#Mass adoption of EVs in India
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semcoinfratechworld · 5 months ago
Is India's Electric Vehicle Manufacturing Ecosystem Ready to Scale up Mass Adoption?
India is on the brink of a major shift in its automotive industry.  Driven by the global and domestic push towards electric vehicles (EVs), the country’s EV manufacturing ecosystem is showing promise and ambitious growth projections. It shows a clear commitment to sustainable mobility. However, the road to mass adoption is fraught with challenges that need to be addressed if India is to fully capitalize on this opportunity.
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Promising Growth Projections
The potential for growth in India’s EV market is enormous. By 2030, EVs could account for over 40 percent of the automotive market, generating a staggering USD 100 billion in revenue. The penetration rates are particularly impressive for two and three-wheelers, where EVs are expected to make up 80 percent of the market. Even for four-wheelers, the projection is significant, with a 50 percent market share anticipated by 2030. These numbers underscore the growing acceptance of EVs in India and the opportunity for the country to become a global leader in sustainable transportation.
Challenges Hindering Scalability
Despite the promising outlook, several hurdles stand in the way of scaling up EV manufacturing to meet mass adoption. These challenges must be addressed if India’s EV ecosystem is to realize its full potential.
High Ownership Costs: One of the most significant barriers to mass adoption is the high cost of owning an EV in India. This is primarily due to the limited charging infrastructure, which makes it difficult for consumers to rely on EVs for their daily commute. Additionally, there are deficits in battery cell production (20-25 percent) and semiconductor chips (40-50 percent), both of which are critical components for EV manufacturing. These shortages drive up the costs, making EVs less accessible to the average consumer.
Import Dependency: India’s reliance on imports for key EV components is another major challenge. Currently, 60-70 percent of battery cells, e-motor magnets, and electronics are sourced from China. Several lithium-ion battery manufacturing equipment suppliers in India are dependent on the import of cells and assembly equipment. This dependency not only creates supply chain vulnerabilities but also raises concerns about the sustainability of scaling up EV manufacturing. To reduce this reliance, India needs to invest in building local capacities for producing these critical components.
Scalability Issues in Local Manufacturing: While there are efforts to boost local manufacturing, many small enterprises in India are struggling to keep up with the growing demand for EV components. These scalability issues are exacerbated by a fragmented supply chain, where small and medium enterprises (SMEs) face coordination challenges that can lead to delays in production and distribution. This fragmentation hinders the efficiency of the entire EV ecosystem.
Lack of Standardization: Another significant challenge is the lack of standardization in EV manufacturing, particularly in battery specifications. This lack of uniformity complicates component sourcing and integration, making it difficult for manufacturers to scale up production quickly and efficiently. Standardization is crucial for streamlining the manufacturing process and ensuring that components are interchangeable and easily available.
India’s EV manufacturing ecosystem is at a critical juncture. While the growth potential is immense, several challenges must be addressed to scale up production and achieve mass adoption. By focusing on local manufacturing, expanding infrastructure, standardizing components, and supporting SMEs, India can overcome these hurdles and position itself as a global leader in electric mobility. The journey ahead is challenging, but with the right strategies and collaborations, India’s EV revolution is not just possible—it’s inevitable.
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theworldcigarr · 13 days ago
Cigars and Celebrations: How They Became a Symbol of Luxury
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For centuries, cigars have been more than just a smoking indulgence—they have evolved into a symbol of luxury, celebration, and sophistication. From the rich, full-bodied flavors of a Cuban cigar to the artisanal craftsmanship of a premium cigar brand, cigars have made their mark on culture, status, and tradition. In many parts of the world, lighting a cigar is a ritualistic part of celebrating milestones, accomplishments, and joyous moments. But how exactly did cigars become synonymous with celebration?
In this article, we explore the historical, cultural, and modern-day significance of cigars in celebrations, particularly in India, where they have gained prominence as a symbol of luxury. We’ll delve into how cigars have come to be associated with special occasions and why they continue to be cherished by enthusiasts and connoisseurs worldwide.
The Historical Legacy of Cigars: A Journey Through Time
The Origins of Cigars
Cigars trace their origins to the indigenous peoples of the Caribbean and Central America. The word "cigar" is derived from the Mayan term sikar, which refers to the act of smoking tobacco. When Christopher Columbus arrived in the New World in the late 15th century, he encountered the practice of smoking rolled tobacco leaves and brought the concept back to Europe.
Cigars in the Courts of Europe
Cigars didn’t take long to find their way into the courts of European royalty. As trade routes opened and cigars were introduced to Spain, France, and England, they became an exotic luxury item. The aristocracy quickly adopted cigars as a symbol of status, incorporating them into their most important celebrations and gatherings. By the 18th century, cigars were synonymous with the elite class in many European countries, and their association with celebrations took root.
Cigars as a Status Symbol: The Role of Luxury in Celebrations
Why Are Cigars Associated with Luxury?
Cigars have been closely linked to wealth, power, and influence for centuries. One of the key reasons for this association is the complexity and craftsmanship that goes into making a premium cigar. Unlike cigarettes, which are mass-produced, cigars require skillful hands and meticulous care. The finest cigars are made from carefully selected tobacco leaves, fermented and aged to perfection. The luxury of cigars lies not just in their taste and aroma but in the time and expertise invested in their production.
Cigars and the Elite Class: A Symbol of Prestige
In India, cigars have become synonymous with affluence. A premium cigar can cost a significant amount of money, which limits access to the wealthier sections of society. Whether it’s an Indian business tycoon or a Bollywood star celebrating a movie release, cigars play a central role in marking extraordinary moments of success.
The celebration of lavish weddings, major business deals, or extravagant parties often involves cigars as a focal point. From the luxurious brands available in Mumbai's exclusive cigar shops to the private lounges in five-star hotels, cigars have found their place at the heart of India's luxury scene.
The Influence of Hollywood and Pop Culture
Hollywood films and popular culture have also played a role in cementing cigars as a symbol of luxury and celebration. Iconic figures like Winston Churchill, John F. Kennedy, and even James Bond, known for their cigars, further enhanced the association between cigars and success. Movie scenes depicting cigar-smoking celebrations, such as New Year’s Eve parties or wedding receptions, have helped solidify cigars’ place in the world of luxury and special occasions.
Cigars in Indian Celebrations: The Rise of a Luxury Market
The Growing Popularity of Cigars in India
In recent years, the popularity of cigars in India has grown substantially. With the rise of the country's affluent class and the emergence of luxury brands, cigars have become an essential part of celebratory occasions. For example, in Mumbai, one of India's financial capitals, cigar shops offer premium cigars from the best global brands. These cigars are often featured at high-profile events, like weddings, corporate parties, and celebratory gatherings.
The accessibility of high-quality cigars has also played a role in this cultural shift. No longer restricted to the elite, cigars are now enjoyed by a growing number of enthusiasts across the country. Furthermore, many cigar shops in Mumbai now provide access to exclusive cigars that cater to different tastes and preferences, making them an integral part of celebrations in India’s growing luxury market.
Cigar Tasting Events and Luxury Lounges
In addition to traditional celebratory moments, cigar-tasting events have gained popularity in cities like Mumbai and Delhi. Luxury lounges, which offer a curated selection of cigars paired with fine wines and whiskies, are becoming common in metropolitan areas. These events provide a sophisticated venue for people to explore the nuanced flavors of different cigars, turning an ordinary celebration into an extraordinary experience.
Many cigar aficionados in India are now hosting their own private cigar-tasting events to mark personal milestones, such as promotions, business successes, or anniversaries. These events often have an air of exclusivity, where guests can try rare, limited-edition cigars and enjoy a truly luxurious experience.
The Art of Pairing Cigars with Celebrations
Choosing the Right Cigar for Special Occasions
Selecting the perfect cigar for a celebration is an art form in itself. The ideal cigar to pair with a celebration depends on the occasion, the guest list, and the personal preferences of the host. Lighter cigars with creamy, earthy notes might pair well with an intimate gathering, while a bold, full-bodied cigar could be reserved for a grand celebration.
Some of the most popular cigars for celebratory events include those from brands like Montecristo, Cohiba, and Arturo Fuente. These cigars are often chosen for their rich flavors and long history of being associated with luxury.
Pairing Cigars with Fine Drinks
For many enthusiasts, pairing cigars with a drink enhances the experience. The best cigars can complement a range of beverages, such as whiskey, rum, and wine. A fine Scotch whiskey, with its smoky, peaty flavor, often pairs beautifully with a robust cigar, creating a rich and full-bodied experience. In India, where the consumption of whisky is deeply ingrained in celebration, cigars are often enjoyed alongside a fine single malt or a smooth rum.
