#Mars Spooky month
jacenotjason · 6 months
a little oc/canon spooky month comic bc i can do whatever i want
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mylittlefusions · 11 months
A spooky Minty (g3) with Queen Chrysalis. i feel that would be neat
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Minty's been biding her time, and now she reveals her true form - Queen of the Changlings!
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matcharabbit · 3 months
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Detective and their loser boyfriend >>>>>>>
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zaccosnacco · 1 month
Meet my favorite oc Marvin and his family!!
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Marvin is the local mailman, his coworkers are constantly going missing but he hasn't yet! He knows pretty much everyone in town and is a very sweet and excitable guy. He loves moths, baking and lavalamps and has a crush on the man who works at the candy store. But he's a silly guy.
He looks after his brother at home like a parental figure as both their parents are dead. Marvin isn't completely sure what happened to them but he tries not to think about them, though baking old recipes his mother and dad wrote down in a shared cook book.
Mason resents his brother a bit, but at the end of the day he still cares for his wellbeing even if he is a jerk to the mothy mailman. Marvin takes pride in making him happy even if he's a jerk, often baking treats for him and stuff, looking out for the kid. Really the best brother.
Marvin however despises Jasper, his older and only cousin who only seeks control and power over others. He keeps Mason far away from them, because he knows his little brother would be actually put in danger around Jasper who has no self control and a temperament. Something something being a Eldridge hunter, its dangerous and extremely stupid, Marvin isn't having it.
Trixie and Mars is Marvins and Masons parents, the two growing up and having the same love of baking, they were a lovely T4T couple and a power couple at that. Really loving to their children when they were alive, their deaths happened under mysterious circumstances but it all seems to lead back to the cult..
They are very missed by Marvin and Mason
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slythepuffle · 2 months
JJD-fying OCs, Part 3
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(Dark light)
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(Lighter light)
The eldest Levan-Erotoph child!
Even as a ghost, Marnie still retains her protective older-sister instincts. When she goes to visit her siblings, she finds that they aren't with their grandmother or mom, leading her to panic. She floats around town, searching for them desperately, only to find them in JJD's lab. When she saw what JJD had done to them, saying that she was 'mad' was an understatement - She was downright furious. She would have killed the scientist then and there if it weren't for her siblings' intervention. They explained how they were with her willingly (excluding how Ajax needed 'convincing') and how JJD was taking care of them. How she was making them happier than their actual mother ever did (Dede loves them but as police chief is constantly working because of the mayor).
This placated Marnie somewhat, though she was still distrustful of the scientist and stuck around to keep an eye on her siblings, just in case. The scientist was amused and curious by her, trying to poke and prod at the ghost. She was unamused by this at first, but slowly grew used to JJD, becoming tolerant of her. Their relationship continued to grow, especially after JJD made a device that allowed Marnie to become tangible (mostly for JJD's own benefit). This delighted the ghost, who had longed for the more physical contact and affection she used to receive in life. So, to repay the favor, she would occasionally go out and possess random passersby, forcibly bringing them back to the lab for JJD or her siblings to experiment on. She would also let them tickle her from time to time if they really needed the tickle-fix. She's not one for tickling herself though, so she tends to stay out of the experiments when they don't need her or when she's not in the lee mood.
In addition to bringing in test subjects, she also acts as a security measure. If anyone were to break into the lab or try to harm her siblings (or JJD, reluctantly) in any way, she would act like the pictures shown above - Creepy as fuck. She'll scare people away or, if the scaring doesn't work, possess their bodies and force them to leave instead. Though very reluctant at first, Marnie has slowly grown to love her new (after)life. She gets to protect her siblings and a new home, while JJD has more security and a free test subject - A win-win for both sides!
And that's a wrap! I would have made something for Magnus, but I have no ideas for him, unfortunately. So, unless I get ideas for him, this is the end of me JJD-fying my OCs!
