#Marshall Traver
howardhawkshollywood · 2 months
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Barbara Stanwyck leads the professors in a conga line in a scene from Ball of Fire (1942)
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letterboxd-loggd · 2 years
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Ball of Fire (1941) Howard Hawks
February 18th 2023
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books-in-a-storm · 7 months
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Currently Reading 💛
Reaper & Blake Marshall Says He Needs Me
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bayareabadboy · 1 year
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alpleo · 1 year
Complete List of Marauder's Era Students
Tell me if I missed anyone! Under the cut because it is a very long list. I'm defining Marauder's Era as the seven years the Marauders were attending Hogwarts. Includes some fanon first names. Organised A-Z by surname. Some liberties taken with uncertain birth dates.
Betram Aubrey Duncan Ashe Avery II Andromeda Black Narcissa Black Regulus Black Sirius Black Edgar Bones Alecto Carrow Amycus Carrow Richard Carter Glenda Chittock Oscar Crabbe Dirk Cresswell Bartemius Crouch Jr. Caradoc Dearborn Dedalus Diggle Lily Evans Lucretia Fawley Benjy Fenwick Mundungus Fletcher Flilus Flitwick Florence Florence BF Florean Fortescue Cornelius Fudge Albert Gibbon Benjamin Goyle Olivia Green Gareth Greengrass Davey Gudgeon Daisy Hooklum Mafalda Hopkirk Jacob Marshall Johnson Hestia Jones Bertha Jorkins Bradley Jugson RJH King Steve Laughalot Rabastan Lestrange Rodolphus Lestrange Gilderoy Lockhart Frank Longbottom Alice Longbottom Pandora Lovegood Xenophilius Lovegood Remus Lupin Mary MacDonald Walden Macnair Lucius Malfoy Marlene Mckinnon Tarquin McTavish Dorcas Meadowes Alastar Moody Quinn Montague Mulciber II Peter Pettigrew Sturgis Podmore James Potter Quirinus Quirrell Patricia Rakepick Augustus Rookwood Evan Rosier Thorfinn Rowle Albert Runcorn Isaac Selwyn Kingsley Shacklebolt Gaspard Shingleton Severus Snape Timothy Snyde Lucinda Talkalot Tilden Toots Rupert Travers Sybill Trelawney Dolores Umbridge Emmeline Vance Emma Vanity Wilkes
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francebonapartiste · 7 months
Le Maréchal Berthier : Pilier de l'Empire Napoléonien
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Né le 20 novembre 1753 à Versailles, Louis Alexandre Berthier est bien plus qu'un simple militaire. Sa destinée est intimement liée à celle de Napoléon Bonaparte, forgeant ainsi une alliance indéfectible au service de la France.
Dès son jeune âge, Berthier se distingue par son esprit vif et son dévouement à la patrie. Son ascension fulgurante au sein de l'armée française le mène rapidement à croiser la route du futur Empereur des Français.
Berthier participe sous les ordres de Bonaparte aux campagnes d'Italie puis d'Égypte et soutient le coup d'État du 18 Brumaire.
En tant que chef d'état-major de Napoléon, Berthier joue un rôle crucial dans la planification et l'exécution des campagnes militaires qui ont marqué l'histoire. Sa rigueur tactique et son génie organisationnel contribuent grandement aux victoires éclatantes de l'Empire, malgré son incapacité à diriger lui-même une armée.
La mort tragique de Berthier en 1815, suite à une chute mystérieuse d'une fenêtre de l'hôtel de son épouse à Bamberg, laisse un vide profond dans l'entourage de Napoléon.
Son décès précède en effet de quelques jours la bataille de Waterloo, où l'absence de cet excellent chef d'état-major se fait cruellement sentir pour l'Empereur qui dira de lui : "Nul autre n'eût pu le remplacer"
Berthier décide pourtant de suivre Louis XVIII lors de la Restauration, et adhére même au décret du Sénat qui exclut Napoléon du trône.
L'héritage du maréchal Berthier perdure à travers les pages de l'histoire. Son influence indélébile sur la stratégie militaire et l'administration de l'Empire demeure incontestée, faisant de lui l'un des piliers incontournables de l'épopée napoléonienne.
Marshal Berthier: Pillar of the Napoleonic Empire
Born on November 20, 1753, in Versailles, Louis Alexandre Berthier is much more than a mere military figure. His destiny is intimately intertwined with that of Napoleon Bonaparte, thus forging an unbreakable alliance in service to France.
From a young age, Berthier distinguished himself with his sharp intellect and dedication to his homeland. His rapid ascent within the French army quickly led him to cross paths with the future Emperor of the French.
Berthier participated under Bonaparte's command in the campaigns in Italy and Egypt, and supported the coup d'état of the 18th Brumaire.As Napoleon's chief of staff, Berthier played a crucial role in the planning and execution of military campaigns that have left an indelible mark on history. His tactical rigor and organizational genius greatly contributed to the Empire's resounding victories, despite his own inability to lead an army himself.
The tragic death of Berthier in 1815, following a mysterious fall from a window of his wife's hotel in Bamberg, left a profound void in Napoleon's inner circle.Indeed, his death preceded by a few days the Battle of Waterloo, where the absence of this excellent chief of staff was keenly felt by the Emperor who said of him: "No other could have replaced him."
However, Berthier decided to follow Louis XVIII during the Restoration, and even adhered to the Senate decree which excluded Napoleon from the throne.
The legacy of Marshal Berthier endures through the pages of history. His indelible influence on military strategy and the administration of the Empire remains unquestioned, making him one of the indispensable pillars of the Napoleonic epic.
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deandoesthingstome · 2 years
Night Moves
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Chapter 4
Pairing: Walter Marshall x OFC (Alexandra Pierce)
Series Summary: When Walter Marshall is called to investigate a homicide by the railroad tracks, he quickly uncovers an unsettling pattern. Alexandra Pierce just wants someone to find out what happened to her friend. She has some secrets, too. And Walter’s going to uncover them.
Word Count: 4483
Series Warnings: In general, this series will depict assault, murder, stripping, hooking, rough sex, make up sex, fingering, oral (m and F receiving), p in v sex in various positions, self-loathing, failed relationships, smoking, drug use, drug addiction, general violence, and maybe some comfort. +18, Minors DNI
Chapter Warnings: Male masturbation, police interviews, more misogyny, a dead body, angry Walter, some dub-con fingering.
Disclaimers: I do not own Walter Marshall, Night Hunter (Nomis), or any other characters from that movie, but I do own this OFC (Alexandra Pierce) and these words. Do not repost as your own. Likes, Reblogs, and Comments are more than welcome. It’s how I get my nourishment.
Header made by me, with pics found from Pexel.com and the internet. Dividers are not mine, but check out the masterlist for credit.
Playlist:  Night Moves Songs 12 -16
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He was tired, frustrated, and not a little horny. 
The cause wasn’t the women he’d watched all night long. No. It was her. Fuck.
He peeled off the clothes he’d been in all day and stepped into the steamy shower, eager to wash the funk and dejection away. But in the midst of lathering, he made a fatal mistake and let himself drift back to the club, the way she looked on that pole.
Walter could feel himself tightening at the thought of her, the way she smiled, the way she moved on him, around him, her little joke. God, he wanted to show her how right she was. Wanted to see her lean back for him, hang her head off the side of a bed and stare up at him, waiting for him to put his cock deep down her throat. He was sure she could take it. Wanted to help her try anyway.
He wanted to feel her move beneath him while he took her apart bit by bit. He knew damn well the feel of his soapy hand clenched tight around his own cock could never compare to the warm, wet heat he could coax from her. Could never begin to imitate the urgent pulsing and noisy squelching of her tight, wet pussy begging him for more.