Creating a Perfect Cigar Celebration
To elevate a celebration, hosts can create a dedicated cigar corner or lounge where guests can enjoy their cigars in comfort. By providing various cigar options, along with drink pairings and cigar accessories like cutters and humidors, hosts can create an unforgettable celebratory atmosphere that centers around the art of smoking.
Cigars have come a long way from their humble beginnings to becoming a global symbol of luxury, status, and celebration. Their intricate craftsmanship, rich history, and connection to special moments make cigars an integral part of cultural celebrations worldwide. Whether enjoyed in the private lounges of Mumbai, at lavish weddings, or during intimate gatherings, cigars continue to symbolize the finer things in life. As we’ve seen, their role in celebrations has evolved, but their association with luxury remains as strong as ever.
So, next time you light up a cigar to celebrate a significant achievement, remember that you’re partaking in a tradition that spans centuries, symbolizing success, joy, and the art of savoring life’s best moments.
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global-research-report · 2 months ago
Lithium-Ion Batteries: Fueling the Green Energy Revolution
Lithium-ion Battery Industry Overview
The global lithium-ion battery market size was estimated at USD 182.5 billion in 2030 and is projected to register a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20.3% from 2024 to 2030. The market is expected to witness significant growth over the forecast period on account of the increasing consumption of rechargeable batteries in consumer electronics and a rise in the adoption of electric vehicles. The rising sales of electric vehicles, along with the expanding renewable energy sector, are expected to drive the market. The emergence of integrated charging stations, green power-generation capability, eMobility providers, battery manufacturers, and energy suppliers is anticipated to stimulate market growth in the coming years.
Increasing sales of electric vehicles in the U.S. owing to supportive federal policies, coupled with the presence of market players in the country, are expected to drive the demand for lithium-ion batteries in the U.S. over the forecast period. Favorable government policies for infrastructural developments at the domestic level through the National Infrastructural Plan (NIP) of the U.S. are expected to promote the growth of the market in the U.S. over the forecast period. Development of the automotive industry in Indonesia, Vietnam, Mexico, Thailand, and India is expected to drive the industry. The growing inclination toward pollution-free HEVs and EVs, along with technological developments, is expected to drive the lithium-ion battery demand over the forecast period. China is expected to witness high gains in light of energy storage technologies and favorable government support to promote investments in the manufacturing sector.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Lithium-Ion Battery Market
The growing number of portable consumer electronics that rely on batteries has led to the increased consumption of rechargeable batteries. Portable devices including smartphones, digital cameras, MP3 players, and laptops require rechargeable batteries to provide efficient and effective power. Battery technology is evolving continuously to meet the high performance and power density requirements of devices. High demand for LCO batteries in mobile phones, tablets, laptops, and cameras on account of their high energy density and high safety level is expected to augment the market growth over the forecast period. However, the relatively short life span of LCO batteries, coupled with low thermal stability and limited load capabilities (specific power), is likely to act as a market restraint.
Electric and hybrid electric vehicles are projected to be the key consumers of lithium-ion batteries in the coming years. Growing awareness among the masses regarding the benefits offered by battery-operated vehicles and increasing fossil fuel prices, particularly in Asia Pacific, Europe, and North America, are projected to contribute to the growth of the automotive application segment over the forecast period. COVID-19 has been a major restraint to the market owing to several factors including reducing operational costs by end-users, coupled with disruption in the availability of spare parts due to sluggish manufacturing activities and logistics issues.
Browse through Grand View Research's Conventional Energy Industry Research Reports.
The global shale gas market size was valued at USD 88.6 billion in 2024 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.9% from 2025 to 2030. 
The global oil storage market volume was estimated at 2199.1 MCM in 2024 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 4.8% from 2025 to 2030.
Lithium-ion Battery Market Segmentation
Grand View Research has segmented the global lithium-ion battery market report based on product, application and region
Lithium-ion Battery Product Outlook (Volume, GWh; Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
Lithium Cobalt Oxide (LCO)
Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP)
Lithium Nickel Cobalt Aluminum Oxide (NCA)
Lithium Manganese Oxide (LMO)
Lithium Titanate
Lithium Nickel Manganese Cobalt (LMC)
Lithium-ion Battery Application Outlook (Volume, GWh; Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
Consumer Electronics
Energy Storage Systems
Medical Devices
Lithium-ion Battery Regional Outlook (Volume, GWh; Revenue, USD Billion, 2018 - 2030)
North America
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Central & South America
Middle East & Africa
South Africa
Saudi Arabia
Key Companies profiled:
BYD Co., Ltd.
A123 Systems LLC
Hitachi, Ltd.
Johnson Controls
LG Chem
Panasonic Corp.
Samsung SDI Co., Ltd.
Toshiba Corp.
GS Yuasa International Ltd.
Order a free sample PDF of the Lithium-Ion Battery Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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The Growing CNC Machine Tools Market: Trends, Innovations, and Future Outlook
The CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machine tools market is experiencing significant growth, driven by the increasing demand for precision, automation, and high-quality manufacturing. CNC machine tools, which use computer programs to control machinery, have revolutionized the way industries such as automotive, aerospace, electronics, and manufacturing operate. These tools are essential for producing complex parts with exceptional accuracy and efficiency, making them indispensable in today's advanced manufacturing environments.
The CNC machine tools market size is projected to grow from USD 67.5 billion in 2023 to USD 80.4 billion by 2028, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.5% during the forecast period from 2023 to 2028. This growth is being driven by the increasing automation in manufacturing industries globally, as well as the need for reduced operating costs and enhanced production capabilities. The rising demand for high-precision components, especially for high-growth industries such as automotive, aerospace, and electronics, is further fueling the expansion of the CNC machine tools market.
The continuous push for efficiency, combined with the mass production of complex, high-quality parts, is making CNC machine tools an essential technology across various industrial sectors. The growing adoption of automation and the ability of CNC machines to deliver precise, repeatable results are key factors contributing to the positive market outlook. As industries strive for greater productivity and lower operational costs, the CNC machine tools market will continue to experience robust growth throughout the forecast period.
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Key Factors Driving the CNC Machine Tools Market Growth
Several factors are contributing to the robust growth of the CNC machine tools market:
Rising Demand for Automation: As industries focus on improving efficiency, reducing labor costs, and enhancing precision, the demand for CNC machine tools has surged. Automation in manufacturing is streamlining operations, and CNC machine tools play a crucial role in this transformation.
Technological Advancements: The continuous evolution of CNC machine tools with advanced features like multi-axis capabilities, enhanced software integration, and IoT connectivity is attracting more manufacturers. These innovations not only improve the functionality of the machines but also make them more adaptable to various industries.
Precision Manufacturing Needs: As the demand for high-precision components rises, especially in sectors like aerospace and medical devices, CNC machine tools offer the precision and repeatability required to meet these stringent standards. The ability to produce complex geometries with minimal human intervention is boosting their adoption.
Growth of the Automotive and Aerospace Sectors: Both the automotive and aerospace industries are experiencing rapid growth, which is driving the need for CNC machine tools to manufacture high-quality parts efficiently. The increasing demand for electric vehicles (EVs) and aircraft components further fuels the need for precision machining.
Emerging Markets: The expansion of manufacturing activities in emerging economies, especially in Asia-Pacific, is creating new opportunities for the CNC machine tools market. Countries like China, India, and South Korea are investing heavily in industrial automation, which is expected to contribute to market growth.
Key Market Trends in CNC Machine Tools
Integration of Industry 4.0: The incorporation of Industry 4.0 technologies into CNC machine tools is enhancing their capabilities. Features such as smart sensors, predictive maintenance, and data analytics enable machines to operate more efficiently and with greater uptime. This trend is improving the overall productivity of manufacturing operations.
Customization and Flexibility: Manufacturers are increasingly looking for CNC machine tools that offer flexibility and customization. The ability to adjust machine settings based on specific production requirements is enhancing the appeal of these tools across different industries.
Green Manufacturing: As sustainability becomes a focal point, the demand for CNC machine tools that minimize waste and energy consumption is on the rise. Many manufacturers are designing more energy-efficient machines that support sustainable production practices, further contributing to the market’s growth.
Hybrid CNC Machines: The rise of hybrid CNC machine tools, which combine additive manufacturing and traditional subtractive methods, is gaining traction. These machines allow for faster and more cost-effective production processes, attracting manufacturers in various industries, including aerospace and medical device production.
Challenges in the CNC Machine Tools Market
Despite the positive growth outlook, there are challenges that could impact the CNC machine tools market:
High Initial Investment: The cost of CNC machine tools can be prohibitive for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The high capital investment required to purchase and maintain these machines can limit their accessibility for some manufacturers.
Skilled Labor Shortage: Operating and maintaining CNC machine tools requires a high level of expertise. The shortage of skilled workers in certain regions could hinder the adoption of CNC technology, slowing down market growth.
