#Master Journeys Academy
zstargalaxy · 2 years
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Open to people of all types, Master Journeys Academy allows its students to harnace their knowledge and experience to become their very best.
Master Journeys Academy is a ten-year arcane Academy where it teaches both magical wielders and magicless individuals, starting on the age of ten, on an archipelago that is off beside the Country of Pyroxene where special, beautiful, strong, dangerous, and unique creatures inhabited there that are called Pokemon.
The academy is known to educate great scholars, magicians, Idols, Actors, Writers, Professors, etc. But MJA is mostly famous for teaching future Pokemin Trainers, or known otherwise known as Beast Tamers outside of Adventure Archipelago.
Students of all walks of life can enter in this school through signing forums and enrollment documents like any average school there is due to how the country of Adventure Archipelago, where the Academy resides, is slowly and surely opening to other parts of Twisted Wonderland with MJA being part of the progress of openness and alliance.
A letter will be sent to the student's home via mail delivering pokemon that will give them a guide of what they should expect for the coming year(s), of what subjects and lessons that they will learn, of what items or supplies they shall bring to school, and some information of where they shall be picked up in their respective location so that they will be go to MJA.
Master Journeys Train, the school's personal train that has been used to pick up incoming students, will arrive at a certain location (the location depends on how far or near each students are on their local area between eachother) with other students who will be also at that same location if all those students are in the same country or location. The train is run without magic, just like any inventions that are made in Adventure Archipelago, so it uses teleportation with the help of the school's fellow helper pokemon, Hoopa. It even picks up soon-to-be students from underwater.
Students, who are magically gifted, are given magestones upon enrolling to the academy (thanks to the coaporation between governments) with the stones styled into a bracelet for the students to wear confortably and easily.
The school dosent have any requirements of unifrom that the students should where so they are free to design and wear whatever they like under some rules, like one of them being that all students should where the ribbon that has the schools crest.
Each students can where the ribbon whatever they like, in their hair, clothes, as accessories and so much more, as long as they wear and/or have it for not having it is against the school's dress code.
During their first year, all students are first given six pokeballs by their designated homeroom teacher and, by the student's permission, can get their phone turn into a Rotom phone by letting a Rotom inhabiting the device.
Students are given the time to choice their first pokemon. Teachers and even the Headmistress can give the students a choice out of the three starter trio of each region to pick as their partner, friend and part of their family but they also allow the student the needed amount of time if they can make up their mind or simply wanted to catch one themselves.
Around the end of their second month or beginning of the 3rd month in MJA, the school's tradition of a open-ended independent study assignment will be present/commenced where students of all grades and years are free to set out and travel Adventure Archipelago in their own merit, with the purpose of the assignemnt is to widen the world for the students and to learn and use the knowledge during their first few months at MJA and their journey so that they could grow responsible, mature and smart through the experiences with their Pokémon.
Pokémon are creatures of all shapes and sizes who live in the wild or alongside their human partners (called “Trainers”). They are found everywhere in Adventure Archipelago (or Adventure Islands for short) but cant be found in other places in Twisted Wonderland. During their adventures, Pokémon grow and become more experienced and even, on occasion, evolve into stronger Pokémon.
Pokémon at the academy roam freely, work there and even partner up with the staff and students of all kinds for many years since it's construction around 900 years ago.
There are pokemon helping in the library, botanical gardens, cafeteria, kitchen, faculty and so much more. There is even a playground where Trainers can let their Pokémon run, play or doing anything they want as they wait for their trainer during their class time.
Though Pokémon is evident in the students curriculum and school life, during classes where Pokémon arent needed must be entertained and occupied somewhere else to not distract the students while class is in session.
Headmistress - Tamaki Walter.
Science Curriculum and General Magics Teacher - Magus Sidyen.
School Counselor - Avia Willowbark.
Physical Education Teacher - Gabrielle Jennings.
Battle studies Teacher - Saisho Sukaretto.
Music and Language Teacher - Feliciano Fernandez.
Home Ec. Teacher - Stella Yorokobi.
Social studies Teacher - Shojocha Chishiki.
School's Nurse - Nurse Emily Yorokobi.
Head Security Guard - Officer Alexis Jennings.
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amoipoint-blog · 2 years
MJA staff : Magus Sidyen (wip)
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i ask @zstargalaxy​ if i can make my thought how mja staff characters look like. they agree so i started with Magus Sidyen.the twisted version of Mickey’s fantasia , The sorceror’s apprentice.
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lilligantiselegant · 2 years
The Best Way to a Man’s Heart, is Through His Stomach
(TWST!Various x 2 OCs)(Platonic) (Twisted Wonderland x Pokemon)
This is a little something that me and @zstargalaxy have been working on. The OC is something that I help her make but Master Journey’s Academy is her’s, not mine.
Verite barged through the doors of Pomeifiore's ballroom in utter rage at Leona's "walk" that he had saw through the small opening of the doors that he had slammed open.
Leona’s ears turned back in shock. “Oh god. There’s two of them now.” Leona was in mortal terror. It could not possibly be worse than this.
"Um...Verite" Emilie called from behind him.
"Hm?" Verite look behind him and saw Emilie tied up in measuring tape that he still hold onto from him measuring her for a new dress "Emilie! I'm so sorry! I didnt know."
As Verite was untying the poor, dragged girl, Vil was staring at the unknown girl. “Verite, who is this? I’ve never seen her before? I don’t know if it’s safe to have a girl on a campus filled with mangy, aggressive boys.”
"I'm deeply sorry Vil" Verite apologise to he's old friend "I was doing some measurements for Emilie here when you had called me in such a hurry that I excidently forget that she is still in the measuring tape. I am deeply sorry once again" he than turned to Emilie " I deeply apologise to you too Emilie, I'm sorry."
“Wait, Verite-senpai,” Jamil stopped him. “You mean to tell us, that you tied up this girl in  measuring tape and dragged her all the way from Master Journey’s to Night Raven?”
Verite sweatdropped "Not Exectly...I asked Dominic here to teleport us right after Vil had called me but he was only been able to teleport us to the entrence so we hurridely ran to Pomeifiore."
Dominic the Gardevoir face palmed at that, Emilie laughing awkwardly at the whole situation until she took a closer look at Jamil and Kalim. "Hold on a minute..." Emilie whispered "Are you...Jamil and Kalim? Najma's and Bahira's brothers?"
“Um, who’s aski-“ Jamil asked skeptically, only for Kalim to interrupt him when he heard their sisters’ names. ”Yes we are! How’ve they been!”
"Their doing great!" Emilie exclaimed "Except for that time when they got booby trapped at the ruins in the Isle of Beginnings...other than that, they are doing just fine!"
"Their doing great!" Emilie exclaimed "Except for that time when they got booby trapped at the ruins in the Isle of Beginnings...other than that, they are doing just fine!"
“Oooh, that’s sounds fun!” Kalim laughed. Meanwhile, Jamil felt his skin turn white with his shoulder leaving his body.
"Jamil? Is something wrong?" Asked the secret princess to Najma's older brother out of concern of he's pale complexion, "You look pale."
But he didn’t respond, he was staring miles away. He was on a beach, hearing sea gulls and the waves.
"Oi! Jamil!" As Emilie and Kalim helped in restoring Jamil back to he's original state, Verite whiplashed at Leona for he's poor posture and walk.
"I swear, are you sure that you are a prince? You could be mistaken as a Mr. Mime for that horrendous walk that you had displayed!? Can you even call that a walk!?" Verite barrated the second prince with he's usual harsh words.
“Tch shut up and leave me alone, Vil #2. Dealing with one nagging kohai is enough,” Leona hissed.
"Oh? How about this than?"
"!?" Leona quickly felt a force that had straighten him to the desired posture, looking straight in bewilderment until he had saw Verite's pokemon's eyes glowing behind he's trainer.
Emilie looked away from Jamil, over to Verite and the Lion man. The Lion man looked very nervous and was covered in a familiar blue light. “Um, Verite. I don’t think forcing him like this is going to help him,” she intervened.
"But it will discipline him" Verite retorted back, making adjustments to Leona's postures to make him remember it and feel it "There, perfect."
"Oh Verite..." Emilie sighed in dismay at her friend's usual antics "Anyway, what is going on? I know that Verite came here for an emergency but um...what is it if i may ask?"
“The crystal, controlling the weather of our campus, has been stolen by fairies for a fairy gala to make a crown for the fairy queen to wear,” Vil informed the girl. “In order to get it back, these three,“ gesturing to Leona, Jamil, and Kalim, “need to distract the fairies with a performance. Meanwhile, these three,” gesturing to Ruggie, Yuu, and Grim, “will sneak behind the queen and replace the crown with a fake. Is that clear?”
"But wont it be better than to just ask the queen?" Asked Emilie to Verite.
"Em, the fairies here are different from the Archipelago. Same but not very approachable to humans like those back in the Adventure Archipelago," Verite explained the differences between the two fairies outside and inside the Archipelago.
“Alright, but do you really think smacking him, yelling at him, and using psychic or magic on him is going to help him get better? You don’t train your Pokémon like this, do you, Verite?” The princess scolded.
"Well...this is different than training pokemon, Em" Verite retorted back "We are dealing with a stolen property and a stubborn pyroar that, along with a horrendous array of displays!"
"Hey!" Leona shouted.
"Verite" the said man, along with everyone else in the room except Crewel flinch at the growl that Emilie had released "Professional or not, I will not tolerate this beheavior. If you wont stop now with your antics than I will take part of this aswell!"
Verite wanted to protest, not thinking she would be able to tame a Pryor as stubborn as Leona. But she could see the determination in her eyes to prove him wrong. Verite gives a sigh, “So, what are your ideas on how to teach Leona?”
“I’m glad you asked,” Emilie said. She dropped her back pack on the floor and took out a picnic basket that looked too big to even fit inside. “Who’s hungry?~”
"Huh???" Verite, Vil and Crewel look at the girl with dumdfounded looks "What are you-" before Verite could even finish asking, Ruggie, Grim, and Kalim already sat on the picnic blanket with grins on their faces.