He’d love to hear that from her, love to make her burn for him, implore him to quench her desire…fuck.
Walter heaved a sigh as he leaned against the shower wall and let the water rain down on him, rinsing the soap and spunk away. He hung his head for a moment and thought about just what the fuck he was doing. 
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Alex answers the buzzer on the first ring this morning. She’s been anticipating this visit ever since she listened to her voicemail after her shift last night. She was just finishing up the phone call with Detective Marshall to make arrangements to meet when Mrs. Travers knocked on the door to give her the business card and tell her about the scruffy looking young man who stopped by to see her last night.
“He needs a shave and a haircut.” Alex had laughed at that. She and Mrs. Travers definitely did not have the same taste in men.
When she opens her apartment door, she notices Mrs. Travers has opened hers, too.
“Do you want me to stay with you, dearie, while you talk to the detective?”
“No, that’s okay. I think I can handle it.” Alex smiles warmly and winks just as Walter steps out of the stairwell. He looks bigger than he did last night in the dark of the club and she clenches involuntarily, wondering if it truly translates the way she imagined it did when she sat on his lap. Then she remembers why he’s here and takes a deep breath, sighing it out slowly.
“If you’re sure, dear. I’m right across the hall.” Mrs. Travers waves a few fingers at Alex and sends a suspicious glance in Walter’s direction before she backs away into the apartment and closes her door. Alex can see her shadow fall over the peephole and she gives a little chuckle.
“Something funny?” Walter asks when he arrives at her open door, badge out and held up for her inspection.
“Just my guardian angel,” Alex replies, nodding at the opposite door and Walter turns just in time to see the shadow move away.
When he turns back, Alex has stepped aside, inviting him into her home.
“Can I get you anything? I have a pot of coffee on.”
“Thank you. Black is fine,” he states before she even asks. 
While she pours his coffee and refills her own, he takes a cursory glance around. There’s a laptop open on the sofa and a small stack of papers on the end table topped with a red pencil. The whole living room is covered in shelves overflowing with books and plants, sunlight streaming in to nourish them. There’s an actual record player next to a pretty solid sound system and he registers the low music playing softly in the background.
When she returns from the kitchen and hands him the mug, she gestures for him to sit in the vintage tufted armchair caddy corner from where she’s bending slightly to retake her spot on the mismatched sofa. He almost spits the drink of the coffee he’s just taken and sets the mug on the table in front of him.
“Oof, that bad, huh?” she grimaces, like she isn’t quite sure what just happened. 
“Uh, no. No, the coffee’s fine. You just, uh,” Walter pauses, not sure how to broach it. “You look familiar. Have we met?”
He can see her face register the recognition he’s hinting at and he knows he’s right but there’s something else. She clenches her jaw and sucks at her teeth for a moment, before she sets her own mug down and squares herself to him.
“My name is Alexandra Pierce. I’m a professor at the university. I reported my friend missing two days ago and no one gave a shit until now. I’m curious what’s changed.”
Walter is taken aback at her sudden anger and tries to figure out what will put her at ease. He sits back a bit in the chair, to add some distance in case his presence is intimidating to her at all. He’s heard that once or twice before. He also isn’t sure if he should just say it. He’s been working on an honesty-is-best policy, lately, trying to re-learn that lesson. But something about the way she bristled has him adding some caution to the line of questioning.
“Ms. Pierce, could you confirm some details for me? How do you and your missing friend know each other and where did you last see her?”
Alex takes a deep breath. She knows what he is asking. She also can’t imagine why a police detective would be bothering with an at home visit to gather details about a missing hooker unless he maybe actually gave a shit. She releases a little tension and goes for it.
“Alright look. I’m sure you’ve realized by now, but you and I met last night. Trixie works with me at Augie’s.” Alex watches Walter’s face and sees no change. He is stoic and thoughtful, awaiting the rest of her story. “To be clear, I am also a professor at the university. I work volunteer shifts at the clinic and that’s actually where Trixie and I first met.”
“Okay, good to know.” It’s all he can do not to drop his professional demeanor and show what he really thinks. “And what was she doing the night you think she went missing?”
“Well, I don’t know for sure, but I suspect she’d been trying to get a date.”
“A date?” Walter raises an eyebrow, intrigued at the possibility of a new lead. ”With whom?”
“Oh, maybe you misunderstand me. With anyone willing to pay.” Alex braces for it,  yet still no judgment radiates from him.
“Ah, gotcha,” he lowers his expectant eyebrows with a nod. “And any idea where?”
“She always talked about down near the tracks. At least that’s where she’d had success in the past.” Alex’s skin was crawling just thinking about it, but a slight shift in Walter’s visage gave her pause. “What is it?”
Walter takes a deep breath and wishes he’d brought Rachel with him for this interview.
“We found a body at the tracks two days ago and we still haven’t been able to obtain positive identification? Are you willing or able to meet me at the coroner’s?”
Alex blinks several times and Walter can see her lip quiver, but she sniffs and holds herself together to answer.
“My car wouldn’t start this morning. I’d have to take a cab.”
“I can drive you. It’s no problem.” Walter stays put, tucked back in the chair in case any sudden movement would scare Alex off. He waits patiently for her to consider what she’s about to say yes to. As he watches her face come to terms, his heart breaks a little for her because the body is very likely her friend Trixie. 
“Okay, yeah. Let me just shut a few things off and grab my bag.” 
She closes her eyes and lets out another long sigh, then stands and gathers up her laptop and the papers from the end table and shoves them into a canvas messenger bag along with her phone. She flips a switch and halts the record on the turntable before turning off the power completely, then grabs the mugs from the coffee table and sets them in the kitchen sink.
Walter stands now himself and heads toward the front door to meet her as she exits the kitchen and grabs her keys from a dish on an entryway table. He opens the door for her and follows her out, waiting while she locks the deadbolt. 306 opens again and the old lady he spoke with yesterday pokes her head out again.
“Now you aren’t arresting Alex are you? You said she hadn’t done anything. Where are you taking her?”
“It’s okay, Mrs. Travers. Detective Marshall just needs me to answer a few more questions and review some details with him. I’m fine but thank you for the concern.” Alex runs a hand up her neighbor's arm and gives her shoulder a squeeze. “You need anything while I’m out? I’ll be back later this afternoon after office hours, but I’m happy to stop by the store if you’d like.”
“Oh, dear. No. You just take care of yourself. Let me know if I should call anyone for you.”
Alex thanks Mrs. Travers and heads off down the hall after Walter.
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Well that’s done. Yeah, that bus isn’t going to be found by anyone. Someone would really have to know what they were looking for and I’m the only one who knows what to look for.
Such a relief because now I can get back to it. Get back to what I should really be doing, which is teaching those sluts a lesson. So I’m going out tonight, maybe not as soon as I get back, but as soon as I can. I don’t even care if she’s home or headed out. 
All I know is I have to get this message out. I’ve kept it bottled up for too long. And the longer I wait to let it out, the likelier it is it’ll come out wrong. I do like knowing they’ll be waiting for me anytime. 
And I do sometimes think the more the merrier. But I have to be careful. The more I take, the darker it gets. And that’s how they find you. In the dark.
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The drive to the coroner’s office is quiet and Walter can’t say he’s sorry for that. He doesn’t really know what to say right now. Asking about her work at the club seems out of line and unrelated to the case, though he’s curious about a college professor who feels the need to supplement her income with stripping.
