#Matador Ballroom
Announcing: Obiyuki Week 2024
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Welcome back one and all to our ninth annual Obiyuki Week! Our theme this year is:
Ballroom Dance
Each day will have a form of dance for a prompt, as well as a few themes that can be used to inspire works or continue existing ones. This ship week is open to all Obiyuki works, so even if a submission does not quite fit the day, please feel free to post and join in!
Day 1: Quadrille
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Introduced in France around 1760, the Quadrille quickly became popular in 18th and 19th century ballrooms across Europe. It is performed by four couples in a square, with one couple at a time dancing while the other three rest. Although not performed in modern competitions, the quadrille late gave rise to other popular forms of dance, such as the waltz and American square dancing.
Themes: Change of Partners, Ensemble Piece, Meddling Matchmakers; White
Day 2: Foxtrot
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Premiering in 1914, the Foxtrot was first danced to ragtime music before becoming the dance of choice for big bands from the late 1910s through the 1940s. Known for its elegant glide across the dance floor and quick steps, the foxtrot has since split into slow and quick versions-- also known as the quickstep
Themes: Compatibility, Banter, Swept Off Their Feet; Blue
Day 3: Paso Doble
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Originating in Spain, the Paso Doble's dramatic steps are meant to imitate the movements of a bullfight, with the lead playing matador and the follow being either cape or bull. It is often known as the "man's dance," since it displays the lead position-- traditionally male-- to its best advantage.
Themes: Conflict, Obi POV, Vying For Dominance; Red
Day 4: Viennese Waltz
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The first ballroom dance to be danced in closed position-- aka, partners hold each other while facing toward each other-- the Viennese Waltz caused a scandal when it was introduced in late 18th century ballrooms. It became fashionable during the Regency period, though it remained "riotous and indecent" as late 1825.
Themes: Scandal, Tradition, Falling in Love; Silver
Day 5: Rhumba
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The slowest of the Latin dances performed in modern competition, the Rhumba was first danced in the streets of Cuba before gaining popularity in the early 20th century and becoming what is now known as Ballroom Rumba. Known for its sensual movements and emphasis on hips, it is both known as the "dance of love" and the "woman's dance" for showing off the skill of its follow.
Themes: Intimate, Shirayuki POV, Hips Don't Lie; Green
Day 6: Tango
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Another dance tamed to the tastes of ballroom-goers, the Tango originated as an improvisational dance in the lower-class neighborhoods of Buenos Aires and was brought to the United States by immigrants in the early 20th century. It is characterized by drama and passion and precise footwork.
Themes: Passion, Close Quarters, Rivals-to-Lovers; Black
Day 7: West Coast Swing (Free Day)
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Evolving from the Lindy Hop of the 1930s, West Coast Swing started as an adaptation of the dance to fit a more crowded dance floor, before gaining popularity as a style all its own in the 1960s. Meant to be improvisational and playful, it best showcases the connection between partners.
Themes: Improvising, Adventure, Friends-to-Lovers; Gold
Dates: September 22nd-28th Tag: #obiyukiweek24 
[Guidelines beneath cut]
All work must be your own (eg. no plagiarizing other sources, tracing, pose stealing, AI art/writing etc)
The main pairing is Obi x Shirayuki
Must follow the day’s prompt, however loosely
Must be tagged #obiyukiweek24 within the first five tags
With Tumblr’s tagging system on the fritz, please also @ snowwhite-andtheknight in your entry
Please label with the day’s number!
All NSFWcontent must be tagged and under a Read More!
You may submit multiple entries for each day!
Be nice
Play hard
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draconic-distress · 2 years
Hey Jared! A god said you have a nice as- /J /rp
The old man and his kids are currently about done getting everyone into the plane. When he hears you he just sighs, “I don’t— I don’t really care what a god has to say about… y’know, that. ‘Specially when I’m preoccupied.”
“Oi, cap! Let’s go!” Val’s already on the plane and Toni is on Morgan’s back ready to take off, “she’s comin’ down fast!”
“Alright, I’m comin’!”
*He’s about to follow his kids to freedom when he realizes…
Maxwell is still conked the fuck out in the middle of the room.
Much as he hates the guy, the thought of having another old friend’s blood on his conscious isn’t something he needs right now. The crumbling ballroom is already making him worried anyhow, moreso than these types of disasters tend to.
Jared runs back into the ballroom, gunning for Maxwell. He picks up his former colleague and slings him over his shoulder, dashing right back to the plane as the floor gives out under him, barely making it to safety*
[ @masked-matador hi :) ]
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allinmycorner · 11 months
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I think Halloween is probably the most popular theme week after Disney Night for DWTS. And this year's Halloween night did not disappoint. Monsters of all kinds descended on the ballroom floor for individual dances and then returned for the dance-a-thon. The nine couples took to the floor to dance both the hustle and then the Charleston for some extra points. It's always fun to watch and this time was no different.
Of course Sasha was in his glory and we got the traditional package about him scaring everyone. Most of the dancers knew it was him and they would yell his name. But he then sat down on a couch and got scared by Alyson. So someone finally got Sasha.
There was also a guest judge for this show. Former contestant Niecy Nash joined Carrie Ann, Derek and Bruno to help judge our stars' Halloween routines. It was pretty fun to have her back.
So who was the star of this monster's ball and who got chased off by the villagers? Let's take a look!
Mauricio and Emma: This was a bit surprising. Mauricio has been an apparent crowd favorite and his scores have also been on the rise. I was starting to suspect he could be the dark horse but I guess the audience had other plans. While his matador-inspired Argentine tango wasn't as smooth as other stars who have performed this dance, it was still fun to watch. He and Emma had good chemistry and it really helped elevate this routine. I'm going to miss him in the upcoming weeks but I think he should be proud for making it this far.
Xochitl and Val: Xochitl and Val topped the leaderboard again with a powerful contemporary dance. Val's superhero resurrected Xochitl with his powers and throughout the dance she grew more and more powerful, realizing she was alive again. They performed some amazing tricks, including one where it looked like Xochitl was flying. At some point, it seems she got hurt as Val was carrying her around for the rest of the show but she didn't seem interested in talking about it. And it didn't stop her from winning the dance-a-thon either. Hopefully she recovers and comes back next week to wow us again.
Ariana and Pasha: I'm not sure what exactly Ariana was supposed to be other than some mythological creature but honestly, it doesn't matter. Her Argentine tango was flawless. I know Carrie Ann said that Charity's contemporary last week would be the most memorable dance this season but I honestly believe it will be this Argentine tango. It was like watching two pros and I was mesmerized. Ariana handled every move perfectly. I encourage everyone to watch it if you haven't yet. And she also made it to second place in the dance-a-thon, which is just as impressive.
Jason and Daniella: Jason and Daniella also danced a contemporary routine where they were zombies fighting with each other. It was probably the most serious Jason has been throughout the competition and he rose to the challenge. His dance was appropriately spooky and he executed the moves without breaking character. He continues to prove why he is the best male star this season. And he even made it to the Charleston portion of the dance-a-thon to finish in fourth place. Not bad at all.
Charity and Artem: I'd say the dance-a-thon hurt Charity and Artem but it didn't really. All it did was solidify their finish in 4th place for this week. What hurt them was that Niecy gave their skeleton jive an 8. While still a high score, it still likely stung as both Xochitl and Ariana had 10s in their scores and Jason had earned all 9s. Their jive was fun and Charity still handled it well but I think it's subject hurt her forward momentum after last week's emotional breakthrough. Maybe she can regain it again next week.
Lele and Brandon: Lele was a black widow spider luring Brandon into her web as they danced the paso doble. I don't know why her scores aren't higher. She's fun to watch and is just as good as Charity or Jason. Something is holding her back and I hope she figures it out because I certainly can't. I just know I don't want her to be the next surprise elimination.
Barry and Peta: Barry is so fun to watch. Is he the best dancer out there? No, not really. But he's giving it his all and he's really charismatic, which is why I think people are still voting for him. Watching him be the Big Bad Wolf to Peta's Red Riding Hood was more entertaining than their Viennese waltz but he still managed to pull off most of the choreography. So that's certainly impressive. I still don't think he'll win but I'll enjoy watching him while he's still around.
Alyson and Sasha: Unsurprisingly, Alyson was assigned to be a vampire. I wonder why? Anyway, I think the teeth threw off her face a bit because she looked more awkward. And she was a bit awkward moving from the cape action on the top of the stairs to the main part of the paso doble on the dance floor. But once she and Sasha started dancing together, it looked very good. They were perfectly in sync and show that they are a great team. Alyson just needs to refine her movements more and she might be able to challenge Lele and get out of the bottom three.
