#Mary’s mom was gone from the minute she took that shower and we saw the goo.
dismas-n-dismay · 7 days
There’s something so poetic and heartbreaking about Mary not wanting to hurt her mother. It’s not out of pity or wanting to ease the strain of the divorce it’s just purely a daughter’s love for her mother who’s always been there. Her mother who has never tried to make Mary feel outcasted or othered or unloved.
Even when Mary KNOWS that something is wrong in her bones, she cannot force herself to do anything but trail after her mother and try and make her proud even if what she’s doing could get her hurt. She loves her mom. And it sucks that the last she saw of her was her mother trying to kill her.
Mary, you will always be famous, my little dart frog
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ninyard · 3 years
i want to know ANYTHING and EVERYTHING about the andrew meets neil as stefan au
(holy shit this was supposed to be a HC ramble/snippets from the fic but uhhh….here’s a mini fic instead????? The actual fic I wrote isn’t even set back in California it’s set in PSU??? This was supposed to be short backstory!!!!!! Anyways lmk if u want the foxes stuff lol Enjoy <3)
Neil had natural looking ashy blonde with green eyes at the time, no older than 14 years old, going by the name Stefan Montgomery. Him and Mary ended up in a motel in Oakland for a couple weeks, regaining their footing after a close-call somewhere in Oregon.
Mary had hit Neil a gnarly heavy-handed blow after he forgot which name he was using in Eugene. Was it Sam? Or Dylan? Or had it been Joseph? A nice inch wide cut sat where his perfect court tattoo would sit, just on the turn of his cheekbone below the corner of his eye, bordered by a healing purple-brown bruise. Stefan was born on the border between California and oregon, stolen from a waiter at a pit stop diner, who didn’t let their coffee cups go empty as they mapped out where to go next.
He had met Andrew by chance; Stefan had been sitting on the bottom of the metal stairs that led up to the floor they were staying at. Mary was having a shower, dying her hair, becoming Georgia, perfect mother, a beautiful, average woman. He was people watching, looking at the cars pulling in and out of the car park, making up his own stories about who was who, what their names were and if they were worth stealing when they inevitably moved on. Andrew hung around the motel because just behind the building was an old, decrepit playground that’s should’ve been foreclosed years ago. Nobody ever used it, so it was a quiet place for him to be alone. He’d been walking through the parking lot after having just grabbed a chocolate bar or two from the vending machine when he stopped in front of Neil.
“What happened to your face?” It was quiet, barely a sentence, not big enough of a question to be intrusive or over-stepping.
“I’m a boxer.” That was the lie he’d been using for a few days. “I had a fight a couple days ago.”
You see, Stefan was a name Neil didn’t want to remember, like a bitter memory he forced himself to forget. It was just before Mary’s paranoia began to spiral even worse that it had already been. Stefan was keep your head down, we won’t be here long, give it a week, give it a week. Stefan was sleepless nights, watching his mother sat upright almost all night, eyes on the door, a knife under her pillow. Stefan was you don’t need friends, they’ll drag you down.
Mary didn’t know until the end that they’d been friends, Neil teaching Andrew the little boxing he knew, Andrew teaching Stefan how to keep yourself busy when you needed something to do. There was something about Andrew that made it impossible for him to stay away; he wasn’t a particularly happy kid, but the way he spoke, the way he cared about the fake life Neil had made up, the way he saw Stefan’s life as something he could never have.
“Have you ever thought about kissing a boy your age?” They’d been in Oakland for three weeks, and the two kids had made plans to meet every time Mary was occupied and Andrew was around. Neil didn’t really think to wonder why Andrew was always around. Didn’t he have a family who would miss him being gone all this time? Didn’t he have a home to go to?
“No,” Neil answered honestly. There wasn’t time for thoughts like that. Kisses weren’t signs of affection; kisses were lies, kisses were dangerous, kisses occupied a space in the mind that could be filled with run, run, run.
“Do you think it’s wrong?” Andrew had been swinging on the swing set, his feet dangling from the chipped plastic seat, the creaky chains holding him up. The question was loaded. Behind it was a conversation he’d had with his foster-mom, a slur from his foster-siblings, another hit from his foster-father.
“No,” that was an honest answer too. In his head his answer sounded like I’ve been told all kissing was wrong. But he couldn’t say that. Normal teenagers thought about kissing, and boyfriends, and girlfriends, and worried about how they looked in front of their crush. “Do you?”
“I don’t know.” His words were a sigh. Andrew trusted Stefan in this weird, out of character way. He’d never met anyone who’d been more interested to hear about his life than talk about their own. Of course, half of it was a half-truth, lies weaved into the story of Andrew.
Andrew was the first person who made Neil smile in a very long time. It was foreign hearing himself laugh, a sound reserved for fake interactions with strangers who couldn’t help but prying. Neil trusted him. His honest eyes often burning a hole in his face, on the days when Neil couldn’t bare eye contact. Andrew was a rock that Neil could feel himself becoming more and more attached to, more and more…attracted to? He didn’t know what that feeling felt like, but when he caught himself thinking about what a long hug from him would feel like, or a kiss on the forehead, the cheeks, the nose, the….
It was an impossible thought that Neil kept buried. Until Andrew had a bad day. Until Neil met him in the playground and he was sat underneath the slide, face buried in his knees that were pulled to his chest. Black hood pulled so far forward it almost covered the wet cheeks and puffy eyes he tried to hide. Stefan sat just across from him, the tips of their shoes not quite touching, but Neil rested his open palms on his shoes for Andrew to hold if he needed. He didn’t ask what was wrong.
“You’re my friend?” Andrew asked, half statement, half question. There was no hesitation in Neil’s “Of course.”
Andrew gently weeped, babbling on about wishing he could feel normal, or have a normal family. He wished he could understand himself. He wished he didn’t have to hurt so much. He’d looked up at Neil with his red eyes and wiped the tears from his face with the cuff of his sleeve. “Can I trust you?”
The statement hurt Neil far more than he thought it would. He hated that words spilled out of his mouth, his eyes stinging at the thought of saying what he really wanted to say. His mouth said “You can tell me anything,” when his brain said “I think Stefan dies in a week”.
Andrew told him about how he thought he was gay, and how embarrassed, alone, and ugly he felt to think that way. He didn’t know what normal feelings felt like. He didn’t know what it felt like to kiss someone he actually wanted to kiss. The statement hung in the air like a floating question. Did he…? Andrew had brushed away the thought almost as quickly as Neil did, but not without both their cheeks flushing pink at the unspoken idea. Neil watched as Andrew messed with the strings on his hoodie. Andrew cheered up after a little while, but when Neil realised how long he’d been gone for, he panicked. Instinctively, he pulled Andrew into a hug before running back to the motel room.
Stefan was bad memories, he’d always had to remind himself. Stefan was a mistake, a fuck-up, a vulnerability he would never, ever show again. Stefan was a slap across the face when he came back late. “Where the hell have you been?” Followed by a lie, then another, then another. Neil had only lied to his mother a handful of times in his life, but when it came to Andrew they seemed to slip out of his mouth at an alarming rate. The next time he seen Andrew, his swollen, burst lip barely hidden, Andrew had brushed his fingers across it and sarcastically asked if it was the product of another boxing match. Neil shushed him when he asked if his mother had done it. That was too personal. He was letting Andrew in too far and he was rotting Neil from the inside out. His hardened exterior fell away when he was around Andrew, and boy, was that dangerous. It shattered into a million pieces when they sat at at the top of the jungle-gym and Andrew asked so gently if he could kiss him.
No, no, no. The ghost of his mother’s hands in his hair told him to walk away. The phantom pain of a slap, and a hit, and a deafening lecture about his safety told him to stop letting Andrew in. He knew it was dangerous. He knew it, he knew it, he knew it. So why did his lips automatically curl around the word yes and his heart start pumping a hundred miles a minute? They looked each other in the eyes for a few seconds, minutes, hours, days, until they were both so close they couldn’t see each other anymore. It was only a peck, a playground kiss, but Neil’s stomach flipped. Andrew pulled away as quickly as he’d leaned in. He didn’t look at Neil for the rest of the hour they spent together, but Neil didn’t look at him. That wasn’t to say they each didn’t have to constantly fight a love-struck smile off their faces every few minutes.
Their meetings started to get less frequent after that. Andrew stopped showing up, but instead left little notes carved into the yellow plastic of the slide. ‘R u grossed out? -A’ was the first one he left after their moment’s kiss. All Neil wrote back was ‘Never’. The next time they seen each other in person they sat hidden again in the top of the jungle gym. Neil knew Mary was planning on them moving on in the following days. He couldn’t tell Andrew. Even the thought of it broke his heart. Regardless of the kiss, or kisses, they shared, Andrew had become the closest friend Neil had ever had. Neil had to remind himself more than once that everything Andrew thought he knew about Stefan was a fabrication. They spoke about sexuality again, hands brushing off each other, sometimes intertwined, sometimes resting on the others leg or arm. Andrew asked if Neil was gay, and his face fell when Neil said no, I don’t think so. It took him a moment to add on “I don’t know what I am”. They left kisses on each other’s lips that lingered for hours, for days. The more Neil let Andrew in, the harder it was for him to keep lying to his mother. She began to get suspicious of where he was going when she left him alone.
Even still, Neil didn’t hear when Mary came into the playground the last time he seen Andrew. Andrew had his head rested on his shoulder, their hands intertwined and hidden between their outstretched legs. They’d been talking about something and nothing at the same time. Neil’s stomached bottomed out when he saw her brunette hair and tiny figure step around the rusted green fence. He let go of Andrew’s hand as quickly and as subtly as he could, but he knew it was no use. He didn’t know how long she’d been standing there. Andrew looked into Stefan’s green eyes as Neil stood up, searching, scared. Neil sent him a weak smile. This was the last time he would ever look into those hazel eyes, his light eyebrows furrowed as he watched Neil begin to walk away. Neil had nodded his way, and whispered a frightened ‘See you around’ before he walked over to join Mary. She grabbed his arm and pulled him towards their motel room, already mentally packing their bags. Not before she beat him harder than she ever had before. Neil expected it. But every blow reminded him of Andrew until Andrew was no longer gentle touches and honesty and kisses. Andrew was a kick to the back of the knees as he walked through the motel room door. Andrew was a slap, and another, and another. He was a screaming, crying, angry mother, shoving whatever belongings they owned into their single duffel bag. Andrew was leaving their key at reception at midnight and starting their journey to another town. Andrew wasn’t worth it. Andrew was the swollen ankle he walked on for miles. Andrew was Mary pulling roughly at his blonde hair to dye it black in some random gas station that night. He wasn’t worth it. He wasn’t worth it. He wasn’t worth it. Neil left Stefan with Andrew in Oakland. He tried to leave the memories there too. Oh, how badly he tried.
The worst part was, Andrew didn’t know that was the last time he would ever see Stefan again. He waited every day for him to come back. Every day came and went and every day he never showed up. Neil didn’t know about that part, you see. Neil thought Andrew would forget about Stefan like a childhood crush, thrown away, moved on to the next cute boy who listened to him talk. They shared a thought, though, drilling the regret and shame into their minds. He wasn’t worth it. He wasn’t worth it.
(Part 2)
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adezahnae · 3 years
Family Affair (Part 3)
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A/N: Here is Part 3 of Family Affair💕 enjoy!!
Warnings: None, angst, secrets, drugging, photography without content, etc...
Tagged People: @ahgasearmyfan @whoreforshuaaa @wooya1224
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A week later...
Your POV
“Happy birthday to you!! Happy birthday to you!! Happy birthday dear Y/n!! Happy birthday to you!!” My family cheered. I blew out the candles and everyone clapped and cheered. “Happy 18th birthday my baby!!” My mom said. “Thank you everyone!!” I said. The party then began. After the engagement party, it was my birthday but instead there was a lot going on with the wedding so we are celebrating today! Everyone was talking, eating cake and having a good time. It’s my birthday! After we left the engagement party, we came back home and all fell asleep. This morning I was surprised with everyone bursting into my room with balloons and hats. I got dressed and here we are. I walked around looking at everybody.
I felt someone pulled me aside in the halls, away from everyone. I looked up to see that it was Baekhyun. I smiled. He looked well dressed. My family was complementing my outfit. I wore dark blue Jean shorts with a white shirt that said “Miss 18”. My mom had on the same shorts and her shirt said Miss 18’s Mom.”, Mr. Byun had “Miss 18’s s Dad.” With Dark blue head and Baek had “Miss 18’s Brother.” with the same thing. “You look good.” I said. He smirked and grabbed on my butt making me giggle. “So do you my birthday Princess...” He replied. I kissed him on his lips he kissed me all over my face.
I giggled and pushed him away. “I wanna give you your birthday gift before everyone else.” He pulled out a pink and white box. I unwrapped the bow and open the box. I gasped as I seen the gold necklace that had a ‘B’ on it. He grabbed it and put the box down. “Turn around for me..” he said. I pulled my hair to the side and he clipped it around my neck. I turned back around and smiled. “How does it look?” I asked. “Beautiful..” He said.
“What does the B stand for?” I asked. He hummed while he fixed. “It stands for my name, Baekhyun. But it can stand for Baby, Babygirl, or Byun.” He said. “Aww Babe..thank you. I love you.” I said giving him a kiss. We heard a camera click and we pulled away. “What was that?” I asked. “Nothing, they’re taking pictures of the decor. It’s alright..” He said. I nodded and hugged him.
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Mary’s POV
I followed Y/n around the house secretly, trying to get the right moment for when she slips up with Baekhyun. I saw him pull her in the hall and I heard giggling from them. He placed a necklace on her neck as they talked she leaned up and kissed him on his lips, I took out my phone and snapped pictures. I then see Baekhyun look at me with a glint in his eyes as he kissed her. They pulled away and I gasped and walked away.
There is something going on with him..I don’t know what but I don’t think I like it. I don’t care, I finally got them. The joke’s on them. “Hey Mary!” I heard Carrie say. “Hey Carr! How’s it going?” I asked. God did she look beautiful.. “Everything is fine, I’m just trying to find my son and my daughter. Have you seen them?” She asked. Yes..sucking each other’s faces off.
“Umm no. It’s weird that they are always never around at the same time..” I said. “Yeah..I wish she was around so she can open presents.” Carrie said. “Okay then. I’ll see you around.” I said. She placed her hand on my shoulder. “Thank you for coming! I enjoyed you.” She smiled. I almost grabbed her and kissed her right there. “Of course.” I smiled. She walked away and I watched her ass as she walked away. “You will be mine..Carrie.” I mumbled walking away.
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Your POV
It was now 10pm now and everyone went home. Mr. Byun and my mom was cleaning up the party and I was in my room getting ready for bed. I walked out of the shower and wrapped my robe around my body. I held onto my necklace and smiled. “You love it?” I heard Baekhyun ask. “Yes..I do.” I said. He came behind me and kissed me on my neck. I hummed and leaned back on him. “I have to tell you something..” He said. “What is it?” I asked.
“I’m leaving soon.” He sighed. I turned around. “W-What?! No!” I exclaimed. He laughed. “Baby..I’m 20. I can’t just live in my dad you’re mom’s house forever.” I shook my head and pushed him away. “Fine then. Go!” I said. “Don’t act like that..” He said trying to hug me. I pushed him away. “No! You know how I feel with being alone! You told me that you would never leave!” I yelled.
He breathed out. “Don’t make this hard for me, Y/n.” He said. “Is there another girl?! Because I don’t need any damn surprises!” I yelled. “If there was would I even touch you or give you that necklace?!” He snapped. I closed my mouth and looked away from him, fighting back tears. “Look Y/n...I’m sorry...” He whispered. He kissed me on the lips and I pushed him back and slapped him.
“Get the hell out of here..I don’t want to speak with ever again.” I said taking off the necklace and throwing at him. He sighed and picked up the necklace. I turned away from him and began to brush my hair. “Okay...I wanted to let you know that I was leaving after the wedding. I was gonna ask you if you wanted to come with me. You have a week to decide and to let me know.” He said. I could hear his broken heart through his words. He turned around and left my bedroom and closed the door. I dropped on the floor and I cried. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.
Why did I snap like that? It’s just I love him so much and I can’t let him go. Not just yet. I don’t know what I’m gonna do. I began to cry harder and then I felt the urge to throw up. I gasped and rushed to the toilet throwing up. I coughed and flushed the toilet. As I was catching my breath, I caught sight of my phone glowing.
I looked at the date to see that it was the 14th. But then as I thought it through..I was supposed to have my period two days ago. “No..No no no no..” I mumbled. I went to my cabinet under my sink and scrabbled through my things, pulling out that pregnancy test my friend got me. I breathed out and took the test out. “Okay...” I whispered.
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Carrie’s POV
As I was on the couch, watching TV with my fiancé, I got a text from Mary.
Mary: Carrie, this an emergency!! Something has gone wrong, and I need you to come over. See ya!!
“Baby, I have to go. Mary needs me for something.” I said getting up. “Just go tomorrow..stay with me..” He complained. “I have to go. I’ll be back in 30 minutes.” I said. “Okay. I love you.” He said kissing me on the lips. I smiled. “I love you too.” I got up and grabbed my purse and keys. I walked out the door and headed to Mary’s house.
After I made it there, I knocked on the door and she answered in just a robe. She smiled. “Sorry that I’m calling you this late. And I’m a little bit underdressed..” she said. I laughed. “No! It’s totally cool, Bestie.” I smiled. “Bestie?” She questioned. “I don’t know, my daughter says it when she talks to her friends.” I said. “Well come on in, Bestie.” Mary laughed. I did so and walked to her living room. We sat on the couch and she pulled out her planner. We began to talk about the setting and the dress and the decor. “Oh here is some wine. Just make yourself comfortable.” She said. I took it and smiled. “Well thank you.” I said sipping it.
She smiled and drunk some too from her glass. As we were talking, I began to feel dizzy. “H-Hey Mary? I feel weird.” I mumbled sitting down my glass. “Oh my god, is it something in the wine?” She asked. “I don’t know..I just feel...drowsy. I’m gonna go home. We can continue in the morning..” I said trying to get my purse. “Oh no! You have rest, like now. Just lay back and relax...” She said while putting my things down on the floor and pushing me back.
“Mary...I have to..my husband..” I mumbled as I was going in and out. “Shhhh Carrie...and let me do all of the work..” she said getting on top of me. “W-What? Mary... I have to..mm..” She undid my shorts and placed her hand down my underwear. “Mary...stop..” I said. “Shh...I’ll take good good care of you..” she mumbled while kissing my neck and chin. She undid her robe, revealing red lingerie. By this time..I was gone into a deep sleep...
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I woke up in my car, at home. I gasped and looked around. Was I dreaming? I looked up in the mirror and seen a red marking on my neck. I look to see three more there and six down my legs. I gasped and got out my car, rushing in my house. No...I slept with Mary..No no no..DAMN IT!! I looked at the clock to see that it was 2:30 in the morning. I quietly closed the door and tip toed up stairs to my bedroom.
When I reached it, the lamp came on. “Baby..what are you doing up?” I asked. “Where the hell were you?” He asked. “I was with Mary. Why?” I asked. “Are those ducking hickies?!” He exclaimed. I widened my eyes. “James, before you get upset-“ “SO YOU’RE CHEATING ON ME?!” He exclaimed. He began to yell, throwing things. “AFTER ALL OF THE THINGS I DID FOR YOU!!” “JAMES PLEASE!! CALM DOWN!!” I cried.
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Your POV
I jumped as I heard yelling and crashing coming from my parents room. They were having another argument. I silently cried as I listened. I got out of bed and walked down the hall. I couldn’t sleep with all of the noise. As bad I didn’t want to speak with him, he was my safe place and I needed him to hold me. I knocked on his door softly and he answered. I looked up at him with tears in my eyes. He pulled me into a hug and pulled me into his room.
I got in bed with him and he threw the blankets over our bodies. He pulled me towards his chest and kissed the crown of my head. “I’m sorry...” I whispered in broken words. “Shh..just go to sleep. I know.” He said. “No Baek..I’m sorry.” I said putting emphasis on it. I took his hand and placed it on my stomach. I turned an looked into his eyes. He instantly knew by eyes. He pulled me into a kiss and hugged me. “It’s okay.. I got you. I got us..” He mumbled.
I cried into his chest. “How am I gonna tell them I’m pregnant?” I cried. “You don’t have to. You’re coming with me. End of discussion..” He said looking into my eyes. “Baekhyun..” “I‘ll protect you. I promise you that.” He said. From the look in his eyes, I knew he meant it. “What about financial wise? What will we do?” I asked. He only chuckled. “Baby..do you know who my family is? Also knowing that after the marriage, my dad is giving his company to me? We’ll be fine..” He said. I nodded, trusting him. At the moment..he’s all I got. He’s we got...
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jasmine-the-fox · 4 years
From a little prank to true love
OK so... I was reading this MLB prank story from @thyladyanput and I really loved how Felix was doing a prank but ends up falling for Mari who felt the same way... So I thought about a story a little like it... But as a TMNT crossover!
Felix hated his cousin Adrien, he’s perfect they say! He’s so kind they exclaim! He can’t do no wrong they believe! But he knew it wasn’t true! He knew that his cousin Adrien Agreste is a blind idiot. Soulmate of Ladybug Bah! That was a load of BS and he knew it!
But how to prove it? They were having lunch together, his mother had sent him to Paris to try and “fix” the bond between him, Adrien and his uncle Gabriel after that little incident he pulled the last time he visited, as they ate his uncle’s assistant came in to speak with Adrien about a girl being at the door so Felix decided to follow and watch from afar... Knowing it was going to be a fan who will try to dress up and impress Adrien.
Only it wasn’t, instead it was a girl with long brown hair tied in a braid over her shoulder, purple rimmed glasses that perfectly framed her dark brown eyes wearing a casual outfit “Thanks again for letting me borrow your notes! It really saved me for the missing work I have to do!” she claimed making him raise a brow as Adrien smiled “No problem Jasmine! That’s what friends are for right?” he said and Felix did not miss how broken she looked for a second at his words... Which gave him a plan.
“Right... Friends... Well I should be going now!” she said and with that left the mansion to head home he believe, it was then that he got an idea... He did look like his cousin... So why not be him for a little while? But he had to do a few things first.
