#Mars Planet in Hindi
astrosolutions · 1 year
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In astrology, the placement of Mars in the 12th house is considered significant. The 12th house is associated with hidden enemies, isolation, and self-undoing. Mars, on the other hand, represents energy, aggression, and passion. When Mars is placed in the 12th house, it can indicate a struggle with expressing anger or taking action due to fear or self-doubt. This placement can also bring a desire for solitude and a need to confront subconscious fears and insecurities. However, it is important to note that the influence of other planets and aspects in the birth chart can modify the interpretation of Mars in the 12th house. Understanding the placement of Mars in the 12th house can provide insights into a person’s inner conflicts and how they can work through them to achieve personal growth.
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jeevanjali · 2 months
August Grah Gochar 2024 : अगस्त माह 4 ग्रहों का गोचर इन राशियों लिए रह सकता है भारीAugust Transit 2024 Horoscope : अगस्त का महीना शुरू होने के साथ ही लाएगा अपने साथ कुछ राशियों के लिए मुश्किलें तो कुछ को मिलेगा लाभ। Grah Gochar Rashifal August 2024 में इस माह कुछ महत्वपूर्ण ग्रह अपनी चाल में बदलाव करना चाहिएगे। आइये जान लेते हैं इन ग्रहों का आपकी राशि पर असर।
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celestialtarot11 · 4 months
The Nakshaktras 🦢🌷
Hi friends! Just thought I’d share some Vedic astrology notes 👀 I may have been reading just a bit on it. Please enjoy as always! Feel free to like, comment and reblog.
🌷 Ashwini Moon are intelligent people. Despite their fiery nature the moon resides in-these people can be attracted to the water depths of spirituality. They can have strong beliefs or values in spirituality or God. Or none at all. These natives are strong minded.
🦢 Sun in Ashwini is exalted. These natives can be great physicians and healers, even great reiki healers. In Hinduism, the Ashwins are depicted as divine mystical doctors who were healers. They brought their healing energy to the earth. Therefore, Ashwini sun + other placements have a tenacity for healing through touch, but also can pick up on nursing/being a doctor of some kind.
🌷 Bharani natives are ruled by Venus. Bharani in Hindi means to bear, to give, so Bharani’s also have a dedicated, loyal nature to them. Their mars-venus interaction adds to their appeal. Represented by the elephant of burden, Bharani natives can find themselves carrying the stress of work, family, etc. especially moon in Bharani.
🦢 Sun in Bharani denotes leadership, authority, and power. Sigmund Freud had this placement. He struggled with the burden of a philosophical mind, overthinking and all-seeing. But, he delivered a great deal of help to understanding our psychology today.
🌷Krittika natives experience an exaltation in Taurus. Krittika natives fight for a cause and have strong will, and also have the power to burn. Destroy, and recreate. Krittika is symbolized by a flame, to burn away negativity. These natives may posses the power to cleanse a room just by their presence alone. They help people feel safe, and grounded. Krittika natives enjoy the pleasures of cooking, art, music or painting of any kind. Frida Kahlo had her moon in Taurus. Princess Diana’s venus also resides in Taurus.
🦢 Rohini natives and sensual, beautiful and charming. Rohini represents the cosmic force needed to create. Universal energies reside in this placement. The native can see tremendous growth by remaining disciplined and focused. Rohini also has the ability to become very spiritual ore religious. The native may find themselves constantly shedding to release, similar to a scorpio. They are represented by the snake, a sign of shedding old skin.
🌷 Mrigashira natives are represented in Hinduism by the “searching star.” “Beginning of search.” Ruling planet is mars, reflecting the great warrior within when it comes to the truth. The native can be relentless, restless for the truth. Whether it concerns themselves, others, of everyone. They can often feel the need for spiritual liberation in their life. These natives can have a deer like appearance-Brooke Shields has her moon in gemini.
🦢 Ardra natives are ruled by mercury. Strong, independent and passionate thinkers. Ardra is represented by tears, or water. Although it is ruled by mercury, natives have a watery depth to them. Their water is the clarity that comes after a storm. These natives love being helpful, solution oriented, and goal driven. Their water is pure, cleansing away any bad omen. Ardra also knows the power of knowledge, these natives are often projected as “fickle,” “naive” or “confusing” but in reality, they cover every perception, choice, and outcome. They just have a high sense of awareness.
🌷 Punarvasu natives are represented by the mother Goddess Aditi, who tends to her seeds for growth. She has power to gain wealth and abundance. Its symbol is arrows, representing the success of projects and goal oriented mind. The native can struggle mentally, due to over-intellectualizing their life. They can become severe and critical in nature. Although the represent the return of the light, they can struggle with reaching their light, and may turn to intellectualizing their emotions.
🌷 Punarvasu career paths: 🌷
-Acting, drama, entertainment, politics, writers/publisher, spiritual teacher.
🦢 Ardra’s career path: 🦢
-writer, teacher, hospice work, social services, public relations, sales, athlete.
🌷 Mrigashira career path: 🌷
-writer, poet, astrologer, researcher, engineer, gemologist, acting profession, real estate, music.
🦢 Rohini career path: 🦢
-politician, authority positions, musician, hotel business, fashion designer, model, artist, actor
🌷 Krittika career path: 🌷
-spiritual teacher, advisor, mentor, musician, dancer, singer, modeling, fashion, military career.
🦢 Bharani career path: 🦢
-publisher, writer, film/music industry, astrologer, psychologist, lawyer, financial consultant, occultist, entrepreneur.
🌷 Ashwini career path: 🌷
-psychologist, therapist, physician, reiki healer, military personnel, police, criminal courts, salespeople.
Thank ya’ll so much for reading! 🌷❤️ Please enjoy and feel free to comment, follow and reblog! Do ya’ll want a part 2? 👀
Paid Readings! 🦢❤️
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blessed1neha · 2 years
Importance of Amatyakaraka Planet in Career & profession
About the significance of the Amatyakaraka planet in Vedic astrology, I frequently get questions. Several people inquire about the Venus outcome as if it were Mars, Saturn, or Amatyakaraka. Thus I made the decision to share some facts with you about Amatyakaraka in various homes and its function in careers and professions.
