#Mat Rempit
kazifatagar · 18 days
Former Mat Rempit Organises Fishing Contests to Combat Illegal Racing
Former “mat rempit” (illegal racer) Mohd Razif Aini, 38, has turned his life around and is now helping others do the same. Once deeply involved in dangerous street racing, Razif decided to quit after getting married and realising the risks.  Former Mat Rempit Organises Fishing Contests to Combat Illegal Racing He has since opened a fishing pond and now organises fishing competitions for fellow…
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sepangcircuit · 1 year
people begging for sepang to come back on the calendar is making me sad bc IK!!!!! i want sepang back i want to watch a race at my home circuit but unless the government does something with our current economy and lets us afford a contract with the fia it is not coming back anytime soon
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edo67 · 2 years
Tonton "Hero motor gagal aktrasi...akibat nya patal...mat rempit Malaysia" di YouTube
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soulfullionbunny · 2 months
I dont want her to be treated like a piece of meat that men only see as lust objects. Tapi you know, I myself did that... Aku cakap aku bukan pergi ke dia hanya kerana nafsu tapi juga sebab sayang. I said I am different than other guys. I LOVE her. They DONT. My lust comes from my love for her. From her laugh, from her jokes, from her brain, from her tears. She is MY wife, my love my lust. Theirs came from their eyes and dicks. "Aku cinta dan sayang dia for her self, but they want her just for her face. I am different!"
Tapi thats not true right? You are the same as other men. You treated her as a piece of meat jugak. Kau sayang, kau cinta, tapi kau rakus dengan dia. Apa bezanya kau dgn lelaki lain? Buang kata sayang, buang kata cinta, tangan kau tetap kotorkan dia. Kau sayangkan dia mcm isteri? tapi kau x pinang? Kau suami dia? tapi hanya suami di katil? Mana ketenangan, mana bahagia suami isteri?
Selamat datng ke dunia realiti. Kau gagal. Kau, at the end of the day, sama macam lelaki lain. Kau beria halang "kejahatan" mendekati dia tapi kau sendiri kejahatan tu. Kenapa kau yakin dengan nafsu kau? Hanya sebab kau "tahu" itu bakal isteri kau? Sebab kau akan jadi suami dia so she should relax and let follow the flow? So... where is she now? Where is your so called "lovely wife" yang kau confident dapat? Kau nak kahwin lah bukan dah kahwin, tapi beria ajak naik katil. Kau x de beza dengan lelaki lain. Apa guna janji sayang? Kau tetap x kahwin dengan dia. Jantan lain boleh ckp benda sama, boleh janji benda sama. Promises and Words dont mean shit. Di mata dia... kau adalah jantan. Niat x cukup utk berjalan di dunia ni.
"Diorang suka kau sbb muka kau, AKU yg sayang kau sbb diri kau!", "X payah layan diorng, diorang nak badan kau je!", "Diorang mat rempit, bukan lelaki baik utk kau. AKU yg terbaik utk kau!"
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adeqshasha · 1 year
Nak isap batang abang askar atau yang berkulit gelap. .. aku gersang sehingga aku nak sangat isap batang abang askar atau yang berkulit gelap. Nak di tunggangi secara ganas seganas ganas nya. Dengan batang yang besar Serta berurat atau tegang . Sungguh Tak siapa abang tentera atau mat mat rempit hahaha yang punta keupayaan tang di ingini. Semuanya Tak mampu melayari bahtera keseronokan sebab Tak mampu. Nak main lebih dari 3round . Tapi masalah nya abang abang yang mampu hanya Saturday atau Dua round. .. takda ke yang mampu menyahut cabaran ni. Adakah abang abang atau top top semua Tak mampu. Atau hanya pandai bercerita tentang kehebatan masing masing walhal hanya lah cerita fiktif.. tolonglah tunjukkanlah kemampuan atau kejantanan abang abang askar /mat rempit atau abang yang kulit gelap.. nak macam ni 100% on..
