#Mark Collins fanfiction
lucidlivi · 1 year
Chosen For Pleasure (V)
Series Masterlist/Warnings
Taglist: @ladysparkles78 @suckitands33 @little-x-wolf @stoneyggirl2 @creative-writing92 @jc-winchester @mrsjenniferwinchester @lessons-of-red @jamerlynn (if you would like to be added to the list please send me a message as it is easier for me to keep track that way!)
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J: do you have an answer for me?
: not yet.
J: it's been two days, I'm growing old here?
: here's something you've probably never been told before... be patient.
J: you're right, I've never been told that, I'm used to getting what I want... and I want this arrangement, and I want it with you.
: must get boring..
J: four days now, have you thought anymore about it?
I sighed reading Jensen's text.
He was persistent that's for sure.
I haven't seen him since he dropped me off the other day but he's been texting me ever since. He was used to getting everything he wanted, and something told me he's never had to pursue a woman before. I bit my lip before typing a reply.
: yeah I've thought about it, and it's been fun....
I waited for Jensen to reply but it never came.
I felt a little guilty about sending that. Of course I was joking. But he was going to have to work a little harder.
I sighed before grabbing my computer to work on the edits for next months pictures. Gray gave me a raise, appointing me the official senior editor for the magazine. I've been avoiding him at work when I can, still feeling slightly uncomfortable from our conversation a few days ago, although he hasn't said anything bizarre since.
Stella and Matt have been seeing each other everyday now so she's been more absent lately. She didn't pry too much about Jensen. She can just sense when things aren't okay with me.
I tried my best to continue editing but my mind was too distracted. A loud pounding on our door pulled me out of my trance. I hopped up off the floor, sauntering over to the it.
It was probably just Stella forgetting her key like always.
I opened the door, shocked to find Jensen standing on the other side. He pushed in running a hand over his chin, huffing in frustration.
"uh come in.'" I laughed.
He turned to me, a scolding but lustful look on his face.
"It's been fun really?" He asked approaching me.
I bit my lip smirking up at him.
Boy could I really push his buttons.
He leaned down whispering in my ear.
"Let me just remind you how fun it is."
Before I could respond Jensen pushed me up against the wall, his lips attacking my neck. He roughly sucked on a spot making a gasp escape my lips.
"is this fun?" He asked before kissing my jaw roughly.
His hands went under my shirt, practically ripping it away from my body.
I forgot how good he was at this.
I moaned, my hands finding the buttons of his dress shirt, hungrily undoing them. I slipped his shirt off, biting my lip at his toned chest. My bra was the next thing to go. He immediately kissed down to my breasts while his hands worked my leggings down my legs.
"are you having fun yet?" He growled.
"hmm not yet" I pushed.
I could see his jaw clench at my words.
He picked me up setting me on the counter before pushing me back flat. He ripped my underwear at the side causing them to fall away.
Fuck he was strong.
His head dipped down between my legs, his breath fanning over my heat.
"Jensen Please." I begged.
At my words he peppered kisses all around my core, using his tongue to enhance the pleasure. I found my hands make their way to his hair, tugging on the ends. Moans fell from my lips as he worked his tongue on me devouring me hungrily. He inserted two fingers, working them in and out roughly.
"is it fun now?"
As he said that he pushed his fingers in deeper making me omit a breathy moan.
"so fucking fun" I said between breaths.
Jensen stood up stripping his jeans and boxers. Without warning he picked me up wrapping my legs around his waist, lowering me on to him. I whimpered at the contact, forgetting how big he was.
He carried me over to the couch, laying us down.
He pulled out before slamming in to me roughly. My hands gripped his shoulders, nails digging in to his skin. His thrusts getting more rough with each snap of his hips. I could feel the anger rolling off of him as he groaned.
"fuck what are you doing to me?" Jensen questions as his thrusts start to become sloppy signifying he's close to his release.
"Jensen please." I panted nearing my release as well.
A few more snaps of his hips had Jensen and I both exploding with pleasure. He collapses on top of me, laying his head on my chest, trying to slow his breathing. I put my hands in his hair absentmindedly playing with it.
"I meant it" He said glancing up at me.
I gave him a confused look.
"what the hell are you doing to me?" He asked.
"making you work for it." I said biting my lip.
He sighed bringing his head back down to rest on my chest.
"why don't you kiss on the lips?" I asked him.
He shifted uncomfortably before raising his head again.
"it's uh an intimacy thing for me." He said simply without explanation.
"you have kissed someone before though right?"
"yes, one person."
"and..?" I pushed trying to get him to elaborate.
He was quiet for a minute.
"I uh should get going." He said pushing off of me and standing up.
I quickly sat up too.
"I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." I said biting my lip.
Jensen was a private guy, I quickly figured out he didn't let many people in on what goes on in his head. He was closed off emotionally. I felt bad for pushing him, but I was trying hard to understand why he was the way that he was.
"It's not because of that." He assured running his hand down my cheek.
"but you don't want to talk about it."
"no I don't." He said sternly.
He grabbed his boxers and jeans pulling them back over his thick thighs.
"okay fine, we don't have to, but that doesn't mean you have to leave.. you could stay the night?" I questioned hopeful.
Jensen had something about him that made me want him around, even if this meant a little more to me than it did to him.
"I told you, I don't sleep with anyone."
It was like as soon as we took one step forward we took two steps back at the same time.
"but I'll be around to get you tomorrow for Jared's dinner." He said finishing the buttons on his shirt.
"wait you want me to go?"
"he invited you didn't he." Jensen said leaning over to place a kiss on my forehead.
I bit my lip nodding while watching him walk to the door.
"I'll see you tomorrow." He said giving me a small smile before walking out.
I groaned throwing my head back against the sofa.
What the hell did I get myself in to?
One minute Jensen was amazing, and the next he could be completely closed off.
I heard my phone ringing from the end table. I picked it up seeing mom flashing on the screen. I hadn't talked to her since everything with Jensen started, being so preoccupied, I neglected her.
"hey mama, sorry I've been preoccupied." I said answering.
I just needed to hear her voice.
"I've heard you got a new friend?" She questioned.
"how'd you... Stella?"
"she actually picks up the phone when I call, but I want to let you know I'm happy for you, although I would've much rather heard it from you." She said cheerily.
"I'm sorry mama." I said feeling the emotions wash over me.
I could feel the tears brim around my eyes. My emotions were on overload. I was so confused about how I felt.
"he is making you happy isn't he darling?"
"yeah mama, it's just complicated." I said wiping a stray tear that escaped.
"love is never easy baby." she comforted.
I missed her voice, her soothing words.
"I miss you mama."
