#Mastering Shopify Data Collection
realdatascraping · 8 months
Mastering Shopify Scraping: A Symphony of Code and Elegance of No-Coding
Mastering Shopify Scraping: A Symphony of Code and Elegance of No-Coding
Oct 13, 2023
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In the ever-evolving realm of eCommerce, having access to critical data and insights is a game-changer. Shopify, one of the most popular eCommerce platforms, is home to a vast array of valuable information. Whether you're a business owner seeking competitive intelligence, a developer looking to create custom solutions, or a curious explorer in online commerce, web scraping offers the key to unlocking this treasure trove of data.
Our journey begins with the art and science of Shopify scraping. This exploration will delve into two distinct approaches: code-based and no-code methods. Each approach has its unique allure, making web scraping accessible to tech-savvy and those without coding experience.
The code-based approach empowers you to craft customized scrapers, offering flexibility and fine-grained control. You'll learn to use Python and popular libraries like Beautiful Soup to extract data efficiently.
On the other side of the spectrum, the elegance of no-coding solutions offers a more accessible path. With the help of user-friendly web scraping tools, you can create effective scrapers with just a few clicks.
So, whether you're searching for market insights, looking to monitor product prices, or simply keen to embark on a data-driven adventure, our journey into mastering Shopify scraping will equip you with the skills and knowledge to navigate the eCommerce landscape with confidence and finesse. Strap in, and let's unlock the world of Shopify data through a symphony of code and the elegance of no coding.
Constructing a Shopify Scraper in JavaScript/Python
In the world of eCommerce web scraping has become an essential tool for extracting valuable data from websites. Shopify, one of the leading eCommerce platforms, hosts a vast array of online stores and product information. For businesses, developers, and data enthusiasts, the ability to scrape Shopify can provide crucial insights into market trends, competitor pricing, and more. In this guide, we'll explore how to construct a Shopify scraper using JavaScript and Python, two popular programming languages.
Why Scrape Shopify?
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Shopify scraping serves multiple purposes:
Competitor Analysis: Monitor your competitors' products, pricing, and inventory to gain a competitive edge.
Price Monitoring: Keep track of price changes for specific products, allowing you to adjust your pricing strategy.
Market Research: Analyze market trends, demand for certain products, and customer reviews.
Inventory Management: Automate inventory updates and product listings for your own Shopify store.
Code-Based Approach: Python
Python is a versatile language known for its simplicity and powerful libraries for web scraping. We'll use the requests library to fetch web pages and Beautiful Soup for parsing the HTML content.
Steps to Construct a Python Shopify Scraper
Install Required Libraries: Make sure you have Python installed. Install the required libraries using pip.pip install requests beautifulsoup4
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Run the Scraper: Execute your Python script to scrape product information from the specified Shopify store.
Code-Based Approach: JavaScript
JavaScript is commonly used for web scraping due to its integration with web browsers. We'll use Node.js along with the axios library to fetch web pages and cheerio for parsing HTML.
Steps to Construct a JavaScript Shopify Scraper
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Install Required Libraries: Make sure you have Node.js installed. Create a new Node.js project and install the necessary libraries.npm initnpm install axios cheerio
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Run the Scraper: Execute your JavaScript script using Node.js to scrape product information from the specified Shopify store.
Non-Coding Approach
Web scraping has become a crucial tool in eCommerce, enabling businesses and individuals to extract valuable data from websites. Shopify, one of the leading eCommerce platforms, hosts a wealth of online stores and product information. Whether you're a business owner, developer, or data enthusiast, the ability to scrape Shopify can provide essential insights into market trends, competitor pricing, and more. In this guide, we'll explore constructing a Shopify scraper using a no-coding approach, utilizing web scraping tools requiring minimal coding skills.
Why Use a No-Coding Approach for Shopify Scraping?
A no-coding approach is an excellent choice for individuals who may need more programming experience but still want to leverage the power of web scraping. These tools provide user-friendly interfaces that simplify the scraping process, making it accessible to a broader audience.
Steps to Construct a Shopify Scraper with a No-Coding Approach
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Create a New Project: In your chosen tool, create a new project, and specify the URL of the Shopify store you want to scrape.
Configure Data Extraction: Utilize the tool's point-and-click interface to select and configure the data you want to extract. This typically involves clicking on webpage elements and specifying the data to scrape.
Start the Scraper: Run the scraper within the tool. The tool will automatically navigate the Shopify site, extract the specified data, and present it in a structured format.
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Using a no-coding approach with web scraping tools is an accessible way to gather valuable data from Shopify and other websites. It allows individuals without programming skills to harness the power of web scraping and gain insights into market trends, competitor analysis, and other e-commerce-related information.
How Data Scraping Transforms Shopify Insights?
Let's delve into ten specific Shopify scraper use cases in more detail:
Competitor Price Monitoring
Keeping an eye on your competitors' pricing strategies is crucial in a highly competitive eCommerce landscape. You can track real-time price changes, discounts, and promotions by scraping data from rival Shopify stores. This allows you to adjust your pricing strategies to remain competitive and maximize profitability. Additionally, you can set up automated alerts to be notified when your competitors change their prices, giving you a strategic advantage.
Market Research
Market research involves understanding consumer behavior market trends, and identifying opportunities. Scraping data from various Shopify stores can provide valuable insights into customer preferences, demand for specific products, and emerging market trends. You can also analyze customer reviews and feedback to understand better the strengths and weaknesses of products in your industry.
Inventory Management
Managing inventory can be a time-consuming task for eCommerce businesses. Shopify scraping can automate this process by providing real-time updates on stock availability and product listings. By integrating data from your suppliers or competitors, you can ensure your Shopify store always reflects accurate inventory levels.
Price Comparison Websites
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Building a price comparison website is an everyday use case for Shopify scraping. You can aggregate product data from multiple Shopify stores and present it to consumers in an easy-to-understand format. This helps shoppers find the best deals, compare prices, and make informed purchasing decisions, while you can generate revenue through affiliate marketing or advertising.
Sales and Discounts Tracking
Shopify scrapers can track sales, discounts, and special promotions. This is particularly valuable during peak shopping seasons, like Black Friday or Cyber Monday. By monitoring Shopify stores for discounts and sales, you can swiftly identify opportunities to market discounted products to your customers or find deals for your needs.
Product Data Extraction
Extracting detailed product information is a fundamental use case. Shopify scraping lets you gather product details such as titles, descriptions, images, pricing, and specifications. This data can be used to create comprehensive product catalogs, import products to other platforms, or feed data to your online store.
Review and Feedback Analysis
Customer reviews and feedback provide valuable insights into product quality and customer satisfaction. By scraping reviews and feedback from various Shopify stores, you can conduct sentiment analysis, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions to enhance product offerings and customer service.
SEO and Content Creation
Shopify scraping can aid content creation for SEO purposes. You can extract product descriptions, images, and specifications to create unique and engaging content for your website or blog. This improves your website's SEO and provides valuable information to your customers.
Ad Campaign Strategy
Ad campaigns can benefit from Shopify scraping by gaining insights into product popularity and trends. You can identify which products are trending, what customers are searching for, and how your competitors advertise. This data informs your ad campaign strategies, helping you target the right audience and optimize your advertising budget.
Brand Monitoring
Brand consistency is vital for maintaining a solid online presence. Shopify scraping allows you to monitor how your brand and products are presented across various stores. This includes product descriptions, images, pricing, and even customer reviews. Ensuring a consistent brand image builds trust with your customers and protects your brand's reputation.
These detailed use cases showcase the versatility and potential of Shopify scraping, making it a valuable tool for businesses looking to gain a competitive edge, understand their market, and optimize their operations. Always conduct web scraping by legal and ethical guidelines and respect the terms of service of the websites you interact with.
Mastering Shopify scraping offers an array of possibilities for eCommerce success. Whether you prefer the code-driven precision or the no-coding elegance, you're empowered to harness the wealth of data within Shopify. It's time to put these skills to work and explore even further. And for those seeking a seamless API solution for real-time data access, consider the Real Data API, your gateway to a world of actionable insights. Get started today and take your eCommerce endeavors to new heights! Your journey to data-driven success awaits.
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jennifermurphseo · 4 months
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Maximizing Conversions: A/B Testing Strategies for Shopify Web Development
Shopify, being a leading platform for online stores, offers robust tools to enhance conversion rates. One such powerful technique is A/B testing. Let's delve into effective strategies for optimizing Shopify web development through A/B testing.
Understanding A/B Testing
A/B testing, also known as split testing, involves comparing two versions of a webpage to determine which one performs better. This method allows developers to experiment with various elements, such as headlines, images, call-to-action buttons, and layout, to identify the most effective combination for driving conversions.
Choosing the Right Elements to Test
To conduct successful A/B tests, it's crucial to select the elements that have the most significant impact on user behavior. Focus on areas that directly influence conversion rates, such as:
Headlines: Craft compelling headlines that capture attention and convey the value proposition of your product or service.
Call-to-Action (CTA) Buttons: Optimize the text, color, size, and placement of CTA buttons to encourage user interaction.
Product Images: Use high-quality images that showcase your products from different angles and highlight their features.
Page Layout: Experiment with different layouts to improve user experience and guide visitors towards the desired action.
Forms: Simplify forms by reducing the number of fields and optimizing their design for ease of use.
Setting Clear Goals
Before conducting A/B tests, define clear and measurable goals to track the success of your experiments. Whether it's increasing sales, generating leads, or boosting sign-ups, having specific objectives will guide your testing strategy and help you measure results accurately.
Running Controlled Experiments
When implementing A/B tests, it's essential to maintain control over variables to ensure accurate results. Follow these best practices:
Randomization: Randomly assign visitors to different variations to eliminate bias and ensure a representative sample.
Segmentation: Analyze results based on user segments to gain insights into specific audience behaviors and preferences.
Statistical Significance: Ensure that test results are statistically significant before drawing conclusions. Use reliable tools and calculators to determine significance levels.
Analyzing and Iterating
Once you've collected sufficient data from your A/B tests, analyze the results to identify winning variations and areas for improvement. Iterate on successful elements to further optimize conversion rates continually. Remember that conversion optimization is an ongoing process that requires constant monitoring and adjustment.
In the ever-evolving landscape of e-commerce, mastering A/B testing strategies is essential for maximizing conversions and staying ahead of the competition. By understanding the principles of A/B testing and implementing effective strategies tailored to Shopify web development, you can drive significant improvements in conversion rates and achieve your business objectives. Start experimenting today and unlock the full potential of your Shopify store!
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appmasterd · 7 months
Cracking the Code: Effective PPC Campaigns on Amazon FBA vs. Shopify
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In the dynamic landscape of e-commerce, mastering Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns is a pivotal aspect of driving traffic, enhancing visibility, and boosting sales. As businesses navigate the digital marketplace, understanding the nuances of PPC strategies tailored for specific platforms becomes imperative.
This article delves into the intricacies of "Cracking the Code: Effective PPC Campaigns on Amazon FBA vs. Shopify." Explore how these e-commerce giants approach PPC, the challenges they present, and uncover platform-specific best practices for optimizing ROI in the competitive world of online advertising.
Understanding the PPC Landscape on Amazon FBA
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Amazon's Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising stands as a cornerstone for sellers aiming to maximize visibility and sales.
A. Amazon PPC Basics
Amazon's advertising platform offers a diverse array of ad types, including Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and Sponsored Display. To make the most of these options, sellers must comprehend the intricacies of Amazon PPC.
1. Overview of Amazon's Advertising Platform
Amazon's ecosystem provides a robust platform for sellers to promote their products. Understanding the basics of this platform is crucial for creating effective PPC campaigns.
2. Types of Amazon Ads
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Different ad types serve distinct purposes. Sponsored Products appear in search results, Sponsored Brands showcase a brand's collection, and Sponsored Display reaches audiences beyond Amazon. Each demands a tailored approach.
B. Keyword Research and Targeting
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Central to Amazon PPC success is a strategic approach to keyword research and targeting.
1. Importance of Relevant Keywords
Relevance is paramount in PPC. Choosing keywords that align with customer searches ensures ads are shown to the right audience, increasing the likelihood of conversions.
2. Utilizing Amazon's Keyword Research Tools
Amazon provides tools like the Keyword Planner to identify high-performing keywords. Utilizing these tools streamlines the research process, aiding in effective campaign planning.
3. Bidding Strategies for Optimal Results
Bidding on keywords involves a nuanced strategy. Balancing bid amounts with keyword relevance is key to optimizing ad placements and achieving a favorable return on investment (ROI).
II. Navigating PPC Challenges on Amazon FBA
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While Amazon's PPC platform offers immense potential, it comes with its set of challenges that sellers must navigate adeptly.