Harry and Rylee: Harry is feeling disheartened due to online comments about him. Oh, Harry, never read the comments. That includes mine, though I try to be more positive than negative. Ultimately, the only comments you need to listen to are the judges'. They will help you improve. Because Harry has promise but he's just been a little too inconsistent this season. However, he did recover with his and Rylee's alien-inspired Argentine tango. It wasn't as smooth as it could've been but it had good content he was able to pull off after a little help from Lindsay. And while it must hurt to be in the bottom three two weeks in a row, it seems the audience likes him enough to keep him around. So he should take some comfort with that.
So that was Halloween night! We have about a month until a new winner is crowned and gets to hoist the Len Goodman Mirrorball Trophy and I'm happy it could be anyone's game. It could be Xochitl or Ariana. Jason could sneak past them to win it all in the end. Bachelor Nation could push Charity across the finish line or the audience could send Barry there instead. And Lele could be the surprise winner. Maybe Alyson or Harry will make it as well, though I doubt it at this time.
But only time will tell.
Next time, Paula Abdul will join the panel as a guest judge while the remaining stars pay tribute to some of the best music videos of all time. And we'll have the team dances! See you then!
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limpfisted · 1 year
it is comfortable ,  for a change ,  to mean so little.
“Oh? Have you grown accustomed to your chains?”
And yet Gortash is not chained. He walks freely around the ballroom, though guarded—with nary a soul able to do more than rubberneck or sneer without the Grandduke’s permission.
He gets looks. They both get looks. Neither of them are truly welcome here. Not after what Gortash did to the patriars. Not after Wyll dared to exist in any capacity whatsoever.
So they titter, convalescing, nursing their shattered egos with each other, drinking wine from glasses they dare not leave uncovered. Both of them have light protective armor beneath their clothes, heavy in the back, for obvious reasons.
“The fact that this party is happening at all is some kind of cruel farce. I can still taste the salty tears of mourning at their parents’ funerals—I can still smell the ash of the refugee’s flesh as we had to burn our dead as there was no space left to bury them. And yet we party. We cavort. I once held the record for sarabandes, but now feel guilty for even being here, much less spinning a suitor in conversational circles. Perhaps you mean little. Without your… tutelage, I fear our presence here means even less.”
“I don’t know how to talk with these people without rolling my eyes.”
“Tell me. How did you seduce their Mothers knowing all this was gilded moral squalor.” I miss the Frontiers. Hells, I miss Avernus. “And how do I—“ Seduce. Wyll’s lip curls, his mouth raises, his cheeks pinch upwards. Disgusting. “Talk to these people.” Said with less derision then he was going to mean before the thought.
He sighs deeply, and takes a sip of wine. Perhaps he’s already had too much, to say such things. But he fears wasting such a vintage, like so much luxury here is wasted on people of his own noble, debauched ilk.
These are his brothers, his sisters, his cousins, in nobility. He played with them as a child, though they often turned their noses up even then. He danced with them, kissed some—and he was just as much of a joke then, he realizes now.
What hurts more? The disgust they clearly have for him? Or recognizing their chuckles, their snaking sighs and brash guffaws, their cocked necks like chickens pecking and cawing, the whispers behind their hands, the lowering of their standards to deign to talk to the Flaming Fist brat. He always knew, he always knew, and yet, everything is colored in a matador’s red, like a security blanket of rage, whimpering and carefully flickering in the stale, parched air of this colosseum of old crushes and old rivals but never old friends.
He does not have to feel shame, if he feels anger. And such anger would also be a luxury wasted like the covered wine dipping lower and lower in his cup full, if he did not sharpen it to a point.
He will make new records in these ballrooms, eventually. But he needs Gortash’s help not to boil and steam and charge like a bull.
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thebowerypresents · 3 years
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Lucy Dacus Kicks Off Three-Night Run with Unforgettable Show
Lucy Dacus – Brooklyn Steel – October 25, 2021
Singer-songwriter Lucy Dacus hasn’t let the pandemic slow her down. Up until fall 2019, she completed a tour in support of her sophomore full-length, Historian, and toured as one-third of the supergroup Boygenius, with Phoebe Bridgers and Julien Baker the previous year. This past June Dacus released her third studio album, Home Video, uncovering an even more personal look compared to earlier material. As if flipping pages of old diaries, the 26-year-old reflected on her youth and dug into her roots coming of age in Richmond, Va. In an interview with NME, Dacus described Home Video as a meditation on “when you first reflect on your childhood, which I think can also be the moment that childhood is over.” Donning an off-the-shoulder navy gown, she kicked off the first of three shows at Brooklyn Steel on Monday night.
Playing the majority of her latest album, Dacus began with the pairing of “Triple Dog Dare” and the upbeat “First Time.” However, it was her second album’s “Addictions” that really had the front row bouncing, while “VBS” drew laughter when the crowd was questioned about attending vacation bible school. There was a cover of Édith Piaf’s “La Vie en Rose” before Dacus remarked on the magnitude of selling out Brooklyn Steel when her original goal was to play Bowery Ballroom. Oh, how time and talent have lifted her from opening for Sylvan Esso to headlining sold-out shows.
Opener Bartees Strange joined Dacus for a sing-along rendition of her latest single, “Going Going Gone.” Unsurprisingly, she concluded the set with breakthrough hits “I Don't Wanna Be Funny Anymore” and “Night Shift,” but Dacus returned for a special encore treat. A pact not to record the new material was made with the crowd, and she proceeded to reveal lyrics with references to Brooklyn. A fitting ending to an unforgettable evening. —Sharlene Chiu | @Shar0ck
(There are a few remaining tickets to see Lucy Dacus tonight at Brooklyn Steel.)
Photos courtesy of Mark Ashkinos | www.markashephotography.com
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Gallery: boygenius @ Commodore Ballroom - Vancouver, BC Date: November 23rd, 2018 Photographed by: Ray Maichin
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purpleswans1 · 7 years
Can I just take a moment to appreciate the fact that the Tango was the PERFECT dance to do a manly-possessive-compedative character segment? I mean, Paso Doble could have also worked, but that's latin so not in that context...
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fantastic-rambles · 3 years
As a person who both hates and loves Adam, I really appreciate your insight into his character. I think for me personally, the part that really made me feel icky about Adam was in one of the episode previews where Adam was making a lot of suggestive/sexual remarks to Langa (who wasn't even listening and was talking to Reki instead haha). Adam's behavior may be silly and overexaggerated because anime is like that, but it also feels kind of predatory to me. It also feels, I don't know, a bit out of place? Sk8 focused very heavily on Langa and Reki's friendship in the first 2-3 episodes and Adam was kinda of haphazardly introduced imho, so that may explain a bit of why a large chunk of the fandom doesn't really vibe with him being there.
At the same time, I'm a sucker for villains who have a twisted sense of love, and I just love all the pieces of the past we get of Adam with Cherry and Joe and Tadashi. Adam's obviously an amazing skater but we still don't quite have that link as to why he started skating so violently and I am burning to know. I also want to know why his dad burned his skateboard, what did Tadashi have to do with it, did something happen in America while he was gone? Adam has a lot more depth than people give him credit for and I know most of those questions won't be answered in the last few episodes, but I hope a few are at least.
(Gonna apologize to my followers in advance for not putting most of this under a cut, but I think it’s really important and don’t want it to be hidden.)
Okay. So, I think I’ve figured out why Adam’s behavior (pre-episode 11) doesn’t bother me (I think that what he did to Cherry in episode 9 is wrong/excessive, but I also felt that it was necessary for Cherry’s growth as a character so he could realize that Adam wasn’t who he was in the past and stop idealizing him). I was recently chatting with some people elsewhere and came to this realization, which is why I haven’t said anything about it until now.
Firstly, when Adam first appears in front of Reki and Langa and does his “creepy” thing with Langa, he explicitly asks Langa for permission to touch him and let him show him how to position himself better when he’s skating. And when Langa doesn’t give him permission, Adam never actually touches him. So to me, he’s hamming it up for the spectators since he’s dramatic af, but he’s still considerate of other people’s wishes. To me, it’s no different than when he told Miya to move his foot up on the board by 3 cm or something. He’s just trying to give advice to promising young skaters to help them get better. The difference is just that he’s unnecessarily flamboyant when he does so as “Adam” versus “Ainosuke.” This is something that I’ve thought since the beginning, but the next point is my “oh!” moment.
Of course, when he’s skating against Reki and Langa, when he grabs them, he doesn’t have their explicit consent to do so. But immediately after I finished watching episode 5, I started to write a ballroom dancing AU with Adam. However, my mind didn’t make the connection between why I didn’t have a problem with what he did until the aforementioned conversation. To me, when Adam is skating with someone else, yes, it’s a competition, but he also treats it like dancing, which he does do solo, but which he enjoys far more when he has a partner. Like, the way most people in-universe describe his actions *is* that he’s dancing, and although the fandom mocks him for his “tap dancing,” I think it’s actually flamenco? Or maybe some other Latin style; I don't have the experience to ID it definitely. So as a casual ballroom dancer myself, I see his actions as him acting like a leader in a dance, holding onto his partner and directing them on the “dance floor”/skate course.
