#Mars Family Net Worth
isfeed · 2 years
Mars Family Net Worth
Mars Family Net Worth. #marsfamilynetworth #marsfamily #networth
Net Worth: $150 Billion STATISTICS Full Name: Mars Dynasty: Mars Current Head: John Franklyn Mars, Jacqueline Mars and Victoria B. Mars Birth: 1784 Industrial Empire Began with the founding of Mars, Inc. in 1911 Titles: Knight Coat of Arms: About Mars Family The Mars family is an American business corporate dynasty with an estimated net worth of $150 Billion. In 1988, the family was…
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reinen5astro · 1 year
Your Career/Reputation/Legacy Indicators according to astrology pt.2
This time I'll go over the 10th house. If you would like to see part 1 [the second house] go here:
~ First find the sign your 10th house is in by pulling up your birth chart
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As you can see their 10th House is in Scorpio [I circled it + pointed to the line that indicates what sign it's in]. If you don't feel like pulling up your birth chart right now, you can just think of the 9th sign after your rising sign. For example, a Sagittarius rising has their 10th house in Virgo [the ninth sign after Sagittarius], while an Aries rising has their 10th house in Capricorn.
~ Next, look at the ruler of that sign. This is the ruler of your second house. I've written them down below
Aries: Mars
Taurus: Venus
Gemini: Mercury
Cancer: Moon
Leo: Sun
Virgo: Mercury
Libra: Venus
Scorpio: Mars and Pluto
Sagittarius: Jupiter
Capricorn: Saturn
Aquarius: Uranus and Saturn
Pisces: Neptune and Jupiter
~ Lastly, find what sign your ruler/rulers are in. My interpretations are down below.
10th House Ruler in The....
1st House:
Your professional success is fully related to your personal expression, your confidence and your initiative. Your physical body and appearance will affect/have something to do with your job [you may be a dancer for example]. Your personality, view on life, body and physical appearance will also have a big impact on your status as well. Whatever you achieve in life, you will have to do it on your own and this contributes to your legacy, reputation, and pride. Try to avoid the tendency to become egocentric as again, your personality and view on life WILL affect your status, career and legacy. You may do best when self-employed. You tend to dress in accordance with your career; essentially, your career immensely affects your life, your career goals even affect your approach to life. You have an inert desire for recognition and respect and care about how you present yourself to the world. Overall, any career would suit you, but keep in mind that your career will affect you as a whole [more than most people], and your appearance/physicality may have something to do with your career.
2nd House:
Your professional success will be reflected in your income. Most likely you will make money through any profession/the profession you choose. Your resources and values play an important role in your future success. You may have a career involving finances. You require a career that fits your values and that provides you with financial security. Your self-esteem increases when you gain authority [gaining authority also tend to increase your net worth]. Your attitude/relationships with authority figures impacts your money-making ability. Your legacy will most likely be related to how much money you've made in this lifetime.
3rd House:
Your career is related to some form of self-expression. You feel a need to communicate and to express your own ideas through the profession you choose. Your career may need a lot of short-term traveling. The need to be seen as an authority influences the way you communicate. Your profession is always on your mind. Your career may involve, blogging, transportation, making connections locally, helping the community, writing, conferencing [online correspondences], language. You may also work as an early schoolteacher or guidance counselor. Your voice holds authority. Your legacy may be the way you communicate, and you pass on your professional experience through teaching and writing.
4th House:
Your profession is related to your home, and because of this, you may work out of your home or with one of your parents, possibly continuing a family business. This astrological influence also could lead you to try fields having to do with soil, property, land or those that have to do with your place of birth. The recognition you receive from the outside world affects your emotional security. Your social status impacts your family or your family's social status may impact your career. You bring an authoritative attitude to your home life. You set the rules at home. You may find a way to live out your true vocation from the comfort of your own home [virtual working]. Your reputation affects how your family sees you. You build a reputation for yourself as a family man/woman. You build a reputation for yourself as a nurturer or caretaker. You use your status to help your country. You may even gain recognition + authority for serving your country [military]. You become an authority on your personal heritage and culture. You become an authority on your family tree. You become an authority on your cultural roots. Your legacy could be related to your familial heritage, how you treat your family and your authority in your home/country.