Let's first learn the fundamentals about the amatyakaraka planet before discussing the function it plays in careers. Every planet, as far as we know, has some significance. Moon, for instance, represents the mind, Mars, the brother, etc. Yet, there are two different kinds of significance in astrology: Fixed Significance and Dynamic Significance. When it comes to fixed significance, each planet's meanings are set for each horoscope.
It stays the same. While in the case of dynamic significance, each horoscope changes what each planet represents. Sun, for instance, represents the Atma or Soul. It's been fixed. The planet with the highest degree in a birth chart, however, will represent the Atma or Soul in cases where dynamic importance is present. They are referred to as Chara Karaka. Chara signifies moving or dynamic.
Atmakaraka Planet is the planet with the highest degree in a birth chart. The King of the Horoscope comparison. It can be compared to our birth chart's Lagna. The planet known as amatyakaraka receives the highest degree after Atmakaraka.
Importance of the Amatyakaraka Planet
Let's now talk about the significance of the Amatyakaraka Planet (AmK). When compared to Atmakaraka Planet (AK), Amatyakaraka Planet might be referred to as the Minister of the Horoscope. A minister will always make recommendations to the king, who uses the minister to carry out his directives. So, it is the planet that Atmakaraka is using to try to grant his request. Because of this, it is crucial to choose a career and profession.
Karma or action is the main focus of Amatyakaraka Planet.
Amatyakaraka is someone the King trusts and who he seeks out for guidance. As a result, it has been said that the relationship between AK and AmK is the Raj yoga of First Order. If it is powerful and dignified, it can carry out the soul's or Atma's command. It is comparable to our birth chart's second or tenth lord. Strong 10th and 2nd lords are crucial for the native people's survival. Also, it is necessary for all forms of honours and recognition.
For a more accurate evaluation of a career, the D10 divisional chart's Dasamsa Chart is checked. Amatyakaraka is a very significant planet in the D10 chart. The time period of this or the signs dominated by the amatyakaraka planet during the Chara Dasha is crucial for determining the most advantageous time for career advancement.
To draw any conclusions, in addition to looking at the Amatyakaraka Planet, we must also look at the 10th Lord of the D1 chart, the Atmakaraka Planet's placement in the D9 chart, and other factors. The mixtures must be perfectly blended. To learn about the significance of the Navamsa chart in our professional lives, watch this video. This Hindi video is available. As a result, knowing Hindi will be helpful to you.
Career Profession by different Amatyakaraka Planet
Amatyakaraka Sun: Sun as the Amatyakaraka in a chart occupies the second-highest degree, behind the Atmakaraka. Sun is a symbol for authority, self-respect, and other things. So, Amatyakaraka Sun will attempt to highlight a career in a horoscope by highlighting planets that are connected to it. Despite the circumstance, Amatyakaraka Sun will decide the profession or vocation of the individual. Sun in Amk can lead to a career as a government employee, administrative assistant, magistrate, doctor, politician, or teacher, among other professions.Sun was Amk in Franklin Roosevelt's astrological horoscope. Amatyakaraka Sun and 10th Lord Venus were in the 10th house. Even though Venus was in the 10th house, Amatyakaraka Sun nevertheless chose the career of politics. Sun was also a great political figurehead for Lal Bahadur Shastri.
We always advise using a composite technique, in which the Parashari Technique and the Jaimini Technique are both applied, to get any career-related conclusions.
Amatyakaraka Moon: When Moon becomes Amatyakaraka, Moon will largely determine her job or occupation. Moon is a symbol for Mind. Hence, Amatyakaraka Moon will reveal careers in the fields of philosophy, spirituality, and business dealing with liquids, among others. Amatyakaraka Moon may provide business relating to Ladies product as Moon also signifies women or Ladies. Together with Amatyakaraka Moon, big bureaucrats can be found.
Swami Vivekananda's Amatyakaraka Moon and Saturn were in harmony in the tenth house. Amatyakaraka Moon was present in the charts of Sri Prabhupad, Arobindo Ghosh, Sai Baba, and other notable figures. So, we can infer that the amatyakaraka Moon in the chart is excellent for spiritual growth
Amatyakaraka Mars: When Amatyakaraka Mars appears in a birth chart, it indicates that the person is most suited for any type of military employment. Mars is the planet's Army commander. It is bursting with vigour. Amatyakaraka Mars so seeks to channel that energy into his or her work. A native with amatyakaraka Mars can work in the fields of engineering, law enforcement, the military, medicine, and investigation, among others.
Amatyakaraka Mercury: Amatyakaraka Mercury predicts careers in business, education, and other fields such as teachers, clerks, and auditors. Mercury is the planet of logic, analysis, and mathematics. Hence, if a person has a strong Amatyakaraka Mercury, he or she can succeed as a scientist, lawyer, and other professions. It is also known as the Planet of Communication. Good marketing executives have a similar impact.
Amatyakaraka Jupiter: Jupiter is known as Amatyakaraka, the planet of knowledge, religion, and other lofty ideals. As a result, amatyakaraka Jupiter may imply a career as a teacher, professor, scholar, priest, or other type of religious leader. Jupiter can also represent money. Thus, Amatyakaraka Jupiter can also grant the profession of banking.
Amatyakaraka Venus: Venus is the most significant planet in the modern world. Because Venus controls the most of the materialistic items we want to possess. A strong and unharmed Venus is therefore a huge blessing. Amatyakaraka Venus can offer careers in the arts, including acting, singing, and other creative fields. It may also lead to a career in graphic design, fashion design, web design, etc. Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi are two prominent politicians that have powerful Amatyakaraka Venus in their natal charts.