A. Ad Budget Management
Effectively managing ad budgets is crucial to prevent overspending and ensure a positive ROI.
1. Setting Realistic Budgets for Campaigns
Establishing realistic budgets aligns advertising efforts with overall financial goals. It's essential to allocate funds based on expected returns and campaign objectives.
2. Monitoring and Adjusting Budgets Based on Performance
Constant monitoring of campaign performance is essential. Adjusting budgets based on real-time data allows sellers to allocate resources to the most successful campaigns, maximizing overall efficiency.
B. Ad Placement Strategies
Strategic ad placement significantly influences visibility and engagement.
1. Understanding the Impact of Ad Placement on Conversions
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The placement of ads—whether on search results pages, product detail pages, or elsewhere—affects user interaction and conversion rates. Sellers must comprehend the nuances of each placement option.
2. Testing and Optimizing Ad Placement for Maximum Visibility
A/B testing different ad placements helps sellers identify the most effective positions for their products. Continuous optimization ensures that ad placements evolve in response to market dynamics and user behavior.
PPC Strategies Tailored for Shopify
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While Amazon FBA dominates in-house advertising, Shopify merchants leverage a different set of tools for Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns.
A. Overview of PPC on Shopify
Shopify, as a standalone e-commerce platform, offers its native advertising capabilities, distinct from Amazon's integrated approach.
1. Shopify's Native Advertising Capabilities
Explore how Shopify's built-in advertising features function, from customizable ad placements to audience targeting options.
2. Integrating Third-Party Tools for Enhanced PPC Management
Examine the role of third-party tools in augmenting Shopify's native capabilities. From analytics to bid management, these tools can significantly impact the success of PPC campaigns.
B. Targeting Options on Shopify
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Shopify's emphasis on user behavior and engagement influences its approach to targeting options.
1. Customizing Target Audiences
Understand how Shopify allows for detailed customization of target audiences based on user demographics, behaviors, and preferences.
2. Leveraging Social Media Platforms for Shopify PPC
Explore the integration of social media into Shopify's PPC strategy. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram offer unique opportunities for reaching a broader audience.
IV. Key Differences Between Amazon FBA and Shopify PPC
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While both platforms share common PPC principles, understanding their unique nuances is essential for crafting effective strategies.
A. Platform-Specific Nuances
Each platform operates on distinct algorithms, impacting how PPC campaigns are executed.
1. How Amazon's Algorithm Influences PPC
Amazon's algorithm prioritizes relevance and conversion rates. Uncover how aligning with Amazon's algorithmic preferences can enhance PPC success.
2. Shopify's Emphasis on User Behavior and Engagement
Unlike Amazon, Shopify places a premium on user engagement and behavior. Delve into how this emphasis shapes Shopify's approach to PPC.
B. Cost-Per-Click Variations
Examine the cost differences associated with running PPC campaigns on Amazon FBA versus Shopify.
1. Comparing Average CPC on Amazon FBA and Shopify
Evaluate the average cost-per-click on both platforms and analyze how budget allocations should be adjusted based on these variations.
2. Budget Allocation Considerations for Each Platform
Understand the strategic considerations for allocating PPC budgets effectively. Tailoring financial plans to each platform's cost dynamics ensures optimal use of resources.
Case Studies: Successful PPC Campaigns on Both Platforms
Real-world examples showcase the practical application of effective PPC strategies, offering valuable insights for businesses on Amazon FBA and Shopify.
A. Analyzing Real-world Examples of Effective Amazon FBA PPC Campaigns
Examine notable cases where businesses have excelled in leveraging Amazon FBA's PPC capabilities.
1. Ad Campaign Objectives and Goals
Explore the specific goals businesses set for their PPC campaigns on Amazon FBA, whether it's boosting product visibility, increasing sales, or promoting brand awareness.
2. Campaign Execution and Optimization
Dive into the execution phase, detailing how businesses structure their campaigns, select keywords, and continually optimize to achieve optimal results.
B. Showcasing Shopify Stores That Have Excelled Through Strategic PPC Efforts
Transition to the Shopify landscape, highlighting success stories that demonstrate effective PPC strategies on this platform.
1. Leveraging Shopify's Native Features
Explore how successful Shopify stores capitalize on the platform's native advertising features to create compelling and engaging campaigns.
2. Integrating Social Media for Enhanced Reach
Examine case studies where Shopify merchants have effectively integrated social media platforms to extend the reach of their PPC campaigns.
VI. Best Practices for Maximizing ROI
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Achieving a favorable return on investment (ROI) requires a nuanced approach to PPC campaign management. Explore key practices that businesses can adopt for sustained success.
A. A/B Testing Strategies for Ad Creatives and Copy
Detail the significance of A/B testing in refining ad creatives and copy. Understand how this iterative process helps businesses identify high-performing elements.
B. Monitoring and Analyzing Key Metrics: CTR, Conversion Rates, ROAS
Highlight the critical metrics that businesses should monitor to gauge the performance of their PPC campaigns. From click-through rates (CTR) to return on ad spend (ROAS), understanding these metrics is crucial for optimization.
C. Adapting PPC Strategies to Evolving Market Trends
Explore how businesses stay agile by adapting their PPC strategies to align with shifting market trends. Discuss the importance of staying informed and responsive to changes in consumer behavior and industry dynamics.
As we conclude our exploration of "Cracking the Code: Effective PPC Campaigns on Amazon FBA vs. Shopify," it becomes evident that navigating the intricacies of Pay-Per-Click advertising is essential for e-commerce success. Each platform, Amazon FBA and Shopify, presents unique challenges and opportunities that businesses must adeptly navigate to achieve optimal results.
A. Recap of Key Insights
Recap the key insights gained throughout the article, emphasizing the importance of understanding platform-specific nuances, tailoring strategies, and leveraging best practices.
B. Emphasizing Ongoing Optimization
Stress the significance of continuous optimization in the ever-evolving landscape of online advertising. Encourage businesses to stay vigilant, adapt to market trends, and refine their PPC strategies accordingly.
C. Encouragement to Experiment
Urge businesses to experiment with different approaches, leveraging the insights provided to tailor PPC campaigns to their specific goals and target audience. The dynamic nature of e-commerce calls for agility and a willingness to try new tactics.
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ensumo-mart · 8 months
Revolutionize Your Digital Presence: Vista Social Unleashed! 🌐✨ Master All with One Power-Packed Platform!
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Are you drowning in the sea of social media tools, desperately seeking a lifeline to streamline your strategy? Look no further! Vista Social emerges as the all-encompassing savior, a game-changer that reshapes the digital landscape. ���✨
The Social Media Powerhouse You've Been Waiting For! 🌟
Tired of the tedious dance between multiple platforms? Vista Social converges all facets of your social media world into a unified, seamless experience. It's time to reclaim control over your digital narrative—publish, engage, and analyze, all under one virtual roof. 💪🌐
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Effortless Scheduling Mastery: Wave goodbye to erratic posting. Vista Social empowers you to schedule and manage posts across platforms with a level of finesse that elevates your online presence. 🗓️✅
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abox-agency · 11 months
Turning Clicks into Customers: The Shopify Agency Impact
In the dynamic world of e-commerce, the ability to convert clicks into customers is the true measure of success. However, achieving this feat requires a strategic approach that goes beyond the surface level. This article delves deep into the realm of the Shopify Agency Impact and its role in helping businesses master the art of turning clicks into lasting customer relationships. Let's embark on this insightful journey and uncover the secrets to transforming your online store into a customer magnet.
The Shopify Agency Advantage
Turning Clicks into Customers: The Shopify Agency Impact begins with recognizing the unique advantages these agencies bring to the table. They are armed with a comprehensive toolkit of strategies, insights, and experience that set them apart in the competitive e-commerce landscape.
Expertise in Store Customization and Design
Your online store's design and functionality play a pivotal role in captivating your visitors and compelling them to make a purchase. Shopify agencies are well-versed in the art of store customization, ensuring that your website not only looks visually appealing but also provides an intuitive and seamless shopping experience. This expertise sets the stage for higher conversion rates and a reduced bounce rate.
Data-Driven Decision Making
One of the key aspects of the Shopify Agency Impact is their reliance on data-driven decision making. These agencies leverage advanced analytics tools to dissect user behavior, identify pain points in the customer journey, and optimize various elements of your online store accordingly. By constantly fine-tuning the user experience, they ensure that clicks translate into tangible sales.
Personalized Marketing Strategies
Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all marketing. Shopify agencies understand the power of personalization and craft tailored marketing strategies that resonate with your target audience. Whether it's through personalized email campaigns, targeted social media advertisements, or curated product recommendations, these agencies ensure that every click feels like a personalized interaction, increasing the likelihood of conversion.
Seamless Integration of Apps and Plugins
The Shopify ecosystem boasts a plethora of apps and plugins that can enhance your store's functionality. Shopify agencies possess the know-how to identify and integrate the right apps and plugins that align with your business goals. This integration optimizes the customer experience, making the journey from click to checkout a seamless one.
Building Trust and Credibility
Building trust is a cornerstone of customer conversion. The Shopify Agency Impact extends beyond technicalities; it encompasses building a brand image that exudes trust and credibility. These agencies assist in creating compelling content, impactful visuals, and persuasive product descriptions that establish your brand as a reliable authority in your niche.
Unveiling the Strategies
Turning Clicks into Customers: The Shopify Agency Impact isn't just a buzzword; it's a collection of tried-and-true strategies that have propelled numerous businesses to Shopify E-commerce Devlopment Company in India stardom. Let's dive into some of these transformative strategies:
1. Compelling Call-to-Actions (CTAs)
CTAs are the signposts that guide your visitors towards making a purchase. Shopify agencies master the art of crafting compelling CTAs that evoke a sense of urgency, excitement, or curiosity. These strategically placed buttons or links entice clicks and nudge visitors towards the conversion path.
2. High-Quality Visual Storytelling
A picture is worth a thousand words, and in the world of e-commerce, it's worth even more. Shopify agencies harness the power of visual storytelling to convey your brand's narrative and evoke an emotional connection with your audience. Through captivating images and videos, they turn clicks into a visual journey that resonates with potential customers.
3. Streamlined Checkout Process
A lengthy or complicated checkout process can be a conversion killer. Shopify agencies optimize the checkout process, making it as frictionless as possible. This eliminates barriers to purchase, ensuring that a click is swiftly transformed into a completed transaction.
4. Leveraging Social Proof
Shopify agencies leverage social proof by showcasing customer reviews, ratings, and testimonials strategically. This fosters a sense of trust and authenticity, encouraging clicks to convert into confident purchases.
5. Retargeting and Remarketing
Not all clicks result in immediate conversions, but that doesn't mean they should be forgotten. Shopify agencies employ retargeting and remarketing techniques to re-engage users who have shown interest in your products. By serving them tailored ads and reminders, they gently guide these potential customers back to your store, increasing the chances of conversion.
6. A/B Testing for Continuous Improvement
The quest for converting clicks into customers is an ongoing journey. Shopify agencies conduct meticulous A/B testing to compare different versions of web pages, CTAs, and marketing campaigns. This iterative process allows them to identify the most effective elements and continually optimize for better results.
The Turning Clicks into Customers: The Shopify Agency In Surat Impact is a transformative force in the world of e-commerce. These specialized agencies possess the expertise, strategies, and insights needed to bridge the gap between clicks and conversions. By harnessing the power of data-driven decision making, personalized marketing, and strategic optimization, they turn every click into a stepping stone towards customer loyalty and business success.
Q: How can I measure the success of Shopify agencies in turning clicks into customers?
A: The success can be measured through key performance indicators (KPIs) such as conversion rate, bounce rate, average order value, and customer retention rates. Shopify agencies typically provide regular reports that showcase these metrics and demonstrate their impact.
Q: Are Shopify agencies suitable for small businesses, or are they more geared towards larger enterprises?
A: Shopify agencies cater to businesses of all sizes. Their strategies can be tailored to meet the specific needs and goals of small businesses, helping them effectively turn clicks into customers and drive growth.
Q: Can I implement some of these strategies on my own, or is professional help necessary?
A: While some strategies can be implemented independently, Shopify agencies bring a wealth of expertise and experience to the table. Their insights and data-driven approach often result in more effective and efficient outcomes.
Q: How do Shopify agencies ensure that the personalized marketing strategies align with my brand's voice?
A: Shopify agencies invest time in understanding your brand's values, target audience, and unique selling propositions. This deep understanding allows them to create marketing strategies that resonate with your brand's voice and maintain consistency.
Q: Is the impact of Shopify agencies limited to the digital realm, or do they extend to offline channels as well?
A: While the primary focus of Shopify agencies is on the digital landscape, their strategies can have a positive impact on offline channels as well. The cohesive brand image and customer-centric approach they cultivate often extend to in-store experiences.