5th House:
Your professional success is related to your creativity. No matter what profession you choose, you always show your originality and desire to do things your way. This astrological position leads you to find success, especially in sports or artistic careers. Working in your profession will be a pleasure for you. You may build a reputation for being a flirt, a creatively expressive person, a gambler, or a risk taker. Your professional life revolves around the arts., children, and athletics. You bring an authoritative approach to music, theater, art and dance. You attempt to add structure to your creative impulses. You may discipline children. You may even work as a choreographer. You are a professional stage actor. You bring a professional approach to your hobbies and may even make a career out of a hobby. You become an authority on music, dance, art, and theater.  Overall, your legacy will be related to your creativity, and your children.
6th House:
Your professional success is related to service. No matter what profession you choose, it will be more gratifying for you if you feel that you are helping others. You may pursue professions linked to medicine, therapy or nutrition. If you do not have a career, you are likely to work in a company that provides some kind of service. You build a reputation for your daily work performance, and you may become known as a workaholic. Especially since your vocation will most likely require you to work every day. Your career could be related to work with animals, involvement with fitness and diet. You may discover your true vocation through an apprenticeship or specializing. You may become a specialist in a certain area and therefore carry authority when you speak on that topic [professional weightlifters, professional animal activists, etc.]. Your true work most likely requires you to be an employee rather than a boss. Your vocation involves lots of employee and coworker interactions. Awards/recognition will come through your daily work. Overall, your legacy will be your aid/service to those who are in need.
7th House:
Your professional success is related to the public, society and marriage. You have a need for give and take with the public; your contact with the public could be on a large scale as well as people individually. Your professional progress will be stimulated by the training of some association or by the support you receive from your mate [husband/wife]. You gain recognition and social status through your partner. You gain awards and recognition for your efforts in a partnership [marriages aren't the only type of partnership]. You may work with your partner. Your profession involves working in one-to-one relationships. Your professional success is dependent on your ability to relate to other people. Your professional success is dependent on your ability to form significant relationships. You are an authority on marriage, and business partnerships. You bring a professional approach to marriage. You treat your marriage like a career. You lay down the rules in marriage. You bring your outer expectations of success to your marriage. You want your marriage or partnership to live up to society’s standards. People with this placement do not take marriage lightly subconsciously because they know how much marriage can help their life and its value, but they also know how much it can hurt their life as well. they tend to be very picky with marriage partners, but they usually choose the right one [of course unless there's other aspects or placements interfering [for example, Lilith/Chiron/mars/Saturn/Pluto in the 7th house]. What each partner does for a living can be an 'issue' in a relationship or marriage. Each partner’s social status can be an 'issue' in marriage or partnership. Ideally the partners should have equal status and equal standing. Partners should have balanced careers. Partners should have the same ambitions and goals in mind. Partners should want to have the same achievements [or rather same type of achievements]. Your legacy will be your relation to your marriage partners, your relation to the public, business partnerships, and your one-on-one relationships. [I personally have the placement and it's pretty accurate. I'll see how it pans out though because I am a minor, and have in fact not gotten married lmao]
8th House:
Your professional success is related to your ability to produce changes or transformations in yourself as well as others. This astrological influence brings financial support from others that will help your career. That help could come from a financial institution as well as your marriage. You may work in an investigative or financial field [journalist, researcher, scientist, detective, accountant, miner, archaeologist]. Your work may be related to your sexuality, death [mortician] or rebirth. You may turn your spirituality into your profession as well [astrologer, tarot reader, professional witch]. You may deal with confidential information and negotiate in secret. Somehow you always end up in "special" projects where there is secrecy [ you will have to sign NDA's]. Beware of shady dealings as it will affect your public status. There are often transformations in your social status, career, and reputation. Your legacy may be related to how many hardships you've gone through and made it through; it'll also be related to your financial status and spirituality.
9th House:
Your professional success is related to your ideals, university degree, higher studies, religion and traveling. You may establish yourself professionally in a different place from that of your birth or your work could necessitate you to travel often. You always feel the need to expand your knowledge and to make the most of each day; as a result, you may keep going back to school/college. You choose a profession that allows you to travel and interact with people from other countries. You choose a profession that falls in line with your faith. Your career may be related to your religion [ex. priest] You receive awards for academic achievements and religious work. You choose a profession that allows you to search for higher meaning. You bring an authoritative approach to religion, faith and belief, and academic learning. You may have a career in professing [professor]/lecturing. Having a profession, status, and recognition gives your life meaning. Your legacy will be related to your faith, ideals, and education.
