#Maths Papers
smoothmaths · 2 years
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Smooth Maths offers a comprehensive program aimed at helping you succeed in your Maths IGCSE Edexcel exams. Whether you're a student seeking past papers or an educator seeking materials to support your student’s success in the classroom, we've got you covered. Our vast selection of thousands of sample papers provides you with all the necessary tools to achieve success. If you're struggling with math problems, our team of experts at www.smoothmaths.co.uk is available to assist you with any mathematics-related queries.
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persnickety-doodles · 8 months
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study time 📚
Old college AU sketches 🥹
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insertdisc5 · 1 year
this is a blaze post. but please look at it though
"urgh, a tumblr blaze post, GROSS!!!" yeah. but this one is about timeloops. and this is the timeloop afficionado website ✨✨✨
so please sit back and listen, timeloop afficionado website. would you be interested in In Stars and Time, a timeloop rpg all about a depressed white haired prettyperson being stuck in a timeloop, against their will, while all their friends are unaware. would that perhaps strike your fancy.
if yes mayhaps you could wishlist it on steam. the game will come out on November 20th 2023 on Switch and PS4/5 as well but steam wishlists really help so. please. wishlist. if you want. but only if you want ok!!!!!!! thank you for reading this blaze post
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1misscircle1 · 6 months
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Need some help?
"Alright class, here's your homework." Miss Circle said as she passed out the papers. "I expect you all to pass, and if you don't- well you know what happens." She gave a quick sinister smile before sitting back at her desk. You looked down at the paper she just handed out and gently wrote your name in the corner of the paper.
From what you could tell, the assignment didn't seem to hard. At least that's what you thought. You quietly answered each question, most being simple 'find the answer of x' type of questions. It was all pretty simple, until you got to number 15.
"Find the answer to x." You mumbled quietly, reading the instructions for this problem again for the fifth time. "But...that doesn't make sense." You said to yourself, panicking internally. Letting out a shaky sigh, you raised your hand. "What?" Miss Circle asked, sounding annoyed.
"Uh- may I use the restroom, please?" You asked her, nervousness trembling in your voice. You just needed to step out for a moment, then maybe the problem won't be as hard.
Miss Circle narrowed her eyes at you. "Fine, but make it quick." You quickly got up, left the classroom, and speed down the hallway and into the bathroom. There was about 30 minutes left of class, so you knew you couldn't stay in here for too long.
You sat on the bathroom floor, thinking to yourself. Until a thought hit.
What if you failed?
That definitely didn't help your state. You tried to slow down your breathing as it sped up at the horrid thought. You knew what happened when a student fails, everyone did. And it was something you never wanted to risk. That's why you tried so hard in class, to not get that brutal treatment.
But what if all of it went to waste because of a simple question?
You couldn't breathe properly as your mind raced on the thought. You closed your eyes, trying to calm yourself down but it wasn't working.
Until you felt a hand gently rest on your shoulder.
You looked up to see Miss Circle, she genuinely seemed a little worried. "Just take deep breaths." She said softly as her hand gently ran through your hair. "Just focus on your breathing."
You took a deep breath. Your breathing was less heavy now, but still pretty improper. Miss Circle gently sat next to you and ran her hand through your hair, helping you to calm down. After a few minutes your breathing went back to normal. Miss Circle continued running her fingers through your hair.
"I-I didn't kno-" You were instantly cut off by Miss Circle sushing you, telling you that she understands.
"This isn't the first time I've seen this happen, now c'mon, let's get back to class. I'll help you on the problem, but you better not fail." She said, keeping her usual brutal composure.
You nodded and gently stood up with her and you both walked back to class.
