#Martin Bricelj Baraga
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"A cyanometer (from cyan and -meter) is an instrument for measuring "blueness", specifically the colour intensity of blue sky. It is attributed to Horace-Bénédict de Saussure and Alexander von Humboldt. It consists of squares of paper dyed in graduated shades of blue and arranged in a color circle or square that can be held up and compared to the color of the sky."

Cyanometer art work
A monument to the blueness of the sky
by Martin Bricelj Baraga - Ljubljana, Slovenia
Atlas Obscura article
Archimedes-lab.org article
#cyan#cyanometer#blue#colour#nature#skies#Martin Bricelj Baraga#horace benedict de saussure#alexander von humboldt#art#sculpture#installation#slovenia
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Neja Tomšič / Nonument group in residenza per il progetto europeo Stronger Peripheries

20 Aprile 2022 - 04 Maggio 2022
Inizia oggi la residenza creativa per la ricerca e la composizione del nuovo spettacolo di Neja Tomšič / Nonumen group. Neja Tomšič con il collettivo Nonument sono gli artisti selezionati dal primo tandem di produzione che vede coinvolti come coproduttori Bunker, Ljubljana/Slovenia e Centrul Cultural Clujean, Cluj/Romania. La selezione è avvenuta attreverso una call lanciata ad ottobre 2021 per artisti residenti in Slovenia. Questa è la prima di 12 produzioni internazionali che verranno realizzate e coprodotte da dei tandem produttivi nella cornice di Stronger Peripheries: A Southern Coalition, un progetto europeo di larga scala del programma Europa Creativa.
Nonument Group è un collettivo artistico e di ricerca che ha posto al centro dell’indagine i “Nonuments” – architetture, monumenti e spazi pubblici che hanno perso o subìto un cambiamento di significato simbolico come conseguenza di cambiamenti politici e sociali. L’approccio artistico e teorico del collettivo mira ad analizzare la memoria e il contesto dei nonuments che scelgono come soggetti dei loro progetti. Attraverso la loro indagine artistica e hai loro interventi creativi, il collettivo si propone di esplorare le energie e le domande che potrebbero generarsi dalla ricostruzione e riproposizione non solo fisica, di ognuna di queste architetture. La ricerca e la produzione artistica del gruppo affrontano questioni come la memoria, la rappresentazione, la semantica e di altri aspetti del monumentalismo, così come i tentativi di affrontare pubblicamente la percezione dello spazio pubblico e del suo ruolo nella vita urbana quotidiana. Oltre a mappare, archiviare e ricercare questi nonuments, il collettivo si è misura con interventi artistici che da un lato esplorano modalità alternative di presentare ed esporre i dati raccolti nella ricerca, e allo stesso tempo sperimentano anche diverse modalità di attivazione e mobilitazione delle comunità attraverso le loro opere performative. Nelle loro opere il collettivo unisce alla ricerca (ricerca archivistica, ricerca sul campo, orale, storie, .. ), con nuove tecnologie (scansione 3d, tecnologie VR, archiviazione del suono, ecc.) e strategie performative, (coreografia, sceneggiatura, performance, performance coordinate ecc.) per creare opere site-specific, installazioni video, passeggiate audio e audiotour, app per dispositivi mobili ecc). Nascono così progetti che fondono narrazione, registrazioni ambientali e ri-creazione di documenti di archivio attraverso il suono e storie orali. Il nonument scelto da Neja e il collettivo per la ricerca alla base dell’opera per questo progetto europeo è il Railway Workers Park di Cluj in Romania.