And until they confirm identity, it doesn’t feel right to say he’s sorry for her loss, either. So he focuses on driving and tries ignoring the woman who seems like she wants to fall apart in the seat next to him. She’s working hard to hide it, but he can tell. 
When they arrive, he wants to ask her to wait so he can round the truck and open her door for her, help her down from the high seat, but she’s unbuckled and out the door before he even closes his. So much for chivalry. At least he can open the door to the building for her, and lead her down the hall to the elevator. Press the call button and wait. Let her in the cab first, then press the basement button and wait, staying as far from her as he can in the confined space.
She heaves another sigh when the door opens and he leads her down another hall, opening the door to another room. 
“Detective Marshall. To what do I owe the pleasure today?” a short, bald man greets them, sandwich in hand. 
“Chuck, we need to see the Jane Doe from the train tracks,” Walter says, straight to the point.
Alex watches the coroner drop his food on a white paper wrapper and shift a keyboard in front of him. He types quickly and stands as Alex hears a printer whirring behind him. He grabs the sheet, then steps into the examination room, separated from the office by a large glass window. She’s about to follow him when Walter puts a hand on her shoulder and holds her back gently.
“He’ll bring her to the window. You don’t want to go in there. Can you tell me if there are any identifying marks on her body, other than her face?”
“She has three tattoos on her left leg, and one on her right calf.”
“Wait, why ‘other than her face’?”
Walter sees Chuck pull the table up, so he gratefully ignores the last question and taps the glass, motioning towards the lower half of the body. He steps back, arms crossed and waits. Chuck pulls back the sheet and Alex moves her eyes from Walter to the body. It takes no time at all for her to recognize the markings on her friend and all her steely resolve melts with her to the floor.
“Fuck.” Alex is on her knees, head in her hands, mumbling to herself. 
Walter taps the glass again to let Chuck know they’re done, then sinks to his knees next to her. From here he can hear her admonishing herself.
“...never shoulda let her go alone…Stupid, stupid, stupid…How could you let her go? What were you thinking?”
“Hey,” he places a hand gently at her back and feels the stuttered convulsions of a sob about to break loose. “I’m so sorry. Can I get you anything?”
Before he knows what’s happened, her tears are flowing freely and she falls a little of kilter into his chest where he wraps his arms around her almost automatically and holds on tight while she sobs into him, still berating herself from what he can tell.
He waits a few moments, then speaks again. “Ms. Pierce…Alex, hey. This isn’t your fault. Some asshole is out there beating up women and apparently taking lives, too. This isn’t on you.”
Alex sniffs and tries to temper her sorrow, pulling back from Walter and wiping the tears off her cheeks.
“Oh but this one is on me. I knew there was a danger and I let her go alone. I should have just given her the money she needed to dig out of debt, but that would have thrown my research into a bad light and, fuck! How could I be thinking about myself at this time?”
“You’ve just had a terrible shock. You could be feeling any number of things right now. Let’s get you up and out of here. We’ll go get some coffee, calm down a bit.”
Alex nods and lets him help her up. She even accepts the tissue he’s pulled from the box on the desk next to them. She hates to be weak ever, especially in front of men, but something about Detective Walter Marshall makes her feel like he doesn’t see her as weak, even in this moment.
He’s about to turn away and lead her from the room when he sees a flicker in her eyes and a tremble in her lip. Without thinking at all, he reaches out and pulls her closer, wrapping his solid arms around her shoulders and hugging her tight. When the new sob breaks loose, he shifts a hand to the back of her head and holds it against his chest while her body wracks with tiny convulsions. He shouldn’t even be thinking about it.
Which is why it’s such a surprise when he registers a moment before it happens that Alex has peeled her head away from him and is now snaking her hands along the sides of his face and tilting her own up to him. Through her soft tears, he can see the plea and he wants to respond, aches to tell her it’ll be okay in the one way he’s always been good at, but Chuck is about to walk back into his office and if there’s one thing he doesn’t need right now, it’s anyone thinking he’s got a conflict of interest in this case.
He reaches back to put his hands over hers and pulls them down while he leans back just a bit and he tries to keep his face neutral because he doesn’t want her to mistake his frustration for rejection. And as if a switch has flipped, she is suddenly stepping back from him and it’s all he can do to let her go. 
“Oh, god, I am so sorry. That’s so… god, so out of line.”
“It’s fine, you’re fine. Please, don’t worry about it.”
Chuck slips in the room with his nose in a file, so he misses the obvious tension dissipating around him. 
“Let me just sign off on this form and then you can add this to the case file, Walter. Be just a sec.” Chuck sets the file on his desk and rummages for a pen under the stacks of paperwork.
Alex stares directly at Walter and he returns her gaze, breaking only when he notices the paper dangling next to him.
“Appreciate it, Chuck. I’ll be in touch about a release authorization for the body. Alex? You ready?”
Alex nods and turns to the exit, not caring in the least to thank the coroner at this moment. Her mind is reeling with thoughts of what comes next.
On the walk to Walter’s truck, she makes up her mind, and to his utter dismay, begs off the coffee date with the excuse that she needs to get to her office and start her day. She promises she’ll stop by later to finalize the paperwork for Trixie, but with a name, Walter doesn’t need anything else to search the database for criminal records he already knows aren’t there. 
He really needs more information from Alex, but she’s already rushing off to a bus stop before he can get her back in the truck and offer her a ride wherever she needs to go. Fuck.
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Sasha is just about to approach the dude who’s been lurking on the edge of the train yard for about fifteen minutes, when blue and red lights flash, and he and the few other couples she’s been avoiding take off in a hurry. She curses the heels she chose for this endeavor. If she can’t walk across the parking lot gracefully, how was she ever going to hurry away now? She really hadn’t thought this through.
She’s still turned and attempting a half-assed escape when she hears a voice call out in anger.
“Alex! What the fuck?”
Walter claps a meaty hand around her upper arms and spins her to face him, rage radiating in all directions.
“Ow, let go!” Sasha twists a little trying to get free, but he’s not letting go.
“Why don’t you just get your ass in the truck?” he commands.
Walter pulls her to the truck, but instead of opening the passenger door, he traps Alex against it, arms outstretched and head bending towards her. He briefly wonders about himself, but the words out of his mouth are directed at her.
“What exactly do you think you’re doing?”
“Nothing that’s any of your business, that’s for sure,” she huffs at him.
“Alex .. or do I call you Sasha right now?” Walter growls.
“Oh fuck you,” she snarls, pulling the wig from her head. “Did you want me to get in the fucking truck, or what?”
“What are you doing wandering around down here dressed like this? You can't be here...looking like this... like....fuck.”
Walter loses the battle in his head and leans in, his mouth seeking hers with urgency. He drops a hand from the truck and grips her hip, grinding against her into the door. His hand slips from her hip and reaches the bottom of her already short skirt and he thinks he should probably stop, but she isn't resisting and he doesn't want to anyway.
He bunches the hem, his fingertips skimming the damp fabric between her legs and when she moans wantonly, he pulls the material to the side with one finger and slips another into her wet heat. He finally peels his other hand from the door and snakes it around her waist, holding her in place with his massive paw.
Her leg hooks around his thigh, widening his access and spurring him on. Alex holds onto his neck, keeping his mouth against hers and she savors his taste while he dips another finger inside her, pumping and stroking and searching for the spot that'll make her break for him.
He knows exactly when he's found it because she cries into his kiss before pulling back to beg him for more with her eyes. His jaw clenches involuntarily as he doubles his effort, fingers crooking and he's grunting right along with her whimpers and gasps, just short of insisting she let go for him.