Competition from Low-Cost Manufacturers: The market for CNC machine tools is highly competitive, with numerous players offering a wide range of products. Price competition from manufacturers in low-cost regions could potentially impact the profitability of companies in the higher-end segment.
Future Outlook of the CNC Machine Tools Market
The CNC machine tools market is poised for continued expansion, driven by technological advancements and growing demand from key industries. The future of the market will likely see increased integration of automation, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, further enhancing the capabilities of CNC machine tools. As industries seek higher precision and faster production times, CNC machine tools will continue to evolve, making them even more integral to modern manufacturing.
In conclusion, the CNC machine tools market is on an upward trajectory, thanks to advancements in automation, precision, and technology. As global demand for high-quality and efficient manufacturing processes grows, CNC machine tools will remain at the heart of industrial innovation. The industry's evolution will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of manufacturing across multiple sectors, from automotive to aerospace and beyond.
By staying informed about emerging trends and leveraging new technologies, manufacturers can unlock the full potential of CNC machine tools and maintain a competitive edge in an increasingly automated world.
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aceforge12-blog · 3 months ago
Aceforge: A Leading Automotive Parts Manufacturer in India
India has emerged as a global hub for automotive manufacturing, with a rapidly expanding automotive sector that contributes significantly to the country's economy. As a key player in this growth, Aceforge stands out as one of the premier automotive parts manufacturers in India, recognized for its innovative approach, precision engineering, and commitment to excellence.
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With a strong legacy of manufacturing high-quality components, Aceforge has successfully established itself as a reliable partner for automakers both domestically and internationally. The company's advanced capabilities in producing critical automotive parts cater to a wide range of vehicle types, including passenger cars, commercial vehicles, and two-wheelers, contributing to the advancement of India's automotive industry.
Why Aceforge Is a Leading Automotive Parts Manufacturer in India
Aceforge has garnered a stellar reputation for its ability to produce complex, high-performance components. From engine parts to chassis systems, the company’s product portfolio spans across numerous categories that are essential for modern vehicle manufacturing. Here’s why Aceforge is considered one of the top automotive parts manufacturers in India:
1. High-Quality Manufacturing
One of the main factors that set Aceforge apart from its competitors is its commitment to quality. The company adheres to international quality standards, ensuring that every component manufactured is of the highest caliber. From forging, casting, and machining to assembly, Aceforge deploys cutting-edge technology and stringent quality control measures to guarantee that all parts are durable, reliable, and meet the performance expectations of OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers). Their adherence to ISO certifications and rigorous testing protocols ensures that each part performs seamlessly, even in the most demanding automotive applications.
2. Advanced Technology and Innovation
Aceforge invests heavily in state-of-the-art technology to stay ahead of the competition. The company uses advanced robotics, automated systems, and AI-powered manufacturing solutions to streamline production, reduce errors, and enhance the precision of its parts. Additionally, Aceforge focuses on continuous research and development (R&D) to stay in tune with the latest trends in the automotive industry, such as electric vehicles (EVs), lightweight materials, and fuel-efficient powertrains. This commitment to innovation positions Aceforge as a forward-thinking manufacturer capable of producing parts for the next generation of vehicles.
3. Wide Range of Automotive Components
Aceforge specializes in producing a diverse range of automotive parts that are integral to vehicle safety, performance, and functionality. Some of the key components include:
Engine Parts: Crankshafts, camshafts, connecting rods, and other essential engine components.
Chassis Systems: Suspension components, steering mechanisms, and structural parts.
Powertrain Components: Parts used in transmission and driveline systems for optimal power delivery.
Precision Machined Parts: Components requiring high accuracy for enhanced vehicle performance.
The company’s extensive product range ensures that it can cater to the needs of various vehicle segments, from high-performance sports cars to mass-market vehicles and commercial trucks.
4. Sustainability Focus
As the automotive industry shifts towards sustainability, Aceforge is at the forefront of adopting eco-friendly manufacturing processes. The company uses energy-efficient production methods, optimizes material usage, and is committed to reducing its carbon footprint. Aceforge also focuses on incorporating sustainable materials into its products, such as recycled metals, helping automakers meet increasingly stringent environmental regulations.
5. Domestic and Global Reach
Aceforge has successfully positioned itself as a leading automotive parts manufacturer in India, with an extensive network of manufacturing plants across the country. With a robust supply chain and the ability to scale production, the company is capable of meeting the diverse needs of both domestic and international clients. Aceforge exports components to several countries, supplying parts to global automotive OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers. This global reach enables Aceforge to stay competitive in an increasingly interconnected and demanding automotive market.
Its dedication to quality, innovation, and sustainability, combined with a comprehensive product range and cutting-edge technology, solidifies Aceforge’s position as one of the top automotive parts manufacturers in India. With the global automotive sector moving toward cleaner, more efficient, and technologically advanced vehicles, Aceforge’s expertise in crafting high-performance components makes it a vital player in shaping the future of the automotive industry, both in India and abroad.
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sangitamtravels · 3 months ago
𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝐀 𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐉𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐀𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝 As the world takes significant strides toward a sustainable future, transportation is at the forefront of reducing environmental impacts. The movement toward eco-friendly transport is essential in lowering emissions, conserving energy, and building healthier communities. Buses, one of the most efficient forms of mass transit, are evolving as greener and more energy-efficient technologies are embraced. By constantly upgrading to reduce air pollution and fuel consumption, bus travel is becoming an eco-friendly choice for passengers. Electric vehicles (EVs): The rapid growth of electric vehicles worldwide emphasizes the urgency of transitioning to green energy. Bicycles: One of the most cost-effective and healthy transportation alternatives, cycling not only benefits the environment by reducing pollution but also enhances personal health. Natural gas-powered vehicles: Natural gas presents a reliable, lower-emission alternative to traditional fossil fuels like petrol and diesel. In many regions, compressed natural gas (CNG) is becoming the primary fuel for public buses, contributing to a cleaner environment. India, one of the fastest-growing economies, is playing a key role in transitioning to sustainable public transport. Road transport accounts for 12% of the country’s CO2 emissions, and this is expected to rise with urbanization. To combat this, India has made significant efforts to decarbonize public transport, particularly in response to poor air quality. Delhi has led the way by adopting CNG buses and is now focusing on electric vehicles as the next step. These initiatives are vital to achieving India’s net-zero emissions target by 2070. In the Net Zero Emissions (NZE) scenario, electric car sales are projected to account for around 65% of total car sales by 2030. For comparison, electric car sales saw a nearly 35% increase in 2023 compared to 2022. However, despite recent initiatives, India still faces challenges in providing adequate public transport. Per capita bus availability remains low compared to global benchmarks, leaving a significant gap to fill. We believe that every journey is an opportunity to make a difference. With a focus on sustainability, we are dedicated to creating travel experiences that are not only efficient and comfortable but also environmentally responsible. Even small actions can contribute to a greener future. You can make a difference by sharing cars, using public transportation like buses and trains, or choosing more sustainable options such as Volvo buses. Every decision we make, whether it’s opting for mass transit or reducing solo car trips, brings us closer to a cleaner, more sustainable planet. Let’s work together to make every journey count!
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nbm-live · 4 months ago
Upcoming Cars in India 2025 : Features, Launch Dates, and What to Expect
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The Indian automobile industry is evolving rapidly, with manufacturers constantly innovating to meet the demands of the modern consumer. As we inch closer to 2025, the anticipation for new car launches is at an all-time high. From electric vehicles (EVs) to luxury sedans, the future of the Indian automobile market looks promising. Here’s a deep dive into the most anticipated upcoming cars in India for 2025.
1. Electric Vehicles (EVs): The Future of Mobility
With global emphasis on reducing carbon emissions and increasing fuel efficiency, India is seeing a sharp rise in the demand for electric vehicles. The Indian government is offering various incentives to promote EV adoption, which is leading to more manufacturers unveiling their EV models.
a. Tata Motors: Tata Sierra EV One of the most anticipated EVs of 2025 is the Tata Sierra EV. After showcasing the concept at the Auto Expo, Tata Motors has confirmed that the Sierra will return as an electric SUV. It is expected to carry a futuristic design and cutting-edge technology. It will feature a long-range battery with an expected range of 400-500 km on a single charge, fast charging capabilities, and advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS).
b. Mahindra XUV900 Electric Coupe SUV Mahindra’s upcoming XUV900 Electric Coupe SUV is creating waves with its futuristic design and performance specifications. It’s a high-performance electric vehicle that will likely come with a range of over 500 km on a full charge. The SUV will sport a sleek, aerodynamic design, aimed at the premium segment. It will also feature an all-wheel drive system, along with a suite of autonomous driving features.
c. Maruti Suzuki WagonR EV Expected to be one of the most affordable EVs in India, the WagonR EV will cater to the mass market. Maruti Suzuki has been testing the electric WagonR for a while, and it’s anticipated to launch by 2025. With a range of approximately 250 km on a single charge, this electric hatchback will likely dominate the entry-level EV market, making it accessible to the general public.