Amatyakaraka Saturn: Saturn is said to represent work that requires a lot of effort, repetition, and service to the community, among other things. As a result, when Amatyakaraka Saturn is strong, a person may become a clerk, government employee, social worker, etc. It serves as the planet of justice. Hence, a person with Amatyakaraka Saturn can make an excellent judge or legal officer. Masses are also indicated. Hence, Amatyakaraka Saturn may signify a mass leader.
Excellent intelligence is given by its placement in Kendra(1,4,7,10) from Lagna. The Raj Yoga that results when this planet is in Kendra from the Atmakaraka Planet causes the native to begin employing his or her intelligence at a young age. It produces a Raja Yoga if it is positioned in the tenth house or with the tenth lord.
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Redneck Neighbor Doug: Why Belters are Space Cajuns
If Mandalorians are space rednecks, then Belters from The Expanse are space Cajuns. This is not up for debate, according to the nerdiest Southern man of all time, my neighbor Doug, who, it turns out, loves this show too. I'm 99% sure he's also a TNG and Battlestar fan, but that would just kill me with exhaustion if we went into full deets about it.
Onto our friends in the Belt and why they have so much in common with the French-Americans who reside in the wilder parts of the deep American south of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama.
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I will elucidate now, via Doug, on what Belters and Cajuns do that make them…them:
They make do: First thing we see in the entire series is how much the Belters are royally crapped on by life. They live in space, which permanently alters their bodies, to the point where they can not survive on a planet. To quote, “Belters work the docks, loading and unloading precious cargo…never meant for us”. They don’t have the wealth of Earth or the incredible military drive of Mars, but they’re scrappy, innovative, and do what they can to survive, whether it’s by smuggling, pirating, or allying themselves with powerful folks. Like the French folks in Acadia who got flung from their homes to the bayous of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama, who scrape a living by fishing, boatmaking, bartending, and/or serving as a member of the X-Men. Cajuns and Belters do what they can to survive, giving them an edge that others do not have.
They party hard: Belters love drinking, having parties on their ships and in port, banging everyone on the crew, and overall just being wild. After all, you never know when you’re going to get your air or water cut off by the Inners, might as well live it up. And Cajuns, well, they invented Mardi Gras and their saying is ‘Laissez les bons temps rouler’ or ‘let the good times roll’. Life isn’t easy on a swamp that is constantly wacked by floods or hurricanes, but they party as much as they can. Just like the Belters.
Their women: Some of the best damn characters in the series are the angry ladies of the Belt (Camina Drummer and Naomi Nagata). Man, they something else. They’re loving, fierce, smart, crazy, and can go from Bambi to Banshee in five seconds. Cajun women love to host parties, help with church, and cook and make an amazing roux from dirt and crayfish, but God help you if you piss one off. Those pot carrying arms can snap a neck quicker than a blue crab shell. 
They speak in patois: Ever heard Cajun French? It ain’t from Paris, that’s for sure. It’s mixed up and raw and beautiful in its own right, and for many generations, it was looked down upon by English-speaking neighbors. Belter creole is similar, a smashed up beauty of a language that has come out of life in space, filled with English, Chinese, Farsi, German, Hindi, and other languages. It even has a similar lilt to the bayou! 
They are ungovernable: There’s a reason the Cajuns were never quite able to fully rebel against the various governments that took over their swampy goodtimes. They’re loyal to each other and their land, and that’s about it. Belters are the same–they’ve tried with the OPA, and even then, there’s different factions and squabbling (Anderson Dawes vs Fred Johnson, for example) and it’s only until there’s a genuine, alien threat to they get all united (plus Camina Drummer comes to power, but that’s neither here nor there). 
They’re good at figuring out solutions: Cajuns live in gator and snake infested swamps that flood and hurricanes smash through routinely. But they live and thrive regardless, with their pirogues and their bridges and their houses on the water. Same with Belters: their lives are lived in space, with crappy gravity and air. But they’re scrappy and tough and figure out how to survive. A Redditor pointed out that many of the more ambitious, driven Earthers left generations ago to live on the Belt, as the option was staying on Earth and living on an increasingly overcrowded, shitty planet. Not unlike the ancestors of the Cajuns who left France. 
The Spice Must Flow: Belters have to pack their shitty food full of peppers and spices to make it palatable, to the point one of the nicknames for their most famous dishes is called ‘red kibble’. And have you ever had proper Cajun food? Crawfish, alligator, boudin, and frogs are freaking amazing when done properly, although my fancy British friends were horrified that I enjoyed them. Pass me them mudbugs with some Cachere’s seasoning, collards, and corn, I wanna feel the pain. 
They work in weird and hard places: See above for both Belters and Cajuns. Jobs Cajuns have had range from oil fields to swamps to cities filled with yellow fever. But they take it and have a good sense of humor about it. Same with Belters–they work on rough ships, in radiation filled places in space, and don’t bitch about it. To quote the gaunt Belter, ‘They built the solar system on our backs’. 
Everything and anything can be used as a weapon: A gun? Peshang! Guns are for fancy Inners. Belters will use guns, AND pipes, chairs, each other, elevators, fists, a toothbrush, shives, you name it, they’ve killed with it. They’re tough and scrappy, and so are the Cajuns, whose fights are notorious in the bayou and beyond. Don’t mess with them. 
So yeah, Space Cajuns.
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pudding-parade · 2 years
Music Meme
I was tagged by @celebkiriedhel, sooooo.....
🎶✨ when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, and publish. then, send this ask/tag 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)✨🎶
I've been in a bit of an…eclectic…phase lately, so here's some stuff that's gotten a lot of "airplay" in my house lately. I'm cutting it because I babbled, but before I do that I'll tag: @anamoon63, @enable--llamas, @hazely-sims, @batsheba, @lilleputtu, @echoweaver, @nectar-cellar, @erasabledinosaur, and whoever else might want to do this. Of course, feel free to ignore for any reason. No pressure at all from me!
OK, here we go...
