#Martin Schulze-Werner
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bauerntanz · 8 months ago
Presserat missbilligt
Presserat missbilligt Westfälische Nachrichten, nachdem diese eine Pressemitteilung verwendeten.
In Münster sind die Westfälischen Nachrichten das, was in Osnabrück wie bei uns die Neue Osnabücker Zeitung ist – ein faktisches Monopol. Aus eben diesem Münster schrieb mir jetzt Ralf Heimann vom Online-Magazin RU.MS eine e-Mail. Er schrieb sie nicht nur mir sondern es ist die wöchentliche Rundmail, in dem Aktuelles in und um Münster aufgegriffen wird. Er schriebeb: In [ünster-]Amelsbüren…
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beyourselfchulanmaria · 2 years ago
Mozart: Concerto for Flute, Harp, and Orchestra in C Major, K. 299 - II. Andantino · Wolfgang Schulz · Nicanor Zabaleta · Wiener Philharmoniker · Karl Böhm · Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart · Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart · Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart · Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Mozart: Clarinet Concerto K. 622; Flute & Harp Concerto K. 299
1976 Deutsche Grammophon GmbH, Berlin
Producer, Recording Producer: Werner Mayer Studio Personnel, Balance Engineer: Günter Hermanns Studio Personnel, Recording Engineer: Volker Martin Editor: Jobst Eberhardt Composer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Composer, Cadenzor: Carl Reinecke
🙏 Thanks~*
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architectureofdoom · 6 years ago
Tags - Architects/designers I-Z
I.M. Pei Ignaty Milinis Ignazio Gardella Igor Vasilevsky Ilia Golosov Isamu Noguchi Ivan Fomin Ivan Leonidov Ivor Smith and Jack Lynn J.B. Hourlier J.B. Ingwersen J.F. Staal J.J.P. Oud L.J. sert J.M. Lamuniere J.M. Stokla James Gowan James Stirling Jan Duiker Jan Wils Jean Bourgon Jean Dubuisson Jean Prouve Jean Renaudie Joao Filgueiras Lima Joaquim Guedes Johann Georg Gsteu John Andrews John Bancroft John Dinkeloo John Hejduk John M. Johansen John Madin John Pawson John Portman John Storrs Jorn Utzon Jos Bedaux Josef Schulz Joseph Salerno Jozsef Fischer Juan O'Gorman Juliaan Lampens Jurgen Sawade Justus Dahinden K.L. Sijmons Kalff Karl Ehn Karl Moser Karl Schwanzer Kenzo Tange Kevin Roche Kisho Kurokawa Kiyonori Kikutake Konrad Wachsmann Konstantin Melnikov Kunio Mayekawa Kurt Schlauss Kurt Schwitters Le Corbusier Lebbeus Woods Leonardo Savioli Leonid Vesnin Leslie Martin Lev Rudnev Lina Bo Bardi Louis Fumet Louis Kahn Louis Noiray Louis Sullivan Lucio Costa Ludwig Hilberseimer Luigi Figini Luigi Moretti Luis Barragan Luis Peña Ganchegui Lutyens Malevich Manfred Hermer Marcel Breuer Marcel Lods Marcello Piacentini Mario Pani Marius Duintjer Mart Stam Martin Elsaesser Martin van Treeck Max Abramovitz Max Berg Mendelsohn Michel de Klerk Mies Minoru Yamasaki Moholy-Nagy Moisei Ginzburg Moshe Safdie MVRDV Neave Brown Neutra Nicholas Grimshaw Nikolai Kolli Noi Trotsky O Studio Olivier-Clement Cacoub Olson Kundig OMA Oscar Niemeyer Oswald Ungers Otto Herbert Hajek Ove Arup Owen luder P.V. Jensen Klint Pancho Guedes Panteleimon Golosov Paolo Portoghesi Paolo Soleri Paul Baumgarten Paul Ludwig Troost Paul Nelson Paul Rudolph Paul Stohrer Paul Virilio Paulo Mendes Da Rocha Pei Cobb Freed Peter Behrens Peter Eisenman Peter Märkli Peter Zumthor Philip Johnson Pier Luigi Nervi Pierre Jeanneret Pierre Koenig Pierre Parat Piet Blom Piet Elling Piet Mondriaan Piet Zanstra Pietro Belluschi Pietro Lingeri Pot Keegstra R.M. della Rocca Raimund Abraham Rainer Disse Raj Rewal Ralph Erskine Ray Eames Reinhard Gieselmann Rem Koolhaas Renaat Braem Rene Gages Renzo Piano Ricardo Bofill Ricardo Legorreta Richard Meier Richard Rogers Richard Seifert Richard Sheppard Robert Geddes Robert Mallet-Stevens Robert van ’t Hoff Robert Venturi Roger Anger Rudolf Schwarz Rudolf Steiner Ruy Ohtake Sachio Otani Sant'Elia Sérgio Bernardes Sergio Musmeci Shoji Sadao Sigurd Lewerentz Simon Ungers Smithsons SOM Speer Stanley Tigerman Superstudio Sverre Fehn Tadao Ando Team X Terragni Theo Bosch Theo van Doesburg Tony Garnier Ulrich Franzen Val Michelson Valerio Olgiati Van den Broek en Bakema Vann Molyvann Vico Magistretti Victor Bodiansky Viktor Vesnin Vilanova Artigas Viljo Revell Vittoriano Vigano Vladimir Bodiansky Vladimir Shukhov Vladimir Tatlin Volker Theissen Wallace Harrison Walter Forderer Walter Gropius Walter Netsch Wang Shu Wassili Luckhardt Wells Coates Werner Allenbach Werner Düttmann Werner March Wiel Arets Willem Dudok Willem van Tijen William Pereira Willy Guhl Willy Kreuer Willy Van Der Meeren Wim Quist Yakov Chernikov Yoshinobu Ashihara Zvi Hecker
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architectnews · 4 years ago
Gasteig Cultural Center, Munich Building
Gasteig Cultural Center, Munich Concert Hall, Library, German Architecture Images
Gasteig Cultural Center in Munich
23 June 2021
Gasteig Cultural Center
Design: HENN
Location: Munich, Germany
The Gasteig in Munich, the largest cultural center in Europe, receives almost two million visitors a year and houses a unique combination of programs: a concert hall, an auditorium, educational facilities, and a public library. Constructed in 1985, the original Gasteig is a fortress-like compound of introverted functions. HENN��s for the Gasteig Cultural Center proposal transforms it into an open and democractic space whose cultural and educational programs are part of a dynamic exchange—with each other and with the city.
The heart of the New Gasteig is the Kulturbühne or Culture Stage—a bridge-like glass volume that connects the many functions of the center and displays their vibrant interior to the city of Munich. Its transparent and open architecture stands in deliberate contrast to the monolithic character of the existing building.
The Culture Stage functions as circulation, foyer, exhibition space and event area, a new space of encounter and connection. With this simple, yet radical gesture, HENN has transformed the Gasteig from an inert container of culture into an active collaborator—it is a space of cultural production where employees, students, and visitors are all actors on the Cultural Stage.
Each program—the Philharmonic, the Carl Orff Hall, the Munich City Library, the Munich Center of Further Education and the University of Music and Performing Arts—underwent its own transformation. In collaboration with the renowned acoustician Yasuhisa Toyota, the Philharmonic was given a complete acoustic re-design while the library, constructed during the height of print media, was updated for the digital age, its closed-off, silent spaces were opened up and its collaborative spaces emphasized.
HENN’s modernization of the cultural center is a radical reconceptualization of the building and the role of culture within the city. Now more than ever, we understand and appreciate the power of art, music, literature, and education to reflect and elevate society during moments of prosperity, and to comfort and stabilize during times of hardship. The New Gasteig—open, transparent, and inviting—anticipates a future where it will once again receive millions of annual visitors
Gasteig Cultural Center in Munich, Germany – Building Information
Design: HENN
Client: Gasteig München GmbH Location: Munich, DE Area GFA: 90,000 sqm Status: Current Years: 2018 – Ongoing
Program: The Munich Philharmonic, Carl Orff Hall, the Munich PublicLibrary, Münchner Volkshochschule (Munich Center for Further Education), the University of Music and Performing Arts Munich, Kulturreferat (Cultural Council), the Munich Chamber Orchestra, Exhibition Space, Communications Area, Multimedia Room, Lecture Hall, Workshop and Training Rooms, Administration, Gastronomy, Multifunctional Spaces
Consultants: Nagata Acoustics International, Inc., Rainer Schmidt Landschaftsarchitekten GmbH, ARGE Mayr Ludescher Partner + Buro Happold Ingenieure GmbH, Climaplan GmbH, ibb Burrer & Deuring Ingenieurbüro GmbH, Bartenbach GmbH, OBERMEYER Planen + Beraten GmbH, Wolfgang Sorge Ingenieurbüro für Bauphysik GmbH & Co. KG, ATI – ARGE Theater-Ingenieure, a+p Architekten GbR, Büro Uebele
Competition: 2018, 1st Prize, Contract award after reworking the submission Partner in Charge: Fredrik Werner/Joachim Grund
Project Team: Sylvia Kipping, Max Langwieder, Benedikt Cinetto, Francesco Capuzzo, Christoph Omlin, Tanja Dietsch, Pavel Khriashchikov, Ferdinand Fleckenstein, Thomas von Küstenfeld, Birant Sencan, Gabriele Menconi, Sarah Guggemos, Franz Bittenbinder, Shiyu Ying, Lisa Schubert, Andreas Fuchs, Mark Böhmer, Bodo Boettcher, Jeanette Schulze-Kiehne, Andreas Lindig, Daniel Recklingloh, Martin Erdinger, Luis Felipe Acevedo, Peter Weber, Mira Schröpfer, Sidonie Kade, Wolfgang Mühlhölzl-Hirschmann, Andreas Schöler, Dorit Von Woroniecki, Gudrun Spitzer, Theresa Brandes, Peter Ciganek, Anatolii Romanov, Jekaterina Porohina, Jovan Topalovic, Katrin Jacobs, Che Liu, Matthias Palloch, Elke Gebhard and Attila Horvath
Images: HENN
Previous post for this building on e-architect:
Gasteig Cultural Centre in Munich Building
Gasteig Cultural Center, Munich images / information received 230621 from HENN
Location: Munich, Bavaria, Germany
Munich Buildings
Munich Buildings – selection of contemporary architectural designs:
Munich Architecture Design – chronological list
Munich Buildings
Munich Architecture Tours photo : Ulrich Rossmann-Arup Munich Architecture Walking Tours
Paulaner Headquarter, Munich Design: Hierl Architekten, München photo : Edzard Probst Paulaner Headquarter Munich Building
Allianz Arena Design: Herzog & de Meuron Architects with ArupSport Allianz Arena
BMW Welt – Event and Delivery Center Design: Coop Himmelb(l)au Munich building : BMW Welt
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Munich Hotel Buildings Complex Design: schmidt hammer lassen architects Munich Hotel Buildings
German Buildings
Munich Architects
Google Office Munich
C.F. Møller Architects
Comments / photos for the Gasteig Cultural Center, Munich building design by HENN Architects in Germany page welcome
The post Gasteig Cultural Center, Munich Building appeared first on e-architect.