"Oh! What do you have there?" Ruggie asked excitedly.
She opened the bag, and inside were ham sandwiches, cups of fruit yogurt, string cheese, potato salad, fried chicken, coconut & pineapple drinks, and, of course, Poképuffs. “I always keep an emergency picnic basket filled with yummy food!” Food that she can sit down anywhere to eat were always her favorite, not that fancy, tiny, gourmet food that she had to eat at her castle.
Leona smelled the meat in the picnic basket and asked, “Oi, I thought you guys at the Archipelago were herbivours, what’s with the meat?” Not that he was complaining, he was still going to eat it.
“Well, as long as were not eating Pokémon, its okay. Also I’m obsessed with fried chicken.” Emilie trilled. As all of the boys were about to put their hands in the basket, she shut the basket as fast as a clamperl. The boys held their hands, like they were crushed under the lid. “Ah-ah-ah~ You guys well eat when we take a break. If you listen to instructions perfectly, then well be done much faster.
Verite and Vil's months dropped and were pulled back by eachother due to how quick everyone, including Leona, is in aligning themselves.
"My" Crewel was impressed "You surely know your stuff miss..."
"Emilie, Emilie Ariaprète" the girl introduce herself as she and the fashion tyrant shake hands in greetings. “All it takes is some positive reinforcement,” she advised, “Use the carrot not the stick.”
"No kidding about you guys being beast tamers" Vil whispered Verite while still eyeing the whole scene infront of him.
"Yep" Verite replied back.
The princess looked away from the boys standing in line, smiled at the two male models and giggled.
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kajmasterclass · 8 months
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kovilm · 5 months
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Rada Krivokapic Radonjic is a famous fashion designer and stylist whose signature style of classic, elegant yet luxurious ready-to-wear helped introduce ease and streamlined modernity to 21th-century dressing.
Early life
Rada Krivokapic Radonjic is originally from Kotor, Montenegro. Her parents are father Djuro Krivokapic and mother Vidosava Kaludjerovic. She also has an older brother named Radoslav Rajo Krivokapic. Her brother is a sailor, her mother a health care worker/nurse at Kotor General Hospital, and her father a factory worker.
Talking about her educational background, she passed her Master's level in 2018. The program was funded by the German Government and was also designed according to the German education system. She had enrolled in Law, Professional, and Occupational Pedagogy, Trade, and Economy. She joined the School of Fashion and Specialization for Fashion Designer and Stylist. She graduated from this school of fashion from Belgrade in 1996, which was under the Paris system in collaboration with the Academy of Fine Arts. For her fashion school, she did an internship under Giorgio Armani Milan in 1997. Working for one of the world's most famous fashion creators, she got the opportunity to meet the best fashion creators to advance her knowledge base. Likewise, she completed her Ph.D. in Fashion Design in Belgrade in 1998.
Rada Krivokapic Radonjic, a visionary in the world of fashion, hails from the picturesque town of Kotor, Montenegro. Her creative journey has been nothing short of exceptional, combining classic designs with a deep commitment to sustainability. Born into a humble family, Rada’s passion for fashion stemmed from her early exposure to the industry through her work with esteemed designers like Giorgio Armani, Gianni Versace, Valentino Garavani, Karl Lagerfeld, and Roberto Cavalli.
Professional Life and Career
Talking about her professional life, she is famous as a designer and a stylist. She is the founder of Rada Krivokapic Radonjic, Kovilm and Rada Radonjic luxury clothing brands. They were established in the city of Kotor, Montenegro. In 2006, she designed the collection "Ostvarene Rijeci". The collection was inspired by her deceased father. Moreover, she collaborated with model Filip Kapisoda in 2010 and had a number of fashion shows in 2018. Furthermore, she also organized several fashion shows in the city of Yugoslavia. She also work as Costume Designer in Kotor. Moreover, Rada also designed a new fashion accessory called "Kovilm". She designed it for the 2019 fashion show called "Svijet Bez Sukoba". Kovilm is a garment worn around the neck, which symbolizes the transformation from tie and bow-tie. Additionally, Rada has also written the books 'Odijevanje' that translates to "Dressing" and 'Krojenje i sivenje' that translates to "Tailoring and sewing". Her books are related to the issues in the fashion and clothing world, which is influential for aspiring models, designers, and stylists. She is mostly based in her hometown Kotor. However, she also has her professional links in Podgorica, the capital of Montenegro. She designed common folk costume called Zentivns 2022.
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Awards, Net Worth
Rada Krivokapic Radonjic has won several awards for her humanitarian contributions and assistance. She has also received Humanitarian Contribution Awards. In 2023, Rada Krivokapic Radonjic is The World's Best Fashion Designer of The Year 2023 London, United Kingdom by Corporate LiveWire.
Personal Life
Reflecting on her personal life, Rada Krivokapic Radonjic gave birth to four children Nedjeljka Nadja Radonjic (1999), Valentina Radonjic (2001), Nebojsa Radonjic (2007) and Teodora Radonjic (2013). Furthermore, she maintains a good professional and personal life, free of scandals and controversies.
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misslinala · 2 years
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ninibeingdelulu · 3 months
— headcanons ft. leon kennedy
You met Leon when he was just a rookie cop fresh out of the academy before that nightmarish first day in Raccoon sent both your lives spiraling into chaos and tragedy. Despite the hellish circumstances, you formed an unbreakable bond fueled by sheer survival instinct.
After the dust settled and you both made it out alive by the skin of your teeth, neither of you knew how to resume any semblance of normalcy. The trauma lingered too viscerally beneath the surface, casting long shadows even during peaceful moments.
In Leon you found a kindred spirit haunted by the same waking nightmares - one who understood the primal, animalistic panic of being stalked and eviscerated by unholy bio-weapons. He may have started as just a well-meaning if slightly naive rookie, but the hardened survivor who emerged from Raccoon's ruins began mirroring your own instincts for self-preservation at any cost.
At first, you kept any intimacies strictly physical and detached, both of you desperately chasing oblivion between the sheets. Losing yourselves to sweat-slicked passion became the only way to escape the pervasive horrors replaying on a constant loop in your psyches.
Slowly, almost imperceptibly, those ravenous encounters gradually softened around the edges. Harsh, bruising grips eased into caresses. Frantic, selfish movements gave way to tenderness and consideration for the other's pleasure. Until eventually, Leon's usual rigid exterior would crack just enough to expose the frightened, damaged young man beneath after you'd spent yourselves into breathless exhaustion.
It became your mission to bear witness to those fleeting shards of vulnerability, no matter how quickly he'd shutter them away again post-coitus. You ached to remind him - and yourself in turn - that he was still worthy of gentleness despite the serrated-edge of cynicism he armored himself with.
These days, you share a modest apartment together. A sanctuary, however temporary it might be before the next crisis summons one or both of you into the field again. Leon keeps most of his gear meticulously organized near the door for a quick getaway, ever vigilant. But you've introduced small creature comforts amidst the Spartan decor - lush blankets to cocoon you both, scented candles, tasteful art prints to humanize your den.
He no longer startles awake in a cold sweat with a bellow of terror or panic thanks to your steadying presence curled protectively around him. You've learned to wake him with soothing words and the lightest touch through the night terrors lest his primed instincts kick in first. That stoicism remains, of course, but gradually you've helped him find more ease between the lulls of combat.
Leon rarely initiates physical intimacy first unless freshly separated after a deployment when the ache for closeness simply overwhelms him. But once you run exploratory hands over his sculpted body, his restraint crumbles into fevered need to clutch you flush against him. Possessive. Basking in every inch of warm, living flesh without threat of imminent violence.
He's mastered peeling away your clothing with a tantalizing, unhurried lack of urgency born from long experience now. Reveling in the journey and not just the destination, savoring every exposed swell of skin with hushed murmurs and feather-light kisses until you squirm and writhe beneath his doting attention.
While Leon has grown more vocal during these hushed liaisons when his guard erodes completely, he still struggles to outwardly proclaim those three weighted words defining your bond. You don't need them, though. His actions damn sure speak louder - in the protective steel banding his arms around you from behind, the single-minded focus devouring your curves for any sign of injury or imperfection, the ragged whispers muffled against the sweat-dampened nape of your neck each time you both crest with shared euphoria.
Deep down, beneath the chiseled mask of lethal pragmatism branded by combat and unspeakable horror...Leon S. Kennedy remains a romantic at his core, hopelessly tender and relishing the simple sanctuary you represent after years of turmoil. So he holds you close through the nightmares, inhales your comforting scent amidst the choking stench of death, and reminds himself there's still some flicker of humanity worth fighting for time and again.
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littyhoney · 1 year
Can we please have Earth 1610! Miles x reader where throughout their journey, the reader has been envious of Gwen because of Miles' feelings for her and he was completely oblivious about Y/N's feelings for him. Then comes the events and reveal of Earth 42! Miles, which he and Y/N were together but his Y/N ended up dying. As the story goes, both our Miles and Reader gets taken and when our Miles wakes up being tied against the punching bag, Y/N comes after him to save him but Earth 42! Miles is blinded with envy and was still in love with Y/N so he pins them on the ground in front of our Miles as he watched his other self trapped Y/N in his arms and praising their beauty. This makes Miles realize that seeing his other self worship Y/N makes his heart burn with Jealousy and realize that he has been in love with Y/N all along, not Gwen. Thank you so much!
Treasure to him.
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(Earth 1610! Miles x F!Reader x Earth 42! Miles)
Warnings: Heavy angst, mention of gun, slight toxic, manipulation, very long story
Word count: 5.3K words (longest one fic i have ever write)
Ps: This is an apology piece from me for the delay of chapter five of Right person,Wrong time. I can't promise you guys when i would release it but i hope with this piece it would be something fun for yall to read. I appreciate every single reblogs and words of encouragement for me to write i love yall are so sweet. Enjoy spiders! <3<3
(In earth 1610, before the ATSV events)
You and Miles have known each other since he first step in the Vision Academy, you knew him by the tittle 'cop kid' since like half of the school witnessed Miles embarrassing moment of him and his dad. But you found out that the 'cop kid' is actually a sweet,charming yet awkward boy. You always wait with anticipation for him to walk in the class that you two had in the same time just so that you can see what’s new in his sketchbook, his graffiti sketches some of his portraits its so well drawn that you are mesmerized by it. You also hang out together either to study or you just want to sit together listening to music while you watch the master creating his masterpiece.