10th House:
You are likely to put a lot of energy into achieving professional success. Your ambitions and goals are clearly defined, and you have a need to demonstrate to yourself and others what you can achieve through your own effort. Your career may depend on parental support or guidance, or you may follow in the footsteps of your parents. Either way, you always point out your individuality and personal ability. Getting out in the world and making a name for yourself is important to you. You want to be known for something and to receive awards and recognition. You want to climb to the top of the mountain in whatever you choose to do; you are ambitious for the sake of being ambitious. You have an authoritative approach to career and vocation. You want to reach the top of your profession. How much you know in your career builds your reputation. You become known for your achievements…"Oscar winner…”, “Nobel Prize winner…” etc… You become known as an authority on whatever type of work you choose to do. Your legacy will be your achievements.
11th House:
Your professional success is related to your participation in some organization, group, union, or club. The support you receive from your friends will be crucial and because of this, you have to consider sociability as an important part of your life. Your true vocation involves working with groups of like-minded people. Following your calling depends on your ability to gain friends and fans. As a result, you have a professional approach to friendship and bring your need for recognition to your friendships. You choose friends who will boost your social status, and who won't outdo you in social status. You choose friends who have won awards and made achievements. Your ambitions influence your friendships. Your career involves working for social causes and movements. You want to reform society’s standards, expectations, and role of authority. Your relationship with your parents influences what types of social causes you become involved with. You may eventually belong to a professional club or guild., be a member of a professional board, or even belong to a board of directors. Your ability to conduct yourself professionally influences how many fans you gain. Becoming famous results in a lot of fans. You want to be in a profession that has an audience. If you get famous, fan clubs will spring up. Fame allows you to help social causes. You have high hope and ambition for your career. Your legacy could be your hopes, wishes, friendships, and social activism.
12th House:
Your professional success is related to your ability to serve others behind the scenes. Your profession is likely to be performed behind closed doors or in private. When I think of this placement, I think of the people who make the sets in a movie or show. This position favors professions that require power behind the throne; that is to say that you make suggestions or decisions without conferring with the public. Activities linked to secret information, medicine or investigations would be very favorable. You may work in a hospital or prison, or charity.  Finding your true vocation helps you release grief and sorrow. Gaining recognition/becoming famous is the self-undoing but may help you release your grief and sorrow. Becoming famous causes you to isolate. Becoming well-known may be a fear of yours, but also a desire. Fame enables you to help your favorite charities. Fame allows you to pursue your interest in the paranormal. Your social status causes you to retreat and too much exposure makes you want to hide and escape from reality. Your relationship with your parents/authority figures makes you want to escape from reality. The best career for you involves working alone. Your true career involves working with prisoners, the insane, hospitalized or underprivileged, meditation or spirituality, working with the paranormal, developing psychic abilities or becoming a channel. You may not have much of a legacy but if you do, it would be your charity work, and your work with the underprivileged, hospitalized, or imprisoned.
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Yep, thats the 10th house ;). Hope you enjoyed, and I hope that it was accurate.
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Is It Really That Bad?
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When it comes to infamous animated films, few are treated with quite as much revulsion as Mars Needs Moms. Based off of Bloom County creator Berkley Breathed’s storybook, brought to life by ImageMovers Digital (who created The Polar Express, that...beloved?… Christmas classic), distributed by Disney, and produced by Robert Zemeckis, the film really had the deck stacked in its favor… and yet, it quite infamously fumbled.
It released to become the 12th worst opening for any film in three thousand or more theaters, netting only $6 million on debut, and then proceeded to only gross $39 million dollars worldwide—and that’s including 3D theaters. With a budget of over $150 million, this cause a net loss of over $110 million dollars, which unsurprisingly led Disney to cut their losses and shut down ImageMovers Digital… which is what I would really rather say, but the depressing fact is that Disney nuked the studio before the movie even came out, as if they knew they had a massive bomb on their hand and wanted to punish the studio ahead of time.