The Gladiator score. The whole thing. I so wish I had played on this one, because it's awesome. Plus, I love Lisa Gerrard. But, on the other hand, I can totally understand why Gustav Holst's estate sued Hans Zimmer's ass because that battle theme sounds an awful lot like Mars, Bringer of War from the Planets Suite. Maybe it was intentional, what with the movie being set in Roman times and Mars being the Roman god of war, but if so you'd think they could have gotten some permission. Apparently not!
Prem Kavita/Wings of the Dawn - Monsoon This is Indipop from the early 80s. No, that isn't indie pop. It's a fusion of Indian music with Western pop. Monsoon sort of pioneered it, and it never really caught on, but as I understand it, it's rising in popularity again. And I love it. Y'all can have your J-pop and K-pop. Gimme all the Indipop. I linked to the Hindi version of the song because I like it better, but there's an English version, too.
Also, I love Sheila Chandra, Monsoon's singer, as a solo artist. It's just a tragedy that she has burning mouth syndrome and is now basically mute. :( Also also, I would love to learn to play the sitar.
Cafe de Anatolia Keeping with a world music theme… This is a 24/7 YouTube stream from a small record label based in Turkey that specializes in a fusion of ethnic music (mostly Middle Eastern and south Asian) with house music, two things that I love. The music is at once meditative and something that you can dance to. I do belly dancing for exercise (it's amazing for your core), and this stream or something else on the same channel is great music for practicing.
Ojos Asi - Shakira Speaking of belly dancing…Ah, Shakira. This is a long remix of my favorite song of hers. Great for belly dancing.
And finally, for something completely different...
One - Apocalyptica Who needs electric guitars to play Metallica songs when you have four Finns from the Sibelius Academy with cellos? I challenge you to tell the difference from about 3:30 to the end. (Also, I have very fond memories of an impromptu jam during a looooooooooooooooong recording session for the first Transformers movie, when we were waiting eternally for Michael Bay reasons, and one of the cellists just started playing the opening pizzicato arpeggios for Apocalyptica's version of "Nothing Else Matters," and the rest of us just started playing the rest. Then the brass players joined in. Good times.)
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astroameesh · 2 days
Vedic Astrology
Vedic Astrology can also be called Indian Vedic astrology. Ved is the origin of Vedic. Veds, as everyone knows, are the basic hindy olds. Vedic astrology can be considered a Hindu astrology. Our blog www.astroameesh.com has detailed information about astrology.
Vedic astrology is based on nine planets and twelve Zodicas.
Nine Planets in Vedic Astrology
In Vedic Astrology, the nine planets are: Sun, Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu. The nine planets in Vedic astrology are Sun, Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn. Rahu and Ketu, however, are shadow planets. Rahu and Ketu are known in English as Dragon Head and Dragon Tell, respectively.
Twelve zodiacs in Vedic astrology
Vedic astrology has twelve zodiacs: Aries, Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces. The Vedic zodiac is divided into four sections: fire, earth, air, and water signs.
Names of fire signs
Aries, Leo and Sagittarius in astrology are fire signs. Fire is the alignment for people born under fire signs.
Name for earth sign
In astrology, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are all fire signs. Earth signs are aligned with the earth.
Name of Air Sign
Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are all fire signs. Air is the alignment for people born under fire signs.
Name for Waster Sign
In astrology, fire signs include Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Fire signs are aligned with water.
Names of 27 birth stars
There are 27 birth starts in vedic astrology:-
Ashwini, Bharani, Krittika, Rohini, Mrighasira, Ardra, Punarvasu, Pushya, Ashlesha, Magha, Purva Phalguni, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Chitra, Swati, Vishaka, Anuradha, Jyestha, Moola, Purvashada, Uttarashada, Sharavan, Dhanishta, Shatabisha, Purvabhadra, Uttara Bhadra, and Revati.#
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snehagoogle · 8 days
What is the difference between the asteroid belt and the Kuiper belt
What is the difference between the asteroid belt and the Kuiper belt
The main differences between the asteroid belt and the Kuiper belt are their location, size, and composition: 
The asteroid belt is located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, while the Kuiper belt is located beyond Neptune's orbit. 
The Kuiper belt is much larger than the asteroid belt, up to 20 times wider and 20 to 200 times more massive. 
The objects in the Kuiper belt are more likely to be icy, while the objects in the asteroid belt are more likely to be rocky. 
The asteroid belt is thought to have failed to coalesce into a planet due to Jupiter's gravitational influence. The Kuiper belt was shaped by Neptune's orbit, which prevented material from forming a large planet.
What is the difference between asteroid belt and Kuiper Belt? The asteroid belt is a ring of asteroids that orbit the sun between Mars and Jupiter. The Kuiper Belt is a ring of asteroids, comets, and other icy bodies that orbit the sun beyond Neptune.9 Jun 2023
Kuiper Belt
NASA Science (.gov)
https://science.nasa.gov › solar-system › kuiper-belt
Similar to the asteroid belt, the Kuiper Belt is a region of leftovers from the solar system's early history. Like the asteroid belt, it has also been shaped by a giant planet, although it's more of a thick disk (like a donut) than a thin belt.
The Kuiper Belt shouldn't be confused with the Oort Cloud, which is a much more distant region of icy, comet-like bodies that surrounds the solar system, including the Kuiper Belt. Both the Oort Cloud and the Kuiper Belt are thought to be sources of comets.
The Kuiper Belt is truly a frontier in space – it's a place we're still just beginning to explore and our understanding is still evolving.
The difference between the asteroid belt and the Kuiper belt would probably be similar to the difference in brightness between two bright objects in the sky - Venus and Jupiter.