When it finally washes over her, Alex drops her leg and almost crumples to the ground but Walter has her in his hold and doesn't let go, slowing his finger stroke while keeping a firm press on her clit with his thumb. He can feel how hard she got for him and it only enhances the ache in his own pants.
It isn't until he has fully withdrawn his hand that the shame seeps in. He doesn't want to let her go, but he can't look her in the face anymore. Can't see how she let him possess her like that or he might take this too far.
Walter waits a beat longer before he smoothes her dress back down her thighs, catching the fabric with his calloused hands and an odd little attempt to tug the hem further down her still- trembling legs.
He doesn’t step back until she presses his chest, but when he does she comes with him.
"Hey, are you...?"
"We should get in the truck." He interrupts and reaches around her to open the door, waiting silently for her to climb in, not daring to watch for fear he wouldn't be able to resist a touch or grope, thinking about just letting her lean over the seat so he could take her from behind...and, fuck.
He shuts the door a little harder than he intended and stands a minute trying to wrest the stiffness away before he shuffles around the hood and climbs behind the wheel. He's grateful she's looking away when he does so he doesn't have to see her watching him shift his jeans around.
The ride to her place is the longest, quietest drive he's taken since leaving the courthouse after the divorce. And, fuck, did he really not need the thought of Angie circling the cab right now, but at least his boner's gone by the time he reaches the back parking lot of her building.
Walter takes a beat trying to figure out exactly why he’s so angry right now. 
“Look, I'm sorry. I was way outta line back there. But truly, that was no place for you to be. What did you even imagine you would be able to accomplish down there?” 
“I just … fuck. I just needed to do something, anything. It’s my fault Trixie’s dead and…”
“First of all, it’s not your fault no matter what you did or didn’t do the last time you saw her, so knock that shit off right now. And second, you getting dead isn’t going to bring her back.”
“No one is doing anything!”
“No one is…? What the fuck did you think I showed up for? Do you think I have a GPS tracker on you or something? I was there to check out the scene. I couldn’t believe it when I saw your hair. I thought I was dreaming.”
Alex shifts in her seat, suddenly uncomfortable in her skimpy outfit sitting next to Walter. Every ridiculous vision she had about finding and confronting the killer suddenly seemed like the stupidest idea she’d ever had in her life, including thinking working at a strip club was a perfectly valid way to gather research.
“Do you want to tell me what you were doing?”
“You know what I was doing.”
“Yeah, but do you want to tell me why?”
“Not really.”
Walter exhales loudly, turning to look at her. She’s so beautiful, even in her anger. Maybe especially. It’s hard not to scan her body, since she has it on full display. And he’s already seen enough to know what’s hidden right now anyway. All but one secret spot he’s only felt.
Walter gives a little head shake to snap out of the fantasy he almost let himself have right there. She makes him crazy. Begrudgingly, he gets out of the truck to meet her around the front. She practically walks right into him, head down while she tries to sneak away without any more reprimands from him. He grabs her arms gently this time and holds her in place.
“Do you want a jacket to wear inside?” he asks, head dipping low to try to catch her eyes.
Alex blinks in shock. She expected another dressing down, not a peace offering. 
“That’d be nice, thank you.” She accepts the thin windbreaker he has in his hands and slips it on. “You want to come in so you can take it?”
Walter just nods and lets her lead the way. Alex doesn’t take off the jacket until he’s all the way inside her apartment with the door closed. She holds it out to him and steps just a bit closer than he needs to in order to take it from her. She doesn’t let go.
“Why do you care so much about me and my friend?”
Walter considers her question and answers as carefully as he can.
“I care about your friend because she showed up on my beat.”
“And me?” Alex almost whispers.
“You showed up on my beat, too,” Walter answers, taking another step closer and tugging the jacket and her with it right up against his chest. He wraps a hand around her neck, fingers pressing lightly and thumb shifting her chin up toward him. “I’d like to kiss you again now. Can I do that?”
She licks her lips and nods and doesn’t close her eyes as he leans in.
Chapter 5 
Anything: @kittenofdoomage​ @mayloma​ @sillyrabbit81​ @fvckinghenrycavill​ @kebabgirl67​ @beck07990​  @mysweetlittledesire @summersong69 @mollymal (I can’t tag you two, sorry) (Also throwing in a few from the old days for old times sake ;) @littlegreenplasticsoldier​ @anotherwinchesterfangirl​ @sebbytrash​ @feelmyroarrrr​)
Night Moves: @luclittlepond (I can’t tag you, sorry) @enchantedbytomandhenry @kingliam2019  @henryownsme @geraltsyenn4eva @littlefreya @identity2212 @marantha @angelcavill66 @sweetdreamsofgelato @jeremyrennermakesmesmile​ @liveoncoffeeandflowersss​
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daniellesimagines · 3 months
twenty questions for fic writers
tagged by (not really): @swiftispunk !!!
1. how many works do you have on AO3? 5
2. what's your total AO3 word count? 1,607,034
3. what fandoms do you write for? 5sos, all time low, hot chelle rae (yes still lol). venturing more into stranger things and pedro pascal characters tho
4. top five fics by kudos i don't post all my fics separately (even tho i probably should 😅)
5. do you respond to comments? if they're in my inbox yes, but actual replies/reblogs not usually
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? drive you out of my mind or ghost of you
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? the rest of them lmao i hate when there's no happy ending !!
8. do you get hate on fics? i never really have honestly except for one or two like 10 years ago
9. do you write smut? they're in the drafts, will probably never see the light of day tbh
10. craziest crossover? i don't really do that actually, i'm not much of a crossover girlie
11. have you ever had a fic stolen? only two that i know of. they never asked to post it, but they did credit me as being the original writer and the other one ppl were telling me i was crazy for thinking it was stolen even tho it was posted word for word 🙄🙄
12. have you ever had a fic translated? no but that would be so cool i think 🥺
13. have you ever co-written a fic before? yes!!! nowhere to go with the lovely @maxxisbae (idr what their blog is anymore but all the parts we wrote are under my ficrec tag (pls be advised we never finished it tho))
14. all time favourite ship? y/n and character 😇
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? i have one inspired by the movie apollo 13 that i'm so excited about but i just have not had the motivation to write any more for it :(
16. what are your writing strengths? definitely arguing dialogue. i love nothing more than to argue with (basically) myself
17. what are your writing weaknesses? getting to the part i actually started the fic for lol
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language? when writers put the translation in ( ) at the end of that line, my god it's just *chef's kiss*
19. first fandom you wrote in? hot chelle rae :')
20. favourite fic you've written? i'm gonna do top 5 bc i can't pick just one lol 1: broken love (ashton irwin) 2: fix a heart (luke hemmings) 3: moving along (michael clifford) 4: the last dance (marshall traver) (listen ok i loved this series and nOBODY ELSE DID) 5: where you go (eddie munson)
tagging: @snugglyducklingbrewhouse @joelsgreys @pedgito @sonderbucky @bxcketbarnes @icanbeyourjedi @clumsyclifford
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auditionmarcboulet · 4 months
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juliopison · 4 months
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CINE Poder absoluto (1997) Título original: Absolute Power Estados Unidos Dirección: Clint Eastwood Idioma: Doblada al Español
Atención: Solo para ver en PC o Notebook Para ver el Film pulsa el Link: https://artecafejcp.wixsite.com/escenario-cafejcp/post/poder-absoluto-1997
Reparto: Clint Eastwood, Gene Hackman, Ed Harris, Laura Linney, Judy Davis, Scott Glenn, Dennis Haysbert, E.G. Marshall
Género: Intriga. Thriller. Drama | Crimen
Sinopsis: Luther Whitney, un especialista en grandes robos, planea desvalijar la mansión de un magnate que se encuentra de vacaciones en el Caribe. Sin embargo, una vez dentro, es testigo involuntario de un asesinato que involucra al Presidente de Estados Unidos, a su jefe de gabinete y a dos agentes del Servicio Secreto. Pero, ¿a quién puede recurrir un criminal para acusar de asesinato a alguien relacionado con la Casa Blanca?