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brosif40 · 2 years
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More Bob Velseb <3
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minkyutie · 2 years
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no night just day, the sky scorched red
like the world's in monochrome
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rosetinted--clouds · 2 months
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Weather be damned, it's spooky season now
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faggotwalkwithme · 1 year
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rndm-fndm · 2 years
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a bunch of doodles of my spooky month oc, gort !! :D he's so silly
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evilminji · 6 months
Broadway :3c
And I hear ya. (Insert spooky joke here) There is a sprawling WEB of central hubs, for The Arts. For trade. For getting drunk and having a good time. The Zone is large and it is endless. You'll NEVER reach the far end. It can never reach you.
All things, in gentle sweeping waves, across eternity.
So when folks want to have "a market" or "a movie theater" or "the waterpark"? You gotta PICK a point on the endless map. Figure if you are close or far enough away for others like it, to make it worth the effort to build.
You might even be the first to do it for GALAXIES in any direction! People might fly for WEEKS to come to your place! Move their Lairs to be closer too it. Like dust gathered by gravity, slowly creating planets and stars. A mega Lair. A CITY.
They rise, they fall, the Zone shifts all the while.
Does the dead starlet stop singing? Does getting gunned down, stop the show?? I think NOT! Where is her STAGE? What musicals? What dramas? What operas and tragedies and forms unknown to human kind??! Ballet dancers who CAN defy gravity! Singers who have no NEED for air! The haunting blend of instruments, that could never in life have met! From empires long turned to ASH!
The greatest show in DEATH!
Ember was a world wide hit. Yes, her voice was hypnotic. But that could be FOUGHT. It was SKILL that carried the game. And she was hardly "I was Literally The Greatest My Planet Ever Produced" skilled. She was good, great even. Not "I was Born For Greatness" Excellence.
And like?
.....eventually? Danny's gonna ask after "cultural-y" Culture stuff. Clothes and food. Music and the arts. To help his parents get used to the whole "our son is half-dead" thing. To show he's not some mindless monster now.
And? Ghostwriter? Probably an absolute legend. Does he know where you can find some CULTURE? Oh THANK ZONE! He thought you'd NEVER ask! You unsophisticated-! *fist fight in a library* Still a dick, though. Always and forever.
And just? Imagine Broadway stretched out into a floating city. That never sleeps. Never stops. Shows ever changing. Some on a cycle, some only once. Dream-like. Beautiful. Eye catching.
And yeah, Danny didn't think he LIKED musicals. It was more of a Jazz thing. But? This was important! Gotta get the whole family in the Speeder. We're going to see a play, guys! We'll pick when we get there! Family road trip! Educational! We can make notes!
His parents are trying to be supportive. Big, fixed, strained grins. Trying to pretend to be excited. But they... DO seem reluctantly intrigued? And Jazz is all but vibrating in her seat. It's basically her "before you go away to college" present. And she is THRILLED.
The longer she excitedly speculates? The more into it she gets their folks. This IS gonna be new! Exciting! Never before seen Ghost Culture! Music! As a FAMILY! Think we could find souvenirs? Ooooh, wonder if they sell CDs??!
Then? They GET there. And it's... it's like seeing the Las Vegas strip for the first time, except multiplied into a city. Made of even MORE styles and eras. At angles gravity would never allow.
The air filled with laughter and excitement, people rushing to shows or humming bits of tunes. Street stalls. Fountains. Flowers growing everywhere.
They could stay for months and not even reach a fraction of these buildings. His parents are taking countless photos. His sister squeeling with joy as she races for an information kiosk like they just arrived at Disneyland. He, at least, remembers to lock up the Speeder. Grab their day bags.
When did HE become the responsible one?
The argue over shows. Obviously. Wouldn't be Fenton's otherwise. HE wants to see the alien one. It's from mars! But it's his sister's trip, as his dad points out, so she gets to choose. She picks a musical set during the Fall of Krpton. He's... reluctantly kinda interested. I mean, EVERYBODY likes Superman, right?
It's... it's amazing. Terrible, but amazing. I mean? A coming of age story cut tragically short? Oof. Hello, massively projecting then getting FEELS about it! Yeah, sure, rip my heart out why don't you? He's fine. No, really! Just drowning in his own emotions over here. The refrain of "A Life Well Lived"? *gargling dying whale noises* he's FINE. Not grappling with anything! Go on without him!
They DO sell CDs.