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industryinsightsandanalysis · 4 months ago
India 2-Wheeler Market : Current Analysis and Forecast (2024-2032)
The two-wheeler (2-wheeler) market in India is among the biggest grossing markets across the globe and is heavily integrated into the Indian population. Affordable, convenient, and fuel-efficient, two-wheelers account for a dominant share of the number of vehicles owned by Indians. From the masses transport region to the countryside the need for motorcycles and scooters remains high. According to industry reports, India two-wheeler market size was over 150 million units in 2022 and hence, depicts the massive demand for such vehicles in Indian transportation. As consumers go for different products and services, various technologies being unveiled and the ever-shifting policies and regulations, the market is set to expand.
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Market Overview and Key Drivers:
Affordability and Accessibility: The simplest reason behind the two-wheeler market growth in India has always been because of its low cost. Compared to cars, two-wheelers are cheaper, and thus available in the market for the broad population group. Besides, motorcycles are used by individuals living in rural regions as transport since access to public transport in such regions with harsh terrains is a challenge. In urban areas, people use scooters and bikes to move within the traffic-congested areas with ease. Much as they posed a financial strain when they were first imported require little money to own compared to other transport means, and have low maintenance requirements, two-wheelers have now become part of India’s transport systems.
Urbanization and Growing Middle Class: The use of two-wheelers has been on the rise in India primarily due to the increasing rate of urbanization and the increase in the size of middle-income earners. that as more people go into the cities for employment and other facilities such as education then more demand will result in personal transport. There are many users of scooters and other two-wheelers because they are easy to maneuver and economical in traffic-prone areas. Also, a higher disposable income packed on the middle-class buyer in India has resulted in early conversion and upgrade to the more upscale two-wheeler variants.
Fuel Efficiency and Environmental Impact: In a situation where fuel prices remain unpredictable in the country, two-wheelers are more fuel efficient as compared to four-wheelers. Scare awareness of the environment and its sustainability is leading to the increasing popularity of electric two-wheelers (E2-Wheelers). Recent measures for greener automobiles, specifically subsidies and incentives for electric vehicles (EVs) are making Indians consider E2-Wheelers. The shift towards electric mobility in the world and India especially in the two-wheelers has opened a great chance of development in each market particularly as the charging infrastructure is developed.
Government Initiatives and Regulations: The Indian government has implemented various policies to boost the automotive sector, including the two-wheeler market. Initiatives such as the Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of Electric Vehicles (FAME) scheme, tax benefits, and subsidies for EV purchases have been pivotal in promoting electric two-wheelers. Furthermore, stricter emission norms, such as the Bharat Stage (BS) VI regulations, have pushed manufacturers to innovate and produce cleaner, more efficient vehicles.
Market Segmentation
Motorcycles vs. Scooters: The motorcycle segment remains the most popular in India among all two-wheelers and commands more than 60% of the market share. There is a healthy market for motorcycles in rural areas because these vehicles are strong, and they can move in the rough terrains that are common in rural areas. On the other hand, scooters have particularly transformed and gained recognition within the urban setting due to factors such as flexibility of use, low costs of maintenance, and use of automatic transmission. Honda and TVS are the leading scooter makers while Bajaj Auto and Royal Enfield have premium and sports bike segments.
Electric Two-Wheelers (E2-Wheelers): Electric two-wheelers are also quickly gaining ground in the Indian market. With environmental worries and the drive for more sustainable means of transport, people are gradually transitioning from conventional ICE automobiles to electric ones. Ather Energy and Ola Electric have recently launched new generation electric scooters with powerful batteries at reasonable prices and the latest Bajaj electric scooter has a significantly higher range than its domestic competitors. Other factors that have boosted the sales of electric two-wheelers in India include battery swapping stations, government policies, and reduced cost of lithium-ion batteries.
Rural vs. Urban Demand: Another segment that looks large for the motorcycle industry in India is the rural markets which constitute 55% of two-wheeler sales. In these areas, there is heavy dependency on two-wheelers for traveling to and fro the workplace or for carrying goods. While in urban regions scooters are more in demand because of convenience and traffic conditions. The fact that the consumption pattern varies geographically makes it possible for manufacturers to provide for the two segments using different products.
Issues Affecting the Two-Wheeler Market
Supply Chain Disruptions: The current COVID-19 pandemic unraveled the problems with the global supply chain where there were holdups in production and shortage of chips for example. What this did for the two-wheeler industry was that it enhanced the duration of waiting for consumers and elevated the cost to the manufacturers. Despite this, there has been continuity within the market and disruptions including disruptions of supply chains for global trades and shortages of the materials that affect the two-wheelers’ supplies and costs.
Rising Competition in the Electric Segment: The increased usage of electric two-wheelers has attracted new entrants, hence additional competition in the industry. Players that earlier used to provide traditional two-wheelers are now facing competition from new-age startups and technology companies that are progressing rapidly in the e-mobility segment. The complexity with the established brands is to innovate on fuel-burning vehicles while at the same time investing in electric mobility solutions.
Access sample report (including graphs, charts, and figures): https://univdatos.com/get-a-free-sample-form-php/?product_id=3654
High Cost of Electric Two-Wheelers: Electric two-wheelers are now increasingly being sought after, but they are more expensive as compared to other traditional ICE vehicles. Even with government subsidies, affordability remains a major issue for consumers, and this has been well illustrated as far as rural consumers are concerned. Also, sentiments such as concern for battery capacity and lack of access to charging facilities in semi-urban and even rural areas affect the uptake of the product.
Stricter Emission Regulations: There are also well-intentioned actions such as tighter emission standards as the shift to BS VI has raised the price of two-wheelers because of increased costs of revamping engines and technologies.
Opportunities and Future Outlook
Expansion of the Electric Two-Wheeler Market: The strategy of electric mobility will determine the future of the two-wheeler segment in India. The government has been very sensitive to its emission reduction goals and the adoption of EVs in the country and therefore this sector of the electric two-wheelers market is expected to grow very soon. They provide infrastructure, battery, and charging technology, and research and development associated companies will be other major beneficiaries of the growth. Smart technologies consisting of IoT connection, digital displays, and enhanced, and connective services make these electric two-wheelers more attractive to consumers.
Innovation in Financing Options: Manufacturers have had to look for ways of further unlocking the two-wheeler market through employing strategies like low down payment, long-term loans, and ‘use and subscribe’. These options coupled with an extension of micro-financing facilities in rural areas can create demand, especially the electric two-wheelers. Such partnerships between the manufacturing firms and the institutions and the fintech have played the role of a funnel of providing affordable prices to consumers across different income levels.
India's two-wheeler market is a cornerstone of the country's transportation ecosystem, driven by affordability, convenience, and rising urbanization. The increasing focus on electric two-wheelers, government initiatives, and the continued growth of both rural and urban demand point to a promising future. While the industry faces challenges like supply chain disruptions and the high cost of electric vehicles, innovations in technology and financing will help drive further growth. As the market evolves, India’s two-wheeler industry is set to play a crucial role in the transition towards sustainable and accessible mobility.