The problem there, though, is that neither Reki nor Langa are at his level (at that point), so they end up being thrown around for the most part because they can’t keep up with his superior skill/ability. Yeah, he’s at fault somewhat for pushing them beyond their abilities, but depending on the leader, that’s how some of them really do dance (and in competitive arenas, how they *should* dance). For example, I’ve cracked the toenail on my big toe and ended up bleeding all over my shoes and the floor because I was dancing with a leader who was better than me. I made a mistake in my steps and got in his way, so when he stepped forward the way that he should have, he injured me. So to Adam, the fact that they’ve agreed to skate with him is them consenting to be his dance partner, as well as being his competitor. Especially since it’s pretty well-known that Adam has a history of behaving like this and hurting his opponents: if they didn’t want to take that risk, they would refuse to skate with him. (As various people tried to convince Reki to do, and as Reki tried to persuade Langa to do.)
And his whole “Adam” persona is based around the theme of “love,” but it’s obvious that he doesn’t actually know what it is and is just being dramatic/flamboyant to put on a show for the spectators. As he admits in episode 11, he loves to entertain others. Just being a good skater isn’t enough: almost everyone has their gimmicks, from Cherry’s ninja costume and AI-enhanced board, Joe’s super buff and flirty attitude, and Langa’s snowboarding-esque style. Adam’s is that he’s the “Matador of Love.” Yes, he does have a particular fixation on Langa, but it’s a fixation as a competitor/dance partner, not as a romantic partner.
But yesssss. So many questions about Adam that I want to know the answers to. I really hope they explain what exactly set him off on his search for Eve, since that’s the biggest thing that’s led to his development and all of this conflict. </3
His dad burning the skateboard seems pretty straightforward though, especially if you consider Tadashi’s conversation with Reki in the love hotel. Skating is something that’s associated with “punks” and people who like to live outside social norms. But Ainosuke is expected to be a perfect child/person who doesn’t take any risks that could compromise his (family’s) reputation. Also, the time he spent on skating could be used on studying or something else that was more “productive.”
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itsallmadonnasfault · 4 years
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The “Queen of Pop” isn’t enough to describe Madonna — she is Pop. Over nearly four decades, the Italian girl from Michigan formulated the blueprint of what a pop star should be: a triple-threat who’s willing to take risks and doesn’t give a damn about her critics. 
Madonna’s dominance began with her eponymous debut album in 1983. But she quickly proved there was more up her lace-ruffled sleeve than bubblegum jams. Since then, she’s crafted definitive eras with a discography spanning 14 albums, over 70 music videos and numerous projects dotted in between. She became an ‘80s club kid, drifted us to “La Isla Bonita,” boldly blended sex and religion to cause a Catholic uproar, transformed into dominatrix Mistress Dita, found a ray of light through newfound motherhood and Kabbalah, brought cowboys back in style at the turn of the New Millenium, dismantled the American Dream while drinking soy lattes, became a disco queen and, in case we forgot, reminded the world that she’s an “unapologetic bitch.”
Madonna isn’t necessarily deemed a “political” artist, but she’s continuously shown advocacy for social injustices. She propelled “vogueing” from Harlem’s Black ballroom culture into mainstream success for 1990’s groundbreaking “Vogue,” unapologetically praised her faithful LGBTQ+ fanbase, flipped the male gaze on its head in countless music videos that combated a misogyny-riddled music industry and proudly withstood the constant backlash she received for her sexual expression that later gave other women the freedom to do the same.
Madonna’s fearlessness couldn’t be contained within a music box: the artist has also cemented herself as a respected actress, garnering critical acclaim for roles in 1985’s Desperately Seeking Susan, 1990’s Dick Tracy, 1992’s A League of Their Own and even won a Golden Globe for Best Actress for 1996’s Evita. She’s also a fashion icon, creating trendsetting moments with the same chameleon-like flair as her genre-bending music. Madonna has writhed around in a wedding dress for 1984’s “Like A Virgin” (which was reincarnated in a “pass the torch” moment for the lip-locking 2003 MTV VMA performance), nearly poked our eyes out with the cone bra from 1990’s now-infamous Blond Ambition World Tour, brought Hollywood’s Golden Era glamour to the 1991 Oscars, became a military sergeant for 2003’s American Life, combined matador and medieval styles for 2015’s Rebel Heart era, and channeled Marilyn Monroe any chance she got.
And of course, all of this impact has resulted in a list of accolades that unfolds longer than a CVS receipt: the highest-grossing solo artist of all time, the best-selling international female recording artist of all time, a seven-time Grammy award winner, a 20-time MTV VMA winner and a record of 38 Top 10 hits on the Billboard Hot 100.
Madonna has also birthed a legacy that a new generation of singers — from Y2K queens like Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera to millennial rule-breakers like Lady Gaga and Miley Cyrus — continue to uphold.
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With the way the icon stretches her limits, it’s a wonder how the icon hasn’t had a comet named after her by now. It’ll be light-years until someone as seismic as Madonna comes crashing down from outer space again.
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strictlycomesparkle · 3 years
AJ and Kai - American Smooth
Can someone please double check that AJ hasn’t been ballroom dancing for her entire life? Like seriously, how does she keep getting better each week. Like this dance is one of my favourite and they knocked it out of the park. From the amount of content, musicality and storyline, it was scary to see how good she is becoming and I felt like I could forget it was a dancing competition and just enjoyed it. Also, I always love a good fleckle and this was perfection.
Rob and Dianne - Quickstep
Once again rob has blown me away with his performance skills and the whole atmosphere of the song was amazing. But I did see some issues throughout because at times, his frame was perfect but it would suddenly drop and that combined with a few misteps was such a shame. However, this dance is tough and he definitely held his own as much as he could and it’s still early.
Greg and Karen - Paso Doble
I don’t know what I expected from this dance and unfortunately, it wasn’t great. As an actor, it wasn’t surprising that he had the perfect characterisation throughout and I could see that he actually attempted some of the proper moves with the shaping and hand gestures, but it just fell a bit flat. Luckily, the paso is about showcasing your partner and he made Karen look fabulous. They work great together and he did have that matador feel, I just want him to let loose more.
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sailorspazz · 4 years
[Fanfic] Internal Rhythms
Yup, my 10 Dance obsession has reached the point where I need to create fan works, since there’s so little out there (I don’t understand, this manga started 9 years ago, where are all the fics and fanarts?! There’s not even much in Japanese!)
Title: Internal Rhythms
Series: 10 Dance
Rating: M (for sexual content)
Words: 5,200
Summary: Suzuki and Sugiki are having issues syncing with each other's rhythms while practicing the quickstep. Sugiki's suggestion for how to get back in tune ends up pushing their relationship to a place it has never gone before.
Where to read: Posted on fanfiction.net and ao3. Or just stay here and click below!
Ah shit, here we go again…Somehow, I’ve wound up falling into a tiny fandom that has barely any fan works, so I guess I have to help fix that :P Since 10 Dance is an ongoing series, I actually have tons of speculative ideas/headcanons developing for what could happen, but for now I’m content to wait and see what direction the story heads in. Instead, I’ve chosen to write a smutty one-off based on chapter 32; though there are some details referenced from that chapter, if you’ve at least read through the end of volume 5, you should have enough context for where their relationship currently stands (as in, they definitely wouldn’t be messing around with each other at this point…and yet, I still couldn’t stop my dirty mind from imagining scenarios where they push things further >:D). Hope you enjoy this take on what could’ve gone down during a late-night training session!
The wall clock inside the Sugiki Dance School struck 1:20am as both Shinyas took a few final sips of water and prepared to start their usual overnight practice session. Though at first it had felt awkward to spend so many hours together even after they had chosen to no longer pursue their romance, they had been able to effectively push their feelings aside and maintain a professional training partnership—even as both were keenly aware that those desires still remained simmering just under the surface.
“Alright, let’s give the quickstep another shot,” Suzuki stated as he walked over to where Sugiki stood loosening the top buttons of his shirt. “We lost out on practice time yesterday since our rhythms were off or whatever, so we gotta make up for it today.” He was eager to finish learning the basics of all five standard dances so he could spend the remaining months before the 10 Dance perfecting his movements and refining his style.
“Indeed. Let’s waste no time getting started, then.” They joined hands, and Sugiki instinctively closed his eyes as Suzuki’s arm wrapped around him and pulled him snug against his body. He began to hum a tune, as he knew his late-night partner benefitted from having music to dance to, and they started to move. Though they started out smoothly, it was not long before their feet were clearly moving at different paces, causing them to nearly trip and fall before catching themselves in each other’s arms.
