#Masked Universe
redvelvetcecro · 3 months
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Working on stuff for Alix’s universe, have some suit designs I sketched out last night
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pompandorah · 5 months
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Link in mystic armor
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ultimatedirk · 1 year
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i hope the world allows me to be kind, navi
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tsukinoshinjiu · 1 year
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You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?
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nell0-0 · 8 months
I am totally in love with your design for young Link/Mask it's adorable and full of mischief. Your Hyrule Warriors comics are amazing. I know this isn't an ask but thank you!
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Mask being a little shit is like, my favorite thing ever. Warriors is so confused. The fact Mask is not technically lying, tho-
Glad you like them! Dw about proper asks or whatever, I love getting these, so ty!
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space-snake · 2 months
Ghosts start appearing all over the world, particularly places like Gotham. They don’t seem overtly hostile though they are rather rowdy as they seem to be celebrating something.
Jason doesn’t understand why he can feel the ghosts elation or why he can apparently land a physical hit on them during what the ghost called a ‘friendly brawl’ when so far only magic users had any affect, limited as it was. (“You really need to your ass to Far Frozen man, you’re cores fucked” the ghost had said with a chuckle afterwards)
Shazam reports that the last King had been some kind of mad tyrant but can’t offer much else; he has limited knowledge of this universes Dead Realms, let alone the Infinite Realms that house them. He has no knowledge at all of the new King.
Constantine reports the last King was named Pariah Dark and nearly destroyed the Infinite Realms which would have caused reality itself to collapse. It took all of the Infinite Realms together to seal him away… and the crowning of a new King meant that he had been bested in single combat, which would make the new King even more powerful than Pariah had been.
Observation proved that the ghosts were violent and mischievous though rarely outright malicious. They liked to pull ‘pranks’ and have destructive fights. They were all eclectic individuals, though there was clearly a culture to them. And they all spoke willingly to any who would listen about the power of King Phantom, how fiercely he protected his Haunt, how often he would accept spars, how he calmed tensions between different ghost factions.
After three weeks of chaos, the ghosts suddenly disappeared. And then one more appeared on the Watchtower.
“Hello. I am High King Phantom. My apologies if my subjects have caused harm to you; they are many and the Realms are vast so it’s taking a bit to visit all the affected Living Realms and calm down celebrations. Please understand any who have broken the laws of the Infinite Realms are being dealt with. If you would like to discuss reparations, you can contact me with this; I may not answer immediately however”
The lanky teenager with white hair, a crown of burning ice, and a skull ring placed a piece of paper with a summoning circle on it on the table and promptly disappeared.
“Anyone else expecting someone more… I dunno, kingly?”
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Mask is still getting used to having to share his big brother with someone else.
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spawnnfrog · 7 months
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she has batburger
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eiochevart · 7 months
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whaliiwatching · 1 year
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diagnoses u with fanfic tags
yeah i caved. welcome spideysona
their universe is 1990s san francisco. by day they work as a struggling writer for the bugle, sort of following in the footsteps of (movie-adjacent) eddie brock; by night they’re spider-scrawl, fighting systemic injustice, writers’ block, and the occasional mad scientist invention. his world is less rife with supernatural evils than most, but he’s also fucking with the government and corporations and all, so it balances out
their unique thing is that they have, like, shitty meta clairvoyance in the form of inherently understanding tropes, clichés, story structure, etc. like if cinemasins/wins were a superhero. they were approached to join the society because miguel thought they’d be chill or even helpful with canon events—unfortunately scribble here is not whatsoever into following rigid plot structure for the sake of unnecessary thematic suffering, saw the plot twist a miles away, and peaced. but not before snagging a day pass so they could watch atsv in person
they never take off their mask, and no one knows their name—he says it’s because he doesn’t want to lose his identity in a sea of spider-people, leading most to theorize that san-fran-spidey is some flavor of peter parker, but who’s to say for sure? the doylist reason, which he is in fact aware of, is that i don’t know either lol
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marte-14 · 13 days
Made the last part of this comic!
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everwalldigan · 2 months
Under the red hood alternative story where Jason doesn’t go the drug lord “choose me or him” route and instead hatches a plan to make Bruce love him ‘again’ and get attached to him and then he lets himself get killed again cause CLEARLY Bruce didn’t mourn him enough the first time. It totally makes sense.
Jason, while hugging Bruce after the DNA test came back positive, grinning evilly behind his back: hahahahaha yeah this’ll fucking show him!
Except. He miscalculated. Severely. Suddenly the thought of dying is a terrifying one because his life has never been this peaceful. Bruce helped him finish his school education and convinced him to enrol into university, even helped him take over crime alley’s underground in the meantime.
Jason, while spending time with Bruce, not fighting and just existing peacefully in each other’s company, realising that he doesn’t really fancy dying anymore and his plan is effectively Ruined: fuck.
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weirdnotal · 2 months
So the headcannon that Wind can see ghosts right?
Headcannon, he can see Mipha revive Wild
Headcannon, he can see lil Time, who died, watch over Legend and Hyrule
(ie worry over when they look sad or curl up and sleep w/ them)
Headcannon, he can see Fierce Deity float around Time, Wars, and the others
(ie poking Wars in the ribs and muttering about his eating habits, trying to push Time back to his bedroll, attempting to tuck Wild in, fretting over whenever Twilight gets injured, sitting by a homesick Sky, curled up around Legde and Rulie w/ lil dead Time's ghost, making funny faces at Wind once discovering he can actually see him)
Headcannon that whenever it seems Four's eyes look purple-ish, he sees Shadow flicker over him with a very fond look in his eyes
Headcannon that Wind can see the first one flash to life above them full of fury when one gets badly injured or angry, he's the most corporal, so much so that Wind thought he was alive the first time, he particularly likes Sky
Headcannon that none of them know until Wind tells them or something happens
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ultimatedirk · 1 year
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fairy boy no more.
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knight-of-aether · 2 months
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"He sits there for another two hours, with Legend cradled tightly in his arms, the lantern glowing in his grasp, a small island of warmth and light in the cold darkness. With nothing but his memories, and the slow, quiet draw of Legend’s breath, to keep him company."
First time sharing my Linked Universe fanart here, after lurking in the fandom for years - I was emboldened to do so by @kikker-oma 's lovely Fan Joy July event. This illustration is for Clearing the Air, a story by Sinnatious which has embedded itself deep into my psyche and refuses to leave. It's genuinely great writing - go read it if you haven't and enjoy heavy angst, wilderness survival, and old men being absolutely, perfectly, 100% fine, thank you very much.
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nell0-0 · 7 months
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Based on a fic called A Wild Time at Calamity Ganon
This was a gift fic from @musical-chan about Mask ending up at the end of another hero's journey (Wild). Yeah, I'm still thinking about this fic aksgfshdn
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