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football-indy · 5 years ago
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Almanya Ligi'nde coşku kaldığı yerden devam ediyor. Futbola hasret kaldığımız bu günlerde, Bundesliga heyecanı bu defa hafta içi yaşanacak. Sporx iddaa takımı, Almanya'a oynanacak karşılaşmalardan hipotezlerini sizler için hazırladı. İşte hafta arası karşılaşmalarının bankoları. TV'DE BUGÜN: ŞİFRESİZ MAÇ! TIKLAYIN SPORX İDDAA SAYFASI İÇİN TIKLAYIN!  BAYERN MÜNİH - LEVERKUSEN Almanya Ligi'nde Bayer Leverkusen ile Bayern Münih karşı karşıya gelecek. Şampiyonlar Ligi bileti alabilmek için gayret eden Bayer Leverkusen, sezonun ilk yarısında Allianz Arena'da 2-1 yendiği Bayern Münih'e bir bozgun daha tattırmak istiyor. Ancak şampiyonluğa bütün anlamıyla konsantre olan Bayern Münih, güç bir dış sahaya çıkacak ama nitelikli kadrosuyla yeniden maçın favorşisi konumundalar. Bol gollü geçmesini beklediğim maçta Bayern Münih kazanarak yoluna devam edecektir. Alman devinin başarısını kuponlarda değerlendirebiliriz. MUHTEMEL 11'LER Bayer Leverkusen: "Hradecky; Weiser, S. Bender, Tapsoba, Sinkgraven; Aranguiz, Kerem Demirbay; Bellarabi, Amiri, Diaby; Havertz Bayern Münih: Neuer; Pavard, Boateng, Alaba, Davies; Kimmich, Thiago; Gnabry, Muller, Coman; Lewandowski FORTUNA DUSSELDORF - HOFFENHEIM Almanya Ligi'nde Fortuna Düsseldorf ile Hoffenheim karşı karşıya gelecek. Kaan Ayhan ile Kenan Karaman'ın formasını giydiği Fortuna Düsseldorf, küme düşme hattında yer alıyor ve sanki yaşamda kalma savaşı veriyor. 5-0'lık Bayern Münih yenilgiyi ağır bir skor olarak gözükebilir ama Alman devine kaybetmek pek fazla ekibi moral olarak dibe sürüklemeyecektir. Bu hafta çıkıp puan alabilmek ismine var eforlarıyla savaşacaklardır. UEFA Avrupa Ligi amacı istikametinde son iki maçını kazanan Hoffenheim da bu maça oldukça moralli çıkacak. Fortuna Düsseldorf'a göre Hoffenheim daha atakçı bir ekip ama konut sahibi de skor üretecektir. Ligin ilk yarısında 1-1 biten maçın rövanşında karşılıklı goller bizlere kazandırır. MUHTEMEL 11'LER Fortuna Düsseldorf: Kastenmeier; Giebelmann, Kaan Ayhan, Hoffmann; Suttner, Thommy, Berisha, Stoger, Zimmermann; Hennings, Kenan Karaman Hoffenheim: Baumann; Zuber, Hubner, Posch, Kaderabek; Grillitsch, Baumgartner, Rudy; Dabbur, Bebou, Skov
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LEIPZIG - PADERBORN Almanya Ligi'nde Leipzig ile Paderborn karşı karşıya gelecek. Şampiyonlar Ligi bileti almak için elinden geleni aşırısıyla yapan Leipzig, bu hafta basit bir maça çıkacak diyebiliriz. Ligde son başarısını Ocak ayının sonunda alan ve son sıraya yerleşen Paderborn, kafa olarak kümede kalma savaşını kaybetti. Bu hafta leipzig karşısında da yapacakları hiçbir şey yok. Leipzig erken bulacağı gol ve gollerle maçı kazanacaktır. İlk yarı Leipzig, 3,5 Üst gibi alternatifleri rahatlıkla kuponlarda değerlendirebiliriz. MUHTEMEL 11'LER Leipzig: Gulacsi; Mukiele, Klostermann, Upamcecano, Angelino; Olmo, Sabitzer, Laimer, Nkunku; Schick, Werner Paderborn: Zingerle; Drager, Strohdiek, Hunemeier, Jans; Zolinski, Srbeny, Schonlau, Vasiliadis, Anti-Adjej; Mamba DORTMUND - HERTHA BERLIN Almanya Bundesliga'da lider Bayern Münih'in 7 puan gerisine düşen Dortmund, bu hafta Hertha Berlin ile karşılaşacak. Geçtiğimiz hafta Paderborn karşısından 6-1'lik zaferle dağılan Dortmund'da şu anda şampiyonluk motivasyonunu yine tutmak pek olası değil; dolayısıyla sezonun geri kalanında Dortmund maçlarında taraf bahisi alırken önlemli yanaşmakta fayda var. Hertha ise Labbadia idaresinde başka bir ekip görünümüne büründü ve potansiyel ofans eforunu ortaya çıkarttı. Dortmund'da Hummels, Nico Schulz, Dan-Axel Zagadou ve Marco Reus sakatlığı nedeniyle yok. Hertha'da ise Vladimir Darida bu maçta oynayamayacak. Hertha'nın salt gol bulacağını düşünüyorum; iki ekip de gol atar 1.45 üzerinden değerlendirebilirsiniz. MUHTEMEL 11'LER: Borussia Dortmund: Bürki, Piszczek, Balerdi, Akanji, Egemeni, Emre Can, Delaney, Guerreiro, Brandt, Hazard, Sancho Hertha Berlin: Jarstein, Pekarik, Boyata, Torunarigha, Mittelstädt, Skjelbred, Grujic, Lukebakio, Darida, Leckie, Ibisevic FRANKFURT - MAINZ Almanya'da geçtiğimiz hafta Wolfsburg dış sahasından 2-1'lik zaferle dönen Frankfurt, bu hafta Mainz karşısında başarı arayarak. Kadro niteliğinin çok altında bir performans sergileyen Frankfurt, ligin sonuna doğru bir ivme tuttu. Mainz ise kümede kalabilmek için son kozlarını oynuyor ve bu süreci pek parlak geçirmiyor. Moral ve kadro olarak çok daha iyi gidişatta olan Frankfurt'un hemen hemen bütün kadro olarak çıkacağı maçtan zaferle dağılacağını düşünüyorum. Frankfurt kazanır ve Frankfurt 1.5 üstü Gol atar seçimlerini değerlendirebilirsiniz MUHTEMEL 11'LER Eintracht Frankfurt: Trapp; Abraham, Hasebe, Hinteregger; Chandler, Ilsanker, Rode, Kostic; Kamada; Arkadaş, Silva Mainz: Muller; Brosinski, Bruma, Niakhate, Martin; Barreiro, Kunde; Awoniyi, Boetius, Quaison; Mateta
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sabria12 · 5 years ago
Berikut Skuad Lengkap dan Para Pemain Baru dari 16 Besar Liga Champions
Pendaftaran pemain untuk babak 16 Besar Liga Champions 2019/2020 sudah ditutup. UEFA pun sudah melakukan verifikasi dan menetapkan daftar pemain yang bisa bermain di babak 16 Besar.
Real Madrid melakukan sedikit perombakan. Marco Asensio masuk dalam skuad. Pemain berusia 24 tahun tidak masuk dalam skuad di fase grup. Walau belum sembuh 100 persen, dia mulai menjalani latihan.
Borussia Dortmund, sesuai dengan aturan baru, mendaftarkan Erling Braut Haaland. Walau sudah bermain untuk FC Sazlburg di fase grup, Haaland bisa bermain untuk Dortmund. Emre Can juga masuk skuad.
Juventus membuat kejutan dengan tidak mendaftarkan Merih Demiral untuk babak gugur. Padahal, pemain berusia 21 tahun tersebut tampil bagus di Serie A. Sebagai gantinya, Juventus mendaftarkan bek senior Giorgio Chiellini.
Simak daftar lengkap skuad klub 16 Besar Liga Champions di bawah ini ya Bolaneters.