Getting a stain on his clothes was easy, he just went up the stairs to take a shower (it ended up on him too) grab Adrien’s clothes, do his hair like his cousin and leave without being seen... Simple enough, now he had to find Jasmine, he did notice a few girls giggling towards him... Well towards Adrien really as he then kept going to look for Jasmine as he wondered where she was, but to his luck he found her walking down the street towards him, she was focused on her phone texting someone so he stopped and waited for her to bump into him.
The reaction was just as he thought, she quickly yelped in surprised as she noticed him as Adrien “I’m so sorry! I was so deep into a conversation with one of my brother’s that I wasn’t looking!” she claimed making him smile softly “It’s fine Jasmine” he said as he then combed his fingers through his hair “Hey listen, I got out of the mansion because so much is happening so I thought maybe... We could go eat something together?” he asked and mentally smiled when she blushed at him “S-sure! That sounds great!” she exclaimed making him smile as they got going.
They went to a simple café, he suggested it because he doesn’t eat sweets all that often because of the calories and he really wanted something right now so she agreed to it, they sat down and ordered before talking “I never really got to know you... Always hanging out with Nino or doing some photo shoots... Or your being dragged around by Chloe, Lila or someone else from the class” she explained as Felix felt anger rise in him at what she was saying... All this time his cousin never tried to hang out with her!? He wasn’t going to make him just regret not seeing this... But make him pay.
Even so... He didn’t know much about his cousin... So he could tell her about himself right? So he told her about himself, what he wanted to do in life (he thought to also say as Adrien that he wanted to quit modeling when he had the chance) once he has his own place he wanted specific pets, his favorite thing to do (when he’s not “modeling”) favorite color pretty much everything about himself while claiming it as Adrien... And she smiled! Asked him further questions but he of course asked back to her.
After they ate, he and Jasmine went on a walk together, just looking around and having fun as slowly Felix knew that he would need to end all of this as he brought her home “You know, I really had fun today” she said with a smile “But all in all... I never got your name “fake Adrien” so who are you?” she asked and he went pale “When did you-” “Figure it out?” she finished with a giggle “Remember when you were talking about pets? One of them was a bird... Adrien has a feather allergy” she explained and her facepalmed at his mistake.
“Felix” he said making her look at him “My name is Felix Graham de Vanily” he said making her smile “Felix... Nice to meet you then Felix, i’m Jasmine Hamato” she responded and he smiled “I actually wanted... To say thank you... For opening my eyes” she said making him look at her confused “I had a crush on Adrien, always wanted to tell him how I felt and... I wanted to tell him today when I was returning the notes I borrowed from him” she explained as he remembered that moment “But when he called me a friend... My heart broke and I just gave up... But then you came and today by just getting to know you... I fell in love all over again” she said as he blushed.
“Stupid hairstyle!” he grumbled as he then fixed his hair the way he always did making her giggle “Now that’s how you look” she said with a soft smile making him blush yet again “Anyways... I wanted to thank you... I had so much fun for my last day in Paris” she said and that made him froze “What?” he asked making her softly smile towards him “A girl in my class, Lila Rossi she claimed something about me that the school decided to expel me... I warned them they would regret it... But they regretted having me here so i’m heading home to New York and telling my school how François Dupont is a terrible school that believes a liar for anything that happens” she said making his eyes widen in shock to her words.
He couldn’t believe it, some liar got her expelled “My school will take care of it... More than likely they’ll report the school here as dangerous or something like that” she explained making him nod “Come in... I want to give you something to remember me by” she said making him nod and follow her inside, he followed her to the couch where he sat down as she walked to her room to get something which made him wonder what it could be, he looked around and saw very little inside which told him she was leaving the next day “It’s not much, but I hope you like it” she said making him look up to find a fabulous and incredible japanese writing kit.
“You said how much you love reading, and you wrote your own poems so I thought you might like this” she said as he stood and took it in hand, he smiled at it and her “Thank you... I’ll take good care of this gift” he promised making her smile and nod “I know you will” she replied, they spoke a little longer and he even helped her pack a bit before he left her place with the kit... Adrien ran over to him shock and a little upset with him being dressed like him again but Felix promised he did no prank and his clothes was a quick reach for him so everything was fine.
The next day he felt sad, Jasmine was gone, he was barely listening to Adrien talking about how amazing Ladybug is and about how his father was allowing him to hang with his friends “You can come too Felix! My friends will love meeting you!” he said but Felix wasn’t listening... He also knew he would be forced to go with him but he wasn’t going to stay, the moment he had an opening he was leaving them and doing his own thing.
The car left with Nathalie making them know how long they would stay before she comes back for them, the second Adrien wasn’t looking he left to get back to Jasmine’s place, he had to see it one last time before he does anything, when he saw it his heart broke at the sight of the for sale sign... But was confused at the letter in the mailbox, he walked over and was surprised when he saw his name on it.
Of course he opened it and he was surprised to find it was from Jasmine, she was telling him her number and how she was more than happy to show him around New York when he comes to visit, and she promised him the time of his life making him smile, she then wrote about how she already felt empty without him by her side as she wrote the letter... And how she was Ladybug, this surprised him as she explained how she wouldn’t be coming back to Paris to help “Cat Noir doesn’t even care about helping... Only trying to push me to date him” she wrote which made sense... Everyone in Paris wanted them to be dating so why should she stay?
Even so... She wrote how much he would miss her but wrote all of her contacts so if he wanted to talk to her he could, he smiled and put away the letter with a smile as he walked around Paris while thinking about her... He knew Paris didn’t care about her so why should he care about Paris? When he goes back to London, he was going to message her, see if she could come over to meet his mother and also buy her something to return the favor with the kit she gave him... He would also tell her how he felt about her and ask her if she would be his girlfriend.
After a while, he headed back, he knew Adrien might not notice how he left but he still didn’t want something bad to happen, he arrived just two minutes before the car arrived so he got inside and waited ten minutes before Adrien got inside “Ten minutes late Adrien... Your father won’t be pleased” Nathalie said making Adrien look down in shame as the car began to move, Felix didn’t talk to his cousin until he had to leave for London, it was then he spoke to him and his uncle and then left with his mother “I met someone... She was sadly wrongly expelled and left for her home” he said making his mother turn to him in surprise.
“Tell me about her” she said and he did, her name, where she left for, who wrongly accused her and how she was expelled for it “She said her school would make sure they were hated for it” he said making his mom nod “They deserve it, accusing someone of something that isn’t true and they had no proof about it being true is wrong... They need to be punished for it” she said making him nod as she then made him look at her “Try and invite her over... I want to meet her” she said making him smile and nod “That’s the plan... I also want to give her something in return for giving me this Japanese writing kit... And ask her to be my girlfriend” he said making her smile of joy at his words.
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Getting away with it (5/?)
Summary: August Walker was dead. At least that’s what people believed for almost 2 years. When the CIA found reason to believe that he was alive they made it their top priority to find him. Including sending one of their best female agents to recruit his twin brother. Walter Marshall.
Pairing: August Walker x Reader (Walker) + Walter Marshall x Reader (Walker)
Warnings: gun violence
Wordcount: 2.390
A/N: Are you guys ready for some plot? Cause there’s a lot of it in this
Part 1 >> Part 2 >> Part 3 >> Part 4
@ladyreapermc / @theolsdalova / @greenmanalishi / @itsmydreamlifethings / @palaiasaurus64 / @celestial-vomit / @penwieldingdreamer / @notyourtypicalrose / @babypink224221 / @fanficsrusz / @solariumss / @starlite13 / @ly--canthrope / @mytbel0st / @oddsnendsfanfics / @ravenpuff02 / @sofiebstar / @chamomilebottom / @keiva1000 / @agniavateira / @peaceinourtime82​ / @dearlybelovedluke / @vania-marie / @fcgrizi / @mary-ann84 / @ayamenimthiriel / @radaofrivia / @ohjules / @omgkatinka / @xceafh​ / @diehadess​ / @watermeloncavill / @modernscarlett / @p3nny4urth0ught5 / @yespolkadotkitty / @desperate-and-broken / @blahdragonageblah / @alexakeyloveloki / @siriussnape07
@its-jb86 / @singeramg  / @mis-lil-red / @wildwavehc / @tumblnewby (I can’t tag you guys. Sorry)
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Walker woke up with a serious headache the next morning. Groaning she opened her eyes, looking out of the window of her bedroom. Sighing she pushed herself up, finding a bottle of water and some advil on her bedside table. Frowning she looked around. The left side of her bed was untouched, like it had always been in the last years.
The last thing she could remember was Marshall telling her about his daughter Faye. But after that… 
Taking the advil, drowning it with the glass of water she slowly climbed out of bed, hoping that a shower would help her over her hungover.
She was about to head out to pick up Evie when her phone rang, showing Agent’s Millers caller ID.
“It’s sunday.” She took the call, hearing the man sigh on the other end of the line.
“I know. And I don’t want to keep you. Walter Marshall contacted me, he wants to meet tomorrow.” He said.
“I know.” She opened the door of her car and got in.
“How come?”
“Not that it is really any of your business but he told me yesterday that he was considering helping.”
“You’re in contact with him?”
“He’s technically my brother in law.” She flinched saying these words. She didn’t see him like that. At all. Maybe he could become a close friend. But saying that he was her brother in law meant acknowledging that they indeed was a blood relative of August. And even if they looked alike, she couldn’t think of two people who would be more different from each other than August and Marshall.
“Right. Okay. I will need you at 8 am sharp at the Headquarter for the briefing.”
“Why me?” She frowned.
“You will find that out tomorrow.”
“Very cryptic Robert.” She rolled her eyes, making the man chuckle.
“You know me. How’s Evie?” He asked.
“Picking her up from my Mom’s right now.”
“That’s nice. Okay I won’t keep you any longer. See you tomorrow.”
“Yeah. Bye.”
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A cabin, somewhere deep in the woods, unknown location, the next day
It wasn’t much but it would be home for the next couple weeks. August had running water, electricity and WiFi. He could survive until the end of his days here. But that wasn’t his intention. August wanted to walk the streets, being praised as the saviour of humanity. People would understand why he did, what he was intending to do. The world couldn’t continue like that. The climate, the people. His contribution would save humanity. He just needed to wait for the rest of the world to see it.
Sitting at the kitchen table August logged into the darknet, intending to check the progress of the bio weapon deal he had arranged for the end of next month, when he looked at the date. How could he forget? 5 years ago, almost to the hour, had been one of the happiest days of his life. His old life. Because that day had also been the first day he began to think that maybe he had to take things into in his own hands, if he wanted to have a future worth living.
5 years ago, Central Park, New York City
“I can’t believe we are doing this.” She giggled, holding on to August was they walked towards their final destination. She was wearing a knee length tulle dress. The skirt a light gray, the top in black, a dark gray silk belt around her waist. He hair lay in long dark waves over her shoulder, the red long gone he had loved so much. Her bright red lips smiled up at him. August Walker had finally found the only woman he could imagine spending the rest of his life with. The love he was feeling for her, how she made him feel with only a curve of her lips upwards as she looked at him… It took his breath every time.
So yesterday, when he woke up before her, with her in his arms he decided he didn’t want to wait any longer. While she was sleeping he had arranged for them to get married on the next day. He had asked her almost 2 months ago, none of them feeling the urge to hurry getting married. Until August woke up that day.
“Better believe it. After today, you’re mine and mine alone.” He smiled down. He had decided for dark dress pants, a gray dress shirt that seemed to match the tone of her silk belt. August never had spared a second thought about a traditional wedding. Or a wedding at all. That they would be getting married on the Bow Bridge in central park, just the two of them seemed to be the perfect continuation of their relationship.
“I’ve been yours for a while now, August.” She grinned, her hand squeezing his as they walked towards the bridge where he could see a minister waiting for them.
“We don’t even have rings.” She shook her head.
“We do.” He smiled.
“We do?” She asked in surprise.
“I’ve had them for a month now.” He grinned making her giggle.
“Sometimes I can’t believe you August Walker.”
“Better do, because in about half an hour, you’ll be the Misses Walker. You’ll be stuck with me forever.” He kissed her temple.
 They celebrated by having her favorite ice cream as they slowly walked back to the apartment they were staying in. Another mission would take them to Argentina the next day and after that they would be moving to Langley to work at the CIA headquarters.
The feeling that spread in August’s chest as the minister pronounced them married made him feel as if he could do anything, followed by the overwhelming urge to protect her. To keep her safe. Up until now he had never even thought about the possibility of losing her.
“August…” She smiled up.
“Mrs. Walker.” He grinned.
“I’m not getting rid of that anytime soon, hm?” She giggled, licking on her ice cream. He shook his head.
“I know we said no presents, but I t’m very anxious in telling you about this because we have never ever talked about it…” He saw her nervously biting on her bottom lip, making him frown. He stopped walking, standing in front of her, tilting her chin up so she looked at him.
“You are my wife. There’s nothing you could tell me that we can’t figure out together.” He smiled encouragingly. She closed her eyes and breathed in deep, opening her eyes as she breathed out.
“August, I’m pregnant.”
It was like all the noise around them died down in the moment the words left her lips. Something in the back of August head registered her words, but the other part, the part that always was there, the Agent part of him seemed to take over before he knew that he had put his arms around Walker, shielding her from the bullet that had hit her head if he hadn’t turned her away. He barely registered the pain in his left shoulder as he pushed her to lay beneath him, her eyes big, her hands on his chest.
“August…” She whispered, looking up at him. “Your phone, where is it?” She asked. His eyes wandered down, making her reach into his pants to pull out the phone. Slowly he looked up seeing 5 armed men randomly shooting people all around them. Walker would have sent the distress call by now, but he still had to get her out of here. Her and his child.
“You’re bleeding.” She whispered.
“I know.” He pressed out, his mind going a hundred miles per minute. There was a fountain next to them. 
“I want you to crawl to the fountain and get in it. I’m going to take care of his. I need you to be safe.” August said, leaving no room for argument.
“You have no weapons.” She reminded him.
“I don’t need them. I need you and our child to be safe.” He urged, making her swallow before a little smile sneaked through her face. Carefully cupping his cheek she nodded.
“Please be safe. I… We need you.” She took one of his hand, pressing it to her belly. Leaning down he kissed her longingly.
“Go.” He whispered, before he pushed himself off the ground and did what he told her, took care of it.
The wound in his right shoulder seemed to twitch as he thought back. The bullet had to be removed in surgery back then. On his wedding day. Walker’s dress had been drenched with his blood. But all he thought of was that he had been scared. Scared to bring a child in a world like this. How would he be able to protect the woman he loved and the child that he wanted to grow up in peace? The world around him was dying. And the people living in it seemed to fuel it. 
An incoming message stopped him in his thoughts. 
A.Nonymus: Meeting confirmed. Coordinates will be send 3 days prior, transport will be arranged
Smiling August closed his laptop. If everything would go right, he would be reunited with his family in less than two months.
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Langley, Virginia, the same day
“Grandma’s gonna pick you up after kindergarten. Mommy has to work late today.” Walker said, packing the breakfast for her daughter.
“Okay.” Evie said, eating her cereal.
“Finish eating, I’m just gonna grab something upstairs.” Walker smiled. Evie nodded, grinning at her, making Walker chuckle. 
Upstairs Walker grabbed her badge and her laptop in her office, picking up some files when her eyes lingered on today’s date. In another life she would have woken up her husband with breakfast in bed. Taken the day off to spend it with him. She felt an overwhelming feeling of nostalgia inside of her. Closing her eyes she breathed in deep, once, twice. She didn’t even know she had moved until she was sitting with a box in her lap in her office chair. The box she had put in everything that reminded her of him. Even if he had hurt her in all ways possible. He was a big love in her life. Maybe the biggest love of her life.  He gave her Evie. She hated him, yes. But deep inside she knew there would always be a part of her that would love him. Swallowing she opened the box, smiling a little when she saw one of the few pictures they had taken on their wedding day. They had been so happy. What had started as the happiest day of her life turned into the worst. Thinking back that probably was the day he began to change. The look in his eyes as she told him she was pregnant. She had never seen him so happy. She had been a mess since she had found out two days prior. And then he had surprised her with their wedding. She wanted to tell him before but… Thinking back it wouldn’t have changed anything.
She still didn’t know how he killed the 5 men that had been attacking central park after their wedding. She had been hiding in the fountain, like he instructed. She knew the look in his eyes. The one that left no room for argument. 
Running her fingers over the picture she sighed, not even noticing the tears running down her cheeks. Swallowing the lump in her throat she closed the box, brushing her tears away, before she got up from the chair and grabbed all her stuff. For her this would be a day like every other.
Walter was waiting for her in front of her office. He had changed from his usual attire of a comfy sweater to a white dress shirt. Even his beard seemed to be trimmed.
People around him gave him questioning looks, even more when she walked towards him to hug him as she said hello.
“Weird that there is no SWAT team already here to take you in.” Shejoked.
“Very funny. Your boss told me to wait for you here and take you to room 202 right away. But I think it’s best if you take me to said room because this is a fucking maze.” He chuckled.
“Gimme a second. Just need to grab some stuff.” She opened the office door, setting the files she had taken home down on her desk.
“How bad was the headache?” He asked, leaning against the door frame.
“Oh bad… What reminds me… I didn’t tell you embarassing stuff from my past, right?” She asked. He laughed, shaking his head.
“I did most of the talking. You fell asleep halfway through. I just put you to bed and left. Hope that was okay.” 
“You put me to bed?” She asked, going through her mail.
“Carried you. Couldn’t have let you sleep outside, couldn’t I?” 
She looked up, seeing his soft smile. He had carried her to bed? A blush crept to her cheeks, silently wishing she would remember it.
“Thank you.” She said quietly, breaking the eye contact and going through the rest of her mail. A small package was the last thing she picked up. It had no return address. She knew that their intern post office would have already scanned the package, so she ripped it open, her favorite box of chocolates falling out. 
Gasping loudly she reached for the letter falling out.
“What is it?” Marshall asked, taking the few steps to stop in front of her desk. Pushing the letter towards him so he could read, she swallowed.
“Don’t touch it. I need to send this to evidence. All of it.” She whispered.
“You don't marry someone you can live with — you marry someone you cannot live without. Happy anniversary” Marshall read out loud, looking up at Walker with a hard face.
“We should get to the briefing now.” He whispered back. She nodded, reaching for the phone to call for the evidence team to extract the things.
“I need someone from evidence to come and pick something up. And I need to talk to the post offices and I need the CVR’s from the whole weekend.” She said when her call connected.
“No. Now. August Walker send me a package and I need to know how.”
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minsugapie · 4 years
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Mary’s Song: part 5b (2866 words) - the tables have turned
• • • • • •
Jeon Jungkook wasn’t just your anime-loving, manga-drawing, hair-pulling, ex-neighbour. You hadn’t even spoken to him since he had moved away. But the world worked in funny ways because...
He was probably the reason you were still alive.
• • • • • •
“And our daddies used to joke about the two of us
Growing up and fallin' in love
And our mamas smiled, and rolled their eyes
And said, "Oh, my, my, my””
• • • • • •
previous // current \\ next
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Tags : @minhyuksfatgf @igotarmyofarohas @dixonsbugaboo @thealexalcala @salty-for-suga @worshiphoseok @okaysoplshelpme @jeonlovers @acupfullofsuga @beach-bitch-bitch-beach @hannahdinse8 @jaiuneamesolitaiire @dammit-jjk @dreamcatcherjiah @xxxanimangxxx @wrmnssoul @ephyra1230 @imynnow @prdshobi @klverse @butterflylion @fuddyize @ahnneyong @nanie5 @squidyelmosquidbutt
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i have all four of my finals within the next 6 days...wish me luck
• • • • • •
Thankfully you had Jimin and Taehyung to talk to on this drive to your parents’ house because Jungkook barely said a word. It was starting to really get to you. You could tell that whatever he did was to protect you, and you knew that by the little things that he was still doing. Yet, what you wanted the most was exactly what he wasn’t giving you—his attention. 
So when you finally pulled up in front of the house, you knew that you needed to finally talk about what had happened. Whether Jungkook was not talking to you because of the kiss or the day that followed, you weren’t sure…but you knew that he had to forgive you eventually. Maybe you’d joke and call it even for what he’d done to you in high school. But you weren’t petty like that, and you simply wanted to talk to him like an adult. 
The two of you sat in the car for a full minute before Jungkook finally opened his door and got out of the car. You quickly followed, grabbing you suitcase from the backseat. Jungkook would be going to his own house after dinner, so you weren’t sure why he even brought his bag into the house…actually, maybe you did. You might need to sleep with him again here. 
Once you were at the entrance of the house, you called to him, “Wait! Can we talk?” It came out more hesitant than you intended. 
He gave you the eye quickly before he answered, “Meet me in the backyard in 10.”
You did realize that saying hello to your parents was probably the first thing that you should do.
“Mom! Dad! We’re here!” You called once you walked through the threshold. Jungkook walked in behind you, putting his bag down beside the door. 
“Hey! I’m just in the kitchen! Your dad had to pop to the store for me. Jungkook, your parents will be on their way soon. We’ll talk at supper, okay?” Your mom seemed busy in the kitchen, so you simply decided to just go to the backyard now. Jungkook had already gone and wasn’t even there to hear your mom talk to him. “Okay, Mom. I’ll come in in a bit and set the table!”
Taking a deep breath, you looked at the surroundings of the house you hadn’t seen in a few years. It was exactly the same as you remembered, your mom not liking change. Actually, you were sure that she’d left it the same so that she could keep it that way for your dad. He had always been away, and he liked coming home to what was the same. She liked to keep him happy during the little time they had together. It wasn’t a secret to you that your parents’ relationship was strained enough as it was. 
You found Jungkook standing only a few feet from the door, staring at the minimal yard furniture that was out there. You remembered your parents and his used to drink out here all the time while you played together…or you tried to play and he tried to get away from you. 
“You’re right that we need to talk,” he said once he heard the door shut behind you. You went to his side, attempting to get as close to him as possible, but he just moved away from you as soon as you stood beside him. You always wondered what could possibly be thinking about. Unlike some people, his face never gave anything away…
“Ok, so talk,” you whispered. You felt even smaller than before since he moved away. 
“You’re the one that wanted to talk first, so you say what you wanted to say,” he countered, putting his hands into his jacket pocket. It was getting colder outside, and there was no way you didn’t need a jacket to stand the outdoors. 