Nonument Group è un collettivo artististico multidisciplinare internazionale. Fondato inizialmente da Martin Bricelj Baraga e Neja Tomšič. Il lavoro del Nonument Group ha incluso finora numerosi collaboratori nella ricerca e progetti artistici e interventi in spazi pubblici. Attualmente ha sede a Lubiana, Slovenia e i suoi membri principali sono artisti Neja Tomšič, Martin Bricelj Baraga e gli architetti e teorici Miloš Kosec e Nika Grabar. Neja Tomšič è un’artista visiva, poetessa e scrittrice. La sua pratica interdisciplinare fonde la ricerca con il disegno, la fotografia, la poesia, la performance e il suono. Scoprendo racconti trascurati e spesso nascosti dalla storia, il suo impegno è focalizzato nel ripensare le narrazioni storiche dominanti, la ricerca sulle particolarità, e creare situazioni in cui si possano formare nuove comprensioni del presente. Gli elementi performativi nei suoi progetti esplorano possibili proiezioni della storia nel presente soggettivo dei singoli visitatori. La pratica, sia individuale che come membro del Nonument Group, si basa su un approccio creativo alla pratica della storia, utilizzando performance e rituali per creare situazioni che suggeriscono nuove letture del presente. Negli ultimi anni ha girato tutta l’Europa con il progetto Tea for Five. Opium Ships. La performance finora ha avuto più di 50 repliche ed è stato presentato in 11 paesi. Nel mese di ottobre 2018, il libro d’artista Opium Clippers è stato pubblicato da RostfreiPublishing. Il libro è una continuazione del Tea for Five ed è stato premiato come miglior libro d’artista sloveno nel 2017/2018 e come miglior progetto di design editoriale alla Fiera del libro slovena. Nel 2021, è una dei quattro candidati al premio OHO Group Award, il più grande premio sloveno per giovani artisti visivi.
#residenze 2022#Stronger Peripheries: A Southern Coalition#europa creativa#neja tomšič#Nonument Group#performing arts#stronger peripheries
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Martin Bricelj Baraga: Cyanometer 'Monument to the Blueness of the Sky'. It is both a monument and an open source software that measures and visualises sky colour and air quality. Inspired by Horace-Bénédict de Saussure’s cyanomètre, Baraga’s installation works by capturing images of the sky which are then translated into fifty-three shades of blue. The monument also details the air quality of the sky as well as displaying the temperature and current weather conditions. Viewers can read the exact measurement on the device, which is presented on a color scale from red to green which points towards the level of pollution. There are two on permanent display: Slovenska Road, Ljubljana, Slovenia and Fryderyka Joliot-Curie Street, Wroclaw, Poland. Images: Martin Bricelj Baraga Studio
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Check out a modern cyanometer:

It's a sculpture and a scientific instrument by Martin Bricelj Baraga, in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Check it out here: https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/martin-bricelj-baraga-cyanometer - a fascinating descendant of Saussure's work.

53 Shades of Blue
The question asked by Horace-Benedict de Saussure was not why the sky was blue, but how blue is it?
This intrepid young scientist of the late 18th century puzzled as he observed the brilliant blue skies over the Alps. But true scientists do not merely puzzle and observe, they measure. <!– more –) So Saussure devised this color-ring with every shade of blue between white and black that could be held at a standard distance from the eye to document the sky’s color at zenith. He called a “cyanometer.” Apparently he also measured humidity at high altitudes to come to the conclusion that the sky’s degree of blueness was a result of the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere.
It is reported that the darkest shade of blue he found was #39. Perhaps this would make a good movie – not to be X-rated.