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Penjaga Gawang: Francesco Rossi (31), Marco Sportiello (57), Pierluigi Gollini (95)
Belakang: Rafael Tolói (2), Mattia Caldara (3), José Luis Palomino (6), Lennart Czyborra (7), Robin Gosens (8), Berat Djimsiti (19), Timothy Castagne (21), Hans Hateboer (33)
Gelandang: Adrien Tameze (5), Remo Freuler (11), Marten de Roon (15), Ruslan Malinovskyi (18), Josip Iličić (72), Mario Pašalić (88)
Penyerang: Luis Muriel (9), Alejandro Gómez (10), Duván Zapata (91)
Pemain Keluar: Andrea Masiello, Guilherme Arana, Roger Ibañez, Simon Kjær
 Atletico Madrid
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Penjaga Gawang: Antonio Adán (1), Jan Oblak (13)
Belakang: José María Giménez (2), Santiago Arias (4), Renan Lodi Renan Lodi (12), Stefan Savić (15), Felipe (18), Mario Hermoso (22), Kieran Trippier (23), Šime Vrsaljko (24), Manuel Sánchez (35)
Gelandang: Thomas (5), Koke (6), Saúl Ñíguez (8), Thomas Lemar (11), Marcos Llorente (14), Héctor Herrera (16), Vitolo (20), Yannick Carrasco (21)
Penyerang: João Félix (7), Álvaro Morata (9), Ángel Correa (10), Ivan Šaponjić (17), Diego Costa (19)
 3 dari 16
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Penjaga gawang: Marc-André ter Stegen (1), Neto (13), Iñaki Peña (26)*, Arnau Tenas (36)*
Belakang: Nélson Semedo (2), Gerard Piqué (3), Clément Lenglet (15), Jordi Alba (18), Samuel Umtiti (23), Junior Firpo (24), Guillem Jaime (32)*, Ronald Araújo (33), Dani Morer (35)*, Sergio Akieme (39)
Gelandang: Ivan Rakitić (4), Sergio Busquets (5), Arthur (8), Sergi Roberto (20), Frenkie de Jong (21), Arturo Vidal (22), Ricard Puig (28)*, Álex Collado (30)*, Ferrán Sarsanedas (34)
Penyerang: Luis Suárez (9), Lionel Messi (10), Ousmane Dembélé (11), Antoine Griezmann (17), Ansu Fati (31)*, Hiroki Abe (37), Kike Saverio (38), Rei Manaj (41)
Pemain Keluar: Jean-Clair Todibo, Moussa Wagué, Carles Aleñá, Carles Pérez (27), Abel Ruiz (29)
*Pemain daftar B
 Bayern Munchen
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Penjaga gawang: Manuel Neuer (1), Sven Ulreich (26), Christian Früchtl (36)*, Ron-Torben Hoffmann (39)*
Belakang: Álvaro Odriozola (2), Niklas Süle (4), Benjamin Pavard (5), Jérôme Boateng (17), Lucas Hernández (21), David Alaba (27), Lars Lukas Mai (33)
Gelandang: Thiago Alcántara (6), Javi Martínez (8), Philippe Coutinho (10), Mickaël Cuisance (11), Leon Goretzka (18), Alphonso Davies (19), Corentin Tolisso (24), Sarpreet Singh (28), Joshua Kimmich (32), Oliver Batista Meier (34), Joshua Zirkzee (35), Daniels Ontu?āns (40)*
Penyerang: Robert Lewandowski (9), Ivan Perišić (14), Serge Gnabry (22), Thomas Müller (25), Kingsley Coman (29)
Pemain Keluar: Ryan Johansson, Jann-Fiete Arp
*Pemain daftar B
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Penjaga gawang: Kepa (1), Willy Caballero (13), Jamie Cumming (31)*, Nicolas Tie (50)*
Belakang: Antonio Rüdiger (2), Marcos Alonso (3), Andreas Christensen (4), Kurt Zouma (15), Reece James (24)*, César Azpilicueta (28), Fikayo Tomori (29), Emerson (33)
Gelandang: Jorginho (5), N'Golo Kanté (7), Ross Barkley (8), Willian (10), Ruben Loftus-Cheek (12), Mateo Kovačić (17), Mason Mount (19)*, Callum Hudson-Odoi (20)*, Christian Pulišić (22), Billy Gilmour (47)*
Penyerang: Tammy Abraham (9), Pedro Rodríguez (11), Olivier Giroud (18), Michy Batshuayi (23)
Pemain Keluar: Marc Guehi (44), George McEachran (45),
*Pemain daftar B
 Borussia Dortmund
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Selebrasi pemain Borussia Dortmund usai kalahkan Slavia Praha dan lolos ke 16 besar UCL, Kamis (12/12/2019) dini hari. © AP Photo
Penjaga Gawang: Roman Bürki (1), Jonas Hupe (20)*, Luca Unbehaun (25), Marwin Hitz (35), Lucien Hawryluk (36)*, Eric Oelschlägel (40)
Belakang: Dan-Axel Zagadou (2), Achraf Hakimi (5), Raphaël Guerreiro (13), Nico Schulz (14), Mats Hummels (15), Manuel Akanji (16), Leonardo Balerdi (18), Mateu Morey (22), Łukasz Piszczek (26), Emre Can (27), Marcel Schmelzer (29)
Gelandang: Thomas Delaney (6), Mahmoud Dahoud (8), Mario Götze (10), Marco Reus (11), Julian Brandt (19), Thorgan Hazard (23), Axel Witsel (28), Immanuel Pherai (30)*, Patrick Osterhage (31)*, Giovanni Reyna (32), Tobias Raschl (37), Jano Baxmann (38)*, Dominik Wanner (39)*
Penyerang: Jadon Sancho (7)*, Erling Braut Haaland (17)
Pemain Keluar: Jacob Bruun Larsen, Julian Weigl, Paco Alcácer
*Pemain daftar B
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 Penjaga Gawang: Wojciech Szczęsny (1), Carlo Pinsoglio (31), Gianluigi Buffon (77)
Belakang: Mattia De Sciglio (2), Giorgio Chiellini (3), Matthijs de Ligt (4), Alex Sandro (12), Danilo (13), Leonardo Bonucci (19), Daniele Rugani (24), Paolo Gozzi Iweru (40)*
Gelandang: Miralem Pjanić (5), Sami Khedira (6), Aaron Ramsey (8), Blaise Matuidi (14), Juan Cuadrado (16), Adrien Rabiot (25), Rodrigo Bentancur (30), Federico Bernardeschi (33), Simone Muratore (38)*, Manolo Portanova (39)*
Penyerang: Cristiano Ronaldo (7), Paulo Dybala (10), Douglas Costa (11), Gonzalo Higuaín (21)
Pemain Keluar: Merih Demiral
*Pemain daftar B
 RB Leipzig
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Pemain RB Leipzig usai laga melawan Bayern Munchen, 14 September 2019 lalu. © DFL
Penjaga Gawang: Péter Gulácsi (1), Yvon Mvogo (28), Tim Schreiber (32)*, Philipp Tschauner (33)
Belakang: Angeliño (3), Willi Orban (4), Dayot Upamecano (5)*, Ibrahima Konaté (6)*, Lukas Klostermann (16), Nordi Mukiele (22), Marcel Halstenberg (23), Ethan Ampadu (26), Oliver Bias (34)*, Frederik Jäkel (37), Anton Rücker (38)*, Malik Talabidi (40)*
Gelandang: Amadou Haidara (8), Tyler Adams (14), Ademola Lookman (17), Christopher Nkunku (18), Hannes Wolf (19), Dani Olmo (25), Konrad Laimer (27), Max Winter (43)*, Kevin Kampl (44), Tom Krauß (53)
Penyerang: Marcel Sabitzer (7), Yussuf Poulsen (9), Emil Forsberg (10), Timo Werner (11), Patrik Schick (21), Fabrice Hartmann (35), Jacob Ruhner (39)*
Pemain Keluar: Marcelo Saracchi, Diego Demme, Mads Bidstrup, Matheus Cunha
*Pemain daftar B
 Liverpool FC
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Penjaga Gawang: Alisson Becker (1), Adrián (13), Andy Lonergan (22), Caoimhin Kelleher (62)*
Belakang: Virgil van Dijk (4), Dejan Lovren (6), Joe Gomez (12), Andy Robertson (26), Joël Matip (32), Adam Lewis (46)*, Trent Alexander-Arnold (66)*
Gelandang: Fabinho (3), Georginio Wijnaldum (5), James Milner (7), Naby Keïta (8), Jordan Henderson (14), Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain (15), Adam Lallana (20), Xherdan Shaqiri (23), Curtis Jones (48)*, Herbie Kane (55)*, Harvey Elliott (67), Yasser Larouci (70)*, Neco Williams (76)*
Penyerang: Roberto Firmino (9), Sadio Mané (10), Mohamed Salah (11), Takumi Minamino (18), Rhian Brewster (24)*, Divock Origi (27)
Pemain Keluar: Sepp van den Berg
*Pemain daftar B
 Olympique Lyonnais
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Penjaga Gawang: Anthony Lopes (1), Anthony Racioppi (16)*, Ciprian Tătăruşanu (30), Malcolm Barcola (40)*, Kayne Bonnevie (50)*, Kévin Ousmane (60)*, Lucas Margueron (65)*
Belakang: Mapou Yanga-Mbiwa (2), Joachim Andersen (3), Rafael (4), Jason Denayer (5), Marcelo (6), Léo Dubois (14), Fernando Marçal (20), Kenny Tete (23), Youssouf Koné (28), Melvin Bard (31)*, Mathis Louiserre (41)*, Melih Altikulac (43)*, Semih Altikulac (44)*, Mattéo Commaret (49)*, Marley Felix (56)*, Malo Gusto (58)*, Pierre Kalulu (59)*, Castello Lukeba (66)*, Andy Minolien (67)*, Arthur Pontet (73)*
Gelandang: Martin Terrier (7), Houssem Aouar (8), Thiago Mendes (12), Ousseynou Ndiaye (13)*, Jeff Reine-Adélaïde (17), Jean Lucas (22), Maxence Caqueret (25), Lucas Tousart (29), Bruno Gomez Soares (39), Cédric Augarreau (32)*
Penyerang: Moussa Dembélé (9), Bertrand Traoré (10), Memphis Depay (11), Amine Gouiri (19)*, Karl Toko Ekambi (21), Maxwel Cornet (27), Fofana Boubacar (35)
Pemain Keluar: Heritier Deyonge, Oumar Solet, Issiar Drame (24), Théo Ndicka Matam
*Pemain daftar B
 Manchester City
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Penjaga Gawang: Claudio Bravo (1), Ederson (31), Scott Carson (33)
Belakang: Kyle Walker (2), John Stones (5), Oleksandr Zinchenko (11), Aymeric Laporte (14), Benjamin Mendy (22), João Cancelo (27), Nicolás Otamendi (30), Eric García (50)*
Gelandang: İlkay Gündoğan (8), Rodri (16), Kevin De Bruyne (17), Leroy Sané (19), Bernardo Silva (20), David Silva (21), Fernandinho (25), Riyad Mahrez (26), Phil Foden (47)*
