#Mathieu Flamini
gunnerina · 8 months
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brb crying my fckin eyes out
from Theo Walcott Instagram
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bsaka7 · 1 year
Mathieu Flamini: From protecting Arsenal defence (and pain of 2008)… to protecting the planet by Amy Lawrence
Mathieu Flamini sweeps into the St Pancras Renaissance Hotel in London. He is here to talk about his life in elite sport and the biotech industry, and when Flamini talks — at full speed and with full conviction — you want to listen. The trouble is, the hotel lobby is packed with a cacophony of guests, staff and people here for a conference.
I already failed in my enquiry for a quieter spot. Flamini, however, flashes a look that never takes no for an answer. Off he goes and arranges access to a closed restaurant. He then convinces someone to bring coffee. Voila. The vignette is a reflection of how he lives his life. He is a force of nature intent on making things happen.
The vocational leap in Flamini’s story is astonishing. He patrolled midfield for Olympique de Marseille, Arsenal and AC Milan and was still a committed, active player in Serie A when an engineer told him about green chemistry. He immediately wanted to get involved. “I decided to build a company that would help end chemical pollution,” he says. He is now CEO of GF Biochemicals, an organisation driving for more sustainable products in our everyday lives.
“Everyone knows about consumer goods we use every day,” he explains. “Shampoo, shower gel, deodorant, detergent to clean the house, paint in our homes and on our things — all of those consumer goods are made of chemical ingredients. When you use shampoo, if you look at the back you see very complicated names of ingredients which are mixed together in order to make the shampoo. What people need to know is most of those ingredients, unfortunately, come from the oil industry, or what we call the petrochemical industry. What we have discovered over the past few years is that many of these ingredients are harmful to the planet and for people.
“For example, when you take a shower, your shower gel or shampoo is made from ingredients which are not biodegradable and those ingredients basically go to sewage and accumulate in the water and never decompose. Every day the cream you put on your face contains chemicals being absorbed by your skin, which is your body’s biggest organ. If you clean your house with toxic products — your kids are walking on the floor, you cut bread with a knife, whatever — there is a contamination of these harmful ingredients.
“We manufacture bio-based ingredients using agricultural waste and plant-based products for the consumer goods industry. The shampoo we use, the paints we use, the detergent we use to clean the house, are safer for people and more sustainable for the environment.”
The Flamini who scurried around the midfields of Europe — pointing, cajoling, encouraging, tackling, full-on — is approaching a subject as monumental as climate change with the same unquenchable passion.
“Some of my colleagues like to joke with me,” he says, “‘Finally, you have your first real job’.”
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It all begins in the city of Marseille. Flamini was born and raised there, growing up near the seaside. His father loved the ocean and was a diver. Sometimes he took his son with him deep into the water. What does it feel like down there? “Peace. Freedom. An escape from the whole world,” Flamini says. “Diving with my father was a beautiful experience.” Even then he was aware of plastic and chemical pollution in the sea.
Former Arsenal man Mathieu Flamini has been CEO of GF Biochemicals since 2022 (Photo by Eric Piermont/AFP via Getty Images)
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Flamini in the Marseille youth team and (below) picking up an award (Credit: Mathieu Flamini)
But of course, his first love was on land. Football is an obsession in Marseille, and Flamini’s zest was noticed early on. His school was right next to the club’s youth development centre and he joined them at the age of five.
“I was extremely energetic,” he recalls. “I remember my parents coming to pick me up from school and every day I jumped on a bike to go to the playground and said ‘Catch me’. Football was a way of expressing myself and getting this energy out, otherwise I probably would’ve been out of control.”
Different field, but same passion to drive change by doing things better. 🌿👷🏽#positive #impact #sustainable #chemistry #greenchemistry #biobased #chimieverte #tech #technology #innovation #plantbased pic.twitter.com/rLxyee25hE
— Mathieu flamini (@mathieuflamini) April 2, 2022
When he reached his late teens, he had a choice between football and education. He combined a law degree with representing Marseille in the first team. The university was lenient and allowed him to miss a substantial amount of classes. “But I still had to go to 25 per cent of them, and when I asked Marseille if I could move some of the training to go to the classes they asked me to make my choice. Actually, it was simple,” he says, laughing.
He was the only one from his year group to make it as a pro. “It’s rare that someone starts from the age of five and goes all the way to the first team,” he says. “When OM play, people who can’t afford to buy food go to see the game. It is one of the pillars of the city of Marseille. I grew up in that culture, with that feeling, and being able to play for Marseille is a pride I carried with me every single day of my teenage life.”