"well you know you're always welcome here baby, that's actually what I was calling you about, I'd like you to come out to California, there's uh somebody I want you to meet."
"somebody to meet?" I inquired.
"Richard." she spoke softly.
"you met someone?" I beamed happy for her.
It had been a long time since she seemed this happy. Dad took a big piece of her with him when he died.
"at the country club, he's uh really good for me, and I wanted you to meet him."
"I'd be happy to mom, how about this weekend?"
"it's a date! just remember my love, you're amazing, and if this guy is right for you, things will work out, and if he's not well you owe it to yourself to take care of you." she said going in to mom mode.
"I love you mama, I can't wait to meet Richard."
"I love you too baby."
I sighed fixing my hair in the mirror. Jensen would be here any minute to pick me up and I was a nervous wreck. I was going to be in Jared Padalecki's house with some of the cast from Supernatural. I groaned, as I couldn't get this piece of my hair to lay just right.
"need some help with that?" Stella asked me standing in the doorway to the bathroom.
"please." I pouted.
she came over fixing my part in my hair, laying the pieces flat.
"there, now some lipgloss and you'll be good to go." she said uncapping her favorite gloss, swiping it on my lips.
"thanks, Stell" I whispered pulling her in for a hug.
"of course, it's not everyday my best friend gets to hang out with a bunch of celebrities." she smirked.
"I'm so nervous I think I'm going to be sick." I whispered looking at my reflection in the mirror.
"I mean I could totally go in your place, Jared is a total snack." Stella said laughing.
"hmm too bad he's married, and you're taken." I said joining in her laughter.
our doorbell rang, signaling Jensen had arrived. I could feel the nerves creeping up again.
"relax, everything will be fine." Stella whispered pushing me towards the door.
I opened it, seeing Jensen in a dress shirt and jeans. He took in my appearance giving me a smile.
"ready to go?"
"uh not really, but yeah." I said laughing.
Jensen grabbed my hand, offering Stella a quick wave. He of course brought the bright red ferrari. He opened the door for me allowing me to slip in.
"so when you said some of the cast of supernatural will be there, how many are we talking?" I asked nervously fidgeting.
"just me, Jared, Misha, both Mark's Jeff, Richard, and Genevieve of course. He shrugged.
"and who do they think I am?" I questioned, unsure of what I should introduce myself as.
"my date."
I couldn't fight the smile that made its way on to my face.
It was quite the drive to Jared's place but it was peaceful. I felt the nerves calm but immediately resurface as we pulled in to his driveway. His house was beautiful, nowhere as big as Jensen's but beautiful nevertheless.
"are you sure I should be going in there?" I asked nervously fidgeting.
I wasn't sure I belonged at this get together.
"relax, we're just regular people." Jensen said getting out of the car.
"believe me there's nothing regular about you." I whispered under my breath.
I hesitantly got out of the car meeting Jensen's side. He grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers and giving my hand a squeeze. It did calm my nerves a bit. Jared met us at the door followed by his wife.
"was worried you forgot about me again." Jared joked hugging Jensen.
"(y/n), nice to see you again." Jared said surprising me with a hug.
"how are you Jensen?" Genevieve asked hugging him.
"and you must be (y/n), I'm Genevieve, it's lovely to meet you." she said smiling and giving me a hug too.
she was so sweet, no wonder the fans loved her.
"come on in, the rest of guys are already here." Jared said smiling.
I put on a brave face masking my nerves. Jensen was met with hugs by each of his former cast mates. I stood off to the side.
okay I definitely didn't belong here.
"and who's this pretty young thing?"
"this is (y/n), my date." Jensen introduced.
"what's wrong with her? darling don't you know this man's a dumbass?"
I choked back a laugh as Jensen rolled his eyes.
"I'm Jeffery, you can call me Jeff." He introduced, placing a kiss to my hand.
Of course I already knew who he was, I didn't want to come off as creepy though.
"nice to meet you." I smiled.
"can I just say you have a beautiful smile." He complimented.
I could see Jensen roll his eyes again.
"alright, we're good here Jeff." Jensen said grabbing my hand and pulling me away from him.
I laughed looking back at Jeff to see him smirking.
"you know he's just trying to get under your skin right?" I asked glancing up at Jensen.
"yeah well it's working.." he huffed.."come on I want you to meet Misha."
I made my way around talking to each of the guys there. Misha, Jared, and Jeff were my favorite by far, the way they teased Jensen made me laugh. I was definitely more calm now.
Jensen was right they were just regular people at the end of the day. I was sipping on a glass of wine while Misha and Jared teased Jensen some more.
"hey (y/n), could you give me some help with something quickly?" Genevieve asked from the kitchen.
Jensen gave me a wary look as I walked to her.
"of course how can I help."
"could you help me set the table for dinner?" she asked sweetly.
"I'd love too."
I grabbed some plates and silverware starting to set them out on the table.
"It's so refreshing to see Jensen bring somebody around, he never really does." she said setting glasses filled with water and wine glasses on the table.
Wow. I felt my pulse increase, the heat go to my cheeks.
"really, never?" I asked still in shock.
"he's a complex guy." she said laughing.
"you can say that again." I said laughing too.
our laughter quieted down, our focus going back to setting the table.
"but he's a good guy, yah know underneath all that hostility and complexity." she spoke up.
I nodded my head agreeing with her. I've seen it myself. It's just pulling it out of him is the hard part.
"and you must be pretty special for him to bring you around." she added.
I bit my lip blushing as we finished setting the table. I was about to respond when Jensen and Jared walked in the dining room.
"we heard laughing, what are you plotting?" Jared asked wrapping his arms around Gen, kissing her lips.
Jensen grabbed my hand once again intertwining our fingers.
"no plotting, I was just telling (y/n) how refreshing it is to see Jensen with a woman, we haven't since.." Genevieve started but Jared quickly cut her off.
"I'm starving baby, dinner ready yet?" He asked sneaking a glance at Jensen, but of course I saw it.
"uh yeah, everyone have a seat." she called.
I couldn't help the uneasy feeling that washed over me. Jensen clearly didn't want me to know about his past. The question was why? Also did everyone in the room know but me? Jensen and I took our seats, I dropped his hand, bringing both hands to my lap.
"problem?" Jensen whispered in my ear.
"not at all." I lied easily.
Jensen looked as if he didn't believe me. He instead placed a hand on my knee slowly sliding it up under my dress to my thigh.
"so (y/n), what do you do?" Misha asked taking a bite of his salmon Gen had prepared.
"I'm a photographer, and now senior editor for a magazine." I said smiling as I nibbled on the asparagus.