Maybe Miss Circle isn't such a terrible teacher after all. (Ignore the fact that she kills students, they all do, just enjoy the moment😌)
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knotty-et-al · 28 days
Compound of 3 rhombic dodecahedra
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In motion:
[Rhombus module by Nick Robinson]
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marlenacantswim · 10 months
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my cringefail autistic babygirls nine and ten in the style of "doodles i'd do during class back when they passed out actual physical worksheets"
turns out if you set your procreate pencil to 60% opacity on accident, the graphite effect becomes a lot more believable. who knew!
[Image ID: A digital drawing of the busts of the Christopher Eccleston Doctor and the first David Tennant Doctor in profile, facing right and left respectfully. they are offset vertically, and the style mimics that of a traditional graphite pencil on computer paper; the background sports slight texturing to reinforce this. both doctors are wearing their traditional outfits. each has text written next to them, saying 'nine, last of the Time Lords, the one who loved' and 'the one love bore, Time Lord victorious, ten' respectively. / .End ID]
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wheatormeat · 3 months
Maybe it's cause I'm surrounded by art people all the time but I feel like math as a school subject gets a bad wrap. Like now that I'm not forced to take classes for it, I just start doing it on my own for fun. It gets my brain stimulated. I'm doing calculus like it's a word puzzle; it's a stress reliever and it's rewarding. It's encountering a problem I already know all the steps to even if I've semi-forgotten them. And there's minimal consequences if I get the answer wrong. I think it's fun to go to town with a ballpoint pen on some dirty scrap paper, just letting the scribbly numbers flow.
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scorpsposting · 4 months
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POV: slytherin common room at 5 am
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realian · 1 month
example image:
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bonus points: tag your generation/time period
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soracities · 1 year
honestly i think the genuine measure for “animal consciousness” (i use this skeptically bc i believe it feels like something to be ANY animal but im using it the way scientists do as in “how closely they think and perceive like us” which i also dont like as a metric but will stick with for now) is not necessarily complex problem solving but just...joy. like. i saw a video of a crow using a jar lid to snowboard down a roof twice. TWICE. and literally if that was the ONLY thing i knew about crows it honestly wouldn’t matter what people told me about their “intelligence” because having seen that alone is more than enough to know these guys understand an incredibly abstract but fundamental aspect of Being Alive.
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disaster siblings again
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smoothmaths · 2 years
Download the Best Gcse Past Sample Papers!
If you are looking for GCSE Maths Past Papers, look no further than Smooth Maths. We have a wide variety of practice papers, exam questions completed by students, and detailed marking schemes to allow you to check your progress. If you want to be able to study offline or online, Smooth Maths is the site for you!
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legitanawkwardmess · 1 year
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A few, simple little bust doodles of Collector Wally being a smiley little guy; except he’s not little and way taller than I am!
I’ve been wanting to draw him for a while now (his design is so complicated and intricate— it’s beautiful, but daunting, haha!) and I had some free time in my Spanish I, Maths & Science classes to doodle this little guy!!
Collector Wally AU creator: @cutepotatook
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sillystappen · 2 months
@justlookingforf1fanfictions gave me the idea of a maxiel! high school AU (I made everyone seniors) with discovering sexualities and I am SO DOWN for that. I've never attempted smut so this is really just dipping my toes in (though this is like 1% on the smut scale it's mentioned thinking). If hope this suffices for you though it may have gotten a tiny bit away from the original prompt lol. As in: I gave Daniel a mild sexuality crisis. But don't worry for the most part this is pure fluff.
Is It Chill That You’re In My Head?
Daniel is so ready to leave school, move away from this stupid town in the middle of Nevada and finally live the dream life of partying until 3am, having sex with the hottest women ever and getting some well-paid job that he actually likes compared to the shitty one he has at the corner shop.
Alas, he is not quite there yet. He just has to finish his final year of high school and June cannot come fast enough.
It's April, a pretty mild and sunny day where it's warm but not warm enough to make it feel like you have been shoved into a furnace. Daniel has this last month before exam season rolls around and his teachers have been breathing down his neck about revising for said exams instead of playing soccer with his mates in his spare time. Honestly, they need to get off of his back - he'll pass just fine, and his mocks went as smoothly as butter on a warm bit of toast.