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UnivDatos Market Insights
Contact Number - +1 9782263411
Website -www.univdatos.com
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brookston · 6 months ago
Holidays 7.31
African Women’s Day
Air Force Day (Nicaragua)
Always Live Better Than Yester Day
Apricot Day (French Republic)
Black Top Day (a.k.a. Black Tot Day; UK)
Brunhilda Asteroid Day
Change Your Ringtone Day (Australia)
Cool Japan Day
Crossfire Hurricane Day
Devoted Couples Day
Emancipation Day (Belize)
Father’s Day (Dominican Republic)
George Jetson Day
Garda Asteroid Day
The Great Mullein Day
Gryphon Appreciation Day
Hapje Tapje (Leuven, Belgium)
Happy Potter Day
Hot August Nights begin (Reno, Nevada)
Insect Appreciation Day
International Lifeguard Appreciation Day
International Seriously Single Day
Joust of Quintana: La Sfida (The Challenge; Italy) [Pt. 2 in September]
Ka Hae Hawai'i Day (State Flag Day; Hawaii)
Law Enforcement Day (Louisiana)
Mac Davis Day (Lubbock, Texas)
Martyrdom Day of Shahid Udham Singh (Haryana and Punjab, India)
Milton Friedman Day
Mutt's Day
National Blood Donor Day (Iran)
National Commando Day
National Diana Day
National Eisteddford of Wales (Wales)
National Heatstroke Awareness Day
National #Love Day
National Mom Bod Day
National Mutt Day (a.k.a. National Mixed Breed Dog Day)
National Orgasm Day (UK)
National Parent a Biracial Child Day
Operation Motorman Anniversary Day (UK)
Rabbit Rabbit Day [Last Day of Every Month]
Saui Sura (Javanese New Year; Suriname)
Saxophone Day
731 Day
Treasury Day (Poland)
Uncommon Instrument Awareness Day
U.S. Patent Day
Warriors’ Day (Malaysia)
World Day Against Electronic Torture
World MS Trend Day
World Ranger Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Cotton Candy Day [also 12.7]
Jump for Jelly Beans Day
Make Homemade Ice Cream and Invite the Neighbors Over Day
National Avocado Day
National Raspberry Cake Day
National Spam Day
Rum Ration Day (a.k.a. Black Tot Day)
Shredded Wheat Day
Independence & Related Days
Sovereignty Restoration Day (Hawaii)
Vanuatu (from UK/France, 1980)
Weimar Constitution Adoption Day (Germany; 1919)
5th & Last Wednesday in July
OSHC Educators Day (Australia) [last Wednesday]
Weekly Holidays beginning July 31 (Last Week of July)
Oregon Brewers Festival begins [Last full weekend; Wednesday thru Saturday] (Now merged with the Portland Rose Festival in May and June)
Festivals Beginning July 31, 2024
Beyond the Gates (Bergen, Norway) [thru 8.3]
Grays Harbor County Fair (Elma, Washington) [thru 8.3]
Iowa Hunger Summit (Des Moines, Iowa)
Maine Lobster Festival (Rockland, Maine) [thru 8.4]
Montelago Celtic Festival (Serravalle di Chienti, Italy) [thru 8.3]
NC Watermelon Festival (Murfreesboro, North Carolina) [thru 8.3]
Northern Maine Fair (Presque Isle, Maine) [thru 8.4]
Ventura County Fair (Ventura, California) [thru 8.11]
Viagem Medieval (Medieval Journey) (Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal) [thru 8.11]
Feast Days
Abanoub (Christian; Saint)
Bill Gates Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Birthday of Nephthys
Cameons (Positivist; Saint)
The Clodhoppers (Muppetism)
Dress Up Day (Pastafarian)
Erich Heckel (Artology)
Feast of Joseph of Arimathea (Anglican; Roman Catholic)
First Sermon of Buddha (Bhutan)
Germanus of Auxerre (Christian; Saint)
Helen of Skofde, Sweden (Christian; Saint)
Ignatius of Loyola (Christian; Saint)
Jacques Villon (Artology)
Jean Denis Attiret (Artology)
Jean Dubuffet (Artology)
J.K. Rowling (Writerism)
John Columbini (Christian; Saint)
Joseph of Arimathea (Eastern Orthodox)
Ka Hae (Hawaii Flag Day; Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Lammas Eve (a.k.a. ... 
August Eve
Hlafmesse (Loaf Mass; Anglo-Saxon)
Lammas, Day 1 (Celtic, Pagan) [5 of 8 Festivals of the Natural Year]
Lughnassad Eve
Lithasblot (Norse Harvest Festival)
Loki and Sigyn’s Day (Norse)
Lughnassadh (Grain Harvest)
Oiche Lughnasadh (Pagan)
Martyrdom Day of Shahid Udham Singh (Haryana, India)
Mary Vaux Walcott (Artology)
Neot (Christian; Saint)
Primo Levi (Writerism)
Real Ale Day (Pastafarian)
Seedy Birds (Muppetism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Bad Animals, by Heart (Album; 1987)
BASEketball (Film; 1998)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Film; 1992)
Confidence (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1933)
Dad’s Army (BBC TV Series; 1968)
The Dark Tower (Film; 2017)
Death Becomes Her (Film; 1992)
Enchanted April (Film; 1992)
Ever After (Film; 1998)
Farmer Al Falfa’s Prize Package (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1936)
Four Weddings and a Funeral (TV Series; 2019)
Hang ‘Em High (Film; 1968)
Hot Shots! (Film; 1991)
I Am Legend, by Richard Matheson (Novel; 1954)
Lego Aquaman: Rage of Atlantis (WB Animated Film; 2018)
Little Boy Blue (Castle Films ComiColor Cartoons; 1936)
The Living Daylights (James Bond Film, US; 1987) [#15]
The Lost Boys (Film; 1987)
Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation (Film; 2015)
Murder Included, by Joanna Cannan (Novel; 1950)
The Negotiator (Film; 1998)
Night (Silly Symphony Disney Cartoon; 1930)
Only the Lonely, by Roy Orbison (Song; 1960)
The Pink Pill (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1968)
Plenty of Money and You (WB MM Cartoon; 1937)
Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect (Book of Poems; 1786)
Rascal Flatts, by Rascal Flatts (Album; 2000)
Rushing Roulette (WB MM Cartoon; 1965)
The Shadow (Radio Series; 1930)
Still the One, by Orleans (Song; 1976)
Urban Cowboy (Film; 1980)
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (Film; 2017)
What a Night! What a Moon!, recorded by Teddy Wilson (Song; 1935)
The Wiggles (TV Series; 1998)
Today’s Name Days
Hermann, Ignatius, Justinus (Austria)
Ignacije, Vatroslav (Croatia)
Ignác (Czech Republic)
Germanus, Helena (Denmark)
Ave, Meevi (Estonia)
Elena, Helena (Finland)
Ignace (France)
Herrmann, Ignatius, Joseph (Germany)
Iosif, Sifis (Greece)
Oszkár (Hungary)
Barbara (Italy)
Angelika, Renita, Rūta, Sigita (Latvia)
Elena, Ignotas, Sanginas, Vykintė (Lithuania)
Elin, Eline (Norway)
Beatus, Demokryt, Emilian, Ernesta, Ernestyna, Helena, Iga, Ignacja, Ignacy, Justyn, Ludomir, Żegota (Poland)
Margarita, Marina (Russia)
Ignác (Slovakia)
Fabio, Germán, Ignacio (Spain)
Elin, Helena (Sweden)
Ignacio, Inigo, Reed, Reid (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 213 of 2024; 153 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of Week 31 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Tinne (Holly) [Day 26 of 28]
Chinese: Month 6 (Xin-Wei), Day 26 (Bing-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 25 Tammuz 5784
Islamic: 24 Muharram 1446
J Cal: 3 Purple; Threesday [3 of 30]
Julian: 18 July 2024
Moon: 17%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 16 Dante (8th Month) [Cameons]
Runic Half Month: Thorn (Defense) [Day 8 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 42 of 94)
Week: Last Week of July
Zodiac: Leo (Day 10 of 31)
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brookstonalmanac · 6 months ago
Holidays 7.31
African Women’s Day
Air Force Day (Nicaragua)
Always Live Better Than Yester Day
Apricot Day (French Republic)
Black Top Day (a.k.a. Black Tot Day; UK)
Brunhilda Asteroid Day
Change Your Ringtone Day (Australia)
Cool Japan Day
Crossfire Hurricane Day
Devoted Couples Day
Emancipation Day (Belize)
Father’s Day (Dominican Republic)
George Jetson Day
Garda Asteroid Day
The Great Mullein Day
Gryphon Appreciation Day
Hapje Tapje (Leuven, Belgium)
Happy Potter Day
Hot August Nights begin (Reno, Nevada)
Insect Appreciation Day
International Lifeguard Appreciation Day
International Seriously Single Day
Joust of Quintana: La Sfida (The Challenge; Italy) [Pt. 2 in September]
Ka Hae Hawai'i Day (State Flag Day; Hawaii)
Law Enforcement Day (Louisiana)
Mac Davis Day (Lubbock, Texas)
Martyrdom Day of Shahid Udham Singh (Haryana and Punjab, India)
Milton Friedman Day
Mutt's Day
National Blood Donor Day (Iran)
National Commando Day
National Diana Day
National Eisteddford of Wales (Wales)
National Heatstroke Awareness Day
National #Love Day
National Mom Bod Day
National Mutt Day (a.k.a. National Mixed Breed Dog Day)
National Orgasm Day (UK)
National Parent a Biracial Child Day
Operation Motorman Anniversary Day (UK)
Rabbit Rabbit Day [Last Day of Every Month]
Saui Sura (Javanese New Year; Suriname)
Saxophone Day
731 Day
Treasury Day (Poland)
Uncommon Instrument Awareness Day
U.S. Patent Day
Warriors’ Day (Malaysia)
World Day Against Electronic Torture
World MS Trend Day
World Ranger Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Cotton Candy Day [also 12.7]
Jump for Jelly Beans Day
Make Homemade Ice Cream and Invite the Neighbors Over Day
National Avocado Day
National Raspberry Cake Day
National Spam Day
Rum Ration Day (a.k.a. Black Tot Day)
Shredded Wheat Day
Independence & Related Days
Sovereignty Restoration Day (Hawaii)
Vanuatu (from UK/France, 1980)
Weimar Constitution Adoption Day (Germany; 1919)
5th & Last Wednesday in July
OSHC Educators Day (Australia) [last Wednesday]
Weekly Holidays beginning July 31 (Last Week of July)
Oregon Brewers Festival begins [Last full weekend; Wednesday thru Saturday] (Now merged with the Portland Rose Festival in May and June)
Festivals Beginning July 31, 2024
Beyond the Gates (Bergen, Norway) [thru 8.3]
Grays Harbor County Fair (Elma, Washington) [thru 8.3]
Iowa Hunger Summit (Des Moines, Iowa)
Maine Lobster Festival (Rockland, Maine) [thru 8.4]
Montelago Celtic Festival (Serravalle di Chienti, Italy) [thru 8.3]
NC Watermelon Festival (Murfreesboro, North Carolina) [thru 8.3]
Northern Maine Fair (Presque Isle, Maine) [thru 8.4]
Ventura County Fair (Ventura, California) [thru 8.11]
Viagem Medieval (Medieval Journey) (Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal) [thru 8.11]
Feast Days
Abanoub (Christian; Saint)
Bill Gates Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Birthday of Nephthys
Cameons (Positivist; Saint)
The Clodhoppers (Muppetism)
Dress Up Day (Pastafarian)
Erich Heckel (Artology)
Feast of Joseph of Arimathea (Anglican; Roman Catholic)
First Sermon of Buddha (Bhutan)
Germanus of Auxerre (Christian; Saint)
Helen of Skofde, Sweden (Christian; Saint)
Ignatius of Loyola (Christian; Saint)
Jacques Villon (Artology)
Jean Denis Attiret (Artology)
Jean Dubuffet (Artology)
J.K. Rowling (Writerism)
John Columbini (Christian; Saint)
Joseph of Arimathea (Eastern Orthodox)
Ka Hae (Hawaii Flag Day; Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Lammas Eve (a.k.a. ... 