He... he may end up, kinda, getting a bit of a collection. Going on the weekends, hoping show to show. Wandering to whichever catches his eye in the moment. Buying the CDs for one's he likes. Which? Honestly is a lot of them. Even though there's all sorts of genres and languages. Cause it... it RESONATES you know?
The grief. The anger. The "I have died but I wasn't FINISHED. It isn't FAIR.". And? Something about ghost speak flows so BEAUTIFULLY in song? It's hard to explain. But he... he needs them.
A pair of headphones, a CD, and a clear night sky? Nothing touches it. It's like a trance made of light. Like he can just drift.
The problem? Is the CDs are kinda... Zone made? They're radioactive, for one. Nothing a Fenton CD player can't handle. But... they? Also? Kinda fuckin GLOW? Like... very, very noticeably. And not in a "ha ha, cool glow in the dark paint!" Sorta way.
.........but like FUCK is he leaving his music behind when he goes to college. Gotham will have to deal. It's already a burning shit-nado, it can handle this. Probably. He'll put um in a lead lined box. Actually, speaking OF.... he needs to get a few more of those... *goes back to packing*
Which? Is how? The Bats are treated to some of the most HAUNTING music they've ever heard, belted and crooned from Some Guy's speakers, out an open window, on the "stop for a mid-patrol drink of water and a snack" building. It's one of the intersections of their patrol routes. And THAT? That is some dude listening to a Romani ballad about death and the circus. Now it's a musical about the trenches of an obscure war.
Okay, that was DEFINITELY Kryptonian. Like... coherent Krypto- *Bruce gets a call from Clark on his "work" number DEMANDING to know where that is coming from. Who is that voice Bruce?!* huh.... Well Then.
@hdgnj @hypewinter @nerdpoe @lolottes @babbling-babull @spidori @mutable-manifestation @the-witchhunter
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jacenotjason · 2 months
All of my Blorbos information!!! available to you all!!
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pleeeeeease check it out if you're interested it took. so long. and so many headaches. and i am so proud of it.
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mylittlefusions · 11 months
I challenged one of you years ago with this spooky fusion and I want to see if any of you will try this one again... "(Spooky) Fluttershy fused with... Fluttershy!" and if you do decide to try this again no looking at the previous version for ideas. I wanna see how creative you can be with a similar prompt. ;)
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A spooky flutters x flutters fusion... maybe a magic experiment went wrong? Hope you like her, I had a lot of fun with this one!
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matcharabbit · 3 days
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Kneel to god
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Alt ver
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starlightwoofwoof · 1 month
you know what frick it
I’m making a Spooky Month AU based off of one of my favorite Goosebumps books
anyway for the whole starting point of this, here’s if Skid, Pump, Ross, Roy and Robert attended King Jellyjam’s Sports Camp (and also featuring some skin complexion headcanons as well cause why not heh)
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Extra info :
Lila let Skid go to Camp Jellyjam after he saw a sign-up poster for it in town. Not sure why, but she eventually let him go there. Pump kinda just tagged along with Skid-
Skid is always wearing something skeleton related and Pump is always wearing pumpkin related lol
They stay as close to each other as possible, even entering the same competitions just to be with each other
Buddy (the head counselor, you can see him in multiple of my previous posts lol) thinks they’re slightly annoying, but they’re super energetic. He also thinks they should probably try to actually compete instead of them entering the same competitions just so they can be with each other, and letting each other win-
I’m not sure if they would ever meet King Jellyjam in person, but if they did, they would either think he’s super cool, or they would be too distracted by how bad he smells to care about his ‘coolness’-
Skid and Pump had tried to befriend Alicia multiple times, but she’s a bit shy. They were honestly worried about her after she disappeared, but they were happy to see her after everyone was saved.
Speaking of that, the boys were honestly a bit suspicious about the whole thing, especially after Alicia went missing. They weren’t really able to figure it out though before the whole secret came out.
Alright, that’s it for Skid and Pump, I think.