"ooh so you can totally help me with my social media game." Genevieve said laughing.
"yeah I would be happy to."
"so Jensen said you lived in Laredo, do you live there with your family?" Misha asked a follow up question.
"uh no, I live with my roommate Stella. My dad passed away when I was a little girl, and my mom lives in California. I'm actually planning on going out this weekend to see her.” I said giving him a smile.
I could feel Jensen's grip on my thigh get tighter. Dinner conversation was thankfully deflected away from me. I noticed that Jensen was unnaturally quiet for the rest of the meal.
"problem?" I whispered in his ear, in the same tone he'd taken with me earlier.
He only squeezed my thigh as a response, listening to Mark Sheppard who was telling a story.
"who's ready for dessert?" Genevieve asked when Mark was done with his story.
"would you please excuse us for a second?" Jensen asked standing up and grabbing my hand to pull me up.
I allowed him to pull me out of the house in to the driveway. He started walking down the dirt path pulling me with him quickly.
"Jensen slow down, I can't go that fast in these shoes." I said trying my best not to trip over my feet.
Jensen picked me up throwing me over his shoulder. I gasped as he continued to walk down the path. Once we were away from the house he set me down turning to me.
"what was all that?" I questioned fixing my dress.
"how come you didn't tell me about California." He growled.
wait was he seriously mad at me right now?
"wait are you mad about that?"
"yes I'm mad!" He yelled.
"woah, you have no right to be mad at me okay." I huffed crossing my arms.
"yeah I do, you're keeping things from me."
"oh you're one to talk Jensen." I scoffed.
"that's different." He defended.
"so you're allowed to keep all these secrets but as soon as I don't tell you something you get all pissy?" I growled, glaring at him.
Jensen stayed quiet staring at me.
"and then you do this, you completely shut down on me. why do you keep pushing me away? what are you so afraid of?" I asked putting a hand to his cheek.
He flinched at my touch.
"Jensen I'm really trying here, but I need more." I said biting my lip.
"what like hearts and flowers, I'm sorry that's not me." He said turning away from me.
I walked around so I was standing in front of him again.
"I don't care about hearts and flowers, I just want you to be honest with me."
Jensen was quiet again as he stared at me.
"you're right, I have no reason to be mad, it's not like we're dating." He said turning to walk back to the house.
I sighed feeling a tear slip down my cheek.
one step forward. ten steps back.
Author Note:
thank you all for the love, please continue to heart, comment, reblog and follow!
Part (VI)
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thestarlightforge · 10 months
Ah, the great deliberation.
To be classy in my long-form TBOSAS/THG “Reformed Coryo” AU, describing kissing but going with the Matt Mercer-style “fade to feathers” approach or Suzanne-trademarked “So after, when he whispers, ‘You love me. Real or not real?’” method to convey These-Characters-Definitely-Just-Had-Sex?
Or to broaden my recovering-prudish- Southerner/internalized phobia horizons and just write what happens, because sex really shouldn’t be scary or something to be ashamed of, and a little smut never hurt anyone?
(Feel free to comment if you wish 😌 including in my DMs if that’s preferable. I consider this a genuine discussion.)
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Yo, I've seen your book rec posts on and off for a while, and I was wondering if you could (if you have time ^.^ if not, that's cool too) throw up a list of your favorite lgbt/neurodivergent/unique protagonist books? I don't think I've ever read a book outside of fanfiction where the lead/s weren't just some form of 'normal' or straight or whatever. Also, since you're one of my favorite authors I feel like I'd be more inclined to give one of them a go lol ^.^'
There are an increasing number of diverse books out there!
Here are some of my personal favourites in no particular order, by which I mean I have rated them 4 stars (I really liked it) or 5 stars (it was amazing) and then curated the list some more on top of that. E.g. I might have thought it was amazing at the time, but if I can't tell you anything that happened in the story years after reading it, it's not on the list. That doesn't mean it's not worth reading, just that I have a bad memory so if I remember it definitely did something right!)
You can find more books I've read on my Goodreads. There are books that fit what you've asked for on there, it just doesn't fit my personal curated favourites list!
LGBTQ books
The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller (m/m)
If We Were Villains by M.L Rio (m/m)
Girls Made of Snow and Glass and Girl, Serpent, Thorn by Melissa Bashardoust
Sawkill Girls by Claire Legrand (f/f + ace)
In the Dream House by Carmen Maria Machado (f/f - non fiction)
Salt Slow by Julia Armfield (f/f)
Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin (m/m)
Nightwood by Djuna Barnes (f/f - though be warned, this is a weird one! Rated highly more because I can't get it out of my head than that I liked it)
Tipping the Velvet and Fingersmith by Sarah Waters (f/f)
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid
Peter Darling by Austin Chant (m/m, trans)
The Binding by Bridget Collins (m/m)
The House in the Cerulean Sea by T.J Klune (m/m)
Plain Bad Heroines by Emily M. Danforth (f/f)
The Greenhollow duology by Emily Tesh (m/m)
These Violent Delights by Micah Nemerever (m/m)
One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston (f/f)
(Obligatory read MY BOOK The God Key (m/m) here!) Obviously, this is my favourite ;)
Unique/Interesting protagonists:
Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman
Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon
I Am Not A Serial Killer by Dan Wells
Middlegame by Seanan McGuire (Her Wayward Children series is also great and has a lot of LGBTQ rep!)
The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang (MC has Asperger's)
A Spindle Splintered by Alix.E. Harrow (terminally ill MC, also f/f)
Fugitive Pieces by Anne Michaels
House of Leaves by Mark.Z. Danielewski
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time by Mark Haddon (Autistic MC)
Disfigured: On Fairytales, Disability and Making Space by Amanda Leduc (nonfiction)
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This week marked the 12th anniversary of The Hunger Games movie release.
What do you think about THG as a movie adapatation?
Do you think THG influence other movie (/book) in the genre? Yes/No? Why?
Is there any difference in your opinion about it between when you first saw the movie (/read the book) and now?
Thank you :)
Ugh, it has been 12 years, hasn't it? Which means it's also 12 years since I first read the books. I may be old, but I do remember that I saw a Jennifer Lawrence interview for a different movie, but the interviewer asked her about The Hunger Games, and I'd bought an ebook version of them like maybe a year prior to that, not knowing they were being made into movies. So then I was like, well... better read the books now, because I always like reading books before the movie so I can be even more disappointed.