August Eve
Hlafmesse (Loaf Mass; Anglo-Saxon)
Lammas, Day 1 (Celtic, Pagan) [5 of 8 Festivals of the Natural Year]
Lughnassad Eve
Lithasblot (Norse Harvest Festival)
Loki and Sigyn’s Day (Norse)
Lughnassadh (Grain Harvest)
Oiche Lughnasadh (Pagan)
Martyrdom Day of Shahid Udham Singh (Haryana, India)
Mary Vaux Walcott (Artology)
Neot (Christian; Saint)
Primo Levi (Writerism)
Real Ale Day (Pastafarian)
Seedy Birds (Muppetism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Bad Animals, by Heart (Album; 1987)
BASEketball (Film; 1998)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Film; 1992)
Confidence (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1933)
Dad’s Army (BBC TV Series; 1968)
The Dark Tower (Film; 2017)
Death Becomes Her (Film; 1992)
Enchanted April (Film; 1992)
Ever After (Film; 1998)
Farmer Al Falfa’s Prize Package (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1936)
Four Weddings and a Funeral (TV Series; 2019)
Hang ‘Em High (Film; 1968)
Hot Shots! (Film; 1991)
I Am Legend, by Richard Matheson (Novel; 1954)
Lego Aquaman: Rage of Atlantis (WB Animated Film; 2018)
Little Boy Blue (Castle Films ComiColor Cartoons; 1936)
The Living Daylights (James Bond Film, US; 1987) [#15]
The Lost Boys (Film; 1987)
Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation (Film; 2015)
Murder Included, by Joanna Cannan (Novel; 1950)
The Negotiator (Film; 1998)
Night (Silly Symphony Disney Cartoon; 1930)
Only the Lonely, by Roy Orbison (Song; 1960)
The Pink Pill (Pink Panther Cartoon; 1968)
Plenty of Money and You (WB MM Cartoon; 1937)
Poems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect (Book of Poems; 1786)
Rascal Flatts, by Rascal Flatts (Album; 2000)
Rushing Roulette (WB MM Cartoon; 1965)
The Shadow (Radio Series; 1930)
Still the One, by Orleans (Song; 1976)
Urban Cowboy (Film; 1980)
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (Film; 2017)
What a Night! What a Moon!, recorded by Teddy Wilson (Song; 1935)
The Wiggles (TV Series; 1998)
Today’s Name Days
Hermann, Ignatius, Justinus (Austria)
Ignacije, Vatroslav (Croatia)
Ignác (Czech Republic)
Germanus, Helena (Denmark)
Ave, Meevi (Estonia)
Elena, Helena (Finland)
Ignace (France)
Herrmann, Ignatius, Joseph (Germany)
Iosif, Sifis (Greece)
Oszkár (Hungary)
Barbara (Italy)
Angelika, Renita, Rūta, Sigita (Latvia)
Elena, Ignotas, Sanginas, Vykintė (Lithuania)
Elin, Eline (Norway)
Beatus, Demokryt, Emilian, Ernesta, Ernestyna, Helena, Iga, Ignacja, Ignacy, Justyn, Ludomir, Żegota (Poland)
Margarita, Marina (Russia)
Ignác (Slovakia)
Fabio, Germán, Ignacio (Spain)
Elin, Helena (Sweden)
Ignacio, Inigo, Reed, Reid (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 213 of 2024; 153 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of Week 31 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Tinne (Holly) [Day 26 of 28]
Chinese: Month 6 (Xin-Wei), Day 26 (Bing-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 25 Tammuz 5784
Islamic: 24 Muharram 1446
J Cal: 3 Purple; Threesday [3 of 30]
Julian: 18 July 2024
Moon: 17%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 16 Dante (8th Month) [Cameons]
Runic Half Month: Thorn (Defense) [Day 8 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 42 of 94)
Week: Last Week of July
Zodiac: Leo (Day 10 of 31)
0 notes
sokudoindiaev · 9 months ago
The Surge of Electric Scooters in India: A Greener Ride for Urban Commuters
In the fast-paced realm of urban commuting, a new contender has emerged, promising not only convenience but also sustainability – electric scooters. As India grapples with environmental concerns and strives towards a greener future, the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs), particularly electric scooters, has gained significant traction. In this blog, we delve into the burgeoning phenomenon of electric scooters in India, exploring their benefits, challenges, and the evolving landscape of sustainable mobility with a special focus on Sokudo India.
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The Rise of Electric Scooters
Electric scooters have swiftly maneuvered their way into the mainstream transportation scene in India, with Sokudo India leading the charge. With cities teeming with traffic congestion and grappling with alarming pollution levels, the need for eco-friendly alternatives has never been more pressing. Electric scooters offer a compelling solution, emitting zero tailpipe emissions and significantly reducing the carbon footprint of commuters.
Several factors have contributed to the rising popularity of electric scooters in India, with Sokudo India at the forefront of innovation and accessibility. Government incentives and policies promoting the adoption of EVs, coupled with advancements in battery technology, have made electric scooters more affordable, efficient, and accessible to the masses through Sokudo India's initiatives. Moreover, the convenience of electric charging infrastructure, coupled with the growing awareness of environmental issues among consumers, has fueled the demand for electric scooters across the country.
Benefits of Electric Scooters
The shift towards electric scooters heralds a multitude of benefits for both individuals and the environment, with Sokudo India leading the charge. Firstly, electric scooters from Sokudo India offer a cost-effective mode of transportation, with lower operating and maintenance costs compared to conventional petrol-powered vehicles. Additionally, they provide a silent and smooth riding experience, contributing to reduced noise pollution in urban areas.
From an environmental perspective, the adoption of electric scooters plays a pivotal role in curbing air pollution and mitigating the adverse effects of climate change. By eschewing fossil fuels and embracing clean energy, electric scooters from Sokudo India help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, thereby fostering a cleaner and healthier environment for future generations.
Challenges and Opportunities
Despite their myriad advantages, electric scooters in India are not without challenges, yet Sokudo India is poised to address them. Range anxiety, limited charging infrastructure, and the high initial cost of acquisition remain significant barriers to widespread adoption. However, Sokudo India is committed to overcoming these hurdles through its dedication to innovation and customer-centric solutions.
Moreover, Sokudo India recognizes the importance of sustainable practices throughout the lifecycle of electric scooters, including battery disposal and manufacturing. By implementing eco-friendly measures and promoting responsible consumption, Sokudo India aims to set a benchmark for sustainable mobility in India.
The Road Ahead with Sokudo India
As India embarks on its journey towards sustainable mobility, electric scooters from Sokudo India are poised to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of urban transportation. With a concerted effort from policymakers, industry players, and consumers, Sokudo India is committed to driving positive change and creating a greener, more sustainable India.
Together, let's embrace the electric revolution with Sokudo India and pave the way for a brighter, cleaner future for generations to come.