He lifts his head off the desk ever so slightly when his teacher calls for everyone's attention. "Everyone listen up, we have a very late new student with us."
A new student? Now? Jeez that must suck for them, having to move schools right before the end of senior year. Daniel shrugs to himself and drops his head back on the desk.
"Hello, I'm Max Verstappen," a new voice says and oh, that's an accent. Daniel snaps his head up to look at the new boy, suddenly intrigued. The new boy, Max, seems nearly as tall as Daniel if he weren't so withdrawn into himself (clearly anxious to be at the front of the class with everyone's eyes on him), with sandy blonde hair and, despite looking from his seat towards the back of the class, the bluest eyes he has ever seen. They remind him of the ocean, beautiful and clear but also hiding something in their depths.
Daniel needs to know more about this guy.
"I expect everyone to welcome Max and be kind to him in the last months you all are here," his teacher says before turning to Max, "just find an empty seat and sit there for now."
Max nods and looks out towards the class before quietly walking down the middle to where Daniel is near the back. He gestures to the chair next to Daniel, the one by the window that nobody really likes because the sun can get in your eyes.
Daniel is slow to reply, not realising that Max was asking if he could move so he can sit there. For a while they just stare at each other. "Oh yeah, sure," he mumbles, the realisation eventually hitting him, tucking his chair in a bit so Max can walk behind him and sit down.
Max plops down next to him and rests his head in his hand, tilting it away from the window and towards their teacher, who started explaining some literature principles from the start of the year (lest they forget).
Daniel doesn't pay attention, he's much more interested in the way Max chews his pencil while he's thinking.
1 hour later, at the end of class, Daniel finally speaks to him. Max hasn't said a word since he sat down so Daniel still can't place the accent. They have both stood up, and slung their backpacks over their shoulders and Daniel deliberately stands in Max's path.
"Hi! I'm Daniel, nice to meet you mate," he smiles and sticks his hand out.
Max looks at it for a moment before shaking Daniel's hand in small , gentle motions for a second. "Max, but you know that." He speaks! Thank the Lord.
Daniel chuckles, "yeah, I do. I like your voice, where are you from?"
Max flushes. "Thank you. I'm Dutch. And Belgian too, but raised in the Netherlands."
"Oh that's awesome! I'm just born and raised here, nothing exciting."
"You seem exciting," Max says, as if it's a normal thing to say, like the sun is out, or you need oxygen to breathe. But he smiles, just a little quirk of his lips, and Daniel's brain unhelpfully supplies 'cute'.
It's then that Daniel realises they're still holding hands and in his sudden surprise of his own brain and that, he yanks his hand away from Max's maybe a little to forcefully because Max's smile drops.
"Sorry, aha. I just remembered I gotta go to my next class, as much as I'd like to stay and chat." Daniel rubs the back of his neck out of awkwardness as he half lies, because he really does have another class to go to but it's just two rooms down the hall.
Max nods, still emotionless, "me too." He steps around Daniel, lightly pushing him, and walks out the classroom door.
Daniel spends the rest of the day in his own head. God, why can't he just be normal for once? He's made things weird with the new guy and acts like he's attracted to the guy, like he's interested, which he's not mind you. Daniel Ricciardo is 100% straight, straight out of straightdom if you will. Sure it was nice to hold his hand, and he wants to make Max smile because it's cute and his eyes really are blue like the ocean, but that's just pure platonic feelings, he swears. He just wants to be Max's friend and know why the hell he came to butt-fuck-nowhere Nevada instead of staying in the Netherlands. And why now? Max just produces numerous question marks in his head and it's so confusing.
He doesn't speak to Max again until the following day at lunch, when he enters the school cafeteria. Daniel grins at him and calls him over to sit with him and his mates, Michael and Blake. Max seems hesitant but agrees. He sits next to Daniel and opposite Michael, though makes sure to put a bit of distance between himself and Daniel, just in case.
