In Amsterdam (Artbook) he curated an exhibition on drawings.
In 1998 he organized his - till today - last exhibition: Privacy: Tuymans – Balka for Serralves, Porto.10
In 2000 he was responsible for the Flemish selection for the Milano Europa 2000 project. The selected artists were: Marie José Burki, Jan Van Imschoot and Gert Verhoeven.
Art Critic
Bart Cassiman is also active as a free-lance art-critic, having written essays for catalogues on a.o. René Daniëls, Raoul De Keyser, Harald Klingelhöller, Lili Dujourie, Cristina Iglesias, Jan Vercruysse, Thierry De Cordier, Paul Robbrecht, Walter Swennen, Narcisse Tordoir, Henk Visch, Guy Rombouts, Dianne Hagen, Peter Rogiers, Stephen Wilks, Juan Muñoz, Thomas Schütte, Isa Genzken, Alica Framis, Robert Suermondt, Aglaia Konrad, Carla Klein,… and several articles for international art-magazines (Flash Art, Kunst & Museumjournaal, Meta, Artefactum, Kunst Nu and Metropolis M), about art policy and specific subjects related to art.
In 1989 he edited the first small monography De architectuur en het beeld (The Architecture and the Image) on the work of the architects Paul Robbrecht/Hilde Daem.11 In 1995 he did the same on the work of Thierry De Cordier with a text of Stefan Hertmans.12
In 1996/1997 he is a member of the staff of editors of DWB (Dietsche Warande en Belfort), an important magazine on literature. For this he edited a special number (DWB 6/97) on Juan Muñoz.13
Educational Parcours
On the level of education, Bart Cassiman has been, besides for almost a decade (1989 – 1998) tutor at the Rijksakademie, Amsterdam, a guest-lecturer at the Appel Foundation in Amsterdam and Le Magasin in Grenoble (for the curator training which is organized by those institutes), at Sotheby’s London (educational studies for future artworld-professionals) and at P.A.R.T.S., the institute for dance founded by Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker of Rosas.
Since 1985 he participated at many lectures, symposiums and workshops on the subject of contemporary art organised by different museums, art institutions and galleries. amongst others in Geneva he participated at the symposium La possibilité de l'art. Où commence, où finit l'art dans le monde de l'art contemporain (25-26 February 1989, Centre d'Art Contemporain Genève|Centre d'art contemporain) and in Stuttgart at A new spirit in curating (25-26 January 1992, Künstlerhaus). He was a member of the studygroup which prepared the symposium Writing about art (1991, Van Abbe Museum, Eindhoven). At the occasion of the publication Art, gallery, exhibition. The gallery as a vehicle for art, edited by gallery Andriesse and De Balie, Amsterdam, he took part in the symposiums organized in Amsterdam (7 September 1996), Rotterdam (8 September 1996) and Antwerp (8 October 1996). In Brussels (25-26 October 1996) he participated at the colloquium Art et commande publics, organized by Encore Bruxelles.
The Absent Museum.
From 1989 until 2000 he was responsible for the BACOB bank collection of contemporary art. The collection contained at the end about 180 works of around 40 different international artists, a.o. Stan Douglas, Franz West, Herbert Brandl, Lili Dujourie, Cristina Iglesias, Thomas Schütte, Harald Klingelhöller, Allan McCollum, Narcisse Tordoir, Helmut Dorner, Luc Tuymans, Jan Fabre, Bazilebustamante, Jean-Marc Bustamante, Thierry De Cordier, James Welling, Juan Muñoz, Jan Vercruysse, Mitja Tušek, Gert Verhoeven, Stephen Wilks, Dianne Hagen, Jan Van Imschoot, Robert Suermondt, Carla Klein, Niek Kemps, Alicia Framis, Isa Genzken, Ebru Özseçen, Gregor Schneider, Valerie Mannaerts, Bjarne Melgaard, Mike Kelley, Carlos Amorales, Miroslav Balka.