Críticas: "Comienza con una escena de antología (…) También hay otras escenas brillantes (…) atractivo policiaco (…) brillan por su trabajo interpretativo los siempre muy efectivos Clint Eastwood, Gene Hackman, Ed Harris y la joven Laura Linney" -Augusto M. Torres: Diario El País
"A través de un thriller entretenido y con la capacidad de ponernos los pelos de punta, [Eastwood] ofrece una reflexión sobre cómo la esperanza puede surgir en un mundo corrupto. Qué bueno es, maldita sea." -Peter Travers: Rolling Stone
Premios: 1997: Festival de Cannes: Sección oficial (Fuera de competición)
Café Mientras Tanto jcp
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The professors take their morning constitutional at the beginning of Ball of Fire (1942)
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lboogie1906 · 6 months
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Swing Phi Swing Social Fellowship, Inc. (SΦS) is a non-profit social fellowship, as opposed to a traditional Greek-lettered sorority. It was founded as an alternative to historically Black sororities.
Swing Phi Swing was founded at Winston Salem State University after the Civil Rights Movement and the burgeoning of the Black Power Movement. Twelve African-American women with the help of their brother organization Groove Phi Groove, founded Swing Phi Swing on April 4, 1969. These twelve young women created an organization that would honor the trailblazers of the Civil Rights Movement and their legacy.
These women dared to be different by challenging the traditional membership in Black Greek-lettered organizations and chose to create a fellowship of women committed to meaningful community service, promoting and achieving academic excellence, and strengthening community involvement and engagement through culturally conscious events and activities. Swing Phi Swing ignited a flame that influenced thousands of women to follow in their footsteps. Their pioneering spirit continues to burn in the hearts of many Sisters, transcending the boundaries of geography, social class, complexion, and religious affiliation. Swing has over 50 graduate and undergraduate chapters throughout the US.
The twelve founders are:
Jeanette Butler
Anita Chase (Watson)
Beverly Dorn (Steele)
Finesia Dunovant (Walker)
Jane Harris (Madison)
Rosiland Marshall (Tandy)
Marilyn Reid (Hill)
Patricia Story (Edwards)
Ellen Tomlinson (Carter)
Brenda Travers (Satterfield)
Lorraine Watkins (Phillips)
Talma Woods (Brayboy)
Swing Phi Swing’s membership grew as Black college women across the South, the Midwest and the East Coast heard of an Afro-centric organization. Chapters were started at prominent HBCUs such as Hampton University, Morgan State University, Tuskegee University, Wilberforce University, Shaw University, and North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence #swingphiswing
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joyffree · 7 months
He Says Series: Standalone Small Town Romantic Comedy by Winter Travers are available now!
Wilder Presley Says He Loves Me Nine years ago, Shelby Lyn told Wilder Presley she loved him. Wilder hopped in his red SUV, and left without a word or a goodbye.
Charlie Beck Says I’m His Charlie Beck is the Chicken King of Adams. I'm… well… I'm just Missy Clark, King, or I mean, Queen of nothing but sassy one-liners and malaphors.
Blake Marshall Says He Needs Me Blake Marshall has everything he could need. A roof over his head, a great job, and amazing friends. Even a sheep in his backyard.
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thebiographytribune · 10 months
Lamman Rucker
Lamman Rucker - What Does He Do?
Actor and businessman Lamman is renowned for his commitment to activism and the arts. As an entrepreneur and activist, he works on projects like inspirED Summer, which aims to boost summer school attendance in Atlanta. He has backed educational projects, such as the inaugural lecture series at Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University.
Early Life, Education, and Family
Born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Rucker is the son of Eric Rucker and Malaya (née Ray).He is partially descended from Barbados. Rucker was raised primarily in the Washington, DC, and Maryland region. After placing in several child pageants, he developed an early interest in acting. In the fourth grade, he played Martin Luther King in his first acting role. Rucker studied at Carnegie-Mellon University and Duquesne University. He participated in the drama club in the seventh grade and went on to attend the Duke Ellington School of the Arts in Washington, D.C. for high school.
He discussed personal experiences on August 29, 2019, which he believes contributed to his success with the Hampton University football team.
His Career
His big break came in 2002 when he replaced Tamara Tunie as lawyer T. Marshall Travers on the CBS daytime soap drama As the World Turns. He departed from the show the next year and appeared in the 2005 ABC soap drama All My Children as Garret Williams. In addition, he had recurring parts in the sitcoms Half & Half and All of Us on UPN.
Rucker's most well-known parts are from Tyler Perry movies. Why Did I Get Married? (2007) and Why Did I Get Married Too? (2010) both had him as a co-star.
His Works, and Performances
Actor Lamman Rucker was born in the United States on October 6, 1971. Before starring in Tyler Perry's films Why Did I Get Married?, Why Did I Get Married Too?, and Meet the Browns, Rucker started his career on the daytime serial operas As the World Turns and All My Children. He debuted as Jacob Greenleaf in the drama series Greenleaf on the Oprah Winfrey Network in 2016. He is a star of the BET+ show The Black Hamptons as of 2022.
Bottom Line
Lamman Rucker is living a successful and stupendous life. Kelly Davis Rucker is the spouse of Rucker. He shares his life with a beautiful human being. He also has achieved so much in his professional life, and he is willing to achieve more nowadays in personal life. Visit biographytribune.com/who-is-actor-lamman-rucker-from-meet-the-browns-is-he-married-his-bio-wife-fiance-family-net-worth-siblings for more information.