“Fine,” you responded, walking in front of him and looking into his eyes. “I have a few things. But first, is there a reason that you’re not looking at me or touching me at all? Because you used to do both of those things so freely, and I never stopped you. Is it because of the kiss? Is it because I forced you to kiss me when you didn’t feel that way about me? Did I disgust you? Do you—”
“God, Y/N, stop! It’s not the kiss. Couldn’t you tell that I wanted that? You wouldn’t even believe me if I told you how many times I’d want it to happen when we were in high school. I’d kiss you again in a heartbeat,” he revealed, looking down at his feet.
“See but even when you admit to that, you still can’t look me in the eyes!” You argued, taking a step towards him. Your hands moved up to his face, putting them on his cheeks to make him look at you. You realized your mistake as soon as you made it, however, because he just shoved you off of him and walked past you, rubbing his own hands down his face in frustration. 
You frowned at his actions, head falling. You didn’t want there to be tears in your eyes, but you couldn’t stop the hurt you felt when he pushed you off. He looked back at you after a minute. “The problem I’m having right now is that I still want to understand why you went back to him when we were figuring things out and then you get beaten to a pulp! Fuck, just understand that you’re fragile for once in your life and you can’t do everything on your own!”
“You know what, Bun…” You raised your voice, meeting his intensity, “You tell me right now who the person was that once told me that I needed to start sticking up for myself and figuring things out on my own because, and I quote, “I’m not going to be your little bun bun forever, so grow up, Y/N, because I refuse to be around anymore to bail you out of shit from your own doing any more!” And now that I think about it, why did I even call you originally if you said that to me? It makes no sense. I’m just ruining my own life at this point!” 
Jungkook looked ashamed. You wondered if he remembered his exact words or if they were only things that played on your mind every once in a  while.
“I was cruel,” he whispered, falling onto his knees in front of you. 
“Oh, get up, Jungkook,” you said as you grabbed his arm and waited for him to say something more. 
“Honestly, I didn’t mean anything that I said. You were fifteen, Y/N! I was seventeen. It wasn’t exactly like I was in my sane mind…all I wanted was for you to stop infiltrating my brain. All I did was think and worry about you, and I hated it.”
You frowned, not sure what he was talking about. “We’d barely spoken to each other since I entered high school. How was I all up in your business?”
“It was because I kept doing things for you without you even knowing, and it made me mad…but then I got mad for no reason besides the fact that I could no longer help you out. I thought I was warning you for your future without me but I was really just being mean.”
“Yeah, you were very mean. And Nic was the person that picked me up when you knocked me down…”
His eyes raked over your face, thumb going up to the scar on your forehead. You flinched when he touched it, realizing how bad you still looked. The large gash that had been on your forehead was now a scar with a nasty yellow bruise covering more skin than you ever wanted to see. Along with that bruise, there were numerous others that littered your body. 
“It’s my face isn’t it?” You asked, biting your lip as you looked at him. “You can’t look at me because I’m not pretty anymore. I get it.”
He immediately shook his head. “You’re always pretty. But you’re right about your face. I can’t look at it because it reminds me of what I didn’t protect you from.”
“You don’t need to feel bad because it was my decision. Now are we going to still keep walking on eggshells around each other, or are we going to get passed this?” You dared to ask, hesitantly putting your hands around his waist inside his jacket. 
“Well, I guess we have to, don’t we,” he replied, settling in closer to you. His fingers tangled into your hair as he cupped your cheeks. 
“Were you telling the truth before when you said you would kiss me again in a heartbeat?” You fisted the back of his shirt. You could still smell his body wash from the shower he took before you left, and it comforted you because it was the exact thing you smelt before bed every night. 
“I don’t make habit of lying to you, Y/N…” 
“Great,” you smiled, pushing away from him and walking back towards the door, “But I should go set the table. Your parents are probably going to be here soon. Oh, and you have kissed me in the past, not sure if you remember or not.”
Jungkook grabbed your arm before you could go back in the house. When you turned around to look at him, he had complete confusion written on his face. “I think I would have remembered if I’d kissed you.”
“You were drunk. It’s fine,” you try to play it off, leaning towards the door again. 
He closed his eyes tightly and breathed out hard. When he head tilted back, he groaned. “I ruined our first kiss because I was a stupid teenager.”
You shook your head and replied, “I don’t count it as our first kiss…our first real kiss was that morning in bed. It was perfect, and I never wanted it to end. Oh, my God, I can’t believe I just admitted to that!” Your hands flew up to cover your burning cheeks. 
You were watching Jungkook’s face and were pleasantly surprised when he started smiling with every word. When he tilted his head, you saw a little glint in his eye. His fingers slowly curled around your hands and then brought your hands down from your face. He started leaning into you, warm breath easily fanning across your face in the cooler air. “Are you gonna kiss me now?” You whispered, closing your eye as he almost made contact. 
After a small chuckle, he responded, “I was definitely leaning in, yep.”
You stuck your chin out higher, waiting for him to continue.
“Jungkook and Y/N! Mr. and Mrs. Jeon are here!”
• • • • • •
“So, Dad, what can you tell us at all about the case?” You asked, taking a drink of the wine that your mom thankfully poured you. You didn’t know if you could talk openly about it without it. “I just want to feel as safe as possible…”
You felt Jungkook’s hand slide over your knee in comfort. He was letting you know that he was there, and you were thankful. Looking around the table at the other guests, you noticed everyone’s utensils briefly pause. After all, your question was out of the blue. Jungkook’s mom had been talking about their plans for Christmas dinner. Obviously, they would be eating together. Your mom was all for it. 
“Well,” your dad started, putting down his fork and picking up his napkin to wipe his mouth, “we expect it will go smoothly since he was caught in the act. Your testimony of the treatment will decide more with the jury. We still plan on having that restraining order completed for after he gets released. I’m thinking that he won’t be put away for longer than twelve years…and that a lot if we’re lucky.”
You swallowed and looked at Jungkook, a look that didn’t go unnoticed by both sets of parents. “It’ll all work out, Honey,” he whispered in your ear, your eyes closing at his words. You gave him a small nod. 
“We’re all there for you, Y/N, you know that!” Jungkook’s dad piped in, taking a large swig of his own beer. 
“Cheers!” Your dad said, holding up his glass, “to the end of my daughter’s suffering!”
“Cheers,” you quietly said, your brain whizzing a thousand miles a second and thinking way too far into the future—far enough that you were thinking of when Nic got out of jail. 
“Not to be the one the change the subject, but I want to change the subject…” Jungkook’s mom said, throwing her hands up and looking right at you. “But I was looking through some old albums and found some funny pictures of the two of you!”
“Oh God, this wasn’t a part of the plan for tonight!” Jungkook groaned, now taking a large gulp of his own drink. 
“You guys were so cute! Y/N had a cute little crush on you and you always protected her, even if you were annoyed! I remember this one time when you were playing on the play structure, and some mean boy from Y/N’s class pushed her down the slide and made her scrape her knees. Jungkook was the first person ready to stick up for her. I swear that eight year old boy was going to throw punches if she didn’t stop him.”
You tried hard to hold back a laugh at the story. You remembered it like it was yesterday because you were sure that it was the moment that you started liking Jungkook. Before then, Jungkook was just a boy, but after that incident, he was the person you looked up to the most. As much of a crush that a six year old girl could have, you had it, and it only deepened with time—until you were fifteen, crying after he left you and broke your heart. 
“Wherever Jungkook was, Y/N was. Seems like that’s the way it is today too,” your mom added, giving you a look like she knew what was going on in the backyard before supper. Actually, they both knew something was up after the night in the hospital.
You dad came to your rescue this time. “I’d argue that the tables have turned.”
“Hm?” Jungkook’s dad questioned, looking between you and Jungkook. 
“Jungkook’s the one following her now…and I thank God every day for that!” 
You smiled at Jungkook, agreeing with every word that your dad said. Thank God Jungkook had been following you. 
• • • • • •
After dinner was over, you helped your mom do all the dishes while Jungkook caught up with his parents and your dad. Your dad’s opinion of Jungkook has done a 180 degree turn—he was no longer skeptical.
Your mom washed as you dried, that was just the way it went. 
“So what’s really going on between you two?” Your mom nudged your shoulder, and you almost dropped the plate you were drying. 
“What do you mean?” You asked, clearing absolutely nothing out of your throat but awkwardness. 
“Don’t try to pull the blanket over my eyes…I know there’s something going on. I saw you two earlier today and you seemed pretty close. Plus, you didn’t see the way he was with you at the hospital…” Your mom provided, sly smile on her face.
You stopped what you were doing, leaning back against the sink with a sigh. “Mama, do you think that it’s too fast for me to feel anything for Jungkook? It hasn’t been long since Nic…”
You mom stopped what she was doing too, running a palm down you hair. “I think that you have to follow your heart, babe. Jungkook has been in your life for so long…and Nicky, I-I mean Nic, was a rough relationship. You’re not still in love with him, are you?”
You closed your eyes and thought. “I don’t think I’ve loved him for a long time…maybe five months? But, he still means something to me, you know? It’s so hard to explain.”
“Again, I think you need to follow your heart, and if it’s leading to Jungkook, I think it could be something very beautiful,” she added, taking you in her arms. Your mom was always such a comfort, and thankfully, nothing had changed.
“Speaking of Jungkook…can he stay over tonight?” You asked while you were still hugging. 
She pushed you back, holding you at arms distance. “Why?”
“He helps me sleep.”
“What do you mean?”
You blushed and looked away, awkwardly trying to figure out how to tell your mom. “I have trouble with nightmares and sleeping when he’s not around…so we sleep together…every night.”
“Y/N, no…” Your mom trailed off, wide-eyed. 
You nodded, biting your lip. 
“How about this,” your mom offered, going back into the sink. “Jungkook can stay, but he has to sleep on the blowup mattress.”
You would take it. 
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 5 years
Love Her (Part 13)
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Summary: The family tries to decide on the baby’s new name and the reader has a rough night with Tommy that leads to her finally admitting a few things to Dean...
Pairing: Doctor!Dean x foster daughter!reader
Word Count: 2,500ish
Warnings: language, scary situations
A/N: Please enjoy the final part!...
“Hi,” said Tommy early the next morning when he finally got a turn to meet the baby. She was more awake now and Ana was allowed to have the whole family in the room. “Hi baby girl.”
She stared at him and blinked, looking up at Dean.
“This is Tommy,” he said. “That’s Y/N’s boyfriend.”
She looked back at Tommy before she shut her eyes again.
“Let’s get you back with your mommy,” he said as he carried her over to Ana.
“Thank you, Tommy,” she said. “You’re very good with her.”
“They stick him with the kids on purpose,” you said as you scrolled through your phone at another list of names.
“Are they really that selective?” asked Dean.
“No. I definitely wind up as the delivery man a lot though. I’m pretty friendly and strong. I’m a much kinder face and voice than some of the people on my team. They’re all softies but little kids in those situations they want to try and scare them as little as possible,” he said.
“Plus it’s one of the safer positions or so he says,” you mumbled.
“Can we go home yet?” asked Rae from her chair.
“No silly. Mom needs to rest a bit more and we still have to name the baby,” said Dean.
“Argh,” she groaned.
“Yo. Twins. Want to go get some ice cream from the cafeteria?” asked Tommy. They both perked up and he promised to keep them busy for a few hours before he headed out with them.
“I always knew I liked that boy,” said Dean.
“What about Ava?” asked Sam from his seat.
“I still like Amelia,” said Mary.
“Ava is a much better name,” said Sam.
“I like Ann,” said John. The three of them started to argue over it and Dean wandered over to you and sighed.
“What’s your pick?” he asked.
“What about that one?” you said, showing him your phone.
“That one was actually on our shortlist if we had a girl,” said Dean. “Hey, Ana. How’d you feel about Juliet again?”
“S’good,” she said, giving a thumbs up with one hand, the baby in the other.
“You hit the drugs again, didn’t you,” he chuckled.
“Yup,” she said. “Shit’s good.”
“Maybe we wait for mom to get back to reality before we make life lasting decisions, hm?” said Dean.
“Juliet is pretty,” said Ana, closing her eyes. “De. Baby.”
“Get some rest honey,” he said as he picked up the baby. He shooed everyone out of the room aside from you who he handed the baby over to. “Dad needs a nap for a few minutes.”
“I got her,” you said.
“I know you do,” he said, taking a seat and falling asleep quickly.
The baby blinked open her eyes and looked up at you, staring at you for awhile.
“You like Juliet?” you asked. She scrunched up her face and you laughed. “No, huh. I’m sure we’ll figure it out.”
One Month Later
“Are you sure?” asked Dean as he pulled on his coat.
“Dad, I’m twenty. I can handle two nine year olds and a baby for a few hours,” you said.
“I thought Tommy was coming over to help,” said Ana.
“He texted me earlier, said he was going on a call. He must still be on it,” you said. You saw them glance at one another and you held up a hand. “Go on your date. He’s fine.”
“Alright. Give us a shout if they give you any trouble.”
“Hey,” said Dean when he and Ana walked in around midnight. “Still up?”
“Mhm,” you said, scrolling through your phone on the couch. “Emma went down around eight, the twins stayed up until ten before they crashed hard.”
“Tommy get hung up at work?” asked Ana.
“He never called. He always calls,” you said, glancing over at them. 
“Did you try the station?” asked Dean.
“They just said he’s on a call. I’m getting nervous. He’s been gone all day,” you said.
“Give me a second,” said Dean. He pulled out his phone and went back to the foyer. You got up and spotted him making a call. “Hey Uncle Bobby. It’s Dean...yeah you gotta come check Emma out soon, she’s a grump like you. I actually was calling for a favor...it’s for Y/N...you still know anyone down at the station who can check into something for us? Her boyfriend...yeah him. He’s out on a call and she’s getting a little worried since she hasn’t heard anything...yeah, call me back if you find anything out. Thanks.”
“Why’d you call Uncle Bobby?” you asked.
“He used to be pretty good friends with some of the local officers so I’m hoping he can dig a little for us,” said Dean.
Five minutes later his phone rang and you watched Dean bite his bottom lip.
“Thanks. I appreciate it,” he said as he hung up.
He took a deep breath before he looked at you.
“Put on your coat,” he said. 
“Where’s Tommy?” you asked quietly.
“He’s at the hospital,” he said.
“Is he…” 
“Bobby just said he’s at the hospital. The call he was on went long. Real long. It was pretty bad I guess. I don’t know, sweetheart,” he said. “Put on your coat and we’ll go.”
“You’re tired. I can-“ you said before you caught his face.
“You’re not going alone,” he said. “Come on.”
“I feel like I’m gonna throw up,” you said in the waiting room half an hour later and ducking your head between your knees.
“Hey,” he said, rubbing a hand up and down your back. “I have Cas and the rest of my friends off breaking a whole bunch of laws so we can find out what’s going on with Tommy in just a minute.”
“He’s probably in surgery, dad,” you said. “He could be…”
“Hey, hey,” he said as he sat you up and rubbed your arms. “The kid might not know how to change a tire but he is a good officer. He’s smart. I’m sure he’ll be okay. It’s something you two are going to have to deal with more than once I’m sure.”
“I know. We talked about that one time. I got nervous one night,” you said.
“What’d he say?”
“We came up with our check in,” you said, closing your eyes. “He asked if I wanted to stop. Seeing each other I mean.”
“He did, huh,” said Dean.
“He would love to be a graphic designer and he’s so good at it but we live here and someday maybe he could work from home on that stuff but he loves helping people and I love that he helps people. He didn’t want me to feel strung along was all for however long he decides to do this. He warned me stuff like tonight would happen. It would happen again and again and if it was too much that was okay.”
“When was this?” he asked.
“A long time ago,” you said.
“Well when you have nights like this, you let me know and I’ll be right here, okay?” he said.
“Thanks,” you said, closing your eyes just as the door opened. Your eyes flashed open and you saw Cas step inside. 
“He’s fine,” said Cas. You nodded and let out a breath, Dean giving you a hug.
“See? I told you so,” he said.
“Why couldn’t I talk to him or-” you asked before Cas held up a hand.
“Come on. You can ask him yourself,” he said.
Two minutes later you walked into a room, Tommy still in his jumpsuit as someone wrapped up his hand.
“Hey,” he said. “I’m sorry. I should have...I really wasn’t thinking straight.”
“It’s fine. Are you okay?” you asked.
“Oh, yeah. This is a sprain,” he said.
“It seems there was a gunshot victim and Tommy here decided to shove his fingers inside an open wound and clamp the artery shut by force,” said the other doctor in there.
“Saved that person’s life from what I’ve heard,” said Cas. 
“He sat up on the operating table for awhile before we could move him. Ice and take it easy with that hand for awhile. We’ll get you a medical notice for work,” said the other doctor.
“Thanks,” said Tommy before he left. “Yeah. Sorry. I should have asked somebody to call you.”
“It’s okay,” you said as you gave him a hug. 
“I’m kinda covered in a crapton of blood, honey,” he said. You peeled away and looked down at your shirt.
“Who cares? You’re okay. I’m happy,” you said, hugging him again.
“I need a hug after today,” he said.
“Spend the night,” you said. 
“I’m okay,” he said. 
“Tommy,” said Dean. “When your girl knows you feel like shit and she offers to take care of you, let her take care of you, hm? Trust me.”
“I’m gonna shower this crap off and give my mom a call first if that’s okay,” he said.
“Yeah. Take your time,” you said. “We can wait.”
“Morning,” said your dad quietly as he walked Emma around just after dawn. 
“Morning,” you said when you walked into the kitchen. “She still cranky in the morning?”
“Yup. I don’t mind. Gives us our daddy daughter time,” he said, Emma falling back asleep on his shoulder. “What are you doing up?”
“Getting an icepack for Tommy’s hand. He’s wincing in his sleep a bit,” you said.
“Wrap it in a towel for him so it’s not too cold,” he said.
“I know,” you said as you pulled one out of the freezer and put a hand towel around it. You started to head back to your room when you felt his stare on you. You spun around and he was looking out the back window, the first bit of sun coming through the windows.
“How bad was he?” he asked quietly.
“Bad. I’ve never seen him like that,” you said. “It was really bad in there from what he said.”
“He’ll be okay,” he said.
“How do you know that?”
“Because you’re taking care of him,” he smiled. “You understand trauma and all of it. You know how to take care of people. If you do decide to go on to med school, you’re gonna be a hell of a doctor.”
“I’d settle for an okay boyfriend,” you said.
“Sweetheart. He’s okay and he knows he’s okay. He had a long day and he needed you to take care of him is all,” he said. “That’s what you do when you love someone. You do a whole bunch of stuff when you love someone that much. Like waking up earlier and getting ice packs for someone so they can sleep a little easier.”
“Like giving someone a bracelet you made,” you said, holding up your wrist. He smiled and held up his own. 
“Can I ask you something?” he said and you nodded, rubbing your eyes. “What exactly was it that got us here? You didn’t want to love me.”
“No. I didn’t. But I sure as hell needed to,” you said, his chin raising. “It wasn’t any one thing. It was a million little things. It was making breakfast, asking about my day, checking on me at night. It was someone that stood up for me and protected me because I was so tired of doing it for myself. It was the guy who gave me this bracelet and said I was his, no matter what. No matter how angry I got at you those years I was gone, I kept this because I remember all of that. I remembered and I wanted it back. You gave it all back and more. But you never once treated me like I was screwed up or wrong. I have never been a drama free child but it’s never been too much for you. I guess...one day I realized I had to grow up and admit that while I loved my mom, my childhood sucked. It wasn’t this thing I’d remembered it as. There was yelling and fighting and smashing and I’ve always been afraid of something, always. But I never had to be afraid here. This was where I learned I didn’t have to be that way anymore, that being safe and happy was normal. You always wanted me to give you a chance when that’s all I wanted too. I didn’t want to love you but you suffocated me with it and I needed it so bad and I think you knew you needed it too and I wish I could go back and tell myself to trust you from the start because there was never anything I had to be afraid of.”
“I wouldn’t go back,” he said, turning towards you. “I love every crappy, drama-filled, crazy, insane second. Never would have met Tommy if you were like every other twenty year old.”
“This is true,” you said. 
“You like him.”
“No shit, sherlock,” you said, getting a quiet laugh from him.
“You know what I mean,” he said. “You like him.”
“Yeah. I do,” you said. Emma stirred and grabbed his shirt, letting out a tiny yawn.
“You know I do have one regret,” said Dean. “Rae. Ryan. Emma. I got to know all of them as little kids. I got to carry ‘em around and do all the dad stuff. We sort of missed that.”
“Yeah, we did,” you said. “But then again, we didn’t.”
“Still. If I could take away all of the parts that hurt, I would, sweetheart,” he said.
“I take after my dad. Sue me,” you said with a smile.
“Dad’s doing a lot better the past few years,” he said.
“I know. Me too,” you said, grabbing the ice pack from the counter. “I better get this to him.”
“Okay, sweetheart,” he said. “Love you.”
“Love you too, dad.”
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kazoo5480 · 3 years
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Emma was woken by a soft rub on her arm. Peeking an eye open she saw her mom sitting on her bed, “David?” she asked, “In bed and resting sunshine” Ruth said smiling. Emma rolled onto her back, pushing her curls out of her face. “So, what did they say?” she asked her mom. “Two broken ribs, mild concussion, and a fractured ulna, his arm” she said grimly. “I am just relieved he is ok, I thanked dad last night for keeping him safe” she said softly, and her mom stroked her hair, “I did too sunshine.”
Emma got up and dressed for the day, she didn’t work until tomorrow, so she helped her mom do some chores around the house and cleaned the bus. Deciding she was going to wash it, she threw on a bikini and started soaping it down, and turned the radio on, keeping her mind busy. The poor bus was full of sand, and she never let it get this dirty. She was in the garage finding her sponge and brushes, and everything she needed to get to work.
Dave came outside a bit later, sitting on their back steps holding a cup of coffee. She walked over to sit with him for a few minutes, “You, ok?” she asked him, and he nodded. “It was a close call was all” and she nodded back, leaning her head onto his shoulder. “I thought I lost you, lost you both” and he kissed her hair, “Can’t get rid of me that easily princess. You, mom, Mary Margaret, I have too much reason to stay” and he smiled at her. 