Due to a severe illness Bart Cassiman was forced to stop all his professional activities at the end of the nineties. Without any doubt one can say that he was one of the most active and energized persons of the artworld between the mid-eigthies and the end of the nineties. With colleagues such as Saskia Bos, Ulrich Loock, Julian Heynen, Dennis Zacharopoulos and a few others he was responsible for the visualization of a generation by making exhibitions and writing texts and convincing many museums and collectors to buy their works.
The bank for which he collected more than a decade bought as a result of his engagement and advise the well-known Vanderborght building in the heart of Brussels, at the end of the nineties. Everything was prepared to open the first private (corporate) museum on this scale in Western Europe. The opening was planned for the spring of 2002. But because the engine of this whole operation fell silent the project died a quiet dead. Big parts of the collection were sold and so stays the capital of Europe deprived of an urgently needed Museum of Contemporary Art…
Cassiman, Bart; Martin, Jean-Hubert; König, Kasper; Oosterhof, Gosse; Hoet, Jan (1986). Initiatief 1986. Gent, Belgium: Imschoot.
Cassiman, Bart (1989). Lili Dujourie. Grenoble: Centre national d'art contemporain.
Cassiman, Bart (1991). Espacio mental. Valencia: Generalitat Valenciana.
Pauwels, Hilde (1993). Nieuwe beelden : Openluchtmuseum voor Beeldhouwkunst Middelheim. Antwerpen: Antwerpen.
Cassiman, Bart; Ramael, Greet; Vande Veire, Frank (1993). The sublime void : on the memory of the imagination. Ghent: Ludion.
Cassiman, Bart (1993). On taking a normal situation … Antwerpen: Antwerpen 1993 v.z.w. / Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst, Antwerpen.
Cassiman, Bart (1995). Arte Habitable. Amsterdam.
Cassiman, Bart (1997). Green Easter. Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens. Deurle: Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens.
Dujourie, Lili; Cassiman, Bart (1997). Lili Dujourie. London: Lisson Gallery.
Ramos, Maria (1998). Privacy : Luc Tuymans/Miroslaw Balka. Porto, Portugal: Fundação de Serralves.
Cassiman, Bart (1989). Paul Robbrecht Hilde Daem. De architectuur en het beeld. Antwerpen: deSingel.
Hertmans, Stefan (1995). Eenzaamheid op de marktplaats. Over het werk van Thierry De Cordier. Brussel: Hayen.
Cassiman, Bart (December 1997). “Juan Muñoz”. Dietsche Warande & Belfort. N°6.> Further Reading
Primary sources.
Cassiman, Bart. “The pictorial diversity of a generation”. 6 Young Flemish Artists. Dirk De Bruycker, Walter Swennen, Philippe Tonnard, Narcisse Tordoir, Hans Vandekerckhove, Philippe Vandenberg. Washington: Art Society of The International Monetary Fund (1986).
Cassiman, Bart. “«Farbzustände» von Raoul De Keyser”. Guillaume Bijl, Jan Vercruysse, Lili Dujourie, Raoul De Keyser. Bern: Kunsthalle Bern (1986).
Cassiman, Bart. “Einigie (möglische) Überlegungen zum Niederschlag von René Daniëls’ amüsiertem Umgang mit der Wirklichkeit in Wort und Bild”. Daniëls. Bern: Kunsthalle Bern (1987).
Cassiman, Bart. “L'Oeuvre au Noir”. Flash Art. N°146 May / June 1989.
Cassiman, Bart. Harald Klingelhöller. Eindhoven: Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum; London: The Whitechapel Art Gallery (1990).
Cassiman, Bart. “Alzumeazume or La Musee Amusée”. Kunst & Museumjournaal. N° 5 1990.
Cassiman, Bart. “Images and their effects: Imagination in the plural” Walter Swennen. Heerlen: Stadsgalerij (1990).
Cassiman, Bart. Cristina Iglesias. Amsterdam: De Appel (1990).