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brookstonalmanac · 11 months
Events 10.13
54 – Roman emperor Claudius dies from poisoning under mysterious circumstances. He is succeeded by his adoptive son Nero, rather than by Britannicus, his son with Messalina. 409 – Vandals and Alans cross the Pyrenees and appear in Hispania. 1269 – The present church building at Westminster Abbey is consecrated. 1307 – Hundreds of the Knights Templar in France are arrested at dawn by King Philip the Fair, and later confess under torture to heresy. 1332 – Rinchinbal Khan becomes the Khagan of the Mongols and Emperor of the Yuan dynasty, reigning for only 53 days. 1399 – Coronation of Henry IV of England at Westminster Abbey. 1644 – A Swedish–Dutch fleet defeats the Danish fleet at Fehmarn and captures about 1,000 prisoners. 1710 – Port Royal, the capital of French Acadia, falls in a siege by British forces. 1775 – The Continental Congress establishes the Continental Navy (predecessor of the United States Navy). 1792 – In Washington, D.C., the cornerstone of the United States Executive Mansion (known as the White House since 1818) is laid. 1793 – French Revolutionary Wars: Austro-Prussian victory over Republican France at the First Battle of Wissembourg. 1812 – War of 1812: Sir Isaac Brock's British and native forces repel an invasion of Canada by General Rensselaer's United States forces. 1821 – The Declaration of Independence of the Mexican Empire is publicly proclaimed. 1843 – In New York City, B'nai B'rith, the oldest Jewish service organization in the world, is founded. 1881 – First known conversation in modern Hebrew by Eliezer Ben-Yehuda and friends. 1885 – The Georgia Institute of Technology is founded in Atlanta, Georgia. 1892 – Edward Emerson Barnard is first to discover a comet by photographic means. 1903 – The Boston Red Sox win the first modern World Series, defeating the Pittsburgh Pirates in the eighth game. 1908 – Margaret Travers Symons bursts into the UK parliament and becomes the first woman to speak there. 1911 – Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught and Strathearn, becomes the first Governor General of Canada of royal descent. 1915 – First World War: The Battle of the Hohenzollern Redoubt marks the end of the Battle of Loos. 1917 – The "Miracle of the Sun" is witnessed by an estimated 70,000 people in the Cova da Iria in Portugal. 1921 – Soviet republics sign the Treaty of Kars to formalize the borders between Turkey and the South Caucasus states. 1923 – Ankara becomes the capital of Turkey. 1943 – World War II: Marshal Pietro Badoglio announces that Italy has officially declared war on Germany. 1944 – World War II: The Soviet Riga Offensive captures the city. 1946 – France adopts the constitution of the Fourth Republic. 1962 – The Pacific Northwest experiences a cyclone the equal of a Category 3 hurricane, with winds above 150 mph. Forty-six people die. 1972 – Aeroflot Flight 217 crashes outside Moscow, killing 174. 1972 – Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571 crashes in the Andes mountains. Twenty-eight survive the crash. All but 16 succumb before rescue on December 23. 1976 – The first electron micrograph of an Ebola virus is taken at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention by Dr. F. A. Murphy. 1977 – Hijacking of Lufthansa Flight 181 by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. 1983 – Ameritech Mobile Communications launches the first US cellular network in Chicago. 1990 – Syrian forces attack free areas of Lebanon, removing General Michel Aoun from the presidential palace. 1993 – At least 60 people die in eastern Papua New Guinea when a series of earthquakes rock the Finisterre Range, triggering massive landslides. 2010 – The mining accident in Copiapó, Chile ends as all 33 trapped miners arrive at the surface after a record 69 days underground. 2013 – A stampede occurs in India during the Hindu festival Navratri, killing 115 and injuring more than 110. 2016 – The Maldives announces its decision to withdraw from the Commonwealth of Nations. 2019 – Kenyan Brigid Kosgei sets a new world record for a woman runner with a time of 2:14:04 at the 2019 Chicago Marathon.
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lignes2frappe · 1 year
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The Blueprint, l’album qui a survécu au 11 septembre 2001.
Ou pour citer Jay Z un an plus tard sur The Bounce : « On dit du Blueprint qu’il est un classique/Ben Laden n’a rien pu faire/Le 11 septembre marquera à jamais le début du règne du révolutionnaire Jay Guevara ».
Géopolitique et débat sur son statut mis à part (lire à ce sujet notre chronique du sol au plafond), ce sixième solo de Shawn Carter s’écoute de son propre aveu comme une collection de « ses pensées du moment » (« Yeah, just my thoughts (…) what I'm feelin' at the time »).
Enregistré en deux petites semaines, il brasse donc quantité de références difficilement compréhensibles pour qui n’a pas connu l’époque.
Pas de panique, les voici décortiquées en long, en large et en travers.
« Pour la culture »
Les thugs du sud londonien
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La ref’ ? La pochette de l’album qui reprend un cliché sur lequel apparaît l’ancien gangster Dave Courtney en train de donner une conférence à des étudiants d'Oxford
Comme pour toutes les précédentes pochettes d’album de Jay Z (Reasonable Doubt/la trilogie Life/The Dynasty: Roc La Familia), on retrouve la légende du game Jonathan Mannion à la manœuvre (la baraque d’Eminem de The Marshall Mathers LP c’est lui, DMX dans la baignoire remplie de sang de Flesh Of My Flesh, Blood Of My Blood c'est lui, The Game assis sur la pile de pneus Daytona de The Documentary c’est encore lui...).
Pour Blueprint, il s’est inspiré d’une photo extraite de The Firm, un livre du photographe de mode et documentariste anglais Jocelyn Bain Hogg qui plonge dans les méandres du crime organisé du South London.
Bien évidemment, Jay a rajouté sa touche en s’habillant d’une veste Rocawear et en remplaçant le téléphone sur le bureau par un microphone.
Qu’il soit ici vu en train de galvaniser ses troupes ou de faire la leçon à ses compétiteurs dépendra de l’interprétation de chacun.
Slick Rick
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La ref’ ? La très martiale entrée en matière The Ruler’s Back dont le titre rend hommage au morceau du même nom du rappeur à l’éternel bandeau sur l’œil
Et oui, il s’agit bien d’un hommage et non d’un plagiat, comme Jay l’a confié en interview pour XXL : « The Great Adventures of Slick Rick est l’un des plus grands albums jamais enregistrés. Je voulais lui rendre hommage car je suis amoureux de cette culture, vraiment. Ce peut être parfois à mon détriment et il arrive que je sois critiqué pour ça, mais il est important de respecter la culture. »
Pour les plus jeunes, Slick Rick peut à la fois être considéré comme le roi du storytelling et le roi du bling-bling depuis 1988, date de son premier album, The Great Adventures of Slick Rick.
Malheureusement pour lui, une sombre affaire de tentative de meurtre doublée de multiples soucis avec les services d’immigration (il est britannique) l’ont empêché d’avoir la carrière qui aurait dû être la sienne.
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La ref’ ? « F*ckin with me, you gotta drop Amil » sur The Ruler’s Back
Jamais timide quand il s’agit de mentionner dans ses textes les membres de Roc-A-Fella, Jay Z nous renseigne par un subtil jeu de mots (« Amil/A million ») qu’il a rendu son contrat à son ancien featuring préféré du crew (Can I Get A, Hey Papi, Jigga What, Jigga Who…).
Depuis, pour celle par l’intermédiaire de qui son patron a rencontré Beyoncé, c’est le calme plat.
Idem pour les binômes Oschino & Sparks et Mickey & Mallory entendus plus tard sur All I Need, à ceci près qu’ils n’ont eux même pas eu droit à une ligne quand est venu leur tour de passer à la compta.
Le producteur Lance Rivera
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La ref’ ? « I’m too sexy for jail (…) Mr. District Attorney, I'm not sure if they told you/I'm on TV every day, where the fuck could I go to? » sur The Ruler’s Back
2 décembre 1999. Alors que son très attendu Vol. 3… Life and Times of S. Carter vient d’être piraté à quelques jours de sa sortie, Jay Z croise dans une soirée le prétendu responsable de cette fuite, un certain Lance ‘Un’ Rivera.
Pas encore du genre à rapper sur l’art contemporain et à porter des sandales, ni une ni deux, il s’approche de lui entouré de ses gars, et le plante de deux coups de couteau à l’épaule et à l’abdomen.
Libéré sous caution après s’être rendu de lui-même aux autorités le lendemain matin, Jay Z ne fait pas pour autant profil bas lors des deux ans que vont durer la procédure.
Cf. son duo avec R. Kelly au titre évocateur, Guilty Until Proven Innocent, ou cette ligne lâchée à quelques semaines à peine de son procès dans laquelle il rappelle au procureur « qu’il est trop sexy pour la prison », « qu’il passe tous les jours à la télé » et « qu’il n’a l’intention d’aller nulle part ».
Face à tant d’insolence, la justice ne le condamnera qu’à trois années de mise à l’épreuve.
Au-delà de sa personne, cette décision, couplée à l’acquittement de Puff Daddy dans une affaire de fusillade, marque pour de bon l’entrée du rap dans l’ère corporate.
On vous raconte tout dans le détail dans l’épisode dédié de notre série Ce jour où.
Rosa Parks
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La ref’ ? « I'm representin' for the seat where Rosa Parks sat » sur The Ruler’s Back
Décidément quelle intro.