Penyerang: Raheem Sterling (7), Gabriel Jesus (9), Sergio Agüero (10)
Pemain Keluar: Cieran Slicker, James Trafford, Thomas Scott, Daniel Grimshaw (32), Angeliño, Taylor Harwood-Bellis (78), Thomas Doyle (69), Ian Poveda (83)
*Pemain daftar B
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Penjaga Gawang: Alex Meret (1), David Ospina (25), Orestis Karnezis (27), Antonio Pio Daniele (72)*
Belakang: Mário Rui (6), Sebastiano Luperto (13), Nikola Maksimović (19), Giovanni Di Lorenzo (22), Elseid Hysaj (23), Kalidou Koulibaly (26), Kostas Manolas (44), Alberto Senese (73)*, Claudio Manzi (74)*
Gelandang: Diego Demme (4), Allan (5), Fabián Ruiz (8), Eljif Elmas (12), Piotr Zieliński (20) Stanislav Lobotka (68), Gianluca Gaetano (70)*
Penyerang: José Callejón (7), Fernando Llorente (9), Hirving Lozano (11), Dries Mertens (14), Matteo Politano (21), Lorenzo Insigne (24), Arkadiusz Milik (99)
Pemain Keluar: Faouzi Ghoulam, Kevin Malcuit, Amin Younes
*Pemain daftar B
 Paris Saint-Germain
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Pemain PSG merayakan gol Mauro Icardi ke gawang Club Brugges pada laga Liga Champions, Kamis (7/11/2019) dini hari WIB. © AP Photo
Penjaga Gawang: Keylor Navas (1), Sergio Rico (16), Marcin Bulka (30), Garissone Innocent (40)*
Belakang: Thiago Silva (2), Presnel Kimpembe (3), Thilo Kehrer (4), Marquinhos (5), Thomas Meunier (12), Juan Bernat (14), Layvin Kurzawa (20), Abdou Diallo (22), Colin Dagba (31), Nianzou Kouassi (35)*, Loïc Mbe Soh (36)*
Gelandang: Marco Verratti (6), Leandro Paredes (8), Pablo Sarabia (19), Ander Herrera (21), Idrissa Gueye (27), Adil Aouchiche (38)*
Penyerang: Kylian Mbappé (7), Edinson Cavani (9), Neymar (10), Ángel Di María (11), Mauro Icardi (18), Julian Draxler (23)
Pemain Keluar: Eric Maxim Choupo-Moting
*Pemain daftar B
 Real Madrid
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Skuat Real Madrid merayakan gol Raphael Varane ke Gawang Getafe, Sabtu (4/1/2020) © AP Photo
Penjaga Gawang: Alphonse Areola (1), Thibaut Courtois (13), Diego Altube (26)*, Javier Belman (30)*
Belakang: Dani Carvajal (2), Éder Militão (3), Sergio Ramos (4), Raphaël Varane (5), Nacho (6), Marcelo (12), Ferland Mendy (23), Sergio López (32)*, Fran García (33)*, Adri (35)*, Javi (39)*, Víctor Chust (40)*
Gelandang: Toni Kroos (8), Luka Modrić (10), Gareth Bale (11), Casemiro (14), Federico Valverde (15), James Rodríguez (16), Marco Asensio (20), Brahim Díaz (21), Isco (22), Martín (36)*, Franchu (37)*, Álvaro Bravo (38)*, Marvin Park (41)*, Miguel Baeza (42)*, Antonio Blanco (43)*
Penyerang: Eden Hazard (7), Karim Benzema (9), Lucas Vázquez (17), Luka Jović (18), Mariano Díaz (24), Vinícius Júnior (25), Rodrygo (27)
Pemain Keluar: Álvaro Odriozola, Manu Hernando (34), Pedro Ruiz (29)
*Pemain daftar B
 Tottenham Hotspur
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Selebrasi pemain Tottenham saat melawan West Ham, Sabtu (23/11/2019) malam WIB. © AP Photo
Penjaga Gawang: Hugo Lloris (1), Michel Vorm (13), Paulo Gazzaniga (22), Alfie Whiteman (41)*, Brandon Austin (49)*
Belakang: Toby Alderweireld (4), Jan Vertonghen (5), Davinson Sánchez (6), Eric Dier (15), Juan Foyth (21)*, Serge Aurier (24), Ben Davies (33), Japhet Tanganga (39)*, Timothy Eyoma (43)*
Gelandang: Heung-Min Son (7), Harry Winks (8), Erik Lamela (11), Moussa Sissoko (17), Giovani Lo Celso (18), Ryan Sessegnon (19), Dele Alli (20), Steven Bergwijn (23), Lucas Moura (27), Tanguy Ndombélé (28), Oliver Skipp (29)*, Gedson Fernandes (30), Jamie Bowden (44)*, Harvey White (53)*
Penyerang: Harry Kane (10)
Pemain Keluar: Joshua Oluwayemi (73), Kacper Kurylowicz (79), Thimothee Lo Tutala (88), Danny Rose, Kyle Walker-Peters, Christian Eriksen, Victor Wanyama, Troy Parrott
*Pemain daftar B
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Penjaga Gawang: Jaume Doménech (1), Jasper Cillessen (13), Cristian Rivero (28)*, Emilio Bernard Sanchez (36)*
Belakang: Thierry Correia (2), Jaume Costa (3), Eliaquim Mangala (4), Gabriel (5), Mouctar Diakhaby (12), José Gayà (14), Cristiano Piccini (21), Alessandro Florenzi (25), Javier Jiménez (32), Hugo Guillamón (33)*, Guillem Gutierrez (37)*
Gelandang: Geoffrey Kondogbia (6), Gonçalo Guedes (7), Carlos Soler (8), Daniel Parejo (10), Denis Cheryshev (11), Manu Vallejo (15), Kang-in Lee (16), Francis Coquelin (17), Daniel Wass (18), Ferrán Torres (20), Pascu (26)*, Vicente Esquerdo (34)*
Penyerang: Kevin Gameiro (9), Rodrigo (19), Maxi Gómez (22), Rubén Sobrino (23), Jordi Escobar (29)*, Pablo Gozálbez (38)*
Pemain Keluar: Ezequiel Garay, Koba Koindredi, Yunus Musah
*Pemain daftar B
 Sumber: UEFA
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hellotenaciousnutglitter · 5 years ago
APEME Semana Planeja: últimos dias para realizar sua inscrição
Evento ocorre de 4 a 7 de novembro em Garibaldi O seu negócio já está preparado para o ano que vem? A partir deste questionamento, a Associação de Pequenas e Médias Empresas de Garibaldi (Apeme) apresenta a “Semana Planeja”, no Mês Mundial do Empreendedorismo, como uma forma para auxiliar os empreendedores no planejamento de seus negócios para 2020. O evento inédito inicia já na próxima segunda-feira, dia 4, seguindo até o dia 7 de novembro, quinta-feira, na sede da entidade (Rua Heitor Mazzini, 122, sala 02, Edifício Sonata). Em todas as noites, a programação começa às 19h15min. Os encontros são voltados aos microempreendedores individuais, a quem pensa em empreender, gestores e colaboradores de empresas de qualquer porte e segmento, estudantes e demais interessados. Para associados da Apeme, o investimento é de R$ 20,00 por noite e R$60,00 no combo especial válido para todas as noites. Para público em geral, o valor é de R$ 35,00 por noite ou R$ 110,00 no combo. As vagas são limitadas e as inscrições podem ser feitas pelo site www.apeme.com.br/agenda.  Mais informações pelo fone (54) 3462-2755, WhatsApp   (54) 99623-2292 ou envie um e-mail para [email protected]. A realização é da Apeme e o evento conta com o patrocínio de Idealseg Treinamentos e Unitronica. Confira abaixo a programação de cada noite: Segunda-feira – 04 de novembro 19h15min – Café de boas-vindas 19h30min às 21h30min – Painel com três mini palestras 1 - “A caminhada para a indústria 4.0: Indústria, Comércio e Serviços” com Thiago Macangnin • Pilares da Indústria 4.0; • Indústria 4.0 no Brasil; • O que fazer para chegar até a indústria 4.0; • Quem será afetado: Indústria, Comércio e Serviços. Thiago é engenheiro de produção e mestre em engenharia de produção. Sócio da empresa Wine Produtos e Processos. 2 - “Controle suas emoções, controle suas finanças” com Luciane Werner • Fuja das dívidas; • Saiba como planejar despesas e controlar seu dinheiro; • Economize para realizar suas metas. Luciane é graduada em Administração de Empresas, com MBA em Gestão Empresarial pela Unisinos e Gestão de Cooperativas pela Univates. Possui Professional & Self Coach pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Coaching (IBC) e Coaching Financeiro pelo Instituto Soaper. 3 - “Como usar as ferramentas de marketing digital para aproveitar o crescimento que vem por aí” com Jean Michel Baú • Estratégia Digital: como definir a melhor pra você; • Os segredos da Relevância e Autoridade; • Facebook e Insta: Dicas rápidas; • Vender pela Internet: avance com V.E.T.  Jean é mestre em Administração de Empresas e graduado em Publicidade e Propaganda. Possui certificações Google, trabalha com Marketing Digital de Alta Performance atendendo marcas com atuação no Brasil, Estados Unidos e Portugal.  