#Mark Slate
the-meme-from-uncle · 1 month
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Recoloured a bunch of my old drawings because I'm experimenting with a new colour palette (also I didn't have my drawing tablet so it was easier to just use on old drawing and paint bucket everything). Also, also, I haven't posted anything gfu in ages so I've really been slacking in my self-imposed job of reminding people that the show exists. Sorry about that, gang. This has been your reminder 🫡
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banemmanan · 11 months
U.N.C.L.E. statistics graphs
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Part 2 of 3
[part 1] * [part 3]
All Man from U.N.C.L.E. data was compiled by @commander-kiranerys :
Series 1 * Series 2 * Series 3 * Series 4
Girl from U.N.C.L.E. data was compiled by myself and my sister:
* GFU *
Original graphs created by commander-kiranerys:
* :1: * :2: * :3: * :4: *
(more info and analysis under the cut)
As you can see from the data attributes, the mfu and gfu stats have been compiled by two different people. As such, results should be taken with a grain of salt as our views on what exactly constitutes 'torture' or a 'failed escape' may vary.
A word on graphs:
I felt that having compiling the separate info in one place in the form of bar charts was ideal for visual comparisons of the data, rather than jumping between posts. However, I cannot recommend enough commander-kiranerys's original graphs enough due to them being in the form of line graphs, thus giving a good view of change over time for the individual results of her statistics. This was not possible here due to gfu being part of a separate show.
Tied up: so if you're into bondage then MFU Season 3 is for you. Specifically Illya... (I see you Season 3 writers, I see you). As you can see from these graphs and the next two, the GFU villains weren't really very kinky. A shame tbh (who said that?).
Chained or handcuffed: I had combined these two separate categories into just the one in my data set and so I added together commander-kiranerys' results to create some compatible data. The MFU stats here remain very consistent before that good ol' Season 4 drop, they didn't get that same significant increase that being tied up saw.
Tortured: sad to see that Napoleon and Illya have never been tortured together. As the old saying goes, partners who get tortured together, stay together. Very tragic.
Drugged: a lot of the cynics out there will say that it's no surprise at all that GFU was on the most drugs of the series. But to that I say, just look at that MFU Season 3 stat! The least by a long shot!
Knocked out: the most impressive thing here is that if you removed all of April's stats, GFU would still be leading on getting knocked out. I'm more than a little worried about Mark; has anyone checked him for post-concussion syndrome?
Shot: my findings? Bullet wound Mark is an outlier and should not be counted. He is one gunshot away in his single series from equalling Illya in the entire run of MFU. The consistency of those MFU results is very satisfying to me, and then Mark has to ruin it! Someone get this man a touriquet or smth idc. Also April is bullet proof, aparently.
Wet: although I was too British and prude to tally-up instances of partial nudity (idk why I found that too embarrassing ok), I am not imune to fanservice and was more than happy to count instances of getting wet. Now, if you like your agents soaking wet, then aparently GFU is the show for you (yes this is a propaganda post). Though on average it ties with MFU Season 4; in terms of raw numbers it cannot be beat. Interestingly though, Season 1 Napoleon is tied with Mark for soggiest individual character.
I will freely admit that the analysis here is strongly skewed towards comparing the GFU results with the MFU results. Mainly due to commander-kiranerys having already created a set of graphs and gone over the MFU data there. I didn't want these posts to replace those in any way and instead to add to them. Please check out those posts (linked above) for a more MFU-oriented approach!
I hope you found this data useful or at least interesting! I would love to have discussions about these!
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demigodofhoolemere · 6 months
Rofl, a Man from UNCLE page I follow on Facebook just posted an old piece of fan art I made and shared here back at the height of my TMFU obsession. That was the absolute last thing I expected to see on my wall!
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'Academy of Thrush Agents'
From the Lady Penelope Annual, 1968.
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thevintagemtb · 2 years
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1989 Mark Slate.
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anastasiaprot · 3 months
Another GOAL conquest! .... for the FRIENDS of the MAN from UNCLE & Spin off FACEBOOK group!
At the end of March we were around 10.000 members ….and in a very short time…until today that I am writing these words, we are 12007 members…… I am so proud for us…for our group that is the most famous MAN FROM UNCLE facebook group…..for so long in the 1st place according to our google search….and of course we wish to continue being popular! Exif_JPEG_420 With the help of our MODERATORS, GROUP…
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pk-dann · 1 year
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Lovejoy - Wake Up & It's Over - Track 1 Portrait of a Blank Slate
[I'm pretty cool when you get to know me…]
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amee-racle-ofmyown · 23 days
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engineers🪛🔧🚀 🫶
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hellothereimaloser · 1 year
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Them bois 💞💞💞 - bro i haven't been so active here, i need to post more 😭😭😭
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pemberlyy · 1 year
portrait of a blank slate had no right going that hard.