Q: What role does storytelling play in the Shopify Agency Impact?
A: Storytelling is a powerful tool that humanizes your brand and creates an emotional connection with your audience. Shopify agencies use storytelling to craft a compelling narrative around your products or services, making the journey from click to customer a more engaging and memorable one.
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10 Helpful Instagram & Facebook Ad Tips for Fashion eCommerce Stores
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Social media advertising can drive highly relevant traffic to your online eCommerce store, increase your conversion rates, and boost brand loyalty.
With social media ad spending hitting more than USD 89 billion in 2019, marketers are constantly looking for ways to create powerful ad campaigns that deliver results.
While there is no shortage of social media platforms, Facebook and Instagram emerge as the top choices for fashion eCommerce businesses as it allows demographic targeting based on various filters such as gender, age, ethnicity, education, and even income.
In this article, we’ll discuss how eCommerce store marketers can amp up their advertising on Facebook and Instagram, and maximize conversions with 10 simple tips.
Why run Facebook and Instagram ads for your eCommerce store?
With 2.74 billion monthly active users and a detailed user-targeting option, Facebook is the top choice for eCommerce companies to reach out to the desired audience in a few seconds.
In fact, ads on Facebook account for 80.4 percent of the US social referral share to eCommerce sites. Moreover, an average user clicks on 11 Facebook ads every month.
Facebook’s ad formats make it easy to target users regardless of the stage of their engagement journey. Whether a user has just started skimming through various options available or is ready to hit the purchase button in a couple of seconds, there is a Facebook ad for everyone.
At present, Facebook supports a number of ad formats you can choose from depending on your advertising goals. These include video, photo, slideshow, carousel, dynamic product ads, and lead form ads.
Here’s why Facebook ads are useful:
You can track each ad’s performance by analyzing the conversions, clicks, and impressions received by your ads.
You can customize your ads based on your campaign goals such as brand awareness, traffic engagement, conversions, lead generation, more video views, encouraging customers to install the app, etc. This ensures that you only pay for those results that are looking to achieve through the ads.
Using the data from your successful audience base, Facebook Ads can help you locate a ‘lookalike’ audience who are more likely to purchase your products.
Facebook Pixel, which is embedded within the website, can also track the user behavior after a user clicks on a Facebook ad to find information such as -- What do they do? What pages do they click? Did they leave any products in the cart?
These can help an advertiser target users with retargeting ads of products that they have already shown interest in.
However, it is not enough to rely on Facebook alone to promote an eCommerce store. Even though Instagram boasts a smaller active user base of 1 billion, it offers ten times higher engagement than Facebook, making it an advertising platform that marketers cannot afford to ignore.
Instagram also offers a great sales potential as 30 percent of users purchase a product after discovering it on Instagram.
There are several types of Instagram ads that work for different advertising goals. These include photo ads, story ads, video ads, collection ads, carousel ads, explore ads, IGTV ads, and Instagram Shopping ads.
Here are some benefits of advertising through Instagram:
Instagram is a better platform to target the young crowd as more than two-thirds of global users are below 34.
You can integrate your Shopify account with the ads to sell your products instantly.
Compared to Facebook, users are 58 times more likely to engage with branded content on Instagram.
Since Facebook owns it, you can manage the setup, creation, budget, and scheduling of Instagram Ads through Ads Manager, a Facebook tool that lets you create and manage ads on both platforms.
Top Instagram And Facebook Ad Tips for Fashion eCommerce Stores
1. Remember to Target & Define Your Audience
Facebook can track the interests of the target users by monitoring the user behavior on the platform. For instance, the kind of pages followed by a user or the kind of content a user likes interacting with provides vital insights about what the audience is interested in.
As an advertiser, you can use this data to target those users who have already expressed an interest in the kind of products you offer.
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You can target people who are specifically interested in topics and brands similar to your product. For example, if you are selling athleisure outfits, you can target users who like to work out, stay fit, or are planning to join a gym.
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It is always advisable to choose multiple narrow interests to get your ads in front of an audience that really cares about what you offer.
2. Create a Custom Audience For Retargeting Campaigns
Custom Audience on Ads Manager allows you to target users who have already interacted with your brand either on Facebook or Instagram. Such users are low hanging fruits and have a better chance of converting once retargeted with your ads.
You can install Facebook Custom Audience pixel on your website and allow Facebook to track the pages these users visit and retarget them with ads when they visit Facebook or Instagram.
There are various ways to target the audience -- you can filter them by age, gender, location, interests, behaviors, income, the composition of their household, and a lot more. You can also track your current users and lifetime value of customers.
Custom Audiences also allow micro-targeting based on the user history. For instance, you can track visitors who viewed a page about a new pair of denim and send targeted ads on Facebook about the denims you offer.
In fact you can check out this step by step guide on 6 Advanced Ways to Use Facebook Custom Audiences.
3. Use Lifestyle Photos
Since Instagram is a photo-sharing platform, using high-quality images in your ads can be a great way to attract the audience.
However, instead of boring product photos, try lifestyle shots -- portraits of users in real-life events to show your product in action. These photos look more genuine and appeal to the audience in a better manner.
Make sure to shoot these photos from eye-level. This adds a personal touch and makes the target audience feel like looking at the product in person. Try to click your models in action instead of them merely posing. This shows the audience what your products can do.
Take, for instance, the Instagram ad by Lemon and Line. While it may look like this is an ad for women’s clothing, it actually promotes rope bracelets.
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The copy of the ad demonstrates the objective beautifully -- as these bracelets are subtle accessories, it uses the tagline“we whisper, never screams.” The image also shows how to style the bracelets which helps the audience get a clear idea of the whole look, making it easier to hit the ‘shop now’ button.
For more on how to master Instagram ads check out For the Gram: The Anatomy of a Perfect Instagram Ad
4. Boost Content Shared by Influencers
Influencers have started playing a critical role in marketing products to customers. In fact, 68 percent of people visit Instagram to simply interact with such creators. Influencers understand what the audiences want to see.
They create highly appealing content that gets noticed by their followers. Since they know product positioning very well, you can use their content as ads to target prospective customers. One way to do this is by boosting organic posts from influencers as feed ads within the platform.
Such influencer-generated content can showcase your offerings in the most relatable way. Look at, for instance, the boosted content from an influencer in partnership with Old Navy that offers the latest designs at great prices for the entire family.
The ad shows a real-life mother-daughter duo instead of professional models, making it more appealing for the audience.
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5. Upsell Products to Existing Customers
Upselling is a great way to boost your sales by targeting such users who have already expressed an interest in your product. While deals with new customers close only 5 to 20 percent of the time, the chances of selling to existing customers are 60 to 70 percent!
Facebook allows you to set up an upsell campaign on its Ads Manager. You can place these ads along with your existing product ads to increase the reach of your campaign.
Whenever you are designing an upselling ad campaign, think about the core intention of users who are browsing through the products.
So if a customer has purchased a pair of yoga pants from the product catalog, you can upsell sports bras by targeting them with relevant ads as the core intention of the customer is to purchase workout clothes.
6. Combat Cart Abandonment
Let’s face it -- watching a prospective customer abandon the cart can be disheartening. But such customers who have added a product to their shopping cart but leave it right before checkout offer a great sales opportunity. Using retargeting ads on Facebook and Instagram, you can nudge such customers to complete the purchase.
Take, for example, this retargeting ad by Red Balloon. Using the Custom Audience tool on Facebook Ad Manager, Red Balloon remarkets the ad to customers who abandoned the cart before checkout. To make it even more attractive for the customer, the brand added a discount code.
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7. Offer Special Discounts or Offers
Discounts or promo codes are one of the easiest ways to grab the attention of your customer. These work even better when they are valid for a limited period, creating an urgency.
Once customers land on your website to redeem the discount coupon, the chances are that they will complete the purchase and also browse through the store to purchase other items. This can, in turn, boost sales across the board and increase your reputation as a brand.
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Facebook allows you to create Offer Ads through the Ads Manager, where you can add the details about the offer, choose where it can be redeemed, or even create a unique barcode for redeeming the offer.
Apparel brand Maurice's gained a 31% increase in its return on advertising spend using an Offer Ad to promote a USD 15 discount.
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While Instagram doesn’t have a specific category of Offer Ads, you can still add the details of the offer in various ad formats such as carousel ads, video ads, and IGTV ads.
8. Leverage Video ads to Increase Engagement
The power of video ads is undeniable. Video ads generate better engagement with the users and generate 20 to 30 percent more conversions than image ads and boost your leads by 66 percent annually. 87 percent of businesses across industries use video as a marketing tool, proving that video ads are here to stay.
Both Facebook and Instagram support video ad formats. You can use video ads to attract more users. However, these videos should never come across as too sale-sy -- they should blend seamlessly into the feeds on Instagram and Facebook.
They should be shot within the right dimensions and have a powerful intro to make a solid impression right off the bat. The headline should be less than 40 characters, and a clickable CTA button should also be included.
For instance, look at this video ad by Apple.
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This eye-catching ad starts with a slow-mo intro but changes gears soon. It uses bright neon colors to capture the attention of the audience. It also delivers a clear message about the utility of the Apple Watch through the caption -- you can clock in 30 minutes of workout all at once or a little at a time.
While you may not have the budget to appoint designers to create such video ads, you can always use a free online video editor that offers a variety of professionally designed video ad templates. These video editors help you create professional-looking video advertisements without breaking the bank.
These video ad templates can be completely customized as per your requirements and advertising goals. They can also help you save a lot of time -- instead of starting from scratch, you can select a pre-designed template and make necessary changes right from your web browser. You can also reuse a single ad template for similar products.
There are various free video editors available online that you can check out. Always make sure to pick an editor that allows you to also add necessary effects such as animations, transitions, and music, etc., to create high converting video ads. ‍
9. Make The Buyer’s Journey Effortless
Since you are competing with numerous other brands to get the attention of your customer, make sure that every ad is designed to make the buyer’s journey effortless. You can do that by creating ads that fulfill the following objectives:
Attracts the right audience: Start by nailing down a concrete description of who you want to target by answering questions such as: Who is in the market to purchase your products? What is the average age of your customers? Where do they live? What is the average income?
Doing this will help you place the ads before the ideal audience instead of shooting in the dark.
Increases awareness about your product: Showcase how your product will benefit the buyer and improve their lives. You should also display your products in a manner that surges the demand without coming across as too sale-sy. Consider creating urgency around your products through time-bound offers or promo codes.
Makes the decision to purchase easier: Most Instagram accounts end up adding a link to the landing page of a recently uploaded product in the bio. But what happens if your buyer is interested in a particular t-shirt that you had uploaded two months back?
Using third-party tools such as Like2Buy can simplify the process for such buyers. Instead of opening a different browser to search for each product, the buyers can simply click on the Like2Buy link, which takes them to a page with the featured products of your brand. The buyers can select the photos from the feed and get to the landing page of specific products within a few clicks.
10. Pay Attention to Analytics
A thorough review of analytics can provide you useful information for creating the right kind of Facebook and Instagram ads. Insights, the native analytics tool on these platforms, can show you how your content is performing. You can identify what kind of content is getting the maximum amount of organic interaction and design your ad around such content.
If your image feed on Instagram gets more traction than Instagram Stories, opting for Image Ads is a better idea. Take, for instance, the Facebook page of clothing brand Ralph Lauren. The regular posts always contain a stunning image showcasing the merchandise.
The brand also uses Facebook Photo Ads with powerful images that capture the attention, leaves a lasting impression, and allows the audience to visualize themselves wearing Ralph Lauren clothing.
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You have just learned the best tips to create compelling Facebook and Instagram ads that can help you skyrocket your sales. Here’s a quick recap:
Start by narrowing down the audience through the Interests tab.
Then dive into creating a Custom Audience to target those who have interacted with your brand.
Try other strategies like using lifestyle photos in your ads, offering special discounts, and boosting influencer content to make your products more appealing.
Focus on creating specific ads that address cart abandonment issues and upselling products to existing users.
Increase engagement by making the buyer’s journey effortless and monitoring the performance of your ads.
Finally, use video ads to capture attention.
While it may seem like an incredible amount of work, don’t try to incorporate all ten tips overnight. Experiment with a couple of strategies to figure out what works best for you and tweak your marketing strategy accordingly.
About the Author
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InVideo is a super easy video creation platform that’s used by more than a Million people across 160+ countries to create gold-standard videos in minutes. It’s on a mission to make video creation accessible to anyone and everyone, even if they’ve never edited a video before.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8230801 https://ift.tt/385NOrc via IFTTT
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t-baba · 4 years
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An ultimate guide to grid design
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#464 — October 28, 2020 | Read on the web
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Responsive Grid Design: An Ultimate Guide — A comprehensive and highly visual guide to using grid for layout (think column structure, gutters, side margin values, etc). The sort of thing that's handy for reference.