I think THG is an okay movie adaptation of a book. It's not great, but it's also not the worst. I do think that the books are still far better in terms of character development and maintaining the themes of the stories. And I get that Hollywood has to cut out something in order to fit into their allotted approximately two hour runtime, but that doesn't change the fact that there are plenty of movie adaptations that do a much better job, in my opinion, of maintaining the integrity of their source story. I mean, Clueless is technically a modern AU of Emma and I think that movie was a fantastic movie adaptation. And there are others that are different from their books but actually work equally as well as the source material, in my opinion (How to Train Your Dragon, and The Bad Guys both come to mind for this one).
I don't think my opinion of it has changed all that much. If anything, I think my opinion of the movies has gone down over the years. Part of that might be because I was in theaters as they were being released, so I was swept up in the excitement of seeing these books I loved so much being brought to life. I kept getting my hopes up that the adaptations would improve with each successive installment. And now... I'm much more likely to devote the time to rereading the books than I am to watching the movies again. Can't take the increasing disappointment, lol.
I think there is definite influence that THG had on the genre. You can see it in series like Divergent, and the literally hundreds of other YA dystopias that came out in the years following the "success" of THG. Dystopia turned into a cash cow for publishers after THG. I'm not yet convinced that any other writers managed to capture the kind of depth of character, story, or world building that Suzanne Collins did, tho I have to admit that there's only one other YA dystopia series that I've managed to finish. It honestly felt like watered down THG fanfiction and I just couldn't push the "I believe" button on the world building enough to really love it. I kept reading it, thinking I knew the direction it was going to take, but it didn't. The ending kind of...ruined it for me? I dunno. None of the others I've tried have caught my interest enough to get me past the first book.
Thanks for the ask @curiousthg!
<3 kdnfb
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Favourite writers? Favourite book?
Fav writers:
E. E. Cummings for poetry
Mark Chadbourn - The Age of Misrule, The Dark Age, and Kingdom of the Serpent Trilogies, which happen to be my fav modern fantasy trilogies, and all are part of a single story.
Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson, when writing together - all the Dune prequels and all the other Dune novels written after Frank Herbert died. I am absolute whore for Dune. The original film, however, is an example of Nope.
N. K. Jemisin - The Broken Earth trilogy, The Dreamblood Duology, The Inheritance Trilogy are among my favorite books. I highly recommend these. All her main characters, and most of the characters in her novels, are all POC.
Suzanne Collins - The Hunger Games and Cyber Mage, two YA series I really enjoy. The Hunger Games films are the story the Capital wants you to focus on with its romance. In the books, the romance is just noise in the background.
Pamela Freeman - The Casting trilogy and the followup novel Ember and Ash. I absolutely love these books.
Kate Baker - The House of the Stag, The Bird of the River, and The Anvil of the World. These could be considered a trilogy because it's the same world. The author died before finishing the story, but I think what's written is complete and offers room for a great deal of fanfiction
Some other books I highly recommend:
The Saga of the Seven Suns by Kevin J. Anderson. It's a scifi series that takes place over seven novels and has amazing world building.
The Martian by Andy Weir. The film is outstanding, but the books has soooo much more to offer. Prepare to laugh often. It's not written as a comedy, but it fucking is.
The Tearling Trilogy by Erika Johansen. Another modern fantasy with world building I love. I cried hard when I got to the last book because holy fuck. There's rumor about Netflix making a series of this, but I have a feeling they gonna butcher it.
The Sabriel series by Garth Nix. A fantasy series that mixes tech with magic. It takes place over a couple generations and has, at last count, six books.
American Gods by @neil-gaiman (tagging because I can). The streaming series is a train wreck, but the book is phenomenal. I had a paperback copy and, um, read it to death. Like most of my Dune novels, I've had to replace it with hardcover.
The Xanth series by Piers Anthony. It's a long af fantasy and scifi series with great world building, and a lot of puns. My mom bought me the first book when I was 12/13 because I love puns, and she saw the wisdom of encouraging this. @prime89 you really need to read these books
Now go make a trip to your library and support them by checking out and reading these books. 😉
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toontowncreepypasta · 2 years
My final thoughts!!
Episode one, Jobs: It was good! It made me interested. It wasn't perfect, the pacing was a bit off and it floundered at moments, but it was good! I thoroughly enjoyed it. I thought the gore use was excessive, but I enjoyed how many new puppets and sets there were. That was my favorite part of the episode.
Episode two, Death: THIS. is my favorite episode. It was so funny, I thought it was so clever with the topic it was given. The jokes were nonstop, but the topic was so unnerving it gave the whole episode this extremely tense feeling. I think this episode captures everything I LOVE about dhmis.
Episode three, Family: second favorite and very CLOSE second. Where I think death did DHMIS at its funniest, I found Family's highest points were how scary it was. I loved how many physical sets and objects were used, they clearly went all out with thid episode and it paid off. it's visually appealing, and pretty fucking impressive to me. the humor here is also still very good. i need to rewatch this one again to really appreciate it, i spent a lot of time worried they were going to do something gross with tommy and lilly and am very happy they didnt.
Episode four, Friendship: i didn't like this episode at all, i wanted to skip it. i kept hoping half way through itd get better but it just continuously got worse and worse. the art style is poor and looks too nft-y for my taste, and this episode marks a turning point away from puppets, which were mt favorite part of the show. The story was pretentious, and I found the idea of someone thinking it was funny more annoying then Warren actually was. It was extremely on the nose, and I found the Collin call back really forced and flashy. His inclusion felt like something out of a fanfiction. All of the humor fell extremely flat.
Episode five, transport: This was a very nothing episode for me. There was almost no pupetteering involver, or creative props or anything. The train costume was clearly a result of budget cuts, and the episode was modtly green screen and flash animation. That being said, the community portion was very nicely animated!! It was the only part of the episode that caught my attention. This one isn't offensively bad like Friendship, its just kind of boring. I did like a lot of the gags with Yellow guy and Bird in the back seats.
Episode six, electricity: I think this episodes sort of.... poorly crafted in a really interesting way. It feels like fanfiction. Like... They were clearly trying, and doing a lot of similar things to the original series. The song sounded verrryyy very similar to the old ones, including the same sort of like steady boring learning song tempo with evenly placed spaces for the characters to quip in. But it all felt relatively artificial. It just kinda felt like "yep this happens because its a thinf that happens in DHMIS." like the gory batterys felt like. Welll. Dhmis is weird and gory sometimes so we'll be weird and gory sometimes!! without having an actual meaning. Like comparatively to say, Birds coffin being brought to life with his blood, it sort of ties in to the themes of the episode. An issue a lot of the later episodes have is they aren't obscurist enough to get away with it. theyre too pointed, opinionated. loud. a lot of the characters start screaming more frequently in the later episodes too and that feels very emblematic of the series as a whole.