Source By: https://sites.google.com/view/sokudoindia-/blog/the-surge-of-electric-scooters-in-india-a-greener-ride-for-urban-commuters
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priteshwemarketresearch · 10 months ago
Analyzing the Growth Trajectory: Chemical Testing Services Market Insights
Chemical Testing Services Market was valued at USD 3.8 billion in 2023 and is estimated to reach a value of USD 8.9 billion by 2033 with a CAGR of 6.7% during the forecast period. Adoption rate of chemical testing services has recorded a significant linear path from 2015 to 2022, below figure depicts the growth of adoption rate for chemical testing services from 2015 to 2022:
Click the link to get a sample copy of the report: https://wemarketresearch.com/sample-request/chemical-testing-services-market/1363
 Top Companies in the Chemical Testing Services  Market:
Eurofins Scientific
Intertek Group
Bureau Veritas
SCS Global Services
UL, ALS Limited
Spectro Analytical Labs 
     Global Chemical Testing Services  Market Segments:
  Market, By Type
Chemical Composition Analysis
Contaminant Testing
Stability Testing
Purity Testing
Impurity Profiling
Microbiological Testing
Heavy Metals Testing
Environmental Testing (e.g., air and water quality)
Food Safety Testing
Residue Analysis
Market, By Technology
Chromatography (HPLC, GC, LC-MS, GC-MS, etc.)
Spectroscopy (UV-Vis, FTIR, NMR, ICP-MS, etc.)
Mass Spectrometry
Molecular Diagnostics
Elemental Analysis
Wet Chemistry
Polymer Analysis
Material Testing
Environmental Monitoring Technologies
Market, By End User
Food and Beverages
Chemicals and Petrochemicals
Environmental Testing
Cosmetics and Personal Care
Oil and Gas
Agriculture and Agrochemicals
Market, By Service Provider
Service Providers
Independent Testing Laboratories
In-House Testing Facilities
Contract Research Organizations (CROs)
Government and Regulatory Bodies
Regional Analysis for Chemical Testing Services  Market:
For a comprehensive understanding of market dynamics, the global Chemical Testing Services  market is analysed across key geographies namely North America, Europe, China, Japan, Southeast Asia, India, Central & South America. Each of these regions is analyzed based on market research findings for the key countries in the region for a macro-level understanding of the market.
Chemical Testing Services dynamics:
The intricate interplay between regulatory mandates and industry developments propels the worldwide chemical testing services market. Chemical testing services are in greater demand across a range of businesses due to the growing effects of globalisation and tighter regulations governing the quality and safety of goods. As environmental sustainability gains importance, testing services are becoming more and more crucial to ensure that eco-friendly standards are being fulfilled.
Important sections of the TOC
Economic Impact Variables on Chemical Testing Services  Market: Illuminates the consequences of environmental, political and economic fluctuations, and explains changes in customer and consumer requirements. We also provide a detailed report of Chemical Testing Services  on the technology risks and advancements in the global market.
Forecasts based on macro- and micro-economy: ensuring price, revenue and volume EV charging service forecasts for the market. It also includes, in addition to forecasting growth, revenue and import volume for the region, with revenue forecasting for the Chemical Testing Services  application, along with revenue forecasting by cost, revenue and type.
Marketing Strategy Analysis: In this section, Chemical Testing Services  analysis aims at niche positioning and provides information regarding target audience, new strategies and pricing strategies. We provide a comprehensive Chemical Testing Services  marketing station analysis that investigates the problem. Marketing channel development trends, direct marketing as well as indirect marketing.
Business Intelligence: The Chemical Testing Services  companies studied in this section are also assessed by key business, gross margin, price, sales, revenue, product category, applications and specifications, Chemical Testing Services  competitors, and manufacturing base.
Directly Buy a Copy of this Chemical Testing Services  Market research report at@https://wemarketresearch.com/purchase/chemical-testing-services-market/1363?license=single
Why to buy this Report?
The report provides valuable insights into market trends, growth opportunities, and competitive landscapes. By reading a technology report, businesses and investors can gain a better understanding of the market they are operating in or considering entering, and make more informed decisions based on data and analysis.
The report reports provide detailed information on competitors' strengths, weaknesses, and strategies, which can help businesses identify potential threats and opportunities in the market.
.About We Market Research:
WE MARKET RESEARCH is an established market analytics and research firm with a domain experience sprawling across different industries. We have been working on multi-county market studies right from our inception. Over the time, from our existence, we have gained laurels for our deep rooted market studies and insightful analysis of different markets.
Our strategic market analysis and capability to comprehend deep cultural, conceptual and social aspects of various tangled markets has helped us make a mark for ourselves in the industry. WE MARKET RESEARCH is a frontrunner in helping numerous companies; both regional and international to successfully achieve their business goals based on our in-depth market analysis. Moreover, we are also capable of devising market strategies that ensure guaranteed customer bases for our clients.
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Corporate Sales, USA
We Market Research
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martin-cambell · 10 months ago
MG Motors Set To Launch 2 New EVs Under ₹15 Lakh, Backed by JSW’s Investment Boost!
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MG Motor, in collaboration with the JSW Group, is gearing up to reshape India's electric vehicle (EV) market with an ambitious strategy aimed at capturing the mass-market segment. Bolstered by fresh investment, MG Motor is set to introduce two affordable EV models, signaling its intent to challenge established players and cater to the growing demand for electric mobility in the country.
The upcoming EV offerings from MG Motor are poised to redefine the segment, with a focus on affordability and practicality. The introduction of a five-door SUV and a compact MPV, priced below Rs 15 lakh, underscores the brand's commitment to making electric vehicles accessible to a wider audience. These models, based on the versatile E260 EV platform, are designed to meet the diverse needs of Indian consumers, from urban commuters to family vehicles and fleet operators.
Of particular interest is the innovative design of the compact MPV, drawing inspiration from the successful Wuling Cloud EV. With dimensions akin to popular models like the Maruti Ertiga and Renault Triber, this electric MPV aims to address a growing segment of the market with its blend of practicality, comfort, and eco-friendliness.
MG Motor's EV strategy also emphasizes localization and expansion plans, with a focus on scaling up local manufacturing, including battery production, at its Halol facility. This move not only enhances cost competitiveness but also underscores the brand's commitment to sustainable growth and contributing to India's electric mobility ecosystem.
The strategic partnership with the JSW Group further strengthens MG Motor's position in the Indian automotive market, enabling synergies in sourcing, production, and the introduction of eco-friendly mobility solutions. Together, the partners are poised to drive innovation and accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles in India.
As the automotive landscape evolves, MG Motor's strategic pivot towards electric mobility represents a significant step towards a more sustainable future. With a comprehensive expansion plan and a commitment to Indianization, supported by the JSW Group, MG Motor is poised to make a lasting impact on India's electric vehicle market, capturing the imagination of consumers and driving the transition towards cleaner, greener transportation.
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sindujah · 11 months ago
The Rise of Electric Vehicles
Introduction: In a surprising turn of events, electric vehicles (EVs) outsold internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles by a ratio of ten to one in the first innings. This fact may sound unbelievable or futuristic, but it is rooted in history and backed by extensive research. Let's explore the fascinating evolution of EVs, their challenges, and the promising future that lies ahead.
The Early Days: As early as the 18th century, inventors like Thomas Davenport and Thomas Edison tinkered with electric motors and batteries, leading to the development of electric carts and carriages. In 1896, the first car dealership exclusively for EVs was established, and companies like Oldsmobile and Studebaker began as successful EV manufacturers before transitioning to gasoline-powered vehicles. Although EVs gained popularity despite being produced on a small scale, their limited range and the emergence of gasoline-powered vehicles hindered their widespread adoption.
The Downfall: In 1913, Henry Ford revolutionized the automobile industry with the invention of the motorized assembly line for mass production of gasoline vehicles. This innovation, coupled with the lack of standardized components and infrastructure for EVs, led to the demise of 90% of EV manufacturers. Additionally, the development of better road infrastructure and the discovery of petroleum fields enabled long-distance travel, further diminishing the appeal of EVs. Consequently, EVs became niche vehicles, primarily used for delivery vans, freight handlers, and golf carts.
A Second Chance: EVs experienced a rebirth during the oil crisis of 1973 when the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) initiated an oil embargo, prompting the search for alternative energy sources. In the 1990s, concerns over air pollution and depleting energy resources led major carmakers to resume EV production. However, conflicts and various reasons led to the weakening of regulations such as the California Air Regulatory Board's Zero Emission Vehicles (ZEV) mandate, resulting in the destruction of existing EVs.