Terça-feira – 05 de novembro 19h15min – Café de boas-vindas 19h30min às 21h30min - Palestra “O que falta para nossos planos darem certo no novo mercado?” com Martin Schulz • Que novo mercado? • Por que poucos planos funcionam? • O que falta para empreender com chances de sucesso? Martin é consultor de empresas em estratégias competitivas e gestão de processos de mudanças desde 1994. Graduado em Comunicação Social, possui mestrado na França, EUA e Brasil, MBA Internacional pela FGV e MBA em Marketing de Varejo e E-Commerce também pela FGV, além de pós-Graduação em Administração. Foi alto executivo de grandes corporações nacionais e implementou negócios em sete países, duas vezes como CEO. Dirige atualmente a Schulz Business Advisory, onde atua como consultor, instrutor e mentor de empresas nas áreas de governança, planejamento, educação corporativa, desenvolvimento organizacional e de lideranças e entrada em novos mercados. É diretor regional da Associação Brasileira de Consultores, além de diretor e conselheiro empresarial da Câmara de Comércio e Serviços Brasil Alemanha. É professor da FGV, da Unisinos, da FSG e professor visitante de universidades no Brasil e na China. Quarta-feira – 06 de novembro 19h15min – Café de boas-vindas 19h30min às 21h30min - Palestra “Acredite: Escale seu Everest” com Nedir Marchioro Nedir é escritor, professor universitário e mestre em Ciências da Educação. Possui mais de 120 certificados, somando 11 mil horas de estudo. Atuou por 32 anos na Tramontina, sendo por 20 anos gerente de Mecânica Industrial. É fundador do Instituto Nedir Marchioro, localizado em Carlos Barbosa, cuja missão é transformar vidas por meio da educação. Quinta-feira – 07 de novembro 19h15min – Café de boas-vindas 19h30min às 21h30min - Palestra “Como profissionalizar minha empresa?” com Carine Barbosa Peccin e Fabiane Bianchi Locatelli • Como melhorar o controle financeiro da empresa?   • Você usa o fluxo de caixa a seu favor?  • Como construir a saúde financeira da empresa?  • Quais os controles práticos e simples para seu negócio?  • Você está preparando pessoas para pensar o seu negócio?  • Qual a direção estratégica do seu negócio? Para onde você quer ir?  Carine é formada em Ciências Contábeis pela UCS e poussi MBA em Gestão Empresarial na Unisinos. Proprietária da empresa Altus Gestão e Educação Empresarial.  Fabiane é engenheira química com MBA pela FGV em Gestão Empresarial e especialista em Gestão Contemporânea pela Nortus/SP. Profissional com sólida experiência em Gestão Empresarial, especialmente em gestão financeira e desenvolvimento de equipes.  Foto dos palestrantes: Divulgação Read the full article
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gadgetsrevv · 5 years ago
EURO 2020 – UEFA European Qualifiers – Estonia vs Germany Preview & Prediction
When does Estonia vs Germany kick off? Sunday 13th October, 2019 – 19:45 (UK)
Where is Estonia vs Germany being played? A. Le Coq Arena
What television channel is Estonia vs Germany on? Sky have the rights to UEFA European Qualifiers matches in the UK, so it is worth checking the Sky Sports schedule
Where can I stream Estonia vs Germany? If the match is televised on Sky Sports, then subscribers will be able to stream the match live via Sky Go
What was the score when the teams last met? Germany 8-0 Estonia
Estonia recorded their first point of the campaign with a 0-0 draw in Belarus on Thursday, which ended a run of eight consecutive defeats in European Championship qualifying.
Centre-back Joonas Tamm is available again having been suspended for Thursday’s game but coach Martin Reim may keep faith with the same back four after their first competitive clean sheet since November.
Youngster Vladislav Kreida will be hoping to keep his place after being handed his full debut against Belarus, while veteran Konstantin Vassiljev was recalled to the side.
Predicted line-up (4-2-3-1): Lepmets; Teniste, Mets, Baranov, Kallaste; Kait, Kreida; Zenjov, Vassiljev, Ojamaa; Sorga
Unavailable: Klavan (Injured)
Germany are one of three teams tied on 12 points at the top of Group C so they need to make sure they get the job done and get the three points here.
Coach Joachim Low experimented with a back three in Wednesday’s friendly against Argentina but he is expected to revert to a more familiar system given the number of defenders he is missing.
Centre-back Niklas Stark has been ruled out after missing the Argentina game so Robin Koch is set to partner Niklas Sule again, while Manuel Neuer, Ilkay Gundogan and Marco Reus should start after being rested on Wednesday.
Predicted line-up (4-3-3): Neuer; Klostermann, Koch, Sule, Halstenberg; Gundogan, Kimmich, Havertz; Reus, Gnabry, Brandt
Unavailable: Kehrer (Injured), Sane (Injured), Rudiger (Injured), Schulz (Injured), Ginter (Injured), Stark (Injured), Kroos (Injured), Goretzka (Injured), Hector (Injured)
Doubtful: Werner (Illness), Tah (Illness)
Germany thrashed Estonia 8-0 in their last meeting but given the number of key players who Low is without, it is unlikely to be as easy for Die Mannschaft on this occasion. Nevertheless, they should not have too many problems against a team who have found the net just twice in this campaign.
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rammerrudolf · 6 years ago
Facebook post (October 21, 2018 at 10:23PM)
Randnotizen! So hat sich zum Beispiel die Bevölkerung Nigerias in den 20 Jahren von 1998 bis 2018 von 100 Millionen auf annähernd 200 Millionen verdoppelt.(UN-Bericht) US Gen Wesley Clark hat in einem Interview vom 2.3.2007 berichtet, dass er knapp 3 Wochen nach „nine-eleven“ im Pentagon erfahren hat, dass die Entscheidung gefallen ist, dass in den nächsten 5 Jahren in 7 Staaten Systemwechselkriege geführt werden sollen und zwar in IRAK, SYRIEN, LIBYEN, LIBANON, IRAN, SOMALIA und im SUDAN.(Aus einem Vortrag von Wesley Clark) Die Mehrzahl der in Deutschland begangenen Morde und Vergewaltigungen durch Migranten wird nicht veröffentlicht.( Bericht eines Polizeigewewrkschafter) Martin Schulz, ehem. Kanzlerkandidat der SPD: „Was die Flüchtlinge uns bringen, ist wertvoller als Gold“( ZDF) Dass mit Werner Amon ein ÖVP-U-Ausschuss-Mandatar in den ausschussrelevanten Unterlagen als BVT-Informant vorkommt, ist sehr österreichisch.( Die Presse-Rainer Novak) Danke an Josef Paul Puntigam
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korrektheiten · 7 years ago
Merkel muss Europa verloren geben
Geolitico:   Nicht nur die Visegradstaaten, auch die Nordachse unter Führung der Niederlande ist gegen Merkel-Deutschland. Nun könnte Wien eine besondere Rolle zukommen. Vielleicht können wir Angela Merkel mit einer Spinne vergleichen, die die männlichen Artgenossen verspeist. Zu ihren Opfern zählen Helmut Kohl, Friedrich Merz, Peer Steinbrück, Laurenz Meyer, Guido Westerwelle, Christian Wulff, Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, Roland Koch, Edmund Stoiber, Sigmar Gabriel, Philipp Rösler und Martin Schulz. Aber auch im befreundeten Ausland hat sie viele Kollegen auf dem Gewissen. Leute, die sich mit ihr eingelassen haben, wurden abgewählt oder haben sich selbst ins Schwert gestürzt. Der Brite David Cameron, dem sie vor der Brexit-Abstimmung nicht entgegenkam. Präsident Hollande, der unter ihrer Flüchtlingspolitik wie ein Hund litt und die meisten Todesopfer zu beklagen hatte. Ministerpräsident Renzi, der letztlich ein Opfer der deutschen Schlepperorganisationen im Mittelmeer wurde, genauso wie die österreichischen Kollegen Werner Faymann und Christian Kern. Der Grieche Adonis Samaras scheiterte an ihrer starren Papiergeldgläubigkeit und Eurorettungsmanie. Wien als neue Führungsmetropole Europas Zwei besonders harte Burschen haben den Kontakt mit ihr überlebt: Rezep Erdogan und Wladimir Putin. Nun hat sich ein ganz Mutiger mit ihr eingelassen, um eine Tapferkeitsprüfung abzulegen: Frankreichs Präsident Emmanuel Macron. Ohne große Not versprach er ihr, in Frankreich [...] http://dlvr.it/QZg11z
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aufrecht · 7 years ago
Hashtags: Betriebliche Mitbestimmung, Freitag13, Gewerkschaften, SPD, Staatskriminalität, Staatsschutz, Strafanzeige, Union Busting, Widerstand, Zensur, Zensurtechnik
New Post has been published on https://u.to/kXGnEg
SPD stellt Strafanzeige: Der Wahre Martin kehrt zurück!
Redaktionelle Vorbemerkung: eine gute Sache zwar, aber für eine brauchbare Presse-Erklärung viel, viel zu lang!
Berliner LKA ermittelt wegen Martin Schulz-Parodie. SPD-Bundesvorstand zeigt Publizisten Werner Rügemer an!
Pressemitteilung, 29. Juni 2018
Die SPD versteht keinen Spaß, wenn es um ihre „historischen Erfolge“ geht. Wie die aktion ./. arbeitsunrecht“>aktion . /. arbeitsunrecht durch anwaltliche Akteneinsicht in dieser Woche erfuhr, stellte der SPD-Bundesvorstand bereits am 17. Dezember 2017 Strafanzeige wegen Urkundenfälschung. Es folgten Ermittlungen des LKA Berlin und der Kölner Kripo, die bis heute andauern.
Was die SPD in Rage brachte: Ein satirischer Brief, angeblich aus der Feder von Martin Schulz, kündigte kurz vor Weihnachten die Revision der Hartz-Gesetze an.