He nodded towards her bus, “Spring cleaning?” and she nodded, “It’s disgusting, there is sand in the carpet that probably won’t ever come out, figured I would use my last day off for a while to do that, and maybe later just hang around here.” “You aren’t going to the beach? It’s a beautiful day Em” he said, and she shook her head. “Not today” she said quiet and leaned further into him, carefully holding his good hand. “Don’t let it scare you Em, could have been you, Ruby, Will, Robin even. But we don’t let the water scare us, I however will be taking a break for a while I think” and she looked up at him surprised.
“Like forever?” and he laughed, “Nah, but a few months, and by then summer will have passed and I will be busy at the academy. Got to make sure I am in tip top shape for that” and she nodded understanding. “Think you will ever be scared to go back in?” and he shook his head, “nope. I got lucky, but I love the water too much to leave her forever” and Emma smiled. “Alright, now go wash Betty, she is probably mad at you and won’t start since you let her get so dirty” and Emma laughed nodding.
Emma turned the radio on in the garage, and set to work, spraying the bus down, and soaping her sponges up. She began scrubbing, Ruby showed up a while later surprising her, and threw on one of Emma’s bikinis on, helping her. They were dancing and scrubbing, spraying each other with the hose while Dave and Ruth sat there laughing at them. Emma’s heart felt lighter than it had in days. The competition was over, and it was just summer with her friends and family now. She heard the phone ring and Dave went inside to pick it up, and he didn’t come back out for a while.
Killian woke up, taking a look at the clock, it was early, 9. He went to the kitchen for some coffee and Liam and Elsa were sitting at the table, talking over something, and greeted him good morning. “How do you feel?” Liam asked him. “Headache but not the worst I’ve ever had” he said smiling at his brother. “What’s up, you two look serious” he said to Elsa, and she shook her head. “I’m considering going along with Liam to San Diego, but I don’t want you to be left here alone” she said. He nodded, “I’ll be alright lass, school will be starting soon, and between that and work, I won’t be around much anyways. Go along with him” and she smiled, “You’re sure?” and he nodded as he sipped his coffee. Elsa seemed to relax, and she stood hugging him. “Ok, I am going to head out, I have some calls to make, I will see you guys tonight?” and Liam nodded, standing and kissing her as she walked out the door.
“You working today?” Killian asked Liam. Liam nodded, “Almost time to head out, I am going to start packing this week, but with Elsa coming along, I won’t need you to drive me now” and Killian nodded. “The trucks still yours Killy, same with the furniture” and Killian smiled. “Big changes, I can’t believe it is happening” and Liam hugged him. “I’m only a few hours away, and you can bring your lovely lady and visit me anytime you want” and Killian hugged him back nodding. “Oh, you may want to open that” and Liam pointed to the envelope on the table that Killian hadn’t seen yet. Killian’s eyes widened, “Go on” Liam encouraged him, smiling.
Killian’s hands shook slightly, it was his tuition response, “That was fast” he said quietly. “Well?” Liam asked, and Killian read through it twice to make sure he read it. Setting it down, he turned and smiled, “I got it!” and Liam barked out a laugh hugging him tightly again “I knew you could do it little brother” and Killian nodded. “Emma! I have to go tell her” and Liam smiled and nodded, “I’m off at 7, so I will track you down later” and he went to shower for work. Killian ate a bowl of cereal and threw his clothes on, it was nearing 10, she should be up, so he grabbed his skateboard, stuffing the letter in his backpack and headed towards the Nolan’s.
Killian skated over lost in thought, happiness coursing through him. It was going to work out, he knew it, he couldn’t wait to tell Emma. He turned up on to the Nolan’s driveway and saw Emma in the driveway, with Ruby. She was wearing that yellow bikini he loved so much, the string ties shaking against her skin as she danced along to the radio washing her bus, and Ruby sprayed her with the hose. She tipped her head back laughing, her suit soaked, and Killian just smiled like an idiot. He was so bloody lucky. He came to the back porch and set his board and bag down seeing Dave sitting there reading the paper and he sat and joined him.
Emma looked up, “hey babe” she smiled and walked to him, water and soap bubbles dripping down her. He swallowed thickly and Dave elbowed him. “Right here man” and Killian laughed. Emma sat on his lap bridal style and kissed him, dripping water all over him but he could care less. “Morning, did you sleep ok?” she asked as she brushed his hair off his forehead, and he nodded his eyes locked on hers. Ruby strolled over, hose in hand “Ruby!” Dave shouted in warning. “Don’t worry, I don’t spray invalids” she said with a wicked smile and Dave got up running into the house. “Ruby! Wait!” Killian shouted, and she paused, “Why jones, afraid to get a little wet?” and he laughed. “No, no, let me get my news out first, ok?” and she dropped the hose coming to join them on the steps. Emma looked at him, “What news?” and he reached back shifting her on his lap and grabbed his backpack and handed Emma the letter.
Emma read it making sure she was understanding, and Ruby was confused. “Ahhh!” she screamed and hugged him, Ruby plucking the paper from her hand. “Nice job Jones” she said and patted his back and headed back towards the car. “I’m so proud of you babe” Emma said smiling brightly and he nodded. “It’s going to be ok Swan” he said, and she kissed him, and they felt a cold jolt of water hit them, and Ruby cackled. “Congrats Mr. College, now that you’re wet, help us clean the bus” and he smiled, shedding his shirt and began helping them out with scrubbing the car, and spent quite a bit of time vacuuming the sand out of the carpet of the floor. He bent and whispered in Emma’s ear, “probably is a good thing too that you won’t be getting sand on you if we happen to utilize the floor again” and Emma laughed and sprayed him with the hose. He chased her and Ruby around the yard spraying them back as Dave and Ruth perched on the stoop watching them and laughing until her shift started at the hospital.
The girls were wiping the car down as their entire cavalry of friends arrived to see Dave. Jeff carried a bottle of something in his hand, and winked at Emma, handing it to Dave with a bow on it. Dave laughed, and Jeff shrugged, “in case you get bored and would like to see something else while you recuperate” and Dave smiled at him shaking his head. They all sat on the grass as M showed up with Gina joining them in their circle. Ruth made a massive batch of egg salad and called them all to come get sandwiches. Sitting in a circle, they all chatted, like normal. Killian shared his news, everyone was thrilled, Graham announced his own entrance into the Nature Conservation program, and no one was surprised but they all were happy. The sun started to break, and the sky turned a hazy orange. Everyone packed up, and cleaned up, so Emma headed up to her room to shower and change.
Killian knew time was going to be scarce once school started and with Liam being gone, but he wanted some time alone with her. He had considered asking to tag along on her Fun Fund weekend that the girls did every summer, but with Dave being out of commission, M probably wouldn’t want to go away from him, and he thought maybe a night out to celebrate school, Emma’s win, and her upcoming birthday a tad early might be just the right idea. She came out of the shower, water dripping from her hair, and she turned seeing him, not at all surprised. “What’cha doing up here?” she smiled at him and tucked her towel around herself. Coming to stand in front of him, his words literally evaporated as Emma smiled and dropped the towel. She pushed him back gently, and leaned over him, her wet curls dripping on him, but he didn’t care. He grabbed her by the waist with one hand, and back of her neck with the other, molding her to him and kissed her deeply.
Emma moaned against his tongue and said “door”, and he pulled back “first thing I took care of Swan” and he rolled her beneath him. “I missed you, I don’t like sleeping apart” she whispered, and her comment squeezed his heart. He kissed lightly down her neck, taking a soft nipple into his mouth. Emma arched, moaning and Killian stopped. “Can you be quiet love?” and she nodded. “Good” and he went back to it, switching breasts, rolling her nipples softly as he worked his way to her core. Her skin was so soft, he loved how she smelled. He stood, untying his board shorts and kicked them off, and pulled her legs toward him, dragging her to the edge of the bed. He placed each of her long legs over his shoulders and pushed forward, Emma enveloping him. She gasped “Oh god, you’re so deep” she moaned.  Killian lifted her hand nudging her to place it over her mouth.
Emma clamped her palm over her mouth. She was lost, the feeling of Killian so deep inside her like this, her skin on fire. Each drag of him inside her pushed her higher and higher. She could hardly contain her moans, and pushed him back with her legs, shocking him. “What….” And she rolled over onto her stomach and pulled a pillow towards her face. Killian understood, and knelt behind her, hooking an arm under her hips bringing that perfect ass in the air. He plunged back in and the pillow muffled Emma’s cries. He squeezed her hips tightly as he pounded into her, his balls slapping against her clit and the friction bringing his orgasm nearly to the brink. He kept at a punishing pace, and reached around rubbing at her clit, her walls were getting hot and tighter around him, she gripped him so tightly his eyes closed, and he had to tip his head back.
“Fuck Emma” he growled trying to be quiet, and she began meeting him thrust for thrust, rocking her ass against him, and he pushed harder and deeper. Emma’s legs began to shake, and she gripped the pillow tightly trying to muffle her moans, “Now Killian, now!” she cried, her voice muffled, and he ground into her as deeply as he could. Emma’s cunt began fluttering wildly, tightening on to him, and he slowed letting the sensation rip through him, spilling deep inside her. He leaned back to pull out and laid over her back, and off to the side of her a little, giving her room to breathe. She turned to look at him, and he tucked her long curls behind her shoulder. “I love it when you lose control like that” she said quietly and giggled. He gave her a light tap on her ass, and she wiggled. “you’re so incredible” is all he could manage to say as her eyes sparkled at him. “So are you” and she leaned in to kiss him softly and laid her head on his chest running her hands through his chest hair, placing a kiss over his heart.
A little while later he found his voice, “go out with me?” he said she nodded. Rolling herself up and off the bed, “Where are we going?” she asked standing naked facing him and smiling softly. She looked so innocent and beautiful just like this, he burned the way she looked into his memory, not wanting to ever miss seeing this look on her face. He swallowed the thick emotion in his throat down, “I don’t know but we need a date, so let’s clean up and head out. We can bring Dave back some food” and she nodded and went into her bathroom for a few minutes and came out blow dried curls with a little makeup. She pulled on a sundress and some wedges and grabbed her purse. He circled her hips, you look lovely, and her stomach growled. He laughed and so did she, “Come on Swan, sustenance awaits” and he dragged her down to the kitchen swiping her keys to the bus off the hook by the door.
He drove, Emma played with the radio settling on some Van Morrison. The windows in the bus were rolled down, and the warm wind blew through the car, and she watched as he turned down different streets guiding them to their destination. “The Galley?” She asked puzzled and he nodded, “But we’re not dressed right” she frowned, and he shook his head. “So what?” he said, “you look beautiful love” and he led them inside and they were seated in a small booth. Twinkly lights and fishing nets hanging on the wall, a small candle votive on the table. 
She smiled at him, “This is really nice” and he nodded. “You deserved a proper date; it’s been too long Em” and she nodded. She made small talk, and she questioned him moving. “Honestly, I think that I’ll probably pack up this weekend, and start taking my stuff over to the new place, if you want to help?” Emma smiled and nodded, “Of course!” and she smiled excitedly. “I am so proud of you babe, so proud” and he smiled, “I’m proud of you too Swan, the competition, it is amazing what you did. I just wanted to celebrate the little milestones in our big picture” and her heart squeezed. “I love you” she said, her eyes soft and dreamy, “As I love you.”
They grabbed Dave some battered shrimp and fries and brought them back home to him. He was up and, on the couch, greeting them when they walked in. “Hey, where have you guys been?” Emma shrugged, “went to dinner, hungry?” she said and handed him the container, “Famished actually” he said taking it quickly and smiling. “That medicine knocked me out cold, but I feel loads better now” and he tucked into the food. 
Emma went to the fridge about to grab some lemonade for the three of them, and Killian surprised her in the doorway. “I’m going to head home love” and she pouted but nodded. “Don’t be sad Swan, I had a lovely day and night with you love.” “I just don’t want to be apart” she said quietly. “Soon enough angel, soon enough” and he held her tightly.  She walked him to the door, and he grabbed his board, “Night Dave” he called, and kissed her. “Do you work tomorrow?” he asked her, “Yeah, at ten, off at 4” and he nodded, “me too, 9-3, see you afterwards?” and she nodded kissing him one more time.
Dave had demolished his food and leaned back against the couch. “How ya feeling, need anything?” she asked him, and he shook his head at her, but patted the cushion. “Come on princess, lets watch a movie.” She snuggled against him as he flipped through the channels. “Dave, do you worry about your future with M and school?” He looked down, “No, not really. While she is at school, I will be too, and we both work now, it’s not like I surf every day during the year, the summer was different, but this was really our last summer to do something like this. You still have next summer with Ruby and M before you guys start college. Why?” “No reason.” she said quietly. He sat up, “Talk to me Em” he said patiently.
“What if Killian doesn’t have time for me? I mean I have one more year of high school, and then I start college too. Mom will be here alone a lot, you and I both gone, and maybe you will move out with M, and this house would just be too big without us for her.” He nodded, “Well M and I had talked about eventually moving in together, probably just like you and Killian but that’s a ways away Em, so just be patient. Don’t put the cart before the horse just yet” and she nodded, his good arm going around her shoulder and they fell asleep like that until Ruth came home waking them and sending them off to bed, Emma stopping to call Killian to say goodnight.
Killian walked into their flat and noticed that there were boxes stacked and labeled in Liam’s scrawling handwriting. Books, Clothes, Kitchen, etc. His heart deflated a little, and as he entered his own bedroom, he noticed a stack of flat boxes. He wasn’t tired and decided he may as well start packing up some things. He moved to his closet, pulling sweaters, and things down, separating them into boxes, and moved on to his bookshelf, packing up his books, and labeling boxes. 
A strange feeling comes over Killian, this was their home, like their first real home after mom died, and the tears begin to fall. He sits on his bed and hears the phone ring. “Hello?” “Hey babe” “Hi Swan” his voice ragged. “I’m coming by, see you in a few” and before he could respond his buzzer went off and he went to let her in.
“Killian, what’s the matter?” she said, green eyes filled with trepidation, and he leaned forward placing his head against her shoulder. Emma’s arms immediately embrace him, and she takes in the sight. Boxes, labeled boxes, packed up, their home being packed up. She understood immediately, without saying a word she led him by the hand to his room. She sees the boxes in his room, his books, sweaters, his life in boxes. 
“Killian, talk to me” and she patted the spot next to her on the bed. He sat, and he leaned forward, head in his hands. “Do you want me to leave?” she asked, maybe he didn’t want her to witness this, and needed space. “I can give you space” and he responded viscerally “NO! Just no, don’t leave me Emma, please.” She just sat, giving him a minute. “Do you want to go to bed?” she asks quietly, and he nods. “I’ll be right back” and she walked to his kitchen and dialed home, he didn’t hear what she said but gathered her mom understood she wasn’t coming home.
She stepped into his room, and shucked her tee shirt and jeans, dropped her bra and pulled on one of his soft tee shirts. “Come on babe” and she pulled him until he was lying beside her. Killian curled around her, soaking in her warmth, her sweetness, her goodness. He nuzzled his nose into her hair, breathing her in. “Hold on” and he leaned over into his nightstand, grabbing a box, the one he planned to give Emma for her birthday. He brought it to her attention, “I planned to wait, giving you this for your birthday, but now seems a good as time as any.” Emma, this was my mother’s wedding band. I intend to give it to you now as a promise, a token to remind you that I am in this, good, bad, hard, the long haul, you can even wear it on your right hand. When I propose, you’ll know, but this is a way for me to show you that I am in this, and I want you to carry of piece of me with you always.” 
Emma had tears streaming down her cheeks, her eyes wide at his promise, she was completely silent. Killian continued, “With everything changing rapidly, I am lost, and I need a tether, a guiding star, a true north. I know that is you for me, regardless of where I go, my home is with you, here” and he placed his hand over her heart.
Emma took the box with shaky hands, the thin gold band embellished with engraved flowers in a delicate pattern. She nodded, her voice caught in her throat, “yes Killian, I know you aren’t asking that question yet, but yes, my answer is yes, and it will be yes when that time comes.” He smiled, taking the band out and slid it down her ring finger on her right hand, it fitting almost perfectly, and she launched herself at him. 
“Gods Emma, I love you so much” and he kissed her, feeling her tears against his cheeks, and she kissed him back with everything she had. She rolled atop him and he gripped on to her, molding her to him, rolling her beneath him he slid her panties down and she fumbled to free him from his boxers. He was sitting back on his heels, and he pulled Emma into his lap, she knelt up and lowered herself slowly onto his cock. The onslaught of feeling Emma wrapped around him, looking deeply into his eyes as she rose and lowered herself slowly, nipping at his lips was so intense. His finger gripped the tee shirt she was still wearing, pulling her against him tighter, burying his face in her neck.
Emma felt like her body was on fire, a slow burning fire. Each rock, and each pull between them pushing her higher and higher. She clutched on to Killian like a lifeline, and she felt how tight he gripped her, she was his. The slow pace not the practiced dance that they knew so well, this was more, deeper, more intense. When he groaned her name in a plea, she ground down deeper on to him, pushing him as deep as he could go. 
Killian bit down on her neck lightly, and she cried out softly, her orgasm spasming deep and slow, rolling in waves as she felt Killian twitch and heat flood inside her. They stayed like that for a few moments, until Killian laid her back and grabbed his tee shirt off the floor wiping her gently and rolled her panties back on her. He laid on his back, pulling her into his side, and they drifted off to sleep, her blonde hair tickling his nose, and his heart completely filled with Emma, the loneliness receded back into the darkness of his mind.
@captainswanouat @captainswoon @captain-swan-coffee @ao3feed-cs @kmomof4 @onceuponadaily @itsfabianadocarmo @lieutenantswan @kymbersmith-90 @killiansprincss @mrs-emma-swan-jones @hollyethecurious
@stahlop @hookedonkillianforlife87 @holdingoutforapiratehero​
@jrob64 @teamhook @purplehawkcaptain @sals86 @killiancomeback2me @killiansprincss @karlyfr13s @myfearless-love @resident-of-storybrooke
@thesschesthair @the-captains-ayebrows @the-darkdragonfly @jonesfandomfanatic @laschatzi @tiganasummertree @donteattheappleshook
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paxohana · 4 years
Menagerie, Pt. 7
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The weekend had passed at a snail’s pace, but none slower than that day. Viktor’s father insisted he spent the majority of the day at the factory.  The day was filled with tediously boring meetings, placating the union’s grievances, and touring the factory floor.  While Viktor liked to mingle with the employees, he wanted the day to be over.
The night would be filled with time spent with Yuuri.
The young man had visited Viktor’s dreams countless times throughout the week, and while Viktor welcomed them, he hoped that most of them would come true.  He longed to touch Yuuri even if it was a gentle touch, he desperately wanted to indulge in the taste that was Yuuri through a kiss.  He knew he was overreacting and wondered if they would ever have a chance at more, but knew they wouldn’t unless the stars aligned on some deserted island.  A man could wish, he thought.
When the steam whistle sounded, marking the end of the day, Viktor grabbed his light jacket and raced toward the door.  He only planned on spending a brief time at home changing and freshening up before heading to the restaurant for dinner with Yuuri.  He was so looking forward to it that he barely missed mowing Clare over.
“Out already, Mr. Viktor?” she questioned.
“Yep, I have dinner with Yuuri tonight,” Viktor answered.
He had told Clare about their day in the slums and the evening under the willow tree. He relayed everything they chatted about and even the slight kiss to Yuuri’s forehead.  While Viktor thought he had overstepped his bounds, Clare thought that Yuuri might be welcome to the sweet gesture.  He hadn’t shoved him away, after all.
“Have a wonderful time, Viktor,” Clare said, smiling sweetly at him.
With a kiss to her cheek and a heartfelt hug, Viktor was on his way.
Yuuri, on the other hand, couldn’t believe how quickly the day had passed and he was thankful for it.  His father had given him a day off when Yuuri couldn’t figure out how to post a certain account’s books correctly. While it frustrated Yuuri to no end, he was glad he wouldn’t be high-strung that evening.
That evening he would be spending hours with Viktor.
The faint thrill raced through his body, the familiar feeling each time he thought of Viktor.  Yuuri had spent countless hours lying in bed or sitting on his balcony thinking of the man who caught his fancy.  He knew he shouldn’t entertain such thoughts, but Yuuri couldn’t help it.  He was the most intriguing, selfless, and gorgeous person he had ever met in his life thus far, and Yuuri didn’t think anyone could surpass Viktor.
Yuuri passed the time by reading a book he’d been meaning to finish.  He was too restless to finish the novel and went outside to stroll through his mother’s impressive garden.  All of her favorite flowers were in bloom, so Yuuri decided to pick a bouquet for her since he knew she wouldn’t have time to.  Ambling from plant to bush, Yuuri had an armful of flowers by the time he finished.  He decided it was enough and headed for their expansive kitchen.  Hiroko wasn’t home that afternoon, so Yuuri hastily arranged the flowers and placed them in a vase.  He knew that his mother would be pleasantly surprised when she returned home.
When the sun began its slow descent from the sky, Yuuri knew it was time to get ready.  He wanted to look sharp that night, so he had to decide upon something quickly lest he be tardy.  Flying through the outfits in his walk-in closet, Yuuri didn’t hear Mari come in.  After hitting her in the face with a shirt and her subsequent yell, Yuuri spun around on his heel and apologized to her sister.  Yuuri offered an explanation of why he was a nervous wreck, and Mari insisted on helping him find the perfect outfit.  Yuuri was relieved his sister helped him, choosing a cream long-sleeved shirt and a pair of cotton trousers.  He wanted to wear his straw hat, but Mari refused, saying it made the outfit look childish. Yuuri reluctantly agreed.
He dressed in record time and flew down the steps.  His mother had returned home and just finished setting the table when Yuuri went into the dining room and gave her a hug goodbye.
“Where are you off to, son?” she asked.
“I’m having dinner with Viktor tonight,” Yuuri replied, “I’m not sure how long I’ll be gone.”
“Have a fun time, dear,” Hiroko said, returning the hug and giving him a kiss on the cheek.
“I will, Mom,” he said, grinning at her, “I will.”
They arrived within minutes of each other.  Yuuri was waiting near a well-manicured hedge and grinned broadly when he saw Viktor.  Extending a hand in greeting, Yuuri felt a pleasant feeling run through him, growing stronger when Viktor clasped Yuuri’s hand with both of his.
“How has the remainder of your week been, Yuuri?” Viktor asked after the greetings were out of the way.
“It’s been good, but nothing as remarkable as tonight,” Yuuri said truthfully.