“Dammit. Not again,” Suzuki sighed in frustration as he broke out of hold. “Why’s this happening now? We’ve never had this issue before. Not even right after…” He trailed off, not wanting to bring up the breakup that still felt too raw and heartbreaking to talk about a couple of months after it had occurred.
“I believe it is simply the nature of this dance. Since it relies so heavily on the two dancers being in sync with one another and dancing as one, any variance in their internal rhythms can throw it entirely off balance.”
“I get that, but do you got any bright ideas for how to fix this, Mr. ‘standard expert’? Has it happened before with other partners?”
“It has, and the solution was…well…” He paused a moment, looking slightly amused by the memories he was recalling. “When it occurred with partners I was romantically involved with, we would express our intimacy to get back in tune with each other.”
“What, you mean fuck?” Suzuki said bluntly.
“Eloquent as always, aren’t you?” he replied with a chuckle. “It needn’t go that far in most cases. Usually just a simple kiss would suffice.”
Suzuki found himself dwelling on Sugiki’s implication that he had dated more than one of his previous partners. “Just how many partners did you…ya know what, never mind.” Though he already suspected it was true, getting confirmation that Sugiki had a tendency to fall for his partners would make what they had shared feel less special.
“I have never shared that sort of relationship with Ms. Yagami, I can assure you.”
His response was not assuring in the slightest. “Yeah, thanks, but I wasn’t worried about you getting busy with your married partner. It just seems like you…” Suzuki stopped himself from finishing his thought, as he was still concerned that the answer to his earlier unfinished question was one he did not want to know. “Whatever, I said forget it already.”
“You’re one to talk,” Sugiki retorted, not allowing the subject to be dropped just yet. “I’m quite certain that percentage-wise, you have been involved with more of your partners than I have.”
Suzuki looked flabbergasted at this accusation. While it was true that he had had romances with one hundred percent of his partners, when that number only amounted to two people when he included the man in front of him, it was hardly a fair comparison. “Are you shitting me? Don’t go twisting this around to make me look bad! You know damn well I’ve…” Before he got too far into his tirade, he noticed the satisfied smirk Sugiki was wearing. Clearly he was riling him up on purpose for his own amusement, and Suzuki had unwittingly fallen into his trap—though there was a part of him that did not mind being baited by him, and it was something he had actually missed when their relationship had been in a more fragile place following their separation. “This ain’t helping solve our problem, smartass. You got any solutions that’re actually useful?”
“We could try it,” Sugiki murmured under his breath, just barely loud enough for Suzuki to hear.
“Huh?” Suzuki wondered if he was really implying what he assumed he was, but was almost afraid to ask. “What exactly do you wanna try out?”
Sugiki met his eyes with an expression that to most would come across as stoic, but because they had spent so much time together, he could see a twinge of heartache behind it. “We shared a romantic bond before. Perhaps we could realign if we connected in that manner once more, however briefly.”
The acknowledgment that he was suggesting exactly what he had suspected caused Suzuki’s heart to leap. Despite continuing to share incredibly close contact every night as they practiced, neither one had broken down and expressed the desire to rekindle the affectionate side of their bond, even though it was something they could mutually sense from each other through their touch. Now Sugiki had finally gone and voiced it aloud, and Suzuki did not know how to feel, his elation being tamped down by the memories of how badly things had ended before. But he found he could not just shoot down this suggestion outright. “So…you’re saying we should make out?” he asked incredulously.
“It can be much chaster than that. Perhaps just a light kiss would do the trick, like the ones you gave me to help loosen me up during our early Latin sessions.”
His face now looked inscrutable, to the point where Suzuki could not tell if he actually thought this would be helpful, or if he was just looking for an excuse to kiss him. However, there was a growing part of him that did not even care if it were the latter. We really shouldn’t do this, he thought to himself. But his inner doubts did not match the words that came out of his mouth. “Well…if you think it’s worth a shot, then…”
Suzuki sauntered closer to Sugiki. As they stood facing each other, both looked unsure if they should actually go through with this. It was an unfamiliar awkward tension that neither wished to endure any longer, so the two began leaning their faces toward one another. However, Suzuki noticed something and grabbed Sugiki’s face, squishing his cheeks with his hands. “Hold up, what’s this I see?” he asked suspiciously, peering into his partner’s mouth. “Looks like the tip of your tongue is poking out awful far for someone who was just gonna kiss me lightly.”
“And what about you, Suzuki-sensei?” Sugiki brought his thumb up to the other man’s mouth and ran it gently across his bottom lip. “I was peeking as well, and those lips of yours were parted quite wide.”
Neither could truly be upset at the other since both were guilty of the same offense. Which made it even clearer that it would be incredibly difficult to restrain themselves and keep to just the gentle kiss they had agreed upon. Suzuki knew this meant they needed to stop, but as he stared into his partner’s yearning eyes, he found it impossible to turn away. He wanted him, he had missed sharing this with him, and he could not allow this opportunity to slip away, even if he knew he might regret it later. “Ah, fuck it,” he mumbled as he slipped his hand around and clutched the back of Sugiki’s head, smashing their lips together forcefully. They quickly locked together in a tight embrace, their tongues thrusting vigorously into each other’s mouths. As ballroom professionals, they had previously compared their make out sessions to different styles of dance: sometimes their tongues slid smoothly together in a gentle foxtrot, at other times they undulated in a sensual rumba. This time, as months of pent-up passion poured out of each of them, it was more like an unconventional paso doble between two matadors battling for dominance.
Why’s it so easy to fall right back into this? And why does it feel so good with him? Suzuki wondered as they continued their maddening yet thrilling dance, relishing the feeling of Sugiki’s fingers twisting through his hair and tugging at his curls. Though in the past he had been more accustomed to romantic partners who would yield to him, there was something about the aggressive push and pull between the two of them that was undeniably appealing—in fact, he even preferred it now.
Sugiki began sucking on the tip of Suzuki’s tongue, causing a moan to slip out. Shit, this is getting out of hand. The urges he had harbored before about ravishing his late-night partner were coming back in full force; he needed to end this before he tried something regrettable again. Against the will of his body that was screaming for more, he managed to dislodge his tongue from Sugiki’s mouth and pull his face back. They breathed heavily as they gazed at each other, and Sugiki made a move toward him again, but Suzuki turned his face so the other man’s lips landed on his cheek instead. Sugiki seemed to accept this alternative, and placed a sequence of tender kisses along his jawline. “I knew this was a bad idea,” Suzuki lamented with a deep sigh.
“Why do you say that?” Sugiki whispered, pressing his lips to Suzuki’s ear.
“’Cause it’s gonna be really hard to stop now.”
“Indeed, I can see how…hard it is,” Sugiki noted with a sly glance downward. “That’s quite a bomer you’re sporting.”
Suzuki’s face turned red, though he also snorted out a laugh. “I seriously can’t tell if you’re fucking with me at this point, or you really don’t know that word. It’s boner.”
“Ah, right.” The sexual tension between them had cooled a bit during this brief exchange, but Sugiki found himself still craving more of his Latino partner. The fact that July was fast approaching and Norman would soon be arriving to take over Suzuki’s coaching made him truly want to make the most of the remaining time they had together. He was on the verge of suggesting something they had never done before, but struggled as he weighed his desires against logic telling him they should not take this any further. “It would be difficult for you to attempt to dance in that state. Perhaps…” His uncertainty caused him to trail off without finishing his proposal.
“Ah, y-yeah,” Suzuki laughed awkwardly. “I guess I could take a break and…”
Before he could walk away, Sugiki grabbed his arms and held him in place. “Perhaps,” he started again, sounding more confident this time as he met his partner’s eyes. “I could…take care of it for you.”
Suzuki’s eyes widened in disbelief. For one, he had never seen someone offer to get him off while wearing such a gravely serious expression. But more importantly, the fact that he was making this offer now when they had never gone beyond kissing was completely unexpected. And he knew allowing this to happen could jeopardize the comfortable working relationship they had developed with each other. Despite that, something awakened in him at the sound of the other Shinya’s words, and there was no way in hell he was going to turn him down. His mental state quickly switched over to the seductive mode that he typically got into when he went out to pick up women—though ever since their trip to Blackpool early in the year when he had started to recognize his feelings for Sugiki, he had actually not slept with anyone at all, and was currently in the longest dry spell of his adult life. Even if they were never officially dating, and even after their romance ended, it would have almost felt like cheating since he had sincerely fallen in love with him. A sensual grin spread across his face, his eyes half-lidded as he softly stroked Sugiki’s cheek. “Oh yeah? How do you plan to do it?” he purred flirtatiously.