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spunkdrained · 1 year
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Haii laa jiran. Tiap malam aku tidur melancap dengar kau kena gangbang dgn mat mat rempit..nk mintak segan.. dpt skali pun jadilah
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wyleong · 5 years
I had an incident last night, and I forgot to post on tumblr, so here’s a link to the full “comic” on my FB page.
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aisyahputri777 · 5 years
Do you know what the Street Racing culture is like in Malaysia? Read here to find out! 
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coffeetarik · 2 years
Semalam sewaktu saya dan kawan kawan ke uptown Shah Alam, tiba pada jam sepuluh malam, ramai sangat manusia yang pulun masa kecederaan untuk mencari kelengkapan raya. Kebanyakannya muda mudi dan lebih kepada pasangan kekasih, suami isteri di fasa awal perkahwinan, dengan anak satu atau tanpa anak dan ramai, terlalu ramai mat mat rempit dan minah rempit dengan rambut perang dan perak.
Saya jadi teringat ketika saya kecik, saya pernah ke wakaf Che Yeh pada malam raya. Yang buatkan saya ingat peristiwa ini sampai sekarang adalah kerana kesesakan manusia yang berhimpit sehingga kau boleh mengambil kesempatan jika kau lelaki miang, keadaan hujan renyai dan kadang kadang lebat, terjumpa dengan abang sepupu saya bersama (waktu itu) gewenya, dan bunga api yang dinyalakan di pusat wakaf che yeh. Saya jadi ingat kerana bunga api itu tidak sampai sepuluh meter dari kedudukan saya.
Tapi yang sebenarnya saya mahu ceritakan adalah saya terjumpa seorang gadis tomboi dengan potongan rambut pendek bawah telinga. Wajahnya androgynous dan kalau bukan kerana bentuk wajahnya yang bulat dan tembam serta mulus, mungkin saya akan ingat dia lelaki. Saya kata kepada kawan saya, comel juga awek tu. Dan saya ditempelak kerana taste saya yang pelik. Bukan apa, saya memang minat perempuan rambut pendek dengan anting anting di telinga. Macam Janna Nick.
Itu sahaja.
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hajimine · 4 years
im also a city gorl but the image of iwa washing his face aggressively at that paip air (?) outside his house makes me tear my hair out 😟😟 suddenly mat rempits aren't that bad if iwa is one 😌❤️
hahdhshshs feli 😭😭 oh lawd his shirt getting all wet from the water and him running his fingers through his wet hair 🧎‍♀️looking like a greek god 😓
also omg i had to search up what mat rempits are (we call em geng motor here hzzhhs) and pls.... geng motor member!iwa and the other seijoh 4 causing a ruckus in the kampung bc of their reckless racing 😩‼️
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cheekina · 4 years
It can be quite tough to recognise the emergence and symptoms of fascism in this country.