There was some surprise, then, that he moved on at a young age, rejecting Marseille’s contract offer and instead joining Arsenal at the age of 20. The French club were not pleased. Flamini felt it was something he had to do.
“I was playing defensive midfield and they bought another player from Bordeaux and I didn’t feel like a priority there,” he says. “When I met with Arsene (Wenger), he made me feel like I was one of his priorities. It was time for me to leave. On one side I was pushed out and, on the other side, I had the pull of the opportunity presented by Arsene. Arsenal at the time was very French with a lot of players there in the national team. It was a big club on the European scene.”
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His fellow Frenchman and former Arsenal team-mate Robert Pires remembers Flamini as being “very smart” and tells The Athletic: “In the locker room, he would speak up to say, especially, what was wrong on the field. He likes to talk with everyone. He is a good team-mate, Mat. As they say: you can go to war with him. And it was quite visible that he was already thinking about his future.”
Flamini, right, with Robert Pires and Thierry Henry in 2004 (Photo: Adrian Dennis via Getty Images)
At Arsenal, Flamini discovered something that chimes with one of his key principles: surround yourself with good people. Find your clan. It is what he calls his “wolf pack” and his was a young, skilful midfield quartet formed with Cesc Fabregas, Alexander Hleb and Tomas Rosicky. “We were super close, both on and off the pitch. This was our wolf pack. We took care of each other, we looked after each other, we protected each other in a midfield which was very technical but also very offensive. My job was to play further back and make sure everybody was protected.”
Flamini talks with rapid intensity. The only time he pauses is to reflect on the time that team relished a title charge, only to fall painfully. In some ways, 2007-08 was not unlike the situation Arsenal are in now: a young team riding the crest of a wave. They were top of the league with 10 games to go. It hit the rocks when Eduardo, their prolific scorer, had his leg badly broken in a game at Birmingham City.
“It was a very emotional year,” Flamini recalls. “We were a young team in every way. We were all very close to each other and we grew up together as men, as human beings. We had a very strong lead that year in the Premier League, and in the Champions League won memorably (2-0) at (AC) Milan and then went to Liverpool.
Today is International Coastal Clean-Up day. Nowadays, it’s more important than ever to protect our beaches and waterways 🌊 The team at @sascampaigns have made it easy to find your nearest beach clean, as well as how to set-up your own. #internationalcoastalcleanupday pic.twitter.com/aKTg7b7wEz
— Mathieu flamini (@mathieuflamini) September 19, 2020
“I remember it like it was yesterday. I got injured in Liverpool. I twisted my ankle, and we lost the game right at the end because of a bit of naivety. Inexperience cost us in the Champions League and in the Premier League. I remember this game in Birmingham; the terrible injury of Eduardo shocked all of us. I don’t believe in excuses: it is our fault we lost out that year, but it was a very emotional time which had an impact on us.”
He is keenly watching the current team in their quest at the top of the table. “I strongly believe they can do it,” he says. “Looking at how focused the team is, how strongly they are approaching every game, it gives me the confidence that they have the quality and mentality to make it happen.
“We still have eight games ahead and focusing game by game is very important. They have managed to bring everybody in around the team — the fans, ex-players, everyone — and the support is total. Everyone is together in this journey and if they can do it, they will make us all so proud and happy.”
Flamini left Arsenal for Milan on a Bosman (free transfer). He was headstrong enough to do things for his benefit, but there was a sentimental reason behind his desire to go to Serie A. His father is from just outside Rome and the Italian heartbeat of the family is strong.
“I always wanted to play in Italy,” he says. “When I had the opportunity to go there, I thought I would grow as a player and as a human being. I would go to Italy where we have roots, so it was a way of discovering myself to go back to my origins.
“People at Arsenal said, ‘But why did you leave?’. I joined a team with three Ballon d’Or winners: (Andriy) Shevchenko, Kaka, Ronaldinho; I played with people like (Paolo) Maldini, (Clarence) Seedorf, (Andrea) Pirlo, (Filippo) Inzaghi. The manager was Carlo Ancelotti, one of the most titled managers. When I moved to Arsenal I met incredible players like (Dennis) Bergkamp, Sol Campbell, (Patrick) Vieira, (Thierry) Henry, with Arsene Wenger. But moving to Milan offered another opportunity for learning. Myself and (Alexandre) Pato were among the youngest in Milan. Most of them were 30-plus and football legends.