They hadn't spoken in literature class because Daniel was about 10 seconds away from being late and he really didn't want to annoy Max at 9 in the morning.
"Who's this Daniel?" Blake asks.
"This is my new friend Maxy." Daniel says.
"Maxy?" Michael questions. And shit, Daniel didn't realise he had said that. He doesn't really do nicknames for anyone, unless his friends decide to be annoying then an affectionate dickhead or asshole does get thrown around.
"It's Max," Max eventually speaks up, his cheeks tinged red, "I'm new. I joined Daniel's literature class yesterday."
"Oh, well, welcome Max. I'm Blake and this is Michael."
"Hi." Max's response is clipped and Daniel can't stand it. Blake and Michael give him a look of 'who is this person and why are you trying to befriend him?' and Daniel just shrugs at them.
"So, Maxy, Max, can I call you Maxy?" Daniel asks before launching his next question. Max looks at him, and Daniel feels like he can see into his soul and is about to pull out the thread keeping him together. Max stares like he is trying solve a puzzle and he must've found his answer because he says yes.
"Sweet!" Daniel swears he catches Max smiling at him when he cheers. It's a small thing yet again but Daniel calls it a victory. "Maxy, what are your plans when you finish high school? I'm going to do sports science hopefully."
"My dad wants me to do law." Max sighs and picks at his food. To Daniel, everything about that sentence felt off.
"Yeah, but what do you want to do?" Daniel prods.
"It doesn't matter."
"I don't know Maxy, it matters to me." Daniel half expects to descend into an argument but what he doesn't expect is the way Max looks at him, a real smile, albeit close-lipped but real and big, stretches across his face. Max looks down in an attempt to supress it, and Daniel is having none of that.
"Hey." Daniel shifts closer and brings his hand under Max's chin, lifting his head so Max looks at him. Then Daniel just stops working, his following words disappearing into thin air.
Max looks at him like he's a mystery and a wonder, which is clearly a good thing judging by the way he is still smiling, albeit a little smaller and softer. Daniel lets himself move his hand to cup Max's jaw and he swears he feels Max lean into it. If Daniel had to describe Max right then, he would've told you he looked beautiful. Maybe he could-
Michael coughs suddenly and Daniel drops his hand, he and Max springing apart and what the hell was that?
"Literature and writing," Max says suddenly. "What I actually want. It's literature and writing."
Conversation goes back to normal after that. Towards the end of the day, Michael corners him at the school gate.
"Look, mate, you know if there's anything you need to tell me then I'm here for you," he says, which is weird in itself because Michael knows everything there is to know about Daniel.
"What are you on about?" Daniel asks.
"Just... you know... about you and Max-"
"There's really nothing to it. I want to be his friend. I'm not gay," Daniel cuts him off sharply, the vague implication getting to him a little.
Michael remains calm. "I'm not saying you are; you don't have to label yourself. I'm simply saying if you were interested in Max the same way you would be interested in a girl then it's ok."
"I'm not. I literally have known him for two days and it wasn't like he just walked his pretty self into class and rocked my world just like that."
Michael raises an eyebrow at the word 'pretty' but doesn't comment on it. "Alright, man. I guess I will see you tomorrow."
"Yeah, see ya." Daniel waves and walks out the gate.
The rest of the week and the next one continues in a similar pattern. He'd see Max in class, then hang out with him at lunch and something weird would happen that Daniel would shake off, such as them linking pinkie fingers in the middle of class only to let go when the teacher calls on Max, or Daniel wrapping an arm around Max when he sits down with them and forgetting to let him go until Michael eyes him questioningly. Daniel just concludes that he's simply a physically affectionate friend to Max, who has not complained at all about it.