Day by day you just start to like his stupid corny jokes about science, his eyes that reminds you of the warm sun and that stupid sweet smile of his. It’s hard not to fall for him, whenever you hang out he would hold your hand to cross the road because he doesn’t want you to fall behind or trip. The little banter you both have when you both come up with a stupid question like “does pineapple belong on pizza”.
But it all changes when he met this ‘Gwanda’ girl or Gwen is her real name since you been in the same class as her after she got transferred here apparently. Ever since he met Gwen he has been weird, that’s when you know he is the new Spider-man of Brooklyn. How do you know? You walk into his room with Ganke one day to his dorm room to return his notes, you look up to see not only Miles on the ceiling but with Gwen and seems to be more spider people. Resulting to Ganke falling back pass out while you got web by one of them.
As the months pass by you and Miles grew closer, you been with him through thick and thin. He need notes? You lend him yours, need someone to dial cops on criminal or villain that he caught? Your phone is ready, need someone to let out some pent up frustration? You will listen to him and be there for him every time. You understand being a hero for the city and a student in such a prestige school in Brooklyn can be too much for him, not to mention he is a freaking teenager. You show him support and love to him hoping that he would notice you feelings for him, of course you did all of that not only because of love,but because you genuinely care for him. But the moment the two of you would just sit together and chatting away through the evening at the ‘Foam Part’ coffee shop, everything just feels right again.
Today is the day that you will admit your feeling for Miles,feet tapping nervously on wood tile with your drink have gone down half of the cup after you keep sipping on it. You been waiting for Miles for half an hour now,you have left him a few messages but he doesn’t respond to it. But he did promise to meet here today, but thanks to his delay you keep reciting the script in your head on how you going to confess to him. Maybe make it quick and straight to the point like “Hey miles look, I like you” or make it sentimental like “Miles,ever since I met you a year ago-” your train of though got interrupted by a ring of a bell from the entrance of the coffee shop.
There standing by the door, slightly out of breath stand Miles Morales. He look around the coffee shop trying to see a familiar face, when his eyes land on you a smile is send to your direction. He make his ways to you before sitting down with a big sigh “Finally! Im done dealing with that guy” he muster up the best puppy face that he can at you “Im sorry that im late (Y/N), as a sorry I’ll buy your (favorite dessert) what do you say?” he tilt his head to the side leaning forward.
Oh how can you be mad at him after that very tempting deal so you roll your eyes and smile at him “Alright alright apology accepted,but this will be the last okay?”. He laugh and nodding his head “Aigh I’ll make sure next time I won’t be late, I be right back” he give you a wink before walking to the counter to order his drink and getting your dessert. You sit there smilling to yourself,the butterfly fluttering in your stomach.
Few minutes later Miles return with the set items “here ya go! Enjoy” he put the small plate in front of you and keeping his hot coco to himself. “You don’t have to you know,a sorry would suffice” you insist while picking up the spoon. Miles shake his head waving his hand “Nah nah I feel bad keeping you hangin man, that’s the least I could do for you”. You just let out a chuckle and nod,it’s free food so.
Like always, you are curious as to what he have been drawing this week so as you feed yourself a spoonful of sweetness “So,anything new you been cooking up?”. Miles put down his cup before nodding “Yeah yeah I have a few new pieces, here” he turn his body slightly reach for his bag pulling out his black sketchbook that is decorated by stickers “Here,check it out” he slide the book to you.
You open up the book skipping few pages back until you see a new art have been drawn by him “Whoa, these are neat Miles” you smile wide as you take in the details and bright colors of the pieces he drawn. “I wanna put up that one up on a wall,I’ll let you know when though” he says as he watches you going through his precious book. You chuckle “can’t wait Miles” you flip to another page, seeing the familiar spider people like that particular black and white spider, Miles told you his name is Spider Noir.
Your eyes trail to another piece in the page, your smile fell slightly. It’s a drawing of the familiar blonde girl, Gwen. You can’t lie that Gwen is a beautiful girl and very talented, the drawing capture her smile and her cool shaved hair that gives her more personality. The envy feeling return but you swallow it down “Wow someone is having a crush huh” you said teasingly at Miles lifting your head to look at him,with a soft but pain smile. “What do you mean?” Miles says furrowed his eyebrows. You turn the book held it up towards him lifting one of your eyebrow “Come onn don’t lie,it’s pretty obvious Miles”. Miles eyes widened “What?! no no nahh you got it wrong im not pfff that’s funny nah nah” he says as he cross his arms over his chest after waving his hand side to side.
You roll your eyes snapping the book shut putting it down on the table “Please you been talking and drawing the same spider people these past months, and you been drawing Gwen a lot too” you give him a pointed look. Miles sigh and put his arms on the table “Look (N/N) whatever it is you’re thinking it’s not that I like her its just that I…I miss her,I miss them” he gesture his hand to the book “It’s, kind of lonely being the only spider-man you know”.
You purse your lips before sigh lightly “I hope one day you can meet them again Miles” you reach for his hand,holding it both in yours. “You’re not alone here Miles, you have Ganke…you have me”
Miles look into your eyes,he is stunned. For as long as they have been friends, Miles does have a tiny crush on her. Miles just like the sound of her laughter or when she scrunched her face at his corny joke makes him forget his problem for a while. He feel comfortable with her,he feel free to be himself with or without the mask. He knows that she’ll be there whenever he needed her help, he also put an extra work to his drawings because he wanted to show you only the best pieces of art from him. But when he met Gwen and to know that she is also a spider,it feels different to him. He know how much Gwen understands him, he doesn’t feel different of being the odd one. He is confuse, over his own feelings.
“Look Miles I been wanting to tell you something” your voice snap him out of his thoughts. “W-what is it (N/N)?” Miles look at you with anticipation.
You on the other hand is having a battle with yourself in your head going back and forth with ‘tell him you feel better’ or ‘Don’t tell him and pretend’. You squeeze his hand in your palm slightly, building up the courage. ‘this is it,if he won’t return my feelings at least I get it off my chest’ you blew out an air and open your mouth “Miles, I…” the word is stuck in your throat. ‘Just say it,say it!’ you mentally scolding yourself.
Just as you open your mouth a loud crash and a panic yelling come from outsdie of the cafe, you and Miles turn to look at scene to see few robbers went inside a car while the owner is screaming for help. ‘Wow…the universe hates me huh’ you look back at Miles to see him already looking at you with a clear ‘I gotta go sorry’ in his eyes. You just tilt your head to it with an understanding smile “Go get em spidey”. Miles smiles at you, and starts to stand up but be he stops “Wait,what is it that you want to tell me?”. You shake your head “No no it’s nothing important really,just school stuff”. But Miles know better and reassure you “Look i know its important, so tell me later okay?” he says as he start to walk backward to the door “Got it?”. You nod your head “got it now go!” watching him runs out of the cafe.
Well there goes your moment to confess, you sight as you take out your phone calling your best friend.
(In earth-42 before the ATSV event)
You climb up the fire escape to Miles hideout,where he and uncle Aaron would do their plans and fixing on his Prowler suit. You know this when the day his father died he sworn to keep the neighborhood safer,not only for his mom but for you too. He try his very best not to let two of his most beloved people in his life have the same fate as his dad.
You being a lovely partner support him and his ambition, you help him provide some of the material he needed. When he got hurt or beaten up, you would be there tending him on the couch, When some day comes the day where he is drown by guilt of not saving or do anything to save his dad, you will be there either holding him or be on the phone with a gentle voice to remind him that “It’s not your fault love”. You are his anchor that keep him grounded in the sea of his big responsibilities. He have to be the man of the house, helping his mom, be a student and survive in this dangerous city.
But the two of you are such a great couple, Miles would walk you to and back from school. Always walk together hand in hand through the school hallway, keeping you protected from anyone try to do anything. Secret kisses and sweet words exchange with a whisper, only a blind person could not see how in love these two couple are. The love and tenderness in his eyes whenever he look at you as you busy telling him about your day. One time the two of you spend the whole night dancing to uncle Aaron’s boombox that he borrowed, it ended with his arms around your waist while your arms around his neck gaze into one another swaying to the music.
That moment will always stuck with you, as you reach the window to his hideout. You heard music blast coming from inside, you pull the window up and crawl in making your way to your man. Miles seem busy with his claw sitting on the stool, so you gently wrap your arm around his waist from behind giving him a soft kiss on his neck “Hey love”. He hum lifting his head from hunching over the claw turning his head to give a kiss on your temple “Hey princesa” you smile at the nickname.
“You been so busy lately love, we spend little to no time together this week but on call for hours”  you push yourself away from him leaning on the table beside him. Miles continue to temper with his claw “lo siento, princesa. Promise after I finish with this I’m yours for the night” he glance at you. You look over to the other side of the table to see his black sketchbook, you reach and open it to see few of his old drawings he made. He have less and less time to draw his heart out these past weeks, you keep turning the pages when you see a beautiful drawing of you. You graze your finger over it to see the details and pop out colors. Your hear swell to see he have been drawing you on the few pages back, he drawn you when you’re in class and when you were practicing volleyball he capture your smile every single one of it.
“Aigh im done now, you good mi amada?” Miles call out to you as he grabbing his signature green and purple jacket, he turn his head to see you looking at his sketchbook eyeing on the particular piece that he draw few days back. He knows you love it when he draws you, he wrap one of his arm around your waist leaning his head on yours “Mi amada come on, you can check em out later”. You put the book down chuckling “Okay okay Mr Morales im goingg” you broke out a grin as he drag you by the waist to the same window you came in.