As divisive as the studio’s animation was, it’s never really fun seeing an animation studio get scrapped like that. With its death, we lost some interesting film concepts, such as a remake of Yellow Submarine (which would have probably been even trippier with the motion capture animation), Roger Rabbit sequel, and a kaiju throwback film by Michael “Trick ‘r Treat” Dougherty called Calling All Robots. Say what you will about the studio’s output, but it’s genuinely a damn shame these ideas never came to fruition.
Over the years, just about every animation critic worth their salt has given this movie shit, from Mr Enter to the Nostalgia Critic, and Disney has largely seen fit to sweep this under the rug and pretend it never happened. But I can’t do that, can I? Y’all voted for me to watch this for the first time over a decade after it came out, and see if it’s really that bad. Did this movie manage to prove far better than its infamous reputation, or am I gonna have to put myself in a Martian memory extractor?
Milo is actually pretty believable as a kid. I know some people find this character really annoying, or bratty, or obnoxious, but… that’s just how kids are. He’s a little bit of a shit and doesn’t understand the gravity of things he says sometimes, but he has a good heart and when it gets down to it he does all he can to save his mom. Like he’s just a child in need of harsh life lessons, typical of any fantastical family film. In a movie brimming with awful characters, he’s easily the least worst. Joan Cusack as the mom is pretty good, getting some funny line deliveries, and I’m sure she’s made someone’s list of “Hottest Animated MILFs.”
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I think the core ideas behind the Martian society are really fascinating. Here we have a fascist, sexist dystopia. Every quarter of a century children are hatched, and females are passed off to nanny-robots to be raised while males are tossed down the garbage chutes to become feral, hairy wild men. The nanny-bots are programmed with the memories of abducted human women, memories which are forcibly extracted in a very fatal process. The women are then made to serve as the enforcers of the fascist regime, ruled over by an aging ruler who governs with an iron fist and doesn’t accept deviance from her desires, desires stemming from a deranged belief she is bettering society with her straw feminist viewpoints. On paper, it’s all very deep, dark, and intriguing.
The operating phrase, of course, being “on paper.”
Let me just get this out of the way: The animation is awkward, uncanny, and unpleasant. This is not a new or interesting observation, so I just wanted to get it over with as soon as possible, though it does feed into a few other issues, particularly the design of Ki.
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Ki is just absolutely aggressively female in her design. Like, she’s pink, she has those curvy hips, she’s just really in your face about being a girl Martian. And yeah, the girls are the ones we see a lot of because of how the society is structured, but she’s so glaringly feminine it’s kind of obnoxious. Like she’s clearly given this overly polished design because she’s the beautiful, heroic lead character; other Martians do not look nearly as pleasant as she does. That’s not even getting into the obnoxious decision to have her speak in outdated hippie slang, a decision that’s about as pleasant as jamming splinters under your fingernails.
She’s not even the most annoying character, though. That would be Gribble, played by Dan Fogler, the fat dude from Fantastic Beasts. You’d think that because he was the best part of those flaccid spinoffs he’d be the best part of this movie, but you’d be absolutely wrong. He’s every annoying comic relief trope smashed into one incredibly obnoxious character, and considering almost no one else in this movie is likable at all he really sticks out as being unpleasantly annoying. It doesn’t help that the single moment they try and give him depth—when he recounts to Milo the harrowing experience of watching his mother die as her memories were extracted, so close to saving her and yet so far—is immediately followed by Ki showing up and Fortnite dancing and spitting out some more of her obnoxious slang.
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And that right there really highlights what’s wrong with this movie: It is tonally inconsistent to an absurd degree. With a title like “Mars Needs Moms” and the general atmosphere of the opening as well as the marketing really lead you to believe this will be a simple, silly family comedy where a kid learns to appreciate his parents a la Jimmy Neutron. But then we get into the Martian dystopia, the explicit mass murder of moms, the grim visuals, the constant peril, and it’s pretty obvious the film wants to be serious and say something as well… all while keeping the funny wisecracking fat guy mentor, the Fortnite dancing monkey Martian men, and the pink and perky alien hippie graffiti artist who loves to talk like she just stepped out of Woodstock. It’s not impossible to handle two wildly different tones in a film, but to say this movie bungles it is an understatement; it ultimately causes the film to lack any sort of identity and just dissolves into an ugly mess of interesting ideas and confused writing that is impossible to take seriously.
The short answer? Yes, this movie is really, truly awful. But a short answer is pretty unsatisfying, isn’t it?