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pevensiechase · 1 year
Portrait of a Blank Slate
Anybody else go absolutely feral over the way that Wilbur says the lines "oh, so happy / oh, oh, so happy"?
Just me?
There's just something about the way that his accent kinda comes through that puts me in a bouncy mood. Also the emphasis on the word "happy" without the "h" sound. Ugh, I love it.
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the-meme-from-uncle · 7 months
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U.N.C.L.E. Severance AU
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banemmanan · 11 months
U.N.C.L.E. statistics graphs
Freedom pie charts edition
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Part 3 of 3
[part 1] * [part 2]
All Man from U.N.C.L.E. data was compiled by @commander-kiranerys :
Series 1 * Series 2 * Series 3 * Series 4
Girl from U.N.C.L.E. data was compiled by myself and my sister:
* GFU *
Original graphs created by commander-kiranerys:
* :1: * :2: * :3: * :4: *
(more info under the cut)
As you can see from the data attributes, the mfu and gfu stats have been compiled by two different people. As such, results should be taken with a grain of salt as our views on what exactly constitutes 'torture' or a 'failed escape' may vary.
So I made these only because when looking at the first graphs post, I mentioned it wasn't super clear on numbers alone exactly how the results compared on raw numbers because actually thos numbers themselves are reliant on the number of times that they were captured in the first place. So here are a batch of pie charts in order to get some individual percentages on escapes vs rescues that are more easily comparable. We can now establish once and for all which character is in fact the most distressed damsel.
These results are compiled using only successful escapes and rescues. I added the results for the character's individual escapes or rescues with those from the 'together' category, to get the full freedom experience. I also included a series total for Napoleon and Illya to get an idea of how they compare overall.
As mentioned in that first statistics post, this is largely to establish whether the accusation of April being a "damsel in distresss" is justified or not. Personally, I believe that this proves that she isn't. As we can clearly see here, not only does she escape more often than she needs rescuing, but also, both Napoleon and Illya in one season each do in fact need rescuing more than they manage to escape. Not only that, but when viewing the series total, April and Mark are actually slightly more competent in the escape department as a team than Napoleon and Illya are. Clearly more competent than fandom will have you believe.
Well, that's me finally done with these statistics posts! (Or am I? 👀) As usual, I hope you find them useful or at least interesting and I'd love to discuss any of these results with people. If you have any specific statistics that you'd like me to compile from the Girl from U.N.C.L.E. then I would be more than happy to oblige (any excuse to watch the series for the 257th time lmao) just drop me a message!
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The Supreme Court struck down the federal ban on bump stocks on Friday, legalizing a device that can effectively transform semiautomatic rifles into machine guns. Predictably, the court split 6–3, with the Republican-appointed justices carving a massive loophole in federal law at the behest of the firearms industry. Justice Clarence Thomas’ majority opinion is rooted in historical misrepresentations and utterly implausible manipulations of the statutory text. It enables future mass shooters to equip their AR-15s with an attachment that increases the rate of fire exponentially, to up to 800 rounds per minute.
Dahlia Lithwick and Mark Joseph Stern discussed the decision on Saturday’s episode of Amicus. They were joined by David Pucino, an expert in firearms law and legal director of the Giffords Law Center. Their conversation has been edited for length and clarity.
DAHLIA LITHWICK: Justice Thomas makes the claim that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms did a complete 180° on how it viewed bump stocks, suddenly changing their minds after the Las Vegas massacre and deciding that, actually, they are machine guns. That’s just not true, right?
MARK JOSEPH STERN: This idea that ATF said bump stocks were 100% legal, then turned around in response to political pressure and said they were unlawful all along—that’s a misrepresentation of history. What really happened was that gunmakers were developing various tools to help make semiautomatic rifles fire at a higher rate. ATF looked at these and said some were potentially legal while others were not, on a case-by-case basis, without making a formal determination at the agency level. Some were snuck through under false pretenses as an accommodation for disability. And when ATF decided to take a holistic look at this issue after the Las Vegas shooting, it decided that, when bump stocks operate a certain way—basically, enabling automatic fire—they are illegal. That, to me, is doing exactly what an agency is supposed to do. ATF looked at the facts on the ground. It looked at its mandate from Congress. It looked at its own past decisions. And it harmonized them as best it could in accordance with what experts at the agency say the facts are. To see Thomas slander ATF as caving to political pressure, then using this charge to overrule the determination of ATF’s own firearm experts—it seemed to me the height of arrogance.