You spend the night getting tacos and chatting together in the cafe you love to hang out at, Miles insist of paying the drinks and your favorite dessert as you two stand patiently at the line to order. Miles held you close to him both are oblivious as what will happen to them soon. A figure dress in all black with hoodie up and mask covering half of his face, he walks up to the cashier.
“Uhm sir you need to be in line to order please��� the little waitress says a bit skeptical at the man. “I’m not here for that, the register. open it” the guys says making the waitress even more confuse “E-excuse me sir?”. The guy sudden reach for his back pulling out a gun pointing straight at her “I said open the register now!”
His voice caught the attention not only to the two of you but the few teens in the cafe, once it clicked in their head what is happening some reach for the phone to dial the police but the robber turn around keeping the gun up “If any of you even think of putting your phone up I’ll fucking shoot you!”
Miles already pulling you behind him, his mind is racking for any plans so that this situation won’t get out of hand. You on the other hand holding on to your phone already dialing the 911 but you let the operator listens to the whole commotion, You hand grips tightly on Miles arm, heart beats so fast that you can hear it in your ears. “Miles, what should we do?” you whisper to him. “It’s okay, I’ll handle this okay?” you held on to him with a frown, you know he can handle a simple robbery with his Prowler suit but right now he doesn't have anything to defend himself. “don’t be ridiculous you don’t have your suit” you hiss out through your teeth furrowing your brows at him.
Miles turn his head to his face hold a serious expression,his tone is stern “Just stay out of it, let the police know what happen okay?” before you could protest Miles already make his way to the robber grabbing on to his shoulder turning him around grabbing his arm twisting it. The robber yelp at the sudden attack from Miles, the pain from his twisted arm making him let go of the gun, the weapon fall to the floor as the two struggle accidentally kicking the gun to your direction. You look at the gun and look at the two, you quickly reach down to the gun holding on to it so that the robber won’t take it.
The robber look at the gun and then up to you, the look on that guy’s face strike fear in you, you hand starts to tremble holding the gun. The robber punch Miles straight to his face,this time without his mask the pain makes Miles stumble to the side making the robber charge towards his terrified partner. “Give that to me bitch!” He grab on to your arm so hard that it is starting to hurt, but you determine to keep holding on to the gun.
Miles shake his head to relieve the pain slightly to see his partner and the robber are fighting over the gun, in panic he rush over to them “(Y/N)!”. Suddenly everything turns slow mo, the robber tug the gun hard from your grasp turning it towards you and
Two shots have been released, a searing pain runs through your abdomen and chest. The blows making you stumble back on your feet a few time before your knees buckle underneath you, you body slammed on the floor. The sounds of people screams muffle and your vision starts to get blur.
Miles look at the scene eyes wide, ‘no,no this can’t be happening’. He rushes to your side in his head screaming ‘Please no, god no no not her too’ his hand hover over the gunshot before he softly says to you “Okay okay I'm going to turn you around baby” trying to reassure you and to himself. He carefully lift one of your side to look at the gunshot to see if it went all the way through, it does. You are bleeding out a lot, loosing blood by the second. He look back to your face to see you are crying and gasping, he hold your face with both of his face, he try his best to hold on to his tears as he choke out the words “Baby listen to me you’re gonna be alright, just hold on for a little longer baby please”.
The robber realized what he had done run out of the cafe, but Miles paid no mind as he is grasping on to you. You feel yourself is slowly slipping away, your eyes locked on to the beautiful brown eyes of your boyfriend. Struggle to breath you choke out the words “I-im scared Miles”. He held on to your hand bringing it to his cheek “Im here baby I’m here” he says as a tear runs down his cheek dripping on to your cold cheek. You know it be the last time you will ever see his honey brown eyes, with a last energy you mustered “M-Miles I-”
Then silent…to Miles everything around him is muffled, he is staring into your eyes as you pass to the other side. Your warm hand is now cold In his, he already misses your voice. He hold your limp body to his chest sobbing as he chant
“I’m sorry”
(Back to earth 1610 Miles and Reader)
For some reason everything went wrong so fast in one day, you and Miles barely survive the spider arm. One after another happened in a such pace you could barely catch up but now Miles have successfully got both of you home,or not. You are waiting patiently on the rooftop of his apartment to help him with the Spot but your eyes widened at the big graffiti on the wall of the other building, when did Mr Morales died? You remember that Miguel says his death will be in two days. The sinking feeling in your stomach is making you panic, you pieces together that you are in a wrong home, in a wrong dimension. The once lively and beautiful city turn into this dark and grimy city,the street that are always filled with people is now silence, you're in a completely different place. You run your fingers through your hair in frustration “Oh shit shit” then you walk towards the door leading to the staircase ‘I have to get Miles!’ as your hand was about to reach the door a voice came from behind the door.
Your eyes widened quickly pressing yourself to the wall blending into the shadow to see who walk out of the door, there walk out uncle Aaron and Miles. Miles on the other hand is scare and worry about you, he left you here for while and promise to come back but after he figure out he is in a different dimension he wanted to run out of his house to get to you but instead he stumble to his supposed dead uncle. “Look uncle Aaron, I gotta uh go” he try to get out of the situation “I gotta go find” his words trail  as his eyes land on the same graffiti, his dad is dead in this dimension. Before he could do anything a figure jump from the other rooftop and sucker punch Miles making him pass out straight to the floor.
You cover your mouth as you witness everything play out in front of you, not believing this is really happening. For another dimension you would have thought that uncle Aaron will be the same as your dimension uncle Aaron but no, this guy is something else. You have to save Miles and go home ASAP, you watch as Aaron slung the limp body of Miles over his shoulder turning to the other figure seems to have an exchange of conversation before the figure leap away from the rooftop to another. Aaron on the other hand walk to the fire escape stairs making his way down to the dark alleyway.
You have no other choice, you have to save Miles. You have no one else to call for help. You’re on your own, so you follow behind a few feet away from Aaron. The quiet and empty street is dark enough for you to trail without raising any of his attention, heck the street is dark enough for people in their home not to question the limp body he is currently carrying.
After a few minutes you are in a familiar window of uncle Aaron’s house, you peek inside through the window from the fire escape stair that you once went with Miles to sneak out to visit his uncle. You wait patiently as Aaron have tied Miles to the punching bag with chains and wires, Aaron answers his phone call it seems to be urgent. ‘please go out please go out’ you chant in your head and your prayer is answered as Aaron walk out of the room after he shut his phone, huh that was easy.
You push the window up and goes in as quietly as you can, your eyes glance around the dark room, completely oblivious to a pair of eyes are watching your every move from the beginning. He hope the person that his other self is looking for will be you and you walk right in to him. He got a second chance to see you again,and he intended to keep you here all to himself.
As you walk right under him, the figure dangle himself down with one of his hand try not to make any sudden noise to startle you. Before you could reach to his counterpart, he reach his hand to your shoulder gently hold on to it. You startle by the sudden contact make you turn around to see a purple neon mask staring at you, you gasp out in surprise stumble back on your feet “W-wait!” you are scare of him. You used to love his mask, you thought it look ‘cool’.
Miles quickly hold on to both of your forearm pulling you gently to him, he unmask himself so that you can hear his voice. His voice is gentle “Shh shh calm down mi amada its me”  he hold firmly at your forearms taking a few step closer to you. You are scare at this guy, the darkness of the room is making it hard for you to see his face but why is he talking to you like he known you before? And the voice sound so familiar. “W-who are you?”
Miles steps forward to you making you take every each step back until you are pin against the table and finally the light shine on to the person in front of you, that same honey eyes staring back at you. “M-Miles?” you stare at him eyes wide, this Miles looks different he have eye bags, slightly sunken cheek and his hair is shave and braided.
He look at you with a sad smile, you were too stun to do anything as he hold your cheek so gently “Hey mi amada, what happened to you?” his thumb grazing over a little scratch on your cheek cause by Miguel. “W-what did you just called me” you ask but this Miles pay no mind to your question “It’s alright I’m here now I won’t let anything happen to you,not this time”. Your mind is racing, why is he calling you my beloved? Why does he seem to miss you? Your other half is also here…well was here. Your eyes held sympathy at him now “Were you close?”
Miles saddened at your words “What are you saying mi vida, we are close” you shake your head at him taking his hand that is holding your cheek moving it away from your cheek “No no im not her Miles please” he grasp your hand pinning them to the table “We belong together mi amor, you belong to me” he lean closer to you, now chest to chest. You tremble slightly fear of this Miles behavior.
(1610 Miles POV)
Miles open his eyes, his head rings as he try to focus on his vision but as he open his eyes to see you are pinned down by somebody. Miles see your eyes make contact with his, your eyes are begging for him to help. But he can’t do anything but to dangle helplessly. The person pinning her to the table hold her chin turning her chin“Ah ah attention to me mi vida” Miles are even more confuse as to why this stranger is calling you endearing name that only use if you have an intimate relationship. “Please…you have to let me go, I-im not who you think I am” she whimper as you try to move away from the person but he shushed her “Shh mi princesa”
Miles heart burned slightly to see this person calling you different endearing names, its like he is talking to his lover and the tender touches is like he holding a treasure. Miles have been the few person that you trust and comfortable enough for physical touch, the warm hugs you share and the hand holding as you walk together. To see this complete stranger to just touch you it triggers his protectivenes and his, hidden feelings for you. “Hey! Let go of her man!”
(Back to third POV)
Miles lean back slightly a lopside smile tug on his lips before he lick his teeth “So, he’s awake” he still keep you pin to the table. “What so special about him hm? Tell me mi princesa” he reaches over to the side for one of his claw. “Base on the first name term you been calling him, you’re not even together,you’re not special to him” he hold his gaze onto you, hoping for you to understand his side and stay. Your heart squeeze painfully at his words, you two are nothing more than a friend.