Nitish Khagwal
A Primer on the Different Types of Browser Storage — The browser has many options we can utilize to store data, this post from Ido Shamun runs through them.
New Course: Introduction to Next.js, The Full-Stack React Framework — Next.js is a complete framework built on top of React.js. You'll learn server-side rendering, static site generation, data fetching, code API endpoints, creating pages with the file system, add CSS modules, and more.
Frontend Masters sponsor
Prevent Layout Shifts with CSS Grid Stacks — A detailed explanation with real examples of a CSS grid technique used to prevent layout shifts when a component state changes.
Hubert Sablonnière
Faster Web App Delivery with PRPL — PRPL is a pattern for structuring and serving web applications and Progressive Web Apps with an emphasis on improved app delivery and launch performance.
Addy Osmani
⚡️ Quick bits:
The draft of CSS Grid Level 3 is up, and includes Masonry layouts.
Mozilla is running a survey to better understand the needs of developers.
Starting next month, Microsoft will forcibly open over 1,000 websites in Edge instead of Internet Explorer.
Caniuse is partnering with BrowserStack to help you test features on real browsers/devices.
Here's a round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 87 to help you plan.
Why isn't loading="lazy" the default behavior for browsers? This discussion on dev.to is asking just that.
Using the Eleventy SSG? Here's a growing collection of Eleventy (11ty) projects, plugins, and resources.
Release notes for Safari Technology Preview 115.
💻 Jobs
JavaScript/TypeScript Architect + Developer Advocate, London UK — It’s time to build your masterpiece – can you design a platform and a framework used by the NHS, HMRC, Valve, and Microsoft?
Frontend Developer at X-Team (Remote) — Join the most energizing community for developers and work on projects for Riot Games, FOX, Sony, Coinbase, and more.
Find Your Next Job Through Vettery — Create a profile on Vettery to connect with hiring managers at startups and Fortune 500 companies. It's free for job-seekers.
🧑‍💻 Looking to share your job listing in Frontend Focus? There's more info here.
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Creating CSS Shapes with Emoji — This is pretty neat. A mash-up of sorts, bringing together CSS Shapes with various 😎 emoji to create interesting text-wrapping effects.
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Anima 4.0: Go Straight From Design to React in the Design Handoff — Lets you cherry-pick elements straight from a design and get fully written React components that just work. Here's more about the Anima 4.0 release.
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Radix Icons: A Crisp Set of 15×15 Icons in a Variety of Formats — Assets available for Figma, Sketch, IconJar, SVG, installable via npm, and as React components.
A Better Way to Work With Git? — Trying to remember all those Git commands? Still afraid of using Git’s advanced features? There’s a better way.
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NSFW JS: TensorFlow-Powered Client Side Indecent Content Checking — Would it be helpful for you to detect.. ‘unseemly’ images on the client side? Enter NSFW JS. We first featured this over a year ago but it’s just had a significant performance-oriented update.
Infinite Red, Inc.
Butter Slider: A Simple Drag and Hold Slider with No Dependencies — You can set it up with data-* attributes in the HTML with a simple init() call, or do it from your script. Demo here.
Armand SALLE
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Pure CSS Oil Painting — Another amazing project from Diana, all done with just HTML and CSS. This time the page is presented like a game character creation screen, in which you can customize elements - such as hair color. The detail on the necklace is particularly impressive.
Diana Smith
Rocket Validator: Automated Accessibility Scanner for Large Sites — Not free, but you can sign up for a trial. This tool will automatically scan your site, from a single starting URL, to find markup and accessibility errors and warnings.
rocket validator
Fingerprint JS 3.0: Modern and Flexible Browser Fingerprinting Library — With v3 it’s become completely modular and has been rewritten in TypeScript. Definitely one of those ‘please use this for good, not evil’ type projects though.
by via Frontend Focus https://ift.tt/3e5fIFA
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amarsingh24 · 4 years
Final Project
Students in Toronto who are in the last few years of high school. They are accustomed to using social media, but they do not know how to get the most out of it, nor do they know about many of the challenges or security issues that we have learned about in class.
The Power of Hashtags
People use hashtags as a way of connecting relevant content and information together. For example, if I created a social media post on twitter and used the hashtag #Raptors, now anyone who searches #Raptors will also be able to see this post in real time. As an influencer or company who uses hashtags to sell products or services, they use relevant hashtags to essentially group things together. For example, a gardening company may hashtag a few gardening tools and sprays on a single picture, with the hope of attracting more people to at least one of the hashtags revolving around a similar topic.
It is important to use hashtags to filter out your content and posts. What this means is you want to narrow your audience. It would also be very effective to measure your KPI such as traffic and views on specific hashtags to see what works and what doesn’t. By focusing on this, you will be able to attract more traffic to your posts by using the right and relevant hashtags.
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2. Social Media Conversions
Social media are such powerful platforms that give you the opportunity to measure your success. A social media platform like Facebook, where you can now advertise your business and purchase items directly from the advertisement page have multiple different conversion metrics you can use to measure the success of your ads. Some conversion metrics you are able to measure are things like newsletter subscriptions, clicks, spending amount, conversion rates and bounce rate to name a few. As students continue to use social media for their entertainment, it is important for them to understand that those platforms can create opportunities for them as they head into post secondary or into the workplace. For example, an entrepreneur, these platforms provide them the ability to consistently check their metrics, make adjustments and monitor the results. In large companies as well, many now use online social media and advertisement tactics to gain customer information. Companies then use that data to tweak their tactics in hopes of receiving higher returns. Understanding how to use these metrics will give you a large advantage when you are able to manage these aspects of a company.
In my opinion, as young students, mastering how to use these metrics as a young age gives you tremendous advantage over many others who are not proactively learning and understanding conversions. You will be more advanced for employment and with today’s unprecedented times, the world is only going to become more reliable with online instruments. Data will continue to be received more and more online and slowly move away from the old school paper and mail surveys to receive customer data.
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3. Cybersecurity
In this day and age, quadrillions of information is being uploaded online including our very own profiles. The difficult issue here is that with the expanding amount of information that is being shared online, we are exposed to the risks of cybercrime. Cybercrime is usually apparent through hackers who send viruses to our computers and steal our personal information such as passwords, SIN, addresses, credit card numbers and more. These kind of hackers who gain our information for personal gain are on the extreme spectrum of cybercrime, while on the other hand there are businesses who hire experts to collect information from us through our very own devices. One of the ways this is done is through the implementation of cookies. Cookies are code embedded on your computers and laptops that occurs when you visit websites. These cookies help the companies identify you as a unique visitor and records your interaction with the website (Module 4). Advertising companies then display advertisements on any site you visit. You may notice if you shop for a specific brand of clothing and you move on to a completely different website, you will see an ad generate based on the last thing you were searching for and this is all due to cookies. The “third party” data is stored in profiles by groups called “data brokers”. These brokers then segment us into groups based on categories. This is why your online identity is important. “Think twice, click once” is a great saying because the more you browse on your social media, the more data of you is actually being stored. It’s important to keep cautious of this because information can get hacked or leaked.
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4. The Benefits of Apps
In the millennial generation, the most popular devices used by consumers are smart devices . In fact, over 3 billion people in the world are proven to be smartphone users due to its many smart device innovative features, including it’s variety of apps! Apps are one or more programs that are designed for end-users. For businesses, apps are important because they can help you target broader audiences and potential consumers because most people use their phones every day, and putting your content software on their devices is an easy way to reach them (Module 7). Apps create colour and variety for smart devices as they act as a platform to create and consume an endless amount of activities such as a game console (PS5), Smartphone (iPhone), web browser and more. More commonly, many apps are accessed through smart devices such as smartphones and tablets. As mobile devices were drastically innovated over the years, along with it came the famous “Mobile App” in which we use such platforms to make our daily life more convenient. The evolution of apps has impacted our lives in many ways: If you’re looking for something in the dark, you can turn the flash on your phone and use it as a flashlight, and use it as a flashlight. When we need to calculate how much we should tip a service provider, we automatically pull out our phone calculator! When we want to connect with someone overseas, we can easily message or call them- you get the gist of it.  For businesses, you can use apps to learn about your consumers and improve your marketing tactics. It can also be used as a platform to condense large amounts of information into an easy communication channel for users and employees.
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“apps” by Sean MacEntee is licensed under CC BY 2.0
5. Why Websites are Key for Businesses
The importance of incorporating a website for your business. A website is a platform that may include both hardware and software in order to operate. Some of the world’s most famous websites include: Youtube, Wikipedia, Twitter, Facebook and Amazon. People rely on websites for reasons such as daily entertainment, online shopping, acquiring resources through search engines and many more. What all of these great websites have in common is that they are all able to optimize their website by remaining responsive but also adapting to different platforms, by delivering the same uniform experience for users. Another good way to measure how well a website was created is by observing the user experience it provides. More specifically, what we can use as a benchmark to test the value of the website is through the look, feel and usability it provides. Does the website look like a platform you can trust? Does browsing through the website give you any feelings such as joy? Is it easy to navigate through the website? Does the website load quickly? All of these issues are highly important and must be accounted for when creating a good website. The interplay of visuals, colour, ergonomics, and more, all play a specific role in the overall experience a website can provide (Module 7). To create a website, there are a number of different platforms that provide a variety of templates such as Wordpress, GoDaddy, Shopify and many more. These websites often include the three main categories: media queries, fluid grids and flexible images. Each category has a specific role on the website as they affect the look and feel of the website.
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Source: Wikimedia Commons (2009)
“Marketing Dashboards and Reports.” Funnel, 5 Apr. 2020, funnel.io/dashboards-and-reports?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=bb-search-generics-us-1-bmm&utm_term=social%2Bmedia%2Bdata%2Banalytics%2B-%2Bbmm%2B-%2Bus%2B&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIgM6K9Nzy6gIVDJyzCh1dvAr8EAAYAS
Figure 2f from: Irimia R, Gottschling M (2016) Taxonomic revision of Rochefortia Sw. (Ehretiaceae, Boraginales). Biodiversity Data Journal 4: E7720. https://doi.org/10.3897/BDJ.4.e7720. (n.d.). doi:10.3897/bdj.4.e7720.figure2f
O'Dea, P. B., & 28, F. (2020, February 28). Smartphone users worldwide 2020. Retrieved from https://www.statista.com/statistics/330695/number-of-smartphone-users-worldwide/
0 notes
nicolelegit · 4 years
Final Project
Students in Toronto who are in the last few years of high school. They are accustomed to using social media, but they do not know how to get the most out of it, nor do they know about many of the challenges or security issues that we have learned about in class.
The Power of Hashtags
People use hashtags as a way of connecting relevant content and information together. For example, if I created a social media post on twitter and used the hashtag #Raptors, now anyone who searches #Raptors will also be able to see this post in real time. As an influencer or company who uses hashtags to sell products or services, they use relevant hashtags to essentially group things together. For example, a gardening company may hashtag a few gardening tools and sprays on a single picture, with the hope of attracting more people to at least one of the hashtags revolving around a similar topic. 
It is important to use hashtags to filter out your content and posts. What this means is you want to narrow your audience. It would also be very effective to measure your KPI such as traffic and views on specific hashtags to see what works and what doesn’t. By focusing on this, you will be able to attract more traffic to your posts by using the right and relevant hashtags.
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 2. Social Media Conversions
 Social media are such powerful platforms that give you the opportunity to measure your success. A social media platform like Facebook, where you can now advertise your business and purchase items directly from the advertisement page have multiple different conversion metrics you can use to measure the success of your ads. Some conversion metrics you are able to measure are things like newsletter subscriptions, clicks, spending amount, conversion rates and bounce rate to name a few. As students continue to use social media for their entertainment, it is important for them to understand that those platforms can create opportunities for them as they head into post secondary or into the workplace. For example, an entrepreneur, these platforms provide them the ability to consistently check their metrics, make adjustments and monitor the results. In large companies as well, many now use online social media and advertisement tactics to gain customer information. Companies then use that data to tweak their tactics in hopes of receiving higher returns. Understanding how to use these metrics will give you a large advantage when you are able to manage these aspects of a company.
In my opinion, as young students, mastering how to use these metrics as a young age gives you tremendous advantage over many others who are not proactively learning and understanding conversions. You will be more advanced for employment and with today’s unprecedented times, the world is only going to become more reliable with online instruments. Data will continue to be received more and more online and slowly move away from the old school paper and mail surveys to receive customer data.