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क्षुद्रग्रह बेल्ट और कुइपर बेल्ट के बीच अंतर क्या है
क्षुद्रग्रह बेल्ट और कुइपर बेल्ट के बीच मुख्य अंतर उनका स्थान, आकार और संरचना है:
क्षुद्रग्रह बेल्ट मंगल और बृहस्पति की कक्षाओं के बीच स्थित है, जबकि कुइपर बेल्ट नेपच्यून की कक्षा से परे स्थित है।
कुइपर बेल्ट क्षुद्रग्रह बेल्ट की तुलना में बहुत बड़ा है, 20 गुना तक चौड़ा और 20 से 200 गुना अधिक भारी है।
कुइपर बेल्ट में मौजूद वस्तुओं के बर्फीले होने की संभावना अधिक है, जबकि क्षुद्रग्रह बेल्ट में मौजूद वस्तुओं के चट्टानी होने की संभावना अधिक है।
ऐसा माना जाता है कि बृहस्पति के गुरुत्वाकर्षण प्रभाव के कारण क्षुद्रग्रह बेल्ट एक ग्रह में एकीकृत होने में विफल रहा। कुइपर बेल्ट को नेपच्यून की कक्षा द्वारा आकार दिया गया था, जिसने सामग्री को एक बड़े ग्रह के रूप में बनने से रोका। क्षुद्रग्रह बेल्ट और कुइपर बेल्ट के बीच क्या अंतर है? क्षुद्रग्रह बेल्ट क्षुद्रग्रहों की एक अंगूठी है जो मंगल और बृहस्पति के बीच सूर्य की परिक्रमा करती है। कुइपर बेल्ट क्षुद्रग्रहों, धूमकेतुओं और अन्य बर्फीले पिंडों का एक घेरा है जो नेपच्यून से परे सूर्य की परिक्रमा करते हैं।9 जून 2023
कुइपर बेल्ट
NASA विज्ञान (.gov)
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क्षुद्रग्रह बेल्ट की तरह, कुइपर बेल्ट सौर मंडल के प्रारंभिक इतिहास से बचे हुए अवशेषों का एक क्षेत्र है। क्षुद्रग्रह बेल्ट की तरह, इसे भी एक विशाल ग्रह द्वारा आकार दिया गया है, हालाँकि यह एक पतली बेल्ट की तुलना में एक मोटी डिस्क (डोनट की तरह) अधिक है।
कुइपर बेल्ट को ऊर्ट क्लाउड के साथ भ्रमित नहीं किया जाना चाहिए, जो कि बर्फीले, धूमकेतु जैसे पिंडों का एक बहुत दूर का क्षेत्र है जो कुइपर बेल्ट सहित सौर मंडल को घेरता है। ऊर्ट क्लाउड और कुइपर बेल्ट दोनों को धूमकेतुओं का स्रोत माना जाता है। कुइपर बेल्ट वास्तव में अंतरिक्ष में एक सीमा है - यह एक ऐसा स्थान है जिसका हम अभी अन्वेषण करना शुरू ही कर रहे हैं तथा हमारी समझ अभी भी विकसित हो रही है।
क्षुद्रग्रह बेल्ट और कुइपर बेल्ट दोनों की अंतर शायद आसमानों में दो ऊज्ज्वल नजारा शुक्र ग्रह और बृहस्पति ग्रह के ऊज्ज्वलता के अंतर जैसा होगा
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werindialive · 15 days
Elon Musk Announces Timeline for SpaceX’s First Uncrewed Starship Missions to Mars
Elon Musk, the CEO of SpaceX, has revealed an ambitious timeline for launching the company's first uncrewed Starship missions to Mars. During a recent interview, Musk outlined that SpaceX is aiming to send uncrewed Starships to the Red Planet within the next few years, targeting a potential launch as early as 2026. However, he noted that the timeline is contingent on the success of several upcoming tests. If these missions go as planned, SpaceX could pave the way for crewed missions to Mars shortly after. 
Musk emphasised the significance of these uncrewed landings, saying, “If those landings go well, we could see crewed missions to Mars soon after.” The primary goal of these initial missions is to validate the landing procedures for Starship, a spacecraft designed to carry both cargo and passengers to Mars. Successful landings are crucial for future crewed missions, which could follow as early as the 2030s. Musk’s ultimate goal is to establish a self-sustaining human colony on Mars, which he believes is essential for ensuring the long-term survival of humanity. 
SpaceX’s Starship is a fully reusable spacecraft capable of carrying up to 100 passengers or large quantities of cargo on interplanetary voyages. The spacecraft has been in development for several years, with the company conducting various test flights to perfect its capabilities. Starship’s design includes in-orbit refuelling, which would enable it to travel vast distances without requiring an excessive amount of fuel at launch. Musk envisions Starship as the key to making life multi-planetary, as it would be able to transport people, equipment, and supplies to Mars on a large scale. 
However, landing on Mars poses unique challenges that SpaceX has been working to overcome. The planet’s thin atmosphere and the absence of infrastructure make precision landings far more complex than those on Earth or even the Moon. Musk acknowledged that many obstacles remain, but he remains optimistic. He explained that each test provides valuable data that improves the chances of success for future missions. 
If the uncrewed Starship missions succeed, SpaceX will be well on its way to sending humans to Mars within the next decade. Musk has made it clear that these early missions are crucial to achieving his larger vision for Mars colonisation, which involves transforming the planet into a place where humans can live permanently. While many hurdles remain, SpaceX's progress is bringing humanity closer to becoming an interplanetary species. 
SpaceX’s Mars program is one of the most daring and far-reaching space exploration initiatives in history, reflecting Musk's determination to push the boundaries of what is possible in space travel and colonisation. For more technology news in Hindi, subscribe to our newsletter. 
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jaiminiastro · 3 months
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Top 5 Gemstones for Money: Best Online Gemstone Store in India
India, a land of vibrant culture and rich heritage, has always held gemstones in high regard. These precious stones are not just beautiful adornments but are also believed to possess astrological and healing properties. With the rise of e-commerce, buying online gemstones has become increasingly popular. However, navigating the vast online marketplace can be daunting. This blog post will guide you through the top 5 gemstones, including the popular red coral gemstone, that offer great value for money and introduce you to Jaimini Astro, one of the best online gemstone stores in India.
