#Martin also gets to be the last fic of Bens 50th year!
smolbeandrabbles · 4 years
I’ll Name The Dogs - Martin x Reader (Untogether)
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Author’s Note: Scene’s We’d Like To See Part Three! 🎉 It’s been a little while since I wrote for Martin - so it’s nice to get back to him 😊 I mean, how could you not though with such a cute premise?
Thank you for requesting! 💙💜
Disclaimer: Untogether characters plot etc not mine / lyrics not mine / idea not mine - I just wrote the words! “Jake” is the name of Dierks Bentley’s dog, and all I can think of is all the songs he mentions him in, therefore - Jake. 
Premise (As Requested): After the break up Martin needs something to occupy himself when he’s not working. He can only do gigs here and there o when he’s not working, he’s just depressed. But he sees a flyer or something asking for volunteers at a local shelter and since he loves dogs (Dog Whisperer will come in handy), he thinks why not? He applies and meets you whilst working with cute animals and maybe he starts fostering but either way he’s crushing on you and always looks forward to going to the shelter to help animals and see a cute lady
Words: 2372
Warnings: 1 instance of swears & bit of a cliche ending? 😉
_______ Girl, it's high time, I tell ya No more messin' around Time to lay these cards on the table And just throw it on out It's a real thing, a how I feel thing So I'mma go on and take a swing  You find the spot and I'll find the money You be the pretty and I'll be the funny You plant the flowers, I'll plant the kisses Baby, let's get right down to business I'll hang the pictures, you hang the stars You pick the paint, I'll pick a guitar Sing you a song out there with the crickets and the frogs You name the babies and I'll name the dogs Yeah, laying next to you every night Sounds like a damn good life
After giving it a couple of weeks, Martin thought it was about time he actually got up off the couch and started doing something with his life. Tara had turned up on his doorstep, but luckily not at one of his weaker moments – and although she had stood there with a suitcase sobbing and begging him to take her back, Martin has refused. Though he had spent a great deal of time listening to her and fighting with himself. More time than he was prepared to admit… He still loved her, dearly, but he wasn’t sure he could deal with her breaking his heart for a third time. And there would be a third – he already knew that. Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice… Fool me thrice?! I don’t think so! Unfortunately the band’s gigs were only here and there affairs, and although he wanted to preoccupy himself with music, there was nothing pulling him to his guitar. Even with his current heartache – isn’t that what most musicians’ careers thrived on!? Apparently not his. Right now Martin also wasn’t painting much – but he wasn’t really advertising himself as available. He just needed some time. By no means was he completely out of work, he had just scheduled the jobs for a little later in the month. What Martin really needed was something steady. That would really take his mind off things. And he wasn’t sure curled up watching the Dog Whisperer – heartbreak cure all though it was – really qualified on that list. At first it was just things like tidying the house, and afterwards deciding that it did indeed need a fresh coat of paint itself. But when he stepped out of that front door for the first time in a while, he wasn’t really sure where his ambling would take him. But Martin did need groceries. This was when he passed the usual bunch of people handing out flyers for something-or-other on the corner of the street. Martin only took one to be polite – but he also knew the cost and pay of such things – he’d had the same thing done to promote his band, had done it for himself a couple of times. But when he got home and the scrunched flyer was still in his pocket, he unfolded it with a chuckle – faced with the picture of a dog. He leant on his counter staring at it for a moment, then a moment became a minute… became a few. It was for a local shelter, that wanted people to adopt, or foster – but more intriguing to Martin, was that they were looking for volunteers. Which would certainly give him something to do to fill his time. He pinned the flyer to his noticeboard and dragged his laptop towards him – time to find out a little more information about this place… *** He’d met you on his first visit. That time you were on the front counter, and Martin was immediately caught by your personality. You had a sweet gentle smile, and you were enthusiastic as you showed him around. And laughed at the way he crouched in front of every dog run to say hello and give them his full attention. ‘You could just adopt a bunch you know-!?’ ‘Oh-! No, I need the volunteering more-! And if I take ‘em all home they wont be here!’ ‘Touché!’ He liked that you asked him questions, about where he was from and what he did. And before long he found himself telling you things he didn’t even think he told Tara. Or perhaps anyone. He liked the easiness of being with you. And soon enough his couple of days a week turned to every spare moment. It wasn’t a relationship – but it was so simple. You’d walk the dogs together, and clean out their cages and eventually – yes – you even dragged him out to distribute flyers. Martin was an enigma to you. Everything that came out of his mouth made you laugh, or had you intrigued – and you hung on to every word he said. You liked the way sometimes he would check the time, shout an expletive and have to dash off to do his actual job. Which, you guessed almost immediately by the paint on his jeans, or the occasions where he’d driven right on over from one and still had overalls on. That was incredibly cute. And also useful, because the shelter could do with a good lick of paint. And Martin jumped at that chance, for more time with you. But what you loved most was whenever you caught him singing – sometimes with headphones in but more often than not to himself. And you never really let on that you heard him, because his voice was so gorgeous - and you’d stand with a mug of coffee and just listen to his melody, until you realised that this was your job and you got paid for this, and should probably do some real work. But one day you stared at him for a little too long and he must have felt it because he turned. Causing both you and he to blush immediately.