Max slowly opens up to the group, mainly Daniel. He tells him all about the Netherlands and what school was like there (pretty interesting stuff, if Daniel is honest), as well as why his dad relocated them to the states. Turns out his dad thinks there's more money to be made as a prosecutor in the US than the Netherlands and chose now because he wants Max to go to an Ivy League school to follow in his footsteps.
One day Max tells him and only him that his mother and sister are still in Belgium, and that his parents are divorced because his father is abusive. Daniel hugs him that day and tells him that he is welcome over any time should he need it.
He learns that Max is a huge nerd though, much like the rest of them and Daniel usually ends up on the receiving end of a book-rant. He doesn't understand what Max is talking about most of the time, but he talks so passionately and uses his hands to emphasis every word ever that he just cannot find it in himself to stop him. It's frankly adorable.
He also goes to watch them play soccer on Fridays. He doesn't play, mainly because Max claims he isn't very good, but he is a very good cheerleader for Daniel, much to the complaint of everyone else.
"But Max, I have scored more goals this match than Daniel," Blake had once said.
"So? Daniel needs the extra motivation then!" Max had proclaimed.
Daniel loves how comfortable Max is with everyone now, and how he has grown out of his shell and starts to be more reciprocal to Daniel's affections, so to speak, even initiating some of his own. For example, Max often taps his foot against Daniel's which sends warmth through Daniel's body. Another time Max just simply leaned into Daniel and rested his head on his shoulder while he was talking to Blake. Daniel, once again, didn't think much of it let alone properly realise it until someone pointed it out.
Max also tries to teach the group a little Dutch but eventually gives up because according to him it sounds like they're gargling water. Max burst out laughing when Daniel attempted to say 'I am 18 years old'.
It was the first time Daniel had seen him like that and he wanted to bottle up that laugh so he could hear it forever. And God, his smile is gorgeous. His whole face lights up and his smile makes the corners of his eyes crinkle. Daniel has made it his mission to get that to happen again.
Daniel is also realising that maybe, just maybe, these aren't exactly thoughts you have about a friend. He wants to protect Max, to hold him and never let go, but also be the reason he's happy and laughs. However Daniel has never ever been into a boy, and it kinda ruins the 'dream life tm' he has pictured for himself because now said picture is starting to have Max in it: the two of them on a sofa watching some shitty Netflix show. He curses Michael in his mind, blaming him for putting the idea of being with Max in his head.
As he lies on his bed on Sunday, end of the second week with Max, he allows himself to think about kissing Max. Max's lips always look soft and maybe it would be as nice as a girl. He'd hold his face the same way he did two weeks ago, eventually thread his fingers into Max's hair as he kisses him. Girls usually like that. Maybe Max would be in his lap, holding on to his torso like a lifeline as Daniel deepens the kiss into a full-on make-out session, their tongues dancing together as they run their hands along each others bodies and up their shirts and the feeling of Max's skin would be enough to drive him crazy as Max pushes him down, smiling against his lips and-
Daniel sits up abruptly, forcing out the images from his brain before he ends up with more than a semi. He then startles because holy fuck he is getting turned on by thinking about Max.
He immediately calls Michael.
"Bitch, what do you want? It's 1am." Michael groaned down the phone.
"I'm definitely attracted to Max but like... I'm not gay."
"Congrats on finally realising. I called it from day 1... well day 2 for you," Michael says smugly.
"I hate how well you know me sometimes." Daniel grumbles.
"No you don't."
Daniel simply hums. "I'm not gay though. I still like women."
"As I said, you don't need to label it. You just like Max."
The words are comforting; Daniel still likes women, but he also likes Max which means he is still mostly straight. And being called bi or pan also doesn't seem right. He just likes Max.
"Now answer me this," Michael says, "is this just a physical thing or-"
"No! I want to know everything I can about Max. I want to make him laugh and smile and protect him. Y'know, all that sappy shit. I mean, I do think he's very nice to look at but..."
"Yeah yeah I hear you buddy. That's good for you. Anyway, I'm hanging up and going to sleep. You should do the same."