Sugiki shivered as he was taken in by the sudden shift in Suzuki’s mannerisms. He did not give him an answer, but instead kept his eyes locked with his partner’s as he dropped down to his knees and reached for the waistband of Suzuki’s pants.
Suzuki raised an eyebrow. “I thought you weren’t willing to do that.”
“Certainly not under the circumstances you presented me with before. That would have been highly undignified,” Sugiki explained in an agitated tone. “Under the right conditions, though, I don’t have a problem with it.” He pulled Suzuki’s pants down to his lower thighs, then slipped his hand through the opening in his underwear, pulling out his erection.
Suzuki chuckled as he noticed that, though Sugiki seemed to be willing himself to keep his expression as calm as possible, his eyes told the story of a man suddenly feeling apprehensive as he held another man’s dick in his hand for the first time in his life. “You say you’re fine with this, but it’s not like you’ve done it before.”
“Yes, well…” He did not finish his reply aloud, but thought to himself, For you—and only you—I’m willing to try just about anything. His hunger for this man had compelled him to push things further than he had intended, but at this point he could not back down. He gave Suzuki’s member some soft strokes with his hand, feeling it grow bigger and firmer. He brought his lips forward and placed them gently on the tip, then poked his tongue out and swirled it in circles around the head. He was stalling a bit due to his hesitation, and he knew Suzuki could sense that as he stared down at him in anticipation, so it was time to take the plunge. He moved forward and slipped the head of Suzuki’s erection into his mouth. He sucked lightly as he pressed him just a bit deeper inside, moving back and forth slowly as he got used to the sensation of having a foreign appendage inside his mouth. Once he got a bit more comfortable, he removed his hand and pushed further yet again, reaching a place where he had most of Suzuki’s length in his mouth. He began to relax a bit, and his head movements went from halting and erratic to smooth and consistent.
Holy shit, this is really happening. Suzuki closed his eyes and exhaled a lustful sigh. I can’t believe I’m getting a blowjob from a guy. He smirked as he thought on it further. No, not just any guy. The Shinya Sugiki. The Emperor. A man who sits near the top of the world, down on his knees for me. Fuck, that’s hot. The ego boost he got from this realization aroused him even further, making him want to feel the sensation of being completely enveloped by his partner. He gripped Sugiki’s hair and tried to hold him in place while shifting his hips forward, but Sugiki’s hand flew up and gripped the base of his shaft, preventing him from going any deeper. He shot a warning glare up at Suzuki, but did not stop what he was doing, now using his hand in conjunction with his mouth to stroke and suck him simultaneously. It seemed the balance of power was an issue between them, as it always had been; even though Sugiki had put himself in a vulnerable position, he still wanted to remain in control. Suzuki could respect that need, and though he still kept his hand resting on his partner’s head, he merely ran his fingers through his hair rather than made further attempts to steer his actions through force.
Suzuki recalled that the reason this had all started was because of their mistimed internal rhythms. There was certainly no more intimate demonstration of one’s rhythm than what Sugiki was doing to him currently, so he decided to concentrate on the pace of his partner’s actions. As soon as he put his focus on it, he was struck by how even and steady it was. Like a piece of music…oh my god, what if he’s playing a waltz in his head? A chuckle nearly escaped him, but he bit down hard on his lip to hold it back. Nah, he doesn’t even need music. He’s probably doing it to the count. One two three, four five six, one two three…it’s like I’m getting blown by a metronome. That mental image made him snicker aloud, causing Sugiki to stop and peer up at him quizzically. “Sorry, sorry. I just…thought of something weird.” He could tell from the look in his eyes that Sugiki was miffed that he was letting his mind wander when he was going extremely far out of his comfort zone to do this for him, so Suzuki felt the need to encourage him a bit. “Please don’t stop. It really does feel amazing.” Though he still looked slightly wary, Sugiki quickly got back into the same rhythm he had been using before. Clearly, thinking about anything was only going to get Suzuki in trouble, so he chose to just relax and enjoy Sugiki’s efforts.
Though the pace he was keeping felt good, it was not quite reaching the speed Suzuki would need to finish. The situation already felt delicate, and he did not want to seem like he was making demands of his partner, so instead of saying anything, he used the fingers resting on Sugiki’s head to gently tap out a faster rhythm. He immediately picked up on what Suzuki was subtly requesting of him, and altered his pace accordingly. Sugiki’s other hand reached around to squeeze one of his partner’s well-muscled ass cheeks. His fingers slipped ever closer toward the center, an avenue Suzuki was not ready to explore. “H-hey,” he protested firmly, causing Sugiki to return to merely caressing his backside. “Ah, Sugi…hngh…mmph.” He could not help but vocalize his pleasure as he drew closer and closer to his climax. He figured it was also probably fair to warn the other man so he could be prepared. “I’m gonna…gah!” He did not even finish the words before tossing his head back with a moan as a wave of ecstasy coursed throughout his body. Though Sugiki had been aware that this would be happening soon and had tried to brace himself, it was still a shock to feel another man’s essence spilling into his mouth. He swallowed a little bit, but the thick, unfamiliar texture sliding down his throat triggered his gag reflex and made him cough, causing most of Suzuki’s cum to dribble down onto his shirt.
Suzuki offered a hand to help Sugiki stand up. Even after pulling him up, he continued to grip his hand, flashing him a contented smile. “Well, I sure didn’t expect a training session like this.”
Sugiki could not help but grin back at him. His heartbeat quickened as they stared into each other’s eyes. He wished they could stay this way forever, but he knew that the longer they continued basking in the afterglow, the harder it would be to tear themselves away from each other. “Well then, shall we get back to training?”
“Whoa, hold on a minute,” Suzuki squeezed his hand tighter, keeping him from breaking away. “We might’ve solved my issue, but now it looks like you’re having one of your own.” His eyes darted downward to the obvious bulge in Sugiki’s pants, then looked back up at him with a lecherous grin.
“Ah, well, I…”
Suzuki swiftly eliminated the gap between their bodies, wrapping one arm around him while his other hand rubbed against the front of Sugiki’s pants. “Sucking me off got you pretty worked up, huh?” Suzuki murmured coquettishly. Sugiki could feel his neck and ears growing warm as he was once again being taken in by his partner’s highly effective seductive mode; it was hard to believe that a man who was so enticing in his everyday existence could amp up his sex appeal even more, but somehow Suzuki managed to pull it off. “You got such a low opinion of me that you didn’t think I’d return the favor?” he teased impishly.
Truth be told, this had all been quite an impulsive whim on Sugiki’s part, and he had not really thought ahead to what Suzuki might do for him in return. But now that the offer was on the table, there was no way he was going to pass it up. Sugiki draped his arms over Suzuki’s shoulders and gazed amorously into his eyes. “If you insist,” he answered softly before leaning forward to press his lips to his partner’s. The pace of this kiss was much more languid than the one they had shared earlier, yet still steeped with the passion of a tango as their tongues slipped past and against each other.
Suzuki began to shuffle his feet, leading them toward the side of the room as they remained attached at the mouth. They reached the benches and sat next to each other, then Suzuki pushed his weight toward Sugiki until he had him lying down. He brought his lips down upon Sugiki’s neck, kissing and sucking at his bare skin. Sugiki noted that he was definitely going to wind up with hickies from this, and would need to remember to keep his shirts completely buttoned up in the presence of others for the next few days, including at home with his mother.
Suzuki’s mouth drifted toward his throat, and he started moving on a pathway downward, placing kisses on each section of newly exposed skin as he undid his shirt buttons one by one. His other hand reached up to play with his nipples, and Sugiki could feel a part of him that wanted to resist; a man like him who was used to being in control was not entirely comfortable being put into such a submissive position. Still, he was willing to go against his own nature in this instance, as he craved the release his Latino partner was offering him.
After making his way down to Sugiki’s bellybutton, Suzuki went to work undoing the other man’s belt and unzipping his pants. He reached down into his underwear, frowning slightly as a realization hit him. “Um, wow. I could tell you were packing when our dicks said hello to each other in that first practice session, but god damn…” He sat up again and unveiled Sugiki’s erection, gawking at its impressive length. “Makin’ me feel inadequate here,” he muttered under his breath. Though he had desired Sugiki sexually for several months already, somehow he had never mentally prepared himself for the blow to his ego of being with a man who was better endowed than himself.
“You’re perfectly adequately sized, I can assure you.”
Suzuki looked dumbfounded for a second, then growled, “Your assurances are really shitty, ya know. How the hell’s being called ‘adequate’ supposed to make me feel better?!” In his mind, he added, Maybe someday I’ll fuck you, and we’ll see if you think my dick’s just ‘adequate’ then, but thought better of expressing that prospect aloud.
Sugiki was struggling to maintain a neutral expression, feeling a grin threatening to break out across his face. Getting Suzuki flustered was one of his favorite—and often easiest—forms of entertainment, and it was when he found him the most adorable. Though on second thought, perhaps this was not the smartest time to aggravate him, as it could cause his hot-headed partner to go back on his offer.