Cassiman, Bart. “Propos sur le maître de schoorisse” L'Art en Belgique. Flandre et Wallonie au XXe Siècle. Un point de vue. Paris: Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris (1991).
Cassiman, Bart. “Het relaas van een wanhoop: over de meester van Schoorisse. Thierry De Cordier” Kunst & Museumjournaal. N°5 (1992).
Cassiman, Bart “Necessary but not urgent” Pose. N°9 Spring / Summer 1993.
Cassiman, Bart. “Lili Dujourie” Kunst in België na 1980. Brussel: Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België (1993).
Cassiman, Bart. “Jan Vercruysse” Kunst in België na 1980. Brussel: Koninklijke Musea voor Schone Kunsten van België (1993).
Cassiman, Bart (a.o.) “Middelheim, 1995+…” De WItte Raaf. N°58, November-December 1995.
Cassiman, Bart. “Par amour de l'art” De Morgen. 1 December 1995.
Cassiman, Bart. “The same again, but different” L&B (Lier en Boog). Series of Philiosophy of Art and Art Theory. Volume 13 (1998).
Cassiman, Bart. “Adieu Chantal” Knack Focus. 10 October 2015.
Secondary sources.
Early Years.
Waterschoot, Hector. “Een hete, artistieke zomer. Gentse musea en galerijen brengen een monsterprojekt : Initiatief 86” Knack. 18 June 1986.
Van Den Abeele, Lieven. “Initiatief 86. Alleen visitekaartje van Belgische kunst” De Standaard. 27 June 1986.
Gillemon, Danièle. “L'art contemporain à Gand: une abondance d'expositions pour vous édifier ou vous achever !” Le Soir. 25 July 1986.
Meuris, Jacques. “«Initiatief 86» : Gand au carrefour de l'art contemporain” La Libre Belgique. 11 July 1986.
De Baere, Bart. “Het is geen diktaat over Belgische Kunst” Special Knack Magazine. (1986).
De Zutter, “Initiatief '86 of hoe een mug een olifant baarde” De Morgen. 21 June 1986.
Curatorial Practice.
Borka, Max “Lili Dujourie in het Bonner Kunstverein. Fluweel en schone schijn. Verdwaalde rekwisieten op zoek naar een auteur.” De Morgen. 28 December 1989.
Favet, Catherine. “Lili Dujourie” Art Press. October 1990.
Bost, Bernadette. “Velours et marbres de Lili Dujourie” Le Monde. 11 July 1990.
Braet, Jan. “Moord in de galerie” Knack. 18 July 1990.
De Cecco, Emanuela. “Lily Dujourie, Cristina Iglesias. Locus Solus” Flash Art. April / May (1991).
Borka, Max. “'Espacio Mental’ in Valencia. De nazaten van de Heilige Hiëronymus” De Morgen. 31 May 1991.
Penxten, Stéphane. “L'imagination au pouvoir” La Libre Belgique. 12 June 1991.
Cortés, José Miguel G. “Los estratos de la mente. Seis artistas europeos en Valencia” El Pais. 1 June 1991.
Jarque, Vicente. “Moradas del arte. El Centre del Carme acoge una muestra colectiva bajo el título de Espacio mental” Cultura. June 1991.
Middendorp, Jan. “Ver van de dolle menigte” Knack. 26 June 1991.
Lambrecht, Luk. “Mental Space” Forum International. N° 10, November 1991.
Entrop, Pieter. “Bart Cassiman” Metropolis M. N° 4 1991.
Braet, Jan. “Antwerpen '93. Het ideale museum” Knack. 10 March 1993.
Van Den Bergh, Jos. “Bart Cassiman on his show "The Sublime Void”“ Forum International. N°18 May / August 1993.
Gillemon, Danieèle. "Le Deuxième Souffle du Middelheim” Le Soir. 9 June 1993.
Braet, Jan. “Antwerpen '93. Als op een zomernacht. Nieuwe Beelden voor Middelheim” Knack. N°24 1993.
Lubbers, Frank. “Nieuwe Beelden” Metropolis M. N° 4 1993.