There are neither cadres of malay wearing brown, black, red or putting on scarfs of chequered patterns nor the sound of jackboots marching here and there. Yes, there are those malay kids wearing punk gear and hairstyles wandering confused around Ipoh town and getting mistakenly branded as black metal acolytes and devil worshippers but those guys are really harmless. A little odd but harmless. It is encouraging that the past week has seen Malaysia sounding the call for the formation of a Global Movement of Moderates. The world is very much in need of moderation in more ways than one. But here in Malaysia, if the call is to mean something more than a public relations exercise, we will need to do some self-reflection and soul searching to see whether we ourselves have passed the test of moderation, particularly when it comes to religion. I stated that Malaysia is on the verge of religious fascism. It seems that when it comes to religion in this country, we are unable to say NO, to argue reasonably and rationally, or to even use common sense. What is even more alarming is the use of religion to intimidate, repress and stifle discourse. More than ever before, the line between public and private religion has become thinner and in some cases has disappeared altogether. Aspects of religion, specifically Islam, has begun to dominate and dictate various previously secular aspects of life in this country to the point that it is now erroneous and misleading to state that issues pertaining to Muslim affairs do not affect or impact on non-Muslims. We have seen some movement which allow for Islamic religious authorities to raid the places of worship of other religions. We have heard and experienced blatant unsubstantiated statements intended to create fear and whip up hysteria by accusing others of proselytisation and conversion.   It took 29 years before a church could be established in Ipoh due to the unwillingness and resistance put up by local authorities who felt that their own aqidah would be threatened for allowing a place of workships belonging to another faith to be established. Nobody told them that their personal faith should not be a factor in their decision making. The list is longer when we include what is being inflicted upon the Muslim community itself. Infants are judged illegitimate as a result of being born prematurely. The parents are married? Doesn’t matter. If the kid was born less than six months from the date of nikah, he or she is considered illegitimate. The Majlis Agama Islam Perak(MAIP) is more known and infamous for its numerous vice raids around Ipoh City than its acts of welfare and good work helping those in need and poverty. Pergi kerja untuk menangkap orang tengah kongkek lagi best dari tolong orang islam yang sangat sangat sangat memerlukan. What a shame! If you are a Malay woman, Muslim, a civil servant or a local university student, there is an unspoken rule that you are expected to wear only the baju kurung, loose shirt and if you are not wearing the tudung or headscarf, sooner or later you will be peer pressured into wearing it. Wear any other professional attire such as a pantsuit and you will be quietly spoken to. Wear a pant or jeans to attend classes and people will assume you as “disturbing” or “perempuan sundal”. Like many others, I have long been concerned about the religionization of secular mechanisms and frameworks. Have you taken a look at the e-Fatwa website recently? It boggles the mind to see the degree of influence, control and intervention into our lives which has been granted to religious authorities who are largely unelected persons who are unaccountable to the public.
My opinion : It seems that syariah matters nowdays are no longer limited to personal law matters as originally underlined and envisaged under the Federal Constitution. It is disturbing to note that involvement of Islamic religious bodies such as the National Fatwa Council appears to be required and even have the final word on perspectives involving such things as electoral reform (i.e. the use of indelible ink), Mat Rempits, poco-poco dancing, public health policy and even the use of scanners at airports. In recent days, religious authorities have even acted as book critics and declared books haram such as “Breaking the Silences: Voices of Moderating Islam in a Constitutional Democracy”. But the reason why this is all happening is because we are allowing it to happen. There are many who lay the blame of the religious excessiveness seen of late at the doorstep of Malay-speaking rural communities. But you know what? I believe the problem lies instead among those of the middle class living in the cities, particularly in the enclaves which exist in Shah Alam, Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya, Malacca and Johor Baru. In these almost ghetto-like Malay communities spring the many insecurities, intolerance, bigotry and racism which have manifested themselves on the national agenda and championed by persons such as Papagomo, Hadi Awang, Fynn Jamal and the boys and girls of the PPGM brigade. SCREW THEM! The “ideas” originate from people