“I agree wholeheartedly,” Viktor said, “Ready to go inside?”
Upon Yuuri’s nod, Viktor opened the door for him and placed his hand on the small of Yuuri’s back, guiding him toward the maitre’d stand.  When he realized what he had done, his hand flew back as if he was touching fire.  He looked around their surroundings, but no one had noticed his faux pas.
Sighing a breath of relief, Viktor chatted with Yuuri until the maitre’d seated them.  They thanked the gentleman for the glasses of lemon water before perusing the menu.  Yuuri had only eaten at the establishment once and asked Viktor what he normally chose.  When Viktor mentioned the prime rib, Yuuri thought it sounded mouthwatering.  He decided upon that while Viktor mentioned he’d like to try the salmon dish.  They placed their orders when the server arrived and Viktor ordered a bottle of wine, his knowledge of the beverage impressing Yuuri immensely.
“So,” Viktor began, resisting the urge to take Yuuri’s hand in his own, “What do you think?”
“This?”  Yuuri started, “This is amazing.  I’ve only been here once, but it was a business lunch with one of my father’s clients.  I didn’t really get to enjoy the occasion.”
“Then we must visit here more often,” Viktor stated.
“Oh no, I couldn’t!  It’s so expensive here,” Yuuri objected.
“Then it shall be a treat.  Allow me a small whim, my sweet Yuuri,” Viktor said, his fingers brushing against Yuuri’s knuckles before placing his hand in his lap.
Viktor loved the way the blush crept up Yuuri’s neck and rested upon his cheeks.  He had learned through the day that they spent at the slums that Yuuri was easily embarrassed and didn’t take compliments easily.  Viktor had an inkling that Yuuri didn’t react well to terms of endearment either.
“I’m...um...I’m not used to someone referring to me in such a favorable manner,” Yuuri said.
“Why not is beyond me,” Viktor said, “You should have all the pleasantries and sweet endearments showered upon you every day of your life.”
Yuuri gave him an embarrassed smile which Viktor thought precious.  He returned the smile, it growing broader when he saw the twinkling in Yuuri’s eyes. Only interrupted when their meals arrived, they set about eating.
“Mmm,” Yuuri said after swallowing the first bite of prime rib, “This is decadent.”
“It’s amazing, that’s for sure,” Viktor said, “Would you like to try a bite of my calamari?  It melts in your mouth.”
Yuuri nodded and tried to take the fork from Viktor’s hand, but Viktor held onto it firmly.  Stabbing a piece of the fish with the utensil, Viktor raised his hand and offered the calamari to him.  Yuuri’s eyes never left Viktor’s while he took the bite, his eyes closing while he was chewing.
“How can any place make meals so luscious?” Yuuri asked, smirking when Viktor laughed.
“Their chef is from France.  I’ve heard that he is one of the best in the world, Viktor declared.
“Quite impressive.”
They returned to their meals, chatting and sipping on their wine.  When they finished, Viktor asked Yuuri if he’d like to partake in dessert, but Yuuri was too full.  They made plans to visit again in the near future, though Yuuri made Viktor promise to let him pay that time.
They wandered around town talking about every subject under the sun.  They chatted about the presidential elections and how the man voted in would ruin the country.  Their conversation then went to the most prominent’s daughter having a child out of wedlock.  They felt bad for the young woman since she was the talk of the town.  Yuuri was more concerned that the baby had breathing problems after she had him, knowing that information since his mother helped with the birth.  He also mentioned the small wooden car he’d brought to the baby’s mother for when he grew a little more.  The woman had tears in her eyes from Yuuri’s kindness.
They found themselves at the willow tree again.  Yuuri was hesitant to sit since the dew had fallen and Viktor was wearing linen pants.  When Viktor sat on the ground without thinking, however, Yuuri followed suit and laid back onto the soft, dew-kissed grass.
“Copper for your thoughts,” Viktor said softly.
“I was thinking about how much I enjoyed tonight.  This has to be one of the best days of my life,” Yuuri admitted.
“I’m so happy you feel that way,” Viktor said, smiling at him.
Laying in silence as they listened to the spring frogs sing their nighttime song, Viktor and Yuuri simply enjoyed the other’s company.  It was growing late though, and Viktor needed to wake early the next morning.
“I have to return home shortly,” Viktor said.
“As do I.  My father has a busy day planned for me tomorrow,” Yuuri said.
Viktor sat up and nodded.  Yuuri followed and stood up, brushing the grass off his backside.  Viktor noticed and felt his temperature increase.  He found every single action that Yuuri did amazingly attractive, and he wanted it for himself alone.
“Would you like to go to the play that’s performing at the theater on Sunday?” Yuuri questioned, “My parents have an extra ticket.”
“I’d love to.”
Stepping closer to Yuuri, Viktor placed his hands on Yuuri’s shoulders before embracing him.  Yuuri’s breath hitched as he felt himself lost in Viktor’s embrace.  Feeling his body come to life, Yuuri held his breath and wrapped his arms around Viktor.  Hugging him tighter, Yuuri felt lost when Viktor released him.
“Until Saturday, my sweet Yuuri,” Viktor said, squeezing his shoulders once before leaving.
Yuuri was on cloud nine, he had ascended to the heavens.  The electricity that had rushed through his body when he felt Viktor’s body against his own hadn’t abated, and Yuuri wished it would last forever.  Feeling ever so hopeful, Yuuri glanced at the moon and made a wish.
“Please allow Viktor and I something more,” he whispered into the still night air.  
Closing his eyes tightly, he wanted the wish to come true more than anything in the world.  Knowing he had to go home, Yuuri turned around and descended the hill, his heart forever hopeful.
Talented artwork done by the amazing @princessmimoza​ !  Need to catch up? Check out Menagerie on Ao3!
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ROXANNE: Chapter Three
A/N: Haiiiiiii, Loves. So,I know my third chapter is late but I been sick while working some crazy, long hours and was depressed all at the same time BUT I feel better now. So, here is chapter three.
Warning: Mentions about death, weed and drug use, sexual innuendos and more. 
Song Recommendation: I listened to Hey There, Lonely Girl by Eddie Holman.
Word Count: 4884
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*Gun shot noises*
Erik was at the gun range, getting target practice trying to kill time before his “appointment”. He took his ear guards and shades off while pressing the button to bring the wounded paper closer to him. He placed the paper between his hands and smirked at the shots he made into a cross. He took the sheet placing on the ground beside him and adding a new sheet to the mix. He put his head phones back on with his shades, played his music and continued.
He soon found himself at a cemetery with peonies in hand. He walked up the deep hill; to a graveside with a tomb stone molded into the ground, two sat by one another.He stood with his hands in front of his pelvis and look down to see the names, Annie Marie Stevens and N’Jobu Udaku. He cleared his throat to stop the tears and said “uh, hey, ma. Hey, pop. I’m here for our monthly talk. Y’know like when I was younger. Well, life been coo lately and what not but, uh, I’m just trying to still figure out life I guess.” He looked around and all the tombstones and sighed. “What is the point of leaving life? We just all gonna end up here anyways. When we are long gone, is there actually heaven and hell or are we just done for? Do we become something or someone else or do out corpse just rot and decay away?” He shook his hand, stating “I still don’t get this shit, y’all. Life’s hard especially with y’all not being here. I mean y’all here but just... just not physically. There was so much y’all didn’t get to teach me. Like love and shit. I just wished we all had more time. Y’know I always wonder how life would be if y’all were alive, man. Would we be happy? Would I still be an angry ass person? Maybe not since ma was into self love and meditating.” 
He smiled at the thought of his family sitting on the ground, meditating early in the morning. He began thinking about Roxanne too out of no where and uttered out “I met a girl. Her name is Roxanne. This woman is bad and beautiful too. Her voice is like, is like honey drizzling onto some toast. Her eyes, they got so much passion and fire into them. Her smile is just like freshly cleaned diamonds and she just so beautiful. She strong too, y’all. She reminds me of…” He looked at his mom’s grave and sighed again, missing her more and more.
 Erik placed the flowers down on their graves and kissed his fingers to place by their names. “I hope I make y’all proud. See ya next month.” He began walking away when he noticed a golden miniature motorcycle that sat on a grave plot; something told him to stop and read the headstone. “To, a brother who made others smile. To, a son who warmed his mother’s heart. To, a friend who made people calm and to, a man who lived his best life. Here lies…” He stopped and knelt down when he read the last part. He read it again while holding his hands together. “Here lies, D’Angelo Fosters.” He shook his head while holding his hand to the grave and closed his eyes, mentally saying his hi and goodbye.
Roxanne was in her kitchen, in a wife beater, no bra and booty shorts cooking lunch for herself and Raymond. She had her hair wrapped in a towel to dry it as her hips moved to her reggae playlist. She was in the middle of making ox tails, with dirty rice and corn bread. She was winding her hips to the beat of Bonafide Love by Beenie Man. She was feeling herself as she turned the music up louder.
“I don’t why. Ooooh whyyyy”, she sung with her hands out and wooden spoon tossing in the air. “Aye, sis. I’m ba-“, Raymond said but stopped when he saw his sister vibing. He chuckled as he gently put the bag on the ground. He slowly walked behind her and began dancing like her until she turned around. “Bumbaclaat! Ray, you scared the shit outta me”, she said holding onto her chest to catch her breath.
“You was gettin’ it. girl. I was like aight then”, he said chuckling as she turned around. “You idiot. Anyways, how was the gym”, she asked, stirring the rice. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and said “ah, man. It was whatever. Just like every other day. Of course, niggas was crowding up in there. Tryna pretend to be healthy and shit knowing damn well they ass gonna quit that shit in mid February.” Roxanne couldn’t help but laugh at that. Ray went over to the fridge to grab a water bottle and chugged it in one sip, shooting the bottle in the recycling bag. “So, how was the race since I can’t go up there?”
“Fine, 12 almost caught me but you know me. Gotta thank Erik for that.” Raymond looked to her with a rose brow and asked “Erik, Erik Stevens is back?” Roxxx nodded and said “yep and breathing too.” Ray slightly smirked and said “Damn, I ain’t see E in a minute. How he doing?” Roxxx checked the rice. “Good, I guess. He pretty cool. Just like bro said.”
“Invite him over”, he said as he took a spoon, dipping to the rice and eating a chunk before tossing it in the sink. Roxxx was mixing the cornbread batter as she spoke. “RayRay, he probably busy. Probably in some pussy right now.” Ray Ray smacked his lips looking her up and down. “Then he can come for dinner, Roxxx. C’mon I ain’t seen him in years. If you love me, you’ll invite him.” She looked at him and down and said “fine, I will try and invite him for dinner. No promises he will be here though.” RayRay kissed her cheek and ran to his room, leaving Roxxx with a smile.
“Uh shit, daddy. I can feel you in my gut. Fuck”, said the light skin girl, nude and behind in the air. Erik held his fist into her lower back as they fucked to DaBaby in the background. He bit on his lip as he watched her pussy stretch around his dick, creaming all over. Yes, her pussy was good but he would get turned off when she ran. He would have to hold her in place.
All of a sudden, the ding from his phone caught his attention. He tilted to his right to see a text from ‘Roxxx’ with emojis of a chocolate and a yam . He began thinking about her so much at that moment. From her eyes, her frame to when she touched his marks. The way she smelled even made his dick hard. He smacked the girl’s ass, pretending it was Roxanne. He began pounding into her pussy as he thought about Roxanne. The way she took control in every situation got him about to explode all over. He muted out the girl’s moans and heard Roxanne’s voice in his head. He pounded in her harder while holding her hips close to him. He then released into the condom in one pump.
Minutes later, he locked up the house and lied in bed, freshly showered. He grabbed his phone and began dialing the number; he then heard “hey, baby boy. What’s up?” Erik chuckled and said “you like calling me that huh?”
“Maybe, maybe not. Anyways what you doing?” He sat up in bed, back against the headboard and said “shit nothing. Why? You wanna see me or something?” He chuckled when he heard her say “boy, hush.” He smirked as he rubbed his abs. “Well, I was wondering what you were doing tonight. You remember D’Angelo’s little brother right?”
“Ray Ray? Yeah, I ain’t seen him since graduation.”
“Yeah, well he wants to see you and invite you for dinner and whatnot. If you can’t come, I understan-“.
“Nah, I can come. What y’all plan on having”, he asked sitting up, feet planted on the floor. “I was thinking about making some pot roast, with potatoes and greens and rolls. Ray Ray wanted a cheesecake so of course I made one for later. Then I made some iced tea and what not.” The line got so quiet until Roxxx asked “you still there?”
“So when we getting married”, he said making Roxxx laugh. “Boy, I’ll send you the address.” He soon hoped in the shower again and threw on a crisp black tee, jeans and of course some all black Timberlands. He finished the look with his father’s chain and his matching watch. He looked in the fridge and grabbed a bottle of chilled Jack Daniels before heading out; he placed the address in the GPS and was off.
Erik soon pulled up to the matcha toned home and saw the garage door open. Once he parked in front of the home, he grabbed his gift and looked around as he got out. Coming from the garage was some Doja Cat playing; Streets to be more specific. As he made his way to the front door, he saw a pair of female legs under a car with her right knee bent. The car was lifted up as she worked. Erik walked up to her right side, biting his lip. He can see her print under her shorts and thick thighs slightly jiggling.
“Are you gonna say hello or are you gonna keep checking me out”, Roxanne said catching him off guard. He chuckled and asked “can ya blame me?” She rolled out carefully and looked up to him with her brown eyes. Erik liked seeing her natural beauty where he can see her beauty marks and apple cheeks more clearly with her hair pulled up in a high ponytail. Roxanne sat up on her elbows with a slight chuckle and said “do I have something on my face again?” He rolled his eyes with a smirk and helped her up. She wiped her hands on the towel beside her, clean and dusted her legs off. He looked down at her frame then back to her eyes.
“So, what you doing there”, Erik asked as he watched her. She looked back to the car and let it down before opening the hood and propping it open. “Eh, just doing a monthly check up for RayRay. He had some gas leaking so I fixed that up. Had to clean out the AC vent so the air got a lot cooler.” She bent down over the edge slightly with her flash light as Erik checked her out more. Her cheeks looked so nice and plump enough to bite and never let go. “Now, I’m just checking the alternator and making sure the car won’t overheat easily.”
“How you know so much about cars”, he asked once she turned around and wiped her hands again. She leaned against the car and explained. “My pops. Used to do a lot of work on cars, detailing and shit. He used to tell me ‘baby gyal, ya will neva need a man for any ting. Make dem need you.’ ” She smiled at the memory and Erik saw that twinkle again. “Is he still around or nah?” She was about to speak until they heard “aye, Roxy. Have you seen”, Raymond asked as he walked to the garage. His eyes grew big as he walked up to the pair and looked Erik up and down. Erik smirked and said “damn you got big, Ray.”
Raymond gave him a brotherly hug and said “welcome back, bruh.” Erik patted his back as Roxanne stood back watching. Erik looked at Ray and said “damn, you gotta be at least-.”
“Yeah, ain’t seen you since you was like three almost. How Momma Dukes doing?”
“She’s good. I mean she in the hospital again and is in a home to be watched more but she doing better.” Erik looked to Roxanne then back at him. “Why she there?”
Roxanne looked at Ray and saw the hurt in his face as he looked at her. She rubbed his back and looked to Erik. “Ma losing her memory. Between me working every so often and baby boy in school, we couldn’t watch her all the time. She had slipped and fell apparently and was unconscious for hours until I got back from work years ago. She was out cold for like hours then when we took her to the hospital, we found out she had dementia.”
Erik looked to the pair and shook his head while saying “I’m sorry to hear that.” RayRay looked to him and smiled a little before he saw the bottle in Erik��s hand. “Is that for us?” Roxxx smacked the back of his head and he rubbed it. “Damn, bruh. I was kidding, sis.” Roxanne folded her arms and said “Ima kid my foot up ya ass. Go take the bottle and put in the fridge and clean up for dinner.”
“You ain’t the boss of me.”
“I promised ma I will be and I ain’t breaking my promise any time soon. Now go.” Erik chuckled as he passed the bottle to him and watched him walk away. “Mean ass”, Ray muttered under his breath and Roxxx threw a basketball at his back. “He must forgot I can hear anything.”
Erik followed her into the house and removed his shoes before placing them at the front door. Roxanne looked back at him and said “I see you was raised right.” He smiled and sat on the couch watching her in the kitchen as he got a text from the last jump off. Daddy, I miss that dick, he read in his head. He looked over at Roxanne as she grabbed the mitts and removed the pot roast, making his stomach grumble more. He made his way over and leaned against the corner as she stirred the greens. “You got it smelling good in here”, he complimented. She thanked him with a grin. “Who taught you how to cook?”
“Well, it was a combination of ma and my mom. Taught me all my life. I would just watch ‘em and all”. Erik looked around to see frames of multiple people but one caught his eye more. In the photo, looked to be an younger Roxanne with two other people. One was a man with soften ginger head of hair with medium brown skin. He wore a polo shirt with jeans and flip flops; the bottom was cuffed. The other person was a woman with skin like Roxanne and long braids down her back. She wore a long flow sundress that showed her frame; her and Roxanne could easily pass for twins.
Roxanne took noticed and said “those are my folks” as she drizzled juices over the roast. Erik looked back to her, with a wondering mind. He wondered if he should ask or not; he left it be.
Once they finished eating, Roxanne and Erik sat on her couch as Ray sat in his room. Roxanne came back from her room with a pencil case. She sat beside Erik as he poured the chilled dark liquor into the glasses. She opened the case to reveal a snack size baggie if weed, plenty of blunts and a R shaped lighter. She began rolling as she leaned her back against the couch. Erik took a sip of his drink and watched her. The concentration she had was immaculate. “So, what was the Navy like”, she asked as she lit the thick blunt and taking a hit. Erik took another sip and said “awe well. Kinda reminded me of MIT. Niggas tryna be all big and bad and shit. We trained a lot. I bulked up and grew my hair out.” She nodded as he thought to himself.
“Where are they now?”
“Ya folks”.
Roxanne still was rolling her blunt when she said “back home in Jamaica. We, uh, we got separated when I was thirteen. They ain’t had their papers, some folks found out and they were gone when I came back from school.” Erik noticed how her shoulders slumped but her demeanor stayed the same. “Sorry to hear that.”
“It is was it is. Niggas were upset to see a woman with her business of owning a restaurant and a man with a car appreciation business basically. I was put up for foster care and hopped around from home to home”, she said before stopping in mid memory. She looked to her dagger as Erik sat closer and rubbed his shoulder. “When did ma take you in?”
“Took months. I was hopping from Malibu to Vegas, the ATL and every where on this hell hole. My last name changed so much but then D’Angelo reconnecting when he saw me at the mall out here. I was down the way around that time. Been through some dark times, even thought about taking my own life until I got away. I was 17 and in a real dark place. Then ma took me but wasn’t able to be released until 18; but still stayed around.”
Roxanne passed the blunt to him so he can take a hit. Erik let the air out through his nose as he asked “when was the last time you saw them?” Roxanne took a shot of her drink and said “last year. I go out there every once in a while but since ma got worst, I gotta stay back and watch RayRay.” Erik leaned his head back looking at her face as she let out some air. “I race because my mom did it.” She smiled at the memory and said “I remember when my mom and ma was actually competing one another. My mom was a biker and that’s when I fell in love with it. She was incredible. Seeing her decked out in all black leather was like inspiration for me. My pop and I used to go a lot with her. Every race, she called us her lucky charms.” Roxanne looked over at Erik’s eyes and asked “tell me about your folks.”
Erik’s demeanor changed slightly but he pulled his eyes away from hers to look at the ceiling. “They dead. My, uh, my moms was murdered in prison and my dad was murdered in our apartment. They found these deep ass marks in his chest while I was playing basketball. Not sure what happened but when I ran up to get something to drink, he was drowning in his own blood. It was everywhere. Niggas took my dad out and I never found out who. I was just like you, hopping from place to place. Some were what ever and some was bad as hell. Had one family where they adopted all kinds of kids and made us food that was worst than the food my moms had when she was locked up. I had some dark times until my last guardian took me in. Some young cat, about 32 to at the time. Taught me how to be book and street smart.”
Roxanne looked over at him then at the tv screen. “Where he at now”, she asked folding her arms. He looked to her and then where she was looking. “Died years ago. When I was in service over seas.” She closed her eyes and took a hit of the blunt again, letting the smoke out. She shook her head as she opened her eyes and handed the blunt to Erik. “Life’s a strange thing, E. We are put on this world just to get hurt, to feel then to die. Makes no fucking sense. Never will. Like seriously what is the point of living if we just gonna rot in the ground anyways.” He looked at her to see her eyes on him and nodded, agreeing.
“So, E. How come you single anyways? I mean you seem like a cool dude”. She asked folding her legs together and looking at him. “It’s simple. Never could find the one. I like being myself. I like being to myself. Like staying lowkey. I mean I fuck from time to time but that’s just fucking to me; no strings attached.”
“Same here. I mean yeah I got my crew and Ray but sometimes I just like being alone. I can think clearly with a book and some bomb ass music while smoking or drinking ya know? It’s just that when I by myself, I feel like-“
“You can breathe with focus “, he interrupted to add and looked over at her as she smiled small. They continued smoking for a while listening to old school music. “Aight, let’s see if you got good taste. Top three old school r&b artist, go,” Roxanne said before passing him the blunt. “Easy, Joe, Tyrese, and Usher,” he said all confident before she smacked his chest. “Nigga, I said old school not 90’s r&b. Just for that you get no more weed”. He kissed his lips and said “fine, muthafucka. What’s your top three?” She looked at him and said “Marvin Gaye, Eddie Holman and Donny Hathaway, boom!” Erik shook his head chuckling and said “aight, but picture this. You get high as fuck right? What will be your playlist? Top 5, any genre of music, any decade.”
“Awe damn, E. Shit. Let’s see, um, ok I got it. Yearning for Your Love by the Gap Band, Frontin’ by Pharrell, It Was A Good Day by Ice Cube, Computer Love by Zapp and Roger and Time Machine by Willow. Your turn.”
“Aight, of course we got It was a good day, Hands on the wheel by Schoolboyq, Gangstas Paradise by Coolio, Passin Me By by the Pharcyde, I wish it would rain by The Temptations and , I guess, Stairway to Heaven by the OJays”, Erik said rubbing his abs through his shirt. Roxxx took noticed, bit the corner of her lip away from before taking a deep breath. “So, Erik. About ya marks, are they everywhere?”