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3. Cybersecurity
In this day and age, quadrillions of information is being uploaded online including our very own profiles. The difficult issue here is that with the expanding amount of information that is being shared online, we are exposed to the risks of cybercrime. Cybercrime is usually apparent through hackers who send viruses to our computers and steal our personal information such as passwords, SIN, addresses, credit card numbers and more. These kind of hackers who gain our information for personal gain are on the extreme spectrum of cybercrime, while on the other hand there are businesses who hire experts to collect information from us through our very own devices. One of the ways this is done is through the implementation of cookies. Cookies are code embedded on your computers and laptops that occurs when you visit websites. These cookies help the companies identify you as a unique visitor and records your interaction with the website (Module 4). Advertising companies then display advertisements on any site you visit. You may notice if you shop for a specific brand of clothing and you move on to a completely different website, you will see an ad generate based on the last thing you were searching for and this is all due to cookies. The “third party” data is stored in profiles by groups called “data brokers”. These brokers then segment us into groups based on categories. This is why your online identity is important. “Think twice, click once” is a great saying because the more you browse on your social media, the more data of you is actually being stored. It’s important to keep cautious of this because information can get hacked or leaked.
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4. The Benefits of Apps
In the millennial generation, the most popular devices used by consumers are smart devices . In fact, over 3 billion people in the world are proven to be smartphone users due to its many smart device innovative features, including it’s variety of apps! Apps are one or more programs that are designed for end-users. For businesses, apps are important because they can help you target broader audiences and potential consumers because most people use their phones every day, and putting your content software on their devices is an easy way to reach them (Module 7). Apps create colour and variety for smart devices as they act as a platform to create and consume an endless amount of activities such as a game console (PS5), Smartphone (iPhone), web browser and more. More commonly, many apps are accessed through smart devices such as smartphones and tablets. As mobile devices were drastically innovated over the years, along with it came the famous “Mobile App” in which we use such platforms to make our daily life more convenient. The evolution of apps has impacted our lives in many ways: If you’re looking for something in the dark, you can turn the flash on your phone and use it as a flashlight, and use it as a flashlight. When we need to calculate how much we should tip a service provider, we automatically pull out our phone calculator! When we want to connect with someone overseas, we can easily message or call them- you get the gist of it.  For businesses, you can use apps to learn about your consumers and improve your marketing tactics. It can also be used as a platform to condense large amounts of information into an easy communication channel for users and employees. 
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"apps" by Sean MacEntee is licensed under CC BY 2.0
 5. Why Websites are Key for Businesses
The importance of incorporating a website for your business. A website is a platform that may include both hardware and software in order to operate. Some of the world's most famous websites include: Youtube, Wikipedia, Twitter, Facebook and Amazon. People rely on websites for reasons such as daily entertainment, online shopping, acquiring resources through search engines and many more. What all of these great websites have in common is that they are all able to optimize their website by remaining responsive but also adapting to different platforms, by delivering the same uniform experience for users. Another good way to measure how well a website was created is by observing the user experience it provides. More specifically, what we can use as a benchmark to test the value of the website is through the look, feel and usability it provides. Does the website look like a platform you can trust? Does browsing through the website give you any feelings such as joy? Is it easy to navigate through the website? Does the website load quickly? All of these issues are highly important and must be accounted for when creating a good website. The interplay of visuals, colour, ergonomics, and more, all play a specific role in the overall experience a website can provide (Module 7). To create a website, there are a number of different platforms that provide a variety of templates such as Wordpress, GoDaddy, Shopify and many more. These websites often include the three main categories: media queries, fluid grids and flexible images. Each category has a specific role on the website as they affect the look and feel of the website.
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Source: Wikimedia Commons (2009)
“Marketing Dashboards and Reports.” Funnel, 5 Apr. 2020, funnel.io/dashboards-and-reports?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=bb-search-generics-us-1-bmm&utm_term=social%2Bmedia%2Bdata%2Banalytics%2B-%2Bbmm%2B-%2Bus%2B&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIgM6K9Nzy6gIVDJyzCh1dvAr8EAAYAS
Figure 2f from: Irimia R, Gottschling M (2016) Taxonomic revision of Rochefortia Sw. (Ehretiaceae, Boraginales). Biodiversity Data Journal 4: E7720. https://doi.org/10.3897/BDJ.4.e7720. (n.d.). doi:10.3897/bdj.4.e7720.figure2f
O'Dea, P. B., & 28, F. (2020, February 28). Smartphone users worldwide 2020. Retrieved from https://www.statista.com/statistics/330695/number-of-smartphone-users-worldwide/
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4 Steps Help You Start-Up A Women Clothing Retail Boutique!
women clothing retail boutiqueIf you are looking for answers on how to open a women's clothing retail boutique, then you have chosen a good market. According to Statista data report: The value of the global clothing retail market is expected to increase from $1.3 trillion in 2015 to approximately $1.5 trillion in 2020, which indicates that global demand for clothing is growing. Especially women's clothing accounts for the largest proportion. All right, let's start!
Do you want to open Physical or Online Women Clothing Retail Boutique?    
Yes, we must put this question first. Do you want to open Physical or Online Women Clothing Retail Boutique? Let's analyze separately:
Physical Women Clothing Retail Boutique
Capital budget 
To carry out women's clothing retail business requires sufficient funds to ensure that store rents, store decoration costs, initial purchase funds, sales staff recruitment, operating capital, etc., all of which require a comprehensive capital budget. There is a saying that managing an enterprise is to manage the financial status of the business, open women's clothing retail boutique is the same.
Market analysis to establish the positioning of women's clothing retail boutique
Investigate the local women's clothing market, for example, what is the local consumption level? What about the target group? The demand and saturation of the market as well as the situation of industry competitors need to be carefully understood. After that, determine what kind of women's clothing to sell, Plus size or Sportswear? What kind of people are the main groups? 20-30 years old or 40-60 years old? So as to establish the positioning of the women's clothing boutique.
location of women clothing retail boutique
The location of the women's clothing retail boutique is very important, which is an important factor in determining the business situation of the clothing boutique. The location needs to grasp the following key points: visitors flowrate, the level of consumption, and the positioning of the clothing boutique to match the surrounding consumer groups. Of course, the rent for such a location is certainly not low, so it is necessary to combine clothing retailers' own funds to choose.
Decoration of women clothing retail boutique
Please note that the decoration should match the style and type of clothing sold. If it is the type of clothing for girls 15-20 years old, it is necessary to decorate the boutiques to be cute and playful. If the customer is an office worker, the decoration should be more formal and solemn. In this way, customers will feel that this is the style that suits her. Furthermore, the lights must be evenly distributed and the brightness must be satisfied, as well as the mirrors and fitting rooms should be rationally arranged. This also requires special attention from clothing retailers.
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Online Women Clothing Retail Boutique
In fact, the general idea of ​​opening an online women clothing retail boutique is similar to the physical boutique. You also need to consider the capital budget and positioning in the early stage. The only difference is that the location and decoration of the clothing boutique are transferred to the online.
Since it is an online woman clothing retail boutique, you need to consider which system to use.
Reading FashionTIY TIPS: I Want To Start My Online Retail Clothing Business. Should I Use Magento, Opencart, PrestaShop, or Shopify? I believe you will get the answer. If you choose Shopify to start, How to Start an Online Store With Minimal Cash Investment will help you.
 Create a detailed Business Plan for your Women Clothing Retail Boutique
Formulating a detailed business plan plays a macro control role in the operation of women clothing retail boutique. In addition to the above-mentioned issues related to funds, online or physical, customer positioning and decoration, etc. It also includes the following:
Brief introduction of women clothing retail boutique;
Marketing strategy for women clothing retail boutique;
Main clothing products and business scope;
Customer source channels;
How to choose a suitable wholesale clothing supplier;
Whether you need to customize the brand logo or private label;
Whether dropshipping is supported;
What is the approximate wholesale price of clothing;
How high is the freight cost;
What is the selling price of each clothing;
What is the profit margin of clothing;
How much inventory is needed for each style;
Staffing ratio of employees;
What are the characteristics of women clothing retail boutiques that attract customers;
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Choose a Trusted Wholesale Clothing Supplier
Whether clothing retailers want to become a large fashion entrepreneur or just want to sell clothing online, finding the right wholesale clothing supplier is critical to your success. Before choosing a wholesale supplier, you should master these contents:
Do they have the clothing products you need?
What is the Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ)?
What is their Wholesale Price, is there an advantage?
What kind of Transportation Methods are supported and what are the Transportation Costs?
What is their Standard of Clothing Quality?
How about Customer Service?
Is dropshipping supported?
Whether to support returns?
In any case, FashionTIY has always been committed to helping global small and medium wholesalers and retailers achieve low-cost procurement and provide high-quality products.
Among them, the clothing sold by FashionTIY has been keeping up with fashion trends, updated daily, and put on the shelves in time. What is more join FashionTIY now with the coupon code: wholesale15, you will get an extra $15 discount.
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Promoting and Marketing your Women Clothing Retail Boutique
We finally arrived at the marketing and promoting part with so much preparation. There are many channels for marketing and promoting:
Social media promotion-Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter
Let's take Facebook as an example. Facebook is still the overlord of social media sites, and it has developed into a place for companies to interact with customers and promote themselves. How can clothing retailers promote with Facebook?
Make the most of your Facebook business page        
The Facebook page is a great free marketing tool for your women clothing retail boutique. These pages not only identify yourself by listing products and services but also better understand the personality and characteristics of women clothing retail boutiques by sharing links, images, and posts on customizable pages.
Post regularly  
To use Facebook to promote your clothing retail business, you need to do more than build a Facebook page, also need to use it and post regularly. While it's important to post regularly, it's just as important to post quality content. If you're unsure what your customers want to see, you can use Facebook's poll features to ask what they want to see or take a look at Facebook Page Insights, which helps take the guesswork out of sharing.
Try Facebook Ads
If you're having problems reaching users organically, please try Facebook ads. The promoted Facebook posts look like regular posts, but they are highly targeted and can attract more people.
Facebook's tools are very effective and can easily target a specific audience. Clothing retailers can target users who like your page or by location, age, gender, and interests. Because Facebook collects user data, you can target your ads to users who are most likely to be interested in your products or services.
The platform also has analytical tools that can help you understand which ads can drive interest and sales.
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Establish customer VIP membership database
This is especially for physical women clothing retail boutiques. The sales of clothing boutiques are not only determined by the number of people who come to the store, but more importantly personal consumption. According to relevant data: more than 80% of the profits of clothing boutiques are brought by less than 20% of high-customer customer groups, so if you want to promote and increase the sales of clothing boutiques must establish a perfect membership system. Steps as follows:
Record consumer information
Here clothing retailers must pay attention to speaking skills and methods to avoid causing customer resentment and ensure that customer information will not be disclosed;
Member Rating
In order to facilitate the reasonable resource allocation of members with different consumption capabilities in the later period, boutiques should establish a grading system based on the customer's consumption level, consumption frequency, and potential on the basic member system: senior members, intermediate members, ordinary members.
Various promotions preferential activities
Attract customers' attention through various preferential activities, such as discount promotion, gift promotion, voucher promotion, etc. It is worth noting that before doing various preferential activities must calculate the profit and loss, the number of event products, and the discount must be set in advance and strictly enforced.
Excellent service quality is fundamental
Establish complaint channels and deal with customers' demands as soon as possible;
Improve the overall service level of the clothing boutiques to satisfy customers. 
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4 Steps Help You Start-Up A Women Clothing Retail Boutique!
I want to start-up my women clothing retail boutique, what should I do? FashionTIY summarizes the following 4 main steps to help you realize your dream:
Physical or Online Women Clothing Retail Boutique;
Develop detailed Business Plans for Women Clothing Retail Boutique;
Choosing a Trusted Wholesale Clothing Supplier;
Promoting and Marketing your Women Clothing Retail Boutique;
If you are looking for answers on how to open a women's clothing retail boutique, then you have chosen a good market. According to Statista data report: The value of the global clothing retail market is expected to increase from $1.3 trillion in 2015 to approximately $1.5 trillion in 2020, which indicates that global demand for clothing is growing. Especially women's clothing accounts for the largest proportion. All right, let's start!
Do you want to open Physical or Online Women Clothing Retail Boutique?    
Yes, we must put this question first. Do you want to open Physical or Online Women Clothing Retail Boutique? Let's analyze separately:
Physical Women Clothing Retail Boutique
Capital budget
To carry out women's clothing retail business requires sufficient funds to ensure that store rents, store decoration costs, initial purchase funds, sales staff recruitment, operating capital, etc., all of which require a comprehensive capital budget. There is a saying that managing an enterprise is to manage the financial status of the business, open women's clothing retail boutique is the same.