Was war passiert? Protest gegen Betriebsratsbehinderung
Die aktion ./. arbeitsunrecht hatte die Teilnahme des echten Martin Schulz an einer Protestveranstaltung in seiner Heimatstadt Würselen für den 16.12.2017 angekündigt. (Schulz war damals noch SPD-Parteichef und angehender Opppostionsführer im Bundestag.)
Informationen aus erster Hand: >> Presse-Verteiler der aktion ./. arbeitsunrecht
n Würselen ging es kurz vor dem 3. Advent – am umsatzstärksten Tag des Jahres – um die Verteidigung der Toys R Us-Betriebsratsvorsitzenden Mona E., die sich Mobbing, Zermürbungsmethoden und juristischer Nachstellung durch das Deutschland-Management ausgesetzt sah. Statt des echten Martin Schulz trat Der Wahre Martin Schulz auf. Hinter der Figur, die an den Punkrocker Der wahre Heino aus dem Umfeld der Toten Hosen in 1980er Jahren angelehnt war (Die Zeit, 19.7.1985), steckte der Kölner Mietrebell Kalle Gerigk, der sich mit Hilfe einer Maskenbildnerin in Form bringen ließ. Manche Medien wie das Lokalradio Antenne Aachen und zahlreiche Bürger fielen darauf herein – alle aufgeweckteren Zeigenossen hatten ihren Spaß. Tatsächlich war die Zusage des echten Martin Schulz eine leicht zu erkennende Satire (Brief als pdf), versprach das Würselener SPD-Urgestein doch nicht weniger als „eine konsequente Revision der Hartz­-Gesetze“. Elmar Wigand, Pressesprecher der aktion ./. arbeitsunrecht, erläutert: „Wer den Werdegang es echten Martin Schulz ein bisschen verfolgt hat – als treuem Vasallen Gerhard Schröders und Verfechter der Hartz-Gesetze, als Brüsseler Strippenzieher und Verteidiger der Investitionsschutzabkommen TTIP und CETA – musste doch wissen, dass er nie einen wirklichen Kurswechsel hin zu sozialer Gerechtigkeit im Sinn hatte.“
„Wer diesen Text ernst nimmt, blamiert sich selbst. Der WDR wäre tatsächlich mit ‚großem Besteck‘ aus dem Düsseldorfer Landesstudio nach Würselen gefahren, wenn ich die Redaktion auf telefonische Nachfrage nicht aufgeklärt hätte. Dass wir damals nicht richtig durchgezogen haben, ärgert mich heute ein wenig. Wenn die SPD jetzt von Urkundenfälschung spricht, begreift sie wohl gar nicht, wie peinlich das ist.“
Widerstand wirkt: Toys R us reagiert
Die Protest-Aktion vor Toys R Us in Würselen zeigte Erfolge. Das Deutschland-Management erfüllte die Hauptforderung und versetzte den gefürchteten Mobber Baquar I., der nach unserer Überzeugung gezielt auf die BR-Vorsitzende angesetzt war. (Leider versucht das Toys R Us-Deutschland-Management weiterhin, die BR-Vorsitzende Mona E. zu zermürben – nun mit Hilfe juristischer Nachstellungen. Das nächste Verfahren folgt am 5. Juli 2018 um 9:30 Uhr vor dem Arbeitsgericht Aachen, Adalbertstr. 92 >> mehr dazu)
Schildbürger-Ermittlungen: LKA hackt email-Account, Staatsschutz aktiviert
Das LKA ermittelte und verschaffte sich nach §112 Telekommunikationsgesetz Zugang zum email-Konto von Werner Rügemer beim Provider web.de (1&1). Die Schnüffelei wurde offenbar so unprofessionell durchgeführt, dass Rügemers Mail-Adresse im März 2018 unbrauchbar wurde.
Dann wanderte die Akte an die Kölner Kriminalpolizei. Zum Prozedere gehörte eine Personen-Überprüfung durch die Abteilung Staatsschutz. Die Kölner Kripo lud den Vorstandsvorsitzenden der aktion ./. arbeitsunrecht für den 20. Juni vor. Werner Rügemer leistete der Aufforderung keine Folge und beantragte über seinen Anwalt Eberhard Reinecke Akteneinsicht.
Es muss also sein: Der Wahre Martin Schulz kehrt zurück
Freitag, 13. Juli 2018, 16:00 Uhr | Protest vor Real in Düsseldorf-Bilk mit dem Wahren Martin | Anschließend: Arbeiter*innen-Autokorso zur Tonhalle Düsseldorf
Kalle Gerigk pflegt bereits seinen Bart, um als wahrer Martin zum Schwarzen Freitag, 13. Juli 2018 in Düsseldorf Gründzüge einer konsequenten Arbeiterpolitik zu erläutern und der Düsseldorfer Bourgeoisie vor der Tonhalle Düsseldorf die Leviten zu lesen.
Das Motto lautet dann: „Der Horror ist real. Rote Karte für die Metro AG“.
Pressesprecher Elmar Wigand:
„Satire hat in Deutschland heute mehr Wahrheitsgehalt als ein Großteil der ’seriösen‘ Berichterstattung: Mit dem von uns skizzierten Programm wäre Martin Schulz 2017 tatsächlich Bundeskanzler geworden.“
„Der Wahre Martin Schulz ist unser Mann. Wir müssen nicht nur die Angriffe der SPD kontern. Wir brauchen angesichts des Elends der deutschen Arbeitswelt, eine Figur, die die Wahrheit unverblümt aussprechen kann und dabei sympathisch rüber kommt.“
Wie meschugge kann ein Parteivorstand sein?
Der Berliner SPD-Vorstand besitzt offenbar weder Humor, noch hat er irgendwelche Lehren aus dem Wahl-Desaster gezogen, das dem kurzzeitigen Martin Schulz-Hype vom Frühjahr 2017 folgte.
Elmar Wigand kommentiert:
„Angesichts dieses beknackten Angriffs auf unseren kleinen, hart und tapfer kämpfenden Verein, fehlt mir jedes Verständnis für die SPD. Was geht in diesen Leuten vor? Die SPD hat ihren Tiefpunkt vermutlich noch nicht erreicht. Offenbar orientiert sich der Parteivorstand an den französischen und italienischen Sozialisten: Vorwärts Richtung fünf Prozent!“
Dazu der Vorstandsvorsitzende Werner Rügemer:
„Die SPD hält verbissen und humorlos an ihrer arbeitnehmerfeindlichen Politik fest. Ihre asoziale Politik setzt die SPD in der neuen Groko verschärft fort. Weitere Verarmung der unteren Klassen, Bereicherung der Besserverdiener durch:
Baukindergeld für diejenigen, die schon genügend Grundkapital und genügend Einkommen für langfristige Kredite für die teuren Eigentumswohnungen haben,
Kindergelderhöhung, aber weiter Ausschluss der Hartz IV-Bezieher, besondere Privilegierung der Besserverdiener beim Steuervorteil,
lächerliche Erhöhung des Mindestlohnes,
fehlende Maßnahmen gegen explodierende Mieten.“
Elmar Wigand (Pressesprecher): 0176. 588 656 23  koeln01(at)arbeitsunrecht.de | Werner Rügemer (Vorstandsvorsitzender + Beschuldigter): 0163. 868 9945  werner.ruegemer(at]posteo.de
Proteste vor Toys R Us in Würselen am 16. Dezember 2018:
Bericht: https://arbeitsunrecht.de/aktion-bei-toys-r-us-am-16-12-2017/
Video-Zusammenschnitt: https://youtu.be/Th2qQNRTilE
Hier die komplette Rede „Der wahre Martin Schulz“: https://youtu.be/5NOQgL5AUO4
Schwarzer #Freitag13 für Real:
Pressemitteilung: Schwarzer Freitag für REAL: https://arbeitsunrecht.de/schwarzer-freitag-fuer-real-supermaerkte/
Tarif-Theater der Metro AG. Gelbe Gewerkschaft + Fake-Arbeitgeberverband: https://arbeitsunrecht.de/real-dhv-faellt-als-dumping-tarifpartner-aus/
Warum haben wir Real für Freitag, den 13 ausgewählt? Dossier: https://aktion.arbeitsunrecht.de/de/schwarzer-freitag/real
Quellenlink: https://arbeitsunrecht.de/spd-stellt-strafanzeige-der-wahre-martin-kehrt-zurueck/
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shugademus-fbandt · 7 years ago
houellebecq - submission (total shite) muriel spark - driver’s seat
podcasts, including:
transfert histoire d’un corps se reconnaître enfin l’enfant du bout du monde
all in the mind
arts & ideas: *philip roth in conversation *michael ignatieff and central europe ingmar bergmann wild strawberries burns, the radicall frankenstein and ai now counterculture and protest the in between landmark: the odyssey the invention of the circus ring rethinking tradition russai: totalitarianism and punishment man with a movie camera forgotten authors, the prisoner salman rushdie & uncertainty importance of networks washing in public unfinished art and literature sleep and insomnia sentimentality happiness sea journeys and voyages opium and creativity matthew arnold’s culture and creativity tom mccarthy and satirical indexes narcisissism rd lang ecstasy (medieval) tom philips japan and korea/hokusai laurent binet, the rise of the blockchain breaking free: martin luther smell; a history of dentistry leaves of grass education slow and fast killing time in imperial japan the time of your life the speed of revolution how short is a short story politics fast and slow, harriet harman monks models and medieval time fast faster fastest sleep - freedom to think play in urban design borders: on the ground, on the map, in the mind victorian bodies, citizens of everywhere the art of running elites energy and landscape capability brown the desert: geoff dyer, laurence scott, georgia okeefe walter benjamin universities: therapy or learning tale of gengi/algorithims germany/neil mcgregor concrete: marina lewycka et al sicily slavoj zizek tarkovsky’s stalker syrian buildings, georgian literature bryan mcgee
in our time arabian nights yeats and irish politics the silk road the east india company the british empire
lexicon valley getting to yes no-uh what’s the deal with 11
living with the gods
saturday review
start the week: who governs britain heart of darkness conrad and orwell the power and beauty of objects living with the gods hard work and sweet slumber pamuk competition myths self: fact and fiction india’s rise? age of spectacle paul auster american dream build that wall: borders and crossings play and creativity maps music manuscripts popular protest and patriotism island mentality loneliness and inner voices existentialism and ways of seeing is faster better scotland language and reinvention cultural lifespans france special social class and cultural capital architecture and power life in suburbia organizing the mind arabian nights al kennedy on matters of the heart france’s arab empire landscape and community digital natives dystopian future aleksandr hemon scotland -rankin and gray modernism with ali smith and kevin jackson salman rushdie werner herzog
life scientific
books and authors george saunders robert mcfarlane gg marquez
the essay
the start
in our time highland clearances hamlet beethoven moby dick thebes picts purgatory egyptian book of the dead gin craze garibaldi and the risorgimento baltic crusades animal farms epic og gilgamesh zend’s paradoxes songs of innocence and of experience gettysburg address 1816 sikh empire bedlam dutch east india company circadian rhythms empire of mali holbein at the tudor court alexander the great utilitarianism prester john lancashire cotton famine sappho the eunuch wealth of nations ashoka the great truth kafka’s the trial aesop haitian révolution caesar mrs dalloway hildegaard of bingen philosophy of solitude spartacus hindu ideas of creation microscope book of common prayer invention of radio prophecy levi strauss montaigne sakoku chekhov hardian’s wall joyce’s ulysses trojan war marco polo candide early geology measurement of time virtuous and de architectura kama sutra moon ming voyages david hume shinto minoan civilisation anatomy of melancholy bhagavad gita bannockburn medieval university mexican revolution random and pseudorandom consequences of the industrial revolution