Van Mulders, Wim “Nieuwe beelden voor het Middelheim” Muziek & Woord. June 1993.
Turine, Roger Pierre. “Le Middelheim contemporain” La Libre Belgique. 11 June 1993.
McFadden, Sarah. “Sculpture garden sprouting new works. The Middelheim museum enjoys a breath of fresh air” The Bulletin. 24 June 1993.
S.N. “Kirkebys store skulptur/hus” Politiken Sǿndag. 18 July 1993.
Van der Geer, Cees. “Herwaardering van een beeldenpark” Haagse Courant. 19 July 1993.
Montón, Carmen. “Amberes y Lisboa planean ceder parte de la capitalidad cultural europea a Sarajevo” La Vanguardia. 25 July 1993.
Bracke, Eric. “Hedendaagse kunst in Antwerpen: 'Het sublieme gemis’. Met andere woorden” De Morgen. 30 July 1993.
Chauvy, Laurence. “Expositions à Anvers. L'imagination et sa mémoire / La surprise est dans le parc” Journal de Genève et Gazette de Lausanne. 31 July 1993.
Braet, Jan. “Antwerpen '93. De Lege Ruimte” Knack. 4 August 1993.
Borka, Max. “Letter from Antwerp” The Bulletin. 5 August 1993.
Depondt, Paul. “Dingen waarvan de tijd nog niet is aangebroken” De Volkskrant. 6 August 1993.
Romare, Kristian. “Skulptur for skulpturer” Information. 6 August 1993.
Von Radziewsky, Elke. “Der geliehene Sinn” Die Zeit. 6 August 1993.
Van der Geer, Cees. “Kunstwerken als toekomstige dingen” Haagse Courant. 18 August 1993.
Braet, Jan. “In de maag van geest” Knack. 18 August 1993.
Braudeau, Michel. “L'Anvers de l'art” Le Monde. 21 August 1993.
Muller, Robert-Jan. “Tien nieuwe beelden in Middelheim” Archis. September 1993.
Marcelis, Bernard. “Le Manque Sublime” Art e Culture. September 1993.
Puvogel, Renate. “The Sublime Void” Kunstforum. September 1993.
Barten, Walter. “Doorbroken concepten. Twee boeiende exposities in culturele hoofdstad Antwerpen93” Het Financieele Dagblad. 4 September 1993.
Vonck, Bart. “Hun tijd is nog niet aangebroken. Tentoonstelling 'Het Sublieme Gemis’” Markant. N°35 10 September 1993.
Lebovici, Elisabeth “L'Anvers du décor” Libération. 18 September 1993.
Bouman, Ole. “Talent voor de ultieme leegte” De Groene Amsterdammer. 22 September 1993.
Braet, Jan. “Tegen de nieuwe schoolmeesters” Knack. (1993).
Lambrecht, Luk. “Over een drieluik” Antwerpen 93. (1993).
Ruyters, Marc. “Afsluiting van drieluik in het MUHKA. Ook beeldende kunst weet het antwoord niet” Financieel Economische Tijd. 25 September 1993.
Wilson, Andrew. “Antwerp 93” Art Monthly. November 1993.
Lambrecht, Luk. “Antwerp 93” Flash Art. November / December 1993.
Bracke, Eric. “De versnipperde archipel” De Morgen. 14 February 1997.
Borka, Max. “Groene Pasen bloemleest kunst uit schemerzones” De Standaard. 15 February 1997.
Braet, Jan. “Eros en Narcis in hun eerste bloei” Knack. 26 February 1997.
Barten, Walter. “Eigenzinnig en consequent” Het Financieele Dagblad. 3 March 1997.
Lorent, Claude. “Le printemps de l'art actuel” La Libre Belgique. 10 March 1997.
Pontzen, Rutger. “Groene Pasen” Metropolis M. N°2 1997.
Borka, Max. “Onder lakens van lood. Lili Dujourie in de Londense Lisson Gallery” DS MAGAZINE. 13 June 1997.