But, that was how you found out he had a band; and before long Martin’s heart was swelling to hear you humming along to his own music. Because of course you’d gone out and downloaded everything you could immediately. That made him feel alive again – and he’d spend his evening with his guitar writing, whether for you or not he couldn’t say for sure. But because of you, he knew for certain. He knew he was harbouring a crush – how could he not? You were everything Tara wasn’t. And exactly what Martin needed. (Also, you were more impressed with what he’d picked up from the Dog Whisperer than anyone else ever had been. And you were around dogs all the time – it was entertaining to see him talk with such fervour about a programme you also enjoyed.) He knew that he would eventually have to invite you to a concert of his – but for now he was content to listen to your own voice sing his music. And he selfishly wanted to keep you all to himself here, away from that – and without introducing you to his friends. That wasn’t to say, as you continued to sing – occasionally together – through a back catalogue of your favourite music, and occasionally tried to guess what the other was singing, that he didn’t want to take you on a date to a record store and spend all afternoon listening with you. Sometimes you stuck him on the front desk – which wasn’t something he enjoyed more than greeting every dog that came in, or saying a tearful goodbye to the ones leaving. But you did notice how many young girls liked to fawn over him when he was placed there. And you were sure Martin was as responsible for the increase in female footfall. It made you roll your eyes to watch some of them try so hard when he was clearly not interested – and even a little jealous when he seemed to show any interest in what they were saying at all. That wasn’t like you. And you weren’t sure why that was until you caught him staring at you as much as you liked to stare at him. The longer this continued the more you were aware of harbouring a crush on him. And the more you supposed his crush on you became obvious. And once you noticed that, you could hardly un-notice it. He spent so much time around you, or wanting to help you out. You wondered if Martin knew you felt the same… if he had any inkling at all. Or if you were somehow good at hiding it. You usually were. Of course, you could just tell him – but it was sweet to watch this man go out of his way for you. To say too much and blush and realise it, and yet still not know how to shut up. Was there any piece of Dog Whisperer trivia he couldn’t tell you? You were surprised he hadn’t let his crush on you slip yet. But all his body language was there. Occasionally he’d help you close up – if he didn’t have anywhere to be – far after he had to be around. Or you’d be on the front desk, and in quieter moments he’d kick around with you, instead of actually volunteering. How he’d place his hand on yours and let it linger there. Sometimes you found yourself wishing he’d do such things when all those girls were still here. Sometimes you went so far as wishing he’d just lean in and kiss you. If only you knew how badly Martin wanted to do that. Today however you needed a little help from your resident Dog Whisperer with a boisterous puppy. “Hey-! You busy?” Even if Martin was having the craziest most full-on day of his life you knew when you asked he’d miraculously be free. “No, No – what’s up!?” “Well, you’re good with dogs. Like really good, extremely good-! Otherworldly good-!” He chuckled, watching that smile on your face grow as he knew the joke that was coming; “Okay. I get it…! What can I help you with?” “Puppy behaviour. Actually to be honest just walking him. But you’re stronger than me, so just in case.” And you knew that to be true; how many times had you checked out his arms and shoulders in those tight white shirts he insisted on wearing-!? “Oh!” He chuckled again, light blush crossing his cheeks, “Well – haha – I’d be happy to help you out.” “Oh! Martin! Would you-!?” You took his hands in yours, knowing