amarsingh24 · 4 years
Final Project
Students in Toronto who are in the last few years of high school. They are accustomed to using social media, but they do not know how to get the most out of it, nor do they know about many of the challenges or security issues that we have learned about in class.
The Power of Hashtags
People use hashtags as a way of connecting relevant content and information together. For example, if I created a social media post on twitter and used the hashtag #Raptors, now anyone who searches #Raptors will also be able to see this post in real time. As an influencer or company who uses hashtags to sell products or services, they use relevant hashtags to essentially group things together. For example, a gardening company may hashtag a few gardening tools and sprays on a single picture, with the hope of attracting more people to at least one of the hashtags revolving around a similar topic.
It is important to use hashtags to filter out your content and posts. What this means is you want to narrow your audience. It would also be very effective to measure your KPI such as traffic and views on specific hashtags to see what works and what doesn’t. By focusing on this, you will be able to attract more traffic to your posts by using the right and relevant hashtags.
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2. Social Media Conversions
Social media are such powerful platforms that give you the opportunity to measure your success. A social media platform like Facebook, where you can now advertise your business and purchase items directly from the advertisement page have multiple different conversion metrics you can use to measure the success of your ads. Some conversion metrics you are able to measure are things like newsletter subscriptions, clicks, spending amount, conversion rates and bounce rate to name a few. As students continue to use social media for their entertainment, it is important for them to understand that those platforms can create opportunities for them as they head into post secondary or into the workplace. For example, an entrepreneur, these platforms provide them the ability to consistently check their metrics, make adjustments and monitor the results. In large companies as well, many now use online social media and advertisement tactics to gain customer information. Companies then use that data to tweak their tactics in hopes of receiving higher returns. Understanding how to use these metrics will give you a large advantage when you are able to manage these aspects of a company.
In my opinion, as young students, mastering how to use these metrics as a young age gives you tremendous advantage over many others who are not proactively learning and understanding conversions. You will be more advanced for employment and with today’s unprecedented times, the world is only going to become more reliable with online instruments. Data will continue to be received more and more online and slowly move away from the old school paper and mail surveys to receive customer data.
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3. Cybersecurity
In this day and age, quadrillions of information is being uploaded online including our very own profiles. The difficult issue here is that with the expanding amount of information that is being shared online, we are exposed to the risks of cybercrime. Cybercrime is usually apparent through hackers who send viruses to our computers and steal our personal information such as passwords, SIN, addresses, credit card numbers and more. These kind of hackers who gain our information for personal gain are on the extreme spectrum of cybercrime, while on the other hand there are businesses who hire experts to collect information from us through our very own devices. One of the ways this is done is through the implementation of cookies. Cookies are code embedded on your computers and laptops that occurs when you visit websites. These cookies help the companies identify you as a unique visitor and records your interaction with the website (Module 4). Advertising companies then display advertisements on any site you visit. You may notice if you shop for a specific brand of clothing and you move on to a completely different website, you will see an ad generate based on the last thing you were searching for and this is all due to cookies. The “third party” data is stored in profiles by groups called “data brokers”. These brokers then segment us into groups based on categories. This is why your online identity is important. “Think twice, click once” is a great saying because the more you browse on your social media, the more data of you is actually being stored. It’s important to keep cautious of this because information can get hacked or leaked.
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4. The Benefits of Apps
In the millennial generation, the most popular devices used by consumers are smart devices . In fact, over 3 billion people in the world are proven to be smartphone users due to its many smart device innovative features, including it’s variety of apps! Apps are one or more programs that are designed for end-users. For businesses, apps are important because they can help you target broader audiences and potential consumers because most people use their phones every day, and putting your content software on their devices is an easy way to reach them (Module 7). Apps create colour and variety for smart devices as they act as a platform to create and consume an endless amount of activities such as a game console (PS5), Smartphone (iPhone), web browser and more. More commonly, many apps are accessed through smart devices such as smartphones and tablets. As mobile devices were drastically innovated over the years, along with it came the famous “Mobile App” in which we use such platforms to make our daily life more convenient. The evolution of apps has impacted our lives in many ways: If you’re looking for something in the dark, you can turn the flash on your phone and use it as a flashlight, and use it as a flashlight. When we need to calculate how much we should tip a service provider, we automatically pull out our phone calculator! When we want to connect with someone overseas, we can easily message or call them- you get the gist of it.  For businesses, you can use apps to learn about your consumers and improve your marketing tactics. It can also be used as a platform to condense large amounts of information into an easy communication channel for users and employees.