I was honestly, genuinely hoping going into this that the critics were wrong and maybe there was something to like here… and yeah, there were a couple of things I thought were done pretty decently, but overall the movie is just an incredibly sloppy and tonally inconsistent mess that never really settles into what it wants to be. It actually had me thinking about another movie while watching it, and that movie is The Guyver. While I’m saving a full review of that for when I bring back Michael After Midnight, the film had the same sort of wild tonal whiplash that Mars Needs Moms does, a sort of dissonance in the story where it can’t decide if it wants to be dark and edgy or lighthearted and goofy. But while I don’t think either film is particularly good, I think the fact I find The Guyver to be infinitely more valuable as a film highlights the strength of live action cinema over animation. Jarring tonal inconsistency is just so much easier to swallow when you don’t have to look at some of the ugliest animation you’ve ever seen, y’know?
Mars Needs Moms is honestly quite a bit worse than that score would suggest. This is definitely one of the worst animated movies ever made, unlike what happened with The Emoji Movie, I don’t think the overwhelming revulsion towards the film is over-exaggerated by much. Like, yes, this isn’t the worst movie in human history, nor even the worst animated movie, but the fact that it’s not only bad but bad enough to ruin an entire studio makes it kind of legendary in terms of badness. At least Sony Animation was able to put out the two best Spider-Man movies ever made after The Emoji Movie flopped; ImageMover Digital got no such second chance, and not only went under but dragged the entire motion capture animation style down with it. I think it tarnishing an entire style alongside everything else (and thus probably being partially responsible for the lack of a Tintin sequel) really seals the deal on this being a piece of shit.
I’d honestly drop this film into the low 2s at best. It’s a bottom 100 contender for sure, and it’s far worse than some of the movies on there. Gigli? This movie is way worse than that. Cats? That movie is way campier and has far funnier use of uncanny valley animation. The Room and Trolls 2? Those are both way too funny to be worse than Mars Needs Moms. Fucking Batman & Robin? That’s an actual solid movie, how is it rated lower than this? Hell, I’d even say The Emoji Movie is better, because at least it doesn’t hurt to look at.
The thing is, while I think it’s objectively awful, I can’t say I can personally muster up too much hate for it. It’s so confused tonally that it’s almost fascinating to watch. If you’re a bad movie connoisseur like I am or just generally fascinated by bombs of this magnitude, it’s worth a watch. But outside of that, this movie is just too messy to really find even a cult audience. So if you don’t fall into that weird niche of people who watch bad movies for some reason, don’t bother. You’re not really missing anything valuable.
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stevens-stuff · 23 days
Weekly Quiz - 30/8/24 - Answers
Question One Phobos and Deimos are the names of the moons of which planet? Answer: Mars Question Two Clue Number One  Born in 1980 Los Angeles, California, U.S. Clue Number Two  Married Kanye West in 2014 and divorced in 2022. Clue Number Three  In 2021, Forbes estimated Kardashian’s net worth at US$1 billion dollars. Read the clues. What is the first name of the Kardashian family…
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marsfamilynetworth · 5 months
Mars Family Net Worth
https://marsnetworth.com/ - Your premier destination for all things related to the richest family in the world—the Mars family.
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wikixpedia · 6 months
Hannah Berner Biography, Wikipedia, Age, Lifestyle, Net Worth, Boyfriend...
Hannah Berner Biography, Wikipedia, Age, Lifestyle, Net Worth, Boyfriend, Husband, Family
Meet Hannah Berner, a dynamic individual who effortlessly wears multiple hats in the entertainment industry. From her roots as a professional tennis athlete to her vibrant career as a comedian, podcast host, and television personality, Berner's journey is nothing short of remarkable.
Born on August 21, 1991, in Brooklyn, New York, Hannah Berner spent her formative years navigating between the bustling city life and the serene shores of Shelter Island. Raised by her mother, Lenore DiLeo Berner, a jazz singer and former principal, and influenced by her grandmother, the late social media sensation Vera DiLeo, Hannah's upbringing was rich with creativity and inspiration.
After pursuing her education at the University of Wisconsin, where she honed her skills both on and off the tennis court, Berner embarked on a new chapter in her professional life. Joining forces with Betches Media as a creative video producer, she found a platform to channel her passion for storytelling.