He looked to her to see that she was looking at the ceiling. Her legs were wide enough for him to see her mound print. She looked good enough to eat, literally. “Nah, they not.” As he looked away biting his lip, Roxanne turned her head to him. “Did they hurt?”
“Nah, well only for like a second but the more I did it, the less it hurt.” Roxanne nodded in agreement as she started to play music, rolling another blunt. She hit shuffle on her phone and The Gap band played. She placed the blunt between her lips and lit the end waiting for the spark to pop up. She placed her lighter inside the box and leaned her head back on the couch playing the air guitar with closed eyes and tapping her feet. Erik watched her as he chuckled making her look at him with a smirk; she handed the blunt to him. He noticed the scars underneath her left forearm tattoo; he counted at least twelve. He took a hit letting the smoke leave his nose. Roxanne was too busy lip syncing the lyrics to notice Erik’s glare. Roxanne was a beautiful woman who was a boss all in one. She had everything he was looking for but it was too early to mention it. They only knew each other for like a couple of weeks or so. With eyes like the glass of Jack Daniels she held in her hand. Her lips would look like two plush pillows around him and with a body like hers, she would be the only woman he fucked with. Erik always had a thing for independent women because it showed they didn’t need a man or anyone to be around so it made him feel special in a way.
  For hours, they just sat in comfortable silence, enjoying one another’s company. Roxanne was hanging off the couch with legs on the wall while Erik rested his head on her legs looking at the window, at the dark skies. “Aye, Roxxx?” She looked up at him like in slow motion and said “yeah?” His eyes fell on hers and said “we been getting fucked up all day, ma.” He smirked and she started laughing, agreeing with him. “Shit, the sun just said fuck y’all niggas, I’m going to bed”, she commented making him laugh. “Like I’m out this bitch. Y’all with the shenanigans”; they laughed again out loud enough for Ray Ray to come out. He was dress in a clean tee and sweats as he rose his brow to them. “Y’all niggas fucked up, man.” Erik and Roxxx looked at him and started laughing again.
Ray Ray rolled his eyes as he made his way to the door and he opened it, he reached out for a slender woman’s waist. Roxxx looked towards the door when she took in the faint smell of Bath & Body Works’ Japanese Cherry Blossom body spray, making her sit all the way up. The woman had icy blonde hair and medium brown skin. She wore a green tube top, jeans that hugged her curves and matching fuzzy slides. “There go my baby”, RayRay said kissing in her neck. She giggled while trying to get out of his grasps. Erik looked over at Roxanne who held a stank, irritated face; he chuckled while leaning back. RayRay looked into Erik’s face and said “Erik, this is my baby, Angelica. Angel, this is my brother, E.”
 Angel saw Erik on the couch and said “hello, Erik. I see Roxxx finally found a man instead of acting like one.” Roxanne was about to hop off the couch with her knife but was pulled back by Erik. Erik whispered in her ear low enough for the others to not hear. “Chill. We good, aight.” She looked back at him then rolled her eyes leaning forward. “And it look like ya finally got some good hair instead of that dusty crusty one you been rocking since Obama was in office the first time, huh?” Raymond chuckled but waved it off. “Sis, chill. My baby still looked good.”
“Since when has she every looked good. I’m amazed her pussy ain’t start a huge as tornado with all that hot air going in and out. More niggas ran through her than a white bitch in an all black porno gang bang.” Erik spit out his drink before covering his mouth. Angel placed her hands on her hips and said “you got jokes, huh? Well, I got one for ya. What you call a bitch that ain’t had dick since the ‘incident’?” Roxxx looked up at her with an irritated look then to Raymond. “You told her about that?” Raymond looked to her and said “nah, she probably over heard-“.
“Over heard what”; he was silent looking at Angel. Roxxx leaned forward picking up a new wrap as Erik watched. “Raymond, you need to go pack a bag. You need stay with that bitch for the week.” Roxanne began wrapping the blunt as Ray shook his head before looking to Angel, signaling her to go to the car; she went as he went to pack a bag and leave, slamming the door shut. Roxanne’s lit the blunt between her lips and lied back. Erik wondered what they all meant but decided it wasn’t his place. “You good, Roxxx”, he asked with a rose brow. She looked to him and said “I’m good. Just-“, she stopped and blinked away a tear he couldn’t see on the other side of her face. She stood up and handed him the blunt before saying “you can stay the night if ya want. We been drinking all day and I can’t let anyone get hurt drinking and driving out here.” He nodded and said “I’m down” She took a deep breath, clearing her throat and said “I’ll go get you some blankets and shit. I- uh- just washed so you good.” She smirked a little before straightening her face again and going to fetch the new sheets.
 Hours later, Erik was lying on the couch with his tall frame knocked out as Hey There Lonely Girl by Eddie Holman played from her room. Roxanne looked up to the ceiling in deep thought, right arm behind her head and left head arm resting against her stomach. Her lips were tight as she bit on her bottom one, nostrils flaring and eyes red, soaked with tears and brows stitched in anger.
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I hope y’all enjoyed this chapter because the next would definitely make ya emotions stir up. 
@muse-of-mbaku @im5ftbutmythroat66 @chaneajoyyy @melanin-samii @theunsweetenedtruth @doux-ciel @unicornluvin8765 @vikkidc @wakandantings @thadelightfulone @mzamethystp @simbiann @tropicalsun10 @babydoll756​ @notoriouslynay @vminax @quinsly @pinkdemolition @quietstorm-73​ @chaoticcashfancroissant @bugngiz​ @chocolatedippedinhoney​ @yafavcocoa @lostgalaxies​ @mbakuwife @youreadthatright​ @babygotl01292003 @acceptyourselfloveyourself @madamslayyy​ @yoyolovesbucky​ @theogbadbitch @wakanda-inspired @bitchacho25 @toniilaney @wakandascrystal​ @girlsneedlovingfanfics @raysunshine78​ @melodyofmbaku @hearteyes-for-killmonger @silenceisplatinum @thickemadame​ @shookmcgookqueen​ @heykillmongerluhme​ @fonville-designs @cutewylie @allhailqueennel @10bsatatime @nickidub718 @lildashofmelanin @allhailqueennel @amirra88 @hakunalive4eva @thickemadame​ @ghostfacekill-monger @cherrystainedlipsbaby​ @nahimjustfeelingit-writes​ @fd-writes
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beg-for-it-black · 4 years
LDWS Week 1 Voting
Guys! Voting is HERE! As of right now, voting will stay open until Monday at 6pm EST. You all have 1 vote for most favorite and 1 vote for least favorite drabbles. Participants are encouraged to vote, but you may NOT vote for yourselves! I should explain a bit more how this works, I guess. The winner isn't decided by whoever gets the most most fav votes. Each most fav vote gets +1. Each least fav gets -1. Once those are tallied, a winner will be determined. If there's a tie, there will be a tie breaker so that there is one winner and one person eliminated. Please, try not to vote on a drabble just because you like a pairing. Take into account the quality of the writing and how well it fits the prompt! When you vote, just send me a message stating the number and the title of the drabbles. Do not send messages on anon. The prompt this week was "Well that was a bad idea" and had to be between 440-450 words.
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maree-ff · 5 years
Walking through the classroom door I hit the lights, taking in the flashbacks of my last day at work before going on leave. This transition back into the working field after really getting to know my newborn baby won’t be easy. This morning it took me 45 minutes just to put the baby down so I could get ready for the day. Andre did not pester me or make commentary on my behavior.  I think he was mute for quite a few reasons but only one stands out the most. He’s become an extremely compassionate person. Andre watched over and cared for me from the moment he came home up until now. He knows how attached I’ve become to our new baby and getting acquainted with motherhood once again. Which is why leaving this morning was a major heartache for me. Pregnancy became that much lifelike with him around to soak up the last few months alongside me. Not to forget about how nurturing, strong and level headed he was while I was going through labor.
“Mrs. Reese?” A tender voice spoke out from behind me.
I squealed initially and spilled some of my tea on the floor. The sting from the water against the tops of my feet made me tear up but I didn’t release them. Spinning around slowly I made eye contact with one of my quietest students.
“Good morning, Lee. How are you?” I asked him.
“I’m okay. Sorry if I scared you. I didn’t mean to.” He said timidly.
I assured him that I’m fine and that he didn’t scare me. I don’t have the heart to tell this sweet boy that he did in fact scare the hell out of me. My classroom isn’t even filled yet and I already feel that my nerves are getting the better of me. 
---------  --------
Time seems to be moving at a rather fast pace now. Half of the day is already gone and I received my routine visits from both Zoe and Kenja. Seeing them reminded me of Jorden and although the sadness returned, the girls put a smile on my face.
After recess was over, I pushed through the remainder of my lesson by forcing my sadness deep down inside. My students don’t deserve any inconsistency in their education. The minute the bell rang out, my room alongside neighboring classrooms and hallway were instantly filled with noise. Standing from my desk I removed my cardigan, set it on top of my laptop, and went around the room for a sweep.
“Mrs. Reese?!” I turned around on my heels with three pencils, a notebook, and halfway zipped pencil pouch in hand. I moved so quickly I dropped half of what I was holding.
“Dammit..” I cursed under my breath at my clumsiness and bent down to pick up the items. “What’s the matter Claudia?” I asked.
“I still can’t read the big clock.” She whined.
Going over to her desk I assisted her in gathering her things and talked her through the review lesson on time we went over today. My fill-in for the last few months has really done a great job on staying up on the lesson plan I set up for my kids. Even at home, carrying Jorden to full term I still made sure my babies here at school were taken care of. From what the substitute told me, Claudia is still struggling to read time. I went as far as writing her parents a note explaining to them what exactly Claudia is having issues with.
Once Claudia felt confident that she will get the hang of this lesson, I sat down at my desk to read everyone’s journal entries. There was complete silence in my room until I heard feet closing in on my position. Still focused on these journal entries I picked up my favorite pen and highlighter, going in with this editing.
“Mama, you coming home late today?” 
My head turned to the left and when I saw Zoe standing in the doorway I dropped my pen. I turned around in my chair, stood up and went over to where she stood. With her wrapped up in my arms I felt this sensational urge to weep but our location prevented that. 
“I missed you, my love.” I sniffled. Even after a long day of playing and running around, Zo still smells like home. 
“But I came to visit you two times today. Mom, are you okay?” She asked. The concern in her voice tickled me red. 
Scaling back from our hug I walked her to my desk so I could sit back down. 
“Mommy..what’s wrong? Why do you look so sad?” She questioned with a little more authoritative tone. 
“I’m not sad, Zo. I’m really tired but I’m not sad. And no I’m not coming home late. In fact..” taking a breather I stood up and began gathering my belongings. “Wanna take a trip with me? We can surprise daddy and Kenny with something they’ll both love.” I know that enticing children is a horrible parenting tactic. Especially since I get on Andre, all the time, about spoiling them with material things. However the incentive for her to come home with me is baked goods. 
“Can we go to Ann Marie? Please mom? Say that we can go, please!” Zoe began to guilt trip me about the last time we were supposed to go to the bakery. Together we left the school grounds after I received confirmation that Divya picked up Kenja this afternoon. The drive into downtown LA was an absolute mess. Cars and pedestrians at every turn, not to mention it began to rain just as Zo and I made it inside the shop. 
“Mommy..the umbrella.” Zoe complained, standing close to me. 
“We’ll be alright love bug. I’ll cover you with my jacket before we walk out. Tell me what you want.” I said to her. I granted Zoe the pleasure of getting her favorite muffin and a small cake just for her. I was sure to get Kenja’s and her daddy’s  favorite treats as well. When it came time for me to pick something I froze. 
My drastic change in diet has really hindered my food palate. I chose many months ago to eat to live. I chose to nourish my body with food from the earth not only for my benefit but for my little boy too. 
“If you’re struggling with the main menu we do have a specialty menu you can look at.” The girl behind the counter spoke up. 
“Yes, I’d like to see that one. Thank you.” Accepting a laminated booklet with all kinds of alternatives I felt my eyes widen. “I’ll be damned.” I chuckled quietly. 
“Can I see? I want to look too, mom.” Zoe quizzed frantically. 
Squatting down to her level I read off some goods that caught my eye. Thanks to Zoe I picked out more sweet treats than I bargained for. The girl boxed up our food beautifully and then we went home. The rain lightened up just as I got settled behind the steering wheel. My eye caught the brightest rainbow I’ve seen since the day of my mother’s funeral. 
“It’s grandma and her special rainbow, mommy, look.” Zoe said. 
“Yeah baby, I see it too. It’s pretty right?”
“Uh huh.” She mumbled 
Choking back a mass in my throat I discreetly thanked my mother for the sign of good faith.
——--  ——--
“Alright, all done.” I yawned. Setting down Kenja’s brush and spray bottle I hung my head low with my eyes closed. My body began to sway and when I felt the cushion of her bed underneath my head I remained still. 
“You can sleep here, I don’t mind..” 
I opened one eye up to see Kenja taking the braid out of my hair. A weak smile and airy chuckle later I felt a presence nearby. Shifting slightly I felt my spirit come back to life. Here Andre stands in the doorway of the room with the baby cradled in his arms. I’ve been home tending to the girls for over an hour and I’ve yet to lay eyes on my baby. 
“Is he asleep?” I yawned again, making the girls and Andre laugh. 
“Same state that you’re in now. Come on..” he encouraged me. 
I rose slowly from Evelyn’s bed and stood on my feet even slower. I’m worn out beyond measure. This first day back was brutal on my body. Turning around on my feet I went to tuck the girls into their beds. It’s getting to that time of night where I have to flip the switch in my brain. I tended to my kids and students all day so now is my time to end my night with my best friend and our bundle of joy. 
“Good night my loves, I love you girls so much and don’t ever forget that.” I passed my love to the girls and left the room, stripping out of second change of clothes. I swapped the sweats and hoodie for one of my robes and sat down at the edge of the bed. Andre passed the baby to me and when I laid my sights on him I let the tears go. Too many hours have passed since I’ve held and loved on my little boy. “I missed you so much baby. So so much.” I whispered to him, smothering his face in warm kisses. 
“I can already tell how your first day back went.” Andre voiced, adjusting the temperature in the room.
Sighing tiredly, I crossed my legs and laid back against the bed. “I missed the two of you so much. Being here was all I could think about. The girls came to visit as usual and that really helped. Anyway, how was your day?”
“Quiet. I didn’t take him anywhere. We just hung out around the house. I let him sleep after you left and surprisingly he was knocked out for five hours straight.” Andre stretched out beside me, removing my earrings and my eyelashes. “Why are you still playing around with these? You have beautiful eyelashes that don’t deserve to be covered up.” 
Smiling from the pit of my belly I felt my body tremble at his passive aggressive attempt to poke fun at me. Andre is the most supportive man I know but when I toy with different makeup looks and tools he gets a kick out of making commentary. 
“I like to switch things up, Dre. You know that. I guess you’re right though, they are quite uncomfortable.” Peering at my baby I lifted my hand to stroke his cheek. 
“Switch with me. Go get ready for bed because it’s getting late and you need to rest.” He and I traded places, granting me the peace and quiet I’ve been yearning for all day. Lifting my head toward the shower head I embraced the pounding water, pushing my hair back. 
“Mmm…” I groaned. “Hahh…” my mind is slipping between reality and a dreamland. Life has been gracious to me and so has the Lord. Life has also been cruel to me on numerous occasions. The spattering water against the floor and my feet reminded me of the waterfalls in Puerto Rico. 
“Camila,” I heard over the water. 
“Yeah?” Turning around I leaned forward to let the water penetrate my back muscles. “That feels so good, mm..” 
“I’m just checking on you. Go on with your shower, I’m not going anywhere.” He snickered. “Can I ask you something babe?”
Rolling my eyes I began to take this shower seriously. “Of course.” 
“How are those stitches treating you?” 
Andre mentioning the most painful part of labor and delivery struck a nerve. I truly felt like I was dying when I felt my skin rip apart. “Umm..” as I rinsed the suds from my body I took a seat and delicately fanned my fingertips over my stitches. Even the slightest touch still raises the hair on my body and brings me discomfort. 
“Cam, what’s wrong baby, talk to me..” I jumped at the sound of Andre’s voice and stabbed myself with my fingernail. 
“Crap..” I shuddered. “It’s healing...slowly but surely. Did you get the pain meds I asked for? Along with everything else?” Sighing in defeat I wiped away the tears and sped up this shower. Stepping out I accepted the towel from Andre’s hand. “Gracias.” I smiled. 
“Always and yes I have everything that you asked for. Everything alright in there?” He smirked. 
“The stitches still haven’t dissolved and I stabbed myself. I’m okay I promise but I’m still not-”
Andre stroked the crown of my head and bent forward to kiss my cheek. “Camila, I know how much pain you’re still in.” He began. 
Gulping down the slight formation of bile I looked him in the eye. 
“I care about your health and well-being beyond my sexual needs and desires. I care about your sexual needs and desires before mine, you know that too. I was there behind you, watching you bring this little boy in the world. Meaning that I will never forget how difficult it must’ve been for you. We will get back to our old selves in time. I’m not rushing nor am I growing impatient.” 
I felt the corners of my mouth turn up. “Thank you for all that you do. Your patience and commitment is unmatched.” I said genuinely. 
If I want to have a healthy state of mind I’ve got to refocus. With Andre taking unexpected time off to be home with Jorden, this is the break I need to reinvent Camila Maree. 
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camillemontespan · 4 years
ten years from now [AU. drake walker x camille montespan] [part two: champagne brunch]
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Part One if you want to catch up
I’ve been up since 6am. In that time, I have had three coffee’s, worked out, showered, wore my new kimono around the house (a la Bertrand Beaumont in my HC), watched two episodes of Singapore Social, lunch, and written this. It’s only 1.45pm. Isolation drags man. I’m going to drink wine now. 
@moonlightgem7​ @emichelle​ @ibldw-main​ @mskaneko​ @jovialyouthmusic​ @marshmallowsaremyfavorite​ @burnsoslow​ @addictedtodrakefanfic​ @simplymissjulia​ @kingliam2019​ @oofchoices​ @saivilo​ @pug-bitch​ @notoriouscs​ @sirbeepsalot​  @dcbbw​ @katedrakeohd​ @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore​  @rainbowsinthestorm​  @burnsoslow​  @flowerpowell​ @argylemnwrites​
Bertrand and Maxwell Beaumont both loved a party. For as long as the citizens of Applewood could remember, the Beaumont brothers would find any excuse to throw a party and make it into an event that would be talked about for months afterwards. They were partial to fire throwing, circus performers and flash mobs. If you were invited to a Beaumont event, you had officially made it. 
As Camille had been Maxwell’s close friend in school, he went to great lengths to ensure that her welcome home brunch would be a brunch she would compare all other brunches to. He and Bertrand had created vision boards and hired a team to pull off the brunch in spectacular Beaumont style.
They had decided on a Marie Antoinette theme. Their manor was decorated to resemble Versailles with gold mirrors, twinkling chandeliers and candles lit on every surface. The dining room was big enough to hold twenty round tables that were decorated with platters of macaroons and bottles of champagne. They had hired waiting staff that wore Marie Antoinette inspired outfits, complete with powdered wigs that towered high on their heads. To complete the theme, a six tiered sponge cake decorated with tiny figures of the Eiffel Tower was placed in the centre of the room as a nod to the ‘let them eat cake’ quote that Marie Antoinette apparently declared. 
‘Why have they settled on a theme that involves the woman getting her head cut off?’ Bianca muttered to Drake, her eyes wide like saucers as she surveyed the room. 
Drake shrugged. ‘Are you really asking if the Beamont’s follow logic in their party planning?’
Bianca sniggered and helped herself to a champagne flute, tossing it back. Drake looked around, hoping for an open bar. He assumed there would be an open bar because the Beaumonts adored alcohol and he would be damned if he was going to drink champagne all morning. 
‘Bianca and Drake Walker, welcome!’ a grand voice came from behind them. They turned to see Bertrand striding towards them with his arms outstretched. Drake stepped back in alarm; Bertrand was wearing a Versailles inspired brocade gold coat, complete with matching trousers. He wore navy suede loafers on his feet adorned with tassels. 
‘Thank you for inviting us, very kind,’ Bianca said warmly, clasping his hands. ‘This is my first Bash!’
‘Oh darling, this isn’t a Bash!’ Bertrand laughed. ‘This is merely brunch! But, I will be sure to invite you two to our next Bash.’ He leaned close, conspiratorially. ‘We’ve decided on a casino theme!’ he whispered. 
A waitress dressed in a pink flouncy dress and violet wig passed with a tray of more champagne. Bertrand reached out to take two glasses and handed them to the Walkers. ‘Enjoy, mon cheries!’ he said cheerfully, before turning swiftly to welcome more guests. 
Drake sighed and swallowed down the champagne. God, it tasted awful. But it was free alcohol so he really shouldn’t complain. Bianca took him by the arm and together, they found their table near the front. Drake smiled. This made a change from always being put near the back. He pulled out a chair for his mother and she thanked him as she sat down, self consciously patting her hair. 
‘You look great mom,’ Drake murmured in her ear. ‘Have fun.’
Bianca smiled gratefully and looked around the room, taking mental snapshots of everything gone around her. Drake looked around too, before his eyes settled on Liam and Camille coming back inside with Maxwell. He saw Liam point to Drake and Bianca’s table; Camille kept a smile on her face as Liam guided her towards them. Drake swallowed hard and drew himself up. 
‘Looks like we’re at the same table!’ Liam said cheerfully. ‘Fantastic. Camille, darling, would you like some champagne?’
Camille smiled. ‘Yes, please.’ 
She sat down opposite Drake and watched as Liam poured her a glass. Maxwell sat down beside her, eyeing the macaroons. He reached out to take a pink one and shoved it in his mouth. 
‘Oh my god, this is heaven,’ he groaned, spraying pieces of macaroon on the table. ‘Oh sweet Jesus..’
Camille giggled and passed him a napkin. Maxwell took it, rolling his eyes, and then helped himself to another macaroon. Drake tried to keep his eyes off Camille; he was fully aware that Liam was sitting opposite and studying everyone intently. 
‘So, Drake, tell me,’ Liam said, pouring Drake a glass of champagne. ‘Camille only briefly mentioned you. You guys were friends?’
