#Masakado Yoshinori
shirtlessjohnnysidols · 9 months
Ae Group
Dai Hare no bokō no gakuen-sai ni kinkyū shutsuen‼
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de-fansubs · 9 months
Kyoto no Ohikkoshi (Drama Special) - Completed
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Streaming Link: Here
Softsubs: Drama-Otaku
Hardsubs: Download here
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ginpotts · 2 years
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Aぇ! Group 【SECRET GUEST LIVE】マイナビ TGC 2023 S/S
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mirairashi · 2 years
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tokyoshrine · 1 year
The Japan that no one knows. Death by a plot, a military commander who became a vengeful spirit at the age of 27.
Tokyo Shrine Nitta Shrine with photos of Japanese people 100 years ago.
A sanctuary of serenity. I was even more surprised by the eerie quietness of this shrine, as I had expected a shrine dedicated to a vengeful spirit, something like the Kanda Myojin shrine dedicated to Taira no Masakado.
It is assumed that the area around this shrine was riverside when Lord Nitta Yoshinori died. The Tama River moves like a snake, but I guess it has not meandered like a flowing mound since it enshrined Lord Yoshiyuki.
This place is a place of consolation. And in the Edo period (1603-1867), this is the place where Gennai Hiraga created a spectacular stage for his works that touched the tender heartstrings of the Japanese people.
It is a place where you can touch the heart of the Japanese people.
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mottoyomitai · 1 year
Translations Masterpost
Hi, and welcome to my long-form translation blog! Below you’ll find all the long-form translations I’ve done so far! 
Snow Man
Group - GINGER (July 2022) cover feature
Abe - AERA (18 July 2022) solo interview
Abe - Hanako (March 2022) solo interview
Abe - QUIZ Japan (vol. 13) solo interview
Abe - SODA (May 2022) solo interview
Sakuma - NYLON (August 2022) solo interview
Sakuma - Purizm (March 2022) solo interview
Taiga - AERA (1 August 2022) solo interview
Travis Japan (Noel essay column on GINGER)
24 May 2024
Travis Japan (Noemaru blog entries)
28 July 2021
14 February 2022
14 March 2022
14 April 2022
14 May 2022
14 June 2022
14 July 2022
14 August 2022
14 September 2022
14 January 2023
14 February 2023
14 March 2023
Travis Japan (other translations)
Group - TV Guide Alpha Episode BBB (22 April 2022)
Noel - Myojo 10k word interview (August 2023)
Noel - Shukan Asahi (11 March 2022) solo interview
Noel - SODA (May 2022) solo interview
Noel x Genta - Stage Navi (vol. 63) crosstalk
Johnnys’ Junior & other translations
Johnnys’ Quiz Club - TV Guide (12 March 2022)
Fukumoto Taisei - Shukan Asahi (12 April 2022) solo interview
Masakado Yoshinori x Oriyama Nao - Dance SQUARE (vol. 53) crosstalk
Motodaka Katsuki - Shukan Asahi (17 June 2022) solo interview
Motodaka Katsuki - SODA (May 2022) solo interview
Nasu Yuto - Shukan Asahi (3 June 2022) solo interview
Nasu Yuto - SODA (May 2022) solo interview
Ukisho Hidaka - Shukan Asahi (10 June 2022) solo interview
Yabana Rei - JWeb (18 May 2022)
Kimata Sushi (Elle Gourmet regular column)
June 2022 - Syoya x Shion
July 2022 - Syoya x Shion
August 2022 - Syoya x Mame
September 2022 - Syoya x Mame
October 2022 - Syoya x Ren
November 2022 - Syoya x Ren
December 2022 - Syoya x Takumi
January 2023 - Syoya x Takumi
February 2023 - Syoya x Keigo
March 2023 - Syoya x Keigo
April 2023 - Syoya x Shosei
JO1 Meets... (ar Magazine regular column)
December 2021 - Mame x Shirahama Alan
January 2022 - Syoya x Nishikawa Takanori
February 2022 - Ruki x HYDE
May 2022 - Sho x Yamazaki Masayoshi
June 2022 - Takumi x Chiba Yudai