Why Buy Gemstones Online from the Best Online Gemstone Store in India?
There are several advantages to buying online gemstones online through Jaimini Astro, a trusted best online gemstone store in India:
Wider Selection: Jaimini Astro offers a vast collection of gemstones, including red coral gemstones, compared to physical stores. You can find rare and exotic stones that might not be available in your local market.
Competitive Prices: Jaimini Astro strives to offer competitive prices on gemstones online buy, ensuring you get the best value for your money. This makes them a great choice for anyone looking for affordable gemstones.
Convenience: You can browse and purchase gemstones from the comfort of your home at any time through Jaimini Astro's user-friendly online store.
Greater Transparency: Jaimini Astro provides detailed information about the gemstones they sell, including origin, treatments, and certifications, ensuring you make informed decisions.
Top 5 Gemstones for Money
When choosing gemstones, consider not just their astrological significance or beauty, but also their value for money. Here are our top 5 picks, including the popular red coral gemstone, all available at the best online gemstone store in India like JaiminiAstro:
Citrine: Often referred to as the "merchant's stone," citrine is a yellow variety known for attracting wealth and prosperity. It's a relatively affordable gemstone with a beautiful golden hue, making it a great choice for everyday wear.
Garnet: Available in a variety of colors like red, orange, and green, garnet is a popular and versatile gemstone. It's known for its symbolic association with love, passion, and protection. Garnets are generally affordable, making them a great entry point for those new to gemstone jewelry.
Amethyst: This stunning violet gemstone is believed to promote peace, clarity, and intuition. Amethyst is widely available and comes in various price ranges depending on its quality and size. You can find beautiful amethyst pieces at a reasonable cost at JaiminiAstro, the best online gemstone store in India.
Moonstone: With its mesmerizing adularescence sheen, moonstone is a gemstone associated with intuition, emotional balance, and new beginnings. Moonstone is a relatively affordable gemstone with a unique and captivating appearance, and JaiminiAstro, the best online gemstone store in India, offers a wide selection to choose from.
Red Coral Gemstone: Also known as "Moonga" in Hindi, red coral is a popular gemstone believed to possess astrological significance and healing properties. It's associated with the planet Mars and is thought to bring courage, confidence, and success. JaiminiAstro, the best online gemstone store in India, offers high-quality red coral gemstones at competitive prices.
Benefits of Owning a Red Coral Gemstone
While all the gemstones mentioned offer great value, red coral possesses unique properties that make it a compelling choice:
Astrological Significance: In Vedic astrology, red coral is associated with the planet Mars, symbolizing courage, passion, and determination. It is believed to balance the malefic effects of Mars, bringing positivity and strength.
Healing Properties: Red coral is believed to have various healing benefits, including improving blood circulation, boosting energy levels, and strengthening bones and joints. It is important to note that these claims are not backed by scientific evidence.
Where to Buy Red Coral Gemstone Online
If you're looking for a high-quality red coral gemstone at a competitive price, JaiminiAstro is the perfect destination. Here's why you should choose JaiminiAstro, the best online gemstone store in India, for your red coral gemstone needs:
Authenticity Guaranteed: JaiminiAstro sources its red coral gemstones directly from reliable sources and ensures they are certified by independent gemological labs. This guarantees you receive a genuine and ethically sourced online gemstone.
Variety of Options: Jaimini Astro, the best online gemstone store in India, offers a wide variety of red coral gemstones in different sizes, shapes, and qualities. You can find the perfect red coral to suit your style and budget.
Expert Advice: Jaimini Astro's friendly and knowledgeable staff can provide expert advice on choosing the right red coral gemstone for your astrological needs or preferences.
Buying gemstones online from the best online gemstone store in India like Jaimini astro can be a rewarding experience. With their wide selection of high-quality gemstones, including red coral, competitive prices, and exceptional customer service, JaiminiAstro is your one-stop shop for all your gemstone needs. Visit https://jaiminiastro.com/ today to browse our collection and start your gemstone journey.
Additional Tips for Finding the Best Online Gemstone Store in India
Read customer reviews: Look for online reviews of different best online gemstone stores in India to get insights from other customers.
Compare prices: Don't be afraid to compare prices between different best online gemstone stores in India before making a purchase. Return policy: Make sure the best online gemstone store in India you choose has a clear and hassle-free return policy in case you are not satisfied with your purchase.
By following these tips, you can be sure to find a reputable online gemstone store in India that offers high-quality gemstones at competitive prices.
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bhagyag123 · 3 months
Buy Original Red Coral (Moonga) Ring Online | BhagyaG
Buy Original Red Coral (Moonga) Ring Online | BhagyaG. Among the gemstones valued for its astrological and metaphysical meaning, the Bhagyag Red Coral is a unique representation of energy, ardor, and good fortune. This gemstone is highly valued in many cultural traditions and spiritual activities because of its vivid reddish-orange color and mystical qualities. "Bhagya" signifies fortune or fate in Sanskrit, which is where the term "Bhagyag" first appeared. The primary source of Bhagyag Red Coral, also called "Moonga" in Hindi, is the deep oceans, specifically the Mediterranean Sea, where it develops inside the skeletons of coral polyps. Iron oxide is responsible for the unique red hue of the gemstone. The planet Mars (Mangal) is linked to the Bhagyag Red Coral in Hindu astrology and Vedic traditions. Mars is regarded as a planet of vigor, daring, ambition, and energy. Wearing this gemstone is frequently advised by astrologers to maximize Mars' beneficial effects and lessen its negative ones, like rage or violence. It is said to develop harmony in relationships while encouraging bravery, physical strength, and assertiveness. Beyond its astrological connotations, metaphysical practices value the Bhagyag Red Coral for its supposed therapeutic qualities. It is said to increase the wearer's vitality, energy, and endurance. According to popular belief, this gemstone opens the root chakra, which fosters security, stability, and a sense of foundation. Additionally, it is said to defend against psychic attacks and fend off evil energy. Due to their scarcity and symbolic meaning, red corals have been prized throughout history by many different cultures. They embellished jewelry worn by warriors and nobility in antiquity, signifying bravery, sturdiness, and defense. Red coral was said to protect sailors from bad luck and ward off the evil eye in Mediterranean cultures. Across cultures, myths and stories have been influenced by its vivid color and inherent beauty. Scientifically speaking, Bhagyag Red Coral is made of calcium carbonate, which was created over ages by the buildup of marine polyp skeletons. With a Mohs hardness rating of 3.5, it is comparatively softer than other gemstones. Red coral's organic origin means that it needs to be handled and maintained carefully to maintain its integrity and shine. The vibrant hue, cultural significance, and metaphysical qualities of the Bhagyag Red Coral never cease to fascinate gemstone aficionados, astrologers, and spiritual practitioners. This gemstone is an everlasting symbol of energy and good fortune, whether it is prized for its cultural value, sought after for its astrological benefits, or appreciated for its natural beauty. Bhagyag Red Coral, whose magical appeal has endured through the years, narrates a tale of strength, passion, and timeless beauty as it adorns rings, necklaces, and talismans. Buy Original Red Coral (Moonga) Ring Online | BhagyaG.