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screenshot-thoughts · 8 months
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Net worth + Family name + Origin of wealth
[1 cube graphic = $1 Billion USD]
The wealth of the U.S. was built by millions of regular Americans, but which families hold the most wealth?
This ranking looks beyond individuals to assess the richest families whose wealth spreads beyond one core family unit, and across multiple generations, and it breaks down which companies helped them earn their fortunes.
1) $247.08, Walton, Walmarts;
2) $100.08, Koch, Koch;
3) $94.08, Mars, MARS;
4) $47.08, Cargill-MacMillan
5) $40.08, Lauder
$37.08, S.C. Johnson
$36.08, E. Johnson
$34.58, Cox
$32.58, Pritzker
The collective wealth of America's richest families is an astounding $1.2 trillion. For some families this wealth is newer. For others, their fortunes can be traced to the beginnings of the nation and their brands have become synonymous with life in America.”
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allstarwmb · 9 months
Who is Keri Lynn Pratt? Biography, Boyfriend, Age, Nationality, Movies, Ethnicity
Who is Keri Lynn Pratt?
Keri Lynn Pratt, hailing from Concord, New Hampshire, has been cultivating her artistic abilities since a young age. She honed her skills at the Hampstead Dance Academy and later graduated from the Barbizon Modeling and Acting School, laying the groundwork for her future accomplishments. In 1994, she won the esteemed title of Miss New Hampshire Teen USA, capturing the hearts of her home state and even competing at the national level. However, Pratt's aspirations extended far beyond beauty pageants as she set her sights on conquering the realm of acting.
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Keri Lynn Pratt's Biography -
Born on 23 September 1978, Keri Lynn Pratt is an American actress who has captivated audiences with her infectious charm and versatile talent. From her teenage reign as Miss New Hampshire Teen USA to her roles in Hollywood films and beloved television series, Pratt has forged a dynamic career in the entertainment industry.
Keri Lynn Pratt's Boyfriend and Age -
At 45 years old, Keri Lynn Pratt entered into a blissful union with actor John Barneson, their personal life remaining low-key and adding to the intrigue surrounding Pratt. This allows her talent to shine brightly on center stage.
Keri Lynn Pratt's Family and Parents -
While Pratt's family and parents are kept relatively private, her unwavering work ethic and grounded personality speak volumes about the values instilled in her. The actress prefers to keep her personal life under wraps, allowing her work to speak for itself.
Keri Lynn Pratt's Children -
As of now, Keri Lynn Pratt and John Barneson have not made any official announcements regarding children. Their focus seems to be on their successful careers and nurturing their bond, leaving questions about parenthood to mere speculation.
Keri Lynn Pratt Career -
Keri Lynn Pratt has had an impressive career in both movies and television. She made her film debut in the teen comedy "Drive Me Crazy" in 1999 and went on to star in films like "Cruel Intentions 2," "America's Sweethearts," and "A Single Man." On TV, she has appeared in popular shows such as "ER," "CSI," "House M.D.," and "Veronica Mars." However, it was her role as Missy Belknap in the acclaimed series "Jack & Bobby" that made an impact. Keri's ability to tackle both comedy and drama has earned her a reputation as a versatile and respected actress.
Keri Lynn Pratt Net Worth, Nationality, Ethnicity -
As for her net worth, it is estimated to be somewhere between $4 million to $5 million. Keri's consistent work in the entertainment industry, along with her brand deals and endorsements, have contributed to her financial success. Her Nationality is American and her ethnicity is white.