Suzuki narrowed his eyes at him, now noticing the smug glee Sugiki was trying to conceal. “You son of a bitch…” He had gotten him again, and though he was a bit peeved, he nevertheless loved seeing the spark of joy in the other Shinya’s eyes, which had become a rarer sight following their breakup. “You’re lucky I’m such a nice guy,” Suzuki said with a bit of a sneer as he began moving his hand in long strokes up and down Sugiki’s shaft. His partner sighed softly, closing his eyes and turning his head to the side, but Suzuki reached up and grabbed his chin, forcing him to face him again. “Hey. We ain’t dancing the waltz here. Don’t look away from me.” His lips curled up in a lascivious smile. “I wanna see your face when you come.” His grin widened even more as he watched Sugiki’s entire face turn beet red. “Wow. I’ve never seen you blush that hard before.” After repeatedly falling victim to his partner’s efforts to mess with him, Suzuki was pleased to achieve a small victory of his own.
As Suzuki continued to caress him, Sugiki tried to maintain the eye contact that the other man wanted, but it felt too intimate, to the point where it was uncomfortable for him. He continued facing upward, but instead of concentrating on what was in his field of vision, he fixated his attention on the rhythm Suzuki was using to pleasure him. Like when he danced, it was a bit inconsistent and unconventional, yet imbued with passion and enthusiasm. In any case, after spending months secretly wondering what it would be like if they pushed beyond just kissing, being touched by Suzuki like this was quite the thrill.
Suzuki saw a blissful smile appear on his partner’s face, which in these circumstances actually annoyed him. Ugh, why’s he always so elegant? I don’t wanna see that gentlemanly front when I’m jerking you off. He started pumping his hand faster, hoping to coax more of a lustful reaction out of Sugiki. His response of breathing slightly faster and biting down lightly on his lip was not nearly enough to sate Suzuki’s desire to see him let go, so he quickened his pace even more. Soon after, a slight hitch in Sugiki’s breath and his body tensing under him were the only signs Suzuki got to indicate that his partner was climaxing, which was immediately followed by the sensation of ejaculate spilling over his hand.
After taking a few moments to recover, Sugiki arose from the bench. “Let me get something so you can clean up,” he offered as he started walking across the room. He returned shortly with a towel and handed it to Suzuki.
“So…did you like that?” Suzuki asked curiously as he wiped his hands.
“Hmm? Of course. Why would you think otherwise?” Sugiki answered, looking confused.
“I mean, you weren’t really reacting very much, so…”
“Does the end result not make it obvious that I found it pleasurable?” He glanced at the towel Suzuki held, seeming to view it as proof of his point.
“Okay, yeah, obviously you got off, but I’m just more used to…”
“Oh, is it that you usually have women screaming your name in bed?” he chortled.
“That’s…not what I was trying to say…though it is true,” Suzuki acknowledged. “I just thought maybe I’d…I dunno, get to see you let loose a bit, get sloppy or something.”
“Well, sorry to disappoint you, but I don’t tend to do that.”
“Yeah, no shit.” Despite his best efforts, he had not succeeded in making Sugiki drop the impervious guard he kept around himself. Maybe I can’t get you to show me that side of you yet, but someday…
Sugiki could tell it was frustrating for the other Shinya that he had not given him the sort of responses he was accustomed to, but the fact was that it was difficult to open himself entirely up knowing that they could not be in a relationship at this point. Still, he could not let go of the hope that they might one day be together. If anyone’s capable of pulling that side out of me, you’ll be the one to do it.
Once they finished cleaning up, Sugiki disposed of the towel and changed into a new shirt before returning to his partner once more. “All right, shall we resume practice, then?”
“Yeah, but could we work on some dances I already know first? My brain’s a bit…foggy right now, so it’d be hard to try something so new.” He always fell into a fairly relaxed state following sex, so he wanted to save Sugiki the headache of trying to teach him quickstep when it was likely he would absorb very little.
“Certainly, but do you not think we should at least try to see if the compatibility of our rhythms has improved at all first?” He looked at Suzuki with a sly smirk. “That is why we did this, yes?”
“O-of course,” Suzuki stammered. “Yeah, let’s test it out a bit.” They positioned themselves in hold once more, beginning to move to the tune of Sugiki’s humming. Their feet flew across the floor in the basic quickstep patterns Suzuki had learned so far, each of them keeping in mind the feeling of the internal rhythms they had sensed from each other. This time around, they were able to continue moving at high speeds without stumbling, dancing around the room for a while before coming to a stop. Both were panting heavily from the effort, and as they stayed in hold a bit longer, Suzuki blushed slightly as Sugiki beamed at him with a dreamy smile on his face.
Oh ho ho…my Shinyas are very naughty boys! Much more so than they’ve been in the story so far (I suppose a similar level to the Taboo side story, but that’s not exactly canon). I’m excited to get this done and add another fic to the very small pile that currently exists. I really hope more fans will join me in celebrating this beautiful manga and its central pair of dance crazy dumbasses who can’t yet—but will hopefully, eventually—figure out how to make it work between them *cough*just be switch goddammit*cough*. In the meantime, I’ll keep wallowing in headcanons that might possibly become fics if the mood strikes me again. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it! ^_^
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formaldewrites · 4 years
vent fiction!!
word count: 502 words
notes: pasodoble is a very fast spanish military march. it is also a music genre and style of fast ballroom dance which was used in bullfights when the matador won in the arena, hence the use of dance moves derived from the matador’s fighting style. just thought i should clear that up before you begin reading
references are made to stephen hawking, who is often regarded as the smartest human, and marilyn vos savant, who is said to have been the woman with the highest iq (this was also recorded in the book of guinness world records.) you’ll see why once you’ve read through
Cynical self-loathing. Humanity born of inhumane actions. False accusations and drowning in obsession and affections. Perched at the very edge, even the smallest breeze could send him tumbling. Yet all he knew was the monster feeding on his insides, waiting for the perfect moment to break from its shackles.
And the perfect moment it was. The outbreak was too perfectly timed; a universe of calculations that was beautiful in the way an intricately carved cane may be considered, each small groove a perfect equation to create chaos from nothingness. Yet there it was, and it cut right through his bones.
It had been a warm, silent morning. The sunlight trickled in like light maple syrup, brushing the room in hues of tangerine and lemon. He lay entangled in a navy blue duvet slowly gaining consciousness, his chest rising ever so slightly and falling in time with his beloved’s. It was clearer than daylight to him that he didn’t deserve them. How could they have a care in the world for somebody so unworthy? Praise was a waste of respiration ― thinly veiled insults that prodded at his every movement never dug as deep.
And yet the picture they painted of themself was inundated with divinity ― more vibrant than the statues perched at temple entrances, more lively than the pasodoble. They were infinity and nothingness, an unsolvable enigma that even Hawking or vos Savant could not decipher. He craved the elixir that was their presence like an unrested spirit craves salvation.
Perhaps they hated to love him; perhaps all they hated was the core of his being. They tore down walls that even he didn’t know existed, but wished he’d known of sooner. He wished he had reinforced those walls before they’d found him.
But most of all, he simply wished he could be rid of the parasite that had seized his soul, overwhelming him with all the things he knew he wasn’t, all the things he never wanted to be. But most of all, it defiled his portrait, contorting his features and sending ink running in every which way. It crushed his lungs, releasing air back into the atmosphere and slowly building its precious dystopia within his walls atop his remains. A dystopia in which the population was him and him alone.
It was an eternal game of Russian Roulette to keep up with either of the two. But he couldn’t pull himself away. No, he’d never trade it for the world. It was the only gamble he’d ever enjoyed ― and he relished the thrill, whether or not he lost.
It had been a warm, silent morning that became hell on earth. The parasite tugged his strings ever so harshly, he nearly fell apart at its grip tripping over himself to meet every demand. And all he could do was stare as guilt and rage flooded his being, blinding him to reality as he finally felt himself snap and succumb to all the things he was never made to be.
He was finally no longer human.
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queensorayamangal · 7 years
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Good news — at last — for Toronto’s live music scene (Toronto Star) Check out this article in the Toronto Star: 
0 notes
ao3feed--kylux · 5 years
Make It Easy
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2IJYbWE
by ono no komachi sings mitski blues (mataestrella)
Hux tried to escape the office cubicle monotony of his above average yet steadily lonesome life. He instead encountered the careful grace and precision of a bullfighter attempting to dodge a forest fire. And, perhaps, the end of his otherwise lackluster dry spell.
 a.k.a. The dance AU I have been sitting my flat ass on for ages, where Hux learns how to dance and Kylo is the seasoned dance instructor.