Market analysis to establish the positioning of women's clothing retail boutique
Investigate the local women's clothing market, for example, what is the local consumption level? What about the target group? The demand and saturation of the market as well as the situation of industry competitors need to be carefully understood. After that, determine what kind of women's clothing to sell, Plus size or Sportswear? What kind of people are the main groups? 20-30 years old or 40-60 years old? So as to establish the positioning of the women's clothing boutique.
location of women clothing retail boutique
The location of the women's clothing retail boutique is very important, which is an important factor in determining the business situation of the clothing boutique. The location needs to grasp the following key points: visitors flowrate, the level of consumption, and the positioning of the clothing boutique to match the surrounding consumer groups. Of course, the rent for such a location is certainly not low, so it is necessary to combine clothing retailers' own funds to choose.
Decoration of women clothing retail boutique
Please note that the decoration should match the style and type of clothing sold. If it is the type of clothing for girls 15-20 years old, it is necessary to decorate the boutiques to be cute and playful. If the customer is an office worker, the decoration should be more formal and solemn. In this way, customers will feel that this is the style that suits her. Furthermore, the lights must be evenly distributed and the brightness must be satisfied, as well as the mirrors and fitting rooms should be rationally arranged. This also requires special attention from clothing retailers.
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Online Women Clothing Retail Boutique
In fact, the general idea of ​​opening an online women clothing retail boutique is similar to the physical boutique. You also need to consider the capital budget and positioning in the early stage. The only difference is that the location and decoration of the clothing boutique are transferred to the online.
Since it is an online woman clothing retail boutique, you need to consider which system to use.
Reading FashionTIY TIPS: I Want To Start My Online Retail Clothing Business. Should I Use Magento, Opencart, PrestaShop, or Shopify? (请插入046文章链接  https://shimo.im/docs/erAdPg56XGiBepAG) I believe you will get the answer. If you choose Shopify to start, How to Start an Online Store With Minimal Cash Investment will help you.
Create a detailed Business Plan for your Women Clothing Retail Boutique
Formulating a detailed business plan plays a macro control role in the operation of women clothing retail boutique. In addition to the above-mentioned issues related to funds, online or physical, customer positioning and decoration, etc. It also includes the following:
Brief introduction of women clothing retail boutique;
Marketing strategy for women clothing retail boutique;
Main clothing products and business scope;
Customer source channels;
How to choose a suitable wholesale clothing supplier;
Whether you need to customize the brand logo or private label;
Whether dropshipping is supported;
What is the approximate wholesale price of clothing;
How high is the freight cost;
What is the selling price of each clothing;
What is the profit margin of clothing;
How much inventory is needed for each style;
Staffing ratio of employees;
What are the characteristics of women clothing retail boutiques that attract customers;
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Choose a Trusted Wholesale Clothing Supplier
Whether clothing retailers want to become a large fashion entrepreneur or just want to sell clothing online, finding the right wholesale clothing supplier is critical to your success. Before choosing a wholesale supplier, you should master these contents:
Do they have the clothing products you need?
What is the Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ)?
What is their Wholesale Price, is there an advantage?
What kind of Transportation Methods are supported and what are the Transportation Costs?
What is their Standard of Clothing Quality?
How about Customer Service?
Is dropshipping supported?
Whether to support returns?
You can refer to How does apparel retailers choose suitable suppliers to get a more detailed answer.
In any case, FashionTIY has always been committed to helping global small and medium wholesalers and retailers achieve low-cost procurement and provide high-quality products.
Among them, the clothing sold by FashionTIY has been keeping up with fashion trends, updated daily, and put on the shelves in time. What is more join FashionTIY now with the coupon code: wholesale15, you will get an extra $15 discount.
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Promoting and Marketing your Women Clothing Retail Boutique
We finally arrived at the marketing and promoting part with so much preparation. There are many channels for marketing and promoting:
Social media promotion-Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter
Let's take Facebook as an example. Facebook is still the overlord of social media sites, and it has developed into a place for companies to interact with customers and promote themselves. How can clothing retailers promote with Facebook?
Make the most of your Facebook business page        
The Facebook page is a great free marketing tool for your women clothing retail boutique. These pages not only identify yourself by listing products and services but also better understand the personality and characteristics of women clothing retail boutiques by sharing links, images, and posts on customizable pages.
Post regularly  
To use Facebook to promote your clothing retail business, you need to do more than build a Facebook page, also need to use it and post regularly. While it's important to post regularly, it's just as important to post quality content. If you're unsure what your customers want to see, you can use Facebook's poll features to ask what they want to see or take a look at Facebook Page Insights, which helps take the guesswork out of sharing.
Try Facebook Ads
If you're having problems reaching users organically, please try Facebook ads. The promoted Facebook posts look like regular posts, but they are highly targeted and can attract more people.
Facebook's tools are very effective and can easily target a specific audience. Clothing retailers can target users who like your page or by location, age, gender, and interests. Because Facebook collects user data, you can target your ads to users who are most likely to be interested in your products or services.
The platform also has analytical tools that can help you understand which ads can drive interest and sales.
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Establish customer VIP membership database
This is especially for physical women clothing retail boutiques. The sales of clothing boutiques are not only determined by the number of people who come to the store, but more importantly personal consumption. According to relevant data: more than 80% of the profits of clothing boutiques are brought by less than 20% of high-customer customer groups, so if you want to promote and increase the sales of clothing boutiques must establish a perfect membership system. Steps as follows:
Record consumer information
Here clothing retailers must pay attention to speaking skills and methods to avoid causing customer resentment and ensure that customer information will not be disclosed;
Member Rating
In order to facilitate the reasonable resource allocation of members with different consumption capabilities in the later period, boutiques should establish a grading system based on the customer's consumption level, consumption frequency, and potential on the basic member system: senior members, intermediate members, ordinary members.
Various promotions preferential activities
Attract customers' attention through various preferential activities, such as discount promotion, gift promotion, voucher promotion, etc. It is worth noting that before doing various preferential activities must calculate the profit and loss, the number of event products, and the discount must be set in advance and strictly enforced.
Excellent service quality is fundamental
Establish complaint channels and deal with customers' demands as soon as possible;
Improve the overall service level of the clothing boutiques to satisfy customers. And reading
FashionTIY TIPS: How to master customer psychology to improve retail performance. To continuously improve the service quality and sales of women clothing retail boutique.
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wsiebizsolutions · 4 years
A Guide to Getting Online: Part Two – Technology
In this second post in the series about getting online (you can find the first part here!), I am taking a look at the technology platforms and decisions you will need to make as part of that process.
You might be surprised that I didn’t look at this first, but in truth, you want to run a business, not become an IT expert. IT will become a more significant part of your world as an eCommerce operator, but if you don’t get your strategy and mission correct first, and have good content, then no platform will save your enterprise.
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Thankfully, the technology part has become a lot more comfortable in the past couple of years, with the advent of several cloud-based services that take away the hosting, security, and maintenance headaches for you. In truth, any of the platforms mentioned in the graphic above will do the job for you. I’ve also just started to help a small operator whose store is built on WIX, and while it might be restricted in some ways, it was more than fine to get up and running.
Your eCommerce platform needs to do the following things for you:
Content management, including product and non-product content
Product search (Amazon has taught us to use the search box, not the navigation)
Provide shopping cart capability
Product and Inventory management
Pricing Tools (including discounts, offers, and promotions)
Payment Systems Integration
Order Management
Integration with shipping and other providers
If you have invested a lot in your current website and content, and it is on WordPress, then WooCommerce is a plug-in works very well. There are lots of developers and add-ons out there that will help you get that integrated, and up and running quickly.
However, my preference at this time is for a SaaS-based solution for the simple reason that it should remove a lot of the hosting, backup, and maintenance headaches for you. Hosting performance and page speed is one of the critical things impacting your conversion rate.
So I would typically recommend either Shopify or BigCommerce as a platform choice. There are plenty of reviews on the web comparing both platforms, so I won’t go into all the details here. Still, the differences and advantages of either platform are minor enough that in the end, it may come down to what your Web Developer partner is familiar with or indeed your personal preferences.
Be careful when looking at the pricing differences as there are differences in transaction fees, sales limits, and what functionality comes included at each pricing tier for both platforms – some due diligence is required.
A couple of reasons you might go with BigCommerce instead of Shopify:
Slightly more out of the box features included in BigCommerce
More SEO friendly especially the ability to generate short URLs
Slightly better GDPR compliance capabilities and Multi-currency options
A couple of reasons you might go with Shopify:
With 200,000 or so stores, it’s the largest eCommerce ecosystem around at the moment. There are lots of add-ons and integrations that solve many of the business requirements you will have down the road
No Sales limits
Integrates into the social media space (this is where it started from)
Probably the cheapest entry point if that is important to you
Email Platform
It might seem strange to elevate email to the same level as the platform decision, but I do count eMail as one of the core decisions you need to get right from the start. The reason this is important is, to build relationships with customers, you need to interact with them regularly, and while social media has its place in this, you will be sending a lot of emails.
The first mistake is to think of email as pushing discounts and offers. Think about it, if a shop assistant followed you around a real-world shop saying nothing other than having 5% of that or 10% off that, you would be irritated, and chances are, you would leave. Email is the mechanism to send content that builds trust and empathy with your store or brand. Emails need to be useful, engaging, and interesting to your audience – which means that your email platform has to have specific capabilities. Done right, email as a channel, can/should drive up to 30% of the revenue in your eCommerce store. It is still the most affordable and scalable marketing channel available to you.
In order to create effective email campaigns, your platform needs to do the following:
Provide contact tagging so you can create dynamic lists and move people between those lists automatically based on the actions they have taken.
Smart automation of emails and triggers, which sends specific emails when individual pages are visited on your website.
Provide a good email template collection and builder, as well as the ability to test different versions of an email.
eCommerce data integration so the two platforms can talk and allow you to execute the right actions based on data.
Helpdesk integration. Customers expect a seamless experience. Everyone needs to be able to see the entire customer communication context. Customers hate having to repeat information a second time.
Smart send and scheduling options. Different times in the future, for example.
You will also probably need to manage multiple lists and sequences:
Master list of all subscribers
Pre-purchase subscribers
Post-purchase subscribers
Abandoned carts sequence
Lists for offers that users have opted into
Dynamic lists based on audiences from your website
To engage and nurture your customer base, they likely will be getting one or more emails a week. Never overdo it, and make sure the emails are tailored and relevant. To manage that, you are going to need a little help from your platform. While there are tons of them out there, and things like MailChimp work well in a variety of situations, the two that I would recommend are Klaviyo and Active Campaign.
Klaviyo was designed as an email platform to support eCommerce. Still, I also use Active Campaign with several clients as a very affordable platform that is really feature-rich (for transparency, I am an affiliate partner for Active Campaign). As an added benefit, their support team is excellent and now generally based in Dublin (again some local bias!).
Good content shared correctly via email will have a dramatic impact on your sales performance.
The reason eCommerce is different from a traditional business is the level of data and understanding you can develop about your customers. What content do they find engaging? Where do they exit your site? What are the demographics of your visitors? To have this data, you must have Analytics installed, and more importantly, configured correctly. Depending on your eCommerce platform, that can be easy or difficult.
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For most people, there is only one game in town, which is Google Analytics. There is no need to look at anything else. While it is frightening for some people, I am still surprised by the number of people I meet with websites and online stores who do not have a good grasp of what their data is, or what it is telling them.
Anyone can get up to speed with analytics, but be prepared to invest time (and get some outside help where needed) to learn them thoroughly. Being able to pick the right performance metrics, and to make sure you make the right decisions based on reliable data (I talk about the correct KPIs in a different post) makes all of the difference. At a minimum, you will need to build the right goals and funnels in your analytics application to understand where people are starting their shopping journey, and where they are exiting before completing a purchase. That way, you will understand what parts of your content are not working and what needs to be improved, including the relevant sections of your site.
There are many other add-ons and apps that we will look at in the Marketing and Demand Generation. Still, these are the core elements and platforms that you will need to become familiar with to be successful, and the decisions you make on these core elements are essential because there will be significant effort invested into getting this set up correctly and running well.
It is difficult to outsource the operation of these elements to a third party as you have the best product and customer knowledge and, therefore, should be best positioned to make the right operational decisions. Your eCommerce partner should be able to help you interpret the data, help identify the right business priorities, and look after the technical elements for you to help you grow and scale your eCommerce setup.
The post A Guide to Getting Online: Part Two – Technology appeared first on WSI eBiz Solutions.
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mindthump · 7 years
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50 Work-From-Home Jobs Paying as Much or a Lot More Than the Average American Salary http://ift.tt/2Ded3G7
There was a time when working from home was a pipe dream. Thanks to technology like Slack, there’s been a surge of legit jobs you can do from home.