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Extra Info :
Okay, first off, Ross. Obviously, of course Jaune let him go-
Ross, despite being a bit of an introvert and also the slight age gap, had made good acquaintances with Elliot
I kinda headcanon Ross liking music, and a lot of bands, so I wanted to give him a band shirt. Problem : I don’t really have any knowledge on any bands, so I just picked my sister’s favorite band-
Also yes, he sharpied a replica of Aaron’s tattoo on his arm-
Buddy thinks Ross could be more sociable, and less nervous when he’s competing, but he thinks he’s kinda cool. Ross doesn’t mind Buddy, but he does think he’s kinda creepy sometimes cause of how happy he is, and his signature grin
Okay, time for Roy. I’m not sure why in the world Carmen or Richard would let him go to a sport’s camp- maybe they saw how ‘expensive’ the playing fields, equipment and dorms were and thought he deserved to go to ‘experience luxury’ lmao
Roy is extremely competitive, despite not really being a sport’s guy. He always tries to win, probably because of an ego thing, or to de-stress, idk
Roy kinda made ‘friends’ with Jeff. (well it was more of a frenemy kind of thing, y’know, them both kinda being bullies and them being competitive)
I didn’t know what outfit to give him honestly, idk what a ‘elegant summer look’ even would be, so I just gave him the outfit from the Mother’s Day 2024 drawing but with the sleeves rolled up lol
Buddy doesn’t like him all too much, thinks he’s incredibly rude, but he does like how competitive he is, and tries to be as friendly as he can to him
Now, as you can see, Roy got 6 King Coins. That means he can go onto the Winner’s Walk :D (and also be a slave for King Jellyjam but let’s talk about that later)
Ross and Robert were extremely happy for him, but they started to worry once they realized he went missing the next day. They practically interrogated Buddy on it, until they gave up, figuring he went home
Roy didn’t go home, though. He was busy cleaning King JJ before Wendy came to save everyone. Luckily, he didn’t die, but that incident might carry with him, along with all his other trauma (poor boy why did I pick you to be the one to suffer ☹️)
A n y w a y, Robert is last. He’s just a little silly :3
He really does like everything- but his personal favorite sports were baseball, soccer, and the Marbles Tournaments
He likes talking about aliens, and other cool things in the spare time he’s not playing sports (which is literally almost never)
Robert also made nice acquaintances with Elliot
Robert misses his siblings tho, he wishes he could at least talk to them :(
He could also been seen with Ross and Roy a lot when they’re not busy with sports
These three were all roommates, along with some kid named Joe. Who’s Joe? JOE MA-
Buddy quite likes Robert, they both think each other is cool
okay, to end this off, here’s some more general info I thought up for now :
Since the two medias take place in completely different time periods (assuming the book’s events take place the same year it was released, it would be 1995), I wasn’t sure what to do, but I just picked SM’s time period, around 2012
I don’t think it’ll change too much, honestly, just with the whole pay phones not being there. I don’t think they’ll allow cellphones at Camp Jellyjam anyway- (everybody’s ages will probably remain the same too)
omg just imagine one of the SM adults attended the camp as a counselor
okay I think I’ll shut up now uhhhh
one more thing, here’s something with Buddy
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I’m losing it
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trashmouth-richie · 1 year
͎l͎͎e͎a͎͎v͎͎e͎ ͎m͎͎e͎ ͎i͎͎n͎ ͎t͎͎h͎͎e͎ ͎d͎a͎͎r͎͎k͎ 🦇🌑
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a spooky tale of the night things went bump in Hawkins, the aftermath and how things had been affecting your boyfriend, Eddie months before you both were on the run.
tw: possession, ptsd, nightmares, drug use, cheating, vecna lives, mean!evil!Chrissy , mean!Eddie, a sprinkle of Steve and Dustin! yay we love them. Mike wheeler, ew! This runs the same course as season 4, I just thought it would be cool to see Eddie’s life before spring break of ‘86 and what it would be like if he had a girlfriend, you baby— that’s you!
eddie x fem! reader
“No, no!” 
  He could feel the razor sharp teeth sinking into his flesh, gouging his sides like butter under a hot knife. It was all too real. 
  It always was. 
  The nightmares presented around the anniversary of that day. The day you almost lost him. 
  You did what you always had, holding him close to your own body, pressing your lips to the plains of his shoulder blades, running the pads of your fingers over the pink marred scars delicately to remind him it was just a nightmare. 
  That he was safe with you.
  You weren’t around when it happened. he didn’t want you down there, instead your position was right side up with erica and Lucas at the Creel House. 