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aethernightmare · 2 months
Easily over half of the books I read during middle/high school have been banned or have/are being challenged to be banned, and that's another reason I'm so anti-censorship.
A lot of posts on this site relate the phenomena solely back to fandom and fanfiction, or just in general erotica on the internet, but it is a much bigger cultural problem than that.
Just a few that immediately jumped out at me (this is nowhere near a full list), include:
1984 - George Orwell
Animal Farm - George Orwell
Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
Bridge to Terabithia - Katherine Paterson
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? - Bill Martin, Jr.
Captain Underpants - Dav Pilkey
Fahrenheight 451 - Ray Bradbury
Fight Club - Chuck Palahniuk
Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini
Looking For Alaska - John Green
Lord Of The Flies - William Golding
Maus: A Survivor's Tail - Art Spiegelman
Of Mice And Men - John Steinbeck
Stranger In A Strange Land - Robert A. Heinlein
The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn - Mark Twain
The Amulet of Samarkand - Jonathan Stroud
The Call of the Wild - Jack London
The Catcher In The Rye - J. D. Salinger
The Giver - Lois Lowry
The Golden Compass - Philip Pullman
The Grapes Of Wrath - John Steinbeck
The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwood
The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy - Douglas Adams
The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins
The Lord Of The Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien
The Misfits - James Howe
The Sun Also Rises - Ernest Hemingway
To Kill A Mockingbird - Harper Lee
Twilight - Stephenie Meyer
Water For Elephants - Sara Gruen
Where the Sidewalks Ends - Shel Silverstein
Where The Wild Things Are - Maurice Sendak
Wicked: The Life And Times Of The Wicked Witch Of The West - Gregory Maguire
And if you're telling me you (or your kids) truly recognize none of these...than we're in an unimaginably dire and dangerous media literacy drought.
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alittlefrenchtree · 8 months
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I’m a little bit for late for my Cultural Rewind of 2023 but here it is! It’s second year in a row I do it and I like it a lot. It allows me to give some recommendations and it helps me track things down to keep an eye on my mental well being. Consuming art and stories and knowledge is my favorite thing in the world and pretty essential to my mental health but it can be difficult to maintain certain habits in adult life so I'm making lists. Of things I've read, of tv shows I've watched, of movies I've watched. So I make sure I’m fed enough.
And now it’s time to share !
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Persona -Erik Axel Sund
Flowers for Algernon (re-read) -Daniel Keyes
Arrête avec tes Mensonges (Lie With me) -Philippe Besson
Largo Winch, T1 : Le Groupe W (re-read) -Jean Van Hamme 
Largo Winch T2 : La Cyclope (re-read) -Jean Van Hamme
Les Marins ne savent pas nager -Dominique Scali
Largo Winch T3 : Le Dernier Dodge (re-read) -Jean Van Hamme
Ce sport qui rend fou -Gilles Simon
The Pillars of the Earth (re-read) -Ken Follett
Rafa -Rafael Nadal / John Carlin
Hunger Games : The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes -Suzanne Collins
Que reviennent ceux qui sont loin -Pierre Adrian
Red White and Royal Blue -Casey McQuinston
It’s pretty obvious at what point during the year I stopped reading books and read only fanfictions 😂 I’m going to try to do better this year but I’m still reading fanfics so I’m not sure. Every re-read is obviously a recommendation.
If you’re reading in French you can try Les Marins ne savent pas nager, it’s really good and original.
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Tv Shows & Documentary!
10 pour 100 (Call My Agent) -Season 4 I said in my rewind of 2023 already but I love this show. Really enjoyable.
The Walking Dead -Seasons 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 all the way to the end. Thought the day will never comes but I FINALLY finished this show. Big fans of the 7 first seasons, not so much of the rest of it. They’re now trying to seduce me into watching the show with Daryl in Paris but I still haven’t. I’m a strong person like that.
Balthazar -the last season I guess? It’s a French tvshow. The lead is cute.
Bullshit jobs -a documentary on Arte
Some kind of Arte documentary on love but I forgot the title.
Frankenstream  - a documentary on Arte
Next in Fashion -Season 2 My guilty pleasure. Where is the third season ???
The Last of Us -season 1 Not a big fan but I’m really glad Storm Reid won an award because her episode was my favorite.
Flavors Origins -an unknown numbers of episodes. Short episodes on Chinese food I like a lot. I love anything learning me things about food and origins of food so obviously.
Drops of God -on the Apple thing
-Silo On the Apple thing as Well REBECCA 💜
The summer I Turned pretty -season 1 and 2 Hate watch, one of the most stupid I ever seen.
The Pillars of Earth (miniseries) I wanted to watch it for years and I finally did and I liked it a lot. Fell in love with Eddie Redmayne all over again.
Outlander The last season probably. Watching this show has become of a habit than a source of real joy but I’m still here.
Code Lyoko All the episodes and even the atrocious live-action thing. Ulrich and Yumi aren’t together at the end of it, it’s the slowest unresolved slow-burn I ever seen. 
Black Mirror -the first 4 seasons (AGAIN). I think I’m going to give up on it. I still love the first two seasons when it wasn’t made by Netflix. Then I get bored and lose interest and motivation to watch.
Heartstopper -season 2 Still a delicious and sweet treat. Can’t wait for the next season.
Chambers For Nick obviously, but it was entertaining enough.
The Crown -season 1 + season 2 I’ve started because I was in need of royal drama (for reasons) and I LOVE IT. Didn’t expect to be this good. I’ve started the season 3 today.
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Pink is for the movies I liked.
Bold pink is for the movies I really love.
The Banshees of Inisherin -Martin McDonagh My favorite movie of the year. I immediately knew it would be my favorite, even if it the first I saw in 2023
The Menu -Mark Milord
Gubbai, Don Gurizu! (Goodbye) -Atsuko Ishisuka
Tàr -Todd Field
Puss in Boots -Chris Miller
Puss in Boots 2 -Joël Crawford + Manuel P.Mercado
Arrête avec tes Mensonges -Olivier Peyton
The Son -Florian Zeller
The Fabelmans -Steven Spielberg
Emily -Frances O’Connor
Dune (rewatch) -Denis Villeneuve if you haven't watch it yet, wait to see it back in movie theaters I'M BEGGING YOU
Delva -Emmanuelle Nicot
Le Bleu du Caftan -Maryam Touzani
Largo Winch 1 (rewatch) -Jerome Salle
Largo (Making of Movie) -Yves Legrain Crist
Je verrai toujours nos visages -Jeanne Herry
Suzume -Makoto Shinkai
Les 3 Mousquetaires : D’Artagnan -Martin Bourboulon
Super Marion Bros. -Aaron Horvath, Michael Jelenic
Booksmart -Olivia Wilde
L’exorciste du Vatican -Julius Avery
The Flash -Andres Muschietti
Sisu - De l’or et du sang -Jalmari Helander
Elementaire -Peter Sohn
Joy Ride -Adele Lim
Detachement (2011) -Tony Kaye
Une Nuit -Alex Lutz I really, really loved this movie. Alex Lutz (who is main cast as well) was phenomenal in this. Karin Viard as well.