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salasarjigemsllp222 · 5 months
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3 Mukhi Rudraksha
is considered to be the form of Lord Shiva in the scriptures. Those who wear Rudraksh, Lord Bholenath has special blessings on them. 3 Mukhi Rudraksha originated from the tears of Lord Shiva.
Wearing 3 Mukhi Rudraksha has health benefits. Three Mukhi Rudraksha is considered to be the symbol of three powers. By wearing it around the neck, a person gets freedom from many types of physical sufferings. Wearing three faced Rudraksh around the neck destroys planetary defects related to Mars and Sun.
Wearing Rudraksh is very beneficial for the students. It is believed to increase their energy and courage.
Three Mukhi Rudraksha is related to the God of Mars. So it is very beneficial for people with the zodiac signs of Aries and Scorpio. According to astrology, people who have negative or inauspicious position of Mars in their horoscope can also wear three faced Rudraksha.
People doing jobs should wear three faced Rudraksh. Wearing three Mukhi Rudraksha gives success in work. At the same time, respect is earned.
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Rules for wearing Rudraksha: Always wear Rudraksh in red or yellow thread only. Never touch it with impure hands and wear it only after taking a bath. While wearing Rudraksha, the mantra of Lord Shiva should be chanted Om Namah Shivay. The Rudraksha worn by a person should never be given to someone else to wear.
How to Wear Rudraksha : To get the desired result, 3 Mukhi Rudraksha should be worn on any Monday in the month of Sawan by chanting Shiva Mantra. On Mondays of Sawan, first bathe the Rudraksha with pure water, then with a mixture of Panchamrit (milk-curd-honey-ghee-Ganga water) and finally bathe it with Gangajal. Sitting in the place of worship in the house or in any Shiva temple, light a lamp using cow’s ghee, do tilak and put the 3 Mukhi Rudrakasha on a red cloth in the holy place of worship in front of you. Take a little water in hand and make a resolution – O Tridev, I (say your name and gotra) am invoking this Rudraksha to get the special grace of Lord Shiva and to get the desired fruit, may it give me perfection in my work. Saying this leave the water on the ground below. After worshiping like this, chant this mantra 108 times. Mantra- Om Kleem Namah or Om Namah Shivay. After chanting the mantra, rotate the Rudraksha 21 times over the flame of the lamp and wear it while chanting the mantra Om Namah Shivay.
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Address: 222, Agarwal tower, I.P.Extension, Patparganj, Delhi, 110092
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gemswisdom · 6 months
Buy Original Red Coral (Moonga Stone) Online Price in Delhi - Gemswisdom
Natural Red Coral Gemstone
Coral is a precious gemstone that is formed by the skeletal remains of marine organisms known as coral polyps. The gemstone is found in various colors ranging from white, pink, red, and black.
Coral has been used in jewelry for thousands of years and is believed to have metaphysical properties. In ancient times, it was thought to ward off evil spirits and protect against harm. Today, it is still used as a symbol of protection and is believed to bring good luck, prosperity, and success to the wearer.
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Coral is a relatively soft gemstone with a hardness of 3.5 on the Mohs scale, which makes it susceptible to scratching and damage. It is also sensitive to heat, chemicals, and sunlight, so it requires gentle handling and care. To clean coral jewelry, it is recommended to use a soft cloth and mild soap and water.
Due to over-harvesting and climate change, coral reefs are facing serious threats, and the use of coral in jewelry has become controversial. As a result, some jewelers now offer eco-friendly alternatives, such as coral-inspired designs made from sustainable materials like recycled plastic or glass.
Benefits of Coral Gemstone
Coral gemstone, also known as Moonga in Hindi, is a precious gemstone that has been used for centuries for its healing properties and astrological benefits. Some of the benefits of coral gemstone are:
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Boosts Energy: Coral gemstone is believed to boost physical energy and vitality. It can help you overcome fatigue and improve your stamina.
Improves Digestion: Coral gemstone is believed to aid in digestion and help alleviate digestive disorders such as acidity and indigestion.
Balances Hormones: Coral gemstone is believed to help balance hormones and alleviate menstrual problems in women.
Enhances Mental Focus: Coral gemstone is believed to enhance mental focus and concentration, making it an ideal gemstone for students and professionals.
Protection: Coral gemstone is believed to provide protection against negative energies and evil eye.
Healing Properties: Coral gemstone is believed to have healing properties and is used to treat skin disorders, respiratory problems, and arthritis.
Astrological Benefits: Coral gemstone is believed to be associated with the planet Mars and is said to provide astrological benefits such as courage, confidence, and success in business and career.