“Walking into the dressing room was exciting. I was struck by their humility. I remember arriving and Paolo was sitting next to me. He gave me his number and said ‘If you need anything, you call me’. The humility and kindness of those champions struck me the most. To be a football legend and also be so humble, so open, and act with such simplicity taught me a lot. It was a learning experience every day.”
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Flamini with Ronaldinho while playing for Milan in 2008 (Photo: Giuseppe Cacace/AFP via Getty Images)
He noticed many of the older players were entrepreneurs thinking of scenarios outside of football. Kakha Kaladze went into politics. Seedorf was business-driven. “It put something in my mind,” Flamini says.
After five years in Milan, during which he won the Scudetto in 2010-11, he got in touch with Wenger. The Arsenal manager tended to keep an open door to former players who needed fitness for one reason or another. Flamini hoped to sharpen up with a view to finding a new club.
Wenger was not usually keen to re-sign former players but occasionally made an exception. Flamini credits Wenger as a major influence on his life. “Obviously he is someone who has shaped my way of thinking and my way of being. He was for me a bit of a father figure.”
Flamini’s return to Arsenal was made official in 2013. “I like to say it was unfinished business,” he says. “It was the right time. It was great for both of us. It was great for me to go back and join a team I love very much. It was also the right thing for Arsene to bring some experience and some passion into midfield.” He was part of the squad that won two FA Cups in 2014 and 2015 and was a cult figure among fans for his tendency to excel against Tottenham Hotspur.
Meanwhile, GF Biochemicals was growing.
Flamini cares deeply about climate change, spreading the message, and getting on with it as soon as humanly possible. “When you see Greta Thunberg bringing a generation of kids onto the streets, I feel I have this responsibility towards the next generation. We created the problem. We have to be part of the solution.
“What are we going to say to our kids? I meet people every day who are trying to be part of the solution, part of the ecosystem of people bringing innovation to try to make the future a better place. I’m excited about that; to be part of those people I call believers.”
Flamini is also incredibly driven. Not many footballers have become a CEO in a completely new sphere.
Words cannot express the emotion you feel when you witness climate change first hand. The Arctic is at the forefront of the warming and I’m astounded at the lack of commitment to halt and hopefully reverse this phenomenon. #ClimateChange @wef #greenland19 pic.twitter.com/ymdjyRkv1l
— Mathieu flamini (@mathieuflamini) May 28, 2019
“What I miss the most from football is not actually playing, it’s more the dressing room. The camaraderie. That connection. It’s total dedication to the team. I always enjoyed sacrificing for the team. Ultimately, you spend more time with your team-mates than your family. What I miss most is the wolf pack.
“So in a way, you try to re-create it in your new life. Here my challenge is different — changing an industry. Every day I have some fights, problems to resolve. It’s a different challenge but it’s the same mindset and the same dedication. It’s also a lot of pressure. So I’ve transferred all this energy from one fight to another. I’m trying to recreate the wolf pack within this ecosystem.
“I’m very lucky to be part of this movement of people trying to drive change and create more sustainability. They’re brilliant people — creative and scientific — making a difference in the plastic industry or protecting the Amazon. They are my wolf pack. When I see one of them, it’s super exciting.”
But he has not totally left football behind. He is wondering about how to harness the power of football and its influence to help to push for more change. “Football is the No 1 sport, it is driving so much attention, the hot issues of this world should also be on the agenda of the governing bodies,” he says.
Then there is the idea of one day bringing his expertise as a business leader to football. “It’s a world that I belong to. If there is the right opportunity at the right time and the right discussion, if I meet people who share the same vision and mindset and desire to use football for a purpose, I would love to.”
Some Arsenal supporters at certain times have asked him to buy the club. He retains affection for OM, Arsenal and AC Milan. “Obviously those clubs have a special place in my heart,” he says. “I never forget where I come from. In life, you never know but it’s all about the right opportunity. I’m a real believer in the right time, right place, right people.
“We’ll see what the future is made of. I’m a believer. If you want something very much, the universe usually brings it to you. Let’s see what the universe will bring.”
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ilbioeconomista · 2 years
The 10 Most Innovative Bioeconomy CEOs 2022. Now choose the number 1
The 10 Most Innovative Bioeconomy CEOs 2022. Now choose the number 1
“Bioeconomy in everyday life” @ BioBased World 2015 in Frankfurt am Main The circular bioeconomy is innovation, the result of the skills and passion of researchers and managers able to create value and new high-qualified jobs, reconciling economy, society and the environment. At the end of 2014 Il Bioeconomista launched a new initiative: The 10 Most Innovative Bioeconomy CEOs. We have asked a…
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clockend · 1 year
one of these days i will propel mathieu flamini onto the field as a tactical decision and then everyone will SEE.