Words: 1983, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Armitage Hux, Kylo Ren, Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Phasma (Star Wars), Rey (Star Wars), Original Female Character(s), Anakin Skywalker | Darth Vader
Relationships: Armitage Hux/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Armitage Hux/Kylo Ren
Additional Tags: ballroom dancing au, my weakass attempt at self-indulgence via matador Kylo, instead I ended up watching a bunch of ballroom dance competition clips and it got stuck in my head, secondary cast are mentioned briefly, Rey and Kylo are siblings, Bisexual Armitage Hux, top/bottom dynamics don't exist here, so don't look for that here, vader reference if you squint hard enough
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2IJYbWE
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pas-de-bouryas · 6 years
Teen Results Jump Phoenix
You Rocked Jump’s!
Damce Connection 2- Tribute
Club Dance- Way We Ride
Dance Connection 2- I Am Here
Club Dance- Bellyache
Dance Republic- Mother Earth
Club Dance- Real World Pursuit
Dance Republic- Dum Dum
The Dance Zone- Attach and Exit
Club Dance- Full Of Love
Dance Republic- Somebody
Club Dance- Hanging By A Thread
Club Dance- Rinse And Repeat
Club Dance- Smash
Dance Republic- That Somebody
Club Dance Studio- Dark Web
Dance Connection 2- Sing
3- club bellyache
2- club hanging by a thread
1- dance republic dum dum
3- club smash
2- dc2 sing
1- club rinse and repeat
Ext line
3- dance republic mother earth
2- dc2 i am here
1- club way we ride
3- dc2 welcome to atlanta
2- dance zone clap
1- dc2 tribute
Contemporary- dc2 i am here
Jazz- club rinse an repeat
Lyrical- club hanging by a thread
Tap- dance zone whatever it takes
Ballroom- dc2 sing
MT- echo another day of sun
Hip Hop- club way we ride
Specialty- dance republic dum dum
Best Of Jumps- club rinse and repeat, dc2 sing, dance zone attach and exit, dance republic dum dum
Best In Studio- dc2 sing, conservatory of dance take a bow, echo thirteen, jem one o 5ive 8, studio one river jordan, take 5 matadors, the dance zone both sides, dance republic wash and set, the base prep squad, club its breezy
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thirstinmore-blog · 6 years
Best Albums of 2018
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20. Noname: Room 25
19. Jeremih & Ty Dolla $ign: Mih-Ty
18. Tierra Whack: Whack World
17. Parks Burton: Pare
16. Oneohtrix Point Never: Age Of
15. Angelique Kidjo: Remain in Light
14. Shannon Shaw: Shannon in Nashville
13. Curren$y & Freddie Gibbs: Fetti
12. Ariana Grande: Sweetener
11. Vince Staples: FM!
10. DJ Koze: Knock Knock
9. Mariah Carey: Caution
8. Courtney Barnett: Tell Me How You Really Feel
7. The Carters: Everything is Love
6. Snail Mail: Lush
5. Shannon & the Clams: Onion
4. Teyana Taylor: K.T.S.E.
3. Kacey Musgraves: Golden Hour
2. Blood Orange: Negro Swan
1. Dirty Projectors: Lamp Lit Prose
(Spotify playlist)
(Capsule reviews of Top 10 below) 
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10. DJ Koze: Knock Knock.  The music writing trope of “a sounds like b + c” is as lazy as it is played, but sometimes you hear a record and those type of comparisons spring to mind, like when I first heard Saint Pepsi’s Hit Vibes and instantly thought of J Dilla making a disco record.  That was also my response to Knock Knock, which sounds like the Avalanches making a more patient update of Since I Left You for 2018 ears.  The record is long and lush, and draws from roughly nine billion different aesthetics, but its particular mélange still manages to sound fresh.  As with SILY, the album is best experienced as a complete piece of music (though several tracks, such as “Lord Knows” and “Scratch That” would sound great in a mix or DJ set).  Knock Knock takes the listener through ambling pathways that wrap around and revisit each other, like an evening stroll through the spacious Joshua Tree National Park depicted on its cover.  It’s nearly a two-hour journey, but it’s well worth the price of admission.
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9. Mariah Carey: Caution.  Mariah got a dirty mouth and I’m here for it.  As mother, a twice-divorcée, a woman nearing 50, her work and her image are all her own; if she wants to include the word “fuck” in a bunch of songs on her new album (“GTFO,” “With You,” “The Distance”), then who the fuck are we to tell her no?   It’s a refreshing twist from someone whose public persona is often so curated, but I’m burying the lede.  The real story here is that Caution is a batch of excellent R&B songs from one of the genre’s all-time greats.  It’s not overwrought – by contrast, the album’s sultry blue cover art is indicative of the moods within.  The Ty Dolla $ign-featuring “The Distance” is laid extremely deep in the cut, assisted by some subtle production from Poo Bear, Lido and—holy shit, Skrillex?  Yup, and like Mariah herself, everyone involved uses an even hand and measured patience to let each song breathe.  
A personal highlight for me is “A No No,” which flips the Lil Kim/Lil Cease classic “Crush On You” on its head.  Here, where Biggie intones “he’s a slut, he’s a hoe, he’s a freak/got a different girl every day of the week,” there is no irony intended.  She gauges her suitors’ intent and responds simply: “that’s a no-no.”  In fact, the word “no” accounts for easily half the song’s lyrics, but it’s still a blast on subsequent listens.  But don’t get it twisted – highlights abound herein, from aforementioned singles “GTFO” and “The Distance” to the thoughtful, expansive, Dev Hynes-helmed “Giving Me Life,” which begins as a downtempo club hit and morphs into a surrealist dream.  Mariah Carey is one of the artists who’s been in my life the longest – I’m so happy she’s still killing it.
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8. Courtney Barnett: Tell Me How You Really Feel.  Courtney Barnett is what I was raised to believe an indie rock star should be: an unassuming, smart slacker with regular clothes and the ability to unleash earthbound poetry and atmosphere-puncturing solos with equal aplomb.  That effortless cool permeates every facet of her work, from her casual half-singing style to her loose but proficient playing, a mighty guitar god in the body of a humble 31-year-old.  (That she recorded a collaborative record with renowned cool guy Kurt Vile should surprise no-one.)  But what’s really striking about Barnett’s work is her wryly observant lyrics; whether she’s describing the banalities of urban life (“City Looks Pretty”) or eviscerating toxic masculinity (“Nameless, Faceless”), her keen eye and incisive wit pervade every line.  Tell Me is the sound of a strong artist getting stronger.
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7. The Carters: Everything is Love.  I often say that as I get older, my favorite elements of songwriting are editing and restraint.  That’s why I tend to hate double albums and love EPs.  I just believe that most double albums would be better if distilled down to one really strong record.  EPs, on the other hand, leave the listener wanting more.  Such is the case with Everything is Love, which reads like a Beyonce trap record with a number of guest verses from Jay. Regardless of speculation on who did the lion’s share of the writing on the record, both are in top form.  Bey’s signature vocal virtuosity is on display as ever, but the real delight is in her capable delivery as a rapper.  She glides effortlessly through triplets like “Poppin, I’m poppin, my bitches are poppin, we go to the dealer and cop it all.”  Big Sean could never.  Meanwhile, Jay turns in a few of my favorite bars of the year (and also a very slick Drake diss) on “Boss:”
“You not a boss, you got a boss. N*ggas gettin’ jerked, that shit hurts, I take it personaly.  N*ggas’d rather work for the man than to work for me.  Just so they can pretend they on my level, that shit is irkin’ to me.  Pride always goeth before the fall, almost certainly.  It’s disturbing what I gross.  Survey says: you not even close.  Everybody’s bosses till the time to pay for the office, till them invoices separate the men from the boys. Over here we measure success by how many people successful next to you.  Here, we say you broke if everybody is broke except for you. BAWSE.”
I don’t know if they intend to release more records as The Carters, but Everything is Love is a fun, successful experiment.
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6. Snail Mail: Lush.  There’s no reason for a debut LP to be this good.  The record, from solo project-turnt-band of 19-year-old Lindsay Jordan is focused, clever, and sophisticated.  Every component of these songs appears exactly as it should.  Jordan’s songwriting is clean and incisive (“I hope whoever it is holds their breath around you/’cause I know I did,” she sings on album standout “Heat Wave”).  The arrangements are smartly simple; seldom do they deviate from the four-person rock lineup, so the embellishments that are included (the French horn on “Deep Sea,” the layered keys on “Speaking Terms”) really leap out.  The playing throughout is lovely, with Jordan’s beautiful guitar technique front and center (the finger-picking on “Let’s Find an Out” is a particular delight). Everything in its right place – only where Radiohead’s inward gaze can be mopey and self-indulgent, the core strength of Lush is its efficiency.  There’s no filler here – just the exact amount of support that each piece requires.  The drumming feels especially strong in this regard – there’s an economic directness in Ray Brown’s playing that prioritizes the backbeat over everything, including his ego. The fills that he does include are modest and workmanlike.