  “I’ll be fine,” He had teased, rolling his eyes as you fretted and pouted that you couldn’t go with him. He kissed the knuckles of your right hand, those infamous dimples dipped into his cheeks, “I’ll be right back.”
  Only he wasn’t right back.
  He was choking on his own blood when Steve hoisted him through the gate into the disheveled remnants of the Munson trailer. 
  A day burned into your memory. A day he still suffered from. No matter the amount of medications he was on to help numb the nightmares. 
  “It's okay Eddie,” you whispered softly into his skin, “you’re here with me,” 
  His shoulders begin to release the tension he was holding, fist gripped hands softened as much as the guitar calluses would allow. 
  He shifted his weight to his other hip, facing you. His puffy eyes moved erratically trying to gain security in your face as you smiled softly at him. 
  His hand presses to your chest to feel your heartbeat trying to mimic his breathing to yours. He’s warm, sweaty and hair a nest around his face.
  He would take it all back if he could— selling to that bitch Chrissy to make a quick buck. Running and hiding at Rick’s. Dodging your phone calls because you had been in another fight about whether or not he could just move hellfire so Lucas would be there, and why he was selling to Chrissy.  
  Moves and counter moves. And those 4 days, Eddie had made the worst ones. 
  “‘m sorry, fuck, I’m so sorry.” 
  Years had passed and it still felt like it was yesterday. The red lightning striking behind his eyelids every night before he went to sleep, a reminder of the world that crawled with demons and creatures beneath his feet, just aching for another gate to open and make the two worlds collide. 
  The embarrassment hung heavy on his features, tinging his marble cheeks pink, a silvery tear fell from his grove of lashes. 
  Guilt riddled through him from those days, and the months leading up to it, he had no idea what was happening.
  He promised Steve and the others that he wasn’t a hero, then cut the sheet and rammed through the door to give them all time.
  Scoffed and told you he’d be fine then ended up laying in a puddle of his own blood, Dustin screaming for him to stay awake. 
  Swore to Wayne that he would graduate that year, but ended up hospital bound for months and missed graduation again.
  Flashes of your face, your eyes, the sweet nectar of your lips played through his mind. Your voice was the only thing he heard, maybe it was the loss of blood that numbed him, he wasn’t sure. But one thing remained, your voice was the only thing he could hear.
“Ed please, please let me come with. I wanna be with you.” 
  Your relationship was hanging on by threads in March of ‘86. He had loved you for years, knew every single freckle and imperfection on your skin. He loved the way you had shown up to every concert cheering for them when the bar was silent and empty. He had been the one to teach you a little about cars when you sat on the ground beside him watching as he cranked a wrench this way or that. He knew the spots to kiss below your ear to summon the pretty noises, just for him. 
  You were the love of his life, and he was yours. Two outcasts finding each other and sticking like glue. 
  But the past year had been hard on him, he was back in school again, super senior times two, and he fell deep into the facade the town had molded him into. He was angry, feeling the weight of the heavy chip on his shoulder, the pounding ache in his skull.
  It wasn’t your fault, but somehow you were the easiest to push away. 
  He became mean, became everything they thought he was, leaning into his reputation. And as much as he fooled the others you knew that wasn’t the Eddie you had fallen for. 
  The Eddie you knew was sweet. And not just a nice guy but affectionate in ways you didn’t know anyone could be. 
  He’d open doors for you, carry your books to class, pick you up before school and drop you off every day, even on days you worked at the bar wiping slimy tables, he’d wait for you shift to be over, tipping and whistling when you walked away, letting the whole bar know you were his girl. 
  He wrote mushy songs about his love for you that would make the rest of the band gag. Promising you the moon and the stars while laying out on the top of his van, Eddie was wrapped around your finger, just as much as you were around his. 
  November was the month she had left, and it was always tough for him, but that year it ate at him. The pain from abandonment spread like wicked vines in his chest and he lashed out at anyone who crossed him. 
  It hurt when he started picking fights, bickering over what songs you played in your car, tossing the tapes out the window, laughing when you got mad. It hurt worse when he ignored you all together, heated fights ending with him unplugging his phone from the wall jack, not wanting to hear your pleas. 