July 2022 - Sukai x Takeru
August 2022 - Shosei x Kaji Yuuki
January 2023 - Shion x Ishihara Shinya (Saucy Dog)
Other translations
Group - Digital TV Guide (June 2022) feature
Group - ELLE Japan (January 2022) feature
Group - Nikkei Entertainment (March 2022) feature
Group - Tokyo Calendar (July 2022) crosstalk
Group - ViVi (July 2022) crosstalk
Shion x Syoya - CanCam (July 2022) crosstalk
Sho x Ren - Stage Navi (vol. 68) interview
Lyrics translation - Bokura no Kisetsu
Lyrics translation - Toberu Kara
YUGO (ORβIT) - The TV Web (23 March 2022)
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sutosid · 3 years
Yarougumi theme
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irias-mogu · 3 years
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yooiyasaa · 6 years
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Takizawa Kabuki ZERO Press Conference News (trans)
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noviceaoiryusei · 4 years
Pia Movie Special 2020 Winter Close Up Feature : Suezawa Seiya
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Entertainment interview
"I want myself to grow as Franz"
From Kansai Johnny's Jr. unit Ae! group, Suezawa Seiya challenged roudugeki (reading theater) in his first solo starring.
While spreading an active place, even he, himself is most likely to be one of the audiences.
Leader of the group cut the challenge to his first solo stage
Formed in February 2019 which already has their own solo tour is a 6-man popular unit of Kansai Johnny's Jr. called Ae! group; it's Ae! group's member Suezawa Seiya. The stage performance "Bokura no Ae! group tte imasunen" which had a stage debut in Tokyo.
First of all, he was starring in the stage alone. The stage to be commemorated is the leading theather entitled "Kiosk". At first, "I was surprised, I thought it's a prank" it's surprisingly what I said. I heard about the work on stage from the manager but from there, I haven't heard anymore after that. I had no choice but to wonder what is it about. I was surprised because it was a starring (role).
First, I talked with my parents then, I talked about work with (Hamanaka) Bunichi-kun. When I called him and reported it, he said "really? that's great! do your best!". When I told it with the members, they said "congratulations!". Masakado (Yoshinori) jokingly said "lead role?" I've heard about it. Since it's really a lead role he said, "isn't it the opposite?". (laughs) (Fukumoto) Taisei said "I felt like crying", because of you, I have a reason to cry. (laughs) Richa (Kusama Richard Keita) was also pleased after a long time. Me and everyone was in high spirits, I'm really happy.
In the reading theater stage format which became the foothold to a full-pledged stage, since I've been working on a number of straight plays and musicals.
In the current stage performance, I haven't talked with Ishimaru-san yet. I don't know what kind of type it is so, I haven't clearly understood it. I think roudugeki (reader's theater) is the first challenge, I thought that there are many things that I need to know after I started practicing. Even if it says roudugeki (reader's theater), it is how much you use it while using your body. It's anxious and also fun, that's what I think.
The original work is by Robert Seethaler, an Austrian writer. It's a youth novel that's adapted into a film in Germany, I saw it as a reading theater (roudugeki). Suezawa plays the role of Franz who became an apprentice in a koisk when he was 17, the setting is drawn back in Vienna at 1937. He grew up surrounded by nature and came to visit Vienna. His mother's old friend is the kiosk's shopkeeper, the psychoanalysis founder, Sigmund Freud. He (Franz) fell in love with a mysterious girl.