It’s right that the record would be released by Matador, because these songs are drenched in the influences of the 90s slacker rock of Yo La Tengo, Sonic Youth, Sleater-Kinney and Sebadoh.  And as with each of those bands, Snail Mail’s songs are buoyed by excellent lyrics.  Jordan doesn’t just sound wise beyond her years, she actually seems to have lived more in her 19 years than many folks twice her age.  There’s a subtext of sobriety in some of the songs (“It just feels like the same party every weekend, doesn’t it?” on “Pristine,” or “I’m so tired of moving on/spending every weekend so far gone” on “Heat Wave”).  Perhaps the self-reflection that’s required in recovery has helped to distill her worldview.  
And look, I don’t mean to be patronizing here – this album would be a major achievement from any person of any age.  But to hear an artistic vision this crystal clear and laser-focused from a 19-year-old is something truly special.  I can’t wait to hear what she does next.
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5. Shannon & the Clams: Onion.  Upon first listen, Onion struck me as the best record the Clams have released to date.  Now, admittedly, I’m a sucker for keyboards, and the inclusion of organist Will Sprott is pure Patrick-bait.  But beyond my own tastes, the organ both fills out and anchors the Clams’ garage doo-wop sound.  There’s a welcome succinctness to Onion: the songwriting is tight, the guitar playing is melodic and utilitarian, and the vocal performances from both Cody and Shannon are more technically refined than in any of their previous outings.  One wonders if Shannon’s work on her own solo album (the very good, Dan Auerbach-produced Shannon in Nashville, which also came out this year) pushed her to improve her technique.  And don’t get it fucked up – this is still a Clams record.  It’s still shaggy and loud and rambunctious – but they’ve worked hard to reign in their wildest tendencies.  Some might say that it’s layered, just like-- *an oversized cane hooks around my throat and drags me offstage* ….Well…..let’s just say it’s good.
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4. Teyana Taylor: KTSE.  Of all the seven-song mini-albums Kanye produced in Wyoming this year, KTSE is both the best and the least talked-about.  She arrives seemingly out of the blue, a fully-formed artist who knows her strengths exactly.  She has bars when she feels like spitting them, a beautiful husky alto when she feels like crooning, and a profound connection to multiple styles of club music that’s borne of her history as a dancer.  It’s become a bit trendy to nod to vogue & ballroom culture in the last few years, but while Drake’s Big Freedia feature on “Nice for What” feels a little forced, Taylor can walk it like she talks it.  A dancer by trade, her comfort in the ballroom is palpable. 
Ye keeps it simple, remaining comfortably in his wheelhouse and flipping excellent soul samples such as Billy Stewart’s “I Do Love You” (which he repurposes into a nostalgic 4/4 slapper on “Hold On”) and The Stylistics’ “Because I Love You, Girl” (which he expands into a melancholy mediation on the horn section of the original).  It’s a welcome return to form.
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3. Kacey Musgraves: Golden Hour.  In her SNL performance earlier this year, Kacey Musgraves appeared as a flat-ironed, longhair disco queen.  As she slayed Golden Hour’s catchy lead single “High Horse,” I was reminded of Dolly Parton.  I’ve been spending a lot of time with Dolly’s mid-70s and early-80s catalogue this past year, having purchased vinyl copies of All I Can Do, New Harvest…First Gathering, and Dolly, Dolly, Dolly.  Parton is one of those artists whose discographies are so gigantic as to seem practically impenetrable, so I’ve been trying to hear as much as I can.  Dolly, Dolly, Dolly is an especially interesting entry: released in 1980, it was her 23rd album, and it represents a pretty clear swing for crossover success.  A handful of the tracks are straight-up disco, and these are what Musgraves called to mind.  I was thrilled – Dolly’s disco experiments were widely panned, but I think there’s a lot of good there, maybe Golden Hour would be an attempt to vindicate Parton’s vision?
Unfortunately or not, I was incorrect.  In total, Golden Hour bears more resemblance to Dolly’s friend & frequent collaborator Emmylou Harris (Kacey’s hair should’ve tipped me off, SMH).  It’s a beautiful, understated, and thoughtful set of songs that could fit as well on a folk radio station as a country one.  Like Harris, Musgraves has an innate sense of how to let a great song be great, hanging back in both arrangement and vocal performance.  She’s emotive when she needs to be (“Rainbow”), and contemplative as needed (“Golden Hour”), always letting her writing breathe.  Also, she has the confidence to bury the lead single so deep on Side B that you almost forget it’s there (and are thrilled when it is).  As a person who prefers the full album experience to that of a shuffled playlist, this is one of my very favorite tricks.
Quite simply: great songs + great arrangements = a surprising list-topper for me.
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2. Blood Orange: Negro Swan.  For years, the roles of sexuality and gender in black identity have been foci of Dev Hynes’ work as Blood Orange.  He spent time with drag queens and sex workers while writing his debut album Coastal Grooves, and has often cited transgender icon Octavia St. Laurent as one of his primary influences.  But while these interests have colored his previous albums, on Negro Swan they’re the bedrock.  In a press release preceding the album, Hynes described the album as “an exploration into my own and many types of black depression, an honest look at the corners of black existence, and the ongoing anxieties of queer/people of color.  A reach back into childhood and modern traumas, and the things we do to get through it all.  The underlying thread through each piece on the album is the idea of hope, and the lights we can try to turn on within ourselves with a hopefully positive outcome of helping others out of their darkness.”
These ideas are fundamental to the songwriting, and they’re reinforced by snippets of conversations with Janet Mock and Kai the Black Angel (who adorns the cover in a durag and angel wings) peppered throughout the album’s 49 minutes.  On “Family,” Mock defines community as “the spaces where you don’t have to shrink yourself, where you don’t have to pretend or to perform, you can fully show up and be vulnerable in silence, completely empty, and that’s completely enough.”  That search for community, the desire to be seen and loved and supported as your whole self informs each of these beautiful songs.  Already a competent producer, Hynes continues to grow, selecting beautiful flourishes like the jangly, perfectly out-of-tune guitar on “Charcoal Baby” or the soft, echoing snare drum on “Dagenham Dream” to characterize the thematic content of each piece.  Negro Swan is a powerful and complete work of art.  It sounds like he’s finally found some answers to the questions he’s been asking. 
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1. Dirty Projectors: Lamp Lit Prose.  On Lamp Lit Prose, David Longstreth appears to be having more fun making music than he has in years, probably because almost 100% of his band has turned over (kudos to longtime bassist Nat Baldwin, whose playing tethers him to his own beginnings).  Beyond the new Projectors themselves, Longstreth spent the months during the writing of the album making new friends in the LA music scene, and bringing them around the studio to record various parts.  Members of Haim contribute to album standout “That’s a Lifestyle,” Syd (of The Internet) anchors the refrain in “Right Now,” and Fleet Foxes’ Robin Pecknold and Vampire Weekend alumnus Rostam Batmanglij stack harmonies onto the swirling ballad “You’re The One.”
I see LLP as the second half of a diptych begun by the self-titled Dirty Projectors, released last year.  While that record wallowed in the pain of a broken relationship with former Projector Amber Coffman, LLP reveals a healed and newly in love protagonist.  Both records feature David Longstreth at his most vocally competent: he’s now able to truly execute the melismatic R&B runs he lovingly wrote and charmingly attempted in his earliest work, his diaphragm now supports his every leap and bound, and his croon is sweeter than ever before.  But furthermore, both albums expand on ideas that have popped up throughout his illustrious and impressive body of work.  Whether he’s reviving the Rise Above era blasts of noisy guitars on “Zombie Conqueror” or revisiting the orchestral ambitions of The Getty Address on the stunningly soulful “I Wanna Feel It All,” Longstreth sounds like a worker with a complete toolbox and a detailed blueprint.  He’s been working at honing his craft for years.
I saw the Projectors in June, at a time when only “Break-Thru” and “That’s a Lifestyle” had leaked.  I didn’t know what to expect, being among the seemingly small minority of fans who liked their previous record.  But their set was staggering.  Flanked by his group of mostly-new faces, Longstreth was bouncing all over the place, proudly showcasing each instrumentalist & vocalist (seemingly everyone had at least one moment in the spotlight), visibly excited about playing with this group of people.  And that makes sense: LLP is Longstreth relishing the fundamental glee of musical collaboration.  The joy is positively bubbling over in tracks like “Right Now,” “I Feel Energy,” and “I Found it in You.”  To see him play these songs live is to wonder if he’s talking about the act of musicmaking itself when he sings: “Ask now, I’m in love for the first time ever.”
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