guardian books aleksandr hemon’s bees rushdie toibin in conversation naomi klein islands and literature colin thubron and aggleton on memory amos oz on his new novel al kennedy, self, parson - londn walking in cities jim crace on melody short stories: my dream of flying to wake island (ballard) homage to switzerland (hemingway) my oedipus complex (frank oconnor) doll’s house (mansfield) fat (carver) the jungle (bowen) the beauties (chekhov) kitchen child (carter) conversation with my father (paley) extra (li) night driver (calvino)
long reads: why we should bulldoze business schools spectacular power of big lens fake it till you make it (instagram) post-work the diabolical genius of the baby advice industry how the sandwich consumed britain a tale of decay from unboxing to though showers how to sell a country orbiting jupiter why do we feel so guilty all the time the island for sale facebook’s war on free will how a tax haven is leading the race to privatize space trojan horse (islamic plot) neoliberalism, the idea that swallowed the world the school beneath the wave (japan) why we fell for clean eating what is a black professor in the us allowed to say unlearning the myth of american innocence is the world really better than ever the real cost of regeneration globalisation klein: how power profits from disaster the age of banter how the mod’s plan to privatize military housing ended in disaster serota and tate a reckoning for our species (anthropocene) rise of the machines accelerationism bish bash bosh - phyllida barlow rich hippies and developers went to war over instagram’s favorite beach the race to build the world’s first sex robot god in the machine into the woods: ho one man survived one in the wilderness for 27 years london bridge is down how technology gets us hooked ppe: the oxford degree that runs britain killer, kleptocrat, genius, spy (putin) total recall: the people who never forget wiley: the enigmatic godfather of grime the spy who couldn’t spell who killed the great british curry house is this what the west is really like?
ny fiction borges - book of sand coover - colonel’s daughter nelson - naked ladies williams - stuff tower - leopard july - roy spivey hasard - in these islands updike - twin beds in rome eugenides - baster calvino - love far from home cheever - five-forty-eight millhauser - a visit alexie - the toughest indian in the world gaitskill - a dream of men powers - a losing game berger - woven, sir williams - chicken hill means - the spot friel - the saucer of larks singer - the cafeteria davis - then we’ll set it right paley - my father addresses me on the facts of old age tc boyle - chicxulub brodkey - dumbness is everything couvre - going for a beer means - tree line, kansas, 1934 barthelme - chablis drury - accident at the sugar beet spark - ormolu clock nabokov - pnin polansky - leg wolff - the night in question ozick - the shawl frame - prizes bartheleme - game / school oz - the king of norway mcguane - ice johnson - work moore - paper losses calvino - the daughter’s of the moon brodkey - state of grace bolano - clara borges -shakespeare’s memory west - the lesson colwin - mr park price - his final mother schulz - father’s last escape vaughn - able baker charlie dog ishiguro - a village after dark barthleme - concerne the bodyguard dybek - paper lantern munro - axis updike - a&P mcguane - cowboy bolano - gomez palacio Cheever - swimmer millhauser - in the reign of hard iv barthleme - indian uprising johnson - two men delillo - baader-meinhof mccullerss - the jockey nabokov - my russian education george saunders - adams taylor - porte-cohere johnson - emergncy singer - disguised salter - last night jackson - the lottery malamud - a summer’s reading nabokov - symbols and signs moore - dance in america borges - the gospel according to mark barthelme - i bought a little city
ny writer’s voice vapnyar - waiting for the miracle klemmen - choking victim john l’heureux - three short moments in a long life yu - fable lerner - polish rider boyle - fugitive williams - stuff ferris - abandonment mcguane - papaya boule - are we not men couvre - the hanging of the schoolmarm li - on the street where you live batman - constructed worlds gilbert - underground sittenfeld - the prairie wife lodato - melville - volume 1 sharma - you are happy vapnyar- deaf and blind means - two rumination on a homeless brother li - a small flame alexie - clean, cleaner, cleanest mackin - crossing the river no name green well - an evening out marcus - blueprints for st louis bynum - likes gilbert - sightseers krauss - seeing ershadi orneill - poltroon husband coover - treatments
thinking allowed tipping points conspiracy theories politics of alcohol/cooperation home at riba high life and row life raoul moat hebden brige/neighbours urban protest builders and musicians odd couples, student drinking archaeology of homelessness; residential care revisited stan cohen drugs for life; subcultural identity gang labour in uk; industrial ruination thrift chic;thatcherism middle class enclaves and escapes stammering and identity; land of too much long hours work culture; empty labour scottish nationalism and identity; austerity food work in hospital words; the bangladesh india border michel foucault benjamin goffman noodle narratives; british men dancing capoeira work and consumption; neoliberal economics tooth loss; communist utopia in a spanish village prostitution in the community; drinking and moderation the great indoors generationaml divide; webcam kissing; the british hitman islamophonia and anti semitism masculinity and betting shops; new biological relatives and kinship late modern- hipsters history of surfing; coffee shops and idleness dalit parties and democratization in tamil nadu; history of the elevator creative britain;; sexology port cities; middle class alcohol use rituals at xmas harvard business school - construction of pain citizenship ceremonies; family ties andgenertic poverty in britain; unemployment as a choice the precariat the color black; mixed race people cross-class marriage; the social history of woman-only train carriages being single; modern romance ambivalent atheism zoos explored; funeral arranging everyday life; cafe society land ownership; home at work rituals end of careers; humour at work modern slavery; lunch boxes creative economy; grudge spending consumerism; work life balance weather forecasting; young people and politics imagining utopias refusing adulthood; how young people feel about being poor small towns; patient rescue and resuscitation éviction; self build happiness and govt; good parenting the flaneur - walking the city pierre bourdieu airport security shyness; names political polarization rentier capitalism house of commons hoods; construction blacklist evangelicals; troubled families foie gras and the politics of taste success and luck; cosmopolitanism and private education age of noise; british drinking health divides; counting global health brave new world of virtual work vertical cities; india’s property boom terrorism; hotlines squatting teen bedrooms elite education insuring against disasters russian prison visitor; prison boundaries meaning of the face fashion and class heritage and preservation male infertility the secret world of hair management jargon exhaustion: history of weariness restaurant: taste of class affluence politics and emotion new economy housing crisis - squatting in amsterdam
this american life quitting anger and forgiveness media fringe faustian bargains simulated worlds bob dole obsession cruelty of children factions harold running after antelope one of us stuck in the wrong decade other people’s mail who’s canadian business of death small towns delivery fire first day mapping trail of tears road trip! niagara barbara book that changed your life family business pimp anthropology 24 at the golden apple the fix is in american’s in paris million bubbles mob mentality kids as adults house on loon lake rashomon kid logic hitler’s yacht act v high speed chase allure of the mean friend fake science image makers (library) ghost of bobby dunbar switched at birth plattekill plaza number one party school stories pitched by our parents thugs what happened at dos erros 129 cars nummi harper school dr filmer and mr hyde my undesirable talent in defense of ignorance fear and loathing in homer and rockville
world book club
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melbynews-blog · 7 years ago
Masturbationskurs für Frauen an der Uni Bielefeld
Neuer Beitrag veröffentlicht bei https://melby.de/masturbationskurs-fuer-frauen-an-der-uni-bielefeld/
Masturbationskurs für Frauen an der Uni Bielefeld
Deutschlands Bildungsoffensive 2018:
Das Bildungsniveau in Deutschland ist nach wie vor auf einem erschreckend niedrigen Stand. Mit dem Zustrom der »Goldstücke« (Martin Schulz) oder der potenziellen Steuerzahler (Katrin Göring-Eckardt) wird das wohl kaum besser. Die Uni Bielefeld startet jetzt eine ganz besondere Offensive.
Quelle: uni-bielefeld.de / frei verfügbar
Veröffentlicht: 27.04.2018 – 11:30 Uhr | Kategorien: Nachrichten, Nachrichten – Politik, Nachrichten – Politik – Empfohlen, Startseite – Empfohlen | Schlagworte: Uni Bielefeld, Workshop, Masturbation für Frauen, Bildungsoffensive von Redaktion (mk)
Es gibt etliche Witzchen und Sprüche über Bielefeld. Dabei hat die Stadt über 300.000 Einwohner, ist über 1.000 Jahre alt und hat die eine oder andere Persönlichkeit hervor gebracht. So ist Bielefeld unter anderen die Geburststadt von Hans-Werner Sinn, einem der renommiertesten Wirtschaftswissenschaftler der Gegenwart – auch wenn Brakel damals noch eine eigenständige Gemeinde war. Doch weder der Professor noch der örtliche Fußballverein »Arminia«, der es sogar bis in die oberste Spieklasse Deutschlands geschafft hatte, konnten verhindern, dass man im Rest der Republik öfter einmal spöttisch über Bielefeld berichtete.