Daniel's phone beeps before he can say good night.
It's felt... good admitting it aloud. It felt like it became normal instead of being this weird thing he had been trying to avoid for two weeks and living in a state of denial. Saying it to Michael was akin to a rock being lifted off his chest and he can finally breathe again.
But just as Daniel is drifting off to sleep he wondered how the hell he is going to face Max the next morning.
Monday morning comes around Max sits in the same spot by the window he always does. Daniel admits that he does shamelessly stare at Max, and how the morning sun makes him look golden. Full send, right? He likes Max in the same way he would like a girl, so he shouldn't be acting any differently. That's his solution to last night's conundrum. Max doesn't seem bothered when he catches Daniel though, and smiles softly at him, making Daniels heart do little flutters.
They can't stare at each other forever so eventually Daniel pulls his gaze away and half-tunes into the lesson on the importance of the curtain being red or some shit like that. He also heard some paper ripping but makes a conscious choice to not look for the sound.
At the end of the lesson, Max taps his shoulder and places an origami flower behind Daniel's ear, made from a torn page of Max's notebook.
"For you," Max says, then walks off happily to his next class. Daniel carefully touches it, not removing it from where it's sat. The stem is tucked into his curls and the flower seems intricately made. It feels romantic and Daniel can't help but blush as he traces the folds of the paper with his fingertip. He doesn't move it for the rest of the day.
Lando, a junior Daniel knows but wouldn't say he's friends with, finds him in the hallway between classes and comments on it immediately. "Ooh Daniel, who's that from? A girlfriend?"
"Haha, no it's-" Daniel cuts himself off. It's different telling Lando than it was telling Michael. Shit, is he ready to even be out like that, to where the whole school knows? Sure he has only a few months left but still, it's a big thing.
"Who's it from then?" Lando prompts, reaching up to touch it.
Daniel swats his hand away. "A classmate," is what Daniel settles on saying. It's technically still the truth.
"Damn, you should ask this classmate out. She is definitely into you!"
"You think?" Daniel tries (and fails) not to sound too hopeful.
"Duh! This is some master-craft shit," Lando says like it's obvious. "Whoever gave this to you must like you. And you clearly like her with the way you're parading around with it."
Daniel nods and scampers off to his next class.
He spends the whole hour wondering how the hell he will even tell Max he likes him and well... he's got nothing. Sure, he said 'Full Send' and all that but Max is different, from a girl and everyone else. He wants it to be important and not just dumped on him during lunch break like most people do. Max is special and deserves to be treated as such.
Therefore the logical thing to do is ask him on a date after school and take him somewhere nice (which is pretty hard in middle-of-nowhere Nevada but not totally impossible) and romance the fuck out of him and potentially kiss him.
Boom! He has a plan! (Someone be proud of him; he's putting himself out there for Max.) Now to set said plan into motion.
At lunch, he sees Max but he keeps it as normal as possible, because really there are no boundaries with them. When Max notices he still has the paper flower exactly where Max left it, he beams like the sun, eyes scrunching up and smile splitting his face. "You kept it," he says.
"Of course, I wore it proudly all day," and Max preens at that. Daniel continues, "It's so pretty, I can tell. Where did you learn how to make this?"
"I got bored one day, and thought that it would be nice to give someone I like."
"Aw Maxy," Daniel coos, reaching to hold Max's hand on the table and lacing their fingers, "I love it."
Daniel can tell Michael is giving a 'really?-right-in-front-of-my-salad' look but hey, he should've known this would happen. Blake has gotten used to their shenanigans but even he looks at them weirdly. Daniel doesn't let it get to him, not this time.
He shuffles closer to Max, pressing their thighs together and starts to chat with Michael about their god awful math class. He never shies away from Max, who almost melts next to him and Daniel fights the urge to kiss him there and then.