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recentlyheardcom · 11 months
Ivanka Trump was forced Wednesday, during her family’s New York business fraud trial, to explain an email exchange that could undo their entire defense.Donald Trump’s oldest daughter took the stand to testify about the Trump Organization’s business practices. Ivanka Trump was presented with an email conversation she had with one of the company’s lawyers.The lawyer, Jason Greenblatt, was worried about a 2012 deal with Deutsche Bank for the purchase of the Doral golf club in Miami, which required Donald Trump to maintain a minimum net worth of $3 billion. This requirement “would seem to me to be a problem?” he asked Ivanka.Ivanka replied this was something they “have known from day one. We wanted to get a great rate and the only way to get the proceeds/term and principle where we want them is to guarantee the deal.”Another email related to the Doral deal makes clear that her father’s financials were a big part of securing the purchase. “My father will also send you his most recent financial statement by hard mail,” she wrote in an email with the subject line “Doral.”This exchange speaks directly to New York Attorney General Letitia James’s main accusation that Trump and his allies fraudulently inflated the value of their real estate assets to get more favorable terms on bank loans. Greenblatt was concerned that Trump would struggle to prove and maintain a net worth of at least $3 billion. But Ivanka didn’t seem worried. In the Doral deal, Ivanka eventually got the requirement for Trump’s net worth lowered to $2.5 billion, but that’s still far higher than what James estimates Trump’s net worth actually was at the time of the purchase in 2012.Trump himself effectively admitted Monday that the organization’s financial statements were made with an eye to encourage favorable loans. The New York attorney general’s office revealed that Trump had signed financial documents intended to look good for banks.The trial, which is only to set damages, has not been going well for Trump. He has been grasping at straws in an attempt to avoid accountability, using an argument the presiding judge has already deemed “worthless” and incorrectly insisting he was president in 2021.Judge Arthur Engoron already determined in September that Trump committed fraud. Engoron ordered that all Trump’s New York business certificates be canceled, making it nearly impossible to do business in the state and effectively killing the Trump Organization.The lawsuit alleges that Trump claimed his Trump Tower apartment in Manhattan was three times its actual size and worth $327 million. No New York City apartment has ever sold for that much. He also valued Mar-a-Lago at $739 million, about 10 times its actual worth.
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thebobby1432world · 1 year
Henrietta Rushwaya Wiki, Biography, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Net Worth
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Henrietta Rushwaya Wiki: Henrietta Rushwaya is a prominent Zimbabwean politician and businesswoman who has held high-profile positions in the country's sports and mining sectors. She was born in Masvingo in 1968 and is currently 55 years old. Rushwaya's career began in education, where she worked as a teacher after studying at Morgenster Teachers College. Henrietta Rushwaya Wiki She later joined the Sports and Recreation Commission and received a scholarship to check sports management in Norway. Upon returning to Zimbabwe in 2004, Rushwaya was invited to organize fundraising events for the national soccer team, The Warriors. She became Vice-President Joseph Msika's director of the sport before being appointed CEO of the Zimbabwe Football Association (ZIFA) in 2007.
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Henrietta Rushwaya Wiki, Biography
Henrietta Rushwaya Wiki
However, Rushwaya's tenure at ZIFA was marred by allegations of corruption and match-fixing, leading to her arrest and trial on multiple counts of corruption. She was later elected President of the Zimbabwe Miners Federation. Still, she again faced controversy when she was caught attempting to transport 6kg of gold out of the country to Dubai in 2020. Rushwaya's personal life has also been the subject of media scrutiny, with rumors of affairs with famous figures such as artist Jah Prayzah and politician Welshman Ncube. She was also accused of having an exploitative relationship with former Manchester City striker Benjani Mwaruwari, who she claimed gave her a car as a gift. FieldInformationNameHenrietta RushwayaProfessionPoliticianAge55 years oldBirth Date1968Birth PlaceMasvingo, ZimbabweMarital StatusMarriedHusbandN/AReligionChristianNationalityZimbabweFather NameNot KnownMother NameNot KnownSiblingN/AEye ColorBlackHair ColorBlackHeight5.5 feetWeight64 kgNet WorthUSD 50 MillionCategoryCelebrity Despite these controversies, Rushwaya remains a successful businesswoman with an estimated over $40 million net worth. However, her actions have raised questions about corruption and transparency in Zimbabwe's political and economic systems. Read the full article
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onenetworth · 2 years
Bam Adebayo Biography, Age, Family, and Net Worth (updated [year])
Bam Adebayo is an NBA basketball player for the . He plays as the center-back due to his tall height, which comes in handy while defending.