“But to me, you’re my treasure, mi amor” his eyes is pleading at you, “He have all this fancy power but he can’t even get you home safe, mi princessa don’t you see? You’re here for a reason, to be here by my side together again”
Miles shake his head ‘no no no that’s not true (N/N) don’t listen to him’, he does care for her, he always have, you are special to him. You have been with him from the beginning, when you stand up to him to Miguel his heart swell to see you will always be by his side even when the others are againts him. He doesn’t want to lose you. “No don’t listen to him (Y/N)” Miles voice seems to annoy this other Miles.
“You’re so beautiful..I have miss your alluring voice talking to me, your soft touches” he put on his claw. “Why would you want to be with someone like him” his voice is lace with venom, he hate his other self to not cherish you like he would.
“Who are you..what do you want from her” Miles eyes glare at the back of this guy skull, he heard him chuckle “I’m” he pause before turn his head “I'm Miles Morales. But you,you can call me the Prowler” the other Miles says as he glare at the dangling spider.
Miles eyes widened to see himself with full on Prowler gear and a braided hair,he look much more mature here. Miles put the pieces of puzzle together in his head,In this dimension he too have his version of (Y/N), after hearing the names he have been calling it seems his other self is truly in love with not only earth 42 version of (Y/N) but from 1610 dimension too. “Look man…I know you have history with her but you can’t keep her here…you have to let us go”
The Prowler Miles walk up to near him “And let YOU keep her?” he raises his claws powering it up curling his claws into a fist “why would I do that” he put the fist beside his head.  
You watch the two Miles, one is glaring to the other while the other is looking at the other with an eyes burning with determination. Determined to get you out of here…but the question is
Who will you choose?
(the end)
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sleepingdayaway · 4 days
just read your majoras mask post and i wish i could hug young link so bad😭 I then thought of what would happen if its LU and reader stumbles upon Time, who hasn't seen them since Majoras Mask. The reunion would either be devastating or really cute since hes old and seeing a parental(ish) figure again😭🩷
making a big strong leader be sad and cry for his parental figure fuels me with so much joy
It's a quiet night for the Chain as they all chatted amongst each other while setting up camp for the night. Wild is preparing a a fire, so he could make plans for dinner with Warriors helping him by going through the recipes that he saved on his slate. Wind, Legend and Hyrule are sitting together and speaking about their homes; Wind mostly talking about how he misses his younger sister and his grandma.
Twilight has left to keep an survey the surrounding area. Separate from the group so he could transform into his wolf form without the others knowing. Sky and Four are besides the cook and captain as they had a soft conversation about Sky's sword during his time in the Knight Academy, and when he was forging the Goddess Blade/Master Sword.
Meanwhile Time is sitting a bit farther away; not too far that he couldn't hear them but he's able to have his own space. He’s been feeling heavy these days as it takes a mental toll on him. Attempting to be the voice of reason isn’t easy even though he is in a body that now matches his mind.
Time doesn’t understand the heaviness that he has been feeling as their journey continues; the years long exhaustion seeping into his bones as he watches the rest interact with each other. A small nagging in his skull refuses to allow him a moment of relief. Urging him to get up and not stay idle which causes the older man to let out a sigh.
Which turned out to be a good idea when two sets of footsteps could be heard approaching the camp. Time turned to look at where the noise was approaching which in turned caused the rest of the hero’s to tense up slightly.
If old man Time notices something first, the others will follow suit. Instead of the noise of monsters which most of them can recognize; it was instead the voice of Twilight with a familiar one in tow. Everyone relaxed when they realized it was the Rancher, but were curious on who was he bringing. It was unusual for him to bring a civilian into their camp.
Except as soon as they were in view it made sense. The civilian was roughed up and had scratches and scrapes all over their body as if they had been running away from something. Although they acted as if they were fine, smiling and making exaggerated gestures for Twilight. A slight distraction one as would a parent would to distract a child from something
It seemed to work as Twilight was fully engaged in conversation and only broke out of it when Hyrule reacted first and approached them. They smile at Hyrule and began introducing themselves as the boy checks up on the civilian, upon seeing the injuries on them.
That voice. Time’s ear gave a slight twitch upon hearing them speak, as a sudden coldness enveloped his body. He knows that voice. Holy shit, Time fucking recognized who is speaking to Hyrule and Twilight.
Time needs to step away; as he felt his own body began to tremble at the memories of his past adventures with them. He can’t show weakness in front of the others. If he starts acting up then everyone will become suspicious of them even though they have done no wrong.
Quickly he gets up before approaching Warriors and muttered some excuse about him needing to take a walk. Warriors, who understands that Time had a lot on his plate recently, agreed and reassured that he and Twilight will keep watch over everyone.
In an instant, Time is walking away from the group as he felt someone’s gaze on his back.
The sun is gone by the time he returns to the camp.
Time curses himself for leaving for so long. He wasn’t supposed to be gone for a long time; he merely needed time to recollect his thoughts and get his act together before approaching them again.
The scarred man lets out as sigh once he catches sight of the campfire. His body slowly begins to relax once he spots the rolled out bedrolls that are occupied by the rest of the group.
As he nears closer he counts the ones who a sleeping, noticing that the only one that isn’t asleep is Wild. Said man is by the fire and already staring at the older hero and quietly goes up to him, “Time, you’re back.” He states softly, trying not the wake the others from their sleep.
Time nods and scans the younger man for anything that could be bothering him, “Yes, sorry for being gone until nightfall, it wasn’t my intention I just-“
“Needed to clear your head?” Wild interrupts with a small smile of understanding. In which Time lets out a small sigh before humming in agreement.
“Is everything alright? How was….the civilian that the Ranch hand brought?” He asked.
As if barely remembering about them Wild slightly shuffled on his feet, “They’re fine! It’s just that……”
The Hero of Time raises a brow at him, “Did something happened while I was gone?” He questioned as he placed his hands on his hips.
“No! Nothing bad happened it’s just, they were determined to repay us by keeping watch and letting us all rest,” Wild responds before turning away and looks behind him; Time follows his gaze. Sitting away from them on a log near the edge of camp is them; staring out into the woods and appears to be keeping watch as Wild says.
”Huh….. I would’ve assumed that one of you would be weary of letting a stranger be in charge of your safety.” Wild lets out a slight wince at his words, and a hand comes up behind his neck as he remembers what happened a few hours prior.
“You’re not wrong, in fact the Veteran was the first one to express his distaste at the idea who was then backed up by Wars.”
Wild explains how after the two voiced their opinions and how they’re greatful at the thought, but they didn’t trust them. The civilian nodded in understanding before they began interacting with the rest. Somehow as the sun was begun to set and everyone ate their meals; did they all began to grow tired as their journey from today hit them unusually hard.
Warriors pulled Wild to the side and explained how Time was still out there and how they might need to go search from him, but that was when the Civilian spoke up. Saying how they’re sure that he’ll arrive soon and to soothe their worries they’ll stay up to wait for his return.
Reluctantly, Warriors agreed as his exhaustion doubled before crawling into his bedroll and promptly passing out. Leaving Wild and them awake as Wild fights off sleep; keeping them company as they waited for Time to return.
“I know it’s ridiculous for a group of hero’s to lower their guard to someone unfamiliar, but for some reason…. I feel as if……”
“As if you know them from somewhere?” Said Time gently, now understanding where he was coming from. Wild nodded as he looked down, finally realizing how tired he was.
Time put his hands on Wild’s shoulders and gave them a comforting squeeze, “I’m here now, go rest.” He says softly with a slight tone of appreciation, “Thank you, for waiting Wild.”
The young man nodded before walking limply to his own bedroll and collapsing as well.
He watched Wild fall asleep completely as an attempt to delay the inevitable, but Time knew it was futile and he knew that they would still be waiting. After a few moments passed did he begin to walk over to the edge of camp where they sat.
He sat down next to them without thinking twice, but didn’t look at their face. He had a feeling that string holding himself together would snap if he looked at them.
But it would be broken anyway since they made the first move.
“I’m sorry for leaving without goodbye.”
Time tenses before dropping his face into his hands, letting out a silent sob, in an attempt to hide himself from view.
A gentle hand lands in his hair as it begins to comb through it, and once more he’s pulled back into his memories during his journey through Termina. Of the same hand running through his hair in the aftermath of a battle that took a toll on him.
Losing all strength that is holding himself together; Time collapses on himself and curls up to them. Losing all rationality and just wants to be held by them again as he clings on their clothes.
“It’s okay, I’m here now Link.”
Their voice calls out to Time as their other arm wraps around his back to hold him closer. As he cries to himself as the memories of Termina returns full force, the amount of times he failed the people of the town. The moments where he messed up and had to start over again-
He failed to save that girl’s father.
He failed to reunite Kafei and Anju.
He failed to protect Romani from those monsters.
He failed-
Humming interrupts his train of thought as he opens his eyes in shock. The feeling of a hand rubbing his back and another in his hair brings him back to them, as he leans his head on their chest.
Relaxing into their hold as he listens to their heartbeat and to their humming of a familiar song.
Someone else sings for his sorrows to heal.
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dragon-ascent · 1 year
You see Liyue's god, Morax, on the street and you lose your mind.
★彡takes place centuries ago, when Rex Lapis was said to be close with his people, Rukkhadevata still existed, etc.
In Teyvat, where gods and monsters roam the land, it is only natural that stories of the divine weave their way into daily life. As a child, you'd been accustomed to poring over books and pictures of the gods of other nations. Like Baal with her elegant, thundering might that could cleave whole islands in half in one stroke, and the playful Barbatos, who could blow away even the tallest mountains with a single gust of wind. They were all so charming, so ethereal, so complex. Your own god was no less impressive - the beautiful and divine Greater Lord Rukkhadevata, whose blessings of wisdom gave rise to your thriving nation.
The god that fascinated you the most, however, was Morax - or Rex Lapis, as the people of his nation so reverently called him.
In all the stories you'd read and the plays you'd seen, Rex Lapis was depicted as a fierce warrior god who could overcome any adversity thrown his way. He'd minted Mora from his own divine body, altered the landscape of Liyue during major battles, and bestowed blessings of illumination upon his adepti companions.
Most importantly, he is handsome.