Hunger Games 1 (rewatch) -Gary Ross
Hunger Games 2 (rewatch) -Francis Lawrence
Spiderman : Across the Spiderverse -Dos Santos; Peers; Thompson
Oppenheimer -Christopher Nolan
Barbie -Greta Gerwig
Le Colibri -Francesca Archibugi
Yannick -Quentin Dupieux
Red White and Royal Blue -Matthew Lopez I mean, what kind I even say? Watch it if you want a new ship to consume your life and time, not so much if you’re a picky cinephile?
La Voie Royale -Frédéric Mermoud
Anatomie d’une Chute -Justine Triet
Toni en Famille -Nathan Ambrosioni
The Kissing Booth 2 -Vince Marcello
The Kissing Booth 3 -Vince Marcello
Le Livre des solutions -Michel Gondry
Purple Hearts -Elizabeth Allen
Acide -Just Philippot
The Creator -Gareth Edwards (V)
Le Consentement -Vanessa Filmo
1UP -Kyle Newman
Call me by your Name (rewatch) -Luca Guadagnino
La passion de Dodin Bouffant -Tran Ahn Hung French food + a very soft love story + a French-Vietnamese director = YES.
Vincent doit mourir -Stephan Castang
Hunger Games : The Ballad of Songbirds and snakes -Francis Lawrence
Bottoms -Emma Seligman
Soudain Seuls -Thomas Bidegain
Past Lives -Celine Song
Wonka -Paul King
Voyage au pôle sud -Luc Jacquet
Les trois Mousquetaires - Chapitre II : Mylady -Martin Bourboulon
If you have any question on something specific, talk to me. I’d be happy to answer!
See the 2022 one.
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ernestsinclairs · 6 years
Mark Collins Wedding Board
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**Request any LI for a wedding board!**
The Ring: Mark proposed with a simple solitaire diamond, then an infinity band at the actual wedding. It was chic, classic, and the iconic head turner among your friends, even rivaling Brooke’s ring at times
The Dress: You got a sleek modern gown from Maggie Sotero, which flared out at the bottom so it could swish around your ankles while you were dancing. It was clean cut, minimalist, but still stylish enough to wow your guests - and Mark of course.
The Ceremony: You and Mark got married at the Foreign Theatre, the iconic wedding hotspot of urban chic and light beauty. It wasn’t by any means a large guest list, with 50 people tops celebrating the wedding in a sunlit urban room. Everywhere you looked, there were the brick walls and greenery and pale flowers , just like you had envisioned when Mark had first brought out that ring.
The Cake: The cake was small, just right for the number of people you and Mark had invited. Horatio had reached out to one of his foodie friends, who happened to be gourmet baker, and he had baked you lovely white cake with lemon curd and fresh buttercream. 
Extra Notes: Horatio, of course, was the bartender the wedding, turning out an entirely new menu just for the wedding. For your honeymoon, you and Mark got out of the busy city life for a while and escaped to Yosemite National Park, spending two blissful (and cheap) weeks together, camping and hiking the mountains and whitewater rafting on the famous waterfalls and rapids.
First Dance Song: All My Days, Alexi Murdoch
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angstymarshmallow · 6 years
it all started with tea (Mark x MC)
[A little note: I had a request for some LoveHacks fanfiction (I am happy and surprised to see that people still read and love that book - because honestly, I still do!) and I was more than happy to write some after playing it over a week ago. I know you said Mark or Ben, but I have a soft spot for Mark’s character. Thank you for your request anon!]
[Words Counted: 2751]
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It all started with her morning routine and the lack of strong chai when Sage stepped into the office a little after eight am. The weather had taken a turn for the worse, and Sage had to shut the door quickly behind her in order to keep the heat from escaping their building. Her coat was drenched in rain as she shrugged it off and hung it by the front of the office.
Usually, Sage greeted her tight-knit staff with friendly smiles and donuts. But today, she barely mumbled a pleasant greeting before dropping her soggy rainboots by the mat. As she passed by their desks, she caught Leah’s quizzical stare at the lack of donuts and Felix’s eyes flashing with concern.
“Please don’t ask.” Sage mumbled quietly, still feeling defeated. It wasn’t the first time the weather had affected her quite this profusely; as it turned out – she was often sensitive to it ever since she was child.
She deposited her handbag by her desk and nearly froze. Blinking, and not believing her eyes – she moved closer to the cubby area; where her most prized possessions usually were.
Her favourite tea was missing.
“Okay, who did it?” She asked, turning around to face her coworkers. She placed her hands haughtily on her hips. The charms and bangles on her wrists made soft clink noises from the sudden movement. “Who’s the culprit?”
Isabela and Felix graciously kept their heads down, after nervously exchanging glances with each other and Leah snorted with obvious disinterest.
Sage regarded them each with narrowed eyes, unable to believe it was all in her head. She swore when she left last week Friday there had been at least two left behind.
Another minute passed until Felix cracked under her the intensity of her unflinching stare. His hands went up guiltily towards the ceiling. “It was me, okay?” He had the good sense to look away for a moment, “just keep those eyes away from here. They’re like burning into my soul, I swear.” He shuddered.
“I think you mean they would if you had a soul,” Sage corrected, stabbing a finger in the air at him as he met her stare again. “People who take other people’s tea without asking are definitely soulless.”
Felix’s shoulders dropped slightly while Isabella snickered at the insult. “Sorry Sage. I meant to replace it when I got in this morning but I forgot.”
“What happened to respecting each other’s stuff?” She placed a hand to her temple and sighed. “Don’t you have your own?”
“Yeah, fair point. But unfortunately my favourite blend was done since last week and yours was the next best thing, so –”
“But did you have to really take the last two? Two of them Felix?”
“You know me,” he replied with a shrug. “I love my tea extra strong.”
Sage sighed again, shaking her head before she massaged her temple. Already, she could feel the telltale signs of a headache and the sixth sense she always had made her think this was marking only the beginning of what was meant to be a very terrible day.
She wasn’t wrong.