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unrealcities · 2 years
thot daughter flamini made me S C R E A M, bless ❤️
Mathieu Flamini has undeniable amounts of bitch energy and we and his disaffected hipster husband Mesut love to see it
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nghubs1 · 21 days
Mathieu Pierre Flamini, born on March 7, 1984, is a French former professional footballer and a biochemical entrepreneur. Flamini is best known not only for his football career, where he played as a midfielder for top clubs. MATHIEU FLAMINI PROFILE NameMathieu Flamini Real NameMathieu Pierre FlaminiDate of Birth 7 March 1984Age40 YearsNationalityFrenchOccupation Former Footballer and…
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sageglobalresponse · 2 months
5 richest footballers with businesses outside of football
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Footballers are often celebrated for their artistry on the pitch, but many have also leveraged their fame and fortune to build impressive business empires off the field.
From high-profile endorsements to entrepreneurial ventures, these players have expanded their influence far beyond the game.
In this article, we dive into the top five richest footballers who have diversified their portfolios with successful businesses, proving that their talents extend well beyond scoring goals and winning matches.
Richest footballers with Businesses Investment
1. Mathieu Flamini
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Net Worth: $28 billion (via GF Biochemicals)
Business Ventures: Flamini’s post-football career has been remarkably successful. He co-founded GF Biochemicals with Pasquale Granata in 2008, focusing on producing levulinic acid, a key component in various eco-friendly products. The company’s exponential growth has made Flamini the richest former footballer globally.
2. Louis Saha
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Net Worth: $5 billion (via Axis Stars)
Business Ventures: Saha established Axis Stars to provide a secure platform for pro-athletes and entertainers. The app combines trusted resources into one convenient interface. With over 550 ex-pro athletes using the service, Saha’s venture has seen impressive valuation and success.
3. Martin Braithwaite
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Net Worth: $287 million (primarily from real estate)
Business Ventures: While still active in football, Braithwaite has made significant strides in the property sector. His partnership with NYCE Companies has been highly lucrative, contributing to his substantial wealth beyond his football earnings.
4. Andres Iniesta
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Net Worth: Estimated in the millions (from winery and tech investments)
Business Ventures: Iniesta inherited and took ownership of Bodega Iniesta, a family winery, which has contributed to his wealth. He has also invested in FirstVision, a company aiming to enhance sports broadcasting through innovative player-mounted cameras.
5. Thomas Graverson
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Net Worth: $100 million (from poker and investments)
Business Ventures: Graverson transitioned from football to a successful poker career, earning his fortune through high-stakes games in US casinos. He also made strategic investments in bars and restaurants, leading to a luxurious lifestyle alongside celebrities.
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buzzmaxsports · 4 months
Why Fonseca Might Be the Perfect Fit for AC Milan: Insights from Flamini
Former AC Milan midfielder Mathieu Flamini is in favour of Paulo Fonseca taking over as Milan’s coach. The Lille coach is rumoured to be on the cards for the role currently open at Milan. Flamini has expressed positive thoughts regarding Milan’s recent season, indicating that it wasn’t a disaster. However, he also mentioned the collective desire to see them crowned Scudetto champions. He believes…
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8livesolutions · 4 months
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zehub · 7 months
La reconversion réussie de l’ancien footballeur Mathieu Flamini
Il a joué à Marseille, Arsenal, à l’AC Milan… Mais c’est grâce à son investissement en 2008 dans une société spécialisée à l’acide lévulinique, que Mathieu Flamini fait partie aujourd’hui des 400 plus grosses fortunes de France.