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Contact Details Unit of Salasar Ji Gems LLP 1185-87, Shop No. 9, Gems Plaza, Chhatta Madan Gopal, Maliwara, Chandni Chowk, Delhi, India, 110006 91+997 139 1757 91+861 939 0550
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Cancer in Astrology
Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiac and is a water sign. Its time period is between June 21 to July 20. It is called “kark” zodiac sign in hindi astrology. Cancer is a cardinal sign and “Mother” of all zodiac signs. Cancer occupies the fourth house of the horoscope chart i.e of mother and other home comforts.
It is the most nurturing and emotional sign. Its ruling planet is “Moon” and its symbol is Crab. Just like the moon in the night sky gives shine on earth and cool, serene and comfort to all living beings on earth so that all living beings can sleep with peace, Cancers provide nurture and care to all other zodiac signs.
The qualities of a Cancerian are emotional sensitivity, sympathy, nurturing nature, intuition, caring, and loyalty. Cancerians have vivid imaginative minds, artistic and are deeply emotional, sympathetic as a result can be moody. They express themselves through artistic ways like music, art and dance.
They don’t trust easily and hide in their cocoons when they feel hurt or vulnerable. They form strong emotional connections with their loved ones and people they trust. Jupiter is exalted in Cancer sign. Cancerians are most compatible with water signs like Scorpio, Pisces and earth signs namely Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus.
Cancer is friendly with the Moon, enemy with Saturn, Mars and neutral to Venus and Mercury. Cancer loves to take care of their family members and spirituality. Cancers can become good healers, children keepers, homemakers, nannies, spiritual leaders, tarot card readers, caretakers, and other artistic professions. 
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rahulastro · 6 months
Possible Causes of Divorce or Marital Discord Due to Planetary Positions in the Birth Chart
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Welcome to the intriguing realm of astrology, where the alignment of celestial bodies can influence every aspect of our lives, including our relationships. In this captivating journey, we delve into the depths of Kundli analysis to uncover the potential causes of divorce or marital discord attributed to planetary positions in the birth chart.
Understanding Kundli
Before we embark on this celestial adventure, let's grasp the essence of Kundli, also known as the birth chart. A Kundli is a personalized astrological chart that maps the positions of celestial bodies at the time of an individual's birth. This cosmic snapshot serves as a guide, providing insights into one's personality traits, life events, and yes, even the dynamics of their relationships.
The Role of Planetary Positions
In the cosmic dance of the universe, each planet exerts its unique energy, influencing different aspects of our lives. When it comes to relationships, the placement of planets in our birth chart can offer profound insights into the dynamics of our partnerships.
Saturn's Stern Influence
Saturn, the disciplinarian of the zodiac, plays a pivotal role in determining the longevity and stability of a marriage. When positioned unfavorably in the Kundli, Saturn can bring about challenges and obstacles in marital life, leading to conflicts and ultimately, divorce.
Mars: The Planet of Passion and Conflict: Ah, fiery Mars! This planet symbolizes passion, desire, and yes, even aggression. When placed in challenging positions in the birth chart, Mars can ignite conflicts, fueling arguments and discord between partners. Its influence can manifest as impulsive behavior, infidelity, and a lack of emotional harmony, all of which can strain a marriage to the breaking point.
Venus: The Planet of Love and Harmony: In contrast to Mars, Venus exudes a gentle, nurturing energy, symbolizing love, romance, and harmony in relationships. However, when afflicted in the birth chart, Venus may struggle to express its positive qualities, leading to issues such as dissatisfaction, lack of affection, or even extramarital affairs, ultimately jeopardizing the marital bond.
Jupiter's Benevolent Blessings: As the planet of expansion and abundance, Jupiter brings blessings and growth to our lives, including our relationships. A well-placed Jupiter in the birth chart can signify a harmonious and fulfilling marriage, characterized by mutual respect, generosity, and spiritual connection. However, its negative influence may lead to overindulgence, extravagance, or unrealistic expectations, causing strain in the relationship.
Analyzing Kundli for Relationship Insights: Now that we've explored the influence of planetary positions on marital dynamics, let's discuss how you can leverage Kundli analysis to gain deeper insights into your relationship.
Harnessing the Power of Technology: Thanks to the wonders of modern technology, obtaining a Kundli has never been easier. With online platforms offering free Kundli services in Hindi, you can unlock the secrets of your birth chart from the comfort of your home. Simply input your birth details, and voila! Your personalized Kundli awaits, ready to unveil the cosmic blueprint of your life.
Interpreting Your Kundli: Navigating the Cosmic Map: Once you've obtained your Kundli, it's time to decipher its mystical symbols and patterns. Pay close attention to the placement of planets in key houses related to marriage and partnerships, such as the Seventh House and its ruler. Analyze any planetary aspects or conjunctions that may impact your relationship dynamics, taking note of both favorable and challenging influences.
Seeking Guidance from Astrologers: While online free Kundli in hindi services provide valuable insights, consulting with experienced astrologers can offer personalized guidance tailored to your unique circumstances. An astrologer can help you interpret the nuances of your Kundli, offering remedies and strategies to mitigate any challenges and strengthen your relationship bonds.
Embracing the Cosmic Journey: As we conclude our cosmic exploration, remember that the celestial forces depicted in your Kundli are not deterministic but rather offer guidance and opportunities for growth. By understanding the potential causes of divorce or marital discord attributed to planetary positions, you can navigate your relationship journey with greater awareness, resilience, and love.
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onlinesikhstore · 6 months
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Mangal Ke Upay Hindu Mars Planet Troubles and Solution tips Astrology Hindi Book Mangal Ke Upay Hindu Mars Planet Troubles and Solution Tips Astrology Hindi Book
Ref: MQ
Paperback, Pages 109
Language - Hindi
Author: Amarjit Yadav
Size: Approx. 21cm x14cm x2cm, Weight approx. 146g
Help book for people who have Mangal obastaclesas per their Kundli with their solutions and how to remove these bad effects with simple tips in simple Hindi.
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