It is a work depicting the youth during the time of Hitler's administration so, there was some feelings that comes in the end. There are lots of things that resonates the feeling, including the growth of Franz that will surely make you cry. Franz went through a lot of encounters during the time of the turmoil, learn various things from other people and becoming an adult. Franz's mother felt his growth thru their exchange of letters. I thought it's a story that is easy to get in touch with the nature while reading (it). Reading the script, I honestly felt that roudugeki (reader's theater) will be a challenge that I need to express firmly in narrating it to the audience. Vienna isn't particularly known in the image of music, from now on, I would like to know everything.
(He is) Currently 25 years old. The previous stage experience and the group's oldest (member), it's like his taste is like the youngest. It seems that the fluctuation of the 17 year old youth is delicately expressed.
Even now, there are a few roles from the actual age. (In a performance) Starring Bunichi-kun, I played a role of a 10 year old (boy). I'll try to challenge (myself) and play much younger roles as possible, I thought I need to do it well. For Franz's character, I had an impression of a simple, pure young man who came from the countryside. If you think about your own character, you need to remember that it's necessary to play it a lot purely is what I've thought. (laughs) It's not that I'm not pure but, I want to remember the feeling when I was still young. I want to improve myself with Franz.
Starring from behind his seniors
Co-starring with seniors and juniors from Johnny's office, it's the first challenge to be in a stage play without his fellow. In that sense, is there a sense of pressure and nervousness?
That's right. Because until now there's Bunichi-kun and Yara (Tomoyuki)-kun....... Of course there is pressure but, I don't think to much of it. "It's okay if you do not have to be aware that you're starring", I have received these words from my co-actor Ichiro Maki-san. It's the lead role but, of course I want to have a feeling that I can share with everyone. Ichiro-san said "I thought that I'm (your) real mother" since I've also said it (to her), I hope that I can consult with her again. From the previous experience, I wonder if each person's position as the lead character is different. Yara-kun liven up everyone with a friendly atmosphere. Bunichi-kun is a shy person so, he isn't the type who's lively but he creates the mood of the place and someone who you can be relied on. What they have in common is that they don't make others feel uneasy, I want to emulate it. Anyway, both of us don't show everyone that a lot.
I have gained a career not only in musicals but also in straight play. It says that in which you feel the charm of the stage while gaining experience is when you can say "it's a living place".
It's fun because there's no exact same performance. In every curtain call you'll feel a sense of achievement when you hear the audiences clapping. You'll absolutely don't get tired performing for each and every person. I'm still lacking in my ability. Yara-kun and Bunichi-kun have trained me and I feel that I'm changing little by little. When I went out on an external stage, I was rather negative but, both of them changed me conciousness. After I've changed my way of thinking into positive, the stress got reduced and the way I went to practice had changed.
He talks about stress "I thought it's because I can't do things". Someone said "winning is better when you're having fun".
Of course there are lots of things we can't do yet but now, having fun is much better. It became decisive. Before the first day of "Skellig", Bunichi-kun left me a phrase "it's better to throw away (that) pride". He said with a serious face "because of that, this stage play will not succeed". I might probably ashamed of myself, I think I didn't tell everything. Even from the practice you can feel Bunichi-kun's compassion. In front of everyone, he let me do something that when I'll be able to pull it out, I'll be able to go out.
This time it's the reading theater, it's supposed to be a performance using a loud voice and shows the attractiveness of one's individuality at the end.
Because of a loud voice, I want to make a song with the high tone portion but I'm anxious whether this voice will be on the reading performances. (laughs) Should I drop the key (pitch) or is it good to change the setting into Franz's? I thought it'll be different in the way of how you'll express it such as irregularity and the way you'll say it. Also, everyone start after the beginning of the practice. Now it's exciting and feeling nervous, it evenly matches the (current) status in the case of musical, straight play and this time roudugeki (reading theather). I want to try different genres so this time, I want to learn a lot!
I'm touched everytime I watch my favorite musical movie
(We'll) Transfer to the topic of his favorite movie when the title "Les Miserables" (2012) was mentioned.