Yes, it's a little silly to swoon over a religious deity, but...look at him. Every story you've read depicted him in the same way, be it in Inazuman manga or Sumerian amar chitra katha: long dark hair that was securely fastened by a gilded pin; toned arms that shimmered with hues of black and gold; and glimmering amber eyes set upon a face that seemed to be chiseled by Celestia itself.
Honestly, Rex Lapis is the main reason you're interested in pursuing higher studies in Liyue rather than in Sumeru, much to your parents' disdain. Why go to Liyue when Sumeru has a perfectly reputable Akademiya with well-established Darshans? But they know they cannot stop you: when your reverence for Rex Lapis has far transcended your devotion to Rukkhadevata almost since the moment you were born, why shouldn't you gain the opportunity to get closer to the god you love most?
So the day you get the acceptance letter from your dream academy in Liyue Harbor, it's a most joyous occasion indeed. After much jumping and screaming and cheering, you lay out your plan for when you first get to Liyue to settle into your dorm for the academic year:
Step 1: Find Rex Lapis.
Step 2: Woo him and become his consort...or something.
A masterfully-crafted plan, is it not?
It's not a far journey from Sumeru; the two are neighboring countries after all, and it takes about a day and a half by cart to get to the harbor. That's where Rex Lapis is most active, so you should certainly be able to catch a glimpse of him at least once during your fortnight here, yes?
Throughout almost the entire journey, your nose is buried in stories of Rex Lapis mingling with his people. Oftentimes this is done while he is incognito, his golden eyes the only thing giving away his identity.
Yes, that's another thing about him that wildly interests you - out of all the archons, he's one of the closest to his people. That's the whole basis for your master plan, no? It wouldn't work if he were to be cooped up in Taishan Mansion like he was originally supposed to be.
The scenery shifts from thick forests to vast valleys, and before you know it you've crossed the Sumeru-Liyue border. The landscape shifts to warmer colours, the ever-present green now blending with hues of red and gold. Mountains dot the horizon, and your heart pounds with excitement at the thought of Rex Lapis having formed them all himself. And, the moment you see a Statue of the Seven come into view and it's Rex Lapis instead of Rukkhadevata, you find yourself squealing for the carriage to be stopped for a moment.
Hurrying out and almost tripping over yourself with giddiness, you make your way over to the statue. "Oh my gosh!" You can hardly believe it yourself, but his stone likeness sits upon a throne, his face shrouded by a hood as he gazes contemplatively at a cube in his hand. With the way he's sitting...surely you can nestle yourself on his lap!
The carriage's coachman pulls you back before you can climb up the statue and incur your first penalty in Liyue.
Fortune is on your side for the most part, for your dorm is located in the perfect spot near your academy-to-be, and you get a lovely seaside view from your window. The rent came cheap as well, and you had a smooth and seamless moving-in experience.
The area where fortune is not on your side, however, is in the fact that you've been here for a week and haven't seen neither hide nor hair of the Geo archon. You'd been traipsing around the harbor all week to the point that you could probably point out all the landmarks like a local, but there was no sign of a certain golden-eyed man at all. (You knew this because you'd made sure to look into everyone's eyes - not long enough to be creepy but just long enough to get some confused looks.)
One consolation was the fact that the people of Liyue loved talking about their experiences with their god: how he had once used a spoon from this place to try food from that stall, how he had written a poem for this store and had personally named that restaurant...his presence was interwoven with the stories of this city and could certainly not be de-threaded from them.
So where on earth was he now?
Your question is answered when you're out buying potatoes at the market ("Rex Lapis himself had suggested this place sell potatoes!"), when the vendor nearly knocks your bag over as he bows deeply to the tall man who has appeared beside you. "Rex Lapis, it is an honor and a pleasure to see you back here again!"
You nearly drop those damn potatoes.
"Ah, think nothing of it, my friend. The vegetable arrangements you craft out of food waste are simply a delight to behold - and economical, as well. One might even say that..." As his rich, deep baritone engulfs your ears, you finally muster the courage to look up at him. The moment you do, your jaw practically drops to the pavement.
The manga and amar chitra katha weren't lying. If anything, they weren't even doing justice to his appearance.
Beautiful amber eyes set upon a chiseled face that exuded equal parts royalty and congeniality; long, silky dark hair held together by a lustrous gold pin; and through his archon robes you could make out the shape of his toned and muscular body.
You hadn't realised you'd just babbled something until the god stops mid-conversation and turns to look at you curiously.
"Pardon me, little one, I didn't quite catch that."
Your legs feel like they're made of water; yet somehow you don't fall to the ground. He's looking at you, oh gods he's looking at you. "Uhhhhhh," is all you can utter.
He offers you a warm smile that could put even the morning sun to shame. If your voice worked, you would scream "I'm in love with you" at him. "Yours is a face I have not seen around here before. A visitor to my land, I assume?"
The only thing you can do right now is nod meekly. The god's eyes twinkle.
"Well, I do hope you enjoy your stay here. Liyue has much to offer, regardless of what it is you may be looking for." You nod dumbly yet again as he finishes his conversation with the vendor and, with a nod to you, Rex Lapis begins to stroll down the street.
Clearly his presence is not an infrequent occurrence, for everyone who passes by him merely greets him with mild nervousness and reverence, as opposed to hurling themselves at his feet and wailing words of praise at him.
Finally, your legs start working again. Before you know it, you find yourself running towards him. Rex Lapis, sensing your footsteps, turns to look at you.
You pause, catching your breath. Your heart is hammering away in your chest, and it's not because of the running. "I...have something I want to say to you...m-my lord!"
"Yes?" He eyes you curiously, head slightly cocked.
You bite your lip, your mind reeling. So many things to say, so little brain juice in you... "I - I think you're very handsome!"
Saying this, you run off, leaving the god to stand there and process what had just transpired. Classy.
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disneytva · 1 month
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Disney Branded Television Greenlits ‘Sofia the First: Royal Magic,’ Sequel To ‘Sofia the First’ Slated For A 2026 Release Date.
Today, Disney Jr. announced a series greenlight for “Sofia the First: Royal Magic” a continuation of “Sofia the First” and remains one of the most successful global preschool franchises for The Walt Disney Company. The spin-off got picked up for development back in November 2022 under the working title ("Royal Prep Academy")
“Sofia the First: Royal Magic” follows Sofia as she attends The Charmswell School for Royal Magic, where princes and princesses from across the EverRealm will continue their royal studies and also learn all types of magic. During her time at Charmswell, Sofia discovers she is the most magical princess in the realm and must learn how to master her powers while making new royal friends. Each episode will contain two 11-minute stories, each with a new original song.  The sequel is created and executive produced by original series creator Craig Gerber. Ariel Winter (“Modern Family”), who voiced the role of Sofia, in the original series, is set to reprise her role. Additional casting will be announced at a later date. Many of the creative team from “Firebuds” are involved in this series, including Krystal Banzon as co-executive producer and story editor, Kris Wimberly as supervising director, and Craig Simpson as producer. The series is produced by Disney Television Animation. The new series is currently in production and is slated for a 2026 premiere on Disney Jr. and Disney+
Gerber added, “I’m incredibly excited for the chance to return to Sofia’s enchanted world and tell the next chapter in her story. At a new school specializing in royal magic, Sofia will learn how to master her magical abilities while discovering the power of friendship and teamwork from her new royal classmates. Over the years, I have heard countless stories of how much the original series meant to young viewers and I’m hoping the new show will delight the next generation of preschoolers.”
Ayo Davis, president, Disney Branded Television and VP of Current and Development at Disney Television Animation said, “Since its debut in 2012, ‘Sofia the First’ captured the hearts and imaginations of preschoolers everywhere for its beloved characters, memorable music, adventurous spirit and meaningful storylines. The enduring charm and appeal of Sofia is undeniable, and we’re excited to continue sharing her journey in ‘Sofia the First: Royal Magic.’”
The “Sofia the First” franchise still holds the record for the Top 3 cable TV telecasts for Girls 2-5 and, lifetime to date, has garnered over 755 million views on Disney Junior YouTube.
Sofia The First: Royal Magic is one of the many projects by Disney Television Animation to introduce the studio's iconic franchises and charactes to a new generation of fans, other projects include "The Proud Family: Louder And Prouder", Disney Junior's "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 2.0", "Phineas And Ferb" as a revival and a reboot of "Darkwing Duck" by Point Grey Pictures (Nickelodeon Animation Studios "Tales Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles")
New interations of "TaleSpin" also by Point Grey Pictures (Nickelodeon Animation Studios "Tales Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles") & "Recess" with the original creators are in very early development at the studio.
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zstargalaxy · 2 years
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The student's ceremonial capes will be given to them via parcel with their acceptance letter.
Traditionally, those who had won gym battles, Coordinator contests, Pokemon performances or anything that had proven that they had achieved something, they must put their gym badges, ribbon, key, etc. into their ceremonial capes to represent the victories that they have earned throughout their journeys. It is usually 2nd/3rd years up to the 11th year.
After the students were dropped off by the Master Journeys Train, the students will then be guided by some of the staff and pokemon to where the ceremony will take place.
The entrence ceremony will be stationed at the stadium on the school campus grounds where fresh new students will gather for the ceremony.
All students of all years will be attending the ceremony, from the first to the eleventh years due to the purpose of not just welcoming new students into the academy but also to welcome the new school year for all students.
Once settled, the current Headmaster/Headmistress will start off with a speech to help welcome the students to a brand new year and a new start where they will learn, grow and experience new things for the path that they will choose in the future.
During this time, the pokemon (Both Staffs and residents of MJA) will also participate in being part of the welcoming ceremony, either there to listen and to meet the students or giving some snacks and patrolling for anything that might go wrong.
After the speech and some snacks, an array of demonstrations will be displayed at the stadium to show the students of one of the many courses they can take.
There will be four demonstrations for four different representations of what type of trainer they will be.
The main four are Battling, Researching, Coordinating, and Performing.
Students from 9th to 11th years are traditionally the ones to represent the four demonstrations for welcoming ceremonies every year and are either personally picked by the Headmistress or are volunteers.