‘They were best friends!’ Bianca piped up, sipping her champagne. ‘They dated at one point.’
Camille and Drake both turned red. Liam’s eyes widened in surprise. ‘Oh really?’ he asked. ‘That’s fairly important! Why didn’t you tell me, darling?’
Camille shrugged, looking like she wanted to be somewhere else. ‘It was a long time ago.’
‘Very long,’ Drake volunteered, his voice gruff.  ‘Not important.’
‘When did you break up?’ Liam asked. ‘I hope that’s not an intrusive question, don’t feel like you have to answer-’
‘We broke up shortly after we started college,’ Drake interrupted, sick of this line of questioning. ‘Haven’t seen each other since.’
Liam bit his lip. ‘I’ve hit a nerve..’
‘Honey, it’s okay,’ Camille said quickly, taking his hand.  Liam cleared his throat. ‘Okay.. so, Drake, do you have any stories about Camille? Any warnings about her I should know?’
Drake tossed back his champagne before settling his eyes on Liam. God, the man was fucking golden. He looked like he had just stepped off the beach. He looked rich. Drake hated rich people. ‘You’ve got nothing to worry about,’ Drake told him. His eyes flashed to Camille. ‘Except don’t take her anywhere that’s high. She hates heights. Fainted on me once.’
Liam laughed. ‘Really? We’ve been rock climbing with my brother and she was fine then.’ He nudged Camille with his shoulder. ‘Isn’t that right, darling?’
Camille’s mouth pressed into a hard line. ‘I guess I didn’t tell you that I hate heights..’
Liam sat back, surprised at this new thing he had learned about his fiance. ‘Oh,’ he said. ‘I didn’t realise.. Why didn’t you say?’
Camille gave him a small smile. ‘I didn’t want to ruin your fun.’
Drake studied her now. There had been a time when Camille would have said she didn’t feel comfortable. She stood up for herself. But it seemed like now, she didn’t. That made Drake sad. Clearing his throat, he stood up. ‘I’m going to find some whiskey..’ he announced to no one in particular, before turning to leave the table and a very awkward Camille.
Drake aged 16; Camille aged 15
‘Come on, Camille, not far to go!’ Drake hollered over his shoulder. ‘We’re nearly at the top! The view’s gonna be incredible!’
‘Uh huh…’ Camille replied back, her breath coming out in heavy pants. Realising he was leaving her behind, Drake stopped to let her catch up. 
The two of them had been bored at home. Gisele and Bianca had chided them both to go out and enjoy the sunshine. Now, they were going on a hike up the hills behind the ranch and Camille was regretting the decision. 
‘Jesus, Camille, you’re so unfit,’ Drake teased. Camille flipped him her middle finger. 
‘Shut up, Walker. I need water.’
Drake opened his rucksack and took out the water bottle, tossing it to Camille. She swallowed the water down in gulps before pouring some on top of her head, drenching herself. 
Drake laughed, shaking his head. ‘Was that necessary?’
Camille fixed him with a steady stare. ‘Was it necessary to trek all the way up this damn mountain?’
‘It’s a hill,’ Drake corrected her. ‘Not a mountain.’
‘It’s still up high.’
Drake smirked. His eyes suddenly lingered on Camille for a fraction longer than needed; the water had trailed down her chest and her skin glimmered from the droplets. Drake felt his body react in an alarming way. 
‘Uh, okay, let’s keep going,’ he said quickly, turning to walk further up the path. ‘Last one there has to do the other’s math homework all week.’
They trekked up the path until they reached the top twenty minutes later. The landscape of Applewood was laid out before them. Drake smiled as he saw the diner where he and Camille went for burgers; he heard his stomach rumble. Yeah, a burger after this would be delicious. 
‘Camille, wanna get a burger after this?’ he asked, turning to his friend. 
She was standing near the edge, looking down at the ground that was feet below. She was swaying from side to side and her skin had gone pale. Drake started over to her, reaching out to take her by the hand. ‘You okay?’
She collapsed.
‘Fuck, Camille!’ Drake shouted, throwing himself down to his knees to bring her up to him. Her eyes were closed. ‘Fuck, fuck, Camille, wake up!’ he cried desperately. His mind went through the next steps. What did you do if someone fainted? He thought back to Health class. He couldn’t remember a thing, which made sense because he never paid attention in Health class. 
He scrambled to reach into his pocket to take out his phone. He needed to call his mom. But, he realised with frustration that there was no signal. 
‘Fucking piece of shit!’ he cursed, throwing it into his rucksack. 
He pushed back Camille’s wet hair. Scanning her body, he saw that her jacket was tied tight around her waist. Quickly, Drake untied it, hoping that she would be able to breathe better if she didn’t have it restricting her. 
‘Camille, wake up,’ he pleased. ‘Please wake up or your grandma’s gonna kill me.’
Picking up the water bottle, he opened it and tossed the remains of the water down on Camille’s face. 
She bolted up, coughing and spluttering.  Drake sank back, closing his eyes. ‘Oh thank God..’
Camille rubbed her eyes harshly and blinked hard, looking around at her surroundings. ‘What happened?’
Drake opened his eyes. ‘Are you fucking kidding me?’ he asked. ‘You fainted on me. Jesus, Camille!’
Camille stared at him in shock. ‘I fainted? What?!’
With a strangled cry, Drake reached out to pull her into him, holding her close. He felt her hands reached around to clasp his back and together, they rocked back and forth. 
‘Don’t fucking do that to me again,’ he murmured, his voice cracking. ‘I was shit scared.’
‘I’m sorry,’ Camille mumbled into his neck. ‘I didn’t mean to. I guess it’s the heat and the heights?’
Drake sighed. ‘You tellin’ me you’re scared of heights?’
Camille nodded. ‘I guess I am. I didn’t realise that till now.’
Drake pulled gently away and his eyes met hers. ‘Well, now we do,’ he said, giving her a weak smile. 
Camille giggled softly and together, they stood up, still in shock. 
‘Burger?’ Drake suggested. 
‘And a milkshake, please,’ Camille said. ‘Now.’
Drake laughed and they turned to go back down the path towards safer ground.
There was an open bar, thank god. Drake ordered a whiskey on the rocks, relieved to drink something that wasn’t bubbly. He didn’t notice Camille come up behind him until she gently touched his arm. 
He jumped. ‘Camille-’
‘Can we talk?’ she interrupted. ‘Outside?’
Drake nodded mutely. He followed her through the room and out through the French doors to the orangery. The Beaumonts loved orangeries. 
Camille gestured for Drake to sit down at the table. They sat opposite each other and Drake waited for Camille to speak. 
‘So I think we’ve gotten off on the wrong foot,’ she began, looking at him seriously. ‘I don’t want us to be awkward. It’s an a tricky situation and quite frankly, I shouldn’t even be talking to you, but I also want us to clear the air and just move forward. Liam didn’t know we’d dated. I wasn’t going to tell him. But he knows now, so I suppose we better work out how we are going to act around each other.’
Drake sighed. ‘Camille. Stop.’
Camille blinked. ‘What?’
Drake closed his eyes and tried to find the words. ‘I should be the one trying to clear the air,’ he said. ‘I’m the one who hurt you. I’ve never apologised for that-’
‘There’s no need-’
‘I’m sorry,’ Drake interrupted. ‘I really am. After being your best friend for so long, I really fucked things up at the end. I feel guilty. I appreciate you inviting me to this brunch but I don’t deserve it, Camille. I’m a shit person. But don’t worry about how we’re going to act around each other because after today, I’m going to leave you be. You can enjoy your time back home without having to worry. You won’t see me again.’
Camille stared at him, her brown eyes unreadable. Quietly, she opened her clutch and brought out a piece of paper. She handed it to Drake. ‘We always used to be on the same page,’ she whispered. ‘What happened?’
Drake frowned and looked at the piece of paper. His heart sank. It was her wedding invitation inviting him. 
‘I’ve given one to your mom and Bianca,’ Camille told him. ‘I.. I want you to come, Drake. I miss our friendship. I wish things hadn’t panned out the way they did but it can’t be helped. You don’t have to come but I like to think it’ll help us heal.’
Drake studied the invitation. He felt a mixture of feelings. Grief. Sadness. Regret. He tried to summon happiness at her newfound joy but he found that he couldn’t. 
‘I appreciate the invitation,’ he told her. ‘But-’
‘I shouldn’t have done this,’ she cut in, panicking. ‘Too weird, too awkward. It’s fine, just give it back and I’ll shred it. You don’t have to come. It’s all good.’
Drake clenched the invitation. He thought back to Camille’s childhood dreams of her wedding and how fun it would be for Drake to be there. How important he would be. She said that she would have him be her best man. Of course, that plan soon changed as soon as they started dating. When Camille made him promise that they would be together ten years in the future, she had visualised Drake becoming her husband instead. Now, if Drake attended, he would be relegated to a middle row, watching his ex-girlfriend get married to someone who wasn’t him. 
Drake, aged 18; Camille aged 17
Drake liked the feel of Camille’s hand in his. She had small hands and soft skin, the complete opposite of Drake’s calloused bear paws. 
Camille was walking along the wall, holding onto Drake’s hand as she did so. It was the week after the two of them had lost their virginities to each other. The world felt new to them, a world ripe with discovery. Drake felt happier than he’d ever felt in his life. He had the girl. He had the college. He had the future all planned out. 
He listened as Camille planned their future. She skipped along the wall, talking without pausing for breath. ‘So, if we get married, we’re definitely gonna do it at your ranch,’ she told him. ‘Outdoors in the summer. We can get married on the jetty! How cute would that be?’
Drake chuckled. He couldn’t believe their friendship had evolved to one that discussed huge topics like marriage. He liked it. ‘That would be very cute,’ he agreed. ‘How many people?’
Camille thought to herself. ‘Only our closest friends and family. The important people.’
‘Of course,’ Drake said. ‘I like your thinking.’
‘And my dress will be all bohemian!’ she squealed. ‘I’ll have a rose crown in my hair! And you can wear a waistcoat and cute shoes.’
Drake wrinkled his nose. ‘Do I have to wear a waistcoat?’
‘You’re marrying me, so yes,’ Camille said bluntly. ‘And your vows have to be romantic. Like, nauseatingly romantic. I want you to say how I’m the most beautiful woman ever! And you can’t live without me!’
Drake smirked. ‘Wellll….’
Camille jumped down from the wall so she could hit him on the arm. ‘You’re such a dick!’
‘I’m just sayin’, if Britney calls, I’m gonna have to ditch you,’ Drake teased, pulling her close so he could tickle her. Camille hated being tickled. 
‘Aaaah get offff!’ she protested. ‘You are not ditching me for Britney! You know how much I love her!  That would be a betrayal of epic proportions!’
Drake laughed and let her go. Their hands stayed wrapped around each other as they wandered down the street. ‘Your wedding plans sound perfect,’ Drake finally said. ‘I’m a lucky guy.’
Camille grinned. ‘Just think. We’ll go to college, get amazing grades, graduate, find awesome jobs and move in together. We can live in New York and own a cute apartment with a dog.  Then we’ll get married and move back to New York, upgrade to a townhouse and become a power couple! I totally see it. The Walker dream.’
Drake squeezed her hand. ‘We’ll make it reality.’
Drake put the invitation in his pocket. ‘I’ll be there,’ he told Camille. She drew back, astonished.
‘Yeah,’ Drake said. ‘It’s your day. I wanna see you get your happiness, Montespan. You deserve it.’
Camille smiled. ‘Thank you.’
Drake stood up and held out his hand for her to take. ‘Start over?’
Camille nodded. ‘Sounds good.’ She took his hand and shook it. ‘Friends?’
Together, they wandered back into the dining room and sat down at the table. Liam kissed Camille on the lips while Bianca poured Drake another glass of champagne. Drake saw that Savannah had now joined the table and was introducing Camille to Bartie.  Gisele and Maxwell were talking in low tones, clearly caught up in conversation. 
Drake decided to make an effort with Liam. He cleared his throat. ‘So, how did you meet Camille?’ he asked.
Liam and Camille exchanged sickening looks. ‘We met at the Met,’ Liam answered, his eyes never leaving Camille’s.
‘Yeah, we met at the Met!’ Camille giggled, raising her hands and shrugging self-deprecatingly. ‘It was such a meet cute.’
Bianca frowned. ‘What’s a meet cute?’
‘It’s when two people meet each other in a charming way!’ Maxwell crowed. ‘Like, romcom style!’
Liam chuckled and pointed at Maxwell. ‘You got it! Yes, we met in a charming way. Let’s see.. So I like to visit the Met on Saturday mornings to wander around. I love art, you see, I collect it. Anyway, I was wandering, totally caught up in thought, when my eyes found this beauty standing in front of Starry Night..’
Camille was blushing. Drake sipped his champagne, wishing it was whiskey, as he listened to this vomit inducing story. He scolded himself - he was trying to get to know the guy. Give him a chance. 
‘I had to say hello,’ Liam continued. ‘And she turned to look at me and god, her eyes.. The most gorgeous eyes I’ve ever seen. They put all the portraits around us to shame.’
Bianca, Gisele and Maxwell audibly sighed. Drake resisted the urge to dry heave.  Savannah looked non-plussed. 
‘I introduced myself, asked for her name and the rest is history..’ 
Savannah’s eyes met Drake’s. She rolled her eyes, making him smile. Good to know that she was thinking the same as him. 
‘Is that why you’re getting married at the Met?’ Bianca asked.
Camille nodded. ‘We wanted to come full circle.’
Liam grinned. ‘It’s going to be such a grand affair! We’ve invited everyone we know. God, we’ve got like.. 200 people coming. The museum has let us hire the top floor as a private space. I can’t wait. Then the reception will be at the Plaza-’
‘The PLAZA?!’ Maxwell shrieked. ‘Oh my god, oh my god!’
Drake was regretting trying to get to know Liam. But when his eyes met Camille’s, he could see the uneasiness she was feeling. Did she feel uncomfortable? Anxious? Embarrassed? He thought back to when she had planned for her hypothetical wedding with Drake. She hadn’t been embarrassed then. Drake sipped his drink. He was reading too much into this.
Camille tore her eyes away from Drake and poured herself another glass of champagne. She wished Liam would stop talking. As he talked about their wedding plans, Camille couldn’t help but feel that they had planned too much. Hiring the top floor of the museum? The plaza? God, she was such a fucking New York socialite. She felt like Drake was judging her. Of course he would scoff at their wedding plans. He liked simple things. As Liam kept talking, Camille felt more self conscious. She couldn’t help but think that Drake was studying her for every detail to see how much she had changed. She wasn’t this girl from Texas anymore. Hell, her Texas lilt had been ironed out after years of being in New York. She looked different. She acted different. 
She felt like a fraud. 
‘More champagne?’ Maxwell asked. ‘We have a champagne fountain!’
‘Ooooh, where?!’ Bianca cried, clapping her hands. ‘How fun!’
Yes. Fun. 
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ladyboltontoyou · 6 years
Arthur Morgan x Reader: Blown Away. 2
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Warning: Cursing, violence, gore, death, panic attacks, angst.
Pairing: Arthur Morgan x Reader
A/N: I didn’t expect to write another chapter but tbh I really like this plot. Hope this is what you two imagined! Cheers!
It was so hard at first. Changing how you ate, how you behaved, how you spoke. It was like learning how to do all those things from scratch. You slipped up constantly, calling everyone sir or ma’am, repeatedly apologizing to the point where some people got annoyed.
Most of them were sympathetic and understood. Sadie immediately took you under her wing, almost treating you like her own daughter. She was by your side almost every minute you were there. Arthur was the exact same, but he took it so far that he found himself sleeping outside your tent every night.
The first night Dutch had called you a burden. You heard him whisper it to Hosea as Sadie helped bandage your arm and clean your busted lip. But over the weeks he changed completely. When you had finally opened up to them it was like their paternal instincts kicked in. It felt nice to be cared for, you hadn’t felt that kindness since you were a child.
“Oh, that was awful.” You sighed and set the revolver down on the cart beside you. Arthur had taken you out for target practice, insisting you needed to learn how to defend yourself. “I don’t think I can do this, Arthur, I’m sorry.”
“Why don’t we try something a little easier, then?” Arthur took his shotgun off of his horse and handed it to you. “Now, with this type of gun it’s impossible to miss. As long as they’re not too far off. If someone’s running at you,” He put his hands on top of yours and cocked the gun. The loud noise it made sent a weird giddy chill through you. “They won’t stand a chance. Shoot that tree and see what it looks like.”
You aimed at the tree he pointed at, a large pine a few yards away. Pulling the trigger always made you nervous, only because of the loud noise. You hated loud noises. Your whole life our father had used noise to intimidate you. Slamming doors, stomping around the house, throwing things.
“You alright?” Arthur asked.
“Oh, yeah, sorry, I was just thinking.” You sighed and lifted the shotgun in the position he guided you into. You kept both eyes open, something he always told you to do. It’s not like you were going to miss the tree though. The blast from the shell would surely spray the tree and then some.
The loud boom that came from the gun temporarily made you deaf and you stumbled back from the kick. Arthur grabbed your arm to help you steady yourself and got ready to shower you in compliments to reassure you.
“Wow, that, that felt amazing!”
Well, not the reaction he expected.
This type of adrenaline was much better than the type you were used to. You wanted more of it. You cocked the gun again and fired in the exact same spot, this time the kickback not affecting you as much.
When you turned to Arthur with that proud smile on your face his heart melted. He’d never seen you look like that. “Look at you, girl!” He laughed with a smile of his own. His praise made you feel even more confident. You were practically beaming. “You wanna try the bolt-action now?”
“I want to try every one of them. Not the handgun, I don’t like that one.” You said and handed him his gun back.
“Yeah, not my favorite either.” He grunted as he swapped out guns, checking to make sure the rifle was loaded and ready. “What do you say after this I teach you how to fish?”
“I just feel so awful sometimes.” Your voice was raw as you shook in Arthur’s arms post panic attack. “It’s hard. I grew up listening to the man that was supposed to protect me call me such awful things. For so many years. It’s all I’ve known. And I don’t know what I did. He used to be nice. Then when my mom went missing he just changed.”
Arthur held you close and ran his fingers slowly through your hair. Normally when you had panic attacks it was Sadie who calmed you down but she was out in Valentine buying horse supplies.
“I guess, maybe it was his way of coping. The drinking, maybe he missed her and didn’t know how-”
“I’m going to stop you right there, (Y/N).” Arthur said firmly. “Don’t you try to excuse what he did. There’s nothing in the world that could justify what he did to you.” He ran his thumb over your cheek where the last remaining tint of your bruise remained.
He was right. Maybe it was your mind trying to convince you it wasn’t as bad as it truly was in order to protect you. It would have been nice to think it wasn’t that way, but you wanted to remember. You wanted to remember how evil he was, it would be dangerous to forget.
“You did nothing to deserve it, either.” He continued while your body slowly stopped shaking. “You know that, right?”
You nodded and parted from him to sit up. “Hard to believe it too much though. I mean, I know it’s not my fault. But at the same time, hearing that you’re useless your whole life…” The way Arthur was looking at you made you feel a bit guilty for pouring all this out on him. “I don’t know. I don’t know. It’s just hard to get that image of myself out of my head.”
Arthur nodded as he listened to you. “Well, you won’t be hearing that anymore. I promise that. And if anyone around here so much as teases you, let me know. Sometimes John gives a little too much tough love and it’s hard to tell if he’s joking or not. Sean too.”
“I’ll be okay, I think.”
“Course you will. You’re the strongest woman I know.”
Another week passed and you slowly felt your self esteem rise to a healthier level. You could look in a mirror and see the beauty everyone always talked about. You could eat without feeling disgusting afterwards. All thanks to Arthur and a few other people close to you.
“You’ve got no idea how glad I am,” Arthur sat down beside you in the grass. “That you’ve realized how great you actually are.”
You put down the gun you’d been cleaning and turned to him.“You tell me you’re glad I realize my worth, I wish I could say the same to you.” You replied. It was something you’d been thinking about for a while. Arthur was one of the nicest men you’d ever met, almost as kind as Hosea. But the way he talked about himself sometimes upset you.
Arthur furrowed his brows and he moved his lips as if he was searching for something to say. “I don’t… I’m not-”
“Dutch Van Der Linde!”
Please, god, no.
Your blood ran cold as soon as you heard that voice, and your body froze so suddenly you couldn’t move at all. You had gone into shock.
Arthur stood up and drew his sawed off shotgun from his belt, turning to face the three men riding into camp. He moved to stand in front of you until Sadie could get to you and lead you to safety.
“Come out, Dutch! Where you at? Hosea?” He taunted and pushed his horse further into camp, knocking over some barrels full of produce. Apples spilled everywhere and Mary-Beth let out a shriek as one of the other men almost trampled her.
“(Y/N), come on. Let’s get you down here.” Sadie whispered when she finally reached you, pulling you towards the back way out of camp. “Don’t you worry, Dutch will have this handled in no time. And if he don’t, I will.” Her last sentence sounded like more of a promise than a threat.
“You sure got some nerve, coming up in here!” Arthur yelled as he walked in a straight line to your father.
“Arthur, prettyboy Arthur!” Your father laughed and pulled back on his horse’s reins. “You know why I’m here, give me my daughter or my men will open fire.”
It was bluff. You knew it was bluff. You looked over your shoulder as Sadie guided you away, and when you saw the man you never thought you’d have to see again your heart fell five stories. Thankfully you were far enough away where he didn’t notice your movement.
“Wait, I want to see. I need to see.” You hissed as Sadie tried to get you to go through the woods.
“What? Are you serious right now?”
“I need to see, Sadie, please.”
She chewed on her lip and sighed before pulling out her two pistols. “Alright, fine, but you crouch behind here and don’t move.”
You crouched with her behind two thick oak trees. You could see Hosea and Dutch had come out and were trying to cool down the situation.
“I’m not sure I know what you’re talking about, Mr. (Y/L/N).” Dutch said calmly. “Last time we saw her was the night before we left.”
Your father laughed and pulled out his handgun. That caused everyone watching to reach for their own, but the paid guns were quicker. They whipped out their matching rifles and aimed directly at Hosea and Arthur.
“Arthur,” Your breath hitched in your throat and you almost ran out of cover. “Sadie, they-” She shushed you quickly but you couldn’t stop the whine of helplessness that escaped your lips.