Van Hove, Jan. “Broedplaats voor jonge kunst. Rijksacademie Amsterdam houdt open ateliers” De Standaard. 1997.
Roos, Robbert. “Rijksakademie open voor jacht op het nieuwste talent” Trouw. 28 November 1997.
Ruyters, Marc. “De onacademische aanpak van de Rijksacademie” De Financieel-Economische Tijd. 29 November 1997.
Art Critic.
Van Synghel, Koen. “Museum voor Krappe Kunsten. Het Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten in Antwerpen op zoek naar ruimte in eigen huis” DS MAGAZINE. 8 December 1995.
Ruyters, Marc. “Tegen '92 zou Brussel zowat de Kunsthalle van Europa moeten zijn. Interview met Bart Cassiman” De Morgen. 28 September 1988.
Braet, Jan. “Kunst om te stelen” Knack. 17 September 1997.
The Absent Museum.
Pitteljon, Honoré (ed.). Artesia Center for the Arts. Bruxelles: Artesia Banking Corporation (1999).
Mast, Michel (ed.) Bacob & Art. Bruxelles: Bacob & Art (1996).
0 notes
Art F City: This Week’s Must-See Art Events: Anxiety on High
Let’s face it—the bulk of this week’s chatter in the art world isn’t going to be about Donald Trump’s Inauguration, but Marilyn Minter and Madonna’s talk Thursday evening at the Brooklyn Museum lamenting it. And that’s as it should be. Resistance to this new presidency is essential.
Friday, we’ll be participating in the #J20 Art Strike, so no content on our website will be available but for a livestream of Rachel Mason lip synching the inauguration as FutureClown. Those seeking to participate in the art protests can head to the Whitney where Occupy Museums will be hosting a “Speak Out”.
Other than that, we’re recommending a show about soul crushing anxiety and despair at LUBOV, and a show called “Infected Foot” at Greene Naftali, because sickness also seems like an appropriate theme for the week. Sorry to be depressing. Unfortunately, there’s no other honest way to paint the events.
Orgy Park
237 Jefferson Street, 1B Brooklyn, NY 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.Website
Boning of the Thrownes
What is this show? We’re not exactly sure… but I clicked on it because I thought it might involve an even more-sex-filled (or spookier) parody of Game of Thrones. No such luck, but the brief, cryptic description also sounds enticing: “Thrown’ Bones for the pot, soup’s on and we’re gone veggie.”
At any rate, the list of participating artists looks extremely promising:
Liz Ainslie, Andrea Arrubla, Katherine Aungier, Rory Baron, Joshua Bienko, Tess Bilhartz, Kate M. Blomquist, Lauren Collings Schwarz, Corydon Cowansage, Nicholas Cueva, Julie Curtiss, Emily Davidson, Sonya Derman, Rachel Fainter, Elise Ferguson, Angelina Gualdoni, Yuhi Hasegawa, Clinton King, Jenny Lee, Stuart Lorimer, Ioana Manolache, Anthony Miler, Patrick Carlin Mohundro, Dominic Musa, Steve Mykietyn, Dan Oglander, Maria Stabio, Adam Sipe, Tracy Thomason, Charles Tisa, Zuriel Waters, Lindsay Wraga
Greene Naftali Gallery
508 W 26th St New York, NY 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.Website
Infected Foot
Another contender for this week’s best “Mystery Exhibition with a Weird Name.” We’re not sure what the works in Infected Foot have in common, if anything at all, but Mathieu Malouf’s paintings are always a treat, just like this strange and lovely one above.