Whether that’s working remotely for a company or starting your own business there’s no shortage of work-at-home opportunities. Here are 50 work from home jobs that most make above the average American salary.
1. Affiliate Marketer
For those unfamiliar with affiliate marketing, it’s simply referral marketing where you earn a commission. Let’s say that you have a website and refer a book on Amazon. When the visitor clicks the affiliate link and buys the books, Amazon will pay you a percentage of the sale.
People love affiliate marketing because you can start earning money passively with little start-up costs.
Related: 5 Ways to Ensure Remote Employees Feel Part of the Team
2. Animator
Are you an artistic and creative individual who is able to create animation and visual effects for television, movies, video games, and other types of media? Then you can work at home as freelance animator. I’ve seen animators make between $25 to $106 an hour on sites like Upwork.
3. Baker/Caterer/Chef
If you have a knack for baking or cooking, then turn your passion into a side business. From your own kitchen you could start a catering or personal chef business. If you’re a baker, you could sell you goods to friends, neighbors, online, or at local farmer’s markets.
4. Blogger
Blogging is inexpensive and easy to start. It could be as simple as you just writing about your favorite music or food. Eventually, this hobby can start generating some money for you.
Just keep in mind that you need to pay patient when it comes to cashing-in on your blog. If this is something you want to pursue, check out this guide from the person who taught me six-figure blogging. Zac took me from earning nothing blogging to a solid six figures in 18 months.
5. Bookkeeper
Believe it or not, you don’t have to be a CPA to start bookkeeping. Just sign-up for a bookkeeping course at a community college or even online, such as this course from the Accounting Coach. Once completed you can start making a start earning. The median salary is $34,000. There are some stay at home bookkeepers I've talked with making upwards of $70,000.
6. Child Caregiver
I’m sure that you have more than enough friends, family, and neighbors who could use someone to watch their children. Whether if it’s just for a couple of hours or for the entire day, running a childcare business from your home can be lucrative. Just make sure that you obtain the correct licences and permits.
7. Clinical Research Coordinator
As noted in Business Insider, this is where you, "Assist in the management of daily clinical trials operations; provide oversight of all organization, clinical, site, and vendor activities; and manage trial master files." You can make over $48,000 and you don't need a bachelor's degree.
Related: Bashing the Stereotypes: What You Need to Know About Gen Z
8. Consulting
If you have experience and knowledge in a specific area, then share it with others. For example, if you’re an accountant or lawyer, then you can provide advice to small businesses for a pretty penny. You could also consult businesses on how to use a new software program or how to become more environmentally-friendly.
My company has this consulting guide to get started.
9. Customer Service Rep
Do you possess excellent communication skills? Do you also have a landline and reliable internet? Then you can earn between $8-$15 per hour as a customer service rep.
10. Data Entry
Inputting data for businesses isn’t the most of exciting of jobs. However, you don’t need any previous experience and you can start at $10 per hour.
11. Direct Salesperson
This will require a little investment upfront, but you’ll receive all the tools and resources to get started. However, you’ll receive 20 percent to 35 percent of sales in commissions. And, you can find a direct sales opportunity to match your passion since there are companies that sell jewelry, coffee, wine, pet products, or gardening supplies.
12. Ecommerce Store Owner
There are five types of eCommerce business models; dropshipping, wholesaling, manufacturing, white-labeling, and subscription. And, thanks to sites like Shopify, Magento, or WooCommerce, you can quickly launch your own ecommerce store.
13. Editing and Proofreading
Companies like Book in a Box pay $20 per hour to editors, book jacket designers, and proofreaders.
14. Event Planner
Whether if it’s planning a wedding, birthday party, or corporate event, people are looking for organized individuals to do most of the event planning for them.
Related: Learn the 4 Principles That Helped This Virtual Company Become One of the Best Cultures in America
15. Film and Post Instructional Videos
Are you really good at something? Then create a YouTube account and start filming yourself instructing others your unique skills. To start earning some cash, enroll in YouTube’s partner program so that you can make $1 to $2 per 1,000 hits.
16. Grant Writer
Universities, hospitals, and nonprofits are organizations that need to apply for grant money. Since these can be difficult to write, they turn to talented grant writers. As a grant writer you can make between $40,300 to $67,000 per year..
17. Graphic Designer
Businesses are in need of someone to design their logo, website, or visual ads. If you have a degree or certification in this area, you can make a comfortable salary or $45,000 annually. This is starting, the better you get, the more clients will refer other clients over to you. Here is a killer guide I put together on how to build a website that should help you get started.
18. Handmade Crafter
Do you make handmade products like jewelry or furniture? If so, set up an Etsy shop and start selling your handmade crafts online.
19. Instructor
Do you know how to play a musical instrument? Can you get people in shape? Whatever your knowledge or experience, people will pay you to share that information with them. Even if you don’t want people coming into your home, you could always start an online instructional program.
20. Internet Security Specialist
As an internet security specialist, you monitor networks for security threats and implement security standards. You may als install data protection systems as well. Given the attention that online security has been receiving, this job is expected to grow steadily over the next several years.
Related: How to Stay Motivated Working From Home
21. Online Juror
When attorneys prepare for a trial they often seek feedback on their case. Depending on the mock jury site, you can make between $5 to $150 for your opinion.
22. Online Teacher
Are you a teacher that’s looking for a more flexible schedule? Then consider teaching via Skype or in a pre-recorded session through organizations like K12 (K12.com) and Connections Academy (ConnectionsAcademy.com).
23. Patent or Intellectual Property Lawyer
Applying for a patent or protecting intellectual property are both areas where expert advice is needed. As such, if this is your area of the law, you can make between $112 per hour to $121 per hour.
24. Peer-to-Peer Lender
Thanks to sites like Lending Club and Prosper, you can easily lend money to a business or individual. As an investor, you make money on the paid interest of the note.
25. Pet Groomer
Do love being around animals? Are you also patient enough to clean and style pets? If so, this is a perfect home-based business.
Related: The Biggest Do's and Don'ts of Video Conferencing
26. Photographer/Videographer
Even though everyone has a camera on their phone these days, there’s still a need for these types of professionals like for events like weddings. You can also sell your images on sites like Foap.com.
27. Product Reviewer
This may sound too good to be true, but you can actually make a decent living just by reviewing the products that you use daily. In fact, you can earn between $20,000 to $95,000.
28. Programmer
Learning a programming language, such as Ruby, can make around $61 per hour. Not too shabby. If you’re interested, here’s a handy programmer guide to get you on your way.
29. Realtor
While you can run a reality business from your home, as long as you have your state’s real estate license, you still have to show potential buyers the home. And, don’t forget that you also have to prepare the home for showing too. However, thanks to technology, you can become a virtual realtor where you can show a property without having to physically be there.
30. Renter
Do you have an extra bedroom? How about a car you don’t drive everyday? Are there household items laying around collecting dust? If so, rent them out to people who could use them. I personally made over $50k renting out my basement in 2017.
31. Repairer
If you have a knack for fixing things, like bicycles, cars, or computers, then launch your own repair business. It probably doesn’t cost more than a little marketing to get started since you probably already have the tools and resources.
Related: 3 Ways to Keep Employees Productive at Home
32. Short Tasks
A short task is a job or assignment that can be completed quickly. Examples include writing a review, taking a survey, or watching a video. They may not pay much, but it’s a fast and easy way to make money from home. Here’s a list of short task sites you should check out if interested.
33. Social Media Manager
There are a lot of organizations who need someone to manage their social media accounts. Some organizations may even want you to completely develop a social media strategy for them.
34. Stylist
If you love fashion, and want to work from home, then you can become an online stylist. According to the Penny Hoarder, you can make $15 per hour.
35. Survey Taker
This won’t make you a millionaire. But you can get paid between $1 to $50 for taking an opinion poll, answering questions about shopping habits or reviewing a product. You’re usually paid by check, PayPal, or points that can be redeemed for gift cards.
36. Tax Preparer
Even though this is a seasonal gig, you can make a salary of over $30,000. Don’t forget to register with the IRS before you start this home-based business.
37. Become an Expert
Nowadays people are going online to find someone that is an expert at things they are struggling with. A growing trend is hiring an expert vs hiring a large company to come in and help them fix problems. A great resource that I've found is Catalant.
I've been able to hire some of the worlds leading experts from this site. Average hourly is from around $15 all the way up to $280/hr making this a great option if you're looking to help others with your knowledge.
Related: How This Mom Grew Multiple 6-Figure Businesses From Home
38. Telephone Nurse
If you’re a registered nurse, then you could work for health insurers or health management companies like Humana, Aetna and UnitedHealth Group. They actually hire nurses remotely to handle case management, treatment authorization, and patient education.
39. Transcriber/Transcriptionist
This job is essentially you just listening to audio files and then typing out what you are, such as a lecture or doctor's medical dictation. It’s an entry-level gig that can pay up to $25 per hour.
40. Translator
Are you fluent in another language? Start earning a living off of these skill by translating documents or being an interpreter.
41. Travel Agent
Despite the fact that there are numerous travel sites that make planning a trip a breeze, it can still be time-consuming. What’s more, there may be certain travel conditions that you are not aware of. That’s why there’s still a need for travel agent to scour the web for the best deals, share advice, or plan your itinerary.
42. Virtual Assistant
If you’re organized and can handle office duties like replying to emails, calendar management, entering data, and assisting with social media, then this job is perfect for you. And you can make between $10-$15 per hour.
Related: 4 Reasons Not to Be a Stiff About Employees Working From Home
43. Virtual Public Relation Rep
For small-to-mid sized businesses, they don’t have the budget for a dedicated CMO or VP of Marketing or even a public relations firm. But, they may have the funds to hire a virtual PR to take care of duties like promoting a business or managing a crisis.
44. Virtual Recruiter
This is pretty much the same position as an in-house recruiter - expect you get to work wherever you want. The other major difference is that you search the web to find the right employee for the right position. You’re also responsible for screening the applicant and being a part of the interviewing and negotiation process. There are even recruiters being paid upward of $125/hr for building resume templates.
45. Virtual Tutor
If you have extensive knowledge in a specific area, then you could earn between $12 to $35 per hour by tutoring students either over-the-phone or Skype.
46. Voice Acting
If you have a golden voice, you can make somewhere between $56 to $72 per hour.
47. Web Developer
Depending on the specific job, as well as your expertise, you could bring-in between $55,000 – $175,000 per year to build websites from scratch.
Related: The Legal Implications of Expecting Employees to Work After Hours
48. Web Search Evaluator
In order to deliver the most accurate search results, search engines pay individuals to analyze search results. You don’t have to have much experience and you can haul-in $12-$15 per hour.
49. Website Tester
Businesses want to make sure that their websites are intuitive and easy to navigate. As such, they’ll assign instructions for people to follow to check out their site. Each test usually takes around 15 to 20 minutes. In return, you’ll be paid $10 to $15 per test.
50. Writing Gigs
Businesses of all sizes need written content, like blog posts, website copy, or eBook. As a result, there are thousands of writing gigs available that pay anywhere between $10 to $100 per hour.
Related: 50 Work-From-Home Jobs Paying as Much or a Lot More Than the Average American Salary Is a Coworking Space Worth the Cost if You're Already Working From Home? 5 Ways to Work Remotely Without Being Overlooked
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Why is the Australian Franchising Indiustry in Rapid Decline?
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Australia was a world leader in franchising in the 1990’s, what happened? When Australia’s largest franchisor, Retail Food Group, is losing franchisees faster than they can recruit new ones? There is clearly a problem within the sector.
The horror stories of failing franchisees across all networks is growing daily. What is the reasoning behind this current Franchising avalanche of failures?
What has triggered the decline t in he Franchising Industry in Australia? Where will it end?
The writing has been on the wall for some time.
#1 There is a Sharp Decline in Australian Families Buying Franchises
Australian’s are choosing to go it alone as independents as a more attractive alternative to investing in franchise systems.
There is a small business revolution going on, there are more home-based family businesses than ever before, but they are not seeing the value for their money in being a franchisee.
The Retail Food Group(RFG) currently seem to be getting all the headlines, their recent results should be terrifying to all those in franchising in our c country. Consider, in March 2018, Retail Food Group stocks hit 10-year low on $88m loss and 200 stores to be closed in 2019.  The company blamed “unsustainable rent”, “declining shopping centre performance” and a “sharp decline amongst domestic franchise sales and renewals “as the main reasons for its “disappointing performance”.
Our largest franchisor can’t sell franchise!
They have huge financial recourses and the largest marketing budgets of any Australian franchisor, they are planning to close 200 franchises in the next 12 months, what chances do the lessor lights have.
Australian Franchisors are reliant on new franchisee’s buying into their business. In the most part they are “Families’ who invest in franchises. This just isn’t happening at the same rate as in the 90s and 00s.