“Just let them have her, Dutch.”
Your jaw clenched when you recognized Micah’s voice. He was the only other person in the world you hated. He’d been nothing but unhelpful the whole time you’d been there. A few days after you arrived he introduced himself a little too personally. Nothing too foul, he just flirted with you for a solid three minutes while Arthur had went to get something from Dutch. When you made it clear you weren’t interested he pushed harder for a few days until you snapped. After you humiliated him in front of the whole camp he made it his soul purpose to annoy you.
And there he was, blowing their cover just because he could. Everyone looked visibly frustrated and beside you Sadie could be heard breathing in a way that screamed murder.
“Listen to your friend.”
“I’m only gonna tell you once, you son of a bitch. Get the hell out of here or I’ll kill you here and now.” Arthur said and cocked his shotgun. The other paid gun that was originally aiming at Hosea turned his sights onto Arthur.
That was the window Charles needed. He drew his shotgun out and emptied two shells into the paid guns. He killed one of them and got a good shot on the others shoulder, blowing his arm off. Screams filled the air and the two horses ran off into the woods, dragging the bodies with them.
Your father waved his gun around as he searched for a target in the midst of his confusion. It happened so quick he had no idea what even happened. Arthur and everyone else with a gun emptied their bullets into the man, his body shaking with impact before falling off of his horse when it ran off.
He was dead. He was finally dead. As much as the Van Der Linde gang had helped you heal there was only one thing that could give you complete closure. Knowing your father would never be able to hurt you again.
When the gun smoke cleared you saw Arthur clutching his side, Charles and Hosea helping him sit down on the nearest surface. Which, of course, happened to be the table where the vegetables and fruit were cut.
You ran out from your cover, running as fast as your bare feet would take you. As you neared the middle of camp a few people turned your way.
“(Y/N), wait!” You could hear Susan Grimshaw call out as you ran past her, but she’d have to pin you to the ground if she wanted you to stop.
“Arthur!” You called out as you rounded the table he was laying on. His shirt had been removed and you could see a rather concerning wound in his side. “Oh, oh, oh my god, no, no,”
Arthur pushed through the pain and reached up to take your hand in his to calm you down. “Hey, what’s the matter? I’m gonna be alright.” He grunted over the voices that were getting way too overwhelming. “I’ve had worse than this, it ain’t no big deal.”
You blinked away the tears while Sadie walked up beside you, out of breath from chasing you. “Come on, (Y/N). You don’t need to be seeing this.” Everything was too much. The smell of blood was assaulting your gag reflux. People were talking over each other and John kept asking where the medicine cart was.
“Sadie, please!”
Sadie’s eyes widened and you could hear Arthur chuckle. A few others quieted down and glanced over at you, they’d never heard you yell like that.
Hosea came over with an armful of supplies, liquor, some bandages, herbs and stitching materials. “Alright, this will only take a second. It’s not too bad.” You knew they were all lying to make you feel better.
“You hear that?” Arthur asked and you looked back down to his paling face. “It’s gonna be alright, (Y/N).”
It was alright. By some miracle he avoided infection and healed up perfectly. The whole time you’d been scared to death he was going to die on you. You’d grown so attached to Arthur over the past month or two, and if he died right when you were getting better… Thinking about that possibility made your heart hurt.
“I told you it was going to be alright.” Arthur said as Hosea and Charles helped him walk around. The wound was almost fully healed and he had just started to be able to walk again. Since it was such a huge wound it had affected some kind of nerve leading down his leg, making it nearly impossible to walk without pain. If that nerve hadn’t been affected then he would probably be walking on his own.
You smiled nervously as you watched him walk around the outside of camp, trying to resist the urge to jump in and help. Jack was at his heels cheering him on with compliments and singing, even promising to make him a flower necklace just like he made his mother.
“Alright, that’s enough for now.” Hosea said as they neared a bench. Him and Charles helped lower Arthur down into a sitting position. “There you are. You think you’ll be fine there for a while?”
Arthur waved them off, he hated feeling so helpless and dependent. But it was obvious he was extremely grateful for everyone’s help. Before he met you there would probably be a voice in the back of his head taunting him and telling him he didn’t deserve the help he’d been receiving. It was nice to not hear it anymore.
“I’m gonna go pick those flowers now, Arthur!” Jack said as the two men walked off.
“You go do that.” Arthur grunted as he got comfortable on the bench.
When Jack ran off you sat down next to Arthur and smiled at him. He looked at you and couldn’t help but smile back, even though he didn’t know why you were smiling. “What?”
“Nothing.” Your smile grew wider and you had to look away. “I just, I’m really happy.”
“Good.” Arthur wrapped an arm around your shoulder, ignoring the pain from stretching out his abdomen. “You make me happy.”
The sweet talking always made you soft. It felt like roses were constantly blooming in your heart when he would talk like that. You leaned into him and pressed a kiss against his cheek. “You make me happy too, Arthur. Thank you.”
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mksc77 · 5 years
Kate: Sharon’s sister
Maggie: Sharon’s niece
Emmett: Emily’s husband
Carter: Sharon’s nephew’s son (~20 months old)
Claire: Sharon’s niece’s daughter (~4)
Lauren: Sharon’s niece
A little 4th of July ficlet. Just a reminder, you can blacklist the tag #mikuscfanfic (or just unfollow me) if you don’t like my writing. There’s no need to send me rude anonymous asks telling me how much I suck—I’m well aware that a lot of you don’t like my writing, but there are some who seem to enjoy it, so this is for them 😀❤️
Sharon felt a tiny hand tugging at the hem of her t-shirt. She knew without looking down that it was Marie. “Hold on, baby girl, let Gammy finish this pasta salad.” Sharon added Italian dressing and parmesan cheese to the large bowl of angel hair pasta, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, and green peppers in front of her and tossed it until the ingredients were well-mixed. After doing the same to the smaller bowl beside it, minus the onions and peppers for Rusty, Ricky, and a couple of her nieces, she put both bowls in the refrigerator and picked Marie up. The ten-month-old was adorable in her red, white, and blue striped swimsuit, and the scent of sunscreen was evident from her soft skin.
Emily held her arms out for the baby. “I’ll take her, Mom. Go get dressed.”
Sharon handed the baby over and went to her and Andy’s room to put on her own swimsuit. Andy was already dressed and was rubbing sunscreen into his face. He handed her the tube of sunscreen when he saw her coming in. “Mind getting my back?”
“Sure.” Sharon squeezed some of the lotion into her palm and softly ran her hands over his back. She changed into her swimsuit as Andy put a t-shirt on and added a couple of clean beach towels to their bag. Once she’d applied as much sunscreen as she could by herself, Andy took the tube from her to put it on her back. He moved her hair to one side and rubbed the lotion into her skin between her neck and the top of her swimsuit. With that taken care of, she pulled her cover-up over her head and slipped into a pair of sandals. “It would’ve been fine for you to go play golf with the others, you know.”
Andy shrugged. “I heard some damsels in distress needed a captain.”
Sharon gave him a disbelieving look. “Yeah. I’ll remember that when we come back, and I have to dock the boat for you.”
“I can do it...You just, uh, do it faster,” Andy mumbled.
Sharon snorted. “Uh-huh. There’s some chipped paint on the side of the boat that suggests otherwise.”
A little while later, they were cruising down the lake. It wasn’t even eighty degrees yet, and the warm sunshine felt wonderful. The pleasant warmth and low hum of the boat was about to put Sharon to sleep, and she looked down at Marie in her lap and saw that it had already done the same to her.
“Here, Mom, I’ll go sit in the back with her in the shade,” Emily said.
Andy held his arms out for her. “You can give her to me.”
Sharon gently transferred Marie to Andy’s arms and moved back toward the front of the boat.
By lunchtime, Claire and Carter were getting restless, and Marie had just woken up and wasn’t too happy, either, so they went back to the house. As they neared the dock, Andy got up so Sharon could sit down. “This is so embarrassing,” Andy muttered.
“Hey. You have good aim where it counts,” Sharon whispered into his ear before she sat down. She didn’t have to look over at him to know he had a shit-eating grin on his face.
After a quick lunch, they went back down to the dock and got on floats in the lake. Sharon wondered what Marie would think of the cold water, but she splashed around in her little float and didn’t start getting fussy until it was time for a nap. Emily lazily reached over to the dock to tap her phone and see what time it was. “I’m going to take her up to the house and put her down—“
“Wait, I’ll take her,” Sharon and Andy volunteered at the same time. Sharon had been about to doze off on her float, herself, but she scrambled up the ladder on the side of the dock before Andy could react.
Emily gave Marie a look. “Sounds like Gammy and Papa are looking for excuses to take a nap.” She got Marie out of her float and lifted her up to Sharon. “Either way, Mommy’s not complaining...Hey, Mom, will you hand me a beer?”
“Make that two, please,” Maggie added from her float.
“Ugh, I hate you guys,” Lauren moaned, as she was five months pregnant.
Sharon tossed each of them a bottle and wrapped a towel around Marie. Andy got out of the water and placed Sharon’s cover-up in her bag. “I’ll bring your things.”
Sharon shook her head. “I’m coming right back when Marie wakes up, I’ll just leave them here.”
“Oh, well, I’ll just, uh, come help you with her,” Andy sputtered, fooling no one.
“Awww, night-night, Andy,” Maggie called from the water.
“Sweet dreams,” Emily added.
When they got up to the house, Sharon gave Marie to Andy. “Mind running her a bath while I shower off and change? Just put some soap in with the running water and rinse the lake water off of her.”
“Sure.” Barely a few seconds had passed before Andy felt sudden warmth against him in contrast to the cold water from the baby’s swimsuit. “Ewww, I think she just peed on me! How is that possible?”
Sharon giggled. “It’s those swim diapers, they don’t really hold pee.”
Andy looked down at Marie. “You couldn’t have done that just a few seconds ago when Gammy had you? I think you planned that.”
Sharon shrugged. “I’ve taught her well.”
Several minutes later, Sharon was showered off and had changed into pajama pants and a t-shirt. Andy came in with Marie, wearing just a diaper and rubbing her eyes. Sharon held her hands out to her. “Come here, sweet girl.” She took her from Andy, switched on the fan beside their bed, and climbed under the covers, tired herself from the sunshine and being in the lake. Not to mention from her brother finding it necessary to run the vacuum at 6:00 that morning. She tucked the baby in beside her and patted her back until she started to drift off.
Andy stepped out of his swimsuit and draped it over the rack in their bathroom. “I’m going to take a quick shower, and I’m right behind you.”
In the five minutes it took for Andy to take a shower and put on a clean pair of boxers, Sharon and Marie were both passed out. Sharon usually at least stirred a little bit if she hadn’t been sleeping long when the mattress dipped from Andy getting in bed, but she didn’t move. The whirring of the fan and the baby curled into her side had put her in a coma, and he wasn’t far from it, either.
Sharon woke up when Marie started cooing and moving around beside her. She looked at the clock on her nightstand and saw that they’d been sleeping for almost two hours. “Well, hey, precious. Somebody took a long nap!” Marie grinned and pointed at Andy. He was snoring, and his mouth was hanging open. “We’ll let Papa sleep for a few more minutes. You know he has to have his beauty rest, and I know Mimi has plenty of popsicles in the freezer.” Sharon got up and lifted Marie into her arms.
Andy had started to come to when Sharon and Marie were waking up, and by the time they were out of bed, he was completely awake. He put on a dry swimsuit and t-shirt and found them in the kitchen.
With Andy watching the baby, Sharon changed into another swimsuit and got a swim diaper and dry swimsuit for Marie. She hated having to reapply sunscreen, but she hated the thought of being sunburned or having lake water and sunscreen in her bed even more. Once they were ready again, Sharon and Andy took Marie back down to the dock. Marie bounced against Andy’s hip and pointed at the water, wanting to get back in, so Andy put her back in her float and lowered her into the water as Emily maneuvered her float closer to the dock to get her. Rusty was approaching the dock on the jet ski, and the first thing Sharon noticed was that he was missing a necessary object over his t-shirt. “Russell Thomas Beck, where is your life vest?” She demanded.
“Relax, Mom, I didn’t even get out of the cove without it. My t-shirt made me forget about it, but I realized I wasn’t wearing one and came back.”
Sharon gave him a disapproving look as she tossed him a life vest from a chest on the dock. “Do not let it happen again, young man.” Once he’d driven off, she poked through the cooler for one of the peach-flavored beers Emmett had introduced her to. Most flavored beers were too sweet, but this kind was perfect for her taste.
Sharon left her opened beer on the dock long enough to dive into the lake and get situated on a float. Andy played music from Sharon’s phone before jumping in, himself. He wasn’t a huge fan of the cold water, but it was too clear and beautiful to resist on a sunny day. He couldn’t sit still for very long, either. He swam around for a few minutes before holding on to the back of Sharon’s float as they drifted around the water. Sharon sipped her beer, enjoying the warm sunshine and singing along to the music.
“You’re sweet as a honeybee,
But like a honeybee stings,
You’ve gone and left my heart in pain
All you left is our favorite song,
The one we danced to all night long
It used to bring sweet memories
Of a tender love that used to be
Now it’s the same old song,
But with a different meaning
Since you’ve been gone...”
A couple of hours later, it was almost dinnertime, so Sharon and Andy pulled themselves out of the water to go back to the house for showers and to help get dinner ready. In the true fashion of twenty/thirty-something year old children, the others were staying in the water until “the grown-ups” had dinner ready.
Once everyone had eaten and the kitchen was clean, the entire group went down to the dock and climbed the stairs to the upper deck. The fireworks still wouldn’t start for another hour, but the weather was too pleasant not to sit outside as the sun started its descent behind the mountains and enjoy the twilight. The fireworks would take place not far from the dock, and boats of people who had to venture from their houses to see them were already starting to come out. Sharon and Andy hadn’t been lying in the hammock for two seconds before a song playing from the speaker had Andy standing up and pulling her out of the hammock to dance.
When you snap your finger, or wink your eye,
I come runnin’ to you
I’m tied to your apron strings
And there’s nothin’ that I can do
Sugar pie honey bunch
I’m weaker than a man should be
I can’t help myself
I’m a fool in love, you see
Kate wrinkled her nose. “Are they always that nauseating?”
Rusty rolled his eyes. “Try living with them. They’ll test your gag reflex on a daily basis...Mine still works, in case anyone was wondering.”
The fireworks started a little while later, and Sharon nestled into Andy’s shoulder in the hammock as the colorful lights illuminated the sky. Carter was screaming, and it was the first year that Claire wasn’t screaming. Marie didn’t know what to think, alternating from clapping and laughing to crying to just looking bewildered. Fireworks were loud enough, but the mountains made them echo even more loudly, and trying to put the kids to bed would’ve been pointless.
“Andy, stop,” Sharon hissed when he started kissing her. “My dad is right there!”
“Sharon, please. You have two kids, and you’re over sixty. I think he’s accepted the fact that you kiss your husband. No one’s even paying attention to us.”
“I’d still rather not do it right in front of him—hmmm.” Andy had found the sensitive spot on her neck that never failed to shut her right up before moving back to her lips. This went on intermittently until the fireworks were over, and neither noticed that the noise and lights had stopped until someone, Ricky or Rusty, if they had to guess, heaved a disgusted sigh and dropped a blanket on top of them, enclosing them in darkness. The distraction of the fireworks and the darkness of nightfall had provided a sense of false security. Sharon felt a brief pang of...guilt, or something, hell, she didn’t know. But she also knew they’d get the hell over it. Who could blame her for not being able to keep her hands off of Andy, anyway?
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lavender-hemlock · 5 years
Aw.. Shit, here we go again. (Questions below the cut because I’m not an asshole like the below.) 
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Get To Know Me Uncomfortably Well
1. What is you middle name?
2. How old are you?
3. When is your birthday?
October 7th
4. What is your zodiac sign?
5. What is your favorite color?
6. What’s your lucky number?
7. Do you have any pets?
One dog
8. Where are you from?
The US-Tragedy-A
9. How tall are you?
Hahaha.. 5′.  10. What shoe size are you?
Size 6
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Probably over ten.. and more than half are boots. 
12. What was your last dream about? Asked by breaking-from-grace
13. What talents do you have?
I guess I have a talent for my empathy, art, and writing? Not sure what merits as a talent without being overzealous. 
14. Are you psychic in any way?
I’ve been called a witch because of intuition for emotions of others? Or being scary close to presuming things. 
Sadly can’t bend any spoons, stay tuned. 
15. Favorite song?
Toooo many. Music is too vast to pick just one, but I’ve been listening to Day Dreaming - Jack & Jack a lot lately. 
16. Favorite movie?
Probably the Phantom of the Opera version with Gerard Butler. 
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
Someone who is capable of respecting the flow of my energy. When I need space, when I’m all for being close. It isn’t that I’m picky or moody, but I know what I need and also don’t need them being worried when I’m just being quiet and reading a book. It’s just a mutual respect and understanding. 
Ya feel? 
18. Do you want children?
Yeah. Which is weird to think about. I’m not in any rush. 
19. Do you want a church wedding?
I think it is right for me to pursue it, but kinda no. I want a venue probably really low key done up in lights, curtains, and simplicity that doesn’t need a huge budget. Its about the bond, right? 
20. Are you religious?
Yep, I am a christian. 
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
I have! I had a piggy bank get knocked on top of my head when I was little and my mom rushed me to the hospital. I think that was the first time I saw stars. Only time though!
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law?
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
Yes! I’ve been fortunate to meet a few bands and also see the cast of Fast and the Furious. I got to go on set for the 5th movie! I was lucky. 
24. Baths or showers?
25. What color socks are you wearing?
Black. I hate this question. I’m looking at only one person rn. 
26. Have you ever been famous?
Kinda? Yet I think famous in this way is very subjective? I had my old (and first) RP community for like eleven years. Its not fun when everyone knows your name, I’ll tell you that. You get put on a pedestal or get called terrible things if you don’t respond. It was a whack time. I don’t miss it. I was just famous for the designs I would put for the community and being like a “veteran” member with tons of “powers” (community bling). Blegh. 
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
Nope. I admire those that do great things and gain that attention for the work they have put in, but its a double sword. Everyone knows your business and looks at you. Seems like a ant under a magnifying glass analogy.  
28. What type of music do you like?
I like a lot of pop/alternative. I listen to generally everything except some heavy techno/bass stuff isn’t really for me. 
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
Nope, don’t plan to. What if a snake bit my ass? How do I explain that to a doctor. 
30. How many pillows do you sleep with?
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
I have to pick one!?
32. How big is your house?
It’s modest. 
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? Asked by Caewen!
34. Have you ever fired a gun?
Yes! I have been trained to use one strictly for defense over the home. What a sad world. 
35. Have you ever tried archery?
No, but I wish!
36. Favorite clean word?
37. Favorite swear word?
38. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
Hahahaha 72 hours. I like sleep. 
39. Do you have any scars? Asked by Sangria-Fangs!
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
Yeah! It’s.. okay. Kind of creeps me out tbh. 
41. Are you a good liar?
No. I would psych myself out. 
42. Are you a good judge of character?
Yeah. It took a lot of fuck-ups to figure that out!
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
Poorly. All of them. 
44. Do you have a strong accent?
45. What is your favorite accent?
Gosh. British or Australian. 
46. What is your personality type?
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
48. Can you curl your tongue? Cries. Asked by Caewen. 
49. Are you an innie or an outie?
Innie. This is weird. 
50. Left or right handed?
Right handed!
51. Are you scared of spiders?
Don’t @ me. 
52. Favorite food?
Snow crab.
53. Favorite foreign food?
54. Are you a clean or messy person?
SO fresh and SO clean ~
55. Most used phrased?
”I dare everyday.” She says before she does something stupid. 
56. Most used word?
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?
Anywhere from 5 minutes to over 30 minutes. There is no inbetween in this. 
58. Do you have much of an ego?
Either the biggest in the room or the smallest. There is no inbetween. 
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
60. Do you talk to yourself?
When I’m trying to focus really hard. 
61. Do you sing to yourself?
Only to myself, yes. In my car and forgetting there’s someone in the car next to me? yes. 
62. Are you a good singer?
I’d like to think so. 
63. Biggest Fear?
64. Are you a gossip?
No, but I’ll discuss, not spread. 
65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen? Asked by Hingan-Fox!
66. Do you like long or short hair?
I like both!
67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
68. Favorite school subject?
69. Extrovert or Introvert?
Kinda inbetween. Ask me on a random day, it may be one or the other. 
70. Have you ever been scuba diving?
No but it sounds cool!
71. What makes you nervous?
72. Are you scared of the dark?
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
It depends on the thing. If its not my place, I won’t. If they’re ignorant, it depends if its worth it. If they deserve it- passionately. 
74. Are you ticklish?
I will stab you. 
75. Have you ever started a rumor?
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority?
77. Have you ever drank underage?
78. Have you ever done drugs?
Mary Jane. 
79. Who was your first real crush?
A boy in kindergarten who drew me cards everyday and left them in my desk each morning. ; ; 
80. How many piercings do you have?
None! Needles and I do not work out. 
81. Can you roll your Rs? 
I can’t even curl my tongue and now I get this question. 
82. How fast can you type?
90 WPM average. 
83. How fast can you run?
Fast as fuck boi. I’m just memeing now, aren’t I? Just trying to get through this. I don’t think anyone will get this far. 
84. What color is your hair?
Dark brown!
85. What color is your eyes?
Green-blueishhhh. Depends on the day/lighting. 
86. What are you allergic to?
Wax and bees. 
87. Do you keep a journal?
I used to until someone read it lol. 
88. What do your parents do?
89. Do you like your age?
I kinda have to? 
90. What makes you angry? Asked by Caewen! Oo boy. 
91. Do you like your own name?
Yeah, I’d say its just fine. It’s mine.
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
Jace and Claire. 
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
Happy with either.
94. What are you strengths?
Empathy, understanding.
95. What are your weaknesses?
Patience (depends), Failure. 
96. How did you get your name?
They said they just shouted it out until they figured they could say it everyday for the rest of my life and not get tired of it- and the meaning is pretty. 
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
I don’t think so. Never looked into it. 
98. Do you have any scars? Asked by Sangria-Fangs!
99. Color of your bedspread?
100. Color of your room?
White, greys. I like snow and furs and lights. 
Now, after all that- I am clearly no bitch @kazexvoss. Do yours. 
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