Fréquemment décrié pour son apolitisme et son rap champagne, Jay Z name droppe celle qui un jour d’avril 1955 « posa son cul où elle le voulut » dixit Booba en refusant de céder sa place à un passager blanc dans un autobus.
Comme d’autres avant elles, ce geste lui valut d’écoper d’une amende de 15 dollars. Rosa Parks refusa néanmoins de s’en acquitter, déclenchant là une vague de protestation inédite dans tous les États-Unis.
Un an plus tard, la Cour suprême déclarera ainsi anticonstitutionnelles les lois ségrégationnistes dans les bus.
Karl Kani
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La ref’ ? « Nigga, you a lame, you's the fag model for Karl Kani, Esco ads » sur Takeover
Parmi l’avalanche de crottes de nez envoyées à Nas (sur sa discographie sujette à caution, sur sa street crédibilité, sur son garde du corps qui rappe mieux que lui...), Jay Z le raille pour avoir « fait la tarlouze chez Karl Kani ».
Niveau mauvaise foi, voilà un sommet : passe encore que la marque XXXL a autrefois engagé 2Pac et Notorious B.I.G. comme modèles, mais à la même période Jay posait lui aussi (et dans les mêmes positions) pour sa marque Rocawear.
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La ref’ ? « Quand je dealais en 88, tu jouais à la ballerine/Je t’ai vu, j’ai les photos » sur Takeover
Cible première de Takeover (le couplet sur Nas n’a été rajouté qu’après coup), la moitié des Mobb Deep a pris cher sur disque comme sur scène.
Lors du festival Hot 97’s 2001 Summer Jam qui se déroulait en amont, Jay Z l’a en effet affiché en dévoilant à la surprise générale la photo ci-dessus qui le montre enfant en train de prendre un cours de danse.
Rien de bien méchant en soi, si ce n’est que dans un monde sans internet, la rumeur a très longtemps couru que Pee portait un tutu.
Bo Dereck
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La ref’ ? « Il y a cette meuf française qui adore le French kiss/Elle se prend pour Bo Derek avec ses cheveux en twist » sur Girls, Girls, Girls
Actrice et playmate américaine, elle tourne en 1979 dans 10, l’histoire d’une fille qui « sur une échelle de un à dix mérite un onze ».
Le rôle est resté dans les mémoires (le film moins), notamment pour sa petite foulée en bord de mer rythmé par le Boléro de Ravel, ainsi que pour ses braids blondes qui lui allaient si bien.
Amis de la cancel culture, il n’est pas trop tard pour vous donner bonne conscience sur les réseaux pour dénoncer cette grossière tentative d’appropriation culturelle.
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La ref’ ? « Hov, and so I breeze through, jeans is Evisu » sur Jigga That Nigga
Comme aujourd’hui AMIRI ou hier True Religion, Evisu Genes étaient au début du siècle la marque de fringues pref’ des rappeurs US.
Fondée en 1991 par le japonais Hidehiko Yamane, son nom renvoie à la divinité shintoïste de la pêche et de la prospérité, Ebisu.
Reconnaissable entre mille pour ses grands M peints à l’arrière de ses jeans (qui étaient en réalité des silhouettes de mouette), Evisu comptait parmi ses ambassadeurs les plus ardents les sudistes Lil Wayne, T.I., Young Jeezy... et Beyoncé, qui, dans le clip de Lose My Breath en 2004, remuait son derrière dans un taille basse brut dont les coutures étaient rudement mises à l’épreuve.
Joie de la cohérence, avec le retour en grâce de la marque depuis quelques saisons (merci Travis Scott, merci Lil Uzi Vert), Evisu s’est retrouvé à nouveau référencé par les Carter en 2018 (« I got M's like the back of Evisu » dans leur morceau commun Apeshit).
Dapper Dan
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La ref’ ? « Wear a G on my chest, I don't need Dapper Dan » sur U Don’t Know
« Dapper Dan c’est le blueprint de la mode dans la culture rap. C’est lui qui a montré la marche à suivre dans le ghetto et chez les célébrités. »
Ça, c’est ce qu’écrivait Missy Elliot en 2020 dans le top 100 des personnalités les plus influentes de la planète du TIME.
Connu dans les années 80 pour customiser n’importe quel vêtement avec des logos de marques de luxe, si Dapper Dan a pourtant longtemps fait office de paria dans le petit milieu de la mode (il lui a fallu attendre 2018 pour que Gucci, sa marque fétiche, daigne enfin lui proposer une collaboration en bonne et due forme), il a toujours été une star dans le rap.
Jay Z joue ainsi sur sa réputation et le double sens de la lettre G en clamant : 1) qu’il porte du Gucci acheté en magasin, pas de la contrefaçon 2) qu’il est un vrai gangster et n’a à ce titre pas besoin d’en faire des caisses.
Sam Bowie
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La ref’ ? « I ball for real, y'all niggas is Sam Bowie/And with the third pick, I made the earth sick » sur Hola Hovito
Une liste aussi longue que les Twins Towers étaient hautes serait nécessaire pour répertorier toutes les fois où Jay Z a mentionné Michael Jordan au micro.
L’autoproclamé « Mike Jordan of recordin' » s’amuse ici à comparer la concurrence au pire choix de draft de l’histoire du basket-ball (car choisi en 1984 juste avant MJ), puis, dresse un parallèle entre la troisième position de His Airness et le carton de son troisième album, Vol. 2… Hard Knock Life, vendu à 5 millions d’exemplaires.
Michael Jackson
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La ref’ ? Izzo (H.O.V.A.) qui sample I Want You Back des Jackson 5... et les chœurs de Girls, Girls, Girls 1 & 2 où Michael vient pousser la chansonnette sans être crédité !
Lorsqu'un album convie MJ, le roi des basketteurs, et MJ, le roi de la pop, difficile de lui refuser le statut de classique, non ?
Les Princes de la ville
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La ref’ ? « Ma musique détonne comme les Vatos Locos » sur Hola Hovito
Sorti dans les salles obscures en 1993, le film de Taylor Hackford (Ray, L’associé du diable…) conte le destin de Cruz, Paco et Miklo, trois cousins originaires du barilllo de Est Los Angeles.
Sincèrement liés mais pourvus de caractères antagonistes, nos « vatos locos » empruntent chacun des chemins de vies fort différents (guerre des gangs, prison, héroïne...).
Fresque de 180 minutes sur la famille, l’honneur, la revanche et le pardon, si Blood In Blood Out (le titre en V.O.) n’est pas le chef-d’œuvre que certains prétendent, il se laisse revoir avec plaisir.
Franck Sinatra
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La ref’ ? « I'm the compadre, the Sinatra of my day/Ol' Blue Eyes, my nigga, I did it my way » sur Hola Hovito
La toute première fois que Jay s’imagine dans la peau du crooneur aux yeux bleus, mais pas la dernière.
Dès 2002, il remet le couvert sur Blueprint 2 en reprenant sans pression son plus gros tube, My Way (qui lui-même reprenait Comme d’habitude de notre Claude François national), puis, en 2009, lui pique le célèbre « Since I made it here, I can make it anywhere » de son hymne New York, New York pour son hymne Empire State of Mind.
Les Fat Boys
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La ref’ ? « First the Fat Boys break up, now every day I wake up somebody got a problem with Hov » sur Ain’t No Love (Heart Of The City)
Et encore une rime à tiroirs de Jay Z.
Outre le fait de rendre hommage à l’un des groupes de rap les plus populaires des années 80 (deux disques d’or, un disque de platine, une campagne de publicité pour Swatch, une apparition dans Miami Vice...), elle sert de clin d’œil à une réplique de Chris Rock dans Boomerang, une comédie romantique de 1992 avec Eddie Murphy, Martin Lawrence et Halle Berry.