Annie R Image: The original cyanometer is kept within the Biblioteque de Geneve, Switzerland
Read also: http://www.rsc.org/chemistryworld/Issues/2010/October/SaussuresCyanometer.asp Thank you http://www.thisiscolossal.com/2014/05/the-cyanometer-is-a-225-year-old-tool-for-measuring-the-blueness-of-the-sky/ and Studio360 for bringing this cyanometer to my attention:https://www.facebook.com/studio360show?fref=photo
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A Public Art Project in Augmented Reality When viewers hold up a mobile device like a protest sign, the participant will put back the fountain with 18 animated waterfalls including an infamous double waterfall. Viewers will see and hear documented interviews that includes a diversity of Baltimore voices from a former Mayor and ACLU lawyer to rappers, teachers and protestors, including the Women In Black who stood for peace at the site every Friday since December 2001. “Whisper Chambers” inside the fountain offer underrepresented voices in Baltimore City that are often unheard but significant to the vibrant life of any urban environment. Artist Project Team :: Lisa Moren, Director and Lead Production; Jaimes Mayhew, Co-Production; Martin Bricelj Baraga and Neja Tomšič, NONUMENT founders. Software coding and app development by Balti-Virtual Sound Score by Erik Spangler with “Whisper Chambers” by JMoney fur
Interviews audio engineering by Lexie Mountain
“Artist Audio Tour” by Lisa Moren with audio engineering by Timothy Nohe 3D models by Ben Shaffer, and by Ryan Zuber, IRC at UMBC. The 3D printed model was printed by the good folks at the Digital Harbor Foundation. This project grateful for the generous support from the Saul Zaentz Innovation Fund in Film + Media at Johns Hopkins University. We are also grateful for support from The Andy Warhol Foundation for The Visual Arts, The Grit Fund, Baltimore Women and Tech, and the Imaging Research Center and CAHSS at UMBC. Special thanks to for the expertise of Audrey Ewall, Fred Scharmen, Mike Schector and the Saul Zaentz Incubation Team. We appreciate the dedicated support from MoTA Museum, Baltimore Visitors Center, D-Center and Maryland Art Place who support this project in so many flexible ways.
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Artist Project Team :: Lisa Moren, Director and Lead Production; Jaimes Mayhew, Co-Production; Martin Bricelj Baraga and Neja Tomšič, NONUMENT founders. Software coding and app development by Balti-Virtual Sound Score by Erik Spangler with “Whisper Chambers” by JMoney fur
Interviews audio engineering by Lexie Mountain
“Artist Audio Tour” by Lisa Moren with audio engineering by Timothy Nohe 3D models by Ben Shaffer, and by Ryan Zuber, IRC at UMBC. This project grateful for the generous support from the Saul Zaentz Innovation Fund in Film + Media at Johns Hopkins University. We are also grateful for support from The Andy Warhol Foundation for The Visual Arts, The Grit Fund, Baltimore Women and Tech, and the Imaging Research Center and CAHSS at UMBC. Special thanks to for the expertise of Audrey Ewall, Fred Scharmen, Mike Schector and the Saul Zaentz Incubation Team. We appreciate the dedicated support from MoTA Museum, Baltimore Visitors Center, D-Center and Maryland Art Place who support this project in so many flexible ways.
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Giant Interactive 'Moonolith' Sculpture Simulates the Moon and Constellations
On a practical level, the moon warps the ocean, bringing in and out the tides, but it also serves as a way to mark time on the calendar. Earth's luminous satellite also fascinates humans when it transitions into the full moon lunar phase, especially when appearing gigantic in scale. Inspired by the moon's effects on the planet and human imagination, Slovenian artist Martin Bricelj Baraga created Moonolith, a monument to the moon and the stars that surround it. Baraga's public sculpture is a black geodesic dome upon which he projects interactive simulations of the star constellations and moon phases. The result is what he calls a "special public clock."
"The idea of passing time and space are connected to the idea of the early stages of the project where I wanted to create a public monument in a city square that would be a reflection of the Moon in real time and that would count minutes by rotations of the Moon phases," Baraga tells Creators. "[The] Moon affects all of us, and so does time. I wanted to create an universal monument that we can all relate to."
Baraga's Moonolith is currently installed at Ljubljana Castle, a popular central European castle located in the capital of Slovenia. Moonolith sits in the castle square, under the stars, and is the first thing that visitors see upon entering the castle.
"We have developed a special surround sound interaction for day visitors," says Baraga. "When moving, people trigger different sounds and different modes of sound movement, from circular to random sounds to an alert sound (if you come too close to the beast)."
"At night people can interact with the stars on the surface of the Moonolith," he adds. "With simple gestures of their hands they can select different starting points, create imaginary or real constellations, and play with each other until they reach the Big Bang, which is a big source of enjoyment for everyone involved. So, in a way, the sculpture becomes a cosmic instrument."