exactly what you were doing “Oh! You’re a star!!” He continued to blush gently; “If you say so…!” “I do!” You affirmed with a smile, “Come with me!” He was sure that the problem was that the puppy hadn’t been trained properly, and he certainly pulled far too often at his lead. “He might just need to be around people… You know. Just someone with a firm, but gentle, hand. Puppies often get separation…” Martin moved to the side as Jake ran between both of you again, changing lead hands so as not to get ensnared by the leash “…anxiety. So some of it could be that-! Some of it could ALSO be just because he needs to let off a lot of energy-!” “Well, what’s the recommendation?” “Fostering?” Martin strained for a moment, reigning him back in with a hush. “I could do it?” “Don’t say that just for me.” “No! No! I would love to-! It’d give me something else to do.” He seemed to pull Jake to heel for a minute, and praised him softly – causing the puppy to give a happy bark. “Are you sure you aren’t the actual dog whisperer-!?” You almost marvelled him – the rest of you had been trying to do the same for a couple of days with no results. Martin chuckled again; “I think I watched far too much of it to be honest. And this is the one time it’s actually been useful.” “Aw, I wouldn’t say that. I like when you talk about it – it’s cute.” It was the first time you’d said something like that. About him. And Martin’s eyes widened and raised to you. And then he stopped walking, making you turn to him. “What?” “…You…” He looked bemused; “…It’s cute?” “Sure.” You smiled, “I mean you’re pretty cute all around but that’s certainly, cute.” “You think… I’M cute!?” He smiled – one of those sweet kinda stupid soppy smiles “Mhm…” You beamed, “You sure are!” Then he flushed again, and you knew he wanted to say it – it was all over his face – but he still didn’t know if he could… or if he should. “Y/N… I think… I mean, I think you’re…WOAH--!” With the both of you stood still, and paying much more attention to each other than Jake, he’d done the one thing Martin was trying to stop him from doing, and had weaved between your legs, and his and around the both of you, before tugging the lead; not that you’d believe for a second that the dog had any idea what was going on. But, suddenly you found yourselves in far closer proximity than you’d ever expected “Shit! Sorry! Sorry!” Martin tried to pull back and unravel the lead for himself, which made you laugh. “It’s not your fault.” “No-! True! But…!!” Then he couldn’t help but laugh “But?” You let him untangle the lead from you, noticing that now Jake was sitting by obediently, “Martin, if you want to say something you should just say it-!” He laughed again – turned to Jake “Well. He certainly seems to know what I wanna say.” “Maybe you are the dog whisperer…” You mused, “Either that or he’s trying to help you out.” Martin ran a hand through his hair, “I mean, I guess he’s not satisfied with just me.” “Oh?” You grinned teasingly, waiting for him to say it. “…I mean this is it right…” Martin laughed, “…This is where all the plans go out the window…” Then he took a deep breath, “…But I guess I still… I still get to ask you out.” Then you were blushing, “…Oh Martin. You didn’t have to plan anything!” “Well, I was thinking I’d get to ask you to a gig, maybe even just start with a niche record shop, and…” His eyes flicked to Jake still sitting looking pleased with himself, “…Obviously that wasn’t good enough!” then head snapped back to face you; “Wait-! Was that essentially a yes!?” You pushed yourself up on your toes and kisses his cheek gently, gaining that sappy little smile back “Yes.” That caused Jake to bark happily. Martin scoffed, “Alright! That’s enough from you!!” You laughed; “Oh yeah, you two are gonna be trouble for me I can tell.” Martin grinned, holding his hand out for yours, “Good trouble though! I promise-!” You smiled in agreement as you laced your fingers with his. Good Trouble. Yeah, and absolutely worth every moment of it.
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