Der Workshop, den die Universität Bielefeld (doch, da gibt es sogar eine Uni!) demnächst anbietet, hat das Zeug dazu, als Grundlage für weitere spöttische Berichte zu dienen. Denn man bietet nicht etwa Nachhilfekurse in den Naturwissenschaften an oder Mathematikkurse oder vielleicht sogar finanziell üppig geförderte Integrations- und Sprachkurse für die angehenden »Fachkräfte«, die aus aller Welt nach Deutschland strömen. Nein, auf dem Lehrplan der Uni steht ein Masturbationskurs für Frauen.
In diesem »Workshop« sollen Frauen lernen, wie sie sich richtig und besser selbst befriedigen können. Nun ist einmal grundsätzlich nichts gegen sexuelle Aufklärung einzuwenden. Im Gegensatz zu den verklemmten 1950er-Jahren wird heute die Selbstbefriedigung als eine übliche Spielart der Sexualität betrachtet wie viele andere auch und gehört einfach dazu. Doch es darf mit Fung und Recht bezweifelt werden, ob es dazu eines Workshops an einer Uni bedarf. Vor allem, da der eine oder andere Kurs im Rahmen dieses Workshops mehr als nur gewöhnungsbedürftige Titel trägt: der Kurs »Möseale Ejakulation« soll schon komplett ausgebucht sein.
Finanziert wird der Kurs aus studentischen Mitteln; 250 Euro kostet die Teilnahme.
Nachrichten – FreieWelt.net
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wionews · 7 years ago
Merkel risks leading weak 'losers' coalition for Germany
Germany's veteran chancellor Angela Merkel, often called the world's most powerful woman, will embark on a fourth term with diminished influence and little vision for shaping Europe's future, analysts say. 
After wrapping up more than 24 hours of talks Friday between her conservatives and the Social Democrats on forming a new "grand coalition" government, Merkel insisted the preliminary deal would break the deadlock in Germany and pave the way to a "fresh start" for Europe.
But before the ink was even dry on the roadmap for her new administration, observers branded Merkel and the team she's likely to lead a "losers'" coalition with little ambition or power to tackle the major challenges facing the country and the continent.
"In fact this 'grand coalition' is only a mini-coalition with just 53 percent" of seats in parliament following the September election that saw both parties cede millions of voters to the far-right, anti-immigration AfD party, political scientist Karl-Rudolf Korte of Duisburg-Essen University said.
This compares with the lavish, nearly 80-percent majority the parties enjoyed during Merkel's previous term, he told public broadcaster ZDF.
Merkel insisted the accord with the Social Democrats, which must still be approved by the party's rank and file, would ensure Germany's enduring stability and prosperity.
"We will work earnestly, today and during the next term, to create the conditions so that we can also live well in Germany in the next 10 years and 15 years," she told reporters, flanked by SPD leader Martin Schulz and the head of Bavaria's Christian Social Union, Horst Seehofer. However influential news magazine Der Spiegel branded the alliance led by Merkel, who has been in power since 2005, a "paleo-coalition" of political dinosaurs bereft of fresh blood to propel renewal.
While France's young president Emmanuel Macron said he was "happy" about progress in ending Germany's four-month-long political limbo, critics at home savaged the tired-looking troupe.
"The losers of the September election have come together again and you have to say that this programme blueprint doesn't even begin to address the problems in our society," charged Dietmar Bartsch, a leading figure with the far-left Linke opposition party.  
Nicola Beer of the pro-business Free Democrats said the deal showed little imagination or "future-oriented pragmatism" and would thus feed disillusionment and support "for the extreme right and left" of the political spectrum.
The 28-page joint policy outlines included pledges to join France in a push to "strengthen and reform" the eurozone, to limit the influx of asylum seekers to Germany to around 200,000 a year, and to refrain from tax hikes given the healthy state coffers.
But the absence of grand new initiatives led political scientist Werner Patzelt of Dresden's Technical Institute to conclude that more-of-the-same from Berlin could boost the AfD in particular.
"It will hand them success in upcoming state elections and they'll step up calls for Merkel to resign," he said, attributing her relative weakness to the record refugee influx in 2015 that undermined her standing with many voters.
Although Merkel stunned many observers abroad by winning re-election despite her controversial open-border stance, her struggle to form a viable coalition has revived speculation about the twilight of her reign.   
"Angela Merkel is past her zenith," Oskar Niedermayer of Berlin's Free University told business daily Handelsblatt.
"In the interest of her party's electoral strength, she should not stay in office for the entire legislative term" running until 2021.
A majority of Germans now share this view according to a poll published this week, with 56 percent calling for her to leave the stage before the next scheduled elections.
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cancersfakianakis1 · 7 years ago
The sentinel lymph node spread determines quantitatively melanoma seeding to non-sentinel lymph nodes and survival
Publication date: March 2018 Source:European Journal of Cancer, Volume 91 Author(s): Anja Ulmer, Klaus Dietz, Melanie Werner-Klein, Hans-Martin Häfner, Claudia Schulz, Philipp Renner, Florian Weber, Helmut Breuninger, Martin Röcken, Claus Garbe, Gerhard Fierlbeck, Christoph A. Klein IntroductionComplete lymph node dissection (CLND) after a positive sentinel node (SN) biopsy provides important prognostic information in melanoma patients but has been questioned for therapeutic use recently. We explored whether quantification of the tumour spread to SNs may replace histopathology of non-sentinel nodes (NSNs) for staging purposes.Patients and methodsWe quantified melanoma spread in SNs and NSNs in 128 patients undergoing CLND for a positive SN. In addition to routine histopathology, one-half of each of all 1496 SNs and NSNs was disaggregated into a single cell suspension and stained immunocytochemically to determine the number of melanoma cells per 106 lymph node cells, i.e. the disseminated cancer cell density (DCCD).ResultsWe uncovered melanoma spread to NSNs in the majority of patients; however, the tumour load and the proportion of positive nodes were significantly lower in NSNs than in SNs. The relation between SN and NSN spread could be described by a mathematical function with DCCDNSN = DCCDSNc/101−c (c = 0.69; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.62–0.76). At a median follow-up of 67 months, multivariable Cox regression analyses revealed that DCCDSN (p = 0.02; HR 1.34, 95% CI: 1.05–1.71) and the total number of pathologically positive nodes (p = 0.02; HR 1.53, 95% CI: 1.07–2.22) were significant risk factors after controlling for age, gender, thickness of melanoma and ulceration status. A prognostic model based on DCCDSN and melanoma thickness predicted outcome as accurately as a model including pathological information of both SNs and NSNs.ConclusionThe assessment of DCCDSN renders CLND for staging purposes unnecessary. http://ift.tt/2EguLsT
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gadgetsrevv · 5 years ago
talkSPORT commentary and confirmed team news for Euro 2020 qualifying clash
European heavyweights Germany and Holland are set to go head-to-head in Hamburg tonight and it will be live on talkSPORT 2.
The two former European Championship winners have been drawn together in Group C as they look to qualify for Euro 2020 next summer.
Tony Kroos’ Germany take on Holland in a Euro 2020 qualifying clash
Northern Ireland currently lead the group with four wins from four but Germany are unbeaten in their three games while the Dutch have only played twice so far.
They will meet at the Volksparkstadion in Hamburg.
Euro 2020 explained: How it works, stadiums and dates as tournament celebrates 60th anniversary
Three-time champions Germany last won the Euros in 1996 when they beat the Czech Republic at Wembley while Holland won it in 1988.
Both will be looking for glory next summer but will first have to negotiate their tricky qualifying group.
Germany are without a host of key players as they bid to knock Northern Ireland off top spot on goal difference.
Leroy Sane, Julian Draxler, Thilo Kehrer and Antonio Rudiger have all been ruled out through injury and Bayern Munich’s Leon Goretzka remains sidelined after aggravating a heavy bruise while training with Joachim Low’s squad this week.
Holland, who failed to qualify for both Euro 2016 and the 2018 World Cup finals, are third in Group C, six points behind Northern Ireland and Germany, but with games in hand.
The Dutch beat England 3-1 in the Nations League semi-finals in June before losing to Portugal in the final, but a second Euro qualifying defeat would leave them with plenty of ground to make up.
Ronald Koeman is without Donny van de Beek, Steven Bergwijn and Stefan De Vrij due to injury.
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Germany vs Holland: How to listen
The Group C tie will get under way at 7:45pm on Friday, September 6.
Full commentary from Alex Crook and David Connolly will be live on talkSPORT 2 with our coverage starting at 6pm.
To tune in, just click here for the live stream or click the radio player below.
You can also listen through the talkSPORT App, on DAB Digital Radio or on MW 1053 or 1089.
For more information about how to listen LIVE on talkSPORT click here.
Below you can see the starting line-ups for both sides.
Virgil van Dijk’s Holland are set to take on Germany
Germany: Neuer, Klostermann, Sule, Tah, Ginter, Kroos, Kimmich, Schulz, Gnabry, Reus, Werner
Substitutes: Hector, Havertz, Brandt, Leno, Halstenberg, Stark, Waldschmidt, Gundogan, ter Stegen, Can
Holland: Cillessen, Dumfries, De Ligt, Van Dijk, Blind, F. de Jong, Wijnaldum, De Roon, Promes, Babel, Depay
Substitutes: Veltman, Ake, Propper, Malen, van Aanholt, Zoet, Berghuis, Strootman, Vilhena, L. de Jong, Kluivert, Vermeer
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