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“apps” by Sean MacEntee is licensed under CC BY 2.0
5. Why Websites are Key for Businesses
The importance of incorporating a website for your business. A website is a platform that may include both hardware and software in order to operate. Some of the world’s most famous websites include: Youtube, Wikipedia, Twitter, Facebook and Amazon. People rely on websites for reasons such as daily entertainment, online shopping, acquiring resources through search engines and many more. What all of these great websites have in common is that they are all able to optimize their website by remaining responsive but also adapting to different platforms, by delivering the same uniform experience for users. Another good way to measure how well a website was created is by observing the user experience it provides. More specifically, what we can use as a benchmark to test the value of the website is through the look, feel and usability it provides. Does the website look like a platform you can trust? Does browsing through the website give you any feelings such as joy? Is it easy to navigate through the website? Does the website load quickly? All of these issues are highly important and must be accounted for when creating a good website. The interplay of visuals, colour, ergonomics, and more, all play a specific role in the overall experience a website can provide (Module 7). To create a website, there are a number of different platforms that provide a variety of templates such as Wordpress, GoDaddy, Shopify and many more. These websites often include the three main categories: media queries, fluid grids and flexible images. Each category has a specific role on the website as they affect the look and feel of the website.
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Source: Wikimedia Commons (2009)
“Marketing Dashboards and Reports.” Funnel, 5 Apr. 2020, funnel.io/dashboards-and-reports?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=bb-search-generics-us-1-bmm&utm_term=social%2Bmedia%2Bdata%2Banalytics%2B-%2Bbmm%2B-%2Bus%2B&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIgM6K9Nzy6gIVDJyzCh1dvAr8EAAYAS
Figure 2f from: Irimia R, Gottschling M (2016) Taxonomic revision of Rochefortia Sw. (Ehretiaceae, Boraginales). Biodiversity Data Journal 4: E7720. https://doi.org/10.3897/BDJ.4.e7720. (n.d.). doi:10.3897/bdj.4.e7720.figure2f
O'Dea, P. B., & 28, F. (2020, February 28). Smartphone users worldwide 2020. Retrieved from https://www.statista.com/statistics/330695/number-of-smartphone-users-worldwide/
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amarsingh24 · 4 years
Infographic, check it out! https://www.kaushik.net/avinash/page/4/
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amarsingh24 · 4 years
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Here is a post of few badges I earned on https://www.codecademy.com/
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amarsingh24 · 4 years
Information Overload Video!
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amarsingh24 · 4 years
Application Idea
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amarsingh24 · 4 years
Entrepreneurship Pitch!
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amarsingh24 · 4 years
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Take a look to see how Disconnect can visually show you all the tracking sites you are connected to when you surf the web!
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amarsingh24 · 4 years
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Take a look to see how Disconnect can visually show you all the tracking sites you are connected to when you surf the web!
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amarsingh24 · 4 years
Hashtags are extremely important in todays society. The importance of how to use them effectively will assist you with finding information, targeting a narrow audience and more. Hope you enjoy this blog by my classmate and I!
Taylor, Nancy. “Why Are #Hashtags So Darn Important?” Association Adviser, 5 Feb. 2019, www.naylor.com/associationadviser/why-are-hashtags-important/.
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amarsingh24 · 4 years
How to use Google Syntax’s properly
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