I really love it! I have watched it at the cinema. I even bought the DVD and watch it repeatedly and still get touched everytime (I watched it). Everyone in the cast is singing on the spot, isn't it great!? In that sense, I've watch the stage play and even the pictures emits impact, I feel overwhelmed. Hugh Jackman is also starring in "The Greatest Showman" (2017) wherein I'm also moved (in the performance) so, I think I like musicals. If there would be a chance, I want to try starring in a musical movie someday.
The leading work of Fujiwara Tatsuya is being pulled in Japanese Movies
A splendid actor can be everyone but I think it's great to be a completely different person for each work. I felt attracted that only Fujiwara-san has that kind of voice and acting. About Ninagawa Yukio-san's stage play, I read in an interview that you should learn how to speak even if your voice is muted. I still thought that it's a difficult experience. It's hard to choose what's my favorite among his works, I've read the original (work) so I couldn't forget Death Note (2006). About the image, I've read the manga and Fujiwara-san has a great impact.
As I have been active in stage plays, I'm still inexperienced when it comes to drama, movie and video but I'm interested so if I'll be offered a work I'll immediately reply "I'm eager to do it!". One of my big dreams was to work together with my admired senior, Kimura Takuya-san.
My mother has been a fan for a long time and so it became my admiration. I think I'll be greatfully devoted.
Next spring they'll broadcast "Kyojo" (CX/20) starring Kimura Takuya. Is there a jealousy with Naniwa Danshi's Nishihata Daigo......?
I immediately contacted Daigo! I said "congratulations" and he also talked about me. (laughs) Even though (he) saw Kimura-san during Johnny (Kitagawa)-san's farewell party, Daigo's sly. (laughs) He had also co-starred with his admired (senior), Ninomiya (Kazunari)-kun. I'm thinking that I'll do my best so that someday I can be his co-star. If I can be his co-star, any role would be fine! I'll be glad to be in the same work but if possible, it would be great if we'll be on the same scene together even just for a moment. He's so cool in "Grand Mason Tokyo" (TBS/2019).
For the group, I want to be active as an actor
From now on, my dream is to expand the role that I want to play.
I'm watching various works with roles that are crazy and psychopath. I want to do it for quite some time now, it looks difficult but it's interesting. It's a dark role because there isn't much dark role on myself so, I think I'm just attracted to such characters.
Nishihata Daigo is the first, from the same (group) Naniwa Danshi, Michieda Shunsuke and Nagao Kento had appeared in drama and movies. Also from Ae! group, Masakado had appeared in the drama "Koi no Yamai to Yarougumi" (BS Fuji terebi/2019) expanding the places were they're active, it seems to be a good motivation.
Takahashi Kyohei (Naniwa Danshi) had appeared in "24 Jikan Terebi" drama entitled "Kizuna no Pedal" (NTV/2019). He's good, I thought that "I won't loose". Ae! group still hasn't explored the field of drama and movies so, I want to continue further. Also, all active activities as an actor will be an opportunity (for people) to get interested in the group, I think it's important. (In) My group, Richard is strong when it comes to variety and also because every member is individualy strong. I want to increase the number of entrances for people to know about (our) group in different genres. That's for the group, I believe it will also be for our own.
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24-nishi-kanjasmine · 8 years
“This is a lullaby for you, good night~”
by Masakado Yoshinori (正門良規) on 2017.01.29
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shirtlessjohnnysidols · 5 months
Ae! Group
[Debut commemorative trip final edition] We are exposing everything about us now!
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de-fansubs · 9 months
Wadake no Otokotachi: Another Story (2021) - Completed
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Streaming Links:
EP01 EP02
Softsubs: ❌
Hardsubs: Ae LJ Community (moderated)
Project Team: @/aegroup_viva, @/tsunaideiku
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mirairashi · 2 years
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shirtlessjohnnysidols · 9 months
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Ae! Group
stage square vol.65
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shirtlessjohnnysidols · 10 months
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Suezawa Seiya & Masakado Yoshinori
anan no.2346
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