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rnewspost · 2 years
Mark Cuban says he'd be happy with 1% of his $4.6 billion net worth
Mark Cuban says he’d be happy with 1% of his $4.6 billion net worth
Bruno Mars might want to be a billionaire badly, but entrepreneur Mark Cuban doesn’t feel similarly.  In a CBS “Sunday Morning” interview, Cuban easily rejected his billions. When asked if he would be satisfied with 1% of his net worth, he responded ecstatically, “Yes. If I had my same family and everything, for sure.” Giving up 99% of one’s wealth is easier when you’re worth $4.6 billion like…
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wikixpedia · 6 months
Bobbi Kristina Brown Biography, Wikipedia, Age, Career, Height, Net Worth, Songs, Death
- Full Name: Bobbi Kristina Brown
- Stage Name: Bobbi Kristina Brown
- Born: March 4, 1993, in Livingston, New Jersey
- Died: July 26, 2015
- Age: 22
- Nationality: American
- Occupation: Singer, Model, Actor, TV Personality
- Height: 1.7m
- Parents: Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown
- Siblings: Only child
- Spouse: Nick Gordon
- Children: None
- Relationship: Nick Gordon (at the time of her passing)
- Net Worth: $20 million (at the time of her passing)
Bobbi Kristina Brown, a charismatic young woman, was widely recognized for her appearances on reality shows and her passion for singing. As the offspring of renowned singers Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown, she naturally gravitated towards music, often showcasing her vocal prowess alongside her mother, although she never officially released any music.
On reality shows like "Being Bobby Brown" and "The Houstons: On Our Own," viewers got a peek into her family's daily life, witnessing her talent firsthand. Beyond reality TV, Bobbi Kristina also dabbled in acting, making a notable appearance on the sitcom "For Better or Worse," underscoring her versatility.
Tragically, Bobbi Kristina's promising journey came to an abrupt end at the tender age of 22, leaving behind a legacy rich in talent but marred by untapped potential.
Early Life and Education
Born into fame, Bobbi Kristina grew up surrounded by music, her parents' successful careers offering her an early introduction to the industry. Despite her privileged upbringing attending private schools, her genuine passion for music shone through, evidenced by her vocal contributions to her mother's songs.
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ebiographypost · 2 years
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Mar Lucas Vilar Net Worth, Age, Boyfriend, Family & Biography
Mar Lucas Vilar Net Worth, Age, Boyfriend, Family & Biography
Mar Lucas Vilar Net Worth $1.5 Million Mar Lucas Vilar, is a Spanish Instagrammer and social media personality. As of 2022, Mar Lucas Vilar’s net worth is $1.5 million. She is mainly known for uploading photos and posts on her Instagram account. She has accumulated over 1.9 million followers on Instagram. Mar Lucas Vilar Wiki/Biography Born on 9 September 2002, Mar Lucas Vilar’s age is 20…
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recentlyheardcom · 1 year
By Jonathan StempelNEW YORK (Reuters) -Donald Trump on Wednesday appealed a judge's refusal to dismiss New York Attorney General Letitia James' civil fraud lawsuit against him and his family business, two days after the case went to trial.The appeal to the Appellate Division, a mid-level appeals court, was filed as Trump sat in a Manhattan courtroom, watching an accountant who used to work for him testify as the state's first witness.James accused Trump, his adult sons Donald Jr. and Eric, the Trump Organization and others of inflating property values over a decade, and Trump's net worth by up to $2.2 billion.The attorney general said the "staggering fraud" was meant to help Trump obtain favorable terms from banks and insurers.On Sept. 26, Justice Arthur Engoron found "conclusive evidence" that Trump inflated his fortune by overvaluing his Mar-a-Lago estate, his Trump Tower penthouse apartment, and various office buildings and golf courses.Engoron also ordered the cancellation of certificates that let some of Trump's businesses, including the Trump Organization, operate in New York.The appeal addresses all of Engoron's main findings.Trump has called the judge "deranged," and suggested on Monday that he be disbarred.He has also said James based her case on "fraudulent" numbers, as part of a Democratic witch hunt against him."This is a railroading," Trump said on Wednesday.Trump, a Republican, leads his party's race for the 2024 presidential nomination.The appeals process could extend beyond the trial, which could last into December.Engoron is hearing the case without a jury.He will review other claims including falsifying business records, insurance fraud and conspiracy, and whether the defendants should pay $250 million in penalties.James also wants Trump and his adult sons permanently banned from running businesses in New York.Trump separately faces four criminal indictments over his efforts to stay in power following the 2020 election, his handling of classified documents, and hush money paid to a porn star. He has denied wrongdoing and pleaded not guilty.The government cases have strengthened Trump politically, and his campaign is using them to raise money by portraying him as a martyr.(Reporting by Jonathan Stempel; Additional reporting by Jack Queen; Editing by Noeleen Walder, Daniel Wallis and Grant McCool)
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