  He stopped calling, stopped staying for your shift at the bar, claiming he had something else to do. DnD and weed became his only escape, usually finding solace in your arms, your kisses, but he had outgrown them, outgrown you. 
  That day was the same as any other Friday. 
  He had picked you up for school, wearing his hellfire shirt and greeting you with a sleepy smile and a morning cigarette, one he had inhaled and held while he pressed his lips to yours, only breaking away and pushing the smoke from his lungs and into yours when they were screaming. 
  “You look pretty, who’s the lucky guy?”
  It was a running joke between you, but somehow the joke fell flat when it was rumored that Chrissy Cunningham was seeking him out. 
  you blew the smoke between your lips and settled into the velour seats of his van, “oh just some curly haired metal guy, always wears the old leather jacket we found in Indianapolis three years ago, super good lookin’ kind of a dick, lately.” 
  He scrubs his hands down his face, “c’mon babe don’t start this shit again.” 
  You were still hurting from your argument last night, he just couldn’t understand how it was a big deal that Chrissy seeked him out to do special k with her, at his trailer, alone. 
  “I’m not starting anything, I just think her intentions are more than getting high.” 
  “It’s an easy sixty bucks, triple what it’s worth— I’d be stupid to turn it down.” 
  “Or just stupid to do it.” 
  The two of you had argued for hours over this, ending the phone call with a slam into the receiver on Eddie’s end. And tear stained pillows on yours. 
  Crazy to think now how that was what was killing you, your boyfriend who was pushing you away. 
  You were so naive, then. Not knowing that within a day's time, Chrissy would be found dead in Eddie’s trailer and he would be missing. And whatever her intentions truly were wouldn’t matter. 
  “No need to apologize,” you whispered into the dark, fingers moving his bangs from his face. 
  He pulled away, reaching for the lamp on his side table and pulling his knees to his chest. “Thought I was past this shit.” 
  “Your doctor said the possibility of them coming back is higher than them leav—”
  “I know—” he barked, rubbing the heel of his palm into his eye, “sorry, fuck I’m tired of it— it’s been six years!” 
After Hellfire was over, Eddie paid Mike to make sure you got home safe, which led to you throwing the velvet bag of dice at his chest, demanding answers. 
  “So I’m not allowed to be at your place when she’s there?!” your finger nails dug into your jeans as your hands pressed into your hips. 
  “Oh here we go—“ Eddie breathed out annoyed, “it’ll take a half hour, tops.”
  “so since it won’t be that long it shouldn’t be a problem for me to be there when Chrissy and her skanky ponytail show up, right?” 
  “Well, I’m driving her there.” 
  You almost laughed in his face at his hurtful joke, but when he peered down at you, you knew his dimples wouldn’t show up and he’d tickle your sides kissing you frantically and laughing. 
  He was serious. 
  Driving that cheap tramp to his place, making a sale, doing k and then what? You could see the web she was stringing along, and you knew he did too. He was just playing dumb. 
  “.. wow munson, (a name you only called him when you were mad) hope she swallows.” 
  Rolling his eyes he muttered, “Jesus Christ sweet—” 
  “Don’t sweetheart me!” You said shoving his chest with all your might, he didn’t even tip back onto his heels. “You can use the sixty dollars to pay for your new script when you catch something.” 
  “Grow up, it’s not like that,” he grumbled, blowing you off and walking away from you. 
  “Really?” You chirped, following him to the back of his van, “tell me what it is like then, because last time I checked- I didn’t have guys over at my house without you.”
  “It’s just a sale,” he gritted through his teeth, slamming the back of the van door, “don’t fucking pretend like you weren’t doing the same shit before we started fucking.”
  That was exactly your point. And the fact that he could say it and not even bat an eye or see what her intentions were was fucking insane. 
  Your tongue pressed into your cheek and you ripped his guitar pick necklace from your neck, and threw it as his reeboks, “fuck you.”
  Stomping over to Nancy Wheeler’s station wagon, you hopped in the passenger seat. 
  “Drive Wheeler.”
  “Huh?” Mike said confused and nervous that he was the one to drive you home. 
  “Fucking drive!” 