Richard Pryor
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La ref’ ? «Then Richard Pryor go and burn up » sur Ain’t No Love (Heart Of The City)
Sans lui, Chris Tucker, Chris Rock et Kevin Hart bosseraient au McDonald’s.
Standupper extrêmement populaire au sein de la communauté afro-américaine dans les années 70/80, entre son énergie et son franc-parler, Jerry Seinfeld le surnommait « le Picasso des humoristes ».
Jay Z fait allusion à l’un des faits divers les plus WTF de sa biographie, quand, en 1980, des passants hallucinés l’ont vu courir en flammes dans les rues de Los Angeles.
Accro à la cocaïne free-base, il avait tenté de mettre fin à ses jours lors d’un accès de démence. Des années plus tard, il est revenu sur l’incident dans un sketch.
La vodka Armadale
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La ref’ ? « Drink Army from one cup, pass it around the room » sur Never Change
Bien avant Ace of Spades, il y a eu Armadale, une vodka écossaise dont le crew Roc-A-Fella était particulièrement friand.
Sauf que bon, Dame Dash n’a très vite pas supporté de leur faire de la pub gratuitement. En 2002 il s’est ainsi porté acquéreur des droits de distribution de la marque en Amérique du Nord.
Le move était à bien des égards visionnaire (aucun rappeur n’avait à l’instant T eu l’idée d’investir dans les spiritueux), peut-être même un peu trop, Armadale n’ayant pas réussi à devenir un Ciroc ou un Belaire avant l’heure.
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La ref’ ? « Le CD de Me & My Bitch qui tourne en boucle/ En train de regarder Bonnie and Clyde et de se prendre pour eux » sur Song Cry
Bien évidemment, pas d’album de Jay Z sans moult emprunts à Notorious B.I.G. – voir cette vidéo pour vous en convaincre
Ou pour citer Nas sur Ether : « How much of Biggie's rhymes is gon' come out your fat lips nigga? »
Douzième piste de Ready To Die, Me & My Bitch storytelle une romance aussi drama que ghetto qui se termine dans les cris et les larmes.
L’ex de Jennifer Lopez
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La ref’ ? « Shut your bumba', I got A-Rod numbers » sur All I Need
Minute culture générale : avant de retourner dans les bras de Ben Affleck, la divine J.Lo était en ménage avec un certain Alex Rodriguez, alias A-Rod, un ancien baseballeur.
Et avant d’être connu pour être le mec d’avant de J.Lo, Alex Rodriguez avait signé en 2001 le contrat le plus lucratif de l'histoire du sport professionnel en s’engageant pour 10 saisons avec les New York Yankees à hauteur de 252 millions de dollars.
Willie Beamen
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La ref’ ? « J’ai des potes qui se gerbent dessus comme Willie Beamen » sur All I Need
Sport toujours, deux ans plus tôt, sortait L’Enfer du dimanche d’Oliver Stone, le meilleur film de football américain de tous les temps.
Jaimie Foxx y tenait le rôle de Willie Beamen, un jeune quaterback. Cousin éloigné de Dominique Farrugia dans La Cité de la peur, sous l’effet du stress, il avait la manie de vomir en plein match.
Sinon, et ça n’a pas grand-chose à voir, en dehors des plateaux de tournage, Jaimie Foxx concourt avec Denzel Washington au titre de meilleur imitateur de Jay Z (mais aussi de Mike Tyson, de Pharrell, de Kanye West et de tant d’autres).
Reasonable Doubt
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La ref’ ? « Reasonable Doubt, un classique, il aurait dû faire triple patine » sur Blueprint (Momma Loves Me)
Son tout premier album. Celui qu’il considère comme son meilleur – en 2013, il classait Blueprint deuxième.
Sorti le 25 juin 1996, il ne s’écoule pourtant qu’à 43 000 petits exemplaires en première semaine et connaît toutes les peines du monde à décrocher l’or.
Déçu par ce résultat, Jay réoriente sa musique dès son essai suivant, In My Lifetime, Vol. 1, en se faisant plus accessible... ce qu’il regrettera amèrement par la suite.
Très attaché à « son bébé », Jay Z retournera d’ailleurs le défendre en tournée pour son dixième anniversaire, non sans s’être auparavant frité avec Dame Dash pour en récupérer les droits quand ce dernier a voulu prendre le contrôle de Roc-A-Fella.
Son grand frère Éric
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La ref’ ? « Éric était tellement frais que je lui piquais ses affaires » sur Blueprint (Momma Loves Me)
Hustler en culottes courtes, le jeune Shawn C. commence à dealer du crack à 12 ans. A contrario, son frère Eric, 16 ans, préfère s’adonner aux joies de la pipe.
Lorsqu’un jour il le surprend en train de lui voler l’une de ses bagouzes plaquées or, le futur roi de New York saisit son arme et fait feu.
« J’ai alors cru que ma vie était finie. J’ai cru que j’allais aller en prison pour toujours… C’était terrible. J’étais un garçon, un enfant. J’étais terrifié. »
Fort heureusement, les choses ne se sont pas passées comme ça. Non seulement son frangin ne va pas le poursuivre en justice, mais il va en plus s’excuser pour son comportement lorsque Jay lui rend visite à l’hôpital.
Hov’ fait brièvement allusion à cet incident sur You Must Love me en 1997 : « J’ai vu le diable dans tes yeux, t’étais défoncé et pas à la weed/ Déboussolé, j’ai juste fermé les yeux et pressé la détente ».
Le Marcy Projects
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La ref’ ? « Marcy m’a élevé, en bien ou en mal/La rue m’a donné tout ce que j’écris dans cette chanson » sur Blueprint (Momma Loves Me)
Là où tout a commencé pour le fils de Gloria Carter et Adnis Reeves.
Baptisé d’après le nom de l'ancien sénateur, gouverneur et secrétaire d’État William L. Marcy (1786-1857), il se compose de 27 immeubles de six étages (1 705 appartements) construits au sortir de la Seconde guerre mondiale.
Il compte à l’heure actuelle un peu plus de 4 200 habitants.
Le 11 septembre
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Excepté la date, existe-t-il un lien entre le Blueprint de Jay Z et la plus grande attaque étrangère jamais perpétrée sur le sol américain ?
Si la concomitance des deux évènements relève bien évidemment du pur hasard, elle n’est cependant pas dénuée d’une forte portée symbolique.
Après quatre albums qui l’ont vu ressasser jusqu’à plus soif son passé de hustler, The Blueprint marque en effet un changement de cap pour Jay-Z, lui qui, désormais trentenaire, se mue véritablement en mogul – fini les histoires de rues et de deals, place aux rimes de notable et aux placements de produits.
Homme d’affaires posant dans le livret une Rolex au poignet et le drapeau US dans la main, il incarne alors on ne peut mieux ce mode de vie que détestent tant Ben Laden et ses sbires (ce capitalisme sous stéroïdes aussi arrogant qu’implacable pour les perdants, la réussite individuelle, le matérialisme à outrance...).
Pas de chance pour eux, quelque deux décennies après les faits, le bilan de ce choc culturel est sans appel : outre le fait qu’à l’instant T Jay Z n’ait aucunement souffert de l’effondrement des tours jumelles (The Blueprint s’est écoulé à près d’un demi-million de copies en première semaine), sa réussite est aujourd’hui telle que son nom est devenu dans le monde entier synonyme du rêve américain.
Publié le 9 septembre 2022 sur Booska-p.com.
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