But the students that were picked or volunteered must have a decent experience on the field of one of the demonstrations.
Official selections happens 2 weeks before the ceremony.
Battlings goes first among the four demonstrations.
The most common rule for this demonstration are that there arent any use of power ups (Mega evolution, Z-Power, Gigantamax, etc.) during battles, so that they can have an even playing field and give an example of what a common pokemon battle looks like.
Next is the field of Researching.
The students will be displaying an array of research and studies of various subjects like technology, biology, chemistry, etc. to show how far they have gone in their studies in the respective course they are in.
After Researching, its Coordinating.
The rule of no power ups is present at this demonstration aswell.
There is a choice of adding some accessories to both Coordinator and their pokemon but they must still wore their ceremonial capes throughout the ceremony.
This rule also applies to the other four demonstrations and will only be removed when necessary (ex. PPE or a need of more flexibility)
Last but not the least is Performing.
There will be a brief explanation beforehand at the difference between the Coordinating and Performing, considering the confusion between these two.
The theme performance, the first competition of the Pokemon Perfromance/Showcase, is different every year but at times it is Pokemon quiz due to pokemon performing being the last demonstrations and it will help summarize the whole four demonstrations.
Soon after all the Four demonstrations are at the end, the Headmistress will then give one last small speech for everyone to remind everyone that they are just beginning their journey, and so much more will unfold on the world that they will explore with their Pokemon as they four demonstrations they have just now is just a tip of an iceberg.
After all that, the students will then be guided by the Staff (Both People and Pokemon) to their assigned dorms and will announce of what will happen at the following week.
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diamondwerewolf · 6 months
i must chat about geeta for a bit. can't really do that well on twitter, so i'll do it here. Mainly about her canonical relationship with her subordinate, Larry. Seems the gag is that she's an over-baring boss working him to the bone, and YEAHHHh she sort of is. BUT I don't think she's being mean or rude to him. The issue is that she thinks that Larry is very talented and should push himself, or at least be more motivated. And well, Larry believes himself to be very average, as we all know. What are we putting effort into? 'I'm just some guy'. The Blueberry academy DLC allows for them to chat for a little while, and offers more info on how they do or don't get along. Masters EX, now that Geeta has been introduced, has some more information on Geeta's thoughts about Larry as well.
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( that's not what he meant geeta) She says she recommended him for an out of region competition after this. My analysis: "Would traveling get you excited for your work, Mr. Larry?" Also it implies that it's difficult to convince him to travel? He must like to stick to his hunting grounds. Hopefully this isn't a mistranslation.
Here's where she mentions him in Masters EX
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She also talks about her hobby of gem collecting, really on the nose about her job of scoping out and recruiting rare or sparkling talent. She sees something in him that he doesn't, considering she allows/recommends him to do so much. I know much of it is for Larry's salaryman joke, BUT. it's very interesting that Geeta is keenly aware that one of her employees is unmotivated. He must really have something going on that he's oblivious to, because she has no intentions of letting him go. This may be hard to see in the game, because of how it's staged for us as players, but in the reality of the story, Larry's gym is considered difficult. The first rough patch in the journey to region champion ( i had a tough time with him because i forget what normal types are weak to, but that's besides the point )
The REAL POINT IS, Geeta values Larry, so she's gonna be a little annoying.
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writing-with-sophia · 11 months
30 writing prompts about dark magic
Write a story about a young apprentice who becomes entangled in a forbidden form of dark magic.
Explore the consequences of a character who uses dark magic to resurrect a loved one.
Create a world where dark magic is the only means of survival, and the protagonist must choose between embracing it or resisting its allure.
Write about a cursed artifact that grants immense dark magical power to anyone who possesses it.
Imagine a society where practitioners of dark magic are feared and hunted, and a protagonist must hide their abilities to survive.
Tell the story of a character who unintentionally unleashes a powerful and malevolent dark force upon the world.
Write a tale of a group of individuals who use dark magic for noble purposes, challenging the conventional notions of good and evil.
Explore the psychological toll on a character who delves too deep into dark magic and loses their sense of self.
Create a magical academy where students are taught both light and dark magic, and follow a student's journey as they grapple with the temptation of the dark arts.
Describe a character who discovers an ancient book of dark magic and becomes consumed by its power.
Write about a protagonist who must make a pact with a dark entity to save their loved ones, at the cost of their own soul.
Imagine a world where dark magic is the dominant force, and a small group of rebels fight to restore balance using light magic.
Explore the origins of dark magic in a mythological world and the tragic events that led to its corruption.
Write a story about a character who is wrongly accused of practicing dark magic and must prove their innocence.
Imagine a character who uses dark magic to exact revenge on those who have wronged them, only to discover the consequences are far greater than anticipated.
Create a protagonist who possesses the ability to absorb and manipulate dark magic, struggling to control their powers and resist its corrupting influence.
Write about a character who discovers a hidden society of dark magic users and must decide whether to join them or fight against their destructive ways.
Explore the moral dilemma of a character who uses dark magic to save lives but must sacrifice their own humanity in the process.
Describe a cursed forest filled with dark magic where a group of adventurers must navigate its dangers to retrieve a powerful artifact.
Write a story about a character who seeks out forbidden knowledge of dark magic to gain immortality but finds that eternal life comes at a cost.
Imagine a world where dark magic is outlawed, and a character becomes an underground practitioner, fighting against oppressive forces.
Create a protagonist who is born with an uncontrollable dark magic that threatens to consume them unless they find a way to harness and control it.
Write about a character who becomes possessed by a malevolent spirit and must find a way to break free from its control.
Describe a character who uses dark magic to manipulate time and alter the course of history, leading to unforeseen consequences.
Imagine a protagonist who discovers a hidden society of benevolent dark magic practitioners, challenging the notion that all dark magic is inherently evil.
Write a story about a character who accidentally curses themselves with a dark spell and must find a way to reverse it before it's too late.
Create a world where dark magic is a natural force that must be balanced with light magic to prevent catastrophic events.
Describe a character who must navigate a labyrinth filled with dark magic traps and illusions to reach a coveted artifact.
Write about a character who is born into a prestigious family of dark magic practitioners but rejects their heritage, choosing a different path.
Imagine a character who discovers a hidden library of ancient dark magic spells and becomes obsessed with mastering their power, regardless of the consequences.
If you want to read more posts about writing, please click here and give me a follow!
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meandmyechoes · 1 year
Star Wars Visions: Volume 2
“Sith” by El Guiri  (Spain)
A former Sith apprentice, leading a peaceful, but isolated life, is confronted by the past when her old master tracks her down.
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“Screecher’s Reach” by Cartoon Saloon (Ireland)
A young girl, seeking reprieve from her days in a rural workhouse, discovers a legendary haunted cave with her friends. The cave’s dark pull will change the trajectory of her life forever.
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“In the Stars” by Punkrobot (Chile)
Two sisters, the last of their kind who live in hiding on their ravaged land, squabble about how to survive with the Empire encroaching. On a water run, the sisters must fight back when they are discovered.
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“I Am Your Mother” by Aardman (UK)
Young pilot Anni, who is embarrassed by her sweet, but clingy mum, must team with her for a madcap family race at the academy. Along the way, their relationship is tested by the elements, their old ship, other racers...and each other!
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“Journey to the Dark Head” by Studio Mir (South Korea)
A hopeful mechanic and disillusioned young Jedi team up for a risky and unlikely quest to turn the tide of the galactic war, but dark forces tail them.
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“The Spy Dancer” by Studio La Cachette (France)
The premier dancer at a famous, Imperial-frequented cabaret uses her unique skill-set to spy for the Rebellion, but the presence of a mysterious officer threatens to derail her mission.
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“The Bandits of Golak” by 88 Pictures (India)
Fleeing from their village by train and pursued by ferocious Imperial forces, a boy and his force-sensitive younger sister seek refuge in a vibrant and dangerous dhaba.
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“The Pit” by D’Art Shtajio and Lucasfilm Ltd. (Japan + U.S.)
A fearless young prisoner, forced to dig for kyber by the Empire, plans a risky escape for he and his people.
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“Aau’s Song” by Trigger Fish (South Africa)
An alien child who longs to sing is raised by her loving, but stern father to stay quiet because of the calamitous effect her voice has on the crystals in the nearby mines.
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Moonlight Sunrise (Part 2)
Minatozaki Sana x reader
Part 1 / Part 3 / Part 4
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GENRE: angst, fluff, non-idol
TYPE: Short fic
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You could feel the warmth emanating through the wooden doors of the hub, followed by muffled roars of laughter and conversation.
Momo had invited you for a drink in the local pub the night before the start of the event. You had spent the day training and preparing yourself, and you also did some shopping, buying food to pack for the event as it may last up to several weeks, depending on whether any contenders are alive.
Taking a deep breath to brace yourself, you pushed open the door and walked in.
The chatter died down immediately the moment you stepped in, with all of the men looking at you menacingly and with a hint of fear. War heroes, knights, and even thieves were there, all wanting a piece of the treasure. They had nothing in common in terms of background, only one thing—they saw you as their biggest threat.
"Y/N!" A familiar voice called from the back of the pub, Momo. "Over here."
You slowly made your way towards her, hands deep in the pockets of your coat. Some of the people stood up as you passed them, afraid yet trying their best to show their dominance.
You heard one of the groups of people make a move to draw out their weapons as soon as your back was turned, and you swiftly drew out your poison-soaked dagger. Skillfully dodging his swing, you silently and swiftly had your dagger at his throat.
The crowd fell silent, tension thick in the air, as beads of sweat formed on the scarred man's brow.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" He cried out, craning his head to look at his leader for help.
His leader, a blurry hard-faced man, simply looked away and sat down.
"Now now, Y/N," Momo sighed, getting up from her seat and tugging you to release the man. "Let's not kill anyone before the competition."
Reluctantly, you relented, allowing the man to stumble backward and collapse onto the wooden floor.
"But feel free to hunt as many down in the labyrinth," Momo mused with a mischievous glint in her eyes, laughing when she saw the rest of the people shuffle uneasily.