Baraga says that Moonolith grew out of a multi-annual artistic research project titled DarkStar, which has creators from various fields team up to make a contemporary, interactive, and mobile monument for public space. A lot of prototyping went into the development of Moonolith, as it needed to be a simultaneously solid, mobile and transparent sculpture. One that could be dark during the day, as well as light up during the night.
"The current version was constructed in coproduction with Akripol factory which produced the laser cut glass pieces," Baraga explains. "The daytime interaction uses a Raspberry Pi camera to detect movement of people, and nighttime interaction uses Kinect sensors to detect the movement of hands which trigger projections and sounds."
Baraga originally presented a smaller version at Sonica Festival in Ljubljana, then at Kinetica in London in 2012. He also also presented Moonolith at TodaysArt at The Hague inside of the city hall, and the following year it traveled to Lisbon, Portugal. After a few other installations, as well as continuous developments and upgrades, Baraga presented the large-scale Moonolith on the Republic Square outside of the Slovenian Parliament. After the Ljubljana Castle installation, it will travel to France and then Austria.
Outside of Moonolith, Baraga is also touring Cyanometer, a monolith that captures the sky's various shades of blue. He is also working in MoTA LAB (part of the city's MoTA Museum) on several new works.
"The Aethronome and the Lumitronome, as well as other works from the Metronomic Series," says Baraga. "They are autonomous organisms—kinetic structures that deal with transformations of energies and they all work without electricity, powered by natural elements such as sun, wind, water, etc."
Click here to see more of Martin Bricelj Baraga's work.
An LED Perspective On The Eternal Question Of Time
How Photographers Captured the Biggest Full Moon in 70 Years
An Immersive Installation Turns Earth's Sounds into Psychedelics
from creators http://ift.tt/2mIq0Eo via IFTTT
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Artist Project Team :: Lisa Moren, Director and Lead Production; Jaimes Mayhew, Co-Production; Martin Bricelj Baraga and Neja Tomšič, NONUMENT founders. Software coding and app development by Balti-Virtual Sound Score by Erik Spangler with “Whisper Chambers” by JMoney fur
Interviews audio engineering by Lexie Mountain
“Artist Audio Tour” by Lisa Moren with audio engineering by Timothy Nohe 3D models by Ben Shaffer, and by Ryan Zuber, IRC at UMBC. This project grateful for the generous support from the Saul Zaentz Innovation Fund in Film + Media at Johns Hopkins University. We are also grateful for support from The Andy Warhol Foundation for The Visual Arts, The Grit Fund, Baltimore Women and Tech, and the Imaging Research Center and CAHSS at UMBC. Special thanks to for the expertise of Audrey Ewall, Fred Scharmen, Mike Schector and the Saul Zaentz Incubation Team. We appreciate the dedicated support from MoTA Museum, Baltimore Visitors Center, D-Center and Maryland Art Place who support this project in so many flexible ways.
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NONUMENT is an international initiative that seeks to honor hidden urban spaces that carry symbolic value or ordinary people. In opposition to bronze and stone, NONUMENT [or no monument] installs new and emerging media forms in order to capture the transitory nature of everyday experiences. NONUMENT 01:: The McKeldin Fountain is a virtual memorial to a demolished fountain in the brutalist style in the heart of Baltimore’s downtown inner harbor. The site is a free speech zone and home to “Occupy Baltimore” and the National Guard presence during the uprisings after the death of Freddie Gray. This site-specific project uses augmented reality in order to celebrate the transitory value of public space. When the user holds their phone or devise like a protest sign, they’re able to put back an architecturally accurate fountain to scale, with over a dozen waterfalls, and memory artifacts that will trigger ordinary citizens of Baltimore guiding them through the more than one acre site. This site specific AR app will be launched in beta on Dec. 1 and available on the Apple and Google Play store this winter. This is primarily funded by the Saul Zaentz Innovation Fund at Johns Hopkins University Film and Media Center and in collaboration Balt-Virtual an AR firm in Baltimore. NONUMENT artists are Jaimes Mayhew, Lisa Moren [Baltimore] an the Museum of Transitory Art [MoTA] Lubljana Slovenia, Martin Bricelj Baraga and Neja Tomsic.
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