Artists: Monika Baer, Thomas Bayrle, Merlin Carpenter, Tony Conrad, Michaela Eichwald, Jana Euler, Genoveva Filipovic, Andrea Fourchy, Sergej Jensen, Michael Krebber, Mathieu Malouf, Laura Owens, Paul Sharits, Reena Spaulings, Josef Strau, Stefan Tcherepnin, Amelie von Wulffen
The Noguchi Museum
9-01 33rd Road Queens, NY 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.Website
Self-Interned, 1942: Noguchi in Poston War Relocation Center
February 17th, 2017 marks the 75th anniversary of the United States’ inconceivable decision to forcibly relocate Japanese-Americans to internment camps during the second World War. Remarkably, Isamu Noguchi volunteered to leave New York (where Japanese-Americans weren’t subject to the order) and become interned in an Arizona desert camp.
This exhibition features work from the years immediately before, during, and after the sculptor’s internment, and traces the impact of that atrocity on his practice. It’s a timely exhibition not just because of the upcoming anniversary—it seems appropriate this show would just before the inauguration of Donald Trump, who proposed registering Muslim Americans and has plans for mass deportations.
Baxter St at The Camera Club of New York
126 Baxter St New York, NY 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.Website
Sadie Barnette: Do Not Destroy
Here’s another timely exhibition about the US government’s repression and bullying of minorities. Sadie Barnette has been mining a 500 page FBI document about her father—labelled “Historical Value/Do Not Destroy”—as source material for artworks. Her father, Rodney Barnette, founded the Compton chapter of the Black Panther Party in 1968, and was of course the subject of an extensive surveillance program on the part of the state. The younger Barnette has reclaimed this invasive archive—bedazzling pages like a child’s family scrapbook and enlarging photos to fine-art scale. So good.
El Cortez
17 Ingraham St. Brooklyn, NY 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.Website
Happy Anniversary Roe V Wade
Happy 44th Birthday, Roe v. Wade! We wish we had a better gift for you than a Supreme Court vacancy in the hands of sociopaths, but at least you’re getting a kick-ass party!
The evening is a fundraiser for the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health, and features performances from artist Viva Ruiz (with special guest Bjorn Majestik, drag innovator Matty Horrorchata, comediennes Adrienne Truscott & Suni Reyes, and music from DJ Eli Escobar.
TICKET DETAILS: Advance $15 At the door $20 VIP $50 VIP Admission includes: booth seating, free beverage sponsor drinks, $20 of raffle tickets & fun feminist swag
The FLAG Art Foundation
545 West 25th Street New York, NY 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.Website
Cynthia Daignault: There is nothing I could say that I haven't thought before
Painter Cynthia Daignault collaborates with artists by asking them if she can paint one of their works. Specifically, she approaches artists whose own practices deal with issues of appropriation. The resulting images look a bit like images from a catalog of a show she’s curated about complicated notions of authorship. Yes, this is a pretty “fish-meets-barrel” conceit, but the paintings look pretty darn good. The works she’s depicted come from a pretty impressive list of artists:
Cory Arcangel, Sadie Barnette, Carol Bove, Sara Cwynar, Andy Coolquitt, Peter Dreher, Jessica Eaton, Awol Erizku, Roe Ethridge, Robert Gober, Josephine Halvorson, Anthea Hamilton, Peter Harkawik, Matthew Higgs, Jim Hodges, John Houck, Jeff Koons, Barbara Kruger, Louise Lawler, Margaret Lee, Allan McCollum, Josephine Meckseper, Jonathan Monk, Roula Partheniou, Richard Phillips, Charles Ray, Magali Reus, Jenna Rosenberg, Ed Ruscha, Tom Sachs, Erin Shirreff, Lorna Simpson, Julia Wachtel, Stanley Wolukau-Wanambwa, Fred Wilson, and Letha Wilson
Two other series on view, “MoMA, 2017” and “The Certainty of Others” similarly play with authorship. In the latter, she’s asked a series of representational painters to recreate one of her still lives, the original of which was destroyed. Those painters include Conor Backman, Jason Bereswill, Todd Bienvenu, Canyon Castator, TM Davy, Gregory Edwards, Matt Hansel, Daniel Heidkamp, Paul Jacobsen, Chason Matthams, Tristan Unrau, and Dylan Vandenhoeck
Brooklyn Museum
200 Eastern Parkway Brooklyn, NY 8:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.Website
Brooklyn Talks: Madonna X Marilyn Minter
Be still my heart! As part of the Brooklyn Museum’s A Year of Yes: Reimagining Feminism, Marilyn Minter and Madonna (yes, really) will be talking shop on the eve of the inauguration. This is a no-brainer must-see, if you can find a way to get tickets to this thing. They’re sold out.