The crowd cleared within seconds, leaving the bar now half empty.
"What a way to clear the crowd, I'm impressed," a soft voice called from the table Momo was originally sitting at, and you looked over to find another of your past colleagues and close friend of your sister, Minjeong.
Minjeong trained with you, your sister Yeji, and Momo at the same academy, spending most of your childhood together under the same master. She was skilled in poison and herbs, choosing to leave the academy as soon as she turned 16 to set off on a journey to learn more in this area. You hadn't seen her since.
You did, however, hear stories about her once in a while—how she turned into a master of poison and started her own academy at the young age of 21. Most of the weapons infused with poison, like the very one you had, were developed by her. Her name was now Winter, possessing a beauty as captivating and alluring as the first snowfall of the season. Her features were delicate yet sharp, like the frost that kissed the landscape with its icy touch. But beneath her stunning exterior lay a darkness, a chill that could freeze the hearts of those who crossed her path. As all of the people who had unfortunately come in contact with her dangerously poisonous infused blade, only managed to utter "cold as winter" before they hit the ground dead.
Contrary to what you had heard about her through these past few years, the tall girl was here, smiling goofily, grabbing you into a familiarly tight hug.
"I missed you, Y/N unnie."
You returned the gesture affectionately, feeling a surge of nostalgia. Minjeong had always been like a younger sister to you, a role she embraced wholeheartedly during your time at the academy.
"You've grown tall, baby rabbit." 
She let out a laugh and dragged you and Momo to sit down with her. "That's exactly what Momo unnie told me when she saw me."
Momo simply glared at her with her arms crossed in front of her.
You let out a sigh. This was the face she made whenever someone was about to do something stupid.
"What are you doing here, Minjeongie?"
"Same reason as you. I'm going into the labyrinth."
"No," you said simply, shaking your head, with Momo nodding in agreement. "That's too dangerous."
"Whyyy," Minjeong whined, her tone childlike despite her lethal reputation, "I'm fully capable."
"We know you are, Min. It's just that it's too much of a risk. No one knows what's in the labyrinth," Momo tried to appease the younger girl. "Besides, what could you possibly want from the labyrinth? Money? We can provide that, just tell us how much you need."
The younger girl pouted. Seeing this menacing girl acting so childish must have been bizarre for the people she hunted down.
"I have money. I just really need this material that's rumored to be in the labyrinth," she paused, before quietly muttering, "the ashes of voidlings."
"Absolutely not," Momo hissed, "are you out of your mind?"
Minjeong looked at you pleadingly. She knew you were always the one to relent and fall for her maknae charms.
"If Y/N unnie is with me, it will be safe."
You sighed, shaking your head. "Not this time. Voidlings are not creatures you can kill. Even Master Kim said to flee when we encounter one."
Voidlings originated from dark witchcraft, when a spellbounder cast the darkest, most evil curse on a deceased, turning them into beings of the dark, preying on fear and weakness. These beings were created only if the deceased was filled with enough anger and hatred, making them powerful and nearly unbeatable. There has been no sure way to defeat these creatures. Nearly every person who encountered them died on the spot, let alone survived long enough to defeat them and gather their ashes.
Desperate, Minjeong blurted out the reason she swore to keep secret. "It's for Yeji."
"What?" You paused, putting down your mug and looking at the young girl.
"What about Yeji?" Momo asked, completely out of the loop. You hadn't told her the reason why you were here.
"Yeji wrote me a letter a few weeks ago, asking me for help. She wanted me to accompany Y/N unnie into the labyrinth, saying it was too dangerous for anyone to go alone. She told me you were going for her, and that was when she told me about her illness."
"She's sick? Wha-when? How?" Momo furrowed her brows in concern. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"She's been sick for two years now, and it's getting worse," you lowered your eyes, staring at the droplets that formed on the outside of your mug. "She was poisoned by one of the unknown beings in the far eastern territory, and no one has a way to cure her. That's why I was hoping to find the Luminite stone—you get one wish, right? Maybe this would work."
"My students and I have been trying to figure out a counterpoison for that, and I need the ashes of voidlings," Minjeong patted your hand in comfort, "If the stone doesn’t work, we can try for this."
The three of you sat in silence, each one lost in your thoughts, weighed down by the news like thick clouds pressing down. With every passing moment, the heaviness in the air grew, filling the room with uncertainty and a sense of foreboding that stretched into the late hours of the night. It was as if the very atmosphere held its breath, anticipating some ominous revelation lurking just beyond reach.
After much contemplation and discussion, you and Minjeong came to an agreement, despite Momo's disagreement. If you failed to find the stone within a week, Minjeong would enter the labyrinth and help you find and defeat a voidling. None of you were happy this decision, but this was the only way to save Yeji.
"It's late, you have a big day tomorrow," Momo yawned, rubbing her eyes. Minjeong was already fast asleep with her head drooped over the table.
"Yeah, I have one more stop to make," you said rising out of your seat, "Can you let me into the castle?"
"You know I can't do that, Y/N," Momo sighed before lifting the sleeping girl in her arms.
"Please. There's someone I need to say thank you to."
"Fine," the head of security relented. "Minjeong is crashing at my place anyway."
The three of you slowly made your way down the empty pebbled roads, the moonlight guiding the way, just like old times when you would leave training and head back to the dorms together. However, this time, there was a noticeable absence – Yeji.
"By the way, what's Princess Sana's favorite food?" 
"What the fuck, Y/N? Be quiet or we're going to get caught." 
"Fine. Apples I think. Anything apple flavored."  
"Shut up." 
Pushing open the familiar run-down wooden door, you found the space in front of the labyrinth deserted, as expected. You had a feeling the princess didn't want to be seen, especially after giving you that fake name.
Silently, you walked towards the metal bars and peered into the dark misty abyss again, hoping to catch a glimpse of the blonde girl. Instead, you saw only eerie shadows that seemed too haunting to be her. You definitely didn't want to come in contact with any of those beings.
Deciding to call it a night, you reached into your knapsack and pulled out a bottle of apple cider along with some small cakes bought at the market earlier that day. Placing them on the bench where you had sat together the day before, you wanted to thank the princess for her compass, even if you weren't sure if it was real or not.
Before you could make your way back, a familiar soft voice cut through the whooshing sounds emanating from the black clouds within the labyrinth.
Turning, you found Luna sitting on top of the towering metal bars, swinging her barefoot legs casually.
She jumped down from the metal wall, landing gently with a thud.
"Couldn’t resist visiting me, huh?" She chuckled, eyeing the items on the bench. "Ooooo apple cider!"
She eagerly tore open the bottle and took a swig, resembling a little kid on Christmas morning. You couldn’t help but soften at her endearing behavior.
"It's just to thank you for giving me the compass."
"How do you know if I'm not fooling you?" She turned to look at you, a piece of cake still in her mouth.
"I don't," you said honestly, "but I'm willing to take that risk."
"For an assassin, you're oddly trusting," Luna mused, before splitting one of the cakes and passing it to you.
"How did you-"
"I hear your name once in a while in the labyrinth, Hwang." Luna giggled at your bewilderment, before lowering her voice as if she was an announcer. "The greatest assassin of the century, Hwang Y/N, the NightWalker. Some of the competitors talked about you, 'What would the NightWalker do in this situation?', 'Oh no, I'm cornered, if only I could walk on water like the NightWalker.'"
Your face flushed with embarrassment as she teased you, her laughter echoing through the empty space.
"Shut up," you nudged her with your shoulder.
She no longer felt like a monster; she felt like the cheerful princess people always talked about in their stories.
Luna put her fingers to her mouth, trying to stifle her giggles.
"Besides, it's a win-win situation if I get the stone," you shrugged, biting into the cake, the sweet-savory invading your taste buds.
"How so?"
"You're Princess Sana, aren't you?" You laughed at her surprised expression. "It says on the compass. If I win, I promise you'll be able to see the sunlight whenever you want. I have no interest in locking you by my side."
Instantly, the carefree girl in front of you shifted to the defensive half-human being. Sana's eyes glowed red once again, and you felt your body constrict, as if a rope was squeezing you tightly. She was looking for any lies behind your eyes. She found none.
"Sorry," she muttered, releasing you from her stare. You simply waved her off.
"I can't see the sunrise either way. I'm bound to the stone," she murmured softly, her delicate features cast in a faint glow from the moonlight.
As she spoke, her shoulders hunched slightly, a subtle gesture that spoke volumes of the weight she carried. Your heart couldn’t help but flutter in sympathy for the beautiful being before you, her words tinged with a hint of melancholy.
"The moonlight will be the only light I see for the rest of my life."
"I'll figure out a way. I always do," you promised.
Sana looked up to meet your eyes, her own remaining human and soft this time. In that moment, her gaze held a sense of vulnerability. You found yourself momentarily lost in her soft honey hues, the warmth of her gaze enveloping you. A faint blush tinged her cheeks as she met your stare, a silent acknowledgment of the connection between you.
"You're an odd one, NightWalker."
"As are you, Princess." you replied, unable to resist a teasing tone.
"Don't call me that," she muttered, trying to hide her smile, but her eyes betrayed her amusement.
You spent another hour or two talking to Sana, enjoying her company and the lighthearted banter that momentarily lifted the weight from your shoulders.
"It's almost sunrise. I have to go," Sana announced, stretching as she rose to her feet. "You should get some rest too, Y/N."
You nodded, following suit and standing up.
The princess grinned and extended her hand in a handshake. "Partners?"
"Partners," you agreed, shaking her hand firmly. Her touch sent a shiver down your spine, despite the warmth of the night.
Satisfied, with a hint of pink on her cheeks, Sana turned to make her way back towards the labyrinth, her figure gradually disappearing into the darkness.
"You better bring me some more of those cakes, Hwang," she called back before vanishing completely.
"Aye-aye, Princess," you replied, unable to resist one last teasing remark.
"Don't call me that!" she retorted with a laugh, her voice echoing faintly in the night.
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Cute filler chapter this time 😉
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