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piyasahaberleri · 9 months
Cristiano Ronaldo (solda) ve eski Fransız futbolcu Mathieu Flamini. — AFP/Arsenal internet sayfası/DosyaHem saha içi hem de saha dışı başarılar söz mevzusu olduğunda meslektaşlarını ve rakiplerini geride bırakan ve en varlıklı futbolculardan önde gelen Cristiano Ronaldo, zenginlik ve net servet açısından nispeten daha azca malum bir ismin peşinde kaldı.Eski Fransız futbolcu Mathieu Flamini'nin övgüleri Ronaldo'nun yanına bile yaklaşamıyor sadece kendisi, ortalama yirmi senedir futbola hakim olan eski Man United yıldızını geride bıraktı, sadece eski futbolcunun net serveti Portekizli yıldızdan 40 kat daha çok. İki kez FA Kupası ve bir Serie A şampiyonluğu kazanan Fransız orta saha oyuncusunun iş girişimi, futbol sahasındaki performansına ve başarılarına bakıldığında Al Nassr forvetinin peşinde kalmasına karşın onu Ronaldo'nun oldukca ilerisine taşıdı.Flamini'nin finansal başarısının temelleri, kendisi ve iktisat mezunu iş ortağı Pasquale Granata'nın enerji sektörünü etkilemek amacıyla "GF Biochemicals" şirketini kurmasıyla AC Milan döneminde atıldı.Eski Arsenal oyuncusu, 2019'da 39 yaşlarında emekli olmadan ilkin Crystal Palace ve Getafe'de forma giydi.O zamana kadar, odun ve mısır atıklarından meydana getirilen bileşik bir yağ ikamesi olan levulinik asit üretmek amacıyla şirketine milyonlarca yatırım yapmıştı.Şirket, 2015 senesinde dünyada çeşitli araç-gereç üretim süreçlerinde yağın yerini alabilecek asidi seri üreten ilk şirket oldu.Flamini'nin eski Fransız orta saha oyuncusu olarak yapmış olduğu katkı, NME tarafınca 2015 senesinde Senenin Kişileri içinde tanınmasını sağlamış oldu.Kendisini iş dünyası ile futbolu birleştirmeye iten şeyin ne olduğuna dair o dönemdeki görüşlerini ifade ederek şunları söylemiş oldu: elenmiş: "Çocukken iki tutkum vardı; futbol ve sürdürülebilirlik. Marsilya'da denize yakın bir yerde büyüdüm ve oldukca ufak yaşlardan itibaren okyanus plastikleri ve kimyasal kirlilikle ilgili çevresel sorunların farkındaydım."Flamini, İngiliz medyasında çıkan haberlere bakılırsa 21 milyar £ değerinde dikkate kıymet bir değere haiz firmanın resmi CEO'su.Bunu perspektife koymak gerekirse, bu sayı Ronaldo'nun 500 milyon £'luk etkisi altına alan net servetini 40 kattan fazla aşıyor.
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bongdapluscc · 1 year
Thu nhập khủng của cầu thủ giàu nhất thế giới hiện nay tại bongdaplus-cc
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Hãy cùng bongdaplus-cc điểm danh Top 10 cầu thủ giàu nhất thế giới hiện nay, khám phá bí quyết thành công trong sự nghiệp của họ. Trong làng bóng đá, nhiều cầu thủ đã tạo dựng được tên tuổi đỉnh cao, không chỉ nhờ vào tài năng trên sân cỏ mà còn bởi khả năng kiếm tiền đáng kinh ngạc của họ.
Top 1 Cầu thủ giàu nhất hành tinh – Faiq Bolkiah (20 tỷ USD): Số tài sản khủng không thể tưởng tượng được bởi chân sút xuất sắc đến từ Đông Nam Á.
Top 2 cầu thủ giàu nhất – Mathieu Flamini (10 tỉ USD): không nổi tiếng như các cầu thủ khác, nhưng anh lại là một doanh nhân thành đạt đáng ngưỡng mộ.
Top 3 cầu thủ giàu nhất – Cristiano Ronaldo (650 triệu USD): Là một siêu sao trong bóng đá, không chỉ là một cầu thủ tài năng, CR7 còn được biết đến như một doanh nhân thành đạt, sở hữu hợp đồng trọn đời với thương hiệu Nike trị giá 1 tỷ đô la.
Xem chi tiết tại: https://bongdaplus.cc/top-10-cau-thu-giau-nhat-the-gioi/
Trang liên quan: https://www.facebook.com/bongdapluscc
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bsaka7 · 7 months
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skillstopallmedia · 1 year
Did Flamini really become a billionaire?
All it took was a response launched during an interview with The Athletic for some to imagine him buying Olympique de Marseille. But does the one who made his fortune in biotechnology have the means to acquire his former club? The little phrase did not go unnoticed. Asked in the columns of The Athletic, Mathieu Flamini mentioned a possible return to his former clubs. A return to the costume of……
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clockend · 1 year
very interesting game from a tactical standpoint like looking at the stats im cackling how did liverpool end up with 21 shots. i know rammers is TEARING ARSE rn. and zinny was not happy with his own performance u could see that but interesting how mikel is shoving him more and more up in midfield. but that second half made me see some horrible 16/17 flashbacks i guess i made too many jokes about mathieu flamini im so sorry.
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