Whitney Museum
99 Gansevoort St 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.Website
Occupy Museum Hosts A Speak Out on Inauguration Day
As concerned citizens we need to make it our job to speak out against the new Trump government. That job starts Friday so we need to show up in whatever capacity we can.
Occupy Museums is beginning by hosting a “speak out” at the Whitney, which will be followed by a day of assemblies and actions led by the #J20 Art Strike organizers and Sense of Emergency. Many of the details have not yet been released, but know that the speak out begins at 11:00 a.m. and runs through 2:00 p.m. and the days activities will culminate at Foley Park at 5:00 p.m. for a protest.
Confirmed: Martha Rosler, Kalup Linzy, Noah Fischer, Naeem Mohaiemen, Tracy Morris, Amy Sillman, Mira Schor, Paddy Johnson (yours truly) and more.
Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions and Art F City
6522 Hollywood Blvd 11:30 a.m. ESTWebsite
Rachel Mason, FutureClown
FutureClown, the Internet Avatar of Rachel Mason, will lip synch the swearing in ceremony of Donald J. Trump as President of the United States. The performance will take place in real-time and will be streamed online via YouTube.
From our perspective, clowning the entire event is pretty much the only reaction a sane person could have to the inauguration. As a result, the content of our entire site will be inaccessible but for a popup of Mason’s live stream. It’s the only sensible thing to do.
Trestle Projects
400 3rd Ave Brooklyn, NY 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.Website
Through a Honeycomb
The debut exhibition from Trestle Projects’ Curator-in-Residence for 2017, Jesse Bandler Firestone, Through a Honeycomb looks to be a great start to the year. The exhibition brings together artists, designers, and landscape architects to consider aspects of the built environment from agriculture and sustainability to surveillance and labor. It’s nice to see at least one event thinking utopian in these dark days.
Artists: Katie Torn, JaNae Contag, Juan Camilo Rodelo Vargas, Janne Höltermann, EcoAge (Emmaline Payette + Paula Pino), Laurencia Strauss, Sean Donovan, and Blue Planet Consulting
373 Broadway New York, NY 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.Website
Hard Cry
Another timely show, this one about soul-crushing despair and anxiety.
Curator Gabriel H. Sanchez has brought together five artists from famously-neurotic NYC to “revel in the emotional sludge of contemporary living”. That includes social media fatigue, political horror, and so much more. Yay!
Artists: Ian Swanson, Cristina de Miguel, Tariku Shiferaw, Ryan Oskin, Kyle Haddad Welch
from Art F City http://ift.tt/2izr4Ue via IFTTT
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2017 Missouri AAA Soccer Large School All Conference Team
2017 Missouri AAA Soccer Large School All Conference Team
Sr. forward Collin Chrun turns upfield for St. Dominic in their District Final win at Liberty on October 25, 2017 The Archiocese Athletic Assocation aka AAA Soccer Large School All Conference team has been announced for 2017. The Conference consists of Jeff City Helias, St. Dominic, Duchesne, St. Mary’s and St. Francis Borgia in Washington. The St. Dominic Crusaders finished 5-0 in the…
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#AAA Large School Conference#Alex Weddle#Brennan Whitt#Collin Chrun#Collin McDonough#Cooper Tune#Eric Bauche#Gavin Kalish#Greg Koeller#Jacob Dralle#Jacob Grabenhorst#Jacob Mock#Jared Breyer#Jeff Strobl#John Fink#Matt Brozovich#Matt Chastonay#Max Sengl#Mike Berra#Nate Gober#Nick Huber#Ryan Fogerty#Sean Walsh#Zac Worster
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