He's practically bouncing off the walls of the hallway when the bell for the end of school rings. He lingers by the gate, waiting for any sight of Max and beelines towards him when he sees the familiar ocean blue eyes. "Maxy!"
"Oh, hi Dan." Dan. Not long after Maxy became a thing, Max started using Dan instead of Daniel, and Daniel loves it. It feels intimate to hear Max call him that when everyone else uses Danny or just Daniel. "What's up? I do have to go though, so I'm gonna have to rush you."
Ah of course, his dad and Max's extracurriculars. Daniel makes it quick. "pleasegoonadatewithme."
"...what?" Ok maybe too quick.
Daniel clears his throat and plucks the origami flower from behind his ear and starts twirling it in his hand, watching the flower spin and admiring the petals as he repeats himself. "Maxy, please go on a date with me."
Max doesn't speak, and to fill the silence and to stop himself from panicking, Daniel keeps talking.
"I really like you, like had a full on gay crisis over you because I've never felt this way about a boy like ever and you're like so you and so so perfect, and I know this town doesn't offer much but I will try my damn best to make it special and all romantic and-"
"Dan. Yes." Max eventually says, cutting him off. He's smiling ear to ear in the way Daniel loves the most. "I really like you, too. I thought it was pretty obvious. I don't go around making those," Max gestures at the flower, "for anyone. I told you that they're for the people I like. Besides, I also don't let just anyone touch me like you do."
"Oh," Daniel says dumbly. Because, yeah, that all tracks.
"Now I do have to go, but I have some free time on Thursday after school if that works for you?"
"Yeah, that's brilliant Maxy," Daniel says a bit too eagerly for his liking.
Max plucks the flower from Daniels hand and puts it back behind his ear, tucking it gently into his curls. He presses a quick kiss to Daniel's lips and says a quick "bye" before darting out the gate, leaving Daniel standing there, touching his lips in a daze.
June can wait. Thursday cannot come fast enough.
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worm-on-a-blog · 1 year
How many worms on strings must it take to fill a trench coat so they are able to buy a movie ticket?
spectacular question.
first we need to know the average volume of a standard worm. keeping in mind that a worm is generally less than a gram in weight, that volume could be really small if you sincerely compressed it—so for these measurements, we are assuming that none of our worms in the trench coat are compressed. we're not packing them in there like straw, they're all standing on each other's heads to puppet the trench coat.
assuming this, then, i divided up a single worm into eight segments that could each be approximated to be about the shape of a uniform cylinder, calculated the volume of each of those cylinders, and then added the total volume up. in all, our uncompressed worm came out to about 38.27 cm^3. diagram below:
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(a string was used to take the circumference at the midpoint of each segment, and these were then used to calculate the diameter of each segment for the volume calculation.)
okay. we're going to say that the worms are occupying your average adult male-fit trench coat. they would be looking to fill about 80kg worth of space there, 80,000 cm^3. (1 kg = 1,000 cm^3 at human body density). but we need to subtract the legs, because they are most certainly going to have the trench coat drag on the ground. so:
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one total leg would come out to about 13.488 kg of your body. double that, and we are subtracting 26.976 kg from our estimated weight. they also would not fill out the hands, so we're taking off a tiny bit more in the form of 1.04 kg. we're leaving the head in the calculation, because i presume they will be filling out an inconspicuous hat too.
put together, this gives us a volume of about 51,984 cm^3, or a final answer of 1,358.35 worms to fill a trench coat!
this also means that you're able to calculate how many worms you are total so long as you know how many kg you are. take your weight in kg, convert it to cm^3 by multiplying it by 1,000, and then divide that number by 38.27. all together, i am approximately 1,306.50 worms large.
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knotty-et-al · 1 year
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Drawing a truncated cube and a cuboctahedron from a cube....
As for understanding truncation: You can imagine having a cheese cube and just cutting of the vertices...
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Truncated cubes and cuboctahedra are Archimedian solids.
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I used isometric dot paper.
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