who are not economically challenged, deprived or impoverished rather they are more likely to be the privileged, well-educated, well-travelled and moneyed. They are more likely to have been educated abroad. Yet, these are the ones who are most rabid about the alleged threats to the Islamic faith. Many of them are in their retirement years, consider themselves devout and recently renewed in their faith. They are influencing the younger generation with their views and values. Trust me, those holier-than-thou pakciks or makciks are much more worst than us when they were younger. Yet among them, religious piety co-exists with superstitious practices. Consider the current trend of enrolling your kids in tahfiz classes. Parents are racing to get their very young kids into these classes where they are taught to read and memorize the entire Quran. They aren’t taught what the individual words mean or the historical context. Just memorize. So, your son can recite whole chapters but has no idea what the story is about. These kids have become the latest show and tell of parents and the latter’s store for good deeds for the hereafter. In the meantime, daughters are taught that it is necessary to thoroughly wash sanitary napkins to prevent the Devil feeding on menstruation blood and gaining access to one’s soul. Bomohs (shamans) are used for a myriad of purposes from weather control to dealing with business rivals. These are all symptomatic of a strangeness currently inflicting the Malay community. It seems that there are many who appear to be gripped in some sort of religious rapture. A race to see who can be seen and demonstrate themselves to be the most pious. The extreme manifestations of this have been the loud militant religious rhetoric, threats towards those of other faiths and the enforcement of a single interpretation or religious worldview. If a person is not a Malay and not a Muslim, that person is deemed as having no right to comment on things affecting Muslims. If a person is non-Malay and a Muslim, we say things are done differently here in Malaysia compared to other countries. If a person is a Malay Muslim, this person is deemed to not know enough about Islam. If a person is a Malay Muslim with the right credentials, he or she could get censored, condemned and even accused of sedition.  The loudest voices (and those who often get their way) are those belonging to the people who are less tolerant and accepting of others, who feel the need to dominate others in the name of religion and ethnicity, and who claim to be champions of the faith. Taken together, many of these are the budding signs of fascism which are no longer confined to fringe groups and have in fact become mainstream. Religious fascism is a tapeworm in the gut of modern Malaysia. It is time we recognize it for what it is.
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kazifatagar · 2 months
Mat Rempit Stunts Lead to Tragic Accident, Two Dead
Despite warnings about the dangers of highway stunts, Mat Rempits, known for reckless riding, continue to disregard safety. A recent viral video on X showed Mat Rempits speeding before an accident involving four riders, resulting in two deaths.  Mat rempit stunts lead to accident  Chief Police of the Southern Klang district, Cha Hoong Fong, confirmed the accident happened at 4:30 AM on August…
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kemungkinan-blog · 5 years
(Video) Mat Rempit kena belasah
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Viral di media sosial baru-baru ini video sekumpulan penunggang motosikal dibelasah orang awam kerana didakwa menganggu ketenteraman pengunjung di Pantai Makuow, Lahad Datu, Sabah. 
Dalam kejadian yang tidak diketahui tarikhnya itu, video 4 minit itu menunjukkan sekumpulan penunggang motosikal terbabit melakukan pencemaran udara dan bunyi. 
Tidak tahan dengan tindakan kumpulan itu, orang awam datang menegur sebelum menumbuk salah seorang penunggang terbabit di bahagian kepala menyebabkan lelaki itu terus melarikan diri dari tempat kejadian, meninggalkan motosikalnya. 
Beberapa rakannya yang lain sempat melarikan diri sebelum sempat dibelasah. 
Tidak berapa lama selepas itu, datang dua lagi penunggang motosikal terus ditahan orang awam lalu ditendang dari belakang. 
Kejadian itu mencetuskan kekecohan dan dileraikan beberapa lelaki yang menasihatkan orang ramai agar tidak terburu-buru mengambil tindakan sendiri. 
Sumber: Borneo 8888
from The Reporter https://ift.tt/32rIn0v via IFTTT from Cerita Terkini Sensasi Dan Tepat https://ift.tt/2zJNb5f via IFTTT
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soulfullionbunny · 2 months
she no longer send out msgs to me. 7 days utk hilang rasa rindu. its okay. its enough for me (not really). but its okay. shes getting better man. mEn actually cause damn all those motherfuckers flocking her. siyell tapi x pe la. pandai dia pilih. she no longer accepting me as an option anymore. she moved on. all that left for me in her is just rage, hatred, and dendam. she dont even feel safe with me in the chat lol. dia always assumed aku trying to insult or mocked her.