It turned out two of their investors wanted updates on where they were for their biggest event plan of the year. It was only too bad that none of them had started the necessary booking and shifting of the appropriate funds for the event. And the investors were less than impressed when Sage tried to scramble and improvise some semblance of a plan.
After her meeting ended, Sage had shirked the rest of her responsibilities momentarily for  a moment’s rest. Her emotions were way too keyed up to keep herself balanced. Poking her head inside the break room, she made sure no one else was present before taking quick strides to the back. The mats she placed there almost an entire ago had eased some of her tension almost immediately.
Smiling a little, she sat cross-legged and allowed her mind to drift. She took deep breaths, as she tried to remember the little meditation technique she learnt as child.
In and out. In and out. It became her mantra; the deepness of her breaths and the slow exhale that brought her shoulders back down. Sage continued to follow the pattern she created until the constraints from her day begun melting away from her body. She felt better, lighter somehow than she had been this morning, until the sound of her phone vibrating brought her back to the present.
Sage had been half-tempted to let it go to voicemail until she saw his name. Mark. Just the sight of his name still caused a bunch of warm and strange flutters inside her chest. She thought after a solid year of living together those feelings would have changed – if not altered in some way. But she still felt just intense as she did before they became official about him.
“Hello beautiful.”
Smiling a little, she wedged it between her shoulders. “Hey, good afternoon.”
“Wow, I only get a good afternoon huh?”
She bit her lower lip. “It’s been that kind of day.”
“Aww, I’m sorry to hear that – and here I was half-convinced to send you a bunch of memes I saw on picgram today.”
Her laugh was short. Even under the crappiest of days he could still make her laugh. “Sending memes would have probably helped.” She paused. “A little anyway.”
“Good, then I’ll get right on that.” His tone softened. “Do you wanna talk about it?”
“Yes, but talking about it takes longer than I have.” Her eyes lifted to study the clock across the room from her. “Technically my break isn’t for another hour or so.”
“Rules, smhules. You’re your own boss.”
“I’m just saying – you could give yourself a little wiggle room sometimes. It doesn’t hurt to take a breather.”
“That’s what this is, but you know I’m a stickler for these kind of things. It’s just –” she bit her lip for a moment, pausing to think.
“Tell me what’s going on Sage,” Mark urged softly. “I want to help.”
“You can’t really help,” she protested thinly. But she knew it was just the perfectionist inside her talking. She was always the fixer – in her family and even in her past relationships. She was still working on letting other people take care of her, of letting him take care of her.
“Okay,” she took a deep breath and let it escape slowly through clenched teeth before talking. “I think the crappy weather already gave me the impression that today was going to be terrible because it was raining all the way here. I’ve been stuck in meetings…for the better half of the day and usually I don’t mind – but nothing is ready because everyone wants us to move up our deadlines.” She twirled a lock of her hair; it was far easier saying what was wrong when she started talking and now that she had she didn’t know how to stop. “Plus, there’s the fact that our heater’s giving us some trouble. I’m almost certain it’s broken at this point but no one wants to admit it yet and start shelving out the money. And, to make matters worse Felix drank the last of my tea bags. Again.” She uttered a groan of frustration.
There was complete silence on the other line.
“Mark?” Had their call dropped? The entire time she had been explaining, he remained decisively silent. “Hello?”
“Yeah, sorry.” Mark mumbled slowly, “I’m….still trying to unpack everything you said.”
“..was that too much sharing?” She was still trying to get the hang of this.
“No, no, no.” He added quickly. “It’s fine – you’re fine. I’m actually pretty happy that you shared so much with me actually,” she wasn’t sure what to make of his comment until he continued, “not that what’s going on are happy circumstances to be in at all. I kinda wish I could do more than tell you everything is going to be okay. But that is what I can tell you – that you’ll get through it.”
Sage appreciated his support, but it hadn’t felt like much in the moment. “Thanks, I guess I just need to believe it.”
“That won’t be hard, you’re Sage Williams – thriving in a very young and successful company that you helped built from the ground up. If anyone can get through anything – it’s you.”
The corner of her lips curved into a smile and Sage uttered a small sigh of relief. “You don’t know how amazing it is to hear you say that.” Usually, almost nothing rattled her – but with more days like today in the near and foreseeable future, Sage was beginning to think her quiet confidence would become constantly on the line.
“I think I have some idea.” He teased.
She laughed. “Right, you do pretty much know me inside and out.” She mused. Then smacked her temple lightly. “Shoot! Here I am talking about how terrible my day is and I haven’t even asked about yours. Is everything okay at Zamble?”
“That’s okay, your day was pretty stressful but yeah it’s…more or less fine.”
“Define fine.”
“…It’s really not that important.” He mumbled.
Sage’s ears perked at the slight dejection in his tone. She knew he was deflecting. It was something she had to learn from pattern four. “Oh no, this isn’t how this works Mark. We’re not going down the rabbit hole of another pattern right now. Mark Collins, I politely demand to know what’s going on with work – as your girlfriend it is my sacred duty.”
“Funny you should mention that. Did you know when birds mate, they mate for life?”
“Mark,” She tries to soften her voice. Was he trying to suggest what she thought he was trying to suggest? “Although that is completely adorable, it doesn’t explain why things at work are ‘more or less fine’.” She knew if he was with her, he could see the air quotes she made in the air.
Silence greeted her on the other line.
“Okay, you’re right. I know you’re right.” She heard his soft yet prolonged sigh. “Okay, well it all started with –”
Nearly half an hour later, Sage exchanged goodbyes with Mark then returned to her standing on her feet. She pocketed her phone after checking the time. She was all out of it and there were still several things waiting for her approval by her desk. Responsibilities here I come.
Her hand was on the entrance’s handle for nothing short of a second before the door was suddenly lurched open. She had only enough time to a slight step back and had done so as a knee-jerk reaction.
“Sorry,” Leah started before giving her an apologetic look. “Are you okay Sage?”
“I’m okay,” she reassured her with a smile. “I just needed a second to breathe.”
“After the morning we’ve had, I completely understand but our meeting for tomorrow just called. They want to meet today.” Her eyes dropped to the watch by her wrist. “Specifically, in the next twenty minutes.”
Sage went completely still. “Huh?” She croaked. “Well-well, when did this happen?” She sputtered.
Leach winced, “yeah that was exactly my reaction when they called. But we aren’t really in a position to turn them down or ask for another time. They’re in the area and they were very clear they wouldn’t be around for the rest of the week.”
Standing up, Sage’s mind was scrambling for the portfolio they had begun putting together just several days ago. “But it isn’t ready.”
“I know.” Leah sighed. “But we’ve got twenty minutes to make it ready.”