DAVID PUCINO: I think it’s important to remember that there was really careful work going on at ATF to make these determinations on a case-by-case basis. The agency was faced with a problem: Folks in the firearm industry were trying to get around the laws on the books. When an agency comes out and says, “This is what the law is,” the industry is going to try to get around it. And the agency has to decide if they’ll succeed. What’s really striking here is that ATF was doing that engagement, and the Supreme Court came in and usurped it here in a way that’s totally unworkable if you apply it beyond the favored political constituency of the gun industry. It’s absurd to have the Supreme Court putting all this work into deciding the mechanics of a firearm and whether it meets the statute and trying to overrule an agency that made those same determinations. That’s not a workable way to do government. If every difficult regulatory decision made in this country that might’ve gone one way or another goes up to the Supreme Court, that’s all the justices would ever be doing. You’d need a thousand Supreme Courts to handle it. The volume of work that comes out of the administrative state is not something that the Supreme Court can analyze in this way, at least not in any sort of reasonable manner, and I don’t think they would ever even pretend to. But what you have here is a particular, favored constituency that is bringing these questions. And then, all of a sudden, the court decides to drop everything and figure out how this gun works. Now, the way ATF does that is to sit down and actually look at the firearm. They’re going to bring in their experts and make those determinations. But the way the Supreme Court does it is they look at an amicus brief by the Firearms Policy Coalition and co-sign it.
LITHWICK: That’s the group that created the six graphics and a gif that Justice Thomas used to illustrate how semiautomatic rifles work. Why was it notable that he copied and pasted their material into a Supreme Court opinion?
PUCINO: The National Rifle Association is not what it used to be, and that’s created a gap. And what has gone into the gap are a bunch of further-right organizations that are trying to take the mantle of the NRA by being as extreme as possible. Foremost among them is the Firearms Policy Coalition. Friday was a real moment for them. It’s one of the most extreme groups; it uses extraordinarily violent rhetoric. And it’s putting out material that’s getting blessed by a majority opinion of the Supreme Court. You have to take a step back and look at where we are—I don’t think that’s anything you could imagine happening even 10 years ago.
LITHWICK: You’re both hitting on a big theme of this term, which is the Supreme Court making it impossible for agencies to do pretty much anything. And it seems awfully important when you have Clarence Thomas substituting his judgment for ATF’s with what Justice Sotomayor pointedly calls “six diagrams and an animation.” The majority was just like, I know everything, here’s a Peanuts comic strip. It seems as if Thomas was trying to explain his tortured interpretation to the public, to make it accessible, but eliding the agency’s own expert views in the process.
PUCINO: The idea that you can get the amount of expertise that goes into technical determinations made by ATF by simply looking at briefs and diagrams—I mean, just, no. Obviously not. The amount of time that even clerks, let alone justices, require to do a deep dive on these issues, the depth of understanding they’re going to need—it won’t come anywhere near that of an expert who’s working on this full time. This is their whole job. It’s what they’re trained to do.
STERN: You can really only justify Thomas’ reading, in my view, if you start from the conclusion that the bump stock ban is unlawful and work your way backward, butchering the text to mean something it just doesn’t. This isn’t how ordinary people use the English language and, as Sotomayor showed, it isn’t how members of Congress who voted on this law used English when they wrote it in 1934. If “textualism” can be deployed in such an underhanded and cynical way, I don’t think it’s really getting us anywhere. It’s just another pretext for the Supreme Court to reach whatever result it wants.
This is part of Opinionpalooza, Slate’s coverage of the major decisions from the Supreme Court this June. Alongside Amicus, we kicked things off this year by explaining How Originalism Ate the Law. The best way to support our work is by joining Slate Plus. (If you are already a member, consider a donation or merch!)
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*links will be added as comics are posted*
The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
Story 1
Story 5
Lady Penelope
Story 1
Story 2
Story 3
Story 4
Story 5
Story 6
Story 7
Lady Penelope Summer Extra
Lady Penelope 1967
Lady Penelope 1968
The Girl from U.N.C.L.E.
Lady Penelope
Story 1
Story 2
Story 3
Story 4
Story 5
Story 6
Story 7
Story 8
Story 9
Story 10
Lady Penelope 1968
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The Fall
Slates (1981)
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