  Whatever could have or would have happened between Chrissy and Eddie never did, she was dead within ten minutes of being at the trailer. 
  And Eddie fled, making a pit stop to grab the only thing important to him, the only one who would believe him, you. 
  You had never seen him like that before. His eyes were wider than they ever were. At first you thought he was fucked up on some bad shit, maybe Chrissy convinced him to do some coke or even worse. 
  “Aww the princess wouldn’t put out?.” You seethed before attempting to slam the door in his face, he caught it with a thick hand and shoved his way in. 
  His face was ghost-white pale, eyes wide and scary like he was a little kid and witnessed a true monster lurking beneath his bed. 
  “Shut up, we have to— c’mon,” he grabbed your wrist and drug you up the stairs to your bedroom, once there he began opening up your drawers and tossing clothes onto your bed. 
  “What the hell are you doing?” you protested, trying to stop him from ripping your entire room apart. 
  “I can’t,” and this was the first time you saw your boyfriend break, he was always strong, holding you when your own mom left with her many boyfriends, brushing your tears away at the end of a sad movie, but here he was, tears stinging his eyes, crying while he held a combination of his clothes that you kept in your dresser and yours. “…can’t explain— right now, please baby, fuck please! Help me!” 
  you did as you were told, opting to ask questions later, you nearly tripped down the stairs with how hard Eddie was dragging you behind him, he stopped in the kitchen and grabbed the first food items he could think of, and thirty seconds later you were in his van, watching him wipe tears from his eyes as he sped through town. 
He had never told you the most frightening part of his nightmare, and it wasn’t the bats or vecna or the way he felt like he was suffocating. Or Chrissy’s body snapping like a fucking twig under a bears claw, it was worse than all of that. 
  “It’s the same thing over and over again,” Eddie said between puffs of a cigarette, your warm hand rubbing his back like you always did on bed nights,  “I’m lying there almost dead, and I can see Henderson, feel the bats teeth, but…”
  “It’s okay Eddie, it was traumatizing— but you’ve come a long way, and I’m so proud of you.”
  The truth is what scared him the most. 
  “You’re scaring me Eddie,”
  “Yeah- well I’m pretty fucking scared right now too, I have no idea what I— fuck I’m losing my mind.” 
  His foot was pressed flush with the floor, no time for stop signs. 
  “Just tell me what happened so I can help!” you yelled, unable to calm yourself out of fright.
   He turned to look at you and you swore he aged 10 years, “She’s fucking dead, I don’t know how, I don’t know why. She flung into the air like a fucking squirrel or some shit and then she- she, and then she snapped.” 
  “She snapped? Like she went crazy? Like a witch?”
  “What? No, not like a witch! She snapped like her bones fucking snapped and then she fell to the ground and she was— dead.” 
  “We need to hide, it won’t take very long for someone to notice there’s a dead bitch in my living room.”
  “You were right.” 
  “She— Chrissy, she wasn’t there that night to buy from me. I didn’t, I swear to you, I had no idea.” 
  “It was so long ago Eddie, it doesn't matter now.” 
  “It does..”
  “I wanna be with you.” 
  Running from the cops, finding out about the upside down and helping your new found friends discover vecna and his curse still couldn’t stop you and Eddie from bickering. 
  He was pissed that you had dove in the water after Robin and Nancy, even more pissed when you resurfaced and found you helping Nancy wrap up a badly bleeding Steve. 
  You were mad that he ate all the honey comb back at Rick’s before you even woke up, leaving you with a rumbling stomach and a growing hatred for him. 
  And worst of all, you were still upset that you were both in this mess. Imagine if he had just listened to you and Chrissy would have died at her own house or better yet at Jason’s. You and Eddie wouldn’t be reeking like an ogre’s armpits and your socks and underwear wouldn’t be soggy.
  And now he didn’t even want you with him.
  “I’ll be fine,” he said with an eyeroll, his chin dipping into the green vest, “I’ll be right back.” 
  Chrissy didn’t come over for drugs, the minute her door slammed in the van she was all over him, rubbing his thigh and walking her nails up his chest. 
  It felt good to be wanted by someone else. He wouldn’t deny it. He felt like you were his past and he wanted something new, something… more. 