Secondly, but very tellingly, even long term successful franchisees are choosing not to resign their “renewal agreements”. They are choosing to be debrand from the network, rebrand in their own name and carry on without paying those annoying franchise fees.
The world has changed, but it appears that most Australian franchisors are still “Partying like it is 1999”, but most family small businesses are deciding it is better to go it alone.
Australian’s aren’t buying franchises like you did in the good old days of 1999 and they aren’t signing up for a second go, even if they were successful.
#2 Australia is Oversaturated with franchisors.
The Franchise Council of Australia,FCA, has some key insights to what is happening in the Australia Franchising.
The “Franchising Australia 2016 Report”, comply by the Griffith University’s Professor Lorrelle Frazer, sponsored by the Franchising Council of Australia is the last detailed industry report directly from Australian Franchisors’
This is a valid, up to date report that is based on information supplied by Australia’s Franchisors, If anything this report is most likely to be “franchisor friendly?
To quote the report:
Griffith University is proud to endorse the tenth biennial Franchising Australia survey sponsored by the Franchise Council of Australia. Representing the only reliable and systematic data collected on the Australian franchise sector, the Franchising Australia 2016 report provides an up-to-date profile of the sector.
One of the most telling facts in this report , explains the vanishing Australian Franchise industry.
To quote the report
Continuing the trend that began in 2010, the number of franchise brands operating in Australia has declined.
In 2014 the number of franchise brands was 1124; in 2016 there were 1089 brands – reflecting a net decrease of 3.1 percent. (Given that several franchise brands operate multiple franchise concepts the population of franchise systems is estimated to be 1120.) A gradual decline in the number of franchise brands is anticipated as the sector continues to mature said Robert James and James Home Services.
Putting this into perspective, the USA has approximately twice the number of franchise brands as Australia servicing 13 times the population
Simply: Australia is oversaturated with franchisors, there are 650% more franchisors to ratio of population than the USA, the home of franchising!
On these numbers “The Australian Franchisors” are an endangered species. We have to lose around 800 brands to be on par with the USA? It will be survival of the fittest. The biggest, strongest and long term ethically sound businesses will be around in the next 5 to 10 years.
On top of these brand franchisors, we have a huge number of “Master Franchisors “with limited rights that will most likely be the first to go.
In 2018, Master franchising in a market as small as Australia is clearly an outdated concept, there are more useful tools now available to manage franchise networks. It only adds a level of unnecessary cost for both the Franchisee and the Franchisor.
It is true, that if Franchisors do go down, then many franchisees may go with them, but successful franchisees will still trade on with their own sign above the door or on the trailer.
Franchise brands are vanish at the rate of 10% each year and the FCA expects this to continue into the near future.
#3 The Internet has Changed the World and Most Australian Franchisors Haven’t Caught Up.
Franchisor are overcharging to compensate for the decline in sales.
The FCA’s”Franchising Australia 2016 Report”, comply by the Griffith University’s reported that
Cost of a new franchise unit
The total start-up cost for a new retail franchise unit was $287 500 compared to $59 750 in a non-retail franchise. This included an initial franchise fee of $31 500 in retailing compared to $28 000 in non-retail franchises.
In the 90’s Franchisors had key intellectual property that wasn’t readily available to the average family wanting to start their own business. In every franchise system there are 3 keys systems areas that are the foundations on their intellectual property.
In the 1990s to early 2000s, it wasn’t easier for the average small business owner to get access to these tools or education. In 2018, it is a very different world.
Training:There are professionals all around the world who can train you on line in any practical skill you desire to learn. Anyone now has access training in everything needed to run a small business. There are qualified trainers all around the world, who will teach you how to mow a lawn, clean a house, detail a car, groom dogs, run a hair dressing business or make great.
Marketing:has never been easier for small business, you can even hire your own “Marketing Guru” for less than the cost of a $25 each week. Just check out Upwork.  
Family businesses can now market their products on  Shopify for only $9 a month. These are just a small select of the options available to anyone wanting to start their own business.
Robert James and James Home Services Support; The Internet has made Master Franchisor obsolete. There are a huge range of business coaching and support options. The selection of specialist business coaches is never ending. The reality is that the business coach a small business owner can now employ on-line is more qualified than any employee of the franchisor or a master franchisor who bought” his/her way into the business.
There is an oversupply of information, education and business systems. The internet changed the game for franchising in Australia, but most Franchisors are living in the good old days before that “internet” came along.
Franchisor are charging their franchisees more than ever, but the value of their intellectual property is declining in value with the growth of the internet.
If franchisors are asking new business owners to spend for a $30,000 for initial fees only then they have to offer greater value than the same new business owner can receive if they choose to invest the same money with other suppliers that are available on the internet.
For 90% of franchisors, they are offering no intellectual property that the average family cannot be buy elsewhere on the internet for a fraction of the price they are asking them to pay.
Is there an answer to stop the decline?
There is and answer, but I don’t think the majority of franchisors or master franchisee in Australia want to address the “Elephant in the room”.
The Franchisors have to offer a better product for family business than what is available online!
Simply, the elite franchise systems will continue to grow and prosper. The strong credible brands will be the survivors, McDonalds is here to stay.
The franchise systems who can demonstrate they are true value for money, compared with starting up as an independent business owner, will get Australian families to investments in their franchise.
There is no future for franchise system who function under an outdated “Master Franchisor” system in Australia. They are adding an unnecessary management level that is no longer needed with todays technology.
In the 1990’s franchising in Australia was cutting edge business stuff, it truly empowered small business owners to succeed and prosper. But the reality is that in many systems there will be in a continuous negative growth over the next five to ten years. For many industries the internet is the catalysts to the beginning of the end for many franchisors.
In 2018, there is a small business revolution around the world, more families than ever are choosing to work from home. The vast majority are choosing to go it as independents with help from experts found on-line. Robert James and James Home Services.
Originally Posted:-http://www.robertjameshomeservices.com/why-is-the-australian-franchising-indiustry-in-rapid-decline/
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1 Jul 2019: 1-click neighbourhood watch. Robogrocers failing in China. Is everyone breaking personal data law?
Hello, this is the Co-op Digital newsletter - it looks at what's happening in the internet/digital world and how it's relevant to the Co-op, to retail businesses, and most importantly to people, communities and society. Thank you for reading - send ideas and feedback to @rod on Twitter. Please tell a friend about it!
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[Image: Andy Warhol in Gristedes, 1965? Bob Adelman.]
1-click neighbourhood watch
Amazon has a patent for using delivery drones as a neighbourhood watch scheme, keeping watch on your home from the air. You can imagine that the line of thinking might have been: “Well, we’re going to have these drones absolutely everywhere, so what *else* could we do with a ubiquitous cloud of drones that have cameras?” (To be clear, having a patent for something doesn’t necessarily mean it’ll turn up in a product. The line of thinking in bigcos patenting things might simply be “Oh! Here’s a non-obvious new thing, guess we might as well try patent it just in case.”)
Here’s a more tangled case. US police departments are now offering home owners discounted Amazon Ring home video systems, if the homeowners share footage with law enforcement. (Ring is an Amazon’s “smart home” brand - door locks, video entry systems, etc.) If it’s *your* Ring video, you may think about this in terms of property and safety and not privacy: “It helps keep my castle safe, so that’s fine”. On the other hand, maybe you won’t feel quite the same way if it’s your neighbour opposite’s camera peering into your front garden, and streaming the video to you’re not sure who. There are some obvious privacy concerns: Where does the footage end up, and to what automated uses is it put? Is it shared with other agencies? And what oversight and regulation covers individuals providing video to law enforcement via third parties?
Retail infrastructure: Shopify’s fufillment network
Shopify wants to give merchants an alternative to Fulfillment by Amazon (and press release). Shopify has about 800,000 customers and its service would let them ship products directly from Shopify’s distribution centres. It’s a bold move because distribution infrastructure is expensive, but the idea is probably that there’s some margin to win because Amazon charges higher fees for fulfillment that didn’t originate on the Amazon.com website.
Unstaffed stores failing in China 
Many unstaffed convenience stores opened in China in the last few years, and many of these robostores are now closing. China has a well-developed mobile payment infrastructure which should have helped on the payment side but it sounds as if there are several related challenges:
It’s hard to stand out vs a well-developed vending machine landscape in China
It’s harder to sell higher-margin fresh food and fast food without staff because AI/robots aren’t quite there yet
Companies used tech to remove staff but not to gather and understand useful shopper data.
Capital for retail deployment tightened.
Alibaba’s Freshippo sells fresh food and has been slower to deploy than rivals - its more careful approach and retention of staff alongside automation may mean Freshippo is better positioned to do well in China. It’s hard to say what this means for grocer automation pilots outside of China like Amazon Go or Sainsbury’s, other than: human staff can do jobs that automation and AI cannot (yet?).
Is *everyone* breaking personal data law?
The Information Commissioner’s Office reckons that the entire adtech industry is failing to comply with data laws (pdf).
“We outline that one visit to a website, prompting one auction among advertisers, can result in a person’s personal data being seen by hundreds of organisations, in ways that suggest data protection rules have not been sufficiently considered”
The ICO acknowledges that it’s a complex industry, and says they’ll take a “measured and iterative approach” to making the industry comply with regulation. That’s probably the right approach, because it’s not always easy to get personal data right, as, erm, the ICO themselves recently discovered: ICO admits its own cookie policy is non-compliant with GDPR.
Other news
Can tech be matched with co-op values to save the planet? - examples of technology reducing travel. But also (eg) co-operative/mutually-owned renewable energy generation seem to be getting lots of attention too.
“Fundamentally disagree that we need a massive donation to #ai #ethics there are too many in this field already including @CDEIUK which is independent body advising government Surely money better used for climate crisis work?” - @Marthalanefox
“Make things open: it makes things better. The Australian government forked GOV.UK Notify and now have a national notifications platform of their own... http://notify.gov.au” - @yahoopete
Boots is to ban plastic bags at the checkout in favour of purchasable paper bags. Recall that Boots annoyed shoppers a few weeks ago when they switched pharmacy prescription bags from paper to plastic.
Alexa, I’m having a heart attack - home speakers such as the Amazon Echo could detect if you are having a heart attack and raise the alarm.
PowerPoint uses AI to save public speaking - someone sucked Russell Davies into an AI and now the Master Control Program has him tuning decks on the game grid. 
Art sneaks into to Google Maps imagery, via Google’s third-party contractors.
Co-op Digital news
Communicating effectively through storytelling - lots of good stuff in here. The newsletter’s opinion is that being able to both show-don’t-tell and tell-don’t-show is useful.
Home of Co-op Digital The Federation has friendly, affordable and flexible co-working space available at the moment.
Co-op opened its first London “On the Go” concept store (this is what the Manchester one’s like, with free water taps).
Most opened newsletter in the last month: the struggle for collection and delivery. Most clicked story: new IT jobs at Co-op bank.
Public events:
The Human Hiring Hack - how to improve workforce diversity and inclusion - Mon 1 Jul 6pm at Northcoders, Federation Street, M4 2AH.
RSA Manchester: Making our places work for us - voice, collaborate, act - Wed 3 Jul 6.15pm at Federation House.
Healthy Disruption: Platform Co-ops - A discussion from a UK Co-operative Movement Perspective - Thu 4 Jul 11.30am at Federation House.
Co-operatives and Co-operation in the UK - The state we're in - Thu 4 Jul 12.30pm and 13.15pm at Federation House.
UK Data Service and methods@manchester: Open data dive on plastic use reduction - Sat 6 Jul 10am at Federation House.
Messy Data and Reluctant Users - The Trouble with Healthcare Data - Mon 8 Jul 6.30pm at Federation House.
Mind the Product - MTP Engage - Fri 7 Feb 2020 - you can get early bird tickets now. 
Internal events:
Funeralcare show & tell - Tue 2 Jul 1pm at Angel Square 12th floor breakout.
Co-operate show & tell - Wed 3 Jul 3pm at Angel Square 8th floor Red core breakout space.
Data management show & tell - Thu 4 Jul 3pm at Angel Square 13th floor breakout area.
Membership show & tell - Fri 5 Jul 3pm at Fed House 6th floor kitchen.
More events at Federation House - and you can contact the events team at  [email protected]. And TechNW has a useful calendar of events happening in the North West. 
Thank you for reading
Thank you, clever and considerate readers and contributors. Please continue to send ideas, questions, corrections, improvements, etc to the newsletterbot’s flunky @rod on Twitter. If you have enjoyed reading, please tell a friend!
If you want to find out more about Co-op Digital, follow us @CoopDigital on Twitter and read the Co-op Digital Blog. Previous newsletters.
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