Technological Advancements and Support: The support from organizations like the Electric Auto Association (EAA) and advancements in battery technology, such as lithium-ion batteries and advanced battery management systems, paved the way for the production of the first battery electric vehicle (BEV) in 2008. Initially, only a few countries embraced this alternative mode of transport to reduce emissions. However, over the years, more than 20 countries have taken initiatives to completely phase out ICE vehicles, fueled by international governments' support and the urgency to combat climate change.
Overcoming Challenges: One of the main challenges faced by EVs is the concern about range and distance. A staggering 242 million searches related to EV range highlight people's hesitation to embrace EVs fully. Factors such as battery cost, purchasing cost, and charging time directly or indirectly influence range and impact acceptance rates. The cost of battery manufacturing alone accounts for 40% of the total EV cost. However, considering the exponential adoption of EVs globally and with support from governments and increasing pressure due to climate change, the EV industry is expected to achieve similar performance and efficiency levels to ICE vehicles in a relatively shorter period.
Regulations and Infrastructure: To bridge the price gap between EVs and ICE vehicles, governments worldwide have implemented measures such as support funds, subsidy programs, and VAT exemptions. Initiatives like FAME in India and EVI globally aim to accelerate EV adoption. However, the slow adoption rate is influenced by factors such as charging infrastructure, charging time, consumer perception, and travel distance. The development of a well-planned charging network, including fast and rapid chargers, within close proximity, is crucial for facilitating widespread EV adoption. Innovations like wireless charging and superchargers for electric buses.
#ev #automotive #manufacturer
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imarcmarketreport · 11 months ago
Automotive Thermal System Market Size, Growth, Trends and Opportunity 2024-2032
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IMARC Group's report titled "Automotive Thermal System Market Report by Component (Compressor, HVAC, Powertrain Cooling, Fluid Transport), Vehicle Type (Passenger Cars, Light Commercial Vehicles, Heavy Commercial Vehicles, and Others), and Region 2024-2032", The global automotive thermal system market size reached US$ 37.0 Billion in 2023. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to reach US$ 51.3 Billion by 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 3.6% during 2024-2032.
For an in-depth analysis, you can refer sample copy of the report: https://www.imarcgroup.com/automotive-thermal-system-market/requestsample
Factors Affecting the Growth of the Automotive Thermal System Industry:
Stringent Environmental Regulations:
Governing agencies of various countries are implementing stringent environmental regulations to combat climate change and reduce air pollution, which is contributing to the growth of the market. These initiatives encourage automakers to meet these standards to maintain environmental sustainability. Automotive thermal systems help optimize engine performance, minimize emissions, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. The rising adoption of advanced thermal management solutions that manage heat dissipation and engine temperature is bolstering the market growth. Furthermore, there is an increase in the demand for cleaner and greener transportation among individuals.  
Rising Demand for Electric Vehicles (EVs):
The escalating demand for automotive thermal systems on account of the increasing adoption of EVs among the masses around the world is propelling the growth of the market. EVs require advanced thermal management solutions to regulate battery temperature, ensuring optimal performance, longevity, and safety. Besides this, governing authorities of numerous countries are providing various incentives for the purchase of EVs, which is bolstering the market growth. Furthermore, the rising demand for automotive thermal systems that are tailored as per electric powertrains is supporting the market growth.  
Technological Advancements:
Innovations in the automotive thermal management systems assist in enhancing efficiency, performance, and reliability, which is impelling the market growth. Advancements, such as advanced heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, lightweight materials, and intelligent heat exchangers are strengthening the market growth. These technological developments enable automakers to meet the evolving expectations of individuals for comfort, convenience, and sustainability while complying with regulatory requirements. Furthermore, key players are focusing on improving thermal efficiency, reducing energy consumption, and integrating smart features into automotive thermal systems for a safer and eco-friendly approach.  
Leading Companies Operating in the Global Automotive Thermal System Industry:
Borgwarner Inc.
Continental Aktiengesellschaft
DENSO Corporation
General Motors Company
Gentherm Incorporated
Grayson Automotive Services Limited
Lennox International Inc.
Modine Manufacturing Company Inc.
Visteon Corporation
Automotive Thermal System Market Report Segmentation:
By Component:
Powertrain Cooling
Fluid Transport
Compressor represents the largest segment as it plays a pivotal role in managing the temperature and comfort of the interior environment of a vehicle.
By Vehicle Type:
Passenger Cars
Light Commercial Vehicles
Heavy Commercial Vehicles
Passenger cars hold the biggest market share due to the rising focus on maintaining the optimal performance of an engine. 
Regional Insights:
North America (United States, Canada)
Asia Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia, Indonesia, Others)
Europe (Germany, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Russia, Others)
Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, Others)
Middle East and Africa
Asia Pacific enjoys a leading position in the automotive thermal system market on account of the presence of key manufacturers.  
Global Automotive Thermal System Market Trends:
The growing demand for automotive thermal systems due to the increasing production of vehicles across the globe is offering a positive market outlook. There is a rise in the need for efficient cooling and heating solutions to maintain optimal operating conditions. Automotive thermal systems play a vital role in ensuring engine reliability, passenger comfort, and overall vehicle performance. The rising demand for vehicles on account of rapid urbanization is impelling the market growth.
Apart from this, manufacturers are prioritizing fuel efficiency to meet regulatory requirements. Automotive thermal systems play a crucial role in achieving optimal fuel economy by managing engine temperature and reducing energy consumption.
Note: If you need specific information that is not currently within the scope of the report, we will provide it to you as a part of the customization.
About Us:
IMARC Group is a leading market research company that offers management strategy and market research worldwide. We partner with clients in all sectors and regions to identify their highest-value opportunities, address their most critical challenges, and transform their businesses.
IMARCs information products include major market, scientific, economic and technological developments for business leaders in pharmaceutical, industrial, and high technology organizations. Market forecasts and industry analysis for biotechnology, advanced materials, pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, travel and tourism, nanotechnology and novel processing methods are at the top of the companys expertise.
Our offerings include comprehensive market intelligence in the form of research reports, production cost reports, feasibility studies, and consulting services. Our team, which includes experienced researchers and analysts from various industries, is dedicated to providing high-quality data and insights to our clientele, ranging from small and medium businesses to Fortune 1000 corporations.
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orcadiveclub1 · 1 year ago
Driving into the Future: Electric Vehicle Manufacturers Leading the Charge in India
Title: Driving into the Future: Electric Vehicle Manufacturers Leading the Charge in India
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Kick scooters have emerged as a popular choice for urban commuters seeking convenient and eco-friendly transportation solutions. With zero emissions and low operating costs, electric kick scooters offer a sustainable alternative to traditional modes of transport. Leading manufacturers like Hero Electric, Okinawa, and Ampere have introduced a range of electric kick scooters tailored to meet the needs of Indian consumers.
One of the key factors driving the adoption of electric kick scooters is affordability. In a country where price sensitivity plays a significant role in purchasing decisions, manufacturers have focused on offering competitively priced models without compromising on quality and performance. With prices starting from as low as ₹15,000, electric kick scooters have become accessible to a wide range of consumers, making sustainable mobility a viable option for the masses.
Moreover, the convenience of purchasing electric kick scooters online has further accelerated their popularity. E-commerce platforms like Flipkart and Amazon offer a diverse selection of electric kick scooters, allowing consumers to browse and compare models from various manufacturers with ease. The hassle-free buying process, coupled with doorstep delivery, has made it more convenient than ever for consumers to transition to electric mobility.
In addition to kick scooters, electric bikes are gaining traction as an eco-friendly mode of transportation in India. With rising concerns about air pollution and fuel prices, electric bikes offer a compelling alternative for commuters seeking an efficient and cost-effective way to travel. Leading manufacturers such as Revolt Motors, Ather Energy, and Bajaj Auto have introduced electric bike models equipped with advanced features and cutting-edge technology.
The availability of electric bikes online has revolutionized the buying experience for consumers, allowing them to explore a wide range of options from the comfort of their homes. Whether it's a sleek city commuter or a rugged off-road adventure bike, online platforms offer a diverse selection to suit every preference and budget. With transparent pricing and convenient payment options, purchasing an electric bike online has never been easier.
Furthermore, government initiatives and incentives aimed at promoting electric mobility have played a crucial role in driving the growth of the electric vehicle market in India. Subsidies, tax benefits, and incentives for EV buyers have made electric vehicles more attractive and affordable, encouraging more consumers to make the switch from conventional vehicles to electric alternatives.
Conclusion: In conclusion, the electric vehicle landscape in India is evolving rapidly, fueled by innovation, affordability, and environmental consciousness. With manufacturers focusing on offering a diverse range of electric kick scooters and bikes at competitive prices, coupled with the convenience of online purchasing, the future of electric mobility in India looks promising. As more consumers embrace sustainable transportation solutions, electric vehicles are poised to reshape the way we commute and contribute to a cleaner, greener future.
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