(actually i wanna do some maths. dia ckp dia currently ada more than 10 guy friends. and itu pun yg berjaya jadi kawan dia. so lets expand the pool. kalau dia ada 15 guys. and i would say a lot of guys talked to her. lets the qty is 3 times of 15. so 45... 45 guys talked to her. omfg plssss bodooo banyak babi. and the fact that i KNOW its more than that HAHAHAH. aint no way 45 men je in 1 year nahh. siot emo moment hahgah. damn at some point man of her dream gonna show up acapp. it wont be longgg acapp. terima takdir dia acappp. her peace kann. fuckkkk)
anyway, pandai la dia pilih. she did say dia memilih. good for her. apparently ada this one gentle older guy hit her up. hes in his 30s apparently... i think thats her best match atm sbb she liked him best apparently. she even said suka lmaoo. SUKA and the ONLY roadblock is his age OMFG.
siot actually banyak aku nak complain ni bcs wtf???? dia ada meet a guy, the sg rempit guy. fuck i need to finish the ranting drafts of that guy, aku dah lupakan dia but datang balik cam sial. pastu she video call a guy!?!?!?!? weyyy level smooth talker apa all these guys sampai boleh sampai tahap video call?? and pastu dia guna discord??? honestly pedih mat. its legit pedih cause she talked with a guy yg main valo. it pains me sbb she watch him play, thru discord. SHE. WATCH. HIM. PLAY. ffs im crying rn. fucking hell bodo benda kecik but its kinda big to me. thats my fav activity with her. i know shes moving on but goddamn x sangka to this extend. aku ni mcm dissapear langsung dlm memori dia eh? she frankly have no problem langsung doing OUR activities dgn orang lain. lol. now i wonder how our animes and stardew valley. i wonder aboutour plato and locket. i fucking HATE it here. oooo srs omg i need a run. fuck its almost 2am but i need the pain rn fuckfuckfuck who the fuck say journalling is calming. this is fucking triggering. I WAS OKAY MINUTES AGO. nononononono returning to analyse is worst. i regret this
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izon9 · 6 years
Mat Rempit Maut, Mencederakan Seorang Yang Lain Dalam Satu Perlumbaan Haram
Mat Rempit Maut, Mencederakan Seorang Yang Lain Dalam Satu Perlumbaan Haram
Gambar sekadar hiasan – Sumber imej: Sarawak Voice
Seorang Mat Rempit telah meninggal dunia manakala seorang ‘penonton’ telah mengalami kecederaan serius dalam satu perlumbaan haram.
Pihak PDRM kini sedang memburu dua orang ‘pelumba’ yang lain.
Video-video yang dipaparkan menunjukkan kemalangan dan keadaan sejurusnya.
Seorang Mat Rempit telah menyebabkan kematian seorang lagi penunggang…
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hokalohnews · 6 years
Asyik 'memekak' di jalan raya, mat rempit ditahan dan dibawa solat Subuh berjemaah di masjid | Berita Semasa Hokaloh News
KEMAMAN: Sekumpulan 79 penunggang dan pembonceng motosikal beragama Islam dituntun menunaikan solat subuh berjemaah di Masjid Sultan Ahmad selepas ditahan polis dalam Ops Bersepadu Samseng Jalanan di daerah ini awal hari ini.
Ketua Polis Daerah Kemaman Superintendan Mohd Said Ibrahim berkata mereka antara 115 pengguna motosikal yang ditahan dalam operasi bermula 3.30 pagi hingga 5 pagi di sekatan jalan raya di KM160 Jalan Kuala Terengganu menuju ke Kuantan selain tangkapan di lorong-lorong tikus serta penutupan di kedua-dua arah Jalan Chukai menuju Air Putih.
“Mereka yang berumur antara 15 dan 30 tahun dibawa balik ke Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Kemaman dan setelah diambil keterangan, mereka dituntun ke masjid untuk solat Subuh berjemaah dan bacaan Yasin serta sesi tazkirah,” katanya ketika dihubungi hari ini.
Polis turut menahan tiga remaja berumur 17 hingga 19 tahun kerana positif dadah.
Mohd Said berkata operasi itu menyaksikan 90 motosikal diperiksa dan 135 saman dikeluarkan atas pelbagai kesalahan.
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