  Someone like Chrissy Cunningham. 
  She wasn’t prettier than you were, but she was cute, and he had a crush on her for as long as he could remember. 
  Plus, her boyfriend was the biggest asshole in all of Hawkins High so how great would it be to find out his girlfriend was cheating on him with the freak? 
  He thought of you.
  His girl.
  Your smile, your witty little jokes, the way your curves felt in his hands, how you were the first girl to actually give a shit about him. 
  He loved you, goddamn he fucking loved you. 
  He started second guessing everything that was happening. Suddenly Chrissy’s nails felt like talons and her perfume smelled like rancid rotting fruit, he pushed her away in disgust, and her eyes flickered a sinister shade of milky blue. 
  But before anything could happen, before her lips could even touch his, and before he could tell her to get out and find another way home, she was dead. 
Blood was fountaining from his mouth, he made Dustin promise to take care of the others. And before Dustin could beg him to stay, he heard your voice. Pretty and musical, 
  Eddie bear. 
  You had called to him like an angel. 
  My sweet sweet Eddie, how fucking dumb are you? 
  He couldn’t get away from it, he tried to focus on Dustin’s voice but it was no use. 
  I’m glad you’re dying, you worthless fuck. Now you can lie with that whore, forever. 
  “I— I know it was Vecna, but it— fuck baby it’s your voice.” 
  You didn’t cry easily, not anymore. But the tears hit the tops of Eddie’s bare shoulder before you can catch them. And you sob into his neck. 
  “I love you, sweet girl— I’m sorry I’m so sorry.” 
  It wasn’t a secret how much you didn’t like Chrissy, even now when she’s been buried for years you still couldn’t forgive her. 
  You had heard what her plans were when you were stacking paint supplies for Ms. Greenly in the supply closet earlier that week. Her locker was right next tk the closet door snd you could hear everything she was saying. 
   She was talking to Carol about her plans of seducing Eddie, how he had become so hot this past year, how Jason wasn’t filling her needs anymore. But maybe if she got under some trailer trash like Eddie— it would help her appreciate how good she had it. 
  She had just wanted to use him for her own benefit, using the fact that he had liked her years before to win him over. 
  “Plus,” she added, “have you seen the dog he’s dating? Barf.” 
  You may pried open her locker after that, and you might have poured red paint on her Pom poms. But it wasn’t anything she didn’t deserve. 
  Eddie never told you about what he heard when he was fighting for his life that night. 
  You had cried so hard when Steve rolled up to the creel house and hollered for you to get in, Eddie was sprawled in the back nearly dead. You jumped in beside him, holding his head in your hands and asking a frantic Dustin what had happened. 
  The rest of the days were a blur. Eddie was stable but in extreme amounts of pain. Feeling guilty that he was the one to come back and Max was still in a coma, bones shattered like Chrissy’s were. 
  You rarely left, visiting every hour you could and sharing Eddie’s hospital bed. 
  “I’m sorry baby, I’m so fucking sorry,” he repeated it almost every hour, you thought it was for him almost dying and refusing to let you come with, but now you understood. 
Six years has passed and you both left Hawkins the week after he was cleared from the hospital. Both unable to stomach the idea of staying in a town that quite frankly was formed on the hubs of hell. 
  Hawkins was your home, but it was filled with toxic memories. Ones that you and Eddie had put behind you, ones that never got brought up. 
  You were in love again, no longer fighting, promising to be together until you were both old and gray. Eddie was the same boy you fell in love with in the band room years before, sweet as can be. Your hero. 
  And maybe it was Vecna’s curse brewing that wedged between you and Eddie to begin with. Vecna saw that he was valuable, much more use to him as a leader among an army of the undead than just an undead soldier. 
  That was Will’s theory at least, explaining why Eddie was distancing himself, why his head hurt all the time why he became so mean and vile, and why he was driving you away. 
  Vecna acted through Chrissy, taunting and teasing him, coming into his dreams and promising him power, riches, and companionship. 
  The nightmares were like a ticking clock, acting on the same four chimes as Vecna worked, four nights of hell for not obeying his orders, for not joining him. 
  For now, he waited in the shadows. He’d wait for however long it took. Waiting for his right hand Kas, to return. 
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