And her earlier tension was suddenly returning a tenfold. Shaking her head, Sage ran her fingers through her bright coloured hair. She wanted to panic, heck she wanted to scream to the universe of the unfairness of it all. But she couldn’t. A business like theirs couldn’t afford to walk away from important opportunities – not while they were barely in their second year. “Tell Felix and Isabel to hold off from polishing their two new articles. We’ll need all hands-on deck with this one if we’re going to finish on time.” She glanced at her watch; feeling her familiar composure when it came to difficult tasks flooding back to her. She wouldn’t find a way through this. She would get through it.
“You got it.”
Their second meeting had gone better than their first. It took a lot of hard work to become comfortable convince them the current stage of their project was worth moving forward. Still, she knew she had her work cut out for her. And whatever plans she had with Mark tomorrow would have to be cancelled. So much for date night.
She thought miserably. The only date she had for the next two days were being glued to her MacBook’s screen.
She sighed. What a day.
Her feet ached and the rest of her body wasn’t doing so hot either. The headache she had earlier had increased almost a tenfold as she massaged her temple and fished for her keys. All she wanted now was a nice hot bath and her favourite person in the world to cuddle up to – preferably in that order. She didn’t even want to think about cooking dinner or ordering in.
The moment she pushed the door open however, the sweet scent of her favourite candles; vanilla wafted towards her nose. She froze for a moment, blinking down at the sign of rose petals leading down the hall.
“Oh, gosh. He didn’t….” She murmured out-loud. Shaking herself out of her stupor, she closed the door and locked it behind her. She shrugged off her coat and quickly dropped her bag as well as her boots near their front door.
Although she had felt extremely tired awhile ago, the thought of following the path of these flowers renewed some of her energy and with each passing step, the urge she had to ridiculously smile grew.
“Mark?” She called out softly when her feet touched the better half of their hall.
“In here!”
She squinted at the sound. He sounded like he was in their den. Following along the flowers and his voice, anticipation gained stride until she was almost bursting from excitement. Taking a breath to try and calm her nerves down, she gingerly opened their bedroom door – and her heart leapt at the sight in front of her.
He had built a fort with all their pillows and blankets. Several of their tallest lamps helped to hold it altogether and he was grinning from ear to ear when she entered the room. “Mark!” She squealed as she raced to get it to him. “This is amazing!”
“Really?” His smile turned boyish as his ears tinged pink.
“Yes!” Squealing again she threw her arms around his neck and gave him a quick kiss, one and then another before she trailed a few more across his cheeks.
She could hear his moan reverberate through his chest as his hands came to rest by her hips and he kissed her hungrily back.
When they pulled apart, Mark bent forward to press his forehead against hers’. “I’m glad you like it. I made your favourite,” he jerked his chin towards the plate she hadn’t notice on her way in; alfredo pasta just the way she liked it – with extra sauce on top and a bottle of one of her favourite wines.
God, how did she ever become so lucky? “I don’t just like it. I love it.” She sighed dreamily and twisted in his arms for a moment to admire his handiwork. They hadn’t built a fort together since their college days. “This was definitely what I needed after such a bad day at work.” She turned back to him, her smile wide enough that her cheeks were starting to hurt. But she didn’t care. He was always worth every effort, and he made her smile more than anyone else in her life. “I love it.” She repeated ardently. “– I love you. This is perfect.”
“I love you too.” Grinning again, Mark kissed her soundly on the lips. “But I wouldn’t mind you showing me just how much you love me.”
“You know what,” threading her fingers through his hair, she stood on her tip-toes to return the kiss and pressed herself close enough to feel his entire length against her. “I think you’ve got yourself a deal Collins.”
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strawlessandbraless · 3 years
Sometimes when I read college AUs I…
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call-me-schmidt · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Martian (2015), The Martian - Andy Weir, The Martian - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Mark Watney, Michael Collins Additional Tags: One-Shot, Angst, Ficlet Summary:
Mark takes a few minutes to muse about loneliness, and the Command Module Pilots of the Apollo program before him that went through the same thing.
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charlesleclerc2003 · 3 years
Supernatural Materlist
Going Home (J2 X Reader) (Platonic) 
One Shots
The Greatest Show (SPN Cast X Female!Angel!Reader)
Lullaby (Jared X Teen!Daughter!Reader)
I'm Never Leaving You (Jared X Daughter!Reader)
Rescued (Jensen and Daneel X Female!Reader) (Platonic)
Breathe (Jared X Asthmatic!Female!Reader)
Mini Series
Reunited Part 1 Part 2 (J2 X Female!Reader)
Sundown (Dean X Mary) (OFC)
Jarpad25's 50 Follower Celebration Challenge
Don't You Cry No More (Sam and Dean x Reader) (Platonic)
Random Drabbles
Next Time.
This was something that I came up with and it's the first thing that's not supernatural related
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fuckingsadqueen · 4 years
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Another wallpaper with supernatural's crew❤❤
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sammyxorae · 4 years
Masterlist Update (New Spencer Reid Series Added 8/19/2020)
Osric x Reader - In collaboration w/ @crowleysplaythings
Snapchat (1) | Convention Karaoke (2) | Singing Beauty (3) | Moving Fast (4) | What Are We? (5) | The Interruption (6) | Friday Night Surprise (7) |  I Love You (8) | Poetry of Truth (9) | Done Waiting (10) | We Need to Talk (11) | We Belong Together (Completed)
Lucifer x Reader:
Devils Lullaby - Part 1
Devils Lullaby - Part 2
Devils Lullaby - Part 3
Devils Lullaby - Part 4 (Completed Series)
Sam Winchester x Reader:
Swipe Right (series) - Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 (Completed)
Rob Benedict x Reader:
Surprise - Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
One Shots:
Rob Benedict x Reader:
I Fell In Love With My Best Friend
Break Up
Matchmaking Cat
Crowley x Reader:
Prettiest Star
Mark Sheppard x Reader:
Cardio Workout
Mark Pellegrino x Reader:
Damsel In Distress
Night Moves (**NEW 8/17/2020)
Chuck Shurley x Reader:
Make It Up to Me
Comfort and Peace
Rob Benedict/Richard Speight Jr./Reader:
Truth or Dare
Mark Sheppard/Mark Pellegrino/Reader:
Role Play
Osric Chau x Reader:
Caution Out the Window
Dean Winchester x Reader:
My Little Princess
Rob Benedict - Dad
Criminal Minds:
Spencer Reid x Reader:
Falling For You: Chapter 1  | Chapter 2 *coming soon*
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I can’t be the only one who never heard of Mark Pellegrino playing Paul in Dexter!!
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Like what?!?!? How did I not know?!?!??!?!!
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